
有关股东协议中英文版6篇篇1股东协议Shareholders’ Agreement本股东协议(‘本协议’)于【签订日期】由以下股东共同签署:This Shareholders’ Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made on [Date of Signing] and is signed by the following shareholders:股东一:___________________ [填写姓名/名称及地址]Shareholder 1: ___________________ [Insert Name, Address]股东二:___________________ [填写姓名/名称及地址]Shareholder 2: ___________________ [Insert Name, Address]前言Preamble鉴于股东们共同投资于__________公司(以下简称‘公司’),为明确各方权益,达成以下协议。
一、公司概述与宗旨Article 1: Company Overview and Purpose公司致力于__________ [描述公司业务及目标]。
二、股权分配Article 2: Allocation of Shares1. 股东一持有公司______%的股权。
2. 股东二持有公司______%的股权。
三、股东权利与义务Article 3: Rights and Obligations of Shareholders1. 股东享有公司利润分配、决策参与等权利。
2. 股东需按时足额缴纳认购的出资额,并承担公司运营中的相应义务。
四、公司治理Article 4: Corporate Governance1. 公司设立董事会,由_____名董事组成。
2. 董事会负责公司的日常管理与重大决策。
3. 设立监事会,负责监督董事与高级管理人员的行为。
委托持股协议 中英文对照模板

委托持股协议Shareholding Entrustment Agreement甲方(委托方):Party A (Entrusting Party):法定代表人:Legal Representative:注册地址:Registered Address:乙方(受托方):Party B (Entrusted Party):国籍:Nationality:证件号:Document No.:住所:Domicile:甲方以下简称“委托方”,乙方以下简称“受托方”,甲乙双方经友好协商于年月日,就委托持股有关事宜签署如下协议条款:Party A (hereinafter referred to as the “Entrusting Party”) and PartyB (hereinafter referred to as the “Entrusted Party”) have conductedfriendly consultations and concluded the following agreement concerningthe subject matter of entrusted shareholding on (MM/DD/YY).一、委托持股及股权归属I. Shareholding Entrustment and Equity Ownership1、委托方同意根据本协议规定的条款和条件,委托受托方以受托方名义持有委托方所有的公司的股权(以下简称“指定股权”);受托方同意根据本协议规定的条款和条件接受委托方委托,以自己的名义持有指定股权。
1. The Entrusting Party hereby agrees to comply with the terms and conditions stipulated in this Agreement and entrust the Entrusted Party with the ownership of the Company’s equity (hereinafter referred to as “Designated Equity”) which is owned by the Entrusting Party and will be owned in the name of the Entrusted Party, while the Entrusted Party agrees to own the Designated Equity in its own name and accept the entrustment of the Entrusting Party in compliance with the terms and conditions stipulated in this Agreement.2、双方在此确认:2. Both Parties hereby confirm the following:(1)自年月日起,因持有指定股权而产生的在公司的股东权利、利益、义务和责任均由委托方享有并承担;指定股权不属于受托方自有财产,受托方仅作为公司名义上的股东,不享有因持有指定股权而产生的相应股东权益,亦不承担相应的亏损和责任。

英文股权合同范本ENGLISH SHAREHOLDER AGREEMENT TEMPLATEThis Shareholder Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Insert Date], by and between [Insert Name], a company incorporated under the laws of [Insert Jurisdiction] (the "Company"), and the undersigned shareholders (collectively referred to as the "Shareholders").1. SHAREHOLDERS1.1 The current Shareholders of the Company and their respective shareholdings at the time of entering into this Agreement are as follows:Shareholder Name: [Insert Shareholder Name]Number of Shares Held: [Insert Number of Shares]1.2 Any future shareholders who acquire shares in the Company will be subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.2. PURPOSE2.1 The purpose of this Agreement is to establish the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the Shareholders concerning their respective shareholdings in the Company.3. CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS3.1 Each Shareholder shall contribute to the capital of the Company in proportion to their shareholdings as set forth in Section The capital contributions may be made in cash, assets, or any other form mutually agreed upon by the Shareholders.4. VOTING RIGHTS4.1 Each Shareholder shall be entitled to one vote per share held in the Company.4.2 Decisions requiring shareholder approval, including but not limited to the election of directors, shall be made in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and the Company's bylaws.5. DIVIDENDS5.1 The Shareholders shall be entitled to receive dividends in proportion to their respective shareholdings, subject to the Company's financial performance and the discretion of the Board of Directors.5.2 Dividends may be distributed in cash or through other means agreed upon by the Shareholders.6. TRANSFER OF SHARES6.1 No Shareholder shall transfer or sell their shares to any third party without obtaining the prior written consent of the other Shareholders.6.2 In the event a Shareholder wishes to transfer or sell their shares, they shall first offer the shares to the existing Shareholders pro-rata in proportion to their respective shareholdings.7. DISPUTE RESOLUTION7.1 Any disputes arising from or related to this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiation and mutual agreement between the Shareholders.7.2 If the parties are unable to resolve a dispute through negotiation, the parties agree to submit the dispute to binding arbitration in accordance with the laws of [Insert Jurisdiction].8. TERM AND TERMINATION8.1 This Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated by mutual agreement of the Shareholders or as otherwise provided by applicable laws and regulations.8.2 Upon termination of this Agreement, the Shareholders shall cooperate in any necessary actions to ensure an orderly transition of their respective shareholdings.9. GOVERNING LAW9.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Insert Jurisdiction].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Shareholder Agreement as of the date first above written.[Insert Company Name]By: [Insert Name], [Insert Title]Shareholder:[Insert Shareholder Name][Insert Shareholder Signature] [Insert Shareholder Name] [Insert Shareholder Signature] [Insert Shareholder Name] [Insert Shareholder Signature]。
委托持股协议 中英文对照模板

委托持股协议Shareholding Entrustment Agreement甲方(委托方):Party A (Entrusting Party):法定代表人:Legal Representative:注册地址:Registered Address:乙方(受托方):Party B (Entrusted Party):国籍:Nationality:证件号:Document No.:住所:Domicile:甲方以下简称“委托方”,乙方以下简称“受托方”,甲乙双方经友好协商于年月日,就委托持股有关事宜签署如下协议条款:Party A (hereinafter referred to as the “Entrusting Party”) and Party B (hereinafter referred to as the “Entrusted Party”) have conducted friendly consultations and concluded the following agreement concerning the subject matter of entrusted shareholding on (MM/DD/YY).一、委托持股及股权归属I. Shareholding Entrustment and Equity Ownership1、委托方同意根据本协议规定的条款和条件,委托受托方以受托方名义持有委托方所有的公司的股权(以下简称“指定股权”);受托方同意根据本协议规定的条款和条件接受委托方委托,以自己的名义持有指定股权。
1. The Entrusting Party hereby agrees to comply with the terms and conditions stipulated in this Agreement and entrust the Entrusted Party with the ownership of the Company’s equity (hereinafter referred to as “Designated Equity”) which is owned by the Entrusting Party and will be owned in the name of the Entrusted Party, while the Entrusted Party agrees to own the Designated Equity in its own name and accept the entrustment of the Entrusting Party in compliance with the terms and conditions stipulated in this Agreement.2、双方在此确认:2. Both Parties hereby confirm the following:(1)自年月日起,因持有指定股权而产生的在公司的股东权利、利益、义务和责任均由委托方享有并承担;指定股权不属于受托方自有财产,受托方仅作为公司名义上的股东,不享有因持有指定股权而产生的相应股东权益,亦不承担相应的亏损和责任。

Share-holding Entrustment AgreementThis entrustment agreement (hereinafter called as “this agreement”) was signed by following parties (hereinafter called as “agreement parties) in Qingdao, China on July 20, 2008.Party A: Shengyuan Nutritional Food C o., Ltd. (“Shengyuan Nutrition”)Address: Seashore Industrial Park, Jiaonan, QingdaoNatural person A: Jiang Yunpeng; ID card No.: 231026************Natural person B: Zhang Jibin; ID card No.: 370223************(hereinafter called as “Party B” or “Party B Together”)Whereas:1 Validly existing and lawfully established within the territory of the People’s Republic of China, Party A is an exclusively foreign-owned enterprise, whose lawful registration certificate number is: 370284400001270;2 Party B is a citizen of PRC;3 Party A will entrust Party B to set up the company in mainland China to deploy pregnant woman detection center project (“project”). Party A will join force with the company of Party B and Party B Together (“Party B Company”) to sign “Exclusive Consulting and Service Agreement” and some other agreements to establish business relationship;4 Party B is required to use capital to deploy some matters including prophase operation of project.Therefore, after friendly consultations between both Parties on the principle of mutual benefit, the Parties hereby agree as follows:I Stock equity-holding on behalf of holders and relevant fund items1.1 Party A shall appropriate fund to Party B as per Party B’s written application since the a greement was signed. The sum shall be RMB15 m for each of Party B and the total shall be RMB30 m (“fund-holding on behalf of holders”). Party Bshall be responsible for utilizing this fund as registered capital to establish the company (hereinafter called as “this company”).1.2 This company will sign a series of agreements with Party A, including but not limited to “Exclusive Consulting and Service Agreement”, “Business Operation Agreement”, “Stock Equity Disposal Agreement” and “Stock Equity PledgeAgre ement”. Both Parties have basically agreed to the content framework (Annex One, Two, Three and Four) of these agreements.1.3 Being as the nominal holder of shares (hereinafter called as “shares-holding on behalf of the holder”) of this company, Party B shall perform relevant shareholders’ rights on behalf of the holder depending on Party A’s indication.1.4 The ownership of share-holding on behalf of the holder under the name of Party B belongs to Party A. Party B shall only set up this company and hold the shares of this company under the name of the trustee.II Authorization of entrustmentThe rights entrusted by Party A to Party B to perform on behalf of Party A include:12.1 Set up this company under the name of Party B;2.2 Register Party B to be the shareholder in the shareholder registration roster of this company;2.3 Perform shareholder’s rights as the shareholder of this company, including but not limited to charging dividend or bonus, participating the shareholder meeting, performing voting right and etc.;2.4 Perform shareholders’ other rights as per relevant laws, regulations and constitution of this company in registration location.III Party A’s rights and obligations3.1 Being as the actual investor of share-holding on behalf of the holder, Party A has the right to enjoy actual shareholder’s rights and has the right to obtain relevant investing income.3.2 Party A can issue commands to Party B at any moment with respect to Party A’s performing shareholders’ r ight and Party B shall execute Party A’s commands unconditionally.3.3 Party A has the right to transfer the share-holding on behalf of the holder and relevant shareholder’s equity to its own account or the account of any third Party designated by Party A when Party A thinks roper. Party B shall agree to the above-mentioned transference unconditionally and shall transact the transference as per Party A’s command.3.4 During the period of Party B’s holding share-holding on behalf of the holder, Party A shall shoulder all of relevant generated expenses of taxation (if any); Party A shall also shoulder the generated expenses of taxation when Party B transfers the share-holding on behalf of Party A to Party A or any third Party designated by Party A to hold as per Party A’s commands.3.5 Being as the actual holder of the share, Party A has the right to supervise and correct Party B’s improper behaviors of entrustment as per this agreement and also has the right to require Party B to compensate actual losses due to Party B’s improper behaviors.3.6 Party A has the right to notify cancelling entrusting Party B at any moment and request to transfer relevant share to Party A or new trustee selected by Party A or any third Party designated by the Party A in accordance with laws.IV Party B’s rights and obligations4.1 Party B will not enjoy any usufruct or disposal right (including but not limited to transference and pledge of shareholders’ equity) of shareholders’ equity formed by this share-holding on beha lf of the Party A, under Party B’s own name.4.2 Party B shall not transfer the authority of entrustment to the Third Party to hold above-mentioned share-holding on behalf of the Party A or enjoy shareholder’s equity at any moment or in any situation, un less Party B obtains Party A’s commands or Party A’s written consent.4.3 Under the condition of not obtaining Party A’s written authorization, Party B is not permitted to make transference and disposal or set guarantee of any form for share-holding on behalf of Party A and all of benefits held by itself, moreover, Party B is not permitted to implement any other behaviors possibly damaging Party A’s benefits.24.4 Party B shall deliver all of benefits generated from share-holding on behalf of Party A to Party A timely (incl. cash dividend, bonus or any other benefit allocations).4.5 Party B shall try its best to cooperate with Party A to transfer all of relevant procedures under its own name, when Party A plans to transfer share-holding on behalf of the holder to the third Party.V Term of entrustmentThe term of entrustment shall be a period starting from the effective date of this agreement and ending when Party A issues the written consent to Party B for termination.VI All of agreements and modification for agreements6.1 This agreement together with all of the mentioned or explicitly included agreements and/or all of agreementsreached by document drafting parties in terms ofsubject-matters of this agreement shall replace all of the oral, written agreements, contracts, understandings and address books reached by all parties previously with respect to subject-matters of this agreement.6.2 Any modification for this agreement will go into effect only after all parties have signed the written agreement. The modified agreements and supplementary agreements related to this agreement signed by all parties are the important parts of this agreement. These agreements have the same legal force with this agreement.VII Implementation of agreementThis agreement is in triplicate and each party holds one. This agreement will go into effect since Party A’s authorized representative affixes the signature and the official seal and Party B Together affixes the signature.VIII Jurisdiction of lawsSubscription, effectiveness, implementation and interpretation of this agreement together with settlement of disputes is ruled over by PRC laws and it is interpreted as per PRC laws.IX Settlement of disputes9.1 When all of relevant parties have disputes with respect to interpretation and implementation of items of this agreement, all parties shall settle disputes through friendly negotiation. Any party can submit the relevant disputes to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission to make a settlement as per effective arbitration rules if the disputes can’t be settled through negotiation. The arbitration locale is Beijing. The arbitration language is Chinese. The arbitrament shall be final and it brings constraint for all parties.9.2 All parties shall still continue to fulfill their respective obligations as per regulations of this agreement based on friendship principle, unless there are some disputes.Party A: Shengyuan Nutrition Food Co., Ltd. (stamp)Authorized representative:/s/ Zhang Liang (signature)Party B:Jiang Yunpeng: /s/ Jiang Yunpeng (signature) Zhang Jibin: /s/ Zhang Jibin (signature)。

委托协议(中英文对照版)本委托协议 ("协议") 是由下列双方签署,即 [委托方名称] ("委托方") 和 [代理方名称] ("代理方")。
This Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into between the following parties, the [Principal Name] ("Principal") and the [Agent Name] ("Agent").1. 委托内容1.1 委托方授权代理方代表其进行 [委托内容] 相关事务。
1.2 [委托内容] 包括但不限于 [具体内容]。
1.3 代理方同意遵守委托方的指示,并以最佳努力为委托方完成任务。
2. 期限2.1 本协议有效期为 [开始日期] 至 [结束日期]。
2.2 协议有效期届满后,双方如有需要可以协商续签。
3. 报酬3.1 委托方同意支付代理方服务的报酬。
具体金额为 [金额]。
3.2 报酬应在任务完成后的 [支付时限] 内支付给代理方。
4. 保密条款4.1 双方在本协议中约定的执行过程中可能会涉及到保密信息。
4.2 双方同意在协议终止后继续保持保密信息的机密性,并不得向任何第三方透露。
5. 其他条款5.1 本协议中未尽事宜,双方应友好协商解决。
5.2 本协议一经签署,即具有法律效力,除非双方一致同意解除。
5.3 本协议的签署可以通过电子方式进行,电子签名与手写签名具有同等效力。
6. 适用法律和争议解决6.1 本协议适用 [法律适用法规]。
6.2 出现与本协议相关的争议时,双方应通过友好协商解决。

股权委托合同范本英文回答:Equity Entrustment ContractI, [Your Name], am excited to share with you a sample equity entrustment contract. Before we dive into the detls, let me just say that this is a crucial document that governs the relationship between the principal and the agent when it es to equity matters.Let's start with the definitions and explanations. The "Principal" refers to the person who owns the equity and entrusts the management and decision-making rights to another party. The "Agent" is the person or entity that accepts the entrustment and acts on behalf of the principal.Now, let's take a look at the key provisions of the contract. Firstly, the scope of the entrustment should be clearly defined. This includes specifying which equity interests are being entrusted, the duration of the entrustment, and the extent of the agent's authority. For example, if the principal entrusts 50% of their shares in a pany for a period of three years, and the agent is authorized to make decisions regarding dividend distribution and voting at shareholder meetings, all of these detls should be spelled out clearly.Secondly, the rights and obligations of both the principal and the agent need to be stipulated. The principal has the right to receive regular reports from the agent on the management of the equity and has the final say in major decisions that may significantly impact the value of the equity. On the other hand, the agent is obligated to act in the best interests of the principal, exercise due diligence, and keep the principal's information confidential.Another important aspect is the remuneration and expenses. If the agent is end to pensation for their services, the amount, payment method, and frequency should be clearly stated. Additionally, any expenses incurred during the course of the entrustment, such as legal fees or administrative costs, should also be specified as to who will bear them.Let's not forget about the termination clause. This outlines the circumstances under which the entrustment can be terminated prematurely, such as breach of contract either party, change in the principal's circumstances, or the achievement of certn predefined objectives.In conclusion, a well-drafted equity entrustment contract is essential to ensure a smooth and transparent relationship between the principal and the agent. It protects the interests of both parties and provides a clear framework for the management of equity.中文回答:股权委托合同我,[你的名字],很高兴能为您提供一份股权委托合同的范本。

以下是详细的内容:委托人:身.分.挣耗.吗:住所地:电.化:受托人:身.分.挣耗.吗:住所地:电.化:鉴于委托人拥有某项权益,并希望授权受托人代理处理相关事项,双方经友好协商一致,达成以下委托协议:第一章:协议目的与背景1.1 目的本章节说明本委托协议的目的,并明确双方的共同意图。
1.2 背景本章节详细介绍了委托人持有的权益背景和授权受托人的合理性。
第二章:委托内容及范围2.1 委托内容本章节明确了委托人授权受托人代表其处理的具体事项。
2.2 委托范围本章节对受托人的代理权限进行了详细说明,并了特定范围的事项。
2.3 委托期限本章节规定了委托的期限,并明确了是否续签的条件与程序。
第三章:双方权利与义务3.1 委托人权利与义务本章节详细阐述了委托人在协议范围内的权利与义务。
3.2 受托人权利与义务本章节详细阐述了受托人在协议范围内的权利与义务。
第四章:费用与支付方式4.1 委托费用本章节明确规定了委托人需要支付的费用,包括各项服务费、手续费等。
4.2 支付方式本章节说明了支付费用的方式、时间和具体操作方法。
第五章:违约责任与争议解决5.1 违约责任本章节规定了双方在违约情况下所承担的责任及补救措施。
5.2 争议解决本章节约定了当双方出现争议时,解决争议的途径,包括调解、仲裁、诉讼等方式。
第六章:协议变更与终止6.1 协议变更本章节说明了双方如何对协议进行变更的程序和方式。
6.2 协议终止本章节了协议终止的条件和程序,并明确了协议终止后的事宜安排。
附件:1. 证明文件清单- [ ] 附件1:身.分.挣复印件- [ ] 附件2:权益证明文件- [ ] 附件3:其他相关证明文件法律名词及注释:1. 授权:根据相关法律规定,将某项权益交由他人代理处理的行为。
2. 委托人:拥有某项权益并授权受托人代理处理的自然人或法人。

全篇版持股协议书样本英文版Sample Shareholders' AgreementThis document serves as a sample shareholders' agreement outlining the terms and conditions agreed upon by all parties involved in a business venture.Parties InvolvedThe agreement is made between the shareholders of [Company Name], hereinafter referred to as "the Company".PurposeThe purpose of this agreement is to establish the rights and responsibilities of each shareholder regarding the ownership and management of the Company.Shareholding Structure1. Each shareholder's percentage of ownership in the Company is outlined in Schedule A attached hereto.2. Any transfer of shares must be approved by a majority vote of the shareholders.3. Shareholders are prohibited from transferring their shares to external parties without the consent of the other shareholders.Management and Decision Making1. The shareholders agree to appoint a Board of Directors to oversee the management of the Company.2. Major decisions, such as changes to the Company's business plan or financial structure, require approval by a majority vote of the shareholders.3. Day-to-day operations are delegated to the appointed management team.Shareholder Responsibilities1. Shareholders are expected to act in the best interest of the Company and refrain from engaging in activities that may harm the Company's reputation.2. Shareholders are required to attend annual general meetings and provide input on key decisions affecting the Company.Dispute Resolution1. In the event of a dispute between shareholders, the parties agree to resolve the issue through mediation or arbitration.2. If mediation or arbitration fails to resolve the dispute, the parties may seek legal recourse.Confidentiality1. Shareholders agree to keep all proprietary information confidential and not disclose sensitive information to third parties.2. Breach of confidentiality may result in legal action against the offending party.Termination of Agreement1. This agreement remains in effect until all parties agree to dissolve the Company or amend the terms of the agreement.2. Termination of the agreement requires a majority vote of the shareholders.This sample shareholders' agreement is a template for reference purposes only and should be customized to fit the specific needs of the Company and its shareholders.。

(完整)委托持股协议中英文对照模板二、委托期限II. Entrustment d三、违约责任___ Contract四、争议解决IV. Dispute n___ by the laws of the People's Republic of China. In case of any dispute arising from this agreement, the ___ fails, either partymay bring a lawsuit to the people's court of the place where this agreement is signed.(2) If any disputes or lawsuits arising from the Entrusted Party's own debts may result in the freezing, seizure, n, sale, or other losses of the Designated Equity, the Entrusted Party must inform the Entrusting ___ that it will not be frozen, seized, ned, sold, or suffer any loss.2、委托方应当按照《公司法》及公司章程的规定,参加公司股东大会并行使投票权。

有关股东协议中英文版5篇篇1股东协议SHAREHOLDER AGREEMENT本协议由以下股东于____年____月____日在____签署。
一、公司概述(Company Overview)此部分应描述公司的基本信息,包括但不限于公司名称、注册地址、成立日期、主营业务等。
二、股东构成(Shareholder Composition)此部分应详细列出所有股东的信息,包括但不限于股东姓名、国籍、持股百分比等。
三、股权结构(Equity Structure)详细规定公司的股权分配情况,包括但不限于普通股和优先股的比例分配等。
四、股东权利与义务(Shareholder Rights and Obligations)列举股东的各项权利与义务,包括但不限于分红权、投票权、管理权等,并对股东参与公司治理提出要求。
五、公司治理(Corporate Governance)详细阐述公司治理结构,包括董事会、监事会成员的产生和职权分配等,同时明确重要决策事项的决策机制和程序。
六、业务运营(Business Operation)规定公司的业务范围和运营策略,包括公司的发展方向和目标,业务计划的制定和实施等。

Share-holding Entrustment AgreementThis entrustment agreement (hereinafter called as “this agreement”) was signed by following parties (hereinafter called as “agreement parties) in Qingdao, China on July 20, 2008.Party A: Shengyuan Nutritional Food C o., Ltd. (“Shengyuan Nutrition”)Address: Seashore Industrial Park, Jiaonan, QingdaoNatural person A: Jiang Yunpeng; ID card No.: 231026************Natural person B: Zhang Jibin; ID card No.: 370223************(hereinafter called as “Party B” or “Party B Together”)Whereas:1 Validly existing and lawfully established within the territory of the People’s Republic of China, Party A is an exclusively foreign-owned enterprise, whose lawful registration certificate number is: 370284400001270;2 Party B is a citizen of PRC;3 Party A will entrust Party B to set up the company in mainland China to deploy pregnant woman detection center project (“project”). Party A will join force with the company of Party B and Party B Together (“Party B Company”) to sign “Exclusive Consulting and Service Agreement” and some other agreements to establish business relationship;4 Party B is required to use capital to deploy some matters including prophase operation of project.Therefore, after friendly consultations between both Parties on the principle of mutual benefit, the Parties hereby agree as follows:I Stock equity-holding on behalf of holders and relevant fund items1.1 Party A shall appropriate fund to Party B as per Party B’s written application since the a greement was signed. The sum shall be RMB15 m for each of Party B and the total shall be RMB30 m (“fund-holding on behalf of holders”). Party Bshall be responsible for utilizing this fund as registered capital to establish the company (hereinafter called as “this company”).1.2 This company will sign a series of agreements with Party A, including but not limited to “Exclusive Consulting and Service Agreement”, “Business Operation Agreement”, “Stock Equity Disposal Agreement” and “Stock Equity PledgeAgre ement”. Both Parties have basically agreed to the content framework (Annex One, Two, Three and Four) of these agreements.1.3 Being as the nominal holder of shares (hereinafter called as “shares-holding on behalf of the holder”) of this company, Party B shall perform relevant shareholders’ rights on behalf of the holder depending on Party A’s indication.1.4 The ownership of share-holding on behalf of the holder under the name of Party B belongs to Party A. Party B shall only set up this company and hold the shares of this company under the name of the trustee.II Authorization of entrustmentThe rights entrusted by Party A to Party B to perform on behalf of Party A include:12.1 Set up this company under the name of Party B;2.2 Register Party B to be the shareholder in the shareholder registration roster of this company;2.3 Perform shareholder’s rights as the shareholder of this company, including but not limited to charging dividend or bonus, participating the shareholder meeting, performing voting right and etc.;2.4 Perform shareholders’ other rights as per relevant laws, regulations and constitution of this company in registration location.III Party A’s rights and obligations3.1 Being as the actual investor of share-holding on behalf of the holder, Party A has the right to enjoy actual shareholder’s rights and has the right to obtain relevant investing income.3.2 Party A can issue commands to Party B at any moment with respect to Party A’s performing shareholders’ r ight and Party B shall execute Party A’s commands unconditionally.3.3 Party A has the right to transfer the share-holding on behalf of the holder and relevant shareholder’s equity to its own account or the account of any third Party designated by Party A when Party A thinks roper. Party B shall agree to the above-mentioned transference unconditionally and shall transact the transference as per Party A’s command.3.4 During the period of Party B’s holding share-holding on behalf of the holder, Party A shall shoulder all of relevant generated expenses of taxation (if any); Party A shall also shoulder the generated expenses of taxation when Party B transfers the share-holding on behalf of Party A to Party A or any third Party designated by Party A to hold as per Party A’s commands.3.5 Being as the actual holder of the share, Party A has the right to supervise and correct Party B’s improper behaviors of entrustment as per this agreement and also has the right to require Party B to compensate actual losses due to Party B’s improper behaviors.3.6 Party A has the right to notify cancelling entrusting Party B at any moment and request to transfer relevant share to Party A or new trustee selected by Party A or any third Party designated by the Party A in accordance with laws.IV Party B’s rights and obligations4.1 Party B will not enjoy any usufruct or disposal right (including but not limited to transference and pledge of shareholders’ equity) of shareholders’ equity formed by this share-holding on beha lf of the Party A, under Party B’s own name.4.2 Party B shall not transfer the authority of entrustment to the Third Party to hold above-mentioned share-holding on behalf of the Party A or enjoy shareholder’s equity at any moment or in any situation, un less Party B obtains Party A’s commands or Party A’s written consent.4.3 Under the condition of not obtaining Party A’s written authorization, Party B is not permitted to make transference and disposal or set guarantee of any form for share-holding on behalf of Party A and all of benefits held by itself, moreover, Party B is not permitted to implement any other behaviors possibly damaging Party A’s benefits.24.4 Party B shall deliver all of benefits generated from share-holding on behalf of Party A to Party A timely (incl. cash dividend, bonus or any other benefit allocations).4.5 Party B shall try its best to cooperate with Party A to transfer all of relevant procedures under its own name, when Party A plans to transfer share-holding on behalf of the holder to the third Party.V Term of entrustmentThe term of entrustment shall be a period starting from the effective date of this agreement and ending when Party A issues the written consent to Party B for termination.VI All of agreements and modification for agreements6.1 This agreement together with all of the mentioned or explicitly included agreements and/or all of agreementsreached by document drafting parties in terms ofsubject-matters of this agreement shall replace all of the oral, written agreements, contracts, understandings and address books reached by all parties previously with respect to subject-matters of this agreement.6.2 Any modification for this agreement will go into effect only after all parties have signed the written agreement. The modified agreements and supplementary agreements related to this agreement signed by all parties are the important parts of this agreement. These agreements have the same legal force with this agreement.VII Implementation of agreementThis agreement is in triplicate and each party holds one. This agreement will go into effect since Party A’s authorized representative affixes the signature and the official seal and Party B Together affixes the signature.VIII Jurisdiction of lawsSubscription, effectiveness, implementation and interpretation of this agreement together with settlement of disputes is ruled over by PRC laws and it is interpreted as per PRC laws.IX Settlement of disputes9.1 When all of relevant parties have disputes with respect to interpretation and implementation of items of this agreement, all parties shall settle disputes through friendly negotiation. Any party can submit the relevant disputes to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission to make a settlement as per effective arbitration rules if the disputes can’t be settled through negotiation. The arbitration locale is Beijing. The arbitration language is Chinese. The arbitrament shall be final and it brings constraint for all parties.9.2 All parties shall still continue to fulfill their respective obligations as per regulations of this agreement based on friendship principle, unless there are some disputes.Party A: Shengyuan Nutrition Food Co., Ltd. (stamp)Authorized representative:/s/ Zhang Liang (signature)Party B:Jiang Yunpeng: /s/ Jiang Yunpeng (signature) Zhang Jibin: /s/ Zhang Jibin (signature)。

3、在代持股期间,乙方代甲方收取代持股份产生的收益,应当在收到该收益后 5 个工作日内,将其转交给甲方或打入甲方指定的账户;4、在代持股期间,乙方应保证所代持股份权属的完满性和安全性,非经甲方书面赞成,乙方不得办理代持股份,包括但不限于转让,赠与、放弃或在该等股权上设定质押等;5、假设因乙方的原因,如债务瓜葛等,造成代持股权被查封,乙方应提供其他任何财产向法院、仲裁机构或其他机构申请解封;6、乙方应当依照老实信用的原那么合适履行受托义务,并接受甲方的监督。

为明确双方的权利和义务,经协商一致,特订立本协议如下:1. 股权代持内容1.1 甲方委托乙方代为持有目标公司[具体股权比例]的股权。
1.2 甲方作为实际出资人,享有该股权对应的所有权益,包括但不限于股息、红利、资产增值等。
1.3 乙方作为名义股东,仅在法律上代表甲方持有该等股权,不享有该股权的任何实际权益。
2. 股权代持期限2.1 本协议的股权代持期限自[起始日期]起至[终止日期]止。
2.2 在代持期限内,甲方有权随时要求乙方将代持的股权转回至甲方名下。
3. 甲方的权利和义务3.1 甲方有权随时了解代持股权的经营状况和财务状况。
3.2 甲方应按时向乙方支付代持费用,具体金额和支付方式由双方另行商定。
4. 乙方的权利和义务4.1 乙方应按照甲方的指示行使股东权利,包括但不限于出席股东会、投票表决等。
4.2 乙方不得擅自转让、质押或以其他方式处分代持的股权。
5. 保密条款5.1 双方应对本协议的内容及因履行本协议而知悉的对方的商业秘密和个人隐私予以保密。
5.2 保密义务不因本协议的终止而解除。
6. 违约责任6.1 如任何一方违反本协议的约定,应赔偿对方因此遭受的一切损失。
7. 争议解决7.1 本协议在履行过程中发生的任何争议,双方应首先通过友好协商解决。
7.2 如协商不成,任何一方均可向甲方所在地的人民法院提起诉讼。
8. 其他8.1 本协议的修改和补充应由双方协商一致,并以书面形式确认。
8.2 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效。
甲方代表(签字):_________ 日期:____年__月__日乙方代表(签字):_________ 日期:____年__月__日(注:以上内容为示例文本,具体条款应根据实际情况制定。

委托持股协议Shareholding Entrustment Agreement甲方(委托方):Party A (Entrusting Party):法定代表人:Legal Representative:注册地址:Registered Address:乙方(受托方):Party B (Entrusted Party):国籍:Nationality:证件号:Document No.:住所:Domicile:甲方以下简称“委托方”,乙方以下简称“受托方”,甲乙双方经友好协商于年月日,就委托持股有关事宜签署如下协议条款:Party A (hereinafter referred to as the “Entrusting Party”) and Party B (hereinafter referred to as the “Entrusted Party”) have conducted friendly consultations and concluded the following agreement concerning the subject matter of entrusted shareholding on (MM/DD/YY).一、委托持股及股权归属I. Shareholding Entrustment and Equity Ownership1、委托方同意根据本协议规定的条款和条件,委托受托方以受托方名义持有委托方所有的公司的股权(以下简称“指定股权”);受托方同意根据本协议规定的条款和条件接受委托方委托,以自己的名义持有指定股权。
1. The Entrusting Party hereby agrees to comply with the terms and conditions stipulated in this Agreement and entrust the Entrusted Party with the ownership of the Company’s equity (hereinafter referred to as “Designated Equity”) which is owned by the Entrusting Party and will be owned in the name of the Entrusted Party, while the Entrusted Party agrees to own the Designated Equity in its own name and accept the entrustment of the Entrusting Party in compliance with the terms and conditions stipulated in this Agreement.2、双方在此确认:2. Both Parties hereby confirm the following:(1)自年月日起,因持有指定股权而产生的在公司的股东权利、利益、义务和责任均由委托方享有并承担;指定股权不属于受托方自有财产,受托方仅作为公司名义上的股东,不享有因持有指定股权而产生的相应股东权益,亦不承担相应的亏损和责任。


委托持股协议-中英文对照模板委托持股协议Shareholding Entrustment Agreement甲方(委托方):Party A (Entrusting Party):法定代表人:Legal Representative:注册地址:Registered Address:乙方(受托方):Party B (Entrusted Party):国籍:Nationality:证件号:Document No.:住所:Domicile:甲方以下简称“委托方”,乙方以下简称“受托方”,甲乙双方经友好协商于年月日,就委托持股有关事宜签署如下协议条款:Party A (hereinafter referred to as the “Entrusting Party”) and Party B (hereinafter referred to as the “Entrusted Party”) have conducted friendly consultations and concluded the following agreement concerning the subject matter of entrusted shareholding on (MM/DD/YY).一、委托持股及股权归属I. Shareholding Entrustment and Equity Ownership1、委托方同意根据本协议规定的条款和条件,委托受托方以受托方名义持有委托方所有的公司的股权(以下简称“指定股权”);受托方同意根据本协议规定的条款和条件接受委托方委托,以自己的名义持有指定股权。
1. The Entrusting Party hereby agrees to comply with the terms and conditions stipulated in this Agreement and entrust the Entrusted Party with the ownership of the Company’s equity (hereinafter referred to as “Designated Equity”) which is owned by the Entrusting Party and will be owned in the name of the Entrusted Party, while the Entrusted Party agrees to own the Designated Equity in its own name and accept the entrustment of the Entrusting Party in compliance with the terms and conditions stipulated in this Agreement.2、双方在此确认:2. Both Parties hereby confirm the following:(1)自年月日起,因持有指定股权而产生的在公司的股东权利、利益、义务和责任均由委托方享有并承担;指定股权不属于受托方自有财产,受托方仅作为公司名义上的股东,不享有因持有指定股权而产生的相应股东权益,亦不承担相应的亏损和责任。

英文股权合同范本Shareholder AgreementThis Shareholder Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [date], and between [Party A name] (the "Party A") and [Party B name] (the "Party B").1. Definitions:"Shares" shall mean the equity shares of the Company.2. Transfer of Shares:Party A agrees to transfer [number] of Shares to Party B, and Party B agrees to accept such transfer.3. Rights and Obligations:The shareholders shall have the rights and obligations as provided in the Company's articles of association and applicable laws.Each shareholder shall have the right to participate in the management and decision-making of the Company in proportion to their shareholding.4. Dividends:Dividends shall be distributed among the shareholders in accordance with their shareholdings.5. Meetings:Regular shareholder meetings shall be held as required law and the Company's articles of association.6. Confidentiality:The parties agree to keep all information regarding the Company and this Agreement confidential.7. Dispute Resolution:In the event of any dispute or disagreement between the parties, they shall attempt to resolve it through friendly negotiation. If unsuccessful, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the applicable arbitration rules.8. Governing Law:This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [applicable jurisdiction].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Agreement as of the date first written above.Party A: [Party A signature]Party B: [Party B signature]Please note that this is just a basic template and may need to be customized and adapted according to specific circumstances and legal requirements. It is advisable to consult a legal professional before finalizing any shareholder agreement.。
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委托持股协议Shareholding Entrustment Agreement甲方(委托方):Party A (Entrusting Party):法定代表人:Legal Representative:注册地址:Registered Address:乙方(受托方):Party B (Entrusted Party):国籍:Nationality:证件号:Document No.:住所:Domicile:甲方以下简称“委托方”,乙方以下简称“受托方”,甲乙双方经友好协商于年月日,就委托持股有关事宜签署如下协议条款:Party A (hereinafter referred to as the “Entrusting Party”) and Party B (hereinafter referred to as the “Entrusted Party”) have conducted friendly consultations and concluded the following agreement concerning the subject matter of entrusted shareholding on (MM/DD/YY).一、委托持股及股权归属I. Shareholding Entrustment and Equity Ownership1、委托方同意根据本协议规定的条款和条件,委托受托方以受托方名义持有委托方所有的公司的股权(以下简称“指定股权”);受托方同意根据本协议规定的条款和条件接受委托方委托,以自己的名义持有指定股权。
1. The Entrusting Party hereby agrees to comply with the terms and conditions stipulated in this Agreement and entrust the Entrusted Party with the ownership of the Company’s equity (hereinafter referred to as “Designated Equity”) which is owned by the Entrusting Party and will be owned in the name of the Entrusted Party, while the Entrusted Party agrees to own the Designated Equity in its own name and accept the entrustment of the Entrusting Party in compliance with the terms and conditions stipulated in this Agreement.2、双方在此确认:2. Both Parties hereby confirm the following:(1)自年月日起,因持有指定股权而产生的在公司的股东权利、利益、义务和责任均由委托方享有并承担;指定股权不属于受托方自有财产,受托方仅作为公司名义上的股东,不享有因持有指定股权而产生的相应股东权益,亦不承担相应的亏损和责任。
(1) Since (MM/DD/YY), the Entrusting Party shall enjoy all the shareholder’s rights and interests and assume all the obligations and responsibilities arising from the ownership of the Designated Equity; the Designated Equity will not belong to part of the proprietary property of the Entrusted Party. The Entrusted Party will only serve as the nominal shareholder ofthe Company and will neither be entitled to the corresponding shareholder’s interests nor bear losses and responsibilities arising from the ownership of the Designated Equity.(2)受托方因自身债务而导致纠纷、诉讼可能导致指定股权被冻结、查封、拍卖、变卖或受到其他损失时,应书面通知委托方,并向相关债权人、诉讼法院说明指定股权的性质,确保指定股权不被冻结、查封、拍卖、变卖或遭受损失。
(2) In case that the Designated Equity may be frozen, sealed up, auctioned, sold off or many undergo any other loss due to any dispute or litigation arising from the Entrusted Party’s own debt problems, the Entrusted Party shall notify the Entrusting Party of the foregoing incident or loss and inform relevant creditor and court of the nature of the Designated Equity to ensure that the Designated Equity will not be frozen, sealed up, auctioned, sold off or undergo any other loss.二、股东权利的行使II. Exercise of Shareholder’s Rights1、基于指定股权而产生的在公司所享有的股东权利及义务,均由委托方享有并承担。
股东权利包括但不限于公司股东享有的下述权利:1. All the shareholder’s rights and obligations for the Company arising from the Designated Equity will be enjoyed or assumed by the Entrusting Party. The shareholder’s rights include but are not limited to the following rights enjoyed by the Company’s shareholder:(1)以转让、赠与、出资、质押、抵押、托管、租赁等可能使指定股权所有权发生转移或受到限制的任何方式处置指定股权;(1) The disposition of the Designated Equity in such ways as transfer, betrothal, financing, pledge, mortgage, trusteeship or lease that may change or constrain the ownership of the Assigned Equity;(2)公司股东会出席、召集及表决权;(2) The rights of attendance, assembly and voting at the shareholders’ meeting of the Company; (3)股东会提案权;(3) The right of submitting proposals at the shareholders’ meeting;(4)公司董事、监事提名权;(4) The right of nominating the directors and supervisors of the Company;(5)分红权;(5) The right of profit-sharing;(6)公司剩余财产分配权;(6) The right of distributing the remaining property of the Company;(7)根据法律、法规及公司章程,作为公司股东应享有的其他权利。
(7) Other rights the shareholder shall enjoy according to relevant laws, regulations and the Articles of Association of the Company.2、委托方在行使上述公司股东权利时,受托方应给予无条件配合和协助(包括但不限于向委托方或委托方指定的其他出具授权委托书或出具法律、法规性文件要求的各项有关法律文件等),将上述股东权利授予委托方或委托方指定的他方。
2. While the Entrusting Party is exercising its rights as the shareholder of the Company, the Entrusted Party shall render support and assistance unconditionally (including but not limited to the issuance of power of attorney or all relevant legal documents required by the law and regulations to the Entrusting Party or any other Party designated by the Entrusted Party) with a view to transferring the foregoing shareholder’s rights to the Entrusting Party or any other Party designated by the Entrusted Party.3、委托期限内,若委托方转让指定股权,公司实施分红、送股、转增股本,该等权利及收益由委托方享有。