联合利华sc面试高频真题英文版1.describe a time when you show ur creativity and innovation.2.describe a time when you need to make a decision urgently, but others are hesitating3.describe a time when you take the main responsibilities4.describe a time when you work in a team and need to fulfill a task5.describe a time when you deliver sth to a customer6.tell me why you choose supply chain7.tell me how you think supply chain functions in unilever8. why you choose unilever9.describe a time that makes you decide to be a manager中文版1、自我介绍2、你现在有几个OFFER?如果有多家公司同时给你OFFER,你怎么选?3、问体现领导力的活动,讲讲具体的案例4、What did you learn from it?5、对联合利华的品牌有哪些了解?6、你有什么问题7、你的职业规划,3-5 年甚至10 年的?8、说一说你读书的那个地方?最近有没有读书?9、你期望的薪资是多少?10、介绍自己的实习11、举一个团队都觉得不错了,但是你想精益求精的例子。
12、举一个证明你领导力的例子?同时让你总结最大的成就,以及如果让你重新再做一次这个case 的话,你会有什么改进?10.一个你做重要决定的例子,做决定比较困难的例子,其实也就是如何作选择13、成长过程中最值得骄傲的一件事,最大成就的例子。
[海归招聘] 联合利华一路走来(长篇笔经+面经)
收到电话Offer的那天激动得都快哭出来了!好在这段时间的努力和艰辛没有白费,也非常感谢应届生提供了这么多可贵资料~记下自己Unilever的历程,与后人共勉~1. 笔试时间:2011.11.6地点:复旦大学(上海的考点)形式:SHL数学计算和图形推理语言:全英语建议:多做SHL,注意速度!遵守考场纪律!全国总人数统计:3万笔试人数/16万网申人数U家的笔试形式就和SHL的差不多,两部分:第一部分是数字计算,也就是图表题,20分钟20题;第二部分是图形推理,12分钟24题。
2. 一面时间:2011.11.19-2011.11.21地点:上海虹桥总部形式:1对1单面,约40min语言:因人而异,我是全中文,也有人是半英半中的建议:好好准备宝洁八大问,多看面经!全国总人数统计:1600一面人数/3万笔试人数差不多一周之后就收到了U家一面的通知。
我记得我被问到的有:1. Why Unilever 2. Why CD (我申请的部门) 3. 举例你在团队中担任领导或者重要角色的例子 4. 举例你做出一个重大决定并得到了非同一般效果的例子 5. 举例你学习了一种技能并将它用于实践中的例子 6. 最大成就的例子。
联合利华(Unilever)面试过程总结联合利华(unilever)面试过程总结不过再想想,反正今年的都面完了,写了也是留给后人一点参考资料,所以早一天晚一天也就无所谓了第一次体验这么真正意义上的accessment center,实在是非常的tough.建议以后的同学去之前先看看面经,心里好有个准备...早上8点,8万人体育场一楼的富豪东亚酒店,一共80个人左右,加上昨天cd和food的,以及合肥工厂的,总共二面197个人.进去先分组,所有部门的人都是被打乱的.在我观察下来,二面是不分部门的,所以他们也不会根据你投的部门考虑你所应该具备的条件.只是看你的一个整体素质,是不是符合unilever公司的文化.第一回合:case interview给你20页的资料(中英对照),45分钟,要你交出一个生产计划.鉴于以前学长学姐的面经,我大概知道前页是无用的废话,然后那份订单是怎么都不可能完成的.有不少人费了很多时间才发现这一点,导致后面真正重要的信息他们却没有看到.还有的人就是到最后也没有发现了.45分钟以后,带到面试房间去对着两个面试官讲你的计划,大概10分钟,之后他们会challenge你.如果之前有重要信息你没有看到,这个时候的challenge就会比较tough了.面完之后就等吃饭吧,这个部分的效率实在不是很高,因为我是第一个进去的,过10点就出来了,等吃饭等了两个小时...第二回合:group discussion午饭以后就是小组讨论.这个部分...怎么说呢,就觉得挺无奈的.我自觉我们小组里其实真正aggressive的人基本没有,大家都还是聪明人^_^但是虽然不aggressive,还是想让面试官知道自己的观点呀,所以还得开口说话啊~~而且那个案例其实挺简单的,你能想到的,别人也能想到,那么你不说,也就轮不到你说了...因此,还是经常会发生三个人同时开口的状况,大家还是抢着发言了.我的建议是:可以少开口,但是要多花时间去想出点别人没想到的点子,虽然这个很难,但是最后事实证明,公司喜欢这样的人.另外就是注意控制大方向,别在一个问题上磨太久,记得看时间.做timekeeper永远是赚的~~这个回合结束,二面就算结束了,大家回大厅等着,半个小时以后hr 会当场出名单,一半人走,一半人留,这个是unilever最著名也是最残酷的地方吧...有很多从黑龙江,四川,广东,东南西北赶过来面试的同学,早上退了房,是拉着行李过来的,就这么一个名单,没有报到他们的名字,就得拖着行李回去了,唉...hr很了解地说,每年都会有人哭着走,真不明白为什么一定要弄成这样~~最后的较量:1对n面试其实这一轮是所有里面最轻松的了,虽然面试官会有2个到4个不等,但是聊的都是很general的问题...扯东扯西的,也不知道他们目的所在了.结束出来,颇有种劫后余生的感觉,虽然拿到offer的可能性还是很小,但是觉得有过这么一天,我找工作的经历完整了不少,放着以后回忆一下,倒也不错好了,就这么多了,希望对以后的xdjm有帮助吧~~同时bless所有在联合利华挺到最后的交大同胞,也bless自己一下。
[留学生找工作] 联合利华FS一面二面面经!
[留学生找工作] 联合利华FS一面二面面经!昨天面完U家FS,虽然知道希望不大,还是来发发面经造福后人。
(一)2015 UNILEVER 上海 CD 网申+电面+AC 群面+manager 单面Part 1 [网申]U 家的网申通过中华英才网进行,全英文。
但注意网申筛选并不是英才网进行,而是 U 家自己筛选。
所以 OQ 一定要认真填写,除了必填的之外选填的最好也写。
OQ 之前先了解一下 U 家的基本情况以及人才期望,想象自己为什么想进 U 家。
由于有字数限制,最好事先自己在 word 里面先写一下。
(AC 面的时候你的 Manager 手里会有你网申所有材料的打印版,所以不能轻视网申)Part 2 [电面]电面之前一般都会提前 2 天给你电话预约时间,注意是 0411 开头打来的电话。
HR 人都很好,会在电话里对你不断肯定,引导你一步步发挥。
需要注意的是,虽然 HR 看不见你的表情,但是是可以通过你的声音来判定你是不是真的喜爱这份工作,所以 Be yourself 很重要,要真诚的对 HR 表现出你的喜爱和向往之情。
想给大家分享一个技巧,电面问到的比如 why Unilever, why CD,以及 why you 等这类问题最好都用(总+分+总) 的形式回答(这点真的很重要!)。
即我认为有三点,1.2.3 分点简要论述,然后我认为以上 3 点即 1.2.3(此处只说每点的关键词)是我选择 Unilever 的原因。
这样,你给 HR 一个非常清楚的逻辑概念,再加上你所表现出的热情,再加上回答举例时的 STAR 原则以及较为流利的口语,到这里过电面一般就 OK 了。
Part 3[AC 群面]到达上海之后,AC 当天虽然有心里准备,但还是被整个 AC 来的人数吓到了。
不得不提一下,U 家给人的感觉很好,从 AC 前的反复电话确认,到当天处处体现细节的布置,都看得出 U 家对 summer intern 的重视。
Did the unilever phone interview a few months ago:1. Why did you apply to this role/unilever?2. What do you like about unilever?3. What would you expect to be doing on a day to day basis?4. A teamwork example (went wrong/fixed, you had a leadership role, ect)5. What competencies do you bring to this position/job?6. Tell me about your uni experience/degree/choice, etc7. Your work experience/internships: what did you learn by working at XYZ8. Any questions? (have a couple intelligent ones ready)This is a basic run down of the questions I was asked. It's probably an HR person doing the call so expect a similar set of questions.I think this stage is more of a screening than an integral part of the interview process. What I mean is that its 80% how you say it and 20% what you say. So don't interrupt the caller, don't go off on tangents, be enthusiastic, friendly but professional, confident, clear and prepared on the role, company and review your application looking for areas that they will want to elaborate on.Good luck!Basically, they start by clarifying the purpose of their call(phone interview) and ask if you can hear them clearly, etc.Then they start asking questions about your cv or urself.here are the questions i got asked. and how i answered.Tell me about yourself.- i prefer to start by telling them about my academics and how i think it is relevant to the position. please avoid boring them with stories about your childhood or poor backgroundTalk me through ur cv- basically, chronological narration of ur education, work experience, certifications etc and how relevant they are to the position.[B]What skills do you possess that makes you ideal for this job? - dont go listing skills like, leadership, problem-solving, communication etc...make sure u back them up with examples. for example. I have good leadership qualities... i was elected course rep, was president of students union and leader of my group project in school. i carried everyone along, delegated effectively and achievedthe targets we set out to achieve. (now make sure u guys dont use this example bcos when 3 pple say d same thing, then u all are doing expo from somewhere..i.e u are out!) lolwhy should we hire you?- i think i am the best candidate because i have.....(read what they want in the job description, but make sure u dont repeat verbatim. remember to back it up with examples)What do you know about our company? - (this question is compulsory from my experience). go through their website. find out what their values are, their products, their competitors, etcWe may want you to travel often, how geographically mobile are you?What are your strengths, do you have any weaknesses?- least 3 strengths (especially if they are related to the job according to the description. state only one weakness..one not related to the job. (if they want someone with good presentation skills, dont go telling them thatsur weakness ..u've just made their job easy. dont say u dont have any weakness..we all are human and have our own weaknesses. say a weakness that u have converted to strenght. eg. I used to be very disturbed when ever i give people a task and they fail to do it, or do it badly. but after attending several leadership seminars i have learnt to be more understanding and supportive of lagging team mates. now i find it easier to deal with those situations and motivate slacking members to bring out their best (again..dont use this example. find something much more sexy but true)Thank you. Do you have any questions for us?- PLEASEEEE..MAKE SURE U ASK THEM AT LEAST ONE QUESTION! If u say no..they'll think u dont have sufficient interest in the position. if u sak too much they'll think u are a smart . ask questions like..Willtrainning be provided for the successful candidates before they resume the job? which of ur competitors do you think pose the greatest threat to you and why? previous candidates that entered at this stage 5 years ago, where are they now and what kind of responsibilities are they handling now ? (this makes them think you have a long term vision of staying with thier company)Generally, if you are expecting a fone interview, make sure you are in a quiet place. SINCE YOU ARE NOT VISIBLY PRESENT THEY WILL RELY A LOT ON THE TONE OF UR VOICE! SO BETTER SOUND CONFIDENT AND ASSURING....PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU SMILE! (u may say how will they know if am not smiling, trust me, when u smile, the person on the opposite end will know, and they are likely to feel more comfortable with you)2. Phone interview (I did this a night before new year's eve!) you arrange your slot with them online, and they call you up at the exact time they have told you. It lasts 45 minutes and the interviewer will have a script of only SIX competency questions (e.g. describe a situation where you had to...) these will be divided into SIX different categories, and the interviewer will use a layering technique - asking you about your answer and wanting to develop it further. There were a lot of leadership and teambuilding questions and including one where they'll asks you abouthow you contributed to a situation where the project did not go so well, and how you reacted in it. Read up on the latest FMCG and marketing news and be prepared to talk about your favourite Unilever products and why you so passionately want to be one of their minions. Don't just say 'oh because I am interested in the way people think', it needs to be more specific and related to Unilever.Tip: have all your notes infront of you in bullet points, colour coded into themes against their key competencies AND structure all of your answers in this format: Situation, Task, Action, Results (STAR)alsoSmile and be very nice to the interviewer, they cant see you but they can hear the effect a smile has on your voice! Don't worry if you can't think about something immediately, say 'let me think about this,' and take a few seconds and respond (it looks much better than launching into the question).Unilever interview questions for internship/entry level positions:- What is your favorite memory from college?- What is your biggest regret and why?- Do you prefer to work in a small, medium or large company?- What is more important to you: the money or the work at Unilever?- Is the Unilever your ideal company?- Would you rather write a report or give it verbally?- How do you think I rate as an interviewer?Unilever interview questions samples for Phone interview:- What is your greatest achievement outside of work?- What's the best movie you've seen in the last year?- How do you reach a decision if you don't have all the facts?- Do you have the qualities and skills necessary to succeed in your career at Unilever? - Situation where others disagreed with your ideas- What was your best learning experience?- Give me an example when you felt you were able to motivate a group.Unilever interview questions for experienced candidates:- Tell me about the most effective presentation you have made.- Was there a person in your career who really made a difference?- Have you ever had to deal with conflicting deadlines?- Why do you want to work for Unilever?- What do you consider your most significant strength?- How do you keep each member of the team involved and motivated?- How do you go about setting goals with subordinates?Top 5 tough Unilever interview questions examples:- What is a typical career path in this job function?- What performance standards do you have for your unit?- Tell me about how you worked effectively under pressure.- When you worked on multiple projects how did you prioritize?- How do you communicate goals to subordinates?This list of typical Unilever interview questions(also Unilever Phone interview questions) contains Group, Screening, Unstructured, Behavioural, Stress, Case questions for first and second interview. Unilever internship interview questions samples may use freshers, high school and college students, new graduates for entry level positions.Unilever interview tips and advice:- A few strategic questions can demonstrate your intelligence, analytical skills and assertiveness. Have these prepared from your research.- Speak with those candidates who have participated in the Unilever interviews, ask for their comments and tips. Answering Unilever interview questions, pay attention to your body language: look straight, keep eye contacts, and smile.- Potential employees should dress formally and exude professional attitudes at Unilever job interview.。
——————————-公司介绍及文化——————————-理解结合利华中国.unus./career/?p=13437——————————-笔试——————————-结合利华笔试归来.unus./career/?p=13465结合利华MT笔试,一面面经结合利华英文笔试题目.unus./career/?p=13427结合利华笔试过程.unus./career/?p=13440 ——————————-面试——————————-一轮面试我杀进结合利华.unus./career/?p=13429一波三折,我终于进了结合利华市场部.unus./career/?p=13435结合利华的一面面试经历.unus./career/?p=13446正式收到unilever的offer说说面经.unus./career/?p=13432成都结合利华cd二面.unus./career/?p=13448结合利华FINAL面经.unus./career/?p=13442结合利华二面全过程(制造类).unus./career/?p=13445去结合利华面试感觉像聊天.unus./career/?p=13447结合利华面试经历结合利华6.11面试经历.unus./career/?p=13431patrick的求职面试日记(结合利华/高露洁/箭牌/四大) .unus./career/?p=13428结合利华AC面经——我的失败与伟大.unus./career/?p=13433结合利华面试总结失误太多了.unus./career/?p=13439结合利华的面试经历.unus./career/?p=13438奉献一篇结合利华实习面经.unus./career/?p=13441广州结合利华二面归来~.unus./career/?p=13449结合利华(Unilever)面经.unus./career/?p=5795结合利华CD部门FINAL面.unus./career/?p=5422Unilever finance我的求职之路.unus./career/?p=5417结合利华面经.unus./career/?p=5263结合利华CD面试经历!.unus./career/?p=5262结合利华一面面经及道路.unus./career/?p=4959结合利华product development一面.unus./career/?p=4632下午的结合利华一面.unus./career/?p=4619结合利华一面.unus./career/?p=4631结合利华和瑞穗银行面经.unus./career/?p=4629分享我在结合利华的面试情况.unus./career/?p=13462我的结合利华研究院面试经历.unus./career/?p=13461结合利华 customer development MT一面面经.unus./career/?p=13460Unilever结合利华面试经历(非应届版).unus./career/?p=13459结合利华一面AC面经.unus./career/?p=13458我的结合利华CD面经.unus./career/?p=13457结合利华AC面经.unus./career/?p=13456结合利华面试进入final知足了.unus./career/?p=13455南京结合利华MKT面经.unus./career/?p=13454结合利华面试的一些参考.unus./career/?p=13453哈尔滨结合利华面试归来.unus./career/?p=13452任何时候都要坚持自我–关于结合利华不是面经的面经.unus./career/?p=13451我眼中的快消市场部以及结合利华Final面经.unus./career/?p=13450结合利华销售职位面经.unus./career/?p=13443玛氏+结合利华final面经.unus./career/?p=11100求职之路感触(长篇面经).unus./career/?p=9275结合利华CD部门FINAL面.unus./career/?p=9260我的华为与结合利华之面经.unus./career/?p=7382结合利华财务部一面面经.unus./career/?p=4581结合利华一面经历!.unus./career/?p=4544——————————-实习——————————-结合利华暑期实习生面试.unus./career/?p=13436今天的unilever暑期实习面试.unus./career/?p=13434结合利华实习问题解答.unus./career/?p=1870结合利华xx年暑期实习生工程(06.02更新) .unus./career/?p=12586结合利华实习一周年纪念.unus./career/?p=13086在结合利华实习的经历,和大家共勉.unus./career/?p=3121 ——————————-快消行业、求职总结及其他——————————-求职尘埃落定,梦圆高露洁.unus./career/?p=12409推荐:化工类应届研究生的求职体会.unus./career/?p=10448最受欢迎的八个企业.unus./career/?p=6289我所知道快销品行业的一些待遇.unus./career/?p=4585FMCG之梦–我与欧莱雅、百事、结合利华之缘.unus./career/?p=3726xx求职记–结合利华/强生.unus./career/?p=3419近期各大名企校园申问题集锦.unus./career/?p=3185——————————-更多关于结合利华的招聘、面试、笔试文章请阅读:.unus./career/?tag=unilever ——————————-。
面试题目三:你认为联华超市在哪些方面可以提升?答案:我认为联华超市可以在以下几个方面提升:1. 提升商品品质:加强对供应商的选择与把控,确保商品的品质和口碑。
2. 完善员工培训:加大员工培训的力度,提高员工对商品知识、服务技能等方面的专业素养。
3. 清洁与卫生管理:加强超市卫生管理,保持店内环境整洁与清新。
4. 改善购物体验:通过引入新技术,提升线上线下购物体验,例如推出便捷的自助结账系统等。
面试题目五:遇到困难或挑战时,你是如何应对的?答案:当我遇到困难或挑战时,我会采取如下步骤:1. 分析问题:仔细分析问题的原因和影响。
2. 制定解决方案:根据问题的性质,制定出解决方案和行动计划。
3. 寻求帮助:如果问题较为复杂,我会寻求他人的帮助和意见,共同寻找解决办法。
4. 执行解决方案:坚定执行解决方案,并且根据情况及时调整方案。
5. 总结经验:解决问题后,我会总结经验教训,以便更好地应对类似的情况。
U 家面试经典问题1.Self-introduction2.Working experience -Sohu/Lenovo-reimbursement2.1How to help staff solve their problem2.2What you learn from this experience (cooperation)2.3It seems your working content is very detailed, how you better deal with yourwork? 2.3.1Get as familiar as you can with the reimbursement rule in Lenovo2.3.2Set time schedule of daily work to ensure every task will be done intime 2.3.3Improve yourself from daily work thus improve efficiency3.An impressed team work experience as a leader4.The challenges and difficulties you face as the team leader4.1How to get team members fully involved in theirwork 4.1.1Give them more chance to speak up4.1.2Talk with them to learn their preference of differenttasks 4.2How to inspire team’s morale and avoid free rider5.Why you choose to go to HK to get your master degree? Is there any other option at that time?6.What is the difference between life in HK and Beijing?6.1HK has quicker pace than Beijing and you feel more pressure. You can feel the pressure from consumer goods price(an example, the price of abowl of rice is 10 HKD while it is only 2 RMB in Beijing)6.2HK is more organized than in Beijing (example, on elevator, people will stand in right side consciously, However in BJ people just stand on elevator casually;Line up consciousness is very strong;More tidy in public toilets )6.3HK people are more international. The locals speak English as good as native speakers. You have a bigger chance to confront with foreigners from different cultural backgrounds. For example, Americans, Europeans, Philippine,etc.7.Do you like your life in Hong Kong? Why? Yes. Gain a lot from HK experience7.1Enhanced my skills of marketing such as marketing research,marketing planning, customer relation management and salesmanship7.2Greatly improve my ability to speak and write in English7.3Participated in a lot of curriculum-related and extra-curriculum projects, enhanced team work ability and enriched my daily life.8.Except for playing guitar, do you have any other hobbies?U 家笔试所出现宝洁经典题库和渣打银行 numerical test 中的原题,笔试经典题目可移步查。
各大名企的笔试面试题面试经典题1、我们为什么要雇请你呢?2、你认为自己最大的弱点是什么?3、你最喜欢的大学课程是什么?为什么?4、你最不喜欢的大学课程是什么?为什么?5、你在大学期间最喜欢的老师是谁?6、你能为我们公司带来什么呢?7、最能概括你自己的三个词是什么?8、你为什么来应聘这份工作?(或为什么你想到这里来工作?)9、你对加班有什么看法?10、你对我公司有什么认识?11、你是怎么知道我们招聘这个职位的呢?12、除了工资,还有什么福利最吸引你?13、你参加过什么业余活动?14 、你参加过义务活动吗?15、你心目中的英雄是谁?16、你有什么问题吗?17、你过去的上级是个什么样的人?18、你为什么还没找到合适的职位呢?19、你最近看过的电影,或者小说是什么?20、你的业余爱好是什么?21、你怎么看待要向比你年轻的人或女性的汇报呢?22、你现在能把过去做过的工作做得更好吗?23、我可以跟你的前任上司联系求证一下吗?24、有过创业吗?25、把这张桌子或我手中的钢笔推销给我?26、作为被面试者给我打一下分?27、告诉我三件关于本公司的事情。
(1) 你觉得项目成功的关键因素有哪些? (2) 作为项目负责人,如何进行项目管理? (3) 当各部门工作优先级有差异时,如何确保项目按时完成? (请用中文回答)答题思路:1 、建议考生从三个部门的工作的内容进行出发,合理制定计划,完成此次双十一任务示例:暂无问题2:You are responsible for managing a field sales team. Your team members need to visit the store regularly and sell the products to the store according to the needs of the store and Unilever sales strategies. You should find ways to help the store accelerate the sellout of Unilever products. Based on weekly sales report, you find that one member of your team has not completed the sales targets. You have already talked to her about this issue, so you are very disappointed when you saw her sales performance decline again.(1) What method would you use to understand what caused her performance to decline? (2) What attitude will you use to communicate with her? (3) What will be included in the communication? (4) How can you motivate her facing the work positively after the conversation? (5) How do you manage the sales performance of your team members in the future?(Please answer in English)答题思路:1 、该问题主要考察应聘者的协作力,协调协作能力。
联合利华电面准备面试内容:1、自我介绍2、leadership的事例3、大学期间最失败的事情4、大学期间最自豪的事情5、对于CD部门的理解6、Why 快消品?Why联合利华?7、有没有申请其他实习?如果有,如何选择?8、31号AC是否有时间?9、自由提问。
3、最成功的事情,你所担当的角色?在这个过程中你做的一部分事情好像是队长做的啊,为什么?4、你参加了U家的培训,对U家有什么更深刻的认识?6、对U家的产品有哪些了解?7、你在简历上写参加了宝洁精英挑战赛,并且已经获得了不错的成绩,为什么还要申请U 家的实习8、为客户发展部门的认识。
中文问,中文答,没怎么准备,不知道我讲的事情算不算创新;问题三:what do you learn from this~~~, 没听清,觉得是你从你上面提到这个活动中学到了什么,英文问,英文答。
模式4(海外)1. 三个词语和各一句话来介绍你自己2. 领导能力3. 遇到的最困难的事情(英文)4. 最近有过的创新,有创意的事情5. why 市场部?why联合利华?6. 对食品策划部的了解?7. 平时的饮食研究,饮食习惯等等。
联合利华英文面试题及答案第一篇:联合利华英文面试题及答案1.Why do you apply for Unilever Management Trainee Program and why do you think you are suitable for the function applied?(150-200 words)Partone1.Unilever is a multi-national company supplies many products I like, such as Lipton milktea, Wall’s conetto and Dove conditioner.2.Unilever emphasis on “open culture”, “diversity” and “be yourself”, which matches myidea of a dream job.3.Chances to get involved in a range of projects and work.4.Opportunity to work with innovative people with passion, courage and ambitions.5.Equal rights to learn and progress.Parttwo1.I have been studying in material science and engineering for almost 8 years.My solidbackground in techniques and working experience in the laboratory should qualify me for theposition in Research and Development.2.Working as a school counselor for one year enhanced my communication skills with different kinds of people.As an academic chair in the graduate students’ association, leadershipand team spirit is also what I’ve learned from this experience.3.I am willing to try new things and have passion for innovative technology.4.I got 6.5 in IELTS test in 2010, and stayed in United States as a visiting student from Sep.2010 to Sep.2012.I have the ability to be both adaptable and flexible in various situations.2.What does Sustainability mean to the business and yourself?(150-200 words)For business:(1)Sustainability in the company.Maintain a long-termprofit by developingnew products and increasing sales of thecompany.Have high ethical standards and corporate behavior as the principles for business(2)Sustainability of the environment and society.·Eliminate the environmental harm caused by the production of the products.·Think carefully about the life-cycle of a product and offer recycling opportunities for usedproducts.·Increase dependence on renewable energy.·Get involved in community investment via charitable donations.For me(1)Be responsible and educated that our lives do affect the environment.Think about the futureand planning ahead.Thinking long term instead of short term.(2)Live in a sustainable lifestyle.I walk to places within in 30 mins walking distance, take the bus or subway for longer journey.I use reusable grocery bags and minimize my plastics use.Resist the temptation from consumer goods I don’t need at all.(3)Keep fit and stay healthy.第二篇:联合利华联合利华(中国)有限公司的调查报告一、公司简介联合利华集团是由荷兰Margarine Unie人造奶油公司和英国Lever Brothers香皂公司于 1929年合并而成。
联合利华英文面试题及答案1. Why do you apply for Unilever Management Trainee Program and why do you think you are suitable for the function applied? (150-200 words)Part one1. Unilever is a multi-national company supplies many products I like, such as Lipton milk tea, Wall’s conetto and Dove conditioner.2. Unilever emphasis on “open culture”, “diversity” and “be yourself”, which matches myidea of a dream job.3. Chances to get involved in a range of projects and work.4. Opportunity to work with innovative people with passion, courage and ambitions.5. Equal rights to learn and progress.Part two1. I have been studying in material science and engineering for almost 8 years. My solid background in techniques and working experience in the laboratory should qualify me for the position in Research and Development.2. Working as a school counselor for one year enhanced my communication skills with different kinds of people. As an academic chair i n the graduate students’ association, leadership and team s pirit is also what I’ve learned from this experience.3. I am willing to try new things and have passion for innovative technology.4. I got 6.5 in IELTS test in 2010, and stayed in United Statesas a visiting student from Sep. 2010 to Sep. 2012. I have the ability to be both adaptable and flexible in various situations.2. What does Sustainability mean to the business and yourself? (150-200 words) For business:(1)Sustainability in the company.Maintain a long-term profit by developing new products and increasing sales of the company.Have high ethical standards and corporate behavior as the principles for business(2)Sustainability of the environment and society.·Eliminate the environmental har m caused by the production of the products.·Think carefully about the life-cycle of a product and offer recycling opportunities for used products.·Increase dependence on renewable energy.·Get involved in community investment via charitable donations.For me(1) Be responsible and educated that our lives do affect the environment. Think about the future and planning ahead. Thinking long term instead of short term.(2) Live in a sustainable lifestyle. I walk to places within in 30 mins walking distance, take thebus or subway for longer journey. I use reusable grocery bags and minimize my plastics use. Resist the temptation from consumer goods I don’t need at all.(3) Keep fit and stay healthy.。
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联合利华sc面试高频真题英文版1.describe a time when you show ur creativity and innovation.2.describe a time when you need to make a decision urgently, but others are hesitating3.describea time when you take the main responsibilities4.describe a time when you work in a team and need to fulfill a task5.describe a time when you deliver sth to a customer6.tell me why you choose supply chain7.tell me how you think supply chain functions in unilever8. why you choose unilever9.describe a time that makes you decide to be a manager中文版1、自我介绍2、你现在有几个OFFER?如果有多家公司同时给你OFFER,你怎么选?3、问体现领导力的活动,讲讲具体的案例4、What did you learn from it?5、对联合利华的品牌有哪些了解?6、你有什么问题7、你的职业规划,3-5 年甚至10 年的?8、说一说你读书的那个地方?最近有没有读书?9、你期望的薪资是多少?10、介绍自己的实习11、举一个团队都觉得不错了,但是你想精益求精的例子。
12、举一个证明你领导力的例子?同时让你总结最大的成就,以及如果让你重新再做一次这个case 的话,你会有什么改进?10.一个你做重要决定的例子,做决定比较困难的例子,其实也就是如何作选择13、成长过程中最值得骄傲的一件事,最大成就的例子。
14、举一个最具挑战的项目例子15、有没有能证明自己creativity 的例子?16、团队工作中有没有遇到困难,如何解决的?再给你一次机会会怎么做?17、有没有与其他组员产生分歧的情况,如何解决18、描述一个例子,在别人都安于现状的时候,你首先想到改变。
19、描述一个例子,你比别人首先做了决策20、你需要在一个紧急的情况下做出一个决定,而且你身边的人都反对你的决定;21、作为一个team member,你如何配合好其他队员完成好任务;22、描述一个例子,你在一个项目中担任着举足轻重的角色23、你身上有什么优势是适合这个职位的24、.如果顺利进入联合利华,3 年后成为manager,你觉得做leader 最重要的素质是什么?25、最喜欢U 家那个品牌,对联合利华的产品有什么了解?举一个你觉得做的比较好的牌子,阐述一下它做得好的地方。
26、.理工背景为什么不做技术选择FMCG27、能不能描述一下sc 的工作流程和在u 家扮演的角色26. 举例你做出一个重大决定并得到了非同一般效果的例子28、举例你学习了一种技能并将它用于实践中的例子29、以往所有经历中最大的困难;30、举你在一个团队合作共同完成一个任务的例子;31、有没有在团队中因自己的点子而促进团队成功的例子;32、职业规划?有没有想过坐到公司管理层?为什么相信自己会做到这一点;33、还申了哪些公司?如果同时拿到联合利华和另外几家你会选择哪个;建议:1)准备例子的同时,一定准备改进的方案;2)回答问题的时候,最好是从supply chain 的角度;3)U 家看重你对它的用心,其实每家公司都一样,你付出的越多,回报的越多,结合自己的特点,找出自己优势,并且展现出你对这个公司的忠诚度;4)面试之前确实要好好准备一下,宝洁的八大问真的非常有用,看清自己,发掘自己的亮点,看看自己是否真的适合这个企业;5)面试的时候说话要严谨,慢慢来,不要急;6)整个面试过程中HR 会一层一层的深入,可能有些问题大家当时都想不到,不要急,临场想,它无非就是要发掘你的潜力和可塑性而已;7)例子真的要多准备几个,要不然真的不够用,面试的时候全靠他们说话了;8)(承接上文,引出下文)根据你上面说的例子你在团队中扮演的是一个什么样的角色;9)你除了需要了解自己(宝洁八大问)之外,你还应该了解这家企业以及这个部门——特别是它最骄傲最希望与人分享的部分,这样交流起来会拉近你和面官之间的距离;10)保持好心态,不去期待什么样的面试官,无论什么样的都不卑不亢,有条有理。
11)适当的去了解一些时事,毕竟管培生要会很容易被问到你对这些问题的看法12)面试的时候充分自信,充满微笑就OK 了;联合利华mkt高频面试真题1、自我介绍2、WhY Unilever3、讲一个影响最深,最成功的例子就例子展开很多问题,详细了解4、作为领导的例子5、做艰难决定的例子6、为MT Program 做了哪些准备?主要问题就这么多了,比较灵活,会根据你讲的内容继续追问的。
7、问题集中在自己做过的实习中,然后从我的回答里再延伸出新的问题,比如:对自己影响最大的实习工作是哪个,有什么收获?然后是一些实习工作里的细节问题8、对xx部门所做工作的理解9、什么时候开始想做mkt 的?10、实习的经历11、要求举一个最近经历的很复杂的CASE,无论是当领导还是当TEAM MEMBER(中文)12、管培生项目竞争激烈,如果失败了,要怎么办13、最喜欢U家的品牌14、以xx品牌为例子吧,让我设计一个校园活动把清扬这个品牌打向校园市场。
15、用一种水果形容自己!16、团队里你与其他人意见不一样的情况17、你做过最复杂的经历18、你四年最有成就感的事情19、最困难的事情20、当然还有WHY U,市场你觉得还有哪些可以改进的21、实习过程中有没有遇到很难搞的人最后怎么搞定的22、有没有遇到很困难的情况想过要放弃最后怎么坚持下来了或者放弃了讲讲当leader 的经历领导的团队里有没有出现不同意见冲突的你怎么处理23、对哪个广告印象最深刻用三个词形容你自己(英文)24、你创新的例子25、最骄傲的是什么?26、我领导力的必备素质有哪些,27、我就说如果有幸录取,最大的挑战在哪里28、你职业规划什么样?29、平时有什么爱好啊?30、I know nothing about the singer you mentioned.Could you tell me sth.about him?31、Could you tell me your career path?32、说一个例子,你提出一个创新性的想法,众人反对,你如何处理的?33、作为team member 的(前一个我是leader),与组员合作完成项目的例子,期间交流如何?在这个过程中的挑战是什么?再做一次的改进?34、对于公司finance 和U 家finance 的理解了解35、还投了哪些工作?工作地点倾向36、认为自己能够胜任MT 以及将来职业经理人的特质?37、英文问题从leadship中学到什么;38、对xx部的看法,财务部对联合利华有什么作用;39、为什么快消;40、联合利华相对于其他公司的最大优势;41、当你在一个团队中,你们共同完成一个任务,大家都认为可以了,可是你觉得应该做到更好。
举个例子44、有没有自己一个人完成一项很复杂的工作?举个例子45、有没有作为team member去support其他人完成一个项目?举个例子2014年联合利华面试真题+答案(英文版)1. Why do you apply for Unilever Management Trainee Program and why do you think you are suitable for the function applied? (150-200 words)Part one1. Unilever is a multi-national company supplies many products I like, such as Lipton milk tea, Wall’s conetto and Dove conditioner.2. Unilever emphasis on “open culture”, “diversity”and “be yourself”, which matches my idea of a dream job.3. Chances to get involved in a range of projects and work.4. Opportunity to work with innovative people with passion, courage and ambitions.5. Equal rights to learn and progress.Part two1. I have been studying in material science and engineering for almost 8 years. My solid background in techniques and working experience in the laboratory should qualify me for the position in Research and Development.2. Working as a school counselor for one year enhanced my communication skills with different kinds of people. As an academic chair in the graduate students’association, leadership and team spirit is also what I’ve learned from this experience.3. I am willing to try new things and have passion for innovative technology.4. I got 6.5 in IELTS test in 2010, and stayed in United States as a visiting student from Sep. 2010 to Sep. 2012. I have the ability to be both adaptable and flexible in various situations.2. What does Sustainability mean to the business and yourself? (150-200 words)For business:(1)Sustainability in the company. Maintain a long-term profit by developing new products and increasing sales of the company. Have high ethical standards and corporate behavior as the principles for business(2)Sustainability of the environment and society. ·Eliminate the environmental harm caused by the production of the products. ·Think carefully about the life-cycle of a product and offer recycling opportunities for used products. ·Increase dependence on renewable energy. ·Get involved in community investment via charitable donations.For me(1) Be responsible and educated that our lives do affect the environment. Think about thefuture and planning ahead. Thinking long term instead of short term.(2) Live in a sustainable lifestyle. I walk to places within in 30 mins walking distance, take the bus or subway for longer journey. I use reusable grocery bags and minimize my plastics use. Resist the temptation from consumer goods I don’t need at all.(3) Keep fit and stay healthy.。