高中英语外研版必修五《Vocabulary, Grammar,Fucntion》课件

一、一样现在时 1. 表示习惯性的动作,常与always, never,
every day, often, sometimes等连用。 e.g. The postman always _c_a_l_ls_ (call) at
2. 表示主语的特点、性情或能力。 e.g. Ellen is an honest girl, and you can trust her. Jack _w__r_it_e_s__ (write) good English but does not speak well.
A. will find
B. found
C. had found
D. have found
句意:当你通读这本书时,你将会发觉成千上万的经历过二战的每个人 都有不同的经历。根据句意,判定主语的时态为一样将来时,故选A。
四、现在完成时 (构成情势为:have / has +动词-ed情势)
1. 表示过去产生的动作对现在有影响, 常与already, yet, never, recently, ever 等连用。
Teenagers _____ their health
because they play computer games
too much.
A. have damaged B. are damaging
C. damaged
D. will damage
Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten
6. The percentage of non-English web pages i_s_g_r_o_w__in_g__.
7. What languages _d_o_ people _s_t_u_d_y_ in China?

• Pele Age in his first world cup (1) __1_7___ Number of world cups (2) ___4_____ Total number of goals scored (3)_1_,_2_8_0
• 2 What reasons do they give for their decisions?
Outstanding achievements and highlighted Facts of their heroes.
Choose one of the following words to complete each sentence.enter, religion, teenager, traffic,favourite,fantastic,poet
• 1 Kip Keino is what the Olympic Games are all
about means________.
(a) Kip Keino represents the ma eaning of the
Olympic Games
(b) in every Olympic Games there are people
• 4) But the bus got stuck in a __t_ra_f_f_ic__ jam — so what did he do?
• 5) When he began playing football as a __t_e_e_n_ag_e_r__ he worked cleaning shoes.

212. athletics n. 田径运动
213. rugby n. 橄榄球 214. bat n. 球拍;球棒 215. club n. 高尔夫球棒 216. net n. 网
217. pitch n.(足球、橄榄球等)球场 218. ring n. 拳击台 219. stadium n. 体育场;运动场
107. pathologist n. 病理学家
108. double 109. leisure
vi. 加倍 n. 休闲
110. individual n. 个人
111. fitness n. 健康
112. outgoing adj. 外向的
113. personality n. 个性;性格
114. biography n. (由他人撰写的)传记
115. fantasy n. 幻想;想象
116. have connection with 与……有联系 / 有关联 117. detective n. 侦探
118. solve vt. 解决 119. murderer n. 凶手;谋杀犯 120. account n. 叙述;描写;报道 121. run away (秘密地)逃跑 122. companion n. 同伴;伙伴
220. track n. 跑道 221. tracksuit n. 运动服
222. trainer n. 运动鞋;教练员
168. extend
vt. 延长
169. pretend vi. 假装
170. come to an end 完结
171. dress up 装扮;打扮
172. firearm n. 火器 173. empire n. 帝国 174. memory n. 记忆
Module 5 The great sports personality 单词课件完美版 外研版英语高二上册必修五同步课件完美版

Mr. Green plans to retire. The old man, who has put aside a lot of money for retirement, is looking forward to his retired life.
格林先生打算退休。这位老人正盼望着 他的退休生活,他已经为退休生活存了 很多钱。
4.on the increase
on the increase“正在增加;不断增长”, 在句中常做表语。反义词为 on the decrease。
increase\decrease by 增长了、减少了...
increase\decrease to 增长到...,减少到...
increase\decrease from...to... 从...增加、减少到... an increase\ a decrease in... 在...方面的增加、减少
Module 5 The great sports personality 单词课件完美版 外研版英语高二上册必修五同步课件完 美版
8.rise to one's feet
rise to one's feet “站起身”,相当于get to one's feet, stand up.
stand on one's own feet 自立,独立
1.With the improvement of people's living standards, the number of people who own private cars is on the increase. 2.The number of trees has increased by 10 percent. 3.The number of trees increased

9.竞争者_co_m__petitor 10.champion _冠__军__ 11.quality __品__德____
12.Victory___胜_利____ 13. protest__抗__议___ 14.declare
________ 15宣.to布ugh _________-费力的,困难的
of the twentieth century and Li Ning’s name was on it.
Anybody can not always be successful
Neither does Li Ning
fhae iflauilerde
He was disappointed because he had not performed well in the 1988 Seoul Olympics
balance beam
3 Track events games relay race marathon
bunker [bʌŋkə]
high jump
Javelin throw
hurdle race
精选ppft loor/free exercise2s7
Gymnastics Games
high-low bar
parallel bar
horizontal bar [hɔrizɔntəl]
free gymnastics

外研版必修五词汇表(含音标精校版)M1have…in common 有相同的特点linguist ['liŋɡwist] n. 语言学家make a difference 有影响,使不相同accent ['æksənt,æk'sent] n. 口音obvious ['ɔbviəs] adj. 显然的;显而易见的motorway ['məutəwei] n. (英)高速公路underground ['ʌndəgraund] n. (英)地铁subway ['sʌbwei] n. (美)地铁get around 四处走动(旅行)flashlight ['flæʃ,lait] n. (美)手电筒;火把queue [kju:] vi. (英)排队(等候)confusing [kən'fju:ziŋ] adj. 令人困惑的;难懂的preposition [,prepə'ziʃən] n. 介词compare [kəm'pεə] vt.比较omit [əu'mit] vt. 省略variety [və'raiəti] n. 种类differ ['difə] vi. 不同;有区别settler ['setlə] n. 移民;定居者Be similar to 与……相似remark [ri'mɑ:k] n. 评论;讲话variation [,vεəri'eiʃən] n. 变化Have difficulty (-in) doing sth 做某事有困难steadily ['stedili] adv. 不断地;持续地satellite ['sætəlait] n. 卫星flick ['flik] n. 轻打;轻弹;抖动switch [switʃ] n. 开关Lead to 引起;导致structure ['strʌktʃə] n. 结构;体系rapidly ['ræpidli] adv. 迅速地announcement [ə'naunsmənt] n. 声明;宣告linguistics [liŋ'gwistiks] n. 语言学edition [i'diʃən] n. (广播、电视节目的)期;版cute [kju:t] adj. 逗人喜爱的add [æd] vt. 加;增加In favour of 同意;支持present ['prezənt,pri'zent] vt. 陈述;提出(观点、计划等)refer to ... as …称……为……attempt [ə'tempt] n. 努力;尝试simplify ['simplifai] vt. 简化combination [,kɔmbi'neiʃən] n. 组合;结合thanks to 幸亏,多亏distinctive [dis'tiŋktiv] adj. 与众不同的look [luk] n. 外观;外表;样子criticize [ˈkrɪtɪsaɪz] vt. 批评standard ['stændəd] adj. 标准的reference ['refərəns] n. 参考;查阅M2intellectual [,intə'lektjuəl,-tʃuəladj. 脑力的;思维的,需用才智的satisfying ['sætisfaiiŋ] adj. 令人满意的stressful ['stresful] adj. 充满压力的;紧张的accountant [ə'kauntənt] n. 会计barber ['bɑ:bə] n. 理发师biochemist [,baiəu'kemist] n. 生物化学家electrician [,ilek'triʃən] n. 电工;电器技师miner ['mainə] n. 矿工volunteer [,vɔlən'tiə] n. 志愿者offer [ˈɒfə] vi. (主动)提出(愿意做某事)signal ['signəl] n. 信号in particular 尤其;特别sheer [ʃiə] adj. 垂直的;陡峭的On average 平均In theory 理论上;从理论上来说in practice 实际上;在实践中respect [ri'spekt] vt. 遵守toll [təul,tɔl] n. (事故、疾病等的)伤亡人数bend [bend] n. 弯曲处;弯道circular ['sə:kjulə] adj. 圆形的direct [di'rekt,dai-] vt. 指挥Pass by 经过take…for granted 以为……理所当然encounter [in'kauntə] n. 相遇;邂逅profound [prəu'faund] adj. (影响)深刻的;极大的Have an effect on 对……产生影响mission ['miʃən] n. 任务;职责;使命Take up 站好位置以备……vertical ['və:tikəl] adj. 垂直的Take notice of 注意到temporary ['tempərəri] adj. 暂时的;临时的freezer ['fri:zə] n. 冰箱freeze [fri:z] vi. 冻住;冻僵contract ['kɔntrækt,kən'trækt] n. 合同;契约earn [ə:n] vt. 挣(钱)permanent ['pə:mənənt] adj. 长久的;永久的;永恒的salary ['sæləri] n. 工资;薪水staff [stɑ:f,stæf] n. 全体职员;员工sign [sain] vt. 签字;签署agent ['eidʒənt] n. 代理人;经纪人analyst ['ænəlist] n. 分析家;分析师apply [ə'plai] vi. 申请deduction [di'dʌkʃən] n. 推理;推断organizational [,ɔ:gənai'zeiʃənəl] adj. 组织的post [pəust] n. 工作;职位chef [ʃef] n. 厨师require [ri'kwaiə] vt. 需要renewable [ri'nju:əbl] adj. (合同)可续签的essential [i'senʃəl] adj. 必不可少的;绝对重要的model ['mɔdəl] n. 模特shot [ʃɔt] n. (电影、电视或照片的)镜头In response to 作为……的回应grateful ['greitful] adj. 感激的;感谢的available [ə'veiləbl] adj. 可获得的database ['deitəbeis] n. 数据库;资料库demand [di'mɑ:nd,-'mænd] n. 要求;需要bioinformatician n. 生物信息学(研究)者traditional [trə'diʃənəl] adj. 传统的youngster ['jʌŋstə] n. 年轻人suffer ['sʌfə] vi. 遭受(痛苦pathologist [pə'θɔlədʒist] n. 病理学家double ['dʌbl] vi. 加倍leisure ['lɛʒə] n. 休闲individual [,indi'vidjuəl,-dʒəl] n. 个人fitness ['fitnis] n. 健康outgoing ['aut,gəuiŋ] adj. 外向的personality [,pə:sə'næləti] n. 个性;性格M3biography [bai'ɔgrəfi] n. (由他人撰写的)传记fantasy ['fæntəsi] n. 幻想;想象Have connection with 与……有联系/ 有关联detective [di'tektiv] n. 侦探solve [sɔlv,sɔ:lv] vt. 解决murderer ['mə:dərə] n. 凶手;谋杀犯account [ə'kaunt] n. 叙述;描写;报道runaway (秘密地)逃跑companion [kəm'pænjən] n. 同伴;伙伴raft [rɑ:ft,ræft] n. 木排;木筏pour [pɔ:] vi. (雨)倾盆而下shelter ['ʃeltə] n. 遮蔽物;栖身之地paddle ['pædl] vi. 用桨划(小船)lie [lai] vi. 说谎;撒谎panick vt. (panicked, panicked)(使)恐慌;(使)惊慌失curious ['kjuəriəs] adj. 好奇的tie [tai] vt. (用绳、带等)绑;系;拴rope [rəup] n. 绳子beard [biəd] n. 胡须fright [frait] n. 恐惧;害怕crawl [krɔ:l] vi. 爬行;匍匐前进terrified ['terifaid] adj. 非常害怕的;极度恐慌的trunk [trʌŋk] n. 树干Play a trick on sb 捉弄某人,对某人恶作剧makeup 编造(说法、解释等)outline ['autlain] n. 外形;轮廓disturb [dis'tə:b] vt. 打comedy ['kɔmidi] n. 喜剧romantic [rəu'mæntik] adj. 浪漫的;关于爱情的fiction ['fikʃən] n. 虚构或幻想出来的事review [ri'vju:] n. (影视、音乐)评论be /feel in the mood (for sth. / to do sth.) 有意(做某事);有(做某事的)心情set(a play, novel, etc.) in 设置(戏剧、小说等的)背景resemble [ri'zembl] vt. 与…相似create [kri'eit] vt. 塑造;创作exception [ik'sepʃən] n. 例外warn [wɔ:n] vt. 警告shallow ['ʃæləu] adj. 浅的adolescent [,ædəu'lesnt] n. 青少年determined [di'tə:mind] adj. 坚决的make one’s fortune 发财Set off 出发;启程penny ['peni] n. (硬币)便士;(美)分force [fɔ:s] vt. 强迫;迫使pilot ['pailət] n. 领航员vivid ['vivid] adj. (描述)生动的;逼真的establish [i'stæbliʃ] vt. 确立;确定;建立reputation [,repju'teiʃən] n. 名誉;名望;声望M4carnival ['kɑ:nivəl] n. 狂欢节Christian ['kristjən;-tʃən] adj. 基督教的ghost [ɡəust] n. 鬼;幽灵costume ['kɔstju:m,kɔ'stju:m] n. 服装;戏装;化妆服hide [haid] vt. 掩藏;躲藏confusion [kən'fju:ʒən] n. 杂乱;混乱extend [ik'stend] vt. 延长pretend [pri'tend,pri:-] vi. 假装Come to an end 完结Dress up 装扮;打扮firearm ['faiərɑ:m] n. 火器empire ['empaiə] n. 帝国memory ['meməri] n. 记忆revive [ri'vaiv] vt. 复兴;再兴起;再流行council ['kaunsəl] n. 地方议会;政务委员会book [buk] vi. 预订wander ['wɔndə] vi. 漫步;闲逛elegant ['eliɡənt] adj. 优美的;高雅的magic ['mædʒik] n. 魅力;魔力era ['iərə,'εərə] n. 时代;年代calendar ['kælində] n. 日历;月历dove [dʌv] n. 鸽子bean [bi:n] n. 豆子flour ['flauə] n. 面粉garlic ['ɡɑ:lik] n. 大蒜onion ['ʌnjən] n. 洋葱peas [pi] n. 豌豆pork [pɔ:k] n. 猪肉sausage ['sɔsidʒ,'sɔ:-] n. 香肠herb [hə:b,ə:b] n. (叶或种子用作调味品的)药草,芳草ingredient [in'ɡri:diənt] n. (烹调用的)原料relaxing [ri'læksiŋ] adj. 使人放松的whistle ['hwisl] n. 哨子tasty ['teisti] adj. 美味可口的parade [pə'reid] n. (庆祝)游行multicultural [,mʌlti'kʌltʃərəl] adj. 多文化的;跨文化的plantation [plæn'teiʃən] n. 农庄;庄园mark [mɑ:k] vt. 标志(着)trade [treid] n. 贸易transport [træns'pɔ:t] vt. 运输;运送landowner ['lænd,əunə] n. 地主;土地拥有者import [im'pɔ:t,'impɔ:t] vt. 引进;进口master ['mɑ:stə,'mæstə] n. 主人abolish [ə'bɔliʃ] vt. 废除magnificent [mæɡ'nifisənt] adj. 华丽的;富丽堂皇的celebration [,seli'breiʃən] n. 庆典;庆祝freedom ['fri:dəm] n. 自由unite [ju:'nait] vt. 联合origin ['ɔridʒin,'ɔ:-] n. 起源M5athletics [æθ'letiks] n. 田径运动rugby ['rʌɡbi] n. 橄榄球bat [bæt] n. 球拍;球棒club [klʌb] n. 高尔夫球棒net [net] n. 网pitch [pitʃ] n.(足球、橄榄球等)球场ring [riŋ] n. 拳击台stadium ['steidiəm] n. 体育场;运动场track [træk] n. 跑道tracksuit ['træksju:t] n. 运动服trainer ['treinə] n. 运动鞋;教练员retire [ri'taiə] vi. 退休perform [pə'fɔ:m] vi. 表现retirement [ri'taiəmənt] n. 退休background ['bækɡraund] n. 背景brand [brænd] n. 商标;牌子sportswear ['spɔ:tswεə] n. 运动服装;休闲服装logo ['lɔɡəu,'ləuɡ-] n. (公司或组织的)标识;标志On the increase 正在增加advantage [əd'vɑ:ntidʒ] n. 优势;长处guarantee [,ɡærən'ti:] vt. 保证purchase ['pə:tʃəs] vt. 购买designer [di'zainə] n. 设计师gymnast ['dʒimnæst] n. 体操运动员slogan ['sləuɡən] n. 标语specific [spi'sifik] adj. 具体的;特定的symbol ['simbəl] n. 符marathon ['mærəθɔn] n. 马拉松score [skɔ:] vi. & vt. 得分ministry ['ministri] n. (政府的)部final ['fainl] n. 决赛champion ['tʃæmpiən] n. 冠军quality ['kwɔləti] n. 特性;品德;品性ultimate ['ʌltimət] adj. 最后的Rise to one’s feet 站起身victory ['viktəri] 胜利dramatically [drə'mætikəli] adv. 戏剧性地protest [prəu'test,'prəu-] vi. 抗议declare [di'klεə] vt. 宣布borough ['bʌrə,'bə:rəu] n. (自治)区competitor [kəm'petitə] n. 竞争者;对手tough [tʌf] adj. 费力的;棘手的;困难的。

gets on well with other students.
C played in a school sports team.
discovered a lively music scene.
C enjoyed the end-of-year dance.
thinks everyone XXX speak American English one day.
7.What did he say about the way people spoke? A. It was easy to understand; they spoke rather fast. B. It was easy to understand; they spoke rather slowly. C. It was difficult to understand; they spoke rather slowly. 8.What did girls like about Callum? A. His American accent. B. His English accent. C. His Australian accent.
Samantha? A. Do you think you’ll go home speaking with a
north American accent? B. Do you think you’ll go home with a north of
Australian accent? C. Do you think you’ll go home speaking with a
A.Two days. B.Two weeks. C.Two months. ( C )

●Fast reading:
Tips(学法指导): Don’t worry about the new words. They won’t prevent you from getting the main idea of the passage!
What’s the passage mainly about? A. Li Ning, the prince of gymnasts. B. Li Ning, a talented businessman. C. Li Ning’s dream after retirement. D. All the above.
Period 1(第一课时)
Introduction and Reading
● Learning Tasks(学习任务):
We have two tasks in this lesson:
1 Introduction: vocabulary and speaking (Page41)
2 Reading and vocabulary (Page42)
stadium 运动场,体育场
Athletes run along this. track 跑道
casual clothes(便服) you can wear at home or to do sport
tracksuit 运动服
Sports shoes are also called t_r_a_in__er_s__.
Improve our ability of speaking and reading comprehension. 3 Emotion aims(情感目标): ①Love sports! ②Love our motherland!
外研版高二(必修5)Module 2-Vocabulary,Listening 课件

still think about it. 3. I find all the _st_a_f_f in our office very
1. two words which mean the opposite _p_e_rm__a_n_e_n_t t_e_m__p_o_r_a_ry_
2. two words which mean the same _p_a_y_ _sa_l_a_r_y
3. a word for a person _a_ss_i_st_a_n_t_ 4. a word for a group of people _s_t_a_ff__ 5. a word for a work agreementc_o_n_t_r_a_c_t
(M )
4. What languages do you speak? (M) 5. Do I have to do any special training?
( C) 6. What are the hours? ( C ) 7. When can I start work? (C ) 8. What sort of career prospects will I
Vocabulary Listening and Speaking
Everyday English
Look at the words in the box and find:
assistant career prospects contract earn pay (n.) permanent salary staff temporary

球类运动 ball games 足球 football; soccer 足球场 field; pitch 篮球 basketball 篮球场 basketball court 排球 volleyball 乒乓球 table tennis; ping pong 羽毛球运动 badminton 网球 tennis 棒球 baseball 垒球 softball 手球 handball 曲棍球 hockey; field hockey
Li Ning is performing on the pommelled horse at a competition.
1. What is the sportsman doing?
2. Do you know the name ooing?
Choose a word in Part 3 for each of the following pictures.
Match the words in the box with their meanings. bat club net pitch ring stadium track tracksuit trainers
sportswear after her retired.
Read the passage again and check the true statements.
• 1 Li Ning won six medals at the Los
高中英语(外研版)必修五 Unit 5 Vocabulary extension 课件

高中英语(外研版)必修五 Unit 5 Vocabularyextension 课件高中英语(外研版)必修五 Unit 5 Vocabulary extension 课件Unit 5 Vocabulary extension 是高中英语(外研版)必修五课程的一部分,该课程旨在通过拓展学生的词汇量来提高他们的英语水平。
1. 单词概念扩展本节课首先将会扩展学生对一些常见单词的概念理解。
2. 同义词和反义词课件中还包括了同义词和反义词的学习。
3. 词组和短语拓展此外,该课件还将介绍一些常见的词组和短语,以帮助学生提高他们的口语表达和写作能力。
4. 单词运用练习为了巩固所学词汇,课件还会提供一些单词运用练习。
5. 拓展学习资源最后,该课件还会提供一些拓展学习资源,比如相关的英语词汇网站、单词记忆应用和词汇书籍推荐等。
通过以上的内容设计,该课件将能够满足学生对Vocabulary extension的需求,提高他们的词汇量和英语水平。

2. linguist n.语言学家3. make a difference 有影响,使不相同4. accentn. 口音5. obvious adj.显然的;显而易见的6. motorway n.(英)高速公路7. undergroundn. (英)地铁8. subway n.(美)地铁9. get around 四处走动(旅行) 10. flashlight n.(美)手电筒;火把 11. queuevi.(英)排队(等候)12. confusing adj.令人困惑的;难懂的 13. preposition n.介词 14. compare vt.比拟 15. omit vt.省略16. variety n.种类17. differ vi.不同;有区别 18. settler n.移民;定居者 19. be similar to 与 ... 相似20. remark n.评论;讲话 21. variation n.变化22. have difficulty (-in) doing sth.做某事有困难 23. steadily adv.不断地;持续地 24. satellite n.卫星25. flick n.轻打;轻弹;抖动 26. l switch n.开关 27. ead to 引起;导致28. structure n.结构;体系 29. rapidly adv.迅速地30. announcementn.声明;宣告 31. linguistics n.语言学32. edition n.(播送、电视节目的)期;版 33.cute adj.逗人喜爱的外研版英语单词必修 1-89---1(SH5 M1 P1) (SH5 M1 P1) (SH5 M1 P1) (SH5 M1 P1) (SH5 M1 P2) (SH5 M1 P2) (SH5 M1 P2) (SH5 M1 P2) (SH5 M1 P2) (SH5 M1 P2) (SH5 M1 P2) (SH5 M1 P2) (SH5 M1 P2) (SH5 M1 P2) (SH5 M1 P2) (SH5 M1 P2) (SH5 M1 P2) (SH5 M1 P2) (SH5 M1 P2) (SH5 M1 P2) (SH5 M1 P2) (SH5 M1 P2) (SH5 M1 P3) (SH5 M1 P3) (SH5 M1 P3) (SH5 M1 P3) (SH5 M1 P3) (SH5 M1 P3) (SH5 M1 P4) (SH5 M1 P5) (SH5 M1 P5) (SH5 M1 P6) (SH5 M1 P7) (SH5 M1 P8)34.add vt.加;增加外研版英语单词必修1-8 9---235.in favour of 同意;支持36.presentvt.陈述;提出(观点、方案等)37.refer to ... as … 称 ..... 为...38.attempt n.努力;尝试39.simplify vt.简化bination n.组合;结合41.thanks to幸亏,多亏42.distinctive adj.与众不同的(SH5 M1 P9)43.look n.夕卜观;夕卜表;样子44.criticize vt.批评45.standardadj.标准的46.referencen.参考;查阅2.satisfying adj.令人满意的3.stressful adj.充满压力的;紧张的4.accountantn.会计5.barber n.理发师6.biochemist n.生物化学家7.electrician n.电工;电器技师8.miner n.矿工9.volunteer n.志愿者10.offer vi.(主动)提出(愿意做某事)11.signal n.信号12.in particular 尤其;特别13.sheeradj.垂直的;陡峭的14.on average 平均15.in theory理论上;从理论上来说16.in practice实际上;在实践中17.respectvt.遵守18.toll n.(事故、疾病等的)伤亡人数19.bend n.弯曲处;弯道20.circular adj.圆形的21.direct vt.指挥22.pass by 经过23.take ••• for granted以为 . 理所当然(SH5 M1 P8)(SH5 M1 P8)(SH5 M1 P8)(SH5 M1 P9)(SH5 M1 P9)(SH5 M1 P9)(SH5 M1 P9)(SH5 M1 P9)(SH5 M1 P9)(SH5 M1 P9)(SH5 M1 P9)(SH5 M2 P11)(SH5 M2 P11)(SH5 M2 P11)(SH5 M2 P12)(SH5 M2 P12)(SH5 M2 P12)(SH5 M2 P12)(SH5 M2 P12)(SH5 M2 P12)(SH5 M2 P12)(SH5 M2 P12)(SH5 M2 P12)(SH5 M2 P12)(SH5 M2 P12)(SH5 M2 P12)(SH5 M2 P13)(SH5 M2 P13)(SH5 M2 P13)(SH5 M2 P13)(SH5 M2 P13)(SH5 M2 P13)(SH5 M2 P13)(SH5 M2 P13)外研版英语单词必修1-8 9---324.encountern.相遇;邂逅25.profound adj.〔影响〕深刻的;极大的26.have an effect on 对... 产生影响27.mission n.任务;责任;使命28.qualified adj.合格的;称职的29.take up站好位置以备...30.vertical adj.垂直的31.take notice of 注意到32.temporary adj. 暂时的;临时的33.freezer n.冰箱34.freeze vi.冻住;冻僵35.contract n.合同;契约36.earn vt.挣〔钱〕37.permanentadj.长久的;永久的;永恒的38.salary n.工资;薪水39.staff n.全体职员;员工40.sign vt.签字;签署41.agent n.代理人;经纪人42.analyst n.分析家;分析师43.apply vi.申请44.deduction n.推理;推断anizational adj.组织的46.post n.工作;职位47.chef n.厨师48.require vt.需要49.renewable adj.〔合同〕可续签的50.essentialadj.必不可少的;绝对重要的51.model n.模特52.shot n.〔电影、电视或照片的〕镜头53.in response to 作为.... 的回应54.grateful adj.感谢的;感谢的55.available adj.可获得的56.databasen.数据库;资料库57.demandn.要求;需要58.bioinformatician n.生物信息学〔研究〕者59.traditional adj.传统的60.youngstern.年轻人(SH5 M2 P13)(SH5 M2 P13)(SH5 M2 P13)(SH5 M2 P13)(SH5 M2 P13)(SH5 M2 P13)(SH5 M2 P14)(SH5 M2 P14)(SH5 M2 P14)(SH5 M2 P14)(SH5 M2 P14)(SH5 M2 P15)(SH5 M2 P15)(SH5 M2 P15)(SH5 M2 P15)(SH5 M2 P15)(SH5 M2 P15)(SH5 M2 P15)(SH5 M2 P15)(SH5 M2 P15)(SH5 M2 P17)(SH5 M2 P18)(SH5 M2 P18)(SH5 M2 P18)(SH5 M2 P18)(SH5 M2 P18)(SH5 M2 P18)(SH5 M2 P18)(SH5 M2 P18)(SH5 M2 P18)(SH5 M2 P18)(SH5 M2 P18)(SH5 M2 P19)(SH5 M2 P19)(SH5 M2 P19)(SH5 M2 P19)(SH5 M2 P19)61. suffer vi.遭受(痛苦) 62. pathologist n.病理学家 63. double vi.加倍 64. leisure n.休闲 65. individual n.个人 66. fitness n.健康67. outgoing adj.外向的68.personality n.个性;性格2. fantasy n.梦想;想象3. have connection with 与 ... 有联系 / 有关联4. detective n.侦探5. solve vt.解决6.murderer n.凶手;谋杀犯7. account n.表达;描写;报道 8. run away 〔秘密地〕逃跑 9. companion n.同伴;伙伴 10. raft n.木排;木筏11. pour vi.〔雨〕倾盆而下 12. shelter n.遮蔽物;栖身之地 13. paddle vi.用桨划〔小船〕 14. lie vi.说谎;撒谎15. panick vt. 〔panicked, panicked 〕〔使〕恐慌;〔使〕16. curious adj.好奇的17. tie vt.〔用绳、带等〕绑;系;拴 18. rope n.绳子 19. beard n.胡须20. fright n.恐惧;害怕21. crawl vi.爬行;匍匐前进22. terrified adj.非常害怕的;极度恐慌的 23. trunk n.树干24. play a trick on sb.捉弄某人,对某人恶作剧 25. make up 编造〔说法、解释等〕外研版英语单词必修 1-89---4(SH5 M2 P19) (SH5 M2 P19) (SH5 M2 P19) (SH5 M2 P19) (SH5 M2 P19) (SH5 M2 P19) (SH5 M2 P19) (SH5 M2 P19)26.outline n.外形;轮廓27.disturb vt.打搅(SH5 M3 P21)(SH5 M3 P21)(SH5 M3 P21)(SH5 M3 P21)(SH5 M3 P21)(SH5 M3 P21)(SH5 M3 P21)(SH5 M3 P21)(SH5 M3 P21)(SH5 M3 P21)(SH5 M3 P22)(SH5 M3 P22)(SH5 M3 P22)(SH5 M3 P22)惊慌失措(SH5 M3 P22)(SH5 M3 P22)(SH5 M3 P22)(SH5 M3 P22)(SH5 M3 P22)(SH5 M3 P23)(SH5 M3 P23)(SH5 M3 P23)(SH5 M3 P23)(SH5 M3 P24)(SH5 M3 P25)(SH5 M3 P25)(SH5 M3 P25)28. comedy n.喜剧29. romantic adj.浪漫的;关于爱情的 30. fiction n.虚构或梦想出来的事 31. review n.(影视、音乐)评论32. be / feel in the mood (for sth. / to do sth.) 有意(做某事);有(做某事的)心情 33. set (a play, novel, etc.) in 设置(戏剧、小说等的)背景 34. resemblevt.与…相似 35. createvt.塑造;创作 36. exception n.例夕卜 37. warn vt.警告 38. shallow adj.浅的 39. adolescentn.青少年40. determined adj.果断的 41. make ones fortune 发财 42. set off 出发;启程43. penny n.(硬币)便士;(美)分 44. force vt.强迫;迫使 45. pilot n.领航员46. vivid adj.(描述)生动的;逼真的 47. establish vt.确立;确定;建立 48.reputation n.名誉;名望;声望2. Christian adj.基督教的3. ghost n.鬼;幽灵4. costumen.服装;戏装;化装服5. hide vt.掩藏;躲藏6. confusion n.杂舌L; 混舌L7. extend vt. 延长8. pretend vi.假装9. come to an end 完结 10. dress up 装扮;打扮 11.firearm n.火器外研版英语单词必修 1-89---5(SH5 M3 P26) (SH5 M3 P26) (SH5 M3 P26) (SH5 M3 P26) (SH5 M3 P26) (SH5 M3 P28) (SH5 M3 P29) (SH5 M3 P29) (SH5 M3 P29) (SH5 M3 P29) (SH5 M3 P29) (SH5 M3 P29) (SH5 M3 P29) (SH5 M3 P29) (SH5 M3 P29) (SH5 M3 P29) (SH5 M3 P29) (SH5 M3 P29) (SH5 M3 P29) (SH5 M3 P29) (SH5 M3 P29)12.empire n.帝国(SH5 M4 P31)(SH5 M4 P31)(SH5 M4 P31)(SH5 M4 P32)(SH5 M4 P32)(SH5 M4 P32)(SH5 M4 P32)(SH5 M4 P32)(SH5 M4 P32)(SH5 M4 P33)(SH5 M4 P33)(SH5 M4 P33)外研版英语单词必修1-8 9---613.memory n.记忆14.revive vt.复兴;再兴起;再流行15.council n.地方议会;政务委员会16.book vi.预订17.wander vi.漫步;闲逛18.elegant adj.优美的;高雅的19.magic n.魅力;魔力20.era n.时代;年代21.calendar n.日历;月历22.dove n.鸽子23.beann.豆子24.flour n.面粉25.garlic n.大蒜26.onion n.洋葱27.peasn.豌豆28.pork n.猪肉29.sausagen.香肠30.consist of由 ... 组成;由... 构成31.herb n.(叶或种子用作调味品的)药草,芳草32.ingredient n.(烹调用的)原料33.relaxing adj.使人放松的34.whistle n.哨子35.tasty adj.美味可口的36.paraden.(庆祝)游行37.multicultural adj.多文化的;跨文化的38.plantation n.农庄;庄园39.mark vt.标志(着)40.trade n.贸易41.transport vt.运输;运送ndowner n.地主;土地拥有者43.import vt.引进;进口44.mastern. 主人45.abolish vt.废除46.magnificent adj.华美的;华美堂皇的47.celebration n.庆典;庆祝48.freedom n.自由49.unite vt.联合(SH5 M4 P33)(SH5 M4 P33)(SH5 M4 P33)(SH5 M4 P33)(SH5 M4 P33)(SH5 M4 P33)(SH5 M4 P33)(SH5 M4 P34)(SH5 M4 P34)(SH5 M4 P34)(SH5 M4 P35)(SH5 M4 P35)(SH5 M4 P35)(SH5 M4 P35)(SH5 M4 P35)(SH5 M4 P35)(SH5 M4 P35)(SH5 M4 P35)(SH5 M4 P35)(SH5 M4 P35)(SH5 M4 P38)(SH5 M4 P38)(SH5 M4 P38)(SH5 M4 P38)(SH5 M4 P39)(SH5 M4 P39)(SH5 M4 P39)(SH5 M4 P39)(SH5 M4 P39)(SH5 M4 P39)(SH5 M4 P39)(SH5 M4 P39)(SH5 M4 P39)(SH5 M4 P39)(SH5 M4 P39)(SH5 M4 P39)(SH5 M4 P39)50. origin n.起源2. rugby n.橄榄球3. bat n.球拍;球棒4. club n.高尔夫球棒5. net n.网6. pitch n.(足球、橄榄球等)球场7. ring n.拳击台8. stadium n.体育场;运动场 9. track n.跑道10. tracksuit n.运动服11. trainer n.运动鞋;教练员 12. retire vi.退休 13. perform vi.表现14. retirement n.退休 15. background n.背景 16. brand n.商标;牌子17. sportswearn.运动服装;休闲服装 18. logo n.(公司或组织的)标识;标志 19. on the increase 正在增加 20. advantagen.优势;长处 21. guaranteevt.保证 22. purchasevt.购置 23. designer n.设计师 24. gymnast n.体操运发动 25. slogan n.标语26. specific adj.具体的;特定的 27. symbol n.符号28. marathon n.马拉松 29. score vi. & vt.得分30. ministry n.(政府的)部 31. final n.决赛32. champion n.冠军33.quality n.特性;品德;品性外研版英语单词必修 1-89---7(SH5 M4 P40)34.ultimate adj.最后的(SH5 M5 P41)(SH5 M5 P41)(SH5 M5 P41)(SH5 M5 P41)(SH5 M5 P41)(SH5 M5 P41)(SH5 M5 P41)(SH5 M5 P41)(SH5 M5 P41)(SH5 M5 P41)(SH5 M5 P41)(SH5 M5 P42)(SH5 M5 P42)(SH5 M5 P42)(SH5 M5 P42)(SH5 M5 P42)(SH5 M5 P42)(SH5 M5 P42)(SH5 M5 P42)(SH5 M5 P42)(SH5 M5 P42)(SH5 M5 P42)(SH5 M5 P42)(SH5 M5 P42)(SH5 M5 P42)(SH5 M5 P43)(SH5 M5 P43)(SH5 M5 P43)(SH5 M5 P44)(SH5 M5 P45)(SH5 M5 P46)(SH5 M5 P46)(SH5 M5 P47)(SH5 M5 P49)外研版英语单词必修1-8 9---835.rise to onek feet 站起身36.victory n.胜利J37.dramatically adv.戏剧性地38.protest vi.抗议39.declare vt.宣布40.borough n.(自治)区petitor n.竞争者;对手42.tough adj.费力的;棘手的;困难的第6课|-46个单词1.endangervt.使.... 处于险境;危及2.reserven.保护区;保护圈3.habitat n.栖息地4.extinct adj.灭绝的;绝种的5.struggle n.挣扎;斗争6.wildlife n.野生生物7.protect vt.保护8.poachern.盗猎者;偷猎者9.antelope n.(藏)羚羊10.battle n.战斗11.plateau n.高原12.ideal adj.理想的13.shawl n.披肩14.herd n.牧群;兽群15.worth prep.值.... 钱16.skin vt.剥皮;去皮17.spot n.(某事发生的)准确地点;现场18.raid n. & vt.(警方的)突击搜查19.confiscate vt.没收20.condition n. (-s)环境;情况21.meanwhile adv.同时22.dealer n.(尤指买卖贵重商品的)商人23.aim n.目标;目的24.reptile n.爬行动物25.involve vt.涉及;包括26.live adj.活的(SH5 M5 P49) (SH5 M5 P49) (SH5 M5 P49) (SH5 M5 P49) (SH5 M5 P49) (SH5 M5 P49) (SH5 M5 P49) (SH5 M5 P49)y vt.产卵;下蛋(SH5 M6 P51)(SH5 M6 P51)(SH5 M6 P51)(SH5 M6 P51)(SH5 M6 P51)(SH5 M6 P51)(SH5 M6 P51)(SH5 M6 P52)(SH5 M6 P52)(SH5 M6 P52)(SH5 M6 P52)(SH5 M6 P52)(SH5 M6 P52)(SH5 M6 P52)(SH5 M6 P52)(SH5 M6 P52)(SH5 M6 P52)(SH5 M6 P53)(SH5 M6 P53)(SH5 M6 P53)(SH5 M6 P53)(SH5 M6 P53)(SH5 M6 P54)(SH5 M6 P55)(SH5 M6 P55)(SH5 M6 P55)(SH5 M6 P55)外研版英语单词必修1-8 9---928.wonder n.奇迹29.insect n.昆虫30.mammal n.哺乳动物31.bald n.秃(头)的32.be concerned about sth.关心某事;担忧某事33.whale n.鲸34.ibis n.鹦35.feed on (动物)以 .... 为食36.brink n.边缘37.extinction n.灭绝;绝种38.initial n.首字母39.stand for 代表40.branch n.分支机构;办事处41.continent n.大陆;洲42.focus n.焦点;集中点43.energy n. 能源44.waste vt.浪费45.monitor vt.监测46.set up建立;设立(SH5 M6 P55) (SH5 M6 P55) (SH5 M6 P55) (SH5 M6 P55) (SH5 M6 P57) (SH5 M6 P58) (SH5 M6 P58) (SH5 M6 P58) (SH5 M6 P58) (SH5 M6 P58) (SH5 M6 P59) (SH5 M6 P59) (SH5 M6 P59) (SH5 M6 P59) (SH5 M6 P59) (SH5 M6 P59) (SH5 M6 P59) (SH5 M6 P59) (SH5 M6 P59)。
外研社高中英语必修5 U1 Listening and vocabulary课件 (共21张PPT)

Listening &
Learning goals 1. Improve the listening skills. 2. Improve the speaking skills. 3. Learn how to make an interview.
had? 4. What was the best moment of your stay? 5. What do you think of this school? 6. get used to... 7. That's a good point. 8. make a fuss of.. 9. pick up... 10. wear off..
2. At first, the biggest problem for her is the
F climate. T 3. Her classmates are friendly.
4. She thinks it's natural that there are lots of
T varieties of English.
“The Best Interview”
Round 1
To test the basic skills
Complete the passage with the words in the box. (Activity2)
Hello, and welcome to today’s edition of In the air. As you know, every week on this programme we discuss an aspect of the way we __1____ now, and today’s topic is the language we ___2____-English. So that’s something which affects us all. The question is,what’s going to ___3___ to the way we speak English in the future? Are we all going to speak like Americans?

Poems about his fights.
4 How did he score in the 1972 World Cup final?
With his head.
5 What happened to Kip Keino in the 10,000 metres race in Mexico?
1 Guess the names of famous sports personalities. 2 Say what famous sports personalities did. 3 Vote for the greatest sports personality ever. 4 Ring the programme and speak to journalists.
Work in pairs and answer the questions.
1 Who do the men and women vote for? They vote for their own greatest sports
personalities of all the time.
2 What reasons do they give for their decisions? Outstanding achievements and highlighted
Just before the end of the race, he had terrible pain and had to pull of the race. out 6 Why was he almost late for the
1,500 metres race?
got stuck in a traffic jam. His bus_________