
y 4
, (x,y均不
为0)则x和y,成( 正 )比例.
(3)若 3
4 y
,则x和y成( 反 )比例
(4)若x = y+5,则x和y( 不成 )比例
K+3 (5)若 X
=y(K三角形的高一定,它的面 积和底 ( A ) A 成正比例 B 成反比例 C 不成比例
甲数和乙数互为倒数, 甲数和乙数( B ) A.成正比例 B.成反比例 C.不成比例
1 a是b的 5 ,那么a与b( A ) A 成正比例 B 成反比例 C 不成比例
1、瓷砖面积一定, 砖的块数和 (正比例) 铺地面积. 2、铺地面积一定,每块砖的面积 和所需块数. (反比例)
3、铺地面积一定,方砖边长和所 (不成比例) 需块数.
1 圆的周长和半径.
2 圆的周长一定,圆周率 (不成比例) 和直径. 3 圆的面积和半径的平方.
4 正方形的面积和边长.
5 正方体的体积和它的棱 (不成比例) 长. 6 正方体一个面的面积和 它的表面积. (正比例)
若x和y是两种相关联的量,判断它 们是否成比例,成什么比例?
(1)若5x = 4 y,(x,y均不为0) 则x和y成( 正 )比例. (2)若
科目三安全文明驾驶 部分易错易混淆题集

然而,驾驶有ABS 系统的机动车在紧急制动的同时转向会发生侧滑。

2、一个圆柱和一个圆锥的体积相等,它们的高的比是1∶30,底面积的比是( )。
3、圆柱的高一定,它的底面半径和体积成( )比例。

小学数学六年级上册比判断题易错50题汇总附答案1.一个比的前项乘 14,后项除以4,它的比值不变。
( )2.30:5的最简单的整数比是6。
( )3.从A 地到B 地,甲要4分钟,乙要5分钟,甲乙的速度比是4:5.( ) 4.甲数比乙数少 37 ,乙数与丙数的比是 5:6 ,甲数与丙数的比是 10:21 。
( )5.糖水的含糖率为10%,说明糖和水的比是1:9。
( ) 6.比的前项和后项同时增加或减少相同的倍数,比值不变。
( )7.学校生物兴趣活动小组饲养白兔、黑兔和灰兔,它们的只数比是2:2:3,已知白兔和灰兔共70只,黑兔有20只。
( )8.25与它的倒数的比值是4:25。
( ) 9.一个三角形的三个角之比为3:2:1,则此三角形是直角三角形。
( ) 10.把1克盐放到10克水中,盐和盐水的比为1:11。
( ) 11.一个钟面上,分针与秒针的转动速度的比值是60。
( ) 12.等底等高的三角形和平行四边形,它们的面积比是1:2。
( ) 13.如果A×35=B÷38(A 、B 均不为0),那么A∶B=40∶9。
( )14.做一项工程,甲队用了12天完成,乙队用了15天完成。
( )15.甲数与乙数的比是3:4,表示甲数比乙数少14。
( )16.10克糖溶于100克水中,糖与水的比是1:10。
( )17.给15:9的前项加上10,要使比值不变,比的后项应加上6。
( )18.在8:7中,若将比的前项加上16,要使比值不变,则后项可以乘2。
()23.A是B的98,则B 与A 的比是8 :9。


易混易错对比练习150题1. Only those knew well could be let in.Only those knew him well could be let in.A. did heB. heC. whoD. that2. When you read the map, you’d better make a mark you have any question. When you read the map, you’d better make a mark you have paid a visit to.A. at whenB. at the placeC. the place whereD. where3. He fell ill. That was he didn’t show up.He fell ill. That was he overworked himself.A. causeB. reasonC. whyD. because4. ---Who were the people with the flag?---A group itself the League for Peace.---Who were the people with the flag?---A group the League for Peace.A. callsB. callingC. calledD. is called5. This is such a good book every one of us likes to read.This is such a good book every one of us likes to read it.A. thatB. whichC. andD. as6. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her own role in the play, , of course, made the others unhappy.Dorothy was always speaking highly of her own role in the play. , of course, made the others unhappy.A. whoB. whichC. ThisD. what7. I’ll never forget the day I joined the League.I’ll never forget the day I spent in my hometown.A. whereB. thatC. whenD. what8. Jim a poem last night; now he is going on with it.Jim a poem last night; now he is typing it.A. wroteB. writesC. was writingD. is writing9. That is all you must do.That is you must do.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. whether10. Is this the factory you visited?Is this factory you visited?Is this the factory you used to work?Is this factory you used to work?A. whereB. whichC. the oneD. that11. Those pupils like dancing, two of are boys.Those pupils like dancing and two of are boys.A. whoB. themC. whichD. whom12. He was told about it many times, he still couldn’t understand it.Having been told about it many times, he still couldn’t understand it.A. soB. butC. howeverD. /13. This place is they fought the enemy.This place is they call “Pleasant Garden”.A. whereB. whichC. the onesD. what14. leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.leaves the room last, he ought to turn off the lights.A. AnyoneB. WhoeverC. WhoD. No matter who15. She looked at her old and sick father.She looked at the sight of her old and sick father.A. worryB. worriedC. worriedlyD. worrying16. It was October 1, 1949 New China was founded.It was on October 1, 1949 New China was founded.A. thatB. on that dayC. whenD. on that17. I have a puzzling problem myself today.I have a puzzling problem by you today.A. solvingB. solveC. to solveD. to be solved18. In front of the building there is a beautiful garden, owner seated in it, playing chess with his little son.In front of the building there is a beautiful garden, owner is seated in it, playing chess with his little son.A. whoseB. itsC. whichD. that19. He often speaks of the trouble he helping the orphan.He often speaks of the trouble he to help the orphan.A. hadB. foundedC. takenD. took20. It is the first time I’ve visited China.It won’t be long you regret what you’ve done.It is almost three years I last saw you.It was five o’clock he came back.A. whenB. thatC. sinceD. before21. The bird left its nest early worms.The bird left its nest early, worms.A. catchB. to catchC. caughtD. catching22. I don’t believe the news he had told us.We all believed the news our football team had won the match.A. thatB. that/whichC. whatD. on which23. We would like skating on real ice.We feel like skating on real ice.A. wentB. goneC. goingD. to go24. To finish so much work in so little time is .To finish so little work in so much time is .A. out of questionB. out of the questionC. possiblyD. impossibly25. Who is the man is standing there?Do you know the man is standing there?A. thatB. whomC. whoseD. who/that26. He is a fool as to believe that.He is foolish as to believe that.A. soB. asC. suchD. too27. is no need for us to discuss the question again.is no good our discussing the question again.A. ItB. ThereC. HereD. That28. He was good a teacher that every student loved him.He was good a teacher as our class teacher.A. soB. suchC. asD. that29. After a long walk, the old man isn’t tired.Though he has been working since morning, he isn’t tired.A. a bitB. a lotC. a littleD. a few30. It is about ten days he returned home.It was ten days ago he left home.A. beforeB. thatC. sinceD. after31. Work hard, you will succeed.Work hard, you will fail.A. andB. orC. else orD. so32. There is your bike, isn’t ?There is a bike, isn’t ?A. oneB. itC. thereD. that33. The bag made of plastics costs less than made of cloth.A bag made of plastics costs less than made of cloth.A. itB. oneC. thatD. this34. Mother told me to clean the room, and I did .My parents had left for Beijing, I know about .A. soB. thisC. itD. that35. Lei Feng was ready to help others.To a diligent student, English is difficult to learn.A. quite tooB. only tooC. not tooD. much too36. Can you Tom his twin brother?Did you Tom his twin brother?A. talk; aboutB. tell; fromC. take; forD. talk; with37. They went in search the missing boy.They joined in the search the missing boy.A. toB. ofC. forD. on38. It was said was all that he had said.It was quite true the teacher said moved us to tears.A. what thatB. that thatC. that whatD. what what39. will you do with the naughty boy?will you deal with the naughty boy?A. HoweverB. WhatC. HowD. why40. He doesn’t play football play basketball.The old man has no son no daughter.A. andB. neitherC. orD. either41. Jack is the cleverest the four boys.Jack is the most clever boys in his family.A. betweenB. amongC. ofD. belong42. Do me favour of closing the window for me.Do me favour by moving the big stone.A. aB. theC. myD. an43. She is the youngest of all sisters in her family.She is younger than all sisters in her family.A. theB. herC. thatD. those44. I have never known such a gentleman that.You mustn’t speak to such a gentleman that.A. likeB. alikeC. asD. likely45. Mr White can pay high a price as the seller asked for.Mr White was good a doctor that his patients all loved him.A. soB. asC. suchD. that46. Let us go out for a walk, ?Let me try, ?Let’s stop here, ?A. may IB. will youC. shall weD. can you47. It is up you to give them all the help you can.It is easy you to finish the task ahead of time.It is kind you to help me out.A. toB. ofC. forD. by48. Mary is good Chinese.It is good you to do morning exercises.Sports do good us all.A. toB. atC. forD. of49. Our monitor set up a good example all of us.The boy gave his life his country.After school, we asked a question our teacher.A. toB.ofC. forD. with50. The two brothers look very much , and I can’t tell one from the other.I wonder what he is .They are to come to help us with our work soon.A. likeB. alikeC. likelyD. as51. It was eight o’clock he left here.It is at eight o’clock he will leave here.It is eight hours he left here.It will be eight hours we meet again.A. whenB. thatC. beforeD. since52. She will never forget the date we spent together.She will never forget the date she was born.A. thatB. on whichC. whenD. both B and C53. Was it on Oct. 1st, 1949 the PRC was founded?Was it Oct. 1st, 1949 the PRC was founded?A. in whichB. on thatC. thatD. when54. We would rather die give in.We preferred to die give in.A. whenB. toC. thanD. rather than55. It was not until his father died he came home.It is not long his father died.It was not long his father died.It was not long he was born that his father died.A. beforeB. afterC. sinceD. that56. Is this the school they built last year?Is this school they built last year?Is this school they lived last year?Is this the school they lived in last year?Is this the school they lived last year?A. the oneB. whichC. whereD. on which57. He sent us many books, none of is liked by all.He sent us many books, but none of is liked by all.He sent us many books, of which is liked by all.A. themB. thatC. whichD. none58. is known to us all is that the sun rises in the east.is known to us all that the sun rises in the east.is known to us all, the sun rises in the east.A. WhichB. ItC. AsD. What59. She wants to buy the same bike I lost last week.I saw her driving the same car I lost last week, so I told a policeman about it.I want to buy the same car I sat last week.A. thatB. asC. whichD. where60. They don’t know with the problem.They want to know it.They don’t know the problem.A. what to doB. how to doC. how to deal withD. what to deal61. hard, and you will pass the exam.hard, you will pass the exam.A. WorkB. WorkingC. To workD. Worked62. I’ll have him the radio for you.I’ll have him the radio the whole morning.I’ll have the radio tomorrow.I have a radio today.A. repairB. repairingC. repairedD. to repair63. Betty looked at the news.Betty looked at me.A. sadB. sadlyC. sadnessD. sadden64. China is larger than country in Africa.China is larger than country in Asia.A. any otherB. anyC. allD. the other65. There no bus, we walked home.There no bus and we walked home.A. areB. wasC. beingD. be66. Bill’s pale face suggests that he in poor health.Bill suggested that he praised.A. beB. isC. wereD. would be67. She didn’t come back her mother went to bed.She won’t come back her mother asks her to.A. unlessB. ifC. untilD. when68. in the film, we decided to see it again.by the film, we decided to see it again.A. InterestedB. InterestingC. Being interestedD. To interest69. Would you please do me favour?Would you please do me favour to buy some stamps?A. aB. anC. theD./70. The girl in a red coat is Lily.The girl a red coat is Lily.A. dressingB. dressedC. wearingD. wears71. His Japanese is so poor that he can’t make himself .His Japanese is so poor that he can’t make others him.A. to understandB. understoodC. understandD. understanding72. at his desk, he was deep in thought.himself at his desk, he was deep in thought.A. SeatB. SittingC. Having seatedD. Seating73. we shall go for a picnic tomorrow is certain.we’ll go for a picnic tomorrow is uncertain.A. ThatB. IfC. WhetherD. What74. South of the village a lake two years ago.He his hand on my head.A. lieB. layC. laidD. lain75. Our teacher entered the classroom, .Our teacher entered the classroom, with .A. a book in handB. book in handC. a book in his handD. book in his hand76. Peter getting up early now.Peter get up early.A. is used toB. was used toC. used toD. uses to77. We’ll do whatever we can her with her maths.We said we could her with her maths.A. helpingB. to helpC. helpD. helped78. Five years later he turned engineer.Five years later he became engineer.A. anB. aC. /D. the79. Who is the greatest poet today?He is one of the best posts.A. livingB. aliveC. to liveD. lived80. hearing the news, he rushed out.They were overjoyed the news of his safe return.A. OnB. AtC. onD. at81. The reason was I was late.The reason he gave us was unreasonable.The reason he was late was that he was ill.A. thatB. whichC. whyD. because82. He is very kind. If you are in trouble, he can’t help the problem.He is in trouble, but I can’t help the problem.A. solveB. solvingC. solvedD. to be solved83. The theory he stuck to true.He stuck to the truth of the theory.A. proveB. provedC. provingD. being proved84. It is in the classroom you can find it.It is in the classroom you can find it there.A. andB. thereC. thatD. which85. He has three sons, are doctors.He has three sons and are doctors.A. all of whoB. all of whomC. all of themD. three of them86. from the hill, the village looked more beautiful.from the hill, I found the village looked more beautiful.from the hill and found the village looked more beautiful.A. SeeingB. SeenC. I sawD. I seeing87. I prefer in the country rather than in the city.I prefer in the country to in the city.A. living; liveB. live; livingC. living; livingD. to live; live88. ---What made him so upset? --- his dictionary.---Why was he so upset? --- his dictionary.A. LostB. To lostC. LosingD. Because he lost89. He was considered the first phone in the world.He was considering a new machine to help the farmers.A. to have inventedB. inventingC. to inventD. having invented90. Let’s go to school together, ?Let us go to school together, ?A. will youB. shall weC. won’t youD. shan’t we91. I think you are right, ?You think I am right, ?A. do youB. are youC. don’t youD. aren’t you92. His teacher always encourages him not to lose heart.He found that he lost heart to one of his friends.A. hisB. myC. /D. a93. He worked very hard. --- .She worked very hard. --- .His mother asked him to work hard and .A. So did heB. So he didC. he did soD. so did he94. He was a little boy that he could not tell this one from that one.He gave me little money that I had to borrow some money from my classmates.A. allB. in orderC. suchD. so95. I wanted the photos .The photos needed .A. developingB. developedC. to developD. being developed96. He suggested that I here at once.It suggested that he here three days before.A. shall leaveB. has leftC. had leftD. leave97. His parents forbid him .It forbids in hospital.A. to smokingB. smokingC. smokedD. to smoke98. He must have been here for several days, ?He must have come here the other day, ?A. mustn’t heB. didn’t heC. hasn’t heD. needn’t he99. He was late again, made the teacher angry.He was late again, we had expected.A. whatB. itC. whichD. as100. The population of China 1.2 billion.One third of the population of China farmers.Half of the hill covered with trees.Half of the hills covered with trees.A. isB. areC. haveD. has101. Tom said that he would make up his to do the work well.I’m sorry, I have no of what to do next.A. ideaB. planC. mindD. thought102. The students began to preparations for the examination.You have to a lot of reading if you want to improve your English.A. makeB. takeC. getD. do103. Could I have with you, Mr David?She couldn’t help crying when came that his cousin had died.A. wordsB. wordC. the wordD. a word104. Shortly after the accident, of police were sent to the spot to keep order.Three hens may lay eggs within a month in spring.A. five dozensB. three score ofC. two hundredD. hundreds105. My bike one hundred dollars.The Great Wall a visit.A. worthsB. is worthyC. is worthD. is worthy of106. Li Ping has in bed for two weeks.The ant queen has lots of eggs.A. liedB. layC. laidD. lain107. I have two other hats this one.Your composition is good some spelling mistakes.A. besideB. besidesC. exceptD. except for108. The old man lives in a village, but he doesn’t feel .The sentence “he lives ” means “he is .”A. alone; lonelyB. lonely; aloneC. lonely; lonelyD. alone; alone109. What we need is more time.The workers here are young people.A. mostB. in the mostC. mostlyD. at most110. Little Tom was 4 years old, but he could walk without help, his parents were worried.The patient’s progress was encouraging as he could get out of bed without help.A. onlyB. nearlyC. hardlyD. lonely111. I think what he spoke at the meeting the attention of all the comrades here.Close attention is being to the present situation in Asia.A. drewB. raisedC. paidD. spent112. I asked him to me a few minutes so that we could go over all the problems.Alice tried hard to every cent for months in order to buy her boyfriend a present.A. shareB. leaveC. spareD. save113. Heat is the of the expansion of matter.Punishment had very little on the naughty children.A. excuseB. reasonC. effectD. cause114. The angry teacher the blackboard with his fist.Suddenly the church clock ten.A. struckB. beatC. hitD. patted115. The soldier his uniform and took his gun, then ran out.The policemen were always in their uniforms in the street.A. put onB. had onC. dressingD. /116. To the truth, I forgot all about your request.Before the meeting, I wanted to the matter over with you.A. sayB. talkC. tellD. remark117. If you the ten figures you will get 100.The lakes the beauty of this city.A. addB. add upC. add toD. add up to118. After supper, Father used to the evening paper.You can his telephone number in the book.A. look atB. look throughC. look upD. look into119. poverty, Della and Jim led a happy life.his bad health, he didn’t go to save his kidnapped daughter.A. Because ofB. In spite ofC. Instead ofD. In front of120. The owner of the restaurant ten dollars for the meal and went in.The customer, an old man, ten dollars for the meal and went out.A. paidB. tookC. costD. spend121. The young man much money me.The young man me much money.A. robbed; fromB. stole; fromC. robbed; ofD. was stolen; of122. The writer couldn’t bear it. He could not it.She couldn’t the loss of her pupils’ respect.A. carryB. sufferC. standD. lift123. your toys, Mary. It’s supper time.the fire quickly, Jack.A. Put downB. Put awayC. Put outD. Put off124. It all whether the weather would be fine.Some people sports and games only as amusements.A. depended onB. lived onC. carriedD. looked on125. Don’t get discouraged by setbacks(挫折), we are new to the work .Children need many things, but , they need love.A. after allB. at allC. in allD. above all126. I don't enjoy __________ fun of others.I don't enjoy _________ fun of by others.A. to makeB. to be madeC. makingD. being made127. Something must be done to prevent the river from ______.Something must be done to prevent people from __________ the river.A. polluteB. pollutingC. polluteD. being polluted128. If time _________, I'll go to see my friend tomorrow.Time ________, I'll go to see my friend tomorrow.A. permittedB. permitsC. permittingD. permit129. He has given up ______ us physics because of his illness.What he has given up __________ us physics because of his illness.A. is to teachB. to teachC. teachingD. taught130. The boy who _________ faces now will be punished.The boy ____________ faces now will be punished.A. madeB. to makeC. makingD. is making131. He opened the door and found the snow ______ the hill.He opened the door and found the hill ________ with snow.A. coversB. coverC. coveredD. covering132. He was very busy but she wanted to have him ____________ the clothes.He was so busy that he had to have the clothes _________.A. washingB. washedC. washD. to wash133. Do you know the woman ________ by Jack?Do you know the woman ________ Jack?A. been followedB. followedC. followingD. follows134. He had no choice but ________ aloud the text in the room.He did nothing but _______ aloud the text in the room.A. readingB. to readC. readD. to be reading135. The decision was made _______ soon after the meeting was over.Who was made _______ the decision soon after the meeting was over?A. to knowB. knownC. knowD. knew136. I don't remember _______ such a fellow anywhere before.Do remember _______ your brother at the station?A. to meetB. meetingC. meetD. to be met137. Have you considered _______ to Shanghai next month?He is considered ___________ to Shanghai.A. goB. to goC. goingD. to have gone138. I feel like _________ a long walk with you.I'd like _________ a long walk with you.A. takingB. to takeC. takeD. to have taken139. Would you mind my _______ her to the party?Would you mind not ____________ to the party?A. invitingB. to be invitedC. being invitedD. invited 140. The wounded needed __________ on at once.The doctor needed _________ on the wounded soldier at once.A. to operateB. operatedC. operatingD. operates141. He did all that he could ________ us with the hard work.He promised that he could _________ us with the hard work.A. helpingB. to helpC. helpD. helped142. He entered the room without _______ his father sitting there.He entered the room without _______ by his father.A. noticingB. noticeC. noticedD. being noticed143. Their work ____________, they went to the cinema.__________ their work, they went to the cinema.A. FinishingB. finishedC. had finishedD. Having finished144. He stood there and his eyes ________ upon the nobleman.He stood there, his eyes _______ upon the nobleman.A. fixB. fixingC. were fixedD. fixed145. He raised his voice in order to make us ______.He raised his voice in order to make himself _______.A. to hearB. hearingC. hearD. heard146. I know what he wants ________ after graduation.I know what he wants ________ my help. A. to be B. being C. is D. be 147. This is an important letter. Don't forget ________ it this afternoon.Don't look for the letter. You must have forgotten ______ it this afternoon.A. to postB. postedC. postingD. post148. Do you think the film is worth _________ again?Do you think the film is worthy __________ again?A. to seeB. to be seenC. seeingD. being seen149. The day we had looked forward to _______at last.I'm looking forward to ________to your country next year.A. comingB. comeC. cameD. comes150. He regretted _______ her the secret because he shouldn't have done so.He regretted ________ me that he could not do so.A. to be toldB. to tellC. tellingD. being told易混易错对比练习150题1. BC2. DB3. CD4. BC5. DA6. BC7. CB8. CA9. AC 10. DCAA11. DB 12. BD 13. AD 14. BD 15. CB 16. CA 17. CD 18. BA 19. AD 20. BDCA21. BD 22. BA 23. DC 24. BA 25. AD 26.CA 27. BA 28. AC 29. CA 30. CB31. AB 32. BC 33. CB 34. AC 35. BC 36. BC 37. BC 38. BC 39. BC 40. CA41. B/CB 42. BA 43. AB 44. CA 45. BA 46. BAC 47. ACB 48. BCA 49. ACB 50. BAC51.ABDC 52. AD 53. CD 54. CD 55. DCAB 56. BACBC 57. CAD 58. DBC 59. BAD 60. ABC61. AB 62. ABCD 63. AB 64. BA 65. CB 66. BA 67. CA 68. CA 69. AC 70. BC71. BC 72. BC 73. AC 74. BC 75. BC 76. AC 77. BC 78. CA 79. BA 80. AD81. AAC 82. BA 83. BC 84. CA 85. BC 86. BAC 87. DC 88. CD 89. AB 90. BA91. DC 92. CD 93. BAC 94. CD 95. BA 96. DC 97. DB 98. CB 99. CD 100. ABAB 101. CA 102. AD 103. DB 104. DB 105. CD 106. DC 107. BD 108. CD 109. AC 110. CB111. AC 112. CD 113. DC 114. BA 115. AD 116. CB 117. BC 118. BC 119. BA 120. BA 121. BC 122. CB 123. BC 124. AD 125. AD 126. CD 127. DB 128. BC 129. CA 130. DC 131. DC 132. CB 133. BC 134. BC 135. BA 136. BA 137. CD 138. AB 139. AC 140. CA 141. BC 142. AD 143. BD 144. CD 145. CD 146. AC 147. AC 148. CB 149. CA 150. CB。


分数百分数应用题易混题对比训练某车间计划生产1200个零件,实际超额完成5%,实际多生产多少个零件? 机修厂建造一座厂房实际投资84万元,比计划节约七节约多少万元? 一班男生比女生多+,女生有24人,女生比男生少多少人?五年级有女生60人,男生比女生少10%,五年级共有学生多少人?某体操队有60名男队员,男队员比女队员多',体操队共有多少队员?10. 水果店里有苹果300千克,运来的雪梨比苹果少彳,运来的雪梨比苹果少多 少千克?11. 一个养鸡场去年养鸡7000只,今年比去年增加訂两年共养鸡多少只? 12. 今年春李植树1151S,比去年增加箱,比去年多植树多少棵?13. 六(2)班有科书240本,故事比科技书少6。
故事书比科技书少多少书? 14. 一项工程投资20万元,比计划节约投资35万元。
节约投资百分之几? 15. 水果店运来150千克苹果,运来的雪梨比苹果少运来的雪梨比苹果少()千克,雪梨有()千克。
16. —个养殖场,养鸭的只数比养鸡的只数少20%,养的鸡比鸭多1000只。
这 个养殖场养鸭多少只?17. 商店有一种衣服,售价34元,比原来定价便宜15%,比原来定价便宜多少元?418. 粮店运来大米和面粉共280袋,其中面粉的袋数比大米少5 ,运来的大米和 而粉各有多少袋?19. 某工厂一月份用电4800度,二月份比一月份节约用电二月份比一月份 节约用电多少度?二月份实际用电多少度?2. 37. 8. 9.果园里的苹果树比梨树多160棵,梨树比苹果树少。
果园里有苹果树多少 棵? 机床厂今年计划比去年多生产机床320台,正好比去年增产20%,今年计划 生产机床多少台? 甲乙两个仓库共存粮90吨。
两个仓库各存粮多 4 少千克?一个数增加了 50后,比原来增加了 10%,求原数。
5.20.数学小组有男生60人,比女生少*,男生比女生少多少人?421.一种服装原来的价钱是693元,现在比原来降价忑,现在的价钱是多少元? 现在比原来降价多少元?22.某车间男职工人数比女职工人数少5。

1 1分数乘除法应用题易错点对比训练 一、 根据下面的条件,先在题中标出单位“1”,再写出数量关系式 1、男生是女生的31 2、女生是男生的313、男生比女生多314、女生比男生少315、一条路修了52 6、今年比去年增产52 7、一条路,修了50米,还剩52 8、一件衣服降价52二、 根据图意,先写出数量关系式,再列式解答。
三、算法对比练习:画图并解答1、(1)、男生30人,女生是男生的31,女生有多少人?(2)男生30人,是女生的31,女生有多少人? 2、(1)男生有30人,女生比男生多31,女生比男生多多少人?2(2)男生比女生多30人,男生比女生多31,女生有多少人?3、(1)男生有60人,男生比女生多31,女生多少人?(2)男生有60人,男生比女生少31,女生多少人?4、(1)男生有60人,女生比男生多31,女生多少人?(2)男生有60人,女生比男生少31,女生多少人?四、列式解答。
1、仓库原有45吨大米,运走了15 ,运走了多少吨?2、仓库里原有一些大米,运走了15 ,正好是9吨,仓库原有大米多少吨?3、一辆大卡车可载货5吨,一辆小卡车的载货量是大卡车的34 ,小卡车的载货量是多少吨?4、一辆小卡车的载货量是大卡车的34 ,一辆小卡车可载货9吨,大卡车的载货量是多少吨?5、水果店运来60筐苹果,运来的桔子比苹果少15 ,运来的桔子比苹果少多少筐?6、水果店运来的桔子比苹果少15 ,运来桔子比苹果少12筐,运来苹果多少筐?37、小明家养黑兔36只,正好是养兔总只数的35 ,小明家养兔多少只?8、一种洗衣机现价比原价增加15 ,正好增加了160元,这种洗衣机原价多少元?9、一种洗衣机现价比原价增加15 ,原价是800元,现价比原价增加了多少元?10、女生人数是男生人数的35 ,男生有30人,女生有多少人?11、11、10千克小麦能磨面粉217千克,(1)每千克小麦能面粉多少千克?(2)磨1千克面粉需要多少千克小麦?4、乘除混合问题(1)、甲数是56,乙数是甲数的17 ,丙数乙是数的18 ,丙数是多少?(2)、甲数是56,乙数是甲数的17 ,是丙数的18 ,丙数是多少?(3)、甲数是56,是乙数的17 ,丙数乙是数的18 ,丙数是多少?(4)、甲数是56,是乙数的17 ,乙数是丙数的18 ,丙数是多少?五、数量和分率区分练习1、(1)一条路长58米,修了全长的31,修了多少米? (2)一条路长58 米,修了一些后,还剩31,还剩多少米? 3)一条路长58米,修了31米后,还剩多少米? 2、(1)一个三角形的底是24厘米,高是底的34 ,高是多少?4(2)一个三角形的底是24厘米,高是58 厘米,这个三角形的面积是多少?(3)一个三角形的底是24厘米,高比底多34 ,这个三角形的面积是多少?六:根据算式,补充条件白兔有24只,黑兔有多少只? 24÷31 24×31 24÷(1—31)24÷(1+31) 24×(1—31)24×(1—31) 七、根据所需要的条件,列式解答修路队3天修完一条路,第一天修全长的31,第二天修全长的94,全长多少米?1、 第一天修800米 2、 第二天修800米3、第三天修800米 4、前两天修700米5、 第一天比第二天少修800米 6、前两天比第三天多修800米。

小学分数狂练100道练习题1. A比B少1/8,A是2,B是多少?2. A比B多1/2,B是4,A是多少?3. A比B少3/5,A是5,B是多少?4. A比B多5/19,B是12,A是多少?5. A比B少10/13,B是13,A是多少?6. A比B少1/5,B是20,A是多少?7. A比B多1/8,B是10,A是多少?8. A比B少5/6,A是12,B是多少?9. A比B多9/10,B是1,A是多少?10. A比B多2/9,B是2,A是多少?11. A比B少9/14,B是17,A是多少?12. A比B少1/4,A是10,B是多少?13. A比B多3/5,B是16,A是多少?14. A比B多6/17,A是8,B是多少?15. A比B少2/9,B是10,A是多少?16. A比B多5/7,A是11,B是多少?17. A比B少4/7,B是12,A是多少?18. A比B少2/7,A是9,B是多少?19. A比B少2/9,A是20,B是多少?21. A比B少1/5,B是14,A是多少?22. A比B少1/10,A是9,B是多少?23. A比B多3/5,A是13,B是多少?24. A比B多1/16,B是19,A是多少?25. A比B多9/13,A是13,B是多少?26. A比B少9/19,A是20,B是多少?27. A比B少6/17,A是14,B是多少?28. A比B多10/11,A是9,B是多少?29. A比B少2/3,A是12,B是多少?30. A比B少2/7,B是10,A是多少?31. A比B少5/13,A是3,B是多少?32. A比B少5/16,B是19,A是多少?33. A比B少1/18,A是12,B是多少?34. A比B少4/17,A是12,B是多少?35. A比B多1/5,B是10,A是多少?36. A比B多2/7,A是14,B是多少?37. A比B多3/11,A是1,B是多少?38. A比B少2/7,A是1,B是多少?39. A比B少7/9,B是4,A是多少?40. A比B多3/4,B是4,A是多少?42. A比B少1/2,B是13,A是多少?43. A比B少8/13,B是5,A是多少?44. A比B少2/3,B是20,A是多少?45. A比B少2/3,B是18,A是多少?46. A比B多8/11,A是18,B是多少?47. A比B少3/7,A是5,B是多少?48. A比B少3/14,A是13,B是多少?49. A比B多9/19,B是6,A是多少?50. A比B少1/2,A是11,B是多少?51. A比B多3/4,A是11,B是多少?52. A比B少8/9,B是2,A是多少?53. A比B少2/3,A是18,B是多少?54. A比B少9/13,B是16,A是多少?55. A比B少3/7,B是9,A是多少?56. A比B多4/19,B是3,A是多少?57. A比B多1/4,B是10,A是多少?58. A比B少9/16,B是1,A是多少?59. A比B少5/14,B是8,A是多少?60. A比B少9/17,A是6,B是多少?61. A比B少1/5,B是3,A是多少?63. A比B少7/9,A是11,B是多少?64. A比B少1/2,B是16,A是多少?65. A比B多3/13,A是6,B是多少?66. A比B多1/6,B是19,A是多少?67. A比B少2/3,A是6,B是多少?68. A比B多5/7,A是17,B是多少?69. A比B多5/8,A是14,B是多少?70. A比B少7/8,B是13,A是多少?71. A比B少1/10,A是18,B是多少?72. A比B多5/18,A是10,B是多少?73. A比B多5/16,B是14,A是多少?74. A比B少1/2,B是15,A是多少?75. A比B多1/4,A是10,B是多少?76. A比B多1/8,A是14,B是多少?77. A比B少9/11,A是5,B是多少?78. A比B多3/7,B是2,A是多少?79. A比B多7/9,A是9,B是多少?80. A比B少5/19,A是18,B是多少?81. A比B多3/7,B是8,A是多少?82. A比B少1/4,A是20,B是多少?84. A比B少3/8,A是20,B是多少?85. A比B少4/7,B是11,A是多少?86. A比B少9/19,B是12,A是多少?87. A比B多4/19,B是1,A是多少?88. A比B少1/3,B是12,A是多少?89. A比B多1/7,B是1,A是多少?90. A比B多5/13,A是17,B是多少?91. A比B少1/4,B是16,A是多少?92. A比B少9/20,B是18,A是多少?93. A比B少1/3,B是17,A是多少?94. A比B少4/5,B是6,A是多少?95. A比B多5/7,A是8,B是多少?96. A比B多7/9,A是16,B是多少?97. A比B多4/7,A是4,B是多少?98. A比B多1/2,B是4,A是多少?99. A比B多8/19,B是13,A是多少?100. A比B多9/13,B是9,A是多少?答案:1.16/72.63.25/24.288/ 100.198/13。
18易混易错题对比训训练 分数应用题 (8)

易混易错题对比训训练 分数应用题 1. 两根电线,第一根用去了52米,第二根用去了它的52,剩下的相比( )A 、第一根长 B 、第二根长 C 、一样长 D 、无法比较2. 一批化肥,第一天运走它的13 ,第二天运走它的25,还剩这批化肥的( )没有运。3. 两根同样长的绳子,第一根剪去31,第二根剪去31,剩下的绳子相比( )⑴第一根长 ⑵ 第二根长 ⑶ 同样长 ⑷ 三种情况都有可能4. 两段同样长的绳子,第一段剪下47 米,第二段剪下全长的47,那么两段剪下的一样长。( )5. [ ]6. 两根同样长的铁丝,从第一根上截去它的53,从另一根上截去83米,余下部分( )。A.第一根长 B.第二根长 C.长度相等 D.无法比较7. 两根同样长的绳子,第一根截去全长的15,再截去15米;第二根先截去15米,再截去余下的20%,两根剩下的部分相比( )。A 、第一根长 B 、第二根长 C 、一样长 D 、无法比较8. 3米铁丝,用去2/3米,还剩多少米?列式是( );3米铁丝,用去全长的2/3,还剩全长的几分之几?列式是( )。9. 有两根相同长度的绳子,一根用去了41米,一根用去了41,这两根绳子剩下的长度一样。 ( )10. 一条绳子长5米,剪掉2/5米,还剩( )米;一条绳子长5米,剪掉2/5,还剩( )米;11. 一根绳子长8米,截下34米,还剩下( )米;一根绳子长8米,截下34,还剩下( )米。 12. 两条带子长度一样长,一条剪去23 米,另一条剪去它的23,剩下的部分哪条比较长?13. 甲乙两股长1米的绳子,甲剪去 4 5 米,乙剪去 4 5,余下的绳子( )。A 、甲比乙短 B 、甲乙长度相等 C 、甲比乙长 D 、不能确定14. 4米用去41米后是( )米,4米用去它的41后是( )米。15. 两根同样长的绳子,一根剪去3/7,另一根剪去3/7米,第( )根剪去的长一些。A 、第一根长 B 、第二根长 C 、一样长 D 、无法判断16. 两根同样长的铁丝,一根用去了13 ,另一根用去13米,剩下的铁丝( )。① 第一根长 ② 第二根长 ③ 同样长 ④ 无法比较哪根长17.。()A. 同样重B.第一杯重C.第二杯重18. 两根电线都是2米长,第一根剪去它的21,第二根剪去它的21米,哪一根剪去的部分长?19. 两根同样长的绳子,分别剪去61、61米后,剩下的绳子不一定一样长。( )20. 两袋奶糖,第一袋吃了16 ,第二代吃了16千克,两袋奶糖吃掉的( )。A 、一样多 B 、第一袋多 C 、第二袋多 D 、无法比较21. 小明看一本故事书,已经看了全书的,还剩下几分之几没有看?剩下的比已经看的多几分之几?22. 两根2米长的铁丝,第一根截去它的43,第二根截去43米。余下部分( )。A 、无法比较B 、第一根长C 、第二根长D 、长度相等23. 一根铁丝2米长,用去它的,还剩下它的( ),如果用用去米,还剩( )。24. 两堆同样多的煤,第一堆用去它的43,第二堆用去它的43吨,剩下的煤( )。A 、第一堆重 B 、第二堆重 C 、一样重 D 、无法确定25. 一堆煤9吨,用去32吨,还剩( )吨;一堆煤9吨,用去32,还剩( )吨。26. 一根绳子长8米,剪去( )米,还剩34 米,若剪去34,还剩( )米。27. 一根绳子长2米,剪去52,还剩( )米,如果剪去52米,还剩( )米。 28. 买30千克大米,吃了45千克还剩( )千克;买30千克大米,吃了45,吃了( )千克。 29. 甲乙两股绳子,甲剪去41,乙剪去41米,余下铁丝( ) A.甲比乙短B.甲乙长度相等C.甲比乙长D.不能确定30. 5米增加51米是( )米,( )米增加51是5米。甲、 乙两段绳子,甲剪去1/4,乙剪去1/4米,余下绳子( )。①甲比乙短 ②甲乙长度相等 ③甲比乙长 ④不能确定31. 有两根1米长的钢管,第一根用去310 米,第二根用310,相比( )。A 第一根用去的多 B 第二根用去的多 C 无法比较 D 用去的一样多32. 一堆沙重3吨,第一次运走了它的31,第二次运走了31吨,两次运走的沙相比,( )。A 、第一次运得多 B 、第二次运得多 C 、无法比较。

解方程;12 3.572x -= 185x x -=120.5244x x -=⨯ 15 2.7512284x x +-=312043x ⨯=⨯ 113062x ⨯=⨯一、打折一件衣服200元,打八折后卖( )元,便宜了( )。
一件商品打八折是80元,那么这件商品原价是( )元。
其中把( )看成单位1.一件衣服打7折之后是140元,那么打折之前是( )元?一件衣服打6折之后卖120元,那么这件衣服比原来便宜了多少元?一件衣服商家先把价格提高了15后来因为不好卖,又把衣服打七折销售,这时一件衣服卖84元。
求原来这件衣服卖多少元?(1)设衣服原价为x 元每件,那么提高15之后卖价表示为( ) (2)之后打七折表示为( )(3)后来卖价为84元,列等式:二、谁的几分之几;20的45是( )20的45与40的()相等30的13与()的25相等比50少25是()比50多35是()18米的13与()米15相等。
一根线长用去16米还剩13,那么这根线有多长?食堂有一些大米,第一天用去110,第二天用去110吨,那么()A第一天用的多,B第二天用的多C两天一样多,D无法比较甲的45与乙的1100相等那么,甲比乙( )甲的34与乙的45相等那么甲和乙当中,()比较大图书馆有500本书,科技类占110,故事书占15那么其余的书占多少?食堂有一些大米,用去25还剩30吨,那么原来食堂一共有多少大米?一件衣服打8折之后卖40元,那么这件衣服原来卖多少钱?工程问题:1、熊二读一本故事书每天看一样多,7天吧这本书看完,那么他每天看这本书的(). 这本书有280页,那么他两天看()页。

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易混易错对比练习150题1. Only those knew well could be let in.Only those knew him well could be let in.A. did heB. heC. whoD. that2. When you read the map, you’d better make a mark you have any question. When you read the map, you’d better make a mark you have paid a visit to.A. at whenB. at the placeC. the place whereD. where3. He fell ill. That was he didn’t show up.He fell ill. That was he overworked himself.A. causeB. reasonC. whyD. because4. ---Who were the people with the flag?---A group itself the League for Peace.---Who were the people with the flag?---A group the League for Peace.A. callsB. callingC. calledD. is called5. This is such a good book every one of us likes to read.This is such a good book every one of us likes to read it.A. thatB. whichC. andD. as6. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her own role in the play, , of course, made the others unhappy.Dorothy was always speaking highly of her own role in the play. , of course, made the others unhappy.A. whoB. whichC. ThisD. what7. I’ll never forget the day I joined the League.I’ll never forget the day I spent in my hometown.A. whereB. thatC. whenD. what8. Jim a poem last night; now he is going on with it.Jim a poem last night; now he is typing it.A. wroteB. writesC. was writingD. is writing9. That is all you must do.That is you must do.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. whether10. Is this the factory you visited?Is this factory you visited?Is this the factory you used to work?Is this factory you used to work?A. whereB. whichC. the oneD. that11. Those pupils like dancing, two of are boys.Those pupils like dancing and two of are boys.A. whoB. themC. whichD. whom12. He was told about it many times, he still couldn’t understand it.Having been told about it many times, he still couldn’t understand it.A. soB. butC. howeverD. /13. This place is they fought the enemy.This place is they call “Pleasant Garden”.A. whereB. whichC. the onesD. what14. leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.leaves the room last, he ought to turn off the lights.A. AnyoneB. WhoeverC. WhoD. No matter who15. She looked at her old and sick father.She looked at the sight of her old and sick father.A. worryB. worriedC. worriedlyD. worrying16. It was October 1, 1949 New China was founded.It was on October 1, 1949 New China was founded.A. thatB. on that dayC. whenD. on that17. I have a puzzling problem myself today.I have a puzzling problem by you today.A. solvingB. solveC. to solveD. to be solved18. In front of the building there is a beautiful garden, owner seated in it, playing chess with his little son.In front of the building there is a beautiful garden, owner is seated in it, playing chess with his little son.A. whoseB. itsC. whichD. that19. He often speaks of the trouble he helping the orphan.He often speaks of the trouble he to help the orphan.A. hadB. foundedC. takenD. took20. It is the first time I’ve visited China.It won’t be long you regret what you’ve done.It is almost three years I last saw you.It was five o’clock he came back.A. whenB. thatC. sinceD. before21. The bird left its nest early worms.The bird left its nest early, worms.A. catchB. to catchC. caughtD. catching22. I don’t believe the news he had told us.We all believed the news our football team had won the match.A. thatB. that/whichC. whatD. on which23. We would like skating on real ice.We feel like skating on real ice.A. wentB. goneC. goingD. to go24. To finish so much work in so little time is .To finish so little work in so much time is .A. out of questionB. out of the questionC. possiblyD. impossibly25. Who is the man is standing there?Do you know the man is standing there?A. thatB. whomC. whoseD. who/that26. He is a fool as to believe that.He is foolish as to believe that.A. soB. asC. suchD. too27. is no need for us to discuss the question again.is no good our discussing the question again.A. ItB. ThereC. HereD. That28. He was good a teacher that every student loved him.He was good a teacher as our class teacher.A. soB. suchC. asD. that29. After a long walk, the old man isn’t tired.Though he has been working since morning, he isn’t tired.A. a bitB. a lotC. a littleD. a few30. It is about ten days he returned home.It was ten days ago he left home.A. beforeB. thatC. sinceD. after31. Work hard, you will succeed.Work hard, you will fail.A. andB. orC. else orD. so32. There is your bike, isn’t ?There is a bike, isn’t ?A. oneB. itC. thereD. that33. The bag made of plastics costs less than made of cloth.A bag made of plastics costs less than made of cloth.A. itB. oneC. thatD. this34. Mother told me to clean the room, and I did .My parents had left for Beijing, I know about .A. soB. thisC. itD. that35. Lei Feng was ready to help others.To a diligent student, English is difficult to learn.A. quite tooB. only tooC. not tooD. much too36. Can you Tom his twin brother?Did you Tom his twin brother?A. talk; aboutB. tell; fromC. take; forD. talk; with37. They went in search the missing boy.They joined in the search the missing boy.A. toB. ofC. forD. on38. It was said was all that he had said.It was quite true the teacher said moved us to tears.A. what thatB. that thatC. that whatD. what what39. will you do with the naughty boy?will you deal with the naughty boy?A. HoweverB. WhatC. HowD. why40. He doesn’t play football play basketball.The old man has no son no daughter.A. andB. neitherC. orD. either41. Jack is the cleverest the four boys.Jack is the most clever boys in his family.A. betweenB. amongC. ofD. belong42. Do me favour of closing the window for me.Do me favour by moving the big stone.A. aB. theC. myD. an43. She is the youngest of all sisters in her family.She is younger than all sisters in her family.A. theB. herC. thatD. those44. I have never known such a gentleman that.You mustn’t speak to such a gentleman that.A. likeB. alikeC. asD. likely45. Mr White can pay high a price as the seller asked for.Mr White was good a doctor that his patients all loved him.A. soB. asC. suchD. that46. Let us go out for a walk, ?Let me try, ?Let’s stop here, ?A. may IB. will youC. shall weD. can you47. It is up you to give them all the help you can.It is easy you to finish the task ahead of time.It is kind you to help me out.A. toB. ofC. forD. by48. Mary is good Chinese.It is good you to do morning exercises.Sports do good us all.A. toB. atC. forD. of49. Our monitor set up a good example all of us.The boy gave his life his country.After school, we asked a question our teacher.A. toB.ofC. forD. with50. The two brothers look very much , and I can’t tell one from the other.I wonder what he is .They are to come to help us with our work soon.A. likeB. alikeC. likelyD. as51. It was eight o’clock he left here.It is at eight o’clock he will leave here.It is eight hours he left here.It will be eight hours we meet again.A. whenB. thatC. beforeD. since52. She will never forget the date we spent together.She will never forget the date she was born.A. thatB. on whichC. whenD. both B and C53. Was it on Oct. 1st, 1949 the PRC was founded?Was it Oct. 1st, 1949 the PRC was founded?A. in whichB. on thatC. thatD. when54. We would rather die give in.We preferred to die give in.A. whenB. toC. thanD. rather than55. It was not until his father died he came home.It is not long his father died.It was not long his father died.It was not long he was born that his father died.A. beforeB. afterC. sinceD. that56. Is this the school they built last year?Is this school they built last year?Is this school they lived last year?Is this the school they lived in last year?Is this the school they lived last year?A. the oneB. whichC. whereD. on which57. He sent us many books, none of is liked by all.He sent us many books, but none of is liked by all.He sent us many books, of which is liked by all.A. themB. thatC. whichD. none58. is known to us all is that the sun rises in the east.is known to us all that the sun rises in the east.is known to us all, the sun rises in the east.A. WhichB. ItC. AsD. What59. She wants to buy the same bike I lost last week.I saw her driving the same car I lost last week, so I told a policeman about it.I want to buy the same car I sat last week.A. thatB. asC. whichD. where60. They don’t know with the problem.They want to know it.They don’t know the problem.A. what to doB. how to doC. how to deal withD. what to deal61. hard, and you will pass the exam.hard, you will pass the exam.A. WorkB. WorkingC. To workD. Worked62. I’ll have him the radio for you.I’ll have him the radio the whole morning.I’ll have the radio tomorrow.I have a radio today.A. repairB. repairingC. repairedD. to repair63. Betty looked at the news.Betty looked at me.A. sadB. sadlyC. sadnessD. sadden64. China is larger than country in Africa.China is larger than country in Asia.A. any otherB. anyC. allD. the other65. There no bus, we walked home.There no bus and we walked home.A. areB. wasC. beingD. be66. Bill’s pale face suggests that he in poor health.Bill suggested that he praised.A. beB. isC. wereD. would be67. She didn’t come back her mother went to bed.She won’t come back her mother asks her to.A. unlessB. ifC. untilD. when68. in the film, we decided to see it again.by the film, we decided to see it again.A. InterestedB. InterestingC. Being interestedD. To interest69. Would you please do me favour?Would you please do me favour to buy some stamps?A. aB. anC. theD./70. The girl in a red coat is Lily.The girl a red coat is Lily.A. dressingB. dressedC. wearingD. wears71. His Japanese is so poor that he can’t make himself .His Japanese is so poor that he can’t make others him.A. to understandB. understoodC. understandD. understanding72. at his desk, he was deep in thought.himself at his desk, he was deep in thought.A. SeatB. SittingC. Having seatedD. Seating73. we shall go for a picnic tomorrow is certain.we’ll go for a picnic tomorrow is uncertain.A. ThatB. IfC. WhetherD. What74. South of the village a lake two years ago.He his hand on my head.A. lieB. layC. laidD. lain75. Our teacher entered the classroom, .Our teacher entered the classroom, with .A. a book in handB. book in handC. a book in his handD. book in his hand76. Peter getting up early now.Peter get up early.A. is used toB. was used toC. used toD. uses to77. We’ll do whatever we can her with her maths.We said we could her with her maths.A. helpingB. to helpC. helpD. helped78. Five years later he turned engineer.Five years later he became engineer.A. anB. aC. /D. the79. Who is the greatest poet today?He is one of the best posts.A. livingB. aliveC. to liveD. lived80. hearing the news, he rushed out.They were overjoyed the news of his safe return.A. OnB. AtC. onD. at81. The reason was I was late.The reason he gave us was unreasonable.The reason he was late was that he was ill.A. thatB. whichC. whyD. because82. He is very kind. If you are in trouble, he can’t help the problem.He is in trouble, but I can’t help the problem.A. solveB. solvingC. solvedD. to be solved83. The theory he stuck to true.He stuck to the truth of the theory.A. proveB. provedC. provingD. being proved84. It is in the classroom you can find it.It is in the classroom you can find it there.A. andB. thereC. thatD. which85. He has three sons, are doctors.He has three sons and are doctors.A. all of whoB. all of whomC. all of themD. three of them86. from the hill, the village looked more beautiful.from the hill, I found the village looked more beautiful.from the hill and found the village looked more beautiful.A. SeeingB. SeenC. I sawD. I seeing87. I prefer in the country rather than in the city.I prefer in the country to in the city.A. living; liveB. live; livingC. living; livingD. to live; live88. ---What made him so upset? --- his dictionary.---Why was he so upset? --- his dictionary.A. LostB. To lostC. LosingD. Because he lost89. He was considered the first phone in the world.He was considering a new machine to help the farmers.A. to have inventedB. inventingC. to inventD. having invented90. Let’s go to school together, ?Let us go to school together, ?A. will youB. shall weC. won’t youD. shan’t we91. I think you are right, ?You think I am right, ?A. do youB. are youC. don’t youD. aren’t you92. His teacher always encourages him not to lose heart.He found that he lost heart to one of his friends.A. hisB. myC. /D. a93. He worked very hard. --- .She worked very hard. --- .His mother asked him to work hard and .A. So did heB. So he didC. he did soD. so did he94. He was a little boy that he could not tell this one from that one.He gave me little money that I had to borrow some money from my classmates.A. allB. in orderC. suchD. so95. I wanted the photos .The photos needed .A. developingB. developedC. to developD. being developed96. He suggested that I here at once.It suggested that he here three days before.A. shall leaveB. has leftC. had leftD. leave97. His parents forbid him .It forbids in hospital.A. to smokingB. smokingC. smokedD. to smoke98. He must have been here for several days, ?He must have come here the other day, ?A. mustn’t heB. didn’t heC. hasn’t heD. needn’t he99. He was late again, made the teacher angry.He was late again, we had expected.A. whatB. itC. whichD. as100. The population of China 1.2 billion.One third of the population of China farmers.Half of the hill covered with trees.Half of the hills covered with trees.A. isB. areC. haveD. has101. Tom said that he would make up his to do the work well.I’m sorry, I have no of what to do next.A. ideaB. planC. mindD. thought102. The students began to preparations for the examination.You have to a lot of reading if you want to improve your English.A. makeB. takeC. getD. do103. Could I have with you, Mr David?She couldn’t help crying when came that his cousin had died.A. wordsB. wordC. the wordD. a word104. Shortly after the accident, of police were sent to the spot to keep order.Three hens may lay eggs within a month in spring.A. five dozensB. three score ofC. two hundredD. hundreds105. My bike one hundred dollars.The Great Wall a visit.A. worthsB. is worthyC. is worthD. is worthy of106. Li Ping has in bed for two weeks.The ant queen has lots of eggs.A. liedB. layC. laidD. lain107. I have two other hats this one.Your composition is good some spelling mistakes.A. besideB. besidesC. exceptD. except for108. The old man lives in a village, but he doesn’t feel .The sentence “he lives ” means “he is .”A. alone; lonelyB. lonely; aloneC. lonely; lonelyD. alone; alone109. What we need is more time.The workers here are young people.A. mostB. in the mostC. mostlyD. at most110. Little Tom was 4 years old, but he could walk without help, his parents were worried.The patient’s progress was encouraging as he could get out of bed without help.A. onlyB. nearlyC. hardlyD. lonely111. I think what he spoke at the meeting the attention of all the comrades here.Close attention is being to the present situation in Asia.A. drewB. raisedC. paidD. spent112. I asked him to me a few minutes so that we could go over all the problems.Alice tried hard to every cent for months in order to buy her boyfriend a present.A. shareB. leaveC. spareD. save113. Heat is the of the expansion of matter.Punishment had very little on the naughty children.A. excuseB. reasonC. effectD. cause114. The angry teacher the blackboard with his fist.Suddenly the church clock ten.A. struckB. beatC. hitD. patted115. The soldier his uniform and took his gun, then ran out.The policemen were always in their uniforms in the street.A. put onB. had onC. dressingD. /116. To the truth, I forgot all about your request.Before the meeting, I wanted to the matter over with you.A. sayB. talkC. tellD. remark117. If you the ten figures you will get 100.The lakes the beauty of this city.A. addB. add upC. add toD. add up to118. After supper, Father used to the evening paper.You can his telephone number in the book.A. look atB. look throughC. look upD. look into119. poverty, Della and Jim led a happy life.his bad health, he didn’t go to save his kidnapped daughter.A. Because ofB. In spite ofC. Instead ofD. In front of120. The owner of the restaurant ten dollars for the meal and went in.The customer, an old man, ten dollars for the meal and went out.A. paidB. tookC. costD. spend121. The young man much money me.The young man me much money.A. robbed; fromB. stole; fromC. robbed; ofD. was stolen; of122. The writer couldn’t bear it. He could not it.She couldn’t the loss of her pupils’ respect.A. carryB. sufferC. standD. lift123. your toys, Mary. It’s supper time.the fire quickly, Jack.A. Put downB. Put awayC. Put outD. Put off124. It all whether the weather would be fine.Some people sports and games only as amusements.A. depended onB. lived onC. carriedD. looked on125. Don’t get discouraged by setbacks(挫折), we are new to the work .Children need many things, but , they need love.A. after allB. at allC. in allD. above all126. I don't enjoy __________ fun of others.I don't enjoy _________ fun of by others.A. to makeB. to be madeC. makingD. being made127. Something must be done to prevent the river from ______.Something must be done to prevent people from __________ the river.A. polluteB. pollutingC. polluteD. being polluted128. If time _________, I'll go to see my friend tomorrow.Time ________, I'll go to see my friend tomorrow.A. permittedB. permitsC. permittingD. permit129. He has given up ______ us physics because of his illness.What he has given up __________ us physics because of his illness.A. is to teachB. to teachC. teachingD. taught130. The boy who _________ faces now will be punished.The boy ____________ faces now will be punished.A. madeB. to makeC. makingD. is making131. He opened the door and found the snow ______ the hill.He opened the door and found the hill ________ with snow.A. coversB. coverC. coveredD. covering132. He was very busy but she wanted to have him ____________ the clothes.He was so busy that he had to have the clothes _________.A. washingB. washedC. washD. to wash133. Do you know the woman ________ by Jack?Do you know the woman ________ Jack?A. been followedB. followedC. followingD. follows134. He had no choice but ________ aloud the text in the room.He did nothing but _______ aloud the text in the room.A. readingB. to readC. readD. to be reading135. The decision was made _______ soon after the meeting was over.Who was made _______ the decision soon after the meeting was over?A. to knowB. knownC. knowD. knew136. I don't remember _______ such a fellow anywhere before.Do remember _______ your brother at the station?A. to meetB. meetingC. meetD. to be met137. Have you considered _______ to Shanghai next month?He is considered ___________ to Shanghai.A. goB. to goC. goingD. to have gone138. I feel like _________ a long walk with you.I'd like _________ a long walk with you.A. takingB. to takeC. takeD. to have taken139. Would you mind my _______ her to the party?Would you mind not ____________ to the party?A. invitingB. to be invitedC. being invitedD. invited 140. The wounded needed __________ on at once.The doctor needed _________ on the wounded soldier at once.A. to operateB. operatedC. operatingD. operates141. He did all that he could ________ us with the hard work.He promised that he could _________ us with the hard work.A. helpingB. to helpC. helpD. helped142. He entered the room without _______ his father sitting there.He entered the room without _______ by his father.A. noticingB. noticeC. noticedD. being noticed143. Their work ____________, they went to the cinema.__________ their work, they went to the cinema.A. FinishingB. finishedC. had finishedD. Having finished144. He stood there and his eyes ________ upon the nobleman.He stood there, his eyes _______ upon the nobleman.A. fixB. fixingC. were fixedD. fixed145. He raised his voice in order to make us ______.He raised his voice in order to make himself _______.A. to hearB. hearingC. hearD. heard146. I know what he wants ________ after graduation.I know what he wants ________ my help. A. to be B. being C. is D. be 147. This is an important letter. Don't forget ________ it this afternoon.Don't look for the letter. You must have forgotten ______ it this afternoon.A. to postB. postedC. postingD. post148. Do you think the film is worth _________ again?Do you think the film is worthy __________ again?A. to seeB. to be seenC. seeingD. being seen149. The day we had looked forward to _______at last.I'm looking forward to ________to your country next year.A. comingB. comeC. cameD. comes150. He regretted _______ her the secret because he shouldn't have done so.He regretted ________ me that he could not do so.A. to be toldB. to tellC. tellingD. being told易混易错对比练习150题1. BC2. DB3. CD4. BC5. DA6. BC7. CB8. CA9. AC 10. DCAA11. DB 12. BD 13. AD 14. BD 15. CB 16. CA 17. CD 18. BA 19. AD 20. BDCA21. BD 22. BA 23. DC 24. BA 25. AD 26.CA 27. BA 28. AC 29. CA 30. CB31. AB 32. BC 33. CB 34. AC 35. BC 36. BC 37. BC 38. BC 39. BC 40. CA41. B/CB 42. BA 43. AB 44. CA 45. BA 46. BAC 47. ACB 48. BCA 49. ACB 50. BAC51.ABDC 52. AD 53. CD 54. CD 55. DCAB 56. BACBC 57. CAD 58. DBC 59. BAD 60. ABC61. AB 62. ABCD 63. AB 64. BA 65. CB 66. BA 67. CA 68. CA 69. AC 70. BC71. BC 72. BC 73. AC 74. BC 75. BC 76. AC 77. BC 78. CA 79. BA 80. AD81. AAC 82. BA 83. BC 84. CA 85. BC 86. BAC 87. DC 88. CD 89. AB 90. BA91. DC 92. CD 93. BAC 94. CD 95. BA 96. DC 97. DB 98. CB 99. CD 100. ABAB 101. CA 102. AD 103. DB 104. DB 105. CD 106. DC 107. BD 108. CD 109. AC 110. CB111. AC 112. CD 113. DC 114. BA 115. AD 116. CB 117. BC 118. BC 119. BA 120. BA 121. BC 122. CB 123. BC 124. AD 125. AD 126. CD 127. DB 128. BC 129. CA 130. DC 131. DC 132. CB 133. BC 134. BC 135. BA 136. BA 137. CD 138. AB 139. AC 140. CA141. BC 142. AD 143. BD 144. CD 145. CD 146. AC 147. AC 148. CB 149. CA 150. CB。