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1 .-Lucy, do you like? -Yes. Most of my clothes are.

A.an orange an orange

B.orange ,orange

C.oranges ,oranges

D.orange,an orange

2. —Can I help you, sir? ・・・ I' d like to have 100. I want the students to draw picture s on them. A. piece of paper B. pieces of paper C. papers D. paper

3 ・ You looked for it twice, but you haven ' t found it. Why not try.

A. three times

B. a third time

C. the third time

D. once

4 ・ Are they going to have a picnic on?

A. Children ' s Day

B. Childrens ' s Day

C. Childrens Day

D. Children Day

5. -How many can you see in the picture? -Only one. A. dog B. sheep C.


6. The girl talking to Mary is a friend of.

A. Mary ' s sister

B. Mary sister ' s

C. Mary' s sister ' s

D. Sister of Mary ' s

7. The woman over there is mother.

A. Julia and Shelley ' s

B. Julia ' asnd Shelley ' s

C. Julia and Shelley

D. Julia ' asnd Shelley

8. He is very tired. He needs.

A. a night rest

B. a rest night

C. a night ' s rest

D. a rest of night

9 ・—Excuse me , where are offices? —Over there ・

A. teacher , s B teachers J C. the teacher ' s D the teachers '

10. — Whose umbrella is it? — It s.

A. somebody else ' s

B. Somebody else

C. Somebod y' s else ' s

D. Somebody, s


11. Today is September 10th. It ' s D ay. Let J sgo and buy some flowers for our teachers.

A. Teacher

B. Teachers '

C. the Teachers '

D. Teacher 's

12. We5 II have a holiday. What about going to the West Lake?

A. two days

B. two-day

C. two- days

D. two day 's

13. This is my dress. That one is. A. Mary B. Mary 's C. sister D. mother

14. The is just around the corner and you won 't miss it.

A. bicycle 's shop

B. bicycle shop

C. bicycles shop

D. bicycles 'shop

15. Mr Black gave us on how to learn English well.

A.an advice

B.many advices

C.some advice

D.some advices

16. - With whom did you watch 2010 World Cup Opening Ceremony ? -.

A. A friend of mine

B. A friend of me

C. A friend of my sister

D. A friend of you

17 I need paper, Mum. I want to write letter to my English teacher.

A. any, some

B. some, a

C. a, some

D. some,any

18. There are two and three on the table.

A. knifes, forks

B. knifes, fork

C. knives, forkes

D. knives, forks

19.0h, my god! The kids are making too much here. I can*t do anything.

A. sound

B. voice

C. noise

D. footstep

20 We could see — children and hear noise in the park.

A. many, many

B. much, much

C. many, much

D. much, many

21 Will you pass me ? A.a few pieces of chalk B.a few chalks C.a few of
