中国古典乐器—古筝琵琶英文介绍 ppt课件

琵琶是由“头”和“身体”组成,头 包括音箱,阶段等。 机身包括 音箱,相位等,十二音平均律由 六个音柱和二十四个音柱组成。 琵琶有四根弦,第一根是弦线, 另一根是钢丝绳处理尼龙。
4 chords
Pipa`s voice has strong penetrating. Treble District bright and full rigid, alto area soft and moisturizing tone, the bass sound sincere琵琶强穿透力(小 衰减,传播远而广)。 高音区 明亮而全硬,中音区柔软而保湿 的色调,低音音质真诚
Plucked instrument
Pipa (Chinese Lute)
Pipa is an old Chinese plucked string instrument. It is also called the Chinese lute. It has been played in China over two thousands of years. 琵琶是一种古老的中国 拨弦乐器,它也被称为中国月琴。 在中国, 它被弹奏了两千多年。
guzheng usually has 21 strings and bridges. It is 163 centimeters long. The picks (called "DaiMao") used by performers to play guzheng are often made out of the shells of hawksbill turtles. 古筝 通常有21个字符串和桥梁。 有 163长,演奏者用古筝演奏的笛 子(称为“黛ao”)通常由玳瑁龟 壳

Guzheng (古筝)
A long, rectangular instrument with 21 strings. It is played by strumming the strings with a plectrum or plucking them with the fingers.
Erhu (二胡)
Chinese Ethnic Musical Instruments (English Versio
introduction The Types of Chinese Ethnic Musical Instruments The Role of Chinese Ethnic Musical Instruments in Music The influence and dissemination of Chinese ethnic musical instruments worldwide
Players must also learn to express emotions through their playing, as many Chinese ethnic musical pieces are designed to convey specific feelings or stories.
Stringed instruments
Douzi (鼔子)
A small, handheld percussion instrument made of clay or wood. It is played by holding it in one hand and striking it with the other hand.

大絃嘈嘈如急雨 : The bold strings rattled like splatters of sudden rain, 小絃切切如私語 : The fine strings hummed like lovers' whispers. 嘈嘈切切錯雜彈 : Chattering and pattering, pattering and chattering, 大珠小珠落玉盤 : As pearls, large and small, on a jade plate fall.
Wind Instruments (吹管乐器)
Sheng 笙
Di/Chinese Bamboo Flute 笛
ease of learning, portability and inexpensiveness It is a unique solo instrument and also be used in wind band
Chinese zither(guzheng)
Chinese zither has existed since the Warring States Period(戰國時期) and became especially popular during the Qin dynasty. The ancient guzheng had 12 strings, which gradually evolved into it current forms
String Instruments (拉弦乐器 )
Erhu /Chinese Fiddle 二胡
Banhu 板胡
Gentle , sorrowful
Bright ,painful NhomakorabeaGehu 革胡
Wind Instruments (吹管乐器)
Sheng 笙
Di/Chinese Bamboo Flute 笛
ease of learning, portability and inexpensiveness It is a unique solo instrument and also be used in wind band
Chinese zither(guzheng)
Chinese zither has existed since the Warring States Period(戰國時期) and became especially popular during the Qin dynasty. The ancient guzheng had 12 strings, which gradually evolved into it current forms
String Instruments (拉弦乐器 )
Erhu /Chinese Fiddle 二胡
Banhu 板胡
Gentle , sorrowful
Bright ,painful NhomakorabeaGehu 革胡

Wind Instruments (吹管乐器)
Sheng 笙
Di/Chinese Bamboo Flute 笛
ease of learning, portability and inexpensiveness It is a unique solo instrument and also be used in wind band
Chinese Wood uments (打击乐器)
Chime (Bian zhong)
With cast bronze, in accordance with the size of the order to hang on the wooden shelves
The Chinese Lute is a four-stringed instrument , the instrument has a pear-shaped wooden body with a varying number of frets ranging from 12– 26
voice : clear, rustling, bright
Chinese zither(guzheng)
Chinese zither has existed since the Warring States Period(戰國時期) and became especially popular during the Qin dynasty. The ancient guzheng had 12 strings, which gradually evolved into it current forms
A special instrument from the Dai nationality, Yunnan province, one of the minority nationalities in china. 3 pipes,7 fingerholes.
中国古典乐器—古筝琵琶英文介绍(带翻译) PPT

guzheng usually has 21 strings and bridges. It is 163 centimeters long. The picks (called "DaiMao") used by performers to play guzheng are often made out of the shells of hawksbill turtles. 古筝 通常有21个字符串和桥梁。 有 163长,演奏者用古筝演奏的笛 子(称为“黛ao”)通常由玳瑁龟 壳
finger picks
zheng pronunciation of crisp, slender deep and bright, beautiful and gorgeous phonology, good performance to fill the gap mood and delicate and tactful mood, commonly used in solo, trio, singing accompaniment and instrumental ensemble zheng的发音素食,苗条深,明亮,美丽华丽的语音,良好 的表现填补了空隙的心情和精致的触觉心情,常用于独奏, 三重奏,唱歌伴奏和乐器合奏
Plucked instrument
Pipa (Chinese Lute)
Pipa is an old Chinese plucked string instrument. It is also called the Chinese lute. It has been played in China over two thousands of years. 琵琶是一种古老的中国 拨弦乐器,它也被称为中国月琴。 在中国, 它被弹奏了两千多年。

• In Chinese Musical Instruments ,these
four kinds of Chinese musical
instruments can be played as solo , as group , and as ensemble(合奏). The
Used for the ending ceremony of the 2008 Olympics
a fish-shaped group,
abdominal hollow,
open the middle of the head, tail coiled,
its tail-like head shrink,
• Wind or Blowing Instruments 吹奏乐器
• Bowed String Instrument
• Plucked String Instrument 弹拨乐器
• Percussion
就 我 短 暂 的婚 姻生活 来看, 男人都 很会演 。特别 是婚前 男人, 最会演 的戏码 就 是 豪 爽 和 乐观! 不 相 信 你 回想一 下嘛, 在你的 结婚典 礼上, 司仪有 没有问 过 他 , “ 结 婚后, 财政大 权归谁 管”? 对面站 的那位 ,当时 一定是 气冲丹 田地爽 利 回 答 : “ 老婆管 !”下 面可有 若干阿 婆阿公 作证, 他那副 鼻孔朝 天的豪 气模样 , 至 今 还 刻 录在我 们的婚 礼光盘 里呢。 可 是 , 结 婚三年 了,我 至今不 知道,

Why it is called Erhu
The first Chinese character of the name of the instrument (二, èr, two) is believed to come from the fact that it has two strings. An alternate explanation states that it comes from the fact that it is the second highest huqin in pitch to the gaohu in the modern Chinese orchestra. The second character (胡, hú) indicates that it is a member of the huqin family. The name huqin literally means "barbarian instrument," showing that the instrument likely originated from regions to the north or west of China inhabited by non-Han peoples.
Sheng 笙
Di/Chinese Bamboo Flute 笛
Ease of learning, portability and inexpensiveness. It is a unique solo instrument and also be used in wind band.
The southern spring 《江南春色》
Trings 《二泉映月》
Why it is called Erhu
The first Chinese character of the name of the instrument (二, èr, two) is believed to come from the fact that it has two strings. An alternate explanation states that it comes from the fact that it is the second highest huqin in pitch to the gaohu in the modern Chinese orchestra. The second character (胡, hú) indicates that it is a member of the huqin family. The name huqin literally means "barbarian instrument," showing that the instrument likely originated from regions to the north or west of China inhabited by non-Han peoples.
Sheng 笙
Di/Chinese Bamboo Flute 笛
Ease of learning, portability and inexpensiveness. It is a unique solo instrument and also be used in wind band.
The southern spring 《江南春色》
Trings 《二泉映月》

Wind Instruments (吹管乐器)
Sheng 笙
Di/Chinese Bamboo Flute 笛
ease of learning, portability and inexpensiveness It is a unique solo instrument and also be used in wind band
大絃嘈嘈如急雨 : The bold strings rattled like splatters of sudden rain, 小絃切切如私語 : The fine strings hummed like lovers' whispers. 嘈嘈切切錯雜彈 : Chattering and pattering, pattering and chattering, 大珠小珠落玉盤 : As pearls, large and small, on a jade plate fall.
String Instruments (拉弦乐器 )
Erhu /Chinese Fiddle 二胡
Banhu 板胡
Gentle , sorrowful
Bright ,painful
Gehu 革胡
Zhonghu 中胡
Percussion Instruments (打击乐器)
A special instrument from the Dai nationality, Yunnan province, one of the minority nationalities in china. 3 pipes,7 fingerholes.

The xiao (箫; pinyin: xiāo; Wade-Giles: hsiao) is a Chinese vertical end-blown flute. It is generally made of dark brown bamboo (called "purple bamboo" in Chinese). It is also sometimes called dòngxiāo (洞箫), dòng meaning "hole." An ancient name for the xiāo is shùdí (竖 笛, lit. "vertical bamboo flute") but the name xiāo in ancient times also included the side-blown bamboo flute, dizi.The xiāo is a very ancient Chinese instrument usually thought to have developed from a simple end-blown flute used by the Qiang people of Southwest China. The modern six-hole form of the instrument goes back to the Ming dynasty
Байду номын сангаас
The urheen(二胡) begins in the Tang Dynasty, until now already some more than 1000 years history. It originated most early in our country ancient times north a local national minority, was called “the Xi qin” at that time
The xiao (箫; pinyin: xiāo; Wade-Giles: hsiao) is a Chinese vertical end-blown flute. It is generally made of dark brown bamboo (called "purple bamboo" in Chinese). It is also sometimes called dòngxiāo (洞箫), dòng meaning "hole." An ancient name for the xiāo is shùdí (竖 笛, lit. "vertical bamboo flute") but the name xiāo in ancient times also included the side-blown bamboo flute, dizi.The xiāo is a very ancient Chinese instrument usually thought to have developed from a simple end-blown flute used by the Qiang people of Southwest China. The modern six-hole form of the instrument goes back to the Ming dynasty
Байду номын сангаас
The urheen(二胡) begins in the Tang Dynasty, until now already some more than 1000 years history. It originated most early in our country ancient times north a local national minority, was called “the Xi qin” at that time

• Zheng 1 Made by silk.
2 The modern zither is a plucked, halftube zither with movable bridges and 21 strings, although it can have anywhere from 15 to 25 strings
Tanggu 1 A kind of drum used in Chinese operas 2 Made by wood.
bronze chime 1 It is Made by metal. 2 Its long history can be dated back to Shang Dynasty .
Plucked String Instruments
The Pipa It has a pear-shaped wooden body. It has been played for nearly two thousand years of history in
Plucked String Instruments
• Mellow and liquid
• The konghou went extinct sometime in the Ming Dynasty, but was revived in the 20th century. The modern instrument does
Materials :
2 The modern zither is a plucked, halftube zither with movable bridges and 21 strings, although it can have anywhere from 15 to 25 strings
Tanggu 1 A kind of drum used in Chinese operas 2 Made by wood.
bronze chime 1 It is Made by metal. 2 Its long history can be dated back to Shang Dynasty .
Plucked String Instruments
The Pipa It has a pear-shaped wooden body. It has been played for nearly two thousand years of history in
Plucked String Instruments
• Mellow and liquid
• The konghou went extinct sometime in the Ming Dynasty, but was revived in the 20th century. The modern instrument does
Materials :

Plucked String
• KONGHOU • Mellow and liquid • The konghou went
extinct sometime in the Ming Dynasty, but was revived in the 20th century. The modern instrument does not resemble the ancient one.
Wind or Blowing
Sheng : 1. Made by reed and
gourd 2. also called the
"Chinese mouthorgan," isone of the most ancient of Chinese instruments
Wind or Blowing
Panpipes : 1.Made by bamboo 2. A transverse flute ,It has one blowing hole, a film hole and six finger holes.
Bowed String Instruments
erhu : 1.sometimes known in the West as the "Chinese violin" 2. A two-stringed bowed musical instrument
Plucked String Instruments
• Zheng
1 Made by silk.
2 The modern zither is a plucked, half-tube zither with movable bridges and 21 strings, although it can have anywhere from 15 to 25 strings
中国古典乐器—古筝琵琶英文介绍(带翻译) PPT

Pipa is made up of “head” and “body”, the head includes the sound box, phase and so on. The body includes the sound box, phase and so on, the twelvetone equal temperament is made up of six xiang and twenty-four pin. The Pipa has four strings, the first is string wire, and the other is wire rope deal with nylon.
中国古典乐器—古筝琵琶英文介绍(带翻译) PPT
Plucked instrument Gu Zheng (Chinese Zither)
The guzheng is a Chinese traditional plucked musical string instrument with over 2500 years of known history. 古筝是中国传统的弹拨乐器弦乐器与 2500相识多年的历史。
Mainly made of Paulowห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ia
Performers playing the guzheng often wear finger picks on the right hand or on both hands. The finger pickscan be made of different materials such as ivory, tortoise shell, resin or hard plastic. 演奏古筝的表演者经常在右手或双手上戴手指。 镐可以 由不同的材料制成,例如象牙,龟甲壳,树脂或硬塑料。

plucked lute is the liuqin, which
looks like a smaller version of the
.4ຫໍສະໝຸດ • The pipa is one of the most popular Chinese
instruments and has been played for almost
琵琶英文简介ppt课件 pipachinese lute chineseinstrument. proposedamerican law pipa, see protect ip act. otheruses, see pipa (disambiguation).the pipa (chinese:琵琶; pinyin: four-stringedchinese musical instrument, belonging pluckedcategory sometimescalled chineselute, instrumenthas pear-shaped wooden body varyingnumber fretsranging from 12 anotherchinese four-string plucked lute liuqin,which looks like smallerversion mostpopular chinese instruments hasbeen played almosttwo thousand years china.several related instruments southeastasia derivedfrom japanesebiwa, koreanbipa. koreaninstrument onlyone longerused; examples survive instrumentfailed. yourwatch 黄冠文化 分享于 2020-05-18 14:56:32.0 琵琶英文简介ppt课件 文档格式: .ppt 文档页数: 8页 文档大小: 644.5k 文档热度: 文档分类: 高等教育 -- 专业基础教材 文档标签: 琵琶英文简介ppt课件 系统标签: 琵琶 pipa 简介 lute plucked 英文

由于其综合性能和广泛的应用,是任何其他乐 器是无法相比的,在流行,摇滚,爵士和古典 等几乎所有的音乐形式中起到了重要的作用。
The emergence of the modern
violin has a history of over 300 years, and since seventeenth Century the western music in the most important musical instruments, it was known as the instrument of the" queen". The production itself is an extremely fine art.
The guitar in the pop music, rock music, blues, flamenco, folk songs, often as a major instrument. Known as the instrument of the prince. 在流行音乐,摇滚,蓝调,弗拉门 戈,民歌,吉他常常作为一个主要 的乐器。被称为乐器中的王子。
西方乐器主要指自第十八世纪,欧洲国 家已经有的的乐器
Now, we introduce the following kinds of musical instruments.
The piano is derived from w estern classical m usical instrum ents. It is know n as the king of the m usical instrum ent.
The emergence of the modern
violin has a history of over 300 years, and since seventeenth Century the western music in the most important musical instruments, it was known as the instrument of the" queen". The production itself is an extremely fine art.
The guitar in the pop music, rock music, blues, flamenco, folk songs, often as a major instrument. Known as the instrument of the prince. 在流行音乐,摇滚,蓝调,弗拉门 戈,民歌,吉他常常作为一个主要 的乐器。被称为乐器中的王子。
西方乐器主要指自第十八世纪,欧洲国 家已经有的的乐器
Now, we introduce the following kinds of musical instruments.
The piano is derived from w estern classical m usical instrum ents. It is know n as the king of the m usical instrum ent.
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guzheng usually has 21 strings and bridges. It is 163 centimeters long. The picks (called "DaiMao") used by performers to play guzheng are often made out of the shells of hawksbill turtles. 古筝 通常有21个字符串和桥梁。 有 163长,演奏者用古筝演奏的笛 子(称为“黛ao”)通常由玳瑁龟 壳
Pipa is made up of “head” and “body”, the head includes the sound box, phase and so on. The body includes the sound box, phase and so on, the twelvetone equal temperament is made up of six xiang and twenty-four pin. The Pipa has four strings, the first is string wire, and the other is wire rope deal with nylon.
Chinese musical instruments
Plucked instrument Gu Zheng (Chinese Zither)
The guzheng is a Chinese traditional plucked musical string instrument with over 2500 years of known history. 古筝是中国传统的弹拨乐器弦乐器与 2500相识多年的历史。
finger picks
zheng pronunciation of crisp, slender deep and bright, beautiful and gorgeous phonology, good performance to fill the gap mood and delicate and tactful mood, commonly used in solo, trio, singing accompaniment and instrumental ensemble zheng的发音素食,苗条深,明亮,美丽华丽的语音,良好 的表现填补了空隙的心情和精致的触觉心情,常用于独奏, Paulownia
Performers playing the guzheng often wear finger picks on the right hand or on both hands. The finger pickscan be made of different materials such as ivory, tortoise shell, resin or hard plastic. 演奏古筝的表演者经常在右手或双手上戴手指。 镐可以 由不同的材料制成,例如象牙,龟甲壳,树脂或硬塑料。
Plucked instrument
Pipa (Chinese Lute)
Pipa is an old Chinese plucked string instrument. It is also called the Chinese lute. It has been played in China over two thousands of years. 琵琶是一种古老的中国 拨弦乐器,它也被称为中国月琴。 在中国, 它被弹奏了两千多年。
琵琶是由“头”和“身体”组成,头 包括音箱,阶段等。 机身包括 音箱,相位等,十二音平均律由 六个音柱和二十四个音柱组成。 琵琶有四根弦,第一根是弦线, 另一根是钢丝绳处理尼龙。
4 chords
Pipa`s voice has strong penetrating. Treble District bright and full rigid, alto area soft and moisturizing tone, the bass sound sincere琵琶强穿透力(小 衰减,传播远而广)。 高音区 明亮而全硬,中音区柔软而保湿 的色调,低音音质真诚