What exactly is GDP?
How do we use GDP to tell us how rapidly our economy is expanding or whether our economy is in a recession?
© 2014 Pearson Addison-Wesley
Gross Domestic Product
Final Goods and Services GDP is the value of the final goods and services produced. A final good (or service) is an item bought by its final user during a specified time period. A final good contrasts with an intermediate good, which is an item that is produced by one firm, bought by another firm, and used as a component of a final good or service. Excluding the value of intermediate goods and services avoids counting the same value more than once.
Market value Final goods and services Pr a given time period
潘文国、谭慧敏则 认为微观研究是 对
2009 年第 4期
描写或预测上述现象 并将翻译学划分为 纯
[ 6 ] ( P 415)
性和科学性的辩证法及翻译理论的艺术论与科学 论的辩证法。 此外, 该书还提出了作者对翻译 学的体系构架及其基本特征的设想, 廓清了翻译 学中的 一些基 本概 念, 探 讨了 翻译 学的 根本 性 质 , 勾勒了翻译学的体系架构。这些都是翻译研 究者需要运用宏观研究的方法加以 解决的问题 , 需要研究者具有 高瞻远瞩 的视野。 胡庚申 的 !翻译 适应选 择论 ∀ 以达 尔文 的 适应 /选 择 学说为基础对翻译本质、过程、原 则、方法和评价标准等宏观理论问题进行了系统 研究, 是 一 部具有探 索精神 的译学新 著
西方学者 R. R. K H artm an 等认为, 宏观语 言学指与各种人类交际相关联的语言学外围研究 领域
[ 2]
, 它不仅包括微观语言学 , 而且还包括象 前语言 现象, 以及辅助语言
特征和文化行为等; 微观语言学指对语言材料进 行直接分析的语言研究 , 如音系学、语法学、词 汇学等。中国学者刘重德则把宏观研究看作是语 言结合社会、思想、文化等因素的研究 , 具体表 现为对 语 言 表 达 法 和 不 同 民 族 语 言 心 理 的 研 究。
[ 12] [ 11]
翻译学和应用翻译学 ,
认为应高度 重视 翻译研 究中 感性、理性 和知 性 ( 即形而上学 ) 的认 识作用。许 钧认为, 翻译 是 多层次的实践活动 , 要认识翻译活动的本质 , 应 该具有系统和层次的观点 , 还需要有跨学科的视 野。
5.GDP是一国范围内所生产的最终产 品的市场价值,从而是个地域概念 6.GDP是一般仅指市场活动所导致的 价值 ,家务劳动及自给自足的市场等非市 场活动不计入GDP
Gross Domestic Product
Gross domestic product (GDP) is the total market value of all final goods and services produced within a country during a specific period.
GDP includes goods and services currently produced. It does not include transactions involving items produced in the past.
⑴GDP excludes second-hand sales(二手交易).
2.“GDP is the market value…”
QUICK QUIZ: Which contributes more to GDP---
the production of an economy car or the production of a luxury car? Why?
⑴GDP includes only the value of final goods and services. The reason is that the value of intermediate goods and services is already included in the prices of the final goods and services.
第二章 宏观经济均衡理论
第一节 宏观经济均衡及其实现
第二节 总支出函数 第三节 乘数理论
第四节 总供求均衡
目 录
• 学习要求 • 通过对本章的学习,要了解消费函数、总支出函数、乘数理论、供求均衡等基本 概念和原理。学会应用基本的概念和原理对宏观经济均衡进行分析,懂得运用乘 数理论来分析宏观经济总量的变动,懂得分析总需求与总供给均衡时的宏观经济 状况。 • 重点掌握 • 总供给不变时总需求决定国民收入;消费函数;边际收入倾向;总支出函数;乘 数理论;供求均衡。
总支出的增加会引起国内生产总值增加, 但是, 一定量自发总支出的增加会使国内 生产总值增加多少, 即总支出增加与国内生产总值增加量的关系如何呢? 通过乘数 理论的学习可以理解这一问题。 乘数是指自发总支出的增加引起的国内生产总值增加的倍数, 或是国内生产总值增 加量与引起这种增加量的自发总支出增加量之间的比率。根据均衡的国内生产总值 决定公式, 增加的总支出与增加的国内生产总值相等, 即:
总产出和总收入都是总供给的衡量指标, 这两个量是相等的, 它们代表的都是总供 给。 则: AS=C+S+T,C 表示消费收入, S 表示储蓄收入, T 表示政府税收。
总需求(AD) 是一个经济社会在一定时期所有成员对最终产品和劳务的有效需求之 和。有效需求指既有需求的愿望, 又有货币支付能力。度量总需求的指标称为总支 出, 总支出(AE) 是用支出法计算的 GDP,包括家庭消费 3、 企业投资 4、 政府 购买 5 和净出口 6 。 家庭和政府需要购买物品与劳务, 企业需要进行投资, 这些 均构成经济内部的需求, 加上来自国外的需求构成经济中的总需求。 总需求可以用 总支出这个统计指标来度量, 因此可以得到以下等式:AE=C+I+G+(X-M)在总 支出的四个组成部分中, 消费占的比例最大, 在发达国家占总支出的三分之二左右。 最小的部分是净出口。 投资的比例在不同的国家有所不同,通常发展中国家投资的 比例大一些。 政府购买则取决于政府规模的大小和对经济的干预程度。 一般来说, 各国政府购买大于投资, 并且有上升趋势。
《宏观经济学》-双语版-第 2 版
第三节 现代宏观经济学的历史演变
(The Evolvement of Modern Macroeconomics)
◆1933 年挪威经济学家弗里希(Ragnar Frisch)提出“宏观经济学”概念。1936 年, 凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)发表著名的《就业、利息和货币通论》 (the general theory of employment, interest, and money) ,提出以“三大心理规律” (mental patterns)为基础的“有 效需求理论” (effective demand theory) ,标志着现代宏观经济学的产生。 一、现代宏观经济学的产生(generation of modern macroeconomics) 1、宏观经济学的萌芽(emerge) ( 1 )自 17 世纪开始,英国的重商主义( mercantile system )者和法国的重农主义 (physiocracy)者关注“国民财富”问题。 (2) 19 世纪晚期, 瑞典经济学家缪尔达尔 (Gunnar Myrdal) 将总量分析 (macro-analysis) 和动态分析( dynamic analysis )结合,研究国民财富的动态变化过程( dynamic changing process)和经济增长。 (3) 19 世纪晚期, 奥地利经济学家熊彼特 (Joseph Schumpeter) 研究经济周期 (business cycle)理论,强调宏观经济体系的周期性波动。 2、现代宏观经济学的产生(generation) (1) “凯恩斯革命” : 20 世纪 30 年代, 资本主义世界爆发严重经济危机 (economic crisis) ; 传统的新古典经济学无法提供合理解释(explanation)和有效对策(countermeasure) 。在这 种历史背景下,凯恩斯在 1936 年发表《就业、利息和货币通论》 ,提出有效需求理论,试图 通过政府干预来 “改造” 资本主义经济运行机制, 史称 “凯恩斯革命” (Keynesian revolution) 。 (2) “三大心理规律” :针对 20 世纪 30 年代的经济萧条状况,凯恩斯批驳古典主义传 统的 “充分就业” (full employment) 信念, 指出 “萨伊定律” (Say’s law) 的局限性 (limitation) , 其理论立足点是“三大心理规律” 。 (3) “有效需求理论” :在“三大心理规律”的基础上,凯恩斯提出“有效需求理论” 。 “有效需求理论”强调:①在萧条时期的经济体系中,消费需求(consume demand)不足和 投资需求(investment demand)不足直接导致了总需求(aggregate demand)不足。②解决 这个问题的根本途径(ultimate approach)是努力提高总需求,使宏观经济体系保持平衡。 ③根据这一基本思路,凯恩斯本人建立“简单的凯恩斯宏观经济模型” (Simple Keynesian macroeconomic model) ,重点讨论产品市场的宏观经济均衡(macroeconomic equilibrium) 。 二、凯恩斯主义宏观经济学的发展(development of Keynesian macroeconomics) 时至今日,凯恩斯主义传统(Keynesianism tradition)仍然是宏观经济学领域的主导力 量。在“原教旨的凯恩斯主义” (Original Keynesianism)之后,依次出现“后凯恩斯主义” (Post Keynesianism)和“新凯恩斯主义” (New Keynesianism) 。 1、 “后凯恩斯主义” ◆“后凯恩斯主义”包括两个相互对立的阵营:新古典综合派(Neoclassical Synthescs) 和新剑桥学派(Neo Cambridge School) 。它们都坚持凯恩斯主义传统,但在凯恩斯主义传统 的发展方向(developing direction)上存在着根本分歧,从而形成经济学说史上著名的“两
现 代 商 贸 工 业 Mo d e r n B u s i n e s s T r a d e I n d u s t r y
2 0 1 3年 第 1 7期
双 语 课 程 教 学 效 果 及影 响 因素分 析
基 于学 生 视角 以《 宏 观 经 济学 》 为例
价, 笔 者 在授 课 的 两 个 班 中 进 行 了 问 卷 调 查 , 调 查 共 回收 问
卷6 O份 , 其 中有效 问卷 5 6 份, 数据处 理采 用 E x c e l 软件 。
2 . 1 《 宏观经济学 》 双 语 教 学 的 效 果 评 价
素, 其 次是教材 的难度 , 最后是 教师 的水 平 Leabharlann 通 过对 调研 学 杨 晶
( 江西农业 大学经济管理 学院 , 江西 南 昌 3 3 0 0 4 5 )
摘 要 : 双语 教 学有 助 于 培 养 既 懂 专 业 又精 通 英 语 的 复合 型 人 才 , 而从 学 生视 角 出发 分 析 影 响 双 语 教 学 效 果 的 因 素 能 够 帮 助 教 师与 学 生 达 成 共 识 , 有 效 地 提 高教 学 效 果 。 以《 宏观 经 济学 》 双 语课 程 为例 , 对 授 课 学 生 进 行 问卷 调 查 , 基 于 学 生 视 角 分 析 了双 语 课 程 的教 学 效 果 以及 影 响 因 素 , 结果表明 , 语 言障碍是 阻碍双语教 学的 最主要 因素 , 其次是教 材 、 师 资 以及
生 的英 语 水 平 分 析 发 现 , 学 生 的 英 语 能 力 成 为 制 约 双 语 教
学效果 主要 因素 的原 因在于 多数 学 生 ( 5 7 . 1 4 ) 没 有 通 过
国民收入(NI) 指一个国家在一定时期生产中使用的各种生产要素得到 的全部收入, 即工资、 利息、 租金与利润之和 [7]。 国民收入直接体现了各项生 产要素的收入, 国民收入总是依据国民原则进行统计的。 因此, 如果从国内 生产总值统计国民收入时, 必须进行调整。 国民收入的计算公式为: 国民收入=国民生产净值-间接税 或者:国民收入=国内生产净值-间接税+国外要素净收入 例如, 2003 年国内生产净值为 109310.31 亿元, 间接税为 18533.36 亿元, 国外要素净收入为 -648.8 亿元, 那么国民收入为: 国民收入=国内生产净值-间接税+国外要素净收入 = 109310.31 - 18533.36 +(-648.8) = 90128.15(亿收入核算理论
第一节 宏观经济运行
第二节 国内生产总值 第三节 国内生产总值与其他总量的关系
第四节 国民收入的决定及变动
目 录
• 学习要求 • 通过对本章的学习,要了解宏观经济运行基本条件;国内生产总值计算方法及恒 等关系;掌握各宏观经济总量的基本概念。学会应用基本概念和原理对我国宏观 经济变量进行分析和衡量;对综合反映社会经济活动的国民经济总量指标进行分 析。 • 重点掌握 • 国民生产总值的含义;国民生产总值的计算方法;国民收入核算的基本指标。
国民经济是人类赖以生存和发展的有机整体, 是企业和居民相互依存,互为条件, 共同发展的有机整体。 厂商、 金融和居民的经济行为, 构成微观经济。 政府通过政策服务和对国民经济的 调节职能, 连同被调节的对象共同构成宏观经济。 微观经济是指单个经济单位的经济行为, 以及与该行为相应的经济变量的决策和实 现目标的最大化和资源的合理配置。 单个经济单位相互依存、 互为条件、 共同发展, 表现为宏观经济, 也构成国民经济的整体, 成为国民经济的基础。
• 经济发展是指发展中国家通过各个时期的经济发展战 略的实施使其经济实现工业化的过程。 (二)衡量经济发展的指标 • 衡量社会经济发展的总量指标 • 衡量社会经济发展的相对指标
从二者的区别上看: 经济增长 63 是指一个国家或地区国民经济总量(如 国内生产总值和国民收入) 的增长, 它主要用国内生产总值增长率和人均国 内生产总值增长率作为衡量指标 。 从二者的联系上看: 经济增长包含在经济发展之中, 它是促成经济发展 的基本动力和物质保障。 一般而言, 经济增长是手段, 经济发展是目的; 经 济增长是经济发展的基础, 经济发展是经济增长的结果。 虽然在个别条件下 有时也会出现无增长而有发展的情况, 但从长期看, 没有经济增长就不会有 持续的经济发展。
第三, 自然
(一)发展中国家经济 发展的特点 • 第一, 生产力水平低 (二)传统经济发展模 式——以中国为例 • 第一, 以高速增长为 (三)新的经济发展模 式 • 新的经济发展模式是
第二, 人均收入水平
低 第三, 经济的二元结 构
新古典增长模型是由美国经济学家 R·索洛等人提出来的。 这一模型认 为哈罗德—多马模型指出的经济稳定增长之路是很难实现的。因为,在现实中, 由于各种因素的影响, 实际增长率、 有保证的增长率与自然增长率很难达到 一致。 因此他们把哈罗德—多马模型指出的经济增长途径称为“ 增长的刀锋” 。 他们的模型就是要通过改变资本—产量比率来解决这一“ 刀锋” 问题, 并且 考虑技术进步对经济增长的作用。 (一)新古典增长模型的基本假设 新古典增长模型也有假设: 社会只生产一种产品, 使用资本和劳动两种 生产要素, 以及规模收益不变。 第一, 资本与劳动在生产中的投入比例是可变的, 即两种生产要素可以 替代。 而在哈罗德模型的假定中, 资本和劳动是按固定比例结合的。 第二, 考虑到技术进步对经济增长率的影响。 而哈罗德模型把生产技术 水平看成是既定的, 它只强调投资增加对经济增长的作用。 第三, 一切经济活动都在完全竞争条件下进行,要素总能得到充分利用, 不存在资源闲置问题。
宏观经济学原理第七版曼昆 名词解释带英文
国内生产总值GDP(gross domestic product),在某一既定时期,一个国家内生产的所有最终物品与服务的市场价值。
政府购买(government purchase),地方、州和联邦政府用于物品与服务的支出。
净出口(net export),外国人对国内生产的物品的支出(出口),减国内居民对外国物品的支出(进口)。
名义GDP(nominal GDP),按现期价格评价的物品与服务的生产。
真实GDP(real GDP),按不变价格评价的物品与服务的生产。
(总之,名义GDP是用当年价格来评价经济中物品与服务生产的价值,真实GDP是用不变的GDP平减指数(GDP, deflator),用名义GDP与真实GDP的比率乘以100计算的物价水平衡量指标。
消费物价指数CPI(consumer price index),普通消费者所购买的物品与服务的总费用的衡量指标。
通货膨胀率(inflation rate),从前一个时期以来,物价指数变动的百分比。
生产物价指数(producer price index),企业所购买的一篮子物品运服务的费用的衡量指标。
名义利率(nominal interest rate),通常公布的、未根据通货膨胀的影响,校正的利率。
真实利率(real interest rate),根据通货膨胀的影响校正过的利率。
宏观经济学MEASUREING A NATION’S INCOME一国收入的衡量Microeconomics the study of how households and firms make decisions and how they interact in markets.微观经济学:研究家庭和企业如何做出决策,以及他们如何在市场上相互交易。
Macroeconomics the study of economy-wide phenomena,including inflation,unemployment,and economic growth宏观经济学:研究整体经济现象,包括通货膨胀、失业和经济增长。
GDP is the market value of final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time.国内生产总值GDP:给定时期的一个经济体内生产的所有最终产品和服务的市场价值Consumption is spending by households on goods and services, with the exception of purchased of new housing.消费:除了购买新住房,家庭用于物品与劳务的支出。
Investment is spending on capital equipment inventories, and structures, including household purchases of new housing.投资:用于资本设备、存货和建筑物的支出,包括家庭用于购买新住房的支出。
Government purchases are spending on goods and services by local, state, and federal government.政府支出:地方、州和联邦政府用于物品和与劳务的支出。
宏观经济学分析 全英文
Current economic circumstances and the trend of macroeconomic policy in ChinaMarketing 1010800106 孙浚轩1010800109 李晗Current macroeconomic circumstances of China is not bad . At present ,financial crisis is becoming even more violent. Under such circumstances , it is important to figure out whether our country should keep conducting tight monetary policy and whether the policy of appreciation of the RMB can be carried out ,what function the financial policy should have .So, please follow my step, let us solve these problems.External economyOK, firstly, let us conclude the current circumstance of international economy in three F, namely, FinancialCrisis/Fuel Crisis/Food Crisis.Therefore, the Crisis is hardly to reach “the beginning of the end”but might be “the end of the beginning”.,Internal economy1.Subprime Crisis has direct and indirect ways toinfluence Our Country.Obviously, the cradle of subprime crisis is U.S. Somemortgage and bond which Chinese banks bought haveshrunk. To make it worse, China is the country whichheld most of American’s bond. With the developmentof Subprime Crisis , it may change the direction ofinternational capital flow and might cause hot moneyflow into China. Subprime Crisis and the glide of U.Seconomy will cause dollars devalue constantly. So, theprice of international goods which accounts in dollarswill increase and it will cause China domesticinflation. What is more, the glide of U.S economywill cause trade protectionism in U.S .2.The slow down of U.S economy has a big impact onChina export because U.S is the biggest importcountry for China.3.The inflation which happens in China now is theresult of an overheated economy. On the one hand,the cost increasing and the demand pull influenced it.On the other hand, the international price of oil, foodand other goods increase fiercely which has a bigimpact on China inflation.We have already seen the circumstance which we live in now, then, let us see the specific problems in our economy.Problems in economy1.Relying on overseas market excessively.At present, foreign trade interdependency of our country is nearly 67% while the developed countries is nearly 25%. The motive power of our country’s increasing are investment and export. And the domestic demand is obvious not enough. The focus expression of economic pattern disorder is the imbalance of overseas market demand and domestic demand. What is more important, excess production capacity is too serious. Financial Crisis caused overseas market demand wither , so more andmore products cannot be exported and the unemployment is inevitable .2.Foreign capital has intervene many fields in our economy.According to the survey, in China’s 30 majority industry, 20 has been intervened by foreign capital deeply. Till 2008, U.S has been investing China enterprise about 60 thousands, and the capital is nearly 60000millions. As it can be seen, our initiative is controlled by other countries.cking of core technology and independent innovationMaybe it seems a historical problems in economy, right?Recent years, high and new technology products’export is increasing fast ! In 2010. It occupies nearly 65% in total export.But you gotta know that, 80% products’core technology are controlled by foreign merchant. So some industries are not competitive ,but monopolized by some big corporations Obviously, the externality is too heavy.4.Consumption lacks motive powerPoor countries are better off pursuing outward-oriented policies.But our country depends on foreign markets too much. We have been emphasized”pull domestic consumption”for about ten years but cannot make a breakthrough all the time, and domestic consumption rate is not rising but falling constantly.5.Inflation cannot be stopped in a short timeInflation’s occurrence and development is always lag behind an overheated economy about several quarters. At present , China’s economic growth rate reach up to 10.4%,still exceed potential economic growth speed. The inflation pressure will remain in the next period of time. International oil, food prices’increasing leads to the rising of the cost of production in China, thus cause the ascend of PPI. Also, CPI will rise too due to more and more good prices’ increasing,Aiming at these problems, we can make some foresight of our economy and some reasonable advises although our thoughts are still immature. HoHo~Here are my suggestions and analysis.My Measures and Suggestions(1)T o develop domestic economy.Our domestic economy has faced many obstacles. Domestic economic risks mainly include:1. Inflation is likely changing into deflation. 2.Domestic capital inflow may become capital gushy.ernment policy caused economy instability. Thegovernment is leading the economy now, causing some problems.So we need a competitive market. A real competition should depend on benefits, brand, technology…. Therefore, our innovation is gonna be in this aspect. We have to change the relation of government and market, glowing enterprises’own vigor.(2)Regulate foreign capital’impact. Develop domestic stock market.In view of the hot money inflow, we can change foreign exchange reverse into RMB capital ,making domestic market liquidity, using stock rights in exchange for dollars .In this very period, our enterprises can merger similar foreign enterprises, strengthening ourselves . And we have to go out, trying to buy hightechnology, resources goods, building more and more transaction relations, stretching our industry chain. In some extents, we can reduce foreign capital impact.(3)Enhancing our firms’ innovation ability.Independent innovation has become national strategy, but it is not equal to self dependence. We all know that Japan is a independent country, But in the early estate, Japan also depends on absorbing advanced technology from other developed countries. With constant absorbing and improving, Japan gradually mastered certain ability., then, its’ ability become stronger and stronger. So, our country’s enterprises especially have to learn to take advantage of resources around the world, including economic resources, technology resources, human resources and so on . To corporate and innovate in open type ,our innovation ability can improve little by little.(4)Increasing educational input and strengthen property rights protectionYeah, as you know, our country is always emphasizing the importance of education, but our form of public education is still unsound such as the brain drain and creativity education. So we have to increase educational input and provide high qualityeducation to avoid brain drain and such problems.Property rights? Oh, no , this word seems ridiculous in China But we got to deal with this word in a serious attitude. An important prerequisite for the price system to work is an economy-wide respect for property rights. So we should formulatea complete law to protect property rights.(5) Expand domestic demand.Our country’s finance is surplus last year, government’s liability occupies only 20% in GDP. This makes room for the government to carry out proactive fiscal policy. 1. The government can stimulate enterprise investment and individual consumption by the measures of the transition of value-added tax and enhancing personal income tax exemption. 2. We can increase peasants’disposable income to imitate their consumption and increase investment in village base installation by some effective ways. unch some key and large scale projects as soon as possible to develop related industries, expanding domestic demand.(6) Keeping RMB appreciated slowly to improve economicpatternTo hold exchange rate steadily, central bank has to intervene foreign exchange market in a large scale, buying dollars,releasing RMB.For preventing inflation, we should increase reserve fund rate. But because of the expectation of appreciation of the RMB ,foreign capital will inflow .Capital liquidity increases more. Our country choose to let RMB appreciate slowly to guarantee export. But it caused hot money inflow. So the only measure we can take to prevent hot money inflow is to conduct capital control.That’s all for my homework. Thanks for viewing,.~!。
The purpose of macroeconomics course is to help students master the basic theory of primary macroeconomics, improve their ability to analyze practical economic problems with economic theory, make students have a certain understanding of national income determination theory and macroeconomic policies, and be able to analyze real macroeconomic problems with the theoretical framework learned. In this course, students are required to read economics related works in a planned way, understand the basic analysis framework of economics, and master the basic theories of macroeconomics and be able to analyze practical problems by analyzing and classifying various economic problems.2.设计思路:本课程从国民收入核算和宏观经济概况入手,通过引入国民收入决定理论,指导学生理解宏观经济各变量之间的内在关联,从而掌握宏观经济理论的基本框架。
宏观经济管理学与财务知识分析(英文版)(ppt 64页)
Copyright © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Flexible-Price Model
• Two sets of factors determine the levels of potential output and real wages
Building Blocks of the Flexible-Price Model
Copyright © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
• What is a full-employment analysis? • What keeps the economy at full
The Labor Market
• The marginal product of labor is the difference between what the firm can produce with its current labor force (Lfirm) and what it could produce if it hired one more worker
Copyright © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
• What determines the level of net exports?
= Flow of dollars
图1. 经济循环图
销售商品 和服务
商品和服务 市场
购买商品 和服务
Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright © 2001 by Harcourt, Inc.
Output is valued 源自t market prices.“. . . Of All Final . . .”
It records only the value of final goods, not intermediate goods (the value is counted only once).
Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright © 2001 by Harcourt, Inc.
“GDP 是市场价值 . . .”
“. . . 所有的 . . .”
GDP只包括最终物品的价值,而不包括中间 品的价值(价值只能计算一次)。
Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright © 2001 by Harcourt, Inc.
The Measurement of Gross Domestic Product 国内生产总值的衡量
The equality of income and expenditure can be illustrated with the circular-flow diagram. 收入等于支出可以由经济循环图来 说明。
The Market for Foreign-Currency Exchange
The two sides of the foreign-currency exchange market are represented by NCO and NX. NCO represents the imbalance between the purchases and sales of capital assets. NX represents the imbalance between exports and imports of goods and services.
实际汇率——使外汇市场供需平衡的价格 。
The Market for Foreign-Currency Exchange
The demand curve for foreign currency is downward sloping because a higher exchange rate makes domestic goods more expensive. The supply curve is vertical because the quantity of dollars supplied for net capital outflow is unrelated to the real exchange rate.
2. At the equilibrium real exchange rate, the demand for dollars to buy net exports exactly balances the supply of dollars to be exchanged into foreign currency to buy assets abroad.
宏观经济学专业术语1.Macroeconomics 宏观经济学对经济总体行为的分析,主要研究产出.收入.价格水平.对外贸易.失业和其他总体经济变量。
2. Final goods 最终产品旨在最终使用而非转卖或进一步加工的商品。
3.Flow vs. stock 流量与存量流量是指,带有时间跨度或曰在一个时段上所累积变动的量(好比通过一个河段的水流)。
4. Intermediate goods 中间产品经过一些制造或加工过程,但还没有达到最终产品阶段的产品。
Income 收入5.个人或国家一段时期内(通常为一年)所新增的工资.利息.红利和其他进帐的流量。
6.Personal income 个人收入衡量税收抵扣前收入的一个指标,确切地说,等于可支配个人收入加上净税收。
7.Personal saving 个人储蓄收人中没有被消费的部分,是个人可支配收入与消费之间的差额。
8.Personal savings rate 个人储蓄率和National savings rate 国民储蓄率以百分比形式表示的个人储蓄与个人可支配收入的比率。
National savings rate 国民储蓄率则是全部储蓄(私人储蓄和公共储蓄)除以国内净产值。
9.National savings rate 国民储蓄率全部储蓄(私人储蓄和公共储蓄)除以国内净产值。
10.Income tax,personal 个人所得税对个人收入课征的税。
Background Analysis of the development Conclusion and reasons why Chinese users continues to grow.
With the development of China's economy and people’ s living standard rising, people’ s disposable income increase.
The mobile phone market was transferred to the entertainment function competition in 2007. Global smartphone had a turning point in 2007, mainly because apple launched the iPhone in 2007 which led the entire smartphone
In recent years, apple's share has always remained stable. From 2007 to 2015 year, iPhone’ market sales in China has been a trend of steady growth.
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Economic Growth and Decisive Factors
The basic type of economic growth The basic type of economic growth It is made by promoting efficiency of productive factors.It can achieve under the amount of productive factors not increasing.It is including the increasing of all and single productive efficiency.
Economic Growth and Decisive Factors
decisive factor of growth
Quantity of productive factors Human resources Technical progress System factors
Harrod-Domar Growth Model
preis constant Technology is constant
Harrod-Domar Growth Model
Hypothesis premise
9 Theories of Economic Growth
Growth and Decisive Factors Harrod-Domar Economic Growth Model New Classical Growth Model New Cambridge Economic Growth Model Technical Progress and Economic Growth Debate about Economic Growth
Economic Growth and Decisive Factors
The basic type of economic growth Extensive economic growth It is made by the increment of productive factors.The more productive factors means the more productive capacity,but it doesn't't mean factors is full use. The output per factor obtains is constant when aggregate output increases.
Economic Growth and Decisive Factors
of growth The basic type of growth The decisive factor of growth
Economic Growth and Decisive Factors
Economic Growth and Decisive Factors
economic growth
It is induced by productive capacity,and which is induced by promoting efficiency of factors.it can bring about under the amount of Factors is constant.it is not only including the increasing of overall ,but also single productive efficiency .
Harrod-Domar Growth Model
Only one kind of merchandise produces in all society. There are just two productive factors.
of economic growth Economic Growth represents the expansion of productive capacity or real national output.
Economic Growth and Decisive Factors
Economic Growth and Decisive Factors
difference between Economic Development and economic growth
Economic development is not only including economic growth,but also the changes of society system and economic structure
Definition of economic growth the expansion of productive capacity or real output mainly determines the quantity and quality of human resources,nature resources ,accumulation capital and technical level in a country. Economic growth means improving and increasing of these factors.
Because scale return is constant, technology too.The proportion of labor and capital is constant,whenever the quantity of labor and capital that per output produced need are constant. Marginal propensity to save is constant.It equals average propensity to save,or proportion of saving in national income.Average propensity to save or proportion of saving in national income is constant .