
a faired set of linesa stereo pair of photographsabaftabandonment cost accommodation accommodation ladderadjust valveadjustable-pitchadmiraltyadvance coefficientaerostaticaft peak bulkheadaft peak tankaileronair cushion vehicleair diffuserair intakeaircraft carrierair-driven water pumpairfoilalignment chockaluminum alloy structure American Bureau of Shipping amidshipsamphibiousanchor armanchor chainanchor crownanchor flukeanchor mouthanchor recessanchor shackleanchor stockangle barangle of attackangle plateangled deckanticipated loads encountered at sea anti-pitching finsantiroll finsanti-rolling tankappendageartisanassembly lineat-sea replenishmentaugment of resistanceauxiliary systemsauxiliary tankaxial advance backing structureback-up member balance weightball bearingball valveballast tankbarbar keelbargebaselinebasic designbattenbeambeam bracketbeam kneebed-plate girder bending-moment curves Benoulli’s lawberth termbevelbidderbilgebilge bracketbilge radiusbilge sounding pipe bittblade rootblade sectionblastblock coefficientblue peterboarding deckboat davitboat fallboat guybobstaybody planboltBonjean curveboombossbottom side girder bottom side tank bottom transverse boundary layerbow linebow wavebowspritbow-thrusterbox girderbracket floorbrakebrake bandbrake crank armbrake drumbrake hydraulic cylinderbrake hydraulic pipebreadth extremebreadth mouldedbreakbulkbreasthookbridgebridge console standBSRAbucklebuffer springbuilt-up plate sectionbulb platebulbous bowbulk carrierbulk oil carrierbulkheadbulwarkbulwark platebulwark staybuoy tenderbuoyantbuoyant boxBureau Veritasbutt weldbutterfly screw capbuttockby conventioncable shipcable winchCAD(computer-aided design)CAE(computer-aided manufacturing) CAM(computer-aided engineering) cambercant beamcant framecantilever beamcapacity planCAPP(computer –aided process planning) capsizecapsizing momentcaptaincaptured-air-bubble vehiclecargo cubiccargo handlingcarriagecast steel stem postcatamarancatamarancavitationcavitation numbercavitation tunnelcenter keelsoncenterline bulkheadcentroidchain cable stopperchartchartererchief engineerchinechockCIM(computer integrated manufacturing) circulation theoryclassification societycleatclipper bowclutchcoastal cargocofferdamcombined cast and rolled stem commercial shipcommissary spacescommon carriercommutercompartmentcompassconcept designconnecting tankconstant-pitch propellerconstraint conditioncontainercontainerizedcontract designcontra-rotating propellerscontrollable-pitchcorrosioncouplecranecrankcrest (of wave)crew quarterscriterionCritical Path Methodcross-channel automobile ferries cross-sectional areacrow’s nestcruiser sterncrussing rangecup and ball jointcurvaturecurves of formcushion of airdamage stabilitydamperdampingdavit armdeadweightde-ballastdeck line at sidedeck longitudinaldeck stringerdeck transversedeckhousedeep v hulldeliverydepthderrickdesign margindesign spiraldestroyerdetachable shackledetail designdiagonal stiffenerdiagramdiesel enginedimensionless ratio displacementdisplacement type vessel distributed loaddivisiondo workdockdouble hookdouble iteration procedure double roller chockdouble-acting steam cylinder down halyarddraftdragdrainagedraughtdredgedriftdrilling rigdrillshipdrive shaftdriving gear boxdriving shaft systemdry dockducted propellerdynamic supported craft dynamometere.h.peccentric wheelecho-soundereddyeddy-making resistance efficiency electrohydraulic electroplaterelevationsempirical formula enclosed fabrication shop enclosed lifeboatend open linkend shackleenduranceenduranceengine room frameengine room hatch end beam ensign staffentranceerectionexhaust valveexpanded bracket expansion joint extrapolatefairfaised floorfanfatiguefeasibility studyfeathering bladefenderferryfillet weld connectionfin angle feedback setfine fast shipfine formfinite elementfire tube boilerfixed-pitchflangeflanking ruddersflap-type rudderflareflat of keelfleets of vesselsflexuralfloating cranefloodable length curveflow of materialsflow patternflush deck vesselflying bridgeflying jibfolding batch coverfolding retractable fin stabilizer following edgefollowing shipfoot brakefore peakforged steel stemforgingforward draft markforward/afer perpendicular forward/after shoulder foundry castingframefreeboardfreeboard deckfreight ratefresh water loadlinefrictional resistanceFroude numberfuel/water supply vesselfull formfull scalefullnessfunnelfurnishingsgaffgaff foresailgangwaygantt chartgasketed openingsgeneral arrangement general cargo ship generatrixgeometrically similar form girdergirder of foundation governmental authorities gradientgraving dockGreen Bookgross tongroup technologyGTguided-missile cruiser gunwalegunwale anglegunwale rounded thick strake guylinegypsygyro-pilot steering indicator gyroscopehalf breadth planhalf depth girderhalf rounded flat platehard chinehatch beam socketshatch coaminghatch coverhatch coverhatch cover rackhatch side cantileverhawse pipehawseholeheaveheelheel piecehingehinged stern doorHMShogholdhomogeneous cylinderhopper bargehorizontal stiffenerhubhull formhull girder stressHVAC(heating ventilating and cooling)hydraulic mechanismhydrodynamichydrofoilhydrostaticIAGG(interactive computer graphics)icebreakericebreakerIMCO(Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization) immerseimpact loadimperial unitin strakeinboard profileincremental plasticityindependent tankinitial stability at small angle of inclinationinland waterways vesselinner bottomin-plane loadintact stabilityintercostalsInternational Association of Classification Society (IACS) International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC)intersectioninventory controliterative processjackjackjoinerykeelkeel layingkenter shackleKristen-Boeing propellerlanding craftlaunchlaunching equipmengLCCleading edgeledgelength overalllevelerlife saving appliancelifebuoylifejacketlift fanlift offsetslight load draftlightening holelight-shiplimbers boardliner tradelineslines planLinnean hierarchical taxonomy liquefied gas carrierliquefied natural gas carrier liquefied petroleum gas carrier liquid bulk cargo carrierliquid chemical tankerlistliving and utility spaces Lloyd’s Register of shipping Lloyd’s RulesLoad Line Conventionload line regulationsload waterplaneloft floorlongitudinal (transverse) longitudinal bending longitudinal prismatic coefficient longitudinal strength longitudinally framed system luffing winchmachinery vendormagnet gantrymaiden voyagemain impellermain shaftingmajor shipmaneuverabilitymanholemargin platemaritimemark disk of speed adjustingmastmast clutchmatrixmerchant shipMerchant Shipbuilding Returnmetacentermetacentric heightmetal plate pathmetal workermetric unitmiddle line planemidship sectionmidship section coefficientMLmodel tankmonitoring desk of main engine operation monitoring screen of screw working condition more shape to the shellmould loftmultihull vesselmulti-purpose carriermulti-ship programmushroom ventilatormutually exclusive attributeN/Cnautical milenaval architecturenavigation areanavigation decknear-universal gearnet-load curveneutral axisneutral equilibriumnon-retractable fin stabilizernormalnormal operating conditionnose conenotchoaroblique bittsocean going shipoff-center loadingoffsetsoffshore drilling offshore structureoil filleroil skimmeroil-rigon-deck girderopen water optimality criterion ore carrier orthogonal orthogonalout strakeoutboard motor outboard profileouter jiboutfitoutfitteroutriggeroverall stability overhangpaddlepaddle-wheel-propelled Panama Canal panting arrangement panting beampanting stringer parallel middle body partial bulkhead payload perpendicular photogrammetrypile driving barge pillarpin jigpintlepipe fitterpipe laying barge pistonpitchpitchplan viewsplanning hull Plimsoll linepolar-exploration craft poopportport callpositive righting momentpower and lighting systempreceptpreliminary designpressure coamingprincipal dimensionsProgram Evaluation and Review Technique progressive floodingprojectpropeller shaft bracketpropeller type logPVC foamed plasticquadrantquality assurancequarterquarter pillarquartering seaquasi-steady wavequayquotationrackingradiographyrakeraked bowrasterrefrigerated cargo shipRegisterRegisto Italiano Navaderegulating knob of fuel pressurereserve buoyancyresiduary resistanceresultantreverse frameReynolds numberright-handed propellerrighting armrigid side wallsrise of floorriverine warfare vesselrivetrollroll-on/roll-off (Ro/Ro)rotary screw propellerrounded gunwalerounded sheer strakerubber tilerudderrudder bearingrudder bladerudder control rodrudder gudgeonrudder pintlerudder postrudder spindlerudder stockrudder trunkrunsagsalvage lifting vesselscaleschedule coordination schedule reviewsscreen bulkheadSea keeping performance sea spectrasea stateseakeepingseasickness seaworthness seaworthnesssection moulussectiongsself-inducedself-propulsionsemi-balanced ruddersemi-submersible drilling rig shaft bossingshaft bracketshearshear bucklingshear curvesheersheer aftsheer drawingsheer forwardsheer planesheer profilesheer profileshell platingship fittership hydrodynamics shipwayshipyardshrouded screwside frameside keelsonside plateside stringersingle-cylinder enginesinkagesix degrees of freedomskin frictionskirtslammingsleeveslewing hydraulic motorslicesloping shipwaysloping top plate of bottom side tank slopint bottom plate of topside tank soft chinesonarspade rudderspectacle framespeed-to-length ratiosponson deckspringingstabilitystable equilibriumstarboardstatic equilibriumsteamersteering gearstemstem contoursternstern barrelstern counterstern rampstern transom platestern wavestiffenstiffenerstraddlestrainstrakestreamlinestreamlined casingstrength curvesstrength deckstress concentrationstrutsubassemblysubdivisionsubmerged nozzlesubmersiblesuction back of a bladeSuez Canal tonnagesummer load water linesuperintendentsuperstructureSupervision of the Society’s surveyor supper cavitating propellersurface nozzlesurface piercingsurface preparation and coatingsurgesurmountswage plateswash bulkheadSWATH (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) swaytail-stabilizer anchortalking papertangentialtangential viscous forcetankerteetendertensile stressthermal effectthrottle valvethroughputthrustthrustertimber carriertip of a bladetip vortextoed towards amidshipstonnagetorpedotorquetorquetrailing edgetransom sterntransverse bulkhead platingtransverse sectiontrawlingtrialtrimtrim by the stern/bowtrimarantripping brackettroughtugboattumble hometunnel wall effectturnable bladeturnable shrouded screwtweendeck cargo spacetweendedk frametwo nodded frequencyULCCultrasonicunderwriterunsymmetricalupright positionvapor pocketventilation and air conditioning diagram Venturi sectionvertical prismatic coefficientvertical-axis(cycloidal)propeller vessel component venderviscosityVLCCVoith-Schneider propellerv-sectionwake currentwater jetwater planewatertight integritywave patternwave suppressorwave-making resistanceweather deckwebweb beamweb framewelerwetted surfacewinchwindlasswing shaftwing-keel working allowance worm gearyachtyard issueyardsyaw经过光顺处理的一套型线一对立体投影相片朝向船体船舶废置成本费用居住(舱室)舷梯调节阀可调螺距式海军部进速系数空气静力学的艉尖舱壁艉尖舱副鳍气垫船空气扩散器进气口航空母舰气动水泵气翼,翼剖面,机面,方向舵组装校准用垫楔铝合金结构美国船级社舯两栖的锚臂锚链锚冠锚爪锚唇锚穴锚卸扣锚杆角钢攻角角钢斜角甲板在波浪中遭遇到的预期载荷减纵摇鳍减摇鳍减摇水舱附体技工装配流水线海上补给阻力增额辅机系统调节水舱轴向进速垫衬结构焊接垫板平衡锤滚珠轴承球阀压载水舱型材棒龙骨,方龙骨,矩形龙骨驳船基线基本设计压条,板条船宽,梁横梁肘板横梁肘板基座纵桁弯矩曲线伯努利定律停泊期折角投标人舭,舱底舭肘板舭半径舭部边舱水深探管单柱系缆桩叶跟叶元剖面喷丸方形系数出航旗登艇甲板吊艇架吊艇索稳艇索首斜尾拉索横剖面图螺栓,上螺栓固定邦戎曲线吊杆螺旋桨轴榖旁底桁底边舱底列板边界层前体纵剖线艏波艏斜桅艏侧推器箱桁框架肋板制动装置制动带制动曲柄刹车卷筒制动液压缸刹车液压管最大宽,计算宽度型宽件杂货艏肘板桥楼,驾驶台驾驶室集中操作台英国船舶研究协会屈曲缓冲弹簧组合型材球头扁钢球状船艏,球鼻首散货船散装油轮舱壁舷墙舷墙板舷墙支撑航标船浮力的浮箱法国船级社对缝焊接蝶形螺帽后体纵剖线按照惯例,按约定布缆船钢索绞车计算机辅助设计计算机辅助制造计算机辅助工程梁拱斜横梁斜肋骨悬臂梁舱容图计算机辅助施工计划制定倾覆倾覆力臂船长束缚气泡减阻船货舱舱容,载货容积货物装卸拖车,拖架铸钢艏柱高速双体船双体的空泡空泡数空泡水筒中内龙骨中纵舱壁型心,重心,质心,矩心制链器海图租船人轮机长舭,舷,脊导览钳计算机集成组合制造环流理论船级社系缆扣飞剪型船首离合器沿海客货轮防撞舱壁混合型艏柱营利用船补给库舱室,粮食库通用运输船交通船舱室罗经概念设计连接水柜定螺距螺旋桨约束条件集装箱集装箱化合同设计对转桨可控螺距式锈蚀,腐蚀力矩,力偶克令吊,起重机曲柄波峰船员居住舱判据,准则关键路径法横越海峡车客渡轮横剖面面积桅杆瞭望台巡洋舰尾航程球窝关节曲率各船形曲线气垫破损稳性缓冲器阻尼吊臂总载重量卸除压载甲板边线甲板纵骨甲板边板强横梁舱面室,甲板室深v型船体交船船深起重机,吊杆设计余量设计螺旋循环方式驱逐舰散合式连接卸扣详细设计斜置加强筋图,原理图,设计图柴油机无量纲比值排水量排水型船分布载荷站,划分,分隔做功泊靠山字钩双重迭代法双滚轮式导览钳双向作用的蒸汽气缸降帆索吃水阻力,拖拽力排水吃水,草图,设计图,牵引力挖泥船漂移,偏航钻架钻井船驱动器轴传动齿轮箱传动轴系干船坞导管螺旋桨动力支撑型船舶测力计,功率计有效马力偏心轮回声探深仪漩涡漩涡阻力供给能力,供给量电动液压的电镀工高度,高程,船型线图的侧面图,立视图,纵剖线图,海拔经验公式封闭式装配车间封闭式救生艇末端链环末端卸扣续航力续航力,全功率工作时间机舱肋骨机舱口端梁船尾旗杆进流段装配,安装排气阀延伸肘板伸缩接头外插光顺鼓风机疲劳可行性研究顺流变距桨叶护舷渡轮,渡运航线贴角焊连接鳍角反馈装置纤细高速船瘦长船型有限元水火管锅炉固定螺距式突边,法兰盘侧翼舵襟翼舵外飘,外张平板龙骨船队挠曲的起重船可进长度曲线物流流型,流线谱平甲板型船游艇驾驶台艏三角帆折叠式舱口盖折叠收放式减摇鳍随边后续船脚踏刹车艏尖舱锻钢艏柱锻件,锻造船首水尺艏艉柱前/后肩翻砂铸造船肋骨,框架,桁架干舷干舷甲板运费率淡水载重线摩擦阻力傅汝德数丰满船型全尺度丰满度烟囱内装修纵帆斜桁前桅主帆舷梯甘特图装以密封垫的开口总布置杂货船母线外形相似船型桁梁,桁架基座纵桁政府当局,管理机构梯度槽式船坞绿皮书,19世纪英国另一船级社的船名录,现合并与劳埃德船级社,用于登录快速远洋船长吨(1.016公吨)成祖建造技术成组建造技术导弹巡洋舰船舷上缘舷边角钢舷边圆弧厚板定位索链轮自动操舵操纵台回转仪半宽图半深纵骨半圆扁钢尖舭舱口梁座舱口围板舱口盖舱口盖板舱口盖板隔架舱口悬臂梁锚链桶锚链孔垂荡横倾艉柱根螺旋面的,螺旋状的铰链艉部吊门英国皇家海军舰艇中拱船舱均质柱状体倾卸驳水平扶强材桨毂,轴毂,套筒船型,船体外形船体桁应力取暖,通风与冷却液压机构水动力学的水翼水静力的交互式计算机图像技术破冰船破冰船国际海事质询组织浸水,浸没冲击载荷英制单位内列板纵剖面图增量塑性独立舱柜小倾角初稳性内河船内底面内载荷完整稳性肋间的,加强的国际船级社联合会国际船模试验水池会议交点,交叉,横断(切)存货管理迭代过程船首旗千斤顶细木工龙骨开始船舶建造双半式连接链环正摆线推进器登陆艇发射,下水汽艇(向水中)投放设备大型原油轮导缘,导边副梁材总长调平器,矫平机救生设备救生圈救生衣升力风扇量取型值空载吃水减轻孔空船舭部污水道顶板定期班轮营运业型线型线图林式等级式分类学液化气运输船液化天然气船液化石油气船液体散货船液体化学品船倾斜居住与公用舱室劳埃德船级社劳埃德规范载重线公约载重线公约,规范载重水线面放样台纵(横)稳心高纵总弯曲纵向菱形系数纵总强度纵骨架式结构变幅绞车机械(主机)卖方磁力式龙门吊处女航主推叶轮主轴系大型船舶操纵性人孔边板海事的,海运的,靠海的速度调整标度盘桅杆桅座矩阵商船商船建造统计表稳心稳心高金属板电镀槽金属工公制单位中线面舯横剖面中横剖面系数物资清单,物料表船模试验水池主机操作监视台螺旋桨运转监视屏船壳板的形状复杂放样间多体船多用途船多种船型建造规划蘑菇形通风桶相互排它性的属性数值控制海里造船学航区航海甲板准万向舵机,准万向齿轮静载荷曲线中性轴,中和轴中性平衡不可收放式减摇鳍法向的,正交的常规运作状况螺旋桨整流帽开槽,开凹口橹,桨斜式双柱系缆桩远洋船偏离中心的装载型值离岸钻井离岸工程结构物加油点浮油回收船钻油架甲板上桁架敞水最优性准则矿砂船矩形的正交的外列板舷外机侧视图外首帆舾装舾装工舷外吊杆叉头总体稳性外悬桨明轮推进的巴拿马运河强胸结构,抗拍击结构强胸横梁抗拍击纵材平行中体局部舱壁有效载荷柱,垂直的,正交的 投影照相测量法打桩船支柱限位胎架销,枢轴管装工铺管驳船活塞螺距纵摇设计图滑行船体普林索尔载重线极地考察船尾楼左舷沿途到港停靠正扶正力矩动力与照明系统技术规则初步设计阻力式舱口防水挡板主尺度规划评估与复核法累进进水探照灯尾轴架螺旋桨推进器测程仪PVC泡沫塑料舵柄质量保证居住区舱内侧梁柱尾斜浪准定长波码头,停泊所报价单倾斜,变形,船体扭转变形X射线探伤倾斜前倾式船首光栅冷藏货物运输船(船舶)登录簿,船名录意大利船级社燃油压力调节钮储备浮力剩余阻力合力内底横骨雷诺数右旋进桨扶正力臂,恢复力臂刚性侧壁底升内河舰艇铆接,铆钉横摇滚装回转式螺旋推进器修圆的舷边圆弧舷板橡皮瓦舵舵承舵叶操舵杆舵钮舵销舵柱舵轴舵杆舵杆围井去流段中垂救捞船缩尺,尺度生产规程协调施工生产进度审核轻型舱壁耐波性能海浪谱海况适航性晕船适航性适航性剖面模数剖面,横剖面自身诱导的自航半平衡舵半潜式钻井架轴榖轴支架剪切,剪力剪切性屈曲剪力曲线舷弧艉舷弧剖面图艏舷弧纵剖面总剖线纵剖图船壳板船舶装配工船舶水动力学船台船厂有套罩螺旋桨,导管螺旋桨舷边肋骨旁内龙骨舷侧外板甲板边板单缸引擎升沉六自由度表面摩擦力(气垫船)围裙砰击套管,套筒,套环 回转液压马达一部分,薄片有坡度船台底边舱斜顶板定边舱斜底板圆舭声纳悬挂舵眼睛型骨架速长比舷伸甲板颤振稳性稳定平衡右舷静平衡汽轮船操纵装置,舵机船艏艏柱型线船艉尾拖网滚筒尾突体尾滑道,尾跳板尾封板艉波加劲,加强扶强材,加劲杆跨立,外包式叶片应变船体列板流线流线型套管强度曲线强力甲板应力集中结构不稳定性支柱,支撑构型分部装配分舱浸没式喷口潜期桨叶片抽吸叶背苏伊士运河吨位限制夏季载重水线监督管理人,总段长,车间主任上层建筑船级社验船师的监造书超空泡螺旋桨水面式喷口穿透水面的表面加工处理与喷涂纵荡顶上覆盖,越过压筋板止荡舱壁小水线面双体船横荡尾翼式锚讨论文件切向的,正切的切向粘性力油船T型构件,三通管交通小艇拉(张)应力热效应节流阀物料流量推力推力器,助推器木材运输船桨叶叶梢梢涡趾部朝向船舯吨位鱼雷扭矩扭矩随边方尾横隔舱壁板横剖面横稳性拖网实船试验纵倾艉艏倾三体的防倾肘板波谷拖船(船侧)内倾水桶壁面效应可转动式桨叶转动导管螺旋桨甲板间舱甲板间肋骨双节点频率超级大型原油轮超声波的(海运)保险商非对称的正浮位置气化阱通风与空调铺设设计图文丘里试验段横剖面系数直叶(摆线)推进器造船部件销售商粘性巨型原油轮外摆线直翼式推进器v型剖面伴流,尾流喷水(推进)管水线面水密完整性波形消波器,消波板兴波阻力露天甲板腹板强横梁腹肋板焊工湿表面积绞车起锚机侧轴翅龙骨(游艇)有效使用修正量蜗轮,蜗杆快艇船厂开工任务发布书帆桁首摇。

(完整版)船舶专业英语(课文+翻译)Chapter 1 Ship Design(船舶设计)Lesson 2 Ships Categorized(船舶分类)2.1 Introduction(介绍)The forms a ship can take are innumerable. 一艘船能采用的外形是不可胜数的A vessel might appear to be a sleek seagoing hotel carrying passengers along to some exotic destination; a floating fortress bristling with missile launchers; 。
or an elongated box transporting tanks of crude oil and topped with complex pipe connections. 一艘船可以看做是将乘客一直运送到外国目的地的优美的远航宾馆。
竖立有导弹发射架的水面堡垒及甲板上铺盖有复杂管系的加长罐装原油运输轮None of these descriptions of external appearance, however, does justice to the ship system as a whole and integrated unit所有这些外部特点的描述都不能说明船舶系统是一个总的集合体self-sufficient,seaworthy, and adequately stable in its function as a secure habitat for crew and cargo. ——船员和货物的安全性功能:自给自足,适航,足够稳定。
This is the concept that the naval architect keeps in mind when designing the ship and that provides the basis for subsequent discussions, not only in this chapter but throughout the entire book.这是一个造船工程师设计船舶使必须记住的、能为以后讨论提供根据的观念,不仅涉及本章也贯穿全书。

船舶专业英语a faired set of lines 经过光顺处理的一套型线a stereo pair of photographs 一对立体投影相片abaft 朝向船尾abandonment cost 船舶废置成本费用accommodation 居住(舱室)accommodation ladder 舷梯adjust valve 调节阀adjustable-pitch 可调螺距式admiralty 海军部advance coefficient 进速系数aerostatic 空气静力学的aft peak bulkhead 艉尖舱壁aft peak tank 艉尖舱aileron 副鳍air cushion vehicle 气垫船air diffuser 空气扩散器air intake 进气口aircraft carrier 航空母舰air-driven water pump 气动水泵airfoil 气翼,翼剖面,机面,方向舵alignment chock 组装校准用垫楔aluminum alloy structure 铝合金结构American Bureau of Shipping 美国船级社amidships 舯amphibious 两栖的anchor arm 锚臂anchor chain 锚链anchor crown 锚冠anchor fluke 锚爪anchor mouth 锚唇anchor recess 锚穴anchor shackle 锚卸扣anchor stock 锚杆angle bar 角钢angle of attack 攻角angle plate 角钢angled deck 斜角甲板anticipated loads encountered at sea 在波浪中遭遇到的预期载荷anti-pitching fins 减纵摇鳍antiroll fins 减摇鳍anti-rolling tank 减摇水舱appendage 附体artisan 技工assembly line 装配流水线at-sea replenishment 海上补给augment of resistance 阻力增额auxiliary systems 辅机系统auxiliary tank 调节水舱axial advance 轴向进速backing structure 垫衬结构back-up member 焊接垫板balance weight 平衡锤ball bearing 滚珠轴承ball valve 球阀ballast tank 压载水舱bar 型材bar keel 棒龙骨,方龙骨,矩形龙骨barge 驳船baseline 基线basic design 基本设计batten 压条,板条beam 船宽,梁beam bracket 横梁肘板beam knee 横梁肘板bed-plate girder 基座纵桁bending-moment curves 弯矩曲线Benoulli’s law 伯努利定律berth term 停泊期bevel 折角bidder 投标人bilge 舭,舱底bilge bracket 舭肘板bilge radius 舭半径bilge sounding pipe 舭部边舱水深探管bitt 单柱系缆桩blade root 叶跟blade section 叶元剖面blast 喷丸block coefficient 方形系数blue peter 出航旗boarding deck 登艇甲板boat davit 吊艇架boat fall 吊艇索boat guy 稳艇索bobstay 首斜尾拉索body plan 横剖面图bolt 螺栓,上螺栓固定Bonjean curve 邦戎曲线boom 吊杆boss 螺旋桨轴榖bottom side girder 旁底桁bottom side tank 底边舱bottom transverse 底列板boundary layer 边界层bow line 前体纵剖线bow wave 艏波bowsprit 艏斜桅bow-thruster 艏侧推器box girder 箱桁bracket floor 框架肋板brake 制动装置brake band 制动带brake crank arm 制动曲柄brake drum 刹车卷筒brake hydraulic cylinder 制动液压缸brake hydraulic pipe 刹车液压管breadth extreme 最大宽,计算宽度breadth moulded 型宽breakbulk 件杂货breasthook 艏肘板bridge 桥楼,驾驶台bridge console stand 驾驶室集中操作台BSRA 英国船舶研究协会buckle 屈曲buffer spring 缓冲弹簧built-up plate section 组合型材bulb plate 球头扁钢bulbous bow 球状船艏,球鼻首bulk carrier 散货船bulk oil carrier 散装油轮bulkhead 舱壁bulwark 舷墙bulwark plate 舷墙板bulwark stay 舷墙支撑buoy tender 航标船buoyant 浮力的buoyant box 浮箱Bureau Veritas 法国船级社butt weld 对缝焊接butterfly screw cap 蝶形螺帽buttock 后体纵剖线by convention 按照惯例,按约定cable ship 布缆船cable winch 钢索绞车CAD(computer-aided design) 计算机辅助设计CAE(computer-aided manufacturing) 计算机辅助制造CAM(computer-aided engineering) 计算机辅助工程camber 梁拱cant beam 斜横梁cant frame 斜肋骨cantilever beam 悬臂梁capacity plan 舱容图CAPP(computer –aided process planning) 计算机辅助施工计划制定capsize 倾覆capsizing moment 倾覆力臂captain 船长captured-air-bubble vehicle 束缚气泡减阻船cargo cubic 货舱舱容,载货容积cargo handling 货物装卸carriage 拖车,拖架cast steel stem post 铸钢艏柱catamaran 高速双体船catamaran 双体的cavitation 空泡cavitation number 空泡数cavitation tunnel 空泡水筒center keelson 中内龙骨centerline bulkhead 中纵舱壁centroid 型心,重心,质心,矩心chain cable stopper 制链器chart 海图charterer 租船人chief engineer 轮机长chine 舭,舷,脊chock 导览钳CIM(computer integrated manufacturing) 计算机集成组合制造circulation theory 环流理论classification society 船级社cleat 系缆扣clipper bow 飞剪型船首clutch 离合器coastal cargo 沿海客货轮cofferdam 防撞舱壁combined cast and rolled stem 混合型艏柱commercial ship 营利用船commissary spaces 补给库舱室,粮食库common carrier 通用运输船commuter 交通船compartment 舱室compass 罗经concept design 概念设计connecting tank 连接水柜constant-pitch propeller 定螺距螺旋桨constraint condition 约束条件container 集装箱containerized 集装箱化contract design 合同设计contra-rotating propellers 对转桨controllable-pitch 可控螺距式corrosion 锈蚀,腐蚀couple 力矩,力偶crane 克令吊,起重机crank 曲柄crest (of wave) 波峰crew quarters 船员居住舱criterion 判据,准则Critical Path Method 关键路径法cross-channel automobile ferries 横越海峡车客渡轮cross-sectional area 横剖面面积crow’s nest 桅杆瞭望台cruiser stern 巡洋舰尾crussing range 航程cup and ball joint 球窝关节curvature 曲率curves of form 各船形曲线cushion of air 气垫damage stability 破损稳性damper 缓冲器damping 阻尼davit arm 吊臂deadweight 总载重量de-ballast 卸除压载deck line at side 甲板边线deck longitudinal 甲板纵骨deck stringer 甲板边板deck transverse 强横梁deckhouse 舱面室,甲板室deep v hull 深v型船体delivery 交船depth 船深derrick 起重机,吊杆design margin 设计余量design spiral 设计螺旋循环方式destroyer 驱逐舰detachable shackle 散合式连接卸扣detail design 详细设计diagonal stiffener 斜置加强筋diagram 图,原理图,设计图diesel engine 柴油机dimensionless ratio 无量纲比值displacement 排水量displacement type vessel 排水型船distributed load 分布载荷division 站,划分,分隔do work 做功dock 泊靠double hook 山字钩double iteration procedure 双重迭代法double roller chock 双滚轮式导览钳double-acting steam cylinder 双向作用的蒸汽气缸down halyard 降帆索draft 吃水drag 阻力,拖拽力drainage 排水draught 吃水,草图,设计图,牵引力dredge 挖泥船drift 漂移,偏航drilling rig 钻架drillship 钻井船drive shaft 驱动器轴driving gear box 传动齿轮箱driving shaft system 传动轴系dry dock 干船坞ducted propeller 导管螺旋桨dynamic supported craft 动力支撑型船舶dynamometer 测力计,功率计e.h.p 有效马力eccentric wheel 偏心轮echo-sounder 回声探深仪eddy 漩涡eddy-making resistance 漩涡阻力efficiency 供给能力,供给量electrohydraulic 电动液压的electroplater 电镀工elevations 高度,高程,船型线图的侧面图,立视图,纵剖线图,海拔empirical formula 经验公式enclosed fabrication shop 封闭式装配车间enclosed lifeboat 封闭式救生艇end open link 末端链环end shackle 末端卸扣endurance 续航力endurance 续航力,全功率工作时间engine room frame 机舱肋骨engine room hatch end beam 机舱口端梁ensign staff 船尾旗杆entrance 进流段erection 装配,安装exhaust valve 排气阀expanded bracket 延伸肘板expansion joint 伸缩接头extrapolate 外插fair 光顺faised floor 升高肋板fan 鼓风机fatigue 疲劳feasibility study 可行性研究feathering blade 顺流变距桨叶fender 护舷ferry 渡轮,渡运航线fillet weld connection 贴角焊连接fin angle feedback set 鳍角反馈装置fine fast ship 纤细高速船fine form 瘦长船型finite element 有限元fire tube boiler 水火管锅炉fixed-pitch 固定螺距式flange 突边,法兰盘flanking rudders 侧翼舵flap-type rudder 襟翼舵flare 外飘,外张flat of keel 平板龙骨fleets of vessels 船队flexural 挠曲的floating crane 起重船floodable length curve 可进长度曲线flow of materials 物流flow pattern 流型,流线谱flush deck vessel 平甲板型船flying bridge 游艇驾驶台flying jib 艏三角帆folding batch cover 折叠式舱口盖folding retractable fin stabilizer 折叠收放式减摇鳍following edge 随边following ship 后续船foot brake 脚踏刹车fore peak 艏尖舱forged steel stem 锻钢艏柱forging 锻件,锻造forward draft mark 船首水尺forward/afer perpendicular 艏艉柱forward/after shoulder 前/后肩foundry casting 翻砂铸造frame 船肋骨,框架,桁架freeboard 干舷freeboard deck 干舷甲板freight rate 运费率fresh water loadline 淡水载重线frictional resistance 摩擦阻力Froude number 傅汝德数fuel/water supply vessel 油水供给船full form丰满船型full scale 全尺度fullness 丰满度funnel 烟囱furnishings 内装修gaff 纵帆斜桁gaff foresail 前桅主帆gangway 舷梯gantt chart 甘特图gasketed openings 装以密封垫的开口general arrangement 总布置general cargo ship 杂货船generatrix 母线geometrically similar form 外形相似船型girder 桁梁,桁架girder of foundation 基座纵桁governmental authorities 政府当局,管理机构gradient 梯度graving dock 槽式船坞Green Book 绿皮书,19世纪英国另一船级社的船名录,现合并与劳埃德船级社,用于登录快速远洋船gross ton 长吨(1.016公吨)group technology 成祖建造技术GT 成组建造技术guided-missile cruiser 导弹巡洋舰gunwale 船舷上缘gunwale angle 舷边角钢gunwale rounded thick strake 舷边圆弧厚板guyline 定位索gypsy 链轮gyro-pilot steering indicator 自动操舵操纵台gyroscope 回转仪half breadth plan 半宽图half depth girder 半深纵骨half rounded flat plate 半圆扁钢hard chine 尖舭hatch beam sockets 舱口梁座hatch coaming 舱口围板hatch cover 舱口盖hatch cover 舱口盖板hatch cover rack 舱口盖板隔架hatch side cantilever 舱口悬臂梁hawse pipe 锚链桶hawsehole 锚链孔heave 垂荡heel 横倾heel piece 艉柱根helicoidal 螺旋面的,螺旋状的hinge 铰链hinged stern door 艉部吊门HMS 英国皇家海军舰艇hog 中拱hold 船舱homogeneous cylinder 均质柱状体hopper barge 倾卸驳horizontal stiffener 水平扶强材hub 桨毂,轴毂,套筒hull form 船型,船体外形hull girder stress 船体桁应力HVAC(heating ventilating and cooling) 取暖,通风与冷却hydraulic mechanism 液压机构hydrodynamic 水动力学的hydrofoil 水翼hydrostatic 水静力的IAGG(interactive computer graphics) 交互式计算机图像技术icebreaker 破冰船icebreaker 破冰船IMCO(Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization) 国际海事质询组织immerse 浸水,浸没impact load 冲击载荷imperial unit 英制单位in strake 内列板inboard profile 纵剖面图incremental plasticity 增量塑性independent tank 独立舱柜initial stability at small angle of inclination 小倾角初稳性inland waterways vessel 内河船inner bottom 内底in-plane load 面内载荷intact stability 完整稳性intercostals 肋间的,加强的International Association of Classification Society (IACS) 国际船级社联合会International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) 国际船模试验水池会议intersection 交点,交叉,横断(切)inventory control 存货管理iterative process 迭代过程jack 船首旗jack 千斤顶joinery 细木工keel 龙骨keel laying 开始船舶建造kenter shackle 双半式连接链环Kristen-Boeing propeller 正摆线推进器landing craft 登陆艇launch 发射,下水launch 汽艇launching equipmeng (向水中)投放设备LCC 大型原油轮leading edge 导缘,导边ledge 副梁材length overall 总长leveler 调平器,矫平机life saving appliance 救生设备lifebuoy 救生圈lifejacket 救生衣lift fan 升力风扇lift offsets 量取型值light load draft 空载吃水lightening hole 减轻孔light-ship 空船limbers board 舭部污水道顶板liner trade 定期班轮营运业lines 型线lines plan 型线图Linnean hierarchical taxonomy 林式等级式分类学liquefied gas carrier 液化气运输船liquefied natural gas carrier 液化天然气船liquefied petroleum gas carrier 液化石油气船liquid bulk cargo carrier 液体散货船liquid chemical tanker 液体化学品船list 倾斜living and utility spaces 居住与公用舱室Lloyd’s Register of shipping 劳埃德船级社Lloyd’s Rules 劳埃德规范Load Line Convention 载重线公约load line regulations 载重线公约,规范load waterplane 载重水线面loft floor 放样台longitudinal (transverse) 纵(横)稳心高longitudinal bending 纵总弯曲longitudinal prismatic coefficient 纵向菱形系数longitudinal strength 纵总强度longitudinally framed system 纵骨架式结构luffing winch 变幅绞车machinery vendor 机械(主机)卖方magnet gantry 磁力式龙门吊maiden voyage 处女航main impeller 主推叶轮main shafting 主轴系major ship 大型船舶maneuverability 操纵性manhole 人孔margin plate 边板maritime 海事的,海运的,靠海的mark disk of speed adjusting 速度调整标度盘mast 桅杆mast clutch 桅座matrix 矩阵merchant ship 商船Merchant Shipbuilding Return 商船建造统计表metacenter 稳心metacentric height 稳心高metal plate path 金属板电镀槽metal worker 金属工metric unit 公制单位middle line plane 中线面midship section 舯横剖面midship section coefficient 中横剖面系数ML 物资清单,物料表model tank 船模试验水池monitoring desk of main engine operation 主机操作监视台monitoring screen of screw working condition 螺旋桨运转监视屏more shape to the shell 船壳板的形状复杂mould loft 放样间multihull vessel 多体船multi-purpose carrier 多用途船multi-ship program 多种船型建造规划mushroom ventilator 蘑菇形通风桶mutually exclusive attribute 相互排它性的属性N/C 数值控制nautical mile 海里naval architecture 造船学navigation area 航区navigation deck 航海甲板near-universal gear 准万向舵机,准万向齿轮net-load curve 静载荷曲线neutral axis 中性轴,中和轴neutral equilibrium 中性平衡non-retractable fin stabilizer 不可收放式减摇鳍normal 法向的,正交的normal operating condition 常规运作状况nose cone 螺旋桨整流帽notch 开槽,开凹口oar 橹,桨oblique bitts 斜式双柱系缆桩ocean going ship 远洋船off-center loading 偏离中心的装载offsets 型值offshore drilling 离岸钻井offshore structure 离岸工程结构物oil filler 加油点oil skimmer 浮油回收船oil-rig 钻油架on-deck girder 甲板上桁架open water 敞水optimality criterion 最优性准则ore carrier 矿砂船orthogonal 矩形的orthogonal 正交的out strake 外列板outboard motor 舷外机outboard profile 侧视图outer jib 外首帆outfit 舾装outfitter 舾装工outrigger 舷外吊杆叉头overall stability 总体稳性overhang 外悬paddle 桨paddle-wheel-propelled 明轮推进的Panama Canal 巴拿马运河panting arrangement 强胸结构,抗拍击结构panting beam 强胸横梁panting stringer 抗拍击纵材parallel middle body 平行中体partial bulkhead 局部舱壁payload 有效载荷perpendicular 柱,垂直的,正交的photogrammetry 投影照相测量法pile driving barge 打桩船pillar 支柱pin jig 限位胎架pintle 销,枢轴pipe fitter 管装工pipe laying barge 铺管驳船piston 活塞pitch 螺距pitch 纵摇plan views 设计图planning hull 滑行船体Plimsoll line 普林索尔载重线polar-exploration craft 极地考察船poop 尾楼port 左舷port call 沿途到港停靠positive righting moment 正扶正力矩power and lighting system 动力与照明系统precept 技术规则preliminary design 初步设计pressure coaming 阻力式舱口防水挡板principal dimensions 主尺度Program Evaluation and Review Technique 规划评估与复核法progressive flooding 累进进水project 探照灯propeller shaft bracket 尾轴架propeller type log 螺旋桨推进器测程仪PVC foamed plastic PVC泡沫塑料quadrant 舵柄quality assurance 质量保证quarter 居住区quarter pillar 舱内侧梁柱quartering sea 尾斜浪quasi-steady wave 准定长波quay 码头,停泊所quotation 报价单racking 倾斜,变形,船体扭转变形radiography X射线探伤rake 倾斜raked bow 前倾式船首raster 光栅refrigerated cargo ship 冷藏货物运输船Register (船舶)登录簿,船名录Registo Italiano Navade 意大利船级社regulating knob of fuel pressure 燃油压力调节钮reserve buoyancy 储备浮力residuary resistance 剩余阻力resultant 合力reverse frame 内底横骨Reynolds number 雷诺数right-handed propeller 右旋进桨righting arm 扶正力臂,恢复力臂rigid side walls 刚性侧壁rise of floor 底升riverine warfare vessel 内河舰艇rivet 铆接,铆钉roll 横摇roll-on/roll-off (Ro/Ro) 滚装rotary screw propeller 回转式螺旋推进器rounded gunwale 修圆的舷边rounded sheer strake 圆弧舷板rubber tile 橡皮瓦rudder 舵rudder bearing 舵承rudder blade 舵叶rudder control rod 操舵杆rudder gudgeon 舵钮rudder pintle 舵销rudder post 舵柱rudder spindle 舵轴rudder stock 舵杆rudder trunk 舵杆围井run 去流段sag 中垂salvage lifting vessel 救捞船scale 缩尺,尺度schedule coordination 生产规程协调schedule reviews 施工生产进度审核screen bulkhead 轻型舱壁Sea keeping performance 耐波性能sea spectra 海浪谱sea state 海况seakeeping 适航性seasickness 晕船seaworthness 适航性seaworthness 适航性section moulus 剖面模数sectiongs 剖面,横剖面self-induced 自身诱导的self-propulsion 自航semi-balanced rudder 半平衡舵semi-submersible drilling rig 半潜式钻井架shaft bossing 轴榖shaft bracket 轴支架shear 剪切,剪力shear buckling 剪切性屈曲shear curve 剪力曲线sheer 舷弧sheer aft 艉舷弧sheer drawing 剖面图sheer forward 艏舷弧sheer plane 纵剖面sheer profile 总剖线sheer profile 纵剖图shell plating 船壳板ship fitter 船舶装配工ship hydrodynamics 船舶水动力学shipway 船台shipyard 船厂shrouded screw 有套罩螺旋桨,导管螺旋桨side frame 舷边肋骨side keelson 旁内龙骨side plate 舷侧外板side stringer 甲板边板single-cylinder engine 单缸引擎sinkage 升沉six degrees of freedom 六自由度skin friction 表面摩擦力skirt (气垫船)围裙slamming 砰击sleeve 套管,套筒,套环slewing hydraulic motor 回转液压马达slice 一部分,薄片sloping shipway 有坡度船台sloping top plate of bottom side tank 底边舱斜顶板slopint bottom plate of topside tank 定边舱斜底板soft chine 圆舭sonar 声纳spade rudder 悬挂舵spectacle frame 眼睛型骨架speed-to-length ratio 速长比sponson deck 舷伸甲板springing 颤振stability 稳性stable equilibrium 稳定平衡starboard 右舷static equilibrium 静平衡steamer 汽轮船steering gear 操纵装置,舵机stem 船艏stem contour 艏柱型线stern 船艉stern barrel 尾拖网滚筒stern counter 尾突体stern ramp 尾滑道,尾跳板stern transom plate 尾封板stern wave 艉波stiffen 加劲,加强stiffener 扶强材,加劲杆straddle 跨立,外包式叶片strain 应变strake 船体列板streamline 流线streamlined casing 流线型套管strength curves 强度曲线strength deck 强力甲板stress concentration 应力集中structural instability 结构不稳定性strut 支柱,支撑构型subassembly 分部装配subdivision 分舱submerged nozzle 浸没式喷口submersible 潜期suction back of a blade 桨叶片抽吸叶背Suez Canal tonnage 苏伊士运河吨位限制summer load water line 夏季载重水线superintendent 监督管理人,总段长,车间主任superstructure 上层建筑Supervision of the Society’s surveyor 船级社验船师的监造书supper cavitating propeller 超空泡螺旋桨surface nozzle 水面式喷口surface piercing 穿透水面的surface preparation and coating 表面加工处理与喷涂surge 纵荡surmount 顶上覆盖,越过swage plate 压筋板swash bulkhead 止荡舱壁SWATH (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) 小水线面双体船sway 横荡tail-stabilizer anchor 尾翼式锚talking paper 讨论文件tangential 切向的,正切的tangential viscous force 切向粘性力tanker 油船tee T型构件,三通管tender 交通小艇tensile stress 拉(张)应力thermal effect 热效应throttle valve 节流阀throughput 物料流量thrust 推力thruster 推力器,助推器timber carrier 木材运输船tip of a blade 桨叶叶梢tip vortex 梢涡toed towards amidships 趾部朝向船舯tonnage 吨位torpedo 鱼雷torque 扭矩torque 扭矩trailing edge 随边transom stern 方尾transverse bulkhead plating 横隔舱壁板transverse section 横剖面transverse stability 横稳性trawling 拖网trial 实船试验trim 纵倾trim by the stern/bow 艉艏倾trimaran 三体的tripping bracket 防倾肘板trough 波谷tugboat 拖船tumble home (船侧)内倾tunnel wall effect 水桶壁面效应turnable blade 可转动式桨叶turnable shrouded screw 转动导管螺旋桨tweendeck cargo space 甲板间舱tweendedk frame 甲板间肋骨two nodded frequency 双节点频率ULCC 超级大型原油轮ultrasonic 超声波的underwriter (海运)保险商unsymmetrical 非对称的upright position 正浮位置vapor pocket 气化阱ventilation and air conditioning diagram 通风与空调铺设设计图Venturi section 文丘里试验段vertical prismatic coefficient 横剖面系数vertical-axis(cycloidal)propeller 直叶(摆线)推进器vessel component vender 造船部件销售商viscosity 粘性VLCC 巨型原油轮Voith-Schneider propeller 外摆线直翼式推进器v-section v型剖面wake current 伴流,尾流water jet 喷水(推进)管water plane 水线面watertight integrity 水密完整性wave pattern 波形wave suppressor 消波器,消波板wave-making resistance 兴波阻力weather deck 露天甲板web 腹板web beam 强横梁web frame 腹肋板weler 焊工wetted surface 湿表面积winch 绞车windlass 起锚机wing shaft 侧轴wing-keel 翅龙骨(游艇)working allowance 有效使用修正量worm gear 蜗轮,蜗杆yacht 快艇yard issue 船厂开工任务发布书yards 帆桁yaw 首摇。

进出港安全操作: 船舶进出港时,船长应在驾驶台、轮机长应在机舱亲自指
挥操作; 港内航行时,不得超过规定的航速;不做不必要的追越;
避免在弯曲和复杂水域会船;充分考虑风流对船位的影响, 做到应急制动快,停得住; 进出港时,应在指定VHF工作频道守听并加强与交通管理 部门、港口的联系,听从其指挥调度,并做好协调与他船 的避让措施; 进出港时一旦发生险情或事故,应设法使船舶摆脱危险、 减少损失、 做好相关记录, 及时报告当地 海事部门。
VHF..频道守听到引航员调动完成。 Pilot at… (name) pilot station suspended until….(date and
local time). ...(日)..点(地方时)以前中止..引航站的引航业务 Pilotage at…(name) pilot station resumed. ..引航站的引航业务已经恢复。 Pilotage can not embark at… …(name) pilot station due to..
Must I take pilot? 我船必须雇用引航员吗? Yes, you must take pilot— pilotage compulsory. 是的,你船必须雇用引航员,引航是强制的。 No, you need not take pilot. 不,你船不须雇用引航员 Do you require pilot at….pilot station? 你船需要...引航站的引航员吗? Yes, I require pilot at….pilot station. 是的,我船需要...引航站的引航员 No, I do not require pilot at….pilot station. I require pilot

Bulk carriers are single-deck vessels which transport single-commodity cargoes such as grain, sugar and ores in bulk. The cargo-carrying section of the ship is divided into holds or tanks which may have any number of arrangements, depending upon the range of cargoes to be carried. Combination carriers are bulk carriers designed for flexibility(灵活性)of operation and able to transport any one of several bulk cargoes on any one voyage, e.g. ore or crude oil or dry bulk cargo.The general-purpose bulk carrier, in which usually the central hold section only is used for cargo. The partitioned(隔开、分割)tanks which surround it are used for ballast purposes either on ballast voyages or, in the case of the saddle(鞍型)tanks, to raise the ship’s center of gravity when a low density cargo is carried. Some of the double-bottom tanks may be used for fuel oil and fresh water. The saddle tanks also serve to shape the upperregion of the cargo hold and trim the cargo. Large hatchways are a feature of bulk carriers, since they reduce cargo-handling time during loading and unloading.An ore carrier has two longitudinal bulkheads which divide the cargo section into wing tanks port and starboard, and the center hold which is used for ore. The high double bottom is a feature of orecarriers. On ballast voyages the wing tanks and double bottoms provide ballast capacity. On loaded voyages the ore is carried in the central hold, and the high double bottom serves to raise the center of gravity of this very dense cargo. The vessel’s behaviour at sea is thus much improved. Two longitudinal bulkheads are employed to divide the ship into center and wing tanks which are used for the carriage of oil cargoes. When ore is carried, only the center tank section is used for cargo. A double bottom is fitted beneath the center tank but is used only for water ballast. The bulkheads and hatches must be oiltight(油密的).舷侧side底部bottom舭部bilge甲板deck舱口盖hatchcoverLarge hatches are features of all bulk carriers, to facilitate rapid simple cargo handling. A large proportion of bulk carriers do not carry cargo-handling equipment, because they trade between special terminals(终点)which have particular equipment for loading and unloading bulk commodities. The availability of cargo-handling gear does increase the flexibility of a vessel and for this reason it is sometimes fitted. Combination carriers handling oil cargoes have their own cargo pumps, pipingsystems, etc., for discharging oil. Deadweight capacities range from small to 150,000 tons depending upon type of cargo, etc.. Speeds are in the range of 12-16 knots.The container ship is, as its name implies, designed for the carriage of containers. A container is a re-usable box of 2,435 mm by 2,435 mm section(截面), with lengths of 6,055 mm, 9,125mm and 12,190 mm. Containers are in use for most general cargoes, and liquid-carrying versions(样式,版本)also exist. In addition, refrigerated models are in use. Block分段10000TEU 1)The cargo-carrying section of the ship is divided into several holds which have hatch openings the full width and length of the hold. 2)The containers are racked(放在)in special frameworks and stacked(堆放)one upon the other within the hold space. 3)Cargo handling therefore consists only of vertical movement of the cargo in the hold. 4)Containers can also be stacked on the hatch covers where a low density cargo is carried.These wing tanks may be utilized for water ballast and can be arranged to counter(驳回;反方向;还击)the heeling(横倾)of the ship when discharging containers. A double bottom is also fitted which adds to the longitudinal strength and provides additional ballast space.Accommodation and machinery spaces are usually located aft to provide the maximum length of full-bodied ship for container stowage (储存).Container ship sizes vary considerably with container-carrying capacities from 100 tons to 2000 tons or more. As specialist carriers they are designed for rapid transits and are high powered, high speed vessels with speeds up to 30 knots. Some of the larger vessels have triple-screw propulsion(三螺旋桨动力装置)arrangements.Mobile Drilling PlatformsThe underwater search has been made possible only by vast improvements in offshore technology(近海工程技术). Drillers (钻井平台)first took to the sea with land rigs(陆用钻机)mounted on barges towed to location and anchored(锚泊)or with fixed platforms accompanied by a tender ship (供应船)(Fig.1).Fig. 1 Offshore fixed drilling platformA wide variety of rig platforms has since evolved, some designed to cope with specific hazards of the sea and others formore general work. All new types stress characteristics of mobility and the capability for work in even deeper water.The world ’s mobile platform can be divided into four main groupings: self-elevating (jack-up )platforms (自升式), submersibles (坐底), semisubmersibles, and floating drill ships.Fig. 1 Offshore fixed drilling platformFig.2 Offshore self-elevating drilling platform.(a)----Underwater design (b)-----self-elevating drilling platform(a )(b )Fig. 3 Offshore semisubmersible drillingplatform Semisubmersibles (Fig.3) are a version of submersibles. They can work as bottom-supported units or in deep water as floaters. Their key virtue is the wide range of water depths in which they can operate, plus the fact that, when working as floaters, their primary buoyancy lies below the action of the waves, thus providing great stability. The “semis”are the most recent of the rig-type platforms.Fig. 4 Floating drill ship. Such ships can drill in depths from 60 to 1000 f (18 to 300m )or moreBy far the most common type of fixed offshore structure i n existence today is the template(导管架平台), or jacket, structure illustrated in Fig.1. This type of structure consists of a prefabricated steel substructure(预制钢制导管架)that extends from the seafloor to above the water surface and a prefabricated steel deck located atop the substructure. The deck is supported by pipe piles(柱桩)driven through the legs(柱腿)of thesubstructure into the seafloor. These piles not only provide support for the deck but also fix the structure in place against lateral loadings(侧向载荷)from wind, waves, and currents.The construction and installation of a template structure plays a central role in its design. The substructure is usually prefabricated on its side at a waterside facility and then placed horizontally on a barge and towed to its offshore location. At the installation site, the substructure is then slid off(滑下去)the barge and uprighted with the help of a derrick barge(起重船)and allowed to sink vertically to the seafloor. Once the substructure is in place, pipe piles are inserted through its legs and driven into the seafloor by means of a piles driver supported on a surface vessel. After the piles are driven to predetermined depths, they are cut off at the top of the substructure and the prefabricated deckstabbed into the piles and connected with field2.271、句子听写1)油轮的装货段被纵、横舱壁分成了几个独立的液货舱。

船舶航海英语词汇船舶航海英语词汇Ranks of ship ’s crew(船员职务) crew 船员captain (master )船长 chief officer 大副 or chief mate (first mate ) second chief 二副 or second mate third officer 三副 or third mate assistant officer 驾助radio officer (radio 报务员operator, wireless operator )purser (chief purser) 管事,事物长clerk 事务员boatswain or bosun 水手长cassab 副水手长quartermaster 舵工 coxswain 舵工,艇长 able seaman 全能水手,一水 .(able bodied seaman)全能水手 e. . , 全能水手 .(ordinary seaman)普通水手,二水seaman, mariner 普通水手,海员deck boy 甲板员engineer 轮机员 chief engineer 轮机长,大车,老轨 second engineer 大管轮,二车,二轨 third engineer 二管轮,三车,三轨 fourth engineer 三管轮,四车,四轨 assistant engineer 轮助 mechanic 机工 fireman 生火 cleaner or wiper 清洁工 chief steward 大管事 (or catering officer) second steward 二管事chief cook 大厨second cook 二厨supernumerary 额外人员ship ’scomplement 船上的定员deck serang 水手长deck tindal 副水手长seacunny 舵工Names of marine organizations and their( 船务机关名称及工作人员) harbour administration bureau (or harbour bureau)港务局the joint inspection party-inward and outward 进口联合检查组harbour supervision office 港务监督 the customs 海关 frontier inspection station 边防检查站 quarantine office (s0ervice) 卫生检疫所 animal and plant quarantine service 动植物检疫所china commodity inspection and testing bureau(ccitb) 中国商品检验局 china marine bunker supply corporation 中国船舶燃料供应公司china national chartering corporation(zhongzu) 租船公司 china ocean shipping agency 中国外轮代理公司 china ocean shipping company (cosco) 中国远洋运输公司china ocean shipping company chartering department(coschard) 中国远洋轮船公司租船部(“中远租”) chianocean shipping tally company 中国外轮理货公司china ocean shipping supply corporation(supco.)中国外轮供应公司 the ~ office of the register of shipping of the people ’s republic of china 中华人民共和国船舶检验局~办事处joint inspection party 联检小组customs officer 海关官员harbour officer 港务监督员frontier defence officer (inspector ,guard) 边防检查组Quarantine officer(dotor) 卫生检疫员customs boarding office 登轮官员customs searching party 海关检查组docker 码头工人(广义) longshoreman 码头工人(在岸上装卸) stevedore 码头工人(在船上装卸) foreman 装卸队长pilot 引水员cargo surveyor 商品检验员marine or ship surveyor 验船师 chief tallyman 理货员 waterman 加水工人agent 代理Marine loading and discharging gear and harbour facilities (海运装卸机械工具和港口设施)barge 驳船beacon 航标灯 belt conveyor 皮带运输机 board palnk 木版 bridge crane 桥吊,装卸桥bunkering tanker 供燃料船buoy 浮筒,浮标can hook ,barrel sling 吊桶钩 canvas 帆布 canvas sling 吊货帆布袋 cargo tray 吊货盘 cargo runner 吊货钢丝绳 chafing plate 防擦板chafing mat 防擦席 chain sling 链条吊索 crane 吊车 cold storage 冷藏仓库 conveyor belt 传送带 crowbar 撬杠 customs launch 海关关艇 dolphin 系缆桩 dunnage 垫仓物料 electric crane 电吊 elevator 升降机ferry boat 轮渡船fire boat 消防船floating crane 浮吊footboard 踏板 fork - lift 铲车,叉车 funnel 漏斗 gangboard 跳板gantry crane 龙门吊 garbage(sludge,sewage) boat 垃圾船 grab 抓斗 grain elevator 吸粮机 hammer 铁锤 handcart 手推车 harbour light 港口灯标 iron nail 铁钉 landing pier 登岸码头 lifting maget 西铁吊具 lighter 驳船 light house 灯塔 light ship 灯船 manila rope 白棕绳 mat 席子 mobile crane 流动吊车 mooring anchorage 系泊锚地 mooring buoy 系泊浮筒 motor launch 小汽艇 nylon rope 尼龙绳oil hose 输油软管open yard 露天货场personnelboat 交通艇pilot boat 引水船 plate hook 钢板吊钩 pontoon 浮码头 pontoonbridge 浮桥 quarantine anchorage 检疫锚地 quarantine vessel 检疫船 refrigerator car 冷藏车 rope sling 绳吊索 saw 锯 semi-portal crane 半门吊 shifting board 防动板signal tower 信号台steam launch 小汽艇steel wire 钢丝绳tower crane 塔吊tractor 牵引车traffic boat 交通艇tug boat(motor tug) 拖轮warehouse 仓库water boat 供水船watr lever indicator 水深标尺wire cargo net 钢丝网络wire sling 钢丝吊索various kind of vessels(各种船舶)air cushion craft 气垫船bage-carrier 载驳货船bulb-bowed ship 球鼻首船bulk-carrier 散货船cargo liner 定期货船collier 散货船crew boat (船员)联络船diesel boat 柴油机船dry cargo ship 干货船dumb lighter 驳船(没有机器的)freighter 货船oil barge 油驳ore carrier(ore ship)矿砂船reefer(refrigerator ship)冷冻船salvage vessel 救助船grain carrier 运量船ice-breaker 破冰船light ship 未载货的货船lumber carrier(timber carrier)运木船meat ship 肉类船moto ship 内燃机船ocean-going vessel 远洋船sister ship 姐妹船steam ship 蒸汽机船stor carrier 补给船tanker(oil tanker)油驳trawler 拖网渔船Major marine papers and certificates(主要船务单据及证书)(1)papers单据application for bunkers 加(燃油)申请书application for tallyman 理货申请书bill of lading 提单booking note 订舱单boat note 订载单cargo receipt 交货收据cargo tally sheet理货记数单copy 副本damaged cargo report 货物残损报告书declaration 申报单delivery order 交货单dock receipt 码头收据gang record 工班报单hatch(cargo)list 分舱单inward manifest 进口舱单license 许可证mate’s receipt 收货单notice of arrival 到货通知书motice of claim索赔通知notice of readiness 准备就绪通知书on-spot record 现场记录original 正本outward manifest出口舱单parcel receipt 小包收据sailing orders开航通知shipper’s export de claration货物出口申请书shipping list装货通知书shipping permit 准运单short/overlanded cargo list 货物溢短单short/overlanded cargo report 货物溢短报告单tally daily report理货日报告tally sheet 理货单tally shift report 理货工班报告2 )certificates ( 证书,证件) certificate of freeboard 干舷证书certificate of health无疫证书certificate of origin产地证书ceitificate of port registry 船籍港证书certicficate of survey 船舶检验证classification certificate船级证书deratting certificate 除鼠证书deratting exemption certificate免予除鼠证书inspection certificate 验讫单international loading certificate 国际载重线证书maritime declaration of health 航海健康申明书navigation certificate seaworthiness certificate 适行证书outward clearance certificate 出国证书panama canal tonnage certificate 巴拿马运河吨位证书passport 护照safety radio telegraphy certificate无线电报安全证书ship’s safety certificate 船舶安全证书sues canal special tonnage certificate 苏伊士运河专用吨位证书tonnage certificate 吨位证书tonnage dues certificate 吨税证书wireless inspection certificate无线电安全证书The structure of a ship(船舶结构) accomodation 房间accomodation ladder 舷梯aerial(antenna)天线aft part(after part) 船尾部after-peak 后尖舱air siren 汽笛aldis lamp 闪光信号灯alleyway 走道anchor 锚anchor chain 锚链auxiliary machinery 辅机bilge 船底沟binnacle 罗盘支架bitts(bollards) 系缆柱block 滑轮boom 吊杆bow 船头port bow 左舷船头starboard bow右舷船头break 夹板台阶bridge 船桥,驾驶台brow (从船上到岸上的)舷梯bulwarks 舷墙bunker 燃料舱cabin 船舱pilot’s cabin 引水员房间cable 锚链capstan 绞盘cargo hold 货舱catwalk 狭窄的舷梯awning 帆布蓬baggage room 行李房barometer 气压表basic line 吨位标志线balk(blulk) , beam 船梁hatch beam 舱盖横梁port beam 左舷starboard beam 右舷chain locker 锚链舱chronometer 经纬仪coamings 舱口栏板compass 罗盘course recorder 航向记录仪crane 起重机davit 挂艇架deck 甲板boat deck 救生艇甲板lower deck 下甲板lower tween deck 二层柜main deck 正甲板poop deck 船尾上面的甲板promenade deck 保护甲板之上甲板shelter deck 遮蔽甲板tonnage deck 量吨甲板tween(between)deck 二层柜 upper deck 上甲板 upper tween deck 三层柜deck house 甲板室derrick 吊杆diesel engine 柴油机double bottom 双层底draught marks(draft marks) 吃水标志dynamo(generat 发电机echo sounder 测深仪engine roon 机舱engin roon department 机舱部 escape trunk 救生道 fan room 打风间falg-staff 旗杆forecastle 船首楼forecastle head 船头甲板foremast 头柜 forepart 船头部 forepeak 前尖舱 freeboard deckling 干舷甲板线gangway 舷梯glass (口语)气压表guy 稳索gyro compass(gyro) 电罗经halliard ,halyard 旗帜之升降索hatch 舱口hatch bord 舱盖板hatch coaming 舱口栏板hatch cover 舱口盖hawse hole 锚链孔 helm 舵轮;舵柄 hawser 船缆;锚链 hull 舱壳 jack ladder(jacob ’s ladder)软梯,绳梯 jackstaff 船头小旗杆 jigger mast 尾 jumbo(derrick 重吊(杆) keel 龙骨 life belt 救生带 life bort 救生艇life buoy 救生圈life jacket 救生衣life raft 救生筏life-saving apparatus 救生设备 load ling 载重线,装载水线 mainmast man-rope 绳索mizzen mast monkey island 了望台pilot ladder 领港梯子piston 活塞plimsol ’s mark 载重线标志 poop 船尾楼 port 港口,舱口,左舷 port -hole 舷舱,舱口 propeller 螺旋桨 pulley 滑轮 pump 水泵purchase 绳索,滑轮quarter 船舷的后部port quarter 左舷后部starboard quar 右舷后部 radar 雷达 radio 无线电 radio direction finder 无线电测向器 radio room 无线电室 radio transmitter 无线电发射机 rast 救生筏 rail,railings 扶手,栏杆 rat-guard 缆绳上的防鼠隔ratlines 绳梯横索 refrigerated hol 冷藏舱 rig 帆索 rudder 舵 screw 螺丝钉 scupper 排水管 scupper board 挡水板 scanner 雷达扫描设备 sextant 六分仪 shaft tunnel 地轴弄 shackle 钩环 shifting board 防动板,防舱板 signal rocke 信号火箭 siren 汽笛 sling 吊索 starboard 右舷 steam engine 蒸汽引擎 steering gear 舵机 stem 船头 stern 船尾 storeroom 贮藏室 tackle 滑车,吊具 tank 液体舱 ballast tank 压载水舱 cofferdam tank 隔离沧 deep tank 深舱,深水柜 1 船舶专业英语词汇(初级)1.基本,简单的词汇:AM 上午PM 下午Notification of inspection 检查验收通知单 Application 申请,申请单 Inspection 检验,报验 Technical discussion 技术讨论 On board 在船上In the workshop 在车间On the slipway 在船台上At pier(wharf) 在码头 Fair 尚好的 The performance is merely fair 性能尚好 Terrible 极坏的,很糟的 So so 马马虎虎 So far ,so good 到目前,一切顺利Worse 更糟的worst 最差、最糟Improvement 改进Leave no room for improvement 完美,无缺点 Accept 接收 Accept subject to 有条件的接收,有待于……做好之后才接收Reject 拒收Comments 意见 defect lish 消除意见清单 Item 项目 memorandum备忘录 manual n 、手册、说明书;a.手控的,手工的 drawings 图纸working drawings 施工图finished drawings 完工图approved drawings 认可图drawings for approval 送审认可图supporting technical doucuments 基础技术文件 sketch 草图 draw a sketch 画草图 up to the standard 达到标准 substandard 低于标准的 crane 吊车 building berth 船台 slipway 船台、下水滑道 dry dock 干无坞pier 突码头、突堤 wharf 码头 along side (船)靠码头 foreman 工长,领班 coordinator 调度员 inspector 检查员 supervisor 管理人、监督人,监造人 surveyor 验船师 2、船体总体,及各类型船舶 Hull 船体Forecastle 艏楼Stern 船尾Poop 艉楼Superstructure 上层建筑Foremast 前桅杆After mast 后桅杆Radar mast 雷达桅杆Main deck 主甲板Upper deck 上甲板Poop deck 艉楼甲板Accommodation deck 生活甲板 Compass deck 罗经甲板 Funnel 烟囱 Bridge 桥楼,驾驶台 Bridge wing 驾驶室翼桥 Wheel house 驾驶室 Engine room 机舱 Engine control room 机舱集控室 Catwalk 天桥、步桥 Flying bridge (露天)航行驾驶室Rescue boat 救助艇Life boat 救生艇M/Vmerchant vessels 商船Naval Auxilary vessel 军用船Naval Ship/war shipd 军船Ice-breaker 破冰船Container vessel 集装箱船Oil tanker 油轮Products tanks 成品油轮Carrier 运输船、航空母舰、托架Chemical carrier 化学品运输船Liquefied gas carrier 液化气体船Liquefied natural gas carrier 液化天然气运输船Aircraft carrier/aeroplane carrier 航空母舰School ship/training ship 训练船Geophysical survey ship 地球物理勘探船Cruiser 巡洋舰、大型快船、游艇Canoe 独木船,皮舟Junk 平底中国帆船、舳板Gondola (意大利威尼斯的)一种狭长的平底船Yacht 快艇、游艇Fast boat 快艇Patrol boat 巡逻艇Anti-smuggling boat 缉私艇Torpedo boat 公安艇Ferry 渡船Catamaran 双体船Jet foil 喷水水翼艇Wing assrsted vessel 地效船3、各专业基本词汇1)船体:Draft forward 前吃水Draft middle 中吃水Draft after 后吃水Plimsoll mark/lineWaterline 吃水线Waterlines (型)水线Port 左舷Starboard 右舷Sagging 中垂、下垂、下挂(流)Hogging 中拱、上拱Derformation 变形Fairing 光顺、火工校正Hot work热工、明火作业section 分段、部分、剖面Block 分段Keel (船舶)龙骨Bilge keel 舭龙骨Power tool 带动力工具(风动或电动)Welder 电焊工Welding machine 电焊机welding 交流(电弧)焊welding 直流(电弧)焊Grinding 打磨Welding 电焊Spatters 飞溅(电焊)Under out 咬口Sharp edge 快口2 船舶专业英语词汇(初级) Deflection 挠曲,变形Slags 渣Welding slags 电焊渣Automatic welding 自动焊Manual welding 手工焊Arc welding 电弧焊Gas shielded welding气体保护焊Inter gas arc welding惰性气体保护电弧焊Welding seam焊缝Bending machine 弯曲机Three-roll bending machine三芯弯板机Torsional box抗扭箱Void space空舱Cofferdam 隔离舱Bulwark舷墙,防浪板Wall墙壁Floor地板Controllable pitch 可调桨Elastic coupling 弹性联轴节Bellow 波纹管Joint接头Gaskets垫片Fitting bolts 拂螺拴Chock 制动块、导缆器Chock fast 环氧垫块Foundation 底座、基座Mounting 装置、座、架Mount (常指火炮等武器的)座,架Vent pipe 透气管Sounding pipe探测管Vapour return line油气回路管Stripping line扫舱管Safety equipment 安全设备Life-saving equipment救生设备Cargo hold 货舱Cargo oil tank货油舱Cabin 船舱、舱室Room房间Store room储藏室Cold room冷库Fish room鱼库Meat room 肉库Provision room粮库Foam room 泡沫库CO2 room二氧化碳室Pump room泵室Battery room蓄电池室Radio room 报务室Galley 厨房Ventilation system 通风系统Fresh water piping system 淡水系统Sea water piping system 海水管系Water jacket水套Insulation materials绝缘材料Lagging绝缘材料、外套(锅炉、管子等)3)电器Current电流Voltage电压Frequency频率Contact触点、触头Ballast镇流器Convertor变频器、换能器Conductor导体Semi-conductor半导体Rectifier整流器Transformer变压器Thermostat 恒温器Thermister热敏器Edison base 螺丝灯座、爱迪生灯座Bayonet base卡口灯座On-off开关(量)Analogue模拟,模拟设备Active analogue有源模拟、主动模拟Passive analogue无源模拟、被动模拟Dry contact无源模拟、干接触Buzzer蜂鸣器Button按扭,电扭Switch开关Main switch主开关Main switch board主配电板Cable 电缆Wire 电线Three-core cable三蕊电缆Clamp夹钳、夹具Clip 接线柱、线夹Alligator clip鳄鱼夹、弹簧夹Voltage drop 电压降Speed droop速度降低Black out 黑灯试验Power failure失电Setting point 设定点Adjust 调正(v)Adjustment调正(n)Oscillator振荡器、振动器Oscilloprobe示波器测试头Oscilloscope示波器、示波仪Resistor电阻、电阻器Potentiometer电位器、电势计Electrolysis电解(作用)Electrolyte电解质、电解液setting point of power surplus负载余量设定值重载询问test the power surplus setting point重载询问试验4)漆、木Surface preparation表面处理(清理工作)Blasting equipment喷漆(砂粒)装置Sand blasting 喷砂除锈Pre-blasting预喷砂Lingt blasting 预喷砂Full blasting 通喷砂Sand sweep扫砂Sand blasting to 喷砂达到级Steel work inspection after fullblasting通喷砂后钢结构检查Cleanliness inspection清洁度检查Inspection after degreasing除去油脂后检查Removing oil stains bydetergent/solvent使用洗洁剂/容剂除去油迹Shop primer 车间底漆Spray painting喷漆、喷涂法Touch-up 补漆、修正Touch-up painting补漆、点漆First coat 底漆、头道漆Finish coat 面漆Surface coat 表面涂层Under coat 内涂层Wearing coat 磨耗层Zinc-rich coating富锌涂层Cement wash coating(薄)水泥涂层Stripe coating 预涂层Floor covering 地板覆层Alkyd resin paint醇酸树脂漆Epoxy(resin-based)paint环氧树脂涂料3 船舶专业英语词汇(初级)Scuttle舷窗Carpet地毯Wooden skirt木裙板(踢脚)Aluminum skirt稆质裙板(踢脚)Brass nose装于楼梯踏步一的黄铜防滑镶条Stainless screw不锈钢螺钉Spring 弹簧Securing dev ice固定件Locking device闭锁装置,制动设备Plywood胶合板,层压板Laminated plate迭层板Laminate层压制品,迭层板,层压板High pressure washing of the hull 用高压水冲洗船壳Steel plate temperature 钢板温度Condensation冷凝Capillary condensation毛细管现象Dew point露点Flashing point闪点Ignition point 燃点,着火点Ventilation for coating 涂装通风Dehumidifier去湿机,干燥机Dehumidification 去湿,去潮Sagging流挂,下垂Chalking粉化Peeling剥落(指油漆)Pinhole针孔CureCuring硬化,熟化,硫化Drying film thickness(DFT)干膜(漆膜)厚度Curing temperature硬化、固化温度Power tools有动力的工具(包括电动及风动)Pheomatic tools风动工具Burnt area烧坏的区域Oil stains油迹Scratches划痕Damaged places遭损坏的部位Chicken wire钢丝网Tiles瓷砖,瓦Mosaic-tile彩色瓷砖,镶嵌瓷砖,马赛克瓷砖Glue胶,粘结剂Silica硅石,二氧化碳Silicagel硅胶Decoration装饰,装修Interior decoration内部装饰,内装Deck head 天花板Ceiling天花板Paneling板墙,镶板Wall墙壁Desk书桌,桌台Drawer 抽屉Catch hook固定钩子Observation window 观察窗Inspection window检查孔窗Clear view window旋转观察窗Curtain 窗帘Latch止动销,插销Valance窗帘箱Hanging窗帘Eyebrow舷窗眉板Pre-alarm预报警Trip脱扣,跳闸Preferential trip优先脱扣Transducer换能器synchronize(便)同步synchronize motor同步电机synchronous motor异步电机step motor步进电机diode二极管triode三极管audion三极管single phase单相three phase三相phase-in逐步引进phase-shafting相移retarding phase 滞后相位reversed phase倒相,相反relay继电器timer定时器trimmer微调电容器,调正片delay延时carrier载波,载波电流transponder发射器,应答器,询问机echo-sound回声测深仪radio navigation equipment无线电导航设备log计程仪auto-pilot自动驾驶仪gyro-compass电罗经barrier屏障,障碍,栅栏zenner barrier齐纳屏(使电只能单向流的半导体)radio beacon无线电信标pluse脉冲blanking plus 消隐脉冲induction感应,感应现象oscillation振荡Leak(v)渗,漏Leakage(n) 渗,漏Overhaul大修,彻底检修Hammer榔头Spanner扳手,扳头Ring spanner环形扳手,梅花扳手Allen key 内六角扳手,Box spanner套筒扳手Torque spanner扭力扳手Double-ended spanner双头扳手Monkey spanner活络扳手,活络管扳手Shifting spanner活络扳手Pipe spanner管子扳手Reamer铰刀Reaming (用)铰(刀扩)孔Countersink reamer锥形孔铰刀Wrench扳手,扳头Shisel凿子Calipers卡钳,两脚规Inside calipers内卡钳Bore 内孔Boroscopic inspection内孔表面检查Boroscope内孔表面检查仪Plug塞(子),(内燃机)火花塞Cock施塞,龙头Valve阀P/V valve P/V阀Strainer滤器Coarse strainer粗滤器Fine strainer精滤器Oil separator分油机Back pressure背压Pressure test压力试验Over speed 超速Over load超负荷Dafety device 安全装置Fly wheel飞轮Floating floor 浮式地板Deckhead 天花板(指由甲板形成的)Ladder 梯子Vertical ladder直梯Inclined ladder斜梯Accommodation ladder舷梯Pilot ladder引水员;软梯Centering对中心Alignment对准,对准中心Inspection报验Installation安装Final inspection of M/E insallation 主机最终安装报验Inspection of the centering of the stern tabe before fine boring精镗前艉轴管中心校准Alignment check/inspection拉中心/ 校正报验Completeness inspection of the thermal oil circulating piping system 热油循环管系完整性报验Cleanliness inspection after flushing piping system燃油管串油后清洁检查Function test of steering gear舵机效甩试验Hose test of water tight doors水密门冲水试验Noise lever measurement噪声测量Vibration level measurement 振动测量Main engine (M/E)主机Generator发电机Emergency generator应急发电机Shaft generator轴带发电机Fresh water generator 制淡装置Steering gear 舵机General service pump总用泵Pire pump消防泵Hydraulic motor 液压马达Hydraulic nuts液压螺帽Rudder舵Rudder bl ade舵叶Propeller车叶,螺旋桨Fixed pitch propeller固定螺距的螺旋桨Lofting型线图放样Lay off(船及部件)放样,下料Plate-cutting钢板下料,开工Numerically-controlled cutting machine数控切割机Cutting machine切割机Under water plasma cutting machine 水下等离子切割机Surface preparation表面处理Fabrication(焊)开坡口,边缘加工(如刨边)Upside down construction method分段装配Assembly 反身建法Erection装配,大合拢Jig装配架,胎架Bow jip 船首部胎架Girder纵向构件,桁(材)Beam梁,横梁Sections型材Profile型钢(条)Bar 杆,棒,棒材Plate板材Angle bar角钢I beam(窄缘)工字梁H beam(宽缘)工字梁Stiffener扶强材Bracket托架,支架,肘板Support 支架Frame肋骨,框架Douler复板Coaming(舱口)围板,缘材Sinp剪切Cut切割Anchor锚Anchor widdlass 锚机Anchorage锚位,锚地Chain链Chain block链条滑车,神仙滑车Platform平台Crossover跨越(梯桥),立交Life raft 救身筏Life buoy 救生圈Forward winch 前绞缆机After winch 后绞缆机Windlass锚机Bitt带缆桩,系桩Fairlead导缆钳,导缆孔Hand rail扶手,栏杆Beam横梁Frame肋骨,框架Scantling构件尺寸Cargo oil tank货油舱Scantling draft结构吃水Forepeak tank首尖舱After peak tank尾尖舱Water ballast tanks压载水舱Fuel oil tank燃油舱Lubricating oil tank滑油舱Diesel oil tank柴油舱Double botton双层底Double skin双层外板,双层蒙皮Bow thruster艏侧推Propeller车叶Fixed pitch propeller定螺距螺旋桨Controllable pitch propeller(CPP)可调螺距螺旋桨Shaft轴Tail shart尾轴Shaft generator轴带发电机Watertight doors水密门Bulwark舷墙Bulkhead舱壁Tank top内底,液舱顶Hatch cover舱口盖Manhole人孔Fin stablizer减摇鳍Antifouling system防海生物的,防污染系统Ship船Vessel船,舰Fabrication制造,分段装配(precfabrication预制,预加工)Assemble装配,组装Erection大合拢,船台装配Staging脚手架Block stage分段阶段Mile stone(里程碑,大节点)Plate-cutting下料,开工Keel-laying上船台,龙骨铺设Lauching下水mooring trial码头试验,系泊试验sea trial(sea)试航delivery of the ship交船defect list by the owner/society船东提出的消除意见清单/船级社提出的消除意见清单design stage设计阶段submit drawings toowner,classification society(LR、DNV、BV、ABS,etc)for approval向船东,船级社(劳氏,挪威,法国,美国等)提交认可图纸hull workshop船体车间machining workshop金工车间machinery engineering workshop轮机车间electrical workshop电气车间business dept.经营处perchasing dept.供应处检验处Design dept.设计室Painting and carpenter’s workshop 漆木车间Project manager项目经理Director指导者,厂长,董事Managing director执行董事,常务董事,总经理Head首长,团长,主任Manager经理,管理人,干事Leader领导者Meeting会议Negotiation谈判Agreement协议Shipyard船厂船舶专业英语词汇船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(一)a faired set of lines 经过光顺处理的一套型线a stereo pair of photographs 一对立体投影相片abaft 朝向船体abandonment cost 船舶废置成本费用accommodation 居住(舱室)accommodation ladder 舷梯adjust valve 调节阀adjustable-pitch 可调螺距式admiralty 海军部advance coefficient 进速系数aerostatic 空气静力学的aft peak bulkhead 艉尖舱壁aft peak tank 艉尖舱aileron 副鳍air cushion vehicle 气垫船air diffuser 空气扩散器air intake 进气口aircraft carrier 航空母舰air-driven water pump 气动水泵airfoil 气翼,翼剖面,机面,方向舵alignment chock 组装校准用垫楔aluminum alloy structure 铝合金结构American Bureau of Shipping 美国船级社amidships 舯amphibious 两栖的anchor arm 锚臂anchor chain 锚链anchor crown 锚冠anchor fluke 锚爪anchor mouth 锚唇anchor recess 锚穴anchor shackle 锚卸扣anchor stock 锚杆angle bar 角钢angle of attack 攻角angle plate 角钢angled deck 斜角甲板anticipated loads encountered atsea 在波浪中遭遇到的预期载荷anti-pitching fins 减纵摇鳍antiroll fins 减摇鳍anti-rolling tank 减摇水舱appendage 附体artisan 技工assembly line 装配流水线at-sea replenishment 海上补给augment of resistance 阻力增额auxiliary systems 辅机系统auxiliary tank 调节水舱axial advance 轴向进速backing structure 垫衬结构back-up member 焊接垫板balance weight 平衡锤ball bearing 滚珠轴承ball valve 球阀ballast tank 压载水舱bar 型材bar keel 棒龙骨,方龙骨,矩形龙骨barge 驳船baseline 基线basic design 基本设计batten 压条,板条beam 船宽,梁beam bracket 横梁肘板beam knee 横梁肘板bed-plate girder 基座纵桁bending-moment curves 弯矩曲线Benoulli’s law 伯努利定律berth term 停泊期bevel 折角bidder 投标人bilge 舭,舱底bilge bracket 舭肘板bilge radius 舭半径bilge sounding pipe 舭部边舱水深探管bitt 单柱系缆桩blade root 叶跟blade section 叶元剖面blast 喷丸block coefficient 方形系数blue peter 出航旗boarding deck 登艇甲板boat davit 吊艇架boat fall 吊艇索boat guy 稳艇索bobstay 首斜尾拉索body plan 横剖面图bolt 螺栓,上螺栓固定Bonjean curve 邦戎曲线boom 吊杆boss 螺旋桨轴榖bottom side girder 旁底桁bottom side tank 底边舱bottom transverse 底列板boundary layer 边界层bow line 前体纵剖线bow wave 艏波bowsprit 艏斜桅bow-thruster 艏侧推器box girder 箱桁bracket floor 框架肋板brake 制动装置brake band 制动带brake crank arm 制动曲柄brake drum 刹车卷筒brake hydraulic cylinder 制动液压缸brake hydraulic pipe 刹车液压管breadth extreme 最大宽,计算宽度breadth moulded 型宽breakbulk 件杂货breasthook 艏肘板bridge 桥楼,驾驶台bridge console stand 驾驶室集中操作台BSRA 英国船舶研究协会buckle 屈曲buffer spring 缓冲弹簧built-up plate section 组合型材bulb plate 球头扁钢bulbous bow 球状船艏,球鼻首bulk carrier 散货船bulk oil carrier 散装油轮bulkhead 舱壁bulwark 舷墙bulwark plate 舷墙板bulwark stay 舷墙支撑buoy tender 航标船buoyant 浮力的buoyant box 浮箱Bureau Veritas 法国船级社butt weld 对缝焊接butterfly screw cap 蝶形螺帽buttock 后体纵剖线by convention 按照惯例,按约定大秦cable ship 布缆船cable winch 钢索绞车CAD(computer-aided design) 计算机辅助设计CAE(computer-aided manufacturing) 计算机辅助制造CAM(computer-aided engineering) 计算机辅助工程camber 梁拱cant beam 斜横梁cant frame 斜肋骨cantilever beam 悬臂梁capacity plan 舱容图CAPP(computer –aided process planning) 计算机辅助施工计划制定capsize 倾覆capsizing moment 倾覆力臂captain 船长captured-air-bubble vehicle 束缚气泡减阻船cargo cubic 货舱舱容,载货容积cargo handling 货物装卸carriage 拖车,拖架cast steel stem post 铸钢艏柱catamaran 高速双体船catamaran 双体的cavitation 空泡cavitation number 空泡数cavitation tunnel 空泡水筒center keelson 中内龙骨centerline bulkhead 中纵舱壁centroid 型心,重心,质心,矩心chain cable stopper 制链器chart 海图charterer 租船人chief engineer 轮机长chine 舭,舷,脊chock 导览钳CIM(computer integrated manufacturing) 计算机集成组合制造circulation theory 环流理论classification society 船级社cleat 系缆扣clipper bow 飞剪型船首clutch 离合器coastal cargo 沿海客货轮cofferdam 防撞舱壁combined cast and rolled stem 混合型艏柱commercial ship 营利用船commissary spaces 补给库舱室,粮食库common carrier 通用运输船commuter 交通船compartment 舱室compass 罗经concept design 概念设计connecting tank 连接水柜constant-pitch propeller 定螺距螺旋桨constraint condition 约束条件container 集装箱containerized 集装箱化contract design 合同设计contra-rotating propellers 对转桨controllable-pitch 可控螺距式corrosion 锈蚀,腐蚀couple 力矩,力偶crane 克令吊,起重机crank 曲柄crest (of wave) 波峰crew quarters 船员居住舱criterion 判据,准则Critical Path Method 关键路径法cross-channel automobile ferries 横越海峡车客渡轮cross-sectional area 横剖面面积crow’s nest 桅杆了望台cruiser stern 巡洋舰尾crussing range 航程cup and ball joint 球窝关节curvature 曲率curves of form 各船形曲线cushion of air 气垫damage stability 破损稳性damper 缓冲器damping 阻尼davit arm 吊臂deadweight 总载重量de-ballast 卸除压载deck line at side 甲板边线deck longitudinal 甲板纵骨deck stringer 甲板边板deck transverse 强横梁deckhouse 舱面室,甲板室deep v hull 深v型船体delivery 交船depth 船深derrick 起重机,吊杆design margin 设计余量design spiral 设计螺旋循环方式destroyer 驱逐舰detachable shackle 散合式连接卸扣detail design 详细设计diagonal stiffener 斜置加强筋diagram 图,原理图,设计图diesel engine 柴油机dimensionless ratio 无量纲比值displacement 排水量displacement type vessel 排水型船distributed load 分布载荷division 站,划分,分隔do work 做功dock 泊靠double hook 山字钩double iteration procedure 双重迭代法double roller chock 双滚轮式导览钳double-acting steam cylinder 双向作用的蒸汽气缸down halyard 降帆索draft 吃水drag 阻力,拖拽力drainage 排水draught 吃水,草图,设计图,牵引力dredge 挖泥船drift 漂移,偏航drilling rig 钻架drillship 钻井船drive shaft 驱动器轴driving gear box 传动齿轮箱driving shaft system 传动轴系dry dock 干船坞ducted propeller 导管螺旋桨dynamic supported craft 动力支撑型船舶dynamometer 测力计,功率计有效马力eccentric wheel 偏心轮echo-sounder 回声探深仪eddy 漩涡eddy-making resistance 漩涡阻力efficiency 供给能力,供给量electrohydraulic 电动液压的electroplater 电镀工elevations 高度,高程,船型线图的侧面图,立视图,纵剖线图,海拔empirical formula 经验公式enclosed fabrication shop 封闭式装配车间enclosed lifeboat 封闭式救生艇end open link 末端链环end shackle 末端卸扣endurance 续航力endurance 续航力,全功率工作时间engine room frame 机舱肋骨engine room hatch end beam 机舱口端梁ensign staff 船尾旗杆entrance 进流段erection 装配,安装exhaust valve 排气阀expanded bracket 延伸肘板expansion joint 伸缩接头extrapolate 外插fair 光顺faised floor 升高肋板fan 鼓风机fatigue 疲劳feasibility study 可行性研究feathering blade 顺流变距桨叶fender 护舷ferry 渡轮,渡运航线fillet weld connection 贴角焊连接fin angle feedback set 鳍角反馈装置fine fast ship 纤细高速船fine form 瘦长船型finite element 有限元fire tube boiler 水火管锅炉fixed-pitch 固定螺距式flange 突边,法兰盘flanking rudders 侧翼舵flap-type rudder 襟翼舵flare 外飘,外张flat of keel 平板龙骨fleets of vessels 船队flexural 挠曲的floating crane 起重船floodable length curve 可进长度曲线flow of materials 物流flow pattern 流型,流线谱flush deck vessel 平甲板型船flying bridge 游艇驾驶台flying jib 艏三角帆folding batch cover 折叠式舱口盖folding retractable fin stabilizer 折叠收放式减摇鳍following edge 随边following ship 后续船foot brake 脚踏刹车fore peak 艏尖舱forged steel stem 锻钢艏柱forging 锻件,锻造forward draft mark 船首水尺forward/afer perpendicular 艏艉柱forward/after shoulder 前/后肩foundry casting 翻砂铸造frame 船肋骨,框架,桁架freeboard 干舷freeboard deck 干舷甲板freight rate 运费率fresh water loadline 淡水载重线frictional resistance 摩擦阻力Froude number 傅汝德数fuel/water supply vessel 油水供给船full form 丰满船型full scale 全尺度fullness 丰满度funnel 烟囱furnishings 内装修gaff 纵帆斜桁gaff foresail 前桅主帆gangway 舷梯gantt chart 甘特图gasketed openings 装以密封垫的开口general arrangement 总布置general cargo ship 杂货船generatrix 母线geometrically similar form 外形相似船型girder 桁梁,桁架girder of foundation 基座纵桁governmental authorities 政府当局,管理机构gradient 梯度graving dock 槽式船坞Green Book 绿皮书,19世纪英国另一船级社的船名录,现合并与劳埃德船级社,用于登录快速远洋船gross ton 长吨(公吨)group technology 成祖建造技术GT 成组建造技术guided-missile cruiser 导弹巡洋舰gunwale 船舷上缘gunwale angle 舷边角钢gunwale rounded thick strake 舷边圆弧厚板guyline 定位索gypsy 链轮gyro-pilot steering indicator 自动操舵操纵台gyroscope 回转仪qaspt 2006-07-17 18:29船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(四)half breadth plan 半宽图half depth girder 半深纵骨half rounded flat plate 半圆扁钢hard chine 尖舭hatch beam sockets 舱口梁座hatch coaming 舱口围板hatch cover 舱口盖hatch cover 舱口盖板hatch cover rack 舱口盖板隔架hatch side cantilever 舱口悬臂梁hawse pipe 锚链桶hawsehole 锚链孔heave 垂荡heel 横倾heel piece 艉柱根helicoidal 螺旋面的,螺旋状的hinge 铰链hinged stern door 艉部吊门HMS 英国皇家海军舰艇hog 中拱hold 船舱homogeneous cylinder 均质柱状体hopper barge 倾卸驳horizontal stiffener 水平扶强材hub 桨毂,轴毂,套筒hull form 船型,船体外形hull girder stress 船体桁应力HVAC(heating ventilating and cooling) 取暖,通风与冷却hydraulic mechanism 液压机构hydrodynamic 水动力学的hydrofoil 水翼hydrostatic 水静力的IAGG(interactive computer graphics) 交互式计算机图像技术icebreaker 破冰船icebreaker 破冰船IMCO(Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization) 国际海事质询组织immerse 浸水,浸没impact load 冲击载荷imperial unit 英制单位in strake 内列板inboard profile 纵剖面图incremental plasticity 增量塑性independent tank 独立舱柜initial stability at small angle of inclination 小倾角初稳性inland waterways vessel 内河船inner bottom 内底in-plane load 面内载荷intact stability 完整稳性intercostals 肋间的,加强的International Association of Classification Society (IACS) 国际船级社联合会。

船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(一)a faired set of line 经过光顺处理的一套型线a pair of stereo photographs 一对立体投影相片abaft 朝向船体abandonment cost 船舶废置成本费用accommodation 居住(舱室)accommodation ladder 舷梯adjust valve 调节阀adjustable-pitch 可调螺距式admiralty 海军部,海事法,制海权,海军上将advance coefficient 进速系数,前进系数aerostatic 空气静力学的aft peak bulkhead 艉尖舱壁aft peak tank 艉尖舱aileron 副鳍air cushion vehicle 气垫船air diffuser 空气扩散器air intake 进气口aircraft carrier 航空母舰air-driven water pump 气动水泵airfoil 气翼,翼剖面,机面,方向舵alignment chock 组装校准用垫楔aluminum alloy structure 铝合金结构American Bureau of Shipping 美国船级社amidships 舯amphibious 两栖的anchor arm 锚臂anchor chain 锚链anchor crown 锚冠anchor fluke 锚爪anchor mouth 锚唇anchor recess 锚穴anchor shackle 锚卸扣anchor stock 锚杆angle bar 角钢angle of attack 攻角angle plate 角钢angled deck 斜角甲板anticipated loads encountered at sea 在波浪中遭遇到的预期载荷anti-pitching fins 减纵摇鳍antiroll fins 减摇鳍anti-rolling tank 减摇水舱appendage 附体artisan 技工assembly line 装配流水线at-sea replenishment 海上补给augment of resistance 阻力增额auxiliary systems 辅机系统auxiliary tank 调节水舱axial advance 轴向进速backing structure 垫衬结构back-up member 焊接垫板balance weight 平衡锤ball bearing 滚珠轴承ball valve 球阀ballast tank 压载水舱bar 型材bar keel 棒龙骨,方龙骨,矩形龙骨barge 驳船baseline 基线basic design 基本设计batten 压条,板条beam 船宽,梁beam bracket 横梁肘板beam knee 横梁肘板bed-plate girder 基座纵桁bending-moment curves 弯矩曲线Benoulli’s law 伯努利定律berth term 停泊期bevel 折角bidder 投标人bilge 舭,舱底bilge bracket 舭肘板bilge radius 舭半径bilge sounding pipe 舭部边舱水深探管bitt 单柱系缆桩blade root 叶跟blade section 叶元剖面blast 喷丸block coefficient 方形系数blue peter 出航旗boarding deck 登艇甲板boat davit 吊艇架boat fall 吊艇索boat guy 稳艇索bobstay 首斜尾拉索body plan 横剖面图bolt 螺栓,上螺栓固定Bonjean curve 邦戎曲线boom 吊杆boss 螺旋桨轴榖bottom side girder 旁底桁bottom side tank 底边舱bottom transverse 底列板boundary layer 边界层bow line 前体纵剖线bow wave 艏波bowsprit 艏斜桅bow-thruster 艏侧推器box girder 箱桁bracket floor 框架肋板brake 制动装置brake band 制动带brake crank arm 制动曲柄brake drum 刹车卷筒brake hydraulic cylinder 制动液压缸brake hydraulic pipe 刹车液压管breadth extreme 最大宽,计算宽度breadth moulded 型宽breakbulk 件杂货breasthook 艏肘板bridge 桥楼,驾驶台bridge console stand 驾驶室集中操作台BSRA 英国船舶研究协会buckle 屈曲buffer spring 缓冲弹簧built-up plate section 组合型材bulb plate 球头扁钢bulbous bow 球状船艏,球鼻首bulk carrier 散货船bulk oil carrier 散装油轮bulkhead 舱壁bulwark 舷墙bulwark plate 舷墙板bulwark stay 舷墙支撑buoy tender 航标船buoyant 浮力的buoyant box 浮箱Bureau Veritas 法国船级社butt weld 对缝焊接butterfly screw cap 蝶形螺帽buttock 后体纵剖线by convention 按照惯例,按约定船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(二)cable ship 布缆船cable winch 钢索绞车CAD(computer-aided design) 计算机辅助设计CAE(computer-aided manufacturing) 计算机辅助制造CAM(computer-aided engineering) 计算机辅助工程camber 梁拱cant beam 斜横梁cant frame 斜肋骨cantilever beam 悬臂梁capacity plan 舱容图CAPP(computer –aided process planning) 计算机辅助施工计划制定capsize 倾覆capsizing moment 倾覆力臂captain 船长captured-air-bubble vehicle 束缚气泡减阻船cargo cubic 货舱舱容,载货容积cargo handling 货物装卸carriage 拖车,拖架cast steel stem post 铸钢艏柱catamaran 高速双体船catamaran 双体的cavitation 空泡cavitation number 空泡数cavitation tunnel 空泡水筒center keelson 中内龙骨centerline bulkhead 中纵舱壁centroid 型心,重心,质心,矩心chain cable stopper 制链器chart 海图charterer 租船人chief engineer 轮机长chine 舭,舷,脊chock 导览钳CIM(computer integrated manufacturing) 计算机集成组合制造circulation theory 环流理论classification society 船级社cleat 系缆扣clipper bow 飞剪型船首clutch 离合器coastal cargo 沿海客货轮cofferdam 防撞舱壁combined cast and rolled stem 混合型艏柱commercial ship 营利用船commissary spaces 补给库舱室,粮食库common carrier 通用运输船commuter 交通船compartment 舱室compass 罗经concept design 概念设计connecting tank 连接水柜constant-pitch propeller 定螺距螺旋桨constraint condition 约束条件container 集装箱containerized 集装箱化contract design 合同设计contra-rotating propellers 对转桨controllable-pitch 可控螺距式corrosion 锈蚀,腐蚀couple 力矩,力偶crane 克令吊,起重机crank 曲柄crest (of wave) 波峰crew quarters 船员居住舱criterion 判据,准则Critical Path Method 关键路径法cross-channel automobile ferries 横越海峡车客渡轮cross-sectional area 横剖面面积c row’s nest 桅杆瞭望台cruiser stern 巡洋舰尾crussing range 航程cup and ball joint 球窝关节curvature 曲率curves of form 各船形曲线cushion of air 气垫damage stability 破损稳性damper 缓冲器damping 阻尼davit arm 吊臂deadweight 总载重量de-ballast 卸除压载deck line at side 甲板边线deck longitudinal 甲板纵骨deck stringer 甲板边板deck transverse 强横梁deckhouse 舱面室,甲板室deep v hull 深v型船体delivery 交船depth 船深derrick 起重机,吊杆design margin 设计余量design spiral 设计螺旋循环方式destroyer 驱逐舰detachable shackle 散合式连接卸扣detail design 详细设计diagonal stiffener 斜置加强筋diagram 图,原理图,设计图diesel engine 柴油机dimensionless ratio 无量纲比值displacement 排水量displacement type vessel 排水型船distributed load 分布载荷division 站,划分,分隔do work 做功dock 泊靠double hook 山字钩double iteration procedure 双重迭代法double roller chock 双滚轮式导览钳double-acting steam cylinder 双向作用的蒸汽气缸down halyard 降帆索draft 吃水drag 阻力,拖拽力drainage 排水draught 吃水,草图,设计图,牵引力dredge 挖泥船drift 漂移,偏航drilling rig 钻架drillship 钻井船drive shaft 驱动器轴driving gear box 传动齿轮箱driving shaft system 传动轴系dry dock 干船坞ducted propeller 导管螺旋桨dynamic supported craft 动力支撑型船舶dynamometer 测力计,功率计船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(三)e.h.p 有效马力eccentric wheel 偏心轮echo-sounder 回声探深仪eddy 漩涡eddy-making resistance 漩涡阻力efficiency 供给能力,供给量electrohydraulic 电动液压的electroplater 电镀工elevations 高度,高程,船型线图的侧面图,立视图,纵剖线图,海拔empirical formula 经验公式enclosed fabrication shop 封闭式装配车间enclosed lifeboat 封闭式救生艇end open link 末端链环end shackle 末端卸扣endurance 续航力endurance 续航力,全功率工作时间engine room frame 机舱肋骨engine room hatch end beam 机舱口端梁ensign staff 船尾旗杆entrance 进流段erection 装配,安装exhaust valve 排气阀expanded bracket 延伸肘板expansion joint 伸缩接头extrapolate 外插fair 光顺faised floor 升高肋板fan 鼓风机fatigue 疲劳feasibility study 可行性研究feathering blade 顺流变距桨叶fender 护舷ferry 渡轮,渡运航线fillet weld connection 贴角焊连接fin angle feedback set 鳍角反馈装置fine fast ship 纤细高速船fine form 瘦长船型finite element 有限元fire tube boiler 水火管锅炉fixed-pitch 固定螺距式flange 突边,法兰盘flanking rudders 侧翼舵flap-type rudder 襟翼舵flare 外飘,外张flat of keel 平板龙骨fleets of vessels 船队flexural 挠曲的floating crane 起重船floodable length curve 可进长度曲线flow of materials 物流flow pattern 流型,流线谱flush deck vessel 平甲板型船flying bridge 游艇驾驶台flying jib 艏三角帆folding batch cover 折叠式舱口盖folding retractable fin stabilizer 折叠收放式减摇鳍following edge 随边following ship 后续船foot brake 脚踏刹车fore peak 艏尖舱forged steel stem 锻钢艏柱forging 锻件,锻造forward draft mark 船首水尺forward/afer perpendicular 艏艉柱forward/after shoulder 前/后肩foundry casting 翻砂铸造frame 船肋骨,框架,桁架freeboard 干舷freeboard deck 干舷甲板freight rate 运费率fresh water loadline 淡水载重线frictional resistance 摩擦阻力Froude number 傅汝德数fuel/water supply vessel 油水供给船full form丰满船型full scale 全尺度fullness 丰满度funnel 烟囱furnishings 内装修gaff 纵帆斜桁gaff foresail 前桅主帆gangway 舷梯gantt chart 甘特图gasketed openings 装以密封垫的开口general arrangement 总布置general cargo ship 杂货船generatrix 母线geometrically similar form 外形相似船型girder 桁梁,桁架girder of foundation 基座纵桁governmental authorities 政府当局,管理机构gradient 梯度graving dock 槽式船坞Green Book 绿皮书,19世纪英国另一船级社的船名录,现合并与劳埃德船级社,用于登录快速远洋船gross ton 长吨(1.016公吨)group technology 成祖建造技术GT 成组建造技术guided-missile cruiser 导弹巡洋舰gunwale 船舷上缘gunwale angle 舷边角钢gunwale rounded thick strake 舷边圆弧厚板guyline 定位索gypsy 链轮gyro-pilot steering indicator 自动操舵操纵台gyroscope 回转仪船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(四)half breadth plan 半宽图half depth girder 半深纵骨half rounded flat plate 半圆扁钢hard chine 尖舭hatch beam sockets 舱口梁座hatch coaming 舱口围板hatch cover 舱口盖hatch cover 舱口盖板hatch cover rack 舱口盖板隔架hatch side cantilever 舱口悬臂梁hawse pipe 锚链桶hawsehole 锚链孔heave 垂荡heel 横倾heel piece 艉柱根helicoidal 螺旋面的,螺旋状的hinge 铰链hinged stern door 艉部吊门HMS 英国皇家海军舰艇hog 中拱hold 船舱homogeneous cylinder 均质柱状体hopper barge 倾卸驳horizontal stiffener 水平扶强材hub 桨毂,轴毂,套筒hull form 船型,船体外形hull girder stress 船体桁应力HVAC(heating ventilating and cooling) 取暖,通风与冷却hydraulic mechanism 液压机构hydrodynamic 水动力学的hydrofoil 水翼hydrostatic 水静力的IAGG(interactive computer graphics) 交互式计算机图像技术icebreaker 破冰船icebreaker 破冰船IMCO(Intergovernmental Maritime Consultativ e Organization) 国际海事质询组织immerse 浸水,浸没impact load 冲击载荷imperial unit 英制单位in strake 内列板inboard profile 纵剖面图incremental plasticity 增量塑性independent tank 独立舱柜initial stability at small angle of inclination 小倾角初稳性inland waterways vessel 内河船inner bottom 内底in-plane load 面内载荷intact stability 完整稳性intercostals 肋间的,加强的International Association of Classification Soci ety (IACS) 国际船级社联合会International Towing T ank Conference (ITTC) 国际船模试验水池会议intersection 交点,交叉,横断(切)inventory control 存货管理iterative process 迭代过程jack 船首旗jack 千斤顶joinery 细木工keel 龙骨keel laying 开始船舶建造kenter shackle 双半式连接链环Kristen-Boeing propeller 正摆线推进器landing craft 登陆艇launch 发射,下水launch 汽艇launching equipmeng (向水中)投放设备LCC 大型原油轮leading edge 导缘,导边ledge 副梁材length overall 总长leveler 调平器,矫平机life saving appliance 救生设备lifebuoy 救生圈lifejacket 救生衣lift fan 升力风扇lift offsets 量取型值light load draft 空载吃水lightening hole 减轻孔light-ship 空船limbers board 舭部污水道顶板liner trade 定期班轮营运业lines 型线lines plan 型线图Linnean hierarchical taxonomy 林式等级式分类学liquefied gas carrier 液化气运输船liquefied natural gas carrier 液化天然气船liquefied petroleum gas carrier 液化石油气船liquid bulk cargo carrier 液体散货船liquid chemical tanker 液体化学品船list 倾斜living and utility spaces 居住与公用舱室Lloyd’s Register of shipping 劳埃德船级社Lloyd’s Rules 劳埃德规范Load Line Convention 载重线公约load line regulations 载重线公约,规范load waterplane 载重水线面loft floor 放样台longitudinal (transverse) 纵(横)稳心高longitudinal bending 纵总弯曲longitudinal prismatic coefficient 纵向菱形系数longitudinal strength 纵总强度longitudinally framed system 纵骨架式结构luffing winch 变幅绞车machinery vendor 机械(主机)卖方magnet gantry 磁力式龙门吊maiden voyage 处女航main impeller 主推叶轮main shafting 主轴系major ship 大型船舶maneuverability 操纵性manhole 人孔margin plate 边板maritime 海事的,海运的,靠海的mark disk of speed adjusting 速度调整标度盘mast 桅杆mast clutch 桅座matrix 矩阵merchant ship 商船Merchant Shipbuilding Return 商船建造统计表metacenter 稳心metacentric height 稳心高metal plate path 金属板电镀槽metal worker 金属工metric unit 公制单位middle line plane 中线面midship section 舯横剖面midship section coefficient 中横剖面系数ML 物资清单,物料表model tank 船模试验水池monitoring desk of main engine operation 主机操作监视台monitoring screen of screw working condition 螺旋桨运转监视屏more shape to the shell 船壳板的形状复杂mould loft 放样间multihull vessel 多体船multi-purpose carrier 多用途船multi-ship program 多种船型建造规划mushroom ventilator 蘑菇形通风桶mutually exclusive attribute 相互排它性的属性船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(五)N/C 数值控制nautical mile 海里naval architecture 造船学navigation area 航区navigation deck 航海甲板near-universal gear 准万向舵机,准万向齿轮net-load curve 静载荷曲线neutral axis 中性轴,中和轴neutral equilibrium 中性平衡non-retractable fin stabilizer 不可收放式减摇鳍normal 法向的,正交的normal operating condition 常规运作状况nose cone 螺旋桨整流帽notch 开槽,开凹口oar 橹,桨oblique bitts 斜式双柱系缆桩ocean going ship 远洋船off-center loading 偏离中心的装载offsets 型值offshore drilling 离岸钻井offshore structure 离岸工程结构物oil filler 加油点oil skimmer 浮油回收船oil-rig 钻油架on-deck girder 甲板上桁架open water 敞水optimality criterion 最优性准则ore carrier 矿砂船orthogonal 矩形的orthogonal 正交的out strake 外列板outboard motor 舷外机outboard profile 侧视图outer jib 外首帆outfit 舾装outfitter 舾装工outrigger 舷外吊杆叉头overall stability 总体稳性overhang 外悬paddle 桨paddle-wheel-propelled 明轮推进的Panama Canal 巴拿马运河panting arrangement 强胸结构,抗拍击结构panting beam 强胸横梁panting stringer 抗拍击纵材parallel middle body 平行中体partial bulkhead 局部舱壁payload 有效载荷perpendicular 柱,垂直的,正交的photogrammetry 投影照相测量法pile driving barge 打桩船pillar 支柱pin jig 限位胎架pintle 销,枢轴pipe fitter 管装工pipe laying barge 铺管驳船piston 活塞pitch 螺距pitch 纵摇plan views 设计图planning hull 滑行船体Plimsoll line 普林索尔载重线polar-exploration craft 极地考察船poop 尾楼port 左舷port call 沿途到港停靠positive righting moment 正扶正力矩power and lighting system 动力与照明系统precept 技术规则preliminary design 初步设计pressure coaming 阻力式舱口防水挡板principal dimensions 主尺度Program Evaluation and Review Technique 规划评估与复核法progressive flooding 累进进水project 探照灯propeller shaft bracket 尾轴架propeller type log 螺旋桨推进器测程仪PVC foamed plastic PVC泡沫塑料quadrant 舵柄quality assurance 质量保证quarter 居住区quarter pillar 舱内侧梁柱quartering sea 尾斜浪quasi-steady wave 准定长波quay 码头,停泊所quotation 报价单船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(六)racking 倾斜,变形,船体扭转变形radiography X射线探伤rake 倾斜raked bow 前倾式船首raster 光栅refrigerated cargo ship 冷藏货物运输船Register (船舶)登录簿,船名录Registo Italiano Navade 意大利船级社regulating knob of fuel pressure 燃油压力调节钮reserve buoyancy 储备浮力residuary resistance 剩余阻力resultant 合力reverse frame 内底横骨Reynolds number 雷诺数right-handed propeller 右旋进桨righting arm 扶正力臂,恢复力臂rigid side walls 刚性侧壁rise of floor 底升riverine warfare vessel 内河舰艇rivet 铆接,铆钉roll 横摇roll-on/roll-off (Ro/Ro) 滚装rotary screw propeller 回转式螺旋推进器rounded gunwale 修圆的舷边rounded sheer strake 圆弧舷板rubber tile 橡皮瓦rudder 舵rudder bearing 舵承rudder blade 舵叶rudder control rod 操舵杆rudder gudgeon 舵钮rudder pintle 舵销rudder post 舵柱rudder spindle 舵轴rudder stock 舵杆rudder trunk 舵杆围井run 去流段sag 中垂salvage lifting vessel 救捞船scale 缩尺,尺度schedule coordination 生产规程协调schedule reviews 施工生产进度审核screen bulkhead 轻型舱壁Sea keeping performance 耐波性能sea spectra 海浪谱sea state 海况seakeeping 适航性seasickness 晕船seaworthness 适航性seaworthness 适航性section moulus 剖面模数sectiongs 剖面,横剖面self-induced 自身诱导的self-propulsion 自航semi-balanced rudder 半平衡舵semi-submersible drilling rig 半潜式钻井架shaft bossing 轴榖shaft bracket 轴支架shear 剪切,剪力shear buckling 剪切性屈曲shear curve 剪力曲线sheer 舷弧sheer aft 艉舷弧sheer drawing 剖面图sheer forward 艏舷弧sheer plane 纵剖面sheer profile 总剖线sheer profile 纵剖图shell plating 船壳板ship fitter 船舶装配工ship hydrodynamics 船舶水动力学shipway 船台shipyard 船厂shrouded screw 有套罩螺旋桨,导管螺旋桨side frame 舷边肋骨side keelson 旁内龙骨side plate 舷侧外板side stringer 甲板边板single-cylinder engine 单缸引擎sinkage 升沉six degrees of freedom 六自由度skin friction 表面摩擦力skirt (气垫船)围裙slamming 砰击sleeve 套管,套筒,套环slewing hydraulic motor 回转液压马达slice 一部分,薄片sloping shipway 有坡度船台sloping top plate of bottom side tank 底边舱斜顶板slopint bottom plate of topside tank 定边舱斜底板soft chine 圆舭sonar 声纳spade rudder 悬挂舵spectacle frame 眼睛型骨架speed-to-length ratio 速长比sponson deck 舷伸甲板springing 颤振stability 稳性stable equilibrium 稳定平衡starboard 右舷static equilibrium 静平衡steamer 汽轮船steering gear 操纵装置,舵机stem 船艏stem contour 艏柱型线stern 船艉stern barrel 尾拖网滚筒stern counter 尾突体stern ramp 尾滑道,尾跳板stern transom plate 尾封板stern wave 艉波stiffen 加劲,加强stiffener 扶强材,加劲杆straddle 跨立,外包式叶片strain 应变strake 船体列板streamline 流线streamlined casing 流线型套管strength curves 强度曲线strength deck 强力甲板stress concentration 应力集中structural instability 结构不稳定性strut 支柱,支撑构型subassembly 分部装配subdivision 分舱submerged nozzle 浸没式喷口submersible 潜期suction back of a blade 桨叶片抽吸叶背Suez Canal tonnage 苏伊士运河吨位限制summer load water line 夏季载重水线superintendent 监督管理人,总段长,车间主任superstructure 上层建筑Supervision of the Society’s surveyor 船级社验船师的监造书supper cavitating propeller 超空泡螺旋桨surface nozzle 水面式喷口surface piercing 穿透水面的surface preparation and coating 表面加工处理与喷涂surge 纵荡surmount 顶上覆盖,越过swage plate 压筋板swash bulkhead 止荡舱壁SWATH (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) 小水线面双体船sway 横荡船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(七)tail-stabilizer anchor 尾翼式锚talking paper 讨论文件tangential 切向的,正切的tangential viscous force 切向粘性力tanker 油船tee T型构件,三通管tender 交通小艇tensile stress 拉(张)应力thermal effect 热效应throttle valve 节流阀throughput 物料流量thrust 推力thruster 推力器,助推器timber carrier 木材运输船tip of a blade 桨叶叶梢tip vortex 梢涡toed towards amidships 趾部朝向船舯tonnage 吨位torpedo 鱼雷torque 扭矩torque 扭矩trailing edge 随边transom stern 方尾transverse bulkhead plating 横隔舱壁板transverse section 横剖面transverse stability 横稳性trawling 拖网trial 实船试验trim 纵倾trim by the stern/bow 艉艏倾trimaran 三体的tripping bracket 防倾肘板trough 波谷tugboat 拖船tumble home (船侧)内倾tunnel wall effect 水桶壁面效应turnable blade 可转动式桨叶turnable shrouded screw 转动导管螺旋桨tweendeck cargo space 甲板间舱tweendedk frame 甲板间肋骨two nodded frequency 双节点频率ULCC 超级大型原油轮ultrasonic 超声波的underwriter (海运)保险商unsymmetrical 非对称的upright position 正浮位置vapor pocket 气化阱ventilation and air conditioning diagram 通风与空调铺设设计图Venturi section 文丘里试验段vertical prismatic coefficient 横剖面系数vertical-axis(cycloidal)propeller 直叶(摆线)推进器vessel component vender 造船部件销售商viscosity 粘性VLCC 巨型原油轮Voith-Schneider propeller 外摆线直翼式推进器v-section v型剖面wake current 伴流,尾流water jet 喷水(推进)管water plane 水线面watertight integrity 水密完整性wave pattern 波形wave suppressor 消波器,消波板wave-making resistance 兴波阻力weather deck 露天甲板web 腹板web beam 强横梁web frame 腹肋板weler 焊工wetted surface 湿表面积winch 绞车windlass 起锚机wing shaft 侧轴wing-keel 翅龙骨(游艇)working allowance 有效使用修正量worm gear 蜗轮,蜗杆yacht 快艇yard issue 船厂开工任务发布书yards 帆桁yaw 首摇。

Chapter 1 Ship Design(船舶设计)Lesson 2 Ships Categorized(船舶分类)2.1 Introduction(介绍)The forms a ship can take are innumerable. 一艘船能采用的外形是不可胜数的A vessel might appear to be a sleek seagoing hotel carrying passengers along to some exotic destination; a floating fortress bristling with missile launchers; 。
or an elongated box transporting tanks of crude oil and topped with complex pipe connections. 一艘船可以看做是将乘客一直运送到外国目的地的优美的远航宾馆。
竖立有导弹发射架的水面堡垒及甲板上铺盖有复杂管系的加长罐装原油运输轮None of these descriptions of external appearance, however, does justice to the ship system as a whole and integrated unit所有这些外部特点的描述都不能说明船舶系统是一个总的集合体self-sufficient,seaworthy, and adequately stable in its function as a secure habitat for crew and cargo. ——船员和货物的安全性功能:自给自足,适航,足够稳定。
This is the concept that the naval architect keeps in mind when designing the ship and that provides the basis for subsequent discussions, not only in this chapter but throughout the entire book.这是一个造船工程师设计船舶使必须记住的、能为以后讨论提供根据的观念,不仅涉及本章也贯穿全书。

螺旋桨整流帽 开槽,开凹口 橹,桨 斜式双柱系缆桩 远洋船 偏离中心的装载 型值 离岸钻井 离岸工程结构物 加油点 浮油回收船 钻油架 甲板上桁架 敞水 最优性准则 矿砂船 矩形的 正交的 外列板 舷外机 侧视图 外首帆 舾装 舾装工 舷外吊杆叉头 总体稳性 外悬 桨 明轮推进的 巴拿马运河 强胸结构,抗拍击结构 强胸横梁 抗拍击纵材 平行中体 局部舱壁 有效载荷 柱,垂直的,正交的 投影照相测量法 打桩船 支柱 限位胎架 销,枢轴 管装工 铺管驳船 活塞 螺距 纵摇
纵剖图 船壳板 船舶装配工 船舶水动力学 船台 船厂 有套罩螺旋桨,导管螺旋桨 舷边肋骨 旁内龙骨 舷侧外板 甲板边板 单缸引擎 升沉 六自由度 表面摩擦力 (气垫船)围裙 砰击 套管,套筒,套环 回转液压马达 一部分,薄片 有坡度船台 底边舱斜顶板 定边舱斜底板 圆舭 声纳 悬挂舵 眼睛型骨架 速长比 舷伸甲板 颤振 稳性 稳定平衡 右舷 静平衡 汽轮船 操纵装置,舵机 船艏 艏柱型线 船艉 尾拖网滚筒 尾突体 尾滑道,尾跳板 尾封板 艉波 加劲,加强 扶强材,加劲杆 跨立,外包式叶片
机械(主机)卖方 磁力式龙门吊 处女航 主推叶轮 主轴系 大型船舶 操纵性 人孔 边板 海事的,海运的,靠海的 速度调整标度盘 桅杆 桅座 矩阵 商船 商船建造统计表 稳心 稳心高 金属板电镀槽 金属工 公制单位 中线面 舯横剖面 中横剖面系数 物资清单,物料表 船模试验水池 主机操作监视台 螺旋桨运转监视屏 船壳板的形状复杂 放样间 多体船 多用途船 多种船型建造规划 蘑菇形通风桶 相互排它性的属性 数值控制 海里 造船学 航区 航海甲板 准万向舵机,准万向齿轮 静载荷曲线 中性轴,中和轴 中性平衡 不可收放式减摇鳍 法向的,正交的 常规运作状况
machinery vendor magnet gantry maiden voyage main impeller main shafting major ship maneuverability manhole margin plate maritime mark disk of speed adjusting mast mast clutch matrix merchant ship Merchant Shipbuilding Return metacenter metacentric height metal plate path metal worker metric unit middle line plane midship section midship section coefficient ML model tank monitoring desk of main engine operation monitoring screen of screw working condition more shape to the shell mould loft multihull vessel multi-purpose carrier multi-ship program mushroom ventilator mutually exclusive attribute N/C nautical mile naval architecture navigation area navigation deck near-universal gear net-load curve neutral axis neutral equilibrium non-retractable fin stabilizer normal normal operating condition

freeboard freeboard deck freight rate fresh water loadline frictional resistance Froude number fuel/water supply vessel full form full scale fullness funnel furnishings gaff gaff foresail gangway gantt chart gasketed openings general arrangement general cargo ship generatrix geometrically similar form girder girder of foundation governmental authorities gradient graving dock gross ton group technology GT guided-missile cruiser gunwale gunwale angle gunwale rounded thick strake
box girder bracket floor brake brake band brake crank arm brake drum brake hydraulic cylinder brake hydraulic pipe breadth extreme breadth moulded breakbulk breasthook bridge bridge console stand BSRA buckle buffer spring built-up plate section bulb plate bulbous bow bulk carrier bulk oil carrier bulkhead bulwark bulwark plate bulwark stay buoy tender buoyant buoyant box Bureau Veritas butt weld butterfly screw cap buttock

V ACABULARY3-roller bending machine三弯机abandon v.弃船abolish v.消除ABS 美国船级社acceleration n.加速度accelerometer n.加速度accommodate v.容纳accommodation deck起居(住舱)甲板accuracy n.精度accurate synchro device准同步装置acetylene cutter气割机acid-pickling n.酸洗acoustics n.音响效果adhesiveness n.粘附力adjacent a.相邻的adjust v.调节administration n.行政管理admit v.接纳adopt v.采纳,采用affiliated factory分厂,附属工厂aforementioned a.前述aft a.adv.n. (在)船艉aft peak 艉尖舱after service 售后服务ahead n. 正车air bottle 空气瓶air compressor 空压机air reservoir 气瓶air siren 汽笛air-tight test 气密试验alarm bell 警铃alignment找中all waves全波allowance n.允值allposition 全方位alternating current(A.C.)交流电ammonia n.氨amplify v.放大an automatic production line自动生产线analogous output模拟输出analogue computer模拟计算机anchor n.锚anchor chain (cable chain)锚链anchor handing 锚操纵anchor windlass (chain windlass) 起锚机anchorage buoy系泊浮筒angular n.角度antenna n.天线anticorrosion precaution 防腐措施apparatus n.(pl. apparatus or apparatuses)仪器,器械,装置appearance n.外观approval n.批准,认可approve Vt.认可arbitrate v.仲裁arc n.弧度arduous a.艰难的asbestos n.石棉assemble v.装配Assemble Language 汇编语言assembly n.装配astern n.倒车atmospheric survey大气环流调查atomic power原子能atomize v.雾化authority n.当局automatic control device自动控制装置automatic priduction line自动生产线automatic steering 自动操舵automatic submerged arc welding 自动埋弧焊automatic telephone 自动电话aux. boiler 副锅炉aux. engine 辅机aux. engine room辅机舱aux. mechinery 辅机auxiliary means 辅助手段auxiliary system 辅助系统axial push 轴向推力backing n. 衬垫ballast piping 压载水泵ballast punp 压载泵ballast system 压载系统ballast water 压载水base n.基准base point n.基准点basic design 基本(方案)设计basic metal 母材battery unit 蓄电池组beam n.波束beam n.横梁bearing hole n.轴承bearing hole n.轴承孔bedplate n.机座bell set 铃组bending machine 冷弯机berth n.(水平)船台,(船上)床铺berth or slipway fabrication船台装配bilge n.舱底水bilge keel 舭龙骨bilge plate 舭板bilge pump 舱底水泵bilge system 舱底水系统binary system 二进位制blank n.毛坯block n. 分段block or section fabrication 分段或总段装配blood vessel 血管blower 风机blue collar worker 蓝领,工人boat deck 艇甲板bollard n.带缆桩bolt n.螺栓bolthead n.螺栓头bottom n.船底bottom plate 底板bottom structure 底板结构bow n.船艏bow& stern structure 艏艉结构bow section 艏段branch company 分公司,子公司branch system 分系统bridge n.桥楼bridge control 桥楼控制broadcast station 广播站bronze sleeve 青铜铜套bulbous bow 球鼻艏bulk cargo 散装货物bulk-cargo carrier 散装货船bulkhead n.隔舱壁bulkhead structure 隔舱壁结构bushing n.衬垫butt joint 对接接头cabin n.舱室cable fixture 电缆夹具calculation n.计算calculator n.计算器calibrate v.校正calibration n.校正cam n.凸轮cam follower 凸轮附件camber n.梁拱camshaft n.凸轮轴capstan windlass(anchor winch)锚绞盘cargo n.船货cargo oil 货油cargo-hold n.货舱cargo-lifting n.起货casing n.罩壳cast iron piece 铸铁件casting n.铸造cathode-ray type 阴极射线式CCS 中国船级社central control 集控centreline n.中心线centrifugal a.离心的certificate n.证书chain drive 链传动chain locker 锚链舱chain pipe 锚链管chain reaction 连锁反应chain stopper 制链器challenge n.v.挑战chamfer v.在边缘切斜面changeover switch转换开关characteristics n.性能,特性,特征charge v.充(电,气)check n. v.检验chemical medium化学介质China Classification Society(CCS) 中国船级社China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO)中国远洋公司chip n.芯片circle n.圈子,团体class n.船级classification n.船级classification society船级社cleanness n.清洁度closed circulation闭式循环clutch n.离合器CO2shielded arc welding 二氧化碳气体保护焊coating n.图层code n.法典code display circuit编码显示电路coefficients of ship form船型系数cold processing 冷加工collision n.(船只)碰撞combustibility n.可燃性combustion n.燃烧combustion chamber 燃烧室combustion gas 燃气commanding telephone指挥电话communication n.通讯compartment n.分隔舱compartment stuffing box 隔舱填料函compass n.罗经compass deck罗经甲板compensate vt.补偿competition n.竞争completion drawing完工图component n.组成部分composition n.成分组成compound excitation 复励comprehensive productivity综合生产能力compressed air压缩空气compression (power)stroke压缩(功率)冲程computer control console计算机控制台conceptual a.概念的condensation n.冷凝conductor n.导体connecting rod连杆connection n.接头constant voltage恒压constitute v.构成consumables n.消耗品consumption n.消耗contact v.触发container n.集装箱continuous deck连续甲板contract n.合同contradiction n.矛盾control component控制元件control console控制台control unit控制装置converse method反装法convertor n.转换器conveyor n.传送带coolant n.致冷剂coolant(cooling agent)n.制冷剂cooler n.冷却器cooling system冷却系统cooperation n.合作coordinate n.坐标core enterprise核心企业corrosion n.腐蚀corrugated a.波纹状的course n.航向cover n.药皮CPP drive 可调桨传动crank cheek曲柄夹板crankcase n.曲柄箱crankpin n.曲柄臂crankshaft n.曲轴crankweb n.曲柄臂crew n.(全体)船员cross section截面crosshead n.十字头cultivate v.培养,培育current n.电流current n.洋流,水流current-impulse frequency convetor 电流-脉冲频率变换器curve n.曲线cutting n.切割cylinder n.气缸cylinder block气缸体cylinder cover(cylinder head)缸盖cylinder liner气缸衬套cylinder oil气缸油cylinder wall气缸壁data impulse数据脉冲davit n.吊艇架dead weight ton(DWT)载重量,吨载量Decca receiver台卡定位仪deck n.甲板deck girder 甲板材deck longgitudinal甲板纵骨deck machinery甲板机械deck plate甲板板deck structure甲板结构deckhouse 甲板室deform v.形变deliver v.交货,交船delivery n.交船,交货delivery ceremony交船典礼derrick n.吊杆design stage 设计阶段designation n.名称,牌号designation n.目的地detail design详细(施工)设计detect v.探测detect v.侦察detection n.探测deviation n位移dail n.刻度盘diameter n.直径differentia n.差异digital computer数字计算机digital output数字输出direct current(D.C.)直流电direct drive直接传动direct telephone对讲电话,直线电话.directional finder测向仪directional instrument指向仪器directional stability航向稳定性disc n.圆盘discharge n.v.排水dispensable a.非必要的dispute n.v.争端,争执distribute v.分布distribute v.分配,配电distribution n.配电distribution box分电箱distribution panel配电板distribution switch 配电开关distribution system 配电系统division n.划分DNV 挪威船级社dock n.船坞dock trial码头试验docking winch带缆绞车Doppler effect 多普勒效应Doppler frequency offset多普勒频移Doppler sonar log多普勒声纳计程仪double bottom 双层底double-action a.双作用down-vertical welding下行焊draft(draught)n.吃水drainage n.疏水,泄水drawing n.图纸drawing instrument绘图仪drift v.漂移drinking water饮用水drip-proof type防滴式drive n.传动drive mechanism传动机构,传动装置drive unit 传动装置driven shaft从动轴dry v.烘干drydock n.干船坞dynamic-pressure type水压式echo signal返回信号echo sounder回声测深仪economic effect经济效益edge preparation边缘加工edge processing边缘加工edger n.刨边机eject v.喷射elapse v.(时光)消逝electric brain电脑electric load负荷electrical arc电弧electrical compass电罗经electrical drive 电力拖动electrical energy电能electrical impulse电脉冲electrical power电力electrical shedding放电electrical signal 电器信号electrical slag welding电焊渣electrical unit 电器装置electrical user电器设备electrical-driven电动的electrician n.电工electricity outfitting电舾electrode n.焊条electromagnetic contactor电磁接触器electromagnetic induction电磁感应electromagnetic log电磁计程仪electromagnetic sensor电磁传感器electronic computer电子计算机electronics电子(学)element n.机械零件element n.要素emerge v.崛起,兴起emergency control应急控制emergency network应急电网emergency power station应急电站emergency radio transmitter应急无线电发信机emergency steering应急操舵enmergency switchboard应急配电板emergency telegraph应急传令钟emergent discharge应急排放emergent service 应急使用enclose v.封闭encounter v.遭遇energy convertor换能器engine foundation(seat)机座engine frame机架engine oil机油engine outfitting机舾engine space机舱engineer n.轮机员,工程师engineering and technical team工程技术队伍engineer vessel工程船engine-room机舱ensure v.确保enterprise n.企业EO无人机舱equipment n.设备error n.误差essence n.实质evolve v. 渐进,进化,演变excessive a.过量的,极度的excitation n励磁excite v.激励exhaust port 排气口exhaust stroke 排气冲程exhaust valve 排气阀expand v.扩张,扩建expansion n.展开图expansion stroke 膨胀(作功)冲程expansion tank 膨胀箱experiment n. 实验exterior force 外力extinguish v.灭火F.O. meter 燃油流量计F.O. tank 燃油舱fabricate v.装配,制作fabrication n.装配facile adaptabiliti灵活的适应性facsimile transmission(fax)传真fairing n.光顺体,流线体farilead n.导缆孔fashioned steel型钢fast speed(rapidity)快速性fathometer n.测深仪feed v.馈给feed circuit馈电线路fillet seam角焊缝fillet welding角焊filter n.过滤器,过滤fine a.纤细的finished product成品fire alarm火警fire hazard火灾fire pump消防泵fire-fighting system消防系统fire-resistant a.耐火的fixed part固定件flash signal light闪光信号灯flat fillet seam平角焊缝flexibility n.挠性flexible coupling挠性联轴节float launching漂浮下水floatability漂浮性floating positively正浮floating production storage unit(FPSU)浮式生产储油轮flood v.进水floodability n.不沉性floor plate肋板fluctuate v.波动fluctuation n.波动flush v.清洗flushing agent清洗剂flux n.焊剂flywheel n.飞轮foam n.泡沫folding machine折边机for home use国内用forced lubrication强制润滑forced ventilation机械通风fore perpendicular艏垂线forecastle n.艏楼foreign trade外贸forging n.锻造formation n.构成,结构frame n.肋骨framework n.框架framing block肋骨框架分段free end自由端freeboard n.干舷freighter n.货船Freon n.氟利昂frequency n.频率frequency difference latching频率锁定frequency regulation 调频fresh water (F.W.)淡水fresh water production plant 造水装置friction resistance 摩擦阻力fuel n. 燃料fuel nozzle 喷油嘴fuel oil (F.O.)燃油fuel pipeline 燃油管系full-load a. 满载的full-load displacement 满载排水量funnel n.烟囱galley n.厨房gantry n.龙门架gas cutting 气割gas tight seal 气密密封gas turbine engine 燃气轮机gas welding 气焊gear n.齿轮gear drive 齿轮传动geo-physical propecting vessel地球物理探测船GL 西德劳氏船级社grant v.给予的权利gravity center 重心gravity welding 重力焊groove v.ground v.group n.growth n.guarantee n. v.general descriptiongeneral-purpose a.generating setgeometrical characterization gravity launchingguided-missile frigategyro n.gyro compassH.D.Heavy Machinery Co.Ltd.H.D. Halogen n.Hand controlHand levelHand steeringHand wheelHandle v. harbour n.Harbour generatorHardware n.Hatch trunkHawsepipe n.He water pressure system Headroom n.Heat exchangerHeating n.Heavy current n.Heavy oilHeel n.Hereinbelow adv.High frepuencyHigh-speed boatHorizontal a.Horsepower(hp) n.Hose n.Hot processingHot workHull n.Hull cleannessHull conbstructionHull formHull loneHull structureHuman brainHumidifyHydraulicHydraulic fluid 液压流体Hydraulic machineHyperbolic curve receiveIdentifyIgniteIgnition 引燃Illumination 照明启发Illustration 说明例子图表Image display system 图像显示系统IMCO n.国际海事协议组织Impact n. 冲击Implication n. 含义Impulsator n.Impulse-type a.Impurity N.Inclination n.Inclination testincline v.index n.indication n.indicator n.indicator n.indicator lightindicator valveinert gasinertia n.inertia platforminevitable a.initial metacentric heightinject n.injecting systeminjector n. 喷油器inner bottom longitudinal 内底纵骨inner bottom plate 内底板inner ring 内环input n. v.inspector n.installation n.installation error 安装误差instancy speedinstrument n.insulating material 绝缘材料insulation n. 绝缘intake n.吸口intake portintake valveintegral castingintention n. intercommunication (intercom) n. interfering momentintermediate bearing intermediate shaftinternal combustion engineinternational authorities 国际当局internetintroduce v.iron powder electrodejig n.joint designjournal n.keel n.keel platekeep stationkerosene testkey enterprisekilohertz 千赫kinetic energyknot n.labyrinth n.land-based a.landing-place n.lap jointlarge-computer(mainframe conputer) n. 大型计算机lay v.length n.level n.level gaugelevel relaylicense n.life linelife-belt n.life-boat n.life-jacket n.life-or-death a. 生死攸关的。
船舶专业英语 词汇

vi. 一致;记分
7, changing ['tʃeindʒiŋ]
v. 改变(change的ing形式);交换;兑换
n. 改变;转换;替换
adj. 变化的;发展的
8, gym [dʒim]
n. 健身房;体育;体育馆
9, electric [i'lektrik]
n. 阀门;瓣膜(valve的复数);真空管
v. 装阀于…;以活门调节(valve的三单形式)
72, gas freeing
73, undertaken
v. 从事;开始进行(undertake的过去分词)
74, outer hull
outer hull: 外壳 | 外部壳体
66, occupied ['ɔkjupaid]
adj. 已占用的;使用中的;无空闲的
v. 占有(occupy的过去分词)
67, emergency [i'mə:dʒənsi]
n. 紧急情况;突发事件;非常时刻
adj. 紧急的;备用的
68, escape [i'skeip]
vt. 逃避,避免;被忘掉
adj. 老练的,熟练的;富有经验的
93, bulwark ['bulwək]
n. 壁垒;保障;防波堤
vt. 保护;筑垒保卫
94, freeing port
95, funnel ['fʌnl]
n. 漏斗;烟囱
vt. 通过漏斗或烟囱等;使成漏斗形
vi. 通过漏斗等;成漏斗形

船舶航海英语词汇Ranks of ship’s crew(船员职务) crew 船员captain(master)船长chief officer 大副or chief mate(first mate)second chief 二副or second matethird officer 三副or third mateassistant officer 驾助radio officer(radio 报务员operator, wireless operator)purser (chief purser) 管事,事物长clerk 事务员boatswain or bosun 水手长cassab 副水手长quartermaster 舵工coxswain 舵工,艇长able seaman 全能水手,一水.(able bodied seaman)全能水手e. . , 全能水手.(ordinary seaman)普通水手,二水seaman, mariner普通水手,海员deck boy 甲板员engineer 轮机员chief engineer 轮机长,大车,老轨second engineer大管轮,二车,二轨third engineer 二管轮,三车,三轨fourth engineer三管轮,四车,四轨assistant engineer 轮助mechanic 机工fireman 生火cleaner or wiper 清洁工chief steward 大管事(or catering officer)second steward 二管事chief cook 大厨second cook 二厨supernumerary 额外人员ship’scomplement船上的定员deck serang 水手长deck tindal 副水手长seacunny 舵工Names of marine organizations andtheir( 船务机关名称及工作人员)harbour administration bureau (orharbour bureau)港务局the joint inspection party-inward andoutward 进口联合检查组harbour supervision office 港务监督the customs 海关frontier inspection station 边防检查站quarantine office (s0ervice) 卫生检疫所animal and plant quarantine service 动植物检疫所china commodity inspection and testingbureau(ccitb) 中国商品检验局china marine bunker supply corporation中国船舶燃料供应公司china national charteringcorporation(zhongzu) 租船公司china ocean shipping agency中国外轮代理公司china ocean shipping company (cosco)中国远洋运输公司china ocean shipping companychartering department(coschard)中国远洋轮船公司租船部(“中远租”)chian ocean shipping tally company中国外轮理货公司china ocean shipping supplycorporation(supco.)中国外轮供应公司the ~ office of the register of shipping ofthe people’s republic of china 中华人民共和国船舶检验局~办事处joint inspection party 联检小组customs officer 海关官员harbour officer 港务监督员frontier defence officer(inspector ,guard) 边防检查组Quarantine officer(dotor) 卫生检疫员customs boarding office 登轮官员customs searching party 海关检查组docker 码头工人(广义)longshoreman 码头工人(在岸上装卸)stevedore 码头工人(在船上装卸)foreman 装卸队长pilot 引水员cargo surveyor 商品检验员marine or ship surveyor验船师chief tallyman 理货员waterman 加水工人agent 代理Marine loading and discharging gearand harbour facilities(海运装卸机械工具和港口设施)barge 驳船beacon 航标灯belt conveyor 皮带运输机board palnk 木版bridge crane 桥吊,装卸桥bunkering tanker 供燃料船buoy 浮筒,浮标can hook,barrel sling 吊桶钩canvas 帆布canvas sling 吊货帆布袋cargo tray 吊货盘cargo runner 吊货钢丝绳chafing plate 防擦板chafing mat 防擦席chain sling 链条吊索crane 吊车cold storage 冷藏仓库conveyor belt 传送带crowbar 撬杠customs launch 海关关艇dolphin 系缆桩dunnage 垫仓物料electric crane 电吊elevator 升降机ferry boat 轮渡船fire boat 消防船floating crane 浮吊footboard 踏板fork - lift 铲车,叉车funnel 漏斗gangboard 跳板gantry crane 龙门吊garbage(sludge,sewage) boat 垃圾船grab 抓斗grain elevator 吸粮机hammer 铁锤handcart 手推车harbour light 港口灯标iron nail 铁钉landing pier 登岸码头lifting maget 西铁吊具lighter 驳船light house 灯塔light ship 灯船manila rope 白棕绳mat 席子mobile crane 流动吊车mooring anchorage 系泊锚地mooring buoy 系泊浮筒motor launch 小汽艇nylon rope 尼龙绳oil hose 输油软管open yard 露天货场personnelboat 交通艇pilot boat 引水船plate hook 钢板吊钩pontoon 浮码头pontoon bridge 浮桥quarantine anchorage 检疫锚地quarantine vessel检疫船refrigerator car冷藏车rope sling 绳吊索saw 锯semi-portal crane 半门吊shifting board 防动板signal tower 信号台steam launch 小汽艇steel wire 钢丝绳tower crane 塔吊tractor 牵引车traffic boat 交通艇tug boat(motor tug) 拖轮warehouse 仓库water boat 供水船watr lever indicator 水深标尺wire cargo net 钢丝网络wire sling 钢丝吊索various kind of vessels(各种船舶)air cushion craft 气垫船bage-carrier 载驳货船bulb-bowed ship 球鼻首船bulk-carrier 散货船cargo liner 定期货船collier 散货船crew boat (船员)联络船diesel boat 柴油机船dry cargo ship 干货船dumb lighter 驳船(没有机器的)freighter 货船oil barge 油驳ore carrier(ore ship)矿砂船reefer(refrigerator ship)冷冻船salvage vessel 救助船grain carrier 运量船ice-breaker 破冰船light ship 未载货的货船lumber carrier(timber carrier)运木船meat ship 肉类船moto ship 内燃机船ocean-going vessel 远洋船sister ship 姐妹船steam ship 蒸汽机船stor carrier 补给船tanker(oil tanker)油驳trawler 拖网渔船Major marine papers and certificates(主要船务单据及证书)(1)papers单据application for bunkers 加(燃油)申请书application for tallyman 理货申请书bill of lading 提单booking note 订舱单boat note 订载单cargo receipt 交货收据cargo tally sheet理货记数单copy 副本damaged cargo report 货物残损报告书declaration 申报单delivery order 交货单dock receipt 码头收据gang record 工班报单hatch(cargo)list 分舱单inward manifest 进口舱单license 许可证mate’s receipt 收货单notice of arrival 到货通知书motice of claim索赔通知notice of readiness 准备就绪通知书on-spot record 现场记录original 正本outward manifest出口舱单parcel receipt 小包收据sailing orders开航通知shipper’s export declaration货物出口申请书shipping list装货通知书shipping permit 准运单short/overlanded cargo list 货物溢短单short/overlanded cargo report 货物溢短报告单tally daily report理货日报告tally sheet 理货单tally shift report 理货工班报告2 )certificates ( 证书,证件)certificate of freeboard 干舷证书certificate of health无疫证书certificate of origin产地证书ceitificate of port registry 船籍港证书certicficate of survey 船舶检验证classification certificate船级证书deratting certificate 除鼠证书deratting exemption certificate 免予除鼠证书inspection certificate 验讫单international loading certificate 国际载重线证书maritime declaration of health 航海健康申明书navigation certificate seaworthiness certificate 适行证书outward clearance certificate 出国证书panama canal tonnage certificate巴拿马运河吨位证书passport 护照safety radio telegraphy certificate无线电报安全证书ship’s safety certificate 船舶安全证书sues canal special tonnage certificate苏伊士运河专用吨位证书tonnage certificate 吨位证书tonnage dues certificate 吨税证书wireless inspection certificate 无线电安全证书The structure of a ship(船舶结构) accomodation 房间accomodation ladder 舷梯aerial(antenna) 天线aft part(after part) 船尾部after-peak 后尖舱air siren 汽笛aldis lamp 闪光信号灯alleyway 走道anchor 锚anchor chain 锚链auxiliary machinery 辅机bilge 船底沟binnacle 罗盘支架bitts(bollards) 系缆柱block 滑轮boom 吊杆bow 船头port bow 左舷船头starboard bow右舷船头break 夹板台阶bridge 船桥,驾驶台brow (从船上到岸上的)舷梯bulwarks 舷墙bunker 燃料舱cabin 船舱pilot’s cabin 引水员房间cable 锚链capstan 绞盘cargo hold 货舱catwalk 狭窄的舷梯awning 帆布蓬baggage room 行李房barometer 气压表basic line 吨位标志线balk(blulk) , beam 船梁hatch beam 舱盖横梁port beam 左舷starboard beam 右舷chain locker 锚链舱chronometer 经纬仪coamings 舱口栏板compass 罗盘course recorder 航向记录仪crane 起重机davit 挂艇架deck 甲板boat deck 救生艇甲板lower deck 下甲板lower tween deck 二层柜main deck 正甲板poop deck 船尾上面的甲板promenade deck 保护甲板之上甲板shelter deck 遮蔽甲板tonnage deck 量吨甲板tween(between)deck 二层柜upper deck 上甲板upper tween deck 三层柜deck house 甲板室derrick 吊杆diesel engine 柴油机double bottom 双层底draught marks(draft marks) 吃水标志dynamo(generat 发电机echo sounder 测深仪engine roon 机舱engin roon department 机舱部escape trunk 救生道fan room 打风间falg-staff 旗杆forecastle 船首楼forecastle head 船头甲板foremast 头柜forepart 船头部forepeak 前尖舱freeboard deckling 干舷甲板线gangway 舷梯glass (口语)气压表guy 稳索gyro compass(gyro) 电罗经halliard ,halyard 旗帜之升降索hatch 舱口hatch bord 舱盖板hatch coaming 舱口栏板hatch cover 舱口盖hawse hole 锚链孔helm 舵轮;舵柄hawser 船缆;锚链hull 舱壳jack ladder(jacob’s ladder)软梯,绳梯jackstaff 船头小旗杆jigger mast尾jumbo(derrick 重吊(杆)keel 龙骨life belt 救生带life bort 救生艇life buoy 救生圈life jacket 救生衣life raft 救生筏life-saving apparatus 救生设备load ling 载重线,装载水线mainmastman-rope 绳索mizzen mastmonkey island 瞭望台pilot ladder 领港梯子piston 活塞plimsol’s mark 载重线标志poop 船尾楼port 港口,舱口,左舷port -hole 舷舱,舱口propeller 螺旋桨pulley 滑轮pump 水泵purchase 绳索,滑轮quarter 船舷的后部port quarter 左舷后部starboard quar 右舷后部radar 雷达radio 无线电radio direction finder无线电测向器radio room 无线电室radio transmitter 无线电发射机rast 救生筏rail,railings 扶手,栏杆rat-guard 缆绳上的防鼠隔ratlines 绳梯横索refrigerated hol 冷藏舱rig 帆索rudder 舵screw 螺丝钉scupper 排水管scupper board 挡水板scanner 雷达扫描设备sextant 六分仪shaft tunnel 地轴弄shackle 钩环shifting board 防动板,防舱板signal rocke 信号火箭siren 汽笛sling 吊索starboard 右舷steam engine 蒸汽引擎steering gear 舵机stem 船头stern 船尾storeroom 贮藏室tackle 滑车,吊具tank 液体舱ballast tank 压载水舱cofferdam tank 隔离沧deep tank 深舱,深水柜1 船舶专业英语词汇(初级)1.基本,简单的词汇:AM 上午PM下午Notification of inspection 检查验收通知单Application 申请,申请单Inspection 检验,报验Technical discussion 技术讨论On board 在船上In the workshop 在车间On the slipway 在船台上At pier(wharf) 在码头Fair 尚好的The performance is merely fair 性能尚好Terrible 极坏的,很糟的So so 马马虎虎So far ,so good 到目前,一切顺利Worse更糟的worst最差、最糟Improvement 改进Leave no room for improvement 完美,无缺点Accept 接收Accept subject to 有条件的接收,有待于……做好之后才接收Reject 拒收Comments 意见defect lish 消除意见清单Item 项目memorandum 备忘录manual n、手册、说明书;a.手控的,手工的drawings 图纸working drawings 施工图finished drawings 完工图approved drawings 认可图drawings for approval 送审认可图supporting technical doucuments 基础技术文件sketch 草图draw a sketch画草图up to the standard 达到标准substandard 低于标准的crane 吊车building berth 船台slipway 船台、下水滑道dry dock 干无坞pier 突码头、突堤wharf 码头along side (船)靠码头foreman 工长,领班coordinator 调度员inspector 检查员supervisor 管理人、监督人,监造人surveyor 验船师2、船体总体,及各类型船舶Hull 船体Forecastle 艏楼Stern 船尾Poop 艉楼Superstructure 上层建筑Foremast 前桅杆After mast 后桅杆Radar mast 雷达桅杆Main deck 主甲板Upper deck 上甲板Poop deck 艉楼甲板Accommodation deck 生活甲板Compass deck 罗经甲板Funnel 烟囱Bridge 桥楼,驾驶台Bridge wing 驾驶室翼桥Wheel house 驾驶室Engine room 机舱Engine control room 机舱集控室Catwalk 天桥、步桥Flying bridge (露天)航行驾驶室Rescue boat 救助艇Life boat 救生艇M/Vmerchant vessels 商船Naval Auxilary vessel 军用船Naval Ship/war shipd 军船Ice-breaker 破冰船Container vessel 集装箱船Oil tanker 油轮Products tanks 成品油轮Carrier 运输船、航空母舰、托架Chemical carrier 化学品运输船Liquefied gas carrier 液化气体船Liquefied natural gas carrier 液化天然气运输船Aircraft carrier/aeroplane carrier 航空母舰School ship/training ship 训练船Geophysical survey ship 地球物理勘探船Cruiser 巡洋舰、大型快船、游艇Canoe 独木船,皮舟Junk 平底中国帆船、舳板Gondola (意大利威尼斯的)一种狭长的平底船Yacht 快艇、游艇Fast boat 快艇Patrol boat 巡逻艇Anti-smuggling boat 缉私艇Torpedo boat 公安艇Ferry 渡船Catamaran 双体船Jet foil 喷水水翼艇Wing assrsted vessel 地效船3、各专业基本词汇1)船体:Draft forward 前吃水Draft middle 中吃水Draft after 后吃水Plimsoll mark/lineWaterline 吃水线Waterlines (型)水线Port 左舷Starboard 右舷Sagging 中垂、下垂、下挂(流)Hogging 中拱、上拱Derformation 变形Fairing 光顺、火工校正Hot work热工、明火作业section 分段、部分、剖面Block 分段Keel (船舶)龙骨Bilge keel 舭龙骨Power tool 带动力工具(风动或电动)Welder 电焊工Welding machine 电焊机welding 交流(电弧)焊welding 直流(电弧)焊Grinding 打磨Welding 电焊Spatters 飞溅(电焊)Under out 咬口Sharp edge 快口2 船舶专业英语词汇(初级)Deflection 挠曲,变形Slags 渣Welding slags 电焊渣Automatic welding 自动焊Manual welding 手工焊Arc welding 电弧焊Gas shielded welding气体保护焊Inter gas arc welding惰性气体保护电弧焊Welding seam焊缝Bending machine 弯曲机Three-roll bending machine三芯弯板机Torsional box抗扭箱Void space空舱Cofferdam 隔离舱Bulwark舷墙,防浪板Wall墙壁Floor地板Controllable pitch 可调桨Elastic coupling 弹性联轴节Bellow 波纹管Joint接头Gaskets垫片Fitting bolts 拂螺拴Chock 制动块、导缆器Chock fast 环氧垫块Foundation 底座、基座Mounting 装置、座、架Mount (常指火炮等武器的)座,架Vent pipe 透气管Sounding pipe探测管Vapour return line油气回路管Stripping line扫舱管Safety equipment 安全设备Life-saving equipment救生设备Cargo hold 货舱Cargo oil tank货油舱Cabin 船舱、舱室Room房间Store room储藏室Cold room冷库Fish room鱼库Meat room 肉库Provision room粮库Foam room 泡沫库CO2 room二氧化碳室Pump room泵室Battery room蓄电池室Radio room 报务室Galley 厨房Ventilation system 通风系统Fresh water piping system 淡水系统Sea water piping system 海水管系Water jacket水套Insulation materials绝缘材料Lagging绝缘材料、外套(锅炉、管子等)3)电器Current电流Voltage电压Frequency频率Contact触点、触头Ballast镇流器Convertor变频器、换能器Conductor导体Semi-conductor半导体Rectifier整流器Transformer变压器Thermostat 恒温器Thermister热敏器Edison base 螺丝灯座、爱迪生灯座Bayonet base卡口灯座On-off开关(量)Analogue模拟,模拟设备Active analogue有源模拟、主动模拟Passive analogue无源模拟、被动模拟Dry contact无源模拟、干接触Buzzer蜂鸣器Button按扭,电扭Switch开关Main switch主开关Main switch board主配电板Cable 电缆Wire 电线Three-core cable三蕊电缆Clamp夹钳、夹具Clip 接线柱、线夹Alligator clip鳄鱼夹、弹簧夹Voltage drop 电压降Speed droop速度降低Black out 黑灯试验Power failure失电Setting point 设定点Adjust 调正(v)Adjustment调正(n)Oscillator振荡器、振动器Oscilloprobe示波器测试头Oscilloscope示波器、示波仪Resistor电阻、电阻器Potentiometer电位器、电势计Electrolysis电解(作用)Electrolyte电解质、电解液setting point of power surplus负载余量设定值重载询问test the power surplus setting point重载询问试验4)漆、木Surface preparation表面处理(清理工作)Blasting equipment喷漆(砂粒)装置Sand blasting 喷砂除锈Pre-blasting预喷砂Lingt blasting 预喷砂Full blasting 通喷砂Sand sweep扫砂Sand blasting to 喷砂达到级Steel work inspection after full blasting通喷砂后钢结构检查Cleanliness inspection清洁度检查Inspection after degreasing除去油脂后检查Removing oil stains bydetergent/solvent使用洗洁剂/容剂除去油迹Shop primer 车间底漆Spray painting喷漆、喷涂法Touch-up 补漆、修正Touch-up painting补漆、点漆First coat 底漆、头道漆Finish coat 面漆Surface coat 表面涂层Under coat 内涂层Wearing coat 磨耗层Zinc-rich coating富锌涂层Cement wash coating(薄)水泥涂层Stripe coating 预涂层Floor covering 地板覆层Alkyd resin paint醇酸树脂漆Epoxy(resin-based)paint环氧树脂涂料3 船舶专业英语词汇(初级)Scuttle舷窗Carpet地毯Wooden skirt木裙板(踢脚)Aluminum skirt稆质裙板(踢脚)Brass nose装于楼梯踏步一的黄铜防滑镶条Stainless screw不锈钢螺钉Spring 弹簧Securing dev ice固定件Locking device闭锁装置,制动设备Plywood胶合板,层压板Laminated plate迭层板Laminate层压制品,迭层板,层压板High pressure washing of the hull用高压水冲洗船壳Steel plate temperature 钢板温度Condensation冷凝Capillary condensation毛细管现象Dew point露点Flashing point闪点Ignition point 燃点,着火点Ventilation for coating 涂装通风Dehumidifier去湿机,干燥机Dehumidification 去湿,去潮Sagging流挂,下垂Chalking粉化Peeling剥落(指油漆)Pinhole针孔CureCuring硬化,熟化,硫化Drying film thickness(DFT)干膜(漆膜)厚度Curing temperature硬化、固化温度Power tools有动力的工具(包括电动及风动)Pheomatic tools风动工具Burnt area烧坏的区域Oil stains油迹Scratches划痕Damaged places遭损坏的部位Chicken wire钢丝网Tiles瓷砖,瓦Mosaic-tile彩色瓷砖,镶嵌瓷砖,马赛克瓷砖Glue胶,粘结剂Silica硅石,二氧化碳Silicagel硅胶Decoration装饰,装修Interior decoration内部装饰,内装Deck head 天花板Ceiling天花板Paneling板墙,镶板Wall墙壁Desk书桌,桌台Drawer 抽屉Catch hook固定钩子Observation window 观察窗Inspection window检查孔窗Clear view window旋转观察窗Curtain 窗帘Latch止动销,插销Valance窗帘箱Hanging窗帘Eyebrow舷窗眉板Pre-alarm预报警Trip脱扣,跳闸Preferential trip优先脱扣Transducer换能器synchronize(便)同步synchronize motor同步电机synchronous motor异步电机step motor步进电机diode二极管triode三极管audion三极管single phase单相three phase三相phase-in逐步引进phase-shafting相移retarding phase 滞后相位reversed phase倒相,相反relay继电器timer定时器trimmer微调电容器,调正片delay延时carrier载波,载波电流transponder发射器,应答器,询问机echo-sound回声测深仪radio navigation equipment无线电导航设备log计程仪auto-pilot自动驾驶仪gyro-compass电罗经barrier屏障,障碍,栅栏zenner barrier齐纳屏(使电只能单向流的半导体)radio beacon无线电信标pluse脉冲blanking plus 消隐脉冲induction感应,感应现象oscillation振荡Leak(v)渗,漏Leakage(n) 渗,漏Overhaul大修,彻底检修Hammer榔头Spanner扳手,扳头Ring spanner环形扳手,梅花扳手Allen key 内六角扳手,Box spanner套筒扳手Torque spanner扭力扳手Double-ended spanner双头扳手Monkey spanner活络扳手,活络管扳手Shifting spanner活络扳手Pipe spanner管子扳手Reamer铰刀Reaming (用)铰(刀扩)孔Countersink reamer锥形孔铰刀Wrench扳手,扳头Shisel凿子Calipers卡钳,两脚规Inside calipers内卡钳Bore 内孔Boroscopic inspection内孔表面检查Boroscope内孔表面检查仪Plug塞(子),(内燃机)火花塞Cock施塞,龙头Valve阀P/V valve P/V阀Strainer滤器Coarse strainer粗滤器Fine strainer精滤器Oil separator分油机Back pressure背压Pressure test压力试验Over speed 超速Over load超负荷Dafety device 安全装置Fly wheel飞轮Floating floor 浮式地板Deckhead 天花板(指由甲板形成的)Ladder 梯子Vertical ladder直梯Inclined ladder斜梯Accommodation ladder舷梯Pilot ladder引水员;软梯Centering对中心Alignment对准,对准中心Inspection报验Installation安装Final inspection of M/E insallation主机最终安装报验Inspection of the centering of the sterntabe before fine boring精镗前艉轴管中心校准Alignment check/inspection拉中心/校正报验Completeness inspection of the thermaloil circulating piping system 热油循环管系完整性报验Cleanliness inspection after flushingpiping system燃油管串油后清洁检查Function test of steering gear舵机效甩试验Hose test of water tight doors水密门冲水试验Noise lever measurement噪声测量Vibration level measurement 振动测量Main engine (M/E)主机Generator发电机Emergency generator应急发电机Shaft generator轴带发电机Fresh water generator 制淡装置Steering gear 舵机General service pump总用泵Pire pump消防泵Hydraulic motor 液压马达Hydraulic nuts液压螺帽Rudder舵Rudder bl ade舵叶Propeller车叶,螺旋桨Fixed pitch propeller固定螺距的螺旋桨Lofting型线图放样Lay off(船及部件)放样,下料Plate-cutting钢板下料,开工Numerically-controlled cutting machine数控切割机Cutting machine切割机Under water plasma cutting machine水下等离子切割机Surface preparation表面处理Fabrication(焊)开坡口,边缘加工(如刨边)Upside down construction method分段装配Assembly 反身建法Erection装配,大合拢Jig装配架,胎架Bow jip 船首部胎架Girder纵向构件,桁(材)Beam梁,横梁Sections型材Profile型钢(条)Bar 杆,棒,棒材Plate板材Angle bar角钢I beam(窄缘)工字梁H beam(宽缘)工字梁Stiffener扶强材Bracket托架,支架,肘板Support 支架Frame肋骨,框架Douler复板Coaming(舱口)围板,缘材Sinp剪切Cut切割Anchor锚Anchor widdlass 锚机Anchorage锚位,锚地Chain链Chain block链条滑车,神仙滑车Platform平台Crossover跨越(梯桥),立交Life raft 救身筏Life buoy 救生圈Forward winch 前绞缆机After winch 后绞缆机Windlass锚机Bitt带缆桩,系桩Fairlead导缆钳,导缆孔Hand rail扶手,栏杆Beam横梁Frame肋骨,框架Scantling构件尺寸Cargo oil tank货油舱Scantling draft结构吃水Forepeak tank首尖舱After peak tank尾尖舱Water ballast tanks压载水舱Fuel oil tank燃油舱Lubricating oil tank滑油舱Diesel oil tank柴油舱Double botton双层底Double skin双层外板,双层蒙皮Bow thruster艏侧推Propeller车叶Fixed pitch propeller定螺距螺旋桨Controllable pitch propeller(CPP)可调螺距螺旋桨Shaft轴Tail shart尾轴Shaft generator轴带发电机Watertight doors水密门Bulwark舷墙Bulkhead舱壁Tank top内底,液舱顶Hatch cover舱口盖Manhole人孔Fin stablizer减摇鳍Antifouling system防海生物的,防污染系统Ship船Vessel船,舰Fabrication制造,分段装配(precfabrication预制,预加工)Assemble装配,组装Erection大合拢,船台装配Staging脚手架Block stage分段阶段Mile stone(里程碑,大节点)Plate-cutting下料,开工Keel-laying上船台,龙骨铺设Lauching下水mooring trial码头试验,系泊试验sea trial(sea)试航delivery of the ship交船defect list by the owner/society船东提出的消除意见清单/船级社提出的消除意见清单design stage设计阶段submit drawings to owner,classificationsociety(LR、DNV、BV、ABS,etc)forapproval向船东,船级社(劳氏,挪威,法国,美国等)提交认可图纸hull workshop船体车间machining workshop金工车间machinery engineering workshop轮机车间electrical workshop电气车间business dept.经营处perchasing dept.供应处检验处Design dept.设计室Painting and carpenter’s workshop漆木车间Project manager项目经理Director指导者,厂长,董事Managing director执行董事,常务董事,总经理Head首长,团长,主任Manager经理,管理人,干事Leader领导者Meeting会议Negotiation谈判Agreement协议Shipyard船厂船舶专业英语词汇船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(一)a faired set of lines 经过光顺处理的一套型线a stereo pair of photographs 一对立体投影相片abaft 朝向船体abandonment cost 船舶废置成本费用accommodation 居住(舱室)accommodation ladder 舷梯adjust valve 调节阀adjustable-pitch 可调螺距式admiralty 海军部advance coefficient 进速系数aerostatic 空气静力学的aft peak bulkhead 艉尖舱壁aft peak tank 艉尖舱aileron 副鳍air cushion vehicle 气垫船air diffuser 空气扩散器air intake 进气口aircraft carrier 航空母舰air-driven water pump 气动水泵airfoil 气翼,翼剖面,机面,方向舵alignment chock 组装校准用垫楔aluminum alloy structure 铝合金结构American Bureau of Shipping 美国船级社amidships 舯amphibious 两栖的anchor arm 锚臂anchor chain 锚链anchor crown 锚冠anchor fluke 锚爪anchor mouth 锚唇anchor recess 锚穴anchor shackle 锚卸扣anchor stock 锚杆angle bar 角钢angle of attack 攻角angle plate 角钢angled deck 斜角甲板anticipated loads encountered at sea 在波浪中遭遇到的预期载荷anti-pitching fins 减纵摇鳍antiroll fins 减摇鳍anti-rolling tank 减摇水舱appendage 附体artisan 技工assembly line 装配流水线at-sea replenishment 海上补给augment of resistance 阻力增额auxiliary systems 辅机系统auxiliary tank 调节水舱axial advance 轴向进速backing structure 垫衬结构back-up member 焊接垫板balance weight 平衡锤ball bearing 滚珠轴承ball valve 球阀ballast tank 压载水舱bar 型材bar keel 棒龙骨,方龙骨,矩形龙骨barge 驳船baseline 基线basic design 基本设计batten 压条,板条beam 船宽,梁beam bracket 横梁肘板beam knee 横梁肘板bed-plate girder 基座纵桁bending-moment curves 弯矩曲线Benoulli’s law 伯努利定律berth term 停泊期bevel 折角bidder 投标人bilge 舭,舱底bilge bracket 舭肘板bilge radius 舭半径bilge sounding pipe 舭部边舱水深探管bitt 单柱系缆桩blade root 叶跟blade section 叶元剖面blast 喷丸block coefficient 方形系数blue peter 出航旗boarding deck 登艇甲板boat davit 吊艇架boat fall 吊艇索boat guy 稳艇索bobstay 首斜尾拉索body plan 横剖面图bolt 螺栓,上螺栓固定Bonjean curve 邦戎曲线boom 吊杆boss 螺旋桨轴榖bottom side girder 旁底桁bottom side tank 底边舱bottom transverse 底列板boundary layer 边界层bow line 前体纵剖线bow wave 艏波bowsprit 艏斜桅bow-thruster 艏侧推器box girder 箱桁bracket floor 框架肋板brake 制动装置brake band 制动带brake crank arm 制动曲柄brake drum 刹车卷筒brake hydraulic cylinder 制动液压缸brake hydraulic pipe 刹车液压管breadth extreme 最大宽,计算宽度breadth moulded 型宽breakbulk 件杂货breasthook 艏肘板bridge 桥楼,驾驶台bridge console stand 驾驶室集中操作台BSRA 英国船舶研究协会buckle 屈曲buffer spring 缓冲弹簧built-up plate section 组合型材bulb plate 球头扁钢bulbous bow 球状船艏,球鼻首bulk carrier 散货船bulk oil carrier 散装油轮bulkhead 舱壁bulwark 舷墙bulwark plate 舷墙板bulwark stay 舷墙支撑buoy tender 航标船buoyant 浮力的buoyant box 浮箱Bureau Veritas 法国船级社butt weld 对缝焊接butterfly screw cap 蝶形螺帽buttock 后体纵剖线by convention 按照惯例,按约定大秦cable ship 布缆船cable winch 钢索绞车CAD(computer-aided design) 计算机辅助设计CAE(computer-aided manufacturing)计算机辅助制造CAM(computer-aided engineering) 计算机辅助工程camber 梁拱cant beam 斜横梁cant frame 斜肋骨cantilever beam 悬臂梁capacity plan 舱容图CAPP(computer –aided process planning) 计算机辅助施工计划制定capsize 倾覆capsizing moment 倾覆力臂captain 船长captured-air-bubble vehicle 束缚气泡减阻船cargo cubic 货舱舱容,载货容积cargo handling 货物装卸carriage 拖车,拖架cast steel stem post 铸钢艏柱catamaran 高速双体船catamaran 双体的cavitation 空泡cavitation number 空泡数cavitation tunnel 空泡水筒center keelson 中内龙骨centerline bulkhead 中纵舱壁centroid 型心,重心,质心,矩心chain cable stopper 制链器chart 海图charterer 租船人chief engineer 轮机长chine 舭,舷,脊chock 导览钳CIM(computer integrated manufacturing) 计算机集成组合制造circulation theory 环流理论classification society 船级社cleat 系缆扣clipper bow 飞剪型船首clutch 离合器coastal cargo 沿海客货轮cofferdam 防撞舱壁combined cast and rolled stem 混合型艏柱commercial ship 营利用船commissary spaces 补给库舱室,粮食库common carrier 通用运输船commuter 交通船compartment 舱室compass 罗经concept design 概念设计connecting tank 连接水柜constant-pitch propeller 定螺距螺旋桨constraint condition 约束条件container 集装箱containerized 集装箱化contract design 合同设计contra-rotating propellers 对转桨controllable-pitch 可控螺距式corrosion 锈蚀,腐蚀couple 力矩,力偶crane 克令吊,起重机crank 曲柄crest (of wave) 波峰crew quarters 船员居住舱criterion 判据,准则Critical Path Method 关键路径法cross-channel automobile ferries 横越海峡车客渡轮cross-sectional area 横剖面面积crow’s nest 桅杆瞭望台cruiser stern 巡洋舰尾crussing range 航程cup and ball joint 球窝关节curvature 曲率curves of form 各船形曲线cushion of air 气垫damage stability 破损稳性damper 缓冲器damping 阻尼davit arm 吊臂deadweight 总载重量de-ballast 卸除压载deck line at side 甲板边线deck longitudinal 甲板纵骨deck stringer 甲板边板deck transverse 强横梁deckhouse 舱面室,甲板室deep v hull 深v型船体delivery 交船depth 船深derrick 起重机,吊杆design margin 设计余量design spiral 设计螺旋循环方式destroyer 驱逐舰detachable shackle 散合式连接卸扣detail design 详细设计diagonal stiffener 斜置加强筋diagram 图,原理图,设计图diesel engine 柴油机dimensionless ratio 无量纲比值displacement 排水量displacement type vessel 排水型船distributed load 分布载荷division 站,划分,分隔do work 做功dock 泊靠double hook 山字钩double iteration procedure 双重迭代法double roller chock 双滚轮式导览钳double-acting steam cylinder 双向作用的蒸汽气缸down halyard 降帆索draft 吃水drag 阻力,拖拽力drainage 排水draught 吃水,草图,设计图,牵引力dredge 挖泥船drift 漂移,偏航drilling rig 钻架drillship 钻井船drive shaft 驱动器轴driving gear box 传动齿轮箱driving shaft system 传动轴系dry dock 干船坞ducted propeller 导管螺旋桨dynamic supported craft 动力支撑型船舶dynamometer 测力计,功率计有效马力eccentric wheel 偏心轮echo-sounder 回声探深仪eddy 漩涡eddy-making resistance 漩涡阻力efficiency 供给能力,供给量electrohydraulic 电动液压的electroplater 电镀工elevations 高度,高程,船型线图的侧面图,立视图,纵剖线图,海拔empirical formula 经验公式enclosed fabrication shop 封闭式装配车间enclosed lifeboat 封闭式救生艇end open link 末端链环end shackle 末端卸扣endurance 续航力endurance 续航力,全功率工作时间engine room frame 机舱肋骨engine room hatch end beam 机舱口端梁ensign staff 船尾旗杆entrance 进流段erection 装配,安装exhaust valve 排气阀expanded bracket 延伸肘板expansion joint 伸缩接头extrapolate 外插fair 光顺faised floor 升高肋板fan 鼓风机fatigue 疲劳feasibility study 可行性研究feathering blade 顺流变距桨叶fender 护舷ferry 渡轮,渡运航线fillet weld connection 贴角焊连接fin angle feedback set 鳍角反馈装置fine fast ship 纤细高速船fine form 瘦长船型finite element 有限元fire tube boiler 水火管锅炉fixed-pitch 固定螺距式flange 突边,法兰盘flanking rudders 侧翼舵flap-type rudder 襟翼舵flare 外飘,外张flat of keel 平板龙骨fleets of vessels 船队flexural 挠曲的floating crane 起重船floodable length curve 可进长度曲线flow of materials 物流flow pattern 流型,流线谱flush deck vessel 平甲板型船flying bridge 游艇驾驶台flying jib 艏三角帆folding batch cover 折叠式舱口盖folding retractable fin stabilizer 折叠收放式减摇鳍following edge 随边following ship 后续船foot brake 脚踏刹车fore peak 艏尖舱forged steel stem 锻钢艏柱forging 锻件,锻造forward draft mark 船首水尺forward/afer perpendicular 艏艉柱forward/after shoulder 前/后肩foundry casting 翻砂铸造frame 船肋骨,框架,桁架freeboard 干舷freeboard deck 干舷甲板freight rate 运费率fresh water loadline 淡水载重线frictional resistance 摩擦阻力Froude number 傅汝德数fuel/water supply vessel 油水供给船full form丰满船型full scale 全尺度fullness 丰满度funnel 烟囱furnishings 内装修gaff 纵帆斜桁gaff foresail 前桅主帆gangway 舷梯gantt chart 甘特图gasketed openings 装以密封垫的开口general arrangement 总布置general cargo ship 杂货船generatrix 母线geometrically similar form 外形相似船型girder 桁梁,桁架girder of foundation 基座纵桁governmental authorities 政府当局,管理机构gradient 梯度graving dock 槽式船坞Green Book 绿皮书,19世纪英国另一船级社的船名录,现合并与劳埃德船级社,用于登录快速远洋船gross ton 长吨(公吨)group technology 成祖建造技术GT 成组建造技术guided-missile cruiser 导弹巡洋舰gunwale 船舷上缘gunwale angle 舷边角钢gunwale rounded thick strake 舷边圆弧厚板guyline 定位索gypsy 链轮gyro-pilot steering indicator 自动操舵操纵台gyroscope 回转仪qaspt 2006-07-17 18:29船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(四)half breadth plan 半宽图half depth girder 半深纵骨half rounded flat plate 半圆扁钢hard chine 尖舭hatch beam sockets 舱口梁座hatch coaming 舱口围板hatch cover 舱口盖hatch cover 舱口盖板hatch cover rack 舱口盖板隔架hatch side cantilever 舱口悬臂梁hawse pipe 锚链桶hawsehole 锚链孔。

环境因素对操船的影响 包括风(Effect of wind)、流(Effect of current)、浅水效应(Effect of shallows)、岸吸与岸推(bank cushion and bank suction)、船间的相互作用 (effect between ships)、航道富余水 深(under keel clearance)。
顶推(PUSHING): 顶推的带缆方式有 单首缆、双首缆和紧 绑三种。
拖带方式旁拖 (TOWING ALONGSIDE): 所需拖轮马力的简易估 算方法: 总的拖轮马力=船舶载 重吨X10%
紧急(最短)停船距离(crash /shortest stopping distance) 据统计,一般船舶至万吨级别货船紧急(最短)停 船距离(crash /shortest stopping distance)可达 6--8倍船长; 载重量50000吨左右的船舶可达8--10倍船长; 载重量100000吨的船舶可达10--13倍船长; 载重量150000---200000吨的船舶可达13--16倍船 长. 备注:紧急(最短)停船距离---船舶在前进三中开 后退三,从发令开始到船对水停止移动所航进的 距离。
3、《船舶交通管理系统运行管理规定》,交通部 安监字 【1997】375号 第三章 第十一条(五) 值班人员应„„,能熟练使 用汉语普通话和英语标准用语与船舶通话。 4、《关于进一步加强VTS系统运行管理工作的指导意见》, 海通航【2004】268号 七、„„强化VTS操作人员英语的培训,尽快掌握标 准航海英语通信用语和VTS运行工作所需外语能力,保持 VTS与船舶间及时、准确的沟通。

主要专业词汇1、crew member船员2、captain船长3、chief engineer轮机长4、chief mate大副5、second engineer大管轮6、second mate二副7、third engineer二管轮8、third mate三副9、fourth engineer三管轮10、assistant engineer轮助11、electrical engineer电机员12、mechanic机工、机匠13、ship船舶14、diesel boat柴油船舶15、electric propulsion ship电力推进船16、lift on/off ship吊装船17、container ship集装箱船18、cargo ship货船19、dry cargo ship干货船20、harbor boat港作船21、passenger ship客船22、ore carrier矿砂船23、refrigerated cargo ship冷藏船24、multipurpose towing ship多用途拖船25、nuclear powered vessel核动力船26、steam turbine ship汽轮机船27、gas turbine ship燃气轮机船28、ocean-going ship远洋船29、oil water disposal boat油污水处理船30、oil tanker油船31、general cargo ship杂货船32、hull strength船体强度33、hogging中拱34、sagging中垂35、longitudiual rigidiy总刚度36、torsional strength扭转强度37、local strength局部强度38、shell plate外板39、hull structure船体结构40、transverse system of framing横骨架式41、longitudinal system of framing纵骨架式42、combination system of framing混合骨架式43、framing管架44、truss纵骨45、gorder纵行46、longitudinal纵骨47、single strake单板48、double bottom双层底49、bilge strake舭列板50、keel龙骨51、floor肋底52、frame肋骨53、frame spacing肋骨间距54、stern post尾柱55、stem首柱56、propeller strut尾轴架57、stern tube尾轴管58、shaft tunnel轴隧59、floating condition浮态60、buoyancy浮性61、heel横倾62、trim纵倾63、center gravity重心64、center offloatation漂心65、stability稳性66、metacenter稳心67、statical stability静稳性68、initial stability初稳性69、stability at large angles大倾角稳性70、rudder舵71、flat-plate rudder平板舵72、balanced rudder平衡舵73、streamline rudder流线型舵74、underhung rudder悬挂舵75、flag-type rudder襟翼舵76、steerine gear操舵装置77、anchor锚78、lightweight anchor大抓力锚79、admiralty anchor海军锚80、single-fluke anchor单爪锚81、stock anchor有杆锚82、anchor chain锚链83、chain cable compressor制链器84、mooring bitt带缆桩85、mooring cleat带缆羊角86、fairlead导缆器87、cargo handinggear起货设备88、derrick rig吊杆装置89、life boat救生艇90、unclosed lifeboat开敞式救生艇91、closed lifeboat封闭式救生船92、lifebuoy救生圈93、watertight door水密门94、sliding watertight door滑动水密门95、fire proof door防火门96、fuel oil system燃油系统97、tracer line伴热管98、fuel transfer pump驳运泵99、setting tank沉淀柜100、oil separator分油机101、oil collector集油柜102、daily service tank日用柜103、fuel comsumption rate燃油消耗率104、fuel booster pump燃油增压泵105、vent line透气管106、duplex filter unit双联滤器107、lubricating system润滑系统108、magnetic filter磁性滤器109、lube oil pump滑油泵110、lube oil cooler滑油冷却器111、lube oil drain tank滑油循环柜112、cylinder lubrication气缸滑油113、wet sump lubrication湿底滑油114、dry sump lubrication干底滑油115、oil sump油底壳116、cooling system冷却系统117、fresh water cooler淡水冷却器118、closed cooling water system闭式冷却119、fresh water cooler pump淡水冷却泵120、sea valve海底阀121、sea chest海底阀箱122、sea water strainer海水粗滤器123、expansion tank膨胀水箱124、heat exchanger热交换器125、operational code操作代码126、central cooling system中央冷却系统127、marine pollution prevention海洋防污染128、standard discharge connection标准排放接头129、standard shore connection标准通岸接头130、de-oiler除油器131、faecal coliform大肠杆菌132、shipboard marine pollution emergency plan(SMPEP)船舶海洋污染应急计划133、shipboard oil pollution emergency plan(SOPEP)船舶油污染应急计划134、pollution by garbage from ships船舶垃圾污染135、pollution by sewage from ships船舶生活污染136、shipboard incinerootion船上焚烧137、noise level on boardship船上噪音等级138、atmospheric pollution大气污染139、abandon ship弃船140、emergency equipment应急设备141、station bill应急部署表142、emergency bilge pump应急舱底泵143、emergency bilge suction应急舱底吸口144、emergency valve应急阀145、emergency battery应急蓄电池145、emergency generator应急发电机boat fall 吊艇索boat guy 稳艇索bobstay 首斜尾拉索body plan 横剖面图bolt 螺栓,上螺栓固定Bonjean curve 邦戎曲线boom 吊杆boss 螺旋桨轴榖bottom side girder 旁底桁bottom side tank 底边舱bottom transverse 底列板boundary layer 边界层bow line 前体纵剖线bow wave 艏波bowsprit 艏斜桅bow-thruster 艏侧推器box girder 箱桁bracket floor 框架肋板brake 制动装置brake band 制动带brake crank arm 制动曲柄brake drum 刹车卷筒brake hydraulic cylinder 制动液压缸brake hydraulic pipe 刹车液压管breadth extreme 最大宽,计算宽度breadth moulded 型宽breakbulk 件杂货breasthook 艏肘板bridge 桥楼,驾驶台bridge console stand 驾驶室集中操作台BSRA 英国船舶研究协会buckle 屈曲buffer spring 缓冲弹簧built-up plate section 组合型材bulb plate 球头扁钢bulbous bow 球状船艏,球鼻首bulk carrier 散货船bulk oil carrier 散装油轮bulkhead 舱壁bulwark 舷墙bulwark plate 舷墙板bulwark stay 舷墙支撑buoy tender 航标船buoyant 浮力的buoyant box 浮箱Bureau Veritas 法国船级社butt weld 对缝焊接butterfly screw cap 蝶形螺帽buttock 后体纵剖线by convention 按照惯例,按约定cable ship 布缆船cable winch 钢索绞车CAD(computer-aided design) 计算机辅助设计CAE(computer-aided manufacturing) 计算机辅助制造CAM(computer-aided engineering) 计算机辅助工程camber 梁拱cant beam 斜横梁cant frame 斜肋骨cantilever beam 悬臂梁capacity plan 舱容图CAPP(computer –aided process planning) 计算机辅助施工计划制定capsize 倾覆capsizing moment 倾覆力臂captain 船长captured-air-bubble vehicle 束缚气泡减阻船cargo cubic 货舱舱容,载货容积cargo handling 货物装卸carriage 拖车,拖架cast steel stem post 铸钢艏柱catamaran 高速双体船catamaran 双体的cavitation 空泡cavitation number 空泡数cavitation tunnel 空泡水筒center keelson 中内龙骨centerline bulkhead 中纵舱壁centroid 型心,重心,质心,矩心chain cable stopper 制链器chart 海图charterer 租船人chief engineer 轮机长chine 舭,舷,脊chock 导览钳CIM(computer integrated manufacturing) 计算机集成组合制造circulation theory 环流理论classification society 船级社cleat 系缆扣clipper bow 飞剪型船首clutch 离合器coastal cargo 沿海客货轮cofferdam 防撞舱壁combined cast and rolled stem 混合型艏柱commercial ship 营利用船commissary spaces 补给库舱室,粮食库common carrier 通用运输船commuter 交通船compartment 舱室compass 罗经concept design 概念设计couple 力矩,力偶crane 克令吊,起重机crank 曲柄crest (of wave) 波峰crew quarters 船员居住舱criterion 判据,准则Critical Path Method 关键路径法cross-channel automobile ferries 横越海峡车客渡轮cross-sectional area 横剖面面积crow’s nest 桅杆瞭望台cruiser stern 巡洋舰尾crussing range 航程cup and ball joint 球窝关节curvature 曲率curves of form 各船形曲线cushion of air 气垫damage stability 破损稳性damper 缓冲器damping 阻尼davit arm 吊臂deadweight 总载重量de-ballast 卸除压载deck line at side 甲板边线deck longitudinal 甲板纵骨deck stringer 甲板边板deck transverse 强横梁deckhouse 舱面室,甲板室deep v hull 深v型船体delivery 交船depth 船深derrick 起重机,吊杆design margin 设计余量design spiral 设计螺旋循环方式destroyer 驱逐舰detachable shackle 散合式连接卸扣detail design 详细设计diagonal stiffener 斜置加强筋diagram 图,原理图,设计图diesel engine 柴油机dimensionless ratio 无量纲比值displacement 排水量displacement type vessel 排水型船distributed load 分布载荷division 站,划分,分隔do work 做功dock 泊靠double hook 山字钩double iteration procedure 双重迭代法double roller chock 双滚轮式导览钳double-acting steam cylinder 双向作用的蒸汽气缸down halyard 降帆索draft 吃水drag 阻力,拖拽力drainage 排水draught 吃水,草图,设计图,牵引力dredge 挖泥船drift 漂移,偏航drilling rig 钻架drillship 钻井船drive shaft 驱动器轴driving gear box 传动齿轮箱driving shaft system 传动轴系dry dock 干船坞ducted propeller 导管螺旋桨dynamic supported craft 动力支撑型船舶dynamometer 测力计,功率计e.h.p 有效马力eccentric wheel 偏心轮echo-sounder 回声探深仪eddy 漩涡eddy-making resistance 漩涡阻力efficiency 供给能力,供给量electrohydraulic 电动液压的electroplater 电镀工elevations 高度,高程,船型线图的侧面图,立视图,纵剖线图,海拔empirical formula 经验公式enclosed fabrication shop 封闭式装配车间enclosed lifeboat 封闭式救生艇end open link 末端链环end shackle 末端卸扣endurance 续航力endurance 续航力,全功率工作时间engine room frame 机舱肋骨engine room hatch end beam 机舱口端梁ensign staff 船尾旗杆entrance 进流段erection 装配,安装exhaust valve 排气阀expanded bracket 延伸肘板expansion joint 伸缩接头extrapolate 外插fair 光顺faised floor 升高肋板fan 鼓风机fatigue 疲劳feasibility study 可行性研究feathering blade 顺流变距桨叶fender 护舷ferry 渡轮,渡运航线fillet weld connection 贴角焊连接fin angle feedback set 鳍角反馈装置fine fast ship 纤细高速船fine form 瘦长船型finite element 有限元fire tube boiler 水火管锅炉fixed-pitch 固定螺距式flange 突边,法兰盘flanking rudders 侧翼舵flap-type rudder 襟翼舵flare 外飘,外张flat of keel 平板龙骨fleets of vessels 船队flexural 挠曲的floating crane 起重船floodable length curve 可进长度曲线flow of materials 物流flow pattern 流型,流线谱flush deck vessel 平甲板型船flying bridge 游艇驾驶台flying jib 艏三角帆folding batch cover 折叠式舱口盖folding retractable fin stabilizer 折叠收放式减摇鳍following edge 随边following ship 后续船foot brake 脚踏刹车fore peak 艏尖舱forged steel stem 锻钢艏柱forging 锻件,锻造forward draft mark 船首水尺forward/afer perpendicular 艏艉柱forward/after shoulder 前/后肩foundry casting 翻砂铸造frame 船肋骨,框架,桁架freeboard 干舷freeboard deck 干舷甲板freight rate 运费率fresh water loadline 淡水载重线frictional resistance 摩擦阻力Froude number 傅汝德数fuel/water supply vessel 油水供给船full form 丰满船型full scale 全尺度fullness 丰满度funnel 烟囱furnishings 内装修gaff 纵帆斜桁gaff foresail 前桅主帆hatch beam sockets 舱口梁座hatch coaming 舱口围板hatch cover 舱口盖hatch cover 舱口盖板hatch cover rack 舱口盖板隔架hatch side cantilever 舱口悬臂梁hawse pipe 锚链桶hawsehole 锚链孔heave 垂荡heel 横倾heel piece 艉柱根helicoidal 螺旋面的,螺旋状的hinge 铰链hinged stern door 艉部吊门HMS 英国皇家海军舰艇hog 中拱hold 船舱homogeneous cylinder 均质柱状体hopper barge 倾卸驳horizontal stiffener 水平扶强材hub 桨毂,轴毂,套筒hull form 船型,船体外形hull girder stress 船体桁应力HVAC(heating ventilating and cooling) 取暖,通风与冷却hydraulic mechanism 液压机构hydrodynamic 水动力学的hydrofoil 水翼hydrostatic 水静力的IAGG(interactive computer graphics) 交互式计算机图像技术icebreaker 破冰船icebreaker 破冰船IMCO(Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization) 国际海事质询组织immerse 浸水,浸没impact load 冲击载荷imperial unit 英制单位in strake 内列板inboard profile 纵剖面图incremental plasticity 增量塑性independent tank 独立舱柜initial stability at small angle of inclination 小倾角初稳性inland waterways vessel 内河船inner bottom 内底in-plane load 面内载荷intact stability 完整稳性intercostals 肋间的,加强的International Association of Classification Society (IACS) 国际船级社联合会International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) 国际船模试验水池会议intersection 交点,交叉,横断(切)inventory control 存货管理iterative process 迭代过程jack 船首旗jack 千斤顶joinery 细木工keel 龙骨keel laying 开始船舶建造kenter shackle 双半式连接链环Kristen-Boeing propeller 正摆线推进器landing craft 登陆艇launch 发射,下水launch 汽艇launching equipmeng (向水中)投放设备LCC 大型原油轮leading edge 导缘,导边ledge 副梁材length overall 总长leveler 调平器,矫平机life saving appliance 救生设备lifebuoy 救生圈lifejacket 救生衣lift fan 升力风扇lift offsets 量取型值light load draft 空载吃水lightening hole 减轻孔light-ship 空船limbers board 舭部污水道顶板liner trade 定期班轮营运业lines 型线lines plan 型线图Linnean hierarchical taxonomy 林式等级式分类学liquefied gas carrier 液化气运输船liquefied natural gas carrier 液化天然气船liquefied petroleum gas carrier 液化石油气船liquid bulk cargo carrier 液体散货船liquid chemical tanker 液体化学品船list 倾斜living and utility spaces 居住与公用舱室Lloyd’s Register of shipping 劳埃德船级社Lloyd’s Rules 劳埃德规范Load Line Convention 载重线公约load line regulations 载重线公约,规范load waterplane 载重水线面loft floor 放样台longitudinal (transverse) 纵(横)稳心高longitudinal bending 纵总弯曲longitudinal prismatic coefficient 纵向菱形系数longitudinal strength 纵总强度longitudinally framed system 纵骨架式结构luffing winch 变幅绞车machinery vendor 机械(主机)卖方magnet gantry 磁力式龙门吊maiden voyage 处女航main impeller 主推叶轮main shafting 主轴系major ship 大型船舶maneuverability 操纵性manhole 人孔margin plate 边板maritime 海事的,海运的,靠海的mark disk of speed adjusting 速度调整标度盘mast 桅杆mast clutch 桅座matrix 矩阵merchant ship 商船Merchant Shipbuilding Return 商船建造统计表metacenter 稳心metacentric height 稳心高oil skimmer 浮油回收船oil-rig 钻油架on-deck girder 甲板上桁架open water 敞水optimality criterion 最优性准则ore carrier 矿砂船orthogonal 矩形的orthogonal 正交的out strake 外列板outboard motor 舷外机outboard profile 侧视图outer jib 外首帆outfit 舾装outfitter 舾装工outrigger 舷外吊杆叉头overall stability 总体稳性overhang 外悬paddle 桨paddle-wheel-propelled 明轮推进的Panama Canal 巴拿马运河panting arrangement 强胸结构,抗拍击结构panting beam 强胸横梁panting stringer 抗拍击纵材parallel middle body 平行中体partial bulkhead 局部舱壁payload 有效载荷perpendicular 柱,垂直的,正交的photogrammetry 投影照相测量法pile driving barge 打桩船pillar 支柱pin jig 限位胎架pintle 销,枢轴pipe fitter 管装工pipe laying barge 铺管驳船piston 活塞pitch 螺距pitch 纵摇plan views 设计图planning hull 滑行船体Plimsoll line 普林索尔载重线polar-exploration craft 极地考察船poop 尾楼port 左舷port call 沿途到港停靠positive righting moment 正扶正力矩power and lighting system 动力与照明系统precept 技术规则preliminary design 初步设计pressure coaming 阻力式舱口防水挡板principal dimensions 主尺度Program Evaluation and Review Technique 规划评估与复核法progressive flooding 累进进水project 探照灯propeller shaft bracket 尾轴架propeller type log 螺旋桨推进器测程仪PVC foamed plastic PVC泡沫塑料quadrant 舵柄quality assurance 质量保证quarter 居住区quarter pillar 舱内侧梁柱quartering sea 尾斜浪quasi-steady wave 准定长波quay 码头,停泊所quotation 报价单racking 倾斜,变形,船体扭转变形radiography X射线探伤rake 倾斜raked bow 前倾式船首raster 光栅refrigerated cargo ship 冷藏货物运输船Register (船舶)登录簿,船名录Registo Italiano Navade 意大利船级社regulating knob of fuel pressure 燃油压力调节钮reserve buoyancy 储备浮力residuary resistance 剩余阻力resultant 合力reverse frame 内底横骨Reynolds number 雷诺数right-handed propeller 右旋进桨righting arm 扶正力臂,恢复力臂rigid side walls 刚性侧壁rise of floor 底升riverine warfare vessel 内河舰艇rivet 铆接,铆钉roll 横摇roll-on/roll-off (Ro/Ro) 滚装rotary screw propeller 回转式螺旋推进器rounded gunwale 修圆的舷边rounded sheer strake 圆弧舷板rubber tile 橡皮瓦rudder 舵rudder bearing 舵承rudder blade 舵叶rudder control rod 操舵杆rudder gudgeon 舵钮rudder pintle 舵销rudder post 舵柱rudder spindle 舵轴rudder stock 舵杆rudder trunk 舵杆围井run 去流段sag 中垂salvage lifting vessel 救捞船scale 缩尺,尺度schedule coordination 生产规程协调schedule reviews 施工生产进度审核screen bulkhead 轻型舱壁Sea keeping performance 耐波性能sea spectra 海浪谱sea state 海况seakeeping 适航性seasickness 晕船seaworthness 适航性seaworthness 适航性section moulus 剖面模数sectiongs 剖面,横剖面self-induced 自身诱导的self-propulsion 自航semi-balanced rudder 半平衡舵semi-submersible drilling rig 半潜式钻井架shaft bossing 轴榖shaft bracket 轴支架shear 剪切,剪力shear buckling 剪切性屈曲shear curve 剪力曲线。

船舶专业英语船舶类型词汇渔业船舶种类2.1 渔船fishing vessel用于商业性捕捉鱼类、鲸、海豹、海象或其他生物资源的船舶之统称。
2.1.1 拖网渔船trawler从事拖网作业,捕捞中、下层水域鱼虾类的专用渔船。
分双拖和单拖渔船,舷拖、尾拖和桁拖渔船。 双拖渔船two boat trawler,pair trawler,bull trawler由两船拖曳一顶网具进行捕捞作业的渔船。 单拖渔船single boat trawler由单船拖曳网具进行捕捞作业的渔船。
按作业方式可分为舷拖、尾拖和桁拖渔船。 舷拖渔船side trawler在船的一舷设有网板架,并进行拖网作业的渔船。 尾拖渔船stern trawler在船尾部进行拖网作业的渔船,称尾拖渔船。
在尾部设起、放网滑道的称尾滑道拖网渔船(stern ramp trawler)。 桁拖渔船beam trawler有桁架伸于舷外,以拖曳网具进行捕捞作业的渔船。 加工拖网渔船factory trawler具有较大的冻结和加工能力的大型尾滑道拖网渔船。
2.1.2 围网渔船seiner从事围网作业,主要围捕中、上层水域鱼类的专用渔船。
包括双船及单船、舷侧起网及尾部起网灯光诱鱼、金枪鱼等围网渔船。 双船围网渔船two boat seiner由两船共放、起一顶围网进行捕捞作业的渔船。 单船围网渔船single boat seiner配有辅助船艇,单船放起围网进行捕捞作业的渔船。 灯光诱鱼围网船组light luring seiner group由一艘围网渔船,数艘诱鱼灯船以及保鲜运输船等组成的灯光诱鱼围网作业船组。
a.灯光诱鱼围网船light luring seiner利用水上及水下灯光诱集鱼群,进行围捕作业的渔船。
VTS常用船舶操纵英语 (1)

水域 外海航道 港内航道
大型船 吃水的20% 吃水的15% 吃水的10%
VLCC 吃水的15% 吃水的10% 吃水的5%
马六甲海峡、新加坡海峡对吃水15M以上的船舶及 DW15万吨的以上的船舶过境时,规定了至少保持3。 5M富余水深。
进出港安全操作: 船舶进出港时,船长应在驾驶台、轮机长应在机舱亲自指
挥操作; 港内航行时,不得超过规定的航速;不做不必要的追越;
避免在弯曲和复杂水域会船;充分考虑风流对船位的影响, 做到应急制动快,停得住; 进出港时,应在指定VHF工作频道守听并加强与交通管理 部门、港口的联系,听从其指挥调度,并做好协调与他船 的避让措施; 进出港时一旦发生险情或事故,应设法使船舶摆脱危险、 减少损失、 做好相关记录, 及时报告当地 海事部门。
航道富余水深 富余水深的的确定及富余水深应考虑的因素 前进中的船体下沉量 因波浪引起的摇荡、横摇、纵摇和垂荡使吃水
增加。 海图水深的测量误差 水位的变化量 为安全操船应考虑的因素
欧洲引水协会(EMPA),对进出阿母斯特丹等港口的 船舶,建议采用如下的富余水深。
2、IALA Recommendation V103 建议案(国际航标协会示范课程)规 定VTS操作员(operator)应接受8项基本训练:1、语言,2、交通管 理,3、设备操作,4、航海知识,5、沟通协调,6、无线电收发信息, 7、个人职务,8、紧急状况报告。
3、《船舶交通管理系统运行管理规定》,交通部 安监字 【1997】375号 第三章 第十一条(五) 值班人员应……,能熟练使 用汉语普通话和英语标准用语与船舶通话。

VOCABULARYaboli sh v. 消除ABS 美国船级社accommodate v. 容纳accuracy n. 精度adjust v. 调节admi t v. 接纳adopt v. 采纳,采用aforementioned a.前述aft a. adv. n. (在)船艉aft peak 艉尖舱ahead n. 正车air compressor 空压机air-ti ght test 气密实验alignment n. 找中allowance n. 允值amplify v. 放大anchor n. 锚anchor chain (cable chain)锚链angular n. 角度anti corrosion precaution 防腐措施apparatus n. (pl. apparatus or apparatuses)仪器,器械,装置appearance n. 外观approval n. 批准,认可approve vt. 认可arc n. 弧度arrange v. 布置,安排asbestos n. 石棉assemble v. 装配assembly n. 装配astern n. 倒车axial push 轴向推力backing n. 衬垫base n. 基准base point n. 基准点basi c design 基本(方案)设计basi c metal母材bearing n. 轴承bearing hole n. 轴承孔blank n. 毛胚bolt n. 螺栓bolthead n. 螺栓头bottom n. 船底bushing n. 衬垫butt joint 对接接头calculation n. 计算calibrate v. 校正calibration n. 校正casing n. 罩壳cast i ron piece 铸铁件casting n. 铸造CCS 中国船级社centreline n. 中心线certifi cate n. 证书characteri stics n.性能,特性,特征check n. v. 检验China Classi fi cation Soci ety(CCS)中国船级社China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO)中国远洋公司cold processi ng 冷加工collision n. (船只)碰撞completi on drawing 完工图component n. 组成部分composi tion n. 成分组成condensation n. 冷凝connecting rod 连杆connection n. 接头constitute v. 构成consumption n. 消耗contact v. 触发coolant n. 致冷剂coolant(cooling agent)n. 制冷剂coordinate n. 坐标corrosion n. 腐蚀cross section 截面crosshead n. 十字头curve n. 曲线cutting n. 切割cylinder n. 气缸cylinder block 气缸体cylinder cover (cylinder head) 缸盖cylinder liner 气缸衬套cylinder oil 气缸油cylinder wall缸壁deadweight ton(DWT) n.载重量,吨载量deform v. 形变designati on n. 名称,牌号detail design 详细(施工)设计detect v. 探测detect v. 侦察detection n. 探测deviation n. 位移diameter n. 直径differentia n. 差异disc n. 圆盘division n. 划分DNV挪威船级社Dock n. 船坞dock trial码头试验drive n. 传动drive mechani sm 传动机构drive mechani sm 传动装置drive unit 传动装置driven shaft 从动轴dry v. 烘干drydock n. 干船坞electri c load 负荷electrode n. 焊条element n. 机械零件element n. 要素emerge v. 崛起,兴起enclose v. 封闭encounter v. 遭遇engine oil机油engine space 机舱engineer n. 轮机员engineer n. 工程师engine-room 机舱ensure v. 确保EO 无人机舱equipment n. 设备error n. 误差experi ment n. 实验exterior force 外力Fabri cate v. 装配,制作fabri cation n. 装配fashioned steel型钢fathometer n. 侧深仪feed v. 馈给fixed part 固定件flexibility n. 挠性flexible coupling 挠性联轴节flood v. 进水flush v. 清洗flushing agent 清洗剂flux n. 焊剂flywheel n 飞轮forging n. 锻造formation n. 构成,结构frame n. 肋骨Freon n. 氟利昂fresh water (F.W.)淡水fri ction resi stance 摩擦阻力fuel n. 燃料fuel nozzle 喷油嘴fuel oil 燃油fuel oil (F.O.)燃油fuel pipeline 燃油管系gas cutting 气割gas welding 气焊gear n. 齿轮gear drive 齿轮转动GL 西德劳氏船级社gravity centre 重心groove v. 开坡口ground v. 接地growth n. 生长,发育guarantee n. v. 保证general description 概述hand level手柄hand wheel手轮handle v. 操纵horizontal a.水平的,卧式的horsepower(hp) n. 马力hose n. 软管hot processing 热加工identify vt.识别impact n. 冲击implication n. 含义impurity n. 杂质inclination n. 倾斜inclination test 倾斜试验incline v. 倾斜index n. 索引indi cati on n. 显示indi cator n. 显示仪indi cator n. 指示器injector n. 喷油器input n. v. 输入inspector n. 质检员installation n. (船上)安装installation error 安装误差instrument n. 仪表,仪器intake n. 吸入integral casting 整体浇铸intention n. 意向intermediate bearing 中间轴承intermediate shaft 中间轴internal combustion engine 内燃机jig n. 胎架journal n. 轴颈keel n. 龙骨keep station 定位kerosene test 煤油实验knot n. 节labyrinth n. 迷宫,曲径landing-place n. 码头lap j oint 搭接接头lay v. 敷设length n. (一)节,(一)段level n. 液位level gauge 液位计license n. 许可证lining n. 衬垫locate v. 定位lock washer 锁紧垫片lofting n. 放样log n. 计程仪longitudinal a.纵向的low speed 低速LR 英国劳氏船级社lube oil润滑油lube oil(L.O.)滑油lube oil pump 滑油泵lubri cant n. 润滑剂lubri cating oil滑油M.E.engine room 主机舱Machine v. 机加工machinery n. 机械machinery set 机组machinery workshop 机电车间machining n. 机加工machining workshop 机加工车间magnify v. 放大magnitude n. 大小main bearing 主轴承main engine (ME) 主机maneuver v. n. 操纵maneuverability n. 操纵性maneuvering console 操纵台mark v. 标出material n. 材料maxi mum(max.)n. 最大means n. 手段,工具measuring meter 测量仪表measuring point 测量点mechani cal processing 机加工medi um speed 中速member n. 构件mercury n,水银miller n. 铣床model plate 样板model rod 样棒moderate a. 中型的monitor v. 监视moor v. 系泊moving part 运动件nauti cal mile 海里nil n. 零,无NK 日本海事协会non –ferrous metal有色金属numeral n. 数字numeri cal control (NC)数控numeri cal control cutter 数控切割机nut n. 螺母oil filling port 注油口oil tanker 油船oil-resistant a.耐油的oil-tight n. 油密one-way a.单向的opening n. 开口operation n. 施工operation n. 运行,运转opti cal projector 光学仪器opti cs n. 光学orbit n. 轨道order n. v. 订单,定购outer appearance 外观output n. 输出owner n. 船东oxide n. 氧化皮paint n. 油漆painting n. 涂装painting n. 涂装,油漆工艺parameter n. 参数part n. 部件,机械部件part fabri cation 部装parti cle n. 颗粒performance n. 性能perpendi cular n. 垂线pipe flange 管子法兰piping system 管系piston pin 活塞环piston pin 活塞梢pitch n. 纵摇plan n. 图纸plane n. 平面plant n. (成套机电)设备platform n. 平台pointing of di rection 指向pollution n. 污染port n. 左舷portable light 手提灯pre-heat v. 预热pretreat v. 预处理pri mer n. 底漆process n. 工艺,流程v. 加工,处理program n. 程序prolong v. 延长promote v. 促进,晋升propeller n. 螺旋桨proportion n. 比例propul sion plant 推进装置protection type 保护式purity v. 净化quality assurance 质量保证quality control质量控制range v. 测距range di splay 航程显示器range uni t 航程装置rated power 额定功率rated value 额定值reaction n. 反作用力reading n. 读数receiver n. 接收器reci procating movement 往复运动rectifi cation n. 矫正,整顿register n. (机)验船师register vt. 登记,注册regulation n. 登记remains n. 残余resemble v. 相似reservoi r n. 容器resi stance n. 阻力rest v. 靠左retaining washer 保护垫片retake v. 回收,取回reversal n. 换向reverse v. 反向逆转revolution n. 旋转rigid a. 刚性的room n. 余地rotate v. 旋转rotor n. 转子roughness n. 粗糙度rpm 转速rudder n. 舵rudder angle indi cator 舵角指示器rudder carrier 舵承,舵托rudder stock 舵轴,舵杆rudder stopper 舵角限制器rules n. 规范,规则rust preventati ve 防锈剂rust prevention 防锈rust removal除锈rust-proof a.防锈的safety val ve 安全阀screw shaft 螺旋桨轴sea damage 海损sea trial试航sea water (SW)海水seal n. v. 密封sealing agent 密封剂sealing gasket 密封垫片sealing ring 密封圈seat n. 座seating n. 基座senior engineer 高级工程师separation n. 分离separator n. 分离器serialize vt.使……成系列servi ce engineer 服务工程师servi ce life 使用寿命settle v. 沉淀shaft bracket 艉轴架,人字架shaft system轴系shed v. 放射,散发shipping n. 航运shipyard(yard)n. 船厂shop trial车间实验signal n. 信号single-rudder n. 单舵single-screw n. 单桨sketch n. 草图slide-bl ock n. 滑板,导块sliding di stance 滑行距离software n. 软件sounder n. 测深仪sources of power supply 能源space n. 空间spare parts(spares)备件speed reduction 减速squeeze n. v. 挤压stability n. 稳性stainless steel不锈钢stand v. 经受standard n. 标准stand-by n. 备用starboard n. 右舷start v. 动身,出发starti ng system 起动系统starti ng valve 启动阀state v. 说明steadiness n. 稳定性steel structure 钢结构steel wi re 钢丝steering gear 舵机steering gear room 舵机房steering mechani sm 操舵机构steering wheel舵轮stem n. 艏柱stern n. 船艉,艉柱stern tube 艉轴管straight line 直线structure n. 结构,构件stud n. 螺柱stuffing box 填料函suck v. 吸入sucti on port 吸入口sufficient a.足够的,充足的supply vessel补给,工作船support n. 支撑物surface treatment 表面处理surveyor n. (船)验船师survive v. 幸存,死里逃生sustain v. 支撑,支持swi tch n. 开关symbol n. 符号symmetrical a.对称的testing n. 调试testing facilities 测试设备testing instrument 测试仪器test & trials 试验与试航the ambient ai r 大气the brake horse power (BHP)轴马力,制动马力the controllable pitch propeller (CPP)可调螺距桨the effective horsepower 有效马力the length overall全长the painting outfitting 涂装the parties concerned 有关方面the propul sion plant 推进装置the rated frequency 额定功率the rated horsepower 额定马力the total tonnage 总吨位thermometer n. 温度计thread v. 攻螺纹thrust bearing 推力轴承thrust end 推力端thrust ring 推力环thrust shaft 推力轴tightness test 密性试验time vt. 确定……的时间tonnage n. 吨位torsional vibration 扭振torsional moment 扭距transfer pump 输送泵transportation n. 输送transversal a. 横向的treatment plant 处理装置trend n. 趋势tri m n. 纵倾trunk-pi ston n. 筒形活塞T-type joint T型接头turbi ne oil透平油turni ng ability 回转性turni ng ci rcle 回转半径turni ng gear 盘车机构turni ng motion 回转twin-rudder n. 双舵twin-screw n. 双桨two-way a. 双向的UMS 无人机舱uneven a. 不均匀uniform a. 均匀的unload v. 卸载vacuum n. 真空valve mechanism 阀机构velocity n. 速度verti cal a. 垂直的,直立式的vibration n. 振动viscosity n. 粘度CPP:controllable pitch propeller可调螺距螺旋桨propeller shagt/screw shaft螺旋桨轴hub body 桨毂propeller boss hub 桨毂propeller blade 桨叶piston rod 活塞杆(十字头)piston 活塞hub cylinder 缸套blade flange screw 叶法兰螺栓crank pin ring 曲柄销环(转盘) sliding shoe 滑块cover 盖blade sealing ring 衬垫环(介子) shaft flauge screw 轴法兰螺栓hvb cylinder screw 缸套螺栓pin for blade 桨叶销pin for hub 桨毂销spri ng 弹簧plug 塞locking plate 保险片screw 螺丝螺钉sealing washer 垫圈O-ring O型胶圈u-type packing U-密封圈regulating valve rod 调节阀regulating valve liner 调节衬垫propeller shaft 桨轴valve rod 连杆safety val ve 安全阀shaft flange protection 轴法兰保护罩nut 螺母locking wire 保险线shaft system轴系shafting 轴系tailshaft 尾轴scuff 拉伤cracks 裂纹taut 拉紧pull gauge 拉力计tap 攻丝bolt 螺栓pull拉拨drawwear down (轴)下沉量sealing 密封轴封machine 光车机加工white metal白合金巴氏合金heel根部stamp 打标记measure 测量propeller cap 将军帽bcade ti p 叶梢leading edge 导边trailing edge 随边pitch 螺距direction of rutating 旋向fwd aft linercasing flanceintermediate ringsupport ri ngseal coverwear down gaugeclamp ringtaperinterm shaftrope guardrudder system:舵系body 上磨盘carrier 磨盘座jumping stopper 防跳bearing di sk 轴承环(推力块)bush 轴承packing ground 迫件法兰set bolts 固定螺钉locking bolts for bushcoaming plate 栏板liner 衬垫water seal海水retaining ring 挡水环key 键throuth bolts nutsreamer bolts nutsreamer bolts nutsbolts nuotsstud bolts nutsnavaron packing 盘根O-ringstopper 制动器cotterdrain plug 排水塞packing for drain pluggrease fittings 油孔。

749 monitoring device 监控装置
750 moor v.
751 motive power
752 motor n.
753 mould loft
754 mouth n.
755 moving part
756 multi-purpose a. 757 multi-stage n.
54 arbitrate v.
55 arc n.
56 arduous a.
57 arrange v.
58 asbestos n.
59 assemble v.
60 Assemble Language
61 assembly n.
62 astern n.
63 atmospheric survey 大气环流调查
分厂,附属工厂 前述 (在)船艉 艉尖舱
售后服务 正车 空气瓶 空压机
28 air reservoir 29 air siren 30 air-tight test
气瓶 汽笛 气密实验
31 alarm bell
32 alignment n.
33 all waves
34 allowance n.
713 measuring point 测量点
714 mechanical energy 机械能
715 mechanical 716 lmauecnhcahninicgal 717 pmreoccheasnsiicnagl unit
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1.船舶操纵ship handling
2.船舶操纵性能ship maneuverability
3.定常旋回steady turning .
6.旋回初径tactical diameter
7.旋回直径final diameter 8.滞距reach
9.反移量kick 10.漂角drift angle
11.转心pivoting point 12.横倾list
13.方形系数block coefficient 14.舵面积比rudder area ratio
15.操纵性指数maneuverability indices 16.追随性指数turning lag index
17.旋回性指数turning ability index 18.新航向距distance to new course
19.静航向稳定性statical course stability 20.动航向稳定性dynamical course stability 21.船舶保向性course keeping ability 22.船舶惯性inertia effect
23.紧急停船距离crash stopping distance 24.最短停船距离shortest stopping distance 25.制动纵距head reach 26.制动横距lateral deviation
27.蛇航制动法zig zag stop manoeuvre 28.旋回试验turning test
29.螺旋试验spiral test 30.停船试验stopping test
31.操纵性试验manoeuvring test 32.正螺旋试验direct spiral test
33.逆螺旋试验reverse spiral test 34.固定螺距螺旋桨fixed pitch propeller 35.可变螺距螺旋桨controllable pitch propeller 36.阻力resistance
37.摩擦阻力frictional resistance 38.兴波阻力wave resistance
39.剩余阻力residual resistance 40.涡流阻力eddy-making resistance
41.污底阻力fouling resistance 42.附体阻力appendage resistance
43.空气阻力air resistance 44.汹涛阻力rough water resistance
45.推力thrust 46.吸入流suction current
47.排出流discharge current 48.转距torque
49.滑失slip 50.滑失比slip ratio
51.机器功率machinery horse power 52.收到功率delivered horse power
53.有效功率effective horse power 54.舵力rudder force
55.一字锚flying moor 56.伴流wake
57.舵效steerage 58.首缆head line
59.首横缆fore breast 60.首倒缆fore spring
61.尾缆stern line 62.尾横缆aft breast
63.尾倒缆aft spring 64.吊拖leading ahead
65.顶推pushing 66.傍拖towing alongside
67.尾找风stern to wind 68.受限水域confined water
69.浅水效应shallow water effect 70.岸壁效应bank effect
71.首下沉bow sinkage 72.尾下沉stern sinkage
73.岸吸suction 74.岸推repulsion
75.富余水深under keel clearance 76.船间效应interaction
77.海上船速sea speed 78.备车速度stand by speed
79.串视线transit line 80.墩底striking the bottom
81.单锚泊riding at single anchor 82.八字锚open mooring
83.走锚dragging 84.拖锚dredging
85.横摇rolling 86.纵摇pitching
87.垂荡heaving 88.首摇yawing
89.拍底slamming 90.甲板上浪ship water on deck 91.尾淹pooping 92.螺旋桨空转racing
93.滞航heave to 94.顺浪scudding
95.漂滞lie to 96.危险半圆dangerous semicircle 97.可航半圆navigable semicircle 98.纵荡surging
100.螺旋桨沉深横向力transverse force of propeller submergence。