
版权2012 南京金鑫传动设备有限公司保留版权所有目录1.概述04 1.1.功能及特点03 1.2.设备组成04 2.主要技术规格04 3.设备描述及技术参数05 3.1冷剪机05 3.2主电机装置08 3.3对齐挡板08 3.4压钢装置09 3.5换刀小车09 3.6溜槽装置10 3.7废料收集装置11 3.8定尺机12 3.9扫尾装置12 4.设备工作原理13 5.设备安装14 5.1概述14 5.2安装条件14 5.3安装及检查作业安全规程14 5.4安装要求15 5.5施工准备15 5.6开箱检查与保管15 5.7基础要求16 5.8放线就位与找正调平17 5.9地脚螺栓、垫铁和灌浆18 5.10安装21 6.检查24 6.1概述246.2安装后检查24 6.2日常使用前检查26 7.调试28 8.使用、操作30 9.故障分析与排除31 10.维护、保养32 11.运输、贮存要求33 12.易损件清单34 13.备件清单35850T冷剪机组装置是轧钢精整区域设备,机组设备布置于冷床输出辊道的末端,用于棒材以及扁钢成品轧件切头、切尾及定尺剪切。
摩托罗拉 MTP850 Ex 快速使用指南说明书

w w w .m o t o r o l a .c o mw w w .m o t o r o l a .c o m12345657891011101213131415716171819MTP850 ExQuick Start GuideC o n t r o l s a n d I n d i c a t o r sG e t t i n g S t a r t e dInstalling the Battery Attaching the AntennaUnlocking the TerminalHow to Hold Your TerminalLooking After Your TerminalBattery installing must occur only in non-hazardous areas. Remove the battery from its protective white paper box.Insert the battery top into the compartment as illustrated.Carefully slide the battery until it clicks into place.The terminal has two microphones: a top microphone for Simplexdispatcher/private calls and a bottom microphone for Duplex telephone-like calls. When using low audio, hold your terminal as you would a telephone. Speak into the bottom microphone. Listen via the earpiece. Keep antenna at least 2.5 centimetres from your head and body.When using high audio, hold terminal in a vertical position with its top microphone 5 to 10 centimetres away from your mouth. Speak into the top microphone. Listen via the terminal's internal speaker. Keep antenna at least 2.5 centimetres from your head and body.Antenna attaching must occur only in non-hazardous areas. Turn the terminal off before attaching the antenna.Align the bottom of the antenna and the screw-in base on the top of the terminal.Turn clockwise until snug. Do not force.Your terminal may be locked at power up. To unlock the terminal afterpowering on, enter the code at the prompt using Software Numeric Keypad.The unlock code is originally set to 0000. Your Service Provider may change this number before you receive your terminal.Never leave your terminal or battery in extreme temperatures (over 60 °C) - for example, behind windscreen in very hot, direct sunlight. Do not immerse your terminal in water.To clean your terminal, use a moistened or antistatic cloth. Do not use a dry or electrostatically charged cloth.LED Status IndicatorIndicator Solid green Flashing green Solid red Flashing red Solid orange Flashing orange No indicationStatus In use In service Out of service Connecting to a networkEntering DMO Transmit Inhibit in service Channel busy in DMO Incoming private or phone callSwitched offBattery Capacity InformationInformation Green icon Yellow icon Red icon Empty icon Low battery messageDescription Full (50% – 100% capacity)Middle (20% – 50% capacity)Low (10% – 20% capacity)Very low (5% – 10% capacity)Less than 5% capacityUnlocking/Locking KeysTo unlock/lock the keypad, press the Menu button and then Left Navigation Key.12345678910111213141516171819Antenna Emergency ButtonSpeaker Programmable Side Key Top Microphone Color DisplayMenu Key On-Off/End/Home Key Send Key Bottom Microphone Side Connector Battery Latch Speaker Control Key Four Way Navigation KeySoft Key LED IndicatorPush-To-Talk Button (PTT)EarpieceProgrammable Rotary Knobw w w .m o t o r o l a .c o mw w w .m o t o r o l a .c o mWhen printed by MotorolaIf using Hot Mic feature, wait for the Emgcy Mic On message to appear on the display and talk without pressing the PTT.To exit Emergency Mode, press and hold Exit soft key.MTP850 ExQuick Start GuideI c o n sU s i n g t h e T e r m i n a lMore Information on the TerminalMotorola Online@68015000205@68015000205-AThis document is copyright protected. Duplications for the purpose of the use of Motorola products are permitted to an appropriate extent. Duplications for other purposes, changes, additions or other processing of this document are not permitted. Only thiselectronically-saved document is considered to be the original. Duplications are considered merely copies. Motorola, Inc., and its subsidiaries and affiliates do not vouch for the correctness of such kinds of copies.MTP850 Ex Feature User Guide and related documentation Available at: https:///Visit the Motorola Web site at: /tetraterminalsMOTOROLA and the stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.© Motorola, Inc. 2009Turning the Terminal On/OffMaking a Simplex Private CallUsing the Terminal MenuTo power the terminal on/off, press and hold On/Off Key.To enter the menu, press the Menu Key.To scroll through the menu, press the Up or Down Navigation Key.To select a menu item, press Select or the Right Navigation Key.To return to previous level, press Back or the Left Navigation Key.To exit the menu items, press the Home Key.Selecting Trunked/Direct Mode OperationMaking a TMO/DMO Group CallFrom the Home display press Optns, select Trunked Mode or Direct Mode.From the Home display dial a number using Software Numeric Keypad (press and hold Right Navigation Key). Press and release the PTT. The ringing sounds. The called party answers. Wait for the called party to finish speaking. Press and hold the PTT. Wait for the talk permit tone (if configured) and talk. Release the PTT to listen. Press the End Key to terminate the call.Making a Duplex Private Call/Phone/PABX CallFrom the Home display dial a number. Press and release the Send Key. The ringing sounds. The called party answers. Press the End Key to terminate the call.Sending a New MessagePress the Menu Key and select Messages > New Message. Write your message. Select Send. Select your message recipient. Select Send, or press the Send Key to send the message.Sending a Status MessageSelect the desired group, then press the Menu Key and select Messages > Send Status. Select a status and press the Send Key or PTT.Enter TMO or DMO. From the Home display navigate to the desired group. Press Select (if configured). Press and hold the PTT. Wait for the talk permit tone (if configured) and talk. Release the PTT to listen.Making a TMO/DMO Emergency Group CallEnter TMO or DMO. Press and hold the Emergency Button. Emergency alarm is sent automatically. Press and hold the PTT. Wait for the talk permit tone (if configured) and talk. Release the PTT to listen.IconDescriptionNew Message Has ArrivedNew Message(s)Packet Data GPS WAP End-to-End Encryption Man Down Active IconsMan Down Alert Man Down Failure RUI Logon RUI Packet Data Call OutWAP BoxRMS IconDescriptionIn Service (TMO)No Service (TMO)Signal Strength Direct Mode (DMO)Gateway Mode(DMO)Repeater Mode (DMO)Emergency Mode Talkgroup Scrolling Battery Level All/Simplex/Duplex Ring MutedLow AudioHigh Audio Speaker OffScan (TMO)。

选择键盘语言 (English、Japanese)
删除前一个字符 确认已输入的字符 从历史输入中选择1个字符串输入
K 表示 1024。例:720KB( 文件大小 )
IM DL850-02C
如何使用用操作键调出的设置菜单 按操作键之后,具体操作取决于所按的键。
FFT 菜单
A: 按软键后出现选项菜单。 按与各选项相对应的软键设置选项。
IM DL850-02C
感谢您购买 DL850 示波器。本手册介绍了如何使用 DL850。为确保正确操作仪器,请先认真通读本手册。 阅读后,请妥善保管本手册,以便出现问题时能及时查阅。 除本手册以外,DL850 还提供了以下用户手册,请与本手册一起阅读。
用旋转飞梭、SET 键和选择键确定对话框中的设置,或操作键盘。 H: 按操作键设置与之相对应项目的值。
操作键下方紫色键名设置菜单的显示方法 在本手册中,“SHIFT+ 键名 ( 紫色 )”表示以下操作。 1. 按 SHIFT 键,SHIFT 键亮灯,表示按键处于切换状态。
此时,可以选择位于相应键下方紫色键名的设置菜单。 2. 按下该键,可以显示相应的设置菜单。
科密MF850 门禁管理系统使用说明书


A S 8 5 0系 列
端子符号 端子名称
DO1 CME 数字输出 1
注意;数字输出地 CME 与数字输入地 COM 是内部
隔离的.但出厂时 CME 与 COM 通过 P6(左边)短
接.当 DO1 想用外部电源驱动时,必须断开 CME
AS850Z-4T18.5GB 18.5
编程/退出键 数字移位键 点动或快捷键
数据确认键 递增递减键 停止或复位键 运行键
A S 8 5 0系 列 3.11.3 按键功能说明
运行状态时,按此键可用于停止运行操作,故障报警状态 时,可以用该键来复位故障。
TP-LINK TL-WA850RE 无线中继器使用说明书

NOTICEMARQUE: TP-LINKREFERENCE: RE200CODIC: 4333640User GuideAC750 Wi-Fi Range ExtenderRE200REV2.0.0 1910012003ContentsAbout This Guide (1)Chapter 1. Get to Know About Y our Extender. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 1. 1. Product Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1. 2. Appearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31. 2. 1. L ED Explanation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41. 2. 2. P ort and Button Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Chapter 2. Set Up Internet Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 2. 1. Quick Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62. 1. 1. M ethod One: Via the WPS Button. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62. 1. 2. M ethod Two: Via a Web Browser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72. 1.3. M ethod Three: Via the TP-Link T ether App . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 2. 2. Position Y our Extender. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Chapter 3. Customize Y our Network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3. 1. Check Internet Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 3. 2. Configure Wireless Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 3. 3. Change LAN Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 3.4. Specify DHCP Server Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 3.5. Adjust Wi-Fi Coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 3.6. Set Access Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Chapter 4. More Features of Y our Extender. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 4. 1. Use Y our Extender as a Wireless Adapter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 4. 2. Transform Y our Existing Wired Network to a Wireless One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224. 2. 1. T o Set Up the Extender as an Access Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224. 2. 2. T o Connect Y our Wireless Devices to the Extender via WPS. . . . . . . . . . .24 Chapter 5. Manage Y our Extender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 5. 1. Set Up System Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 5. 2. Control LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 5. 3. Power Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 5. 4. Upgrade the Firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 5. 5. Backup and Restore Configuration Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 5. 6. Change Login Password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 5. 7. System Log. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 FAQ (33)About This GuideThis guide is a complement to Quick Installation Guide. The Quick Installation Guide provides instructions for quick internet setup, while this guide contains details of each function and demonstrates how to configure them.When using this guide, please notice that features of the extender may vary slightly depending on the model and software version you have, and on your location, language, and internet service provider. All screenshots, images, parameters and descriptions documented in this guide are used for demonstration only. ConventionsMore InfoThe latest software, management app and utility are available from the Download Center at /support.The Quick Installation Guide can be found where you find this guide or inside the package of the range extender.Specifications can be found on the product page at .A T echnical Support Forum is provided for you to discuss our products at .Our T echnical Support contact information can be found at Contact T echnical Support page at /support.1Chapter 1Get to Know About Y our ExtenderThis chapter introduces what the extender can do and its appearance. It contains the following sections:• Product Overview• Appearance1. 1. Product OverviewBring Dead Zones Back to LifeTired of Wi-Fi “dead zones”? The TP-Link extender is connected to your router wirelessly, strengthening its signal and expanding its coverage into areas that could not otherwise be reached. The device also reduces signal interference to ensure reliable Wi-Fi coverage throughout your home or office.Easy Installation & Quick PositionThe extender works with any standard wireless router. Instantly connect the extender to a router by pressing the router’s WPS button (if available) followed by the extender’s RE/WPS button. Alternatively, follow the Quick Setup instructions on the extender’s web management page.Once the extender is connected to a router, you can relocate it to your preferred location with no further configuration required. The intelligent signal light can help to find the best location.Easy Management with the TP-Link T ether AppT ether provides a simple, intuitive way to access and manage your extender with your smart devices.1. 2.Appearance31. 2. 1. LED Explanation4Chapter 2Set Up Internet ConnectionThis chapter informs you how to boost your host wireless coverage. Please follow the step-by-step instructions to set up the internet connection.It contains the following sections:• Quick Setup• Position Y our Extender62. 1. Quick SetupPower on Plug the extender into an electrical outlet next to your host router , and then wait until the LED is solid on.Connect to the host network There are three ways to connect to the host network: via the WPS button, via a web browser or via the TP-Link T ether app. Using the WPS button is the easiest way toextend your host network. We recommend you to use this way if your router has a WPS button. The button might look like one of these: | | .2. 1. 1. Method One: Via the WPS Button 1. Press the WPS button on your host router, and then press the button on the extender within 2 minutes.Tips:• Some ISP gateways disable the WPS function by default. If the WPS connection fails, please refer to Method Two: Via a Web Browser .• For more information about using WPS button on your host router, please refer to the router manufacturer’s user guide.2. Wait until the LED changes to solid on, which indicates that the WPS connection is successful. If it doesn’t, please refer to Method Two: Via a Web Browser . 3. If you are connecting the extender to a dual-band router but only the 2.4G or 5G LED is on, repeat Step 1 and 2 to connect to the other band.4. Enjoy! Connect to the extended network and enjoy the internet. Both extended networks share the same SSIDs (network names) and passwords as those of your host networks.Tips: Since the performance of the extended networks will be affected by the distance between the extender and the host router, we recommend that you relocate your extender by referring to Position Y our Extender .WPS72. 1. 2. Method Two: Via a Web Browser 1. Connect your computer to the extender's wireless network.Tips: Before connecting, please find the SSID (network name) on the label of the extender.• For Windows Users 1 ) Unplug the Ethernet cable from your computer (if any).2 ) Click the Wi-Fi icon on the taskbar and connect to the extender’s wireless network: TP-Link_Extender_2.4GHz or TP-Link_Extender_5GHz .• For Mac OS X Users 1 ) Unplug the Ethernet cable from your computer (if any).2 ) Click the Wi-Fi icon in the top right corner of the screen, and connect to the extender’s network: TP-Link_Extender_2.4GHz or TP-Link_Extender_5GHz .2. Follow the instructions of the Quick Setup wizard to connect the extender to your host router.1 ) Launch a web browser, enter or in the address field, and then create a password for future login attempts, and click Start .Tips: If the login window does not appear, please refer to FAQ.2 ) Select your host router’s 2.4GHz SSID (network name), enter its password (NOT the password you just created for management), and click Next.3 ) Select your host router’s 5GHz SSID (network name), enter its password (NOT the password you just created for management), and click Next.Tips: If your host router does not support 5GHz wireless network, please click Skip to continue.4 ) Either keep the default SSIDs (network names) or customize them for the extended networks, and then click Next.5 ) Verify your wireless settings and click Save. The corresponding LED(s)(2.4G or 5G) should turn on.6 ) Enjoy! Connect to the extended network and enjoy the internet. Both extended networks share the same wireless passwords as those of your host networks, but may have different network names if you have customized the SSIDs duringthe configuration.Tips: Since the performance of the extended network will be affected by the distance between the extender and the host router, we highly recommend you to relocate your extender referring to Position Y our Extender .2. 1.3. Method Three: Via the TP-Link T ether App1. Launch the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and search TP-Link T ether or simplyscan the QR code to download and install the app.OR2. Go to Wi-Fi Settings and connect your device to the extender’s wireless network: TP-Link_Extender_2.4GHz or TP-Link_Extender_5GHz .3. Launch T ether and select your extender from the Local Device list.4. Create a password for future logins and click Create.5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the configuration.Tips: Y ou can manage your extender via T ether, such as controlling LEDs, sharing passwords of your networks and blocking devices.2. 2. Position Y our ExtenderPlease follow the instructions below to achieve optimal performance of the extender.1. Plug the extender into an electrical outlet between your host router and the Wi-Fi “dead“ zone. The location you choose must be within the range of your existing host network.2. Wait until the 2.4G/5G LED is lit and solid green. If not, relocate it closer to the host router to achieve better signal quality.Router ClientsIdeal Extender PlacementTips: T o minimize signal interference, please choose a location which is far away from Bluetooth devices and other household electronic devices, such as cordless phones, microwave ovens and baby monitors.Chapter3Customize Y our NetworkThis chapter guides you on how to configure network settings that are available for this extender.It contains the following sections:• Check Internet Status• Configure Wireless Network• Change LAN Settings• Specify DHCP Server Settings• Adjust Wi-Fi Coverage• Set Access Control3. 1. Check Internet StatusY ou can view the internet status of your extender to check whether you have successfully set up the extended network(s).1. Visit , and log in with the password you set for the extender.2. Go to Settings > Status to view the internet status of your extender.• The extender is functioning normally.• The extender is not connected to the host networks. Please go to Settings > Wireless > Connect to Network to check the passwords of the host networks. If the problem still exists, please refer to the FAQ section.• The extender is connected to the host network, but is not transmitting data. Please check your router’s internet connection.• The extender is connected to the router abnormally. Please go to Settings > Network and try setting your extender to obtain an IP address automatically.Click the Internet/Router/Range Extender/Clients icon to view corresponding information.3. 2. Configure Wireless NetworkIf you want to extend another host network after Quick Setup, you can refer to thisVisit , and log in with the password you set for the extender. Note: Here we take the configuration of the 2.4GHz network as an example. If the 5GHz network is available on your extender, please refer to the instructions to set your 5GHz network.¾T o extend another host network:1. Go to Settings > Wireless > Connect to Network.2. Enable Connect to 2.4GHz Network and click Wireless Scanner to find all available networks.3. Select the 2.4GHz host network you want to extend.Note:If the network you want to extend is on but not listed, please try the following steps.• Move the extender closer to your router, and click Rescan in the top-right corner of the list.• Y ou can manually enter the SSID (network name) and password of the network you want to extend, and click Save.4. Once a host network is selected, the SSID and security type will be automatically filled in. If the selected network is encrypted, enter the password in the Password field.5. Click Save.¾T o enable or disable the extended network:1. Go to Settings > Wireless > Extended Network.2. Extended networks are enabled by default. If you want to disable the wireless function of a certain band, just clear the Enable checkbox. In this case, all the wireless settings of this band will be invalid.3. Click Save.¾T o change the wireless network name (SSID):1. Go to Settings > Wireless > Extended Network.2. Create a new SSID in Extended 2.4GHz SSID or click Copy Host SSID. The value is case-sensitive.3. Click Save.Note: If you have changed the wireless settings via a wireless device, you will be disconnected after the settings are applied. Please write down the new SSID for future use.¾T o hide the SSID of the extended network:1. Go to Settings > Wireless > Extended Network.2. Select Hide SSID broadcast, and the corresponding SSID will not be displayed when wireless devices scan for local wireless networks. Devices must join the network manually in order to connect.3. Click Save.3. 3. Change LAN SettingsThe extender is preset with a default LAN IP, with which you can log in to the web management page. The LAN IP address, together with the Subnet Mask, also defines the subnet that the connected devices are on. If the IP address conflicts with another device on your local network or your network requires a specific IP subnet, you can change it.1. Visit , and log in with the password you set for the extender.2. Go to Settings > Network.3. Select Use the following IP address.4. Enter a new IP address as needed and leave the Subnet Mask as the default settings and enter the gateway that is in the same subnet as the IP address. The gateway is usually the LAN IP address of your extender.5. Click Save.3. 4. Specify DHCP Server SettingsBy default, the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Server is enabled and the extender acts as a DHCP server; it dynamically assigns TCP/IP parameters to client devices from the IP Address Pool. Y ou can change the settings of the DHCP Server if necessary.1. Visit , and log in with the password you set for the extender.2. Go to Settings > Network.¾T o specify the IP address that the extender assigns:1. Select Auto (recommended) or On to enable the DHCP Server.2. Enter the starting and ending IP addresses in the IP Address Pool.3. Enter other parameters if the ISP requires them. The Default Gateway is automatically filled in and is the same as the LAN IP address of the extender.4. Click Save.¾T o view the DHCP Client List:Y ou can view the information of the DHCP clients connected to the extender in the DHCP Client List.3. 5. Adjust Wi-Fi CoverageY ou can set the extender’s Wi-Fi coverage depending on how large you want your Wi-Fi area to be.1. Visit and log in with the password you set for the extender.2. Go to Settings > Advanced Settings > Wi-Fi Coverage.3. Select Min, Mid or Max to adjust your Wi-Fi coverage of the extender.4. Click Save.3. 6. Set Access ControlAccess Control allows you to permit or block specific devices from accessing the internet for a specific period.1. Visit and log in with the password you set for the extender.3. Enable Access Control.¾T o block specific device(s):Note: Devices connected to the extender via an Ethernet cable cannot be blocked.1. Select Blacklist and click Save.2. Select the device to be blocked in the Online Devices table by ticking the corresponding checkbox.3. Click Block and the selected device(s) will be added to the Devices in Blacklist table.4. Click in the Devices in Blacklist table to set the Effective Time for a certain entry as needed.5. Click OK.¾T o permit specific device(s):1. Select Whitelist and click Save.2. Click Add in the Devices in Whitelist table. Enter the Device Name and MAC Address. And you can set the Effective Time for a certain entry as needed.3. Click OK.Chapter 4More Features of Y our ExtenderThis chapter explains how to use the extender as a wireless adapter and as an access point.It contains the following sections:• Use Y our Extender as a Wireless Adapter• Transform Y our Existing Wired Network to a Wireless One4. 1. Use Y our Extender as a Wireless AdapterThe extender can be used as a wireless adapter to connect any wired-only device, such as a Blu-ray player, game console, DVR, or smart TV, to your wireless network. After configuration, you can connect an Ethernet-enabled device to the extender via an Ethernet cable.Note: Extenders that have no Ethernet port do not support this feature.By default, the Ethernet port of the extender is connected to the 5GHz wireless netwok. ¾T o change the connected wireless frequency:1. Visit , and log in with the password you set for the extender.2. Go to Settings > Network.3. Select 2.4GHz or 5GHz and click Save.4. 2. Transform Y our Existing Wired Network to aWireless OneThe extender can work as an access point, transforming your existing wired network to a wireless one.4. 2. 1. T o Set Up the Extender as an Access Point1. Visit , and log in with the password you set for the extender.2. Click Mode in the top right corner of the page. Select Access Point and click Save. The extender will reboot and switch to Access Point mode.3. After rebooting, connect the extender to your modem or wired router via an Ethernet cable.4. Visit , and log in with the password you set for the extender.5. Go to Quick Setup to configure your extender.1 ) Configure your wireless settings and click Next.2 ) Confirm the information and click Finish. Now, you can enjoy Wi-Fi.4. 2. 2. T o Connect Y our Wireless Devices to the Extender via WPS Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) provides an easier way to set up a secure Wi-Fi connection. Wireless devices that support WPS, including Android phones, tablets and most USB network cards, can be connected to your extender through this method (not supported by iOS devices).1. Visit , and log in with the password you set for the extender.2. Go to Settings > Wireless > WPS.3. Enable WPS.4. Connect via WPS:• AP’s PIN: Enable AP’s PIN and enter the PIN on your device. Y ou can click Generate to get a new PIN or click Default to restore the PIN to its factory one.• Push Button (Recommended): Click Connect and push the WPS button on the client device.• PIN code: Enter the client’s PIN, and click Connect.Chapter 5 Manage Y our Extender This chapter presents how to manage and maintain your extender.It contains the following sections:• Set Up System Time• Control LEDs• Power Schedule• Upgrade the Firmware• Backup and Restore Configuration Settings• Change Login Password• System LogChapter 5Manage Y our Extender 5. 1. Set Up System TimeThe System Time of the extender will be used for time-based functions such as the Power Schedule function. If you have enabled the Daylight Saving Time feature, the system time will be sychronized with the daylight saving time you configure.1. Visit , and log in with the password you set for the extender.2. Go to Settings > System T ools > Time Settings.¾T o get system time:1. Select your local Time Zone from the drop-down list.2. Click Save.¾T o set up Daylight Saving Time:1. Select Enable Daylight Saving Time.2. Select the Start and End date and time of the daylight saving time at your local time zone.3. Click Save.5. 2. Control LEDsThe LEDs of the extender indicate its activities and status. Y ou can enable the Night Mode feature to specify a time period during which the LEDs are off.1. Visit , and log in with the password you set for the extender.2. Go to Settings > System T ools > LED Control.¾T o specify a time period when LEDs are off:1. Select Night Mode.2. Specify a time period in the LED Off Time field, and the LEDs will be off during this period.3. Click Save.5. 3. Power ScheduleThe Power Schdule feature allows you to specify a time period during which the extender is off.1. Visit , and log in with the password you set for the extender.2. Go to Settings > Advanced Settings > Power Schedule.¾T o specify a time period when the extender is off:1. Select Enable Power Schedule.2. Specify a time period in the Power-Off Time field and days in the Day(s) field, and the extender will be off during this period.3. Click Save.5. 4. Upgrade the FirmwareTP-Link is committed to improving product features, giving you a better network experience. Y ou can upgrade the firmware online or download the latest firmware file from the Support page at our website and upgrade the extender to the latest firmware version.Note:• Make sure the latest firmware file is matched with the hardware version (as shown in the download section of the Support page).• Make sure that you have a stable connection between the extender and your computer. It is NOT recommended to upgrade the firmware wirelessly.• Backup your extender configuration.• Do NOT power off the extender during the firmware upgrade.¾T o upgrade the firmware online:1. Visit , and log in with the password you set for the extender.2. Go to Settings > System T ools > Firmware Upgrade, and click Check for upgrade to see whether a new firmware is released.3. Focus on the Online Upgrade section, and click Upgrade.4. Wait a few minutes for the firmware upgrade to complete and the extender to reboot.¾T o upgrade the firmware locally:1. Download the latest firmware file for the extender from our website .2. Visit , and log in with the password you set for the extender.3. Go to Settings > System T ools > Firmware Upgrade.5. Wait a few minutes for the firmware upgrade to complete and the extender to reboot.5. 5. Backup and Restore Configuration SettingsThe configuration settings are stored as a configuration file in the extender. Y ou can backup the configuration file and restore the extender to the previous settings from the backup file when needed. Moreover, if necessary, you can erase the current settings and reset the extender to the default factory settings.1. Visit , and log in with the password you set for the extender.2. Go to Settings > System T ools > Backup & Restore.¾T o backup configuration settings:Click Backup to save a copy of the current settings to your local computer. A ‘.bin’ file of the current settings will be stored on your computer.¾T o restore configuration settings:1. Click Browse to locate the backup configuration file stored on your computer, and click Restore.2. Wait a few minutes for the restore and reboot.Note: During the restore process, do not power off or reset the extender.¾T o reset the extender to factory default settings:1. Click Factory Restore to reset the extender.2. Wait a few minutes for the reset and reboot.Note:• During the reset process, do not power off or reset the extender.• We strongly recommend you backup the current configuration settings before resetting the extender.5. 6. Change Login PasswordThe account management feature allows you to change your login password of the management webpage.1. Visit , and log in with the password you set for the extender.2. Go to Settings > System T ools > Admin Account.3. Enter the old password, then the new password twice (both case-sensitive) and click Save.4. Use the new password for future logins.5. 7. System LogIf the extender is not working normally, you can save the system log and send it to our technical support team.1. Visit , and log in with the password you set for the extender.2. Go to Settings > System T ools > System Log.¾T o save the system log locally:2. Click Save Log to save the system logs to a local disk.FAQQ1. How do I reset the extender to its factory default settings?• With the extender powered on, use a pin to press the Reset button until all the LEDs turn on momentarily and then release the button.• Log in to the extender’s web management page. Go to System T ools > Restore & Backup and click Factory Restore.Q2. What should I do if I forget my login password?Refer to FAQ > Q1 to reset the extender, and create a password to log in.Note: The extender must be reconfigured after a reset to access the internet. Please note down your login password for future use.Q3. What should I do if I forget my wireless password?The factory default wireless password is printed on the label of the extender.If the password has been altered, please connect your computer to the extender using an Ethernet cable and follow the steps below:1. Visit , and log in with the password you set for the extender.2. Go to Settings > Wireless> Wireless Settings to retrieve or reset your wireless password.Q4. What should I do if I cannot access the web management page? This can happen for a variety of reasons. Please try the following to log in again.• If your computer is wirelessly connected, make sure that you have connected to the extender’s SSID.• If your computer is connected via an Ethernet cable, please make sure that the connection is stable.• Make sure your computer is set to obtain an IP address and DNS server address automatically.• Verify that or is correctly entered in the web browser and press Enter.• Use the IP address to access the extender. The default IP is If the extender is connected to the router, you should go to your router’s DHCP client list to obtain the extender’s current IP address.• Reset the extender and try again.Q5. I have enabled wireless MAC filter, wireless access control, or access control list (ACL) on my router. What should I do before configuring。

1.2机床的基本参数工作台面积(长×宽)mm 1025mm×525mm刀库 BT40-16主轴锥度 ISO.40(BT40)工作台纵向行程 800mm工作台横向行程 500mm工作台垂向行程 500mm主轴转速范围 200-8000rpm主轴最高转速 10000rpmX、Y、Z快速移动速度 10000mm/minX、Y、Z进给速度 10-3000mm/minT型槽宽×槽数(mm) 18×3主电机功率 7.5kW进给电机 X、Z向1.5KW(伺服),Y向2KW(伺服)最小设定单位 0.005/0.001mm定位精度 0.01mm重复定位精度± 0.005mm工作气压 0.4-0.6MPa机床最大承载重量 400kg机床外形尺寸(长×宽×高) 3060mm×1900mm×2200mm机床重量 4200kg1.3高速雕刻基本参数(选件)高速电主轴转速范围:3000-25000r/min功率: 3KW安装夹头 ER201.4激光切割、雕刻基本参数(选件)1.5.1主轴传动说明主轴运动由主轴伺服电机直接由主轴伺服驱动控制电机轴,通过同步带轮驱动主轴旋转,使传速从200-10000rev/min范围内无级调速。

旋转旋钮 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
紧急键 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
菜单项列表 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
显示屏 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
18 17 (b)
17 (a) 15 (a and b)
14 13 12
20 21 1 2 3
1_ ,@ 2 abc 3 def
4ghi 5 jkl 6mno
7 8 9 pqrs
安全信息 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
MTP850 概述 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 体
控制键和指示灯 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 音频信号音 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

主要性能指标:1.5寸真彩触摸薄屏;2.两种控制方式:程式/定值;3.传感器类型:3路 PT100输入(可选电子传感器输入);4.报警信号:4个DI外部故障报警;5.温度测量范围:-90.00℃--200.00℃,(-90.00℃—300.00℃可定制)误差±0.2℃;6.湿度测量范围:1.0%--100%RH,误差±1%RH(此型号可增加湿度控制);7.界面语言类型:中文/英文;8.具备汉字输入功能;9.多种信号组合继电器输出,信号可进行逻辑运算(NOT,AND,OR,NOR,XOR),简称PLC编程能力;10.继电器控制方式多样化:参数->继电器模式,继电器->参数模式,逻辑组合模式,复合信号模式;11.程式编辑:可编10组程式,每组程式最大可编12段;外型尺寸:180×120×100(mm) (长×宽×深)安装开孔尺寸:170×110(mm) (长×宽)TFT分辨率:480×2721. 接线端子:图12.设定值输入键数字设定输入键 名称设定输入键①数字输入键,输入所要设置的数值后点击“ENT ”即可,注:如果输入的数值超出设定范围就会在键盘中显示“INPUT ERR ”输入错误。
②名称输入键:拼音、大、小写、数字、符号等输入,点击“拼音”可切换输入;③“SP ”为空格键;④“ESC ”退出输入;⑤“CLR ”清除输入;图2 图3⑥“OK ”确认输入。
3.主画面:内部设定进入画面,在任何画面点击左上角的 均可回到主画面;图44.监视画面:接通电源后约3秒后或在上图中点击“监视画面”进入以下界面:图5 ①温度设定值:设定本次实验的温度,定值状态时点击设定区域可直接设置; ②湿度设定值:设定本次实验的适度,定值状态时点击设定区域可直接设置; ③温度显示值:显示当前PT100探头感应的实际温度;① ② ③⑤④⑥④湿度显示值:显示当前PT100探头感应的实际湿度;⑤时间键:时间键:显示当前时间,点击此键,LCD画面就会关闭,虽然看不到画面,但仍然正常运行,再点击屏幕任何位置,画面自动开启;⑥启动键:运行启动/停止键。

Transcend MP850 MP3 播放器 说明书

MP850 使用手册目录产品介绍︱ (4)包装内容︱ (4)产品功能︱ (5)系统需求︱ (6)安全注意事项︱ (6)一般使用 (6)资料备份 (6)注意:过大音量可能造成听力受损 (6)提醒您 (6)MP850概要︱ (8)音乐播放屏幕︱ (9)基本操作︱ (10)充电 (10)开启电源 (10)关机 (10)播放 (11)暂停 (11)下一首 (11)上一首 (11)快转 (11)倒转 (11)增加音量 (11)降低音量 (11)主选单 (11)档案浏览 (11)删除档案 (12)录音 (12)循环 / 随机播放功能 (12)A-B 循环播放 (12)锁定 (12)重置 (12)音乐模式︱ (14)播放 MP3、WMA 以及 WMA-DRM10 音乐 (14)播放清单 (14)在播放清单中添加歌曲 (15)从播放清单中删除歌曲 (16)收音机模式︱ (17)收听广播 (17)选择电台频道 (18)调整音量 (18)储存电台频道 (18)快速选择已储存的频道 (19)广播录音 (19)录音模式︱ (21)使用内建麦克风录音 (21)播放声音或 FM 收音机录音 (21)影片模式︱ (21)播放 MTV 格式的影片档 (22)相片模式︱ (24)显示 JPG 和 BMP 相片 (24)电子书模式︱ (25)阅读电子书及文字文件 (25)设定︱ (26)设定选单 (26)音场 (EQ) 模式 (26)使用者自订音场 (26)循环模式 (27)播放速度 (28)录音质量 (29)VAD (自动音源侦测) (30)睡眠模式 (31)屏幕保护 (31)幻灯片间隔 (32)词曲同步 (33)日期时间设定 (34)时区 (34)日光节约时间 (35)语言 (36)重设 FM 预设频道 (36)媒体传输模式 (MTP) (37)播放器信息 (37)安装驱动程序︱ (39)在 Windows® Me, 2000, XP 以及 Vista 下安装驱动程序 (39)在 Mac™ OS 10.0 或更新版本下安装驱动程序 (39)在 Linux™ Kernel 2.4 或更新版本下安装驱动程序 (39)连接到计算机︱ (40)将档案传输至 MP850 (40)安全移除 MP850︱ (42)在 Windows® Me, 2000, XP 和 Vista 下移除 MP850 (42)在 Mac® OS 10.0 或更新版本下移除 MP850 (42)在 Linux® Kernel 2.4 或更新版本下移除 MP850 (42)MP850随附软件︱ (43)软件系统需求 (43)安装MP850 软件 (43)Transcend MTV Converter︱ (45)Slideshow Maker (47)Transcend Digital Music Player Utility 软件︱ (49)计算机锁 (49)磁盘分割 (51)登入 / 注销 (52)密码 (53)忘记密码 (54)疑难排解︱ (55)产品规格︱ (58)订购信息︱ (58)质保条款︱ (59)产品介绍︱感谢您购买创见 MP850。

4.1 故障排除清单 .................................................................................................................................................18 4.2 错误信息 .........................................................................................................................................................20 4.3 客户服务部 .....................................................................................................................................................20 4.4 维修/校准 ........................................................................................................................................................20 4.5 备件服务部 .....................................................................................................................................................21 4.6 备件订购 – 商品代码归类..............................................................................................................................24 4.7 更换磨损件和备件的说明..............................................................................................................................25 4.8 调整过程参数设置与打印机设置..................................................................................................................29

ElectronicTemperature SwitchSERIES850The accepted technical regulations and all national guidelines must always be observed and complied with.CopyrightAll rights to these operating instructions are reserved. These operating instructions, including extracts thereof, must not be copied or translated into other languages without our written permission.Safety Instructions and WarningsPlease read these instructions before installing and starting up the pressure switch. Failure to follow the instructions will make all guarantee, warranty and compensation claims null and void.connection, and the correct tools must always be used. complied with.• Damaged devices must not be started up. If damage occurs during operation, suitablemeasures must be taken to prevent persons or property from being put at risk by the damaged pressure switch.• The switch must only be repaired by NOSHOK.temperaturetemperatureExclusion of LiabilityNOSHOK guarantees that the pressure switch is in perfect working condition when it is delivered. The basis consists of the technical data in the data sheet and these operating instructions. Liability cannot be accepted for the suitability of the pressure switch.Temperature Switch DescriptionThe temperature switch has one analog output and one switching output or two switching out-puts. The switching output(s) is (are) adjusted using the two buttons: set point, reset point (hysteresis), switching function (normally closed/normally open contact).The programmable analog output is a special feature. It can be adjusted in 0.1° steps within a span of at least 20% of the temperature range.Electrical and Mechanical ConnectionThe technical regulations must be complied with during installation and dismantling.The system must be depressurized prior to installation and dismantling.Safety regulations must be complied with, particularly when working on the electrical system. All connections to external electrical equipment must be made in accordance with regulations.The power to system must always be swit tch is being connected.Recommended accessories:M12x1 socket with 2m cable • straight version, order no.: FS-2-4P • angled version, order no.: FA-2-4Pswitching to p potential1 switching output and 1 analog output2 switching outputsSignal ConnectorColors of Optional WiresSupply: +1brown Supply: -3blue Switch output S 14black Switch output S 2 or analog output2whiteRound Connector M 12 x 1 (4-pin)Switching On and OffThe temperature switch is switched on when the supply voltage is applied. There is no on/o switch. A brief initialization phase occurs when the supply voltage is applied to the switch. The display and the set point LED illuminate. The measuring range (min- and max. temperature) and the unit are indicated brie y. The outputs are inactive during this time.After initialization the switch is in normal operating mode. The temperature appears on the display, the switching outputs are active and the LED’s indicate the status of the switching outputs. ProgrammingBrie y pressing button S1 or S2 causes the relevant set point to be displayed.The status LED’s ash for as long as the set points are being displayed.Pressing the buttons for longer (press and hold down button until display ashes) causes the current temperature to be taken over as the set point. The hysteresis remains unchanged. The switching output(s) can be programmed using the control buttons independently from the present temperature, per the programming sequence on page 6.The programming sequence must run without interruptions. If delays of about 20 seconds or more occur, the switch automatically exits programming mode and switches to normal mode. All previous changes are lost.Status-LED Switching Output1 2Parameter description / programmingand for the process pressure 4-digit LED display.1) The pressure units setting applies immediately for the switching point settings, the reset pointsand for the process pressure 4-digit LED display.Technical dataTemperature Ranges-58 to +392°F-58 to +752°F-58 to +1112°F-328 to +1112°FMeasurement Units°C or °F (selectable)Sensor PT100 class B or PT100 class ASupply Voltage12...30 Vdc, overload and reverse polarity protectionripple <10%Power Consumption≤ 50mA, without load currentProcess Connections • Fixed Thread• Compression Fitting 1/2NPT, 1/4NPT1/2NPTOther connections on requestMaterials• Process Connection • Housing Stainless steel 1.4571 (316Ti); other materials or coatings on request Stainless steel, display cover plasticStem and Working Pressure • from stem length (EL) 50mm: ø6 x 0.75mm (up to 40 bar)• from EL 50mm: ø8 x 1.75mm (up to 100 bar)• from EL 50mm: Special parts made of solid material (up to 500 bar) Fast response time version (up to 12 bar)• EL 25mm: ø3 x 0.25mm without taper• EL up to 100mm: ø6 x 0.25mm with taper to ø3 x 0.25mm• from EL 100mm: ø8 x 1.75mm with taper to ø6 x 0.25mm with taper to ø3 x 0.25mmOutputs 2 switching outputs PNP or1 switching output PNP and analog output 4…20mASwitching outputs • Switching function • Switching rating • Adjustment- Set Point- Reset point adjustable normally closed (NC) or normally open (NO) contact100mA per switching outputProgrammable via the display0.1° steps withhin temperature range0.1° steps from beginning temperature range until max. set point –0.1°Analog output SignalLoad resistance 4…20mA; 2-wire, programmable in 0.1° steps,span at least 20% of the temperature rangeDependent on the supply voltage; the relevant formula isAV.0227UR Supply−=Display4-digit 7-segment LED display, red, 7.6mm high Accuracy Switching output, analog output and Display:Accuracy of PT100 + 0,1% of the temperature range Repeatability0.05%Electrical connection M12 x 1 (4-Pin)Temperature range Storage Ambient Thermal E ect -22...+176°F-13...+158°F0.006% of Full Scale/°FEMV to IEC / EN 61 326IEC 61000/4/2 ESD: B IEC 61000/4/3 HF: A IEC 61000/4/4 Burst: A IEC 61000/4/5 Surge: A IEC 61000/4/6 HF: AProtection class IP65 according IEC 529 Weight0.66 lbs.100DIMENSIONS Inches(mm)11CE – ConformityThe switch complies with all requirements of EN 61 326 with regard to interference emission and immunity for use in industrial areas. NOSHOK recommends the use of shielded cables. Installation and cable routing must be carried out correctly in order to maintain the e ective protection from electromagnetic interference.MaintenanceThe temperature switches that are described in this document are maintenance free. The equip-ment will also operate in a stable state for long periods, meaning that regular adjustment or the like is not required.12Remove the device as soon as device malfunctions start to occur. The internals cannot be maintained by the customer. Replace the device or return it to the manufacturer to have it tested.CleaningThe exterior of the 850 Series Temperature Switch can be cleaned using a soft, moistened cloth. Heavy soiling can be removed using a mild cleaning agent.The switch must not be opened for cleaning!Aggressive chemicals or hard scrubbing can damage the surface, particularly the display lm.DisposalThe packaging and used parts must be disposed of in accordance with the regulations of the country in which the device is installed.13Notes:_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________141010 West Bagley Road • Berea,Ohio 44017 • 440-243-0888 • FAX 440-243-3472E-MAIL:*****************•WEB:S07。

2. 私密呼叫
• 私密呼叫,也称为点对点呼叫或个呼,是两个用户之间的 呼叫
• 其他对讲机均无法听到通话内容。 • 同一通话组或不同通话组之间的用户均可进行这种呼叫。
2.1 发起私密呼叫(半双工)
1. 在待机屏幕拨号。
2. 按下然后松开PTT键。对讲机将发出铃声。等待对方接
听呼叫。(这种方式也被称为回呼) 或者
• 发起紧急呼叫的民警可以按下PTT按钮,开始通话。 • 调度台和选定通话组中的所有成员将收到紧急组呼。 • 要退出紧急呼叫模式,请按下并按住退出程序键。对讲机将切换
一. 对讲机的基本介绍
1. 对讲机的面板介绍 2. 开/关对讲机 3. 功能键介绍 4. 电池保养 5. 注意事项
三. 小结
二. 基本操作
1. 组呼 2. 私密呼叫 3. 直通模式组呼 4. 紧急呼叫模式 5. 扫描 6. 短信
1. 对讲机的面板介绍
1.1 控制按钮和指示灯 1.2 图标 1.3 LED状态指示灯 1.4 显示
1.4 发起组呼
• 按下并按住PTT键,通话。 松开PTT键,接听。 • 如果需要呼叫另一个通话组,请参见先前的幻灯片介绍的更改 / 选择
通话组。 • 按下PTT键,在新的通话组发起呼叫。 • 通话组中的成员如果开机,将收到该呼叫。
1.5 接听组呼
• 要接听呼叫,请按下并按住PTT键。 • MTP850屏幕将显示来电方的对讲机号码或别名(如果以前存储在
对讲机关机 • 按下并按住开关/结束/初始键。
开-关/结束/ 初始键

版权2012 南京金鑫传动设备有限公司保留版权所有目录1.概述04 1.1.功能及特点03 1.2.设备组成04 2.主要技术规格04 3.设备描述及技术参数05 3.1冷剪机05 3.2主电机装置08 3.3对齐挡板08 3.4压钢装置09 3.5换刀小车09 3.6溜槽装置10 3.7废料收集装置11 3.8定尺机12 3.9扫尾装置12 4.设备工作原理13 5.设备安装14 5.1概述14 5.2安装条件14 5.3安装及检查作业安全规程14 5.4安装要求15 5.5施工准备15 5.6开箱检查与保管15 5.7基础要求16 5.8放线就位与找正调平17 5.9地脚螺栓、垫铁和灌浆18 5.10安装21 6.检查24 6.1概述246.2安装后检查24 6.2日常使用前检查26 7.调试28 8.使用、操作30 9.故障分析与排除31 10.维护、保养32 11.运输、贮存要求33 12.易损件清单34 13.备件清单35850T冷剪机组装置是轧钢精整区域设备,机组设备布置于冷床输出辊道的末端,用于棒材以及扁钢成品轧件切头、切尾及定尺剪切。

铸铁因其内部晶粒过于粗大,不宜使用本仪器!2. 基本原理测厚仪由发射电路、接收电路、高频振荡器、计数门、计数器、中央处理器、键盘、显示器等部分组成。
工作过程见框图:3. 基本配置及仪器各部分名称3.1 基本配置:主机1台探头2支(Φ10mm 5MHz ,Φ10mm 2.5MHz) 耦合剂1瓶(50ml ) 4mm 校准块1个3.2 仪器各部分名称(详见下图)3.2.1液晶屏内容详解: ---- 低电压标志 ---- 耦合标志 m/s ---- 声速单位 mm ---- 厚度单位 VEL ---- 声速标志THICKNESS ---- 厚度标志 ---- 查询和存储厚度标志 -- ---- 储存单元 ---- 校准状态指示符-- 校准键 VEL -- 声速键MODE --LED 背光开启键 --声速、厚度、厚度 单元调整键,查询键 --声速、厚度、厚度 单元调整键,查询键4.规格显示方式:四位数字液晶显示显示最小单位:0.1mm 工作频率:5MHz测量范围:1.2~225.0mm (钢)管材测量下限:Φ20x 3mm (钢)测量误差:±(1%H+0.1)mm.H 为被测物实际厚度声速调节范围:1000~9999m/s 已知厚度反测声速:测量范围1000~9999m/s ,试块厚度20mm ≤ 时,声速测量精度为±1mm/H*100% ;试块厚度>20mm 时,声速测量精度为±5%使用温度范围:0~40℃电源:三节1.5V AAA 碱性电池工作电流:正常测试≤50mA ;开LED 背光≤120mA ;静态电流≤20uA外形尺寸:70.0x145.5mm 主要功能5.自动校对零点,可对系统误差进行修正;线性自动补偿,在全范围内利用计算机软件对探头非线性误差进行修正,以提高准确度; 键盘-04-采用“”、“”键可对声速、厚度进行快速查询和调整; 耦合状 态 提示: 提 供耦合标志,通过观察其稳定状态可知耦合是否正常;可存储十个厚度值,关机后数据不丢失,为高空及野外工作带来方便; 测声速功能:根据样块厚度直接测出其声速,避免了查表或换算的 麻烦;可存储12个声速值; 低电压提示;自动关机:定时自动关机会帮您省电;长寿命按键开关,大于,提高使用寿命; 手动关机:开机状态下,按“”键关机。

二、使用方法1. 安装:将行车记录仪固定在汽车前后挡风玻璃上,并连接电源线和数据线。
2. 开机:接通电源后,行车记录仪将自动开机,并开始录像。
3. 录像:行车记录仪支持循环录像功能,当储存卡容量不足时,会自动覆盖最早的录像文件。
4. 拍照:行车记录仪支持拍照功能,按下拍照按钮即可进行拍照。
5. 紧急锁定:在紧急情况下,按下紧急锁定按钮,当前录像文件将被锁定,不会被覆盖。
6. 停止录像:按下停止录像按钮,行车记录仪将停止录像,并自动保存录像文件。
三、注意事项1. 使用前请确保行车记录仪已正确安装并连接电源线和数据线。
2. 请正确使用储存卡,建议使用高速、高容量的Micro SD卡。
3. 请勿在行车过程中操作行车记录仪,以免影响驾驶安全。
4. 请勿将行车记录仪暴露在高温、低温或潮湿环境中。
5. 请勿使用非原厂配件,以免损坏行车记录仪或导致不正常工作。
四、常见问题解答1. 录像文件无法播放:请确认使用的储存卡已格式化,并且支持行车记录仪的录像格式。
2. 录像画面模糊:请检查镜头是否有污物,如果有,请使用干净的软布擦拭。
3. 行车记录仪无法正常开机:请检查电源线是否连接良好,是否有电力供应。
4. 行车记录仪拍摄的画面有图像失真:请检查录像分辨率是否设置正确。
5. 行车记录仪无法保存录像文件:请检查储存卡是否已满,如果是,请更换新的储存卡。
香港寬頻 D-Link (DIR-850L)無線路由器 使用說明说明书

1 認識D-Link (DIR-850L)無線路由器 (2)A. 技術規格- 周邊連接和擴充 (2)B. 基本電腦系統要求(bb500/ FibreHome500/ bb1000/ FibreHome1000) (2)2 首次接駁D-Link (DIR-850L)路由器 (3)3 由其他公司轉用香港寬頻服務 (9)4 D-Link (DIR-850L)無線路由器預設重置 (12)1認識D-Link (DIR-850L)無線路由器A. 技術規格 - 周邊連接和擴充B. 基本電腦系統要求 (bb500/ FibreHome500/ bb1000/ FibreHome1000)為確保閣下能享受穩定的寬頻速度,本公司建議客戶可參考以下之基本電腦系統要求 中央處理器Intel Core2 Duo P8700/2.5 (3 GHz 或以上) 記憶體 4GB 或以上硬碟 64GB SATA II SSD(讀寫速度至少需要 200MB/s)固態硬碟 網絡卡100/1000M 以太網絡卡電源 指示燈 網絡 指示燈USB 2.0 連接埠 WPS 按鈕Gigabit LAN 連接埠Gigabit WAN 連接埠電源開關 電源2 首次接駁D-Link (DIR-850L)路由器首先,將數據線的一邊連接到牆身插座/ 光纖網絡終端機,另一邊則連接到D-Link (DIR-850L) 無線路由器的WAN連接埠;接著,使用另一數據線將路由器的任何一個LAN連接埠連接至電腦的LAN連接埠,然後開啟路由器的電源及電腦。
首次登入D-LINK (DIR-850L)路由器毋須輸入「管理員密碼」,在登入頁面可直接按[登入]。
2 首次接駁D-Link (DIR-850L)無線路由器按[基本設定]中的[設定精靈]開始進行設定。
2 首次接駁D-Link (DIR-850L)無線路由器出現以下設定精靈頁面後按[下一步]。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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工作台面积(长×宽)mm 1025mm×525mm
刀库 BT40-16
主轴锥度 ISO.40(BT40)
工作台纵向行程 800mm
工作台横向行程 500mm
工作台垂向行程 500mm
主轴转速范围 200-8000rpm
主轴最高转速 10000rpm
X、Y、Z快速移动速度 10000mm/min
X、Y、Z进给速度 10-3000mm/min
T型槽宽×槽数(mm) 18×3
主电机功率 7.5kW
进给电机 X、Z向1.5KW(伺服),Y向2KW(伺服)
最小设定单位 0.005/0.001mm
定位精度 0.01mm
重复定位精度± 0.005mm
工作气压 0.4-0.6MPa
机床最大承载重量 400kg
机床外形尺寸(长×宽×高) 3060mm×1900mm×2200mm
机床重量 4200kg
功率: 3KW
安装夹头 ER20
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