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高中英语写作教学设计Teaching aims:

1. Knowledge aim

Students can learn how to write an article about a hot topic--microblog .

2.Ability aim

Students can master the writing skills of making an outline for an article .

3.Emotional aim

Students can learn to work cooperatively with others.

Teaching important and difficult points:

teaching important points:

1.Students can discuss the hot topic “microblog”;

2.Students can write an article about microblog.

Teaching difficult point:

Students can work individually to write an article about microblog. Teaching methods:

Discussion, Presentation

Teaching tools:

1.The multimedia

2.The blackboard

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warming-up:

Ask and answer

T:Today the hot topic we will talk and write about is microblog. How much do you know about microblog? Can you answer the following questions?

(Show the following 3 questions on the ppt)

1) what is the use of microblog?

2) what are the advantages and disadvantages of microblog?

3) what is your opinion about using microblog?

Let’s have a discussion.

Step 2 Pre-writing:

Have a discussion

T: Now, the students in row 1,row 3 and row 5 turn around and join in your group to have a discussion.(Divide the students into 10 groups , with each group including 6 students)

T: everyone, you must talk in English.For each group’s leader, not only need you organize your group well, but also you need to take some notes of what your members talk about.

SS: Discuss in groups about 10 minutes.

(During the discussion, the teacher should join in them to express opinions or give some advice or offer some help when it is necessary.)

Step 3 While-writing:

1、Making an outline

T:Ok. Sinc e each group has discussed about microblog, now let’s write an article about

it.What factors should your article contain? Please make an outline . You can use some key words or phrases to make your outline. It is not necessary for you to write down the whole sentences.

SS: Work individually to make an outline for their article at first. and then ask their partners to give them a hand.such as some words’ usage, some phrases’choice. activity

2、Making a draft

T: Now , please make a draft of your article.Now you need to write using the whole sentences to make your draft this time.

SS: Finish their draft by themselv

Step 4 Post-writing:

1、Individual work

SS: Look through their own article to correct some obvious mistakes alone,such as spellings and the tense .

2、Pair work

SS:Exchange their articles with their partner and ask their partner to read their article to point out the mistakes.And at the same time,they need to give each other some suggestions about writing,such as : how to express the same meaning better.


To sum up the points for attention of how to write this kind of articles.

Step 5 Homework:

Write an artical with the title of “the popularity of micro-blogging”






Blackboard design:

Reflection after teaching :

This class is about writing. Themain content of writing is micro-blog. Based on the actual situation of students: some students are afraid of writing, while some students feel that there is no words to write, and even some of the students lack of vocabulary. Therefore, before
