
动物科学英语词汇分享1 bursa of Fabricius, spleen, and thymus 法⽒囊,脾脏和胸腺2 immune tissue weight, immuno-phenotyping, phagocytosis, and cell proliferation 免疫组织重量,免疫表型,细胞吞噬功能和细胞增殖Phagocytic Activity of Peripheral Blood Leukocytes in Whole Blood外周⾎细胞的吞噬活性在全⾎中的⽩细胞3decrease phagocytosis and lymphocyte proliferation 降低吞噬功能和淋巴细胞增殖4 monocyte 单核细胞5 ad libitum ⾃由采⾷heparinized tubes 肝素管cell culture medium细胞培养基arachidonic acids oxygenation 花⽣四烯酸的氧化detrimental effects 不利影响Gas Chromatography ⽓相液谱chloroform 氯仿methanol甲醇遗传(heredity)与变异(variation)表型(phenotype)Mitogenic Responses of Lymphocytes淋巴细胞有丝分裂反应gosling 鹅Blood Smear ⾎液涂⽚intestinal morphology肠道形态学crypt depth 隐窝深度ileal and caecal microflora composition 回肠和盲肠微⽣物区系组成Clostridium and Coliforms bifidobacteria and lactobacilli 梭状芽孢杆菌和⼤肠菌双歧杆菌和乳酸杆菌linoleic 亚油酸oligosaccharides like inulin and fructooligosaccharides 如菊粉和低聚果糖mucosal permeability 黏膜通透性Dicalcium phosphate 磷酸氢钙duodenal villus height ⼗⼆指肠绒⽑⾼度Antimicrobial peptides 抗菌肽第⼆天收集prokaryotes eukaryotes 原核⽣物到⾼等真核⽣物cystine 胱氨酸performic acid 甲酸carboxylic acids 羧酸anaerobic bacteria 厌氧菌antagonistic and synergistic effects 拮抗和协同效应的亚油酸、亚⿇油酸和花⽣四烯酸 Linoleic acid, linolenic acid and arachidonic acid肌内脂肪 Intramuscular fatfructose 果糖vertebrate 脊椎动物hypocholesterolemic⾎胆固醇过少的hypercholesterolemia[医]⾎胆脂醇过多steroid 类固醇 bile racid 胆汁酸⼄酸丙酸propionic acid 丁酸pluasma hcy 是同型半胱氨酸空肠Jejunum, 回肠ileum 直肠rectum盲肠cecum胆汁, bileegg mass 蛋总重上⽪细胞 epithelium淋巴细胞抗体抗原Lymphocyte antigen-antibody细胞免疫Cellular immunity体液免疫 humoral immunity糖蛋⽩Glycoproteins 细胞分化增殖 Cell differentiation andproliferation过敏 allergy 磷脂PhospholipidsSecretion of bile 胆汁分泌received beef cattle 架⼦⽜oleic acid 油酸flax亚⿇ ? 菜籽油 esterification酯化 ammonia氨elucidate 阐明说明selenium sodium钠 serumgastric ucler胃溃疡 duodenal ucledepression陈郁 anrexia厌⾷症lethargic昏睡 ocular眼 and nasal ⿐monosacchrides单糖 glucose葡萄糖arabinose阿拉伯糖glactose半乳糖mannose⽢露糖 ribose核糖 fructose果糖。

动物科学英语Animal ScienceThe field of animal science is a multifaceted discipline that encompasses the study of various aspects of animal life, including their behavior, physiology, nutrition, genetics, and management. As a branch of agricultural and biological sciences, animal science plays a crucial role in ensuring the well-being and productivity of domestic and farm animals, as well as understanding the ecological and evolutionary principles that govern the lives of wild animals.One of the primary focuses of animal science is the study of animal behavior. Researchers in this field investigate the complex social interactions, communication patterns, and adaptive strategies of different animal species. This knowledge is not only essential for understanding the intricate dynamics of animal communities but also for developing effective strategies for animal husbandry and conservation. By gaining insights into the natural behaviors of animals, scientists can design housing, feeding, and breeding practices that cater to the specific needs of different species, promoting their overall health and well-being.Another crucial aspect of animal science is the study of animal physiology, which delves into the intricate inner workings of animal bodies. This encompasses the examination of various bodily systems, such as the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and reproductive systems, and how they function in response to different environmental and physiological conditions. Understanding animal physiology is crucial for the development of effective medical treatments, the prevention and treatment of diseases, and the optimization of animal productivity in agricultural settings.Nutrition is another fundamental component of animal science, as it directly impacts the health, growth, and productivity of animals. Researchers in this field investigate the nutritional requirements of different animal species, the composition and properties of various feedstuffs, and the ways in which diet can be tailored to meet the specific needs of individual animals or herds. This knowledge is essential for designing balanced and cost-effective feeding programs that support the optimal growth, reproduction, and overall well-being of animals.The study of animal genetics is another important aspect of animal science, as it allows for the selective breeding of animals to improve desirable traits, such as increased milk or meat production, disease resistance, and enhanced reproductive efficiency. Advances in genomic technologies have revolutionized the field of animalgenetics, enabling researchers to identify and manipulate the genetic factors underlying these important characteristics. By understanding the genetic basis of animal traits, scientists can develop more efficient and sustainable breeding programs that cater to the specific needs of various agricultural and conservation efforts.In addition to these core areas, animal science also encompasses the study of animal management, which involves the practical application of scientific principles to the care and handling of domestic and farm animals. This includes the design and implementation of housing systems, the development of health and welfare protocols, and the optimization of production practices. Effective animal management is essential for ensuring the well-being of animals, maximizing their productivity, and minimizing environmental impact.The field of animal science also plays a crucial role in the conservation of endangered species and the restoration of natural habitats. Researchers in this field work closely with wildlife biologists and conservationists to study the ecology, behavior, and population dynamics of wild animals, and to develop strategies for their protection and sustainable management. This knowledge is essential for developing effective conservation programs that balance the needs of both animals and human communities.Overall, animal science is a dynamic and multifaceted field that spans a wide range of disciplines, from the study of animal behavior and physiology to the optimization of animal production and the conservation of endangered species. Through the application of scientific principles and the development of innovative technologies, animal scientists are making significant contributions to the well-being of animals, the sustainability of agricultural practices, and the preservation of natural ecosystems. As the world faces increasing challenges related to food security, environmental sustainability, and biodiversity conservation, the role of animal science in addressing these issues continues to grow in importance.。

butyric acidcalculatecalfcalving datecarbohydratecarbon dioxidecastratecatalystcatecholaminecategorycellulosecerealchloridecholinechromiumchromium picolinate coenzymecompromisedconcentrate feed concentrationconceptionconfinementconjugatedconsumptioncontaminantcontaminate contaminationcontentiouscopulationcoronarycounteractcowpeacrematecrude proteincrustcrustaceancystinedairydairy cowdairy formdairy herd improvement (DHI) damdetergentdetritusdiabetes mellitusdigestibledigestive systemsdiluteDIM (days in milk)directiondisaccharidedissolvedistributor’s name and address in EUdisturbancediversificationdiversityDL-Methioninedomestic animals domesticationdominancedominatedominateddue datedurationDurocentericenterocyteepinephrine(o)estrusoestrus cycleestrous cycle manipulation estrus synchronization euthanasiaeutrophicationexcrementexcretaexcreteexcretionexcretoryextractF%F. Teat PlaceF/Pfacilitatefaecesfarrowfarrowing housefatty acidfeed deprivationfeed intake feedingstufffertilizerfibrousflavorflavouringfodderfoetalfoliageFolic acidforagefructanFunctional Group: fructosegalactoseglucagonglucoseglutamineglutathioneglyceringlycogenglycolytic enzyme goitrogen n gonadotropin gonadotryopin releasing hormonesgrazinghaemolytic anaemia heatheiferhemicellulose herbicideherbivoreherdhogHolstein bullHTACMHTW—hydrolysis hyperglycemia hypoglycemia husbandryideal protein Identification No identify incorporate increment indexindicate indicative individual ineradicable inevitably inextricably adv inferential infiltration inflammatory ingestion ingredient inorganicinsulin intramuscular intravenously Iodineislet cell juiciness lactating sow lactation lactation days lactation length lactation number lactic acid bacteri lactoselame lameness lamentlean leguminous likelihoodlimblinkage Linoleic Acid lipid lipogenesis litterlitter sizelittermatelivestocklive-weightloinloin-eye arealongissimus musclelow-protein dietsLTDFLTDMLTDPlucernemagnesiummanganesemanufacturemanufacture datemanuremarblingmaturationmaturitymetabolicmetabolismmethanemethionine metmyoglobinmicrobemicrobialmicroscopymineralmonogastric monosaccharide monotremata monounsaturated mortality rateneonatenet weightnitratenitrogennitrousnonruminant norepinephrine nourishmentnucleic acidsnutrientnutrient availability of dietnutritionalobjectiveoleic acidorganicorganic acid over-fatness 过肥over-supplyoxidationoxidativeoxymyoglobinP%palatablepalmpalmitic adjpancreaspantothenic acidpasteurizepastoralPEAKDPEAKMpelletingperoxidasephenomenaPhosphatephosphorusphysiologicphysiologypigletpolypeptide polyunsaturatedporkpork belly A-grade,bone in pork belly softbonepork belly, E-grade,bone in pork femur bone,without knee-pork front feet ,toes onpork front feet,toes offpork heads with earspork heartspork hindfeetpork kidneyspork liverpork loin rbs narrow outpork loin Rbs wide outpork mask rindlesspork mask with rindpork mask with soft bonepork Moonbonespork ribletspork shoulder as grown pregnancypregnant mares’serum (PMSG) pregnant sowpremiumPRESCCPREV.probioticprogestagenprogesteroneprolificacyprooxidantpropionic acidproximatepubertypyruvate kinaserancidityrationrearreplacement giltrumenruminantryegrassscarcityscouringseleniumselenocystine selenomethionineserotoninsilagesolventsomatostatinsow paritystarchstocksubcutaneous fat sugarcanesymbiosissynonymsynthesissynthesizesyrupthe gastrointestinal tract toxintrace elementtoxictoxintriacylglycerol trimethylamine oxide trophicvalencevegetationvilli architecturevitalityvitaminviviparouswater-binding capacity weanwean-oestrus interval welfarewelfare and well-being of sow whey permeateyeast。

Abductor:展肌Abenzyme:抗体酶Abiotic factors:非生物因子Absolute difference:绝对偏差Absorbed protein system:可吸收蛋白质体系Absorptance:吸光度Acetic:乙酸的Acetic acid:乙酸Acetic acid extraction:乙酸排泄Acidifier:酸化剂Acknowlegements:感谢Acquired immune deficiency syndrome:艾滋病,AIDS Actin:肌动蛋白Actinomycete:放线菌Action potential:动作电位Active immunity:主动免疫Activity:活性Ad libitum:随意的、随机的、任意的Addcuctor:收肌Additive:添加剂Adenine:腺嘌呤,AAdenosine triphosphate:三磷酸腺苷ATPAdipose tissue:脂肪组织Adipose tissue:脂肪组织Adjustment period:预试期Adrenal gland:肾上腺Adrenaline=epinephrine:肾上腺素Aerial mycelium:气生菌丝体Aerobic:需氧的Aestivation:夏眠Affinity:密切关系Aflatoxin:黄曲霉毒素Agglutination:凝集Agglutinogen:凝集原Aging Property Tester 老化性能测定仪Agonist response:收缩反应Air-dried:风干的Alanine:丙氨酸Albumin:白蛋白Alcohol:乙醇Aldose:醛糖Alfalfa:苜蓿Alfalfa 紫花苜蓿Algae 藻类Alkali 碱Alkaline 碱性的Alkali-treated 碱处理的Alkaloid 生物碱Age:年龄Allantoin 尿囊素Allantois 尿囊Alleles 等位基因Allergen 过敏原Allergy 过敏Allopolyploid 异源多倍染色体Allosteric effect 别构作用Aluminium 铝Ambience 环境——adj ambientAmerican Soybean Association ASA,美国大豆协会Amide 酰胺Amino Acid Analyzer 氨基酸组成分析仪Aminopeptidase 氨基肽酶Aminotransferase 转氨酶Ammonia 氨NH3Ammonium bromide 溴化铵Amnion 羊膜Amylase 淀粉酶Amylopectin 支链淀粉Amylose 直链淀粉Amino Acid:氨基酸Ammonia:氨Anabolism 合成代谢Anaemia n.贫血adj. anaemicAnaerobic 厌氧的Anaerobic respiration 无氧呼吸Analgesic 止痛的Analogous 同功的Analytical procedures 分析步骤Analyzer for Clinic Medicine Concentration 临床药物浓度仪Anaphase 后期Anatomy 解剖学Androgen 雄激素Anesthetize 麻痹Angelan 当归多糖Angiotensin 血管紧张素Animal protein sources:动物蛋白源Anion 阴离子Anisotropic A-带Annealing 退火Anorexia 厌食adj, anorexicAntagonism 拮抗Anterior 前部的Antinutritional factors:抗营养因子Anthelmintic:驱虫的、打虫药、驱虫剂Appetite:食欲Article 文章、著作、论文Artificial insemination:人工授精Ascorbic acid:维生素CAsh:灰、灰烬At first mating:第一次配种At first mating,Body weight,and Energy intake in lactation:首次配种时的母猪体重及泌乳期的能量摄入量;At first mating,change in pregnancy:第一次配种时的妊娠变化Backfat thickness:背膘厚度Biotin:生物素(维生素H)Birthweight:出生重Boar:公猪Boar contact:公猪接触Boar nutrition:公猪营养Body reserves:体储Body weight:体重Breed type:育种类型Calcium:钙Calcium:phosphorus ration:钙磷比Carcass 胴体Catecholamine:儿茶酚胺,邻苯二酚胺:具有拟交感神经作用的一类化合物中的一种Cereal grains and by-products:谷物和副产品Chlorid:氯化物Chlorine:氯Choline:VB复合物Chromium:铬Circulatory levels:循环水平Climatic:气候Climatic environment:气候环境Cobalt:钴Cocaine:古柯碱,可卡因Compare with:与……相比,常用被动ComplementComposition 组成、构成Composition of sows milk:母猪乳成分Conception rate:怀孕率Condition score:环境分值Conversion factors:换算因子/系数Copper:铜Corn-soybean meal:玉米-豆粕型日粮Content:内容, 容量, 目录, 满足(名);满足的, 满意的, 愿意(形);使满足(动)Control:对照,+the:对照组Coordinate:(名)同等者, 同等物, 坐标(用复数);(形)同等的, 并列的;(动)调整、调理Creatinine:肌酸酐Creatine:肌酸、肌肉素Crude fibre:粗纤维Data 数据Determine:决定、确定Diet 日粮Dietary 日粮中的、日粮含有的Dietary electrolyte balance(dE:日粮电解质平衡Dietary energy:日粮能量Dietary fibre and behaviour:日粮纤维和行为Dietary ingredients:日粮原料Dietary protein:日粮蛋白Dietary undetermined anion:日粮未确定的阴离子Difference:差异Effect 效果、作用Effect of climatic environment:气候影响Effect of pregnancy feed level:妊娠饲喂水平的影响Electrolyte balance:电解质平衡Elements:原理、基础Embryo survival:胚胎存活Embryo survival and energy intake of gilt:胚胎存活与青年母猪能量摄入量Empirical estimates:经验估计值Energy balance in lactation:泌乳期能量平衡Energy intake:能量摄入Energy requirement:能量需要量Energy requirement and responses:能量需要量和反应Energy intake in lactation:泌乳期能量摄入量Environmental effects:环境影响Essential fatty acid:必需脂肪酸Evaluate:评价、估计Example of typical diets and specifications:典型日粮和组成举例Exclusively:除外的, 排他的, 排外的、纯粹的Exercise:运动Expericial estimates (lactation):经验估计值(泌乳)Expericial estimates (pregnancy):经验估计值(妊娠)Extra effects of pregnancy:妊娠额外效应Factorial estimates:因子估计值Factorial technique:析因技术Factoriall estimates (lactation):因子估测值(泌乳)Factoriall estimates (pregnancy):因子估测值(妊娠)Fat:脂肪Fat and oils:脂肪和油类Fat supplementation:脂肪添加Fatty acid:脂肪酸Feed intake:采食量Feed strategies:饲料策略Feeding strategies:饲喂策略Feeding system:饲喂系统Focal point:焦点Folacin (folic acid):叶酸Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH):促卵泡激素Free fatty acid (FFA):游离脂肪酸Free fatty acid:calcium interaction:游离脂肪酸:钙互作General purpose sow(pregnancy and lactation) diet:常用母猪日粮(妊娠和泌乳)Genotype:基因型Gilt developer(rearer) diet:青年母猪发育日粮Gilt nutrition:青年母猪营养Gilt nutrition and lifetime performance:青年母猪营养和终生生产性能Growth:生长Heat stress:热应激High-fat diet 高脂日粮Histidine requirement:组氨酸需要量Hormones:激素Hunt:(动/名)打猎, 猎取, 搜索, 搜寻, 猎获Hyperphagic:食欲过盛的,贪食的、摄食过度的Hyperprolific sow:高产母猪Ideal protein:理想蛋白Indicate:指出, 显示, 象征, 预示, 需要, 简要地说明(动)Instrument:仪表、仪器、工具、器械、手段Interneuron:中间神经元:指开始的传入(感觉)神经元和最终的运动神经元之间的神经元。

Pre-starter (断奶前仔猪)Starte(断奶仔猪)grower(生长猪):指大于30公斤的猪只——也称为feeder pig。
mummified piglet(木乃伊猪):在怀孕期间死亡的胎儿以木乃伊的状态被产出。
pre-weaning mortality(断奶前死亡率):仔猪在分娩舍内的死亡数目。
post-weaning mortality(断奶后死亡率):断奶猪/生长猪到育成猪直到屠宰前死亡的数目。

dominance 显性.(n)dominant .adj recessiveness 隐性.n chromosome染色体.n chromatin染色质epistasis 上位.(n)ep i static genes 上位基因allele等位基因domestic animals;livestoc k家畜qualitative traits 质量形状quantitative traits 数量形状hidden genes隐性基因testcross 测交variation变异reproduction techniques 繁殖技术ovulation 排卵Cross breeding杂交( interbreed ) avian鸟/禽类(.adj)aves (.n)genetic 遗传avian / poultry science禽类科学animal science 动物科学animalhusbandry畜牧业cranial / skull头盖骨cranium颅骨Arraycervical vertebra 颈椎pelvis骨盆urine尿feces 粪Plasma血浆the red blood cells红细胞(erythrocyteswhite blood cell白细胞四肢(前后肢体)pectoral appendage 胸肢(the pectoral limb 前肢the pelvic limb后肢)taxonomy分类学castrate(.v)阉割castrated(.adj)imprinting印记loin腰dorsal(.adj)背the hemoglobin molecules血红蛋白heart 心liver肝spleen脾stomach胃kidney肾lung肺large intestine大肠small intestine 小肠glucose葡萄糖vitamin 维生素starch 淀粉mineral substance矿物质(minerals)nutrition/nutrients营养respiratory system 呼吸系统digestive system 消化系统urinary systems泌尿系统reproductive system 生殖系统circulatory system循环系统atria(.pl)atrium(.n)心房ventricle 心室artery动脉vein静脉The trachea branch气管(trachea)bronchus支气管(.n)bronchi(.pl)the bronchioles branch细支气管herbivores 草食动物omnivores poultry杂食动物carnivores 肉食动物ruminate (.v)反刍ruminant(.n)Bolus食团ruminant animal反刍动物rumen 瘤胃uterus子宫ovaries(.pl)卵巢(ovary)capillary血管ovum卵子heritability遗传力Testis睾丸sperm精子fallopian tubes输卵管domesticate(.v)驯化domestic(.adj)domestication(.n)界门口纲目科属种(kingdom phyla classes orders families genera species)Parturition 分娩thyroid gland甲状腺adrenal glands 肾上腺Pituitary / hypophysis垂体hormone 激素Prolactin 催乳素growth hormone生长激素oxytocin催产素gametes 配子(.pl)zygote 合子(受精卵)Foodstuff饲料roughages粗饲料vertebrate脊椎动物species物种Mate / copulation交配behavior行为(reproductive behavior 生殖行为)Heat / estrus 发情cytoplasm细胞质Cell membrane 细胞膜cell nucleus 细胞核abdominal cavity 腹腔thoracic cavity胸腔bony骨骼axial skeleton中轴骨bony joint骨关节urethra尿道cortex皮质medulla髓质embryo胚胎fetus胎儿breed品种strains 品系beef cattle肉牛dairy cattle奶牛diaphragm 膈肌chromatid 染色单体haploid单倍体diploid二倍体meiosis减数分裂mitosis有丝分裂前中后末四个时期(prophase metaphase anaphase telophase)interphase间期Pancreas胰腺salivary glands唾液腺gall bladder胆囊estrus period 发情期target organ 靶器官amino acid氨基酸protein蛋白质ingestive / prehension采食(.n)ferment(.n,v)发酵fermentation (.n)fallopian tubes输卵管silage fodder青贮饲料full bloom盛花期cellulose 纤维素homoeothermic 恒温动物poultry 家禽enzymes酶(.pl)follicles毛囊distribution分布/分配hyaline cartilage透明软骨elastic cartilage弹性软骨skeletal system 骨骼系统digestive tract 消化道buffering agents 缓冲液clotting mechanism凝血hormone 激素urinary bladder膀胱female reproductive system 雌性生殖系统joint 关节litter-bearing 多产子的sheep goat羊castration 去势fertilization受精ruminants 反刍动物concentrated feeds 浓缩料fertile offspring 可育后代weaning time 断奶sliding joints 滑动关节eliminative排泄weaning time断奶sliding joints 滑动关节progeny后代inbreeding近交outbreeding 远交feed efficiency饲料利用率weaning weight断奶重milk production产奶量egg production 产蛋量postweaning growth rate断奶后增长速率capillary 毛细血管replacement gilts后备母猪hogs 肥育猪nephron肾单位alveoli 肺泡glottis声门epiglottis会咽nasal cavity鼻腔。

动物科学专业英语English:The study of animal science involves the scientific understanding of the biology and behavior of domestic and wild animals. This field encompasses various aspects including genetics, nutrition, reproduction, animal health, and welfare. Animal scientists work to understand the physiological and anatomical makeup of different species, how they interact with their environment, and how to improve their overall well-being. Additionally, animal science also plays a crucial role in food production and farm management, ensuring the efficient and ethical care of livestock. With a focus on sustainability and ethical treatment, animal science professionals strive to develop innovative solutions to improve animal health and production while minimizing negative environmental impact.中文翻译:动物科学的研究涉及对家畜和野生动物生物学和行为的科学了解。

Abomasum 真胃、皱胃Absorption 吸收Accurate devices精密仪器Acetate 乙酸盐Acetic acid 乙酸Alfalfa 苜蓿Alimentary tract 消化道Amino acid 氨基酸Ammonium salts 铵盐Animal herds 畜群Animal population 动物种群Animal species 动物种类Antibiotics 抗生素Apparent digestibility 表观消化率Apparent digestible energy 表观消化能Applied mathematical science of statistics 应用统计数学Appraising livestock 家畜评定Artificial insemination人工授精Bacteria 细菌Bacterial protein 菌体蛋白Beef breeds 肉用牛Breed 品种、育种、繁殖Breeder 育种者Breeding animal 种畜Breeding cycle 繁殖周期Breeding farm 育种场Breeding house 种畜舍Breeding performance繁殖性能Breeding stock 种畜Breeding system 育种系统Breeding 育种、配种Bull 公牛Butterfat 乳脂Butyrate 丁酸盐Butyric acid 丁酸B-vitamins B族维生素Caecum 盲肠(cecum)Capillaries 毛细血管Carbohydrates 糖类Carcass composition 胴体组成Carcass fat 胴体脂肪Carcass grade 胴体等级Carcass quality 胴体品质Carcass traits 胴体性状Carcass weight 胴体重Carcass yield 屠宰率Carcass 胴体Causative agent 病因Cellulose 纤维素Cholera 霍乱Commercial use 商业应用Complex carbohydrates 复杂糖Concentrates 精饲料Conception rate 受胎率Confinement buildings舍饲建筑Confinement feeding 密集圈养Confinement rearing 集约饲养Confinement 舍饲、集约饲养Confirmation 体型Contagious diseases 接触传染病Controlled studies 对照试验Crossbreeding 杂交Crude fiber 粗纤维Crude protein 粗蛋白Culling 淘汰Deficiency diseases 营养缺乏症Developing embryos 发育胚胎Diet 日粮Dietary proteins 日粮蛋白Digest\digestion 消化Digesta 消化物Digestibility 消化率Digestible nutrient可消化养分Digestive tract 消化道Disease-carrying organism 带病菌Disease-combating 抗病Disease-producing organism治病菌Diseases transmission疾病传播Diseases-causing agents致病物Domestic animal 家畜Domestic livestock 家畜Domestic sheep 绵羊Domestication 驯化Donor 捐赠者Drought 干旱Drugs 药物Dry matter 干物质Dry-matter intake干物质摄入Economic trait 经济性状Electrical conductivity导电性能Embryo transfer 胚胎移植Embryo 胚胎Embryonic development胚胎发育Environmental factor环境因子Enzymes 酶Esophagus 食管、食道Essential amino acid必需氨基酸Ether extract 乙醚浸出物Excrement 排泄物Farm animal 家畜Farrow 产仔Farrowing house 产仔舍Farrowing sow 待产母猪Fatten 育肥、催肥Fattening cattle 育肥牛Fattening feed 育肥饲料Fattening unit 育肥场Fattening 育肥、催肥Fecal energy 粪能Feed additives 饲料添加剂Feed consumption 饲料消耗量Feed conversion efficiency 饲料报酬Feed efficiency 利用率Feed evaluation 饲料评估Feed formula 饲料配方Feed formulation 饲料配合Feed industry 饲料工业Feed ingredients 饲料成分、饲料原料Feed processing 饲料加工Feed production 饲料加工Feed requirement 饲料需要量Feed utilization 饲料转化率Feed\feedstuff\foodstuff\feeding stuff 饲料Feeding floors 饲喂间地面Feedlot 育肥场Female reproductive cell 雌性生殖细胞Fermentable 可发酵的Fermentation end products 发酵终产物Fermentation product发酵产物Fermentation 发酵Fertilization\fertilize 受精Fertilized ova 受精卵Fiber 纤维Fluids 体液Foot-and-mouth-diseases 口蹄疫Forage 牧草Forestomach 前胃Fungi 真菌Gaseous energy 气能Genetic improvement遗传改良Genetic make-up 遗传表现Genetic potential 遗传潜力Genetic trait 遗传性状Genetics 遗传学Grains 谷物Grazing animal 放牧动物Grazing behavior 放牧习性Grazing capacity 载畜量Grazing land 放牧草地Grazing systems 放牧制度Gross energy 总能Growing-finishing pig 生长育肥猪Heat increment 热增耗Heavy grazing 重载Herbivore 食草动物Herbivorous animals 食草动物Hereditary character遗传性状Hereditary diseases 遗传性疾病Heredity 遗传Highly correlate 高度相关的Hog producer 生猪生产者Homogeneous traits 纯和性状Hormones 激素Humidity 湿度Hydrolyze\hydrolysis 水解Identical twins 同卵双胞胎Immune globulins 免疫球蛋白Indigestible 不可消化的Ingestions 摄食Inherit 遗传Inherited character 遗传性状Inherited diseases遗传性疾病Inherited trait 遗传性状Inhibitory 抑制Inseminate 授精Insemination 授精Intensive farming 集约化农业、集约化畜牧业Intensive farming 集约农场Intensive grazing 集约放牧Intensive system 集约饲养制Junction 接缝、关节Large intestine 大肠Legumes 豆科植物Life cycles 生活史Lignin 木质素Lipid 脂类Livestock breeders畜牧生产者Livestock farm 畜牧场Livestock growers 畜牧生产者Livestock industry 畜牧业Livestock management家畜管理Livestock producers 养畜者、畜牧经营者Livestock production 畜牧生产Livestock 家畜Lymphatic system 淋巴系统Mad cow diseases 疯牛病Mammalian enzyme哺乳动物酶Manure disposal 粪便处理Manure pit 粪坑Manure 粪肥Massive production of ova 卵子大量生产Mastitis 乳房炎Maturity 成熟Meat industry 肉产业Meat-type animal 肉用家畜Mechanical ventilation 机械通风Metabolic diseases 代谢病Metabolic 代谢的Metabolism cage 代谢笼Metabolism 代谢Metabolite 代谢物Metabolizable energy 代谢能Metabolizable protein 代谢蛋白Metabolizable 可代谢的Metabolization 代谢Metabolize 代谢Methane 甲烷Microbial action 微生物作用Microbial activity 微生物活性Microbial digestion 微生物消化Microflora 微生物区系Microorganisms 微生物Minerals 矿物质Monogastric animal 单胃动物Monosaccharides 单糖Muscling 瘦肉率Mutate\mutation 突变Natural selection 自然选择Natural ventilation 自然通风Net energy 净能Newcastle diseases 新城疫N-free extract 无氮浸出物Nitrogenous compounds 含氮化合物Non-protein nitrogen 非蛋白氮Nonruminants 单胃动物Nursery house 保育舍Nutrient deficiency 营养缺乏Nutritive requirement营养需要Offspring 后代Omasum 瓣胃Omnivore 杂食动物Organic matter 有机质Organs 器官Over grazing 超载Parturition 分娩Pasture improvement 草地改良、牧草改良Pasture land 牧草地、草原Pasture management牧地管理Pasture production 牧草生产Pasture stock 放牧家畜Pasture yield 产草量Pedigree 系谱\血统Physiological processes 生理过程Physiological state 生理状态Physiology of reproduction 生殖生理Piglet 仔猪Polysaccharides 多糖Product quality 产品质量Production trait 生产性状Productive traits 生产性能Prolificacy 繁殖力Propionate 丙酸盐Propionic acid 丙酸Protein 蛋白质Protozoa 原虫Purebred 纯种Quarantine 隔离Quarter 乳区Radiant energy 辐射能Radiant heat 辐射热Rating animal 家畜评定Ration 日粮Relative humidity 相对湿度Replacement female 后备母畜Replacement sows 后备母猪Reproduction trait 繁殖性状Reproductive cells 繁殖细胞Reproductive cycle 繁殖周期Reproductive efficiency 繁殖力Reproductive organs 生殖器官Reproductive performance 繁殖性能Reproductive potential繁殖潜力Reproductive rate 繁殖率Reproductive tract 生殖道Reproductivity 繁殖力Retention 滞留、保持Reticulum 网胃Rumen bacteria 瘤胃细菌Rumen 瘤胃Ruminal bacteria 瘤胃细菌Ruminant animal 反刍动物Ruminant 反刍动物Rumination 反刍Sanitary\sanitation 卫生Scrapie 痒病Selection 选择、选种Selective breeding 选配、选育Semen 精液Short chain fatty acid 短链脂肪酸Silage 青贮饲料Simple-stomached animals 单胃动物Sire 公畜Slaughter weight 屠宰重Small intestine 小肠Sow 母猪Sperm 精子Sprinklers 喷淋头Starch 淀粉Statistical formulas 统计公式Supplement 补充、添加Supplemental feed 补充饲料Supplementary feeding 补饲Survival of the fittest适者生存Susceptibility 敏感性Susceptible 易受影响的Swine fever 猪瘟Synthesize 合成Teat 乳头Tissues 组织Trait 性状Transmit\transmission 传播Transmitting ability遗传能力Urea 尿、尿素Vaccines 疫苗Volatile fatty acid 挥发性脂肪酸Waste treatment 排泄物处理。
动物科学 医学 专业英语

专业英语复习资料一、缩写1.VFA:V olatile Fatty Acids 挥发性脂肪酸2.DM:Dry Matter 干物质3.CP:Crude Protein 粗蛋白4.CF:Crude Fiber 粗纤维5.NDF:Neutral Detergent Fiber 中性洗涤纤维6.EE:Ether Extract 乙醚提取物(粗脂肪)7.ADF:Acid Detergent Fiber 酸性洗涤纤维8.NE L:Net Energy of Lactation泌乳净能9.NPN:Non-Protein Nitrogen 非蛋白氮10.V A:Vitamins A 维生素A二、翻译1.Forage:粗饲料2.Concentrate:精饲料3.Mineral:矿物质4.Glucose:葡萄糖5.Rumen:瘤胃6.Animal nutrition:动物营养7.Protein metabolism:蛋白质代谢8.Digestion:消化9.Small intestine:小肠10.Diet:饲粮三、名词解释:1.Feeds: Feeds contain nutrients that are used to meet the requirements of animals.2.Lipids:Lipids are substances which are water insoluble, but are soluble in organic solvents.Lipids are usuallyextracted from oilseeds3.Dry matter:When a feed sample is placed in an oven maintained at 105°C for 24 hours, the water evaporatesand the residual dry feed is called dry matter.4.Genetics:Genetics is a science that studies the variation and transmission of features or traits from onegeneration to the next.5.Genotype:The genotype of an animal represents the gene or the set of genes responsible for a particular trait.6.Ketosis:is a metabolic disorder occurring in cows with insufficient or excess body reserve at calving—cowslose their appetites,and milk production and fertility decrease.四、翻译题1、Dairy cows and other animals such as sheep, goats, buffaloes, camels and giraffes are herbivores because their diets are composed primarily of plant material. Many herbivores also are ruminants.Ruminant animals can be recognized easily because they chew frequently even when they are not eating. This chewing activity called rumination , is part of the processes that allow a ruminant to obtain energy from plant cell walls also called fiber .奶牛和其它动物如绵羊、山羊、水牛、骆驼和长颈鹿都属于草食动物。

1、Chemical formula.In dealing with the different vitamins, it is sometimes helpful to have information concerning their elemental composition and was quite limited. However, today, as file result of the diligent efforts of chemists, not only is the elemental composition of each vitamin known but also file structural formula of each vitamin molecule.化学公式处理不同的维生素时,有关于其化学组成的信息是非常有帮助但很有限的。
2、Body reservesAn animal tends to store reserves of certain vitamins in its body so that a daily intake is not required. This is more true for the fat soluble vitamins than for the water soluble vitamins. The large amount of water which passes through most animals daily tends to carry out and thereby deplete the water soluble vitamins of the body. Fat soluble vitamins, on the other hand, more inclined to remain in the body. This is especially true of vitamin A and carotene which may be stored by an animal in its liver and fatty tissue in sufficient quantities to meet its requirements for vitamin A for periods of up to 6 months or even longer.身体储备动物往往把一定量的维生素储存于身体内这样就无需每日摄入一定量的维生素。

particularly the African Cape buffalo(非洲
水牛), which is commonly found to be
infected with more than one of the SAT
virus types even in areas where foot-and-
2route of infection in ruminants(反刍动 物) is through the inhalation of droplets(飞沫), but ingestion of infected food, inoculation with contaminated vaccines, insemination with contaminated semen, and contact with contaminated clothing, veterinary instruments, and so on can all produce infection. In animals infected via the respiratory tract, initial viral replication occurs in the pharynx (咽), followed by viremia spread to other tissues and organs before the onset of clinical disease.
曾经 )in Australia. From 1880 onward,
the control of rinderpest (牛瘟)and the
improved husbandry in the livestock
industries in Europe focused attention on

1.There are six basic classes of nutrients that must be considered in formulating diets:water、carbohydrates、protein、lipids、minerals、vitamins。
2.Maintenance is the state in which there is neither gain nor loss of a nutrient by the body。
3.Pigs are delivered in the “litter”,and chicks are hatched from the “egg”。
4.After approximately 115 days of pregnancy,parturition is initiated。
5.Regardless of the species ,most of digestion and absorption of nutrients take place in the small intestine。
6.Apparent digestibility:表观消化率7.Proximate analysis:工业分析ctation:泌乳9.Digestive tract:消化道10.Stall:畜栏11.瘤胃:paunch12.母猪:hen13.饲养密度:stocking density14.肉鸡:broiler chicken15.饲料转化率:feed conversion rate16.动物福利:animal welfare17.The maintenance portion of the total energy need during growth increases with body size,but the additional need for the growth depends on the rate and the composition of the tissue being formed。

Lesson four MuscleIt is helpful to know that smooth muscle presents an overall dull,pink appearance in hematoxylin and eosin preparations,while fibers of the connective tissue are considerably more retractile and appear bright pink and shiny by comparison.用苏木精和伊红染色的平滑肌整个显现暗淡的粉红色;相比之下,结缔组织纤维更收缩自如,显现鲜亮的粉红色且有光泽,知道这些(对鉴别)是有帮助的。
Collagenous fibers of tendons insert into invaginations at the ends of the muscle cell,anchoring the tendon to an external lamina,which is adherent to the sarcolemma.肌腱的胶原纤维插入肌细胞末端的凹入处,将肌腱固定在紧贴肌纤维膜的外部薄层上。
Lesson five SkinThe skin covers the body and protects it against injury ;it plays an important part in temperature control and enables the animal to respond to various external stimuli by virtue of its many nerve endings.皮肤覆盖于身体表面并保护身体免受损伤;他在体温调节方面其重要作用而且通过他的许多神经末梢而是动物对各种外界刺激发生应答。
Although the skin is generally closely molded to the underlying structures, it appears redundant in some areas, forming folds and creases;some folding allows for change in posture ,some is an adaptation to increase the area through which heat may be dissipated to the environment.虽然皮肤通常是紧贴住皮下的组织,但在有些部位皮肤松弛有褶皱而显得多余。

Laboratoryanimal faБайду номын сангаасility
Air conditioning
Animal for research

1.-penia 缺乏deficiency, lacke.g leucopenia白细胞减少症erythropenia红细胞减少lymphopenia淋巴球减少症thrombopenia血小板减少症2. -uria 尿症urine conditione.g hematuria血尿症 albuminuria 蛋白尿3.-plegia 麻痹瘫痪stroke,paralysise.g thermoplegia热射病paraplegia瘫痪下身麻痹hemiplegia半身麻痹半身不遂4.-odynia paine.g cardiodynia心痛胸痛 hepatodynia肝痛 enterodynia 肠痛5.-algia paine.g Arthralgia 关节痛 Neuralgia神经痛 gastralgia 胃痛6.-malacia softening 软化e.g osteomalacia 骨软化 encephalomalacia 脑软化7.-ectasia or -ectasis 扩张 stretching, dilatation 膨胀扩张e.g nephrectasia肾扩张angiectasis 血管扩张bronchiectasis支气管扩张8.-emia 血症blood conditione.g leukemia白血病 bacteremia菌血症 septicemia 败血症 hypercholesterolemia血胆脂醇过多9.-orrhagia 出血discharge of bloode.g hemorrhage大出血gastrorrhagia 胃出血enterorrhagia肠出血 hepatorrhagia肝出血❖简单后缀-y:condition,act,process❖复合后缀-metry -otomy -ectomy -graphy-iatry -ology -pexy, -plasty-(o)rrhaphy -stomy -scopy -megaly10.-scopy 镜检examination,process of examining visuallye.g laryngoscopy喉镜检查bronchoscopy 支气管镜检查法gastroscopy胃镜检查colonoscopy结肠镜检查cystoscopy膀胱镜检查11.-ostomy 造口术process of making an opening into ora connection betweene.g colostomy结肠造口术 enteroenterostomy 肠肠吻合术 gastrostomy gastroenterostomy胃造口术12.-(o)rrhaphy缝术suturing,process of suturinge.g herniorrhaphy疝缝手术13.-plasty整形术surgical reshaping or repaire.g arthroplasty关节造型术 thoracoplasty 轮廓成形术osteoplasty骨整形术14.-pexy 固定术 a fixing or setting firmly in place by suturinge.g hepatopexy肝固定术 omentopexy15.-ology 学问学术 act or process of studyinge.g pharmacology药理学 pathology病理学 physiology 生理学16.-logist 专家师 one who studies and treatse.g urologist 泌尿科医师physiologist生理学者pathologist 病理学家17.-iatry or –iatrics healing 医师的医疗的药物的e.g Podiatry 足部医疗 psychiatry 精神病学18.-graphy 标记符号process of recordinge.g cardiography心动描记法pneumography 肺解剖学electroencephalography脑电图学19.-graph 图表曲线图that which recordse.g cardiograph心动电流图pneumograph呼吸描记器electroencephalograph 脑电图仪20.-gram 图the record itselfe.g cardiogram心电图pneumogram 呼吸描记图electroencephalogram 脑电波21.-ectomy excision,切除术process of cutting oute.g thyroidectomy甲状腺切除术cholecystectomy 胆囊切除术 appendectomy 阑尾切除术22.-otomy oncision切开术process of cutting intoe.g thyroidotomy 甲状腺切开术gastrotomy 胃切开术cystotomy膀胱切开术23.-metry 测定法measuremente.g dynamometry 动力测定术 pelvimetry盆骨测量24.-megaly 变大largee.g atriomegaly 心房肥大ventriculomegaly 巨脑室splenomegaly 脾肿大 hepatomegaly 肝肿大❖简单后缀:-e: an instrument or suffixes of noun.❖复合后缀: -scope -tome -cele -cyte25.-tome 切的刀instrument for cuttinge.g arthrotome 关节刀26.-cyte细胞noun marker,referring to a celle.g leukocyte包细胞 lymphocyte淋巴细胞 hepatocyte 肝细胞 lipocyte 脂肪细胞27.-cele疝突出膨大hernia,herniatione.g thyrocele 甲状腺肿hepatocele肝脏突出pneumocele肺彭出 omphalocele 脐突出28.-scope镜检instrument for viewinge.g laryngoscope 喉镜检bronchoscope气管镜检celioscope腹腔境 gastroscope 胃窥镜29.-itis 炎症inflammatione.g hepatitis肝炎 peritonitis腹膜炎 gastroenteritis肠胃炎30.-ist 专家one who specializes in----e.g gastroscopist胃镜医师enterologist肠病学家pathologist病理学家 neuropathist 神经病学家31.-or(er)refers to a doer, either a person or thinge.g incisor门齿,切牙32.-osis 症状 a condition, usually abnormal or pathologicale.g sclerosis 硬化症 hepatosis 肝机能病 gastrosis 胃病 nephrosis 肾病33.-oma 肿瘤swelling,tumore.g sarcoma 肉瘤恶性肿瘤 fibroma 纤维瘤 hepatoma 肝细胞瘤 lipoma 脂肪瘤34.-ism a condition, usually the result of a prior condition (先决条件)e.g embolism 栓塞栓子35.-(i)um refers to a part in relation to a whole, related toe.g pericardium 心包膜epigastrium腹上第一腹片bronchium 支气管44.-meter仪表instrument for measuringe.g thermometer 温度计体温计pulmometer 肺量计pulsimeter 脉搏计45.-(o)rrhea释放排放flow, dischargee.g diarrhea腹泻 gastrorrhea胃液分泌过多46.-lysis 溶解dissolution;decompositione.g Hemolysis 溶血 bacteriolysis 溶菌47.-pathy 病变disease, diseased conditione.g ophthalmopathy hepatopathy 肝病 gastropathy 胃病 nephropathy 肾病48.-blast 母细胞a cell that is undifferentiated, primitive, embryonice.g hemocytoblast 原始血细胞enteroblast成肠细胞fibroblast 成纤维细胞49.-centesis穿刺术surgical puncture to withdraw fluid enterocentesis thoracocentesise.g amniocentesis 羊膜腔穿刺术 abdominocentesis 腹腔穿刺术50.-clysis 灌肠打点滴washing, introduction of fluid for the purpose of irrigatione.g bronchoclysis 野马灌肠51.-ptosis 下垂症a falling, the dropping or sagging of an organe.g nephroptosis 肾下垂hepatoptosis 肝下垂gastroptosis 胃下垂 enteroptosis 肠下垂52.-ptysis 吐涎e.g hemoptysis 咯血 emptysis 吐血 pyoptysis 咯脓53.-(o)rrhexis破裂rupturee.g hepatorrhexis肝破裂54.-sclerosis 硬化症a hardeninge.g arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化hepatosclerosis 肝硬化nephrosclerosis 肾硬化55.-stasis 静止arresting,haltinge.g bacteriostasis 细菌抑制56.-stenosis狭窄a narrowing, a stricturee.g Arteriostenosis 动脉狭窄57.-emesis 呕吐e.g emetic 催吐要 antiemetic 止吐药Word Roots1. cor- or cardi(o)- 心的 heart--- cordiform 心形的---cordate心脏形的--- cardialgia 心痛 --- cardiogram心电图2. hepato- pref肝 liver--- hepatodynia 肝痛--- hepatoma肝细胞瘤--- hepatopathy肝病 --- hepatotoxin肝毒素3. pulmo- or pneumo- or pneumat(o)- 肺 lung or air--- pulmometry肺容量测定法--- pulmonitis 肺炎--- pneumobacillus 肺炎杆菌 --- pneumonectasis 肺气肿--- pneumatolysis 肺气化 --- pneumatometer 肺活量计4. lien(o)- or spleen(o)-脾 splee--- lienitis 脾炎 --- lienectomy 脾切除--- splenotomy 脾切开术 --- splenomegaly 脾肿大5. ren(o)- or nephr(o)- kidney--- renin 肾索--- renography肾X线照相术---nephritis 肾炎 --- nephrolithiasis肾石病6. oro- or stomat(o)- mouth--- oropharynx 口咽--- oronasal口鼻的--- stomatology 口腔病学 --- stomatitis口腔炎7. labio- or cheil(o)- lip--- labiodental唇齿音--- labioplasty唇成形术cheilectropion唇外翻 cheiloschisis唇裂8. denti- or odonto- pref. tooth-- dentist--- dentiscalprum牙刮---odontoprosthesis 牙体修复术—odontoseisis牙松动9. linguo- tongue--- lingua舌—linguiform舌装的--- lingulate 舌装的--- linguodental舌齿音10. gingiv- or ulo- 牙龈 gum---gingivectomy龈切除术—gingivitis齿龈炎---ulorrhagia龈出血---ulorrhoea 龈糁血11. palato- or urano- 腭 palatine---palatitis腭炎---palatogram口盖图---palatograph腭动扫描器palatography腭位图的制作12. pharyngo- 咽 pharynxpharyngalgia咽痛pharyngocele咽囊肿pharyngoplasty 咽成形术pharyngoplegia咽肌麻痹13. laryngo- 喉 larynx,throatLaryngalgia喉痛laryngemphraxis喉阻塞laryngostenosis 喉狭窄laryngoxerosis喉干燥14. esophag(o)- 食管 esophagusEsophagectasis食管扩张esophagectopy食管异位esophagocele食管突出 esophagotomy食管切开术15. gastr(o)- stomachgastrin 胃泌激素gastrectasia胃胀gastroanastomosis胃吻合术gastroptosis胃下垂16. enter(o)-肠 intestineenterelcosis 肠溃疡enteremphraxis肠阻塞enterorrhagia 肠出血enterocolostomy 小肠结肠吻合术17. colo- or coli- or col- pref结肠. coloncolicodynia 结肠痛colimycin结肠霉素coloclysis结肠灌洗 colonorrhea粘液性结肠炎18.proct(o)- or archo-直肠 rectumProctectomy直肠切除术proctitis 直肠炎proctoscope直肠镜- proctoscopy直肠镜观察术19.ano-肛门 anusAnogenital肛门与生殖器的anorectal肛门直肠的anorectum肛门直肠部anoscope肛门镜20. vesico- or cysti- or cysto- 膀胱 bladderVesicotomy膀胱切开术cystirrhagia膀胱出血cystocele 膀胱彭出cystourethritis膀胱尿道炎21. thoraco- chest or 胸 thoraxThoracocyllosis胸畸形thoracicolumbar 胸腰的thoracoschisis 胸裂thoracoplasty胸廓成形术22. ventro- or coeli(o)- or laparo- 腹部 belly、 abdomen Ventrotomy剖腹术coelialgia腹痛Coeliorrhaphy腹腔缝术laparotome剖腹术23. bili- or chole-胆 bilebilichol 胆汁醇- biligenic生胆汁的cholecyst胆囊cholelithiasis胆石病24. oculo- or ophthalmo- eyeoculist 眼科医生oculomotor 眼球运动的ophthalmoplegia眼肌麻痹ophthalmoscope检眼镜25. lacrimo- or dacryo-眼泪 tearlacrimator 催泪物质-lacrimal 泪腺的lacrimatory agent催泪剂lacrimation 泪26. palpebro- or blepharo-眼睑 eyelidpalpebra 眼睑palpebral 眼睑的blepharochalasis 眼睑皮肤松弛症 blepharospasm眼睑痉挛27. kerato-角角质 horn or comeakeratectasia 角膜膨胀keratinase 角蛋白酶keratoplasty 角膜成形术keratosis角化症28.auri- or oto- earauriphone 助听器auristilla滴耳剂otorrhea耳液溢,耳漏otosclerosis 耳硬化症29.naso- or rhino- noseNasitis鼻炎nasopharynx 鼻咽rhinocleisis鼻腔闭塞rhinocnesmus 鼻痒30.broncho- or bronch- 支气管pref. bronchus; bronchialBronchiectasis支气管扩张bronchiolitis细支气管炎bronchorrhagia支气管出血bronchospasm支气管痉挛31. gonado- 生殖腺 seedGonadectomy性腺切除术gonadotrophin 促性腺激素gonadotrope 生殖腺32. andro- 男的雄性的 maleandrocentrism大男子主义androgen 雄激素andrology 男科学 androsterone 雄淄酮33. gyne- or gyneco- femaleGynecic女性的gynecium 雌蕊雌蕊群gynecologist 妇科医生gynecopathy 妇科病34. vagino- or colpo- 阴道 vaginaVaginectomy阴道切除术vaginotomy阴道切开术colpoptosis阴道下垂colporrhaphy阴道缝合术35. oophor- 卵巢 ovaryOophorectomy卵巢切除术oophorectomize切除。
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1.There are six basic classes of nutrients that must be considered in formulating diets:water、carbohydrates、protein、lipids、minerals、vitamins.2.Maintenance is the state in which there is neither gain nor loss of a nutrient by the body.3.Pigs are delivered in the “litter”,and chicks are hatched from the “egg”.4.After approximately 115 days of pregnancy,parturition is initiated.5.Regardless of the species ,most of digestion and absorption of nutrients take place in the small intestine.6.Apparent digestibility:表观消化率7.Proximate analysis:工业分析ctation:泌乳9.Digestive tract:消化道10.Stall:畜栏11.瘤胃:paunch12.母猪:hen13.饲养密度:stocking density14.肉鸡:broiler chicken15.饲料转化率:feed conversion rate16.动物福利:animal welfare17.The maintenance portion of the total energy need during growth increases with body size,but the additional need for the growth depends on the rate and the composition of the tissue being formed.生长期间的总能量需求的维持部分随着身体尺寸增加,但是对生长的额外需要取决于所形成的组织的速率和合成物。
18.Pigs have an immature digestive system at birth,whereas chicks have a full complement of digestive enzymes at hatching-”Chicks”can utilize corn and soybean meal diets efficiently from day one,whereas baby pigs must depend on milk or milk-based diets! 猪在出生时有一个不成熟的消化系统,而雏鸡在孵化时有完整的消化酶补充-“小鸡”可以从第一天有效地利用玉米和豆粕日粮,而小猪必须依赖于牛奶或牛奶基础的饮食!19.能量和蛋白质饲喂不足会导致公畜、母畜性成熟延迟。
Under feeding energy or protein can result in delayed sexual maturing in both the male and female.20.胃最重要的功能是储存食物,控制其内容物向十二指肠释放。
Stomach,its most important function is storage of food and controlled release of its contents into the duodenum.21.猪的需水量变异很大,取决于空气温度、湿度和采食量。
Variation in the water requirements of pigs varies greatly, depending on air temperature, humidity, and feed intake.22.Stall allow the sow to stand ,lie,eat and drink,but may not allow them to turn around .It allows the producer to feed and observe each sow individually to meet her needs and it protects her from other aggressive sows.畜栏容许母猪站立、躺、吃食和喝水,但不允许它们到处跑,允许生产人员饲养和观察每一个单独的母猪,发现的需要保护她不受其他母猪侵害。
23.During mitosis there are four typical stages in the division of the cell nucleus.In the order in which they occur ,they are:prophase,metaphase,anaphase and telophase.24.A gene pair will determine the genotype of a productive trait,for example,a polled cow might carry the gene pair PP.A horned cow must carry the gene pair PP.Here, the gene pair PP and PP are called as.A homozygous gene pair.25.The estrous cycle is the cycle is conveniently divided into 4 phases:Proestrus,Estrus,Metestrus,Diestrus,Fertilization,Gestation,Birth.26.Biotechnology is being applied to enhance genetic progress through these four factors:increase genetic variation,increase the accuracy of selection,reduce the generation interval and to increase the selection intensity.27.Genetic Inheritance is the proportion of the total variation (genetic and environmental) that is due to additive gene effects,Its estimate expresses the likelihood of a trait being passed on from parent to of spring.28.Codominance:共显性。
29.Sex-linked gene:伴性基因。
31.The best linear unbiased prediction(BLUP):最佳线性无偏预测.是一种能显著提高遗传进展,特别是对于中等程度和高遗传力遗传力性状和限性性状,系谱信息较健全,个体表型值较准确的性状,其效果更加明显的方法。
32.MOET:动物胚胎生物工程技术.现代动物胚胎工程的概念涵盖所有对动物配子和胚胎进行工程化操作的技术方法.33.MAS: 分子标记辅助选择.是随着现代分子生物学技术的迅速发展而产生的新技术,它可以从分子水平上快速准确地分析个体的遗传组成,从而实现对基因型的直接选择,进行分子育种。
37.Epigenomics:表观基因组学.在基因组的水平上研究表观遗传修饰的领域.38.Selection index:选择性指数.指某一用来标量可行性或者适合度的量.39.Heterosis:杂种优势.指杂交子代在生长活力、育性和种子产量等方面都优于双亲均值的现象.40.The deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA) molecule is shaped like a double helix.The sides of the molecule are composed of two strands of deoxyribose(a five-carbon sugar molecule).The deoxyribose molecules in the side strands are linked together by phosphoric acid.脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)分子的形状像双螺旋。
41.The side strands are linked together by nitrogen-containing bases.Two are purines.A nucleotide is a combination of one of the deoxyribose and the phosphate to the other.The phosphate is also attached to the next deoxyribose in the chain,forming a polynucleotide chain.Two of these polynucleotide chains twist into a coil,forming the double helix of the DNA molecule.侧链通过含氮碱基连接在一起。