亚洲金融风暴【英文】 Asian crisis




右边 的流 程图 说明 了亚 洲金 融危 机的 动态
1997 亚洲金融风暴 之 危机原因
新马泰日韩等国都 为外向型经济的国 家。他们对世界市 场的依附很大。亚 洲经济的动摇难免 会出现牵一发而动
金融大鳄 一只假寐的老狼 个人价值观趋向 资本主义国家的默许
新中国成立预示社会主义阵营的 建立。美国有了危机感。通过强 大的经济后盾在亚太地区建立起 一个资本主义的统一战线:韩国 ,日本,台湾直至东南亚都成为 美国的经济附庸。这给亚洲一些 国家飞速发展带来了经济支持。
受影响的经济体政府将试图捍卫其货币,无论是通过提高利 率或使用其外汇储备撑起货币。 当他们提高利率,最终将带 来银行业由于增加国外借贷成本。 最终会有“逆转资金流 动”-从外国资金流入到流出。 有了这样的资金流出,将导 致信贷紧缩,加上高利率,它最终将影响房地产和银行业。
国际收支危机和银行危机之间的关系更是明显,时下,由于金融业 的全球化。 下表显示了银行之间的危机和国际收支的频率。
泰国宣布放弃固定汇率制,实行浮动汇率制,引发一场遍及东南亚的金 融风暴。
马来西亚放弃保卫林吉特的努力。一向坚挺的新加坡元也受到冲击。印 尼虽是受“传染”最晚的国家,但受到的冲击最为严重。
8月20日 IMF投入172亿美金对泰国进行资金援助。
国际炒家移师国际金融中心香港,矛头直指香港联系汇率制。台湾弃守 新台币汇率,一天贬值3.46%,加大了对港币和香港股市的压力。与此 同时,泰国、印尼、马来西亚和菲律宾对美元的货币贬值大约在20%到 30%之间。
1996年,由于经常项目逆差迅速扩大、泰国经济形势恶化、使泰铢面临巨 大的贬值压力。为了维持钉住制度,泰国中央银行通过增加对外汇市场的干预 力度来保持泰铢稳定,这为国际投机资本提供了可乘之机,从1997年年初开始 ,它们对泰铢发起了连续攻击。

the asian financial crisis(亚洲金融危机)()

the asian financial crisis(亚洲金融危机)()
促使国际社会对现行的世界经济、金融体制进行反思与改 革,以适应经济、金融全球化发展的规律。
1 IMF有利的影响
国际货币基金组织对发生金融危机国家的款项援助,缓 解了遭遇危机国家的金融、经济的进一步危机,在短时 间内对恢复投资者信心、稳定经济形势发挥了重要作用。
1997年,IMF向泰国提供172亿美元的贷款,向印尼 政府提供400亿美元的贷款。
Introdction Analaysis
IMF evaluation

泰铢盯住 美元,经常 账户逆差
经常账户 逆差
流入,利用 资本项目弥 补
国外资本 涌入
抑制投资 消费不足
货币紧缩 利率上升
资产价格 泡沫
银行巨额 不良资产
1 对亚洲经济、社会及政治等方面的影响
首先,亚洲国家出现严重的经济衰退。 其次,亚洲国家的贫困现象加剧。 此外,危机国家还付出了社会动乱甚至政 治危机的沉重代价。
2 多数国家受影响,全球经济增长速度放慢
其一,亚洲地区经济增长停滞或衰退,对外需求疲弱,必然导致其它国家, 特别是与该区贸易关系较密切的美国的出口减少,在该区投资的公司利 润下降,这些都直接影响到其它国家的经济增长。
在中期、短期债务较多的情况下,一旦外资流出超过外资流入,而本国的外汇储 备又不足以弥补其不足,这个国家的货币贬值便是不可避免的了。
2 内在基础性因素





从1997年泰铢引发的亚洲金融危机到2008 年美国次贷危机引发的全球金融危机的全面爆发,我国面临外部需求萎缩带来的经济下滑的风险。




In rece nt decades, with the developme nt of the econo mic , a series of questi ons is coming up .with the development of globalization, the financial crisis are spreadingacross the world .Southeast Asian financial crisis, which broke out in Thailand, quicklyspread throughout the en tire southeast of the world, made the stock market tumbli ng in many southeast Asian countries , , repeatedly trading financial system and even the entire social economy suffered serious wounds. the world financial crisis in 2008 det on ated by Wall Street like gia nt wind tsu nami, quickly spread arou nd the world. Whether the cou ntries of the Europea n Un io n, or Africa n ,in which economy have not been open, or the countries of Middle East, or rather, a series of new countries all felt this financial giant wind brings the crazy esau and shock.from world financial crisis caused by the Thai baht in 1997 to the subprime mortgage crisis triggered in Amercia in2008, Chi na faces the risk of econo mic dow ntur n atrophy due to the exter nal dema nd withered .This topic compared the causes , characteristics and in flue nce of the in ter nati onal financial crisis in 1997 and 2008,through the study on the appearance of the financial crisis past doze ns of years, grasp the econo mic operati on of the law. An alysize and comparied the causes of the financial crisis, the author sums up their inner similarities, then an alyzes the curre nt form of econo mic operati on of the econo mic developme nt of our cou ntry, find out the problems existed in the develop ing of our econo mic. propose corresp onding rati on alizati on suggesti on. And through compari ng the two econo miccrisis, summarized the characteristics and effects of the financial crisis after the outbreak of the in flue nce of Chin ese en terprises, and puts forward some precauti onary measures, which is helpful for the rati on alizati on of prepari ng early.正文」、两次金融危机演变过程比较分析(一)1997年亚洲金融危机的演变过程分析1997年6月,一场金融危机在亚洲爆发,这场危机的发展过程十分复杂。











∙∙1997Asian financial crises∙∙1997年7月2日∙∙∙∙折叠编辑本段爆发原因亚洲国家的经济形态导致;美国经济利益和政策的影响;乔治·索罗斯的个人及一些支持他的资本主义集团的因素;亚洲国家的经济形态导致:新马泰日韩等国都为外向型经济的国家,他们对世界市场的依附很大。














CP市場、コマーシャルペーパー市場商业本票市场 Commercial papers market Exit(売却) 退出 ExitFOF,ファンドオブファンズ FOF,基金中的基金 FoF(Fund of Fund)GP、無限責任出資者(ゼネラルパートナー)普通合伙人 General ParterIPO、新規株式公開首次公开募股IPO、Initial Public OfferingIRR(内部収益率)内部收益率 Internal Rate of ReturnLP,有限責任出資者(リミテッドパートナー) LP,有限合伙人 Limited Partner M & A 買収合併购并 Merger & AcquisitionPE(プライベートエクイティ)私募股权 Private EquityPIPE、パイプ上市后私募投资 private investment in public equity,PIPE Pre-IPO資本 Pre-IPO资本 Pre-IPO Investment capitalTMT 电信、媒体和科技 Telecommunication,Media,TechnologyVC、ベンチャー・キャピタル创业投资(创投)、风险投资 Venture capitalアジア金融危機亚洲金融风暴 Asian Financial Crisisアジア太平洋オペレーションセンター亚太运营中心ROC Regional operation centerアントレプレナー起业家イノベーション创新インフレ通货膨胀ウィルソン威尔逊ウォールストリート华尔街オープン・マーケット公开市场 Open marketオプション选择权 Optionsクリーンテクノロジー清洁技术 clean technologyクロスボーダーM&A跨国并购 cross-border M&Aコモディティー・スワップ商品交换 Commodity swapサブプライムローン次级贷款,次贷 subprime loanサブプライムローン次级按揭 subprime lendingサブプライム住宅ローン次级抵押贷款 subprime mortgage loanシステミックリスク系统性风险次世代エネルギー新能源 next-generation energyスタグフレーション停滞性膨胀 Stagflationスタグフレーション滞胀(停滞性通货膨胀) Stagflationストックオプション股票期权スワップ・ポイント换汇点 Swap pointソフト・ローン软性贷款 Soft loanターンアラウンド・ファンド重振资本基金 Turnaround Fundダウジョーンズ道琼斯ディーラー市場经纪商市场 Dealer marketデフレ通货紧缩 deflationデフレスパイラル通货紧缩的恶性循环ナスダック纳斯达克年金基金养老金基金 pension fund発展資本发展资本 development capitalファミリービジネス系投資会社家族投资机构フィナンシャル・グループ金融集团 Financial groupフェデラルファンド・マーケット联邦资金市场 Federal funds marketフォックスコン富士康不動産投資不动产投资 real-estate investmentブリッジファイナンス、つなぎ融資过桥融资 bridge finance不良債権不良债权 distressed debtヘッジファンド对冲基金 hedge fundホット・マネー热钱 Hot moneyマネー・ロンダリング、不正資金の浄化洗钱 Money launderingメザニンキャピタル夹层资本 Mezzanine Capitalラオックス乐购思レーガノミックス供给面经济学、里根经济学レナウン瑞纳レバレッジド・バイアウト杠杆收购 leveraged buyout,LBOレバレッジ比率杠杆率異業種連合异业结合,异业联盟 CROSS-INDUSTRY ALLIANCE企業買収ファンド并购基金 buyout/buyin fund機会コスト机会成本 Opportunity cost起債市場、発行市場、生産者市場初级市场,新发行市场 Primary market金融監督機能金融监督管理功能金融建て直し基金金融重建基金 financial reconstruction fund金融市場、マネー・マーケット货币市场 Money market金融持ち株会社金融控股公司 financial holding company金融派生商品、デリバティブ衍生性金融商品 Derivative,Derivative financial instrumentsDerivative products銀行引受手形市場银行承兑汇票市场 Banker's acceptance market限界効用边际效用 Marginal utility顧客市場、場外市場议商市场 Negotiated market公定歩合操作、割引率政策重贴现率政策 Discount rate policy国債市場国库券市场 Treasury market財政てこ入れ财务扛杆操作 financial stimulation財政難财务困境 financial difficulties山東如意山东如意資産収益率资产报酬率 ROA、Return on asset資本市場、キャピタル・マーケット资本市场 Capital market自己資本収益率净值报酬率 ROE、Return on equity準備金准备金 Reserves純資産価値净资产价值 Net asset value消費者余剰消费者剩余 Consumer surplus上海富客斯実業(フォックスタウン)富客斯实业譲渡可能預金証書(NCD) 可转让定期存单(NCD) Negotiable certificate deposit 信用の質授信品质 Credit quality信用割当信用分配 Credit rationing信用限度額信用限度 Credit line信用組合信用合作社 Credit association union生産者余剰生产者剩余 Producer surplus先物期货 Futures選択的信用統制选择性信用管制 Selective credit control蘇寧電器苏宁电器第二次市場、セコハン市場、流通市場次级市场,流通市场 Secondary market特別交換レート協定特别汇兑协定 Special exchange rate agreement表面利率票面利率 Coupon rate不良貸付、焦げ付き融資逾期放款 Non-performing loans不良貸付の解消打销呆帐変動為替相場浮动汇率 Floating exchange rate連邦預金保険会社、FDIC 美国联邦存款保险公司 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation補遺リーマンショック雷曼兄弟破产投資ポートフォリオ投资组合グロースキャピタル成长资本 growth capitalシード种子期 seedスタートアップ起步期、导入期アーリー早期グロース成长期レイター成熟期スイートマネーベンチャーエンジェル創業天使キャッシュフロー现金流转、现金流动量IPO 上市Pre-IPO 上市前シンジケートローン辛迪加贷款、银团贷款ストラクチャードファイナンス结构性融资 Structured Financeバイアウト并购投资buy outメザニン/ブリッジ投资过渡期ミドルバイアウトファンド中间市场的基金middle market capital fund デューディリジェンス尽职调查。







泰国货币泰铢(Baht )开始遭到大量抛压。





7月2日,泰国政府突然宣布泰铢实行浮动汇率制,并同时提高泰铢利率,从10. 5%上调到12. 5%,提高2个百分点。







1997年7月14日,泰国估计当年的GDP增长率将从7.1%下降到4. 6%,外汇储备宣布降到320亿美元。

7月18日,泰国政府再次提高利率,从12. 5%上调到l4%。


到7月26日,泰株已跌到1美元兑31. 6泰铢。



1997 Asian financial crisis(1997年亚洲经济危机)

1997 Asian financial crisis(1997年亚洲经济危机)

Internal factors
• 1.Overdraft economic growth and the expansion of non-performing assets. • 2.The market system is immature. • 3.Defect of "export substitution" model.
The second stage: The financial crisis continues to deepen
• In early 1998, Indonesia's financial crisis resurfaced. • On February 11, 1998, the Indonesian government announced that the rupiah would maintain a fixed exchange rate with the U.S. dollar to stabilize the rupiah. • On February 16, 1998, the rupiah fell below 10, 000 against the dollar. • The financial crisis in southeast Asia, which broke out in 1997, has left Japan's economy in a tight spot.
• Outside Asia: • After the Asian crisis, international investors were reluctant to lend to developing countries, leading to economic slowdowns in developing countries in many parts of the world. • The reduction in oil revenue also contributed to the 1998 Russian financial crisis. • Many nations learned from this, and quickly built up foreign exchange reserves as a hedge against attacks, including Japan, China, South Korea.



口译分类词汇:改革开放与经济建设常用词(1)经济波动economic fluctuation经济复苏economic recovery经济杠杆economic levers经济平衡economic balance经济趋势economic trend经济渠道economic channels经济全球化economic globalization经济失调指数misery index经济衰退economic depression经济腾飞economic take-off /boom经济弊病economic ills经济带economic belts经济发展的良好势头a good momentum of economic growth经济杠杆作用economic leverage经济结构战略性调整strategic adjustment of the economic structure 经济全球化economic globalization经济特区special economic zones(SEZ)经济文化交流economic and cultural exchanges经济效益好good economic returns经济增长economic growth经济总量economic aggregate可持续发展sustainable development跨越式发展leapfrog development扩大内需expand domestic demand繁荣与稳定prosperity and stability拉动经济增长fuel economic growth劳动力labor劳务输出export of labor services两岸经济合作cross-straits economic cooperation民营科技企业non-public scientific and technological enterprises南北差距the north-south gap农村富余劳动力surplus rural labor农业的市场竞争力competitiveness of agriculture in the market泡沫经济bubble economy贫富悬殊income disparity瓶颈制约bottleneck restrictions取得领先地位assume leadership取缔非法收入outlaw illegal gains社会经济稳定social and economic stability社会就业比较充分a higher rate of employment社会生产落后the backwardness of social production社会主义市场经济socialist market economy社会主义现代化建设socialist modernization深化国有企业改革to deepen SOE(state-owned enterprises)reform 生活富裕an affluent life世界经济波动world economic fluctuations市场经济秩序the order of the market economy市政工程municipal works; public works外商直接投资foreign direct investment外向型经济outward-looking economy外资企业overseas-funded enterprises; foreign-funded company完善的社会主义市场经济体制full-fledged socialist market economy 温饱having only adequate food and clothing稳定物价stabilize prices稳健的货币政策the sound monetary policy西部大开发the large-scale development of China’s western region下岗失业人员再就业reemploy laid-off workers消费需求的不足insufficient consumer spending消费者权益日International Day for Consumers’ Rights and Interests 国际交流和合作international exchanges and cooperation新的经济增长点new growth areas in the economy需求疲软weak demand亚洲金融危机the Asian financial crisis衣食住用行food, clothing, housing, transport and daily necessities优化消费结构optimize the consumption structure招商inviting tenders; leasing振兴装备制造业revival of the equipment manufacturing industry政府资助项目government-sponsored programs资源优化配置optimize resource allocation自负盈亏responsible for one’s own profits and losses自给自足autarky自由贸易free trade自由贸易区free trade zone自由职业人员free-lance professionals重点项目key project国家重点工程national key projects南水北调South-to-North water diversion西电东送West-East electricity transmission project西气东输West-East natural gas transmission project发展不平衡disparate development发展民族经济develop the national economy发展是硬道理Development is of overriding importance ./ Development is the absolute need翻两番quadruple放宽经营条件限制relax business restrictions扶贫helping the poor改善投资环境improve the investment environment管制经济controlled economy规模经济economy of scale国产化率import substitution rate ;localization rate of parts and国民生产总值gross national product (GNP)国内生产总值gorss domestic product (GDP)合理引导消费guide rational consumption宏观调控macro-control混合经济mixed economy基本国情fundamental realities of the country积极的财政政策proactive fiscal policy实现零的突破achieve the zero breakthrough实用,有效,廉价,方便practical ,efficient ,economical and convenient for use市政当局municipality适度从紧的财政政策moderately tight fiscal policy私营成分,私营部门private sector停滞;萧条stagnation通货紧缩deflation (of currency )统筹安排comprehensive arrangement统一市场single market托管制度trusteeship网络经济cybereconomy伪劣商品赔还法lemon law温饱工程project for adequate food and clothing效益农业profitable agriculture新兴经济emerging economies养老金pension以经济建设为中心focusing on the central task of economic construction以质量求生存,求发展,求效益strive for survival ,development and efficiency on the basis of quality优化结构和提高效益optimized structure and better economic returns 优税待遇preferential taxation treatment有中国特色的社会主义市场经济体制socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics与国际市场接轨integrate with the world market ;become integrated into the global market中国经济景气检测中心China Economic Monitoring Center中国新经济峰会China New Economy Summit主体经济the mainstay of the economy专属经济区exclusive economic zone追赶型和跨越式发展pursuant and leap-forward development资源配置the distribution / allocation of resources自由经济liberal economy政治经济学political economy按劳分配distribution according to one’s performance摆脱贫穷和落后shaking off poverty and backwardness保持国民经济持续,快速,健康发展maintain sustained ,rapid and sound development of the national economy 保持国民经济发展的良好势头maintain a good momentum of growth in the national economy边际报酬marginal return变相涨价disguised price hikes不正之风bad/harmful practice ;unhealthy tendency财政经济状况financial and economic conditions财政收支平衡fiscal balance(产品)分销sub-underwriting ;distribution草根农业grass-roots industry产粮大省granary province朝阳产业sunrise industry传销multi-level marketing ;pyramid selling打假crack down on counterfeit goods弹性工资flexible pay等外品off-grade goods ;rejects第一产业primary industury第二产业secondary industry第三产业tertiary industry恶性通货膨胀hyperinflation恶性循环vicious circle二次创业start a new undertaking浮动工资floating wages ;fluctuating wages高科技板块high-tech sector根本好转fundamental turn for the better工薪阶层salariat ;state employee ;salaried person 公司分立与解散separation and dissolution of a company国家利益interest of the state红包(中)red envelope containing money as a gift ;(贬)bribe ;双边和多边经济合作bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation 跳蚤市场flea market奔小康strive for relatively comfortable life博鳌亚洲论坛Boao Forum for Asia不良贷款bad loans产品本土化product localization产业不景气industrial depression产业的升级换代upgrading of industries产业格局industrial pattern产业结构升级upgrading of an industrial structure城市经济学urban economics城乡居民收入income of urban and rural residents城镇化urbanization城镇居民可支配收入urban per capita disposable income持续快速健康发展sustained, rapid and sound development充足的发展空间ample room for development重复生产duplication of production传统产业traditional industries创业机制business mechanism刺激经济活动stimulate economic activities刺激有效需求stimulate effective demand促进全球经济一体化foster integration with the global economy大幅度跃升rise by a big margin大开发the large-scale development带动经济增长spur economic growth独资公司exclusively-funded venture翻两番quadruple非公有制经济non-public sectors of the economy风险资金venture capital国民经济的支柱pillar of the national economy国民经济命脉the lifeline of the national economy国有经济的布局和结构layout and structure of the state sector国有企业state-owned enterprises (SOE)国有企业改革和发展the reform and development of state-owned enterprises 合法经营lawful business operations基础设施infrastructure节约的,经济的economical。


美国次贷危机(subprime crisis)又称次级房贷危机,也译为次债危机。它是指一场发生在美国,因次级抵押贷款机构破产、投资基金被迫关闭、股市剧烈震荡引起的金融风暴。



信贷基本词汇英汉对照1. 2M method 2M法2. 3M method 3M法1.2. Accounting convention 会计惯例3. Accounting for acquisitions 购并的会计处理4. Accounting for debtors 应收账款核算5. Accounting for depreciation 折旧核算6. Accounting for foreign currencies 外汇核算7. Accounting for goodwill 商誉核算8. Accounting for stocks 存货核算9. Accounting policies 会计政策10. Accounting standards 会计准则11. Accruals concept 权责发生原则12. Achieving credit control 实现信用控制13. Acid test ratio 酸性测试比率14. Actual cash flow 实际现金流量15. Adjusting company profits 企业利润调整16. Advance payment guarantee 提前偿还保金17. Adverse trading 不利交易18. Advertising budget 广告预算19. Advising bank 通告银行20. Age analysis 账龄分析21. Aged debtors analysis 逾期账款分析22. Aged debtors'exception report 逾期应收款的特殊报告23. Aged debtors'exception report 逾期账款特别报告24. Aged debtors'report 逾期应收款报告25. Aged debtors'report 逾期账款报告26. All—monies clause 全额支付条款27. Amortization 摊销28. Analytical questionnaire 调查表分析29. Analytical skills 分析技巧30. Analyzing financial risk 财务风险分析31. Analyzing financial statements 财务报表分析32. Analyzing liquidity 流动性分析33. Analyzing profitability 盈利能力分析34. Analyzing working capital 营运资本分析35. Annual expenditure 年度支出36. Anticipating future income 预估未来收入37. Areas of financial ratios 财务比率分析的对象38. Articles of incorporation 合并条款39. Asian crisis 亚洲(金融)危机40. Assessing companies 企业评估41. Assessing country risk 国家风险评估42. Assessing credit risks 信用风险评估43. Assessing strategic power 战略地位评估44. Assessment of banks 银行的评估45. Asset conversion lending 资产转换贷款46. Asset protection lending 资产担保贷款47. Asset sale 资产出售48. Asset turnover 资产周转率49. Assets 资产50. Association of British Factors and Discounters 英国代理人与贴现商协会51. Auditor's report 审计报告52. Aval 物权担保1.2. Bad debt level 坏账等级3. Bad debt risk 坏账风险4. Bad debts performance 坏账发生情况5. Bad loans 坏账6. Balance sheet 资产负债表7. Balance sheet structure 资产负债表结构8. Bank credit 银行信贷9. Bank failures 银行破产10. Bank loans.availability 银行贷款的可获得性11. Bank status reports 银行状况报告12. Bankruptcy 破产13. Bankruptcy code 破产法14. Bankruptcy petition 破产申请书15. Basle agreement 塞尔协议16. Basle Agreement 《巴塞尔协议》17. Behavorial scoring 行为评分18. Bill of exchange 汇票19. Bill of lading 提单20. BIS 国际清算银行21. BIS agreement 国际清算银行协定22. Blue chip 蓝筹股23. Bonds 债券24. Book receivables 账面应收账款25. Borrowing money 借人资金26. Borrowing proposition 借款申请27. Breakthrough products 创新产品28. Budgets 预算29. Building company profiles 勾画企业轮廓30. Bureaux (信用咨询)公司31. Business development loan 商业开发贷款32. Business failure 破产33. Business plan 经营计划34. Business risk 经营风险35. Buyer credits 买方信贷36. Buyer power 购买方力量37. Buyer risks 买方风险1.2. Canons of lending 贷款原则3. Capex 资本支出4. Capital adequacy 资本充足性5. Capital adequacy rules 资本充足性原则6. Capital commitments 资本承付款项7. Capital expenditure 资本支出8. Capital funding 资本融资9. Capital investment 资本投资10. Capital strength 资本实力11. Capital structure 资本结构12. Capitalization of interest 利息资本化13. Capitalizing development costs 研发费用资本化14. Capitalizing development expenditures 研发费用资本化15. Capitalizing interest costs 利息成本资本化16. Cascade effect 瀑布效应17. Cash assets 现金资产18. Cash collection targets 现金托收目标19. Cash cycle 现金循环周期20. Cash cycle ratios 现金循环周期比率21. Cash cycle times 现金循环周期时间22. Cash deposit 现金储蓄23. Cash flow adjustments 现金流调整24. Cash flow analysis 现金流量分析25. Cash flow crisis 现金流危机26. Cash flow cycle 现金流量周期27. Cash flow forecasts 现金流量预测28. Cash flow lending 现金流贷出29. Cash flow profile 现金流概况30. Cash flow projections 现金流预测31. Cash flow statements 现金流量表32. Cash flows 现金流量33. Cash position 现金头寸34. Cash positive JE 现金流量35. Cash rich companies 现金充足的企业36. Cash surplus 现金盈余37. Cash tank 现金水槽38. Cash-in-advance 预付现金39. Categorized cash flow 现金流量分类40. CE 优质贷款原则41. CEO 首席执行官42. Chairman 董事长,总裁43. Chapter 11 rules 第十一章条款44. Charge 抵押45. Charged assets 抵押资产46. Chief executive officer 首席执行官47. Collateral security 抵押证券48. Collecting payments 收取付款49. Collection activitv 收款活动50. Collection cycle 收款环节51. Collection procedures 收款程序52. Collective credit risks 集合信用风险53. Comfortable liquidity positi9n 适当的流动性水平54. Commercial mortgage 商业抵押55. Commercial paper 商业票据56. Commission 佣金57. Commitment fees 承诺费58. Common stock 普通股59. Common stockholders 普通股股东60. Company and its industry 企业与所处行业61. Company assets 企业资产62. Company liabilities 企业负债63. Company loans 企业借款64. Competitive advantage 竞争优势65. Competitive forces 竞争力66. Competitive products 竞争产品67. Complaint procedures 申诉程序68. Computerized credit information 计算机化信用信息69. Computerized diaries 计算机化日志70. Confirmed letter of credit 承兑信用证71. Confirmed letters of credit 保兑信用证72. Confirming bank 确认银行73. Conservatism concept 谨慎原则74. Consistency concept 一贯性原则75. Consolidated accounts 合并报表76. Consolidated balance sheets 合并资产负债表77. Contingent liabilities 或有负债78. Continuing security clause 连续抵押条款79. Contractual payments 合同规定支出80. Control limits 控制限度81. Control of credit activities 信用活动控制82. Controlling credit 控制信贷83. Controlling credit risk 控制信用风险84. Corporate credit analysis 企业信用分析85. Corporate credit controller 企业信用控制人员86. Corporate credit risk analysis 企业信用风险分析87. Corporate customer 企业客户88. Corporate failure prediction models 企业破产预测模型89. Corporate lending 企业贷款90. Cost leadership 成本领先型91. Cost of sales 销售成本92. Costs 成本93. Country limit 国家限额94. Country risk 国家风险95. Court judgments 法院判决96. Covenant 贷款保证契约97. Covenants 保证契约98. Creative accounting 寻机性会计99. Credit analysis 信用分析100. C redit analysis of customers 客户信用分析101. C redit analysis of suppliers 供应商的信用分析102. C redit analysis on banks 银行信用分析103. C redit analysts 信用分析104. C redit assessment 信用评估105. C redit bureau reports 信用咨询公司报告106. C redit bureaux 信用机构107. C redit control 信贷控制108. C redit control activities 信贷控制活动109. C redit control performance reports 信贷控制绩效报告110. C redit controllers 信贷控制人员111. C redit cycle 信用循环112. C redit decisions 信贷决策113. C redit deterioration 信用恶化114. C redit exposure 信用敞口115. C redit granting process 授信程序116. C redit information 信用信息117. C redit information agency 信用信息机构118. C redit insurance 信贷保险119. C redit insurance advantages 信贷保险的优势120. C redit insurance brokers 信贷保险经纪人121. C redit insurance limitations 信贷保险的局限122. C redit limits 信贷限额123. C redit limits for currency blocs 货币集团国家信贷限额124. C redit limits for individual countries 国家信贷限额125. C redit management 信贷管理126. C redit managers 信贷经理127. C redit monitoring 信贷监控128. C redit notes 欠款单据129. C redit period 信用期130. C redit planning 信用计划131. C redit policy 信用政策132. C redit policy issues 信用政策发布133. C redit proposals 信用申请134. C redit protection 信贷保护135. C redit quality 信贷质量136. C redit rating 信用评级137. C redit rating agencies 信用评级机构138. C redit rating process 信用评级程序139. C redit rating system 信用评级系统140. C redit reference 信用咨询141. C redit reference agencies 信用评级机构142. C redit risk 信用风险143. C redit risk assessment 信用风险评估144. C redit risk exposure 信用风险敞口145. C redit risk insurance 信用风险保险146. C redit risk.individual customers 个体信用风险147. C redit risk:bank credit 信用风险:银行信用148. C redit risk:trade credit 信用风险:商业信用149. C redit scoring 信用风险评分150. C redit scoring model 信用评分模型151. C redit scoring system 信用评分系统152. C redit squeeze 信贷压缩153. C redit taken ratio 受信比率154. C redit terms 信贷条款155. C redit utilization reports 信贷利用报告156. C redit vetting 信用审查157. C redit watch 信用观察158. C redit worthiness 信誉159. C reditor days 应付账款天数160. C ross-default clause 交叉违约条款161. C urrency risk 货币风险162. C urrent assets 流动资产163. C urrent debts 流动负债164. C urrent ratio requirement 流动比率要求165. C urrent ratios 流动比率166. C ustomer care 客户关注167. C ustomer credit ratings 客户信用评级168. C ustomer liaison 客户联络169. C ustomer risks 客户风险170. C ut-off scores 及格线171. C ycle of credit monitoring 信用监督循环172. C yclical business 周期性行业1.2. Day’s sales outstanding 收回应收账款的平均天数3. Debentures 债券4. Debt capital 债务资本5. Debt collection agency 债务托收机构6. Debt issuer 债券发行人7. Debt protection levels 债券保护级别8. Debt ratio 负债比率9. Debt securities 债券10. Debt service ratio 还债率11. Debtor days 应收账款天数12. Debtor's assets 债权人的资产13. Default 违约14. Deferred payments 延期付款15. Definition of leverage 财务杠杆率定义16. Deposit limits 储蓄限额17. Depositing money 储蓄资金18. Depreciation 折旧19. Depreciation policies 折旧政策20. Development budget 研发预算21. Differentiation 差别化22. Direct loss 直接损失23. Directors salaries 董事薪酬24. Discretionary cash flows 自决性现金流量25. Discretionary outflows 自决性现金流出26. Distribution costs 分销成本27. Dividend cover 股息保障倍数28. Dividend payout ratio 股息支付率29. Dividends 股利30. Documentary credit 跟单信用证31. DSO 应收账款的平均回收期32. Duration of credit risk 信用风险期1.2. EBITDA 扣除利息、税收、折旧和摊销之前的收益3. ECGD 出口信贷担保局4. Economic conditions 经济环境5. Economic cycles 经济周期6. Economic depression 经济萧条7. Economic growth 经济增长8. Economic risk 经济风险9. Electronic data interchange(EDI) 电子数据交换10. Environmental factors 环境因素11. Equity capital 权益资本12. Equity finance 权益融资13. Equity stake 股权14. EU countries 欧盟国家15. EU directives 欧盟法规16. EUlaw 欧盟法律17. Eurobonds 欧洲债券18. European parliament 欧洲议会19. European Union 欧盟20. Evergreen loan 常年贷款21. Exceptional item 例外项目22. Excessive capital commitments 过多的资本承付款项23. Exchange controls 外汇管制24. Exchange-control regulations 外汇管制条例25. Exhaust method 排空法26. Existing competitors 现有竞争对手27. Existing debt 未清偿债务28. Export credit agencies 出口信贷代理机构29. Export credit insurance 出口信贷保险30. Export factoring 出口代理31. Export sales 出口额32. Exports Credit Guarantee Department 出口信贷担保局33. Extending credit 信贷展期34. External agency 外部机构35. External assessment methods 外部评估方式36. External assessments 外部评估37. External information sources 外部信息来源38. Extraordinary items 非经常性项目39. Extras 附加条件1.2. Factoring 代理3. Factoring debts 代理收账4. Factoring discounting 代理折扣5. Factors Chain International 国际代理连锁6. Failure prediction scores 财务恶化预测分值7. FASB (美国)财务会计准则委员会8. Faulty credit analysis 破产信用分析9. Fees 费用10. Finance,new business ventures 为新兴业务融资11. Finance,repay existing debt 为偿还现有债务融资12. Finance,working capital 为营运资金融资13. Financial assessment 财务评估14. Financial cash flows 融资性现金流量15. Financial collapse 财务危机16. Financial flexibility 财务弹性17. Financial forecast 财务预测18. Financial instability 财务的不稳定性19. Financial rating analysis 财务评级分析20. Financial ratios 财务比率21. Financial risk 财务风险22. Financial risk ratios 财务风险比率23. Fitch IBCA 惠誉评级24. Fitch IBCA ratings 惠誉评级25. Fixed assets 固定资产26. Fixed charge 固定费用27. Fixed charge cover 固定费用保障倍数28. Fixed costs 固定成本29. Floating assets 浮动资产30. Floating charge 浮动抵押31. Floor planning 底价协议32. Focus 聚焦33. Forced sale risk 强制出售风险34. Foreign exchange markets 外汇市场35. Forfaiting 福费廷36. Formal credit rating 正式信用评级37. Forward rate agreements 远期利率协议38. FRAs 远期利率协议39. Fund managers 基金经理40. FX transaction 外汇交易1.2. Gearing 财务杠杆率3. Geographical spread of markets 市场的地理扩展4. Global target 全球目标5. Going concern concept 持续经营原则6. Good lending 优质贷款7. Good times 良好时期8. Government agencies 政府机构9. Government interference 政府干预10. Gross income 总收入11. Guarantee of payment 支付担保12. Guaranteed loans 担保贷款13. Guarantees 担保1.2. High credit risks 高信贷风险3. High default risk 高违约风险4. High interest rates 高利率5. High risk regions 高风险区域6. Highly speculative 高度投机7. High-risk loan 高风险贷款8. High-value loan 高价值贷款9. Historical accounting 历史会计处理10. Historical cost 历史成本1.2. IASC 国际会计准则委员会3. IBTT 息税前利润4. ICE 优质贷款原则5. Idealliquidity ratios 理想的流动性比率6. Implied debt rating 隐含债务评级7. Importance of credit control 信贷控制的重要性8. Improved products 改进的产品I9. Improving reported asset values 改善资产账面价值10. In house assessment 内部评估11. In house credit analysis 内部信用分析12. In house credit assessments 内部信用评估13. In house credit ratings 内部信用评级14. Income bonds 收入债券15. Income statement 损益表16. Increasing profits 提高利润17. Increasing reported profits 提高账面利润18. Indemnity clause 赔偿条款19. Indicators of credit deterioration 信用恶化征兆20. Indirect loss 间接损失21. Individual credit transactions 个人信用交易22. Individual rating 个体评级23. Industrial reports 行业报告24. Industrial unrest 行业动荡25. Industry limit 行业限额26. Industry risk 行业风险27. Industry risk analysis 行业风险分析28. Inflow 现金流入29. Information in financial statements 财务报表中的信息30. In-house credit ratings 内部信用评级31. Initial payment 初始支付32. Insolvencies 破产33. Institutional investors 机构投资者34. Insured debt 投保债务35. Intangible fixed asset 无形固定资产36. Inter-company comparisons 企业间比较37. Inter-company loans 企业间借款38. Interest 利息39. Interest cost 利息成本40. Interest cover ratio 利息保障倍数41. Interest cover test 利息保障倍数测试42. Interest holiday 免息期43. Interest payments 利息支付44. Interest rates 利率45. Interim statements 中报(中期报表)46. Internal assessment methods 内部评估方法47. Internal financing ratio 内部融资率48. Internal Revenue Service 美国国税局49. International Accounting Standards Committee 国际会计准则委员会50. International Accounting Standards(IAS) 国际会计准则51. International Chamber of Commerce 国际商会52. International credit ratings 国际信用评级53. International Factoring Association 国际代理商协会54. International settlements 国际结算55. Inventory 存货56. Inverse of current ratio 反转流动比率57. Investment analysts 投资分析人员58. Investment policy 投资政策59. Investment risk 投资风险60. Investment spending 投资支出61. Invoice discounting 发票贴现62. Issue of bonds 债券的发行63. Issued debt capital 发行债务资本1.2. Just-in-time system(JIT) 适时系统1.1.2. Large.scale borrower 大额借贷者3. Legal guarantee 法律担保4. Legal insolvency 法律破产5. Lending agreements 贷款合约6. Lending covenants 贷款保证契约7. Lending decisions 贷款决策8. Lending proposals 贷款申请9. Lending proposition 贷款申请10. Lending transactions 贷款交易11. Letters of credit 信用证12. Leverage 财务杠杆率13. LIBOR 伦敦同业拆借利率14. Lien 留置15. Liquid assets 速动资产16. Liquidation 清算17. Liquidation expenses 清算费18. Liquidity 流动性19. Liquidity and working capital 流动性与营运资金20. Liquidity ratios 流动比率21. Liquidity run 流动性危机22. Liquidity shortage 流动性短缺23. Loan covenants 贷款合约24. Loan guarantees 贷款担保25. Loan principal 贷款本金26. Loan principal repayments 贷款本金偿还27. Loan review 贷款审查28. London Inter-bank Offered Rate 伦敦同业拆借利率29. Long’term debt 长期负债30. Long-term funding 长期融资31. Long-term risk 长期风险1.2. Marginal lending 边际贷款3. Marginal trade credit 边际交易信贷4. Market surveys 市场调查5. Marketing 市场营销6. Markets 市场7. Matching concept 配比原则8. Material adverse-change clause 重大不利变动条款9. Maximum leverage level 最高财务杠杆率限制10. Measurement and judgment 计量与判断11. Measuring risk 风险计量12. Medium-term loan 中期贷款13. Microcomputer modelling 计算机建模14. Minimum current ratio requirement 最低流动比率要求15. Minimum leverage ratio 最低举债比率16. Minimum net worth 最低净值17. Minimum net-worth requirement 最低净值要求18. Minimum risk asset ratio 最低风险资产比率19. Monitoring activity 监管活动20. Monitoring credit 信用监控21. Monitoring customer credit limits 监管客户信贷限额22. Monitoring risks 监管风险23. Monitoring total credit limits 监管全部信贷限额24. Monthly reports 月报25. Moody's debt rating 穆迪债券评级26. Mortgage 抵押27. mpr’oving balance sheet改善资产负债表28. Multiple discriminate analysis 多元分析1.2. NCI 无信贷间隔天数3. Near-cash assets 近似于现金的资产4. Negative cash flow 负现金流量5. Negative net cash flow 负净现金流量6. Negative operational cash flows 负的经营性现金流量7. Negative pledge 限制抵押8. Net book value 净账面价值9. Net cash flow 净现金流量10. Net worth test 净值测试11. New entrants 新的市场进人者12. No credit interval 无信贷间隔天数13. Non-cash items 非现金项目14. Non-core business 非核心业务15. Non-operational items 非经营性项目1.2. One-man rule 一人原则3. Open account terms 无担保条款4. Operating leases 经营租赁5. Operating profit 营业利润6. Operational cash flow 营性现金流量7. Operational flexibility ~ 营弹性8. Optimal credit 最佳信贷9. Order cycle 订货环节10. Ordinary dividend payments 普通股股利支付11. Organization of credit activities 信贷活动的组织12. Overdue payments 逾期支付13. Over-trading 过度交易14. Overview of accounts 财务报表概览·1.2. PAT 税后利润3. Payment in advance 提前付款4. Payment obligations 付款义务5. Payment records 付款记录6. Payment score 还款评分7. PBIT 息税前利润8. PBT 息后税前利润9. Percentage change 百分比变动10. Performance bonds 履约保证11. Personal guarantees 个人担保12. Planning systems 计划系统13. Pledge 典押14. Points-scoring system 评分系统15. Policy setting 政策制定16. Political risk 政治风险17. Potential bad debt 潜在坏账18. Potential credit risk 潜在信用风险19. Potential value 潜在价值20. Predicting corporate failures 企业破产预测21. Preference dividends 优先股股息22. Preferred stockholders 优先股股东23. Preliminary assessment 预备评估24. Premiums 溢价25. Primary ratios 基础比率26. Prior charge capital 优先偿付资本27. Priority cash flows 优先性现金流量28. Priority for creditors 债权人的清偿顺序29. Priority payments 优先支付30. Product life cycle 产品生命周期31. Product market analysis 产品市场分析32. Product range 产品范围33. Products 产品34. Professional fees 专业费用35. Profit 利润36. Profit and loss account 损益账户37. Profit margin 利润率38. Profitability 盈利能力39. Profitability management 盈利能力管理40. Profitability ratios 盈利能力比率41. Promissory notes 本票42. Property values 所有权价值43. Providers of credit 授信者44. Provision accounting 准备金会计处理45. Prudence concept 谨慎原则46. Public information 公共信息47. Public relations 公共关系48. Purpose of credit ratings 信用评级的目的49. Purpose of ratios 计算比率的目的50. Qualitative covenants 定性条款51. Quantitative covenants 定量条款52. Query control 质疑控制53. Quick ratio 速动比率1.2. Rating process for a company 企业评级程序3. Ratio analysis 比率分析4. Ratio analyst weaknesses ~L 率分析的缺陷5. Real insolvency 真实破产6. Real sales growth 实际销售收入增长率7. Realization concept 实现原则8. Receivables 应收账款9. Recession 衰退10. Reducing debtors 冲减应收账款11. Reducing profits 冲减利润12. Reducing provisions 冲减准备金13. Reducing reported profits 冲减账面利润14. Reducing stocks 减少存货15. Registrar of Companies 企业监管局16. Regulatory risk 监管风险17. Releasing provisions 冲回准备金18. Relocation expenses 费用再分配19. Reminder letters 催缴单20. Repayment on demand clause 即期偿还条款21. Replacement of principal 偿还本金22. Report of chairman 总裁/董事长报告23. Reserve accounting 准备金核算24. Residual cash flows 剩余现金流量25. Restricting bad debts 限制坏账26. Restrictions on secured borrowing 担保借款限制27. Retention-of-title clauses 所有权保留条款28. Revenues 总收入29. Risk analysis reports 风险分析报告30. Risk and banks 风险与银行31. Risk and companies 风险与企业32. Risk and Return 风险与回报33. Risk capital 风险资本34. Risk-reward 风险回报35. Risk-weighted assets 风险加权资产36. ROCE 资本收益率37. Romapla clauses “一手交钱一手交货”条款1.2. Secondary ratios 分解比率3. Secure methods of payment 付款的担保方式4. Secured assets 担保资产5. Secured creditors 有担保债权人6. Secured loans 担保贷款7. Securities and Exchange Commission (美国)证券交易委员会8. Security guarantees 抵押担保9. Security of payment 付款担保10. Security general principles 担保的一般原则11. Segmentation 细分12. Setting and policing credit limits 信用限额的设定与政策制定13. Settlement discount (提前)结算折扣14. Settlement terms 结算条款15. Share price 股价16. Short-term borrowing 短期借款17. Short-term creditors 短期负债18. Short-term liabilities 短期债务19. Short-termism 短期化20. SIC 常务诠释委员会21. Significance of working capital 营运资金的重要性22. Single credit customer 单一信用客户23. Single ratio analysis 单一比率分析24. Size of credit risk 信用风险的大小25. Slow stock turnover 较低的存货周转率26. Sources of assessments 评估信息来源27. Sources of credit information 信用信息来源28. Sources of risk 风险来源29. Sovereign rating 主权评级30. Specialist agencies 专业机构31. Specific debt issue 特别债券发行32. Speculative 投机性33. Speculative grades 投机性评级34. Split rating 分割评级35. Spot rate 现价(即期比率)36. Spreadsheets 电子数据表37. Staff redundancies 员工遣散费38. Standard and Poor 标准普尔39. Standard security clauses 标准担保条款40. Standard&Poor's 标准普尔41. Standby credits 备用信用证42. Standing Interpretations Committee 证券交易委员会43. Standing starting credit limits 持续更新信用限额44. Statistical analysis 统计分析45. Statistical techniques 统计技巧46. Status reports (企业)状况报告47. Stock valuations 存货核算48. Stocks 股票49. Straight line depreciation method 直线折旧法50. Strategic positioning 战略定位51. Suplus assets 盈余资产52. Suplus rating 盈余评级53. Supplier power 供应商的力量54. Supply chain 供应链55. Support rating 支持评级56. Swap agreement 换合约57. Swaps 互换58. SWOT analysis SWOT分析59. Symptoms of failure questionnaires 企业破产征兆调查表1.2. Tax payments 税务支付3. Technical insolvency 技术破产4. Technology and change 技术进步5. Term loan 定期贷款6. Term of borrowing 借款期限7. Third party guarantees 第三方担保8. Tier 1 capital 一类资本9. Tier 2 capital 二类资本10. Total credit limit 整体信用限额11. Total current assets 流动资产总额12. Trade companies 贸易企业13. Trade credit 商业信用14. Trade creditors 应付账款15. Trade cycle 商业循环16. Trade cycle times 商业循环周期17. Trade debt 应收账款18. Trade debtors 贸易债权人19. Trade Indemnity 贸易赔偿20. Trade references 贸易参考21. Trade-off 协定22. Trading outlook 交易概况23. Trading profit 营业利润24. Traditional cash flow 传统现金流量25. Triple A 三A1.2. Uncovered dividend 未保障的股利3. Uniform Customs&Practice 跟单信用证统一惯例4. Unpaid invoices 未付款发票5. Unsecured creditors 未担保的债权人6. Usefulness of liquidity ratios 流动性比率的作用7. Uses of cash 现金的使用8. Using bank risk information 使用银行风险信息9. Using financial assessments 使用财务评估10. Using ratios 财务比率的运用11. Using retention-of-title clauses 使用所有权保留条款1.2. Value of Z scores Z值模型的价值3. Variable costs 变动成本4. Variable interest 可变利息5. Variety of financial ratios 财务比率的种类6. Vetting procedures 审查程序7. Volatitle revenue dynamic 收益波动8. Volume of sales 销售量1.2. Working assets 营运资产3. working capital 营运资本4. Working capital changes 营运资本变化额5. Working capital management 营运资本管理6. working capitalratios 营运资本比率7. Write-downs 资产减值8. Write-offs 勾销1.2. z score models z值模型3. Z scores z值4. Z scoring Z值评分系统。





压水花技术rip entry压线(口令) Line!压轴戏grand finale; last and best item on a theatrical program鸦片战争Opium War/亚健康subhealthy亚太经合组织部长级会议AMM (APEC MinisteriaI Meeting)亚太经合组织工商咨询理事会会议ABAC Meeting (APEC Business Advisory Council Meeting)亚太经合组织经济领导人会议AELM (APEC Economic Leaders Meeting)亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议IAELM (Informal APEC Economic Leaders' Meetings)亚太经济合作组织APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)/亚洲金融危机financial crisis in Asia/亚洲开发银行ADB(Asian Development Bank )/严打措施Strike-Hard drive严打斗争Strike-Hard Operation, campaign to crack down relentlessly on criminal activities严以律己,宽以待人be strict with oneself and lenient towards others/言情小说romantic fiction; sentimental novel沿海经济开发区open coastal economic area/研究成果research results研究生毕业证/学位证graduate diploma/graduate degree's diploma研究生成绩考试(美) Graduate Record Examination (GRE)/眼前利益服从长远利益,局部利益服从整体利益,个人和集体利益服从国家利益subordinate immediate interests to long-term interests, partial interests to overall interests and the interests of individuals and collectives to those of the state/ 演绎版demo/羊肉串小摊barbecue stall阳春(最经济方式)no-frills洋务运动Westernization Movement/养老保险endowment insurance养老金pension养路费road toll侥幸球fluke摇钱树cash cow摇头丸dancing outreach药物检查dope control, drug testing野生动物园wildlife park; safari park业内人士insider业文化corporate culture业园区industrial park业主home owner液晶显示屏liquid crystal display (LCD)一次性解决问题solve the problem once and for all一次性筷子throwaway chopsticks一大二公(concerning the people's commune) large in size and collective in nature一刀切cut it even at one stroke--make it rigidly uniform; impose uniformity in all cases; allow no flexibility一帆风顺Wishing you every success/一方有难,八方支援When disaster struck, help came from all sides./一个中心,两个基本点one central task, two basic points/一国两制One country, two systems一级市场primary market一揽子(计划) one-package (plan)一揽子购买lump-sum purchase; basket purchase/一路平安,一路顺风speed somebody on their way; speed the parting guest一切向钱看money-oriented/一式两联(receipt or invoice) in duplicate一手抓物质文明,一手抓精神文明;一手抓经济建设,一手抓民主法制;一手抓改革开放,一手抓打击犯罪惩治腐败We must always work for material progress and at the same time for cultural and ethical progress; We should develop the economy and at the same time strengthen democracy and the legal system; We should promote reform and opening to the outside world and at the same time fight crime and punish corruption.一线员工worker at the production line一言既出,驷马难追A real man never goes back on his words.一支接一支不停地抽烟chain smoke伊斯兰抵抗运动,简称Hamas/医疗保险medical insurance医疗制度改革reform of the medicare system依法治国manage state affairs according to law; run state affairs according to law/移动电话双向收费two-way charges for cellular phones移动通讯mobile communication/遗传工程genetic engineering/以......为龙头with...as the leading role/以产定人,减员增效employ workers in accordance with production needs and increase efficiency while reducing the staff/以讹传讹incorrectly relay an erroneous message/以法治国,以德治国to govern the country with law and moral/以公有制为主体,多种经济成分共同发展the pattern with the public sector remaining dominant and diverse sectors of the economy developing side by side以经济建设为中心focusing on the central task of economic construction以空间换取时间trade space for time/以理服人persuade through reasoning/以谋略制胜outmaneuver以权谋私abuse of power for personal gains以人为本people oriented; people foremost以上海浦东开发开放为龙头,进一步开放长江沿岸城市open more cities along the Yangtze River, while concentrating on the development and opening of the Pudong Area of Shanghai/以身作则,廉洁奉公set a good example and perform duties honestly/以市场为导向market-oriented以眼还眼,以牙还牙an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth/以质量求发展strategy of development through quality; win the market with quality products以质量求生存、求发展、求效益strive for survival, development and efficiency on the basis of quality以资证明in witness whereof; in testimony thereof/义和团运动Boxer Uprising义务兵役制compulsory military service, conscription义务教育compulsory education义演benefit performance; charity performance/义演收入proceeds from benefit performance议案bill/异地资金汇划fund remittance between different places易爆发战争的地区war-prone areas/易拉罐pop can意大利粉spaghetti/意外风险emergency risk; unknown risk/意向书letter of intent/溢价premium溢价发行债券(以超过票面金额价发行债券) issue of bonds at a premium/薏米seed of Job's tears /因材施教teach students according to their aptitude因地制宜,合理分工,各展所长,优势互补,共同发展的原则proceed in the light of local conditions and in accordance with a rational division of labor, with all the regions exploiting their own parricular advantages for mutual benefit and development/因地制宜,因时制宜,因事制宜,因人制宜suit our measures to differing conditions in terms of locality, time, issue and persons involved/因果报应karma/因特网服务提供者Internet service provider (ISP)/音频点播AOD (audio-on-demand)银弹外交money diplomacy; dollar diplomacy; silver bullet diplomacy/银行网点bank outlets引渡extradite/引进技术introduction of foreign talents; import of foreign talents/隐形飞机stealth aircraft隐形轰炸机stealth bomber/隐形牧人invisible income; off-payroll income/隐性就业unregistered employment隐性失业recessive unemployment/隐性收入invisible income; off-payroll income; side money印花税stamp dutytax/英国文化委员会British Council of Culture英雄所见略同Great minds think alike./婴儿死亡率infant mortality rate/营销管理marketing management/营养不良malnutrition/营业税turnover tax; business tax赢利能力profitability/影子内阁shadow cabinet/应届毕业生this year's graduates应试教育examination-oriented education system硬道理absolute principle, top priority硬通货hard currency/永久正常贸易关系permanent normal trading relations (PNTR)优化结构optimize structure优化经济结构optimize the economic structure/优化资源配置optimize the allocation of resources/优化组合optimization grouping; optional regrouping优惠贷款loans on favorable terms/优胜劣汰survival of the fittest优势互补(of two countries or companies) have complementary advantages优质名牌商品famous-brand, quality products/忧患意识awareness of unexpected development; being prepared for unexpected development; being prepared for any eventualities/邮递协议Post Office Protocol (POP)犹太人定居点Jewish settlement/游乐场过山车roller coaster/游资idle moneyfund; floating capital/友好城市sister cities有法可依,有法必依,执法必严,违法必究There must be laws to go by, the laws must be observed and strictly enforced, and lawbreakers must be prosecuted./有个奔头have something to look forward to; have somehthing to expect/有机农业organic agriculture/有理,有利,有节on just grounds, to one's advantage and with restraint;with good reason, withadvantage and with restraint/有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律with lofty ideals, integrety, knowledge and a strong sense of discipline有钱能使鬼推磨Money makes the mare go. Money talks./有情人终成眷属Jack shall have Jill, all shall be well.有识之士people of vision/有望夺金者a gold medal hopeful有勇无谋use brawn rather than brain有缘千里来相会Separated as we are thousands of miles apart, we come together as if by predestination./有战斗力、有说服力、有吸引力的思想工作队伍 a contingent of militant ideological workers able to persuade and act as a magnet for others/有中国特色的社会主义民主政治a socilalist democracy with Chinese characteristics/ 有中国特色的社会主义道路road of socialism with Chinese characteristics/幼稚产业infant industries/幼稚工业infant industry/鱼米之乡a land of milk and honey/瑜迦Yoga/舆论导向direction of public opinion舆论监督supervision by public opinion与国际惯例接轨become compatible with internationally accepted practices/与国际市场接轨integrate with the world market; become integrated into the global market与民众的直接对话town hall conference/meeting /与时俱进advance with times/语音识别speech recognition/育龄妇女women of child-bearing age/预防为主,谁污染谁治理和强化环境管理三大政策three major principles for environment control: to put prevention first, to hold those who cause pollution responsible for cleaning up and to improve environmental protection and management/预期寿命life expectancy/预算外收入extra-budgetary revenue/预算外支出off-budget expenditure/域名(计算机) domain name (DN)/欲穷千里目,更上一层楼to ascend another storey to see a thousand miles further; Ascend further, were you to look farther; Would eye embrace a thousand miles? Go up, one flight.欲速则不达Haste does not bring success.鹬蚌相争,渔人得利when the snip and the calm grapple, it is the fisherman who stands to benefit; two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it冤家宜解不宜结Better make friends than make enemies./冤假错案cases in which people were unjustly, falsely or wrongly charged or sentenced; unjust, false or wrong cases元宵节Lantern Festival原产地保护protection of place of origin/原始资本original capital/原油crude oil/圆寂Parinirvana圆桌会议round-table conference/援藏干部cadres sent to support/aid Tibet缘分chemical, (as if by) predestination, be preordained to come together远程办公的员工telecommuting workers远程教育distance learning远景规划perspective long-term plan/远景计划long-term development targets远期合同forward contract跃居世界前列(产量) (output) leap into the front ranks of the world/越境污染trans-frontier pollution/晕菜numbed; dumbfounded运球dribble运载火箭carrier rocket/凯程教育:凯程考研成立于2005年,国内首家全日制集训机构考研,一直从事高端全日制辅导,由李海洋教授、张鑫教授、卢营教授、王洋教授、杨武金教授、张释然教授、索玉柱教授、方浩教授等一批高级考研教研队伍组成,为学员全程高质量授课、答疑、测试、督导、报考指导、方法指导、联系导师、复试等全方位的考研服务。



1997年金融危机(中英对照)The Asian Financial Crisis was a period of financial crisis that gripped much of Asia beginning in July 1997, and raised fears of a worldwide economic meltdown . 亚洲金融危机是从1997年7月开始的困扰许多亚洲国家的金融危机并令许多人担心起全球经济崩溃。

The crisis started in Thailand with the financial collapse of the Thai baht caused by thedecision of the Thai government to float the baht, cutting its peg to the USD, after exhaustive efforts to support it in the face of a severe financial overextension that was in part real estate driven. 这场金融危机始于泰国泰铢的倒塌是因为泰国政府做出的使泰铢浮动的决定切断其对美元的汇率来尽力维持它在面临严重的受部分房地产驱使的财政过度外延。

At the time, Thailand had acquired a burden of foreign debt that made the country effectively bankrupt even before the collapse of its currency. As the crisis spread, most of Southeast Asia and Japansaw slumping currencies, devalued stock markets and other asset prices, and a precipitous rise in private debt. 当时泰国已负担了沉重的外债甚至在其货币崩溃之前已使该国实际上已经破产。


2008 – IMF faces budget shortfall 2009 – G-20 London – members pledge (抵押)to increase
supplemental cash to $500B 2010 – members agree to shift 6% voting shares to developing
central bank run out of foreign reserves. This breaks the equilibrium(平衡) among currencies.
George Soros
Soros Fund Management (est. 1969) Advises Quantum Group of Funds(量子基金集团) “the Man Who Broke the Bank of England” Blamed for sharp devaluation of southeastern currencies If you had invested $1k in 1969, you would have $1 mil 25 years later (32% growth/yr.) In July of 1997, Soros Fund Profits doubled!
1. A government should settle its own policies to protect its economy structure.
2. Speculators seek weakness
3. The IMF: an antiquated(陈旧的) system
Q A &?!
repay the baht loans, thus making large profits Thai government used US$20 billion of foreign reserves

亚洲金融危机 组长:陈柳松

亚洲金融危机 组长:陈柳松

亚、新加坡、韩国和印度尼西亚等整个东南亚地区,最终形成了震惊世界的亚洲 金融危机。1997年7月至1998年1月,东南亚地区的货币贬值幅度达30%一50%,
新马泰日韩等国都为外向型 经济的国家。因此对世界市 场的依附很大。对泰国来说, 在国际市场上是否要买卖不 济亚 由政府来主宰,而他本身并 形洲 态国 没有足够的外汇储备量,面 家 对金融家的炒作,该国经济 的 经 不堪一击。而经济决定政治, 所以,泰国政局也就动荡了。
利美 益国 和的 政经 策济
泰国政府为本国企业、金融机构、投资者,以及国际债权人等提供了忙率风险的 隐含担保。由于钉住制度屏蔽了汇率风险,引起投机性资本大量流入。
四、大量资本流入房地产市场和股票市场,形成资产价格泡 沫。
亚洲金融危机 —— 泰国
组员:陈柳松 沈佳雯 姜倩 魏旭鹏 宋如男 季佳丽 严葭露 邢佳慧
• 金融危机又称金融风暴(The Financial Crisis) 是 指一个国家或几个国家与地区全部或大部分金融 指标(如:短期利率、货币资产、证券、房地产 、土地价格、商业破产数和金融机构倒闭数)的 急剧、短暂和超周期的恶化。 导火线

外刊选读business terms汇总-推荐下载

外刊选读business terms汇总-推荐下载
有活力的 dynamic 不断急剧下降 to spiral downwards 缺乏活力 sluggish 赤字 red ink 律师事务所 law firm 积极进取的占领市场 Be more aggressive in capturing China’s growing market 贸易壁垒 trade barrier 以出口为导向的增长 export-led growth 比较优势 comparative advantage 国际劳动分工 international division of labor
欧元区 the Euro-zone 尚可的经济增长率 respectable economic growth rate 经济呆滞—不景气 economic slack 金融状况 monetary condition 成为……的牺牲品 fell victim to currency crises 脆弱的资本逃离 Be vulnerable to capital flight
Lesson 3 黑洞 black hole 世界工厂 world’s workshop 扩大生产 expand production 增加产量 boost output 给与享用……的权利[机会] To be given full access to 专利 patent 收购 acquisition 合并 consolidation 使……并入…… Merge ....into .... [大宗的]收入 revenue 咨询公司 consultancy 向海外转移生产 shift production overseas 高端产品 high-end product 商品 innovation good 增长的销售额 boost sales 研究和开发 research and development 智囊团 think tank 劳动密集型的 labour-intensive 品牌 brand 倾销 dump 猛增 soar 便携式电脑 laptop 出口才干 export prowess 管理和经营的专门知识技能 Managerial and operational expertise 生产能力 production capacity 亚洲金融危机 the Asian financial crisis 规模效益 economies of scales 逐步停止[生产] phase out 王牌 the ace in the hole 调查 survey 相当多的利润 a decent profit 放松贸易限制 loosen trade restrictions 最高管理层 top management 达到设计和质量的标准 to be up to current standards in industrial design and quality




































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1990-1995 (average) 0.9 3.3 -1.2 12.7 4.0 -2.5 -5.9 -3.8 -6.7
Source: Institute of International Finance, Inc., “Capital Flows to Emerging Economies,” January 1998.
Reasons for the Currency Crisis
Decline in Export Earnings Excessive and Risky Investment Current Account Deficit Overvalued Currency Underdevelopment of credit market Property market bubble
Change in FX rates (6/30/1998)
FX:1 $US 6/30/98
Chinese yuan HK dollar Indonesia rupiah Japanese yen Malaysian ringgit Korean won Philippine peso Thai baht 8.281 7.745 14568.89 138.31 4.1 1370 41.5 42.16
Excessive and Risky Investment
Incremental Capital-Output (ICOR) Ratios Country 1987-1992 1993-1996 China 3.1 2.9 Hong Kong 3.7 6.1 Indonesia 3.8 4.9 Korea 4.0 4.9 Malaysia 3.7 4.8 Philippines 6.0 5.5 Singapore 3.6 4.0 Taiwan 2.4 3.9 Thailand 3.4 5.1
In addition to currency devaluation: Collapse of their Stock Markets (all Southeast countries); Call for an IMF rescue plan in the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and Korea; Bankruptcy and financial reforms (all Southeast countries).
Source: Corsetti and Pesenti (1998)
Current Account Deficit (% of GDP)
Asian Country: China Hong Kong Korea Singapore Taiwan Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand
The Asian Financial Crisis
Hung-Gay Fung University of Missouri-St. Louis
Presentation Outline
Discuss briefly the behavior of the Foreign Exchange (FX) of Southeast Asian Countries. Assess different factors that lead to the currency crisis. Opportunities and Implications for U.S. companies
Decline in Export Earnings
Regional Annual Growth Rate of Exports (%)
Country China Indonesia Korea Malaysia Philippines Thailand Mexico 1990 18.2 15.9 4.2 17.4 4.0 14.9 17.7 1991 15.8 13.5 10.5 16.8 8.7 23.2 0.7 1992 18.1 16.6 6.6 18.5 11.2 14.2 1.4 1993 7.1 8.4 7.3 15.7 13.7 13.3 9.2 1994 33.1 8.8 16.8 24.7 20.0 22.7 14.2 1995 22.9 13.4 30.3 24.7 31.6 25.1 40.3 1996 1.6 9.7 3.7 26.0 16.7 -1.3 22.6
What Happens to Capital Flows?
Private flows, net Equity Investment Private Creditors 40.5 12.2 28.2
1995 1996
77.4 15.5 61.8 93.0 19.1 74.0
-12.1 -4.5 -7.6
FX: 1 $US 6/30/97
8.289 7.747.08 17.9
% change
+0.09 +0.03 -87.92 -17.58 -55.44 -53.18 -54.02 -57.54
Immediate Results of Crisis
Foreign Exchange Rates
Since June 1997, FX rates in many Southeast Asian countries have experienced a substantial decline. These countries include the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and Korea. Many of these countries linked their exchange rates to the U.S. dollar before the currency crisis.