证券投资学 第 7 章 答案
![证券投资学 第 7 章 答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/717bd1f9cfc789eb162dc84a.png)
第7 章证券投资的基本分析一、判断题1.投资者获得上市公司财务信息的主要渠道是阅读上市公司公布的财务报告。
投资学习题第一篇投资学课后习题与答案乮博迪乯_第6版 由flyesun 从网络下载丆版权归原作者所有。
1. 假设你发现一只装有1 00亿美元的宝箱。
a. 这是实物资产还是金融资产?b. 社会财富会因此而增加吗?c. 你会更富有吗?d. 你能解释你回答b 、c 时的矛盾吗?有没有人因为这个发现而受损呢?2. Lanni Products 是一家新兴的计算机软件开发公司,它现有计算机设备价值30 000美元,以及由L a n n i 的所有者提供的20 000美元现金。
在交易过程中有金融资产的产生或损失吗?a. Lanni 公司向银行贷款。
它共获得50 000美元的现金,并且签发了一张票据保证3年内还款。
b. Lanni 公司使用这笔现金和它自有的20 000美元为其一新的财务计划软件开发提供融资。
c. L a n n i 公司将此软件产品卖给微软公司( M i c r o s o f t ),微软以它的品牌供应给公众,L a n n i 公司获得微软的股票1 500股作为报酬。
d. Lanni 公司以每股80美元的价格卖出微软的股票,并用所获部分资金偿还贷款。
3. 重新考虑第2题中的Lanni Products 公司。
a. 在它刚获得贷款时处理其资产负债表,它的实物资产占总资产的比率为多少?b. 在L a n n i 用70 000美元开发新产品后,处理资产负债表,实物资产占总资产比例又是多少?c. 在收到微软股票后的资产负债表中,实物资产占总资产的比例是多少?4. 检察金融机构的资产负债表,有形资产占总资产的比率为多少?对非金融公司这一比率又如何?为什么会有这样的差异?5. 20世纪6 0年代,美国政府对海外投资者所获得的在美国出售的债券的利息征收 3 0%预扣税(这项税收现已被取消),这项措施和与此同时欧洲债券市场(美国公司在海外发行以美元计值的债券的市场)的成长有何关系?6. 见图1 -7,它显示了美国黄金证券的发行。
金德环《投资学》课后习题答案习题答案第一章习题答案第二章习题答案练习题1:答案:(1),公司股票的预期收益率与标准差为:Er,,,,,,,0.570.350.2206,,,,,,,,A1/2222,, ,0.5760.3560.22068.72,,,,,,,,,,,,,,A,,(2),公司和,公司股票的收益之间的协方差为:Covrr,0.5762510.50.3561010.5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AB ,,,,,,0.22062510.590.5,,,,(3),公司和,公司股票的收益之间的相关系数为:Covrr,,,,90.5AB ,,,,,0.55AB,8.7218.90,,AB练习题2:答案:如果,,,的投资投资于,公司,余下,,,投资于,公司的股票,这样得出的资产组合的概率分布如下:钢生产正常年份钢生产异常年份股市为牛市股市为熊市概率 0.5 0.3 0.2 资产组合收益率(,) ,, ,., -2.5 得出资产组合均值和标准差为:Er=0.516+0.32.5+0.2-2.5=8.25,,,,,,,,,,组合1/22222,, ,=0.516-8.25+0.32.5-8.25+0.2-2.5-8.25+0.2-2.5-8.25=7.94,,,,,,,,组合,,1/22222,=0.518.9+0.58.72+20.50.5-90.5=7.94,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,组合,,练习题3:答案:尽管黄金投资独立看来似有股市控制,黄金仍然可以在一个分散化的资产组合中起作用。
练习题4:答案:通过计算两个项目的变异系数来进行比较:0.075 CV==1.88A0.040.09 CV==0.9B0.1考虑到相对离散程度,投资项目B更有利。
CA. 购买汽车作为出租车使用B. 农民购买化肥C. 购买商品房自己居住D. 政府出资修筑高速公路2、投资的收益和风险往往()。
AA. 同方向变化B. 反方向变化C. 先同方向变化,后反方向变化D. 先反方向变化,后同方向变化二、判断题1、资本可以有各种表现形态,但必须有价值。
()×三、多项选择题1、以下是投资主体必备条件的有()ABDA.拥有一定量的货币资金 B.对其拥有的货币资金具有支配权C.必须能控制其所投资企业的经营决策 D.能够承担投资的风险2、下列属于真实资本有()ABCA.机器设备 B.房地产 C.黄金 D.股票3、下列属于直接投资的有()ABA.企业设立新工厂 B.某公司收购另一家公司60%的股权C.居民个人购买1000股某公司股票 D.发放长期贷款而不参与被贷款企业的经营活动四、简答题1、直接投资与间接投资第2章市场经济与投资决定习题一、单项选择题1、市场经济制度与计划经济制度的最大区别在于()。
BA. 两种经济制度所属社会制度不一样B. 两种经济制度的基础性资源配置方式不一样C. 两种经济制度的生产方式不一样D. 两种经济制度的生产资料所有制不一样2、市场经济配置资源的主要手段是()。
DA. 分配机制B. 再分配机制C. 生产机制D. 价格机制二、判断题1、在市场经济体制下,自利性是经济活动主体从事经济活动的内在动力。
()×四、简答题1、市场失灵、缺陷第3章证券投资概述习题一、单项选择题1、在下列证券中,投资风险最低的是()AA、国库券B、金融债券C、国际机构债券D、公司债券2、中国某公司在美国发行的以欧元为面值货币的债券称之为()BA.外国债券 B.欧洲债券 C.武士债券 D.扬基债券3、中央银行在证券市场市场买卖证券的目的是()DA、赚取利润B、控制股份C、分散风险D、宏观调控4、资本证券主要包括()。
CA. 购买汽车作为出租车使用B. 农民购买化肥C. 购买商品房自己居住D. 政府出资修筑高速公路2、投资的收益和风险往往()。
AA. 同方向变化B. 反方向变化C. 先同方向变化,后反方向变化D. 先反方向变化,后同方向变化二、判断题1、资本可以有各种表现形态,但必须有价值。
()×三、多项选择题1、以下是投资主体必备条件的有()ABDA.拥有一定量的货币资金 B.对其拥有的货币资金具有支配权C.必须能控制其所投资企业的经营决策 D.能够承担投资的风险2、下列属于真实资本有()ABCA.机器设备 B.房地产 C.黄金 D.股票3、下列属于直接投资的有()ABA.企业设立新工厂 B.某公司收购另一家公司60%的股权C.居民个人购买1000股某公司股票 D.发放长期贷款而不参与被贷款企业的经营活动四、简答题1、直接投资与间接投资第2章市场经济与投资决定习题一、单项选择题1、市场经济制度与计划经济制度的最大区别在于()。
BA. 两种经济制度所属社会制度不一样B. 两种经济制度的基础性资源配置方式不一样C. 两种经济制度的生产方式不一样D. 两种经济制度的生产资料所有制不一样2、市场经济配置资源的主要手段是()。
DA. 分配机制B. 再分配机制C. 生产机制D. 价格机制二、判断题1、在市场经济体制下,自利性是经济活动主体从事经济活动的内在动力。
()×四、简答题1、市场失灵、缺陷第3章证券投资概述习题一、单项选择题1、在下列证券中,投资风险最低的是()AA、国库券B、金融债券C、国际机构债券D、公司债券2、中国某公司在美国发行的以欧元为面值货币的债券称之为()BA.外国债券 B.欧洲债券 C.武士债券 D.扬基债券3、中央银行在证券市场市场买卖证券的目的是()DA、赚取利润B、控制股份C、分散风险D、宏观调控4、资本证券主要包括()。
如果市场利率突然降至6%,每种债券的资本利得分别是多少?第七章本章习题答案1. 债券(bond)是以借贷协议形式发行的证券。
债券到期时,发行者再付清面值(par value, face value)。
债券的息票率(coupon rate)决定了所需支付的利息:每年的支付按息票率乘以债券面值计算。
息票率、到期日和面值是债券契约(bond indenture)的各个组成部分,债券契约是债券发行者与持有者之间的合约。
债券持有人是公司的债权人, 不是所有者,无权参与或干涉公司经营管理,但债券持有人有权按期收回本息。
a.这是实物资产还是金融资产?b.社会财富会因此而增加吗?c.你会更富有吗?d.你能解释你回答b、c时的矛盾吗?有没有人因为这个发现而受损呢?a. 现金是金融资产,因为它是政府的债务。
b. 不对。
c. 是。
d. 如果经济已经是按其最大能力运行了,现在你要用这1 0 0亿美元使购买力有一额外增加,则你所增加的购买商品的能力必须以其他人购买力的下降为代价,因此,经济中其他人会因为你的发现而受损。
nni Products 是一家新兴的计算机软件开发公司,它现有计算机设备价值30000美元,以及由Lanni的所有者提供的20000美元现金。
a. 银行贷款是L a n n i公司的金融债务;相反的,L a n n i的借据是银行的金融资产。
L a n n i获得的现金是金融资产,新产生的金融资产是Lanni 公司签发的票据(即公司对银行的借据)。
b. L a n n i公司将其金融资产(现金)转拨给其软件开发商,作为回报,它将获得一项真实资产,即软件成品。
c. L a n n i公司将其真实资产(软件)提供给微软公司以获得一项金融资产—微软的股票。
由于微软公司是通过发行新股来向L a n n i支付的,这就意味着新的金融资产的产生。
第五章 无风险证券的投资价值
• 补充5: • 六个月期国库券的即期利率(年利率)为4%,一年期国库券的即期利
率为5%,问六个月后隐含的六个月远期利率是多少? • 解:利率是年利,但是支付方式是半年一次。因此,一年期债券每期
的即期利率为2.5%,而6个月债券则是2%。半年的远期利率为: • 1+f =1.025*1.025/1.02=1.03 • 这意味着远期利率是3%/半年,或者6%/年。
第五章 无风险证券的投资价值
• 4.某投资者2002年8月1日购入2005年8月1日到期偿还的面值100元的贴现债,期望报酬率 为8%,该债券在购入日的价值评估为多少?
第五章 无风险证券的投资价值
• 解:
V 0(1 F r)n (1 18% 03 0)7.9 38
第五章 无风险证券的投资价值
第四章 证券市场及期运行
• 解: • 5000+6000+8000+4000+7000=30000
i1 n
1 (500014.84600027.10 30000
第四章 证券市场及期运行
• 5.现假定题3中五只股票基期的收盘价分别为8元、16元、9元、7元和6元,请分别用平均 法、综合法和加权综合法计算股价指数。
第四章 证券市场及期运行
• 解:(1)平均法
1 n ni1
P1i 10 01( 8 16 9
威廉夏普 投资学课后习题答案解析7第七章
![威廉夏普 投资学课后习题答案解析7第七章](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/af16afd784254b35eefd341a.png)
1. Because very few securities will exhibit perfectly positive correlation,diversification will tend to reduce portfolio risk. Thus, for any given level of expected return, one would expect that portfolios will exhibit lower risk (lie further to the west in the feasible set) than individual portfolios (which will therefore lie to the east in the feasible set).2. Diversified portfolios are more efficient than individual securities. That is,diversified portfolios provide the investor with higher expected returns for given levels of risk and/or lower risk for given levels of expected return when compared with individual securities.Diagrammatically, individual securities will lie in the eastern portion of the feasible set. Hence they are dominated by diversified portfolios, which lie in the northwestern portion of the feasible set, including those on the efficient set.3. The macroeconomic forces that impact the U.S. economy tend to have a strongeffect on the earnings (and, hence, stock prices) of all domestic corporations, although the magnitude of this effect will vary among industries and specific firms.For example, a recession causes most companies to experience a downturn in earnings. While some companies may be more severely affected than others, nevertheless, the broad influence of a recession on general economic activity likely results in most companies' stocks performing poorly.Companies whose stocks would be expected to have a high positive covariance are auto and steel companies. When auto sales are strong (weak), the demand for steel generally rises (falls). The earnings of companies in both industries would rise and fall at roughly the same time and this movement would likely be anticipated by the earlier rise and fall of their stocks' prices.Companies whose stocks would be expected to have a low covariance are banks and gold mining firms. Rising interest rates and poor business conditions generally produce declining bank earnings. At the same time, a pessimistic economic outlook often causes investors to increase their demand for gold, which increases the price of gold and, therefore, the earnings of gold mining firms. The result is that the stock prices of banks and gold mining firms will not likely move in the same direction.4. It is the fact that all stocks do not have high positive covariances that causesdiversification to benefit the investor. That is, by diversifying, investors can reduce portfolio risk and thereby create more efficient portfolios. If stocks did have high positive covariances, then holding a well-diversified portfolio would not result in meaningful reductions in risk relative to holding individual securities.5. If the security in question had significant negative correlation with the rest of thesecurities in the portfolio, Mule might consider purchasing it even though it had anegative expected return. The diversifying nature of the security might reduce the risk of the portfolio sufficiently to make it attractive despite its inferior return potential.6. Given the expected returns and variance-covariance estimates for all securities, aninvestor can construct the efficient set. This information, combined with the unique risk-return preferences of the investor, allows the investor to determine his or her optimal portfolio. Diagrammatically, this optimal portfolio lies at the point of tangency between the investor's indifference curves and the efficient set.7. The standard deviation of a two-security portfolio is given by:[]σσσρσσp A A B B A B AB A B X X X X =++22122/In Dode's case:= [(.35)²(20)² + (.65)²(25)² + 2(.35)(.65)(20)(25) 12]½= [49 + 264 + 22812]½The portfolio's standard deviation will be at a minimum when the correlation between securities A and B is -1.0. That is:= [49 + 264 - 228]½= 9.2%The portfolio's standard deviation will be at a maximum when the correlation between securities A and B is +1.0. That is:= [49 + 264 + 228]½= 23.3%9.With a 12% expected return on the market index, the market model would imply that the expected return on Leslie's portfolio would be: r P = 1.5% + .90 ⨯ 12.0%= 12.3%10. Beta, as derived from the market model, is the slope of the regression line relatingthe return on a security (or portfolio) to the return on a market index.High beta stocks are termed "aggressive" because they will tend to produce morevolatile returns than the market index. When the market produces a positive return the high beta security will produce an even higher positive return. When the market generates a negative return the high beta security will produce an even lower negative return.Conversely, low beta securities are termed "defensive" because they tend to berelatively less sensitive to market moves. When the market produces a positive return, the low beta security's return will be less positive. When the market produces a negative return the low beta security will produce a less negative return.11.Estimating the slope of the characteristic line from the graph gives a beta value ofroughly 0.5 for Glenwood City Properties.13. The most important "complexity" potentially undermining the predictive power ofthe market model is that other factors besides the return on the market index may be closely associated with a security's return. For example, the return on General Motors stock may be associated with economic factors that affect primarily the auto industry. Ignoring those factors decreases the ability to effectively "explain" the return on General Motors stock through the market model.Further, the market model is based solely on the historical relationship between asecurity's return and the return on the market index. To the extent that relationship changes over time, the market model estimated over a past period may not predict the future well.In addition, the statistical technique used to generate the market model for aspecific security provides only an estimate of the relationship between the security's return and that of the market index. The estimation process is subject to sampling error.15. The market model defines a stock's return as:r i = i + ßi r I + iIn the case of Lyndon stock over the five years, the random error term can be -5510-10-5051015Market indexReturnGlenwood City Returncalculated as follows (assuming a 0% intercept term):1 = 17.2 - [(1.2) ⨯ (14.0)] = 0.42 = -3.1 - [(1.2) ⨯ (-3.0)] = 0.53 = 13.3 - [(1.2) ⨯ (10.0)] = 1.34 = 28.5 - [(1.2) ⨯ (25.0)] = -1.55 = 9.8 - [(1.2) ⨯ ( 8.0)] = 0.2The average random error term is: Average = (0.4 + 0.5 + 1.3 - 1.5 + 0.2)/5= 0.2The standard deviation of the random error term is therefore:= {[(0.4 - 0.2)² + (0.5 - 0.2)² + (1.3 - 0.2)²+ (-1.5 - 0.2)² + (0.2 - 0.2)²]/(5-1)}½= {(.04 + .09 + 1.21 + 2.89 + 0)/4}½= 1.03%16 The market risk of a portfolio depends on events that influence all securities tosome degree. That is, these events are systematic. Because all securities are affected by these systematic events, diversifying a portfolio will not reduce exposure to them. Only if the securities added to a portfolio had lower sensitivities to systematic events would diversification reduce market risk. But there is no reason to assume that randomly selected securities will have such lower sensitivities.The unique risk of a portfolio depends on events specific to individual securities comprising the portfolio. These events are unsystematic in the sense that an event that impacts one security (in either a good or bad sense) is not expected to impact other securities. As a result forming a diversified portfolio tends to cause the net impact of these unsystematic events to cancel each other out. The more diversified is the portfolio, the greater will be this canceling effect, and the lower is the portfolio's unique risk.Mathematically:σβσσεp i i n i I i i i n X X =⎛⎝ ⎫⎭⎪+⎡⎣⎢⎢⎤⎦⎥⎥==∑∑12222112/Looking at the market risk term:X i i i n I βσ=∑⎛⎝ ⎫⎭⎪122 Clearly, σI 2 is unaffected by diversification. Further, the term X i ßi is merely the average beta of the securities in the portfolio. Again, it is not affected by diversification. Thus market risk cannot be reduced by diversification.Looking at the unique risk term:X i i i n 221σε=∑ As the number of securities increases, X i 2 becomes small very quickly, while σεi 2remains roughly constant. Thus the unique risk term approaches zero as diversification increases.17. The beta of a portfolio is defined as the weighted average of the componentsecurities' betas. In the case of Siggy's portfolio:ββP i i i X ==∑13= (.30 ⨯ 1.20) + (.50 ⨯ 1.05) + (.20 ⨯ 0.90)= 1.07Further, the standard deviation of a portfolio can be expressed as:()σβσσεp P I p =+22212/= [(1.07)²(18)² + (.30)²(5.0)² +(.50)²(8.0)²+ (.20)²(2.0)²]½= [370.9 + 2.3 + 16.0 + 0.2]½= [389.4]½ = 19.7%18.The total risk of a portfolio can be expressed as:σβσσεp p I p =+222Further, the unique risk (σεp 2) is the weighted average of the unique risks of the portfolio's individual securities. In the case of the first portfolio with four equal-weighted securities:()()σεp i 2221430025=⨯=∑..= 56.25 ⨯ 4 = 225.0Therefore the total risk of the first portfolio is:0.225)20()00.1(2221+⨯=σ= 625.01 = 25.0%In the case of the second portfolio with ten equal-weighted securities:()()σεp i 22211030010=⨯=∑..= 9.0 ⨯ 10 = 90.0Therefore the total risk of the second portfolio is: σ222210020900=⨯+(.)().= 490.0= 22.1% 2。
第一章选择题1-9ABADD CBAC 10 ABC 11ABD 12 ABCD13 ABCD 14 ACD 15 BD 16 AB 17BD思考题 1.投资就是投资主体、投资目的、投资方式和行为内在联系的统一,这充分体现了投资必然与所有权相联系的本质特征。
第八章 指数模型
用以下数据解9~14题,假设指数模型回归使用的是超额收益。 RA = 3% + 0.7RM + eA RB = -2% + 1.2RM + eB σM = 20%;R-squareA = 0.20;R-square B = 0.12 10.将每只股票的方差分解为系统性和公司特定的两个部分。
190 200
第7章 最优风险资产组合
4.下面哪一种投资组合不属于马克维茨描述的有效边界(见表 7-9) 表 7-9 投资组合 a. b. c. d. W X Z Y 期望收益(%) 15 12 5 9
标准差(%) 36 15 7 21
股票A的系统风险: 股票A的公司特定风险:980 – 196 = 784 股票B的系统风险: 股票B的公司特定风险:4800 – 576 = 4224
第八章 指数模型
用以下数据解9~14题,假设指数模型回归使用的是超额收益。 RA = 3% + 0.7RM + eA RB = -2% + 1.2RM + eB σM = 20%;R-squareA = 0.20;R-square B = 0.12 11.两只股票之间的协方差和相关系数是多少?
30 25 20 15
投资学练习答案导论2.A3.ABCDE4.正确第一至第四章习题1.公司剩余盈利2.固定、累积3.C4.D5.C6.C7.正确8.错误9.A 11.C 12.C 13.D14.AD 15.B 16A 17.B 18.D 20.C 21.B22.A 23.D 24.B 26.A 29.C 30.C 31.A32.C 33.错误 34.正确 35.正确 36.错误 37.C38.A 39.B 40.B第五章习题1.D2.AC3.AB4.BCD5.正确6.正确7.ABCD8.正确9.E 10.D 11.B 12.E13.D 14.C 17.C第六章练习8.D 10.B 12.B 13.A 14.C第七章练习1.B2.C3.C4.C5.D 8.C 9.B12.B 13.D 14.C 15.B 17.E 18.B 19.B 22.C 23.B 24.B 25E26.A 27.B 28.A 33错误 34.A 35.A第八章练习2.B3.A4.B5.D6.D7.C8.A9.B12.C 13.C 14.D 16.C 17.C 18.D19.B 23.B 25.D 27.C投资学第九章习题答案1.不做2.不做3.C4.不做5.不做6.3%7.不做8.B9. C 10.D 11. D 12.C 13.D 14.C 15.A 16.C 17.(答案为0.75) 18.D 19.C 20.B21.不做投资学第十章至第十一章习题答案1.相关系数为02. B3. B4. C5.错6.错7. B8. E9. A10.对11.D投资学第十二章至第十三章习题答案1.不做2.高于票面值因为10%大于8%3.具体看课本公式(老师只是讲公式没有给出确切得答案)4.贴现贴现率5.反方向6.C7.C8.对9.对10.不做11.折价平价溢价12.不做13.不做14.不做15.A16.C17.C18.具体看书本323页19.具体看课本325页20.看课本319至32021.不做22.不做第十四章至十五章习题答案1.先行同步滞后2.不做3.开拓拓展成熟衰落4.资产负责表损益表现金流量表5. C6.宏观分析行业分析公司分析7. A8. B9. A10.D11.D12.A13.A14.对15.对十七章注意事项: 注意技术分析得三大假设假设1. 市场行为涵盖一切信息假设2.价格沿趋势运动假设3.历史会重演。
1. Because very few securities will exhibit perfectly positive correlation,diversification will tend to reduce portfolio risk. Thus, for any given level of expected return, one would expect that portfolios will exhibit lower risk (lie further to the west in the feasible set) than individual portfolios (which will therefore lie to the east in the feasible set).2. Diversified portfolios are more efficient than individual securities. That is,diversified portfolios provide the investor with higher expected returns for given levels of risk and/or lower risk for given levels of expected return when compared with individual securities.Diagrammatically, individual securities will lie in the eastern portion of the feasible set. Hence they are dominated by diversified portfolios, which lie in the northwestern portion of the feasible set, including those on the efficient set.3. The macroeconomic forces that impact the U.S. economy tend to have a strongeffect on the earnings (and, hence, stock prices) of all domestic corporations, although the magnitude of this effect will vary among industries and specific firms.For example, a recession causes most companies to experience a downturn in earnings. While some companies may be more severely affected than others, nevertheless, the broad influence of a recession on general economic activity likely results in most companies' stocks performing poorly.Companies whose stocks would be expected to have a high positive covariance are auto and steel companies. When auto sales are strong (weak), the demand for steel generally rises (falls). The earnings of companies in both industries would rise and fall at roughly the same time and this movement would likely be anticipated by the earlier rise and fall of their stocks' prices.Companies whose stocks would be expected to have a low covariance are banks and gold mining firms. Rising interest rates and poor business conditions generally produce declining bank earnings. At the same time, a pessimistic economic outlook often causes investors to increase their demand for gold, which increases the price of gold and, therefore, the earnings of gold mining firms. The result is that the stock prices of banks and gold mining firms will not likely move in the same direction.4. It is the fact that all stocks do not have high positive covariances that causesdiversification to benefit the investor. That is, by diversifying, investors can reduce portfolio risk and thereby create more efficient portfolios. If stocks did have high positive covariances, then holding a well-diversified portfolio would not result in meaningful reductions in risk relative to holding individual securities.5. If the security in question had significant negative correlation with the rest of thesecurities in the portfolio, Mule might consider purchasing it even though it had anegative expected return. The diversifying nature of the security might reduce the risk of the portfolio sufficiently to make it attractive despite its inferior return potential.6. Given the expected returns and variance-covariance estimates for all securities, aninvestor can construct the efficient set. This information, combined with the unique risk-return preferences of the investor, allows the investor to determine his or her optimal portfolio. Diagrammatically, this optimal portfolio lies at the point of tangency between the investor's indifference curves and the efficient set.7. The standard deviation of a two-security portfolio is given by:[]σσσρσσp A A B B A B AB A B X X X X =++22122/In Dode's case:= [(.35)²(20)² + (.65)²(25)² + 2(.35)(.65)(20)(25)12]½= [49 + 264 + 22812]½The portfolio's standard deviation will be at a minimum when the correlation between securities A and B is -1.0. That is:= [49 + 264 - 228]½= 9.2%The portfolio's standard deviation will be at a maximum when the correlation between securities A and B is +1.0. That is: = [49 + 264 + 228]½= 23.3%17. The beta of a portfolio is defined as the weighted average of the componentsecurities' betas. In the case of Siggy's portfolio:ββP i i i X ==∑13= (.30 ⨯ 1.20) + (.50 ⨯ 1.05) + (.20 ⨯ 0.90)= 1.07Further, the standard deviation of a portfolio can be expressed as:()σβσσεp P I p =+22212/= [(1.07)²(18)² + (.30)²(5.0)² +(.50)²(8.0)²+ (.20)²(2.0)²]½= [370.9 + 2.3 + 16.0 + 0.2]½= [389.4]½ = 19.7%18.The total risk of a portfolio can be expressed as: σβσσεp p I p =+222Further, the unique risk (σεp 2) is the weighted average of the unique risks of the portfolio's individual securities. In the case of the first portfolio with four equal-weighted securities:()()σεp i 2221430025=⨯=∑..= 56.25 ⨯ 4 = 225.0Therefore the total risk of the first portfolio is:0.225)20()00.1(2221+⨯=σ= 625.01 = 25.0%In the case of the second portfolio with ten equal-weighted securities:()()σεp i 22211030010=⨯=∑..= 9.0 ⨯ 10 = 90.0Therefore the total risk of the second portfolio is:σ222210020900=⨯+(.)().= 490.02 = 22.1%。
CHAPTER 7: OPTIMAL RISKY PORTFOLIOSPROBLEM SETS1. (a) and (e). Short-term rates and labor issues are factors that are common to all firms and therefore must be considered as market risk factors. The remaining three factors are unique to this corporation and are not a part of market risk.2. (a) and (c). After real estate is added to the portfolio, there are four asset classes in the portfolio: stocks, bonds, cash, and real estate. Portfolio variance now includes a variance term for real estate returns and a covariance term for real estate returns with returns for each of the other three asset classes. Therefore, portfolio risk is affected by the variance (or standard deviation) of real estate returns and the correlation between real estate returns and returns for each of the other asset classes. (Note that the correlation between real estate returns and returns for cash is most likely zero.)3. (a) Answer (a) is valid because it provides the definition of the minimum variance portfolio.4. The parameters of the opportunity set are:E (r S ) = 20%, E (r B ) = 12%, σS = 30%, σB = 15%, ρ =From the standard deviations and the correlation coefficient we generate the covariance matrix [note that (,)S B S B Cov r r ρσσ=⨯⨯]:Bo nds St ocks Bo 2245 St4590The minimum-variance portfolio is computed as follows:w Min (S ) =1739.0)452(22590045225)(Cov 2)(Cov 222=⨯-+-=-+-B S B S B S B ,r r ,r r σσσ w Min (B ) = 1 =The minimum variance portfolio mean and standard deviation are:E (r Min ) = × .20) + × .12) = .1339 = %σMin = 2/12222)],(Cov 2[B S B S B B S Sr r w w w w ++σσ = [ 900) + 225) + (2 45)]1/2= %5.Proportion inStock FundProportionin Bond Fund ExpectedReturn Standar dDeviati on% % % %minimumtangencyGraph shown below.0.005.0010.0015.0020.0025.000.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00Tangency PortfolioMinimum Variance PortfolioEfficient frontier of risky assetsCMLINVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY SETr f = 8.006. The above graph indicates that the optimal portfolio is the tangency portfolio with expected return approximately % and standard deviation approximately %.7. The proportion of the optimal risky portfolio invested in the stock fund is given by:222[()][()](,)[()][()][()()](,)S f B B f S B S S f B B f SS f B f S B E r r E r r Cov r r w E r r E r r E r r E r r Cov r r σσσ-⨯--⨯=-⨯+-⨯--+-⨯[(.20.08)225][(.12.08)45]0.4516[(.20.08)225][(.12.08)900][(.]-⨯--⨯==-⨯+-⨯--+-⨯10.45160.5484B w =-=The mean and standard deviation of the optimal risky portfolio are:E (r P ) = × .20) + × .12) = .1561 = % σp = [ 900) +225) + (2× 45)]1/2= %8. The reward-to-volatility ratio of the optimal CAL is:().1561.080.4601.1654p fpE r r σ--==9. a. If you require that your portfolio yield an expected return of 14%, then you can find the corresponding standard deviation from the optimal CAL. The equation for this CAL is:()().080.4601p fC f C C PE r r E r r σσσ-=+=+If E (r C ) is equal to 14%, then the standard deviation of the portfolio is %.b. To find the proportion invested in the T-bill fund, remember that the mean of the complete portfolio ., 14%) is an average of the T-bill rate and the optimal combination of stocks and bonds (P ). Let y be the proportion invested in the portfolio P . The mean of any portfolio along the optimal CAL is:()(1)()[()].08(.1561.08)C f P f P f E r y r y E r r y E r r y =-⨯+⨯=+⨯-=+⨯-Setting E(r C) = 14% we find: y = and (1 −y) = (the proportion invested in the T-bill fund).To find the proportions invested in each of the funds, multiply times the respective proportions of stocks and bonds in the optimal risky portfolio:Proportion of stocks in complete portfolio = =Proportion of bonds in complete portfolio = =10. Using only the stock and bond funds to achieve a portfolio expected return of 14%, we must find the appropriate proportion inthe stock fund (w S) and the appropriate proportion in the bond fund(w B = 1 −w S) as follows:= × w S + × (1 −w S) = + × w S w S =So the proportions are 25% invested in the stock fund and 75%in the bond fund. The standard deviation of this portfolio will be:σP = [ 900) + 225) + (2 45)]1/2 = %This is considerably greater than the standard deviation of % achieved using T-bills and the optimal portfolio.11. a.Even though it seems that gold is dominated by stocks, gold might still be an attractive asset to hold as a part of aportfolio. If the correlation between gold and stocks issufficiently low, gold will be held as a component in a portfolio, specifically, the optimal tangency portfolio.b.If the correlation between gold and stocks equals +1,then no one would hold gold. The optimal CAL would be composed of bills and stocks only. Since the set of risk/return combinations of stocks and gold would plot as a straight line with a negative slope (see the following graph), these combinations would bedominated by the stock portfolio. Of course, this situation could not persist. If no one desired gold, its price would fall and its expected rate of return would increase until it becamesufficiently attractive to include in a portfolio.12. Since Stock A and Stock B are perfectly negatively correlated, a risk-free portfolio can be created and the rate of return for this portfolio, in equilibrium, will be the risk-free rate. To find the proportions of this portfolio [with theproportion w A invested in Stock A and w B = (1 –w A) invested inStock B], set the standard deviation equal to zero. With perfect negative correlation, the portfolio standard deviation is:σP = Absolute value [w AσA w BσB]0 = 5 × w A− [10 (1 –w A)] w A =The expected rate of return for this risk-free portfolio is:E(r) = × 10) + × 15) = %Therefore, the risk-free rate is: %13. False. If the borrowing and lending rates are not identical, then, depending on the tastes of the individuals (that is, the shape of their indifference curves), borrowers and lenders could have different optimal risky portfolios.14. False. The portfolio standard deviation equals the weighted average of the component-asset standard deviations only in the special case that all assets are perfectly positively correlated. Otherwise, as the formula for portfolio standard deviation shows, the portfolio standard deviation is less than the weighted average of the component-asset standard deviations. The portfolio varianceis a weighted sum of the elements in the covariance matrix, withthe products of the portfolio proportions as weights.15. The probability distribution is:Probabi lityRate of Return100%−50Mean = [ × 100%] + [ × (-50%)] = 55%Variance = [ × (100 − 55)2] + [ × (-50 − 55)2] = 4725Standard deviation = 47251/2 = %16. σP = 30 = y× σ = 40 × y y =E(r P) = 12 + (30 − 12) = %17. The correct choice is (c). Intuitively, we note that sinceall stocks have the same expected rate of return and standarddeviation, we choose the stock that will result in lowest risk.This is the stock that has the lowest correlation with Stock A.More formally, we note that when all stocks have the same expected rate of return, the optimal portfolio for any risk-averse investor is the global minimum variance portfolio (G). When theportfolio is restricted to Stock A and one additional stock, theobjective is to find G for any pair that includes Stock A, and then select the combination with the lowest variance. With two stocks, Iand J, the formula for the weights in G is:)(1)(),(Cov 2),(Cov )(222I w J w r r r r I w Min Min J I J I J I J Min -=-+-=σσσSince all standard deviations are equal to 20%:(,)400and ()()0.5I J I J Min Min Cov r r w I w J ρσσρ====This intuitive result is an implication of a property of any efficient frontier, namely, that the covariances of the global minimum variance portfolio with all other assets on the frontier are identical and equal to its own variance. (Otherwise, additional diversification would further reduce the variance.) In this case, the standard deviation of G(I, J) reduces to:1/2()[200(1)]Min IJ G σρ=⨯+This leads to the intuitive result that the desired addition would be the stock with the lowest correlation with Stock A, which is Stock D. The optimal portfolio is equally invested in Stock A and Stock D, and the standard deviation is %.18. No, the answer to Problem 17 would not change, at least as long as investors are not risk lovers. Risk neutral investors would not care which portfolio they held since all portfolios have an expected return of 8%.19. Yes, the answers to Problems 17 and 18 would change. The efficient frontier of risky assets is horizontal at 8%, so the optimal CAL runs from the risk-free rate through G. This implies risk-averse investors will just hold Treasury bills.20. Rearrange the table (converting rows to columns) and compute serial correlation results in the following table:Nominal RatesFor example: to compute serial correlation in decade nominal returns for large-company stocks, we set up the following two columns in an Excel spreadsheet. Then, use the Excel function “CORREL” to calculate the correlation for the data.Dec adePre vious19%%19%%19%%19%%19%%19%%19%%Note that each correlation is based on only seven observations, so we cannot arrive at any statistically significant conclusions. Looking at the results, however, it appears that, with the exception of large-company stocks, there is persistent serial correlation. (This conclusion changes when we turn to real rates in the next problem.)21. The table for real rates (using the approximation of subtracting a decade’s average inflation from the decade’s average nominal return) is:Real RatesSmall Company StocksLarge Company StocksLong-TermGovernmentBondsIntermed-TermGovernmentBondsTreasuryBills 1920s1930s1940s1950s1960s1970s1980s1990sSerialCorrelationWhile the serial correlation in decade nominal returns seems to be positive, it appears that real rates are serially uncorrelated.The decade time series (although again too short for any definitive conclusions) suggest that real rates of return are independent from decade to decade.22. The 3-year risk premium for the S&P portfolio is, the 3-year risk premium for the hedge fund portfolio is S&P 3-year standard deviation is 0. The hedge fund 3-year standard deviation is 0. S&P Sharpe ratio is = , and the hedge fund Sharpe ratio is = .23. With a ρ = 0, the optimal asset allocation is,.With these weights,EThe resulting Sharpe ratio is = . Greta has a risk aversion of A=3, Therefore, she will investyof her wealth in this risky portfolio. The resulting investment composition will be S&P: = % and Hedge: = %. The remaining 26% will be invested in the risk-free asset.24. With ρ = , the annual covariance is .25. S&P 3-year standard deviation is . The hedge fund 3-year standard deviation is . Therefore, the 3-year covariance is 0.26. With a ρ=.3, the optimal asset allocation is,.With these weights,E. The resulting Sharpe ratio is = . Notice that the higher covariance results in a poorer Sharpe ratio.Greta will investyof her wealth in this risky portfolio. The resulting investment composition will be S&P: =% and hedge: = %. The remaining % will be invested in the risk-free asset.CFA PROBLEMS1. a. Restricting the portfolio to 20 stocks, rather than 40 to 50 stocks, will increase the risk of the portfolio, but it is possible that the increase in risk will be minimal. Suppose that, for instance, the 50 stocks in a universe have the same standard deviation () and the correlations between each pair are identical, with correlation coefficient ρ. Then, the covariance between each pair of stocks would be ρσ2, and the variance of an equally weighted portfolio would be:222ρσ1σ1σnn n P -+=The effect of the reduction in n on the second term on theright-hand side would be relatively small (since 49/50 is close to 19/20 and ρσ2 is smaller than σ2), but thedenominator of the first term would be 20 instead of 50. For example, if σ = 45% and ρ = , then the standard deviation with 50 stocks would be %, and would rise to % when only 20 stocks are held. Such an increase might be acceptable if the expected return is increased sufficiently.b. Hennessy could contain the increase in risk by making sure that he maintains reasonable diversification among the 20 stocks that remain in his portfolio. This entails maintaining a low correlation among the remaining stocks. For example, in part (a), with ρ = , the increase in portfolio risk wasminimal. As a practical matter, this means that Hennessy would have to spread his portfolio among many industries;concentrating on just a few industries would result in higher correlations among the included stocks.2. Risk reduction benefits from diversification are not a linear function of the number of issues in the portfolio. Rather, the incremental benefits from additional diversification are most important when you are least diversified. Restricting Hennessy to 10 instead of 20 issues would increase the risk of his portfolio by a greater amount than would a reduction in the size of theportfolio from 30 to 20 stocks. In our example, restricting the number of stocks to 10 will increase the standard deviation to %. The % increase in standard deviation resulting from giving up 10 of20 stocks is greater than the % increase that results from givingup 30 of 50 stocks.3. The point is well taken because the committee should be concerned with the volatility of the entire portfolio. Since Hennessy’s portfolio is only one of six well-diversifiedportfolios and is smaller than the average, the concentration in fewer issues might have a minimal effect on the diversification of the total fund. Hence, unleashing Hennessy to do stock picking may be advantageous.4. d. Portfolio Y cannot be efficient because it isdominated by another portfolio. For example, Portfolio X hasboth higher expected return and lower standard deviation.5. c.6. d.7. b.8. a.9. c.10. Since we do not have any information about expected returns, we focus exclusively on reducing variability. Stocks A and C have equal standard deviations, but the correlation of Stock B with Stock C is less than that of Stock A with Stock B . Therefore, aportfolio composed of Stocks B and C will have lower total risk than a portfolio composed of Stocks A and B.11. Fund D represents the single best addition to complement Stephenson's current portfolio, given his selection criteria. Fund D’s expected return percent) has the potential to increase the portfolio’s return somewhat. Fund D’s relatively low correlation with his current portfolio (+ indicates that Fund D will providegreater diversification benefits than any of the other alternatives except Fund B. The result of adding Fund D should be a portfolio with approximately the same expected return and somewhat lower volatility compared to the original portfolio.The other three funds have shortcomings in terms of expected return enhancement or volatility reduction through diversification. Fund A offers the potential for increasing the portfolio’s return but is too highly correlated to provide substantial volatility reduction benefits through diversification. Fund B provides substantial volatility reduction through diversification benefits but is expected to generate a return well below the current portfolio’s return. Fund C has the greatest potential to increase the portfolio’s return but is too highly correlated with the current portfolio to provide substantial volatility reduction benefits through diversification.12. a. Subscript OP refers to the original portfolio,ABC to the new stock, and NP to the new portfolio.i. E(r NP) = w OP E(r OP) + w ABC E(r ABC) = + = %ii. Cov = ρOP ABC = =iii. NP = [w OP2OP2 + w ABC2ABC2 + 2 w OP w ABC(Cov OP , ABC)]1/2= [ 2 + + (2 ]1/2= % %b. Subscript OP refers to the original portfolio, GS to government securities, and NP to the new portfolio.i. E(r NP) = w OP E(r OP) + w GS E(r GS) = + = %ii. Cov = ρOP GS = 0 0 = 0iii. NP = [w OP2OP2 + w GS2GS2 + 2 w OP w GS (Cov OP , GS)]1/2= [ + 0) + (2 0)]1/2= % %c. Adding the risk-free government securities would resultin a lower beta for the new portfolio. The new portfolio betawill be a weighted average of the individual security betas inthe portfolio; the presence of the risk-free securities would lower that weighted average.d. The comment is not correct. Although the respective standard deviations and expected returns for the two securities under consideration are equal, the covariances between each security and the original portfolio are unknown, making it impossible to draw the conclusion stated. For instance, if the covariances are different, selecting one security over the other may result in a lower standard deviation for the portfolio as a whole. In such a case, that security would be the preferred investment, assuming all other factors are equal.e. i. Grace clearly expressed the sentiment that the riskof loss was more important to her than the opportunity for return. Using variance (or standard deviation) as a measure of risk inher case has a serious limitation because standard deviation does not distinguish between positive and negative price movements.ii. Two alternative risk measures that could be used instead of variance are:Range of returns, which considers the highest and lowest expected returns in the future period, with a larger range being a sign of greater variability and therefore of greater risk.Semivariance can be used to measure expected deviations of returns below the mean, or some other benchmark, such as zero.Either of these measures would potentially be superior to variance for Grace. Range of returns would help to highlight the full spectrum of risk she is assuming, especially the downside portion of the range about which she is so concerned. Semivariance would also be effective, because it implicitly assumes that the investor wants to minimize the likelihood of returns falling below some target rate; in Grace’s case, the target rate would be set at zero (to protect against negative returns).13. a. Systematic risk refers to fluctuations in asset prices caused by macroeconomic factors that are common to all risky assets; hence systematic risk is often referred to as market risk. Examples of systematic risk factors include the business cycle, inflation, monetary policy, fiscal policy, and technological changes.Firm-specific risk refers to fluctuations in asset prices caused by factors that are independent of the market, such as industry characteristics or firm characteristics. Examples of firm-specific risk factors include litigation, patents, management, operating cash flow changes, and financial leverage.b. Trudy should explain to the client that picking only the top five best ideas would most likely result in the client holding a much more risky portfolio. The total risk of a portfolio, or portfolio variance, is the combination of systematic risk and firm-specific risk.The systematic component depends on the sensitivity of the individual assets to market movements as measured by beta. Assuming the portfolio is well diversified, the number of assets will not affect the systematic risk component ofportfolio variance. The portfolio beta depends on theindividual security betas and the portfolio weights of those securities.On the other hand, the components of firm-specific risk (sometimes called nonsystematic risk) are not perfectly positively correlated with each other and, as more assets are added to the portfolio, those additional assets tend to reduce portfolio risk. Hence, increasing the number of securities in a portfolio reduces firm-specific risk. For example, a patent expiration for one company would not affect the othersecurities in the portfolio. An increase in oil prices islikely to cause a drop in the price of an airline stock butwill likely result in an increase in the price of an energy stock. As the number of randomly selected securities increases, the total risk (variance) of the portfolio approaches its systematic variance.。
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如果市场利率突然降至6%,每种债券的资本利得分别是多少?第七章本章习题答案1. 债券(bond)是以借贷协议形式发行的证券。
债券到期时,发行者再付清面值(par value, face value)。
债券的息票率(coupon rate)决定了所需支付的利息:每年的支付按息票率乘以债券面值计算。
息票率、到期日和面值是债券契约(bond indenture)的各个组成部分,债券契约是债券发行者与持有者之间的合约。
债券持有人是公司的债权人, 不是所有者,无权参与或干涉公司经营管理,但债券持有人有权按期收回本息。
2. 影响债券定价的因素有很多,但大致可以分为内部因素和外部因素。
(一)债券定价的内部因素(1) 期限。
(2) 票面利率。
(3) 提前赎回条款。
(4) 税收待遇。
(5) 市场性。
(6) 违约风险。
(二)债券定价的外部因素(1) 银行利率。
(2) 市场利率。
3. 1962年,麦尔齐(Malkiel, B.G.)最早系统地提出了债券定价的五个原理,至今仍被视为债券定价理论的经典。
当到期收益率小于10%时,债券的价格图7-1 债券价格和到期收益率之间的关系0 10 债券价格 1000逐步上升;当债券的到期收益率大于10%时,债券价格逐步下降。
根据定理1和定理2,当收益率小于10%时 p(n=10)-p(n=5)>0,p(n=30)-p(n=25)>0;当收益率大于10%时p(n=10)-p(n=5)<0,p(n=30)-p(n=25)<0。
换言之,对于同等幅度的收益率变动,收益率下降给投资者带来的利润大于收益率上升给投资者带0 10 债券价格1000n=10 n=20 n=30 10债券价格 差异 0P(n=30)-P(n=25)P(n=10)-P(n=5) 图7-2 期限不同的债券价格和到期收益率之间的关系 图7-3 期限不同债券在到期收益率不同时的价格差异来的损失。
4. 当期收益率也称直接收益率, 是当年利息收入占购买价格的比率。
由于浮动利率债券的未来现金流的不确定性, 通常只考虑0 5 10 15 到期收益率(%) 债券价格变动 c=25 c=50 c=75 图7-4 不同票面利率债券的价格对到期收益率变化的敏感程度当期的利息, 因此当期收益率适合于衡量浮动利率债券的收益水平。
其公式为: pc y = (7-6)其中,y 为当期收益率,C 为债券当年利息,P 为债券的购买价格。
计算公式为: p n p pc y /)(1-+=(7-7)其中,y 为单利最终收益率,c 为票面利息,p 为购买价格,p 1为卖出价格或偿还价格,n 为债券剩余年期。
根据定义,计算公式为: %100-⨯=期初财富期初财富期末财富持有期收益率%100-⨯+=期初价格期初价格)(期末价格利息收入%100-%100⨯+⨯=期初价格期初价格期末价格期初价格利息收入率资本利得(损失)收益当期收益率+=5. 债券的时间价值是一个需要考虑的关键因素。
当债券的票面利率等于市场利率时, 是按其面值平价出售的。
在这种情况下, 投资者通过利息的形式, 获得了货币时间价值的公平补偿,而无须更多的资本利得来提供公平补偿。
当债券的票面利率低于市场利率时, 单靠债券的票面利率利息支付就不足以为投资者提供与投资其他市场所获同样水平的收益率。