
姜太公钓鱼后续作文英文回答,After Jiang Taigong went fishing, he encountered a big problem. The fish in the river seemed to be very cunning and were not easily caught. Jiang Taigong tried different fishing techniques, but none of them seemed to work. He was starting to feel frustrated and was about to give up when suddenly, he had an idea.He decided to change his bait and use a different fishing rod. With this new approach, he was able to catch a lot of fish. Jiang Taigong was overjoyed and realized that sometimes, it's important to adapt and change ourstrategies in order to achieve success.中文回答,姜太公钓鱼后续,他在钓鱼时遇到了一个大问题。
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Legends: Jiang Taigong fishes()Updated: 2011-03-11 11:12 Comments(0) PrintMail Large Medium SmallThe last ruler of the Shang dynasty (16th - 11th century BC) was a tyrannical and debauched slave owner who spent his days carousing with his favorite concubine Daji and mercilessly executing or punishing upright officials and all others who objected to his ways. Jiang Shang had once served the Shang king and had come to hate him with all his heart. He was an expert in military affairs and hoped that someday someone would call on him to help overthrow the king. He waited and waited till he was 80 years old, continuing placidly with his fishing in a tributary of the Weihe River (near today’s Xi'an) using a barbless hook or even no hook at all, on the theory that the fish would come to him of their own volition when they were ready.King Wen of the Zhou state, (central Shaanxi), found Jiang Shang fishing. King Wen, following the advice of his father and grandfather before him, was in search of talented people. In fact, he had been told by his grandfather, the Grand Duke of Zhou, that one day a sage would appear to help rule the Zhou state.When King Wen saw Jiang Shang, at first sight he felt that he was an unusual old man, and began to converse with him. He discovered that this white-haired fisherman was actually an astute political thinker and military strategist. This, he felt, must be the man his grandfather was waiting for. He took Jiang Shang in his coach to the court and appointed him prime minister and gave him the title Jiang Taigongwang (Hope of the Duke of Zhou). This was later shortened to Jiang Taigong.An account of Jiang Taigong's life written long after his time says he held that a country could become powerful only when the people prospered. If the officials enriched themselves while the people remained poor, the ruler would not last long. The major principle in ruling a country should be to love the people; and to love the people meant to reduce taxes labor. By following these ideas, King Wen is said to have made the Zhou state proper very rapidly.After King Wen died, his son King Wu, who inherited the throne, decided to send troops to overthrow the King of Shang. But Jiang Taigong stopped him, saying: "While I was fishing at Panxi, I realized one truth- if you want to succeed you needs to be patient. We must wait for the appropriate opportunity to eliminate the King of Shang". Soon it was reported that the people of Shang were so oppressed that no one dared speak. King Wu and Jiang Taigong decided this was the time to attack, for the people had lost faith in the ruler. A bloody battle was fought at Muye (35 kilometers from the Shang capital Yin, now Anyang in Henan province).Jiang Taigong charged at the head of the troops, beat the battle drums and then with 100 of his men drew the Shang troops to the southwest. King Wu's troops moved quickly and surrounded the capital. The Shang King had sent relatively untrained slaves to fight. This, plus the fact that many surrendered or revolted, enabled Zhou to take the capital.The Shang King set fire to his palace and perished in it, and King Wu and his successors as the Zhou dynasty established rule over all of China. As for Daji, one version has it that she was captured and executed, another that she took her own life. Jiang Taigong was made duke of the State of Qi (today’s Shandong province), which thrived with better communications and exploitation of its fish and salt resources under him.。
Fishing Hookless太公钓鱼,愿者上钩

Fishing Hookless太公钓鱼,愿者上钩作者:涂淑梅来源:《疯狂英语·初中天地》2024年第02期“太公钓鱼,愿者上钩”是民间传说,记载于《武王伐纣平话》,后用于比喻甘心上当或自愿去做某事。
Jiang Ziya often went fishing at the Weishui River about 3,000 years ago.But he fished in an unusual way. He hung a straight fish hook, without 1)bait,and the rod was one meter above the water. He often said to himself,“Fish,ifyou don’t want to live any more, come and swallow the hook yourself. ”Finally, his strange way of fishing was reported to Ji Chang. Ji senta soldier to fetch him. Jiang 2)ignored the soldier and just went on with hisfishing. He was saying to himself,“Fishing,fishing. No fish has been hooked.A shrimp is up to 3)mischief. ”The soldier reported to Ji Chang, and Ji sent an official to invite Jiang thistime. But Jiang again ignored the official. He just carried on fishing, and wassaying,“Fishing, fishing. The big fish has not been hooked. A small one is upto mischief.”Then Ji Chang realized Jiang must be a great talent, so he went to inviteJiang himself and brought many generous gifts with him.Jiang saw Ji’s sincere desire and decided to work for him.1) bait n. 餌;诱饵2) ignore v. 不理睬;忽视3) mischief n. 恶作剧;捣乱大约3000 多年前,姜子牙经常垂钓于渭水之上。

太公钓鱼愿者上钩的读后感英文回答:Tai Gong Wang, the legendary Chinese militarystrategist and advisor, is known for his patience and wisdom. His famous idiom, "Tai Gong fishing, willing to take the bait," is a metaphor for waiting for the right opportunity to emerge. It teaches us the importance of being patient and selective in our pursuits.Like Tai Gong sitting by the river, we must be willing to wait for the right fish to come along. This means not rushing into decisions or taking the first opportunity that presents itself. Instead, we should carefully consider our options and wait for the perfect moment to strike.This idiom also reminds us that we cannot control everything. We can only create the conditions for success and then be patient. We cannot force others to come to us or give us what we want. We must be willing to wait for theright time and place.In life, there will be many times when we must practice the virtue of patience. We may have to wait for a job interview, a promotion, or a relationship. It can be difficult, but it is important to remember that good things come to those who wait.If we are too impatient, we may make mistakes or miss out on the best opportunities. By learning to be patient, we can increase our chances of success and achieve our goals.中文回答:“太公钓鱼,愿者上钩”是太公望留下的著名谚语,比喻守株待兔,等待时机,体现了耐心和智慧。

难忘的童年钓鱼100字英语作文In the tranquil embrace of summer, the sun's golden rays kissed the shimmering lake, casting an ethereal glow upon the water's surface. As a young boy, I embarked on a cherished fishing adventure that would forever etch itself into the tapestry of my childhood memories.Armed with a simple bamboo pole and a worm-baited hook, I gingerly approached the water's edge. The air crackled with anticipation as I lowered my line into the depths below. Moments stretched into an eternity as I gazed intently at the bobbing cork, my heart pounding with both excitement and trepidation.Suddenly, a gentle tug sent shivers down my spine. I yanked the pole with all my might, and to my astonishment, a silvery fish emerged from the water, its scales glinting in the sunlight. It was a small perch, but in my eyes, it was a triumph. The thrill of that first catch ignited a passion for fishing that would endure for decades to come.As the afternoon wore on, I continued to cast my line, patiently awaiting the next elusive bite. The peaceful solitude of the lake provided a sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of life, allowing me to immerse myself in the simple joys of nature.With each fish I reeled in, my skills grew. I learned the art of setting the hook with precision, and the importance of patience and persistence. I marveled at the vibrant colors and intricate patterns of the different species I caught, each one a testament to the wonders of the aquatic world.As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the water, it was time to pack up. Though my time at the lake had come to an end, the memories I had made would last a lifetime.The childhood fishing trips I shared with my family and friends became a cherished tradition. We would gather at our favorite fishing spots, sharing laughter, stories, andthe occasional tall tale. These experiences not only taught me valuable life lessons, but also forged unbreakable bonds that would endure the passage of time.As I reflect on those halcyon days, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the simple yet profound joys that childhood can bring. The unforgettable memories of my fishing adventures continue to inspire me, reminding me of the beauty of nature, the importance of patience, and the enduring power of friendship.。

钓鱼的寓言故事的作文英文回答:Once upon a time, there was a clever fox who lived near a beautiful lake. The lake was full of delicious fish, and the fox loved nothing more than to catch them for his dinner. However, the fox wasn't very good at fishing. No matter how hard he tried, he could never seem to catch any fish.One day, feeling particularly hungry, the fox came up with a cunning plan. He decided to sit by the edge of the lake and pretend to be dead. He thought that if the fish saw him lying there, they would come closer to take a look, and then he could snatch them up with his paws.Sure enough, it wasn't long before a curious fish swam up to the surface to investigate. Seeing the fox lying there, it called out to its friends, telling them that the fox was dead. One by one, the other fish came closer to geta better look.As soon as the fish were within reach, the fox sprang into action, grabbing them one by one and tossing them onto the bank. Before long, he had caught more fish than hecould eat in a week. Laughing to himself, the fox thankedhis cleverness for providing him with such a delicious meal.However, just as he was about to feast on his catch,the fox heard a voice behind him. Turning around, he saw a wise old owl perched in a nearby tree."You may have caught a lot of fish today," said the owl, "but remember, true success comes from hard work and perseverance, not trickery and deceit."Feeling ashamed of himself, the fox realized that hehad been foolish to try and cheat his way to success. From that day on, he vowed to always rely on his own skills and abilities, rather than trying to take shortcuts.And so, the fox learned an important lesson: that thereare no shortcuts to success, and that true satisfaction can only be found through honest effort and determination.中文回答:从前,有一只聪明的狐狸住在一片美丽的湖泊附近。

关于高跷渔翁的故事作文英文回答:Once upon a time, there was a fisherman who lived in a small village. He was known for his skills in catching fish. One day, he decided to try something different and went to the nearby river with a pair of stilts. He had never used stilts before, but he was determined to give it a try.As he started walking on the stilts, he realized thatit was not as easy as it looked. He stumbled and fell several times, but he didn't give up. He kept practicingand soon got the hang of it. With each day, his skills improved and he was able to walk longer distances on the stilts.One day, a group of children saw him walking on thestilts and were amazed. They gathered around him and asked him to teach them how to walk on stilts too. The fisherman was happy to share his knowledge and started teaching thechildren. He taught them the basic techniques and encouraged them to practice regularly.Over time, the children became skilled at walking on stilts and started performing in the village festivals.They became famous for their stilt-walking skills and brought joy to the villagers. The fisherman was proud ofhis students and their achievements.The moral of the story is that perseverance and determination can lead to success. The fisherman faced challenges while learning to walk on stilts, but he didn't give up. He kept practicing and eventually became skilledat it. Similarly, the children faced difficulties in the beginning, but with regular practice and guidance, they became successful stilt-walkers.中文回答:从前有一个渔夫住在一个小村庄里。

钓鱼的故事英语作文The Tale of Fishing.In the serene village of Willow Creek, nestled amidst rolling hills and lush greenery, lived an old man named Grandpa Jack. He was a simple soul, known for his love of fishing and his patience that seemed to rival the still waters of the creek. Each day, rain or shine, you couldfind him sitting on the banks of the creek, lost in the serenity of nature and the sport he loved.The creek was Grandpa Jack's world, and he knew it like the back of his hand. He knew when the fish would bite, and he knew exactly where to cast his line. His rod was as old as he was, but it still flexed and vibrated with the same energy it had when he was a young man. His reel, a bit rusty but still functional, clicked smoothly as he cast and retrieved.One sunny morning, Grandpa Jack set out as usual,carrying his fishing gear and a thermos of his favorite sweet tea. He found a shady spot under an old oak tree and settled in for the day. The sun was just starting to warm the water, and he knew the fish would be active.As he sat there, lost in thought, he remembered thedays when he fished with his father. They would spend whole afternoons on the creek, laughing and joking, sharingstories and wisdom. Those were the happiest times of his life, and he missed them dearly.Suddenly, a shadow fell over his line, and his rod弯曲振动起来. He smiled, knowing that this was his moment. He played the fish carefully, letting it run and tire itself out before he slowly reeled it in. It was a beautiful trout, glistening in the sunlight. He admired it for a moment,then gently released it back into the creek.As the day wore on, Grandpa Jack caught and released several more fish. Each one brought a sense of fulfillment and peace. He didn't need to catch anything; he justenjoyed the process. It was a way of connecting with natureand finding solace in its simplicity.As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the water, Grandpa Jack packed up his gear. He knew it was time to go home. As he stood up, he felt a sense of satisfaction. He had spent a beautiful day doing what he loved most, and he was grateful for every moment.As he walked back to his house, he reflected on theday's events. He thought about the fish he had caught andthe memories he had shared. He smiled to himself, knowing that tomorrow would be another day on the creek, and he couldn't wait to get back out there.The story of Grandpa Jack and his fishing adventures is a testament to the power of simplicity. It's about finding joy in the smallest of things and cherishing the momentsthat matter most. It's about connecting with nature and finding peace within oneself. And it's a reminder that life is often more fulfilling when we slow down, appreciate the present, and enjoy the journey along the way.。
钓鱼的笑话 英语作文

钓鱼的笑话英语作文英文回答:Once upon a time, there was a man who went fishingevery day. One day, he was sitting on the dock, casting his line into the water, when he saw a fish jump out of the water and land on the deck of his boat.The man was amazed. He had never seen anything like it before. He picked up the fish and examined it. It was a beautiful fish, with shimmering scales and a long, flowing tail.The man decided to take the fish home and show it tohis wife. When he got home, his wife was equally amazed by the fish. She had never seen anything like it before either.The man and his wife decided to keep the fish in their aquarium. They fed it and took care of it, and the fish seemed to be happy.One day, the man was cleaning the aquarium when he noticed something strange. The fish was sitting on the bottom of the tank, and it had a strange look on its face.The man asked the fish what was wrong. The fish looked up at him and said, "I'm bored."The man was surprised. He had never heard of a fish being bored before. He asked the fish what it wanted to do.The fish said, "I want to go on an adventure."The man thought for a moment. He had never taken a fish on an adventure before, but he didn't see why not. He decided to take the fish to the ocean.The man and the fish went to the ocean, and they had a great time. They swam in the waves, and they played with the other fish. The fish was so happy that it forgot all about being bored.The man and the fish spent the rest of the day at the ocean. They had a lot of fun, and the fish never wanted to leave.The man eventually had to take the fish home, but the fish was sad to leave the ocean. The man told the fish that he would take it back to the ocean someday, and the fish was happy with that.The man and the fish continued to go on adventures together, and they always had a lot of fun. The fish never forgot its first adventure, and it always looked forward to the next one.中文回答:很久以前,有一个男人每天都出去钓鱼。

一个钓鱼的故事英语作文It was a sunny day, perfect for fishing. The lake was calm and inviting, with the promise of a good catch.The fish were nibbling at the bait, teasing me with their quick movements. I could feel the excitement building up inside me as I waited for the big one to bite.Suddenly, there was a tug on the line. I quickly reeled it in, my heart pounding with anticipation. And there it was, a big, beautiful fish wriggling on the hook.I couldn't believe my luck. It was the biggest fish I had ever caught, and I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over me.As I released the fish back into the water, I couldn't help but smile. It was a successful day of fishing, and I knew I would be back again soon to try my luck.The sun was setting, casting a golden glow over the lake. I packed up my gear and headed home, feeling content and grateful for the experience.And so, another day of fishing came to an end, leaving me with memories of excitement, anticipation, and thethrill of the catch.。

Squire name is jiang shang, also known as lu shang, is for novel, ji fa shang completely. He didn't get the article Wang Chongyong, shaanxi WeiShui side a place in seclusion. There is zhou clan chang (i.e., king wen of zhou) rule of the region, he hopes to ji chang for his attention, and to establish a winner.Squire in the stream of hanging bell. Generally people fishing, are made with hook, it then has the bait of fragrance, and sink in the water, it lure the fish. But the squire's hook is straight, don't hang above the bait, don't sink into the water, and three feet high from the surface. He lifted the rods, and said to himself: "fish ah, don't want to live, if you like yourself take the bait!" One day, a firewood to stream, see too public not to put fishing bait the hook on the surface of the straight, then said to him: "the old man, fishing, like you in 100 also can't catch a fish!"Too public election for fishing rod, and said: "to be honest to you! 'I am not in order to catch fish, but in order to catch the king and hou!"太公姓姜名尚,⼜名吕尚,是辅佐周⽂、周武王灭商的功⾂。

• Jiang Ziya was seventy years old, met in the Wei River hunting Ji Chang. Ji Chang to talk to him, talk very congenially, King Wen know Jiang Shang is good, then let Jiang Shang and a car with him and return.Jiang Ziya into the back, Ji Chang was closed for". Ji Chang asked Jiang Ziya:" how can we get there?" Jiang Ziya said : "the king of the country, make people rich ruler; country, make men rich; the country, make the doctor wealthy; no country, the rich. This is called the overflow and leakage."Later, Jiang Ziya, King Wen continuous adjuvant, overthrew Zhou rule, established in the long history of China zhou." Taigong fishing metaphor of be most willing to.".
• 姜子牙入朝后,被姬昌封为太公。姬昌曾问姜裕;霸者之国,使士富裕; 仅存之国,使大夫富裕;无道之国,国库富裕。 这叫做上溢而下漏。” 后来,姜子牙连续辅佐 文王、武王,推翻了纣王的统治,建立了中国历 史上年代最长久的周朝。 “太公钓鱼”比喻心 甘情愿上圈套。
太公钓鱼 (tài gōng diào yú)-英文版成语典故

太公钓鱼(tài gōng diào yú)Fishing HooklessAwhite-beard old man is angling on a river. He hangs a hookless and baitless line one meter above thewater. When asked how could he expect to net any fish with such bizarre gear, the old man answers: "The fishthat is destined to be caught will come up."This scene occurred more than 3,000 years ago on the Weishui River in northwest China. Days later, the oldman, later known as Jiang Taigong, did catch something. But it was not a fish. It was a king.The popular Chinese idiom, Tai Gong Diao Yu or "Jiang Taigong's angling", originated from this story.Once serving as an official in the court of the Shang Dynasty (16th century-11th century BC), Jiang later quithis post because he foresaw the collapse of the regime, which was plagued by widespread corruption.However, despite his advanced age, Jiang still wished to serve a sagacious and insightful ruler.Therefore, he designed the bizarre way of fishing in order to attract attention from King Wen of the WesternZhou Dynasty (11th century-771 BC), who was then seeking worthy people to help him overthrow the ShangDynasty.Jiang's trick worked. After angling on the Weishui River for three days, the story about a "stupid old man"fishing in a bizarre manner was heard by the king. By learning the background of the old man, the king wasconvinced that Jiang was a person with brilliant talent.Next day, the king personally went to see the old man on the river. Jiang first declined to talk to the kingbecause he thought the king was insincere. When the king came back again three days later, the two reachedan agreement and by brushing aside opposition from some of his aides, the king offered Jiang a high positionin the court.Later, Jiang helped King Wen and his successor, King Wu, unite the kingdom and overthrow the ShangDynasty.To cite him for his meritorious service, Jiang was first appointed as the prime minister and then made the Dukeof Qi.Today, when people quote this idiom, they are describing some willing victim who is like the fish rising toJiang Taigong's "hookless and baitless line."。

婚姻英语作文篇1When it comes to later marriage, people’s opinions vary enormously. We know that as a graduate student, later marriage would be a problem for us after we graduated, especially girls.Our attitude towards later marriage becomes gradually rational and mature. We know that love is not just holding hands and walking down the street, Marriage is how Love can make people become altruistic. From my perspective, it is immaturity that leads to this phenomenon. Firstly young adults are not financially prepared to hasten into marriage. The economic burden will likely put a strain onto the couple's relationship, leading possibly to breaches, or worse, separation. Secondly young adults have not attained the level of maturity to raise children. They are often unaware of the responsibilities and sacrifices that one needs to make in order to start a family of one's own. Thirdly statistics are good indicators for the instability and short life spans of premature marriages. Only Only in this way can we embrace a happy and brilliant future.婚姻英语作文篇2Nowadays,when a couple get married, the first they do is to get enough money to buy a house. In China, it seems that marriage means having a house, it is reported that a newly married couple got divorced because their parents didn’t figureout the legal name of the house.Does marriage must plus with house, I don’t think so.现在,当一对情侣结婚,他们第一件事就是凑够钱去买房子。

when king wen decided to go hunting, bian, his official historian, burnt a tort oise shell to forecast the result. after reading the cracks he said, "hunting on the north side of the wei river is bound to bring a great gain. it will not be a dragon or a chi(1), nor will it be a tiger or a bear. it will be a wise man se nt by heaven to be your minister and mentor." king wen got on his carriage, started the horses, and set out for the place. there he saw jiang taigong sitt ing on the grass and fishing.zhou xibo went hunting and on the north bank of the wei river he met jiang taigong. after talking with him, xibo was very pleased, saying, "before he die d, my father had anticipated that zhou would become prosperous when a sa ge came to us. are you the sage? my father had long expected your arrival!" so he called him taigong wang (father's expectation). he returned with taigon g, sharing his carriage with him, and was to treat him as his mentor.king wen made taigong the magistrate of guantan. during the year taigong w as there, there was never a wind that was strong enough to disturb the leave s of the trees. once in his dream, king wen saw a beautiful woman weeping before his carriage. when asked the reason, she replied, "i am the daughter o f the god of mount taishan and married to the god of the east sea. now i w ant to go home, but the virtuous magistrate of guantan makes the trip diffic ult. for my movements are always accompanied by a violent storm, which da mage his good name." after waking up, the king summoned taigong to ask what had happened. he was told that a violent storm with pouring rain had swept areas outside guantan that day. king wen then promoted taigong to the position of chief general.。
钓鱼 英文作文

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Squire name is jiang shang, also known as lu shang, is for novel, ji fa shang completely. He didn't get the article Wang Chongyong, shaanxi WeiShui side a place in seclusion. There
is zhou clan chang (i.e., king wen of zhou) rule of the region, he hopes to ji chang for his attention, and to establish a winner.
Squire in the stream of hanging bell. Generally people fishing, are made with hook, it then has the bait of fragrance, and sink in the water, it lure the fish. But the squire's hook is straight, don't hang above the bait, don't sink into the water, and three feet high from the surface. He lifted the rods, and said to himself: "fish ah, don't want to live, if you like yourself take the bait!"
One day, a firewood to stream, see too public not to put fishing bait the hook on the surface of the straight, then said to him: "the old man, fishing, like you in 100 also
can't catch a fish!"
Too public election for fishing rod, and said: "to be honest to you! 'I am not in order to catch fish, but in order to catch the king and hou!"