民航客舱服务英语-unit 1-

Dialogue four weather condition
❖ What contents does the weather condition consist of?
❖ It will clear up in Macao today. The temperature rises to and drops to with breeze.
Listen to dialogue two flight information
❖ How about the distance from Hangzhou to Hong Kong?
❖ What contents does the flight ❖ Information consist of?
Dialogue three flight route
❖ What contents does the flight route consist of?
❖ We are bound for Sydney and the flight time is , the departure time is and the arrival time is .
❖ How about the special ❖ passengers?
Dialogue six assigns the task
❖ What contents does the assigning the task consist of?
❖ I will assign the task by seniority and qualifications for the coming flight.
This is
(word完整版)综合教程 第二册 Unit1

2.Some sentencestructuresto understand
3.Writing techniques
.Teaching Methodsand Means
municative Approach
Learner-centered Teaching
(attacBiblioteka A to B; B be attached to A)
E.g. A price tag was attached to each article in the supermarket.
E.g.Do youattach much importance to(十分重视) what he says?
2. Appreciate the diffierent ways to compare and contrast;
3. Master the key language points and learn how to use them in context;
4. Understand the cultural background related to the content;
assist (Para.4)
v. (formal) help, support
(n. assistance, assistant)
Pattern: assist sb to do sth;
assist sb with sth;
assist sb in (doing) sth.
E.g. assist sb to fill in the forms
1 Group presentation (Group 1) (5 minutes)

语言知识目标:1.熟练常见国家名称,如China, UKБайду номын сангаас USA, Australia,
Egypt,France, etc.;以及由此延伸出的常见国籍的表达
或Are you from…或Is it a beautiful place询问该同学;或者用Where is she / he from 或Is he / she from…问其他同学。通过几轮练习,激活学生掌握几句基本句型。
3.请同学们看首页大图,介绍本单元课题。让学生通过标题NicePeople, Nice Places猜测本课学习内容及词汇。
游戏——哪里人:教师请学生每人在卡片上写一个国家名和姓名并收集起来,例如:America, Britain等。由提问的学生抽卡片向全班出示,并用Where are you from提问;被抽到的同学按照提示回答:I’m from America. I’m American.提问同学又问:How do you find it?
(完整word版)Unit 1 -scripts

ScriptsPart One – Activity D – Task 2Good morning everybody. I hope you all enjoyed our trip to the art museum last week。
Today we’re going to talk… uh… more about modern art。
We’ll … uh… take a look at some examples of public art—art you can only find outdoors… uh… in public places. I’ll explain the purpose of public art,and … uh… then I’ll describe some examples of public art that illustrate three common types of modern art: pop art, realism, and surrealism。
But first,public art… These days public art is becoming more and more popular。
Many business and city leaders are putting up art in public places in parks and gardens, near office buildings,and so on. Cities like to put art in public places for a couple of reasons. Um….first of all, art helps to make our cities look more beautiful and interesting. Also, when art is outdoors,many people can look at it and enjoy it every day; they don't have to go to a museum。

Unit 1 nice to meet you!Period 1【教学目标】语言知识目标:A) 词汇:first, last, telephone, number, age, address, e-mail,engineer,street, company, manager, secretary, patient, vocational, nurse, name card, vocational school.B)句型: Hello!/Hi!Good morning/ good afternoon/ good evening.I’m…..Nice to meet you!/ Nice to meet you too.Where are you from?教学重点和难点1.重点:A) 认知新词汇:first, last, telephone, number, age, address, e-mail,engineer,street, company, manager, secretary, patient, vocational, nurse, name card, vocational school.B) 认知last name 和first name 在中西方的差异。
2.难点:语言功能:Enable students greet peple in English.情感目标:A) 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,发挥学生学习英语的主动性。
B) 通过小组活动、组间竞赛等,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。
C) 学习英语文明礼貌的询问和回答方式。

Thank you for your cooperation, and we wish you a pleasant journey!
Section A: Speaking
Relevant Announcements
Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome aboard Air China. As you enter the cabin, please take your
Section A: Speaking
Relevant Announcements
Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome aboard China Southern Airlines. I am Li Ping, the purser for this flight. During the flight, all of my
Section B: Listening
Section B: Listening
Announcement II Ladies and gentlemen,
_O_n__b_e_h_a_lf_o__f _ Shanghai Airlines, we would like to welcome the basketball_o_n__b_o_a_rd__ team . The air distance from Shanghai to Beijing is __1_,_1_0_0___ kilometers and it will take one hour and 3_0__m__in_u_t_e_s .

Unit 1 How can we become good learners?单元话题Talk about how to study, in this unit, students learn to talk about how to study for a test and give advice to those who have difficulties in studying.单元语法By +sth./doing sth.教学目标1.语言目标:理解重点句子,掌握学习英语的方法。
介词by 引导的方式状语的合理运用。
第一课时Section A(1a~2d)自主学习案翻译下列词组。
1.通过制作生词卡________________________________2.通过听录音带___________________________________3.向某人寻求帮助__________________________________4 大声读来练习发音___________________________________5.小组合作学习___________________________________6.和朋友练习对话___________________________________7.逐个单词___________________________________8.作报告___________________________________9.意群___________________________________10.慢慢来___________________________________11.口语技能___________________________________12 英语口语___________________________________§课堂导学案Step 1 准备与热身(Preparation )Lead-in with a free talk( 自由对话导入新课)(2 分钟)Greeting with the students :Hello, everyone.Welcome back to school.I'm very happy to see you again.Most of you got good grades last term ! Of course, don't lose your heart if you didn't get good grades.OK.Today, let's talk about how to study for a test and how to learn English well.T: How do you study English? Do you study English by the following ways? (Show some pictures and present the important phrases.)T: How do you study English?S: I study English by ________.working with friends making word cardsasking the teacher for help reading the textbookworking with a group listening to tapesStep 2 呈现与输入(Presentation)1.要求学生翻开课本P1,迅速阅读1a 部分的内容。
实用综合教程教案(Unit 1-1)

2.Do you know anything about him such as his life and his education background?
Group discussion:
It’s said that Bill Gates dropped out of theprestigious, well-establishedHarvard University, from the perspective of the dropout, is education important? Why or why not?
inlow/poor spirits意志消沉,垂头丧气
12.highly adv.高度地,非常
e.g. a highly interesting story
a highly paid job
speak highly of赞扬,对…给予很高评价
e.g. The leader speaks highly of their work.
3.What did Bill Gates like to do in college?
利用多媒体给学生呈现Bill Gates图片,或者把图片打印出来,让学生谈论对图片人物的了解,然后对学生的发言进行归纳总结。
6.The new machine is____(automatic) controlled.

Lesson 1 Telephone Call for Information
Task③ Listen and write down the words you hear. 1、 _in_q_u_i_ry__o_ff_ic_e_________ 2、_o_n__s_c_h_e_d_u_le_________ 3、_d_u_e__to______________ 4、_b_e__s_c_h_e_d_u_le_d__to__d_o___ 5、_t_a_k_e_o_f_f ____________
Lesson 1 Telephone Call for Information
Dialogue: Task 2 Listen to the tape and complete the dialogue.
Telephone Call for Information(电话问讯)
A: Hello!
Welcome Announcement
Ladies and gentlemen, We welcome you aboard the high-speed rail EMU trains. On behalf of all the crew members of EMU, I would like to say hello to you and hope you have a nice trip. Our next station is ...
Lesson 1 Telephone Call for Information
Task5 Translation. 1、__请__问_是__青__岛__机__场_的__问__讯__处_吗__?_______________ 2、__D_e_n_n_y_先__生__,__有__什_么__需__要__帮__忙_的__吗__?_________ 3、_(__该__航__班_)__预__计__今__天_晚__上__9_:_2_5_分_抵__达__。________ 4、__由__于__天__气_原__因__,__本__次_航__班__将__不__能_按__时__抵__达__。___ 5、___航_班__还__没__有__从_昆__明__起__飞__。_________________

3.Ask them what questions they would like to ask about the two people in thepictures。 Collecttheir questions orally, summarize them, and if possible, narrow themdown tothe three questions listed in Opener.
3.Guide Sstoapproachthetext bystudying the storyline of the writer's personal story--time order and some key elements of a story: setting conflict, development, andending。

Sample Conversation 1
Clerk: Good morning. This is China Southern Airline Booking Office. Can I help you? Passenger: I want to fly to Changchun. Do you have any fight from Shanghai to Changchun tomorrow? Clerk: One moment, please. I’ll check what’s available. Passenger: I’d like to travel business class. Clerk: OK. We have Flight CZ6374 leaving Shanghai at 7: 05 a.m. Do you make the reservation now? Passenger: Yes. Clerk: What’s your name, please? Passenger: John Smith. j-o-h-n, for John, s-m-i-t-h, for Smith. Clerk: All right, sir. Now I’ve confirmed one business class seat on Flight CZ6374 leaving Shanghai at 7: 05 a. m. to Changchun on July 16. Is that right? Passenger: Yes. When should I get to the airport? Clerk: Please be there by 5: 05 at the latest. Passenger: OK. I will. Thank you, bye!

《新航标职业英语·综合英语基础级1》Unit1Lesson Plan学科 PublicEnglish班级执教者班型40课题 Unit 1:IntroductionsWorkshop1 & Vocabulary课时 2 节次 1教学目标Students will learn …• present simple be• possessive adjectives• greetings and goodbyes• countries an d nationalities• numbers 0 — 100• to talk on the phonethey will practise ...• asking for and giving personal details• exchanging contact information教学重点1.To be able to start a conversation with a stranger2.To learn to make a good impression3.To improve ability in listening and speaking4.How to exchanging their personal information教学难点1. Countries and nationalities information2.To start a conversation with a good icebreaker3.To tell what are things appropriate and inappropriate to do when meetingpeople for the first time.4.To make Students develop the habit of speaking in English in class from thevery beginning教学方法Task-oriented teaching method, group work, presentation, brainstorming.课前准备Prepare cards with numbers 0-100 and some nations which we are ready to teach in class.Teacher prepare a brief self-introductionThe map of some capitals of famous countriesProcedure of teaching(教学过程)Teaching process(教学程序)/content of courses(教学内容)Teachers’ activities(教师活动)Students’ activities(学生活动)1.Warm up: Grammar2.Start up: The map3.Workshop1: Pleased to meet you4. Vocabulary 1.Write on board2.Show up the map3.Teacher’s brief introduction1.Prepare for theself-introductions2.Find out the capitals ofcountries on map3.Follow the teacher’sorders1. Warm up: GrammarWrite on the board:I'm ____ I study ____ I'm from ____ I'm a ____ I live in ____Introduce yourself to the students, completing the phrases so that they are true for you. Model the pronunciation for the students to repeat, focusing especially on the weak forms of from and for. Elicit Nice to meet you. Ask the students to stand up and work in pairs to introduce themselves. Call Change every few minutes so that the students form new partners. Continue in this way until everyone has spoken to everyone else. Ask the students to sit down.Then write on the board:This is ____ He/She studies ____ He/She’s from ____He/She’s a ____He/She lives in ____ Choose one student and ask the others to remember what they can and use the prompts to introduce that student. Continue until every class member has been introduced.2. Start Up: The mapFocus on the map and ask the students which countries the cities are in. Focus on the registration form.AnswersFirst name: Santiago Surname: RamosDate of birth: 18 October 1976 Occupation: computer programmer nationality: MexicanAddress: Calle Andes Nol, 892 Piso 3, 111000 Montevideo Show the mapPlay the listening materialsTake answers from the students, butdon’t give the correct answers atthis stage.Check the students know themeanings of the headings Firstname, Surname, Date of birth,Occupation, Nationality andAddress. Tell the students they aregoing to listen to Santiago arrivingat a conference and they have tocomplete the form. Play the audioonce or twice, then check theanswers.Find the capital ofcountriesListen and find out thecountries3. workshop1: Pleased to meet youInterview another student and complete the registration form. Begin like this: Can I ask you some questions? Yes, of course. Play the audio again once or twice to give the students the chance to complete the questions (you might want to stop after every second sentence), then check the answers.Present simple be be动词的一般现在时Full form 完整形式 Short form 缩略形式Example:You: Hello, I’m Paul. Nice to meet you. S1: I’m Sergio. Good to meet you, too. You: Where are you from, Sergio?S1: I’m from Chile.You: What’s your job?S1: I’m a sale s representative.You: Silvia, this is Sergio. He's a sales representative from Chile. Introduce yourself toanother student: I’m[name]. Nice to meet youDemonstrate the answerGood to meet you, too.Demonstrate with anotherstudent, then introduce athird student to them: Thisis [name], then ask them togreet each other.Demonstrate the activityby introducing yourself toanother student and askinghim/her where he/she isfrom and what his/her jobis. Then introduce thestudent to the person onyour left.Introduce yourself to theperson on your right.Ask him/her aboutwhere he/she is from andwhat his/her job is orwhat he/she is going todo in the future.Introduce him/her to theperson on your left?They should use the firsttext in 9 to help them.Encourage them to usepossessive adjectiveswhere possible. Ask afew students to read outtheir profile.Alternatively, set thetask as homework.4: VocabularyBasic vocabulary * avenue /ˈævənjuː/ n. 大街,林荫大道 He stands on the corner of a wide avenue. 他站在宽阔的林荫道的角落里。
民航地勤英语第一册课件unit1 (5)

Unit 6 Service for special passengers
Discussion: What are the special requests and needs that passengers have? As a clerk, how do you assist your passengers to solve their difficulties?
Read the above dialogue carefully and discuss the following question with a partner. Then make up short dialogues by reference to the language expressions in the boxes.
Information Bank – Unaccompanied minor requested for carriage-handling advice
无成人陪伴儿童乘机申请书 UNACCOMPANIED MINOR REQUESTED FOR CARRIAGE-HANDLING ADVICE 日期(DATE): 至(To) 售票服务处(OFFICE CEA) 儿童姓名(NAME OF MINOR): 年龄(AGE):___________________ (包括儿童乳名-INCLUDING NICKNAME) 性别(SEX):___________________ 航程(ROUTING) 航班号 FLT NO 日期 DATE 自 FROM 至 TO
《新航标职业英语 综合英语(修订版)教师用书 2 》unit1 电子教案

Unit1Automobiles Background1. World Famous Car Manufacturers:The first car manufacturers in the world were the German Mercedes-Benz (1881), and the French Peugeot (1891) and Panhard & Levassor (1889) . Now there are many manufacturers worldwide, and among them, some of the greatest and most successful are:(1) Audi (奥迪): Audi is a German car manufacturer that has been in the market since 1899 and isheadquartered in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany.(2) BMW (宝马): BMW (Bavarian Motor W orks) is a German automobile manufacturing company that hasbeen in the market since 1916.(3) Buick (别克): David Dunbar Buick founded the Buick automobile company in 1903. It is situated inDetroit, Michigan, USA and has markets in the United States, Canada, China, Qatar, Kuwait, Israel, and other countries and regions.(4) Cadillac (凯迪拉克): Cadillac was founded by Henry M. Leland in 1902 in Detroit, Michigan, USA.General Motors (GM) is the parent company and owner of Cadillac.(5) Ferrari (法拉利): In 1947, Enzo Ferrari founded his auto company which has been manufacturing sportscars. Its biggest success story has been Formula One (一级方程式赛车).(6) Ford Motor Company (福特汽车公司): Ford Motor Company was founded by Henry Ford on June 16,1903. It produces mainstream/performance vehicles and automotive parts. It is situated in Dearborn, Michigan, USA.(7) General Motors Corp. (通用汽车公司): General Motors Corp. was founded by William C. Durant in1908. It is the world’s second largest automaker. It is situated in Detroit, Michigan, USA. GM is serving worldwide.(8) Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (本田汽车公司): Honda Motor Co., Ltd. was founded by Soichiro Honda (本田宗一郎) on September 24, 1948 and it is situated in Minato, Tokyo, Japan. It produces cars, trucks, motorcycles, scooters, A TVs, electrical generators, robots, marine equipment, jets and jet engines, and lawn and garden equipment. Honda and Accura are its car brands.(9) Mercedes-Benz (梅赛德斯—奔驰): Mercedes-Benz was founded by Karl Benz in 1881. It is situated inStuttgart, Germany. It produces cars, trucks, buses and engines.(10) Toyota (丰田): Toyota was founded by Kiichiro Toyota (丰田喜一郎) in 1937. It is situated in Aichi,Nagoya, Tokyo, Japan, and Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. It also manufactures robots.2. Non-renewable fuels (非可再生燃料):There are four fundamental non-renewable fuels. They are: oil and petroleum products [known more simply as gasoline (汽油), propane (丙烷), and diesel fuel (柴油燃料)], natural gas, uranium (nuclear energy, 铀) and coal.The only liquid non-renewable commercial fuel is petroleum (also called crude oil, 原油). Natural gas and propane gas are in gaseous forms and the only solid non-renewable fuel is coal. All fossil fuels are known to be non-renewable, but not all non-renewable fuels are fossil fuels. Non-renewable fuel is something not only uncommon, but also scarce, which makes it valuable. Natural gas is perhaps the most precious—it can be burnt—and the end result would be what we all long for-clean air.Suggested Teaching PlanGetting ReadyHave the students think about the question—what kinds of vehicles do you most often see on the road? Give some hints if necessary. (1 min.)A (3 min.)a. Focus the students’ at tention on the pictures and have them get familiar with the names of the vehicles.b. Have the students work in pairs and match the names of the vehicles with the pictures.c. Give the students the names of the Chinese equivalents of these vehicles.B (6 min.)a. Have the students work in pairs and discuss the questions. Then have them share their ideas with another pair.b. Have some of the students answer these questions. Encourage them to share their ideas with the wholeText A1. Have the students listen to the recording and practice reading the new words and expressions. (10min.)2. Have the students listen to the recording with their textbooks closed, and have them focus onimproving their listening skills. (5 min.)3. Have the students listen to the recording again, skim the text and elicit the main ideas, especiallyfrom the subtitles, that the text tells us of the effects the automobile has on the world. (5 min.)4. Have the students read the text carefully and search for specific information. (20 min.)a. Have the students answer the questions in Exercise A.b. Upon finishing reading the entire passage, have the students complete the statements about the mainideas in Exercise B.5. Help the students have a deep understanding of the text by explaining the language points. If timepermits, have the students practice using them by composing new sentences. (25 min.)6. After an in-depth reading, have the students list some other effects aside from the effects alreadymentioned in Text A that the automobile has on the world by answering the question in Exercise C.(5 min.)7. The students should have a basic knowledge of the effects the automobile has on the world. Write asummary of the text and have the students memorize the two paragraphs in Exercise D. (10 min.)Language PointsParagraph 11. The development of the automobile introduced sweeping changes in employment patterns, socialinteraction, infrastructure and goods distribution.(1) sweeping a. wide in range or effect 影响大的;彻底的;广泛的sweeping changes that mean job cuts in every department意味着每个部门都要裁员的全面变更sweeping proposals内容广泛的建议(2) interaction n. reciprocal action or influence 交流,交往;互动the degree of interaction between teacher and student师生之间交流的程度superficial interactions with other people和其他人泛泛的交往(3) infrastructure n. the basic systems and structures that a country or organization needs in order towork properly, for example, transport, communications and banking systems 基础设施(如运输、通信和银行体系等);基础结构the country’s econom ic infrastructure国家的经济基础设施improvements in the country’s infrastructure国家基础设施的改善Paragraph 22. However, the effects of the automobile on everyday life have become a subject of controversy.(1) effect on…对……的影响Inflation is having a disastrous effect on the economy.通货膨胀正给经济带来灾难性的影响。

Book1 Unit 1 Nice to meet you!(第一课时教学设计)一、学情分析本单元是新生入学的第一单元,教学重点是活用招呼用语、相互了解个人基本信息、制作个人名片、学习不同职业的表达与描述以及练习发音。
本单元设计分为4个课时:第一课时 lead-in + listening and speaking第二课时 reading and writing第三课时 language in use + vocabulary consolidation第四课时 unit task + pronunciation practice第一课时 Lead-in + Listening & Speaking二、教材分析1.教学内容本课时系教材《英语1》(基础模块高教版)第一单元的第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking两部分,具体内容为:招呼用语,听懂并掌握询问和提供个人信息的词汇、句型。
2.教学重点、难点⑴教学重点招呼用语,听懂并掌握询问和提供个人信息的词汇、句型⑵教学难点个人信息的词汇、句型三、教学目标1.知识目标⑴掌握与个人信息相关的词汇,如name, first name; last name; name card; telephone number; age; address; e-mail address; job (engineer; manager; secretary; teacher; student; doctor; nurse; singer; fans); position(boss);⑵掌握提供或询问个人信息时所使用的句型,如:1) about greeting:Good morning.Hi.Nice to meet you.2) about personal informationWhat’s you name?Where are you from?Which company are you from?2.能力目标⑴学生能听懂关于询问和提供个人信息的对话。
民航客舱服务英语-unit 1-

❖ Procedure 程序,过程,步骤 airbus 340 空客
aircraft 飞机
❖ Pilot 飞行员
flight deck 驾驶仓
❖ Initial flight 首航
Please listen to dialogue one
❖ How to greet other? ❖ How to introduce yourself to other?
民航客舱服务实用英 语
Main idea:
❖ New words and expressions: ❖ Dialogues: ❖ Sentence patterns: ❖ Act out:
❖ What kinds of people are there in the picture?
❖ Can you tell me how many passengers are checked in first class and economy class?
❖ How about the special ❖ passix assigns the task
❖ We are bound for Sydney and the flight time is , the departure time is and the arrival time is .
Dialogue four weather condition
❖ What contents does the weather condition consist of?
❖ What are they doing according to the picture?
民航客舱服务实用英语-Unit-1Preflight Briefing

1.英译汉 ➢Briefing purser ➢preflight briefing ➢Boeing 777 ➢aircraft type ➢flight route ➢estimated flight ➢departure time
➢arrival time ➢cabin service ➢passenger
1.What contents does the flight route consist of? 2.We are bound for Sydney and the flight time is _____, the departure time is______ and the arrival time is______ .
2.汉译英 ➢准备会 ➢乘务长 ➢航前准备会 ➢波音777 ➢机型 ➢飞行路线 ➢预计飞行时
间 ➢出发时间
➢抵达时间 ➢客舱服务 ➢乘客信息 ➢素食者 ➢头等舱 ➢经济舱 ➢商务舱 ➢首航
➢特殊乘客 ➢重要人士 ➢广播词 ➢客舱检查 ➢程序 ➢空客340 ➢飞机 ➢飞行员 ➢驾驶舱
Key words
➢ briefing准备会 ➢ purser乘务长 ➢ preflight briefing航前准备会 ➢ Boeing 777波音777 ➢ aircraft type机型 ➢ flight route飞行路线 ➢ estimated flight预计飞行时间 ➢ departure time出发时间
Unit 1 Preflight Briefing By Zeng Hong
01 Warm-up
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
章节 课题
Unit 1 Booking Tickets
2018 年 3 月 6 日
1.To learn how to enquire about flightInformation.
2.To get the idea of telephonereservation.
Teaching key points:
1.Some key words andexpressions.
2.To know the pricing structure for airtickets.
Teaching difficult points:
1.Some key words andexpressions.
[Activity:T explains.]
II. New words and phrases learning (15 mins)
Step1. Listen to the recording of the words and phrases twice. (2 mins)
Step2. T explains the phonetic symbols and the meaning of the words and phrases.(3 mins)
the terms.(15 mins)
Step2. Read after T twice. (5 mins)
2.To know the pricing structure for airtickets.
1. Introduction of the learning plan.
1. Introduction of the learning plan. (10 mins)
Step4. T lets Ss read the words and phrases and correct the wrong pronunciation.(5 mins)
Ⅲ. Exercise 2 & Exercise 3(40 mins)
Step1. T explains the phonetic symbols and the meaning of
3.To learn the change ofreservations
4.To master ticketing and change oftickets
5.To learn how to deal with refunding the tickets booked and paying for thecancellation.
Step3. Ss try to remember the meaning and the pronunciation of the words and phrases. (5 mins)
Words and Phrases:available, alternative, reconfirm, stopover, round trip ticket, one way ticket, non-stop flight..