电容品牌大全(转)电容品牌大全主板厂商惯用电容品牌富士康Rubycon Sanyo华擎KZG KZE升技Rubycon技嘉Rubycon KZG OST磐正Sanyo OST GSC微星KZG OST华硕Nichicon KZG硕泰克Sanyo Sacon捷波GSC七彩虹Taicon按照Intel主板技术白皮书的介绍,主板CPU插槽附近的滤波电容单个容量最低要求为1000μF。
下面是主要电容品牌的体系图,都是从电容厂商的网站上DOWN下来的,买电容的时候可以参考一下:目前只找到SANYO、nichicon的体系图,其它厂商只提供PDF文档,有兴趣的可以去看:SANYO: chemicon: rubycon: teapo: OST: 总结一下,比较适合主板使用的电容必须是\"Low Impedance & ESR\"、\"Very Low Impedance & ESR\"、\"Ultra Low Impedance & ESR\" 且温度为105C的,Ultra的最好SANYO:MV-WG、MV-WX、MV-SWG、MB-UWG、MB-EXR等系列nichicon: H开头的系列,P开头的系列chemicon: KZE、KZG系列rubycon: YXF、YXG、ZL、ZLH、MBZ、MCZ系列teapo: SC、SM、SZ系列OST: RLP、RLZ系列系列太多了,列举不完。
在可选的系列中,再根据PDF的资料,选择寿命比较长的就好了,一般PC 只需在2000小时以上就差不多了,5000小时以上的一是难买,二是贵。
电容品牌介绍及常识日本三大名牌电容(Rubycon,NCC,Nichicon介绍1.日本红宝石( Rubycon):日本最高品质专业铝质电解电容器制造厂之一,拥有50年专业制造经验。
2.日本NCC(Nippon Chemi-Con)NIPPON CHEMI-CON是日本三大电解电容器品牌之一。
市场上的叫法很多,有黑金刚,嘉美工,NCC, 贵弥功等众多不同叫法。
A 3.3 4.3 5.3 6.6 6.6 8.4 8.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 13.0 13.0 17.0 19.0
B 3.3 4.3 5.3 6.6 6.6 8.4 8.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 13.0 13.0 17.0 19.0
P ± 0.2 Fig. No. C W 4.1 0.45 ~ 0.75 0.8 1 5.1 0.5 ~ 0.8 1.0 1 6.1 0.5 ~ 0.8 1.5 1 7.4 0.5 ~ 0.8 2.0 1 7.4 0.5 ~ 0.8 2.0 1 9.2 0.7 ~ 1.1 3.1 1 9.2 0.7 ~ 1.1 3.1 1 11.2 0.7 ~ 1.1 4.7 1 11.2 0.7 ~ 1.1 4.7 1 11.2 0.7 ~ 1.1 4.7 1 15.0 1.1 ~ 1.4 4.4 2 15.0 1.1 ~ 1.4 4.4 2 19.0 1.1 ~ 1.4 6.4 2 21.0 1.1 ~ 1.4 6.4 2
φD×L mA
50V (1H)
φD×L 4×5.3 4×5.3 4×5.3 4×5.3 4×5.3 4×5.3 mA 3 5 6 7 10 14 17 20 35 50 65 75 75 190 190 190
63 (1J)
φD×L 4×5.3 4×5.3 4×5.3 4×5.3 4×5.3 4×5.3 5×5.3 5×5.3 6.3×5.3 8×10 8×10 10×10 10×10 10×10 mA 2 3 4 5 8 12 22 25 40 139 139 200 226 226
0R1 R22 R33 R47 010 2R2 3R3 4R7 100 220 330 470 680 101 151 221 331 471 681 102 222 332 472 682 V. DC 6.3×5.3 6.3×7.7 6.3×7.7 8×10 89 124 124 290 6.3×5.3 6.3×7.7 6.3×7.7 8×10 10×7.7 10×10 12.5×13.5 12.5×16 16×16.5 18×16.5 89 124 124 290 290 430 890 1,000 1,400 1,700 6.3×7.7 8×10 8×10 10×7.7 10×10 10×10 10×10 12.5×13.5 16×16.5 16×16.5 18×16.5 124 270 290 290 400 410 430 890 1,300 1,400 1,700 6.3×7.7 8×10 8×10 10×7.7 10×10 10×10 12.5×13.5 16×16.5 16×16.5 18×16.5 124 270 290 290 400 410 750 1,100 1,300 1,600 8×10 10×7.7 10×10 10×10 12.5×13.5 12.5×13.5 16×16.5 18×16.5 270 270 400 400 680 750 1100 1,450 3×5.3 4×5.3 4×5.3 5×5.3 5×5.3 6.3×5.3 16 31 34 58 58 89 3×5.3 4×5.3 4×5.3 4×5.3 5×5.3 5×5.3 6.3×5.3 6.3×5.3 16 26 31 34 55 58 89 89 3×5.3 4×5.3 5×5.3 4×5.3 5×5.3 6.3×5.3 5×5.3 6.3×5.3 6.3×5.3 6.3×7.7 14 26 44 31 55 75 58 89 89 109 3×5.3 4×5.3 4×5.3 5×5.3 5×5.3 5×5.3 6.3×5.3 6.3×5.3 6.3×5.3 6.3×7.7 14 26 30 44 55 55 75 89 89 109 3×5.3 4×5.3 5×5.3 5×5.3 6.3×5.3 5×5.3 6.3×5.3 6.3×5.3 6.3×7.7 6.3×7.7 6.3×7.7 14 26 44 47 59 55 67 75 98 109 109 3×5.3 4×5.3 5×5.3 5×5.3 6.3×5.3 6.3×5.3 6.3×7.7 6.3×7.7 6.3×7.7 8×10 10×7.7 8×10 10×10 10×10.3 12.5×13.5 12.5×13.5 16×16.5 18×16.5 14 26 44 47 59 67 85 98 109 252 252 270 370 400 750 680 1,100 1,450
Note: All design and specifications are for reference only and is subject to change without prior notice. If any doubt about safety for your application, please contact us immediately for technical assistance before purchase.注: 以上所提供的設計及特性參數僅供參考,任何修改不作預先通知。
WIDE TEMPERATURE 寬溫品Operating with wide temperature range -40~+105°C 適用於 -40~+105°C 的寬溫範圍 Load life of 1000~2000 hours 負荷壽命1000~2000小時Comply with the RoHS directive 符合RoHS 指令SPECIFICATIONS 特性表Items 項目Characteristics 主要特性Operation Temperature Range 使用温度範圍 -40 ~ +105°C Voltage Range 額定工作電壓範圍 4 ~ 450V Capacitance Range 靜電容量範圍 0.1 ~ 6800μF Capacitance Tolerance 靜電容量允許偏差±20% at 120Hz, 20°C Leakage Current 漏電流Rated Voltage 額定工作電壓 6.3 ~ 100V160 ~ 450VCase size 尺寸 ∅4~∅10∅12.5~∅16∅6.3~∅16Time 時間after 2 min. (application of rated voltage)2分鐘後(施加額定工作電壓)after 1 min. (application of rated voltage) 1分鐘後(施加額定工作電壓) after 5 min. (application of rated voltage)5分鐘後(施加額定工作電壓)Leakage current 漏電流≤0.01CV or 3μA, whichever is greater ≤0.01CV 或3μA ,取較大值≤0.03CV or 4μA, whichever is greater ≤0.03CV 或4μA ,取較大值≤0.04CV+100μA, whichever is greater ≤0.04CV+100μA ,取較大值Dissipation Factor (tan δ) 損耗角正切Measurement frequency 測試頻率: 120Hz, Temperature 温度: 20°C Rated Voltage (V) 額定工作電壓 4 6.31016253550 63 100 160~250350~450tan δ (max.) 最大損耗角正切 ∅4~∅100.420.300. 0.12 0.10 0.100.20 0.25 ∅12.5~∅160.450.380.340.300.260.22 0.18 0.14 0.100.20 0.25Stability at Low Temperature低溫特性Measurement frequency 測試頻率: 120HzRated Voltage (V) 額定工作電壓 4 6.3101625 35 50~63 100160~250350~450Impedance Ratio 阻抗比ZT/Z20 (max.) ∅4~∅10Z(-25°C)/Z(20°C)7 4 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 3Z(-40°C)/Z(20°C)158 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 6∅12.5~∅16Z(-25°C)/Z(20°C)7 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 4Z(-40°C)/Z(20°C)1712108 5 4 3 3 6 10 Load Life 高溫負荷特性After 2000 hrs. (1000 hrs. for ∅4~∅6.3×5.4) application of the rated voltage at 105°C, they meet the characteristics listedbelow. 在105°C 環境中施加額定工作電壓2000小時(∅4~∅6.3×5.4為1000小時)後,電容器的特性符合下表的要求。
100 (2A) Size Ripple
160 (2C) Size Ripple
200 (2D) Size Ripple
250 (2E) Size
350 (2V) Ripple
8 16 30 30 45 90 105 140 190 310 485
400 (2G) Ripple
8 16 25 30 45 95 175 220 260 370 6.3×11 8×11.5 8×11.5 10×12.5 10×16 12. 5×20 16×25 16×25 18×35.5 16 31 34 42 64 140 170 200 310
Low Temperature Stability
100 160 200 250 350 400 450 2 3 3 4 3 4 4 8 6 8 6 10 7
Impedance Ratio(MAX)
5×1 1 5×1 1 6.3×1 1 8×11.5 10×12.5 10×12.5 10×1 6 10×2 0 16×2 5 16×2 5 16×35.5 18×35.5
1050 12. 5×20 1300 1650 16×25 16×25
1600 18×31.5 1780
1100 12. 5×2 0 1350 12. 5×2 5 1700 16×2 5
16 (1C) 25 (1E) Ripple Size
D×L(mm), Ripple Current (mA r.m.s./105
35 (1V) Ripple Size Ripple 50 (1H) Size
日本Rubycon( 红宝石):日本最高电容质专业铝质电解电容电容器制造厂之一,拥有50年专业制造经验。
主要产电容:1) REV系列(85度贴片标准电容)、RKV系列电解电容(105度贴片高温电容):用于数码相机、IC卡电话机、随身听、电话计费器、电脑及DVD板卡、汽车电器等高可靠性的袖珍电子产电容中。
2) ZAV系列电解电容(105度贴片超低阻抗电容):在电性能上与钽电解电容电容相当,是贴片钽电解电容电容的替代电容,而成本上远低于钽电解电容电容。
3) YK系列电解电容(85度普通标准电容)、YXA系列电解电容(105度高温标准电容):应用于家用电器、电脑板卡、仪表、消费类电子产电容等,在可靠性高的场合,宜采用YXA系列电解电容。
4) PK系列电解电容(85度超小型电容)、PX系列电解电容(105度超小型电容):电性能上分别与YK系列电解电容、YX系列电解电容相对应,而体积上比前者小了近百分之四十,特别适合用于小体积的电子产电容中。
5) YXF系列电解电容(105度长寿命、低阻抗电容)YXG(105度长寿命、高纹波电容):用于开关电源作为输出滤波用,在滤波要求高的场合建议采用YXG系列电解电容,长寿命数字电能表建议采用YXF系列电解电容。
6) ZA系列电解电容(105度低阻抗电容)、ZL(105度高纹波低阻抗电容):是YXF、YXG的改进型。
7) MS5系列电解电容(85度普通电容)、MH5系列电解电容(105度高温电容):用于微型电子产电容8) BXA系列电解电容(105度 8000- 10000小时长寿命电容)、CFX系列电解电容(105度 5000小时长寿命电容):节能灯及电子镇流器专用电容。
电容品牌大全主板厂商惯用电容品牌富士康Rubycon Sanyo华擎KZG KZE升技Rubycon技嘉Rubycon KZG OST磐正Sanyo OST GSC微星KZG OST华硕Nichicon KZG硕泰克Sanyo Sacon捷波GSC七彩虹Taicon按照Intel主板技术白皮书的介绍,主板CPU插槽附近的滤波电容单个容量最低要求为1000μF。
下面是主要电容品牌的体系图,都是从电容厂商的网站上DOWN下来的,买电容的时候可以参考一下:目前只找到SANYO、nichicon的体系图,其它厂商只提供PDF文档,有兴趣的可以去看:SANYO: chemicon: rubycon: teapo: OST: 总结一下,比较适合主板使用的电容必须是\"Low Impedance & ESR\"、\"Very Low Impedance & ESR\"、\"Ultra Low Impedance & ESR\" 且温度为105C的,Ultra的最好SANYO:MV-WG、MV-WX、MV-SWG、MB-UWG、MB-EXR等系列nichicon: H开头的系列,P开头的系列chemicon: KZE、KZG系列rubycon: YXF、YXG、ZL、ZLH、MBZ、MCZ系列teapo: SC、SM、SZ系列OST: RLP、RLZ系列系列太多了,列举不完。
6.3ċ3 5 6.3ċ3 5
100ċ1800 lj55ċLJ105 100ċ10000 lj55ċLJ105
6.3ċ5 0 6.3ċ3 5
4.7ċ1000 lj55ċLJ105 4.7ċ1000 lj55ċLJ105
6.3ċ3 5 16ċ3 5
1ċ100 2 2ċ330
lj55ċLJ105 lj40ċLJ125
105ņ 85ņ 85ņ
ມटႠߛ5mm 5mm HEIGHT
ມटႠߛ7mm 7mm HEIGHT
4ċ6 3
6.3 ċ100 160 ċ400
6.3ċ400 450
6.3ċ5 0
0.1ċ4 70 0.4 7ċ33000 0.4 7ċ33000
lj5 5ċLJ105 lj4 0ċLJ105 lj2 5ċLJ105
lj4 0ċLJ8 5 lj2 5ċLJ8 5
红太洋实业(深圳)有限公司Rubysun Industrial Technology Co., Ltd.承认书客户名称﹕产品类别:贴片铝电解电容产品名称:产品编码:工作温度:-40℃~105℃额定电压:容量范围:使用寿命:2000~5000H主办工程:核准审核制作发行日期客戶承认栏APPROVAL COLUMN产品规格书Product Specification一、概述 SCOPE本产品规格书适用于红太洋实业(深圳)有限公司VT型片式铝电解电容器产品。
The product specification is adapted to series VT V-CHIP Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors of Rubysun Industrial Technology Co., Ltd..二、外形图及尺寸表 Case size table单位:mm项目 Items 特性 Characteristics工作温度范围Operating TemperatureRange-40℃ ~ 105℃额定电压范围Rated Voltage Range 4V ~ 50V标称电容量范围Nominal CapacitanceRange0.1 ~ 8200 µF标称电容量允许偏差NominalCapacitance Tolerance±20%(20℃,120Hz)漏电流Leakage CurrentI≤0.01C R V R or 3(μA),取较大者(施加额定电压2分钟)C R:标称电容量(μF) U R:额定电压(V)I≤0.01C R V R or 3(μA)) Whichever is greater(After 2 minutes’ application of rated voltage C R: Nominal Capacitance(μF) U R: Rated voltages (V)序号No 目录INDEX 备注page1 概述SCOPE2 外形尺寸图及尺寸表Case size table3 技术性能 SPECIFICATIONS4 称电容量、额定电压、额定纹波电流与外形尺寸对应表Nominal capacitance, rated voltage, rated ripple current and case size5 构造图及材料表 Frame drawing and materials6 试验方法及要求 TESTS7 标志 Marking8 片式铝电解电容的编带V- Chip Type Aluminum Electrolytic CapacitorsITEM4 ×5.45 ×5.46.3 ×5.46.3 ×7.76.3 ×10.58 ×10.58 ×12.510 ×10.510 ×12.512 .5×13.512.5 ×16.516 ×16.518 ×16.518 × 21.5A 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.9 2.9 3.2 3.2 4.8 4.8 5.8 6.8 6.8B 4.3 5.3 6.6 6.6 6.6 8.3 8.3 10.3 10.3 13 13 17 19 19C 4.3 5.3 6.6 6.6 6.6 8.3 8.3 10.3 10.3 13 13 17 19 19E 1.0 1.3 2.2 2.2 2.2 3.1 3.1 4.5 4.5 4.4 4.4 6.4 6.4 6.4L 5.4 5.4 5.4 7.7 10.5 10.5 12.5 10.5 12.5 13.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 21.5H 0.5~0.8 0.8 ~ 1.1 1.1~1.4四、称电容量、额定电压、额定纹波电流与外形尺寸对应表I~=Rated ripple current (mA) (105℃, 120VT) I~=额定纹波电流(mA)(105℃,120Hz)五、构造图及材料表 Frame drawing and materials六、试验方法及要求 TestsSPEC: 1)△C/C≤15%2) tgδ<规定值七、标志 Marking (见外形图及尺寸表)说明:标识中的“VT”是红太洋实业(深圳)有限公司VT型贴片产品的专属系列标识。
红宝石电容英文名称:Rubycon生产公司:日本RUBYCON CORPORATION。
用于生产电解电容的主要原材料铝箔和电解液均为RUBYCON CORPORATION自己研制、生产,有效地保证了产品质量。
主要电容系列产品:通讯专用系列:贴片电解SEV-40~85℃、SGV(2000小时)-40~105℃电表专用系列:YXA、YXF(高频长寿命)-55~105℃节能灯专用系列:YXA、BXA(1000~12000小时)、BXC(5000~1000小时)、CFX(5000小时)-55!105℃开关电源专用系列:YXA、YXF、YXG、MXR、MXG、MXC、AXW、WXA、ZL、ZLH-40~85℃标准系列:YK、USR -40~85℃在个人电脑和音响领域,使用红宝石电容的产品被广泛的认为是优质的。
电容介绍瑞典RIFA 最新款PHE840高压薄膜电容,系出名门,采用纯铜引脚,较旧款PHE830(820)有很大提升,音质、品质均属上上之选!300VAC×2高压电路系列可用于交流AC高压脉冲抑制,提升音响电路高频响应!RIFA电容品质非常优异,缺点是价格较高,极有少数HI-END音响厂家采用(丹麦的Gryphon,美国的Mark Leivenson以及美国的Cello三家使用此品牌的音响名厂,你大概就可以明白它的实力所在了)PHE840系列可用于交流AC高压脉冲抑制,提升音响电路高频响应!一、日本电容红宝石Rubycon电解电容日本TDK贴片电容,电感。
日本“红宝石”电解电容-- 特别推荐产品系列PX105℃小型化系列:适用于家电、通信产品市场YXA105℃小型化系列:适用于电表、家电市场REV85℃帖片系列:适用于通信市场YXF105℃高频系列:适用于开关电源、电表市场BXA105℃长寿命系列:适用于节能灯市场1) 贴片类常用的有SEV, SKV, SGV, SJV, SLV, SXV, SZV, TZV, SSV, 系列2) 超小型类常用的有MS7, MH5, MS5, MH7, ML, WA, WXA 系列3) 高压类直立形常用的有USC,USG,MXC,MXG,AXF,VXG,VXR 或平放MXY 系列4) 低阻抗类常用的有ZL, MCZ,ZLG,ZL,ZLH,YXG,YXF, XH,YXM系列5) 通用类常用的有YK, YXA, PK, PX系列6) 闪光灯专用类常用的有FW,FKX, FK系列7) 电子节能灯、电子整流器常用的有CFX, BXA, BXC, RX30, RX50系列8) 高效大型UPS 系统常用的有LSQ, LSU, LSW系列.日立、黑金刚、CSTG/进口电容干电子这一行业的都全经常接触到电解电容,而市面上假冒进口牌子的电容种类很多,进口电容的质量非常好,电压一般都超过标称3分之1以上,如标16伏的电容耐压都在20以上,50伏的都在70伏以上,国产的或者冒充的有些刚好达标,或者低于标称以下,工作环境温度高时很容易爆炸或漏液,当你上街购买电容时没理由拿上测试仪器去测试才买吧?况且那些假冒的产品用眼睛是很难判断的,在这告诉大家一个简单容易判的断手法,拿起两只相同的电容,两手各自分别拿着电容脚,放近耳边,电容和电容的腰部互相经经的鼓击几下,如果是原装进口电容会发出清脆的声音,并带着少量金属撞击声,如单只电容可用指甲头经经的鼓也会发出清脆的带有少量的金属声,如黑金钢,红宝石,三凌,日立等等的牌子货的电容都会发出如上面说那样的声音,原因是高品质电容里面的材料与普通电容不同,电容里面的电解液很少,就是新的进口电容拆开来也没有电解液漏出来,重量轻,耐高温,高频内阻很小,充放电流大,损耗小,外面包装印标的热宿胶纸也是薄而坚硬,字迹清秀耐磨。
红宝石 小铝电解电容
![红宝石 小铝电解电容](
• 引线成型 Lead forming
φD φ d±0.05
6.3 0.5 5.0
8 0.6
(φ 5~φ 8) Lead forming code : FA
(mm) • 引线切脚 Lead cutting
10 12.5 14.5 16
Height of body
42.0 30.0 15.0±0.3 3.75 7.5
Distance from center to center of next body
Distance from center to center of next driving hole
Distance between center of driving hole and body
Pitch of lead
Width of mounting tape
Width of adhesive tape
Distance between center of driving hole and mounting tape edge
φ4~φ6.3 φ4~φ6.3
T5 Fig.2 TZ Fig.1 0.45 8.5 12.7 12.7 5.1 3.85 6.35 2.5 5.0 18.0 5.0 9.0 1.5 17.5 16.0 0.5 4.0 1.0 1.0 0.6 2000 (φ8:1000) TA Fig.1
Rubycon MXE系列铝电解电容器规格说明书
![Rubycon MXE系列铝电解电容器规格说明书](
APPROVALHIROKAZU HORIKAWAFAX No. +81-265-73-3380DESIGNHIROAKI OKUMURACHECKKOUICHI WADA1938-1, NISHIMINOWA, INA-SHI, NAGANO-KEN, JAPANTEL No. +81-265-72-7116RUBYCON PART No.MXE SeriesDRAWING No.ISSUE DATE 26 April 2022RUBYCON CORPORATIONENGINEERING DIVISIONISSUE No.1REE-050162Messrs. ALMAR ENTERPRISES CO.,LTD.ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORSSPECIFICATION SHEETRoHS ComplianceCUSTOMER PART No.6. MarkingUnless otherwise specified, capacitor shall be clearly marked the following items on its body. <Example> Sleeve color: Black, Lettering color: White(1)Trade mark(2)Mark Indicating Electrolytic Capacitor(3)Upper Operating Temperature(4)Rated Voltage(5)Nominal Capacitance (Tolerance)(6)Series (Sleeve material)(7)Polarity(8)Lot No.CE 105℃450V 100 uF(M) MXE(PET)Lot No.7. PERFORMANCE<Table-1>〔Standard Test Conditions 〕Standard conditions: In the absence of provision, test and measurement shall be conducted in the following standard condition.Temperature :15℃~35℃Relative Humidity :25%~75%Atmospheric Pressure :86kPa ~106kPa 〔Post Processing 〕If there are no provision, please leave the capacitor in the standard conditions for 1~2 hours. <Condition ><Criteria>Not more than the value of Table-2<Condition >Measuring Frequency :120Hz±20%Measuring Voltage :Not more than 0.5Vrms Measuring Temperature :20±2℃Measuring Circuit :Series circuit<Criteria>The value of Table-2( -20 ~ +20 % )<Condition >Measuring Frequency :120Hz±20%Measuring Voltage :Not more than 0.5Vrms Measuring Temperature :20±2℃Measuring Circuit :Series circuit<Criteria >Not more than the value of Table-2<Definition ><Criteria >The value of Table-2〔Frequency Coefficient 〕〔Temperature Coefficient 〕 1.252.26Ambient Temperature (℃)Temperature coefficient shows the limit that can pass the ripple current exceeding the rated ripple current (table 1) at each temperature when the life expectancy of the capacitor becomes nearly equal.Coefficient 1.00 1.88Coefficient3005001k 10k≤0.801.4010585Nominal Capacitance (Capacitance Tolerance)Dissipation Factor (tanδ)Rated Ripple CurrentThe rated ripple current is the maximum A.C.current at 120Hz which can be applied at maximum operating temperature.The combined value of the D.C.voltage and the peak A.C.voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage.60(50) 1.20120(100)As a post processing after the test, please leave the capacitor in the measurement temperature(20℃±2℃) for enough time until whole of it reaches the measurement temperature.1Leakage Current23465≥Frequency (Hz)1.001.15D.C. voltage applied to capacitors to measure leakage current shall be controlled so that the voltage reaches the rated voltage within one minute. Leakage current shall be measured for 5minutes after the D.C.voltage applied has reached the rated voltage across a 1000 ±10 ohm series protection resistor.(20±2℃)<Condition >Capacitance, D.F. and Impedance shall be measured at 120Hz.<Criteria ><Condition >Impedance shall be measured at -25℃, 20℃ and 120Hz.<Criteria >Z(-25℃) : Impedance at -25℃ Z(20℃) : Impedance at 20℃<Condition ><Criteria ><Condition ><Criteria >6Low Temperature Stability Impedance Ratio(MAX)SurgeThis item provides for overvoltage at abnormal situations, and not be hypothesizing that overvoltage is always applied.The capacitor shall be applied surge voltage through a (100±50) / CR <KΩ> resistor in series for 30±5 seconds in every 6±0.5 minutes at 15 ~ 35℃. The procedure shall be repeated 1000times.Then the capacitors shall be left under the normal temperature and normal humidity for1 to 2hours before measurement. [CR : Nominal Capacitance (μF )]Leakage CurrentSTEP2Impedance Ratio The ratio of STEP 1 and STEP 2 shall be less than value of Table-1-6STEP3Z(-25℃) / Z(20℃)Rated Voltage (V.DC)400 ~ 4508Items Required performanceDissipation Factor Not more than the value of Table-2〃Within ±10% of the initial value Dissipation Factor No visible damage and clearly markingNot more than the value of Table-2Leakage Current Not more than the value of Table-2Appearance7Within ±15% of the initial value Dissipation Factor Not more than the value of Table-2Not more than the value of Table-2Appearance No visible damage and no leakage of electrolyteCapacitance Change 8Resistance to Soldering Heat◇Solder bath methodTerminals of the capacitor shall be immersed into solder bath at 260±3°C for 10±1 seconds up to 2.0 to 2.5mm from the body of capacitor.Then the capacitor shall be left under the standard conditions for 1 to 2 hours before measurement.◇Solder iron method370±10℃(Soldering Iron top) 5±1sec.ItemsRequired performanceCapacitance Change 5Variation of Characteristics by TemperatureSTEPTesting Temperature (℃)Time120±2Time to reach thermal equilibrium2-25±3〃3105±2Capacitance ChangeWithin ±20% of the value of STEP 1Leakage CurrentNot more than 8 times the value of Table-2<Condition ><Criteria ><Condition >D.C.voltage and rated ripple current shall be applied to capacitors for a period of 2000 +72/0 hoursat maximum operating temperature ±2℃.The D.C.voltage and peak A.C.voltage combined must not exceed the rated voltage.The capacitors under test shall be protected against direct heat radiation from the heat source.After the test, the capacitor shall meet the following requirements.<Criteria ><Condition ><Criteria ><Condition >◇Tensile Strength of Terminals◇Bending Strength of Terminals<Criteria >No visible damage.<Condition ><Criteria >Leakage Current Not more than the value of Table-2Not more than 200% of the value of Table-211Shelf Life TestAfter capacitors shall be stored at maximum operating temperature ±2℃ for a period of 1000+48/-0 hours with no voltage applied, then the capacitors shall be left under the normal temperature and normal humidity for 16 hours before measurement.(If any doubt arises on the judgment, the capacitors shall be subjected to the voltage treatment in JIS C 5101-4,4.1.)Dissipation Factor Not more than 200% of the value of Table-2AppearanceNo visible damage and no leakage of electrolyte.Leakage Current Not more than the value of Table-2ItemsRequired performanceCapacitance Change Within ±20% of the initial valueThe capacitor shall be stored in the ambient of 40±2℃ and relative humidity 90~95% for 240±8 hours.After the test, the test sample shall be stored under normal temperature and normal humidity for 1~2 hours before measurement.At least over 95% of circumferential surface of dipped portion of the terminal shall be covered with new solder.Required performanceTerminals of the capacitor shall be immersed in flux (ethanol solution of the rosin, 25 wt%rosin) and shall be immersed in the solder bath.Solderability9Resistance to Damp Heat(Steady State)ItemsRequired performanceCapacitance Change Within ±20% of the initial valueDissipation Factor 13AppearanceNo visible damage and no leakage of electrolyte.No visible damage and clearly marking, no leakage of electrolyte.12Terminal StrengthThe body of capacitors shall be fixed and the tensile force of 20N(2.0 kgf) shall be applied to the terminal in the lead out direction of the terminal for 10±1 secondsThe body of capacitors shall be fixed.The weight of 25N(2.5 kgf) shall be applied to the terminal in the perpendicular direction against the lead out direction of the terminal at the part of 1.6mm from the body for 30±5 seconds.At this time, if permanent change occurs in the terminal , the weight shall be removed,and the terminal shall be made straight to be the original form.Then the weight shall be applied in the opposite direction with the same way.10EnduranceCapacitance Change Within ±10%of the initial value Dissipation Factor Not more than the value of Table-2Leakage Current Not more than the value of Table-2AppearanceItems<Condition >Vibration frequency range : 10 to 55Hz Peak to peak amplitude : 1.5mmSweep rate: 10 to 55 to 10Hz, In about 1min<Criteria ><Condition >◇D.C. reverse voltage method<Criteria >The capacitor shall meet the either of the following two requirement.① When the pressure relief vent operates, a flame shall not be observed or neither some piece ofelements nor cases shall disperse, And a capacitor shall not be in a dangerous state. ② The vent shall not operate for 30 minutes and any abnormalities shall not be observed.8. Factory9. Indication of Lot No□ □ □ □ □Factory code・・・Rubycon Corporation, Main Plant A ・・・Akita Factory.I ・・・P.T. Rubycon IndonesiaTwice of Manufactured day Manufactured month(Manufactured month : October = O, November = N, December = D)Manufactured year (the last one digit of A.D)10. Structure of Electrolytic Capacitors№12345678910111213Separator Electrolytic Capacitor Paper Electrolyte Etylene glycol ItemsRequired performanceManufacturing FactoriesResistance toVibrationTesting shall be done out in 3 AXIS for 2 hours each (total 6 hours) as below.Fix it by using mounting device separately.Within ±5% of the initial valueAppearanceNo visible damage and clearly marking, no leakage of electrolyte.Cathode Foil Vent TestCapacitor shall be subjected to D.C. current given in the table below at reverse polarity.1Φ22.4 or less P.T. Rubycon IndonesiaLot 224, Batamindo Industrial park, Mukakuning, Batam, INDONESIABlank Winding Tape PP Anode Tab RivetAluminum Cathode Tab Aluminum SleeveP.E.T.Appearance :Black Rubycon Corporation, Akita Factory 1-1,Tateai Aza uenodai,Yurihonjyou-city,Akita-pref,JAPANAluminumName 14 more than Φ22.4Norminal body diameter of the capacitorD.C.current (A)Capacitance Change Anode FoilAluminum AddressMaterial NoteAluminum 15Rubycon Corporation, Main Plant 1938-1,Nishi-minowa,Ina-city,Nagano-pref,JAPAN10Aluminum TerminalSPCC Cu over 2μm + Sn over 6μmTerminal Board Rubber(EPT)Terminal Board Bakelite Case11. Compliance for RoHS Directive12. Export Trade Control Ordinance13. Notes on use of aluminum electrolytic capacitors(1)Charge and dischargeDo not use for the circuit that repeats quick charge or discharge.(2) External stressDo not apply excessive force of pushing, pulling bending, and/or twisting to the main body and terminals.(3) Heat resistance at soldering process(4) Insulation and PC board mounting(5) Adhesives and coating materialsDo not use the adhesives and coating materials that contain halogenated organic solvents or chloroprene as polymer.(6) StorageStorage time after shipment from Rubycon factory is less than 2 years.<Storage Condition>**Aluminum electrolytic capacitors should not be stored in damp conditions such as water, saltwater spray or oil spray.**Aluminum electrolytic capacitors should not be stored under exposure to ozone, ultraviolet rays or radiation.(7) Fumigation and halogenated flame retardantIt may cause corrosion of internal electrodes, aluminum cases and terminal surface when the following conditions exist.*Fumigation of wooden pallets before shipment to disinfect vermin.*Existence of components or parts that contain halogenated flame retardant agent (bromine etc.) together with capacitors.*When halogenated detergents or antiseptics for preventing intection of epidemic diseases contact directly to capacitors.(8)PC board cleaning after solderingPlease consult us when cleaning is subjected.(9)PolarityPlease confirm the polarity before use because this capacitor has polarity.(10)Others*Do not cover pressure relief vent with sometihing or do not use in the condition which cause a problem of pressure relief vent operation.**Do not print coppoer line or circuit patterns under the sealing(terminal) side of capacitors.* Guide to application except the above are described in our catalog and JEITA RCR-2367D (including any amendments).JEITA RCR-2367D: "Safety application guide for fixed aluminum electrolytic capacitors for use in electronic equipment."Published by Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association.Keep at a normal temperature and humidity. During a long storage time, leakage current will be increased. To prevent heat rise or any trouble that high leakage current possibly causes, voltage treatment is recommended for the capacitors that have been stored for a long time.The pressure relief vent bulges right before operation. Please provide the clearance space 3mm or more over the pressure relief vent of a capacitor.This capacitor complies with the RoHS Directive. So this product don't use substances regulated by RoHS Directive intentionally.Products described in this specification are not applicable because they do not meet the regulation values for pulse capacitors and high voltage capacitors described in Appendix 1, Items 1 to 15 of the Export Trade Control Ordinance.Products described in this specification are applicable to goods under Export Regulation based on Section 16 of Appendix Table 1 in Export Trade Control Ordinalce. In case that there is a certain danger of the products conflicting with the use and activity for the developments of weapons of mass destruction, the procedures based upon the relevant export regulation laws are absolutely needed.Aluminum electrolytic capacitors should not be stored in high temperatures or where there is a high level of humidity. The suitable storage condition is 5℃-35℃ and less than 75% in relative humidity.In the soldering process of PC board with Capacitors mounted, secondary shrinkage or crack of sleeve may be observed when soldering temperature is too high and /or soldering time is too long.If lead wire of other components or pattern of double sided PC board touches the capacitor, the similar failure may be also originated at pre-heating, heating at hardening process of adhesive and soldering process.Do not store aluminum electrolytic capacitors in an environment full of hazardous gas (hydrogen sulfide, sulfurous acid gas, nitrous acid, chlorine gas, ammonia or bromine gas).Aluminum electrolytic capacitors are covered with P.E.T. sleeve which purpose is mainly indication of necessary items.The case of capacitor and the cathode terminal are not insulated.Table - 2 SIZE AND CHARACTERISTICS TABLE400M 22X 25400M 22X 30400M 25X 25400M 22X 35400M 22X 40400M 25X 30400M 22X 45400M 25X 35400M 30X 30400M 22X 55400M 25X 45400M 30X 35400M 25X 50400M 30X 40400M 25X 60400M 30X 45400M 30X 50400M 30X 60420M 22X 25420M 22X 30420M 25X 25420M 22X 35420M 25X 30420M 22X 40420M 25X 35420M 22X 50420M 25X 40420M 30X 30420M 22X 60420M 25X 45420M 30X 35420M 25X 55420M 30X 40420M 25X 60420M 30X 50420M 30X 55450M 22X 25450M 22X 30450M 25X 25450M 22X 35450M 25X 30450M 22X 40450M 25X 35450M 22X 45450M 25X 40450M 30X 30450M 22X 55450M25X 4522022022027022022039047047056068010027027033033033039040Rubycon Part Number120120150150180180270MXEEFCSN4503030MXE EFC SN 450500270±20500220±200.20943 1.32MXE EFC SN 4502545500270±20MXE EFC SN 4502245MXE EFC SN 450500220±20500220±200.20943 1.43943 1.42250.2010451.610.201045 1.6622550.20MXE EFC SN 4502240MXE EFC SN 450500180±20500180±200.20853 1.260.20853 1.252535MXE EFC SN 4502235MXE EFC SN 450500150±20500150±200.20779 1.120.20779 1.102530MXE EFC SN 4502230MXE EFC SN 450500120±20500120±200.206970.960.206970.952525MXE EFC SN 4203055MXE EFC SN 450500100±20470560±200.201454 2.320.206360.842225560100MXE EFC SN 4202560MXE EFC SN 420470470±20470470±200.201332 2.190.201332 2.123050470470MXE EFC SN 4202555MXE EFC SN 420470390±20470390±200.201214 1.980.201214 1.803040390390MXE EFC SN 4202545MXE EFC SN 420470330±20470330±200.201116 1.720.201116 1.613035330330MXE EFC SN 4203030MXE EFC SN 420470330±20470270±200.201010 1.400.201116 1.842260270330MXE EFC SN 4202250MXE EFC SN 420470270±20470270±200.201010 1.590.201010 1.532540270270MXE EFC SN 4202240MXE EFC SN 420470220±20470220±200.20911 1.360.20911 1.352535MXE EFC SN 4202235MXE EFC SN 420470180±20470180±200.20824 1.190.20824 1.182530180180MXE EFC SN 4202230MXE EFC SN 420470150±20470150±200.20752 1.050.20752 1.022*********MXE EFC SN 4003060MXE EFC SN 420470100±20450680±200.201564 2.600.206140.832225MXE EFC SN 4003045MXE EFC SN 400450560±20450470±200.201300 2.050.201419 2.263050MXE EFC SN 4003040MXE EFC SN 400450470±20450390±200.201184 1.840.201300 2.242560MXE EFC SN 4003035MXE EFC SN 400450390±20450330±200.201089 1.640.201184 1.952550MXE EFC SN 4002255MXE EFC SN 400450330±20450330±200.201089 1.830.201089 1.762545MXE EFC SN 4002535MXE EFC SN 400450270±20450270±200.20985 1.480.20985 1.443030MXE EFC SN 4002530MXE EFC SN 400450270±20450220±200.20889 1.290.20985 1.562245220270MXE EFC SN 4002235MXE EFC SN 400450220±20450180±200.20804 1.210.20889 1.3822401802200.912225MXE EFC SN 4002230MXE EFC SN 400450150±20450150±200.20734 1.070.20734 1.042525120150150ΦDLMXE EFC SN 400450120±20Rated Voltage (V.DC)SurgeVoltage(V.DC)Nominal Capaci-tance (μF)Cap.Toler-ance(%)tanδMAX.MAX.Leakage Current (μA)Rated Ripple Current (A r.m.s.)105deg.C /120HzDimen-sion (mm)0.20657450M 30X 35450M 25X 50450M 30X 40450M 25X 60450M 30X 50450M 30X 55450M 30X 60Rubycon Part NumberRated Voltage (V.DC)SurgeVoltage(V.DC)Nominal Capaci-tance (μF)Cap.Toler-ance(%)tanδMAX.MAX.Leakage Current (μA)Rated Ripple Current (A r.m.s.)105deg.C /120HzDimen-sion (mm)ΦDL1045 1.523035MXE 330EFC SN 450500330±200.201156 1.812550MXE 270EFC SN 450500270±200.201156 1.723040MXE 390EFC SN 450500390±200.201256 2.052560MXE 330EFC SN 450500330±200.201256 2.003050MXE 470EFC SN 450500470±200.201379 2.213055MXE 390EFC SN 450500390±200.2015052.413060MXE 560EFC SN 450500560±200.20。
RVT贴片铝电解电容470UF50V 12X13规格书
![RVT贴片铝电解电容470UF50V 12X13规格书](
Note: All design and specifications are for reference only and is subject to change without prior notice. If any doubt about safety for your application, please contact us immediately for technical assistance before purchase.注: 以上所提供的設計及特性參數僅供參考,任何修改不作預先通知。
WIDE TEMPERATURE寬溫品Operating with wide temperature range -40~+105°C 適用於 -40~+105°C 的寬溫範圍 Load life of 1000~2000 hours 負荷壽命1000~2000小時Comply with the RoHS directive 符合RoHS 指令SPECIFICATIONS 特性表Items 項目Characteristics 主要特性Operation Temperature Range 使用温度範圍 -40 ~ +105°C Voltage Range 額定工作電壓範圍 4 ~ 450V Capacitance Range 靜電容量範圍 0.1 ~ 6800μF Capacitance Tolerance 靜電容量允許偏差±20% at 120Hz, 20°C Leakage Current 漏電流Rated Voltage 額定工作電壓 6.3 ~ 100V160 ~ 450VCase size 尺寸 ∅4~∅10∅12.5~∅16∅6.3~∅16Time 時間after 2 min. (application of rated voltage)2分鐘後(施加額定工作電壓)after 1 min. (application of rated voltage) 1分鐘後(施加額定工作電壓) after 5 min. (application of rated voltage)5分鐘後(施加額定工作電壓)Leakage current 漏電流≤0.01CV or 3μA, whichever is greater ≤0.01CV 或3μA ,取較大值≤0.03CV or 4μA, whichever is greater ≤0.03CV 或4μA ,取較大值≤0.04CV+100μA, whichever is greater ≤0.04CV+100μA ,取較大值Dissipation Factor (tan δ) 損耗角正切Measurement frequency 測試頻率: 120Hz, Temperature 温度: 20°C Rated Voltage (V) 額定工作電壓 4 6.31016253550 63 100 160~250350~450tan δ (max.) 最大損耗角正切 ∅4~∅100.420.300. 0.12 0.10 0.100.20 0.25 ∅12.5~∅160.450.380.340.300.260.22 0.18 0.14 0.100.20 0.25Stability at Low Temperature低溫特性Measurement frequency 測試頻率: 120HzRated Voltage (V) 額定工作電壓 4 6.3101625 35 50~63 100160~250350~450Impedance Ratio 阻抗比ZT/Z20 (max.) ∅4~∅10Z(-25°C)/Z(20°C)7 4 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 3Z(-40°C)/Z(20°C)158 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 6∅12.5~∅16Z(-25°C)/Z(20°C)7 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 4Z(-40°C)/Z(20°C)1712108 5 4 3 3 6 10 Load Life 高溫負荷特性After 2000 hrs. (1000 hrs. for ∅4~∅6.3×5.4) application of the rated voltage at 105°C, they meet the characteristics listedbelow. 在105°C 環境中施加額定工作電壓2000小時(∅4~∅6.3×5.4為1000小時)後,電容器的特性符合下表的要求。
Rubycon 35 ZLH 220 M TTI T7 8X11.5 铝电解电容器规格说明书
![Rubycon 35 ZLH 220 M TTI T7 8X11.5 铝电解电容器规格说明书](
CUSTOMER PART No.DRAWING No.RER-211701ISSUE DATE 05 February 2021ISSUE No.1Rubycon PART No.ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORSSPECIFICATION SHEETRoHS ComplianceMessrs.Techtronic Industries Co. Ltd. (TTI)Milwaukee Electric Tool Corp.APPROVALYOSHINORI SASAKITEL No. 0265-72-7116FAX No. 0265-73-3380DESIGNYOSHIHIRO KITAHARACHECKYUSUKE MATSUZAKIRUBYCON CORPORATION1938-1, NISHIMINOWA, INA-SHI, NAGANO-KEN, JAPANENGINEERING DIVISION35 ZLH 220 M TTI T7 8X11.5Aluminum electrolytic capacitor Specification SheetDrawing No.: RER-21170135 ZLH 220 M TTI T7 8X11.5Issue No. : 11.ScopeThis specification covers polarized aluminum electrolytic capacitors with non-solid electrolyte for use in electronic equipments. Style :CE 04 (Radial Leaded)2.Numbering SystemRatedVoltage SeriesOption Lead Forming 35ZLHTTI3.Diagram of dimensions Unit : mm①φDLFφdα②811.5 3.50.6 1.5A safety vent shall be provided.4.Marking(1)Trade mark (2)Rated Voltage 35V (3)Nominal Capacitance 220μF(4)Polarity (Negative Polarity)(5)Series ZLH (6)Lot Number Temperature (8)PET sleeve mark PET 5.Electrical Performance Table-1Operating Temperature Range Nominal Capacitance 20°C,120HzCapacitance Tolerance Rated Voltage Surge Voltage Leakage Current20°C,2min.Dissipation Factor (tanδ)20°C,120Hz Rated Ripple Current 105°C,100kHz Impedance Ratio 120HzImpedance20°C,100kHz -10°C,100kHz 220M8X11.5CapacitanceCapacitanceToleranceSize Case AluminumDimensionsSleeve P.E.T.③Lead WireCopper cladsteel wireTin platedUnless otherwise specified, capacitor shall be clearly marked the following items on its body.Sleeve color: Black, Lettering color: White (7)Maximum Operating 105°C 770.12-20 ~ 203544-40 ~105220(°C)(μF)(%)(V.DC)(V.DC)(μA max.)(max.)0.0560.19Z-40°C/Z20°C 3945Z-25°C/Z20°C 2 (mAr.m.s.)(Ωmax.)(Ωmax.)(max.)(max.)Aluminum electrolytic capacitor Specification SheetDrawing No.: RER-211701Issue No. : 16. PERFORMANCE Table -21Load Life Test<Condition> Temperature :105±2°C Time :8000+72<Criteria>2Shelf Life Test<Condition> Temperature :105±2°C Time :1000+48<Criteria>3Rated ripple current<Frequency Coefficient>Capacitance (μF)0.50.730.921<Temperature Coefficient >1058565≥ seriesCapacitor under the test shall be applied the rated voltage continuously through 1000Ω series protective resistor (with rated ripple current) at following temperature and time. After the test and returned in standard condition for 1 to 2 hours, and the capacitor shall meet following requirements.AppearanceNotable changes shall not be found. (except sleeve Condition)Capacitor shall be stored at following temperature and time with no voltage applied . After the test and returned in standard condition for 1 to 2 hours and the capacitor shall meet following requirements.Capacitance Change Within ±25% of the initial valueDissipation Factor Not more than 200% of the specified valueLeakage Current Not more than the specified value Leakage Current Not more than the specified value Capacitance Change Within ±25% of the initial value(If any doubt arises on the judgment, the capacitors shall be subjected to voltage treatment specified in JIS C 5141,5.2.)Dissipation Factor Not more than 200% of the specified value AppearanceNotable changes shall not be found (1) The rated ripple current is the maximum A.C. current at 100kHz and can be applied at maximum operating temperature.Coefficient◇Temperature coefficient shows a limit of ripple current exceeding the rated ripple current that can be passed through a capacitor at each temperature when the life expectancy of a capacitor becomes to be nearly equal with the lifetime at the rated maximum operating temperature.(Hz)220Ambient Temperature(°C)(2) The combined value of D.C. voltage and the peak A.C. voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage and shall not be reverse voltage.Frequency1201k 10k 100k≤hh7.Lead Terminal Requirement (No substitutions Allowed)Lead terminal (Lead tab and Lead wire) The shape of Lead tab is semi‐round shape (Positive) (Negative)Notes on use of aluminum electrolytic capacitors(Storage Condition )Sleeve is for marking purpose only.It is not recognized as insulation materials.When double sided PC board is employed, note that it could cause a short circuit if lead wire of other components or pattern of double sided PC board touches capacitor. Please avoid circuit pattern runs underneath capacitor.In addition, case and cathode terminal are not insulated.(2) External stressDo not apply excessive force of pushing, pulling bending, and/or twisting to the main body, lead wire and terminals.(3) Heat resistance at soldering process(1) Charge and discharge Do not use for the circuit that repeats quick charge or discharge.In the soldering process of PC board with Capacitors mounted, secondary shrinkage or crack of sleeve may be observed when soldering temperature is too high and /or soldering time is too long.If lead wire of other components or pattern of double sided PC board touches the capacitor, the similar failure may be also originated at pre-heating, heating at hardening process of adhesive and soldering process. (4) Insulation and PC board mounting*Aluminum electrolytic capacitors should not be stored in high temperatures or where there is a high level of humidity. The suitable storage condition is 5°C-35°C and less than 75% in relative humidity.(5) Adhesives and coating materialsDo not use the adhesives and coating materials that contain halogenated organic solvents or chloroprene as polymer. (6) StorageKeep at a normal temperature and humidity. During a long storage time, leakage current will be increased. To prevent heat rise or any trouble that high leakage current possibly causes, voltage treatment is recommended for the capacitors that have been stored for a long time.*Existence of components or parts that contain halogenated flame retardant agent (bromine etc.) together with capacitors.*When halogenated detergents of antiseptics for preventing infection of epidemic diseases contact directly to capacitors.(8) PC board cleaning after soldering*Fumigation of wooden pallets before shipment to disinfect vermin.*Aluminum electrolytic capacitors should not be stored in damp conditions such as water, saltwater spray or oil spray.*Do not store aluminum electrolytic capacitors in an environment full of hazardous gas (hydrogen sulfide, sulfurous acid gas, nitrous acid, chlorine gas, ammonia or bromine gas).*Aluminum electrolytic capacitors should not be stored under exposure to ozone, ultraviolet rays or radiation.(7) Fumigation and halogenated flame retardantIt may cause corrosion of internal electrodes, aluminum cases and terminal surface when the following conditions exist. Published by Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association.Please consult us when cleaning is subjected.*Guide to application except the above are described in our catalog and JEITA RCR-2367D (including any amendments).JEITA RCR-2367D : "Safety application guide for fixed aluminum electrolytic capacitors for use in electronic equipment."ꞏTAPING SPECIFICATION OF RADIAL LEAD TYPE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS 1.ScopeThis specification covers taped radial lead type electrolytic capacitors, with case dia of φ8 mm.2.Requirements.2-1. Body tape requirements are shown in page 7.2-2. All polarized capacitors must be oriented in one direction.2-5. Mounting tape shall be spliced as shown in Fig.1. Mounting tape shall not be over lapped.2-6. Defective capacitors shall be pulled out or clipped from the mounting tape.Remaining protrusion of the leads shall not exceed 2mm from edge of the tape, when clipped.3. Adhesion test of mounting tapeDia ≤ φ8mm 10N {1.0kgf}Dia ≥ φ10mm 5N {0.5kgf}2-3. Leader tape shall be provided before the first capacitor and after the last one on tape at minimum length of 3 feed holes.2-4 Maximum of 3 consecutive missing capacitors are permitted while one pack quantity meets the specification in para.4.3-1. Adhesive tape on the mounting tape shall not a tear off at the force of less than 3N {0.3kgf} when tested in a manner shown in Fig.2.3-2. Capacitors shall not be pulled out of the tape with a following load applied to the capacitor body in a manner shown in Fig.3.wire tapetapeconnection of m ounting tapeFig.1tapetapeconnection of adhesive tapefixedpush -pull scalemounting tape adhesive tapeFig.2Fig.3(to fixed)pull forcepull force4.PackageTaped capacitors shall be packed in a carton shown in Fig.4, with tape ammunition.Packed cartons shall be marked at least polarity, rated voltage, nominal capacitance and quantity.On case dia φ10mm, φ12.5mm and φ16mm, one capacitor shall be removed at each bend of the tape.STANDARD PACKING QUANTITYφ8X11.5L100054WP(mm)CAPACITOR SIZEQUANTITY Fig.4φd 0.6±0.05P 12.7±1.0P 012.7±0.2P1 4.6±0.5P2 6.35±1.0F 3.5W 18±0.3W 05MIN W19±0.5W2 1.5MAX H 20±0.75L10.5MAX φD 04±0.2∆h 2MAX ∆p 1MAX t0.6±0.3CODE : T7 ( Positive leading )LEAD TYPE ( DIA. φ8 )Symbol Case Dia φ mmRemarksφ8Dia. of leadDistance from center to center of next body Distance from center to center of next driving holeDistance between center of driving hole and lead (at the upper edge of the carrier tape)Distance between center of driving hole and body Pitch of lead (at the upper edge of the carrier tape)Width of mounting tape Width of adhesive tapeDistance between center of driving hole and mounting tape edge Max. allowable distance between mounting and adhesive tape edges Distance between center of driving hole and bottom of body End of lead Dia. of driving hole Off alignment of body top Off alignment of body topSum of thickness for mounting and adhesive tape without lead dia.0.80.2+-∆h∆pφDPP 2P 1φdφD 0p 0w 0w 2w 1HLFt∆p ∆h L 1w。
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12.5 1) 2) 18mm Size 12.5 18 T Temperature at surface of capacitor shall not exceed T . 200 t T1 t1 Period that temperature at surface of capacitor becomes more than 200 and T1 shall not exceed t and t1 seconds, respectively. Preheat shall be made at 100 ~180 and for maximum 150 seconds. 3) 100 180 150
Reuseable reels are available according to your request. Please consult in regard to establishing supply and withdrawal system.
Size 4 5.5 5 5.5 6.3 5.5 4 6.1 5 6.1 6.3 6.1 6.3 8 8 6.5 8 10.5 10 10.5 12.5 13.5 12.5 16 16 16.5 16 21.5 18 16.5 18 21.5
W2 (mm)
A2 (mm)
B2 (mm)
PET Sleeve Blank
PVC Sleeve
YXJ, ZLK, ZLJ, ZT, BXF, RX30, AX series are all pet sleeve without “EFC” code.
D Rated Voltage Rated Voltage (V) 6.3 10 25 100 ) : Example 35 Series Code 6.3 10 25 100 TZV 330 Please indicate the above information, when you inquire. M 10 10.5 Capacitance Cap. (µF) 4.7 220 3300 Code 4R7 220 3300 Capacitance Tolerance Tolerance 20% Code Option L
Case Size
4 6.1 8 10.5 16 21.5
object : Chip type capacitors TAPING DIMENSIONS
4–0.1 A 2 1.75–0.1
4 5.5,6.1
13–0.5 23–0.5
382 382 382 382 382 382 382 332 332 332 332
5 5.5,6.1
6.3 5.5,6.1 6.3 8 8 6.5
8 10.5 10 10.5 12.5 13.5 12.5 16 16 16.5, 18 16.5 16 21.5, 18 21.5
K 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1
8 10.5 10 10.5 12.5 13.5 12.5 16 16 16.5 16 21.5 18 16.5 18 21.5
8.3 8.3 3.1 10.3 10.3 3.4 13 13 4.9 13 13 4.9 17 6 17 17 6 17 19 7 19 19 19 7
Rated Voltage Series Capacitance Capacitance Tolerance Option Vibration proof package No.
Case Size
L MAX A1 0.2
B1± 0.2
a 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 2.2 2.2 2.5 3 3
b 2.6 3.0 3.5 4.5 4.1 4.3 6.0 6.5 7.5
c d
4 5 6.3 8 6.5 8 10.5 10 10.5 12.5 16 18
1.0 6.2 1.4 7.4 2.1 9.1 2.1 11.1 3.0 11.2 4.5 13.1 5.0 17 8.0 21 8.0 23
t1 sec Max.
1 2 3 200 T1
Peak temperature MAX MAX Time more than 200
100 Preheat 150sec Max
t sec Max.
Time more than T1
Time (sec)
Please contact us if the condition is over the maximum.
t1 (mm)
12.0 12.0 16.0 12.0 12.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 24.0 24.0 32.0 32.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0
4.7 5.7 7.0 4.7 5.7 7.0 7.0 8.7 8.7 10.7 13.4 13.4 17.5 17.5 19.5 19.5
T Temperature at surface of capacitor shall not exceed T . 2) 200 t T1 t1 Period that temperature at surface of capacitor becomes more than 200 and T1 shall not exceed t and t1 seconds, respectively. 3) 100 200 180 Preheat shall be made at 100 ~200 and for maximum 180 seconds.
Vibration proof packages with the supporting terminal
8 For chip Aluminum electrolytic capacitors more than case size 8, vibration proof packages supports.
Capacitance Cap. (µF) 0.1 0.47 1 10 1000 Code 0R1 0R47 1 10 1000
Capacitance Tolerance Tolerance 20% Code
Lead Forming
Case Size 5 11 10 12.5 12.5 40
5.5 5.5 7.5 5.5 5.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 11.5 11.5 14.2 14.2 20.2 20.2 20.2 20.2
0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 28.4 28.4 40.4 40.4 40.4 40.4 Fig.2 Fig.1
Temperature at surface of capacitor ( 5 Peak temperature 5 sec. T Max.
Series SGV TLV
Size 12.5 18
T T1 200 180
T( ) t(sec) t1(sec) Reflow T1( ) 1 2 3 cycle 240 230 60 30 1
4.7 5.7 7.0 4.7 5.7 7.0 7.0 8.7 8.7 10.7 13.4 13.4 17.5 17.5 19.5 19.5
8 12 12 8 12 12 12 12 16 16 24 24 28 28 32 32
5.7 5.7 5.7 6.2 6.2 6.2 8.2 6.8 11.0 11.0 14.4 16.3 17.4 22.4 17.4 22.4
217 217
60 60
2 2
t1 sec Max.
8, 10
100 Preheat 180sec Max
t sec Max.
Time (sec)
Peak temperature 200 T1 MAX MAX Time more than 200
2 3
Time more than T1
Please contact us if the condition is over the maximum.
4 1) 10mm Size 4 10 Series
Temperature at surface of capacitor ( 5 Peak temperature 5 sec. T Max.
+0.1 0
A 2–0.1
1.5 +0.1 0