
南京外国语小学小升初试卷一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个选项是南京外国语小学的简称?A. NNFLSB. NJFLSC. NFLSD. NFLS2. 英语中“小升初”的意思是:A. 小学毕业B. 小学升入初中C. 初中升入高中D. 高中毕业3. 根据题目要求,以下哪个选项是正确的?A. 题目中出现了正斜杠符号B. 题目中出现了反斜杠符号C. 题目中出现了#符号D. 题目中没有出现上述符号4. 以下哪个选项是南京外国语小学小升初试卷的科目?A. 数学B. 英语C. 语文D. 所有选项都是5. 以下哪个选项是南京外国语小学小升初试卷的特点?A. 题目难度高B. 题目覆盖面广C. 题目注重基础D. 所有选项都是6. 以下哪个选项是南京外国语小学小升初试卷的考试形式?A. 笔试B. 口试C. 面试D. 笔试和口试7. 以下哪个选项是南京外国语小学小升初试卷的评分标准?A. 严格按照答案评分B. 根据学生表现评分C. 根据学生潜力评分D. 所有选项都是8. 以下哪个选项是南京外国语小学小升初试卷的考试时间?A. 1小时B. 2小时C. 3小时D. 根据科目不同而不同9. 以下哪个选项是南京外国语小学小升初试卷的考试地点?A. 南京外国语小学校内B. 南京外国语小学校外C. 学生所在学校D. 所有选项都是10. 以下哪个选项是南京外国语小学小升初试卷的考试目的?A. 选拔优秀学生B. 检测学生学习情况C. 促进学生全面发展D. 所有选项都是二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 南京外国语小学小升初试卷的考试科目包括语文、数学和______。
12. 南京外国语小学小升初试卷的考试形式主要是______。
13. 南京外国语小学小升初试卷的考试时间一般为______小时。
14. 南京外国语小学小升初试卷的考试地点通常在______。
15. 南京外国语小学小升初试卷的评分标准是______。
16. 南京外国语小学小升初试卷的考试目的是______。

南京外国语学校小升初试题一、根据词义和上下文猜单词1.When you travel in Nanjing you want to take some photos, you need a c_____2.people buy it and read it every day to know what it happens around us, it’s N______3.to write it on the paper and you may not want people to see i t,it’s the D_____4.you are very hot when you don’t have water to drink, you will feel T_____5.FIFA World cup is hosted in A_______I _____ a singing contest last month2.At a party ,we are_____Pleasant Goat and big big wolf3.---Is that Jim speaking?-----no,he is not in.he is ____in the park4.My brother usually _____at home .sometimes he _____ in a park.三、首字母填空1.the life of the silkworm begins with e_____.2.through stems of plants absorb w________and nutrients near.3.banana trees live in r___forest.4.in food chain, the wolves eat rabbits and the rabbits want to eat g_________四、把下列动物名称填入对应旳空格内1.Squirrel2.cactus3.dolphin4.rabbit5.fox1.it lives in dry regions and absorb water through stems._____2.it lives in the tree, it hoards nuts for the winter._____3.it molts in winter, the fur will turns white _____4.it has long ears and wants to eat grass_____5.it walks with its tail in the sea._____五、选择题1.if we take railway from Nanjing to shanghai to visit the world expo,how many hours do we need?A.1hourB.2 hoursC.3 hours D7 hours2.A foreigner visits Nanjing by metro ,he takes memo line1 at first and transfer to metro line2.which station does he get off to transfer metro line 2 ?A.the statue of DR sun yet-senB.Nanjing train stationC.Nanjing libraryD.Nanjing foreign language school3.which one contains the most starch(淀粉)___?A .carrots B.oranges C.potatos D.apples E.tomatoes4. Which is not true?A.the water can be heated by electricity.B.drill wood can make fireC.water can make heatD.the sun can give off light5.what’s the name of the boy who was saved by Robinson?A.Thursday B Friday C.Monday D.Tuesday6.where can we see the polar day?A.Norway B .Egypt C.Brizil D.None7.Sally and Sally are barking cakes in the kitchen,sally’s mother is drinking water from glasswhen sally’s father comes in.“that’s a good smell”It is said from_______A.sallyB.sally’s motherC.sally’s father8.when did Zhenhe have voyages to the western seas?A.Qing DynastyB.Tang DynastyC.Ming DynastyD.Song Dynasty9.The family has a mother, father and seven sons.Every son has a sister.How many people are there in the family?A.9B.10C.1610.Which city doesn't have subway?A.NanjingB.ShanghaiC.Xi'an11.Micky Mouse was born in _______A.ChinaB.AmericaC.Japan.12.How many stars are there on the flag of the United States?A.49B.50C.51六. 中英文电影名称配对Avatar 冲浪季节Shrek3 忍者神龟Kids of the future 阿凡达Surf’s up 怪物史莱克Teenage mutant hero turtles 未来小子。

二、数学部分(一)选择题1. 下列哪个选项是最小的质数?A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 32. 一个长方体的长、宽、高分别是12cm、8cm和5cm,其体积是多少立方厘米?A. 480B. 240C. 360D. 320(二)计算题计算下列各题,并写出计算过程。
1. 计算下列各题的乘积:(1)24 × 56(2)38 × 472. 解下列方程:(1)2x + 4 = 10(2)3x - 9 = 27三、英语部分(一)选择题1. Which of the following is a verb?A. AppleB. RunC. BigD. Cat2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses:"I _______ (not go) to the park yesterday."A. don'tB. didn'tC. not goD. didn't go(二)完形填空Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.Today, I went to the zoo with my family. We saw many _______ (1) and took a lot of _______ (2).1. A. animals B. books C. food D. clothes2. A. photos B. notes C. tests D. gifts四、答案一、语文部分(一)阅读理解(1)江南春天的特点是细雨如丝、柳树嫩绿、桃花盛开,呈现出一片生机勃勃的景象。

(8分)chōng jǐng chuǎi móyán jùn yǎzhì() ( ) ( ) ( )zhàng dān chìrèān yìchén jìn() ( ) ( ) ( )二、认真读下面的内容,根据提示,在括号内写出恰当的成语。
回首过往的岁月,我们想起了培育我们的老师,为了我们的成长,他们( )、( )地工作。
在老师的教育下,我们学到了许多知识,读懂了寓言故事( )、( );也认识了许多令我敬佩的人,有( )的彭德怀,有( )的海伦,有( )的孔子。
三、读下面四组词语,注意字形及带点字的音、义,其中全对的一组是( )。
2%1、鸟喙(huì) 汗流夹背言简意赅(齐备、完备)2、衣冠(ɡuàn) 金碧辉煌芳草如茵(草地)3、惬(qiè)意老生常谈理直(正确、充分)气壮4、蜷(quán)曲桀骜不训要(简要)言不烦四、读下面这段话,然后用“清”组成恰当的词语填入括号里。
(2分)走进树林,空气格外( )。
只见泉水从泉眼里涌出,顺势向远处流去,汇成了一条( )的小溪。
我们喝着( )的泉水,听着( )的鸟叫声,真是心旷神怡!五、按要求写句子。

南外小升初试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 下列哪个选项是正确的?A. 地球是平的B. 地球是圆的C. 地球是方的D. 地球是三角形的答案:B2. 以下哪个不是中国的传统节日?A. 春节B. 圣诞节C. 端午节D. 中秋节答案:B3. 以下哪个选项是数学中的基本概念?A. 重力B. 速度C. 质量D. 函数答案:D4. 以下哪个选项是英语中的介词?A. isB. atC. doD. the答案:B5. 以下哪个选项是化学元素?A. 氢B. 氧C. 氮D. 所有以上答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请写出中国最长的河流的名称:__________。
答案:长江2. 请写出英文中表示“图书馆”的单词:__________。
答案:library3. 请写出数学中表示“加法”的符号:__________。
答案:+4. 请写出化学中表示“水”的化学式:__________。
答案:H2O5. 请写出物理中表示“光速”的符号:__________。
答案:c三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 请简述中国的四大发明。
2. 请解释为什么说地球是圆的。
3. 请描述一下英语中的主语、谓语和宾语。
4. 请解释化学中的原子和分子的区别。

下面是店铺分享的南外小升初英语试卷及答案,希望考生们在接下来的考试中旗开得胜,希望对你有所帮助!一、听力A.听对话及问题选择答案1. A. noodles B. rice and noodles C. rice and meat D. meat and noodles2.A. A dog B. A cat C. A horse D. A fish3.A. By bus B. By car C. By bike D. On foot4.A. 7:50 B. 8:00 C. 8:05 D. 8:105.A. Friday B. Saturday C. Thursday D. WednesdayB.选出与所听句子意思相同或相近的选项1. A. Kate is good at playing basketball.B. Kate likes playing basketball.C. Kate hates playing basketball.D. Kate is a basketball player.2.A. Tom is interested Marys book.B. Toms story-book is very interesting.C. Mary likes reading Toms story book very much..D. Marys book is as interesting as Toms.3.A. She can remember everything.B. Her memory is very good.C. Her memory isnt very good.D. Please dont remember her.4.A. I heard from my parents last month.B. I wrote a letter to my parents last month.C. My parents heard from once.D. My parents got a letter from me.5.A. I do well in English.B. I dont do well in English.C. I like English very much.D. Im not from England.C.听短文,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写 "T",错误的写 "F"1. The library is open 8 hours a day.2. Students can borrow(借)all the books from the library.3. Students can keep books for at least two weeks.4. If a student doesnt return the books on time(按时), he has to buy the books.5. Students cant take food and drinks into the library.二、选择填空1. Ask the boy not to make any ________. I cant fall asleep.(入睡)A. voiceB. noiseC. soundD. sounds2. I wrote ___________ passage in English class yesterday.A. an eight-hundred-wordB. an eight-hundred wordsC. a eight-hundred-wordsD. a eight-hundred words3. An old friend of my sisters always helps my brother and ______ with _________ lessons.A. I … ourB. me … ourselvesC. I … myD. me … our4. Simon heard his neighhour ________ for help at night.A. callsB. callC. callingD. to call5. Its cold here. Please keep the window __________.A. closeB. closedC. closingD. closes6. _____ your brother _______ his holidays in Beijing next years?A. Is … going to spendB. Is … spendingC. Do … spendD. Does … spend7. ___________ nice the watch is !A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a8. Lets get __________ it and have a look.A. closeB. be closeC. close toD. be close t o9. ________ you afraid of __________ late for school?A. Do … beB. Are … beC. Do … beingD. Are … being10. Its important _________ with fire.A. to carefulB. being carefullyC. to being carefulD. to be careful11. A: __________ do you have a bath in winter?B: Once three days.A. How longB. How oftenC. How soonD. How many12. ____________! Its getting dark.A. Be carefulB. Hurry upC. Dont hurryD. Dont worry13. A: ______________B: Never mind. What can I do for you?A. Dont rush.B. Sorry to trouble you.C. Can I help you.D. No hurry.14. He makes his class _________, so he always makes the students ____________.A. interesting … laughingB. interested … laughC. interesting … laughD. interested … laughing15. When the house is on fire, the firemen let people _________ the fire.A. to keep away fromB. keeping away fromC. go intoD. keep away from三、完形填空It is Sunday morning. The students are going to the 1 . Lily and Lucy like animals 2 . They get up very 3 in the morning. After 4 they go to school. The students 5 at the school gate. They go there 6 . Miss Gao goes 7 them.There are many kinds of 8 in the zoo. The biggest one is 9 . But they cant see any cats.The students 10 the zoo at four in the afternoon. Lily and Lucy get home at about five. They have a very good time.1. A. cinema B. zoo C. factory D. hospital2. A. very well B. very good C. very much D. very nice3. A. early B. late C. earlier D. later4. A. supper B. lunch C. breakfast D. meal5. A. see B. watch C. look D. meet6. A. by foot B. on foot C. by feet D. on feet7. A. for B. and C. with D. of8. A. animals B. birds C. cats D. boats9. A. a monkey B. a bird C. a tiger D. an elephant10. A. get to B. go to C. leave D. like四、阅读理解AIn some parts of the world there are large deserts. There are no trees and no water there. Travelers must take food and water with them. The only animal that can walk through the desert is the camel. It can go without food or water for a long time and it can carry heavy things. People call the camel "the ship of the desert". The camels humps(驼峰)hold fat, and its stomach(胃)holds water in twelve deep pockets. Each pocket has a mouth which closes, and the food does not mix(混合) with the water. When the camel wants some water, it can get it out of the pockets. The camels food is grass and leaves of trees.根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的写T,错误的'写F.1. Camels can walk through the desert because they dont drink or eat.2. People call the camels "the ship of desert", because allcamels all camels can swim in the desert.3. All camels have less than three humps.4. Every camel, even the young, has got twelve pockets in its stomach.5. Camels eat only grass.BOne day an old man is selling(卖) a big elephant. A young man comes to the elephant and begins to look at it slowly. The old man goes up to him and says in his ear, "Dont say anything about the elephant before I sell it. Then I will give you twenty dollars." "All right," says the young man. After the old man sells the elephant, he gives the young man twenty dollars and says, "Now, can you tell me how you found the elephants bad ears?" "I didnt find the bad ears," says the young man. "Then why are you looking at the elephant slowly?" asked the old man. The young man answers, "Because I have never seen an elephant before, and I want to know what it looks like."根据短文选择正确的答案1. ________ the elephant.A. The young man sellsB. The old man sellsC. The two men sellD. The old man buys2. The young man is looking at the elephant slowly. He wants to find out ___________.A. which foot of the elephant is badB. how heavy it isC. which ear of the elephant is badD. what it looks like3. The young man ______________.A. knows the elephant has bad earsB. wants on buy the elephantC. looks after the elephantD. gets some money from the old man 4. The young man ______________.A. is not interested in elephantsB. knows what an elephant looks likeC. has seen some elephants beforeD. has never seen an elephant before 5. Hearing what the young man said, the old man will probably(很可能)be ____________.A. angryB. happyC. dangerousD. hungry五、选用所给句子完成对话A: Thank you for your coming first. 1 ?B: Im fourteen.A: Youre so young, but youre very helpful. 2 .B: On the eleventh of May.A: 3 ?B: When the man was crossing the street, a car hit him and I was just there.A: 4 ?B: Of course not.A: 5 ?B: I called the police and the police car arrived quickly. We sent the man to hospital at once. He was saved at last.A: Youre brave enough. Well reward you.A. Were you afraid?B. What did you see?C. How old are you?D. When did you see the accident?E. What did you do then?答案:一、听力A.听对话及问题选择答案CACBDB.选出与所听句子意思相同或相近的选项CCCABC.听短文,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写 "T",错误的写 "F" TFFFT二、选择填空BADCB ACCDD BBBCD三、完形填空BCACD BCADC四、阅读理解FFTTT BDDDA五、选用所给句子完成对话CDBAE【南外小升初英语试卷及答案】。


A. 蚂蚱(mà zha) 樱桃(yīn táo)蚌壳(bànɡ ké)B. 拨草(bá cǎo) 谷穗(ɡù suì)锄头(chú tou)C. 倭瓜(wō ɡuā)瞎闹(xiā nào) 水瓢(shuǐ piáo)D. 拴着(shuān zhé)诚认(chénɡ rèn)随意(súi yì)2.选字填空。
功攻公________克 ________劳进________ ________共用________3.一字组多词仙________ ________充________ ________ 败________ ________4.成语故事《胸有成竹》主要讲的人物是:()A. 张乖崖B. 文与可C. 苏轼D. 吕蒙5.写出近义词守株待兔—________ 乐滋滋—________ 希望—________6.下列表述有错误的一项是()。
A. “四书”,即指《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》和《孟子》四本著作。
B. 我国最早的诗歌是《诗经》,最早的史书是《史记》。
C. 《水浒传》、《三国演义》、《西游记》和《红楼梦》是我国四大古典小说名著。
D. “唐宋八大家”里有“一门三苏”,就是指苏洵、苏轼、苏辙。
7.下面句子没有语病的一句是()A. 生活有多广阔,语文就有多广阔,不仅要在课堂上学语文,还要在生活中学语文。
B. 目前,不少群众的法制观念比较薄弱,确实需要大大提高。
C. 通过语文综合性实践活动,使我们开拓了视野,增强了能力。
D. 一进入体育场,大家就看到了五颜六色的旗子和欢呼声。
8.下面三组词语没有错别字的一组是A. 祟山峻岭截然不同野马脱缰B. 青面獠牙随心所浴载歌载舞C. 和睦相处豁达乐观勤俭持家9.修改病句。

南外小升初试卷题目进行了整理!数学题1:一个等边六边形的房子一角拴着一条狗,六边形变长为1m,栓狗绳长2m,狗绕着房子行走,它能走出多少面积?(圆周率取3)数学题2:求数字题,A,B,C是3个不同的自然数;其中B+C=10;AB+CA___DBD问:A,B,C各是什么数数学3Mary今年的年龄是弟弟的2倍,爸爸的年龄是Mary的2倍,22年后,爸爸的年龄是弟弟的2倍,问Mary今年几岁?数学题4:1 2 3 4 5 6 7=100加入四个加号使等式成立。
老师写下第一个数1,Tom第二个上去,Peter最后一个上去写的是1000,请问Tom 不可能写的数字是:A: 249B: 299C: 499D: 999数学6某农场有一种动物,它的数目至少是马的1/5,至多是猪的1/6。
数学8求△ABC的面积数学题9:(找规律)A C F H K M __数学题10:有一个复印机,可以按照原文件的200%、125%、100%、75%、50%、10%的比例缩放,复印机的100%、75%、50%这三个缩放按钮坏了,杰克想按原文件大小复印一份相同的文件,每调整按钮一次就要投币一元。
问他至少要花多少钱才能打印出来?数学11在9点到10点间,分针与时针3个顶点所构成的等腰三角形,问这时是几时几分?A:9:36B:9:38C:9:40D:9:42数学题12:马至少跳多少步到达P数学题13:下面的三角形被任意分成5份,请问涂色部分面积?数学题14:2 134 7 7 7 6 10 2。
中位数(median)为A,众数(mode)为B,问B-A=?数学题15:圆上三点ABC,BC=6,半径R=5,求三角形ABC的最大面积.数学题16:最后一行的图案是什么?(选择题)数学题17:相同的一段路程有两种走法:A、一半路程走路,一半路程骑车;B、一半的时间走路,一半的时间骑车问哪种时间最省?数学题18:在7点到8点间,分针与时针3个顶点所构成的等腰三角形,问这时是几时几分?数学194个连续自然数的和是不可能是什么:2002,22,202,?语文1中国古代的一些成语来自于故事,下面的哪一个成语来自与其他成语不同的时代?()A 投笔从戎(汉)B 七擒七纵(三国)C 三顾茅庐(三国)D 望梅止渴(三国)语文2“故人西辞黄鹤楼”中“故”是谁?A.孟浩然B,白C,杜甫D.王维语文3“哪里有天才,我是把别人喝咖啡的时间花在读书上。

南京外国学校小升初模拟试卷一I complete the chant by using the given wordwise rise knowTo let you _____If you be _____It is time to ____For early to bedAnd ready to ____Is the way to be healthy,And wealthy and ____?II Join each of column I to the right one of column IIIII Choose the best answer1、 The Wen chuan Earthquake belongs to formation earthquake (构造地震), it destroyed the most.2、 The supreme(最严重的) earthquake happened at 9:11 on May 22, 1960 in the history as recorded was in__________,the level of Liktascale was 8.93、 Wenchuan Earthquake,which was ______ belonged to enormously earthquake. Hypocenter was superficial earthquake, only 10 to 20 cm. The earthquake can be classified into three kinds according to the depth of the hypocenter. The superficial,.the intermediate and the deep.4、 In the poor quakeproof capability and population centralized comparatively area, over _____ level earthquake could murder the loss of people.5、 As instrument recorded(据仪器纪录),the biggest earthquake happened on August 5, 1950 in China. It was level 8.6, the intensity was eleven degree. The bally, vibrating area was around 24000 squre Km. The damage bound of level 8 expanded more than 20000 square Km. Chayu, Tibet.7、The emblem(会徽) of Beijing 29th Olympic Games is __________.8、____ sport items are set up in Summer Olympic Games.9、In 1934, International Olympic Committee decided that the host country should light the Olympic Holy Fire. The seed of the Holy Firemust be fetched from________, and transferred in ________ form to the host country..VI Intelligence question5、Look at these numbers, Write down the next number:9 72 504 3024 15120 _______6、In the match, A defeated D, E defeated F, C defeated E, F defeated D ,B won the third place. B defeated A, A defeated F, can you tell the lost result?10、The following rectangle(长9cm 宽4cm) is cut into 2 parts to make of a square, Draw your own method of cutting.12、Mr.Zhang brings 123 exercise books. They are given out to 4 students equally. Each students gets _____ books.13、There is a wall clock, It hits 6 times at 6:00 in 10 seconds. It hits 11 times at 11:00 in ____ seconds.15、The 5“?”s in the following figure stands for 5 continuous numbers.(5个连续自然数) The sum of both numbers in the triangle is 35. The sum of numbers in the square is 29. The biggest number of the 5 number is _____.18、Which number is lack of ?19、John and Bill go shopping. They want a calculator with the same style. Both of them don't bring enough money. John needs 30 yuan left. The price of the calculator is ______ yuan.23、A square with side is 3cm long. Its side is divided averagelyin to three parts as the following pictures showed. You can make a parallelogram with any of four points. The area of the largest one is____, the area of the smallest one is ____.24、 Tom, Jack and Ben run to B from A at the same time. When Tom gets to B , Jack is still 20 meters away from B, Ben is 40 meters away from B. When Jack gets B, Ben is 24 meters away from B. Can you work out how far it is from A to B.27、Fill in the ( ) with numbers from 1 to 9( )*( )*( )+( )*( )*( )+( )*( )*( ) the largest sum is ____.( )*( )*( )+( )*( )*( )+( )*( )*( ) the least sum is ____.28、At a fruit garden, the numbers of fructiferous(结果实的) plants were twice and 60 more than the numbers of unfruitful(未结果实的). They are ______ plants in all in the garden.VII Fun EnglishA try to guess.1、Why the letter "U" is the happiest letter?2、What grows larger the more you take from it ?3、You go to bed at seven in the evening and set your alarm at 8o'clock. How many hours will you sleep before being awakened by the alarm?7、How many keys are there in the keyboard of a computer?10、How do you drink coffee?Please rearrange the following sentences.A. Put coffee in the cupB. Take out a cupC. Put in some sugarD. Put in som milkE. Pour the water in the cupVIII Reading comprehensionA clever thiefA farmer's son is too young, he only can count only from one to ten. Mr. Smith puts the chickens in eight coops(鸡笼) in the following way:Each line has three coops and ten chickens. The boy stand in the middle and counts them. A thief knows this and is happy. He stole four chicken every day. He stole 3 days, Now there are only 24 chickens .Car you think out the way in which the thief arranged the chickens?继续阅读。


冲刺南外小升初英语试题一,填空1. Cannes(戛纳) Film Festival is held in ________.2. The origin of the Olympics is _________.3. Tulip (郁金香) is the symbol of ________.4. The biggest sea in China is ___________.5. _________ in China is renowned as “the Stone City”.二,判断正误并改错1. Canada is the country with the largest area of land. _________2. Gold is heavier than silver of the same amount. _________3. Thomas Alva Edison invented the telephone. _________4. The tears have different flavor in different moods, they taste very salty when people are sad. _______5. Red cloth is used in bullfighting, so red cloth can make bulls feel excited. ________四,公共百科知识1. In China, the counterpart of U.S. Secretary of State is ( ).A. Prime MinisterB. Foreign MinisterC. The president of the NPC Standing CommitteeD. The minister of Ministry of Civil Affairs2. In()shaking head means agreement while nodding means disagreement.A. BulgariaB. SingaporeC. AmericaD. England3. Where was the first World Expo held? ( )A. In New YorkB. In BerlinC. In LondonD. In Tokyo4. Wei Qi is called____ in English? ( )A. Chinese chessB. GoC. BridgeD. Go Fish5. In the following animated films, which one is not directed by Miyazaki Hayao(宫崎骏)?()A. Spirited AwayB. My Neighbor TotoroC. Up!D. Howl’s Moving Castle6. Which of the following stories was not written by the Grimm Brothers? ( )A. Snow WhiteB. CinderellaC. The Little MermaidD. Sleeping Beauty7. Disposable chopsticks were invented by ( )?A. JapaneseB. ChineseC. KoreansD. The North Koreans8. How many metres is one mile? ( )A. 1000B. 100C. 1609.344D. 1705.2129. _______ was the first city in the world with a computerized traffic signal system. ( )A. New YorkB. TorontoC. BerlinD. London10. Which is the city flower of Nanjing? ( )A. Red RoseB. LotusC. JasmineD. Plum blossom11. World No-Tobacco Day is observed on ( ).A. April 30B. May 31C. June 29D. July 3112. Pulitzer Prize is an award for achievements in ( ).A. Computer software developmentB. FilmC. TelevisionD. Journalism and culture13. Nobel Prize is established in ( ).A. 1898B. 1901C. 1902D. 190314. To fly the flag at half-mast is to lower the flag to ( )A. 1/3 of the post from the topB. The middle of the postC. 1/3 of the post from the baseD. 1/4 of the post from the base15. Light year is related to ( ).A. EnergyB. SpeedC. DistanceD. Intensity16. The national sport of American is ( ).A. Tennis and cricketB. BaseballC. BasketballD. Rugby and Football17. Who was the first lady prime minister in the world? ( )A. Sirimavo BandaranaikeB. D.S.SenanayekeC. Mahinda RajapakseD. Margaret Hilda Thatcher18. Which country issued the first sports lottery? ( )A. SwedenB. ItalyC. GermanyD. Egypt19. China is located on the ( ) coast of the ( ) Ocean. ( )A. West, PacificB. East, PacificC. East, AtlanticD. West, Atlantic20. The designer of China’s national flag is ( ).A. Mao ZedongB. Zhou EnlaiC. Zeng LiansongD. Liang Sicheng五.公共常识问答1. Why do Christian brides traditionally wear the wedding ring on the fourthfinger?_________________________________________________________________ ________2. What did handshaking originally symbolize?_______________________________________________________________________ ________3. Google is actually the common name for___________________________________________4. Which people use the following modes of greeting?(a) rubbing noses_______________________________________________________________(b) Folding hands together________________________________________________________(c) Pressing one’s thumb to that of another person______________________________________(d) Kissing on the bothcheeks______________________________________________________(e) Shaking one’s hand___________________________________________________________5. If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, it represents the person_______________________________________________________________________ _. If the horse has one front leg in the air, it represents the person____________________________. If the horse has all four legs on the ground, it represents the person________________________.。

)姓名班级得分Part I 英语知识大比拼(91%)Ⅰ.Finish the following English rhymes. (7%)I want to write a letterI want to write a letterTo t_____ my new friend TaylorMy English is now betterAnd I can read much f_______.I want to write a letterTo tell my new friend PeterMy English is now betterAnd I can speak much l_______.I am a parrotI live in a b______ next to the fridge,Each and every day is just the sameThey keep s_____, "Hello pretty!"And things much less witty,It's lucky for them I'm so tameI'm just a parrot who wants a q____ life,So when my cage is rattled I get mad!When they smoke cigarsOr poke fingers through the bars,It really winds me up so______!II. Fill in the blanks according to the text. (10%)Last Sunday afternoon, I was in a bookshop. Iwanted to buy a book about animals. S________ I sawa short man behind me. He s______ my purse and ranout of the shop. I f_________ him along the street,but he ran f_______ than me. I s_______, ‘Stopthief!’ A policeman came to help. Then a woman cameand t______ us, ‘I saw him. He ran along the streetand t_______ left at the first crossing.’ Thepoliceman s______ to run. He ran faster than thethief. S______ he stopped the thief and I g_____ my purse back.III. Vocabulary. (16%)A. Can you find out some words about disease(病症) in this series of letters?(3%)LGIHOAVFESUMCDTR_________,__________,__________B. Code puzzle. (3%)如果分别用数字1、2、3…26代表a、b、c…z,请你将下列密码译出,看看是什么?5 14 7 12 9 19 8 ,3 15 1 3 8 9 14 7 ,16 1 16 5 18___ ___, __________, ___________C. "I give you a Christmas-related word or phrase that is spelled WRONGLY.You spell it CORRECTLY! Example: Chris miss talking (two words) Christmas stockingNo punctuation is needed." (10%)1. Crest mist kook keys (two words) ______ ______2.Cress mess presence (two words) ______ ______3.Crease Ms. deck core Asians (two words) ______ ______4.Sand ah claws (two words) ______ ______5.Crest mist heave (two words) ______ ______IV. Choose the best answers . (10%)( )1、There are many bananas the tree.A、inB、onC、ofD、with( )2、Please don’t stand behind .A、IB、meC、myD、mine( )3、Which truck has ladders the first , the second or the third?A、moreB、mostC、the moreD、the most( )4、The sun is bigger than the moon.A、quiteB、veryC、muchD、more( )5、You are busy. I am busier than you.A、a fewB、a littleC、quiteD、very( )6、These are his trousers. Mine over there.A、isB、amC、beD、are( )7、 , I can help you with your Chinese.A、D on’t worry.B、Not worry.C、Don’t be worry.D、Not be worried( )8、 is your home from the school ?—Only a few kilometers.A、How muchB、How manyC、How farD、How long( )9、The students are going to play football after school.A、theB、aC、×D、an( )10、There a football game on TV this afternoon and I’m going to it.A、is going to have, watchB、is going to be , watchC、has, seeD、is going to be, look atV. Communication. (15%)A. Would you like to do that?B. What shall we do?C. Can’t we ride our bikes there?D. Good idea!E. Let’s go to the country.F. Don’t forget to bring some snacks andfruitA: We’ll have a holiday tomorrow. __________B: __________ We’ll stay there for a week.A: We could go for a walk. Do you like to walk?B: Yes, I do.A: We can walk up east Hill. __________B: OK. But it’s a long walk. __________A: All right. We’ll do that.B: We should leave early. We’ll need a lot of time.A: Good. __________B: I won’t. I’ll bring some water, too.B. Complete the following dialogue with the proper words. (10%)A: Excuse me, please. Could you tell me ____1_____ to get to the East Street Hospital?B: Go _____2____ this street until you _____3____the second traffic lights.____4_____right and you’ll _____5____ the hospital at the ____6_____ of the road.A: How _____7____ is it?B: About three kilometers. It’ll take you about half an hour. But you’d ____8_____ catch a bus.A: ____ 9_____ bus shall I take?B: The Number 2 bus will take you _____10____.A: Thanks a lot.B: You’re welcome.Ⅵ. Reading comprehension. (24%)AIn our big city there are a lot of shops near the Department Store. They make a big shopping center and sell all kinds of things. You can always buy everything( ) you want to buy a pair of shoes, where will you go?A. Xiwang Toy Shop.B. Mobile Phone Store.C. Shanghai Sweater Shop.D. Old Wang Shoemaker. ( ) ’s the telephone number of Shanghai Sweater Shop?( ) shop is beside Zhiyuan Computer Company?A. Mobile Phone Store.B. Department store.C. Yiwu Shopping Market.D. Shanghai Sweater Shop.( ) many big shops are on Yonghua Road?A. Eight.B. Three.C. Two.D. Six.B阅读下面短文,从方框内选择恰当的句子填入短文空白处,使短文内容完整、意思连贯。

2023年南京市外国语学校小升初的试题一、语文1. 请为下列词语选择正确的释义:- 崇高- A. 高尚- B. 浅薄- C. 独特- D. 平凡- 娱乐- A. 杂乱无章- B. 无趣- C. 愉快消遣- D. 情绪低落- 景观- A. 大楼- B. 自然风光- C. 街道- D. 城市2. 根据课文内容,填入合适的字词:- 知己知彼,方能百战不殆。
- 乘客下车后,司机独自一人__。
- 山顶上有一座庙,殿内有一座巨大的__。
- 最近爸爸每天晚上都在客厅里看__。
3. 请简述你理解的“诗歌”的特点。
二、数学1. 计算下列各式的值:- 25 + (18 - 7) × 2- (16 ÷ 4 - 3) × 5 + 22. 小明和小红两人总共有10部玩具车,小红有小明的两倍。
3. 已知三角形的底边为8cm,高为6cm,求三角形的面积。
三、英语1. 根据句意选择合适的单词填空:- He can play the guitar __ (good, well).- The weather is __ (bad, badly), so we can't go swimming.- Linda is one of the __ (talented, talent) dancers in our class.- This is the __ (worse, worst) movie I've ever seen.2. 根据所给中文,翻译下列句子:- I have a lot of homework to do. (翻译为英文)- 他们每周去钓鱼两次。
(翻译为英文)3. 请写一段不少于50个单词的英语作文,题目为“我的暑假计划”。

南京外国语学校小升初英语英语智力测试(IQ)Intelligencetest 1.Canyou move just two matches createseven squares? 2.Whatword can makenew words? DAY SHINE BEAM Answer:SUN Whichnumber completes eachtriangle, multiply centrenumbers, digitresult, eachtriangle Whatappears once second,once month,once century,yet Whatpercentage Answer:25% 6.Whatnumber should replace questionmark? Answer:6(提示:49=36) sameshape. Write correctletter eachpiece. statementsbelow.Then answer fourJones brothers sameheight.No brother tallerthan brotherwho older.Thebrothers‟names tallerthan Dan olderthan shorterthan Dick.Which brother olderthan Dan youngerthan Dave? Answer:Dick 9.Sevencows went walkaround pasture.Theblack cows horns,thewhite cows blackcows spotswent.The black cows without horns whitecows without spots also went.Name didn‟tgo. Answer:Belle four-letterword makeanother five words. 11.Whatkind tablecan 12.Ifthree cats can kill three mice threedays, how many cats can kill one hundred mice onehundred days? forty-eightstudents class?How many students come livingthings can fill missinglink foodchain? 15.Twobuses were leaving oppositedirections, moving away from one another. One bus 5milesper hour, milesper hour. milesapart Aftertwo hours, how far apart were Whatnumber comes next sequenceabove? 17.Adoctor gives you three pills telling you takeone every half hour.How many minutes would pillslast? 18.Theday before daybefore yesterday threedays after Saturday.Whatday 19.Pleasefind oddone out: 20.Ifyou throwa white stone RedSea, 21.Whitney (旋转盘)shownbelow. shespins(使旋转), what shemost likely Answer:2.(Because three2s 22.Mr Green‟s boss allows him 10 holidays during year.Three Fridays.How many times yeardoes Mr Green get3-dayweekend? cowcame out itsshed (牛棚) walkedten steps towards east.She tooktwo steps walkedfour steps backwards. After shemade eight steps west.Which direction cow‟stail pointing? pointingdownwards. (Because cow‟stail always points downwards.) 24.Look middlehas been made from othertwo words. Complete sameway. Example SOUP SOAK MAKE Answer:GOAL well-knownproverb has been divided threeletters beenplaced wrongorder. Find ESTHON OBI LTWONE RDS WIT KIL Answer: Kill two birds onestone. 26.What number can replace (代替) questionmark? Answer:___88___ 27.Trousers 1/2off have greentag (标签). Trousers 1/4off have yellowtag. Stephen bought two green-tagged trousers originally priced £10each, oneyellow-tagged trousers originally priced £16.How much did he pay histrousers? Answer: £22 28.Here cube(立方体).How many nearest ways from canyou find? 29.Mark loved pink pencils more than he loved red ones. He didn‟t like orange pencils whilehe liked yellow pencils, he couldn‟t say hereally loved them. Which Heliked red pencils less than orange pencils. Heliked yellow pencils more than red pencils. Heliked pink pencils more than yellow pencils. 30.Why roomfull marriedpeople empty? Answer:Because singleperson 31.Jack finds goodjob. He moonabout moon”.(You may answer wordSEASON code(代码) 135146.What‟s wordNOSE? Answer:6413 根据代表SEASON中每个字母的数字得出 33.Look brothershas sister.Altogether, how many kids 34.Fill crosswordso missingwords (acts, flag, food, oats) Youhave been given one letter from clue(线索). 35.Each cube samecube (每个方块为同一个方块的五个不同角度的图示). What twomissingnumbers? 36.—Ben, listen bignews, secret.So don’t let catout bag.OK? catout bag”.(You may answer secret(泄密) 37.Claire, Nick Chriswear blue shorts. Nick, Caroline Suewear white shirts.Sue, David Carolinewear blue jeans. David, Caroline Clairewear red sweaters.Chris, David Clairewear blue shirts. Sue, Nick Chriswear blue sweaters.Who wears whiteshirt, blue jeans redsweater? 38.Tim can run from trainstation hisparents’ eightminutes. His brother Ray can run samedistance (距离) eight times onehour. Who faster(更快)? Answer:Ray. missingshape(形状) Answer:Twelve 40.See youcan draw three overlapping rectangular boxes (重叠的方框), so youcan divide (分开) marbles(玻璃子弹) fivegroups. Each group has three marbles. Answer:如右图 2002年初一初赛 41.Whatdoes mean?(Youcan answer verypoor(贫穷的)boy,but now he veryrich(富有).Every dog has its day. Translate sentenceunderlined fivegroundhogs (土拨鼠).One badegg.Can you find out?Clues:1.It doesn‟t wear(戴)glasses. 2.It doesn‟t have anything around(围绕)its neck (脖子). 3.Itdoesn‟t wear tallhat. Answer:B 44.—Youspeak English youlive (居住)in London.You‟re English.。

〔共6分〕=×8=0.25+0.75= =4505÷5= 24.3-8.87-0.13= =二、填空。
〔20分〕1、圆有〔〕对称轴.2、5米增加它的后,再减少米,结果是〔〕A. B.3、气象台表示一天中气温变化的情况,采用〔〕最适宜。
4、五年级同学参加科技小组的有23人,比参加书法小组人数的2倍多5人,如果设书法小组有x人,那么正确的方程是〔〕A.2( x+5)=23B.2x+5=23C.2x=23-5D.2x-5=235、一根钢管,截去局部是剩下局部的,剩下局部是原钢管长的〔〕%。

第 1 页,共 9 页01 根据提示写单词。
1. In the alphabet , which letter is part of a person's body ?2. Among the 12 months , which month begins with "F"?3. Among the four seasons , which one begins with the first letter in the alphabet ?4. Among the initial words of seven days , which one appears the latest in the alphabet ? 02 类比题1. Working is to office as cooking is to .2.Letter is to word as word is to .3. Panda is to China as kangaroos is to .4 June is to Children s Day as December is to .5. Never mind is to Sorry as You re welcome is to .03 根据提示写单词,注意单词的形式1.M2.C3.F4.A5.W6.P04 从乱序字母中找出人体部位的单词,并把红的单词组成一个新词。
2017 南外面测真题are animals with long tails which run around the house. is where you watch films. is filled with plants , trees , and land. is your dad's or mum's sister. are used when birds are flying. is a person who plays the piano. (job)05 根据视频,从所给三个短语中选出两个填空对话。

南外小升初入学试题及答案一、语文部分1. 选择题:请选出下列句子中没有错别字的一项。
A. 我非常喜欢阅读,因为书籍能带给我很多知识。
B. 他勇敢地面对困难,从不轻言放弃。
C. 春天的公园里,鲜花盛开,美不胜收。
D. 我们要珍惜时间,不能虚度光阴。
答案:C2. 阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,回答问题。
二、数学部分1. 选择题:下列哪个选项是最小的质数?A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 3答案:C2. 应用题:小明和小红一共有36本书,如果小明给小红8本书,那么小红的书就会比小明多4本。
根据题意,我们可以得到以下两个方程:x + y = 36(x - 8) + 4 = (y + 8)解这个方程组,我们可以得到x = 21,y = 15。
三、英语部分1. 选择题:请选出与句子 "I have a cat" 意思相同的句子。
A. I've got a cat.B. I have got a dog.C. I have a dog.D. I've got a dog.答案:A2. 完形填空:阅读下面的短文,从括号内选择合适的词填空。
My name is Tom. I (1) a new friend at school. His name is Jerry. We (2) the same hobby, which is playing football. Yesterday, we (3) a football match and our team won. We (4) very happy.1. A. have2. B. share3. C. played4. D. are答案:1-A 2-B 3-C 4-D四、综合能力部分1. 逻辑推理题:如果所有的猫都怕水,而有些动物不怕水,那么以下哪个结论是正确的?A. 所有的动物都怕水。
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1.When you travel in Nanjing you want to take some photos, you need a c_____
2.people buy it and read it every day to know what it happens around us, it’s N______
3.to write it on the paper and you may not want people to see it,it’s the D_____
4.you are very hot when you don’t have water to drink, you will feel T_____
5.FIFA 2010 World cup is hosted in A_______
Dressing up read books took part in has a picnic taking a walk
I _____ a singing contest last month
2. At a party ,we are_____Pleasant Goat and big big wolf
3.---Is that Jim speaking?
-----no,he is not in. he is ____in the park
4.My brother usually _____at home . sometimes he _____ in a park.
1.the life of the silkworm begins with e_____.
2.through stems of plants absorb w________and nutrients near.
3. banana trees live in r___forest.
4.in food chain, the wolves eat rabbits and the rabbits want to eat g_________
1.it lives in dry regions and absorb water through stems. _____
2.it lives in the tree, it hoards nuts for the winter. _____
3.it molts in winter, the fur will turns white _____
4.it has long ears and wants to eat grass_____
5.it walks with its tail in the sea. _____
1.if we take railway from Nanjing to shanghai to visit the world expo2010,how many hours do we need?
B.2 hours
C. 3 hours D7 hours
2.A foreigner visits Nanjing by metro ,he takes memo line1 at first and transfer to metro line 2.which station does he get off to transfer metro line 2 ?
A. the statue of DR sun yet-sen
B. Nanjing train station
C.Nanjing library
D. Nanjing foreign language school
3.which one contains the most starch(淀粉)___?
A .carrots B. oranges C. potatos D. apples E. tomatoes
4.Which is not true?
A. the water can be heated by electricity.
B.drill wood can make fire
C.water can make heat
D. the sun can give off light
5.what’s the name of the boy who was saved by Robinson?
A. Thursday B Friday C.Monday D.Tuesday
6.where can we see the polar day?
A. Norway B .Egypt C.Brizil D.None
7.Sally and Sally are barking cakes in the kitchen,sally’s mother is drinking water from glasswhen sally’s father comes in. “that’s a good smell” It is said from_______
B.sally’s mother
C.sally’s father
8.when did Zhenhe have voyages to the western seas?
A. Qing Dynasty
B. Tang Dynasty
C. Ming Dynasty
D.Song Dynasty
9.The family has a mother, father and seven sons. Every son has a sister. How many people are there in the family?
A. 9
B. 10
C. 16
10.Which city doesn't have subway?
A. Nanjing
B. Shanghai
C. Xi'an
11.Micky Mouse was born in _______
A. China
B. America
C. Japan.
12. How many stars are there on the flag of the United States?
A. 49
B. 50
C. 51
Avatar 冲浪季节
Shrek3 忍者神龟
Kids of the future 阿凡达
Surf’s up 怪物史莱克
Teenage mutant hero turtles 未来小子