



VMAX = 40V for standard series , 60V for HV series.
Semelab plc. Telephone +44(0)1455 556565. Fax +44(0)1455 552612.
E-mail: sales@ Website:
TJ = –55 to +150°C
IOUT = 10mA to IMAX
TJ = –55 to +150°C
VIN – VOUT = 2.5V to VMAX
VIN – VOUT = 40V
TJ = –55 to +150°C
TJ = –55 to +150°C
5 mA
en RqJC
RMS Output Noise (% of VOUT)
Thermal Resistance Junction to Case



1US Headquarters TEL +(1) 781-935-4850FAX +(1) 781-933-4318 • Europe TEL +(44) 1628 404000FAX +(44) 1628 404090Asia Pacific TEL +(852) 2 428 8008FAX +(852) 2 423 8253South America TEL +(55) 11 3917 1099FAX +(55) 11 3917 0817Superior elongation and tensilestrength help to prevent tearing in use due to mishandling. Typical properties for CHO-SEAL 1310 and 1273 materi-al are shown on pages 33 and 32respectively.High Shielding PerformanceCHO-SEAL 1310 material provides more than 80 dB of shielding effectiv-ness from 100 MHz to 10 GHz, while CHO-SEAL 1273 material provides more than 100 dB.Low Volume ResistivityBoth materials have exceptionally low volume resistivity, which makes them well suited for grounding appli-cations in which a flexible electrical contact is needed.Low Compression GasketSpacer gaskets are typicallydesigned to function under low deflec-tion forces. Chomerics uses design tools such as Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to accurately predict compres-sion-deflection behavior of various cross section options. Refer to page16.LCP Plastic SpacerLiquid crystal polymer (LCP)spacers, including those made with Vectra A130 material, provide aCHO-SEAL ®1310 or 1273Conductive ElastomersWith EMI spacer gaskets, shielding and grounding are provided by Chomerics’CHO-SEAL 1310 and 1273 conductive elastomers, specifi-cally formulated for custom shape molded parts. They provide excellent shielding and isolation against electro-magnetic interference (EMI), or act as a low impedance ground path between PCB traces and shielding media. Physically tough, these elas-tomers minimize the risk of gasket damage, in contrast to thin-walled extrusions or unsupported molded gaskets.Silicone-based CHO-SEAL 1310and 1273 materials offer excellent resistance to compression set over a wide temperature range, resulting in years of continuous service. CHO-SEAL 1310 material is filled with silver-plated-glass particles, while 1273 utilizes silver-plated-copper filler to provide higher levels of EMI shielding effectiveness.EMI Spacer GasketsThe unique design of Chomerics’EMI spacer gaskets features a thin plastic retainer frame onto which a conductive elastomer is molded. The elastomer can be located inside or outside the retainer frame, as well as on its top and bottom surface. EMI spacer gaskets provide a newapproach to designing EMI gaskets into handheld electronics such as dig-ital cellular phones. Board-to-board spacing is custom designed to fit broad application needs. Customized cross sections and spacer shapes allow for very low closure forcerequirements and a perfect fit in any design or device.Robotic InstallationSpacer gaskets can be installed quickly by robotic application. Integral locater pins in the plastic spacer help ensure accuratepositioning in both manual and pick-and-place assembly. Benefits include faster assembly and lower labor costs.The integrated conductive elastomer/plastic spacer gasket is a low cost,easily installed system for providing EMI shielding and grounding in small electronic enclosures.Figure 1Single Piece EMI Gasket/Locator PinsCHO-SEAL 1310 or 1273 Conductive Elastomer (Inside)Plastic Spacer Around Outsideor InsideApplications for EMI Spacer GasketsThe spacer gasket concept is especially suited to digital and dual board telephone handsets or other handheld electronic devices. It provides a low impedance path between peripheral ground traces on printed circuit boards and components such as:•the conductive coating on a plastic housing•another printed circuit board •the keypad assemblyTypical applications for EMI spacer gaskets include:•Digital cellular, handyphone and personal communications services (PCS) handsets •PCMCIA cards•Global Positioning Systems (GPS)•Radio receivers•Other handheld electronics, e.g.,personal digital assistants (PDAs)•Replacements for metal EMI shield-ing “fences” on printedcircuit boards in wireless tele-communications devicesstable platform for direct, highprecision molding of conductive elas-tomers. The Vectra A130 material described in Table 1 has excellent heat deflection temperature character-istics (489°F, 254°C). For weight con-siderations, the LCP has aspecific gravity of only 1.61. This plas-tic is also 100% recyclable.Typical EMI Spacer Gasket Design ParametersThe EMI spacer gasket concept can be considered using the design parameters shown in Table 2. Some typical spacer gasket profiles are shown below.Figure 2Typical Spacer Gasket Profiles3US Headquarters TEL +(1) 781-935-4850FAX +(1) 781-933-4318 • Europe TEL +(44) 1628 404000FAX +(44) 1628 404090Asia Pacific TEL +(852) 2 428 8008FAX +(852) 2 423 8253South America TEL +(55) 11 3917 1099FAX +(55) 11 3917 0817Finite Element AnalysisChomerics, a division of the Parker Hannifin Corporation’s Seal Group, is the headquarters of Parker Seal’s Elastomer Simulation Group. This unit specializes in elastomer finite element analysis (FEA) using MARC K6 series software as a foundation for FEA capability.Benefits of FEA include:•Quickly optimizing elastomer gasket designs•Allowing accurate predictions of alternate elastomer design concepts •Eliminating extensive trial and error prototype evaluationTypical use of FEA in EMI spacer gasket designs is to evaluate the force vs. deflection requirements of alternate designs.For example, onespacer design features a continuous bead of con-ductive elastomer molded onto a plastic spacer. An alternative designemploys an “interrupted bead,” where the interrup-tions (gaps left on the plastic frame) are sized to maintain the requiredlevel of EMI shielding. Figure 4illustrates these alternative designs.Gasket DeflectionFigure 5 compares the effect of continuous and interrupted elastomer gasket designs in terms of the force required to deflect the conductive elastomer. This actual cellular handset application required a spacer gasket with interrupted bead to meet desired deflection forces.Chomerics Designand Application ServicesChomerics will custom design a spacer for your application. Advice,analysis and design assistance will be provided by Chomerics Applications and Design engineers at no additional fee. Contact Chomerics directlyat the locations listed at the bottom of the page.Figure 3FEA Example of an EMISpacer Gasket Cross SectionFigure 4Continuous (top) and InterruptedElastomer GasketsFigure 5Typical Spacer Gasket Deflection。

MAXIM MAX7317 说明书

MAXIM MAX7317 说明书

General DescriptionThe MAX7317 serial-interfaced peripheral provides microprocessors with 10 I /O ports rated to 7V. Each port can be individually configured as either an open-drain output, or an overvoltage-protected Schmitt input.The MAX7317 supports hot insertion. All port pins remain high impedance in power-down (V+ = 0V) with up to 8V asserted on them.The MAX7317 is available in 16-pin thin QFN and QSOP packages and operates in the -40°C to +125°C range.For a similar part with constant-current outputs and 8-bit PWM controls, refer to the MAX6966/MAX6967data sheet.ApplicationsPortable Equipment Cellular Phones White Goods Industrial Controllers Automotive System MonitoringFeatures♦High-Speed, 26MHz SPI™-/QSPI-™/MICROWIRE™-Compatible Serial Interface ♦2.25V to 3.6V Operation♦I/O Port Inputs are Overvoltage Protected to 7V ♦I/O Port Outputs are 7V-Rated Open Drain ♦I/O Ports Support Hot Insertion♦0.7µA (typ), 1.9µA (max) Standby Current ♦Tiny 3mm x 3mm, 0.8mm High Thin QFN Package ♦-40°C to +125°C Temperature RangeMAX731710-Port SPI-Interfaced I/O Expander with Overvoltage and Hot-Insertion Protection________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products 1Pin ConfigurationsOrdering InformationTypical Application Circuit19-3380; Rev 2; 4/05For pricing, delivery, and ordering information,please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct!at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at .SPI and QSPI are trademarks of Motorola, Inc.MICROWIRE is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corp.M A X 731710-Port SPI-Interfaced I/O Expander with Overvoltage and Hot-Insertion Protection 2_______________________________________________________________________________________ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Typical Operating Circuit , V+ = 2.25V to 3.6V, T A = T MIN to T MAX , unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at V+ = 3.3V, T A = +25°C.)Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Voltage (with respect to GND)V+.............................................................................-0.3V to +4V SCLK, DIN, CS, DOUT .................................-0.3V to (V+ + 0.3V)P_ .............................................................................-0.3V to +8V DC Current into P_ .............................................................24mA DC Current into DOUT........................................................10mA Total GND Current............................................................200mAContinuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)16-Pin Thin QFN(derate 14.7mW/°C above +70°C).........................1176mW 16-Pin QSOP (derate 8.3mW/°C above +70°C)...........667mW Operating Temperature Range(T MIN to T MAX )..............................................-40°C to +125°C Junction Temperature......................................................+150°C Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................+300°CMAX731710-Port SPI-Interfaced I/O Expander with Overvoltage and Hot-Insertion Protection_______________________________________________________________________________________3TIMING CHARACTERISTICS(Typical Operating Circuit , V+ = 2.25V to 3.6V, T A = T MIN to T MAX , unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at V+ = 3.3V, T A = +25°C.)MAX7317 Block DiagramM A X 731710-Port SPI-Interfaced I/O Expander with Overvoltage and Hot-Insertion Protection 4_______________________________________________________________________________________Typical Operating Characteristics(T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)03961215PORT SINK CURRENT vs. PORT VOLTAGEPORT VOLTAGE (V)P O R T S I N K C U R R E N T (m A )42680. CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)S T A N D B Y C U R R E N T (µA ) CURRENT (I+) vs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)S T A N D B Y C U R R E N T (m A )Detailed DescriptionThe MAX7317 is a general-purpose input/output (GPIO)peripheral that provides 10 I /O ports, P0 to P9, con-trolled through a high-speed SPI -compatible serial interface. The 10 I /O ports can be used as inputs or open-drain outputs in any combination. Ports withstand 7V independent of the MAX7317’s supply voltage whether used as inputs or outputs.Figure 1 shows the I/O port structure of the MAX7317.Register StructureThe MAX7317 contains 10 internal registers, addressed as 0x00–0x09, which control the peripheral (Table 2).Two further addresses, 0x0E and 0x0F, do not store data but return the port input status when read. Four virtual addresses, 0x0A–0x0D, allow more than one register to be written with the same data to simplify soft-ware. The RAM register provides 1 byte of memory that can be used for any purpose. The no-op address,0x20, causes no action when written or read, and is used as a dummy register when accessing one MAX7317 out of multiple cascaded devices.Initial Power-UpOn power-up, all control registers are reset (Table 2).Power-up status sets I /O ports P0 to P9 high imped-ance, and puts the device into shutdown mode.RAM RegisterThe RAM register provides a byte of memory that can be used for any purpose.GPIO Port Direction ConfigurationThe 10 I /O ports P0 through P9 can be configured to any combination of inputs and outputs. Ports withstand 7V independent of the MAX7317’s supply voltage,whether used as inputs or outputs. Configure a port as an input by setting its output register to 0x01, which sets the port output high impedance (Table 4).Input Port RegistersReading an input port register returns the logic levels at the I/O port pins. The input port registers are read only.A write to an input port register is ignored.Output RegistersThe MAX7317 uses one 8-bit register to control each output port (Table 4). Each port can be configured as an input or open-drain output. Write 0x00 to the output register to set the port as a logic-low output, or 0x01 to set the port as a logic-high output or logic input.The 10 registers, 0x00 through 0x09, control an I/O port each (Table 4). Four pseudo-register addresses, 0x0A through 0x0D, allow groups of outputs to be set to thesame value with a single command by writing the same data to multiple output registers.Serial InterfaceThe MAX7317 communicates through an SPI -compati-ble 4-wire serial interface. The interface has three inputs: clock (SCLK), chip select (CS ), and data in (DI N), and one output, data out (DOUT). CS must be low to clock data into or out of the device, and DI N must be stable when sampled on the rising edge of SCLK. DOUT is stable on the rising edge of SCLK.SCLK and DI N can be used to transmit data to other peripherals. The MAX7317 ignores all activity on SCLK and DIN except when CS is low.Note that the SPI protocol expects DOUT to be high impedance when the MAX7317 is not being accessed;DOUT on the MAX7317 is never high impedance. Go to /an1879 for ways to convert the MAX7317 to tri-state, if required.Control and Operation Usingthe 4-Wire InterfaceControlling the MAX7317 requires sending a 16-bit word. The first byte, D15 through D8, is the command,and the second byte, D7 through D0, is the data byte (Table 5).MAX731710-Port SPI-Interfaced I/O Expander with Overvoltage and Hot-Insertion Protection_______________________________________________________________________________________5Figure 1. Simplified Schematic of I/O PortsM A X 731710-Port SPI-Interfaced I/O Expander with Overvoltage and Hot-Insertion ProtectionConnecting Multiple MAX7317sto the 4-Wire Bus Multiple MAX7317s can be interfaced to a common SPI bus by connecting DI N inputs together, SCLK inputs together, and providing an individual CS per theMAX7317 device (Figure 2). This connection works regardless of the configuration of DOUT/OSC, but does not allow the MAX7317s to be read.MAX731710-Port SPI-Interfaced I/O Expander with Overvoltage and Hot-Insertion ProtectionM A X 7317Alternatively, MAX7317s can be daisy-chained by con-necting the DOUT of one device to the DIN of the next,and driving SCLK and CS lines in parallel (Figure 3).This connection allows the MAX7317s to be read. Data at DI N propagates through the internal shift registers and appears at DOUT 15.5 clock cycles later, clocked out on the falling edge of SCLK. When sending com-mands to daisy-chained MAX7317s, all devices are accessed at the same time. An access requires (16 x n)clock cycles, where n is the number of MAX7317s con-nected together. The serial interface speed (maximum SCLK) is limited to 10MHz when multiple devices are daisy-chained due to the DOUT propagation delay and DIN setup time.The MAX7317 is written to using the following sequence (Figure 5):1)Take SCLK low.2)Take CS low. This enables the internal 16-bit shift register.3)Clock 16 bits of data into DI N, D15 first to D0 last,observing the setup and hold times. Bit D15 is low,indicating a write command.4)Take CS high (either while SCLK is still high after clocking in the last data bit, or after taking SCLK low).5)Take SCLK low (if not already low).I f fewer or greater than 16 bits are clocked into the MAX7317 between taking CS low and taking CS high again, the MAX7317 stores the last 16 bits received,including the previous transmission(s). The general case is when n bits (where n > 16) are transmitted to the MAX7317. The last bits comprising bits {n-15} to {n}, are retained, and are parallel loaded into the 16-bit latch as bits D15 to D0, respectively (Figure 6).Reading Device RegistersAny register data within the MAX7317 can be read by sending a logic high to bit D15. The sequence is:1)Take SCLK low.2)Take CS low. This enables the internal 16-bit shift register.3)Clock 16 bits of data into DI N, D15 first to D0 last.D15 is high, indicating a read command and bits D14 through D8 contain the address of the register to read. Bits D7 to D0 contain dummy data, which is discarded.4)Take CS high (either while SCLK is still high after clocking in the last data bit, or after taking SCLK low). Positions D7 through D0 in the shift register are now loaded with the register data addressed by bits D15 through D8.5)Take SCLK low (if not already low).6)Issue another read or write command, and examine the bit stream at DOUT; the second 8 bits are the contents of the register addressed by bits D14through D8 in step 3.10-Port SPI-Interfaced I/O Expander with Overvoltage and Hot-Insertion Protection8_______________________________________________________________________________________Table 5. Serial-Data FormatFigure 2. MAX7317 Multiple CS ConnectionMAX731710-Port SPI-Interfaced I/O Expander with Overvoltage and Hot-Insertion Protection_______________________________________________________________________________________9Figure 3. MAX7317 Daisy-Chain ConnectionFigure 5. 16-Bit Write Transmission to the MAX7317M A X 731710-Port SPI-Interfaced I/O Expander with Overvoltage and Hot-Insertion Protection 10Applications InformationHot InsertionThe I/O ports P0–P9 remain high impedance with up to 8V asserted on them when the MAX7317 is powered down (V+ = 0V). The MAX7317 can therefore be used in hot-swap applications.SPI Routing ConsiderationsThe MAX7317’s SPI interface is guaranteed to operate at 26Mbps on a 2.5V supply, and on a 3.3V supply typi-cally operates at 35Mbps. This means that transmission line issues should be considered when the interface connections are longer than 100mm, particularly with higher supply voltages. Avoid running long adjacent tracks for SCLK, DIN, and CS without interleaving GND traces; otherwise, the signals may cross-couple, giving false clock or chip-select transitions. Ringing may man-ifest itself as communication issues, often intermittent,typically due to double clocking caused by ringing at the SCLK input. Fit a 1k Ωto 10k Ωparallel termination resistor to either GND or V+ at the DIN, SCLK, and CS inputs to damp ringing for moderately long interface runs. Use line-impedance-matching terminations when making connections between boards.Output-Level TranslationThe open-drain output architecture allows the ports to level translate the outputs to higher or lower voltages than the MAX7317 supply. An external pullup resistor can be used on any output to convert the high-imped-ance logic-high condition to a positive voltage level.The resistor can be connected to any voltage up to 7V.When using a pullup on a constant-current output,select the resistor value to sink no more than a few hun-dred µA in logic-low condition. This ensures that the current sink output saturates close to GND. For inter-facing CMOS inputs, a pullup resistor value of 220k Ωis a good starting point. Use a lower resistance toimprove noise immunity in applications where power consumption is less critical, or where a faster rise time is needed for a given capacitive load.Power-Supply ConsiderationsThe MAX7317 operates with a power-supply voltage of 2.25V to 3.6V. Bypass the power supply to GND with a 0.047µF ceramic capacitor as close to the device as possible. For the QFN version, connect the underside exposed pad to GND.Chip InformationTRANSISTOR COUNT: 14,865PROCESS: BiCMOSPin Configurations (continued)Figure 6. Transmission of More than 16 Bits to the MAX7317MAX731710-Port SPI-Interfaced I/O Expander with Overvoltage and Hot-Insertion Protection______________________________________________________________________________________11Package Information(The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information go to /packages .)M A X 731710-Port SPI-Interfaced I/O Expander with Overvoltage and Hot-Insertion Protection Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.12____________________Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600©2005 Maxim Integrated ProductsPrinted USAis a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.Package Information (continued)(The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information go to /packages .)。



Ammonia Gas Sensor(Model:MQ137)ManualVersion: 1.4Valid from: 2015-03-10Zhengzhou Winsen Electronics Technology Co., LtdStatementThis manual copyright belongs Zhengzhou Winsen Electronics Technology Co., LTD. Without the written permission, any part of this manual shall not be copied, translated, stored in database or retrieval system, also can’t spread through electronic, copying, record ways.Thanks for purchasing our product. In order to let customers use it better and reduce the faults caused by misuse, please read the manual carefully and operate it correctly in accordance with the instructions. If users disobey the terms or remove, disassemble, change the components inside of the sensor, we shall not be responsible for the loss.The specific such as color, appearance, sizes &etc, please in kind prevail.We are devoting ourselves to products development and technical innovation, so we reserve the right to improve the products without notice. Please confirm it is the valid version before using this manual. At the same time, users’ comments on optimized using way are welcome.Please keep the manual properly, in order to get help if you have questions during the usage in the future.Zhengzhou Winsen Electronics Technology CO., LTDMQ137 Ammonia Gas SensorProfileSensitive material of MQ137 gas sensor is SnO 2, which with lower conductivity in clean air. When NH 3 gas exists, t he sensor’s conductivity gets higher along with the gas concentration rising. Users can convert the change of conductivity to correspond output signal of gas concentration through a simple circuit. MQ137 gas sensor has high sensitivity to NH 3 gas, also can monitor organic amine such as trimethylamine, cholamine well. It can detect kinds of gases including ammonia and is a kind of low-cost sensor for kinds of applications.FeaturesIt has good sensitivity to NH 3 gas in wide range, and has advantages such as long lifespan, low cost and simple drive circuit &etc.Main ApplicationsIt is widely used in domestic NH 3 gas alarm, industrial NH 3 gas leakage alarm, portable NH 3 gas detector.Technical Parameters table.1NOTE: The change of Output voltage(△Vs) is the difference value between V RL in test environment and V in clean air .Basic CircuitFig2. MQ137 Test CircuitInstructions: The above fig is the basic test circuit of MQ137.The sensorrequirestwo voltageinputs: heater voltage(V H ) and circuit voltage(V C ). V H is used to supply standard working temperature to the sensor and it can adopts DC or AC power, while V RL is the voltage of load resistance R L which is in series with sensor. Vc supplies the detect voltage to load resistance R Land it should adopts DC power.Description of Sensor CharactersNH3 AirCautions1 .Following conditions must be prohibited1.1 Exposed to organic silicon steamSensing material will lose sensitivity and never recover if the sensor absorbs organic silicon steam. Sensors must be avoid exposing to silicon bond, fixature, silicon latex, putty or plastic contain silicon environment. 1.2 High Corrosive gasIf the sensors are exposed to high concentration corrosive gas (such as H 2S, SO X , Cl 2, HCl etc.), it will not only result in corrosion of sensors structure, also it cause sincere sensitivity attenuation. 1.3 Alkali, Alkali metals salt, halogen pollutionThe sensors performance will be changed badly if sensors be sprayed polluted by alkali metals salt especially brine, or be exposed to halogen such as fluorine.1.4 Touch waterSensitivity of the sensors will be reduced when spattered or dipped in water. 1.5 FreezingDo avoid icing on sensor’s surface, otherwise sensing material will be broken and lost sensitivity. 1.6 Applied higher voltageApplied voltage on sensor should not be higher than stipulated value, even if the sensor is not physically damaged or broken, it causes down-line or heater damaged, and bring on sensors’ sensitivity characteristic changed badly.1.7 Voltage on wrong pinsFor 6 pins sensor, Pin 2&5 is heating electrodes, Pin (1,3)/(4,6) are testing electrodes (Pin 1 connects with Pin 3, while Pin 4 connects with Pin 6).If apply voltage on Pin 1&3 or 4&6, it will make lead broken; and no signal putout if apply on pins 2&4.Fig7. Lead sketch2 .Following conditions must be avoided 2.1 Water CondensationIndoor conditions, slight water condensation will influence sensors’ performance lightly. However, ifwater condensation on sensors surface and keep a certain period, sensors ’ sensitiv e will be decreased. 2.2 Used in high gas concentrationNo matter the sensor is electrified or not, if it is placed in high gas concentration for long time, sensorscharacteristic will be affected. If lighter gas sprays the sensor,it will cause extremely damage. 2.3 Long time storageThe sensors resistance will drift reversibly if it’s stored for long time without electrify, this drift is related with storage conditions. Sensors should be stored in airproof bag without volatile silicon compound. For the sensors with long time storage but no electrify, they need long galvanical aging time for stability before using. The suggested aging time as follow:Stable2.No matter the sensors electrified or not, if exposed to adverse environment for long time, such as high humidity, high temperature, or high pollution etc., it will influence the sensors’ performance badly. 2.5 VibrationContinual vibration will result in sensors down-lead response then break. In transportation or assembling line, pneumatic screwdriver/ultrasonic welding machine can lead this vibration. 2.6 ConcussionIf sensors meet strong concussion, it may lead its lead wire disconnected. 2.7 Usage Conditions2.7.1For sensor, handmade welding is optimal way. The welding conditions as follow: ● Soldering flux: Rosin soldering flux contains least chlorine ● homothermal soldering iron ● Temperature : 250℃ ● Time:less than 3 seconds2.7.1If users choose wave-soldering, the following conditions should be obey: ● Soldering flux: Rosin soldering flux contains least chlorine ● Speed: 1-2 Meter/ Minute● Warm-up temperature :100±20℃ ● Welding temperature :250±10℃●One time pass wave crest welding machineIf disobey the above using terms, sensors sensitivity will be reduced.。



Typical ApplicationR CS1(a)Low Voltage Application(b)High Voltage ApplicationV IN VFigure 1:Typical Application Circuit Diagrams of QX7138General DescriptionQX7138 is a constant current regulator forLED driver with PWM Dimming.In addition to LEDs, QX7138 also needs anexternal NMOS and a resistor to set the LEDcurrent from 20mA to 3.0A.QX7138 uses SOT23-5 packageFeaturesPower Supply Voltage: 3.0~6.0VSink Current: 20mA to 3.0ACurrent Accuracy: ±5%DIM Frequency : 200Hz~10KHzExtensible Power Supply: Above 400VExtensible LED Current: Up to 3.0AApplicationsPower LED DriverPWM DimmingOrdering InformationType NumberQX7138 Package Marking7138XLot Number Pin AssignmentsDIM DRV547138X132GND VDDCSSOT23-5Pin DescriptionFunctional Block DiagramVDDGNDDRVCSDIMFigure 2:Functional Block Diagram of QX7138Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Electronic CharacteristicsV IN =5V, T A =25 o C, unless otherwise specifiedElectronic Characteristics (Continued)V IN =5V , T A =25 o C, unless otherwise specifiedTypical Electrical CurvesV IN =5V , T A =25 o C, unless otherwise specifiedApplications InformationDetailed DescriptionQX7138 is a linear constant current LED driver chip with PWM Dimming.In addition to LEDs, QX7138 also needs the external connection of a NMOS and a resistor to set the LED current from 20mA to 3.0A.The normal operating voltage of QX7138 is 3.0V to 6.0V , when the supply voltage is higher than 6.0V , there is need to clamp the operating voltage at 6.0V .The luminance of LEDs can be dimmed by external PWM signal whose frequency range is 200HZ to 10KHZ. When there is no need to use dimming function, the DIM pin can be left unconnected.Output Current SettingCurrent Sense V oltage V CS is about 100mV , so the LED current is determined by the following formula:100LEDmVI D Rcswhere R CS is the resistance of the Current Sense Resistor and D is the duty cycle of the PWM signal.When QX7138 need not work on dimming mode, the DIM pin can be left unconnected, then D will be equal to 1 and the output current will be determined only by R CS .External NMOSWhen the LED current is less than 1A, QX7138 can use ordinary NMOS, however, when the LED current is more than 1A, the NMOS must have a low threshold voltage and the types of the NMOS which are AP4434AGH,AP2346GN-HF,AP2344GEN-HF,AP2302AGN-HF,AP2322GN-HF,AP9924AGO-HF,ADD422,AO3416,AO3520,AO3414,AO3438.CJ8820,CJ2312,FDD3706,FD D6503A,FDD327N,FDD339AN,FD371N,S TR2V2VH5,IRLM12502,TSM2312,SPN2054 and so on.Package InformationPhysical Dimensions for SOT23-5 Package:DeclarationQXMD reserves the right to make changes to improve technical design and semiconductor products, and may do so without further notice. Buyers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.QXMD is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical stress. It is the responsibility of the buyers, when utilizing QXMD products, to comply with the standards of safety in making a safe design for the entire system, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of such QXMD products could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property.In developing your designs, please ensure that QXMD products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent QXMD products specifications.The QXMD products listed in this document are intended for usage in consumer electronics applications. These QXMD products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in equipment that requires extraordinarily high quality and/or reliability or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life or bodily injury (“Unintended Usage”). Unintended Usage include atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, medical instruments, all types of safety devices, etc.. Unintended Usage of QXMD products listed in this document shall be made at the customer’s own risk.The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products.QXMD cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a QXMD product. No circuit patent licenses are implied.Customer Service CenterQX Micro Devices Co., Ltd.Add: 4th Floor, Building 22, Zhiheng Hi-Tech Park, Nantou Guangkou 2nd Road, Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong, ChinaZIP Code: 518052Tel: +86-0755-********Fax: +86-0755-********Web Site: 。

Vishay Siliconix Si7117DN 产品说明书

Vishay Siliconix Si7117DN 产品说明书

Vishay SiliconixSi7117DNP-Channel 150 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURES•Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21Definition•TrenchFET ® Power MOSFETs •PowerPAK ® Package- Low Thermal Resistance - Low 1.07 mm Profile•Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/ECAPPLICATIONS•Active Clamp circiuts in DC/DC Power SuppliesNotes:a.Surface mounted on 1" x 1" FR4 board.b.t = 5 s.c.See solder profile (/ppg?73257). The PowerPAK 1212-8 is a leadless package. The end of the lead terminal is exposed copper (not plated) as a result of the singulation process in manufacturing. A solder fillet at the exposed copper tip cannot be guaranteed and is not required to ensure adequate bottom side solder interconnection.d.Rework conditions: manual soldering with a soldering iron is not recommended for leadless components.PRODUCT SUMMARYV DS (V)R DS(on) (Ω)I D (A)Q g (Typ.)- 1501.2 at V GS = - 10 V -2.177.7 nC1.3 at V GS = - 6 V- 2.1ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T A = 25 °C, unless otherwise noted)Parameter Symbol Limit UnitDrain-Source Voltage V DS - 150VGate-Source VoltageV GS± 20Continuous Drain Current (T J = 150 °C)a, bT C = 25 °CI D- 2.17cA T C = 70 °C - 1.7T A = 25 °C - 1.1a, b T A = 70 °C- 0.9a, bPulsed Drain CurrentI DM - 2.2Continuous Source-Drain Diode Current a, b T C = 25 °C I S - 10.4T A = 25 °C - 2.6a, b Single Pulse Avalanche Current L ≤ 0.1 mH I AS 4.5Single Pulse Avalanche EnergyE AS1.01mJ Maximum Power Dissipationa, bT C = 25 °CP D12.5W T C = 70 °C 8T A = 25 °C 3.2a, b T A = 70 °C2a, bOperating Junction and Storage T emperature Range T J , T stg- 55 to 150°C Soldering Recommendations (Peak Temperature)c260Vishay SiliconixSi7117DNNotes:a. Surface mounted on 1" x 1" FR4 board.b. Maximum under steady state conditions is 81 °C/W.Notes:a. Pulse test; pulse width ≤ 300 µs, duty cycle ≤ 2 %.b. Guaranteed by design, not subject to production testing.Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.THERMAL RESISTANCE RATINGSParameter Symbol Typical Maximum UnitMaximum Junction-to-Ambient a, b t ≤ 10 s R thJA 3139°C/WMaximum Junction-to-Case (Drain)Steady StateR thJC810SPECIFICATIONS (T J = 25 °C, unless otherwise noted)Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitStaticDrain-Source Breakdown Voltage V DS V GS = 0 V , I D = - 250 µA- 150V V DS Temperature Coefficient ∆V DS /T J I D = - 250 µA 145mV/°C V GS(th) Temperature Coefficient ∆V GS(th)/T J 6.7Gate-Source Threshold Voltage V GS(th) V DS = V GS , I D = - 250 µA - 2.5- 4.5V Gate-Source LeakageI GSS V DS = 0 V, V GS = ± 20 V - 100ns Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current I DSS V DS = - 150 V , V GS = 0 V - 1µA V DS = - 150 V , V GS = 0 V , T J = 55 °C- 10On-State Drain Current aI D(on) V DS ≤ 15 V , V GS = - 10 V - 1.6A Drain-Source On-State Resistance a R DS(on) V GS = - 10 V , I D = - 0.5 A 1 1.2ΩV GS = - 6 V , I D = - 0.5 A 1.05 1.3Forward T ransconductance a g fsV DS = - 15 V , I D = - 0.5 A2.2SDynamic bInput Capacitance C iss V DS = - 25 V , V GS = 0 V , f = 1 MHz340510pFOutput CapacitanceC oss 30Reverse Transfer Capacitance C rss 16Total Gate Charge Q g V DS = - 75 V, V GS = - 10 V , ID = - 0.5 A 7.712nCGate-Source Charge Q gs 1.5Gate-Drain Charge Q gd 2.5Gate Resistance R g f = 1 MHz9ΩTurn-On Delay Time t d(on) V DD = - 75 V , R L = 7.5 Ω I D ≅ - 1 A, V GEN = - 10 V , R g = 6 Ω711ns Rise Timet r 1117Turn-Off Delay Time t d(off) 1625Fall Timet f1117Drain-Source Body Diode Characteristics Continuous Source-Drain Diode CurrentI S T C = 25 °C- 12APulse Diode Forward Current I SM - 12Body Diode VoltageV SD I S = - 1 A, V GS = 0 V- 0.7- 1.2V Body Diode Reverse Recovery Time t rr I F = - 0.5 A, dI/dt = 100 A/µs, T J = 25 °C4265ns Body Diode Reverse Recovery Charge Q rr 90135nC Reverse Recovery Fall Time t a 35ns Reverse Recovery Rise Timet b7Vishay SiliconixSi7117DN TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (25°C, unless otherwise noted)Output CharacteristicsTransfer CharacteristicsCapacitanceDocument Number: Document Number: 73478Source-Drain Diode Forward VoltageOn-Resistance vs. Gate-to-Source VoltageSingle Pulse Power, Junction-to-AmbientAVishay SiliconixSi7117DNTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (25°C, unless otherwise noted)* The power dissipation P D is based on T J(max) = 175 °C, using junction-to-case thermal resistance, and is more useful in settling the upper dissipation limit for cases where additional heatsinking is used. It is used to determine the current rating, when this rating falls below the package limit.Max Current vs. Case TemperatureSi7117DNVishay SiliconixTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS 25°C, unless otherwise notedNormalized Thermal Transient Impedance, Junction-to-CaseVishay Siliconix maintains worldwide manufacturing capability. Products may be manufactured at one of several qualified locations. Reliability data for Silicon Technology and Package Reliability represent a composite of all qualified locations. For related documents such as package/tape drawings, part marking, and reliability data, see /ppg?73478.Revison: 06-Jun-161Document Number: 71656Vishay SiliconixAN822Document Number PowerPAK ® 1212 Mounting and Thermal ConsiderationsJohnson ZhaoMOSFETs for switching applications are now available with die on resistances around 1 m Ω and with the capability to handle 85 A. While these die capabilities represent a major advance over what was available just a few years ago, it is important for power MOSFET packaging technology to keep pace. It should be obvi-ous that degradation of a high performance die by the package is undesirable. PowerPAK is a new package technology that addresses these issues. The PowerPAK 1212-8 provides ultra-low thermal impedance in a small package that is ideal for space-constrained applications. In this application note, the PowerPAK 1212-8’s construction is described. Following this,mounting information is presented. Finally, thermal and electrical performance is discussed.THE PowerPAK PACKAGEThe PowerPAK 1212-8 package (Figure 1) is a deriva-tive of PowerPAK SO-8. It utilizes the same packaging technology, maximizing the die area. The bottom of the die attach pad is exposed to provide a direct, low resis-tance thermal path to the substrate the device is mounted on. The PowerPAK 1212-8 thus translates the benefits of the PowerPAK SO-8 into a smaller package, with the same level of thermal performance.(Please refer to application note “PowerPAK SO-8Mounting and Thermal Considerations.”)The PowerPAK 1212-8 has a footprint area compara-ble to TSOP-6. It is over 40 % smaller than standard TSSOP-8. Its die capacity is more than twice the size of the standard TSOP-6’s. It has thermal performance an order of magnitude better than the SO-8, and 20times better than TSSOP-8. Its thermal performance is better than all current SMT packages in the market. It will take the advantage of any PC board heat sink capability. Bringing the junction temperature down also increases the die efficiency by around 20 % compared with TSSOP-8. For applications where bigger pack-ages are typically required solely for thermal consider-ation, the PowerPAK 1212-8 is a good option.Both the single and dual PowerPAK 1212-8 utilize the same pin-outs as the single and dual PowerPAK SO-8.The low 1.05 mm PowerPAK height profile makes both versions an excellent choice for applications with space constraints.PowerPAK 1212 SINGLE MOUNTINGTo take the advantage of the single PowerPAK 1212-8’s thermal performance see Application Note 826,Recommended Minimum Pad Patterns With Outline Drawing Access for Vishay Siliconix MOSFETs. Click on the PowerPAK 1212-8 single in the index of this document.In this figure, the drain land pattern is given to make full contact to the drain pad on the PowerPAK package.This land pattern can be extended to the left, right, and top of the drawn pattern. This extension will serve to increase the heat dissipation by decreasing the ther-mal resistance from the foot of the PowerPAK to the PC board and therefore to the ambient. Note that increasing the drain land area beyond a certain point will yield little decrease in foot-to-board and foot-to-ambient thermal resistance. Under specific conditions of board configuration, copper weight, and layer stack,experiments have found that adding copper beyond an area of about 0.3 to 0.5 in 2 of will yield little improve-ment in thermal performance.Figure 1.PowerPAK 1212 Devices Document Number 71681Vishay SiliconixAN822PowerPAK 1212 DUALTo take the advantage of the dual PowerPAK 1212-8’s thermal performance, the minimum recommended land pattern can be found in Application Note 826,Recommended Minimum Pad Patterns With Outline Drawing Access for Vishay Siliconix MOSFETs . Click on the PowerPAK 1212-8 dual in the index of this doc-ument.The gap between the two drain pads is 10 mils. This matches the spacing of the two drain pads on the Pow-erPAK 1212-8 dual package.This land pattern can be extended to the left, right, and top of the drawn pattern. This extension will serve to increase the heat dissipation by decreasing the ther-mal resistance from the foot of the PowerPAK to the PC board and therefore to the ambient. Note that increasing the drain land area beyond a certain point will yield little decrease in foot-to-board and foot-to-ambient thermal resistance. Under specific conditions of board configuration, copper weight, and layer stack,experiments have found that adding copper beyond an area of about 0.3 to 0.5 in 2 of will yield little improve-ment in thermal performance.REFLOW SOLDERINGVishay Siliconix surface-mount packages meet solder reflow reliability requirements. Devices are subjected to solder reflow as a preconditioning test and are then reliability-tested using temperature cycle, bias humid-ity, HAST, or pressure pot. The solder reflow tempera-ture profile used, and the temperatures and time duration, are shown in Figures 2 and 3. For the lead (Pb)-free solder profile, see /doc?73257.Ramp-Up Rate+ 6°C /Second Maximum Temperature at 155 ± 15 °C 120 Seconds Maximum Temperature Above 180 °C 70 - 180 Seconds Maximum T emperature240 + 5/- 0 °CTime at Maximum T emperature 20 - 40 Seconds Ramp-Down Rate+ 6 °C/Second MaximumFigure 2. Solder Reflow Temperature ProfileFigure 3.Solder Reflow Temperatures and Time DurationsVishay SiliconixAN822Document Number THERMAL PERFORMANCE IntroductionA basic measure of a device’s thermal performance is the junction-to-case thermal resistance, R θjc, or the junction to- foot thermal resistance, R θjf. This parameter is measured for the device mounted to an infinite heat sink and is therefore a characterization of the device only, in other words, independent of the properties of the object to which the device is mounted. Table 1 shows a comparison of the PowerPAK 1212-8, PowerPAK SO-8,standard TSSOP-8 and SO-8 equivalent steady state performance.By minimizing the junction-to-foot thermal resistance, the MOSFET die temperature is very close to the tempera-ture of the PC board. Consider four devices mounted on a PC board with a board temperature of 45 °C (Figure 4). Suppose each device is dissipating 2 W. Using the junc-tion-to-foot thermal resistance characteristics of the PowerPAK 1212-8 and the other SMT packages, die temperatures are determined to be 49.8 °C for the Pow-erPAK 1212-8, 85 °C for the standard SO-8, 149 °C for standard TSSOP-8, and 125 °C for TSOP-6. This is a 4.8 °C rise above the board temperature for the Power-PAK 1212-8, and over 40 °C for other SMT packages. A 4.8 °C rise has minimal effect on r DS(ON) whereas a rise of over 40 °C will cause an increase in r DS(ON) as high as 20 %.Spreading CopperDesigners add additional copper, spreading copper, to the drain pad to aid in conducting heat from a device. It is helpful to have some information about the thermal performance for a given area of spreading copper.Figure 5 and Figure 6 show the thermal resistance of a PowerPAK 1212-8 single and dual devices mounted on a 2-in. x 2-in., four-layer FR-4 PC boards. The two inter-nal layers and the backside layer are solid copper. The internal layers were chosen as solid copper to model the large power and ground planes common in many appli-cations. The top layer was cut back to a smaller area and at each step junction-to-ambient thermal resistance measurements were taken. The results indicate that an area above 0.2 to 0.3 square inches of spreading copper gives no additional thermal performance improvement.A subsequent experiment was run where the copper on the back-side was reduced, first to 50 % in stripes to mimic circuit traces, and then totally removed. No signif-icant effect was observed.TABLE 1: EQIVALENT STEADY STATE PERFORMANCEPackage SO-8TSSOP-8TSOP-8PPAK 1212PPAK SO-8ConfigurationSingleDual Single Dual Single Dual Single Dual Single Dual Thermal Resiatance R thJC (C/W)2040528340902. 4. Temperature of Devices on a PC Board 4Document Number 7168103-Mar-06Vishay SiliconixAN822CONCLUSIONSAs a derivative of the PowerPAK SO-8, the PowerPAK 1212-8 uses the same packaging technology and has been shown to have the same level of thermal perfor-mance while having a footprint that is more than 40 %smaller than the standard TSSOP-8.Recommended PowerPAK 1212-8 land patterns are provided to aid in PC board layout for designs using this new package.The PowerPAK 1212-8 combines small size with attrac-tive thermal characteristics. By minimizing the thermal rise above the board temperature, PowerPAK simplifies thermal design considerations, allows the device to run cooler, keeps r DS(ON) low, and permits the device to handle more current than a same- or larger-size MOS-FET die in the standard TSSOP-8 or SO-8 packages.Figure 5. Spreading Copper - Si7401DNFigure 6. Spreading Copper - Junction-to-Ambient PerformanceApplication Note 826Vishay SiliconixDocument Number: Revision: 21-Jan-087A P P L I C A T I O NN O T ERECOMMENDED MINIMUM PADS FOR PowerPAK® 1212-8 SingleLegal Disclaimer Notice VishayDisclaimerALL PRODUCT, PRODUCT SPECIFICAT IONS AND DAT A ARE SUBJECT T O CHANGE WIT HOUT NOT ICE T O IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN OR OTHERWISE.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained in any datasheet or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of the products for any particular purpose or the continuing production of any product. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Vishay disclaims (i) any and all liability arising out of the application or use of any product, (ii) any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages, and (iii) any and all implied warranties, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability.Statements regarding the suitability of products for certain types of applications are based on Vishay’s knowledge of typical requirements that are often placed on Vishay products in generic applications. Such statements are not binding statements about the suitability of products for a particular application. It is the customer’s responsibility to validate that a particular product with the properties described in the product specification is suitable for use in a particular application. Parameters provided in datasheets and / or specifications may vary in different applications and performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including typical parameters, must be validated for each customer application by the customer’s technical experts. Product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein.Except as expressly indicated in writing, Vishay products are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications or for any other application in which the failure of the Vishay product could result in personal injury or death. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so at their own risk. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay. Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. Revision: 13-Jun-161Document Number: 91000。



PT7313E Stereo Audio Processor for Car AudioDESCRIPTIONThe PT7313E is an audio processor designed for versatile application, including 3 stereo input selectors with adjustable gain, master volume control with low frequency loudness compensation, individual output attenuator and tone control. It is a good solution for the car audio signal processing.Due to the high reliability requirement from the car audio business, the PT7313E improves both audio performance and input surge current capability that make PT7313E the best solution for the cost-effective car audio systems.APPLICATIONS• Car Audio • Home Audio System • Powered Speaker SystemFEATURES• 3 stereo inputs with gain selection, range from 0dB to +11.25dB in 3.75dB/step• Master volume from 0 dB to -78.75dB in 1.25dB/step• Speaker attenuator for balance and fader, range from 0dB to -38.75dB in 1.25dB/step• Each channel output can be muted individually. • Low frequency loudness compensation• Bass and Treble control, range from -14dB to +14dB in 2dB/step• Wide operation range (VDD = 4V to 10V)APPLICATION CIRCUITP rinceton Technology Corp .ANGUS ELECTRONICS CO., LTDTel: (852) 2345 0540 Fax: (852) 2345 9948 Web Site: BLOCK DIAGRAMLOUTLIN LOUD_LBOUT_LBIN_L TREB_LLFOUT LROUTRROUTRFOUTTREB_RBOUT_RLOUD_RRIN RIN3RIN2RIN1ROUTVDDREFAGNDSCLSDA DGNDBIN_RSpeaker AttenuatorWith MuteORDER INFORMATIONValid Part NumberPackage Type Top Code PT7313E-S28 Pins, SOP, 300milPT7313EPIN CONFIGURATION12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728REF VDD AGND TREB_L TREB_RRIN ROUTLOUD_R RIN3RIN2RIN1LOUD_L LIN3LIN2LIN1LIN LOUT BOUT_L BIN_L BIN_R BOUT_R RROUT LROUTRFOUT LFOUT DGND SDA SCLPT7313EPIN DESCRIPTIONPin Name I/O Description Pin No.REF - Analog reference voltage (1/2VDD) 1VDD - Supply input voltage 2ground 3 AGND -AnalogTREB_L I Left channel input for treble controller 4TREB_R I Right channel input for treble controller 5 RIN I Right channel volume controller input 6ROUT O Right channel Input selector output 7LOUD_R I Right channel loudness input 8RIN3 I Right channel input 3 9RIN2 I Right channel input 2 10RIN1 I Right channel input 1 11LOUD_L I Left channel loudness input 12LIN3 I Left channel input 3 13LIN2 I Left channel input 2 14LIN1 I Left channel input 1 15LIN I Left channel volume controller input 16LOUT O Left channel Input selector output 17BIN_L I Left channel input for bass controller 18BOUT_L O Left channel output for bass controller 19BIN_R I Right channel input for bass controller 20BOUT_R O Right channel output for bass controller 21RROUT O Right rear speaker output 22LROUT O Left rear speaker output 23RFOUT O Right front speaker output 24LFOUT O Left front speaker output 25Digitalground 26 DGND -I2C data input 27 SDA II2C clock input 28 SCL ICONTROL BUS SPECIFICATIONBUS INTERFACEAll functions of the PT7313E are controlled by the I2C interface, the interface is consisting by SDA and SCL pins. Detail protocol of the I2C bus will discuss on the next section. It should be noted that the bus level pull-up resistors connected to the PT7313E positive supply voltage may required in some application especially the MCU output high level is no enough.DATA VALIDITYA data on the SDA Line is considered valid and stable only when the SCL Signal is in HIGH State. The HIGH and LOW State of the SDA Line can only change when the SCL signal is LOW. Please refer to the figure below.START AND STOP CONDITIONSA Start Condition is activated when1) The SCL is set to HIGH and2) SDA shifts from HIGH to LOW State.The Stop Condition is activated when1) SCL is set to HIGH and2) SDA shifts from LOW to HIGH State. Please refer to the timing diagram below..BYTE FORMATEvery byte transmitted to the SDA Line consists of 8 bits. Each byte must be followed by an Acknowledge Bit. The MSB is first transmitted.ACKNOWLEDGEDuring the Acknowledge clock pulse (ACK), the SDA output port of the master device (μP) would be sets on Hi-Z state, if peripheral device (ex : audio processor) recognize the I2C command the SDA line will be pull-down by slave device during the SCL clock pulse held in HIGH state period. Please refer to the diagram below. The slave device that has been addressed to generate an Acknowledge after receiving each byte, otherwise, the SDA Line will remain at the High level in period of the ninth (9th) clock pulse. In this case, the host controller will generate a STOP sign in order to abort the transfer mission.TRANSMISSION WITHOUT ACKNOWLEDGEIf the application does not need to verify the Acknowledge signal that generated by the slave device is right or not, host controller can just bypass the acknowledge check and transmit next data byte to the slave device. If this approach is used, there are greater chances of faulty operation as well as decrease in noise immunity.INTERFACE PROTOCOLThe interface protocol sequence was defined in below section:• A Start sign• A Chip Address of the desire slave device. The W Bit must be “0” (written). The PT7313E will always response an Acknowledge on the end of each byte.• A Data Sequence (N-Bytes + Acknowledge)• A Stop ConditionMSB First Byte LSB MSB LSB MSB LSBSTART 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 W ACK DATA ACK DATA ACK STOP Chip Address Data Transmitting (N-Bytes + Acknowledge)ACK=AcknowledgePT7313E CHIP ADDRESSThe PT7313E chip address is 88H AND binary table is shown on below.MSB LSB1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0DATA BYTESMSB LSB Function 0 0 B2 B1 B0 A2 A1 A0 Master Volume 1 1 0 B1 B0 A2 A1 A0 Speaker ATT LR 1 1 1 B1 B0 A2 A1 A0 Speaker ATT RR 1 0 0 B1 B0 A2 A1 A0 Speaker ATT LF 1 0 1 B1 B0 A2 A1 A0 Speaker ATT RF 0 1 0 G1 G0 LD S1 S0 Input Switch and Gain 0 1 1 0 C3 C2C1 C0Bass Control 0 1 1 1 C3 C2 C1 C0 Treble ControlDATA RATEThe PT7313E support Standard-Mode (100kbit/s) I 2C data rate In all operation condition, in specified condition it alsosupport Fast-Mode (400kbit/s) I 2C data rate, please refer to the follow table:MCU LevelPT7313E VDD Voltage4V 5V 6V 7V 8V 9V 10V2.5V F F x x x x x3.3V F F F F S S x 5V x F F F F F FNotes:1. x = Not allow in this combination; S = Standard Mode Supported, F = Fast Mode Supported.2. Data rate specification is design guarantee only, not fully tested in every combination.I 2C BUS INITIAL TIMEThe PT7313E is controlled by the I 2C bus command; each time the supply voltage applied to chip it needs an initial time to reset all of the internal decoder register, in this period access the I 2C bus is prohibited. The initial time is determinate by capacitance it attached on REF pin (CREF) and Td. For proper operation USER must check the I 2C starts timing is fit this requirement and recommended Td timing shown on next page is 50mS.VDD VREFI2CFUNCTION DESCRIPTIONMASTER VOLUMEThe table below gives a detailed description of the Master Volume Data Bytes. For example, a volume of -37.5dB is given by 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0.MSB LSB Function0 0 B2 B1 B0 A2 A1 A0 1.25dB/step0 0 0 00 0 1 -1.250 1 0 -2.50 1 1 -3.751 0 0 -51 0 1 -6.251 1 0 -7.51 1 1 -8.750 0 B2 B1 B0 A2 A1 A0 10dB/step0 0 0 00 0 1 -100 1 0 -200 1 1 -301 0 0 -401 0 1 -501 1 0 -601 1 1 -70SPEAKER ATTENUATORSThe speaker attenuator in most of car audio system is performs balance and fader function, the table below gives a detailed description of the speaker attenuators data bytes. Total control range of the speaker attenuator is from 0dB to -37.5dB.Example 1, an attenuation gain of -6.25dB on the Speaker Right Rear channel is combined 0dB and -6.25dB, therefore it should be given by: 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1.Example 2, an attenuation gain of -32.5dB on the Speaker Left Front channel is combined -30dB and -2.5dB, therefore it should be given by: 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0.MSB LSB Function1 0 0 B1 B0 A2 A1 A0 SpeakerLFRF1 0 1 B1 B0 A2 A1 A0 SpeakerLR1 1 0 B1 B0 A2 A1 A0 SpeakerRR1 1 1 B1 B0 A2 A1 A0 Speaker0 0 0 00 0 1 -1.250 1 0 -2.50 1 1 -3.751 0 0 -51 0 1 -6.251 1 0 -7.51 1 1 -8.750 0 00 1 -101 0 -201 1 -301 1 1 1 1 MuteINPUT SELECTORThe PT7313E provides 3 stereo input selector and following table shows the definition of the correspond register. The LD register is determinate the loudness function is ON or OFF, and G0 and G1 determinate the input gain of the selector output, this function is use to matching level of different sources to avoid overall volume difference.MSB LSB Function0 1 0 G1 G0 LD S1 S0 Audioswitch10 0 Stereo20 1 Stereo31 0 StereoON0 LoudnessOFF1 Loudness0 0 +11.25dB0 1 +7.5dB1 0 +3.75dB1 1 0dB BASS AND TREBLE DATA BYTESThe following table shows a detailed description of the Bass and Treble Data Byte. For example a Treble at -12dB is given by: 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 (0x71).MSB LSB Function0 1 1 0 C3 C2 C1 C0 Bass0 1 1 1 C3 C2 C1 C0 Treble0 0 0 0 -14dB0 0 0 1 -12dB0 0 1 0 -10dB0 0 1 1 -8dBdB0 1 0 0 -6dB0 1 0 1 -4dB0 1 1 0 -2dB0 1 1 1 0dB1 1 1 1 0dB1 1 1 0 +2dB1 1 0 1 +41 1 0 0 +6dBdB1 0 1 1 +81 0 1 0 +10dBdB1 0 0 1 +12dB1 0 0 0 +14TUNNING TONE CURVE CHARACTERISTICSThe tone control response character is possible tuned to match user’s wishes, please refer to following chart to realize the characteristics between the different component values.For the reasons to achieve low distortion and precision response gain, using high quality low tolerance X7R SMD capacitor on tone circuit is recommended.The loudness boost gain is adaptive with the master volume attenuation setting, more attenuation means more lowd B g A2020k501002005001k2k5k10k Hz(VOLUME=-40dB)PT7313E Loudness Response VS Master VolumeABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSParameterSymbol Min. Max. Unit Operating supply voltage VDD - 10 V Latch up currentIin -100 +100 mA ESD gradeHuman body modelHBM -2 +2 KV Machine modelMM -0.2 +0.2 KV Input voltageVin -0.3 VDD+0.3 V Operating temperature Topr -40 +85 ℃ Storage temperatureTstg-65+150℃QUICK REFERENCE DATAParameterSymbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Supply voltageVDD 4 9 10 V Max. input signal handlingV CL 2.3 2.6 - Vrms Total harmonic distortion (1Vrms,1KHz) THD - 0.03 0.07 % Signal To noise ratioS/N - 100 - dBV Channel separation (f=1KHz) Sc - 100 - dB Volume control 1.25dB step - -78.75 - 0 dB Bass & treble control 2dB step - -14 - +14 dB Balance control 1.25dB step - -37.5 - 0 dB Input gain 3.75dB step - 0 - 11.25 dB Mute attenuation- - 100 - dBELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSUnless otherwise specified: Ta=25℃, VDD=9V, RL=100K Ω, Rg=20Ω, all controls flat, F=1KHz, and all of peripheral components according to standard application circuit.ParameterSymbol Test ConditionMin.Typ.Max.UnitPower Supply Supply voltage VDD - 5 9 10 VSupply currentIsVDD =9V - 30 40mAVDD =5V - 25 32Input Selectors Input resistance R IN Input 1, 2, 3 35 50 70 K ΩMax. input level V imax All Gain=0dB; THD=1% 2.3 2.6 - Vrms Input separation IS IN F=20 ~ 20KHz 90 100 - dB Min. input gain G INmin - -1 0 1 dB Max. input gain G INmax - 10.5 11.25 12 dB Step resolution G INst - - 3.75 - dB Gain set error E A - -1 0 1 dBMinimum load RL Vo=2Vrms, LOUT, ROUT 5 - -K Ω DC offsetV DCO 0dB to +11.25dB - 3 10 mVVolume Control Input resistance R IN VOL =0dB 13 20 27 K Ω Min. attenuation A VMIN - -1 0 1 dB Max. attenuation A VMAX - -75 -78.75-82 dB Step resolutionA STEP - 1.15 1.25 1.3 dB Attenuation set error E A VOL=0 ~ -70dB -1 0 1 dBSpeaker Attenuators Max. GainA VMIN - -1 0 +1 dB Max. attenuation A VMAX - -36 -37.5 -39 dB Step resolutionS STEP - 1.15 1.25 1.35 dB Attenuation set error E A - -1 0 1 dB Output mute attenuation A MUTE - - 100 - dB DC offsetV DCO 0dB to MUTE - 5 10 mVBass Control Control range Gb Max. Boost/Cut ±12 ±14 ±16 dB Step resolutionB STEP - 1.7 2 2.3 dB Feedback resistance R B - 34 44 58 K Ω Treble Control Control range GtMax. Boost/Cut ±12 ±14 ±16 dB Step resolution T STEP - 1.7 2 2.3 dBLoudness Control Boost gainG LD Volume =-40dB, F =20Hz 18 20 22 dBAudio Outputs Max. output level V OMAX THD =1% 2.3 2.6 - Vrms DC voltage level V OUT - 0.49 0.5 0.51 VDD Minimum load RL - 5 - - K Ω GeneralSignal to noise ratioSNRAll Gain=0dB, A-weighted - 100 -dBVAll Gains=0dB, Muted - 100 - Distortion THD All Gain=0, Vin=1Vrms - 0.03 0.07%All Gain=0, Vin=100Vrms - 0.01 0.03Channel separation Cs L to R or R to L channel 90 100 - dB I 2C crosstalk Ct I 2C to audio output - 90 - dB Ripple rejection PSRR CREF=22µF, F=100Hz - 75 - dB I 2C BusInput low voltage V IL VDD =9V - - 1 V Input high voltage V IH VDD =9V 3 - - V Input current I IN - -5 - +5 µA SDA pull down voltage Vack Rpull up=3K, ACK=active - 0.4 - VBass ResponseInput Selector SeparationVolume Attenuation Speaker AttenuationPACKAGE INFORMATION28-PIN, SOP, 300MILSymbol Min. Nom. Max.A - - 2.65A1 0.10 - 0.30b 0.31 - 0.51c 0.20 - 0.33BSCD 17.90BSCE 10.30BSC E1 7.50BSCe 1.27L 0.38 - 1.27θ 0° - 8° Notes:1. Refer to JEDEC MS-013 AE2. All Dimensions are in millimeter.IMPORTANT NOTICEPrinceton Technology Corporation (PTC) reserves the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and to discontinue any product without notice at any time.PTC cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a PTC product. Nocircuit patent licenses are implied.。



Revision history Table of revisionsService GuideLight Duty Hydrostatic Transaxle Series 771 — B Side2 | © Danfoss | December 2022AX435077008200en-000101Port Plate Diagram Series 771 Parts Table B-Side Diagram Series 771 Parts TablePort Plate and Filter Base Diagram and Parts List How To Order Replacement PartsService GuideLight Duty Hydrostatic Transaxle Series 771 — B SideContents© Danfoss | December 2022AX435077008200en-000101 | 3Service GuideLight Duty Hydrostatic Transaxle Series 771 — B SidePort Plate Diagram4 | © Danfoss | December 2022AX435077008200en-000101Service GuideLight Duty Hydrostatic Transaxle Series 771 — B SideSeries 771 Parts Table Array© Danfoss | December 2022AX435077008200en-000101 | 5*Piston, Dampening (S/A) - Wide Band Neutral — Not Shown (has orifice hole through center).A/R - as Required (S/A) - Sub Assembly**Magnet (S/A) - Not Shown (Removal Not Recommended)***See Chart on Page 6 — Housing (S/A)Service GuideLight Duty Hydrostatic Transaxle Series 771 — B SideSeries 771 Parts Table6 | © Danfoss | December 2022AX435077008200en-000101Service GuideLight Duty Hydrostatic Transaxle Series 771 — B SideB-Side Diagram© Danfoss | December 2022AX435077008200en-000101 | 7Service GuideLight Duty Hydrostatic Transaxle Series 771 — B SideSeries 771 Parts Table Array8 | © Danfoss | December 2022AX435077008200en-000101*Piston, Dampening (S/A) - Wide Band Neutral — Not Shown (has orifice hole through center).A/R - as Required (S/A) - Sub Assembly**Magnet (S/A) - Not Shown (Removal Not Recommended)***See Chart on Page 6 — Housing (S/A)Service GuideLight Duty Hydrostatic Transaxle Series 771 — B SideSeries 771 Parts Table© Danfoss | December 2022AX435077008200en-000101 | 9Service GuideLight Duty Hydrostatic Transaxle Series 771 — B SidePort Plate and Filter Base Diagram and Parts List10 | © Danfoss | December 2022AX435077008200en-000101***See Chat Below — Housing (S/A)Reference Number 15 Housing (other parts included in S/A — Ref. No. 55)No Wide Band Neutral (53)Wide Band Neutral (53)No Charge PumpCharge Pump* (56)High Press.Charge PumpNo Charge Pump Charge Pump* (56)High Press.Charge PumpCW Standard 106972——106731——Special —106460————CCWStandard ——————Special106586106228————*Class IIService GuideLight Duty Hydrostatic Transaxle Series 771 — B SidePort Plate and Filter Base Diagram and Parts ListService GuideLight Duty Hydrostatic Transaxle Series 771 — B Side How To Order Replacement PartsDanfoss Power Solutions is a global manufacturer and supplier of high-quality hydraulic and electric components. We specialize in providing state-of-the-art technology and solutions that excel in the harsh operating conditions of the mobile off-highway market as well as the marine sector. Building on our extensive applications expertise, we work closely with you to ensure exceptional performance for a broad range of applications. We help you and other customers around the world speed up system development, reduce costs and bring vehicles and vessels to market faster.Danfoss Power Solutions – your strongest partner in mobile hydraulics and mobile electrification.Go to for further product information.We offer you expert worldwide support for ensuring the best possible solutions foroutstanding performance. And with an extensive network of Global Service Partners, we also provide you with comprehensive global service for all of our components.Local address:DanfossPower Solutions GmbH & Co. OHG Krokamp 35D-24539 Neumünster, Germany Phone: +49 4321 871 0DanfossPower Solutions ApS Nordborgvej 81DK-6430 Nordborg, Denmark Phone: +45 7488 2222DanfossPower Solutions (US) Company 2800 East 13th Street Ames, IA 50010, USA Phone: +1 515 239 6000DanfossPower Solutions Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Building #22, No. 1000 Jin Hai Rd Jin Qiao, Pudong New District Shanghai, China 201206Phone: +86 21 2080 6201Danfoss can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures and other printed material. Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to products already on order provided that such alterations can be made without subsequent changes being necessary in specifications already agreed.All trademarks in this material are property of the respective companies. Danfoss and the Danfoss logotype are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.Products we offer:•Cartridge valves •DCV directional control valves•Electric converters •Electric machines •Electric motors •Gear motors •Gear pumps •Hydraulic integrated circuits (HICs)•Hydrostatic motors •Hydrostatic pumps •Orbital motors •PLUS+1® controllers •PLUS+1® displays •PLUS+1® joysticks and pedals•PLUS+1® operator interfaces•PLUS+1® sensors •PLUS+1® software •PLUS+1® software services,support and training •Position controls and sensors•PVG proportional valves •Steering components and systems •TelematicsHydro-GearDaikin-Sauer-Danfoss。

SGS-THOMSON TIP130 131 132 135 136 137 说明书

SGS-THOMSON TIP130 131 132 135 136 137 说明书

现货库存、技术资料、百科信息、热点资讯,精彩尽在鼎好!TIP130/131/132TIP135/136/137COMPLEMENTARY SILICON POWERDARLINGTON TRANSISTORSnTIP131,TIP132,TIP135AND TIP137ARE SGS-THOMSON PREFERRED SALESTYPESDESCRIPTIONThe TIP130,TIP131and TIP132are silicon epitaxial-base NPN power transistors in monolithic Darlington configuration,mounted in Jedec TO-220plastic package.They are intented for use in power linear and switching applications.The complementary PNP types are TIP135,TIP136and TIP137.INTERNAL SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMOctober 1995ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSymbolParameterValueUnitNPN TIP130TIP131TIP132PNPTIP135TIP136TIP137V CBO Collector-Base Voltage (I E =0)6080100V V CEO Collector-Emitter Voltage (I B =0)6080100V V EBO Emitter-Base Voltage (I C =0)5V I C Collector Current 8A I CM Collector Peak Current 12A I B Base Current0.3A P tot Total Dissipation at T c ase ≤ 25 oCT amb ≤ 25 o C 702W WT s tg Storage Temperature-65to 150o C T jMax.Operating Junction Temperature150oC*For PNP types voltage and current values are negative.R 1Typ.=5K ΩR 2Typ.=150Ω123TO-2201/4THERMAL DATAR thj-ca se R thj-amb Thermal Resistance Junction-case MaxThermal Resistance Junction-ambient Max1.7863.5o C/Wo C/WELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(T case=25o C unless otherwise specified)Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitI CEO Collector Cut-offCurrent(I B=0)V CE=Half Rates V CEO0.5mAI CBO Collector Cut-offCurrent(I B=0)V CB=Half Rates V CBO0.2mAI EBO Emitter Cut-off Current(I C=0)V EB=5V5mAV CEO(sus)*Collector-EmitterSustaining Voltage(I B=0)I C=30mAfor TIP130/135for TIP131/136for TIP132/1376080100VVVV CE(sat)*Collector-EmitterSaturation Voltage I C=4A I B=16mAI C=6A I B=30mA24VVV BE(on)*Base-Emitter Voltage I C=4A V CE=4V 2.5Vh FE*DC Current Gain I C=1A V CE=4VI C=4A V CE=4V500100015000*For PNP types voltage and current values are negative.TIP130/TIP131/TIP132/TIP135/TIP136/TIP137 2/4DIM.mminch MIN.TYP.MAX.MIN.TYP.MAX.A 4.40 4.600.1730.181C 1.23 1.320.0480.051D 2.402.720.0940.107D1 1.270.050E 0.490.700.0190.027F 0.610.880.0240.034F1 1.14 1.700.0440.067F2 1.14 1.700.0440.067G 4.95 5.150.1940.203G1 2.4 2.70.0940.106H210.010.400.3930.409L216.40.645L413.014.00.5110.551L5 2.65 2.950.1040.116L615.2515.750.6000.620L7 6.2 6.60.2440.260L9 3.5 3.930.1370.154DIA.3.75 3.850.1470.151L6ACDED 1FGL7L2Dia.F 1L5L4H 2L9F 2G 1TO-220MECHANICAL DATAP011CTIP130/TIP131/TIP132/TIP135/TIP136/TIP1373/4TIP130/TIP131/TIP132/TIP135/TIP136/TIP137Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable.However,SGS-THOMS ON Microelectronics assumes no responsabilit y for the consequences of use of such informati o n nor for any infringeme nt of patentsor other rights of third parties which may results from its use.No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patentor patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelect ronics.Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice.This publication supersede s and replaces all information previously supplied.SGS-THOMSO N Microelect ronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life supportdevices or systems without express written approval of SGS-THO MSON Microele ctonics.©1995SGS-THOMS ON Microelectroni c s-All Rights ReservedSGS-THO MSON Microelectron ics GROUP OF COMPANI ESAustralia-Brazil-France-Germany-Hong Kong-Italy-Japan-Korea-Malaysia-Malta-Morocco-The Netherlands-Singapore-Spain-Sweden-Switzerland-Taiwan-Thailand-United Kingdom-U.S.A.4/4。

迈克尔霍纳 37SST 寂静型低速风扇终端单元说明书

迈克尔霍纳 37SST 寂静型低速风扇终端单元说明书

F A N P O W E R E D T E R M I N A L U N I T SC126Performance Data • NC Level Application GuideModel Series 37SST Stealth TM • Low Profile • Series FlowFiberglass Liner1. NC Levels are calculated based on procedures as outlined on page C160.2. Dash (-) in space indicates a NC less than 20.Performance Notes:1-17-22FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITSCC127Performance Data • Discharge Sound Power LevelsModel Series 37SST Stealth TM • Low Profile • Series FlowFiberglass LinerFor performance table notes, see page C129; highlighted numbers indicate embedded AHRI certification points.1-17-22F A N P O W E R E D T E R M I N A L U N I T SC128Performance Data • Radiated Sound Power LevelsModel Series 37SST Stealth TM • Low Profile • Series FlowFiberglass LinerFor performance table notes, see page C129; highlighted numbers indicate embedded AHRI certification points.1-17-22FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITSCC129Motor = ECM.* Primary air valve is closed and therefore primary cfm is zero.Performance Data • AHRI Certification and Performance NotesModel Series 37SST Stealth TM • Low Profile • Series Flow • AHRI Certification Rating PointsFiberglass LinerRatings are certified in accordance with AHRI Standards.Performance Notes for Sound Power Levels:1. Discharge (external) static pressure is 0.25" w.g. (63 Pa) in all cases, which is the difference (∆Ps) in static pressure from terminal discharge to the room.Discharge Sound Power Levels (SWL) now include duct end reflection energy as part of the standard rating. Including the duct end correction provides sound power levels that would normally be transmitted into an acoustically, non-reflective duct. The effect of including the energy correction to the discharge SWL, is higher sound power levels when compared to previous AHRI certified data. For more information on duct end reflection calculations see AHRI Standard 880.2. Radiated sound power is the breakout noise transmitted through the unit casing walls.3. Sound power levels are in decibels, dB re 10-12 watts.4. All sound data listed by octave bands is raw data without any corrections for room absorption or duct attenuation. Dash (-) in space indicates sound power level is less than 20 dB or equal to background.5. Min. inlet ∆Ps is the minimum operating pressure of the primary air valve section.6. Asterisk (*) in space indicates that the minimum inlet static pressure requirement is greater than 0.5" w.g. (125 Pa) at rated airflow.7. Data derived from independent tests conducted in accordance with ANSI / ASHRAE Standard 130 and AHRI Standard 880.。



Dimensions: [mm]Scale - 4:176877894717687789471BC7687789471T e m p e r a t u r eT pT L7687789471Cautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of WE-PD HV ofWürth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:General:•This electronic component was designed and manufactured for use in general electronic equipment.•Würth Elektronik must be asked for written approval (following the PPAP procedure) before incorporating the components into any equipment in fields such as military, aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network etc. where higher safety and reliability are especially required and/or if there is the possibility of direct damage or human injury.•Electronic components that will be used in safety-critical or high-reliability applications, should be pre-evaluated by the customer. •The component is designed and manufactured to be used within the datasheet specified values. If the usage and operation conditions specified in the datasheet are not met, the wire insulation may be damaged or dissolved.•Do not drop or impact the components, the component may be damaged.•Würth Elektronik products are qualified according to international standards, which are listed in each product reliability report. Würth Elektronik does not guarantee any customer qualified product characteristics beyond Würth Elektroniks’ specifications, for its validity and sustainability over time.•The customer is responsible for the functionality of their own products. All technical specifications for standard products also apply to customer specific products.Product specific:Soldering:•The solder profile must comply with the technical product specifications. All other profiles will void the warranty.•All other soldering methods are at the customers’ own risk.•Strong forces which may affect the coplanarity of the components’ electrical connection with the PCB (i.e. pins), can damage the part, resulting in avoid of the warranty.Cleaning and Washing:•Washing agents used during the production to clean the customer application may damage or change the characteristics of the wire insulation, marking or plating. Washing agents may have a negative effect on the long-term functionality of the product.•Using a brush during the cleaning process could break the wire due to its small diameter. Therefore, we do not recommend using a brush during the PCB cleaning process.Potting:•If the product is potted in the costumer application, the potting material may shrink or expand during and after hardening. Shrinking could lead to an incomplete seal, allowing contaminants into the core. Expansion could damage the components. We recommend a manual inspection after potting to avoid these effects.Storage Conditions:• A storage of Würth Electronik products for longer than 12 months is not recommended. Within other effects, the terminals may suffer degradation, resulting in bad solderability. Therefore, all products shall be used within the period of 12 months based on the day of shipment.•Do not expose the components to direct sunlight.•The storage conditions in the original packaging are defined according to DIN EN 61760-2.•The storage conditions stated in the original packaging apply to the storage time and not to the transportation time of the components. Packaging:•The packaging specifications apply only to purchase orders comprising whole packaging units. If the ordered quantity exceeds or is lower than the specified packaging unit, packaging in accordance with the packaging specifications cannot be ensured. Handling:•Violation of the technical product specifications such as exceeding the nominal rated current will void the warranty.•Applying currents with audio-frequency signals may result in audible noise due to the magnetostrictive material properties.•The temperature rise of the component must be taken into consideration. The operating temperature is comprised of ambient temperature and temperature rise of the component.The operating temperature of the component shall not exceed the maximum temperature specified.These cautions and warnings comply with the state of the scientific and technical knowledge and are believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies or incompleteness.Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODALa001.0022019-05-06DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-PD HV SMT Power Inductor(High Voltage)ORDER CODE7687789471SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGEImportant NotesThe following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the areas, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibility for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime cannot be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component. Therefore, customer is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. The current data sheets can be downloaded at .3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, cautions and warnings must be strictly observed. Any disregard will result in the loss of warranty.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve specific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Section 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability expectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered. The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG does not warrant or represent that any license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, application, or process in which Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG components or services are used.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODALa001.0022019-05-06DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-PD HV SMT Power Inductor(High Voltage)ORDER CODE7687789471SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGE。

mic37100 规格书

mic37100 规格书

MIC37100/37101/371021A Low-Voltage µCap LDOSuper βeta PNP is a registered trademark of Micrel, Inc. PowerPC is a registered trademark of IBM CorporationMicrel Inc. • 2180 Fortune Drive • San Jose, CA 95131 • USA • tel +1 (408) 944-0800 • fax + 1 (408) 474-1000 • General Description The MIC37100, MIC37101, and MIC37102 are 1A low-dropout, linear voltage regulators that provide low-voltage, high-current output from an extremely small package. Utilizing Micrel’s proprietary Super βeta PNP ® passelement, the MIC37100/01/02 offers extremely low dropout(typically 280mV at 1A) and low ground current (typically11mA at 1A).The MIC37100 is a fixed output regulator offered in the SOT-223 package. The MIC37101 and MIC37102 are fixed and adjustable regulators, respectively, in a thermally enhanced power 8-pin SOIC (small outline package) and the SOT-223 package. The MIC37102 is also available inthe S-PAK power package, for applications that require higher power dissipation or higher operating ambient temperatures.The MIC37100/01/02 is ideal for PC add-in cards that need to convert from standard 5V to 3.3V, 3.3V to 2.5V or 2.5V to 1.8V or lower. A guaranteed maximum dropout voltage of 500mV over all operating conditions allows theMIC37100/01/02 to provide 2.5V from a supply as low as 3V and 1.8V from a supply as low as 2.3V. The MIC37100/01/02 is fully protected with overcurrent limiting and thermal shutdown. Fixed output voltages of 1.5V, 1.65V, 1.8V, 2.5V and 3.3V are available onMIC37100/01 with adjustable output voltages to 1.24V onMIC37102.Data sheets and support documentation can be found on Micrel’s web site at: .Features• Fixed and adjustable output voltages to 1.24V• µCap Regulator, 10µF ceramic output capacitor stable • 280mV typical dropout at 1A – Ideal for 3.0V to 2.5V conversion – Ideal for 2.5V to 1.8V, 1.65V or 1.5V conversion • 1A minimum guaranteed output current • 1% initial accuracy • Low ground current• Current limiting and thermal shutdown • Reversed-leakage protection • Fast transient response• Low-pro file SOT-223 package• Power SO-8 package • S-PAK package (MIC37102 only)Applications • LDO linear regulator for PC add-in cards • PowerPC ® power supplies• High-ef ficiency linear power supplies • SMPS post regulator • Multimedia and PC processor supplies• Battery chargers • Low-voltagemicrocontrollers and digital logic ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Typical Application2.5V V IN3.3V2.5V/1A RegulatorD R O P O U T (m V )OUTPUT CURRENT (A)Dropoutvs. Output CurrentOrdering InformationPart NumberStandardPb-Free / RoHS CompliantVoltage Temperature RangePackageMIC37100-1.5BS MIC37100-1.5WS* 1.5V –40° to +125°CSOT-223 MIC37100-1.65BS MIC37100-1.65WS* 1.65V –40° to +125°C SOT-223 MIC37100-1.8BS MIC37100-1.8WS* 1.8V–40° to +125°C SOT-223 MIC37100-2.5BS MIC37100-2.5WS* 2.5V –40° to +125°C SOT-223 MIC37100-3.3BS MIC37100-3.3WS* 3.3V –40° to +125°C SOT-223 MIC37101-1.5BM MIC37101-1.5YM 1.5V –40° to +125°C 8-Pin SOIC MIC37101-1.65BM MIC37101-1.65YM 1.65V –40° to +125°C8-Pin SOIC MIC37101-1.8BM MIC37101-1.8YM 1.8V –40° to +125°C 8-Pin SOIC Contact FactoryMIC37101-2.1YM2.1V –40° to +125°C 8-Pin SOICMIC37101-2.5BM MIC37101-2.5YM 2.5V –40° to +125°C 8-Pin SOIC MIC37101-3.3BM MIC37101-3.3YM 3.3V –40° to +125°C 8-Pin SOIC MIC37102BM MIC37102YM Adj. –40° to +125°C 8-Pin SOIC MIC37102BRMIC37102WR*Adj.–40° to +125°C5-Pin S-PAK* RoHS compliant with ‘high-melting solder’ exemption.Pin Configuration5ADJ 4OUT 3GND 2IN 1ENSOT-223 (S)MIC37100-x.x (Fixed)5-Pin S-PAK (R) MIC37102 (Adjustable)EN IN OUT FLG GND GND GND GNDEN IN OUT ADJ GND GND GND GND8-Pin SOICMIC37101-x.x (Fixed)8-Pin SOICMIC37102 (Adjustable)Pin DescriptionPin Number MIC37100 SOT-223Pin Number MIC37101 SOIC-8Pin Number MIC37102 SOIC-8Pin Number MIC37102 S-PAKPin NamePin Description—1 1 1 ENEnable (Input): CMOS-compatible control input. Logic high = enable, logic low or open = shutdown.1 2 2 2 IN Supply (Input). 3 3 3 4 OUT Regulator Output.— 4 — — FLGFlag (Output): Open-collector error flag output. Activelow = output under voltage.— — 4 5 ADJAdjustment Input: Feedback input. Connect to resistive voltage-divider network. 2, TAB5–85–83, TABGNDGround.Absolute Maximum Ratings(1)Supply Voltage (V IN)..........................................0V to +6.5V Enable Voltage (V EN)...................................................+6.5V Lead Temperature (soldering, 5 sec.)........................260°C Storage Temperature (T s).........................–65°C to +150°C ESD Rating(3)Operating Ratings(2)Supply Voltage (V IN)......................................+2.25V to +6V Enable Voltage (V EN)............................................0V to +6V Maximum Power Dissipation (P D(max))(4)Junction Temperature (T J)........................–40°C to +125°C Package Thermal ResistanceSOT-223(θJC)....................................................15°C/W SOIC-8(θJC).......................................................20°C/W S-PAK-5(θJC).......................................................2°C/WElectrical CharacteristicsV IN = V OUT + 1V; V EN = 2.25V; T J = 25°C, bold values indicate –40°C< T J < +125°C, unless noted.Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max UnitsOutput Voltage 10mA10mA ≤ I OUT≤ 1A, V OUT + 1V ≤ V IN≤ 6V –1–212%%Line Regulation I OUT = 10mA, V OUT + 1V ≤ V IN≤ 6V 0.06 0.5 %V OUTLoad Regulation V IN = V OUT + 1V, 10mA ≤ I OUT≤ 1A 0.2 1 %∆V OUT/∆T Output Voltage Temp. Coefficient(6)40pm/°CI OUT = 100mA, ∆V OUT = –1% 125 200 mVI OUT = 500mA, ∆V OUT = –1% 210 350 mVI OUT = 750mA, ∆V OUT = –1% 250 400 mVV DO Dropout Voltage(6)I OUT = 1A, ∆V OUT = –1% 280 500 mVI OUT = 100mA, V IN = V OUT + 1V 650 µAI OUT = 500mA, V IN = V OUT + 1V 3.5 mAI OUT = 750mA, V IN = V OUT + 1V 6.7 mAI GND Ground Current(7)I OUT = 1A, V IN = V OUT + 1V 11 25 mAI OUT(lim) CurrentLimit V OUT = 0V, V IN = V OUT + 1V 1.6 2.5 AEnable Inputlogic low (off) 0.8 VV EN Enable Input Voltagelogic high (on) 2.25 VV EN = 2.25V 1 10 30 µAI EN Enable Input CurrentV EN = 0.8V 24µA µAFlag OutputI FLG(leak)Output Leakage Current V OH = 6V 0.01 12 µA µAV FLG(do)Output Low Voltage V IN = 2.250V, I OL, = 250µA 210 500 mVLow Threshold % of V OUT 93% High Threshold % of V OUT99.2% V FLGHysteresis 1%MIC37102 OnlyReferenceVoltage 1.2281.2151.240 1.2521.265VVAdjust Pin Bias Current 40 80120nA nANotes:1. Exceeding the absolute maximum rating may damage the device.2. The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating rating.3. Devices are ESD sensitive. Handling precautions recommended.4. P D(max) = (T J(max) – T A) ÷ θJA, where θJA depends upon the printed circuit layout. See “Applications Information” section.5. Output voltage temperature coefficient is ∆V OUT(worst case) ÷ (T J(max) – T J(min)) where T J(max) is +125°C and T J(min) is –40°C.6. V DO = V IN – V OUT when V OUT decreases to 98% of its nominal output voltage with V IN = V OUT + 1V. For output voltages below 2.25V, dropout voltage is the input-to-output voltage differential with the minimum input voltage being 2.25V. Minimum input operating voltage is 2.25V.7. I GND is the quiescent current. I IN = I GND + I OUT.8. V EN≤ 0.8V, V IN≤ 6V, and V OUT = 0V.Typical CharacteristicsFunctional CharacteristicsFunctional DiagramsMIC37100 Fixed Regulator Block DiagramMIC37101 Fixed Regulator with Flag and Enable Block DiagramENMIC37102 Adjustable Regulator Block DiagramApplication InformationThe MIC37100/01/02 is a high-performance low-dropout voltage regulator suitable for moderate to high-current voltage regulator applications. Its 500mV dropout voltage at full load and overtemperature makes it especially valuable in battery-powered systems and as high-efficiency noise filters in post-regulator applications. Unlike older NPN-pass transistor designs, where the minimum dropout voltage is limited by the base-to-emitter voltage drop and collector-to-emitter saturation voltage, dropout performance of the PNP output of these devices is limited only by the low VCE saturation voltage.A trade-off for the low dropout voltage is a varying base drive requirement. Micrel’s Super βeta PNP® process reduces this drive requirement to only 2% of the load current.The MIC37100/01/02 regulator is fully protected from damage due to fault conditions. Linear current limiting is provided. Output current during overload conditions is constant. Thermal shutdown disables the device when the die temperature exceeds the maximum safe operating temperature. The output structure of these regulators allows voltages in excess of the desired output voltage to be applied without reverse current flow.Figure 1. Capacitor RequirementsOutput CapacitorThe MIC37100/01/02 requires an output capacitor to maintain stability and improve transient response. As a µCap LDO, the MIC37100/01/02 can operate with ceramic output capacitors as long as the amount of capacitance is 10µF or greater. For values of output capacitance lower than 10µF, the recommended ESR range is 200mΩ to 2Ω. The minimum value of output capacitance recommended for the MIC37100/01/02 is 4.7µF.For 10µF or greater the ESR range recommended is less than 1Ω. Ultra-low ESR ceramic capacitors are recommended for output capacitance of 10µF or greater to help improve transient response and noise reduction at high frequency. X7R/X5R dielectric-type ceramic capacitors are recommended because of their temperature performance. X7R-type capacitors change capacitance by 15% over their operating temperature range and are the most stable type of ceramic capacitors. Z5U and Y5V dielectric capacitors change value by as much as 50% and 60% respectively over their operating temperature ranges. To use a ceramic chip capacitor with Y5V dielectric, the value must be much higher than an X7R ceramic capacitor to ensure the same minimum capacitance over the equivalent operating temperature range.Input CapacitorAn input capacitor of 1µF or greater is recommended when the device is more than 4 inches away from the bulk ac supply capacitance or when the supply is a battery. Small, surface mount, ceramic chip capacitors can be used for bypassing. Larger values will help to improve ripple rejection by bypassing the input to the regulator, further improving the integrity of the output voltage.Error FlagThe MIC37101 features an error flag (FLG), which monitors the output voltage and signals an error condition when this voltage drops 5% below its expected value. The error flag is an open-collector output that pulls low under fault conditions and may sink up to 10mA. Low output voltage signifies a number of possible problems, including an overcurrent fault (the device is in current limit) or low input voltage. The flag output is inoperative during overtemperature conditions. A pull-up resistor from FLG to either V IN or V OUT is required for proper operation. For information regarding the minimum and maximum values of pull-up resistance, refer to the graph in the “Typical Characteristics” section of the data sheet.Enable InputThe MIC37101 and MIC37102 versions feature an active-high enable input (EN) that allows on-off control of the regulator. Current drain reduces to “zero” when the device is shutdown, with only microamperes of leakage current. The EN input has TTL/CMOS compatible thresholds for simple logic interfacing. EN may be directly tied to V IN and pulled up to the maximum supply voltageTransient Response and 3.3V to 2.5V or 2.5V to 1.8V, 1.65V or 1.5V ConversionThe MIC37100/01/02 has excellent transient response to variations in input voltage and load current. The device has been designed to respond quickly to load current variations and input voltage variations. Large output capacitors are not required to obtain this performance. A standard 10µF output capacitor, is all that is required. Larger values help to improve performance even further. By virtue of its low-dropout voltage, this device does not saturate into dropout as readily as similar NPN-based designs. When converting from 3.3V to 2.5V or 2.5V to 1.8V, or lower, the NPN based regulators are already operating in dropout, with typical dropout requirements of 1.2V or greater. To convert down to 2.5V or 1.8Vwithout operating in dropout, NPN-based regulators require an input voltage of 3.7V at the very least. The MIC37100 regulator will provide excellent performance with an input as low as 3.0V or 2.5V respectively. This gives the PNP based regulators a distinct advantage over older, NPN based linear regulators.Minimum Load CurrentThe MIC37100/01/02 regulator is speci fied between finite loads. If the output current is too small, leakage currents dominate and the output voltage rises. A 10mA minimum load current is necessary for proper regulation. Adjustable Regulator DesignVINSHUTDOWNOUT⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛+=R2R111.240V V OUTFigure 2. Adjustable Regulator with ResistorsThe MIC37102 allows programming the output voltageanywhere between 1.24V and the 6V maximum operating rating of the family. Two resistors are used. Resistors can be quite large, up to 1M Ω, because of the very high input impedance and low bias current of the sense comparator. The resistor values are calculated by:⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛−=11.240V R2R1OUTWhere V O is the desired output voltage. Figure 2 showscomponent de finition. Applications with widely varying load currents may scale the resistors to draw the minimum load current required for proper operation (see above).Power SOIC-8 Thermal CharacteristicsOne of the secrets of the MIC37101/02’s performance is its power SO-8 package featuring half the thermal resistance of a standard SO-8 package. Lower thermal resistance means more output current or higher input voltage for a given package size.Lower thermal resistance is achieved by joining the four ground leads with the die attach paddle to create a single-piece electrical and thermal conductor. This concept has been used by MOSFET manufacturers for years, proving very reliable and cost effective for the user.Thermal resistance consists of two main elements, θJC (junction-to-case thermal resistance) and θCA (case-to-ambient thermal resistance). See Figure 3. θJC is the resistance from the die to the leads of the package. θCA is the resistance from the leads to the ambient air and it includes θCS (case-to-sink thermal resistance) and θSA(sink-to-ambient thermal resistance).Figure 3. Thermal ResistanceUsing the power SOIC-8 reduces the θJC dramatically and allows the user to reduce θCA . The total thermal resistance, θJA (junction-to-ambient thermal resistance) is the limiting factor in calculating the maximum power dissipation capability of the device. Typically, the power SOIC-8 has a θJC of 20°C/W, this is signi ficantly lower than the standard SOIC-8 which is typically 75°C/W. θCA is reduced because pins 5 through 8 can now be soldered directly to a ground plane which signi ficantly reduces the case-to-sink thermal resistance and sink to ambient thermal resistance.Low-dropout linear regulators from Micrel are rated to a maximum junction temperature of 125°C. It is important not to exceed this maximum junction temperature during operation of the device. To prevent this maximum junction temperature from being exceeded, the appropriate ground plane heat sink must be used.C O P P E R A R E A (m m 2)POWER DISSIPATION (W)Figure 4. Copper Area vs. Power SO-8 Power DissipationFigure 4 shows copper area versus power dissipation with each trace corresponding to a different temperature rise above ambient.From these curves, the minimum area of copper necessary for the part to operate safely can be determined. The maximum allowable temperature rise must be calculated to determine operation along which curve.∆T = T J(max) – T A(max)T J(max) = 125°CT A(max) = maximum ambient operating temp-erature.For example, the maximum ambient temperature is 50°C, the ∆T is determined as follows:∆T = 125°C – 50°C∆T = 75°CUsing Figure 4, the minimum amount of required copper can be determined based on the required power dissipation. Power dissipation in a linear regulator is calculated as follows:P D = (V IN – V OUT) I OUT + V IN × I GNDIf we use a 2.5V output device and a 3.3V input at an output current of 1A, then our power dissipation is as follows:P D = (3.3V – 2.5V) × 1A + 3.3V × 11mAP D = 800mW + 36mWP D = 836mWFrom Figure 4, the minimum amount of copper required to operate this application at a ∆T of 75°C is 160mm2. Quick MethodDetermine the power dissipation requirements for the design along with the maximum ambient temperature at which the device will be operated. Refer to Figure 5, which shows safe operating curves for three different ambient temperatures: 25°C, 50°C and 85°C. From these curves, the minimum amount of copper can be determined by knowing the maximum power dissipation required. If the maximum ambient temperature is 50°C and the power dissipation is as above, 836mW, the curve in Figure 5 shows that the required area of copper is 160mm2.The θJA of this package is ideally 63°C/W, but it will vary depending upon the availability of copper ground plane to which it is attached.COPPERAREA(mm2)POWER DISSIPATION (W)Figure 5. Copper Area vs. Power-SOICPower DissipationPackage InformationSOT-223 (S)5-Pin S-PAK (R)8-Pin SOIC (M)。

Taranis Q X7 用户手册说明书

Taranis Q X7 用户手册说明书

FrSky 2.4GHz ACCST Taranis Q X7 ManualIntroductionThank you for purchasing the FrSky 2.4GHz ACCST TARANIS Q X7 digital telemetry radio system. In order to make the best use of your system and to fly safely, please read this manual carefully. If you have any difficulties while using your system, please consult the manual, your hobby dealer, or FrSky technical support.Due to unforeseen changes in production, the information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.Meanings of Special MarkingsPay special attention to safety where indicated by the following marks:△!DANGER - Procedures which may lead to dangerous conditions and cause death/serious injury if not carried out properly. △!WARNING - Procedures which may lead to a dangerous condition or cause death or serious injury to the user if not carried out properly or procedures where the probability of superficial injury or physical damage is high.△!CAUTION - Procedures where the possibility of serious injury to the user is small, but there is a danger of injury, or physical damage, if not carried out properly. = Mandatory = Prohibited△!Warning: Always keep electrical components away from small children.Overview(Switch Default Settings) ● SA: 3 positions; Short Lever ● SB: 3 positions; Long Lever ● SC: 3 positions; Long Lever ● SD: 3 positions; Short Lever ● SF: 2 positions; Short Lever ● SH: 2 positions; Momentary; Long lever You can choose the Switch and define its positions in the Mixer menu.SpecificationsModel Name: Taranis Q X7Operating Voltage Range: 6~15V (2S, 3S Lipos are acceptable)Operating Current: 210mA maximum (both RF module and backlit are on)Operating Temperature: -10~45℃Backlight LCD Screen: 128*64 outdoor readable LCDModel Memories: 60 (extendable by SD card)Compatibility: FrSky X series, D series and V8-II series receivers (plus other receivers if an external module is used) Features● Quad Ball Bearing Gimbals● Receiver Match● Audio Speech Outputs (values, alarms, settings, etc.)● Antenna Status Detection and Adjustment● Real-time Flight Data Logging ● Receiver Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) Alerts ● Super Low Latency● Smart Port Supported● Vibration Alerts△! Cautions on handling antenna✠Do not touch the antenna during operation. Doing so could interfere with transmission, causing a crash.✠Do not carry the transmitter by the antenna. The antenna wire could break and prevent transmission.✠Do not pull the antenna forcefully. The antenna wire could break and prevent transmission.Rotating AntennaThe antenna can be rotated 180 degrees and angled 90degrees. Forcing the antenna further than this can causedamage to the antenna. The antenna is not removable.Angle adjustment of the antennaThe antenna rotation and angle can be adjusted. Theantenna features week radio signal in the forward directionand strong radio signal in the sideways directions. Adjust theantenna angle to match your flying style.△! Notes and Warnings for Battery (Not provided)Model Setup for Taranis Q X7 Internal RF ModuleThe internal RF module of FrSky Taranis Q X7 is newly developed by FrSky under the name of XJT.Enter the MODEL SETUP menu (for details, refer to the Guide included on the SD card, or download it from FrSky website).Step 1: Set the Mode for Taranis Q X7 Internal RFRefer to the table below and set the Taranis Q X7 to the mode corresponding to your receiver (D8, D16 or LR12 ).Mode of Taranis Q X7 Compatible ReceiversNumber of Output servoChannels D8 V8-II series in D mode (V8FR-II, V8R7-II, V8R4-II, VD5M, etc.) D series (D8R-II plus, D8R-XP, D6FR, D4R-II, etc.)8D16 X series (X8R, etc.) Up to 16 LR12 L series (L9R, etc.) 12Note: older V8 receivers are not supported by the internal module but can be used with an external DJT module in V8 mode.Step 2: Set the Channel RangeThe internal RF module of Taranis Q X7 supports up to 16 output servo channels. The channel range is configurable, and needs double check before use.Step 3: Set the Receiver NumberWhen you create a new model, the system will assign you a receiver number automatically, but this can be easily changed. The range of the receiver number is 00-63, with the default number being 01 (use 00 is not recommended). Once the receiver is set to the desired number and is bound to the Taranis Q X7, the bind procedure will not need to be repeated✠ Please connect a battery in the battery compartment before use. ✠ The voltage range should be DC 6-15V. ✠ Be careful not to drop the battery.✠ Don't pull the battery wires as this could produce, short-circuits and cause the battery to explode.✠ Do not remove the battery from the TARANIS Q X7 transmitter while the voltage warning is blinking as this could cause iinternal settings and memories to be destroyed.✠ Do not use the transmitter if a “Backup Error” warning occurs. Battery Connector Polarity Ensure that the battery connector polarity is correct when connecting batteries into the battery compartment, otherwise the Taranis Q X7 might not be powered on.unless the receiver number is changed, In this case, either set the receiver number to the previous one, repeat the bind procedure.Step 4: BindBind refers to Taranis Q X7 binding mode. M ove the cursor to “Bind”, press ENTER button, the cursor will flash and the speaker will beep to remind you that the RF module has entered the bind mode. Then put your receiver into binding mode and finish the bind procedure (refer to the receiver’s manual for details).Press Enter or EXIT to exit.Step 5: Set Failsafe modeThere are 4 failsafe modes: No Pulse, Hold, Custom, Receiver (this mode only used above opentx-v2.0.0 firmware).● No Pulse: on loss of signal the receiver produces no pulses on any channel. To use this type, select it in the menu and wait 9 seconds for the failsafe to take effect.● Hold: the receiver continues to output the last positions before signal was lost. To use this type, select it in the menu and wait 9 seconds for the failsafe to take effect.● Custom: pre-set to required positions on lost signal. Move the cursor to “Set” and press ENTER, you will see FAILSAFE SETTING screen below. Move the cursor to the channel you want to set failsafe on, and press ENTER. When moving the corresponding sticks or switches, you will see the channel bar moving. Move the channel bar to the place you want for failsafe and long press ENTER to finish the setting. Wait 9 seconds before the failsafe takes effect.●Receiver: set the failsafe on the receiver(see receiver instructions) in D16 or LR12 mode, select it in the menu and wait 9 seconds for the failsafe to take effect.Notice:The above instructions do not apply to D-series receivers, which require the internal RF module of Taranis Q X7 to be in D8 mode. For these receivers, failsafe must be set on the receiver side (see receiver instructions)●SBUS port always outputs, No Pulse could not perform properly on it. Set “Hold” or “Custom” for SBUS port.Step 6: RangeRange refers to Taranis Q X7 range check mode. A pre-flight range check should be done before each flying session. Move the cursor to “Range” and press ENTER. In range check mode, t he effective distance will be decreased to 1/30. Press Enter or EXIT to exit.Model Setup for Taranis Q X7 External RF ModuleThe external RF module can be powered on or off by software. The setup process is the same as that for the internal RF . If you use other brand RF module than FrSky, please choose PPM mode.CEThe product may be used freely in these countries: Germany, UK, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal, Greece, Ireland, Denmark, Luxembourg, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Iceland.France: the law permits the emission band 2400 to 2483.5 MHz with the limitation of transmission power of 100 mW (reduced to 10 mW between 2454 and 2483.5 MHz for outdoor flying).FCC Statement§ 15.19 Labelling requirements.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.§ 15.21 Information to user.Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.§ 15.105 Information to the user.Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuantto part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmfulinterference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.* RF warning for Portable device:The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement. The device can be used in portable exposure condition without restriction.FLYING SAFETY△! Warning: To ensure the safety of yourself and others, please observe the following precautions. Have regular maintenance performed . Although your TARANIS Q X7 protects the model memories with non-volatile EEPROM memory (which does not require periodic replacement) and of a battery, it still should have regular check-ups for wear and tear. We recommend sending your system to your FrSky Service Center annually during your non-flying-season for a complete check-up and service. Always pay partic ular attention to the flying field’s rules , as well as the presence and location of spectators, the wind direction, and any obstacles on the field. Be very careful flying in areas near power lines, tall buildings, or communication facilities as there may be radio interference in their vicinity.At the flying field To prevent possible damage to your radio gear, turn the power switches on and off in the proper sequence: If you do not turn on your system on and off in this order, you may damage your servos or control surfaces, flood your engine, or in the case of electric-powered or gasoline-powered models, the engine may unexpectedly turn on and cause a severe injury. Make sure your transmitter can’t tip it over. If it is knocked over, the throttle stick may be accidentally moved, causing the engine to speed up. Also, damage to your transmitter may occur. In order to maintain complete control of your aircraft it is important that it remains visible at all times. Flyingbehind large objects such as buildings, grain bins, etc. must be avoided. Doing so may interrupt the radio frequency link to the model, resulting in loss of control. ✠ Do not grasp the transmitter's antenna during flight. Doing so may degrade the quality of the radio frequency transmission and could result in loss of control. ✠ As with all radio frequency transmissions, the strongest area of signal transmission is from the sides of the transmitter's antenna. As such, the antenna should not be pointed directly at the model. If your flying style creates this situation, easily move the antenna to correct this situation Before taxiing, be sure to extend the transmitter antenna to its full length.A collapsed antenna will reduce your flying range and cause a loss of control. It is a good idea to avoid pointing the transmitter antenna directly at the model, since the signal is weakest in that direction.1. Pull throttle stick to idle position, or otherwise disarm your motor/engine.2. Turn on the transmitter power and allow your transmitter to reach its home screen.3. Confirm the proper model memory has been selected.4. Turn on your receiver power.5. Test all controls. If a servo operates abnormally, don’t attempt to fly until you determine the cause of theproblem. (For PCM systems only: Test to ensure that the Failsafe settings are correct by waiting at least 2 minutes after adjusting then, turning the transmitter off and confirming the proper surface/throttle movements. Turn the transmitter back on.) 6. Start your engine. 7. Complete a full range check. 8. After flying, bring the throttle stick to idle position, engage any kill switches or otherwise disarm your motor/engine. 9. Turn off receiver power.Don’t fly in the rain! Water or moisture may enter the transmitter through the antenna or stick openings and cause erratic operation or loss of control. If you must fly in wet weather during a contest, be sure to cover your transmitter with a plastic bag or waterproof barrier. Never fly if lightning is expected.Secure Digital (SD) Memory Card Handling InstructionsThe MicroSD card (TF Card) (not provided with Taranis Q X7) can store various files, such as model data, music, sound files, pictures and text. The card is locked when it is pushed in all the way in. To remove the card, push in on the card again, it will pop out allowing you to remove it .If model data generated by a transmitter with a new software version is copied to an one with older software, the transmitter may not operate correctly. Before copying the model data, update the destination transmitter to the new software version.Do not expose the MicroSD card to dirt, moisture, water or fluids of any kind. ✠ Never remove the MicroSD card or turn off power while entering data.✠ Never store the MicroSD card where it may be subject to strong static electricity or magnetic fields. ✠ Do not expose the MicroSD card to direct sunlight, excessive humidity or corrosive environments. ✠Be certain to insert the MicroSD card in the correct direction.Read data from a PCMusic and image files edited by a PC can be transferred onto the MicroSD card and used on your TARANIS Q X7 transmitter. Equipment for reading and writing MicroSD cards is available at most electronics stores.Stored dataThe life of the MicroSD card is limited due to the use of Flash memory. If you have a problem saving or reading data such as picture data after a long period of use you may need to purchase a new MicroSD card. ∙ We are not responsible for, and cannot compensate for any failure to the data stored in the memory card for any reason. Be sure to keep a backup of your models and data in your MicroSD card. ∙ TARANIS Q X7 transmitters and MicroSD cards use non-volatile memory devices so that the data stored is retained, even without a backup battery. Nevertheless, it is good practice to back up the data in the transmitter to the MicroSD card. The clock for the transmitter does depends on the lithium battery, which may need to be replaced occasionally.UpdatesFrSky is continuously adding features and improvements to our radio systems. Updating (via the MicroSD card in Taranis Q X7) is easy and free. To get the most from your new transmitter, please check the download section of the FrSky website , for the latest update firmware and how-to guide.﹡The currently pre-installed firmware of FrSky Taranis Q X7 is modified from OpenTX firmware, improved and well tested by FrSky and the developing union.﹡More information about OpenTX can be found on: .△! Warning Be sure to turn off the power of the transmitter before inserting or removing a MicroSD card. ✠ As the MicroSD card is a precision device, do not use excessive force when inserting.。



Philips17"XGA107E66ideal sized digitalizedCRT within your budgetWith first-ever one-chip Digital Deflection CPU for superb display perfomance, idealscreen size, superb quality and great value, the 107E6 delivers affordable get-the-job-done display plus Green, lead-free design.Outstanding front of screen performance•Philips breakthrough advanced Digital Deflection CPU•XGA 1024x768 resolution for sharper display•Flat Square Tube reduces distortion and reflection•sRGB ensures color matching between display and printoutsGreat convenience•Compatibility with PC and Mac platforms•Quick and easy to personalize On-Screen-Display control•Easy, user friendly plug-and-play installationGreen design•Lead-free design safeguards our environment•Lower power consumption than the industry average•MPRII ensures safety by limiting electromagnetic radiation•Environmentally responsible Energy Star partnerIssue date 2019-05-09Version: 1.0.212 NC: 8639 000 15798EAN: 87 10895 86400 8© 2019 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective SpecificationsCRT monitor17" XGAHighlightsDigital Deflection CPUAn exclusive Philips innovation -- the world's first one-chip CRT solution -- combines the deflection and the Microcontroller in a single chip to process and control input sync digitally. This innovative technology prevents electronic noise that can harm display quality, reduces display jitter and improves geometry for better front of screen performance.XGA, 1024 x 768 resolutionFor graphics monitors, the screen resolution signifies the number of dots (pixels) on the entire screen. For example, a 1024-by-768 pixel screen is capable of displaying 1024 distinct dots on each of 768 lines, or about 786 thousand pixels. XGA providesresolutions of 640 by 480 or 1024 by 768 pixels.Flat square tube A tube designed to reduce distortion and reflection.sRGB readysRGB is an industry standard that ensures the best possible match between the colors displayed on your screen and those in your printouts.Two-platform compatibilityThe ability to work with a variety of platforms; Philips monitors are compatible to connect with PC by employing a VGA connection and connect with Macintosh.OSD On-Screen-Display controlAn on-screen panel for adjusting a monitor. The OSD is used for contrast, brightness, horizontal, vertical positioning and other monitor adjustments.Easy plug-and-playPlug-and-play is a peripheral connectivity standard. A plug and play display device can be connected to a PC and operate without requiring user intervention to adjust complicated settings.Lead-freeLead-free display products are designed and produced in compliance with strict European Community Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) standards that restrict lead and other toxic substances that can harm the environment.Energy efficiencyReduction of the electrical power required to operate a device to achieve real savings.MPRII compliantThe world standard setting stringent levels for electromagnetic radiation emitted by monitors.Energy Star partnerA manufacturer in compliance with power conservation requirements set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency of the U.S.government.Picture/Display•Display screen type: Flat Square Tube •Panel Size: 17"/ 41 cm •Phosphor: P22•Recommended display area(mm): 306 x 230 mm •Recommended Display Area(inch): 12" x 9"•Dot pitch: 0.27 mm•Dot Pitch (horizontal): 0.23 mm•White Chromaticity, 6500K: x = 0.313 / y = 0.329•White Chromaticity, 9300K: x = 0.283 / y = 0.297•Maximum Resolution: 1280 x 1024 @ 60 Hz •Recommended Resolution: 1024 x 768 @ 85 Hz •Factory Preset Modes: 8 modes•Factory Preset Mode: 640 x 480 @ 60 Hz, 640 x 480 @ 85Hz, 720 x 400 @ 70 Hz, 800 x 600 @ 75 Hz, 800 x 600 @ 85 Hz, 1024 x 768 @ 75 Hz, 1024 x 768 @ 85 Hz, 1280 x 1024 @ 60 Hz •Factory Preload Modes: 14 modes •Video Dot Rate: 120 MHz•Horizontal Scanning Frequency: 30 - 71 kHz •Vertical Scanning Frequency: 50 - 160 Hz •Recommended Refresh Rate: 85 Hz•Screen enhancement: Anti-glare Polarizer, Anti-Reflection, Anti-Static •Digital deflection •sRGB •GTFConnectivity •Cables: D-sub Video Cable, Power Cord •Sync input impedance: 4.7k ohm •Video input impedance: 75 ohm •Video input signal levels: 0.7 Vpp•Video Sync Input Signal: Separate Sync•Video Sync Polarities: Positive and Negative •Cable Connection: AC Power inConvenience•Convenience Enhancements: Menu Languages, On-screen Display•Monitor Controls: Bright Direct Access, Contrast Direct Access, Menu, Power On/Off•OSD Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, Russian, Korean •Plug & Play Compatibility: DDC 2B, Windows 98/ME/2000/XP•Regulatory Approvals: CE Mark, FCC-B, UL, CSA, NUTEK, Energy Star, SEMKO, TÜV/GS, TÜV Ergo, FDA, EZU, GOST, MEEI, PCBC, BSMI, E2000, MPR-II, Low Emission •Swivel:+/-90°•Tilt: -5° to 13°Accessories•Included Accessories: AC Power Cord •Optional accessories: Multi-media base •User ManualDimensions•Dimensions (with base) (W x H x D): 397 x 383 x 419 mm•Temperature range (operation): 0°C to 40°C •Temperature range (storage): -25°C to 65°C •Weight:13.4 kgPower•Complies with: Energy Star, NUTEK, E2000•Consumption: 64 W (Typical)•Off Mode: 1 W•Power LED indicator: Off - Flashing Green, Operation - green •Power supply: Built-in。



i e sX37 SeriesX3710 X-ray System X3720 X-ray System X3725 X-ray System X3730 X-ray System X3735 X-ray System X3750 X-ray SystemX37 Series of X-ray Systems2X37 SeriesThe Big Difference is in Every DetailThe X37 Series offers the most technically advanced x-ray inspection system on the market for tall, rigid containers. It provides a competitive advantage to food and pharmaceuticalmanufacturers, by providing a highly adaptable solution to suit individual applications, by offering a wide range of features, combined with low-power consumption, making the X37 a future-proof investment.An improved user experience and a highly-functional design makes the X37 Series truly market-facing and encapsulates the most advanced development in inspection capability, reducing the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and providing customers with the tools to achieve compliance with industry standards.With a choice of detectors and generators, the X37 offers outstanding detection sensitivity of contaminants, including glass, metal, calcified bone, high-density plastics and rubbers. Each contaminant can be detected in a range ofpackaging types such as metal can, glass and plastic containers, as well as doypacks, cartons, and composite cans/ tubes. Simultaneously, multiple product integrity checks can be performed, offering not just product safety but completebrand protection.X 37 S e r i e sPackaging TypeRecommended SystemX3710X3720X3725X3730X3735X3750Composite Cans/Cartons/Tubes •••Plastic Containers •••Doypacks ••• Metal Containers ••••Glass Containers •• •Ceramic Containers••* 0.4mm detector available upon requestPlease note that the above table is for indication purposes only, please contact your local sales representative for more information.Model and Application OverviewX-ray Inspection System GeneratorDetector*20W 100W420W 0.8mm X3710••X3720•••X3725•••X3730•••X3735•••X3750••4X37 Features & BenefitsThe Big Difference is in Every DetailRobust Tubular Hygienic Frame DesignHygienic design allows forwater to roll off during cleaning.Outside Cable Trays Avoiding bacteria traps and facilitating customer’sexisting cables.Throughput Capabilities Capable of inspecting up to 1,200 containers per minutedepending on application.Multiple Detector Options 0.4mm/0.8mm diode size options are available to best fit the customer’s applicationand inspection requirements.Low, Medium and High-Powered Generators No active cooling required on machines where the 20Wgenerator is applicable, reducing power consumptionand maintenance costs.X 37 S e r i e s5LED Lighting in Tunnel Provides better visibility throughout the system.Open access doors are easily and quickly identified, ensuring uptime.Large Access Hatches Improved access for cleaning and product set-up.Allows multiple methods to interact with the system and retrieve statistics/ images including PackML.Lockable Reject With Large-Vision Window Available on the X3710/20/30, facilitates easier product set-up, demonstrating due diligence. High-speed Reject Devices Ensuring quick removal of faulty products at customer line speeds.Robust LED Touch Screen Suitable for high pressure wash-down (IP69 / Nema PW12).Simultaneously inspects products for contamination and product integrity to ensure brand protection.6The X37 Series of x-ray inspection systems ensures product safety and integrity for a wide variety of tall, rigid containers within the food and pharmaceutical industries.METTLER TOLEDO Safeline X-ray has many years of experience inspecting a wide range of applications across the food and pharmaceutical industry, such as:• Infant Foods • Dairy • Condiments • Snacks • Beverages• Bakery and Confectionery • Fruit and Vegetables • Ready Meals • Fish and Seafood • Meat• Pharmaceutical • Pet FoodTypes of Tall, Rigid Containers: • Plastic Containers • Metal Cans • Glass Containers• Composite Cans/Tubes/Cartons • Ceramic Containers • DoypacksThe X37 Series offers horizontal single-beam and split-beam solutions to cater for different inspection needs and to ensure reliable and consistent inspection for all types of tall, rigid container applications. High throughput levels of up to 1,200 containers per minute can be achieved, depending on the application. The X37 Series can be installed in to existing production lines without slowing down the customer line speed.The flexible design of the X37 Series can be fullyconfigured to individual application requirements. With a choice of a 0.4mm or 0.8mm detector, optimum inspection results are achieved, even in the most demanding production environments.X37 ApplicationsThe Big Difference is in Every DetailX 37 S e r i e sX3710, X3720 & X3725 horizontal single-beam systemsX3750 horizontal angled single-beam system8X37 Series Product Inspection ToolsThe X37 Series of x-ray systems can detect contaminants whilst simultaneously performing product integrity checks such as:• Inspecting fill levels and measuring head space • Detecting missing closures • Rejecting damaged packaging• Detecting agglomerates such as flavour and powder lumps Contaminant DetectionThe X37 Series is capable of detecting a wide range of physical contaminants such as glass, metal, calcified bone, high-density plastics and rubber, ensuring product safety.Inspect Fill Levels and Measure Head Space The X37 Series is able to inspect fill level and measure head space of each container, minimizing product waste and ensuring product freshness.Detect Missing ClosuresThe X37 Series can reliably inspect the presence of caps or lids on containers, ensuring the product is sterile, fresh and without any spillages.X37 Inspection CapabilitiesThe Big Difference is in Every DetailReject Damaged PackagingDamaged products on a supermarket shelf can lower a consumer’s perception of a brand. The X37 Series can detect damaged products e.g. dented cans and squashed cartons.Detect AgglomeratesThe detection of agglomerates such as flavour and powder lumps ensures consistent product presentationand customer experience.X 37 S e r i e sReject SystemsThere are a number of different types of high-speed reject systems available to match manufacturers’ production needs, while guaranteeing easy and effective removal from the line. The correct choice depends on a number of factors such as environmental conditions, belt speed, pack weight and pack size. The X37 Series has a choice of rejectsystems with vision windows, lockable bins or driven reject tables.Safeline X-ray’s high-speed reject systems do not slow down the customer line speeds and are capable of rejecting up to 1,200 products per minute, depending on application.The lockable bin/ reject area ensures due diligence, as only authorised personnel can access the rejected products. An x-ray system with a side pusher reject system, typically used for the rejection of medium and heavy-weight products commonly used on canning and glass-in-glass inspection lines.An x-ray system with a air-blast reject system, works very well for small and medium packs including doypacks, plastic containers and composite cans and tubes.10X37 Series SpecificationsThe Big Difference is in Every DetailX 37 S e r i e sThe X37 Series is Built with Local and Global Standards in MindThe seriousness with which the market views product safety issues is underlined by the wide range of national and international legislative and regulatory standards, as well as standards set by retailers. By incorporating appropriate inspection equipment into a company-wide approach to product safety, manufacturers can protect their reputations and meet legal obligations.The X37 Series x-ray systems give food and pharmaceutical processors the tools to comply with standards such as Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) recognized schemes such as the British Retail Consortium (BRC) and International Featured Standards (IFS) or regulations such as the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)./xray-x37For more informationMETTLER TOLEDO ServiceMETTLER TOLEDO Service wants you to maximise the return on your x-ray inspection equipment through a comprehensive services program consisting of four critical elements:• Uptime - Support & Repair• P erformance - Set-up, Maintenance &Preventative Maintenance• C ompliance - Quality Assurance & Certification• Expertise - Training & Education5 Year X-ray Generator WarrantyAvoid unexpected costs and production downtime by ensuring the most expensive component of a x-ray system, the x-ray generator is covered./xray-warrantyMettler-Toledo GroupProduct Inspection DivisionLocal contact: /contactsSubject to technical changes© 01/2018 METTLER TOLEDO. All rights reservedPI-XR-BR-EN-012018。



bk7231英文规格书Title: BK7231 English Specification Manual: A Comprehensive Guide to Product Features and Technical SpecificationsIntroduction:The BK7231 English Specification Manual serves as a complete guide to understanding the features and technical specifications of the BK7231 device. This manual provides comprehensive information that enables users to make informed decisions regarding the product's compatibility, performance, and usage. In this article, we will delve into the key aspects of the BK7231 device, as detailed in the English Specification Manual.Product Overview:The BK7231 is a versatile electronic device designed for various applications, including industrial control, communication, and IoT (Internet of Things) projects. This compact wireless module offers seamless integration with other devices and ensures reliable connectivity, making it a preferred choice for developers and engineers.Technical Specifications:The English Specification Manual provides detailed technical specifications to help users understand the capabilities and limitations of the BK7231 device. Here are some of the key specifications covered in the manual:1. Wireless Technology:The BK7231 supports various wireless protocols, including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, offering reliable and fast wireless communication. It operates on the IEEE 802.11 b/g/n standards, ensuring compatibility with a range of devices.2. Processor and Memory:The device is powered by a high-performance ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller, which provides ample processing power for demanding applications. It also features sufficient onboard Flash memory and RAM for program storage and data processing.3. Interfaces and I/O:The BK7231 is equipped with a wide range of interfaces, including UART, SPI, I2C, GPIO, and PWM. These interfaces allow easy integration with sensors, actuators, and other components, enabling seamless communication and control.4. Power Supply:The device supports a wide range of input voltage, providing flexibility in power supply options. The English Specification Manual provides detailed information about the input voltage range, power consumption, and recommended power supply configurations.5. Operating Temperature and Environmental Conditions:The BK7231 is designed to withstand various operating environments and temperatures. The English Specification Manual outlines the recommended operating temperature range and provides guidelines for usage in different conditions.6. Software Development:To facilitate software development, the BK7231 offers a comprehensive Software Development Kit (SDK) and Integrated Development Environment (IDE). These tools enable developers to write, debug, and test their applications efficiently.Usage and Applications:The English Specification Manual offers insights into various applications and use cases for the BK7231 device. It explains how the device can be utilized in industrial automation, smart home systems, medical devices, wearable technology, and other IoT scenarios. The manual also provides real-life examples and case studies to demonstrate the versatility and potential of the BK7231 device in different industries.Conclusion:The BK7231 English Specification Manual serves as an indispensable resource for users looking to understand the features and technical specifications of the BK7231 device. With detailed information about its wireless capabilities, processing power, interfaces, power supply, and recommended usage scenarios, the manual enables users to make informed decisions and leverage the full potential of the BK7231 in their projects. Whether you are an engineer, developer, or technology enthusiast, the English Specification Manual is an essential tool for unlocking the possibilities of the BK7231 device.。



L1 0.68µH
D1 B320A
3717 F01a
Figure 1. High Efficiency DDR Memory Termination Supply
sn3717 3717fs
Efficiency vs Load Current
Consult LTC Marketing for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges.
VRUN/SS = 0V ITH = 1.2V (Note 3), VREF = 2.4V VCC= 4V to 36V, ITH = 1.2V (Note 3) ITH = 0.5V to 1.9V (Note 3) ITH = 1.2V (Note 3) ION = 30µA ION = 60µA ION = 180µA ION = 30µA VRNG = 1V, VFB = VREF/2 – 50mV VRNG = 0V, VFB = VREF/2 – 50mV VRNG = INTVCC, VFB = VREF/2 – 50mV VRNG = 1V, VFB = VREF/2 + 50mV VRNG = 0V, VFB = VREF/2 + 50mV VRNG = INTVCC, VFB = VREF/2 + 50mV

api 671 2007中文

api 671 2007中文

api 671 2007中文API 671 2007中文API 671 2007是由美国石油协会(American Petroleum Institute)制定的机械密封标准。



API 671 2007标准的制定是为了满足工业应用中对机械密封的高要求,并确保其在各种工况下的可靠性和稳定性。

API 671 2007标准中,机械密封的设计要求包括密封环、密封面、密封副、密封材料等方面。



在API 671 2007标准中,还对机械密封的制造和安装进行了详细的规定。



除了设计、制造和安装要求,API 671 2007标准还对机械密封的试验和维护提出了要求。



总的来说,API 671 2007标准为机械密封的设计、制造和安装提供了详细的规范和要求。


遵循API 671 2007标准,可以有效地提高机械密封的质量和可靠性,降低设备的维护成本和故障率。

总结起来,API 671 2007标准是机械密封领域的重要参考标准,它规定了机械密封的设计、制造和安装要求,确保机械密封在各种工况下的可靠性和性能。



QX7137datasheet 典型应用电路图R CS1 V IN V IN(a)低压应用 (b)高压应用图1:QX7137典型应用电路图概述QX7137是一种极低静态电流、低压差的LED恒流驱动器。

QX7137只需要外接一个电阻和一个NMOS管,就可构成一个完整的LED恒流驱动电路,调节该外接电阻就可以调节输出电流,输出电流可调范围为100mA 到3.0A。


QX7137内置了使能控制电路,可通过在EN引脚加外部使能信号来控制LED 的开关。





应用领域线性LED照明驱动低功耗便携式照明设备订货信息产品型号QX7137丝印7137X封装及管脚分配SOT-23-57137XGNDCS VDDDRV EN 13254森利威尔电子李生136****4822管脚定义内部电路方框图VDDCSGNDEN图2:QX7137的内部电路方框图森利威尔电子李生136****4822森利威尔电子李生136****4822极限参数(注1)除非特别说明,V IN =5V,T A =25o C电特性(接上一页)除非特别说明,V IN =5V ,T A =25o C典型曲线除非特别说明,V IN =5V ,T A =25o C ,NMOS 管的型号为DTU40N06森利威尔电子李生136****4822应用指南工作原理QX7137是一种低静态电流、低压差的LED线性降压恒流驱动器,通过采样输出电流作为负反馈来形成整个工作环路的稳定工作。

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Typical ApplicationR CS1 V IN V IN(a)Low V oltage Application (b) High V oltage ApplicationFigure 1:Typical Application Circuit Diagrams of QX7137General DescriptionQX7137 is a constant current regulator forLED driver with low quiescent current andlow dropout voltage. The LED currentranges from 100mA to 3.0A.In addition to LEDs, QX7137 also needs theexternal connection of a NMOS and aresistor to set the LED current.QX7137 uses SOT23-5 packageFeaturesPower Supply Voltage: 2.7~5.5VExtremely Low Quiescent Current: 26uASink Current: 100mA~3.0ACurrent Accuracy: ±5%Extensible Power Supply: Above 400VExtensible LED Current: Up to 3.0AApplicationsPower LED DriverOrdering InformationType NumberQX7137Package Marking7137XLot NumberPin AssignmentsSOT23-57137XGNDCS VDDDRV EN 13254Pin DescriptionFunctional Block DiagramVDDCSDRVGNDENFigure 2:Functional Block Diagram of QX7137Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Electronic CharacteristicsV IN =5V, T A =25 o C, unless otherwise specifiedElectronic Characteristics (Continued)V IN =5V , T A =25 o C, unless otherwise specifiedTypical Electrical CurvesV IN =5V , T A =25 o C, unless otherwise specifiedApplications InformationDetailed DescriptionQX7137 is a linear constant current LED driver chip with Enable Control.In addition to LEDs, QX7137 also needs the external connection of a NMOS and a resistor to set the LED current from 100mA to 3000mA.The normal operating voltage of QX7137 is 3.0V to 5.5V, when the supply voltage is higher than 5.5V, there is need to clamp the operating voltage at 5.5V. Output Current SettingCurrent Sense V oltage V CS is about 100mV, so the LED current is determined by the following formula:100LEDmVIRcswhere R CS is the resistance of the Current Sense Resistor.Package InformationPhysical Dimensions for SOT23-5 Package:DeclarationQXMD reserves the right to make changes to improve technical design and semiconductor products, and may do so without further notice. Buyers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.QXMD is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical stress. It is the responsibility of the buyers, when utilizing QXMD products, to comply with the standards of safety in making a safe design for the entire system, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of such QXMD products could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property.In developing your designs, please ensure that QXMD products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent QXMD products specifications.The QXMD products listed in this document are intended for usage in consumer electronics applications. These QXMD products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in equipment that requires extraordinarily high quality and/or reliability or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life or bodily injury (“Unintended Usage”). Unintended Usage include atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, medical instruments, all types of safety devices, etc.. Unintended Usage of QXMD products listed in this document shall be made at the customer’s own risk.The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products.QXMD cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a QXMD product. No circuit patent licenses are implied.Customer Service CenterQX Micro Devices Co., Ltd.Add: 4th Floor, Building 22, Zhiheng Hi-Tech Park, Nantou Guangkou 2nd Road, Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong, ChinaZIP Code: 518052Tel: +86-0755-********Fax: +86-0755-********Web Site: 。
