2.Predator-prey habits
The polar bear in XiongKe animal family belongs to card-carrying predators, they primarily hunt seals, especially ringed seals, will also prey on fine beard seals, saddle grain seals, hooded seals. In addition, they also capture walrus, white whale, seabirds, fish, small mammals and sometimes clean carrion. Is the only active attack humans to bear, the polar bear's attack occurs mostly in the night
北极熊是一种十分迷人的海洋哺乳动物,也是世界上体型最大的熊 类物种——它们的体重最高可达1300磅,直立身高最高可达9英尺。 它们是游泳健将,用前掌划水时,其游速可以维持在每小时六英里。 目前,野生北极熊的总数量只有大约26,000只。
特征 猜一猜 北极熊的皮肤是什么颜色的?
北极熊的皮肤其实是黑色,透明的毛发在阳 光及冰层的反射下看起来是白色,使它们能
我们熟知的蝴蝶效应,最早就来 源于气象学家对全球气候的研究。 “一只南美洲亚马逊河流域热带 雨林中的蝴蝶,偶尔扇动几下翅 膀,或许可以在两周以后引起美 国得克萨斯州的一场飓风。”当 一切无法挽回时,没有任何一粒 二氧化碳是无辜的,这和我们每 个人都息息相关。
北极熊面临的危机中,影响最 大、最立即的是全球变暖。 北极熊需要海冰来捕食海豹、 赖以生存,全球变暖严重地导 致北极冰层大量地、快速地消 失,全面性威胁到整个北极圈 生物生存。 科学家认为,如果全球变暖的 速率不减,可能在本世纪中, 北极熊的数量会锐减2/3,本 世纪末是否会全面灭绝,则是 未可知。
如同全球变暖,人为所造成 的污染,也整个影响及北极 圈所有生物的健康与生态。 人类所排放的污染物,最后 都会经过水循环带到北极圈, 影响所有的鱼虾贝及海藻类 等。当海豹吃了受污染的鱼 虾后,会把这些毒物存在体 内,而北极熊吃了海豹后, 又把这些有毒物质带到体内。
北极熊主要的食物来源 有以下: 环斑海豹,是海豹中体 型最小的海豹。 搁浅岸边的鲸鱼,常常 是北极熊在无海冰可捕 食时、赖以为生的食物 来源。
目录北极熊(polar bear)的基本介绍 (1)聪明的北极熊 (1)北极熊的繁衍和生长 (2)北极熊的存在意义 (3)孤独的北极生命 (4)北极熊的故事 (4)北极熊(polar bear)的基本介绍北极熊(polar bear)也叫白熊,是熊类中个体最大的一种,其身躯庞大,体长可达2.5米以上,行走时肩高1.6米,体重可达半吨,最大的北极熊体重可达900公斤。
北极熊还具有异常灵敏的嗅觉,可以嗅到在3.2公图表 1里以外烧烤海豹脂肪发出的气味,能在几公里以外凭嗅觉准确判断猎物的位置。
介绍北极熊英文书The Arctic is home to many unique and interesting animals, but perhaps one of the most iconic is the polar bear. 北极是许多独特而有趣的动物的家园,但也许最具标志性的是北极熊。
These majestic creatures are the largest land carnivores in the world and are perfectly adapted to life in the extreme cold of the Arctic. 这些雄伟的生物是世界上最大的陆地食肉动物,完全适应了北极极端寒冷的生活环境。
Polar bears have a thick layer of blubber to keep them warm in the freezing temperatures of the Arctic. 北极熊有一层厚厚的脂肪层,可以在北极寒冷的温度中保持身体温暖。
This insulation is essential for their survival in such harsh conditions, as it helps them maintain theirbody temperature and conserve energy. 这种隔热层对它们在如此严酷的环境中生存至关重要,因为它帮助它们保持体温并节约能量。
Polar bears are excellent swimmers and are known to travel long distances in search of food. 北极熊是出色的游泳者,以寻找食物而闻名。
They have been observed swimming for hundreds of miles without rest, using their powerful front paws to propel themselves throughthe icy waters. 他们被观察到在不休息的情况下游泳数百英里,使用他们强壮的前爪推动自己穿过冰冷的水域。
Introduction to Polar BearsThe survival status of polar bearsConservation and ecological balance of polar bearsThe cultural significance and tourism resources of polar bearsepilogue
Some Arctic communities still practice subsistence hunting, which can significantly reduce local polar bear populations.
Polar bear populations are shrinking worldwide, but precise numbers are difficult to estimate.
Polar bears have excellent vision, essential for spotting prey and detecting predators.
Polar bears are carnivorous, primarily feeding on seals. They are known to eat a variety of other marine mammals and even birds.
Importance for Indigenous Peoples
手掌珍贵似明珠,行动笨拙傻 乎乎,样子像狗爱玩耍,下水 上树有功夫. 谜底—熊
北极熊 • 北极熊(拉丁学名:Ursus maritimus),是世界上最大的陆 地食肉动物,又名白熊,憨态 可掬。外观上通常为白色,也 有黄色等颜色,体型巨大,凶 猛。
• 阿拉斯加棕熊(学名:Ursus arctos alascensis)是世 界上体型第二大的熊,比北极熊小。 • 体长最长可达3米以上,肩高1.65米以上,体重接 近一吨,阿拉斯加棕熊会游泳,非常善于捕捉红 鲑鱼。每年夏天,生活在海洋里的鲑鱼要游回河 里产卵,阿拉斯加棕熊就事先站在河道的关键位 置上,用肥大的熊掌或者长满锋利牙齿的大嘴捕 捉逆流而上的鲑鱼,棕熊是杂食动物,以许多东 西为食,包括樱桃、根、嫩芽、真菌、鱼、鸟蛋、 昆虫及小型哺乳动物。
• 树袋熊(学名:Phascolarctos cinereus), 即无尾熊、树熊,是澳洲的特有种有袋类 动物,全世界仅分布在澳洲的东部昆士兰 州、新南威尔士和维多利亚地区低海拔、 不密集的桉树林中。英语名称 Koala 是澳 洲原住民的方言,意指“不喝水”
谢谢大家,大家对我的演讲有什么 意见?
Life expectancy
• Polar bears rarely live beyond 25 years. • The oldest wild bears on record died at age 32,
The polar bear also hunts by stalking(跟踪) seals resting on the ice: Upon spotting a seal, it walks to within 100 yd (91 m), and then crouches. If the seal does not notice, the bear creeps(缓慢前进) to within 30 to 40 feet (9.1 to 12 m) of the seal and then suddenly rushes forth to attack.
• small head ,small ears and round neck
• long, wide, foot and leg and palm are hirsute
• good swimmer
• black skin
Project Length Weight Speed
DATA 240~260cm 400~800kg 60km/h 28~40 years
• Excellent sense of smell • Ringed and bearded seals • wild foods and plants
北极熊英语介绍English:The polar bear, also known as the white bear, northern bear, or sea bear, is a large carnivorous bear native to the Arctic Circle. As the largest land carnivore, polar bears are uniquely adapted to their frigid habitat. Their thick fur and blubber provide insulation from the cold, and their large, powerful bodies allow them to swim long distances and hunt seals, their primary prey. Polar bears are excellent swimmers and have been known to cover distances of up to 60 miles in the water. They are also highly intelligent and have developed clever hunting techniques, such as stalking seal breathing holes in the ice. However, polar bears are currently facing significant threats due to climate change and human encroachment on their habitat. The melting of sea ice due to rising temperatures is causing a decline in polar bear populations as it reduces their hunting grounds and access to food. Conservation efforts are underway to protect these magnificent creatures and ensure their survival in the face of these challenges.中文翻译:北极熊,又称白熊、北极熊或海熊,是原产于北极圈的一种大型食肉熊。
1 海洋生物
2 伪装狩猎
它们会静静潜入海水中,等待猎物靠近,然 后一跃而出进行捕食。
全球气候变暖导致海冰减少,威胁着北极熊的 栖息和狩猎条件。
由于海冰消失,北极熊难以找到足够的猎物, 面临饮食不足的问题。
# 北极熊介绍 ## 简介 - 北极熊是世界上最大的陆地食肉动物之一,栖息在北极地区。 - 它们的巨大体型和特殊的外貌使它们成为了人们心目中的神秘生物。 - 这个PPT将向您介绍北极熊的生活环境、外貌特征、生命周期、食性、面临威胁以及保护措施。
- 北极冰海是北极熊的主要栖息地,它们依赖海冰进行狩猎和休息。 - 温暖化导致海冰融化,这使得北极熊面临生存困境。 - 北极熊适应了极寒的环境,皮肤厚毛密,帮助它们在寒冷的气候中保持温暖。
1 厚毛皮
2 肌肉质量
北极熊有一层厚厚的毛皮, 能保护它们免受严寒。
北极熊拥有强健的肌肉, 帮助它们在冰雪中迅速移 动。
3 巨大体型
北极熊是陆地上最大的食 肉动物之一,体重可达数 百公斤。
2 保护措施
1 与人类的关系
Polar Bears Listed as ThreatenedPolar bears were added to the list of threatened species and will receive special protection under U.S. law. In his statement, Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne noted that the decline of Arctic sea ice is the greatest threat to the bears.Polar bears live in the Arctic and hunt seals and other fatty marine mammals from sea ice. They also travel, mate, and sometimes give birth on the ice. But sea ice is melting as the planet warms, and it is predicted to continue to do so for several more decades."Because polar bears are vulnerable to this loss of habitat, they are—in my judgment—likely to become endangered in the foreseeable future," Kempthorne said.Although many scientists say that human activity is directly responsible for the melting sea ice, the new polar bear protections will not change U.S. climate policy.The U.S. classifies the polar bear as a marine mammal, which means that the bear's new threatened status will not stop oil exploration within its habitat. Hunting of polar bears as a food source by certain native people and trade in native handicrafts made from polar bears will also continue. However, importing polar bear products from Canada (where trophy hunting is legal) will be banned.Scott Bergen is a landscape ecologist with the New York-based Wildlife Conservation Society and a contributing author to U.S. Geological Survey studies released in 2007 that found two-thirds of the world's polar bears could go extinct by 2050. He and other WCS staff are "almost elated" with the decision, he said."Even though it doesn't directly influence carbon emissions so to speak, we think it is a definite decision in the right direction and we're pleased to see the Fish and Wildlife Service is supporting the best science on this species," he added.Bergen noted that saving the polar bear will depend on international cooperation. Permanentsea-ice habitat is likely to remain in areas outside of the U.S., particularly in Canada and Greenland.Scientists view these areas as refuges that could allow some polar bear populations to survive over the long term and repopulate the Arctic if temperatures decrease and sea ice returns."If you take a long-term view—meaning a hundred-year view into the future," he said, "polar bears' existence is not necessarily totally dependent on what happens in the United States."Polar bears were added to the list of threatened species and will receive special protection under U.S. law. In his statement, Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne noted that the decline of Arctic sea ice is the greatest threat to the bears.Polar bears live in the Arctic and hunt seals and other fatty marine mammals from sea ice. They also travel, mate, and sometimes give birth on the ice. But sea ice is melting as the planet warms, and it is predicted to continue to do so for several more decades."Because polar bears are vulnerable to this loss of habitat, they are—in my judgment—likely to become endangered in the foreseeable future," Kempthorne said.Although many scientists say that human activity is directly responsible for the melting sea ice, the new polar bear protections will not change U.S. climate policy.The U.S. classifies the polar bear as a marine mammal, which means that the bear's new threatened status will not stop oil exploration within its habitat. Hunting of polar bears as a food source by certain native people and trade in native handicrafts made from polar bears will also continue. However, importing polar bear products from Canada (where trophy hunting is legal) will be banned.Scott Bergen is a landscape ecologist with the New York-based Wildlife Conservation Society and a contributing author to U.S. Geological Survey studies released in 2007 that found two-thirds of the world's polar bears could go extinct by 2050. He and other WCS staff are "almost elated" with the decision, he said."Even though it doesn't directly influence carbon emissions so to speak, we think it is a definite decision in the right direction and we're pleased to see the Fish and Wildlife Service is supporting the best science on this species," he added.Bergen noted that saving the polar bear will depend on international cooperation. Permanentsea-ice habitat is likely to remain in areas outside of the U.S., particularly in Canada and Greenland.Scientists view these areas as refuges that could allow some polar bear populations to survive over the long term and repopulate the Arctic if temperatures decrease and sea ice returns."If you take a long-term view—meaning a hundred-year view into the future," he said, "polar bears' existence is not necessarily totally dependent on what happens in the United States."。
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Polar bears are in danger, we must take measures to protect the kind of beautiful and lovely animal. Because it is the treasure of nature.
Physical character
• Marine mammal (because it spends many months of the year at sea).
• Arctic ring of life
Hunting and Diet
• The most carnivorous member of the bear family (most of its diet consists of ringed and bearded seals)
Polar bear
The largest terrestrial carnivorous animal
some pictures about Polar bear
The polar bear is a bear native largely within the Arctic Circle encompassing (围绕,包围;) the Arctic Ocean, its surrounding seas and surrounding land masses. It is the world‘s largest land carnivore(食肉动物) and also the largest bear
Polar bears
In its existent space, it is the topmost food chain. It has thick fat and hair to stay warm, its white appearance on white snow is good protective coloration, and it can on land and sea, so it can catch food in the arctic in this extremely harsh(严酷的) climate.
the teeth are larger and sharper
The polar bear's claws are short and stocky .
Polar bear fur consists of
dense under fur and guard
. hairs.
So, we can say that by protecting polar bears, we are protecting the whole Arctic ecosystem.
Global warming has an impact on the ice.
The ice is melting quickly in north and south pole. And that have a bad influence on polar bears. Due to the global warming, Arctic ice began to melt, the polar bear’s home has been destroyed, the prey is also a corresponding reduction in
• small head ,small ears and round neck
• long, wide, foot and leg and palm are hirsute
• good swimmer
• black skin
Project Length Weight Speed
DATA 240~260cm 400~800kg 60km/h 28~40 years
• The relationship between ringed seals(环斑海豹) and
polar bears is so close that the abundance of ringed seals in some areas appears to regulate(调节) the density(密度) of polar bears, while polar bear predation in turn regulates density and reproductive success of ringed seals.
Ecological role
• The polar bear is the apex predator(顶端食肉动物) within its range. Several animal species, particularly Arctic Foxes and Glaucous Gulls, routinely scavenge(清除) polar bear kills.
• The evolutionary pressure of polar bear predation on seals probably accounts for some significant differences between
Arctic and Antarctic seals.
Because polar bears play an important role in Arctic environment, scientists feel that polar bear can be a good indicator of the health of Arctic environment.
• Excellent sense of smell • Ringed and bearded seals • wild foods and plants