四级理论试题汇总-含答案解析全国青少年机器人技术等级考试(四级)一、单选题1.(20181208)超声波传感器,有四个引脚,超声波传感器从哪个引脚接受触发信号,开始工作?(B)A. VCCB. TrigC. EchoD. GND解析:Trig是数字输出引脚,当输出一个10微秒的脉冲后,传感器触发开始工作。
Echo是数字输入引脚,用来测量超声波发出和返回的时间2.(20181208)关于PWM下面描述错误的是?(C)A. PWM是通过数字信号实现的模拟输出B. PWM是通过调整占空比来实现输出值的变化C. 占空比是一个脉冲周期内低电平时间所占的比例D. PWM等效输出电压值等于占空比乘以高电平值解析:考察PWM(脉冲宽度调制)和占空比概念。
3.(20181208)关于循环语句中,break语句描述错误的是?(B)A. break语句只对包含它的最内层循环语句起作用B. break语句可以跳出多重循环C. break语句终止当前循环D. break语句执行后,程序将跳转到本循环后的第一条语句开始继续执行解析:break语句的作用是跳出当前循环,接着执行循环后面的语句。
4.(20181208)在程序运行过程中,需要延时0.2秒,下列程序正确的是?(C)A. delay(0.2)B. delay(20)C. delay(200)D. delay(2000)5.(20181208)以下有关switch语句的说法正确的是?(B)A. break语句是switch语句中必需的一部分B. 在switch 语句中可以根据需要使用或不使用break语句C. break语句在switch 语句中不可以使用D. 在switch 语句中的每一个case都要使用break语句解析:根据需要来确定在switch中使用或者不使用break语句或default语句。
姓名:___________考号:___________一、单选题(共70题)1.工作日利用率的计算公式为( )。
A.制度内实际工作时间÷制度工作工时×100%B.出勤率×出勤时间利用率C.制度工作日实际长度÷制度工作日长度×100%D.制度工作月实际长度÷制度工作月规定长度X 100%2.下列关于劳动法的监督检查制度的说法,不正确的是( )。
A.它规定了劳动合同关系的调整规则B.它是实施劳动监督检查的职权划分和行为规则C.它规定了以何种手段实现和保证各项劳动法律制度的实施D.各项劳动法律制度的范围与劳动监督检查制度的范围是一致的3.以下有关岗位技能工资制的说法错误的是( )A.建立在岗位评价的基础上B.由岗位工资和技能工资组成C.有利于提高员工的业务水平D.岗位工资和技能工资的比例很容易确定4.( )是指组织为使获得的人力资源达到符合具体工作岗位要求的业务水平和提高其工作技能而支付的费用。
A.招聘成本B.选拔成本C.录用和安置成本D.开发成本5.( )是岗位调查、岗位分析、岗位评价与岗位分类分级等项活动的总称。
A.岗位研究B.工作研究C.工作分析D.定岗定员6.不属于工作岗位调查方式的是( )。
A.德尔菲法B.面谈C.现场观测D.书面调查7.SWOT分析法是对企业组织信息进行( )最常用的方法。
A.财务报表分析B.可靠性分析C.综合比较分析D.数理统计分折8.( )是雇员与雇主在实现现实的劳动过程中所发生的权利义务关系。
姓名:___________考号:___________一、单选题(共70题)1.在入职教育中,由新员工的直属上司执行( )的指导。
A.技术性B.共同性C.基础性D.特定性2.制定典型定额标准是( )的需要。
A.经验估工法B.统计分析法C.类推比较法D.技术定额法3.( )通常指以工时或完成产品件数计算员工的劳动报酬。
A.薪金B.薪资C.奖金D.工资4.企业采用三阶段岗前培训方法的前提是( )。
A.3B.4C.5D.66.分析企业培训成本收益的方法不包括( )。
A.精确计算培训成本,衡量其是否符合收支平衡略有盈余的原则B.在企业大规模投入资源之前,通过实验性培训,评价一部分受训者所获得的收益C.可以运用专业技术的研究成果、生产实践活动的变化证实培训计划所取得的收益D.通过对成功的工作者的观察,可帮助企业确定成功与不成功的工作者的绩效差别7.( )是必须具备特定的形式或履行一定手续方具有法律效力的合同。
A.专项协议B.劳动合同C.要式合同D.集体合同8.( )是指让受训者在预定时期内变换工作岗位,使其获得不同岗位的工作经验的培训方法。
A.工作指导法B.特别任务法C.工作轮换法D.现场培训法9.( )是对企业人工成本和人力资源管理费用的整体规划。
A.人员规划B.成本规划C.费用计划D.战略规划10.招聘申请表的设计的依据是( )。
姓名:___________考号:___________一、单选题(共70题)1.按照《合格境外机构投资者境内证券投资管理办法》,合格境外机构投资者在批准的交易额度内,可以投资于中国证监会批准的人民币金融工具,包括( )。
①证券投资基金②在证券交易所挂牌交易的股票③在证券交易所挂牌交易的债券④在证券交易所挂牌交易的权证⑤股指期货A.①③④B.②③④⑤C.①③④⑤D.①②③④⑤2.首次公开发行股票的简称为( )。
A.PPPB.OTPC.IPOD.CIO3.关于公司债,下面说法正确的是( )。
①公司债券公开发行区分为面向公众投资者的公开发行和面向合格投资者的公开发行②非公开发行公司债,每次发行不得超过200人③非公开发行公司债券,募集资金用于核准的用途④非公开发行公司债券,募集资金用于约定的用途A.①④B.①③C.②③D.①②④4.关于封闭式基金的交易,以下说法不正确的有( )。
1、封闭式基金的交易遵从“价格优先、时间优先”的原则2、投资者买卖封闭式基金必须开立深、沪证券账户3、封闭式基金的交易需收取印花税4、封闭式基金的单笔最大数量应低于80万份A.1、2、3B.1、2、4C.1、3、4D.2、3、45.企业集团财务公司发行金融债券,财务公司已发行、尚未兑付的金融债券总额不得超过其净资产总额的( )。
A.50%B.70%C.80%D.100%6.多数情况下,( )并不进行实物交收,而是在合约到期前进行反向交易平仓了结,而且,交易双方并不知道也不需要知道交易对手的情况。
A.现货合约B.远期合约C.金融远期合约D.期货合约7.根据我国《企业会计准则第22号一金融工具确认和计量》的规定,衍生工具包括( )。
2020年7月大学英语四级cet4试题及答案解析Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the use of translation apps. You can start your essay with the sentence "The use of translation apps is becomging increasingly popular. " You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.破题思路:首段:很多人在用翻译APP(现象)中间段:翻译APP的利弊尾段:我的建议参考范文1:The use of translation apps is becoming increasingly popular. Why? Admittedly, in the contemporay society, an increasing number of people, with the help of translation apps, find it convenient to read foreign literature or essays.On the one hand, these apps can bring users greater efficiency and help them save more time or energy, particularly for those who have no knowledge of a foreign language. For instance, a host of people may have a variety of difficulties or troubles in learning English, but with the assistance of these apps, it will not be difficult for them to read and understand English materials. On the other hand, it is these apps that cuase some learners to lose motivation for studying. With Apps in hand, they are not willing to do their utmost to memorize new words, pratice speaking or writing skills every day. Fianlly, they will fail to get a good command of any foreign language.I, as a college student, deem that it is of great necessity for youngsters to use translations apps in a rational way. We should bear in mind that any translation app is merely a tool. Provided that one intends to master a foreign language, it is advisabel to practice each day instead of relying on translation apps.译文:翻译APP的使用变得越来越普遍流行。
Part ⅠWritingDirections: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the use of translation apps. You can start your essay with the sentence "The use of translation apps is becoming increasingly popular." You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.【参考范文】The use of translation apps is becoming increasingly popular. Consequently, people are getting more opportunities to speak or meet another language but their own mother tongue with the development of the economy. Undoubtedly, an app of translation is crucial for people who cannot handle the language perfectly. But the viewpoints are split one whether this kind of apps are wholly a good thing.Where there is a light, there is a shadow. Some people argue that a translation app will bridge them with the native speakers adequately no matter who will be a traveler or a businessman. It will pose a huge threat for people who cannot understand what they say. Fortunately, everyone will interact richly with the apps like this. On the other hand, some people think that the translations app cannot fully create and convey the feelings onthe authentic language. As a result, it will bring more misunderstandings. Besides, the opponents take the point of view that people will be more over-reliant on the mobile-phones and Internet.Form where I stand, I would take the translation on this kind of apps as a reference rather than a kind of dependence. The most effective and beneficial way to express yourself and communicate with a foreigner is to improve one’s ability to exert this unfamiliar language. As an old saying goes is Practice makes perfect.【参考译文】在经济飞速发展的当下,人们有越来越多的机会使用外语。
下面是具体题目及参考答案:听力短对话:1. A) She was impressed by the man's speech.B) She met the man yesterday.C) She plans to visit the man again.D) She knows very little about the man.答案:A) She was impressed by the man's speech.2. A) The woman can't make sandwiches.B) The woman should choose a different menu.C) The woman should buy ready-made sandwiches.D) The woman should ask someone to make sandwiches.答案:C) The woman should buy ready-made sandwiches.听力长对话:3. A) Eat at home instead of eating out.B) Order some takeout for dinner.C) Find a restaurant nearby.D) Buy something to eat on the way.答案:A) Eat at home instead of eating out.4. A) German.B) English.C) French.D) Spanish.答案:B) English.听力短文:5. A) He needs more reading materials.B) He doesn't have time to read.C) He prefers reading books to articles.D) He enjoys reading in his spare time.答案:A) He needs more reading materials.听力复述:6. A) It's difficult to make new friends.B) It's important to have a lot of friends.C) It's helpful to have friends in different fields.D) It's essential to have a few close friends.答案:D) It's essential to have a few close friends.二、阅读部分阅读部分共有3篇文章,包括单选题和多选题。
最新英语四级考试模拟题(2020年7月整理).pdfSample TestQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A). Christmas- time attacks made by Somali rebelsB). An explosion at a bus station in central NairobiC). The killing of mire than 70 Ugandans in KampalaD). Blasts set off by a Somali group in Uganda's capital2. A). On Christmas EveB). Just before midnightC). During a security checkD). In the small hours of the morningQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). It is likely to close many of its storesB). It is known for the quality of its goodsC). It remains competitive in the recessionD). It will expand its online retail business4. A).expand its business beyond groceriesB). Fire 25 000 of its current employeesC). Cut its DVD publishing businessD). Sell the business for one poundQuestions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). All taxis began to use metersB). All taxis got air conditioningC). Advertisements were allowed on taxisD). Old taxis were replaced with new cabs6. A). A low interest loan schemeB). Environmentalists’ protestsC). taxi passengers complaintsD). Permission for car advertising7. A). There are no more irregular practicesB). All new cabs provide air-conditioningC). New cabs are all equipped with metersD). New legislation protects consumer rightsModel Test OneQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1.A). The law of weapon purchasing in Illinois State.B). The relationship between crime and mental illness.C). The graduate student of Northern Illinois UniversityD). The shooting happened in Northern Illinois University2.A). The gunman has mental diseaseB). The gunman is dissatisfied with the universityC). The gunman is dissatisfied with the lectureD). It is not clearQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3.A). It has been influenced b warB). It is devalued by its governmentC). It is ore competitive than beforeD).it has turned into a global currency4.A). Most experts support the four countries’ currency changeB). The meeting on Friday is useless for global recoveryC). Currency wars threaten global economic recoveryD). Policymakers should cooperate with central bankers Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5.A). The preservation f coastal resortsB). The closure of political disputesC). The gap between the rich and the poorD). The commitments to reduce carbon emissions6.A). promisingB). hopefulC). disappointingD). satisfying7.A). 18B). 80C). 94D). 194Model Test TwoQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A). They made more efforts to find more new casesB). They tried to prevent the disease out of the capitalC). They held a public movement on hygiene informationD). They boosted the accuracy and promptness of their report2. A). It’s the first time that ingestion disease has broken out in HaitiB). The death rate of ingestion disease is too highC). Death number will keep increasing for a long timeD).ingestion disease could join other local diseases in HaitiQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). The children of the international diplomatic corpsB). The program of International Baccalaureate schoolsC). The school district in the suburb of Detroit,MichiganD).“Mother Earth”class in IB elementary schools4. A). Subject areas are separatedB). Classes are held in the open airC). “Mother Earth ” class covers mathD).Teachers prepare classes togetherQuestions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). White ashB). High temperature waterC). Poison gasD). hurricane6. A). Less than 10B). About 20C). About 120D). More than 7507. A). They have found too many dead bodiesB). They want to persuade people to move awayC). They don’t know hat might happen nextD). They need space to carry out the researchModel Test ThreeQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1.A). The woman ‘s marathon at the historic Brandenburg GateB). The final day of the championships competitionC). Nick Symmonds’ win of the 800 meter semifinal heatD). The final of the men’s four-by-400-meter relay2 A). 3B).4C).7D).8Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). It might hinder people from going shoppingB). It could cause serious traffic accidentC). It might be harmful to some peoples healthD). It could add more holiday atmosphere4. A). In the middle of winterB). Just before ChristmasC). During ChristmasD). After Christmas holidayQuestions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5 A). japanB). South KoreaC). The United StatesD). Australia6. A). Trade imbalancesB). Unstable currency valuesC). Regional disputesD). New members’ applications7. A). 9B).19C).20D).21Model Test FourQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A). Offering services to help people stop smokingB). Raising taxesC). Warning people about the dangers of tobaccoD). Enforcing bans on tobacco advertising2. A). More than 5 millionB).More than 8 millionC).More than 1 billionD).More than 10 billionQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). The discovery of voice recordingB). The development of guitar and popular musicC). Les Paul’s musical experience and deathD). Les Paul’s own radio show in Chicago4. A). When he was 10 years oldB). When he was 13 years oldC).When he was a host in ChicagoD).When he was at a local restaurantQuestions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). sleepingB). Holding meetingC). Indulging themselvesD). quarreling6. A). soldiersB). teachersC). lawyersD).businessmen7. A). fireB). Mobile phone signalC). Body bombD). lightModel Test FiveQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A). More than 5 millionB). More than 10 millionC). More than 25 millionD). More than 30 million2. A). T o help identify where infectious diseases are developingB). To help small and medium size businesses growC). To help improve public servicesD). To help two climate change programsQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). About4.12million units were soldB). They declined to their lowest levelC). There was a decline of 10% than that in JulyD). They indicated a start of rise in August4. A). They are much stronger than their expectationsB). They might reach to 4.25 million unites per yearC). They will be out of control on next month’s reportD).they indicate the housing industry has recovered Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). Britain has decided to restrict bankers’ bonusesB).Britain has decided to raise bankers’ salaryC).Britain has decided to curb bankers’ salaryD).Britain has decided to raise bankers’ bonuses6. A). Those employees whose payments was over $4 000B).Those employees whose payments was $40 000C).Those employees whose payments was over $40 000D).Those employees whose payments was $4 0007. A). Most of it would be paid in moneyB). Most of it would be paid in sharesC). Some of it would be paid in sharesD). Some of it would be paid in moneyModel Test SixQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A). The fire erupted in southern AustraliaB). There may be more victimsC). The entire towns have been lostD). The temperatures have reached 57 degrees Celsius2. A). 108B). 47C). Up to 400D). dozensQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). It is set to expire on December 31B). It raised the unemployment rateC). It created 120 000 jobsD). It made middle class families benefited4. A). When unemployment rate droppedB). Before congress went home for the holidaysC). When he made his weekly addressD). Before private sectors created more jobsQuestions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). Top industrial countries met in the US for world financeB). Developing economies met in the US for a summit on financeC). G20 leaders met in the US for a summit on future wold cultureD). Developing and top industrial economies met tn the US for a summit on finance6. A). 5 billionB).50 billionC). 500 billionD). 5000billion7. A). When to avoid a repeat of the financial crisisB). When to inject money without harming a recoveryC). How to withdraw that support without harming a recoveryD). How to inject money without harming a recoveryModel Test SevenQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A). The election in KenyaB). The economy and democracyC). The diplomatic relations with other countryD). The peace in the country2. A). About 30B). More than 300C). Around 3 000D). More than 5 000Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). positiveB). reluctantC). optimisticD). careless4. A). 400million dollars and 100 military expertsB). 140 million dollars and 100 military expertsC). 140 million dollars and 500 soldiersD). 400 million dollars and 500 soldiersQuestions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). Negotiations between developing and industrialized countriesB). A struggle to reach a new global agreement on climate changeC). The deadlock of United Nations climatic talksD). A list of demands by developing nations6. A). It’s a global agreement on c limate changeB). It expired at the end of last monthC). It fell into deadlock and continued into the second roundD). The United Nations climate talks have made a replacement for it7. A). Crafting replacement for the Kyoto ProtocolB). Reducing emissions of greenhouse gasesC). Stopping industrial emissions of greenhouse gasesD). Coping with the effects of climate change respectivelyModel Test EightQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A). The Angeles National ForestB). The fire fighting in Los AngelesC). The tools used in fire fightingD). The protection of Mount Wilson2. A). Tractors and hand toolsB). Helicopters and airplanesC). The slightly higher humidityD). The 20-kilometer fire linesQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A).it is the new health care lawB). It is the short term spending lawC). It is the new federal budget lawD). It is the federal operation law4. A). It will increase the government’s economic burdenB). It will lead to a partial shutdown of the US governmentC). It will give rise to a clash between the two major political partiesD). Ti will oblige people to buy insurance policies unwillingly Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). The country’s bi g labor unionB). The country’s big governmentC). The country’s big businessD). The county’s big police6. A). They blocked the trafficB). The occupied New YorkC). They clashed with community groupsD). They controlled too much wealth7. A). It has now spread to other Asian citiesB). The protesters have camped in New York’s cultural districtC). Members of labor unions joined the movement on WednesdayD). The protesters represent the wealthiest 99% Of AmericansModel Test NineQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A).it did not reach analysts ‘ expectationsB). It was a favorable news for the automakerC). It hinted a decline of Ford’s net incomeD). It spurred a rise for Ford’s share price2. A). There are small losses in North AmericaB). Prices should be raised in European marketC). Another product line should be set up in EuropeD). Earnings continued to be good in North AmericaQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). The development of French engineering firmsB). Working and living condition in the city of DijonC). The environmentally-friendly building in FranceD). A tour of the landmark buildings in France4. A). Metal skirtB). Solar panelC). Sun shieldD). sandwichQuestions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A) . The international Space StationB). The Siberia VesselC). The Baikonur CosmodromeD).the Progress 456. A). On SundayB). On MondayC). On TuesdayD). On Wednesday7. A). At 4;02 p.mB). At 4; 11 p.mC). At 4;20 p.mD). At 6.11 p.mModel Test Ten Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A). South Africa’s multiracial historyB). Musical New Year’s tradition in South AfricaC).southeast Asia slaves in Cape TownD). Cape Town’s mixed race or “colored” residents2. A). The dockworkersB). European minstrelsC).the Dutch colonistsD). Cape Town’s residentsQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). Monitoring all banks in the countryB). Ensuring a safe economic policyC). Providing advice to the PresidentD).offering enough money to the government4.A). She once taught at Berkeley UniversityB).she got tenure at Harvard UniversityC). She has a Nobel Prize in Economic TheoryD). She had been working the Federal Reserve for over 10 yearsQuestions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). To deal with labor unrest in the countryB). To worsen the relationship between police and protestersC). To suppress the legal protestsD). To protect the garment factory workers6. A). In two industrial complexesB). In the southern BangladeshC). In the garment factories of ChittagongD). In the capital Dhaka7. A). It will worsen the relationship between workers and security forcesB).It will worsen the relationship between workers and factory ownersC).It will worsen the relationship between union leaders and legitimate protestersD).It will worsen the relationship between government and protestersModel Test ElevenQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A). 18 000B).80 000C).60 000D).16 0002. A). Meet the miners’ original demandB).offer more benefits to poor black minersC). Improve the miners’ working conditionsD). Offer a 10% pay riseQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). Chances of guessing the correct lotto numbersB). Ross’s dreams about winning the lottoC). People’s madness for lotto games in ItalyD). Foreigners’ visit to Italy for the lotto drawings4. A). A huge amount of moneyB). Free flights to ItalyC). A free tour in EuropeD). Tickets for the lotto gamesQuestions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). Stopping renewing an agreementB). Blocking an agreementC). Renewing an agreementD). Blocking the renewal of a contract6. A). It provided sufficient privacy safeguardsB). It cannot protect privacy sufficientlyC). It provided insufficient safeguardsD). It failed to safeguard people’s interests7. A).the Swift Money Transfer SystemB). The Brussels TreatyC). The Lisbon TreatyD). The Swift SystemModel Test Twelve Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A). Energy and power shortage in KenyaB). Emergency measures for the livestock in KenyaC). Rockefeller foundations’ assistance in KenyaD). Kenya emergency plan food and water shortage2. A). local communitiesB). The armyC).the civil societyD).the power companyQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). When he was skating in the French AlpsB).when he was skating in the German AlpsC). When he was skiing in the French AlpsD). When he was skiing in the German Alps4. A). He is now in a hospital in MoutiersB). He is having a psychological test nowC). He has an English friend who is a trauma specialistD). He was taken to a local hospital by helicopter Questions5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). They were between Christians and MuslimsB). They were between local people and MuslimsC). They were between local people and ChristiansD). They were between local army and Muslims6. A). It is a large commercial area to the northB). It was under military controlC). It was burnt to the groundD). There wee no debris and smoldering fires7. A). At least 100B). 100C). At least 1 000D). 1000Model Test Thirteen Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A). On the first Monday in NovemberB). On the first Tuesday in NovemberC). On the first Monday in DecemberD). On the first Tuesday in December2. A). Farns BaleniB). Ken CuccinelliC). Terry McAuliffeD). Chris ChristieQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). The general US economic activityB). Consumer spending in US economyC). The lower savings rate in AmericaD). The government’s effort on economy4. A). The lower savings rate in four yearsB). The spending boost by AmericansC). Special payments by the governmentD). PNC Financial Services Group’s supportQuestions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). Labor department officialsB). civiliansC). lawmakersD). The army6. A). 0.3%B). 3%C). 9.7%D). 10%7. A). negativeB). positiveC). hopelessD). enlighteningModel Test Fourteen Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A).Saturday classes about language and cultureB). Private high schools in San FranciscoC). The help of American high school students in SenagalD). The repair to the French colonial schoolhouse2. A). Fixing up the clinic inhabited by ducks and chickensB). Repairing and modernizing the village schoolhouseC). Installing solar panels and lights in a French colonial houseD). Learning the geography, language and culture of SenagalQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). Some passengers were injured o the planeB). There was something wrong with the planeC). There were criminals on the jet planeD). It had been thought that the jet had been hi-jacked4. A). The jet was intercepted by US air forceB). The plane’s transponder mistakenly transmitted codeC). The pilots repeatedly told controllers they were hi-jackedD). The armed police arrested several criminals in the jet. Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). The falling trees and high temperaturesB). High temperatures and more powerful windsC). The burning in key areas that was out of controlD). The steep terrain and more powerful wind6. A). Over seven days agoB). Over three days agoC). On WednesdayD).on Monday7. A).about 60 fires are burning in New South WalesB). 17 fires in New South Wales are under controlC). The fires have burned almost 10 000 hectares so farD). Over 200 firefighters have been busy getting the fires in control。
Sample TestQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A). Christmas- time attacks made by Somali rebelsB). An explosion at a bus station in central NairobiC). The killing of mire than 70 Ugandans in KampalaD). Blasts set off by a Somali group in Uganda's capital2. A). On Christmas EveB). Just before midnightC). During a security checkD). In the small hours of the morningQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). It is likely to close many of its storesB). It is known for the quality of its goodsC). It remains competitive in the recessionD). It will expand its online retail business4. A).expand its business beyond groceriesB). Fire 25 000 of its current employeesC). Cut its DVD publishing businessD). Sell the business for one poundQuestions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). All taxis began to use metersB). All taxis got air conditioningC). Advertisements were allowed on taxisD). Old taxis were replaced with new cabs6. A). A low interest loan schemeB). Environmentalists’ protestsC). taxi passengers complaintsD). Permission for car advertising7. A). There are no more irregular practicesB). All new cabs provide air-conditioningC). New cabs are all equipped with metersD). New legislation protects consumer rightsModel Test OneQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1.A). The law of weapon purchasing in Illinois State.B). The relationship between crime and mental illness.C). The graduate student of Northern Illinois UniversityD). The shooting happened in Northern Illinois University2.A). The gunman has mental diseaseB). The gunman is dissatisfied with the universityC). The gunman is dissatisfied with the lectureD). It is not clearQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3.A). It has been influenced b warB). It is devalued by its governmentC). It is ore competitive than beforeD).it has turned into a global currency4.A). Most experts support the four countries’ currency changeB). The meeting on Friday is useless for global recoveryC). Currency wars threaten global economic recoveryD). Policymakers should cooperate with central bankers Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5.A). The preservation f coastal resortsB). The closure of political disputesC). The gap between the rich and the poorD). The commitments to reduce carbon emissions6.A). promisingB). hopefulC). disappointingD). satisfying7.A). 18B). 80C). 94D). 194Model Test TwoQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A). They made more efforts to find more new casesB). They tried to prevent the disease out of the capitalC). They held a public movement on hygiene informationD). They boosted the accuracy and promptness of their report2. A). It’s the first time that ingestion disease has broken out in HaitiB). The death rate of ingestion disease is too highC). Death number will keep increasing for a long timeD).ingestion disease could join other local diseases in HaitiQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). The children of the international diplomatic corpsB). The program of International Baccalaureate schoolsC). The school district in the suburb of Detroit,MichiganD).“Mother Earth”class in IB elementary schools4. A). Subject areas are separatedB). Classes are held in the open airC). “Mother Earth ” class covers mathD).Teachers prepare classes togetherQuestions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). White ashB). High temperature waterC). Poison gasD). hurricane6. A). Less than 10B). About 20C). About 120D). More than 7507. A). They have found too many dead bodiesB). They want to persuade people to move awayC). They don’t know hat might happen nextD). They need space to carry out the researchModel Test ThreeQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1.A). The woman ‘s marathon at the historic Brandenburg GateB). The final day of the championships competitionC). Nick Symmonds’ win of the 800 meter semifinal heatD). The final of the men’s four-by-400-meter relay2 A). 3B).4C).7D).8Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). It might hinder people from going shoppingB). It could cause serious traffic accidentC). It might be harmful to some peoples healthD). It could add more holiday atmosphere4. A). In the middle of winterB). Just before ChristmasC). During ChristmasD). After Christmas holidayQuestions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5 A). japanB). South KoreaC). The United StatesD). Australia6. A). Trade imbalancesB). Unstable currency valuesC). Regional disputesD). New members’ applications7. A). 9B).19C).20D).21Model Test FourQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A). Offering services to help people stop smokingB). Raising taxesC). Warning people about the dangers of tobaccoD). Enforcing bans on tobacco advertising2. A). More than 5 millionB).More than 8 millionC).More than 1 billionD).More than 10 billionQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). The discovery of voice recordingB). The development of guitar and popular musicC). Les Paul’s musical experience and deathD). Les Paul’s own radio show in Chicago4. A). When he was 10 years oldB). When he was 13 years oldC).When he was a host in ChicagoD).When he was at a local restaurantQuestions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). sleepingB). Holding meetingC). Indulging themselvesD). quarreling6. A). soldiersB). teachersC). lawyersD).businessmen7. A). fireB). Mobile phone signalC). Body bombD). lightModel Test FiveQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A). More than 5 millionB). More than 10 millionC). More than 25 millionD). More than 30 million2. A). To help identify where infectious diseases are developingB). To help small and medium size businesses growC). To help improve public servicesD). To help two climate change programsQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). About4.12million units were soldB). They declined to their lowest levelC). There was a decline of 10% than that in JulyD). They indicated a start of rise in August4. A). They are much stronger than their expectationsB). They might reach to 4.25 million unites per yearC). They will be out of control on next month’s reportD).they indicate the housing industry has recovered Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). Britain has decided to restrict bankers’ bonusesB).Britain has decided to raise bankers’ salaryC).Britain has decided to curb bankers’ salaryD).Britain has decided to raise bankers’ bonuses6. A). Those employees whose payments was over $4 000B).Those employees whose payments was $40 000C).Those employees whose payments was over $40 000D).Those employees whose payments was $4 0007. A). Most of it would be paid in moneyB). Most of it would be paid in sharesC). Some of it would be paid in sharesD). Some of it would be paid in moneyModel Test SixQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A). The fire erupted in southern AustraliaB). There may be more victimsC). The entire towns have been lostD). The temperatures have reached 57 degrees Celsius2. A). 108B). 47C). Up to 400D). dozensQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). It is set to expire on December 31B). It raised the unemployment rateC). It created 120 000 jobsD). It made middle class families benefited4. A). When unemployment rate droppedB). Before congress went home for the holidaysC). When he made his weekly addressD). Before private sectors created more jobsQuestions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). Top industrial countries met in the US for world financeB). Developing economies met in the US for a summit on financeC). G20 leaders met in the US for a summit on future wold cultureD). Developing and top industrial economies met tn the US for a summit on finance6. A). 5 billionB).50 billionC). 500 billionD). 5000billion7. A). When to avoid a repeat of the financial crisisB). When to inject money without harming a recoveryC). How to withdraw that support without harming a recoveryD). How to inject money without harming a recoveryModel Test SevenQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A). The election in KenyaB). The economy and democracyC). The diplomatic relations with other countryD). The peace in the country2. A). About 30B). More than 300C). Around 3 000D). More than 5 000Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). positiveB). reluctantC). optimisticD). careless4. A). 400million dollars and 100 military expertsB). 140 million dollars and 100 military expertsC). 140 million dollars and 500 soldiersD). 400 million dollars and 500 soldiersQuestions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). Negotiations between developing and industrialized countriesB). A struggle to reach a new global agreement on climate changeC). The deadlock of United Nations climatic talksD). A list of demands by developing nations6. A). It’s a global agreement on climate changeB). It expired at the end of last monthC). It fell into deadlock and continued into the second roundD). The United Nations climate talks have made a replacement for it7. A). Crafting replacement for the Kyoto ProtocolB). Reducing emissions of greenhouse gasesC). Stopping industrial emissions of greenhouse gasesD). Coping with the effects of climate change respectivelyModel Test EightQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A). The Angeles National ForestB). The fire fighting in Los AngelesC). The tools used in fire fightingD). The protection of Mount Wilson2. A). Tractors and hand toolsB). Helicopters and airplanesC). The slightly higher humidityD). The 20-kilometer fire linesQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A).it is the new health care lawB). It is the short term spending lawC). It is the new federal budget lawD). It is the federal operation law4. A). It will increase the government’s economic burdenB). It will lead to a partial shutdown of the US governmentC). It will give rise to a clash between the two major political partiesD). Ti will oblige people to buy insurance policies unwillingly Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). The country’s big labor unionB). The country’s big governmentC). The country’s big businessD). The county’s big police6. A). They blocked the trafficB). The occupied New YorkC). They clashed with community groupsD). They controlled too much wealth7. A). It has now spread to other Asian citiesB). The protesters have camped in New York’s cultural districtC). Members of labor unions joined the movement on WednesdayD). The protesters represent the wealthiest 99% Of AmericansModel Test NineQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A).it did not reach analysts ‘ expectationsB). It was a favorable news for the automakerC). It hinted a decline of Ford’s net incomeD). It spurred a rise for Ford’s share price2. A). There are small losses in North AmericaB). Prices should be raised in European marketC). Another product line should be set up in EuropeD). Earnings continued to be good in North AmericaQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). The development of French engineering firmsB). Working and living condition in the city of DijonC). The environmentally-friendly building in FranceD). A tour of the landmark buildings in France4. A). Metal skirtB). Solar panelC). Sun shieldD). sandwichQuestions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A) . The international Space StationB). The Siberia VesselC). The Baikonur CosmodromeD).the Progress 456. A). On SundayB). On MondayC). On TuesdayD). On Wednesday7. A). At 4;02 p.mB). At 4; 11 p.mC). At 4;20 p.mD). At 6.11 p.mModel Test Ten Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A). South Africa’s multiracial historyB). Musical New Year’s tradition in South AfricaC).southeast Asia slaves in Cape TownD). Cape Town’s mixed race or “colored” residents2. A). The dockworkersB). European minstrelsC).the Dutch colonistsD). Cape Town’s residentsQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). Monitoring all banks in the countryB). Ensuring a safe economic policyC). Providing advice to the PresidentD).offering enough money to the government4.A). She once taught at Berkeley UniversityB).she got tenure at Harvard UniversityC). She has a Nobel Prize in Economic TheoryD). She had been working the Federal Reserve for over 10 yearsQuestions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). To deal with labor unrest in the countryB). To worsen the relationship between police and protestersC). To suppress the legal protestsD). To protect the garment factory workers6. A). In two industrial complexesB). In the southern BangladeshC). In the garment factories of ChittagongD). In the capital Dhaka7. A). It will worsen the relationship between workers and security forcesB).It will worsen the relationship between workers and factory ownersC).It will worsen the relationship between union leaders and legitimate protestersD).It will worsen the relationship between government and protestersModel Test ElevenQuestions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A). 18 000B).80 000C).60 000D).16 0002. A). Meet the miners’ original demandB).offer more benefits to poor black minersC). Improve the miners’ working conditionsD). Offer a 10% pay riseQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). Chances of guessing the correct lotto numbersB). Ross’s dreams about winning the lottoC). People’s madness for lotto games in ItalyD). Foreigners’ visit to Italy for the lotto drawings4. A). A huge amount of moneyB). Free flights to ItalyC). A free tour in EuropeD). Tickets for the lotto gamesQuestions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). Stopping renewing an agreementB). Blocking an agreementC). Renewing an agreementD). Blocking the renewal of a contract6. A). It provided sufficient privacy safeguardsB). It cannot protect privacy sufficientlyC). It provided insufficient safeguardsD). It failed to safeguard people’s interests7. A).the Swift Money Transfer SystemB). The Brussels TreatyC). The Lisbon TreatyD). The Swift SystemModel Test Twelve Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A). Energy and power shortage in KenyaB). Emergency measures for the livestock in KenyaC). Rockefeller foundations’ assistance in KenyaD). Kenya emergency plan food and water shortage2. A). local communitiesB). The armyC).the civil societyD).the power companyQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). When he was skating in the French AlpsB).when he was skating in the German AlpsC). When he was skiing in the French AlpsD). When he was skiing in the German Alps4. A). He is now in a hospital in MoutiersB). He is having a psychological test nowC). He has an English friend who is a trauma specialistD). He was taken to a local hospital by helicopter Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). They were between Christians and MuslimsB). They were between local people and MuslimsC). They were between local people and ChristiansD). They were between local army and Muslims6. A). It is a large commercial area to the northB). It was under military controlC). It was burnt to the groundD). There wee no debris and smoldering fires7. A). At least 100B). 100C). At least 1 000D). 1000Model Test Thirteen Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A). On the first Monday in NovemberB). On the first Tuesday in NovemberC). On the first Monday in DecemberD). On the first Tuesday in December2. A). Farns BaleniB). Ken CuccinelliC). Terry McAuliffeD). Chris ChristieQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). The general US economic activityB). Consumer spending in US economyC). The lower savings rate in AmericaD). The government’s effort on economy4. A). The lower savings rate in four yearsB). The spending boost by AmericansC). Special payments by the governmentD). PNC Financial Services Group’s supportQuestions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). Labor department officialsB). civiliansC). lawmakersD). The army6. A). 0.3%B). 3%C). 9.7%D). 10%7. A). negativeB). positiveC). hopelessD). enlighteningModel Test Fourteen Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following new items.1. A).Saturday classes about language and cultureB). Private high schools in San FranciscoC). The help of American high school students in SenagalD). The repair to the French colonial schoolhouse2. A). Fixing up the clinic inhabited by ducks and chickensB). Repairing and modernizing the village schoolhouseC). Installing solar panels and lights in a French colonial houseD). Learning the geography, language and culture of SenagalQuestions 3 and 4 will be based on the following new items.3. A). Some passengers were injured o the planeB). There was something wrong with the planeC). There were criminals on the jet planeD). It had been thought that the jet had been hi-jacked4. A). The jet was intercepted by US air forceB). The plane’s transponder mistakenly transmitted codeC). The pilots repeatedly told controllers they were hi-jackedD). The armed police arrested several criminals in the jet. Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following new items.5. A). The falling trees and high temperaturesB). High temperatures and more powerful windsC). The burning in key areas that was out of controlD). The steep terrain and more powerful wind6. A). Over seven days agoB). Over three days agoC). On WednesdayD).on Monday7. A).about 60 fires are burning in New South WalesB). 17 fires in New South Wales are under controlC). The fires have burned almost 10 000 hectares so farD). Over 200 firefighters have been busy getting the fires in control。
范文2020年大学英语四级词汇和语法全真模拟试题及1/ 5答案(共九套)2020 年大学英语四级词汇和语法全真模拟试题及答案(共九套) 2020 年大学英语四级词汇和语法全真模拟试题及答案(一)41. My brother has decided to become a policeman,____what may.A. cameB. comeC. comingD. having come 42. My friend and adviser____ to lend me his money. A. have agreed B. has agreed C. agreed D. are agreed 43. A series of robberies ____recently. A. has been reported B. has reported C. have been reported D. have reported 44. “Which coat did your husband buy?” “The black one, but I____ the green one.” A. would rather have bought B. would rather buy C. would have rather bought D. rather had bought 45. I was to have a trip abroad if____. A. I had not been fired B. I was not fired C. my boss won’t have fired meD. I were not fired 46. Not until three years ago____ to work outside. A. he began B. he begins C. began he D. did he begin47.____ that it was going to rain, he took a raincoat with himA. SeeingB. SawC. SeenD. To see 48. If you____hard, you____in the exam. A. worked/ wouldn’t have failed B. had worked/ wouldn’t fail C. had worked/ wouldn’t have failed D. worked/ wouldn’t fail 49. When we drove to the country, we saw many ____. A. herds of cattles B. herds of cattle C. herd of cattle D. herd of cattles 50. Don’t go there this afternoon, I’d rather you____ tomorrow. A. went B. go C. will go D. would go 51. They saw a new movie at the theatre,____they had dinner at a Chinese restaurant. A. then which B. which after C. after which D. after that 52. In my country, the____ are all distributed free.3/ 5A. letters boxB. letters boxesC. letter’s boxD. letter boxes 53. I wish to go home with you,____? A. may I B. shall I C. would I D. can I 54. Our country is trying to____ the serious problems created by the environment pollution. A. comply with B. cope with C. cope to D. comply to 55. The thieves____the possibility of the alarm system sounding A. overtook B. overcame C. overlooked D. overworked 56. Although the main characters in the fiction are so true to life, they are certainly____. A. imagining B. imaginative C. imaginable D. imaginary 57. She stumbled and____ the coffee.A. spoiledB. spilledC. pouredD. splashed 58. A sheet of metal was shaken to____the sound of thunder. A. stimulate B. simulate C. reproduce D. duplicate 59. In today’s newspaper, it____ that there will be a new election tomorrow. A. tells B. states C. writes D. records 60. When he bent down to tie his shoelace, the belt of5/ 5。
D. so that we don’t run into trouble.
【答案】A. To ensure we make responsible choices.
【解析】关键词是identify the risks,关键句是Making ethical decisions is a critical part of avoiding future problems. We must learn to recognize risks, because if we can't see the risks we're taking, we can't make responsible choices. 所以答案很明显是A。
【高分版】Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will
As we have read from above, quitting-smoking seems easy, but in reality it is rarely achieved. There is something provoking and interesting in this paradox, just because sword does not wear the stone as dripping water does.
B) makes them known to others
C) understands their true values
全国大学英语四级考试全国统一模拟冲刺试卷COLLEGE ENGLISH TEST— Band Four —试题册……………………………………………………………………………………………注意事项一、将自己的校名、姓名准考证号写在答题卡1和答题卡2上。
选定答案后,用HB-2B 浓度的铅笔在相应字母的中部划一条横线。
正确方法是:[A] [B] [C] [D]。
Part I Writing ( 30 minutes ) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the lonely life of aged people. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.注意:此部分试题在答题卡1上。
姓名:___________考号:___________一、单选题(共70题)1.不属于工作岗位调查方式的是( )。
A.德尔菲法B.面谈C.现场观测D.书面调查2.( )是指对假设的调研主题展开调查,发现新问题,淘汰旧问题,探求真正的问题所在。
A.非正式调研B.情景模拟调研C.电话调查D.直接观察法3.在“五一”期间工作的员工得到的加班工资属于( )A.岗位津贴B.补贴C.经济性福利D.过节福利4.下列各项属于晋升培训特点的是( )A.以企业发展规划为依据B.培训时间短、费用低C.多种培训方法并用D.以一对一指导为主要方法5.岗前培训企业文化介绍不包括( )培训提纲。
A.企业基础B.公司使命C.核心价值观D.企业精神6.( )原则要求管理者对员工给予充分的信任与尊重。
A.以人为本B.任人唯贤C.用人不疑D.严爱相济7.工作岗位调查在面谈中应当注意避免( )。
A.尊重被调查人B.根据调查目的布置面谈环境C.允许被调查人长篇大论,直到他自己无话可说为止D.发表个人的观点和看法,采取命令式提问8.劳动关系是指用人单位与劳动者在( )中所发生的关系。
A.生产过程B.劳动过程C.雇佣过程D.合作过程9.下列各项不能体现企业投入经费进行培训带来的效益的是( )A.任职者提高完成本职工作的质量B.为企业中长期的人才需求做好储备C.提高了企业整体任职人员的工作素质D.培训费增加,提高企业知名度10.组织为使获得的人力资源达到符合具体工作岗位要求的业务水平和提高其工作技能而支付的费用属于人力资源的( )。
姓名:___________考号:___________一、单选题(共70题)1.工资支付的周期和方法应在劳动合同中( )条款中明确规定。
A.合同期限B.工资支付时间C.劳动报酬D.最低工资标准2.我国《劳动法》规定,用人单位依法在法定休假节日时安排员工加班的,应支付不低于劳动者本人日或小时工资的( )支付劳动者工资。
A.100%B.150%C.200%D.300%3.下列各项不属于观察法缺点的是( )。
A.调查者往往只能观察到被调查者的表面行为,难以把握其心理变化B.为取得理想的结果,需要长时间观察C.有时被调查者会觉察,引起误解D.被调查者易受他人影响4.定额时间中最主要的组成部分是( )。
A.作业时间B.作业宽放时间C.个人需要与休息宽放时间D.准备与结束时间5.岗前培训企业文化介绍不包括( )培训提纲。
A.企业基础B.公司使命C.核心价值观D.企业精神6.通过( )发布招聘信息,具有信息传播范围广、速度快、成本低且不受时间、地域限制等特点。
A.报纸B.杂志C.广播电视D.网络7.招聘工作的实施是整个招聘活动的核心,其步骤不包括( )。
A.招募阶段B.准备阶段C.筛选阶段D.录用阶段8.以下不属于企业招聘需求信息来源的是( )。
A.组织人力资源自然减员B.组织业务的调整的需要C.人力资源部的决策D.现有人员的不合理配置9.劳动合同内容中“劳动保护和劳动条件”一款要求用人单位按照( )为劳动者提供必要的劳动条件。
A.劳动合同中约定的劳动安全卫生工作条件标准B.地区主管安全工作部门制定的安全卫生标准C.企业制定的岗位安全操作规定标准D.国家劳动安全卫生法规的标准10.采用因素比较法进行岗位评价时,其操作的第一步骤是( )。
姓名:___________考号:___________一、单选题(共70题)1.( )原则要求管理者对员工给予充分的信任与尊重。
A.以人为本B.任人唯贤C.用人不疑D.严爱相济2.( )的优点是调查者能比较深入地了解到被调查者的真实意见,方式方法机动灵活,一般不受时间、地点的限制,所得到的资料也比较可靠。
A.当面调查询问法B.网上调查法C.问卷调查法D.邮寄调查法3.( )是进行培训的物质基础。
A.培训预算B.培训经费D.培训基地4.( )可以用于证明应聘者在求职申请表中所提供信息的真实性。
A.自传式调查表B.应聘人员履历表C.应聘者推荐表D.加权招聘申请表5.( )是整个时间资源的总量,是员工工作时间的自然极限。
A.日历时间B.制度工作时间C.自然时间D.实际工作时间6.( )不受企业所有制性质、经济效益和支付能力的影响。
A.福利待遇B.补充保险C.法定福利D.个人福利7.( )是岗位调查、岗位分析、岗位评价与岗位分类分级等项活动的总称。
A.岗位研究B.工作研究C.工作分析D.定岗定员8.用人单位濒临破产进行法定整顿期间或者生产经营状况发生严重困难,确需裁减人员的,应当提前( )日向工会或者全体职工说明情况,听取工会或者职工的意见,经向劳动行政部门报告后,可以裁减人员。
用人单位依据本条规定裁减人员,在( )个月内录用人员的,应当优先录用被裁减的人员。
B.30:12C.30:6D.90:69.岗位写实的原则不包括( )A.写实人员应积极引导被调查者B.写实人员应善待被观察者C.写实人员不可向被调查者施令D.写实人员一般是一线主管10.我国制度公休时间为( )天。
姓名:___________考号:___________一、单选题(共70题)1.全面了解被调查对象在一个工作日内工作活动的情况,掌握其具体的工作内容、程序、步骤和方法的是( )的基本功能。
A.岗位写实B.岗位分析C.岗位观察D.作业测时2.( )原则要求管理者对员工给予充分的信任与尊重。
A.以人为本B.任人唯贤C.用人不疑D.严爱相济3.下列对以改善绩效为目的的培训说法不正确的是( )。
A.对员工进行的绩效评价应该每年进行一次B.制订好的绩效改进计划可以针对多个项目C.应该在指导者的指导下严格按照绩效改进计划进行D.在评估面谈中,考核双方应就绩效改进的方向达成一致4.如果用人单位安排劳动者延长工作时间,需支付员工不低于本人日工资( )的报酬。
A.100%B.150%C.200%D.250%5.在新员工对企业及员工不熟悉的情况下,( )是新员工获取企业信息的基本来源。
A.企业简介B.企业宣讲C.员工手册D.电视广告6.在管理人员的培训中,四级培训的目的是( )A.塑造领导能力B.开发参与者的企业家潜能C.让参与者准备好参加初级管理者工作D.提高参与者的自我管理能力和团队建设能力7.劳动者通过求职信、求职登记等形式向用人单位提出工作申请,此种情形可以说劳动者是( )。
A.3B.4C.5D.69.一般情况,凡产量取决于个人努力程度的适宜采用( )A.计时工资制B.计件工资制C.技能工资制D.岗位工资制10.( )是指在个人具备国家及所在企业规定的条件时可以享受的福利。
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姓名:___________考号:___________一、单选题(共70题)1.职务与职位的主要区别不包括( )。
A.职务主要强调的是规定员工应该承担工作的内容和要求B.职位主要强调的是工作任务的地点和时空条件C.职位是对其所承担的任务内容和特点的高度概括和总结D.职务反映了员工所承担的工作性质2.招聘申请表的设计的依据是( )。
A.招聘对象B.工作说明书C.招聘计划D.人力资源规划3.在管理人员的培训中,四级培训的目的是( )A.塑造领导能力B.开发参与者的企业家潜能C.让参与者准备好参加初级管理者工作D.提高参与者的自我管理能力和团队建设能力4.( )指法定工作时间,反映出能利用的工作时间的最大值。
A.全部实际工作时间B.制度工作时间C.制度内实际工作时间D.日历时间5.( )是对实际工作中具有代表性的工作行为进行描述的工作分析方法。
A.设计信息法B.工作日志法C.结构调查法D.关键事件法6.劳动法律关系和劳动关系的区别在于前者体现了( )。
A.18周岁B.16周岁C.15周岁D.20周岁8.SWOT分析法是对企业组织信息进行( )最常用的方法。
A.财务报表分析B.可靠性分析C.综合比较分析D.数理统计分折9.绩效管理制度作为绩效管理活动的指导性文件,在拟定起草时,一定要从企业( )出发。
A.生产规模和管理工作水平B.实际生产状况和计划达到的生产要求C.生产规模和企业现实生产技术组织形式D.现实生产技术组织条件和管理工作的水平10.在招聘广告中不出现招聘企业名称的广告称为( )。
A.隐瞒广告B.秘密广告C.遮蔽广告D.不公开广告11.( )只由企业按照员工工资总额的一定比例缴纳,员工个人无需缴纳。
A.养老保险B.失业保险C.工伤保险D.医疗保险12.( )是整个时间资源的总量,是员工工作时间的自然极限。
A.日历时间B.制度工作时间C.自然时间D.实际工作时间13.企业采用三阶段岗前培训方法的前提是( )。
A.企业要进行两阶段岗前培训B.企业要建立两级培训体制C.企业要建立三级培训体制D.企业要了解未来的发展方向14.SWOT分析法是对企业组织信息进行( )最常用的方法。
A.财务报表分析B.可靠性分析C.综合比较分析D.数理统计分折15.用人单位通过第三者对应聘者的情况进行了解和验证的人员选拔方式通常被称为( )。
A.背景调查B.猎头公司C.招聘调查问卷D.简历筛选16.在入职教育中,由新员工的直属上司执行( )的指导。
A.技术性B.共同性C.基础性D.特定性17.( )的工种不适合采用技术等级工资制。
将个人与组织的发展目标有效结合,这体现了绩效管理的( )。
A.3B.4C.5D.620.( )在国家的法律体系中具有最高法律效力。
A.劳动法B.宪法C.国务院劳动行政法规D.劳动规章21.薪酬管理的基本原则不包括( )。
A.对外具有竞争力原则B.对内具有公正性原则C.合理有效原则D.对员工具有激励原则22.通过( )发布招聘信息,具有信息传播范围广、速度快、成本低且不受时间、地域限制等特点。
A.报纸B.杂志C.广播电视D.网络23.在进行人员筛选时,体检适宜在( )进行。
A.初次筛选后B.所有筛选方法使用之后C.背景调查后D.面试后24.采用因素比较法进行岗位评价时,其操作的第一步骤是( )。
A.确定评价要素B.确定要素的权重C.获取岗位信息D.选择关键基准岗位25.员工信息管理的作用不包括( )。
A.是人力资源管理活动中必不可少的工具B.为单位处理员工的有关问题提供依据和凭证C.为企业制定人力资源管理等政策提供原始资料D.对试用员工进行考核和鉴定26.组织信息调研的具体要求不包括( )。
A.准确性B.系统性C.开发性D.经济性27.在管理人员教程培训中,总体管理培训的培训目的是( )。
A.塑造领导能力B.开发参与者的企业家潜能C.让参与者准备好进行初级管理工作D.提高参与者的自我管理能力和团队建设能力28.工资支付的周期和方法应在劳动合同中( )条款中明确规定。
A.合同期限B.工资支付时间C.劳动报酬D.最低工资标准29.( )是衡量管理人员是否称职的标准之一。
A.大贤大用B.不贤不用C.任人唯贤D.小贤小用30.定额时间中最主要的组成部分是( )。
A.作业时间B.作业宽放时间C.个人需要与休息宽放时间D.准备与结束时间31.以下不属于员工信息内容的是( )。
A.参加党团组织的材料B.兴趣、特长、爱好等信息C.奖励和模范先进事迹材料D.劳动合同32.企业在( )阶段的工作要帮助新员工建立与同事和工作团队的关系,形成符合实际的期望和积极的态度。
A.转岗培训B.晋升培训C.工作期间培训D.员工入职培训33.转岗培训是在岗培训的主要类型之一,造成转岗的原因不包括( )。
A.企业经营规模与方向的变化B.员工不能胜任现在的工作,需要重新安置C.员工对现在的工作感到厌倦,要求重新安置D.企业生产技术进步34.不属于工作岗位调查方式的是( )。
A.德尔菲法B.面谈C.现场观测D.书面调查35.( )原则要求管理者对员工给予充分的信任与尊重。
A.以人为本B.任人唯贤C.用人不疑D.严爱相济36.岗前培训的优点不包括( )A.规范性强B.物质条件好C.适合技术性强的岗位D.有时间保障37.( )冲击了传统的“铁饭碗”制度,促进了企业劳动人事制度的改革。
A.岗位轮换B.计件工资C.竞聘上岗38.劳动法律关系的主体是指( )。
A.工会代表与用人单位B.工会与用人单位C.职工代表与用人单位D.劳动者与用人单位39.从理论上讲,( )是人员录用效果最佳的方法。
A.因事择人B.因人择事C.双向选择D.领导指派40.在新员工对企业及员工不熟悉的情况下,( )是新员工获取企业信息的基本来源。
A.企业简介B.企业宣讲C.员工手册D.电视广告41.岗前培训企业文化介绍不包括( )培训提纲。
A.企业基础B.公司使命C.核心价值观D.企业精神42.( )是指让受训者在预定时期内变换工作岗位,使其获得不同岗位的工作经验的培训方法。
A.工作指导法B.特别任务法D.现场培训法43.下列对岗位评价的理解有误的是( )。
A.岗位评价的中心是现有的人员B.岗位评价是对企事业单位各类岗位的相对价值进行衡量的过程C.岗位评价是对同类不同层级岗位的相对价值衡量评比的过程D.岗位评价为岗位的分类、分级提供了前提44.工资指导线一般在每年( )底之前颁布。
A.1月B.2月C.3月D.6月45.员工直接薪酬不包括( )。
A.基本工资B.员工福利C.奖金D.补贴46.下列有关绩效工资的说法,错误的是( )。
A.绩效工资是指根据员工的年度绩效评价结果确定的对基础工资的增加部分B.一般会根据员工绩效评价的等级,将员工的基本工资上下浮动15%左右C.通常将绩效提薪纳入基本工资的范畴D.绩效提薪在一定程度上激励效果不明显,反而增加企业的工资支付成本47.劳动者的工种与岗位、工作地点和场所通常在劳动合同的( )中加以约束。
A.法定条款B.约定条款C.专项协议D.补充协议48.伤亡事故报告和处理制度是对劳动者在劳动生产过程中发生和生产有关的伤亡事故( )的规定。
A.报告、登记、调查、处理、统计、分析B.登记、报告、调查、处理、统计、分析C.登记、调查、报告、处理、统计、分析D.报告、调查、登记、处理、统计、分析49.( )是指在个人具备国家及所在企业规定的条件时可以享受的福利。
A.补充福利B.集体福利C.经济性福利D.个人福利50.有效的( )能使员工发扬成绩,纠正错误,满怀信心地面对未来,努力工作。
A.绩效改善B.绩效反馈C.绩效面谈D.绩效诊断51.劳动合同内容中“劳动保护和劳动条件”一款要求用人单位按照( )为劳动者提供必要的劳动条件。
A.劳动合同中约定的劳动安全卫生工作条件标准B.地区主管安全工作部门制定的安全卫生标准C.企业制定的岗位安全操作规定标准D.国家劳动安全卫生法规的标准52.应聘申请表的特点不包括( )A.节省时间B.能够准确了解应聘者C.提供后续选择的参考D.申请表的内容和形式固定不变53.全面了解被调查对象在一个工作日内工作活动的情况,掌握其具体的工作内容、程序、步骤和方法的是( )的基本功能。
A.岗位写实B.岗位分析C.岗位观察D.作业测时54.( )通常指以工时或完成产品件数计算员工的劳动报酬。
A.薪金B.薪资C.奖金D.工资55.组织为使获得的人力资源达到符合具体工作岗位要求的业务水平和提高其工作技能而支付的费用属于人力资源的( )。
A.招聘成本B.选拔成本C.录用和安置成本D.开发成本56.以下关于雇主的说法中错误的是( )A.与雇员相对的一方B.企业财产的人格化代表C.一个孤立的自然人D.生产经营与管理的载体57.( )是国家为了保护劳动者在生产过程中的健康,防止和消除职业危害而制定的各种法律规范和技术标准的总和。
A.工厂安全技术规程B.劳动卫生规程C.劳动安全技术规程D.建筑安装工程安全技术规程58.用人单位濒临破产进行法定整顿期间或者生产经营状况发生严重困难,确需裁减人员的,应当提前( )日向工会或者全体职工说明情况,听取工会或者职工的意见,经向劳动行政部门报告后,可以裁减人员。
用人单位依据本条规定裁减人员,在( )个月内录用人员的,应当优先录用被裁减的人员。
A.60:12B.30:12C.30:6D.90:659.制定典型定额标准是( )的需要。
A.经验估工法B.统计分析法C.类推比较法D.技术定额法60.绩效管理制度的基本内容不包括( )。
A.绩效管理的目标B.员工申诉的管理办法C.职位晋升的标准D.考评结果应用原则及配套措施61.在劳动关系中,由于劳动力是人体中的一种机能,它只能寓寄在活的人体中,因而劳动关系就其本来意义上说是一种( )关系。