
重症肌无力患者神经肌肉接头处的突触后膜结构异常,导致乙酰 胆碱受体数量减少或功能异常,从而影响神经信号的传递。
免疫系统异常攻击突触后膜上的乙酰胆碱受体,导致神经肌肉接头 处的传导障碍。
重症肌无力患者神经肌肉接头处的超微结构发生改变,包括突触后 膜的皱褶、增厚、细胞内肌醇磷脂的减少等。
《重症肌无力》ppt 课件
• 重症肌无力概述 • 重症肌无力的病因与病理机制 • 重症肌无力的治疗与康复 • 重症肌无力的预防与日常护理 • 重症肌无力研究进展与未来展望
重症肌无力是一种由神经-肌肉接头处传递功能障碍所引起的自身免疫性疾病 ,临床主要表现为部分或全身骨骼肌无力和易疲劳,活动后症状加重,经休息 后症状减轻。
保证充足的睡眠时间,适当休 息,避免长时间连续工作或学 习。
进行适当的体育锻炼,增强肌 肉力量和耐力。
在日常生活中注意安全,避免 因肌肉无力而发生意外事故。
对于患有重症肌无力的人群, 应给予心理支持,帮助他们树
重症肌无力是一种慢性疾病,病程较长,病情容易反复发作,需要长期治疗和 管理。
常见的症状包括眼睑下垂、复视、斜视、眼球运动障碍、面 部肌肉无力、咀嚼吞咽困难、声音嘶哑、饮水呛咳、呼吸困 难等。
重症肌无力的症状表现多样,不同患者的症状可能有所不同 ,有些患者可能仅表现出轻微的症状,而有些患者可能出现 严重的肌肉无力甚至呼吸衰竭。

针对患者具体情况制定训练计 划,逐步加强肌肉力量。
指导患者进行日常生活能力训 练,提高生活质量。
针对患者语言障碍进行康复训 练,提高语言表达能力。
关注患者心理健康,提供心理 支持,帮助患者树立信心。
与患者建立良好的信任 关系,倾听患者诉,
对患者进行康复训练和心理辅导,提高其生 活质量和社会适应能力。
根据患者的具体情况,制定个性化的药物治 疗方案,控制病情发展。
定期对患者的病情进行监测和评估,及时调 整治疗方案,控制病情进展。
了解重症肌无力对公众健康造成的负担, 制定相应的防控策略。
如溴吡啶斯明,可抑制胆 碱酯酶活性,缓解症状。
如糖皮质激素、环磷酰胺 等,用于控制疾病进展和 减轻症状。
如免疫球蛋白、胸腺素等 ,用于调节免疫功能,控 制疾病。
适用于伴有胸腺增生的患者,可 减轻症状并降低复发率。
常见症状包括眼睑下垂、视力模糊、复视、斜视等,严重时可能导致吞咽困难 、呼吸困难等症状。
重症肌无力的具体病因尚未完全明确,但多数研究认为与自身免疫、遗传、环境 因素等有关。
重症肌无力的病理机制主要是由于神经-肌肉接头处的突触后膜受损,导致乙酰 胆碱受体数量减少或功能异常,从而影响神经信号的传递,引起肌肉无力。

• 确诊胸腺瘤患者应行胸腺摘除手术,而不 考虑重症肌无力的严重程度,早期手术治 疗可以降低肿瘤扩散的风险 • 不伴胸腺瘤MG患者,轻型者(Osserman 分型Ⅰ-Ⅱ)不能从手术中获益,而相对较 重患者(Osserman分型Ⅱb-Ⅳ)特别是全 身型合并乙酰胆碱受体抗体阳性的重症肌 无力患者则可能在手术后临床症状得到改 善或缓解
MGFA分型 • 2000年美国重症肌无力协会(MGFA)提 出新临床分型,比Osserrman分型更细致客 观
任何眼肌无力, 可伴有眼闭合无力,其他肌群力正常
无论眼肌无力的程度,其他肌群轻度无力 主要累及四肢或(和)躯干肌,可有同等程度以下的咽喉肌受累 主要累及咽喉肌(和)呼吸肌,可有同等程度以下的四肢肌或(和)躯干肌受累 无论眼肌无力的程度,其他肌群中等无力 主要累及四肢肌和躯干肌,可有同等程度以下咽喉肌受累 主要累及咽喉肌或(和)呼吸肌,可有同等程度以下的四肢肌或(和)躯干肌受累 无论眼肌无力的程度,其他肌群重度无力 主要累及四肢肌或(和)躯干肌,可有同等程度以下的咽喉肌受累 主要累及咽喉肌或(和)呼吸肌,可有同等程度以下的四肢肌或(和)躯干肌受累 气管插管伴或不伴机械通气(除外术后常规使用),无插管的鼻饲病例为IVb期。
• 如滑车、外展和部分动眼神经麻痹、核间 性眼肌麻痹、一个半综合征等 • 眼外肌麻痹,可伴有相应的中枢神经系统 症状和体征 • 脑干诱发电位可有异常 • 头颅MRI检查有助于诊断
• 属于自身免疫性甲状腺病 • 限制性眼外肌无力不伴眼睑下垂,可有眼 睑退缩症状 • 眼眶CT显示眼外肌肿胀,甲状腺功能亢进 或减退

3.γ球蛋白:蓉生静丙 0.2-0.4/Kg/d 静 注,连用5天
4.血浆交换:每次2000ml,qod,3-4 次
5.换血疗法:放血300-400ml,输血 300-400ml,或换血浆疗法
通过以上5项措施,力争免作气管插管 或气管切开
MG患者在患病过程中突然发生的 严重的呼吸困难
1.肌无力危象 2.胆碱能危象 3.反拗性危象
1.感染 2.月经 3.生产 4.劳累
5.药物 6.手术 7.外伤 8.精神刺激
1.吸氧、调节抗AchE的剂量和方法 2.去除诱因: ①尽内滴入 11.拔管后继续用激素,化疗或放
• 6.气管插管、气管切开、使用人工
• 呼吸器
• 指征:
• ①严重的呼吸困难;
• ②肌注新斯的明无改善;
• ③血氧分析PO2<50mmHg,
• 7.暂停抗AchE剂3-4天
8.甲强龙1000mg,静注,qd×3 9.CTX 1000mg,静注,qw 10.用最敏感的抗生素迅速控制感

诊 断 吉 兰一 雷 综 合 征 要 仔 细 了 解 患 者 发 病 过 程 , 床 巴 临 表 现 的 多 样 性 以 复 杂 性 , 好 全 面 体 格 检 查 、 关 影 像 检 查 做 相 和 实 验 室 检 查 , 合 临床 特 征 , 结 病情 呈 进 行 性 发 展 , 侧 症 状 双 相 对 称 , 觉 障碍 的存 在 , 神 经 受 累 表 现 , 情 逐 步得 到 恢 感 脑 病 复 , 自主神 经 功 能 障碍 存 在 等 。腰 穿 脑 脊 液 蛋 白 一 细 胞 分 有 离 有 助 于 诊 断 , 要 反 复 查 看 , 要 早 期 做 F波 和 多 根 神 经 且 还 检查 , 这样 可 以 降低 吉 兰一 巴雷 综 合 征 的误 诊 率 。
眼 肌 型 重症 肌无 力 的 常见 症状 是 上 睑下 垂 、 肌 麻 痹 和 眼 复 视 。这些 症状 可 单 独 或 同 时 出 现 。 而 这 些 症 状 亦 是 某 些 颅 内 神 经病 变 、 瘤 和 肌 源 性 病 变 的 共 有 表 现 。如 果 对 眼 肌 肿
压史 , 药 血 压 控 制 良 好 , 糖 尿 病 史 。体 检 : 身 情 况 良 服 无 全 好 。视 力 R 08 I 0 6 . , . 。第 一 眼 位 : 眼 内斜 约 + 1。 左 眼 左 5, 外 转 轻 度 受 限 , 余 各 方 位 活 动 自如 。 眼 眶 C 无 异 常 , 其 T 颅 脑 C 腔 隙性 脑 梗 死 。注 射 新 斯 的 明 后 复 视 消 失 , 断 为 重 T: 诊
某 医 院诊 为“ 甲状 腺 功 能 低 下 ” 口 服 甲状 腺 素 片 , 状 无 改 , 症 善 。 因左 眼 角膜 畸 形 突 出 、 痛 , 我 院 要 求 手 术 治 疗 。入 疼 来

ME&MG是一项在美国、加拿大开展的开放分散研究,其中纳入了199名全身型重症肌无力 (gMG)患者,均使用ME&MG openTM数字工具完成每月的问卷调查。本次EAN大会上公布了基 于该研究的电子患者报告结果(EPROS)和潜在影响因素描述的gMG给患者造成的影响。199名参 与者中有65%为女性,平均年龄57±16岁。结果显示,在所有参与者中,PHQ-8(6.5±5.1)、ISI (9.0±6.0)、慢性疼痛(2.5±2.4)、MG-ADL(5.2±3.7)、MG QOL-15R(12.0±8.0)基线评 分可表明gMG对患者生活有显著影响。当疾病控制不充分时,PHQ-8(9.8±4.0,P<0.05)、MGADL(10.6±3.2,P<0.0001)、MG-QOL-15R(21.0±6.0,P<0.01)评分显著高于对照组。与工 作或失业患者相比,不能工作患者的PHQ-8(10.0±5.0,P<0.05)和MG-QOL-15R(20.0±5.7, P<0.001)评分显著增加。这与此前报道保持一致,未来将继续通过纵向分析确证ME&MG openTM数字工具收集EPROS的可靠性。

临床类 型 , 我 国 O 在 MG发 病 率 较 高 。OMG 患 者 表现 的眼外肌无 力 ( 如上 睑下垂 ) 以直 观地 显 示 可 MG患者 的表征 特点 , 以及 表现 为晨轻 暮重 或活 动 后加重 与休 息 后缓 解 的病 态 疲 劳特 征 。与延 髓 肌
或呼吸 肌受累 的 MG患者 相 比 , OMG 的 诊 断 更 为
在 重症 肌 无 力 ( MG) 者 中 眼 肌 型 重 症 肌 无 患
力 ( c lrmy sh n ag a i,OMG) 最 常 见 的 o ua a t e i r vs 是
2  ̄4 岁 , 性 占优 势 , 二 高峰 为 6 ~8 0 0 女 第 0 0岁 , 男
女 发 病 几 率 均 等 。 ( ) 纯 眼 外 肌 受 累 多 见 :5 0 3单 1 2 病 例 中 I型 为 主 占 6 . ,I 71 Ia型 占 9 3 ,Ib . 1
高 峰 。这 与 国 内报 道 接 近 , 明 我 国 以儿 童 期 发 病 表
2 O MG 的 临床 表 现
OMG 患 者 发 生 频 率 最 高 的 症 状 为 上 眼 睑 下 垂 和 复 视 。很 多 患 者 会 一 直 表 现 为 上 眼 睑 下 垂 和 复 视 , 度 的上 眼 睑 下 垂 往 往 会 被 忽 视 , 一 旦 发 轻 而
女和 老年男性 的疾病 ” 临床证 据可 能来源 于此 。 的
1 ~5 , 8 9 在全 身 型 MG 中 8 ~9 伴 有 眼 5 0 肌受 累 。分析 作者单 位 1 8 —3 0 60 9 70 —2 0 1收 治 的 12 5 0例 MG患 者 的资料 , 有 如 下 特点 : 1 性 别 具 () 差异较 小 : 1 2 在 5 0例 患 者 中男 : 一1: . 8 与 女 11 ,

结果:治疗组治疗总有效率为90.00%,对照组为63.33%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);两组治疗后上睑肌力、上睑疲劳试验、眼球水平活动度均较治疗前有明显改善,且治疗组改善程度优于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

( OMG ) , 以后 逐 渐 进 展 为 全 身 型 MG( G MG) , 危 重 时 可 出 现 呼
吸 肌麻 痹 、 无力 , 发生 肌无力 危象 而死亡[ 1 ] 。目前 , 临 床 多 采 用 改 良 的 Os s e r ma n分 型 , 将 MG 分 为 5型 : 其 中 I型 只有 眼部 的
兼顾其他脏器 , 多元调治 , 研制 出强肌健力 饮 L I 服 液及胶 囊 ( 黄 芪、 五爪 龙 、 党参、 白术 、 当归 、 升麻 、 柴胡 、 陈皮 、 甘草 ) , 方 中重 用 黄芪 6 O g ~1 2 0 g [ 1 。吴 以 岭 从 奇 经 理 论 研 制 出 治 疗 本 病 的 重 肌灵散 ( 由人 参 、 鹿茸 、 黄芪 、 淫羊 藿 、 巴戟 天 、 白术 、 陈皮 、 茯 苓 等 组成) 在 临床 应 用 中 取 得 了 良好 的 疗 效 _ 1 。陈金亮 等E ” 通 过 临床 试 验 , 认 为参茸 强力 散 ( 由鹿茸 、 人参 、 淫 羊藿 、 马钱 子 、 麻
眼肌 型重 症 肌 无 力 的研 究 进 展
B u l i n—S o k o l o v a E k a t e r i n a , 项 宝 玉
摘要 : 综 述 近 十 年 眼肌 型 重 症肌 无 力 的 中 西 医 临床 研 究进 展 。该 病 的 发 病 机 制 目前 尚 不 完 全 清 楚 。 治 疗 目标 是 缓 解 症 状 , 预 防 复发 , 防 止 其 转 变 为 全 身 型 。 虽 然 治 疗方 法 多样 , 但 是 药 物 的 副作 用很 大 , 手 术 的 方 法也 存 在 一 些 争 议 。 中 医 虽 无 眼肌 型 重 症 肌 无 力病 名 , 但根 据 其 , 床 特 点 及 中 医理 论 知 识 , 在 对 该 病 的 病 因病机 及 其 治 疗认 识 和 临床 实践 等 方 面都 取 得 了一 定 的进 展 。各 种 中 医 传 统 疗 法 对 于 本 病 的 治 疗 积 累 了丰 富 的 经验 并 取 得 了较 好 的 疗 效 。 关键词: 重症肌无力 ; 眼肌 型 ; 中西 医 ; 临床研究 ; 研 究进 展 中图分类 号 : R 7 4 6 R 2 5 5 文献标 识码 : A d o i : 1 0 . 3 9 6 9 / j . i s s r u 1 6 7 2 — 1 3 4 9 . 2 0 1 4 . 0 1 . 0 5 6 文章编 号 : 1 6 7 2 —1 3 4 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 0 1 —0 1 0 6 — 0 2

裴正学教授治疗眼肌型重症肌无力经验探析高拴生;朱春晖;李炜;王彩琴;郑修丽;葛斌;陈光燕;王鑫;赵孝鹏【摘要】裴正学教授以“西医诊断,中医辨证,中药为主,西药为辅”十六字方针为原则,采用中医药辨证论治的方法,治疗眼肌型重症肌无力取得较好的疗效.在治疗过程中以“裴氏振痿汤”合“兰州方”为主分四型辨证论治,配合消风二号,加减化裁,目的在于扶正祛邪.该治疗方法对临床治疗重症肌无力等相关自身免疫性疾患有很好的启发.【期刊名称】《甘肃医药》【年(卷),期】2014(033)003【总页数】3页(P219-221)【关键词】眼肌型重症肌无力;中医药疗法;经验;裴正学【作者】高拴生;朱春晖;李炜;王彩琴;郑修丽;葛斌;陈光燕;王鑫;赵孝鹏【作者单位】730000 甘肃兰州,甘肃省人民医院药剂科;730000 甘肃兰州,甘肃省人民医院药剂科;730000 甘肃兰州,甘肃省人民医院药剂科;730000 甘肃兰州,甘肃省人民医院药剂科;730000 甘肃兰州,甘肃省人民医院药剂科;730000 甘肃兰州,甘肃省人民医院药剂科;730000 甘肃兰州,甘肃中医学院中西医结合系;730000 甘肃兰州,甘肃中医学院中西医结合系;730000 甘肃兰州,甘肃中医学院中西医结合系【正文语种】中文裴正学教授系我国著名中西医结合专家,主任医师,博士研究生导师,国家级高徒导师,从事临床医学教研五十余年,提出“西医诊断,中医辨证,中药为主,西药为辅”中西医结合的新思维指导临床。

重症肌无力眼肌型会加重吗,治疗方法重症肌无力(Myasthenia gravis,MG)是一种罕见的神经肌肉疾病,该疾病主要表现为肌肉易疲劳、无力等症状,这种疾病不仅影响身体的日常活动,而且可能影响眼部健康。
重症肌无力眼肌型症状加重的原因很多,下面列举几条:1. 累积效应MG通常表现为症状短暂且间歇性的突发性发作,但是随着时间的推移,症状可能变得越来越频繁,也会变得越来越严重。
2. 触发因素MG的症状加重可能是由于机体内外的某些触发因素引起的,如生病、压力、药物、情绪等等。
3. 疾病的进展随着疾病的进展,MG可能会影响到身体的其他部位,例如喉咙、口腔、呼吸肌肉等等,进一步加重MG症状。
4. 治疗不当一些治疗方法可能会加重MG症状,特别是对某些药物过敏的患者。
1. 药物治疗药物治疗是治疗重症肌无力眼肌型的主要方法。
2. 手术治疗重症肌无力眼肌型的手术治疗主要有三种方式:眼外肌剥离术、眼外肌手术和同侧外眦内肌神经马尾草化。

诊断1.冰试验:将冰袋放置在两眼之间(placement of an ice pack across the eyes for 2-5mins)约2-5分钟,若是MG,睑裂可增大好转2.休息试验:需要病人闭眼2-5分钟,若是MG,睑裂可以好转改善3.睡眠试验:病人闭眼躺在安静无光线房间里30分钟,若是MG,睑裂可好转4.阿托品1mg,im20分钟后新斯的明0.02mg/kg(50kg=1mg),im,再过20分钟观察,眼睑下垂明显改善,阳性5.血清ACHR自身抗体测定6.肌电图,特别是单纤维肌电图,需要做眼轮匝肌,口轮匝肌7.甲状腺功能全套你可以根据你那的条件来做,但诊断眼肌型MG,眼睑下垂的波动性症状最重要。
治疗:1.溴吡斯的明30-60mg tid是开始,如果证实有效且副作用最小可增加到90-120mg,每天每3-4小时应用。

眼肌型重症肌无力阳性严重吗,治疗方法眼肌型重症肌无力(ocular myasthenia gravis,OMG)是一种罕见的自身免疫性疾病,主要表现为双眼下垂、模糊和重复闪烁,甚至可能导致视力丧失和生命危机。
一、治疗方法1. 激素治疗OMG的首选治疗方法是激素治疗,因为它可以通过抑制免疫系统来减少免疫系统攻击神经肌肉接头的影响。
2. 免疫抑制剂免疫抑制剂用于OMG治疗,主要是通过抑制免疫系统中特定的细胞或信使来减轻免疫系统攻击。
3. 胆碱酯酶抑制剂胆碱酯酶抑制剂是OMG治疗的第二个选择。
4. 全身免疫生物治疗随着科技的进步,全身免疫生物治疗逐渐被视为治疗OMG的新方法。
二、注意事项1. 定期随访OMG是一种慢性疾病,需要长期维护治疗。
2. 饮食调整OMG患者需要遵循健康的饮食习惯,以免影响药物的疗效。
2014 EFNS/ENS眼肌型重症肌无力治疗指南

EFNS/ENS GUIDELINES /CME ARTICLEEFNS/ENS Guidelines for the treatment of ocular myastheniaE.Kerty a,b *,A.Elsais a,b *,Z.Argov c ,A.Evoli d and N.E.Gilhus e,faDepartment of Neurology,Oslo University Hospital,Oslo;b Faculty of Medicine,University of Oslo,Oslo,Norway;c Department of Neu-rology,Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center,Jerusalem,Israel;d Institute of Neurology,Catholic University,Roma,Italy;eDepartment of Clinical Medicine,University of Bergen,Bergen;and f Department of Neurology,Haukeland University Hospital,Bergen,NorwayKeywords:myasthenia gravis,ocular myasthenia,treatmentReceived 21November 2013Accepted 17December 2013Background and purpose:The symptoms of acquired autoimmune ocular myasthe-nia are restricted to the extrinsic eye muscles,causing double vision and drooping eyelids.These guidelines are designed to provide advice about best clinical practice based on the current state of clinical and scientific knowledge and the consensus of an expert panel.Search strategy:Evidence for these guidelines was collected by searches in the MEDLINE and Cochrane databases.The task force working group reviewed evi-dence from original articles and systematic reviews.The evidence was classified (I,II,III,IV)and consensus recommendation graded (A,B or C)according to the EFNS guidance.Where there was a lack of evidence but clear consensus,good practice points are provided.Conclusions:The treatment of ocular myasthenia should initially be started with pyridostigmine (good practice point).If this is not successful in relieving symptoms,oral corticosteroids should be used on an alternate-day regimen (recommendation level C).If steroid treatment does not result in good control of the symptoms or if it is nec-essary to use high steroid doses,steroid-sparing treatment with azathioprine should be started (recommendation level C).If ocular myasthenia gravis is associated with thy-moma,thymectomy is indicated.Otherwise,the role of thymectomy in ocular myas-thenia is controversial.Steroids and thymectomy may modify the course of ocular myasthenia and prevent myasthenia gravis generalization (good practice point).ObjectivesMyasthenia gravis (MG)is an autoimmune disorder affecting the postsynaptic neuromuscular junction membrane.Ocular manifestations at the onset of the disease are evident in a large majority of patients.Whilst there are accepted guidelines with regard to the treatment of generalized myasthenia gravis (GMG)[1],this is not the case for ocular myasthenia where the treatment strategy is controversial.Although there are already EFNS guidelines for treat-ment of autoimmune neuromuscular transmission dis-orders,they do not deal specifically with ocular myasthenia [1].The goal of therapy should be to minimize patients’symptoms and possibly prevent the generalization of the disease with minimal side effects.BackgroundMyasthenia gravis (MG)is an acquired organospecific autoimmune disease.In most patients antibodies are directed against the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs);in a few patients antibodies target posts-ynaptic AChR-associated proteins such as the muscle-specific tyrosine kinase (MuSK)and the low-density lipoprotein-related receptor 4(Lrp4).Despite the pro-gress in antibody detection,some patients still remain antibody negative (‘sero-negative’myasthenia).Almost all MG patients will have ocular manifesta-tions at some point during the course of their disease.Although ocular symptoms are often the first to appear,most patients progress to GMG and onlyCorrespondence:E.Kerty,Department of Neurology,OsloUniversity Hospital,Rikshospitalet,Postbox 4950Nydalen,4Oslo,Norway (tel.:+4723071829;fax:+4723070490;e-mail:emilia.kerty@medisin.uio.no).*These two authors contributed equally to this paper.This is a Continuing Medical Education article,and can be found with corresponding questions on the Internet at /EFNS Continuing-Medical-Education-online.301.0.html.Certificates for cor-rectly answering the questions will be issued by the EFNS.©2014The Author(s)European Journal of Neurology ©2014EFNS687European Journal of Neurology 2014,21:687–693doi:10.1111/ene.1235915%continue to have isolated ocular complaints for the entire course of the disease[2].In the majority of patients,disease progression will take place within the first year after onset and within2years in up to80% of cases[2–4].If patients have restricted ocular disease for2years without developing GMG,they are not likely to develop it later[5].When weakness is limited to the extrinsic ocular muscles and levator palpebrae superioris(LPS),the disease is called ocular myasthe-nia[6].All ages and both genders may be affected. Ptosis may be unilateral or bilateral,and it is usu-ally asymmetric[7];the degree of LPS weakness var-ies from slight drop of one eyelid to nearly complete paralysis.Ophthalmoparesis is also variable and can mimic almost any pattern of ocular misalignment. Nearly all patients with diplopia have associated pto-sis[8].The pupil is not affected.If ocular myasthenia is suspected on the basis of history and clinicalfind-ings,the same diagnostic tests should be performed as for GMG in order to confirm the diagnosis,i.e. response to the edrophonium test,the ice pack test or the rest test,antibody assays,and neurophysiolog-ical tests.40%–70%of ocular myasthenia patients have anti-AChR antibodies on the conventional assay [9,10];the use of a cell-based assay with clustered AChRs appears to significantly increase the sensitiv-ity of anti-AChR antibody detection[11].On the other hand,high antibody levels and the presence of thymoma are uncommon in ocular myasthenia and when present are associated with an increased risk of secondary generalization[12].Only a few ocular myasthenia cases have antibodies to MuSK[13–15], whilst there are no data on the frequency of anti-Lrp4antibodies in this patient population[16–18]. Antibody detection confirms the diagnosis of auto-immune myasthenia.In patients without detectable antibodies the suspicion of sero-negative MG must be confirmed by the pharmacological and/or electro-myography test.Antibodies to voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.4are relatively frequent in Japanese GMG patients and indicate a more severe disease.Such anti-bodies have recently been found in mild or predomi-nantly ocular myasthenia in a Caucasian cohort[19]. The diagnostic relevance of these antibodies is cur-rently unclear.Low-rate repetitive nerve stimulation shows low sensitivity(11%–39%)but high specificity(89%–98%)for the diagnosis of ocular myasthenia[20]. Examination of the orbicularis oculi,orbicularis oris or nasalis will increase the percentage of abnormalities identified,but these studies are not well tolerated. Single-fibre electromyography,which is the most sensitive test for neuromuscular transmission,when performed in facial muscles has a high sensitivity for detecting MG in these subjects[21,22],false positives being described in ocular neuropathies and myopa-thies[23].The diagnosis of ocular myasthenia can be difficult in patients with no detectable antibodies and with atypical signs(i.e.fluctuations may be absent in long-standing disease).Thyroid dysfunction is a common comorbidity and endocrine orbitopathy can lead to diagnostic confusion,whilst treatment of thyroid dys-function may improve myasthenic weakness.Ocular myasthenia is usually regarded as a mild dis-ease,although it can significantly impair patients’daily activities and can progress to GMG.Ptosis and diplopia are often disabling symptoms that require treatment.Evidence based clinical data derived from randomized,prospective,placebo-controlled clinical trials are lacking.Therapies are generally based on observational studies,case series,case reports and clinical experience.Search strategy and method for reaching consensusA literature search was performed using the reference databases MEDLINE and the Cochrane Library:the keywords used were myasthenia gravis and ocular myasthenia and these were combined with the terms treatment,medication,therapy,immunosuppression, clinical trial and thymectomy.Articles in English that contained data which could be rated according to the guidance statement for neurological management guidelines of EFNS were included[24].Scientific evi-dence for treatment was sorted into classes IÀIV and recommendations were rated at levels AÀC according to current EFNS guidance[24].When sufficient evi-dence for recommendations AÀC was not available, the task force offered advice as‘good practice points’provided there was consensus amongst all members of the task force.Consensus was reached after several rounds of cir-culating drafts to the task force members. RecommendationsAcetylcholinesterase-inhibitor drugs Acetylcholinesterase(AChE)inhibitors improve neuro-muscular transmission by enhancing the availability of acetylcholine to the remaining AChRs.Pyridostigmine is the agent most widely used.It is usually started at 30mg three to four times per day and can be increased up to60mg four tofive times per day according to clinical effect and the patient’s tolerance.The standard©2014The Author(s)European Journal of Neurology©2014EFNS688 E.Kerty et al.paediatric dose is7mg/kg/day[1].The maximum dose is generally determined by the occurrence of adverse effects.Neostigmine is a short-acting AChE inhibitor that is usually started at15mg orally every4h or at0.5–2.5mg iv,im or sc every1–3h,not to exceed10mg/ day.The standard paediatric dose is2mg/kg/day, divided into doses administered every3–4h.The advantage of AChE inhibitors is that they are fast-acting,safe and free of long-term side effects. Short-term side effects are common and are caused by the increased concentration of acetylcholine at the nicotinic and muscarinic synapses.The most common muscarinic adverse effects are increased secretions, abdominal cramps,diarrhoea,sweating,nausea and bradycardia;nicotinic effects mostly consist of muscle fasciculations and cramps.AChE inhibitors have a better effect on ptosis than on diplopia.Long-term follow-up suggests that most patients ultimately move to other treatment options [25,26].AChE inhibitors do not influence the develop-ment of generalization[12,27].There are no placebo-controlled randomized studies of AChE inhibitors.However,case series,case reports and daily clinical experience demonstrate an objective clinical effect(Class IV evidence).The task force agreed that an AChE inhibitor drug should be the first-line symptomatic treatment for ocular myasthenia (good practice point).Immune-directed treatmentCorticosteroidsCorticosteroids act on the immune system in different ways, e.g.by modulating cytokine production[28], inducing T lymphocyte apoptosis[29]and repressing the transcription of inflammatory cytokines[30]. Based on several retrospective series,corticosteroids lead to significant improvement in ocular myasthenia [12,31].The question of whether early treatment with steroids reduces the risk of generalization is contro-versial[32,33].Retrospective studies suggest a reduced rate of generalization in patients treated with corticosteroids for ocular MG[12,34,35].Some GMG patients have a temporary worsening of the disease if corticosteroids are started at high dose.Some patients may have unrecognized GMG,and therefore 10–20mg prednisolone or prednisone every other day as an initial dose is recommended,increasing by 5–10mg every5days until the symptoms improve significantly.A lower peak dose than in GMG (50–60mg on alternate days)can often control the symptoms.After the symptoms have been resolvedÀusually after4–6weeks–a slow tapering offof ste-roids can lead to a minimum effective dose or to complete withdrawal[12,35].About one-third of the patients require long-term treatment[2,35–37]owing to disease relapses.Due to the potential long-term side effects of corticosteroid therapy,some experts recommend its use for the treatment of ocular myas-thenia only with severe ocular disease[32].Side effects from corticosteroids include obesity(including ‘moon face’),hypertension,diabetes,opportunistic infections,osteoporosis,glaucoma,cataracts, increased facial hair(women)and gastric ulcer.These side effects are generally contingent on dose and treatment duration.A low carbohydrate,low sodium diet can prevent or minimize weight gain;vitamin D supplementation and bisphosphonates are useful to prevent osteoporosis.Observational studies have reported good effects of oral corticosteroids in controlling ocular symptoms (Class III evidence),but the efficacy has not been studied in double-blind,placebo-controlled trials.Six of the eight studies that examined the effects of oral corticosteroids showed a benefit in terms of reducing the risk of progression to GMG[2,12,27,38–42](Class III).AChE treatment alone usually will not solve the ocular problems and the task force agreed that oral prednisolone/prednisone should be the drug of choice when immunosuppressive treatment is necessary for ocular myasthenia(recommendation level C). AzathioprineAzathioprine is a purine analogue functioning as pur-ine antagonist and inhibits DNA synthesis and cell proliferation[43].Azathioprine is the most frequently used non-steroidal immunosuppressant for the treat-ment of MG.Treatment with azathioprine,as a ste-roid-sparing agent,should be started when steroids cannot be lowered to a safe level or at the same time as steroids are initiated in patients at risk for steroid adverse effects(glucose intolerance,overweight,oste-oporosis).The onset of therapeutic response may be delayed for several months,and often occurs after3–10months of continuous therapy.The dosage is usu-ally 2.5–3mg/kg/day at the start of treatment and 1mg/kg/day as maintenance.Azathioprine-related side effects(e.g.leukopenia,thrombocytopenia,nau-sea,vomiting,hepatotoxicity and risk of neoplasia) generally occur at higher doses[44].Blood counts and liver function analyses should be performed at baseline and rechecked weekly for4weeks and then every3months in thefirst year and every6months after that.About11%of the population are hetero-©2014The Author(s)European Journal of Neurology©2014EFNSEFNS/ENS Guidelines689zygous and0.3%homozygous for mutations of the thiopurine methyltransferase gene and have an increased risk of azathioprine-induced myelosuppres-sion.Two studies have examined the effects of azathio-prine and both indicated a beneficial effect on the risk of progression from ocular to generalized MG[12,40] (Class III evidence).Azathioprine,usually adminis-tered concomitantly with prednisolone,significantly reduced the development of GMG(12%compared with64%for patients without immunosuppressive treatment)[12](Class III evidence).A placebo-con-trolled randomized study showed that the combina-tion of prednisolone and azathioprine is more effective than prednisolone alone in the treatment of GMG [45](Class I evidence).Testing for thiopurine methyl-transferase deficiency before start of treatment with azathioprine is recommended.The task force has agreed that when steroid treat-ment does not result in good control of the symptoms and/or if it is necessary to use high steroid doses,aza-thioprine should be started in order to reduce steroids to the lowest effective dose(recommendation level C). Mycophenolate mofetilMycophenolate mofetil inhibits nucleic acid synthesis and the replication of B and T lymphocytes[46].A prospective observational study was performed on31 ocular myasthenia patients.Eighty-seven per cent of those who were on corticosteroids and then switched to mycophenolate mofetil remained as purely ocular MG over a mean period of4.2years.Four patients discontinued mycophenolate mofetil owing to side effects and all four progressed to GMG[47].Symp-tom relapse,including ptosis and/or diplopia, occurred in23%and was treated with pyridostig-mine.Because these patients were initially treated with corticosteroids,it is difficult to determine whether mycophenolate mofetil or prednisolone per se modified the natural history of disease progression. However,this study showed that mycophenolate mo-fetil can be used as a steroid-sparing agent for the long-term treatment of ocular myasthenia(Class IV evidence,good practice point).The average dose of mycophenolate mofetil was1g/day,which is lower than in generalized MG.Effects are usually seen after a few weeks[48].Mycophenolate mofetil side effects are usually mild and infections,myelosuppression and hepatotoxicity rarely occur.Blood count analyses should be performed at baseline and rechecked weekly for4weeks,then bimonthly for2months, then monthly for thefirst year and every6months after that.Cyclosporine A and tacrolimusCyclosporine A and tacrolimus are calcineurin inhibi-tors,causing blockade of the nuclear factor of acti-vated T cells[49].Cyclosporine has been used to treat ocular myasthenia in isolated cases,with a good clini-cal response(Class IV,good practice point).Potential side effects,especially nephrotoxicity and hyperten-sion,are significant.Tacrolimus as monotherapy was described in a ret-rospective study for treatment of ocular myasthenia with good effect in four patients[50](Class IV evi-dence).A randomized,double-blind,placebo-con-trolled study that also included ocular myasthenia patients showed that tacrolimus had a moderate ste-roid-sparing effect[51](Class III evidence,good prac-tice point).MethotrexateA small,single-blinded trial of methotrexate versus azathioprine as steroid-sparing agents in GMG showed that methotrexate has similar efficacy and tol-erability to azathioprine and is an effective steroid-sparing agent[52](Class III evidence,good practice point).Other immunosuppressive drugsOther immunosuppressant drugs, e.g.cyclophospha-mide,etanercept and rituximab,have not been reported systematically for the treatment of ocular myasthenia.Short-term treatmentsHigh doses of immunoglobulin and plasma exchange represent short-term treatments,are recommended in severe cases of GMG and are not indicated for patients with purely ocular symptoms(good practice point).ThymectomyDespite the absence of randomized studies,thymec-tomy is recommended for patients with non-thymo-matous GMG to increase the probability of remission or improvement[53].Postoperative improvement can take a long time,making it difficult to distinguish the effect of surgery from the immunosuppressive drug treatment.Thymectomy has been used to a limited extent and in highly selected populations with ocular myasthenia considered to be unresponsive to other therapies[20]. Remission rates were reported as6%–50% [2,12,54,55](Class III evidence).Some studies reported©2014The Author(s)European Journal of Neurology©2014EFNS690 E.Kerty et al.that thymectomized patients were less likely to pro-gress to GMG and more likely to undergo full remis-sion[56–58](Class III evidence).A retrospective review of110patients with ocular myasthenia who underwent extended trans-sternal thymectomy demon-strated that84.6%of patients experienced symptom-atic improvement after a median follow-up of 33.5months[59].The task force has agreed that thymectomy is not recommended for ocular myasthenia asfirst-line treat-ment but should be considered if drug treatment has failed(good practice point).Assistive devicesMechanical lid elevation for eyelid droop with eyelid crutches or tape is effective and well tolerated for a short time[60](Class IV evidence).Prolonged use can result in exposure keratopathy.In the case offixed ptosis eyelid,lift surgery may be beneficial[61](Class IV evidence).Prisms can be helpful for patients with stable ocular misalignment when the deviation is mild to moderate.Eye muscle surgery may be beneficial in rare cases whenfixed strabismus persists for long term (good practice point).Occlusive devices and contact lenses will resolve diplopia through monocular vision but reduce the visualfield[62](Class IV evidence). The possibility of assistive devices should be discussed with the patient as an alternative to pharmacological treatment,even for a short time. RecommendationThe treatment of ocular myasthenia should be started with pyridostigmine.If this is not successful in reliev-ing symptoms,oral corticosteroids should be used on an alternate-day regimen.If steroid treatment does not result in good symptom control and/or if it is nec-essary to use high steroid doses,steroid-sparing treat-ment with azathioprine should be started.In thymomatous MG,thymectomy is indicated.A few reports suggest that thymectomy can prevent MG generalization.Recommendation levels are generally C or good practice points.Well designed,randomized, placebo-controlled multicentre trials with a sufficiently long follow-up period are needed to determine the effi-cacy of different immunosuppressive therapies in ocu-lar myasthenia.Future studies should measure the improvement of ocular symptoms,risk of progression to generalized disease,and side effects.Disclosure of conflicts of interestThe authors declare nofinancial or other conflicts of interest.References1.Skeie 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在美国,重症肌无力(MG)的患病率每100,000 人中增加了约20 人。
1672年,Thomas Willis首次在医学上记录了重症肌无力,当时他指出患者患有一种罕见的疾病,其特征是肌肉疲劳,尤其是四肢肌肉疲劳,且随着时间的推移,这种疲劳会缓慢增加。
Dale、Otto Loewi和Feldberg 对乙酰胆碱在神经肌肉接头的运动终板中的作用进行了研究,这在重症肌无力的病理生理学、诊断和管理方面取得了重大进展。

眼肌型重症肌无力辅助诊断方法对比研究梁芙茹;张天佑;姚桂娟;贾艳红;李静;刘国荣【摘要】目的比较冰试验、新斯的明试验、单纤维肌电图(SFEMG)诊断眼肌型重症肌无力的敏感性和特异性,以期建立益于临床开展的诊断流程.方法共116例新发眼睑下垂和(或)复视患者,进行冰试验、新斯的明试验和SFEMG,经随访6个月观察病情变化和试验性治疗效果而最终明确诊断.结果剔除最终诊断不明、失访和随访期间进展为全身型重症肌无力的患者,最终纳入81例患者[包括眼肌型重症肌无力21例和其他疾病引起的眼睑下垂和(或)复视60例],冰试验诊断眼肌型重症肌无力的灵敏度为95.24%(20/21)、特异度为98.33%(59/60),新斯的明试验分别为90.48%(19/21)和85%(51/60),SFEMG分别为95.24%(20/21)和80%(48/60),3种诊断方法仅特异性差异有统计学意义(x2=5.232,P=0.022),且冰试验的特异度高于新斯的明试验(x2=5.707,P=0.017)和SFEMG(x 2=6.023,P=0.014).结论冰试验诊断眼肌型重症肌无力的敏感性和特异性均较高,结合新斯的明试验和SFEMG 对眼肌型重症肌无力的早期诊断具有重要临床意义.【期刊名称】《中国现代神经疾病杂志》【年(卷),期】2016(016)010【总页数】5页(P684-688)【关键词】重症肌无力;眼睑下垂;复视;冰试验(非MeSH词);新斯的明;肌电描记术【作者】梁芙茹;张天佑;姚桂娟;贾艳红;李静;刘国荣【作者单位】014040 内蒙古自治区包头市中心医院神经内科;014040 内蒙古自治区包头市中心医院神经内科;014040 内蒙古自治区包头市中心医院眼科;014040内蒙古自治区包头市中心医院神经内科;014040 内蒙古自治区包头市中心医院神经内科;014040 内蒙古自治区包头市中心医院神经内科【正文语种】中文重症肌无力(MG)是抗乙酰胆碱受体(AChR)抗体介导的、细胞免疫依赖性和补体参与的自身免疫性疾病。