1.金属板料冲压成形过程有限元分析软件的开发 [J], 陈中奎;施法中
2.板料冲压成形过程中有限元计算模型的生成研究 [J], 黄新林
3.板料冲压成形过程有限元分析中的接触搜索法的优化 [J], 冯天飞;施法中;陈中奎
4.板料冲压成形过程有限元分析中的接触搜索算法 [J], 陈中奎;施法中
5.板料冲压成形过程有限元分析原型系统的开发 [J], 陈中奎;施法中;黄迪民
板料成形仿真软件− INDEED®数模软件(上海)有限公司1.引言上世纪八十年代,一个由汽车制造工程师和模具设计师组成的团队开始了INDEED软件的研发,这个软件名来源于Innovative Deep Drawing(创新的深拉延)。
鉴于板料成形过程是一个准静态过程,工程师们还是决定在INDEED 中采用隐式算法;一个明显的优点是,可方便而精确地进行回弹计算。
在INDEED 的研发中,工程师们把重点放在了针对更加复杂工况的分析结果质量上,例如精确的回弹计算和冲压力计算。
材料加工工艺过程中,除了运动和外力作用等因素,还涉及温度场、流场、应力应变场及内部组织的变化; 生产环境恶劣,控制因素多样。
以有限元方法为基础的计算机模拟技术是20 世纪技术发展的巨大成果,在工程物理科学的各个分支领域都起着十分重要的作用。
材料加工过程微观组织的计算机模拟由于具有描述分子级尺寸水平的能力,这将对控制材料晶粒大小及分布,进一步了解位错的产生和运动、晶界结构、防止内部空洞和微裂纹的萌生和扩展等问题提供了新的方法[1-2] ,将大大推动材料微观结构研究的进展,并对确定优化材料加工的工步数和顺序、热处理方案十分有益。
【摘要】本文用自主开发的板料成形静力隐式弹塑性有限元模拟程序SHEETFORM对方盒形件拉深成形过程进行了数值模拟 ,全面比较了 FORTRAN 语言版本和 C++语言版本的有限元数值计算程序 SHEETFORM在数值计算过程中所表现的性能。
发现 :在所有参数相同的情况下 ,C++语言编写的有限元程序SHEETFORM- C和 FOR-TRAN语言编制的有限元程序 SHEETFORM- F可以得到完全相同精度的计算结果 ,而且两者在所有加载步中所需的迭代步数完全一致 ,计算效率也基本接近。
1.板料成形中的有限元数值模拟技术 [J], 罗亚军;杨曦;何丹农;张永清
2.板料成形中的有限元数值模拟技术 [J], 罗亚军;杨曦;何丹农;张永清
3.板料成形数值模拟有限元求解算法 [J], 陆璐; 王辅忠; 王照旭
4.有限元模型转换及其在金属板料成形数值模拟中的应用 [J], 邱智学;黄菊花;杨雪春;杨国泰;刘志云;谢世坤
5.AutoCAD在板料拉深成形有限元数值模拟中的应用 [J], 杜拴柱;贺涞庆
Sheet metal stamping and rebound finite element simulation analysis
The rebound is inevitable common phenomenon in sheet metal forming process, a direct impact on the final shape to the dimensional accuracy of the stampings and parts. In this paper, the nonlinear dynamic finite element software ANSYS / LS-DYNA explicit, implicit sequential solution function to simulate thespringbackdeformation of the sheet after sheet metal stamping process and uninstall the whole process, forming process at any time throughout the Von-Misesstress cloud and strain and after unloading sheetspringbackresults, help us to a better understanding analysis sheet metal stamping and rebound process material internal changes.
关键词:DYNAFORM,拉深,模拟,参数Based on the dynaform plate formingresearchAbstract:Deep drawing of sheet metal industry is now an important processing method. In the drawing forming process, the parts prone to cracking, wrinkling and other problems.Along with the computer simulation and the simulation technology development, the process of sheet forming analysis, defects distribution problems can be simulated by FEM software prediction analysis. To solve these problems, PRO / ENGINEER software part three-dimensional modeling, import on DYNAFORM, a preliminary simulation, set the parameters of analog control, primarily to modify the sheet thickness, sheet performance, pressing speed, die fillet radius and other parameters.Identify mold chamfer, material thickness, speed of pressing forming properties of the material, which for the guidance of the design of the forming process of great significance.Key words: DYNAFORM, drawing, simulation, parameter毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。
二、数值模拟方法1. 有限元法有限元法是目前最为常用的数值模拟方法之一。
2. 边界元法边界元法是另一种常用的数值模拟方法。
3. 网格无关法网格无关法是相对于传统有限元法而言的新兴方法。
三、数值模拟在金属板料成形中的应用1. 成形过程分析数值模拟可以对金属板料成形过程进行分析,预测变形、应力分布等物理量。
2. 模具设计数值模拟可以为模具设计提供依据。
3. 材料选择数值模拟还可以为材料选择提供参考。
四、数值模拟存在的问题及发展趋势1. 计算精度问题目前数值模拟存在计算精度不高、计算时间长等问题。
2. 跨尺度建模问题金属板料成形涉及到多个尺度,如宏观尺度、晶体尺度等。
3. 多物理场耦合问题金属板料成形涉及到多种物理场,如力学、热学、电磁学等。
材料成型及控制工程外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)在模拟人体体液中磷酸钙涂层激光消融L. Cle`ries*, J.M. FernaHndez-Pradas, J.L. Morenza德国巴塞罗那大学,西班牙1999年七月二十八日-2000年2月文摘:三种类型的磷酸钙涂层基质,在钛合金激光烧蚀技术规定提存,沉浸在一个模拟的身体# uid为了确定条件下他们的行为类似于人的血浆。
关键词:磷酸钙,脉冲激光沉积,SBF1 介绍激光消融技术用于沉积磷酸钙涂层金属基体上,将用作植体骨重建。
然而,真正的身体条件# uid饱和对羟基磷灰石的阶段,这是钙离子的浓度高于均衡的这个阶段。
2 实验模拟身体化学溶解试剂级严格依照以下的顺序,除氢钠,NaHCO3:)3,K2HPO4 H2O,MgCl2)6 H2O,氯化钙和Na2SO4)2 H2O,在去离子水。
1.钛合金板材翻边成形的有限元数值模拟 [J], 郑晖;张凌云;周健
2.板材电磁成形技术研究进展 [J], 金延野;于海平
3.镁合金板材磁脉冲成形研究进展 [J], 徐俊瑞;王元丰;王宇阳;李毅;汪强昆;赵雨东;文智生;周颖奇
4.板材拉深成形中磁力压边技术的研究进展 [J], 张红升;曹丽琴;郭凯
5.板材冲压成形有限元数值模拟界面摩擦约束处理方法 [J], 杜亭;柳玉起;章志兵;李志刚
Prediction of workpiece deformation in afixture systemusing thefinite element methodShane P.Siebenaler,Shreyes N.Melkote*The George W.Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering,Georgia Institute of Technology,Atlanta,GA30332-0405,USAReceived25August2004;accepted7April2005Available online23May2005AbstractKnowledge of workpiece deformations induced by loading in afixture–workpiece system is important to ensure quality part production. Suitable methods for accurately predicting such deformations are essential to the design and operation offixtures.In this regard,finite element modeling has been widely applied by researchers and practitioners.However,these studies generally neglect the role of compliance of thefixture body on workpiece deformation.Also lacking is knowledge of the effects of differentfinite element model parameters on workpiece deformation.This study usesfinite element analysis(FEA)to model afixture–workpiece system and to explore the influence of compliance of thefixture body on workpiece deformation.In addition,the effects of certainfinite element model parameters on the prediction accuracy are also examined.Experimental verification of the workpiece deformations and locator reaction forces predicted by the FEA model shows agreement within5%of the experimental data.For thefixture–workpiece system analyzed in this study,it was found that98%of all system compliance is captured by modeling just the workpiece andfixture contact tips.The remainder of deformation occurred in the other fixture components.The accuracy and computational time tradeoffs are given for variousfixture models.q2005Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Fixture-work piece system;Finite element analysis;Deformation1.IntroductionMethods for analyzingfixtures are essential to the practice and economics of machining.In particular,the ability to model and accurately predict workpiece deformation induced by fixturing loads and/or predict the unknownfixture–workpiece contact forces are crucial for designing functionalfixtures.The most common modeling and analysis approaches used for fixture–workpiece systems include the rigid body approach,the contact mechanics based approach and thefinite element modeling approach.Of these approaches,the rigid body modeling approach[1–3]is by definition incapable of predicting workpiece deformations and is therefore unsuitable for analysis of the impact offixturing on part quality.The contact mechanics approach,although attractive from a standpoint of computational effort,is limited to parts that can be approximated as elastic half-spaces.Models derived from this approach are capable of accurately predicting unknown locator reaction forces and localized contact deformations[4–6].However,they are not applicable for thin,compliant parts. Finite element models on the other hand are very powerful and are capable of accounting for all compliances and non-linearities present in the system.Although use offinite element models has been widely reported in the literature and employed in practice,a clear understanding of the role of the different fixture compliances on the prediction accuracy of workpiece deformation is lacking.Also knowledge of the effects of differentfinite element model parameters on workpiece deformation is lacking.A common assumption in application of Finite Element Analysis(FEA)to analyze afixture–workpiece system is that thefixture is completely rigid since it is much stiffer than the workpiece in many applications.In most such cases,the workpiece is modeled and nodes at the location offixture contact are completely restrained.This formulation is com-monly referred to as a single-point contact[7–12].Omitting fixture elements does not allow for the model to account for compliance in thefixture and neglects frictional contact effects between thefixture and workpiece.Other researchers[13–16] have utilized linear springs to approximate the stiffness oftheInternational Journal of Machine Tools&Manufacture46(2006)51–58/locate/ijmactool0890-6955/$-see front matter q2005Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2005.04.007*Corresponding author.Tel.:C14048948499;fax:C14048949342.E-mail address:*************************.edu(S.N.Melkote).fixture components.However,such an approach requires the stiffness to be measured or approximated,adding time and introducing potential error into the analysis.Recent work [17–19]has explored the use of surface-to-surface contact elements.Such an approach allows frictional effects to be modeled.This methodology was used for the work reported in this paper.Liao et al.[17]used FEA with contact elements to model a multiple-contact fixture system.They,however,did not investigate the effects of friction and meshing parameters on the results.Satyanarayana’s [18,19]work was limited to a single fixture–workpiece contact.More importantly,these studies did not analyze the contribution of fixture body compliance to the overall deformation.This paper investigates the effects of various finite element modeling parameters,such as friction and mesh density,on workpiece deformation.In addition to modeling the workpiece and fixture tips,as is common,the effect of compliance of other fixture components such as support blocks,base plate,etc.on workpiece deformation is also examined.The FEA predictions of workpiece deformation and locator reactions are experimentally verified.2.Fixture–workpiece systemThe fixture–workpiece system used in this study consisted of a hollow block of rectangular section anduniform wall thickness restrained in a 3-2-1fixture layout as shown in Fig.1.The aluminum 6061-T6(E Z 70GPa,n Z 0.334)workpiece measured 153mm !127mm !76mm and had a fixed wall thickness (t in Fig.1)ranging from 6to 10mm.Two clamps were used to press the workpiece against six locators:three on the primary plane,two on the secondary plane,and one on the tertiary plane.Spherical and planar hardened AISI 1144steel (E Z 206GPa,n Z 0.296)fixture tips with black oxide finish were used to locate and clamp the workpiece.The global coordinates of each tip are given in Table 1.3.Model developmentFinite element models were constructed using ANSYS w Version 5.7.Solid models were assembled of the prismatic block and fixture tips.All components in the system were modeled as isotropic elastic bodies.The fixture tips,shown in Fig.2,were modeled as cylinders with either planar (clamp and locator circular contact areas 60and 127mm 2,respectively)or spherical (35mm radius of curvature)end caps.The axial lengths of the planar and spherical tips were 6.4and 10.2mm,respectively.The 10-node tetrahedral element Solid92was used to mesh all solid bodies.Contact between the workpiece and fixture was simu-lated using the quadratic surface-to-surface contact elements Targe170and Conta174.A constant static coefficient of friction was used to establish contact proper-ties at the interfaces.To simulate the locators beingrigidlyZyout of 3-2-1fixture.Table 1Coordinates of locator tipsPlanar Spherical X (mm)Y (mm)Z (mm)X (mm)Y (mm)Z (mm)L130.80.041.927.00.038.1L2132.40.041.9128.60.038.1L30. 6.721.00.0L510.5112.00.0 6.7108.20.0L6154.066.60.0150.262.70.0C179.1127.041.375.3127.037.5C2153.067.341.3153.063.537.5S.P.Siebenaler,S.N.Melkote /International Journal of Machine Tools &Manufacture 46(2006)51–5852fixed in place,the surface of each locator tip opposite to the contact was restrained in all three translational degrees of freedom.A uniformly distributed pressure was applied over the surface of both clamps in opposite contact to simulate the desired clamping force.The deformation of the workpiece,analyzed in the subsequent sections,was found at two points on the workpiece.The positive directions of these two points,d C1and d C2,are shown in Fig.3.The selection of points was based upon locations on the workpiece that underwent the most deformation due to clamping.3.1.Sensitivity to friction coefficientLaboratory tests conducted by Satyanarayana [18]on the same fixture–workpiece system found an average static coefficient of friction (m )of 0.18between the workpiece and fixture tips.The average was in a range of experimental values from 0.15to 0.25.To test the effect of friction of workpiece deformation prediction,FEA models were constructed for workpiece wall thicknesses of 6–10mm restrained in the fixture previously described.A spectrum of m from 0.15to 0.30was tested in combination with the various wall thicknesses.A summary of the deformation results is given in Table 2.An average difference of 3.1%in deformation prediction was found for a change in m of 0.05.These results show that the effect of small variations in the friction coefficient on the workpiece deformation is quite small.3.2.Treatment of primary plane locatorsA series of models were constructed to determine the influence of the primary plane locators.For a properly designed 3-2-1layout in which workpiece rotation is prevented,the only normal load taken by the three primary plane locators is the weight of the workpiece.The frictional force produced by such a small load is often dwarfed by the much larger clamping loads.An analysis was performed to determine if the frictional effects at these locators must be accounted for in a modeling approach.Two sets of boundary conditions were applied to blocks with wall thicknesses of 7,8,and 9mm.The first set,Case A,included all three primary plane locators subjected to the previously described surface-to-surface contact bound-ary conditions.A value of 0.18was specified for m .The second configuration,Case B,removed all three of the primary plane locators and simply restrained the bottom surface of the workpiece from translating in the z -direction.A summary of the results is given in Table 3.The FEA showed that the predicted deformations differed between the two boundary condition sets by an average of only 1.31%.This small impact of the bottom locators allows the FEA models to be constructed without the primary plane locators,thus saving considerable computational time.This (Case B)boundary condition set used only 77and 69%of the complete model computational time for the planar and spherical tips,respectively.The omission of the three primary plane locators coupled with restraining the bottom surface of the workpiece was the configuration used for subsequent models.It should be pointed out that this approximation may not be valid when machining loads are also taken intoaccount.Fig.2.Fixture tip geometry.Table 2Effect of variation in friction coefficient w (mm)m d C1(m m)d C2(m m)100.1515.018.00.2015.016.50.2515.015.60.3015.114.790.1520.022.60.2020.021.10.2519.918.90.3020.118.980.1528.030.10.2027.828.60.2527.827.20.3028.225.770.1541.042.20.2040.640.40.2540.738.50.3041.336.360.1564.965.90.2064.463.30.2564.960.2Fig.3.Workpiece deformation points.S.P.Siebenaler,S.N.Melkote /International Journal of Machine Tools &Manufacture 46(2006)51–58534.Effect of mesh densityWhile some published literature uses FEA to analyze workpiece deformation,a rigorous study of the influence of mesh density on the modeling of fixture–workpiece compliance is lacking.A key factor in determining an appropriate FEA model for this investigation is to select the ideal mesh density.A coarse mesh might yield inaccurate results.However,too fine a mesh might be unnecessary as well as computationally expensive.For this study,the SMRT smart-meshing function of ANSYS w was utilized to construct the solid mesh.Discrete values ranging from 1(most dense mesh)to 10(least dense mesh)were assigned to the various solid parts.A wide spectrum of combinations of fixture and workpiece mesh sizes was used to determine the optimal mesh size.To test the accuracy of the results,the deformation of the workpiece,d C1and d C2,at the location of the two clamps was computed.Experimental results were used as a benchmark for assessing the validity of the simulated results.A test fixture with dimensions identical to the models was constructed.The workpiece for this study had a uniform wall thickness of 7mm.The fixture elements were fastened to a 15mm thick steel base plate.The threaded fixture tips on the primary plane were screwed directly into the base plate.The other locators were screwed into steel support blocks that were in turn each fastened to the base plate via four bolts and two press-fit dowel pins.A picture of the fixture is given in Fig.4.The two clamps,which were similarly fastened to the base plate via steel support blocks,were actuated by a hydraulic hand pump.The order of clamp actuation can influence workpiece deflection as shown by otherresearchers [20,21]and in previous work by the authors [22].However,in the current study,the two clamps were actuated simultaneously by a single hydraulic pump.The difference in actuation times for the two clamps was deemed to be negligible.The deformation at each point was measured using an eddy current proximity probe.The change in magnetic flux of a target patch detected by the sensor was converted to a displacement value by the data acquisition system.Average deformation results over five trials for each tip and load pair are given in Table 4.The standard deviation for the measurements was 0.43m m.Figs.5and 6show the percentage error between the experimentally measured values and the FEA results for the planar and spherical tip cases,respectively.Plots of the 250N load case at Clamp 1for both spherical and planar tips are given for each wall thickness tested.A similar trend was found for the deformation at Clamp 2as well as for a load of 350N.As depicted in the plots,the workpiece mesh density has the dominant effect on model accuracy.A coarse mesh density can produce results with as much as 20%error.However,as can be observed in Fig.6,the influence of fixture tip mesh density on the accuracy of the results is much less.The workpiece and fixture SMRT density levels for the planar case,which provided the most accurate results,were five and two,respectively.No finite element meshes denser than this combination altered the predicted deformations.For the spherical tip case,a SMRT mesh density level of six for the workpiece and two for the fixture components wasTable 3Effect of primary plane locators w (mm)md C1(m m)d C2(m m)AB %Diff.A B %Diff.100.1515.014.6 2.7618.017.8 1.020.2015.014.6 2.9216.516.40.740.2515.014.5 3.0615.615.50.540.3015.114.6 3.2114.714.60.1690.1520.019.4 2.8922.622.50.810.2020.019.5 2.6321.120.9 1.160.2519.919.4 2.5820.119.9 1.120.3020.119.6 2.6318.918.80.8180.1528.027.4 2.2330. 1.8328.628.50.490.2527.827.2 2.0027. 1.9825.725.70.0770.1541.040.3 1.5842. 1.8040.440.60.610.2540.740.0 1.5238.538.80.690.3041.340.6 1.5736.336.70.9960.1564.964.30.9265.965.50.640.2064.463.7 1.1563.363.20.120.2564.964.30.9160.260.10.23Table 4Experimental datad C1(m m)d C2(m m)250N Planar 26.520.5Spherical 29.428.3350NPlanar 36.228.9Spherical41.338.5Fig.4.Experimental 3-2-1fixture.S.P.Siebenaler,S.N.Melkote /International Journal of Machine Tools &Manufacture 46(2006)51–5854chosen.Table 5summarizes these results.As the table shows,the finite element model provides solutions with less than 5%error for the designated mesh density levels.The selected mesh densities were used in all subsequent analyses.A summary of the element properties corresponding to the selected mesh density levels is presented in Table 6.5.Validation of selected mesh parametersThe general validity of the finite element mesh parameters obtained above for the fixture–workpiece system was established by applying the same mesh guidelines to a different load–wall thickness combination.An identical experimental set-up was used as in Section 4.The wallthickness of the block was 8mm and a 375N clamping load was utilized.Table 7presents the corresponding exper-imental and FEA results.As the table shows,there is less than 5%error between the FEA and experimental values,–20.00%–18.00%–16.00%–14.00%–12.00%–10.00%–8.00%–6.00%–4.00%–2.00%0.00%1234567SMRT Size (Fixture)% E r r o r i n d C 1Fig.5.Percentage error for various workpiece density levels (planar tips).12345678SMRT Size (Fixture)–30.00%–25.00%–20.00%–15.00%–10.00%–5.00%0.00%% E r r o r i n d C 1Fig.6.Percentage error for various workpiece density levels (spherical tips).Table 5Predicted vs.measured results for selected mesh density levels250N 350N d C1(m m)d C2(m m)d C1(m m)d C2(m m)Planar Measured 26.520.536.228.9FEA 25.320.335.428.5%Error K 4.55K 0.91K 2.19K 1.55Spherical Measured 29.428.341.338.5FEA 28.727.739.438.8%ErrorK 2.34K 2.17K 4.530.71S.P.Siebenaler,S.N.Melkote /International Journal of Machine Tools &Manufacture 46(2006)51–5855thus establishing the adequacy of the selected mesh parameters for the given fixture–workpiece system.6.Reaction force predictionAnother point of interest was the reaction forces between the locators and workpiece.Knowledge of reaction forces is important to ensure stability and equilibrium in the system.A series of experiments were run using the set-up shown in Fig.4to determine the reaction forces at Locators 1–3.Pressure-sensitive (Fuji Pre-scale)film was used at each of the three locator–workpiece contacts to produce a color intensity map.The individual images were mapped into a density array via a regression analysis to determine the contact pressure [23].The area of the imprint was found using a photo-editing program,leading to the determination of the reaction forces.The mesh parameters that were established in Section 5and a coefficient of friction of 0.18were used to predict reaction forces at the same locations.Table 8gives the results of the analysis.As can be seen from the table,FEA predictions are within 5%of the experimen-tal values thereby further validating the model.7.Effect of fixture body complianceThe models described in the previous sections only took into account the workpiece and the fixture tips.Most published analyses of fixtures assume that the fixture is rigid due to its considerably higher stiffness compared to that of the workpiece.Thus,these studies do not model the fixture itself and cannot account for any deformation effects of the fixture components.This paper,however,sought to investigate the contribution of fixture compliance to the overall predicted workpiece deformation by modeling various fixture elements.The components that were modeled in addition to the contact tips were the fixture support blocks,base plate,and clamp supports as shown in Fig.7.A series of models were constructed incorporating various combinations of these components.The support blocks and base plate were constructed to be solid prismatic blocks with dimensions matching those in the physical set-up.The support blocks had dimensions 63.5mm !50.8mm !73.8mm.The steel base plate had dimensions of 305mm !305mm !15mm.The planar and spherical tip fixture element dimensions were the same as those mentioned earlier in the paper.The fixture tips were modeled as fastened to the support blocks via the vglue command of ANSYS w .The support blocks were similarly affixed to the base plate and the bolt and dowel holes wereTable 6Mesh density parametersPlanarSpherical No.of WP elements 43807343WP element size (mm 3)65.2738.93No.of fixture elements 539423,408Fixture element size (mm 3)0.540.32Contact element size (mm 3)1.500.12Table 7Model validation resultsd C1(m m)d C2(m m)PlanarFEA26.321.4Measured 27.322.3%Error K 3.56K 4.14SphericalFEA32.826.4Measured 33.927.7%ErrorK 3.17K 4.71Table 8Comparison of measured and predicted locator reaction forcesMeasured (N)FEA (N)%Diff.F L1(N)Spherical 2508986K 2.9350126121K 3.9Planar2508481K 4.0350117113K 3.8F L2(N)Spherical 2509895K 2.9350138133K 3.6Planar25010299K 3.1350145139K 4.5F L3(N)Spherical 250170177 4.1350250248K 0.9Planar250177173K 2.1350244243K0.6Fig.7.Fixture components.S.P.Siebenaler,S.N.Melkote /International Journal of Machine Tools &Manufacture 46(2006)51–5856not modeled.Models that included the base plate used the vglue command to affix primary plane locating elements to the plate.For the models including the support blocks but not the base plate,the bottom surface of the blocks was constrained in all three translational degrees of freedom to simulate the blocks being fastened firmly to the base plate.The cylindrical clamp supports were modeled as solid cylinders that could only translate along the axis of the clamping force.The clamping pressure produced by the hydraulic pump was modeled as a uniformly distributed pressure across the area on the back surface of the clamp.FEA models of workpiece wall thicknesses of 7,8,and 9mm were used for the analysis.The loading conditions used are the same as those in Table 5.Workpiece deformation was also evaluated at the same locations as in the mesh density study.Results for the planar tip case are given in Table 9.The percent prediction error,averaged over both loading conditions and deformation locations,is given for FEA models including various fixture com-ponents.Also given in the table are computational times relative to the model containing only the fixture tips and workpiece.It is evident that modeling the additional individual fixture elements improved the accuracy of the FEA only slightly.The complete fixture model showed significant improvement in the simulated results,yielding results within 1%of the experimental values.However,the complete model required 653%of the computational time needed by the model consisting of just the workpiece and fixture tips.For the fixture with spherical tips,modeling of fixture components did not improve the accuracy of the results.The modeling of additional fixture components gave a more accurate representation of the fixture–workpiece interaction for the planar contact case.The deformation of the fixture itself,while small in comparison with that of the workpiece,influenced the overall system compliance.The FEA showed that 2.4%of the measured deformation is actually deformation in the fixture.The simulations showed that 22.7%of the fixture compliance occurs in the tips and the remaining 77.3%in the support system.Thus,the original model only containing the workpiece and fixture tips captured 98.1%of the overall system compliance.7.1.Significance of support block complianceAn analysis was performed to see how changes in the fixture compliance altered the overall system compliance.Complete fixture models of the initial configuration as well as cases for which the support blocks had different depths,D ,were run.The initial depth,D 0,is shown in Fig.8.Fig.9plots the percentage of system deformation occurring in the fixture itself for various normalized values of D .It would be expected that thinner blocks would deflect more than larger ones,shifting more deformation to the fixture.This assumption is confirmed in the plot.8.ConclusionsThis paper focused on the factors influencing the prediction of workpiece deformation when using the finite element method.Specifically,it analyzed the effects of different finite element modeling parameters such as contact friction,mesh density and fixture body compliance on the prediction of workpiece deformation.Predicted workpieceTable 9Effect of fixture compliance:planar tip caseAvg.error (%)Time (%)Fixture tips 2.30100Support blocks 1.76153Clamp supports 1.52305Blocks and supports 1.69346Complete fixture0.93653Fig.8.Support blockdepth. o d F /d T O TFig.9.Effect of support block compliance.S.P.Siebenaler,S.N.Melkote /International Journal of Machine Tools &Manufacture 46(2006)51–5857deformations and locator reaction forces were then experimentally verified.The simulation studies showed that models of the workpiece andfixture contacts based on surface-to-surface contact elements could predict workpiece deformations and reaction forces to within5%of the experimental values.The mesh density of the workpiece was found to be more vital to model accuracy than thefixture tip density.For thefixture–workpiece system analyzed in this paper,over98%of all system deformation could be captured by models containing only the workpiece andfixture tips.The remainder of system deformation is present in thefixture itself.The capturing of such compliance is possible by modeling the entirefixture body.However,a completefixture model requires over six-fold computational time. 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附件1:外文资料翻译译文板料成形中有限元仿真及相关技术的研究进展1理研和光材料制造实验室,日本2法国国家科学研究中心,法国3 IIS,东京大学,六本木,东京都港区,日本摘要本文概述了汽车制造商和钢板供应商采用的板料成形仿真及相关技术的现状。
关键词板料冲压成形,仿真,有限元法,计算机辅助设计1 导言汽车行业面临着全球范围严重的挑战:激烈的市场竞争和严格的政府环境保护法规。
来实现三个目标的解决方案必不可少的要在产品开发和进程设计中采用基于CAD / CAE / CAM系统集成技术。
相关技术的例子有能迅速构建和修改加工表面的CAD系统,或多或少在CAD 表面自动创建有限元网格的现代网格生成器,使用户能够掌握大量的数据的可视化的硬件和软件以及最后在合理的时间内处理大型仿真的计算机硬件。
在80 和90年代关于金属板料成形仿真已举办了许多国际会议并发表了许相关文章。
现有的材料模型进行分析和扩展以提高计算铁氧体、珍珠岩的数量和分布,其预测的准确性,整个退火过程中贝氏体和马氏体.工业用新方法在有限元程序LS-DYNA 971实现关键词:核钢稳压器压水反应堆反应堆压力容器结构完整性焊接韧性SA508钢通常用于民用核反应堆的关键部件,如反应堆压力容器。
核部件通常采用电弧焊接工艺,但与设计为未来的新建设项目超过60年的生活,新的焊接技术正在寻求.在这种探索性的研究,为第一时间,自体激光焊接6毫米厚的进行SA508 Cl。
反应堆压力容器的寿命和安全运行(RPV),这是核电站中最关键的部件之一.取决于高温压力容器材料的耐久性,高压力和放射性环境.具有较高强度,韧性和抗辐照脆化的材料的需要是上升的,由于增加的发电容量和核电厂的设计寿命[1 ],[ 2 ],[ 3 ],[ 4 ],[ 5 ],[7 ],[8 ]和[ 6 ].SA508钢已经用于许多RPV?的压水反应堆制造因为他们提供的结合强度,延展性好,断裂韧性,相对于机械性能的均匀性,和他们的经济[9 ]、[ 10 ]、[ 11 ]和[12 ].无人机是采用焊接厚环形锻件或SA508钢板在一起。
该技术制造出来的大型钢板具有以下几个特点:1. 承载能力强大型厚板的厚度和尺寸都比普通钢板大,因此其承载能力也比较强。
2. 抗冲击性好大型厚板使用特殊的钢材,经过特殊的处理,具有很好的抗冲击性。
3. 安全性高大型厚板表面光滑、平整,不易发生裂纹和断裂。
1. 有限元仿真技术的优势有限元仿真技术是一种数值分析方法,通过将大型厚板模型划分为无限小的单元,以有限元方法为基础建立力学模型,计算分析模型的应力、应变、变形等力学行为,从而预测虚拟加工的加工结果。
2. 有限元分析模型有限元仿真技术的核心是建立模型,模型的设计直接影响到仿真结果的准确性。
在大型厚板变形成形的有限元仿真研究中,主要有以下几个方面的模型设计:1)模型生成首先,需要使用专业的 CAD 设计软件,通过 3D 化建立大型厚板的模型。
外文资料与中文翻译外文资料:Mold CAD/CAE/CAM technologyIntroductionMold CAD/CAE/CAM is transforms the traditional mold production method the essential technology, is a high tech, the high benefit systems engineering. It take the computer software form, provides one kind of effective auxiliary means as the enterprise, causes the engineers and technicians with the aid of in the computer to the product performance, the mold structure, the formed craft, the numerical control processing and the production management carries on the design and the optimization. Mold CAD/CAE/The CAM technology can remarkably reduce the mold design and the manufacture cycle, reduces the production cost and improves the product quality to become the mold mutual recognition.Is same with any newly emerging things, mold CAD/CAE/CAM experienced in the nearly 20 years from to has been simply complex, from experiment site to popular process. Since has entered this century, mold CAD/CAE/The CAM technological development speed quicker, the application scope is broader, in order to enable the general molds worker further to deepen to this technical understanding, better display mold CAD/CAE/The CAM function, this article applies in view of the mold in most widespread, most has the representative casting mold, the forging die and the level enters the mold CAD/CAE/The CAM development condition and the tendency make the concise introduction and the analysis.Casting mold CAD/CAE/CAM development surveyThe casting forming process simulation work begins in solves the casting the temperature field distribution. In 1962 Denmark's Fursund has carried on the solidification process heat transfer computation for the first time with the finite difference method to the two-dimensional shape casting, in 1965 US General Motors Henzel and so on has carried on the temperature field simulation to the steam turbine casting success, from this time on casting in mold cavity heat transfer process numerical analysis technology in world scope rapid development. From on century 70's to the 80's, US, England, France, Japan, Denmark and so on one after another has yielded the remarkable result in the casting coagulation simulator study and the application, and promotes one batch of commercialized simulations software one after another. After enters for the 90's, our country's institutions of higher learning, like Qinghua University and the Central China scientific and technical university has alsoobtained the achievement in this domain which focuses attention on.The pure heat transfer process simulation cannot accurately calculate the flaw which the casting in the temperature change and the forecast casting possibly produces, the sufficient mold process to in the casting initial temperature field distribution influence as well as the solidification process liquid metal flowing the influence which forms to the defect casting all is noticeable. The casting sufficient mold process simulation technology begins in the century for 80's, it take calculates the hydromechanics the theory and the method as the foundation, experiences ten years, starts from the two-dimensional simple shape, deepens and the expansion gradually, already succeeded has realized the three dimensional complex shape casting sufficient mold process simulation, and could flow with the heat transfer process coupling. At present overseas had one batch of commercialized the three dimensional casting process simulation softwares, like Japan's SOLIDIA, England's SOLSTAR, France's SIMULOR, Sweden's NOV ACAST, Germany's MAGMA and US'S AFSOLID, PROCAST and so on. The home also has Qinghua University star of, Central China scientific and technical university's the casting China casts CAE and so on. These casting mold CAE softwares have covered the cast steel, the cast iron, the cast-aluminium and the cast copper and so on each kind of casting, as is big as several hundred tons, slightly to several kilograms, regardless of is and shrinks the pine in the elimination shrink hole, in the optimized pouring rising head design, aspect and so on improvement dross entrapped slag has all played the remarkable role.Is following the CAE technology in the casting domain success application, the casting craft and the mold structure CAD research and the application in unceasingly is also thorough, overseas has promoted some application software one after another, like American casting association's AFS-SOFTWARE, may use in the cast steel and casts the iron stock the pouring rising head design, English FOSECO Corporation's FEEDERCALK software, may calculate the steel casting the pouring rising head size and a choice heat preservation rising head set of type. Our country Central China scientific and technical university and Qinghua University has also done many work in the casting craft and the mold structure CAD aspect, like Qinghua University develops the THFSCAD software, mainly and the vector and the casting craft CAD two parts is composed by the graph scanning. The preceding part to scans the input the graph to carry on disappears the blue decontamination and the vector, the latter part uses for to establish the parametrization graph, to calculate the casting theprocessing remainder, the plan craft card and so on. THFSCAD is develops in the two dimensional plot geometry foundation, used the AUTOCAD software for to develop the platform. Along with the CAD technology fast progress, the three dimensional CAD system can substitute for the two-dimensional CAD system in the casting realm of production but to become the mainstream design system gradually.Forging die CAD/CAE/CAM development surveySince on century 70's, domestic and foreign many academic organizations and company to forging die CAD/CAE/The CAM technology has conducted extensive research, in the forging technological process design, the forging die structural design and the metal flowed aspect and so on simulation has obtained the remarkable result.The axial symmetry forging approximately composes about forging total 30%, in addition axial symmetry forging geometry shape simple, is easy to describe and the definition, therefore development forging die CAD/ When CAM system the domestic and foreign majority organizations and the human all are obtain from the axial symmetry forging die. Axial symmetry forging die CAD/ CAM system main constituent including forging design, drop forging technological design, forging die structural design and NC programming. The forging design refers is designs the cold forging chart and the hot forging chart, divides the modular surface, the supplement machining remainder, the increase fillet including the choice and pulls out the mold ascent and so on. The drop forging technological design decided whether uses the preliminary shaping working procedure, how uses the preliminary shaping working procedure as well as how chooses the forging and stamping equipment the tonnage.Another kind of widespread application forging is the major axis class forging, its formed working procedure design and the mold structural design are far more complex than the axial symmetry forging die, therefore development major axis class forging die CAD/The CAM system difficulty bigger, the versatility is also low, at present in many general commercialized CAD/On the CAM software two time develops major axis class forging die CAD/The CAM system only is restricted in the specific product and the specific situation application.Another kind of widespread application forging is the major axis class forging, its formed working procedure design and the mold structural design are far more complex than the axial symmetry forging die, therefore development major axis class forging die CAD/The CAM system difficulty bigger, the versatility is also low, atpresent in many general commercialized CAD/On the CAM software two time develops major axis class forging die CAD/The CAM system only is restricted in the specific product and the specific situation application.In the CAE technology aspect, the finite element method always is the analysis and the research metal forging forming main numerical analysis method, for many years has yielded many gradual result. In 1973 Lee and Kobayashi derived just the plastic finite element Lagrange algorithm by the matrix analytic method, the success has analyzed the forging forming process. In 1974 Zienkiewicz proposed just the visco-plasticity finite element punished the function method, analyzed the rolling, has extruded and draws and so on the formed craft. In 1982 Mori and Osakada proposed just in the plastic finite element material might the compression method and uses in the rolling and the extrusion.On the century at the beginning of 80's, Oh and Altan had just conducted the thorough research with large-scale plastic finite element analysis software ALPID to each kind of plastic deformation question. After 90's, overseas some commercialized specialized finite element analysis softwares, like France's FORGE2, US'S DEFORM, ABAQUS, MSC/AutoForge and so on, all successfully has applied in the forging domain. These softwares not only may forecast the forging forms entire process, moreover may the quota produce with the distortion related each kind of physical quantity, like the displacement, the speed, the stress, the strain and the load and so on, for obtained the most superior mold design, the most reasonable craft plan and the least experimental molds time has provided the technical guarantee.The level enters mold CAD/CAE/CAM development surveyThe overseas level enters mold CAD/CAE/The CAM research begins in the century at the end of for 60's, the 70's then have the preliminary application, but only are restricted in the two-dimensional graph the simple blanking level to enter the mold, its main function like strip material row of type, concave mold arrangement, process design and NC programming and so on. The curving level enters mold CAD/The CAM system appears in the 80's, like Japanese Hitachi Corporation and the Fujitsu Corporation's curving level enters the mold system and so on. In order to can adapt the complex mold design, the Fujitsu system has used the method which the automatic design and designs alternately unifies, launches, the curving snapping back computation and a labor step of arrangement in this system except the semifinished materials for the automatic reduction outside, other need to design personnel'sparticipation.Applies the three dimensional geometry modelling technology the level to enter the mold system to begin in at the end of for the 80's, like American Auto-trol Corporation's Die-Design system, this system uses the three dimensional geometry model to describe the plate work components, and applies the three dimensional graph technology in the mold structural design, demonstrates the three dimensional graph software in mold design vital role.Enters for the 90's, international famous commercialized three dimensional CAD/CAM system, like US'S Pro/E, UG-II, CADD5, Solidworks, MDT and so on one after another obtain the application in the mold. American PTC Corporation based on Pro/The E system has developed plate work components modelling module Pro/Sheet Metal. UG Solution Corporation has developed similar module UG/ in the UG-II foundationSheet Metal. Above two systems all lack face the level enter the formed craft and the mold structural design special-purpose module, but this aspect work progress is very quick, some already won initial success.Like American Computer Design Corporation develops the level enters mold software Striker Systems is sales volume big commercialization CAD/The CAM system, including the plate work components modelling (SS-DESIGN), the semifinished materials launches (SS-UNFOLD), a semifinished materials row of type (SS-STRIP DESIGN), mold design (SS-DIE DESIGN) and numerical control processing (SS-WIRE, SS-PROFILE) and so on module. This system support plate work components characteristic modelling, although had certain automated designs the function, but its design process still by alternately operates primarily, only is suitable at present in the curving blanking level enters the mold the design.At the beginning of this century, American UGS Corporation and our country Central China scientific and technical university cooperation (presently is NX) in the software platform develops in UG-II enters mold CAD/ based on the three dimensional geometry model levelCAM software NX-PDW. This software including the project initialization, the craft pre- definition, the semifinished materials launches, a semifinished materials row of type, the waste material design, strip module and so on material row of type, pressure calculation and mold structural design. Has the trick recognition and the heavy construction, the entire three dimensional structure connection and so on the remarkable characteristic, has taken the commercialized product investment □field in 2003. Our country starts from on century 90's, theCentral China scientific and technical university, Shanghai Jiaotong University, the Xian Jiaotong University and the Beijing mechanical and electrical research institute and so on developed the level to enter mold CAD/ one after anotherCAM system research and development. Like the Central China scientific and technical university mold technology country key laboratory develops in the AutoCAD software platform enters mold CAD/ based on the characteristic levelCAM system HMJC, including the plate work components characteristic modelling, based on the characteristic ramming technological design, the mold structural design, the standard letter and the modular design constructs the storehouse tool and the line cuts automatically programs five modules. Shanghai Jiaotong University fine holds (Finetool) for Swiss Fyan to flush the company to develop the successful precise blanking level to enter mold CAD/CAM system. The Xian Jiaotong University develops the multi- locations curving level to enter the mold CAD system and so on.附录F:外文译文模具的CAD/CAE/CAM技术引言模具CAD/CAE/CAM是改造传统模具生产方式的关键技术,是一项高科技、高效益的系统工程。
关键词:板材冲压,回弹,非线性有限元分析,数值模拟Sheetmetalstamping and rebound finite elementsimulation analysisAbstractThe rebound is inevitablecommon phenomenon in sheet metal forming process, a directimpacton thefinal shape to the dimensional accuracy ofthestampings andparts. Inthispaper, the nonlineardynamic finite elementsoftware ANSYS / LS-DYNA explicit,implicitsequential solutionfunction to simulate thespringbackdeformation ofthe she et aftersheet metal stamping process and uninstall thewhole process, forming process at any time throughout the Von-Mises stress cloud andstrainandafter unloadingsheet springback results, helpus to a better understandinganalysis sheet metal stamping andrebound process material internal changes.Keywords: sheet metal stamping, rebound, nonlinear finite elementanalysis, numerical simulation1 引言金属板料冲压成形是压力加工的重要组成部分,薄板金属在压力作用下由模具引导成形的过程是一个十分复杂的物理过程,由于模具几何结构尺寸、接触摩擦和压边力等因素的影响,在金属的成形过程中常发生起皱现象。
英文资料Methods to study stamping formingThe objective of the stamping forming research is to realize and apply the principles to solve various engineering problems through study on the stamping forming procedure. Recently, the research on stamping has been carried out in wide range with various methods. The research can be summed up substantially into following types.The double line arrows in the picture denote the procedure of formal theoretical research. In such research, the actions of the equipment and die are decomposed into micro-ingredients of the force and applied on the microstructure of the metal according to the multi-crystal microstructure of the deformation metal, the deformation of the metal microstructure is then investigated and the deformation of the microstructure to macro-deformation of the sheet metal is summed up. This scientific method is perfect, but current development in mechanics and metallurgy cannot meet such demand, therefore this kind of formal theoretical research is still in burgeoning, and is not applicable in practice.Since the formal theoretical research method encounters formidable difficulty, a kind of simplified theoretical method appears in the research field of the stamping forming. The characteristic of this kind of research method is denoted by continuous line in the picture, which is the main trend of the recent research. This research assumes metal as the ideal homogeneous solid and simplifies the property parameters, the boundary conditions and the blank geometrical parameters of the metal, the stamping process and principle are analyzed and described by mathematical method. Naturally, the assumptions adopted in the analysis would induce some deviation between the real stamping process and its simulation. The result is certainly approximate and does not reflect the real stamping process completely. Especially in analyzing complex stamping forming, this theory is not so valid. In recent years, due to the development of the finite element method and computer technology, this kind of theoretical method has greatly progressed, it shows applicable prospect even in analyzing complex stamping forming. The application of this kind of theoretical method mainly focuses on some special stamping deformation investigation, and it is expected that more achievements can be obtained in the fundamental principle of stamping forming. On the other hand, due to the simplification and assumptions, experiments are indispensable to test the validity of this theory.The third method to study stamping forming is shown by dashed dotted line in the picture. The characteristic of this method is that ignoring the deformation process of the blank under the action of the load during stamping forming conditions (including the structure of the die, the geometrical parameters of the die working portion and the properties of the stamping equipment) with the final results of the stamping forming. It is a rational empirical method, and widely used in stamping technology filed in recent years. This method is intuitional, simple and easy to be adopted by engineers, but it cannot be used to reveal the real procedure of the stamping deformation, so it is not the radical method to investigate the principles of the stamping forming more thoroughly and its usage is strictly limited.The fourth method to study stamping forming is denoted by dashed line in thepicture. Based on the fundamental knowledge of the mechanics and metallurgy, the essential characteristics and principle of the stamping forming are investigated to solve the practical problems in stamping process. In comparison with other plastic processes, the characteristics of the stamping forming, the principles of the sheet metal deformation are unique. So this method has definitely aim and the analysis results can be used directly to solve different problems in stamping forming. The characteristics and effects of this research of this research of this research method are illustrated by following examples.(1)The sequence of the stamping process can be decided by the trend rule of the stamping deformation.(2)According to the rule of uniform velocity distribution in the outer flange of the deformation zone during multi-pass deep drawing for the box parts, the shape and dimension of the blank during process sequence can be calculated. Therefore the calculation the for deep box parts of the multi-pass deep drawing technology is based on scientific foundation to improve the technique level of stamping forming.(3)According to the research on the wrinkle during the sheet metal forming caused by non-uniform tensile and shearing force, a new research field is developed beyond the traditional compressive instability theory. The results obtained offer an effective measure to cope directly with wrinkle during stamping forming.(4)The theory of sorting stamping forming based on the characteristics of the stamping deformation and mechanics and mechanics is an easy approach to systematize of the stamping forming, and can be used to deepen the investigation on stamping forming limit, to point out a clear and definite direction for improve the stamping forming limit.Above examples indicate that this method is closely relevant to the real stamping forming process. It can be used to analyze and solve the stamping forming problems effectively. Although this method is in the junior stage, mainly focusing on the qualitative analysis for stamping forming now . With the constant progress of this method and combined with modern mechanics, the breakthrough of this method isexpected to further enhance stamping forming technology.Structural design of blanking diel. Principle and general procedure of die designingThe steps of die designing include collecting necessary data, determining the structure scheme based on sufficient analysis and investigation, drawing the working principle diagram, the final assembly diagram, and then drawing the part diagram of the die according to the final assembly diagram.The necessary data to be collected include: the parts drawing of the product, the productive batch of the product, the process chart, the process specification and the die design program. The manufacture datum of each operation, the types of the die structural (simple die, progressive die or compound die) , the capacity of the press, the quality of the blanking work piece and other necessary items should be record in the process chart and the process specification.The detailed structure and dimension of the die are determined according to the production batch and work piece demand, etc. For the small batch production, the structure of die should be simple, the manufacture period should be short, and the cost should be as low as possible. For the large batch, the perfect structure, high productivity and long working life should be pursued.Furthermore, the structure measures to adjust, utilize, maintain, transport and deposit the dies should be taken into account.2. Determination of the pressure center of dieThe acting point of the resultant force in blanking is called the pressure center of die. In order to guarantee the die to work smoothly, the pressure center of die should align with the axes of shank and the center line of the slide block of press, to prevent the deflection of die during working, which would result in non-uniform clearance and wearing. Usually, the pressure center of die is laid on its symmetrical center point. The determination of the pressure center of die is mainly for the complex, multi-punch punching and progressive dies.For the work piece with complex shape, it can be divided into straight-linesection (the pressure center of die is situated at the middle of the straight) and arc section, and then to calculate its pressure center.The method to find the resultant force of the parallel force system is usually adopted to obtain the pressure center of die. The procedure to obtain the pressure center of die for multi-punch blanking by analytic method is showns chematically in .(1) Draw the outline of the working portion of punch proportionally.(2) Select the co-ordinate X-Y. The selection of the co-ordinate should simplify the calculation.(3)calculate the perimeter of each graphic outline (or linear section)L1,L2,L3,L4,..., L n(representing the blanking force), and the distance of gravity center in each graphic outline to the coordinate axes x1, x2, x3, x4, ...,x n and y1,y2,y3,y4,...,y n.(4) According to the mechanic principle that "the moment of the resultant force to a certain axis is equal to the sum of the moment of each component to the same axis", the calculation equation of the distance from the die pressure center to the axes of X and Y can be obtained:x0=L1x1+L2x2+L3x3+⋯+L n x n(3-20)L1+L2+L3+⋯+L n(3-21) y0=L1y1+L2y2+L3y3+⋯+L n y nL1+L2+L3+⋯+L nThe determination of the pressure center of die can also be obtained graphically by the linear polygon method.3. Determination of the shut height of dieThe outline dimension of die should fit with the selected example,the lower die of the blanking should be able to install in the working table of the press,the dimension of the shank should be consistent with that of the hole in the slide block,the ejecting pin of the ejecting device in the lower die should be able to penetrate through the bolster hole of press. The shut height of die should be consistent with that of the press.The shut height of die refers to the distance H between the top surface of the upper bolster and bottom surface of the lower bolster when the die is in the lowest working position. The shut height of press refers to the distance between the lower surface of the slide block and the upper surface of the bolster installed in the working bable when the slide block is in the lower dead point. The height when the length of the connecting rod is adjusted to the shortest, is called the maximum shut height H max; the height when the length of the connecting rod is adjusted to the longest, is called the minimum shut height H min, as shown schematically in . The shut height of die is between the maximum and minimum shut height of press, usually:If the shut height of die is larger than the maximum height of press, the die cannot be used in this press; oppositely, if the shut height of die is less than the minimum height, the die can be used by adding a bolster.中文翻译冲压成形的研究方法冲压成形的研究工作,就是在正确而深入地了解冲压成形过程的基础上,认识冲压成形过程中的各种规律性的内容,并把它运用于解决冲压生产中出现的各种实际问题。
板料冲压成形的数学分析和有限元模拟王蕊;靳利【摘要】Stamping is the basic plastic processing method,which is mainly used for the processing of sheet metal and non-metallicmaterials.Stamping not only high efficiency,easy operation,and good quality,which is wide used in various national economy fields.The mathematical analysis and finite element simulation of sheet metal stamping proposed in this paper has a great significance to further promote stamping.%冲压成形是塑性加工的基本方法,它主要用来加工金属和非金属板料。
第12卷 第2期2004年4月 材 料 科 学 与 工 艺M ATERI A LS SCIE NCE &TECH NO LOGYV ol 112N o 12Apr.,2004翼子板零件拉延成形的有限元分析石 磊,王永志,杨玉英(哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150001,E 2mail :shilei @ )摘 要:针对某轿车前翼子板的拉延成形工艺,用有限元的数值模拟分析定性地判断了成形件的危险区域,并通过调整拉延筋的布置、压边力以及坯料的形状等,定量的给出了拉延成形过程中的工艺参数,实现了拉延成形工艺的优化,为实际生产提供了指导,并最终得到了符合质量要求的拉延件产品.关键词:数值模拟;翼子板;工艺参数;优化中图分类号:TG 38613文献标识码:A文章编号:1005-0299(2004)02-0129-03Numerical simulation of wing part dra wing processSHI Lei ,W ANG Y ong 2zhi ,Y ANG Y u 2ying(School of Materials Science and Engineering ,Harbin Institute of T echnology ,Harbin 150001,E 2mail :shilei @ )Abstract :Numerical simulation is used to study the car drawing process and forecast the dangerous forming district.Through adjustment in the lay out of draw bead ,the magnitude of pressure 2pad 2force and the shape of blank ,the processing parameters are defined and the optimization of drawing processing is im plemented.Finally the qualified drawing part is produced.K ey w ords :numerical simulation ;wing part ;processing parameter ;optimization收稿日期:2003-03-06.基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(50395101),(50271037).作者简介:石 磊(1975-),男,博士生研究生;杨玉英(1937-),女,教授,博士生导师. 长期以来,冲压成形工艺及其模具的最终设计结果,都很大程度地依赖于试模阶段的反复调试.随着冲压零件的复杂性和精确度要求的日益提高,这种方法不仅在质量上得不到保证,成本上无任何优势,而且模具开发周期太长,使企业失去很大的竞争力.如何迅速而准确地预测整个冲压成形过程可能出现的起皱、开裂以及不合要求的回弹等缺陷并确定其中的一些重要冲压参数,成为冲压技术发展的瓶颈问题.随着非线性理论、有限元分析技术的深入和发展,大型复杂冲压成形过程的数值模拟已逐渐走向实用化阶段,它有机地融入到模具设计系统中,并日益成为推动冲压模具工业乃至汽车工业发展的关键技术[1~3].本文以前翼子板为例,通过对翼子板类零件的成形过程,采用D A N AF OR M 模拟软件进行的模拟研究,提出了合理的拉延工艺参数,并用于指导生产.1 模型准备将数学模型读入造型软件UG 18的过程中,由于提供的数学模型为igs 格式,在经过读入转化后,不可避免的产生了很多缺陷,因此首先在UG 软件中,利用其造型功能对模型的缺陷进行修补,之后直接读入商业网格剖分软件Hypermesh 中,进行离散化,生成凹模的有限元模型,网格共为20958个,并以nastran 的dat 格式输出,并读入Dy 2naform 有限元软件中,通过offset 模式生成相应的拉延凸模及压料面的型面网格.模拟中选用的材料为宝钢St17冷轧钢板,厚度为018mm.表1为其性能参数.表1 材料性能参数E /MPaσs /MPaυρ/(T ・mm -3)r n2106×1051370137185×10-9219401255 模具及其板料均采用四节点Belytschko -Tsay (BT )壳单元,摩擦系数取011.初始压边力为5×106K N ,板料的形状初定为拉延凹模的外轮廓,在整个模拟过程中采用幂指数硬化规律;屈服准则选用Hill 厚向异性屈服准则,即.σ21+σ22-2r 1+rσ1σ2=σ2.(1)式中:σ1,σ2为分别为面内最大主应力和最小主应力;σ为等效应力;r 为厚向异性系数.2 模拟过程及结果211 无拉延筋情况下的模拟首先在没有拉延筋的情况下进行了初次模拟,这样既可以非常直观地了解整个板料在模具各个部位的流动情况,又可以大致预测一下难成型的部位,以便以此为依据设置拉延筋和调整压边力.采用ET A/Dynaform 里自带的成形极限图,其成形极限曲线只与板料初始厚度和硬化指数相关.结果如图1所示,由此结果可以看出,上下两个直边和右边直边部分的进料速度很快,而左边直边部分的进料速度较慢,这是因为左边直边处拉延深度比较浅;而在各个角部,也可以看到进料速度较慢,板料余裕较大.结合右侧的成型极限图,可以发现拉延件成形过程中的危险破裂处主要分布在3个缺陷所示区域.并且周边起皱严重,且拉延件内部的成形度非常不好.图1 无拉深筋情况下厚度分布图及成形极限预测212 拉延筋的优化及压边力的调整覆盖件成型过程中,为了防止起皱,提高产品的刚性,一般都要通过使用拉延筋的方式来控制材料的流动.在有限元模拟中处理拉延筋时一般有两种方法[4]:一是将拉延筋作为整个有限元模型的一部分,对其进行网格划分,以其进行计算和网格的再划分;二是采用等效拉延筋,将拉延筋简化为作用在节点上的作用力,不再参与网格的再划分.为节省采用第一种方法所耗费的大量CPU 时间,本文采用第二种方法,即等效拉延筋模型代替真实拉延筋.在压料面上,距凹模口20~30mm 处设置了一圈拉延筋,阻力曲线统一为圆筋形式,高度为5mm ,如图2所示.将拉延筋分段设置,是为了便于以后根据不同的部位、不同的进料程度调整拉延筋的阻力曲线和筋的高度.在实际生产中,应将相关部位的筋连到一起(如直边处的几条筋),但是可以根据模拟的结果在相应部位进行修磨.在加了拉延筋之后的模拟结果中,周边起皱情况得到了很好的控制,拉延件的成形度也得到了很大的改善,但是图1所示的3个缺陷处的减薄度加重,因此必须通过调整压边力、拉延筋和板料形状来解决它.缺陷1处为装饰棱线,有17mm 左右的深度,在成形终了时,由于此处的圆角半径较小,周围的板料也基本上被压住,因此这里的成形主要是靠胀形实现,当此拉应力过大时,便产生破裂.通过多次调试,将压边力适当减小,拉延筋1和2的高度降低,阻力曲线也相应减小,这样可使在拉延前期,这个部位能够有较多的进料,为后续胀形做一定量储备.图2 凹模口周围设置一圈拉延筋 由图3所示缺陷1处调整前后危险区的应变值的变化比较,可以看出通过这种压边力和拉延筋调整,缺陷1处的开裂得到了很好的解决.缺陷3处的破裂,是由于此处进料困难,可以将距离破裂处很近的拉延筋1断开,流出一定的空当,使得破裂部位对应的凹模口处进料阻力减小,或者在实际生产中,将此处对应的拉延筋打磨减低,便可以很好的解决该处的破裂缺陷. 经过多次、反复的模拟后,压边力被确定为2×106kN ,拉延筋的形式、位置分布和筋的阻力・031・材 料 科 学 与 工 艺 第12卷 如下:拉延筋3和拉延筋7处的进料很大,所以采用了方筋的阻力曲线,筋的高度为5mm 而拉延筋1、拉延筋2和拉延筋9采用了圆筋的阻力曲线,筋的高度是4mm 拉延筋5处由于较浅,进料较少,采用圆筋的阻力曲线,高度为2mm.圆角处的筋采用圆筋,高度为1mm ,主要作用是可以减轻圆角处的起皱.图3 调整拉深筋对缺陷1处应变值的影响213 板料形状的调整缺陷2为圆角处开裂,此处有一个较深得凹槽,凹槽靠近内部的一侧是个斜面,当成形终了时,很难从内部进料.如果凹槽靠近凹模口的一边同样存在较大的进料阻力,就会产生前面所示的破裂缺陷,因此解决该缺陷,就一定要使该处成形的板料从凹模口进入,减小对破裂处板料的拉应力.经过模拟发现,仅仅依靠调整压边力和拉延筋的设置,很难完全消除.而在此处修改板料形状,却能够很好的满足减小进料阻力的要求.如图4所示,修改板料形状后,危险区的应变值降到了安全区域.经过上述的模拟优化过程后,得到了合格的拉延件,如图5所示.3 结论1)在建模过程中,要根据模型的复杂程度来确定最大和最小的网格尺寸;凸模的运动速度在刚开始调试时可以采用较高速度,最后再将速度降到接近于实际情况的大小;压边通常可以采用压边圈贴紧坯料后保持压边力恒定和固定压边间隙的方式;图4 毛坯形状改变对缺陷2处应变值的影响图5 最终合格的拉延件图 2)通过对翼子板零件的模拟,定性地判断了成形件的危险区域,并定量地给出了拉延成形过程中的工艺参数,较为准确地预测了整个冲压成形过程中可能出现的起皱、开裂等缺陷,模拟结果为实际生产提供了较好的依据.参考文献:[1]卫原平.数值模拟在汽车覆盖件开发中的应用研究[J ].模具技术,2000(3):3-6.[2]翟福宝.有限元模拟在金属塑性成形中的应用[J ].锻压机械,2000(3):46-48.[3]王华昌,王 冠,龚满林,等.塑性加工中的一种广义有限元方法[J ].哈尔滨工业大学学报,2003,35(1):21-24.[4]金朝海.板料成形动力显式弹塑性有限元仿真技术研究[D].哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学,2001.(编辑 王小唯)・131・第2期石 磊,等:翼子板零件拉延成形的有限元分析。
外文资料Application of Data Mining Method to Improve the Accuracy of Springback Prediction in Sheet Metal FormingXu Jing—ring(许京荆),ZHANG Zhi—wei(张志伟),Wu,Yi—min(吴益敏) School of Electrornechanical Engineering and Automation,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200072,P.R.ChinaAbstract: A new method was worked out to improve the precision of springback prediction in sheet metal forming by combining the finite element method(FEM)with the data mining(DM)technique.First the genetic algorithm (GA) was adopted for recognizing the materia1 parameters.Then according to the even design idea,the suitable calculation scheme was confirmed,and FEM was used for calculating the springback.The computation results were compared with experiment data,the difference between them was taken as source data,and a new pattern recognition method of DM called hierarchical optimal map recognition method(HOMR)is applied for summarizing the calculation regulation in FEM .At the end.the mathematics model of the springback simulation was established.Based on the model,the calculation errors of springback can be controlled within 10%compared with the experimental results.Key words :springback prediction,pattern recognition,genetic algorithm,FEM ,even design idea,H0MR,data mining.第1页第2页 1 IntroductionThe springback in sheet metal forming can be described as the change of sheet metal shape compared with the shape of the tools after forming process. Sheet metals with high strength--to--modulus ratio such as high strength steels and aluminum alloys are particularly prone to springback , and these materials are becoming more important in automotive industry to reduce the car weight and increase fuel efficiency .The final component shape does not conform to the tool geometry due to the springback of parts ,so the die design becomes very difficult .In order to compensate springback ,die tryout is required in current automotive die development and construction process .Die designs and construction is one of the most time-consuming steps in new car-type developing process .Therefore , how to find an effective and reliable method for springback prediction is of great significance .Currently ,the finite element method(FEM )has been used to calculate the springback of sheet metals in forming process[2-7],but the results of calculation are not correct ,and the calculation results of U —shape component show that the average error is 62%. It cannot be directly used for die design .There are a lot of nonlinear factors ,such as large deformation, friction, impact and materia1 characters, which will influence the sheet metal forming and springback. Because the data mining technique is a good method to treat the complex factors and data,in order to predict the springback correctly in sheet metal forming , a new method is developed for springback prediction in the present paper .The FEM is used to calculate the springback .The computation results are compared with experimental data ,the difference between the two results is taken as source data, and a new HOMR pattern recognition method of data mining is adopted for summarizing the calculation orderliness inFEM .According to the hierarchical optimal map recognition method(HOMR)to build the第3页 hyper-polyhedron model ,the mathematical model for the springback simulation is established .Based on the mathematical model ,the springback can be predicted and its errors can be controlled within 10% compared with the experimental results .2 FEM Calculation ModelSheet metal forming process is a typical topic related to impact and contact treatment, which refers to non-linear problems, such as large displacement ,large rotation , friction and contact[11] .From the mechanics viewpoint the forming process is a dynamic and interactive action of multi-body contact system ,and for the forming process ,the response of the system vs the time has to be examined .The response can be determined by the following governing equation.(1) Sheet metal forming process can be described by the dynamic equation :ij i i f x σρρ+= (1) where ij σ is the Cauchy stress ,i f is the body force density ,i x is the acceleration ,and ρ is the current density.(2)The solution of dynamic equation should satisfy the following traction boundary conditions :()ij j i n t t σ= (2)Where j n ,j =1,2,3,is the unit outward normal to current boundary ,and i t ,i = 1,2,3,is the surface force.(3)The displacement boundary condition can be expressed as follows :()(),i j x a t D t = (3)第4页where ()i D t ,i =1,2,3,are the given displacement functions ,and (),i j x a t are the initial coordinates of particle j a at moment t .(4)The contact discontinuity condition along the sliding contact surface area is()0ij ij j n σσ+--= (4)According to the above equation and boundary conditions ,a formula can be obtained by the principle of virtual work ,given as,0Ii i ij i j i i i i V V V S x x dV x dV f x dV t x dS δπρδσδρδδ=+--=⎰⎰⎰⎰ (5)where δπmeans virtual work .i x δ is virtual displacement ,I S is the boundary of surface force .After discretization , the following equation can be solved by the FEM :()()(),,Mxt P x t F x x =- (6) where M is the global mass matrix ,()xt is the vector of global nodal acceleration,P is the vector of global forces(including nodal forces ,surface loads and bodyloads),and F is the vector of equivalent nodal forces composed by element stress ,xmeans the vector of velocity .3 Mathematical Model of Springback Prediction in SheetMetal Forming3.1 The parameters selection for FEM calculationMetal stamping process includes forming and springback.The stresses statuses of the two steps are different.So the simulation techniques for the two steps are also different in the application of FEM .First.the dynamic explicit method is used for calculating the forming,and then the previous calculation results are input to calculate the springback with the static implicit method adopted.According to this procedure the computation efficiency is improved.But the final calculation results are different from the experimental results due to different inputting parameters in the FEM calculation.In order to study the effect of inputting parameters on the FEM results, the appropriate parameters should be selected. The following five parameters,such as the virtual stamping speed v,the penalty factor fc,the ratio of die mesh density to blank mesh density ed,the ratio of die fillet radius to blank mesh density eb,and the friction coefficient f,are examined.3.2 Determining the source data(1) Determination of material model coefficients and FEM calculationBased on the stamping experiment in Fig.1, a quarter of experiment device is taken for the FEM calculation as shown in Fig.2.第5页The stamping experiment was carried out on the Zwick testing machine.The第6页angle 1θ,and 2θ were measured(see Fig .3),171.7θ= ,296.8θ= ,The FEM code ANSYS /LS .DYNA 5.71 is used for simulating forming and springback procedure .Fig.2 Finite element model第7页Fig .3 Measured angle 1θ and 2θ in experimentThe material character constants and invariable geometrical parameters for calculation are listed in Table 1.Table 1 Materia1 character constants and invariable geometrical parametersTwo different methods are applied to the springback simulation of FEM .At the forming stage the explicit dynamic method is adopted, and the FEM model is meshed by the four-node shell element.The shell formula is provided with the reduced integration point and Hourglassing control.It is called the Belytschko-Leriathan algorithm. The material model character belongs to the elastoplastic behavior with isotropic hardening and has a power law constitutive relation-ship,which includes the Cowper-Symonds multiplier to account for strain rate.This model is submitted to the von Mises yield rule,and the yield stress is the function of strain as follows :σis the yield stress,ε is the strain rate,εis the strain,C,P are the whereyCowper-Symonds strain rate coefficients,k is the strength coefficient,and n is the hardening index.The symmetric displacement constrains are applied. The punch,die and blank holder are defined as rigid bodies,the blank hold force and the punch velocity are loaded, and the contact between components is defined as surface-to-surface contact. The solving procedure is not terminated until the stroke is achieved.At the free springback stage the static implicit analysis is applied to solving the第8页geometry nonlinear behavior of the blank after the rigid bodies are removed.The stress and第9页displacement results after forming are transferred to initial springback mode1.The material model character becomes elastic one and the rigid displacement is forbidden by adding constrains in the stamping direction .After the axial tensile test of sheet metal, based on the stress-strain curves the material model coefficients in Eq.(7) are identified by our genetic algorithm code, given in Table[2].(2)Generating source dataMany factors can influence the FEM calculation results .In this paper ,except above input consent coefficients and invariable parameters ,the five variable parameters , v ,fc ,ed ,eb and f ,are examined and their varying ranges are shown in Table 3.Here ,the even design idea is adopted to arrange the FEM scheme[17] According to the even design table 30u (the arranged 30 tests at most allowing 13 variable parameters)and its attached utility table, with the varying range of the five parameters ,v ,fc ,ed ,eb and f ,30 sets of data sample are taken as the scheme of FEM for calculated angles '1θ and '2θ in Table 4.Table 4 30 sets of data sample and their FEM calculation results第10页3.3 Mathematical model of springback Prediction by HOMR methodPattern recognition indicates that samples in multi-dimensional space are projected into a 2D domain and separated from different classes by using appropriate methods such as the principal component analysis method(PC A),the linear map method(LMAP),the partial least square method(PLS)and the Fisher vector method,etc[18]But for complicated data a single method cannot separate the samples from different classes completely.In this paper,the hierarchical optimal map recognition method(H0MR)is adopted to construct the mathematical mode1.First, the data samples are divided into good samples and bad samples according to the given conditions.The H0MR method is combined with PCA,LMAP,PLS,Fisher methods to obtain the different kinds of samples and their maps in the 2D domain,and then the best recognition map is selected as the first map.The first map samples are taken as the new data to form the second map,and after several projections,the final map is obtained.The intersection of all maps creates the hyper-polyhedron, which includes good samples, and its boundary equations are used to construct the mathematical model.(1)Evaluation of the source data第11页The improvement of springback can be described as the increase in the bottom angle第12页 ()1290θ⨯- and decrease in the flange angle 2θ.Here ,()12270θθθ=-+ is adopted and means the globally measured angle as shown in Fig.3,and ()'''12270θθθ=-+ means theglobal calculation angle, and 'd θθθ=-represents the difference between FEA calculations and experiments .It is assumed that the error is less than 10% ,that is 10.16d θ< ,d θ is defined as target function ,and the samples satisfying 10.16d θ< are good sample defined as Class 1,the others are poor sample defined in Class ing ,v ,fc ,ed ,eb and f as feature variables ,d θ as target value , sorting and classifying the above source data, we have the new data listed in Table 5.Now we evaluate the data in the Table 5.Fix the hyper-polyhedron criterion division rate 1R = 100% and the division rate 2R =87.5% after exchanging the class .Hyper-polyhedron criterion division rate is larger than 80% and it is proved that the data structure is good for using to establish mathematical model.第13页(2)Establishment of mathematical modelDuring the FEM simulating procedure ,we hope to get the best match of variables ,f ,fc ,v ,ed ,eb for good target .So we append 10 random samples using as prediction but not for establishing mathematical model .Now we utilize the obtained data including 30 samples as training collectivity of the第14页 pattern recognition and use HOMR method to get the map in Fig.4.Fig.4 HOMR mapFig .4 shows that the PCA map becomes the best map result by using the HOMR method ,the abscissa P(1)is the first principal component ,and the ordinate P(2)is the second principal component .The samples of Class 1 are separated absolutely ,in the box the samples of Class 1 and Class 0 satisfy the condition of 10.16d θ< ,and the boundarylines of box mean the boundary equations of good samples area by H0MR method .This model is expressed by a set of listed inequalities in Eq.(8)and it is showed that the calculation error of satisfying the inequalities is less than 10% .[][][][][]21.503 4.188102 4.6280.11700.13790.36980.6881v fc ed eb f --≤-⨯-+---≤- [][][][][]2220.6359 3.046104 5.2709.3701029.567102 4.9241.338v fc ed eb f ---≤-⨯-+-⨯-+⨯-+≤第15页 [][][][][]220.2288 5.089103 1.8940.1655 4.297103 1.5751.006v fc ed eb f --≤-⨯--+-⨯-+≤[][][][][]2220.3318 3.46102 1.423 1.492102 6.718102 1.3620.4925v fc ed eb f ----≤+⨯---⨯--⨯-+≤ (8)Figure 4 also shows that there are 4 random samples in good sample area ,as shown in Table 6.That i mplies that if the values of parameters variables ,f ,v ,fc , ed ,eb ,are chosen by Table 6,the simulation error is less than 10% .For verifying the correctness of the mathematical model ,4 random samples in good sample area are chosen to calculate by the FEM .Finally the good results 10.16d θ< .are obtained in Table 6.Table 6 Random samples in good sample area and sample verification4 Conclusions(1)The material parameter recognition can be improved by using GA , and it providesmore accurate simulation of forming and springback calculation .(2)According to even design idea,using appropriate inputting parameters can improve the efficiency of forming and springback calculation.(3)Using the H0MR method,the mathematical model of springback simulation error can be reduced effectively,and the calculation accuracy can be controlled effectively.(4)A new method is applied to improve the FEM calculation accuracy for springback prediction and the calculating error can be less than 10%.第16页中文翻译提高板材的成形回弹预测精度的数据挖掘方法的应用许京荆,张志伟,吴益敏上海大学,机械工程及自动化学院,上海200072摘要:结合有限元方法(FEM)与数据挖掘(DM)技术,制定了一种可以提高板材成型回弹预测的精度新的方法。
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附件1:外文资料翻译译文板料成形中有限元仿真及相关技术的研究进展1理研和光材料制造实验室,日本2法国国家科学研究中心,法国3 IIS,东京大学,六本木,东京都港区,日本摘要本文概述了汽车制造商和钢板供应商采用的板料成形仿真及相关技术的现状。
关键词板料冲压成形,仿真,有限元法,计算机辅助设计1 导言汽车行业面临着全球范围严重的挑战:激烈的市场竞争和严格的政府环境保护法规。
来实现三个目标的解决方案必不可少的要在产品开发和进程设计中采用基于CAD / CAE / CAM系统集成技术。
相关技术的例子有能迅速构建和修改加工表面的CAD系统,或多或少在CAD 表面自动创建有限元网格的现代网格生成器,使用户能够掌握大量的数据的可视化的硬件和软件以及最后在合理的时间内处理大型仿真的计算机硬件。
在80 和90年代关于金属板料成形仿真已举办了许多国际会议并发表了许相关文章。
2 历史背景本世纪中叶对板料成形过程的分析研究已经开始,在60年代,数值程序(有限差分方法)被应用于轴对称拉伸过程分析中。
因此,在这个会议中,几何建模方法[ 10月12日]和简化的力学建模方法更受到业界赞赏,发表了许多关于成形仿真的文章,其中两个重要方向将使板料成形仿真提升到一个新的水平,一个是动力显式软件的应用,另一个是一步法的提出。
另一方面,开发了基于Batiste al李和常[18]理念提出的一步法,其中使用一个大时间步长值,逆变形板料从最终的零件配置到最初的板料配置。
这个方法的主要好处是计算时间非常短,并且,根据这个方法开发了许多软件,主要在欧洲如ISOPUNCH、SIMEX、FAST FORM3D和AUTO FORM ONE STEP。
那些成果在汽车制造业NUMISHEET’3 和NUMISHEET 6的三维金属板料有限元仿真的国际专题讨论会上被提出了。
在我们访问的企业所用的静态隐式增量软件是MTLFRM和AUTO FORM。
1998图1 最近十年期间金属板材成形仿真的趋势。
3 企业中使用的软件我们走访了列于表1至3的12家公司。
表1 在欧洲用于汽车制造商和板料供应商的软件公司名称戴姆勒奔驰雷诺汽车沃尔沃汽车Sollac访问的地方SindelfingenPlant德国GuyancourtTechnocenter法国OlofstromEngineering瑞典MontataireCentred' tudeset deDevelopment法国仿真软件AUTO FORMLS-DYNA3DLS-N I KE3DOPTRISINDEEDISOPUNCHAF ONE STEPSIMEXOPTRISPAM-STAMPAF ONE STEPAUTO FORMLS- DY NA3DISOPUNCHAUTO FORMPAM-STAMPOPTRISCAD系统CATIASYRKO(内部)I-DEASEUCLIDCATIANAMOS网格生成器MEDINADELTA MESHTRANSKHYPER MESHDELTA MESHAMORADELTA MESH TRANSK研究员软件用户软件用户软件开发商研究员1988表2 在日本用于汽车制造商和板料供应商的软件公司名称马自达日产丰田新日本制钢访问的地方HeadquartersHiroshimaTechnical CenterAtsugiMotomachi PlantToyotaResearch CenterFuttsu仿真软件PAM-STAMPITAS3DAUTO-FORMPAM-STAMPLS-DYNA3DJOH-NIKE3DPAM-STAMPITAS3DCAD系统I-DEASGNC(内部)PUNCH(内部)IntegratedCAD(内部)Pro-ENGINEERPRO-ENGINEER网格生成器GNC I-DEASFEMBPATRANK-SWADCADISCT表3 在美国用于汽车制造商和板料供应商的软件公司名称克莱斯勒汽车福特汽车国家钢铁美国钢铁访问的地方Technical CenterAuburn Hills,MichiganResearchLaboratoryDearborn,MichiganProductApplicationCenterLivonia, MichiganTroy, Michigan仿真软件LSDYNA 3DAUTO FORMMTLFRMOPTRISAUTOFORM(EU)DYNA 3DFAST-FORM3DDYNA 3DCAD系统CATIA I-DEAS(PDGS)CATIA网格生成器DELTA MESHDYNAFORMHYPER MESHI-DEAS (模具表面) 自带板料网格软件DYNA FORM HYPER MESH3.1欧洲工业(1 )戴姆勒奔驰公司尽管1994年戴姆勒奔驰公司就引进了板料成形仿真,但在模具车间由受过训练的制造工程师生产化利用它从1996年1月开始的。
ISOPUNCH和AOTO FORM ONE FORM用于快速预先优化在零件设计部分零件形状,而不是用作几何工具。
AUTO FORM更多地被用于评估几何工具原型的模具设计和系列模具设计。
在Shindelfingen工厂,相当多的工程师已经被训练使用仿真软件,其中有14 名AUTO FORM 工程师和4名OPTRlS 工程师。
( 2 )雷诺汽车在80年代期间,雷诺通过与各大学和研究机构合作在开发板料成形仿真的数值方法上付出很大的努力。
为了更准确地对形成效应的评价,在1993年,引入了 OPTRIS和PAM 的编码。
(3 )沃尔沃汽车公司在1989年,沃尔沃,第一次表明了动态显式软件DYNA3D对钣金成形过程的仿真的适用性,并在经过5年的研究后,在冲压车间引入该软件实际使用。
沃尔沃公司目前在产品设计和冲压工艺/模具设计中使用三种有限元软件:AUTOFORM ONE STEP、AUTO FORM 和LS-DYNA3D。
所有仿真软件综合成CATIA/NAMOS ,这是一个专用于汽车制造的计算机辅助设计软件。
3.2日本产业(1 )马自达在1990年,通过与ESI和IBM的合作,马自达开始了评估PAM-STAMP可应用性的初步研究。
(2 )日产汽车于1994年,日产汽车开始使用ITAS3D,稍候再模具设计车间引入了PAMSTAMP 和AUTO FORM。