英语作文速成-How to Write an Argument Essay

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Vocabulary: Zoos Step 1: Read and Underline Key Words Are zoos cruel to wild animals? Step 2: Write Down Other Words with the Same Meaning • Are zoos cruel to wild animals?
相关意义的词。这将真正为您以后节省大量时间。 也有助于避免单词的重复,并将表明你对问题的 理解。
• Step 3: Get Ideas • Decide if you are for or against the idea. Usually it is best to give both sides (for and against - one paragraph each) and then to give your opinion in the conclusion. However there are other ways of laying out your essay.决定您是否支持或反对该想法。通常
• Step 3: Use Your New Words in the Opening Sentences • With many global concerns such as war, poverty, hunger and pollution, many people do not think that nations should waste money on exploring space. (One side) However, others are convinced that expenditure on space programs is justified. (Other side) 由
How to Write an Argument Essay
• Part 1 five main steps. • Step 1: Read the title • Read the question. Decide what kind of essay it is - opinion, compare/contrast, problem and solution, cause and effect, or a mixture. The type of question will decide the layout and your ideas读问题。决定什么类型的作文-观点比
• Let's look at some examples of ideas... • Write 250 words on the following topic • Drugs are becoming more and more common in many countries. What are some of the problems associated with drug abuse, and what are some of the possible solutions? • Layout • Intro 3 sentences • Problems 7 sentences • Solutions 7 sentences • Conclusion 3 sentences • Total: 20 sentences
的是3773 。这意味着四个段落:导言( 3句) 一方( 7句) ,另一方( 7句)和结论( 3句) 。 这将给你20句。
• Step 5: Write • After you have written your plan, write your essay. Follow the steps for writing the introduction, body, and conclusion.当你写完
最好是给双方(支持和反对)各写一个段落 , 然后在结论中给出你的意见。然而,设计您的文 章还有其他方法。
• Step 4: Decide Layout • You should decide on a layout. The easiest is 3773. That means four paragraphs: introduction (3 sentences) one side (7 sentences), the other side (7 sentences) and the conclusion (3 sentences). This will give you 20 sentences.你应该选定一个布局。最简单
计划后,就撰写论文。按照下列步骤来写,即介 绍、正文和结论

• Part 2 Vocabulary
• Step 1: Read and Underline Key Words • Should governments spend money on space exploration, or should they spend the money on problems here first? • Step 2: Write Down Other Words with the Same Meaning • Should governments spend money on space exploration, or should they spend the money on problems here first?
儿童时已经从参观动物园获得第一次动物体验, 他们认为动物园对教育和保护是重要的。但其他 人士则认为,对动物来说,动物园是不自然的、 有压力的和残忍的。
• Step 4: Add a Thesis • Many people have had their first experience of animals from visiting zoos as children, and feel that they are important for education and conservation. However, others feel that zoos are unnatural and are stressful and cruel for animals. This essay will discuss the importance of zoos and their essential role in conserving endangered wildlife. (Thesis)
• Governments = nations, countries, authorities, politicians • Spend = allocate, give, allot, provide, budget, make available, waste, award • Space exploration = space program, trips to the moon, the international space station, planets, planetary voyages • Money = budgets, taxes, resources, • Problems = concerns, issues, worries, disasters, threats, threatening, war, famine, poverty, education, homelessness, drugs, global warming • Here = on earth, in our own countries, closer to home, in developing countries, foreign aid,
• Zoos = nature reserves, wildlife parks, animal sanctuaries, circuses, tasteless exhibitions, stuffy, crowded, exciting, interesting, fascinating • Cruel = psychologically damaging, insulting, frightening, stressful, brutal, restricting, noisy, dirty, hot, overcrowded, unnatural, not normal, • (Opposite) conservation, kind, well-treated, saved from extinction, well looked after • Wild = nature, natural, proud, free, endangered, not pets for man, should be free, in danger, habitat, ecosystem, environment, natural home • Animals = animals, plants, natural environment, birds, big cats, predators, extinct, in trouble, not
较型、问题解决型、原因结果型,还是混合型。 问题的类型将决定的作文布局和您的想法。.
• Step 2: Underline • Underline key vocabulary in the question and write words with the same or related meaning. This will really save you a lot of time later on. It will also help to avoid repetition of words, and will show that you understand the question.在问题中的关键词下划线,并写相同或
• Step 3: Use Your New Words in the Opening Sentences • Many people have had their first experience of animals from visiting zoos as children, and feel that they are important for education and conservation. (One side) However, others feel that zoos are unnatural and are stressful and cruel for animals. (Other side) 许多人在
于许多全球问题的存在,如战争、贫困、饥饿和 污染,许多人并不认为国家应该把钱浪费在探索 太空方面。但其他人承认太空计划的开支是合理 的。
• Step 4: Add a Thesis • With many global concerns such as war, poverty, hunger and pollution, many people question whether nations should waste money on exploring space. However, others are convinced that expenditure on space programs is justified. This essay will examine some arguments for and against space exploration. (Thesis)

• Part 3 Ideas • you don't need too many ideas for an essay in an English exam. Three is enough. • Three ideas means • three ideas for and three ideas against (3773 layout) • three ideas for (35553 layout) • three ideas against (35553)