Virginia Woolf及其一代表作的PPT




Mental Illness
• In May 1895, Virginia’s mother died ,Her death caused Virginia to have a mental breakdown at age 13. A second severe breakdown followed the death of her father. During this time, Virginia first attempted suicide and was institutionalized. According to nephew and biographer, “All that summer she was mad .”The death of her close brother in November 1906 had a similar effect on Woolf. These were the first of her many mental collapses that would sporadically(零星 的) occur throughout her life, until her suicide in March 1941 .
Born with the tendency to homosexual ity
She loathed sexual life as well as pregnancy
Sexually abused by her halfbrothers
Inherent factors
THale Waihona Puke e sexual abuse to which she was subjected by their half-brothers

最新Virginia Woolf 伍尔夫ppt

最新Virginia Woolf 伍尔夫ppt

• 2 Woolf: She uses her own poetic medium • Joyce: letting characters to express themselves in their own idiom.
To the Lighthouse (1927)
• time of the action is short, allowing space for much detail. • Mr. Ramsay’s truth: truth of facts; • Mrs. Ramsay’s truth: truth that lies below the facts
Mrs. Dalloway
• Use of imagery to evoke some significant moments of chraracters and to create certain mood • Use of background of the rhythm of the waves(mood of serenity and resignation) • in Mrs Dalloway, To the Lighthouse and The Waves • • “Fears no more”says the heart, commiting its burden to some sea, which sighs collectively for all the sorrows, and renews, begins, collects, lets fall(Mrs. Dalloway)
Mrs. Dalloway
• Stream of consciousness • 2.a web of thoughts of different characters • 3.from one mind to another;Βιβλιοθήκη Mrs. Dalloway

Virginia Woolf 英文简介PPT

Virginia Woolf  英文简介PPT
• The Voyage Out
• Mrs. Dalloway (1925) • To the Lighthouse
• Orlando (1928) • A Room of One's Own (1929) • The Waves (1931) • Between the Acts
• The sudden death of her mother in 1895, when Virginia was 13, and that of her half-sister Stella two years later, led to the first of Virginia's several nervous breakdowns. She was able to take courses of study (some at degree level) in Greek, Latin, German and history at the Ladies’ Department of King’s College London between 1897 and 1901. • The death of her father in 1904 provoked her most alarming collapse and she was briefly institutionalised. Modern scholars have suggested her breakdowns and subsequent recurring depressive periods were also influenced by the sexual abuse to which she and her sister Vanessa were subjected by their half-brothers George and Gerald Duckwoe

virginial woolf 伍尔夫简介及小说 展示

virginial woolf 伍尔夫简介及小说 展示

It located in the south bank of Thames River, in southwest London, England.
It established as a state institution in 1841.
Location of Kew Garden
The picture of Kew Garden
Eleanor, the "mother of all kisses"
The snail appears to have a definite goal, and the narrator describes the vista before it and the journey it has to tackle .
Introduction-life of the author
•Read “Introduction of Virginia”on page 94 in 5 minutes and answer the questions.
Introduction-woks of Woolf
•EARLY WORKS •The Voyage Out, 1915 《出海》 •Night and Day, 1919 《日夜》 •LATER WORKS •Jacob’ s Room, 1922 《雅各的房间》 •Mrs. Dalloway, 1925 《黛洛维夫人》 •To the Lighthouse, 1927 《到灯塔去》 •Orlando, 1928 《奥尔兰多》 •The Waves, 1931 《海浪》 •The Years, 1937 《年月》 •Between the Acts, 1941 《幕与幕之间》 •COLLECTIONS OF ESSAYS, literary commentaries •A Room of One’s Own , 1929 《一间自己的房间》 •Moments of Being, 1941, 《存在的瞬间》

Virginia Woolf.新ppt

Virginia Woolf.新ppt

In her last note to her husband she wrote:
feel certain that I am going mad again. I feel we can't go through another of those terrible times. And I shan't recover this time. I begin to hear voices, and I can't concentrate. So I am doing what seems the best thing to do.
philosophy of Bloomsbury discouraged sexual exclusivity, and in 1922, Woolf met Vita Sackville-West. After a cautious start, they began a relationship that lasted through most of the 1920s.
most famous works include the novels Mrs Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927) and Orlando (1928), and the booklength essay A Room of One's Own(1929), with its famous saying, "a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction."

Profession for Women ppt

Profession for Women ppt
To be continued
1.My profession is literature; and in that…fewer, I mean, that are peculiar to women. • The answer is given in the next sentence: The road was cut many years ago by many famous women writers as well as many more unknown and forgotten women writers who have been before her, who have made the path smooth, regulating her steps. • The implied meaning is that other professions, such as science, medicine, law, are newer for women, and therefore the road is harder for them, with more experiences peculiar to them. The profession of drama is an exception. Like literature, drama also involves more women than other professions.
Part Two: Guide to Reading
1. modernism: The deliberate departure from tradition and the use of innovative forms of expression that distinguish many styles in the arts and literature of the 20th century.

Virginia Woolf 介绍 PPT

Virginia Woolf 介绍 PPT
◆ Feminist view
pay attention to Ellen’s inner voice. Try to find her inner essence as a woman.
(PTavhroaeicr8eew,9woof-am-gs--easntnihu’ssian…sphe…pelrrfse-toahcacsiathhtseieehwveEeedlnmliedt nneb’antTctueknardtrnoyed;rthsfteraensetda…gwe.i.l,il)t. was her ◆ reflect the stream of consciousness technique ◆ poetic,symbolic,and visual feature.
Virginia Woolf
Duncan Grant
Lytton Strachey
John Maynard Keynes
Virginia Woolf’s Life
Death(at the age of 59)
in 1941; depression
(fear for another nervous breakdown)
Father: a famous literature critic and editor
Educated at home
influence her career
● Experiences of nervous breakdown
13-year-old, her mother died;
sexual abuse by her half-brothers
A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction

弗吉尼亚 伍尔芙

弗吉尼亚 伍尔芙

1941年2月完成《幕间》写作。1941年3月28日,预感另一次精神崩溃即将开始,伍尔芙担心自己永远不会再 好转,在留下两封分别给丈夫和姐姐温妮莎的短信后,1941年3月28日,她用石头填满口袋,投入了位于罗德麦 尔(Rodmell)她家附近的欧塞河(River Ouse) 。终年59岁。
1932年10月《普通读者》第二系列出版,1933年10月《爱犬富莱西》出版,拒绝曼彻斯特大学的荣誉学位。 1935年1月亲友们在姐姐文尼莎画室中上演弗吉尼亚的剧本《淡水》。1937年3月完成并出版小说《岁月》。1938 年6月出版长篇散文《三个基尼金币》。拒绝利物浦大学的荣誉学位。1940年7月《罗杰·弗赖伊传》(《Roger Fry: A Bibliography》)出版。1940年,弗吉尼亚夫妇在伦敦的住宅被德国飞机轰炸。夫妇俩商量好,如果英 国战败,两人即相携自尽,免受法西斯统治之辱。
弗吉尼亚不幸的生活经历,使她如含羞草一般敏感,又如玻璃般的易碎,她是优雅的,又是神经质的,一生 都在优雅和疯癫之间游走。有人这样描述弗吉尼亚,准确地把握住她的精神气质:“她的记忆有着隐秘的两面— —一面澄明,一面黑暗;一面寒冷,一面温热;一面是创造,一面是毁灭;一面铺洒着天堂之光,一面燃烧着地 狱之火。”
伍尔芙和里顿·斯特拉奇,1923年从1906年起,弗吉尼亚的兄弟在剑桥结识的朋友们不断来家聚会,逐渐形 成了一个文艺和学术的中心,也就是著名的布卢姆斯伯里集团,这里面包括了当时文化界的大批精英,包括其核 心成员有:作家伦纳德·伍尔芙(弗吉尼亚的丈夫),艺术批评家克莱夫·贝尔(范妮莎的丈夫),传记作家利 顿·斯特雷奇,文学批评家德斯蒙德·麦卡锡,经济学家约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯,画家邓肯·格兰特,艺术批评 家罗杰·弗莱,作家福斯特等。除此之外,哲学家罗素、诗人T·S·艾略特、乔伊斯、小说家亨利·詹姆斯和奥 尔都斯·赫胥黎也与布卢姆斯伯里团体过从甚密。 这些“欧洲的金脑”多半是剑桥大学的优秀学子。


• Throughout the history, do Chinese women have a high status?
• With your experiences from your family and other families around you, whose, husband’s or wife’s opinions are likely to prevail ?
Major genres of modernism
Expressionism: Franz Kafka Symbolism: Paul Valery Imagism: Ezra Pound; T.S.Eliot Stream of consciousness:
• Stream of Consciousness, literary technique, first used in the late 19th century, employed to evince subjective as well as objective reality. It reveals the character's feelings, thoughts, and actions, often following an associative rather than a logical sequence, without commentary by the author.
• Do you think Ce problem?
• What is the Angel in the House like? Can you find her in the Chinese family?

10th week virginia woolf 英美文学赏析 教学课件

10th week virginia woolf  英美文学赏析 教学课件

Over the years Virginia’s home in Travistock Square, Bloomsbury became a literary and art center.
Her house was frequently visited by individuals such as Arthur Waley (1889–1966), Lyttkville-West (1892–1962), and Roger Fry (1866–1934). John Maynard Keynes (1883–1943).
Virginia home schooled in her fathers library where she met some of his famous friends including, G.E More and E.M Foster.
It is in this setting that it is said that “Virginia fell in love with literature.”
A Room of One's Own (1929) The Waves (1931) Flush (1933) The Years (1937)
Three Guineas (1938) Roger Fry: A Biography (1940)
In 1912, eight years after her father’s death, Virginia married a brilliant young writer from Cambridge England.
They were both interested in literature as well as in the labor movement and economics.



3.打破时空界限,进行立体交叉式的叙述以及多层次结构是意识流 小说的又一特点。传统小说的回忆倒叙,虽然也有将时序颠倒的, 但在具体“回忆”时,时序依然是正常有序的。意识流小说则不同, 它们在表现人物的内心世界时,把过去、现在和未来互相倒置,甚 至互相渗透,而导致作品在时间与空间上形成多层次的结构,颇具 立体感。意识流小说的“回忆”是大量的,而且常常是许多回忆互 相冲击碰撞,用以显示人物意识活动的突兀变化。
3—4 太大太圆,又不像钉子
5—7 可能是玫瑰花瓣 8—11
生命的神秘、人类的无知、遗 失的东西、生活的快速、来世 特洛伊城、莎士比亚、人类保 护自我形象的本能、伦敦的周 日、惠特克的尊卑序列表 古冢、退役的上校、牧师和 他的老伴、知识 树、树的生存
雾冬 发日 现里 了隔 斑着 点烟
伍尔夫认为,小说家应该抓住的重要因素是人性,是人物内心的意 识活动。她说:“把一个普普通通的人物在普普通通的一天中的内 心活动考察一下吧。心灵接纳了成千上万个印象:琐屑的、奇异的、 倏忽即逝的或者用锋利的钢刀深深地铭刻在心头的印象,它们来自 四面八方,就像不计其数的原子在不停地簇射。”这就是真正的生 活。文学作品就应该“按照那些微尘纷纷坠落到人们头脑中的顺序, 把它们记录下来”“追踪它们的这种运动模式”。
1.意识流小说打破了传统小说由作家出面介 绍人物、安排情节、评论人物的心理活动 的方式,重在表现人物的各种意识流动的 过程。它常常集中笔墨开掘人物的内心世 界,特别是人物的意识流动。
2.自由联想 自由联想包括事实与梦幻、现实与 回忆的相互交织,来回流动。一般正常 的联想,是人脑对客观事物之间相互关 系的反映。意识流小说家在运用自由联 想时,却表现出意识流动的跳跃性、随 意性和突兀多变、无规则的特点。

英国女作家virginia woolf

英国女作家virginia woolf

However, James keeps the sailing boat steady and rather than receiving the harsh words he has come to expect from his father, he hears praise, providing a rare moment of empathy between father and son; Cam's attitude towards her father changes also, from resentment to eventual admiration.
Part I: The Window
The novel is set in the Ramsays' summer home in the Hebrides, on the Isle of Skye. The section begins with Mrs. Ramsay assuring James that they should be able to visit the lighthouse on the next day. This prediction is denied by Mr. Ramsay, who voices his certainty that the weather will not be clear, an opinion that forces a certain tension between Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay, and also between Mr. Ramsay and James. This particular incident is referred to on various occasions throughout the chapter, especially in the context of Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay's relationship.

英美文学Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)

英美文学Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)
Virginia Woolf
Features of her writings
• one of the most gifted and innovative of the stream of consciousness novelists, attempting to explore the consciousness of her characters by accumulating many details.
Mrs. Dalloway
• Stream of consciousness
• She showed a thorough grasp of Joyce’s devices, imitating some of them but working for high condensation and glimpses of moments of experience rather than attempting the illusion of a total picture.
• She uses her own poetic medium vs. Joyce’s letting characters to express themselves in their own idiom.
Mrs. Dalloway
• Stream of consciousness
• She tried to capture the “shower of atoms” and the discontinuity of experience, and picture [sic] men and women as enclosed in their “envelop” of consciousness from birth to death. •



Lesbianism 同性恋
• Suffering sexual assault(性侵犯) • Frigidity (性恐惧)and sexual fear • Cling to her sister seriously
• She was very much concerned with the rights and position of women, especially of intelligent women and women writers. • She actively took part in the struggle for woman’s rights of suffrage & rights to work which is shown in her Three Guineas. • She wrote several essays on the subject, notably in A Room of One’s Own.
Virginia Woolf
John Maynard Keynes
Duncan Grant
Lytton Strachey
• In Virginia’s works, she used a technique called “stream of consciousness (意识 ? What is stream of consciousness 流)”, • Flows of perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and memories in the human mind; • A literary method of representing such a blending of mental processes in fictional characters, usually in an unpunctuated(未 加标点的) or disjointed(杂乱的)form of interior monologue (内心独白)
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ginia Woolf’s Life
• 1904——Moved to the Bloomsbury area of London and formed the unconventional intellectual and artistic Bloomsbury Group. • • 1912——Got married with Leonard 1917——With Leonard, Woolf founded Hogarth Press, which published Sigmund Freud, T.S. Eliot and other notable authors, and her own writings. • In 1941, as England entered a second world war, and at the onset of another nervous breakdown she feared would be permanent, Woolf drowned herself in the River Ouse near her house in Richmond
Vigrginia Woolf’s Works
The Voyage Out (1915) Dots on the Wall(1919) Mrs.Daloway , The Common Reader(1925)
To the Lighthouse(1927) The Waves, The Second Common Reader(1931)
To the Lighthouse is her representative work. What impresses me most is the increasing feminism on the female characters. The prediction that Mrs. Ramsay assuring James that they should be able to visit the lighthouse is denied by Mr. Ramsay. This particular incident indicates that the awakeningof feminism. Another female character is Lily Briscoe, a young, uncertain painter attempting a portrayal of Mrs. Ramsay and her son James. She is a unique woman with lofty pursuit of women’s right and independence, and she resists marriage and androcentrism. I think Lily represent the development of feminism. Eventually, Lily sets sail for the lighthouse with Mr. Ramsay and James while memorize Mrs. Ramsay by completing a long-unfinished painting. Lily begins to realize that the execution of her vision is more important to her than the idea of leaving some sort of legacy in her work – a lesson Mr. Ramsay has yet to learn. ---By
Team Members: Presenter:
About the Author
Virginia Woolf and Her Works 03 Virginia Woolf and To
the Lighthouse
Virginia Woolf’s Life
Theme——Feminism Virginia Woolf is the forerunner of feminist criticism, so her works convey her ideas about women writing. To the Lighthouse is a good example of practice of her theory about women and fiction. Both Mrs. Ramsay and lily have a spirit of feminism, especially Lily’s emotion and thought perfectly annotate feminism. She is a woman who has a unique characteristic and live life dependent on her own art talent. Although she lives in the age of which men are dominant in the world, she decides to devote herself into the pursuit of art and life, rather than marriage. Lily tries to keep pace with Mrs. Ramsay on spirit, and finishes her painting at last after accomplishing Mrs. Ramsay’s dream—visit the lighthouse. Actually, Lily is the prototypes of Virginia Woolf because they have the same pursuit of spirit.

Experienced her first bout of mental illness after her mother’s death and suffered from bipolar disorder, mania-depression illness, for the rest of her life.
Social Influence
She was the best female writer in the 20th century. She was the Modernism and feminist pioneer. She was the key figure in London litery society. That is Virginia Woolf, who promoted Stream of Consciousness to the whole world, with James Joyce and Proust.Especily her reprensentive To the Lighthouse. She was the watershed of the traditional literature and modern literature. Meanwhile, she promoted the equality between men and women, and women must Patriarchy(父权制 父权制). get rid of the control of Patriarchy(父权制). Woolf indicated the development direction of feminism.
1882-1941, English novelist, critic and essayist • 1882——Born and brought up in an upper-middleclass, socially active, literary family.

Was educated at home, becoming a voracious reader of the books in her father’s extensive library.