数独论文-Taking the Mystery Out of Sudoku


毕业设计论文数独问题的设计算法研究 .docx

毕业设计论文数独问题的设计算法研究  .docx










从而得出数据结构清晰明了、算法逻辑简单、程序事懂、运行高效率阳设迸方法]| :- * W I关键词:数独;设计算法;回溯法;乱序法;异形数独AbstractSudoku is a kind of digital puzzles what came from Switzer land 5and carried forward in Japan at the end of the 18th century ・ Each palace of Sudoku disk is divided into nine lattices・As long as in the eighty-one!s, under the condition of given certain known number and problem solving, using logic and reasoning in the other spaces to fill in the numbers from 1 to 9. Each of the numbers from 1 to 9 appear in every column and every court only once. Because each number in the lattices is exclusive ? known as Sudoku game. This arrangement, the number of Sudokupuzzles, can fully test and cultivate the ability to observe and reasoning, and solve problems. Many education workers think Sudoku is the best way to train your brain.This paper mainly studies the basic theories of Sudoku and introduces the application of Sudoku design and illustrates・ Using c++ software programming to realize the result. The first chapter briefly introduces the origin of Sudoku and the related concepts and terms of Sudoku. Chapter 2 introduces the basic play of Sudoku; Chapter 3 iocuses on the design of Sudoku problems and uses c++ software programing to realize the result. Therefore, the data structure is clear, the algorithm logic is simple, the program is easily to understand, and the efficient design method is running.Keywords: Sudoku; Design algorithm; Backtracking method; Random - sequence method; Alien Sudoku・摘要 (I)Abstract ...................................................................................................................... I I 目录. (III)第一章绪论 (1)1.1数独的起源 (1)1.2数独近现代的发展 (2)第二章数独玩法 (3)2.1数独玩法介绍 (3)2.2数独的基本解法 (5)2.2.1唯-•解法 (5)2.2.2目的数标线法 (8)2.2.3回溯法 (13)第三章数独的设计 (15)3.1数独游戏设计的难易程度 (15)3.2回溯法的算法设计 (17)3.2.1回溯法设计思路 (17)3.2.2回溯法设计过程 (17)3.3乱序法的算法设计 (18)3.3.1乱序设计法思路 (18)3.3.2乱序设计的过程 (18)3.4回溯搜索法的算法设计 (18)3.4.1回溯搜索法的设计思路 (18)3.4.2回溯搜索法设计过程 (19)3.5算法分析比较 (19)第四章异型数独 (21)4.1异型数独介绍 (21)4.2终盘设计 (29)4.2.1交换法 (29)4.2.2随机试探法 (30)4.2.3算法分析 (30)4.3额外区域数独设计 (30)第五章总结与展望 (32)参考文献 (34)致谢 (35)附录 (36)图表目录图2.1 (3)图2.2 (4)图2.3 (5)图2.4 (5)图2.5 (6)图2.6 (6)图2.7 (7)图2.8 (7)图2.9 (8)图2.10 (9)S 2.11 (9)图2.12 (10)图2.13 (10)图2.14 (11)S 2.15 .... . (11)图2.16 (12)图2.17 (12)图3.1 (15)图3.2 (15)图3.3 (16)图3.4 (16)图3.5 (16)图3.6 (16)图4.1 (21)图4.2 (22)图4.3 (22)图4.4 (23)图4.5 (23)图4.6 (23)图4.7 (24)图4.8 (24)图4.9 (25)图4.10 (25)图4.11 (26)图4.12 (26)图4.13 (27)图4.14 (27)图4.15 (27)图4.16 (28)图4.17 (28)图4.18 (29)第一章绪论1.1数独的起源数独是十八世纪末的瑞士人发明,之后风靡美国,并在日本进行的数字拼图。

make a puzzle英语作文

make a puzzle英语作文

尊敬的全体员工:您好!值此国庆佳节来临之际,我厂全体员工向各位致以最诚挚的节日祝福!根据国家法定节假日安排,结合我厂实际情况,现将国庆节放假有关事项通知如下:一、放假时间1. 放假时间:2023年10月1日至10月7日,共计7天。

2. 10月8日(星期日)正常上班,10月9日(星期一)正常休息。

二、假期工作安排1. 请各部门负责人提前做好国庆节期间的值班安排,确保厂内生产、安全等各项工作正常进行。

2. 请全体员工在放假前将手头工作妥善安排,确保假期后工作顺利进行。

3. 各部门负责人要加强对员工的教育和管理,确保员工度过一个安全、愉快的假期。

三、安全注意事项1. 假期期间,请大家注意人身和财产安全,遵守交通规则,不乘坐非法营运车辆。

2. 避免到人流密集、安全设施不健全的场所活动,防止发生意外。

3. 注意防火、防盗、防骗,确保自身及家人的人身和财产安全。

4. 离开住处时,请关好门窗,切断电源,确保用电安全。

四、值班安排1. 值班人员需保持通讯畅通,随时应对突发事件。

2. 值班人员要严格遵守值班纪律,按时到岗,不得擅自离岗。

3. 如遇紧急情况,值班人员应立即上报,并采取相应措施进行处理。

五、假期后工作安排1. 请各部门负责人在假期结束后,及时召开工作会议,传达本通知精神,部署假期后工作。

2. 请全体员工在假期结束后,按时到岗,恢复正常工作秩序。

3. 各部门负责人要加强对员工的思想政治教育,确保全体员工以饱满的热情投入到工作中。





玩家需要根据9×9盘面上的已知数字,推理出所有剩余空格的数字,并满足每一行、每一列、每一个小九宫内的数字均含1~ 9,而且不重复。





本课题研究设计一款运行在Android 平台的数独游戏软件。


关键词:数独;Android;手机游戏;JavaABSTRACTSudoku is a math puzzle game played with paper and pen. Players need to be filled 9 × 9 disk with known figures, reasoning other figure out, and meet each row, each column, each small nine intrauterine figures 1 to 9 inclusive, and not repeat. Every qualified Sudoku puzzles only have one unique answer, but also as a basis for reasoning method, no solution or any solution questions are unqualified.With Android powered smart phones popular in China, no matter when, no matter where, palying sudoku game in the smart phone become a convenient new demands. Sudoku error occurs, or the steps you must take a step back and erase the figures already filled. on the smartphone sudoku can be modified in a cell number. Sudoku rules need to be based on the existing number of reasoning judgment, not only has a strong interest, but also to exercise our ability to think logically.This study is designed a Sudoku game software to run on the Android platform. Using Java language and runs on the Android operating system, to achieve the basic functions of Sudoku.Sudoku is a math puzzle game played with paper and pen.According to the filled 9 × 9 disk with known figures, players need to reason out other figures, which must meet each row, each column, each small nine intrauterine figures 1 to 9 inclusive, and not repeat. Every qualified Sudoku puzzle has and only has one unique answer. As a basis for reasoning method, no solution or any other solution questions are unqualified.With the rapid popularization of android powered smart phones in China, no matter when or where, palying sudoku game in the smart phone becomes a new fashion. When Sudoku error occurs, you must take a step back and delete the figures already filled. Playing Sudoku game on the smart phone, you can conveniently modify the numbers. Sudoku rules must base on the existing number of reasoning judgment, which not only have a strong interest, but also exercise our logical thinking ability.This paper has designed a Sudoku game with Java language running on the android platform, which has achieved the basic functions of the Sudoku game.Keywords: Sudoku; Android; mobile games; Java目录第一章引言 (1)1.1 项目背景 (1)1.2 项目目的 (2)1.3 主要内容 (2)第二章游戏开发相关技术 (4)2.1 Android (4)2.1.1 Android发展历史 (4)2.1.2 Android特点与系统架构 (5)2.1.3 Android基本组件与项目结构 (7)2.1.4 Android UI设计与其原理 (10)2.2 Java (12)2.2.1 Java简介 (12)2.2.2 Java SE (13)2.3 Eclipse (13)2.3 Android SDK (14)第三章数独游戏设计 (16)3.1 功能需求 (16)3.1.1 继续游戏模块 (16)3.1.2 开始游戏模块 (16)3.1.3 游戏设置模块 (16)3.1.4 游戏完成模块 (17)3.1.5 其他模块 (17)3.2 游戏架构设计 (17)3.3 游戏运行流程 (18)第四章数独游戏实现 (20)4.1开发环境搭建 (20)4.1.1 安装JDK和配置Java开发环境 (20)4.1.2 SDK和ADT的安装和配置 (20)4.2项目工程文件 (22)4.3游戏主界面模块 (24)4.4游戏关卡选择模块 (26)4.5游戏谜题的存储与导入 (35)4.6游戏状态存储与恢复 (37)4.7游戏界面绘制与逻辑实现 (38)4.8游戏结束检测与信息提示 (42)4.9游戏设置模块 (46)4.10游戏其他模块 (58)第五章总结 (2)参考文献 (3)致谢 (5)第一章引言1.1 项目背景2007年11月5日,距离苹果发布第一代iPhone手机仅四个月,谷歌公司正式公布Android操作系统,并且宣布与34家手机厂商、运营商成立“开放手机联盟”(OHA),自此基于Linux内核的Android系统正式登上历史舞台。



第一次做数独的作文三年级I remember the first time I tried to solve a Sudoku puzzle. It was in third grade, and my teacher had given us a booklet of different puzzles to work on during our free time. I was immediately intrigued by the grid of numbers and the challenge of filling them in correctly.我记得我第一次尝试解决数独难题。



At first, I didn't know where to start. The blank squares seemed daunting, and I wasn't sure how to approach the puzzle. But I decided to give it a try and started with a simple one, focusing on filling in the numbers I knew for sure. Slowly but surely, the puzzle started to take shape, and I could see the logic behind it.起初,我不知道从哪里开始。




As I continued to work on Sudoku puzzles, I discovered the satisfaction of solving them correctly. There was a sense of accomplishment every time I completed a puzzle, knowing that I had used logic and deduction to figure it out. It became a fun challenge for me to tackle more difficult puzzles and see how quickly I could solve them.随着我继续解决数独难题,我发现了正确解决它们的满足感。

数独论文-Taking the Mystery Out of Sudoku

数独论文-Taking the Mystery Out of Sudoku

• 虽然一般方法产生数独所需的时间呈指数增长,但DLX算 法明显缩短了时间,大大降低了复杂度,这样作者就得到 了唯一性和复杂度都符合要求的数独生成算法。具体代码 如下(C语言):
for i = 1, ..., 3 do .
• 每一个数独只能有一个解。 • 数独中hints的位置没有限制。 • 唯一法有足够的基础,我们可以假设,普通玩家都会用到
这种方法。 • 显式唯一法比隐式唯一法简单。 • 有相当多的方法超过唯一法,我们不能够假设玩家会用到
何种方法,因此数独的难易程度不能依据任何特定的方法。 • 数独的难易程度不跟高难度方法的使用数量线性相关。
• 在建立了数度难易程度评价模型后,作者根据DLX 算法开发出数独生成程序,并对产生的数独进行 分级,从而解决了问题。
procedure SCORE(InitialGrid(初始网格), Solution)
Board = InitialGrid
while Board is unsolved do
Find all singles .
Iterative process
if stuck then
Ask ORACLE for help
Taking the Mystery Out of Sudoku
Probelm B: Creating Sudoku Puzzles








让画中天使牵挂的就是墙上挂着的数字迷宫,横向、纵向、对角线数字的和都是34,在最下面一行的中间两格,画家自娱地留下了创作年代1514.1 欧拉与拉丁方作为数学史上最传奇、最多产的大师之一,瑞士数学家欧拉(LeonardEuler,1707—1783)在18世纪研究了一种有趣的数字方阵:考虑一个阶数(亦即行数和列数)为n的方阵,在小格里填入n种符号或数字,在每一行/列中,每一个符号出现且仅出现一次。


因为最初随手填入方阵内的是一个个拉丁字母,欧拉将这样的方阵命名为拉丁方(Latin Square)。




2 终盘的可能性通常将一个完成了的数独题目称为终盘。






数独比赛作文300字全文英文回答:Sudoku is a logic-based puzzle game popular worldwide. It requires concentration, strategic thinking, and a keen eye for detail.The game involves filling a 9x9 grid with numbers from 1 to 9, ensuring that each number appears only once in each row, column, and 3x3 block within the grid. Sudoku puzzles can vary in difficulty, and some may require advanced techniques to solve.Sudoku competitions are held at various levels, from local to international. These competitions attract skilled solvers who compete for prizes and recognition. Contestants have limited time to complete a series of Sudoku puzzles, and the person with the fastest time and the fewest mistakes wins.中文回答:数独比赛是一种基于逻辑的谜题游戏,在全世界都颇受欢迎。


游戏的主要目标是在一个 9x9 的网格中填写数字 1 到 9,确保在每一行、每一列和网格中的 3x3 块中,每个数字只出现一次。



J2ME 手机游戏——SuDoKu数独目录1. 引言 (3)2. 绪论 (3)手机软件现状 (3)手机游戏应具有的特征 (4)本游戏背景介绍 (4)3. 开发环境及相关技术的介绍 (5)开发环境 (5)J2ME简介 (5)MID LET S UITES简介 (6)MIDP类库 (6) (7)4. 数独游戏的策划和设计 (8) (8)数独题目的变换 (10) (11) (12) (13) (13)5. 主要模块设计 (15) (15) (15) (16). 继续游戏选项 (16) (17) (18) (18) (18) (19) (19) (20) (20) (20) (21) (22). SuDoKuCanvas类的构造函数 (22) (23) (23) (24) (24) (25) (25) (25) (26) (26) (29) (29) (30) (30) (32)参考文献: (33)英文摘要: (2)致谢: .................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

英文摘要:Abstract: J2ME is a kind of fast developing technology implemented on various devices especially mobile communication equipments. It focuses on application for consumptive electronic products, providing revolutionary solution to the intelligentization and diversification of the equipment. It improve the efficiency of the development process thanks to its “Write Once, run anywhere” nature.When mobile phone is getting ever more popular nowadays, with the implementation of Java technology on mobile equipment, increment of capital on communication service exhibits its force on people’s everyday life, providing them ever fast information just in hand. Mobile phone whose capability is greater is more and more mature for game. This dissertation focuses on implementation of J2ME technology and has developed a commercial game suite run on mobile phones—sudoku.This article in introduced that J2ME in correlation technique's foundation, designed and has realized of Soduku game.Keywords: J2ME; mobile game;java; sudokuJ2ME 手机游戏——SuDoKu数独摘要:J2ME(Java 2 Micro Edition) 是近年来随着各种不同设备,尤其是移动通信设备的飞速发展而诞生的一项新的开发技术。




在这款游戏中,玩家需要根据已知数字和一些限制条件来填写一个9x9 的格子,并保证每行、每列、每个 3x3 的小格子中都包含了 1-9 的数字,且每个数字只能出现一次。






















数独比赛作文300字英文回答:Sudoku competition is a popular event that attracts participants from all over the world. It is a game that requires logic and problem-solving skills. The objective is to fill a 9x9 grid with numbers from 1 to 9, ensuring that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3x3 subgrids contains all of the numbers from 1 to 9 without any repetition.I remember participating in a Sudoku competition last year. It was a thrilling experience as I competed against some of the best Sudoku players in the world. The atmosphere was intense, with everyone focused on solving the puzzles as quickly and accurately as possible.During the competition, we were given a series of Sudoku puzzles to solve within a specific time limit. The puzzles varied in difficulty, ranging from easy toextremely challenging. It was important to stay calm and focused, as rushing through the puzzles could lead to mistakes.I vividly remember one particularly difficult puzzle that had me stumped for a while. It seemed impossible to find the right numbers to fill in the grid. However, I persevered and kept trying different combinations until I finally cracked it. It was a moment of triumph and satisfaction.Sudoku competitions not only test one's logicalthinking and problem-solving abilities but also require a certain level of patience and determination. It is not just about finding the right numbers, but also about developing strategies and techniques to solve the puzzles efficiently.中文回答:数独比赛是一项吸引来自世界各地参与者的热门活动。








(在解数和中都有用) 2字组3=1+2 4=1+3 16=7+9 17=8+93字组6=1+2+3 7=1+2+4 23=6+8+9 24=7+8+94字组10=1+2+3+4 11=1+2+3+5 29=5+7+8+9 30=6+7+8+95字组15=1+2+3+4+5 16=1+2+3+4+6 34=4+6+7+8+9 35=5+6+7+8+96字组21=1+2+3+4+5+6 22=1+2+3+4+5+7 38=3+5+6+7+8+9 39=4+5+6+7+8+97字组28=1+2+3+4+5+6+7 29=1+2+3+4+5+6+8 41=2+4+5+6+7+8+9 42=3+4+5+6+7+8+98字组36=1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 37=1+2+3+4+5+6+7+9 38=1+2+3+4+5+6+8+9......44=2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9(1—9中,缺少45与总和的差)9字组45=1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9少解组合杀手数独中有一些只有两三个分解式。

2字组5=1+4=2+3 6=2+4=1+5 14=6+8=5+9 15=7+8=6+93字组8=1+2+5=1+3+4 9=1+2+6=1+3+5=2+3+4 21=4+8+9=5+7+9=6+7+8 22=5+8+9=6+7+9 4字组12=1+2+3+6=1+2+4+5 13=1+2+3+7=1+2+4+6=1+3+4+527=3+7+8+9=4+6+8+9=5+6+7+9 28=4+7+8+9=5+6+8+95字组17=1+2+3+4+7=1+2+3+5+6 18=1+2+3+4+8=1+2+3+5+7=1+2+4+5+632=2+6+7+8+9=3+5+7+8+9=4+5+6+8+9 33=3+6+7+8+9=4+5+7+8+96-8字组可以用的机会比较少,也很容易确定数字的位置,所以不作列写。



数独比赛作文300字全文英文回答:Sudoku is a popular puzzle game that requires logic and problem-solving skills. It consists of a 9x9 grid, divided into nine 3x3 boxes. The objective is to fill in the grid with numbers from 1 to 9, ensuring that each row, each column, and each box contains all the numbers from 1 to 9 without repetition.I find Sudoku competitions to be both challenging and enjoyable. The puzzles are designed to test your ability to think critically and make logical deductions. Each puzzle starts with a few numbers already filled in, and you have to use your deductive reasoning to figure out the missing numbers. It's like solving a puzzle where you have to connect the dots.During a Sudoku competition, participants are given a set of puzzles to solve within a given time frame. Thedifficulty level of the puzzles varies, ranging from easyto extremely difficult. The competitors have to solve as many puzzles as they can accurately within the given time limit. It requires concentration, focus, and quick thinking.I remember participating in a Sudoku competition last year. The puzzles were quite challenging, especially the ones with fewer initial numbers filled in. I had tocarefully analyze the possibilities for each empty cell and eliminate the numbers that couldn't fit. It was like a mental workout, and I felt a sense of accomplishment whenever I successfully completed a puzzle.中文回答:数独是一种受欢迎的益智游戏,需要逻辑思维和解决问题的能力。



数独的优点英语作文Title: The Advantages of Sudoku。

Sudoku, a puzzle game originating from Japan, has gained immense popularity worldwide. Its appeal lies not only in its entertaining nature but also in its numerous advantages that contribute to mental stimulation, cognitive development, and overall well-being.Firstly, Sudoku serves as a remarkable mental exercise. The game requires logical thinking, strategic planning, and problem-solving skills. Players must analyze the puzzle, identify patterns, and make informed decisions to progress. This constant mental activity helps sharpen the brain, enhancing memory, concentration, and critical thinking abilities. Regular engagement in Sudoku puzzles has been linked to improved cognitive function and reduced risk of cognitive decline with age.Moreover, Sudoku promotes mindfulness and relaxation.While the game challenges the mind, it also offers a sense of tranquility and focus. As players immerse themselves in solving the puzzle, they enter a state of flow, where they become fully absorbed in the task at hand. This meditative quality of Sudoku can alleviate stress, anxiety, and mental fatigue, providing a therapeutic escape from the pressures of daily life.Additionally, Sudoku fosters perseverance and resilience. Completing a Sudoku puzzle requires patience and determination, especially when faced with obstacles or setbacks. Players learn to embrace challenges, persist through difficulties, and celebrate achievements, cultivating a positive mindset and a can-do attitude. This resilience cultivated through Sudoku can extend beyond the game, empowering individuals to tackle challenges in other aspects of their lives with confidence and resilience.Furthermore, Sudoku offers a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Successfully solving a challenging puzzle elicits feelings of triumph and fulfillment. The satisfaction derived from cracking the code and filling inthe final numbers is unparalleled, boosting self-esteem and confidence. This sense of accomplishment reinforces motivation and encourages players to tackle more complex puzzles, fueling a cycle of continuous improvement and growth.Moreover, Sudoku is a versatile and accessible game. It can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels, from children to seniors, beginners to experts. Its simple rules and grid structure make it easy to learn yet challenging to master, catering to a wide range of preferences and abilities. Whether played solo or in a group, Sudoku offers endless opportunities for entertainment, learning, and social interaction.In conclusion, Sudoku offers a myriad of advantagesthat extend beyond mere entertainment. From enhancing mental agility and promoting mindfulness to fostering resilience and satisfaction, the benefits of Sudoku are profound and far-reaching. By incorporating Sudoku into our lives, we can enjoy its therapeutic benefits while exercising our minds and nurturing our well-being. So,let's grab a pencil, sharpen our wits, and embark on the rewarding journey of Sudoku!。



数独的优点英语作文英文:Sudoku, a classic puzzle game, has gained popularityall over the world for its numerous advantages. Firstly, it is a great brain exercise that helps improve cognitive abilities such as memory, concentration, and logical reasoning. As a frequent player of Sudoku, I have noticed a significant improvement in my problem-solving skills and mental agility. The game requires players to thinkcritically and strategically, which is beneficial for enhancing analytical thinking and decision-making skills.In addition, Sudoku is a fantastic stress-reliever. Whenever I feel overwhelmed or stressed out, I turn to Sudoku as a way to relax and unwind. The focus and concentration required to solve the puzzles help to clear my mind and provide a sense of accomplishment when completing a challenging puzzle. The feeling ofsatisfaction and achievement after solving a difficultSudoku puzzle is truly rewarding.Furthermore, Sudoku is a versatile game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is a great way to keep the mind sharp and active, regardless of whether you are a young student or an elderly individual. The rules are simple and easy to understand, making it accessible to everyone. I often play Sudoku with my family members, andit has become a bonding activity that brings us together and encourages friendly competition.Moreover, Sudoku is a portable and convenient game that can be played anytime, anywhere. Whether I am waiting for an appointment or traveling on a long journey, I always have a Sudoku book or app on my phone to pass the time. It is a great way to keep my mind engaged and entertained during moments of downtime.In conclusion, Sudoku is a highly beneficial and enjoyable puzzle game that offers mental stimulation, stress relief, and entertainment for people of all ages.Its positive impact on cognitive abilities and overallwell-being makes it a valuable activity in today's fast-paced world.中文:数独,一款经典的益智游戏,因其众多优点而在全球范围内广受欢迎。



用作文写数独Writing a sudoku puzzle is a fun and challenging task that requires a keen understanding of logic and problem-solving skills. 数独是一种有趣而具有挑战性的任务,需要对逻辑和问题解决能力有着敏锐的理解。

When creating a sudoku puzzle, one must start with a blank grid that is divided into nine smaller grids, each composed of nine squares. 撰写数独题目时,首先需要从一个空白的九宫格开始,每个九宫格内包含九个小方格。

The rules of sudoku are simple - each row, column, and 3x3 grid must contain the numbers 1 through 9, with no repetition of any number. 数独的规则很简单 - 每行、每列和每个3x3网格必须包含数字1到9,且不能重复。

As the creator of the sudoku puzzle, it's important to ensure that there is only one unique solution to the puzzle. 作为数独难题的创作者,确保拥有唯一的解决方案是非常重要的。

One strategy for creating a sudoku puzzle is to start with a completed puzzle and then strategically remove numbers to form a challenging puzzle. 创建数独谜题的一种策略是从一个完成的谜题开始,然后策略性地删除数字,形成一个具有挑战性的难题。



谜语的研究报告作文400字English:Riddle is a unique form of puzzle that has been enjoyed by people from different cultures and time periods. It involves the use of cleverly phrased questions or statements, often with a hidden meaning, to challenge the intellect and creativity of individuals. From ancient civilizations to modern society, riddles have been used not only for entertainment but also for educational and cognitive development purposes.Riddles can be found in various forms, such as verbal riddles, visual riddles, mathematical riddles, and logical riddles. Verbal riddles rely on language and wordplay, often using puns or double entendres to mislead the reader and require them to think outside the box. Visual riddles, on the other hand, utilize images, pictures, or diagrams to present a problem or question that needs to be solved. Mathematical riddles involve using numbers and calculations to find a solution. Lastly, logical riddles require logical reasoning and critical thinking skills to reach the correct answer.The study of riddles has shown numerous benefits. Solving riddles can enhance cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and creativity. It stimulates the brain, encouraging individuals to think analytically and strategically. Additionally, riddles can improve language skills, as they often require a nuanced understanding of words and their various meanings. They promote lateral thinking, enabling individuals to consider multiple perspectives and possibilities.Furthermore, riddles have social and cultural significance. They have been used as a form of entertainment during gatherings and events, bringing people together and fostering social bonds. Riddles also provide insight into the beliefs, customs, and values of different cultures, reflecting their unique way of thinking and understanding the world.In conclusion, the study of riddles reveals their multidimensional nature and the numerous benefits they offer. Whether it be for entertainment, cognitive development, or cultural appreciation, riddles continue to intrigue and challenge individuals acrossgenerations and civilizations. They serve as a testament to the human capacity for creativity and problem-solving skills.中文翻译:谜语是一种独特的智力问题形式,受到不同文化和时期的人们喜爱。



关于猜字谜方法的研究报告作文英文回答:Introduction.Word puzzles are a popular form of entertainment that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. They come in avariety of formats, including crossword puzzles, Sudoku, and anagrams. While some word puzzles may seem simple at first glance, others can be quite challenging. To solve these puzzles, it is important to use a variety of strategies and techniques.Methods of Solving Word Puzzles.There are a number of different methods that can be used to solve word puzzles. Some of the most common methods include:Guessing: This is the most basic method of solvingword puzzles. Simply guess a word and see if it fits the puzzle. If it does not, try another word.Trial and error: This method involves trying different words until you find one that fits the puzzle.Pattern recognition: This method involves looking for patterns in the puzzle. For example, in a crossword puzzle, you may look for words that share common letters or endings.Deductive reasoning: This method involves using logicto deduce the correct answer. For example, in a Sudoku puzzle, you may use deductive reasoning to eliminatecertain possibilities.Metacognition: This method involves thinking aboutyour own thought processes and how you can improve them.For example, you may try to identify the areas where youare struggling and then develop strategies to address those areas.The Effects of Different Methods on Puzzle-SolvingSuccess.The effectiveness of different methods for solving word puzzles depends on a number of factors, including the difficulty of the puzzle, the individual's cognitive abilities, and the amount of time available. However, some research suggests that certain methods may be moreeffective than others.For example, one study found that people who used metacognition to solve crossword puzzles were more successful than those who did not use metacognition. Another study found that people who used pattern recognition to solve Sudoku puzzles were more successful than those who did not use pattern recognition.Conclusion.Word puzzles can be a fun and challenging way to pass the time. By using a variety of strategies and techniques, you can improve your chances of success.中文回答:导言。



成迷游戏英语作文模板英文回答:The Enigmatic Game。

The enigmatic game has captivated the minds of countless individuals throughout history, leaving behind an enduring legacy of intrigue and allure. From ancient puzzles to modern-day mind-benders, these enigmatic challenges have tested the limits of human ingenuity and sparked a relentless pursuit of solutions.One of the most iconic enigmatic games is the Rubik's Cube, invented by Hungarian architect Ernő Rubik in 1974. This seemingly simple toy, composed of 26 smaller cubes with colored faces, has become a global phenomenon, tantalizing puzzle enthusiasts with its deceptively complex mechanisms. The task of aligning all faces with their corresponding colors has proven to be a daunting task for many, yet the allure of solving this enigmatic cubecontinues to captivate.Another classic enigmatic game is the Sudoku puzzle, which originated in Switzerland in the early 1980s. Sudoku challenges players to fill in a 9x9 grid with numbers from 1 to 9, ensuring that each number appears only once in each row, column, and 3x3 subgrid. The seemingly straightforward rules belie the puzzle's deceptive difficulty, as solving Sudoku requires a keen eye for patterns and logical deduction.Beyond these well-known examples, countless other enigmatic games have emerged, each with its own unique set of rules and challenges. From word puzzles like crosswords and anagrams to strategy games like chess and Go, these games have captivated the imaginations of people across cultures and generations.The enduring popularity of enigmatic games can be attributed to several factors. First, these games provide a unique form of mental stimulation, challenging players to think creatively, develop problem-solving skills, andexercise their analytical abilities. Secondly, enigmatic games offer a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when solved, providing a tangible reward for the effort expended. Finally, these games often foster a sense of community, as individuals share strategies, discuss solutions, and engage in friendly competitions.In an increasingly complex and interconnected world, enigmatic games serve as a valuable tool for cognitive enhancement, social interaction, and personal growth. They remind us of the importance of perseverance, critical thinking, and the satisfaction that comes from solving a challenging puzzle. As technology continues to advance and new forms of entertainment emerge, enigmatic games will undoubtedly continue to captivate and inspire future generations.中文回答:谜样游戏在历史上吸引了无数人的目光,留下了经久不衰的神秘感和魅力。





1.福泽全球的设计全才--怀念芬兰设计大师昂蒂·诺米斯耐米 [J], 方海
2.风靡全球的数独游戏 [J], 包荷
3.芬兰数学家号称设计全球最难数独游戏 [J],
4.芬兰教育的启示——读《芬兰教育全球第一的秘密》有感 [J],
5.探访芬兰教育全球领跑的秘密——芬兰教育考察报告 [J], 马惠玲

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Terminology(术语) and Assumptions
blocks house cell hint candidate Singles Naked Singles Hidden Singles
小九宫格 任意的行、列或小九宫格 81个网格中的其中一个 暗示(已经填过的网格)
候选数字 唯一法 显式唯一法 隐式唯一法
• 作者设计出“Oracle”的目的其实是用“Oracle”代替解 决速度问题中的高难度方法,因为我们没法去判断哪种方 法难度更高,这样的话我们就能够不需要了解所用方法的 困难程度而直接判断数独的本身难易。这样就达到了建立 数独难易程度评价模型的目的。
• 我们的任务主要有两个:一、建立数独难易程度评价模型 二、设计数独生成程序,并使生成的数独具有唯一解和最 简的复杂度。
• 在本节中,作者为我们提供了一个解决该问题的思路:
作者首先建立数独难易程度评价模型,用“Oracle”代替 那些大量的复杂的方法,然后制定出了标准化的评价函数, 用来给数独评分,根据分数高低判断难易程度。在有了数 独难易程度评价标准之后,作者开发出能够生成不同难易 程度数独的算法,并检验其唯一性和复杂度.
Average Score 0.0558 0.3193 0.6944 0.8818
Average Oracle Visits 0.1189 0.6040 1.4792 2.3176
由表可以看出,作者开发的数独生成算法比较倾向于生成相对容易的数独, 但也会生成高难度数独。而且数独的难易程度主要与“Oracle Visits”有关。
Taking the Mystery Out of Sudoku
Probelm B: Creating Sudoku Puzzles
• 开发一个算法来创造不同难度的数独游戏,制定 指标定义一个难度级别。算法和指标应扩展到不 同的难度级别。你应该说明你算法生成的数独至 少有4个难度级别。你的算法应该保证唯一的的解 决方案,并分析算法的复杂性。你的目标应该是 尽量减少算法的复杂性,并满足上述要求。
Donald Knuth(高德纳)
• 25岁博士毕业 • 30岁斯坦福大学教授 • 36岁获得计算机界的“诺贝尔奖”:“图灵奖” • 《计算机程序设计艺术》的作者 • 计算机排版系统Tex的开发者 • 被誉为“算法的上帝”
Exact Cover(精确覆盖问题)
• 定义: 在一个全集X中若干子集的集合为S,精确覆盖(Exact
875149236 639725814 412638759 367412598 948357162 521986473 784593621 196274385 253861947
A “Cinch” Puzzle
A “Confusing” Puzzle
619743825 432586197 758129463 971354682 326978514 845612739 587231946 294865371 163497258
N = { };O = {1, 3};E = {2, 4};P = {2, 3}.
其中一个子集 {O, E} 是 X的一个精确覆盖,因为 O = {1, 3} 而 E = {2, 4} 的并集恰好是 X = {1, 2, 3, 4}。同理, {N, O, E} 也是 X.的一个精确覆盖。空集并不影响结论。
பைடு நூலகம்
637418592 421569387 895327461 286195734 719234856 354876219 563741928 172983645 948652173
A “Challenging” Puzzle
A “Crazy” Puzzle
• 本文作者把解决数独的方法分为两大类:Singles 和“Oracle”,这样避免了对高等级方法的讨论, 但又达到了对数独难易程度分级的目的,而且巧 妙的构建了Scalescore函数,从而建立了数度难易 程度评价模型,这样既简单又有说服力。
procedure SCORE(InitialGrid(初始网格), Solution)
Board = InitialGrid
while Board is unsolved do
Find all singles .
Iterative process
if stuck then
Ask ORACLE for help
• DlX算法在Sudoku中的优势:
DLX算法是目前最高效的数独求解程序,大大缩短了 数独的求解时间;
DLX是一种通用的搜索方法,不用自己去实现搜索过 程,不需要 对每道题目都设计数据结构,来设计搜索方 法。只需要去建立一个模型,其代码长度也很短,是一个 简洁高效的算法。
• 在本文中作者采用了这样的方法: 随机生成3个1到9的排列,把这些数字填到空九宫格的对 角区域里,然后用DLX算法去寻找这个九宫格的解,而这 个解肯定有很多个,我们再随机选取一个作为最后的结果。 从一个完整的数独中随机的移除数字,直到不能保持唯一 解,然后在每一个步骤都使用DLX算法来检验其唯一性。
• 在建立了数度难易程度评价模型后,作者根据DLX 算法开发出数独生成程序,并对产生的数独进行 分级,从而解决了问题。
如图可以看出, 分数在0~0.18的数独为“Cinch”; 分数在0.18~0.6的数独为“Confusing”; 分数在0.6~0.8的数独为“Challenging”; 分数在0.8~1的数独为“Crazy”。
359627148 471895362 286134759 718359624 692481537 534762981 167548293 823976415 945213876
• 虽然一般方法产生数独所需的时间呈指数增长,但DLX算 法明显缩短了时间,大大降低了复杂度,这样作者就得到 了唯一性和复杂度都符合要求的数独生成算法。具体代码 如下(C语言):
for i = 1, ..., 3 do .
end if
end while
Count singles and ORACLE visits
SCOREFUNCTION(singlesCounts, oracleCounts)
return score
Use tanh to scale
end procedure
• Unscaled Score:
cover)是指,S的子集S*,满足X中的每一个元素在S*中 恰好出现一次。
也就是说,满足以下条件的集合为一个精确覆盖: S*中任意两个集合没有交集,即X中的元素在S*中出现 最多一次; S*中集合的全集为X,即X中的元素在S*中出现最少一 次。
• 举例:
令 = {N, O, E, P} 是集合X = {1, 2, 3, 4}的一个子集, 并满足:
S* = {B, D, F} 便是一个精确覆盖
• 解决精确覆盖问题
Generation Algorithm
• DLX算法: DLX是Dancing Links-X的缩写,是一个优化的暴力枚举 算法,主要用在搜索问题的通用优化。Dancing Links主 要是用双向十字链表来存储稀疏矩阵,来达到搜索中的优 化。 在搜索问题中,所需要的存储矩阵往往随着递归的加深变 得越来越稀疏,这种情况用Dancing Links来存储矩阵, 往往会得到非常好的效果。
Seed DLX
PERMUTE {1, ..., 9} Fill diagonal block I
end for DLX(seed, numToGenerate)
Select random generated board
Remove random cells
Check uniqueness (DLX)
Introduction Terminology and Assumptions
Sudoku Difficulty Metric Generation Algorithm Results and Analysis
• “数独”(Sudoku)一词来自日语,意思是“单独的数 字”或“只出现一次的数字”。概括来说,它就是一种填 数字游戏。1984年日本益智杂志Nikoli的员工金元信彦偶 然看到了美国杂志上的这一游戏,认为可以用来吸引日本 读者,于是将其加以改良,并增加了难度,还为它取了新 名字称做“数独” 。
• 每一个数独只能有一个解。 • 数独中hints的位置没有限制。 • 唯一法有足够的基础,我们可以假设,普通玩家都会用到
这种方法。 • 显式唯一法比隐式唯一法简单。 • 有相当多的方法超过唯一法,我们不能够假设玩家会用到