



上海理工大学2004年硕士研究生入学考试试题考试科目:基础英语1 Sentence Correction (10%)Instructions: Rewrite the following sentences without changing the intended meaning:l. I found the cat sleeping on the stove the dog was eating the morning meal._______________________________________________________________2. James Joyce’s Ulysses, a long and complicated novel and which is on our reading list, has been banned by the school board._________________________________________________________________3. A fter three hours o f practice, a large mug o f beer was what the thirsty dancers wanted._________________________________________________________________4. An i mportant thing for the student to rememb er is that when writing a paper, you should not plagiarize._________________________________________________________________5. To get ready for the trip, all the things she needed were put into a suitcase._________________________________________________________________II. Reading Comprehension (16%)Instructions: Read the following passages and tick the most appropriate choices:Passage A It is evident that there is a close connection between the capacity to use language and the capacities covered by the verb “to think”. Indeed, some writers have identified thinking with using words:Plato coined the saying, “In thinking the soul is talkin g to itself”; J. B. Watson reduced thinking to inhibited speech located in the minute movements or tensions of the physiologi cal mecha nisms involved in speaking; and although Ryle is careful to point out that there are many senses in which a person is said to think in which words are not in evidence, he has also said that saying something in a specific frame of mind is thinking a thought.Is thinking reducible to, or dependent upon, language habits? It would seem that many thinking situations are hardly distinguishable fro m the skilful use of language, although there are some others in which language is not involved. Thought cannot be simply ide ntifiedwith using language. It may be the case, of course, that the non-linguistic skills involved in thought can only be acquired and develope d if the learner is able to use and understand language. However, this question is one which we cannot hope to answer in this book. Obviously being able to use language makes for a considerable development in all one’s capacities but how precisely this comes about we cannot say.At the common-sense level it appears that there is often a distinction between thought and the words we employ to communicate with other people. We often have to struggle hard to find words to capture what our thinking has already grasped, and when we do find w ords we sometimes feel that they fail to do their job properly. Again when we report or describe our thinking to other people we do not merely report unspoken words and sentences. Such sentences do not always occur in thinking, and when they do they are merged with vague imagery and the hint of unconscious or subliminal activities going on just out of range. Thinking, as it happens, is more li ke struggling, striving, or searching for so mething than it is like talking or reading. Words do play their part but they are rarely the o nly feature o f thought. This observation is supported by theexperi ments of the Wurzburg psychologists reported in Ch apter Eight who showed that intelligent adaptive responses can occur in probl em-solving situations without the use of either words or i mages o f any kind. “Set” and “determining tendencies” operate without the ac tual use of language in helping us to think purposefully and intelligently.Again the study of speech disorders due to brain injury or disease suggests that patients can think without having adequate c ontrol over their language. Some patients, for example, fail to find the names of objects presented to them and are unable to describe simple eve nts which they witness; they even find it difficult to interpret long written notices. But they succeed in playing games o f c hess or drau ghts. They can use the concepts needed for chess playing or draughts play ing but are unable to use many o f the concepts in ordinary language. How they manage to do this we do not know. Yet animals such as Kohler’s chimpanzees can solve problems by working o u t strategies such as the invention of i mplements or climbing aids when such animals have no language beyond a few warning cries. Int elligent or “insightful” behavior is not dependent in the case of monkeys on language skills: presumably human beings have va rious ca pacities for thinking situations which are likewise independen t of language.1. According to the theory of “thought” devised by J. B. Watson, thinking is(A) talking to the soul.(B) suppressed speech.(C) speaking nonverbally.(D) nonlinguistic behavior.2. Which of the following statements is true in the author’s o pinion ?(A) Ability to use language enhances one’s capacities.(B) Words and thought match more o ften than not.(C) Thinking never goes without language.(D) Language and thought are generally distinguishable.3. According to the author, when we intend to describe our thoughts,(A) we merely report internal speech.(B) neither words nor imagery works.(C) We are overwhelmed with vague imagery.(D) Words often fail to do their job.4. Why are patents with speech disorders able to think without having adequate control over language?(A) They use different concepts.(B) They do not think linguistically.(C) It still remains an unsolved problem.(D) Thinking is independent of language.5. An appropriate title for the essay would be(A) Speech Disorders And Thought(B) Linguistic Abilities And Thinking(C) Language And Thought(E) Language And IntelligencePassage B A work of literature is a highly complex individual creation, modified by the culture of which it is a part, and by the history of that culture. The simplest lyric is so woven into the human condition through direct reference, through allusion, and through the acceptance or revision of traditional attitudes that no critical act can ever tear it co mpletely loose, add it up and dis pose of it as finished business. The interpretation of literature, even current literature, is a dialectic process that advances by the taking of emp hatic positions, which, in turn, prepare for still further countering.Nor is the process purely Hegelian, a mistaken turn may caus e one to lose ground; and besides, what critics are trying to illuminate m ay once, like Hamlet, have been clearer than it will ever be again. This is why you are never though with literature. Somethi ng is always being discovered that was never known, or was only half-known, or misinterpreted, or simply forgotten. And yet there is always av ailable, in varying degrees of clarity, a great body of literature which has proven itself to sensitive readers.The student who gets stone inkling of this will understan d why many o f the questions he has been asking are wrong or premature. He may begin to see that with literature as with his own personality, he is in the presence o f the mysterious, and that the clar ification of the former cannot be separated fro m the clarification of the latter. In neither case is co mplete clarification possible, nevertheless, one must keep driving toward the light, and if he is fortunate enough to move closer to the light, it will be a long converging l ines that c annot meet on this earth.Indeed, one of the i mportant things a student can learn in a literature class is to accept the partial knowledge that it is m an’s fate to have; and to accept it, not as an invitation to skepticism or despair, but as a condition under which he must work t oward a more co m plete knowledge. It is a liberating experience for students who have been nurtured too rigidly in an atmosphere o f certaintie s to discov er that it is possible to exist purposefully, and with such peace of mind as a man needs, in a word wher e much is doubtful, tentative, and in conflict.6. Because o f the co mplexities of even the si mplest theme, it is difficult for the critic(A) to isolate the various components.(B) to read and interpret literature.(C) to relate its co mponents to each other.(D) All of the above.7. According to the author, in interpreting literature one should begin with(A) a tentative question.(B) a statement o f purpose.(C) a tested hypothesis.(D) an emphatic assertion.8. According to the author, some literature does not lend itself to criticism because it(A) has been written in a foreign language.(B) is not truly literature.(C) may be clearer in itself than any analysis of it.(D) was written too long ago.III. Vocabulary (20%)Instructions: The following words or expressions indicated with the alphabetic letters fro m A to T are the synonyms or explanations of the underlined words in the sentences that follow. Put the letter in the blank in front of the sentence i f you think the word you choo se is an explanation of theunderlined one.A. i mprisonedB. beautifulC. deniedD. structureE. cutF. releaseG. coaxH.shockedI. approvedJ. conspicuousK. buildingL.trodM. coveredN. mark of disgraceO. CorrectP. appearingQ. criticismR. elevatedS. happinessT. stepping over________1. It’s the explosive pop culture taking the rest of Asia by storm.It’s the afterglow of South Korea’s astonishing World Cup run. At its mostintense, this euphoria would seem ready to bend even the sun’s rays to the twinaims o f reunification and peace.________2. Alas, for the time being, I remain incarcerated in the D MZ tour bus as it shudders along the absurdly named Freedom Hig hway.________3. What followed, according to several sources who were in the roo m last Thursday afternoon, wa s a jut-jawed, disjointed dis course with a tinge of diatribe and a crescendo o f podium pounding.________4. Nostalgia for that exalted status, hunger for i mperial gloire, is what animates French policy today.________5. I linger a hal f hour in these exquisite gardens, which depict the town and its environs in miniature.________6. He also reneged on a pro mise to finally start reforming Germany’s teetering social-security system, Instead, he biked premi ums by 1.3billion.________7. But a study released in November accused Italians of blatant neglect...Italian governments have long been stingy with fundi ng for cultural preservation.________8. Added to this uncomfortable notoriety was the stigmas of being a provincial tube of questionable political background.________9. Radical changes in its size, shape and makeup have left the region’s traditional fabric looking threadbare________10. Still, behind the scenes, he was desperately trying to cajole support from colleagues warily assessing whether the perfect s torm that had engulfed hi m would abate-or weep him into oblivion.________11. But the story was enough to unleash months of pent-up anger in Washington.________12. He’s always built cocoons to protect himself: first by forging a bond with his mother again st his father’s instability; later in his Ole Miss fraternity against the disorienting shock waves of the civil rights movement, and still later in elite Republican circles a gainst the left.________13. It is an engagement o f honor, not of love-her father sanctioned it on his death-bed, two years since-she herself neither we lcomed it, nor shrank fro m it-she was content to make it.________14. The extraordinary mixture of pro mpt decision, far-sighted cunning, and mountebank bravado in this speech, staggered me f or a mo ment-and only for a mo ment.________15. What emerged instead was a unipolar world, the U. S. bestriding the globe like a colossus.________16. The sky was streaked with vivid pinks fro m the last wisps of sunset, and dusk was settling over the earth.________17. With finals looming right around the way, I have to acquire the discipline to study, or I am going to sink deeper into th e slacker’s abyss.________18. l have not been trampled on. I have not been petri fied, I have not been buried with inferior minds, and excluded fro m ev ery glimpse o f co mmunion with what is bright and energetic and high.________19. The green eyes in the carefully sweet face were turbulent, willful, lusty with life, distinctly at variance with her decorous demeanor.________20. He fell upon his knees as if his legs had been mowed fro m under him.IV Cloze Test. (14%)Instructions: Fill in each blank with one of the given words in its appropriate form.stage, dedicate, go, fad, dates, mania, tails, wheelchairs, inexpensive, snake, both, suggest, equipment, necessity,Jogging and running have become more than a sport, more than a passing_________; they have evolved into almost a national_______ __. The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports estimates that 6.5 millio n Americans jog, a third of them once or twice a week. Young men and women go out on jogging________. Middle-aged executives in running shoes and shorts, jogging at lunchtime, a re now a co mmon sight on city streets. An eighty-five-year-old Santa Monica grandmother has co mpeted in hal f-mile and one-mile race s. So me doctors _________ jogging as physical therapy for people who have had heart attacks. Even the nation's dogs have caug ht on and no longer bother to bark or wag their_________.Some o f the most serious and ________ joggers eventually evolve into marathoners. A marathon is a grueling race o f 26 miles, 385 y ards, named after the ancient Greek city o f Marathon. In 490 B.C, so the story _________, a long-distance runner ran the 26-odd mile s from Marathon to Athens to bring the news of a Greek victory in battle over the Persians. The most famous modem marathon is ru n in Boston, each year in mid-April several thousand men and women run a tortuous course fro m Hopkinton, Massachusetts, into down town Boston. In recent years, New York City has also _________ a marathon that begins on Staten Island and _________ through all five boroughs of the city before ending up in Central Park. The New York marathon even draws handicapped entrants who "run" t he c ourse in_________.Why have jogging and running become so popular? For ordinary joggers, at least, it is an easy and _________ sport to take up.It do es not require elaborate personal_________(only a good pair of running shoes), a long series of lessons, membership i n an athletic club, a long drive to the beach or the mountains, or the _________ of finding partners or teammates. One can simply go out and do i t, with a minimu m o f fuss. But beyond this, an increasing number o f A mericans are discovering that it _________feels good and makes se nse to take good care o f the only body any of us will ever inhabit.VI Writing一、The following are ineffective for various reasons. Revise them for the best co mmunicative effect. (30 points) 1.We have already spent so much money on special things this year. That is why I am against an expensive overseas vacation. And af ter all, there are so many fun things we can do in our own country. (4 points)2.Close to 100 water-color paintings that embrace the creative wisdom of master-hands and boast the magical bold brush of promising young artists are on display here. (4 points)3.The train is green and yellow and punctual. It plows through the swelter of the Korean countryside. (4 points)4. There is an iron pot that was hung over the fire. Bubblings and gurglings came forth out of that pot. There was also a vague sugg estive steaminess coming out. (4 points)5.I have a dream. My dream is that one day, even the state o f" Mississippi, will be transformed into an oasis of freedo m and justice. Mississippi is a state sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression. (4 points)6. She grew up in Donora. It is a s mall town that is nestled in the rolling hills of western Pennsylvania. This is a place wh ere everyb ody relied for their living on the local steel mill. (4points)7. I have been sitting in utter idleness. I watched the sky. I also viewed the shapes of golden sunlight upon the carpet. It changes as t he minutes pass and lets my eye wander fro m one framed print to another. ( 6 points)二、Read the following passage and write an essay of about five hundred words, expressing your view on the event ( 60 points)“在我国的反腐倡廉斗争中,强调比较多的是那些把企业搞垮而自己犯法发财的企业家,即所谓的‘穷庙富方丈’,但我们国企改革及经济发展追求的又是消除‘穷庙穷方丈’。


A. will have saved B. will be saving C. has saved D. saves【答案】A
【解析】此处解题关键是:by next month是将来的时间状语,所以用将来完成时。句意:---我听说Jason计划买一辆车。---我知道。到下个月,他就攒够了足够的钱买一辆二手车。
Department: The____17_______ Department
Student ID: _____18______
Class: The ____19____ class
Time: __________, 2:00----4:00 p.m
Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.
34. There is much truth in the idea_kindness is usually served by frankness.
A. why B. which C. that D. whether
【解析】此处the idea是抽象名词,后面的同位语从句说明其内容。句意:这个想法有许多哲理,坦诚为善良服务。
15. A. They standardized Canadian English.
B. They settled there after the Revolution.
C. They enjoy a very highபைடு நூலகம்social position.
D. They make up a small part of the population
Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.



上海理工09年基础英语2009年上海理工大学硕士研究生入学考试试题考试科目:_ __基础英语______准考证号:______________得分:________(所有答题必须写在答题纸上)I. Grammar (10 points)1) Instructions: Beneath each of the following five sentences, there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1. If you’d listened to me, you ________ in such trouble now.A. won’t beB. wouldn’t beC. mustn’t beD. couldn’t be2. ________ I admire him as a writer, I do not like him as a man.A. Though muchB. As muchC. Much asD. Much though3. Stuart’s going to be nominated to receive the AcademyA ward for best director, ________?A. won’t heB. doesn’t heC. didn’t heD. isn’t he4. The military budget of last year is thirty times _________that in 1960.A. larger thanB. larger asC. as large asD. more than5. Nine is to three ______ three is to oneA. whatB. thatC. whereD. which2) Instructions: Each of the following five sentences has four underlined words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the incorrect item and correct it.6. The neutron bomb provides the capable of a limited nuclear war in whichA B Cbuildings would be preserved, but people would be destroyed.D7. In order for one to achieve the desired results in this experiment, it is Anecessary that he work as fastly as possible.B C D8. Whoever turned in the last test did not put their name on the paper.A B C D9. There have been little change in the patient’s condition since he was movedA B C Dto the intensive care unit.10. Students in United States often support themselves by babysitting, workingA B Cin restaurants, or they drive taxicabs.DII. V ocabulary (20 points)Instructions: The following words or expressions indicated with the alphabetic letters from A to T are the synonyms or explanations of the underlined words in the sentences that follow. Choose the one you think is an explanation of the underlined one.A. defectsB. curtailedC. threatenD. dirtyE. emptyF. frugalG. extensiveH. captivityI. repeatedJ. tamperingK. unimportantL. foreseeM. requestN. impoliteO. disguiseP. hatedQ. requiredR. yearlyS. plentifulT. littered1. Historical records reveal that Jefferson reiterated his ideas about a meritocracy..2. Mail service will be suspended during the postal workers’strike.3. Thomas Edison’s office was always disorganized with books and papers.4. Sometimes items are put on sale because they have imperfections on them.5. Athletes learn to conceal their disappointment when they lose.6. Although monkeys occasionally menace their enemies, they are usually not dangerous..7. Unless the population growth stabilizes, environmentalists predict a worldwide starvation by the year 2000 A. D.8. Interfering with some one’s mail is a serious crime in the U. S.9. Canada and the United States are cooperating to clean up the contaminated lakes along their borders.10. Carbohydrates are abundant in nature where they serve as an immediate source of energy.11. The annual growth of the gross nation al product is often used as an indicator of a nation’s economy.12. The gorilla, the largest of the apes, is now able to be bred in confinement.13. A vacant apartment in New Y ork is very difficult to find.14. In several states, the people may recommend a law to the legislature by signing a petition.15. Primary education in the U.S. is compulsory.16. Martin Luther King detested injustice.17. The National Institute of Mental Health is conducting far-reaching research to determine the psychological effects of using drugs..18. It is very discourteous to intrude during someone’sconversation.19. A thrifty buyer purchases fruits and vegetable in season.20. Psychologists encourage their parents not to get upset about trivial matters.III. Reading Comprehension (15%)Instructions: Read each passage carefully and tick the best answer from the four given choices marked A, B, C, and D.(1)For Roy Johnson, a senior magazine editor, the latest indignity came after a recent dinner at a fancy restaurant in the wealthy New Y ork City suburb where he and his family live. First the parking valet handed him the keys to his Jaguar instead of fetching the car. Then an elderly white couple came out and handed him the keys to their black Mercedes-B enz. “It took them a while to realize that I was not a valet,” says Johnson. “It didn’t matter that I was dressed for dinner and hadpaid a handsome price for the meal, just as he had. What mattered was that I didn’t fit his idea of someone who could be eq ual to him.”Such incidents, which are depressingly familiar to African-Americans of all ages, incomes and social classes, help explain why black and white attitudes often differ so completely. A recent survey found that 68 percent of blacks believe racism is still a major problem in America. Only 38 percent of whites agreed.Many Americans find the gulf between blacks and whites bewildering. After all, official segregation is a bad memory and 40 years of laws, policies and court decisions have helped African-Americans make significant progress toward equal opportunity. Indeed, a black man born in Harlem could be the nation’s next president.But racism persists, unmistakable to every black but largely invisible to many whites. It is evident in the everyday encounters African-Americans have with racial prejudice and discrimination, like the valet parking incident. Such encounters often strike whites as trivial misunderstandings. But they remind blacks that they are often dismissed as less intelligent, less industrious, less honest and less likely to succeed. Some insults are patently racist; others may be evidence of insensitivity or bad manners rather than racial prejudice. But the accumulation of insults feeds anger.“What is amazing to me is the number of whites who express surprise that any of this happens,” observes Mary Frances Berry, chairperson of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, who says she has been watched at shopping malls.1.The word “valet”in the first paragraph most probably means ______.A.a restaurant ownerB.a driver of expensive carsC.a wealthy-looking gentlemanD.a restaurant employee taking care of the cars of the diners2.Roy Johnson was unfairly treated because ______.A.his car was inferior in qualityB.he forgot to wear proper clothesC.he failed to express himself clearlyD.he is black3.From the passage we can learn that ______.A.both blacks and whites are bewildered by racismB.examples of racism are common in the USC.some government officials have very bad memoriesD.a black man born in Harlem will be the next US president4.It is implied in the passage that many white people deny the presence of racism in the US because ______.A.they tend to regard instances of racism as trivial misunderstandingsB.they have never seen any instance of racism in their countryC.they believe that black people are inherently less intelligent and less industriousD.they have always treated black people as their equals5.Judging from the context, the most possible explanation for Mary Frances Berry’s being watched at shopping malls is that ______.A.she was a national celebrityB.she didn’t fit people’s idea of an Afro-American womanC.many people nowadays are insensitive and rudeD.she is black(2)If the old maxim that the customer is always right still has meaning, then the airlines that fly the world’s busiest air route between London and Paris have a flight on their hands.The Eurostar train service linking the UK and French capitals via the Channel Tunnel is winning customers in increasing numbers. In late May, it carried its one millionth passenger, having run only a limited service between London, Paris and Brussels since November 1994, starting with two trains a day in each direction to Paris and Brussels. By 1997, the company believes that it will be carrying ten million passengers a year, and continue to grow from there.From July, Eurostar steps its service to nine trains each waybetween London and Paris, and five between London and Brussels. Each train carries almost 800 passengers, 210 of them in first class. The airlines estimate that they will initially lose around 15%-20% of their London-Paris traffic to the railways once Eurostar starts a full service later this year (1995), with 15 trains a day each way.A similar service will start to Brussels. The damage will be limited, however, the airlines believe, with passenger numbers returning to previous levels within two to three years.In the short term, the damage caused by the 1 million people-levels traveling between London and Paris and Brussels on Eurostar trains means that some air services are already suffering. Some of the major carriers say that their passenger numbers are down by less than 5%. On the Brussels route, the railway company had less success, and the airlines report anything from around a 5% drop to no visible decline in traffic.The airlines’ optimism on returning traffic levels is based on historical precedent. British Midland, for example, points to its experience on Heathrow-Leeds-Bradford service which saw passenger numbers fold by 15% when British Rail electrified and modernized the railway line between London and Y orkshire. Two years later, travel had risen between the two destinations to the point where the airline was carrying record numbers of passengers.6.British airlines confide in the fact that ______.A.they are more powerful than other European airlinesB.their total loss won’t go beyond a drop of 5% passengersC.their traffic levels will return in 2-3 yearsD.traveling by rail can never catch up with traveling by air7.The author’s attitude towards the drop of passengers may be described as ______. A.worriedB.delightedC.puzzledD.unrivaled8.In the passage, British Rail (Para. 6) is mentioned to ______.A.provide a comparison with EurostarB.support the airlines’optimismC.prove the inevitable drop of air passengersD.call for electrification and modernization of the railway 9.The railway’s Brussels route is brought forth to show that ______.A.the Eurostar train service is not doing good businessB.the airlines can well compete with the railwayC.the Eurostar train service only caused little damageD.all airlines are suffering great loss10.The passage is taken from the first part of an essay, from which we may well predict that in the following part the author is going to ______.A.praise the airlines’clear-mindednessB.warn the airlines of high-speed rail servicesC.propose a reduction of London-Paris flightsD.advise the airlines to follow British Midland as their model(3)Three years ago, Joseph J. Ellis, one of the most widely read American historians, ran into a career crisis of his own strange devising. Just months after his book, Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation won the Pulitzer Prize and planted itself for a long run on the best-seller list, it emerged that Ellis,who spent the V ietnam War years doing graduate work at Y ale and teaching history at West Point, had been offering his students at Mount Holyoke College wholly invented accounts of his days as a platoon leader in V ietnam. After his tall tales were exposed in the Boston Globe, Ellis was suspended without pay for a year and compelled to relinquish his endowed chair.But even after the story broke, his book continued to sell briskly. And why not? No one ever accused him of falsifying his scholarship, and his probing biographies remain some of the most psychologically penetrating portraits of the Founding Fathers that we have. His supple new book, His Excellency: George Washington (Knopf; 320 pages), is another in that line, full of subtle inroads into the man Ellis calls the most notorious model of self-control in all of American history, the original marble man.The Washington Ellis gives us is not the customary figure operating serenely above the fray but a man constantly seeking to govern his own passions. Ironically, telling Washington’s story truthfully requires Ellis to occasionally cast doubt on the great man’s honesty. Washington could lie when he needed to –for instance, by misrepresenting for posterity his role in the disastrous engagement at Fort Necessity during the French and Indian War. And throughout his career, he feigned a lack of ambition as cover for a relentless impulse to move upward in the world. Washington had no more than a grade-school education, but he had an early grasp of issues that would be crucial to America’s future, such as westward expansion and the vexing matter of slavery. He eventually concluded that slavery must be abolished, though his own slaves were freed only after his death. He also understood precisely what his role in the new nationshould be. Washington emerged from the War of Independence as a kind of god. Like Caesar before him and Napoleon after, he might easily have parlayed military glory into imperial power. But he performed his greatest service to his country by refusing to yield to that temptation. At the end of his second Administration, he turned down a third term, thereby establishing an enduring example of limited presidential tenure.Washington was willing to refuse a c rown, but he was exasperated by Thomas Jefferson’s and James Madison’s aversion to federal power. His experience during the war with Britain, when arudderless Continental Congress left his army chronically short of supplies, convinced him of the need for a government strong enough to pursue national purposes. But as Ellis sees it, Washington’s views were also “projections onto the national screen of the need for the same kind of controlling authority he had orchestrated within his screen of the need for the same kind of controlling authority he had orchestrated within his own personality”. The Father of His Country had first to prevail as master of himself.11.Which of the following is NOT the consequence of Ellis’story about himself? A.He was suspended.B.He relinquished his chair.C.No one likes his book any more.D.He did not stop writing as his career.12.According to Ellis, Washington succeeded in his career due to his ______.A.educationB.honestyC.self-controlD.lack of ambition13.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A.The Washington in Ellis’book is different from the one the Americans know about. B.Washington was a very ambitious man.C.Washington lied for the later generations.D.Washington abolished slavery in America.14.Which of the following is the main idea of the last paragraph?A.Thomas Jefferson and James Madison did not like to be President.B.Washington’s views of a government reflected his controlling authority of his own personality. C.A government is necessary to pursue national purposes.D.Washington realized his ambition to be the leader of America.15.The main purpose of Ellis’new book about Washington is to ______.A.disclose Washington’s shortcomingsB.present a candid story of WashingtonC.prove that Washington was not as great as people believedD.help his good reputation backIV. Cloze (15%)Instructions: Fill in each blank with one of the given words. Each word is to be used only once.amount repeatedly misunderstanding conserve compromise except exhausted much absolutely upward effective relaxation against worked downward ordinary solution littleThere is a lot of ____1____ about studying. Most students have not been taught the principles lying behind really ____2____ working. Imagine a graph showing the amount a person learns ____3____ the number of hours he works in a day. If he doesn’t do any work, he learns nothing (point 0). If he does an hour’s work he learns a certain ____4____ (point 1). If he does two hours’work he learns about twice as much (point 2). If he does more work he’ll learn still more (point 3). Now, if he tried to do 23.5 hours’work in 24, he’ll be so ____5____ that he’ll hardly remember anything: what he learns will be very ____6____ (point 4). If he did less work he’d learn mor e (point 5).Now whatever the exact shape of the graph’s curve, made by joining these points, it must have a crest. Point X is the very maximum anyone can learn in the day. It is the best possible ____7____ between adequate time at the books and fatigue.F atigue is an ____8____ real thing; one can’t escape it or try to ignore it. If you press yourself to work past the optimum, you can only get on this ____9____ slope and achieve less than the best –and then get exhausted and lose your power of concentration.The skill in being a student consists in getting one’s daily study as near the optimum point as possible. When you find yourself ____10____ reading over the same paragraph and not taking it in, that’s a pretty good sign you’ve reached the crest for the day and should stop.Most ____11____ students find their optimum at about five hours a day. If you get in five hours’ good work a day, you will be doing well.Now, what are you doing with yourself when you aren’t working? Before examinations some students do nothing at all ____12____ sit in a chair and worry. Here is anothermisunderstanding. People too easily think of the mind as if it ____13____ like the body; it does not. If one wanted to ____14____ physical energy to cut the maximum amount of firewood, one would lie flat on a bed and rest when one wasn’t chopping. But the mind cannot rest. Even in sleep you dream, even if you forget your dreams. The mind is always turning. It gets its ____15____ only by variety.V. Writing (90 points)Task OneThe following groups of sentences are defective in terms of coherence, conciseness, emphasis, balance, variety, vividness, clarity, unity, or even grammar. Try to improve them. (15 points)1. English students should practise writing. Whenever they have writing sessions every week, it is necessary to practise writing. (3 points)2. We are senior college students now, and we are all faced with a choice whether we prefer to work or to pursue a master degree after graduation. In my opinion, these two choices are both good for fresh gradudates. ( 3 points)3. The 40-year-old man was lying on the sidewalk. He had no shoes on, and he was bearded and half-naked. He looked like a beggar or lunatic. (3 points)4. Hainan Island used to be an agricultural province. It has recently attracted more industry. ( 2 point)5. My bedroom is well-decorated. It is very spacious. Here there is a tall wooden bookshelf. This shelf is not expensive. On this shelf there are a lot of English books I have bought.A huge wardrobe stands against the back wall, and in this wardrobe there are beautiful dresses. (4 points)Task TwoJust a short time ago, Chen Y unlin, President of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits, paid a five-day visit to Taiwan, where he signed deals on direct flights, postal services, food safety and other important issues. He was the highest-level mainland official to set foot on Taiwan in the past 60 years. Write an essay of no less than 450 words on the significance of Chen Y unlin’s historic visit. (75 points)。



[考研类试卷]2012年上海理工大学英语翻译基础真题试卷英译汉1 Wi-Fi2 ISO3 DNA4 IMF5 nitrogen oxide6 autoalarm7 biological agent8 Charles Darwin9 multistage rocket10 radio navigational instruments11 probability theory12 geoastrophysics13 neon14 semiconductor15 communicative translation汉译英16 矿物燃料17 载人飞船18 人工智能19 信息类文本20 电化学21 千瓦22 功能对等23 工程制图24 改写本25 克隆26 机辅翻译27 博客搜索28 字面翻译29 天宫1号太空舱30 同声传译英译汉31 One measure of a robust transportation system is the diversity of travel modes. US cities are dominated by a single mode: the private car. On average, each person in the US cities sampled in 1990 logged 10,870 kilometers(6,750 miles)of city driving more than a round trip across North America. Growth in car use in the US cities between 1980 and 1990 was 2,000 kilometers per person, nearly double the increase in the Canadian cities, which have the next highest driving level. In industrial countries, urban car use has tended to rise as population density has declined. US cities have led the trend toward dispersed, low-density development. Between 1983 and 1990, the average roundtripcommute to work in the United States grew 25%, to 17 kilometers(11 miles). As cities sprawl, cars become essential while transit, bicycling, and walking become less practical. Compact Asian and European cities thus have the highest levels of non-motorized transport.As car use rises, car-related problems mount. Fatal crashes, for example, increase. The exception is cities in developing countries, where low car use is offset by poor signals and safety regulations. Nonetheless, highly car-reliant US cities exceed even developing Asian cities in per capital traffic fatalities. Worldwide, traffic accidents kill some 885,000 people each year—equivalent to 10 fatal jumbo jet crashes per day—and injure many times more.[Key Words]log v. 把......记入航海(或飞行)transit n.运输,经过jumbo jet 大型喷气式客机32 Scientists continue to find new ways to insert genes for specific traits into plant and animal DNA. A field of promise—and a subject of debate—genetic engineering is changing the food we eat and the world we live in.Just what are genetically engineered foods, and who is eating them? What do we know about their benefits—and their risks? What effect might engineered plants have on the environment and on agricultural practices around the world? Can they help feed and preserve the health of the Earth's burgeoning population?In the past decade or so, the biotech plants that go into these processed foods have leaped from hothouse oddities to crops planted on a massive scale—on 130 million acres in 13 countries, among them Argentina, Canada, China, South Africa, Australia, Germany, and Spain. On U. S. farmland, acreage planted with genetically engineered crops jumped nearly 25-fold from 3. 6 million acres in 1996 to 88. 2 million acres in 2001. More than 50 different "designer" crops have passed through a federal review process, and about a hundred more are undergoing field trials. [Key Words]burgeon v.迅速成长、迅速发展oddity n.奇异,古怪汉译英33 中国科学家在沿海省份大面积试验用海水灌溉农作物,以供养众多的人口,这些人口面临土地匮乏、淡水短缺的压力。



2012年上海大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解Part I (30 points)1. Translate the following English or Chinese terminologies into Chinese or English ones respectively. (20 points)①G20【答案】20国集团②经适房【答案】Residence houses for low-and-medium wage earners/Affordable Housing③和而不同【答案】Harmonious but Different④工业“三废”【答案】three wastes(waste gas, waste water and waste residues)⑤保障性住房【答案】indemnificatory housing2. What factors do you think need to be taken into consideration when you are commissioned to translate a source text? (10 points)【答案】We should follow two principles—faithfulness and expressiveness. Faithfulness means the full and complete conveying or transmission of the original content or thought. Expressiveness demands that the version must be clear and flowing without any grammatical mistakes or confused logic and sense.Part II Put the following passage into Chinese (60 points)TRUE!—nervous—very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am; but why will you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses—not destroyed—not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell. How, then, am I mad? Hearken! And observe how healthily—how calmly I can tell you the whole story.It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain; but once conceived, it haunted me day and night. Object there was none. Passion there was none. I loved the old man. He had never wronged me. He had never given me insult. For his gold I had no desire. I think it was his eye! Yes, it was this! One of his eyes resembled that of a vulture—a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees—very gradually—I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever.Now this is the point. You fancy me mad. Madmen know nothing. But you should have seen me. You should have seen how wisely I proceeded—with what caution—with what foresight—with what dissimulation I went to work! I was neverkinder to the old man than during the whole week before I killed him. And every night about midnight I turned the latch of his door and opened it—oh, so gently! And then, when I had made an opening sufficient for my head, I put in a dark lantern all closed, closed so that no light shone out, and then I thrust in my head. Oh, you would have laughed to see how cunningly I thrust it in! I moved it slowly—very, very slowly, so that I might not disturb the old man’s sleep. It took me an hour to place my whole head within the opening so far that I could see him as he lay upon his bed. Ha! —would a madman have been so wise as this? And then when my head was well in the room I undid the lantern cautiously —oh, so cautiously —cautiously (for the hinges creaked)—I undid it just so much that a single thin ray fell upon the vulture eye. And this I did for seven long nights—every night just at midnight—but I found the eye always closed, and so it was impossible to do the work, for it was not the old man who vexed me but his Evil Eye. And every morning, when the day broke, I went boldly into the chamber and spoke courageously to him, calling him by name in a hearty tone, and inquiring how he had passed the night. So you see he would have been a very profound old man, indeed, to suspect that every night, just at twelve, I looked in upon him while he slept.Upon the eighth night I was more than usually cautious in opening the door. A watch’s minute hand moves more quickly than did mine. Never before that night had I felt the extent of my own powers—of my sagacity. I could scarcely contain my feelings of triumph. To think that there I was opening the door little by little, and henot even to dream of my secret deeds or thoughts. I fairly chuckled at the idea, and perhaps he heard me, for he moved on the bed suddenly as if startled. Now you may think that I drew back —but no. His room was as black as pitch with the thick darkness (for the shutters were close fastened through fear of robbers), and so I knew that he could not see the opening of the door, and I kept pushing it on steadily, steadily.I had my head in, and was about to open the lantern, when my thumb slipped upon the tin fastening, and the old man sprang up in the bed, crying out—“Who’s there?”.【朱振武译】《泄密的心》真的——紧张——非常紧张,极度紧张,以前,现在,都是这样。



Section 1 Use of EninglishDirections :Millions of Americans and foreigners see GI.Joe as a mindless war toy ,the symbol of American military adventurism, but that’s not how it used to be .To the men and women who 1 )in World War II and the people they liberated ,the GI.was the 2) man grown into hero ,the pool farm kid torn away from his home ,the guy who 3) all the burdens of battle ,who slept in cold foxholes,who went without the 4) of food and shelter ,who stuck it out and drove back the Nazi reign of murder .this was not a volunteer soldier ,not someone well paid ,5) an average guy ,up 6 )the best trained ,best equipped ,fiercest ,most brutal enemies seen in centuries.His name is not much.GI. is just a military abbreviation 7) Government Issue ,and it was on all of the article 8) to soldiers .And Joe? A common name for a guy who never 9) it to the top .Joe Blow ,Joe Magrac …a working class name.The United States has 10) had a president or vicepresident or secretary of state Joe.GI .joe had a (11)career fighting German ,Japanese , and Korean troops . He appers as a character ,or a (12 ) of american personalities, in the 1945 movie The Story of GI. Joe, based on the last days of war correspondent Ernie Pyle. Some of the soldiers Pyle(13)portrayde themselves in the film. Pyle was famous for covering the (14)side of the warl, writing about the dirt-snow –and-mud soldiers, not how many miles were(15)or what towns were captured or liberated, His reports(16)the “willie” cartoons of famed Stars and Stripes artist Bill Maulden. Both men(17)the dirt and exhaustion of war, the (18)of civilization that the soldiers shared with each other and the civilians: coffee, tobacco, whiskey, shelter, sleep. (19)Egypt, France, and a dozen more countries, G.I. Joe was any American soldier,(20)the most important person in their lives.1.[A] performed [B]served [C]rebelled [D]betrayed2.[A] actual [B]common [C]special [D]normal3.[A]bore [B]cased [C]removed [D]loaded4.[A]necessities [B]facilitice [C]commodities [D]propertoes5.[A]and [B]nor [C]but [D]hence6.[A]for [B]into [C] form [D]against7.[A]meaning [B]implying [C]symbolizing [D]claiming8.[A]handed out [B]turn over [C]brought back [D]passed down9.[A]pushed [B]got [C]made [D]managed10.[A]ever [B]never [C]either [D]neither11.[A]disguised [B]disturbed [C]disputed [D]distinguished12.[A]company [B]collection [C]community [D]colony13.[A]employed [B]appointed [C]interviewed [D]questioned14.[A]ethical [B]military [C]political [D]human15.[A]ruined [B]commuted [C]patrolled [D]gained16.[A]paralleled [B]counteracted [C]duplicated [D]contradicted17.[A]neglected [B]avoided [C]emphasized [D]admired18.[A]stages [B]illusions [C]fragments [D]advancea19.[A]With [B]To [C]Among [D]Beyond20.[A]on the contrary [B] by this means [C]from the outset [D]at that pointSection II Resdiong ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. answer the question after each text by choosing A,B,C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(40 points)Text 1Homework has never been terribly popular with students and even many parents, but in recent years it has been particularly scorned. School districts across the country, most recently Los Angeles Unified, are revising their thinking on his educational ritual. Unfortunately, L.A. Unified has produced an inflexible policy which mandates that with the exception of some advanced courses, homework may no longer count for more than 10% of a student’s academic grade.This rule is meant to address the difficulty that students from impoverished or chaotic homes might have in completing their homework. But the policy is unclear and contradictory. Certainly, no homework should be assigned that students cannot do without expensive equipment. But if the district is essentially giving a pass to students who do not do their homework because of complicated family lives, it is going riskily close to the implication that standards need to be lowered for poor children.District administrators say that homework will still be a pat of schooling: teachers are allowed to assign as much of it as they want. But with homework counting for no more than 10% of their grades, students can easily skip half their homework and see vey little difference on their report cards. Some students might do well on state tests without completing their homework, but what about the students who performed well on the tests and did their homework? It is quite possible that the homework helped. Yet rather than empowering teachers to find what works best for their students, the policy imposes a flat, across-the-board rule.At the same time, the policy addresses none of the truly thorny questions about homework. If the district finds homework to be unimportant to its students’ academic achievement, it should move to reduce or eliminate the assignments, not make them count for almost nothing. Conversely, if homework does nothing to ensure that the homework students are not assigning more than they are willing to review and correct.The homework rules should be put on hold while the school board, which is responsible for setting educational policy, looks into the matter and conducts public hearings. It is not too late for L.A. Unified to do homework right.21.It is implied in paragraph 1 that nowadays homework_____.[A] is receiving more criticism[B]is no longer an educational ritual[C]is not required for advanced courses[D]is gaining more preferences22.L.A.Unified has made the rule about homework mainly because poor students_____.[A]tend to have moderate expectations for their education[B]have asked for a different educational standard[C]may have problems finishing their homework[D]have voiced their complaints about homework23.According to Paragraph 3,one problem with the policy is that it may____.[A]discourage students from doing homework[B]result in students' indifference to their report cards[C]undermine the authority of state tests[D]restrict teachers' power in education24. As mentioned in Paragraph 4, a key question unanswered about homework is whether______. [A] it should be eliminated[B]it counts much in schooling[C]it places extra burdens on teachers[D]it is important for grades25.A suitable title for this text could be______.[A]Wrong Interpretation of an Educational Policy[B]A Welcomed Policy for Poor Students[C]Thorny Questions about Homework[D]A Faulty Approach to HomeworkText2Pretty in pink: adult women do not rememer being so obsessed with the colour, yet it is pervasive in our young girls’ lives. Tt is not that pink is intrinsically bad, but it is such a tiny slice of the rainbow and, though it may celebrate girlhood in one way, it also repeatedly and firmly fuses girls’ identity to appearance. Then it presents that connection, even among two-year-olds, between girls as not only innocent but as evidence of innocence. Looking around, I despaired at the singular lack of imagination about girls’ lives and interests.Girls’ attraction to pink may seem unavoidable, somehow encoded in their DNA, but according to Jo Paoletti, an associate professor of American Studies, it is not. Children were not colour-coded at all until the early 20th century: in the era before domestic washing machines all babies wore white as a practical matter, since the only way of getting clothes clean was to boil them. What’s more, both boys and girls wore what were thought of as gender-neutral dresses.When nursery colours were introduced, pink was actually considered the more masculine colour, a pastel version of red, which was associated with strength. Blue, with its intimations of the Virgin Mary, constancy and faithfulness, symbolised femininity. It was not until the mid-1980s, when amplifying age and sex differences became a dominant children’s marketing strategy, that pink fully came into its own, when it began to seem inherently attractive to girls, part of what defined them as female, at least for the first few critical years.I had not realised how profoundly marketing trends dictated our perception of what is natural to kins, including our core beliefs about their psychological development. Take the toddler. I assumed that phase was something experts developed after years of research into children’s behaviour: wrong. Turns out, acdording to Daniel Cook, a historian of childhood consumerism, it was popularised as a marketing trick by clothing manufacrurers in the 1930s.Trade publications counselled department stores that, in order to increase sales, they should create a “third stepping stone”between infant wear and older kids’ clothes. Tt was only after “toddler”became a common shoppers’ term that it evolved into a broadly accepted developmental stage. Splitting kids, or adults,into ever-tinier categories has proved a sure-fire way to boost profits. And one of the easiest ways to segment a market is to magnify gender differences – or invent them where they did not previously exist.26.By saying "it is...the rainbow"(Line 3, Para.1),the author means pink______.[A]should not be the sole representation of girlhood[B]should not be associated with girls' innocence[C]cannot explain girls' lack of imagination[D]cannot influence girls' lives and interests27.According to Paragraph 2, which of the following is true of colours?[A]Colours are encoded in girls' DNA.[B]Blue used to be regarded as the colour for girls.[C]Pink used to be a neutral colour in symbolising genders.[D]White is prefered by babies.28.The author suggests that our perception of children's psychological development was much influenced by_____.[A]the marketing of products for children[B]the observation of children's nature[C]researches into children's behavior[D]studies of childhood consumption29.We may learn from Paragraph 4 that department stores were advised to_____.[A]focus on infant wear and older kids' clothes[B]attach equal importance to different genders[C]classify consumers into smaller groups[D]create some common shoppers' terms30.It can be concluded that girls' attraction to pink seems to be____.[A] clearly explained by their inborn tendency[B]fully understood by clothing manufacturers[C] mainly imposed by profit-driven businessmen[D]well interpreted by psychological experts Part BDirections:。



2012年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语试题SectionⅠ Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C]or [D]on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)The ethical judgments of the Supreme Court justices became an important issue recently. The court cannot__1___ its legitimacy as guardian of the rule of law___2___ justices behave like politicians. Yet, in several instances, justices acted in ways that__3___ the court’s reputation for being independent and impartial.Justices Antonin Scalia and Samuel Alito Jr., for example, appeared at political events. That kind of activity makes it less likely that the court’s decisions will be__4__ as impartial judgments. Part of the problem is that the justices are not ___5__ by an ethics code. At the very least, the court should make itself____6___ to the code of conduct that __7____to the rest of the federal judiciary.This and other cases ___8___the question of whether there is still a ___9__ between the court and politics.The framers of the Constitution envisioned law__10__ having authority apart from politics. They gave justices permanent positions __11__ they would be free to __12__those in power and have no need to__13___ political support. Our legal system was designed to set law apart from politics precisely because they are so closely __14___.Constitutional law is political because it results from choices rooted in fundamental social ___15___like liberty and property. When the court deals with social policy decisions, the law it __16___is inescapably political — which is why decisions split along ideological lines are so easily ___17__ as unjust.The justices must __18___doubts about the court’s legitim acy by making themselves __19___to the code of conduct. That would make their rulings more likely to be seen as separate from politics and, __20___, convincing as law.1. [A] emphasize [B] maintain [C] modify [D] recognize2. [A] when [B] best [C] before [D] unless3. [A] restored [B] weakened [C] established [D] eliminated4. [A] challenged [B] compromised [C] suspected [D] accepted5. [A] advanced [B] caught [C] bound [D] founded6. [A] resistant [B] subject [C] immune [D] prone7. [A] resorts [B] sticks [C] leads [D] applies8. [A] evade [B] raise [C] deny [D] settle9. [A] line [B] barrier [C] similarity [D] conflict10. [A] by [B] as [C] through [D] towards11. [A] so [B] since [C] provided [D] though12. [A] serve [B] satisfy [C] upset [D] replace13. [A] confirm [B] express [C] cultivate [D] offer14. [A] guarded [B] followed [C] studied [D] tied15. [A] concepts [B] theories [C] divisions [D] convenience16. [A] excludes [B] questions [C] shapes [D] controls17. [A] dismissed [B] released [C] ranked [D] distorted18. [A] suppress [B] exploit [C] address [D] ignore19. [A] accessible [B] amiable [C] agreeable [D] accountable20. [A] by all means [B] at all costs [C] in a word [D] as a resultSection ⅡReading ComprehensionPart ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing [A], [B], [C] or[D]. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1. (40 points)Text 1Come on –Everybody’s doing it. That whispered message, half invitation and half forcing, is what most of us think of when we hear the words peer pressure. It usually leads to no good-drinking, drugs and casual sex. But in her new book Join the Club, Tina Rosenberg contends that peer pressure can also be a positive force through what she calls the social cure, in which organizations and officials use the power of group dynamics to help individuals improve their lives and possibly the word.Rosenberg, the recipient of a Pulitzer Prize, offers a host of example of the social cure in action: In South Carolina, a state-sponsored antismoking program called Rage Against the Haze sets out to make cigarettes uncool. In South Africa, an HIV-prevention initiative known as LoveLife recruits young people to promote safe sex among their peers.The idea seems promising and Rosenberg is a perceptive observer. Her critique of the lameness of many pubic-health campaigns is spot-on: they fail to mobilize peer pressure for healthy habits, and they demonstrate a seriously flawed understan ding of psychology.” Dare to be different, please don’t smoke!” pleads one billboard campaign aimed at reducing smoking among teenagers-teenagers, who desire nothing more than fitting in. Rosenberg argues convincingly that public-health advocates ought to take a page from advertisers, so skilled at applying peer pressure. But on the general effectiveness of the social cure, Rosenberg is less persuasive. Join the Club is filled with too much irrelevant detail and not enough exploration of the social and biological factors that make peer pressure so powerful. The most glaring flaw of the social cure as it’s presented here is that it doesn’t work very well for very long. Rage Against the Haze failed once state funding was cut. Evidence that the LoveLife program produces lasting changes is limited and mixed. There’s no doubt that our peer groups exert enormous influence on our behavior. An emerging body of research shows that positive health habits-as well as negative ones-spread through networks of friends via social communication. This is a subtle form of peer pressure: we unconsciously imitate the behavior we see every day.Far less certain, however, is how successfully experts and bureaucrats can select our peer groups and steer their activities in virtuous d irections. It’s like the teacher who breaks up the troublemakers in the back row by pairing them with better-behaved classmates. The tactic never really works. And that’s the problem with a social cure engineered from the outside: in the real world, as in school, we insist on choosing our own friends.21. According to the first paragraph, peer pressure often emerges as[A] a supplement to the social cure[B] a stimulus to group dynamics[C] an obstacle to school progress[D] a cause of undesirable behaviors22. Rosenberg holds that public advocates should[A] recruit professional advertisers[B] learn from advertisers’ experience[C] stay away from commercial advertisers[D] recognize the limitations of advertisements23. In the author’s view, Rosenberg’s book fails to[A] adequately probe social and biological factors[B] effectively evade the flaws of the social cure[C] illustrate the functions of state funding[D]produce a long-lasting social effect24. Paragraph 5shows that our imitation of behaviors[A] is harmful to our networks of friends[B] will mislead behavioral studies[C] occurs without our realizing it[D] can produce negative health habits25. The author suggests in the last paragraph that the effect of peer pressure is[A] harmful[B] desirable[C] profound[D] questionableText 2A deal is a deal-except, apparently, when Entergy is involved. The company, a major energy supplier in New England, provoked justified outrage in Vermont last week when it announced it was reneging on a longstanding commitment to abide by the strict nuclear regulations.Instead, the company has done precisely what it had long promised it would not challenge the constitutionality of Vermont’s rules in the federal court, as part of a desperate ef fort to keep its Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant running. It’s a stunning move.The conflict has been surfacing since 2002, when the corporation bought Vermont’s only nuclear power plant, an aging reactor in Vernon. As a condition of receiving state approval for the sale, the company agreed to seek permission from state regulators to operate past 2012. In 2006, the state went a step further, requiring that any extension of the plant’s license be subject to Vermont legislature’s approval. Then, too, the company went along.Either Entergy never really intended to live by those commitments, or it simply didn’t foresee what would happen next. A string of accidents, including the partial collapse of a cooling tower in 207 and the discovery of an underground p ipe system leakage, raised serious questions about both Vermont Yankee’s safety and Entergy’s management–especially after the company made misleading statements about the pipe. Enraged by Entergy’s behavior, the Vermont Senate voted 26 to 4 last year against allowing an extension.Now the company is suddenly claiming that the 2002 agreement is invalid because of the 2006 legislation, and that only the federal government has regulatory power over nuclear issues. The legal issues in the case are obscure: whereas the Supreme Court has ruled that states do have some regulatory authority over nuclear power, legal scholars say that Vermont case will offer a precedent-setting test of how far those powers extend. Certainly, there are valid concerns about the patchwork regulations that could result if every state sets its own rules. But had Entergy kept its word, that debate would be beside the point.The company seems to have concluded that its reputation in Vermont is already so damaged that it has noting left to lose by going to war with the state. But there should be consequences. Permission to run a nuclear plant is a poblic trust. Entergy runs 11 other reactors in the United States, including Pilgrim Nuclear station in Plymouth. Pledging to run Pilgrim safely, the company has applied for federal permission to keep it open for another 20 years.But as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) reviews the company’s application, it should keep it mind what promises from Entergy are worth.26. The phrase “reneging on”(Line 3.para.1) is closest in meaning to[A] condemning.[B] reaffirming.[C] dishonoring.[D] securing.27. By entering into the 2002 agreement, Entergy intended to[A] obtain protection from Vermont regulators.[B] seek favor from the federal legislature.[C] acquire an extension of its business license .[D] get permission to purchase a power plant.28. According to Paragraph 4, Entergy seems to have problems with its[A] managerial practices.[B] technical innovativeness.[C] financial goals.[D] business vision29. In the author’s view, the Vermont case will test[A] Entergy’s capacity to fulfill all its promises.[B] the mature of states’ patchwork regulations.[C] the federal authority over nuclear issues .[D] the limits of states’ power over nuclear issues.30. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that[A] Entergy’s business elsewhere might be affected.[B] the authority of the NRC will be defied.[C] Entergy will withdraw its Plymouth application.[D] Vermont’s reputation might be damaged.Text 3In the idealized version of how science is done, facts about the world are waiting to be observed and collected by objective researchers who use the scientific method to carry out their work. But in the everyday practice of science, discovery frequently follows an ambiguous and complicated route. We aim to be objective, but we cannot escape the context of our unique life experience. Prior knowledge and interest influence what we experience, what we think our experiences mean, and the subsequent actions we take. Opportunities for misinterpretation, error, and self-deception abound.Consequently, discovery claims should be thought of as protoscience. Similar to newly staked mining claims, they are full of potential. But it takes collective scrutiny and acceptance to transform a discovery claim into a mature discovery. This is the credibility process, through which the individual researcher’s me, here, now becomes the community’s anyone, anywhere, anytime. Objective knowledge is the goal, not the starting point.Once a discovery claim becomes public, the discoverer receives intellectual credit. But, unlike with mining claims, the community takes control of what happens next. Within the complex social structure of the scientific community, researchers make discoveries; editors and reviewers act as gatekeepers by controlling the publication process; other scientists use the new finding to suit their own purposes; and finally, the public (including other scientists) receives the new discovery and possibly accompanying technology. As a discovery claim works itthrough the community, the interaction and confrontation between shared and competing beliefs about the science and the technology involved transforms an individual’s discovery claim into the community’s credib le discovery.Two paradoxes exist throughout this credibility process. First, scientific work tends to focus on some aspect of prevailing Knowledge that is viewed as incomplete or incorrect. Little reward accompanies duplication and confirmation of what is already known and believed. The goal is new-search, not re-search. Not surprisingly, newly published discovery claims and credible discoveries that appear to be important and convincing will always be open to challenge and potential modification or refutation by future researchers. Second, novelty itself frequently provokes disbelief. Nobel Laureate and physiologist Albert Azent-Gyorgyi once described discovery as “seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.” But thinking what nobody else has thought and telling others what they have missed may not change their views. Sometimes years are required for truly novel discovery claims to be accepted and appreciated.In the end, credibility “happens” to a discovery claim – a process that corresponds to what philosopher Annette Baier has described as the commons of the mind. “We reason together, challenge, revise, and complete each other’s reasoning and each other’s conceptions of reason.”31. According to the first paragraph, the process of discovery is characterized by its[A] uncertainty and complexity.[B] misconception and deceptiveness.[C] logicality and objectivity.[D] systematicness and regularity.32. It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that credibility process requires[A] strict inspection.[B]shared efforts.[C] individual wisdom.[D]persistent innovation.33.Paragraph 3 shows that a discovery claim becomes credible after it[A] has attracted the attention of the general public.[B]has been examined by the scientific community.[C] has received recognition from editors and reviewers.[D]has been frequently quoted by peer scientists.34. Albert Szent-Györgyi would most likely agree that[A] scientific claims will survive challenges.[B]discoveries today inspire future research.[C] efforts to make discoveries are justified.[D] scientific work calls for a critical mind.35. Which of the following would be the best title of the test?[A] Novelty as an Engine of Scientific Development.[B] Collective Scrutiny in Scientific Discovery.[C] Evolution of Credibility in Doing Science.[D]Challenge to Credibility at the Gate to Science.Text 4If the trade unionist Jimmy Hoffa were alive today, he would probably represent civil servant. When H offa’s Teamsters were in their prime in 1960, only one in ten American government workers belonged to a union; now 36% do. In 2009 the number of unionists in America’s public sector passed that of their fellow members in theprivate sector. In Britain, more than half of public-sector workers but only about 15% of private-sector ones are unionized.There are three reasons for the public-sector unions’ thriving. First, they can shut things down without suffering much in the way of consequences. Second, they are mostly bright and well-educated. A quarter of America’s public-sector workers have a university degree. Third, they now dominate left-of-centre politics. Some of their ties go back a long way. Britain’s Labor Party, as its name implies, has long been a ssociated with trade unionism. Its current leader, Ed Miliband, owes his position to votes from public-sector unions.At the state level their influence can be even more fearsome. Mark Baldassare of the Public Policy Institute of California points out tha t much of the state’s budget is patrolled by unions. The teachers’ unions keep an eye on schools, the CCPOA on prisons and a variety of labor groups on health care.In many rich countries average wages in the state sector are higher than in the private one. But the real gains come in benefits and work practices. Politicians have repeatedly “backloaded” public-sector pay deals, keeping the pay increases modest but adding to holidays and especially pensions that are already generous.Reform has been vigorously opposed, perhaps most egregiously in education, where charter schools, academies and merit pay all faced drawn-out battles. Even though there is plenty of evidence that the quality of the teachers is the most important variable, teachers’ unions have fo ught against getting rid of bad ones and promoting good ones.As the cost to everyone else has become clearer, politicians have begun to clamp down. In Wisconsin the unions have rallied thousands of supporters against Scott Walker, the hardline Republican governor. But many within the public sector suffer under the current system, too.John Donahue at Harvard’s Kennedy School points out that the norms of culture in Western civil services suit those who want to stay put but is bad for high achievers. The only American public-sector workers who earn well above $250,000 a year are university sports coaches and the president of the United States. Bankers’ fat pay packets have attracted much criticism, but a public-sector system that does not reward high achievers may be a much bigger problem for America.36. It can be learned from the first paragraph that[A] Teamsters still have a large body of members.[B] Jimmy Hoffa used to work as a civil servant.[C] unions have enlarged their public-sector membership.[D]the government has improved its relationship with unionists.37. Which of the following is true of Paragraph 2?[A] Public-sector unions are prudent in taking actions.[B] Education is required for public-sector union membership.[C] Labor Party has long been fighting against public-sector unions.[D]Public-sector unions seldom get in trouble for their actions.38. It can be learned from Paragraph 4 that the income in the state sector is[A] illegally secured.[B] indirectly augmented.[C] excessively increased.[D]fairly adjusted.39. The example of the unions in Wisconsin shows that unions[A]often run against the current political system.[B]can change people’s political attitudes.[C]may be a barrier to public-sector reforms.[D]are dominant in the government.40. John Donahue’s attitude towards the public-sector system is one of[A]disapproval.[B] appreciation.[C]tolerance.[D]indifference.Part BDirections: In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1.(10 points)Think of those fleeting moments when you look out of an aeroplane window and realise that you are flying, higher than a bird. Now think of your laptop, thinner than a brown-paper envelope, or your cellphone in the palm of your hand. Take a moment or two to wonder at those marvels. You are the lucky inheritor of a dream come true.The second half of the 20th century saw a collection of geniuses, warriors, entrepreneurs and visionaries labour to create a fabulous machine that could function as a typewriter and printing press, studio and theatre, paintbrush and gallery, piano and radio, the mail as well as the mail carrier. (41) _____________________________________________________The networked computer is an amazing device, the first media machine that serves as the mode of production, means of distribution, site of reception, and place of praise and critique. The computer is the 21st century's culture machine.But for all the reasons there are to celebrate the computer, we must also tread with caution. (42) _____________________________________________________ I call it a secret war for two reasons. First, most people do not realise that there are strong commercial agendas at work to keep them in passive consumption mode. Second, the majority of people who use networked computers to upload are not even aware of the significance of what they are doing.All animals download, but only a few upload. Beavers build dams and birds make nests. Yet for the most part, the animal kingdom moves through the world downloading. Humans are unique in their capacity to not only make tools but then turn around and use them to create superfluous material goods - paintings, sculpture and architecture - and superfluous experiences - music, literature, religion and philosophy. (43) _______________________________________ ______________For all the possibilities of our new culture machines, most people are still stuck in download mode. Even after the advent of widespread social media, a pyramid of production remains, with a small number of people uploading material, a slightly larger group commenting on or modifying that content, and a huge percentage remaining content to just consume. (44) __________ ___________________________________________Television is a one-way tap flowing into our homes. The hardest task that television asks of anyone is to turn the power off after he has turned it on.(45) _____________________________________________________What counts as meaningful uploading? My definition revolves around the concept of "stickiness" - creations and experiences to which others adhere.[A] Of course, it is precisely these superfluous things that define human culture and ultimately what it is to behuman. Downloading and consuming culture requires great skills, but failing to move beyonddownloading is to strip oneself of a defining constituent of humanity.[B] Applications like , which allow users to combine pictures, words and other media in creativeways and then share them, have the potential to add stickiness by amusing, entertaining and enlightening others.[C] Not only did they develop such a device but by the turn of the millennium they had also managed to embedit in a worldwide system accessed by billions of people every day.[D] This is because the networked computer has sparked a secret war between downloading and uploading -between passive consumption and active creation - whose outcome will shape our collective future in ways we can only begin to imagine.[E] The challenge the computer mounts to television thus bears little similarity to one format being replaced byanother in the manner of record players being replaced by CD players.[F] One reason for the persistence of this pyramid of production is that for the past half-century, much of theworld's media culture has been defined by a single medium - television - and television is defined by downloading.[G] The networked computer offers the first chance in 50 years to reverse the flow, to encourage thoughtfuldownloading and, even more importantly, meaningful uploading.Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)Since the days of Aristotle, a search for universal principles has characterized the scientific enterprise. In some ways, this quest for commonalities defines science. Newton's laws of motion and Darwinian evolution each bind a host of different phenomena into a single explicatory framework.(46)In physics, one approach takes this impulse for unification to its extreme, and seeks a theory of everything — a single generative equation for all we see. It is becoming less clear, however, that such a theory would be a simplification, given the proliferation of dimensions and universes that it might entail. Nonetheless, unification of sorts remains a major goal.This tendency in the natural sciences has long been evident in the social sciences too. (47)Here, Darwinism seems to offer justification, for if all humans share common origins, it seems reasonable to suppose that cultural diversity could also be traced to more constrained beginnings. Just as the bewildering variety of human courtship rituals might all be considered to be forms of sexual selection, perhaps the world's languages, music, social and religious customs and even history are governed by universal features. (48)To filter out what is unique from what is shared might enable us to understand how complex cultural behaviour arose and what guides it in evolutionary or cognitive terms.That, at least, is the hope. But a comparative study of linguistic traits published online today supplies a reality check. Russell Gray at the University of Auckland and his colleagues consider the evolution of grammars in the light of two previous attempts to find universality in language.The most famous of these efforts was initiated by Noam Chomsky, who postulated that humans are born with an innate language-acquisition capacity that dictates a universal grammar. A few generative rules are then sufficient to unfold the entire fundamental structure of a language, which is why children can learn it so quickly.(49)The second, by Joshua Greenberg, takes a more empirical approach to universality, identifying traits (particularly in word order) shared by many languages, which are considered to represent biases that result from cognitive constraints.Gray and his colleagues have put them to the test by examining four family trees that between them represent more than 2,000 languages. (50) Chomsky’s grammar should show patterns of language change that are independent of the family tree or the pathway tracked through it, whereas Greenbergian universality predicts strong co-dependencies between particular types of word-order relations. Neither of these patterns is borne out by the analysis, suggesting that the structures of the languages are lineage-specific and not governed by universals.Section Ⅲ WritingPart A51. Directions: Some internationals students are coming to your university. Write them an email in the name of the Students’ Union to1) extend your welcome and2) provide some suggestions for their campus life here.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET2. Do not sign your name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.Do not write the address (10 points)Part B52. Directions: write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay you should1) describe the drawing briefly2) explain its intended meaning, and3) give your commentsYou should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET2.(20 points)2012年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语试题一答案Section I: Use of English (10 points)1. [B] maintain2. [A] when3. [B] weakened4. [D] accepted5. [C] bound6. [B] subject7. [D] applies8. [B] raise9. [A] line10. [B] as 11. [A] so12. [C] upset13. [C] cultivate14. [D] tied15. [A] concepts 16. [C] shapes17. [A] dismissed18. [C] address19. [D] accountable20. [D] as a resultSection II: Reading Comprehension (60 points)Part A (40 points)21. DBACC CDADA 31. ADBDD CDBAAPart B (10 points)41. CDAFGPart C (10 points)46. 在物理学上,一种方法是将这种冲动完美发挥到极点并且导找到一种万能的理论---一条我们都可以看的见,明白的普遍公式。



20##12月研究生英语学位课统考真题〔A 卷〕GENRAL ENGLISH QUALIFYING TEST FOR NON-ENGLISH MAJOR GRADUATE STUDENTS考试注意事项一、本考试有两份试卷组成:试卷一〔Paper one〕包括听力理解、词汇、完型填空与阅读理解四部分,共80题,按顺序统一编号;试卷二〔Paper two〕包括翻译和写作两部分,共三题.此外,试卷分A、B卷,请考生注意在答题卡上标出自己的试卷类型.二、试卷一〔题号1-80〕为客观评分题〔听力Section C 部分除外〕,答案一律用2B铅笔做在机读卡答题纸上,在对应题号下所选的字母中间画黑道,如 [A][B][C][D].三、试卷二为主观评分题,答案做在ANSWER SHEEII上.答题前,请仔细阅读试卷二的注意事项.四、试卷一、试卷二上均不得作任何记号〔听力Section C部分除外〕,答案一律写在答题纸上,否则无效.五、本考试全部时间为150分钟,采用试卷一盒试卷二分卷计时的办法.试卷一考试时间为90分钟,听力理解部分以放完录音带为准,大约25分钟;其余部分共计时65分钟,每部分所占时间均标在试卷上,考生可自行掌握.试卷二共计时60分钟,每部分所占时间均标在试卷上,考生可自行掌握.六、试卷一与试卷二采取分别收卷的办法.每次终了时间一到,考生一律停笔,等候监考老师收点试卷与答题纸.全部考试结束后,须待监考老师将全部试卷与答题纸收点无误并宣布本次考试结束,方可离开考场.PAPER ONEPart I Listening Comprehension <25miniutes, 20 points> Section A <1point each>Directions:In this section, you will hear nine short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Choose the best answer from the four choices given by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet.1. A. His arms. B. His legs. C. His head. D. His should2. A. Bennie is travelling to San Francisco by air.B. Bennie is very happy about the promotion.C. Bennie has quit a well-paid job.D. Bennie enjoys working in the office.3. A. At 1:45. B. At 2:15. C. At 2:30. D. At 2:45.4. A. Jeffrey is not a good helping hand.B. Jeffrey is too young to start a new career.C. They agree with each other on many things.D. They really dislike each other.C.5. A. A SUV. B. A sport car. C. A minivan. D. A cargo truck.6. A. Because the lab was really a mess.B. Because the boss was too strict.C. Because the driver was absent-minded.D. Because someone in the group was manipulative.7. A. Jessica didn’t want the job anyway.B. Jessica herself is to blame.C. Jessica should stop her dog from barking.D. Jessica had something in the tree.8. A. At a restaurant. B. At the airport.C. At a service station.D. At a café.9. A. She has been busy with Biochemistry.B. She hasn’t got a partner yet.C. She prefers Microbiology to Biochemistry.D. She has to drop the lab class.Section B <I point each>Directions: In this section, you will hear two mini-talks. At the end of each talk, there will be some questions. Both the talks and the questions will be read to you ONLY ONCE. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must choose the best answer from the four choices given by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet.Mini-talk one10 A. Organizing campus activities.B. Taking visitors to various colleges.C. Offering information on American colleges.D. Advising on which university to attend.11. A. Admission requirements. B. Sports programs.C. International database. C. Virtual campus tours.12. A. Because they found many related websites lacking visual materials.B. Because they wanted to compete with the tradition of a personal visit.C. Because they intended to choose their ideal colleges.D. Because they couldn’t contact a school directly.Mini-talk two13. A. More than 57 million dollars. B. More than 75 million dollars.C. About 550 million dollars.D. More than 15 billion dollars.14. A. Lights and windows.B. Restrooms and elevator equipment.C. Office conditions and environment.D. Lease rates and payment.15. A. An investment association will be set up.B. The building will be illuminated by green lights.C. The occupants will get into trouble.D. The cost of office space will double.Section C <1point each>Directions: In this section, you will hear a short lecture. Listen to the recording and complete the notes about the lecture. You will hear the recording TWICE. After the recording you are asked to write down your answers on the answer sheet. You now have 25 seconds to read the notes below.〔请在录音结束后把第16-20题的答案抄写在答题纸上〕16. Post-holiday syndrome is a commonly used term which depicts the_____________ <2words>occurring after the winter holidays and festival season.17. Expecting to ___________________ <4 words>is a way of telling yourselfthat this is a normal feeling.18. Lift your spirits by continuing to _______________ <3words> friends andfamily, and getting out and about to do activities.19. Choose activities that meet your __________________ <3words>, and thatyou know will give you a thrill.20. Once you’re ___________________ <2 words>planning and doing, you’ll be too busy to worry.Part II Vocabulary <10 minutes, 10 points>Section A <0.5 point each>Directions: In this section, there are teen questions. Each question is a sentence with one word or phrase underlined. Below the sentence are four words or phrases marked by A, B, C, and D. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined one. Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet21. These findings run counter to the belief that alcohol stands in the way ofanalytical thinking.A. spursB. hindersC. triggersD. accompanies22. As in the rest of the continent, South Africa still has to contend withoverwhelming poverty.A. suffer fromB. bring aboutC. invest inD. fight against23. The operation was a success and he had excellent prospects for a fullrecovery.A. thoughtsB. outputsC. oddsD. ambitions24. Destiny is defined by individuals keen to imagine a future that isdifferent from the reality.A. eagerB. unwillingC. sharpD. quick25. My mother keeps reminding me to stick to my principles and remain honestin whatever I do.A. adhere toB. set aboutC. insist onD. come upon26. There is nothing worse than a boss who gives implicit instructions andthen gets disappointed by the work you give in.A. explicitB. ambiguousC. considerableD. coherent27. About three years into this job, these migrant labors came to accept theharsh facts in time.A. punctuallyB. immediatelyC. originallyD. eventually28. An aircraft is equipped with a sophisticated electronic system for the sakeof safety.A. highly-developedB.newly-developed C.well-meantD. long-lived29. This trip offers an opportunity to enjoy the profound silence of the deep,unaltered desert.A. dramaticB. importantC. completeD. distant30. All Fire Police Officers are sworn officers of the law and should displaya <n> badge of authority when on duty.A. multitudeB. tokenC. airD. degree Section B <0.5 point each>Directions: In this section, there are teen questions. Each question is a sentence with something missing. Below each sentence are four words or phrases marked by A,B,C, and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet31. Eight badminton players were charges with trying to ________ the outcomeof preliminary matches.A. dominateB. manipulateC. eliminateD. simulate32. In the beginning, few people were ________ Barack Obama to make asignificant impact in the race.A. counting onB. turning outC. proceeding toD. conforming to33. Self-esteem is the ability to be ________ of one’s own abilities, talent,worth and value.A. ensuredB. insuredC. assuredD. treasured34. Children of parents who do not go to university are probably more reluctantto ________ secondary education than those who did.A. put inB. fill inC. check inD. enroll in35. Learning something new is after all, what scientific experiments are all____.A. aboutB. againstC. towardsD. around36. A large –scale wildfire broke out that forced the ________ of 2,000 peoplejust west of Madrid.A. speculationB. successionC. evaluationD. interrogation37. Intellectually brilliant students from this high school are most ________ tobe admitted to elite universities.A. probableB. likelyC. possibleD. liable38. Her right hand occasionally ________ from singing her name so manytimes.A. yelledB. propelledC. compelledD. swelled39. Artists should cultivate their own ________ style rather than alwaysimitating others.A. singleB. individualC. privateD. separate40. The key to efficient reading is the ability to judge the writer’s position________ the information he is presenting.A. in spite ofB. in relation toC. in place ofD. in support of Part III Close Test <10 minutes, 10 points, 1 point each> Directions: In this section, there are teen questions. Read the passage through. Then, go back and choose one suitable word or phrase marked by A, B,C, or D for each blank in the passage. Mark the corresponding letter of the word or phrase you’ve chosen with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer SheetE-commerce has revolutionized the way business is done in today’smarket. However, customers are at ___41__ of purchasing false products or poor quality items. Many ___42___ the distance between customers and send the wrong goods and lure clients to buy goods recommended as great ___43___, but when customers receive these items, they find themselves falling into traps.Many dangers, __44__ by the obscurity of e-commerce, involve the products and the electronic transaction. From the buyer’s __45__, dangers include purchasing products not measuring __46__ what was previously advertised in the website. Another risk is identity theft. Since electronic transactions are needed to complete the purchase, hackers may acquire __47__ information about the user to make other purchase.There are still honest businesses that sell their products and services but gain a very small profit by __48__the prices of their products because they have a lot of competition in the Internet. That is __49__ one of the hazards of e-commerce that should be considered is the bankruptcy of businesses since profits is low if they need __50__ their goods as cheaply as possible.41. A. time B. random C. sight D. risk42. A. take advantage of B. cast doubt onC. give rise toD. go ahead with43. A. deceptions B. bargains C. opportunities D. advertisements44. A. managed B. created C. prevented D. led45. A. prospect B. aspect C. respect D. perspective46. A. as to B. prior to C. up to D. next to47. A. confidential B. superficial C. potential D. initial48. A. raising B. disqualifying C. exaggerating D. minimizing49. A. how B. because C. why D. where50. A. selling B. to sell C. sell D. soldPART IV Reading Comprehension <45 minutes, 30 points, 1 point each> Directions:In this section, there are five short passages. Read each passage carefully, and then do the questions that follow. Choose the best answer from the four choices marked by A,B, C, or D and mark the corresponding letterwith a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer SheetPassage OneOne of the areas in which people tend to have ideas that don’t make sense is that of rights. For example, many Americans believe that our rights, described in the declaration of Independence and the constitution, drive fromthe god or from the very nature of being human, including the individual right to bear arms. Yet people in most law-governed democracies other than the United States do not have an individual right to bear arms. How, then, can the right to bear arms derive from god? Is this a special right that can be created by the people via government?It is claimed that we can trace the right to be armed to legal and political events in 17th century English history, this time relating to hunting and gaming laws. How does a fundamental natural right lie sleeping throughout the first 6,000 years of recorded history, only to wake to full flower due to conflicts over gaming laws in Restoration England? In the mid-1980s, the idea that people have a right to have consensual sex with partners of any gender was pronounced "joking inappropriately〞by the Supreme Court; 25 yeas later it feels like an obvious, natural outgrowth of the Bill of Rights. If rights evolve this way through the dialectics of culture and history, just how "natural〞can they be?Such are the idle thoughts that occur in the wake of America’s latest episode of horrifying, meaningless mass slaughter. A large segment of the American public these days apparently finds it offensive to talk about gun control after these sorts of cruelty occur. As economist Mr. Wolfers said: "Let’s not talk about gun control. It’s too early, right? It’s always too early. Except when it’s too late.〞Mr. Wolfer is right: the "too early〞construction is ridiculous. The only thing that is certain now is that gun control is uncertain in American. It’s never going to happen. There are too many guns out there, and an individual right to bear arms is now established in constitutional law. So this is just what one of America’s many faces is going to be: a bitterly divided, hatefully cynical country where insane people have easy access to semiautomatic weapons and occasionally use them to commit crime. We will continue to see more and more of this sort of thing, and there’s nothing we can realistically do about it.51. The author begins by arguing that Americans’ right to bear arms?A. is stipulated in the constitutionB. has been created by individualsC. has nothing to do with GodD. is not to be doubted52. The Supreme Court is mentioned in paragraph 2 to _________.A. confirm the validity of gun ownership by individualsB. argue that the right to bear arms is by no means naturalC. prove that gun ownership has been approved by the CourtD. describe the process of legislation on gun ownership53. The expression "in the wake of〞used in the third paragraph probablymeans "________.〞A. but forB. totally withoutC. soon afterD. just before54. It seems to Mr. Wolfers that gun control is ________.A. really too early to startB. actually offensiveC. not necessary nowD. already too late55. It seems to the author that gun control in America is ________.A. impossibleB. unconstitutionalC. time-consumingD. stupid56. Which of the following might be an appropriate title for this passage?A. Gun Control Is EasyB. Gun Ownership Is LegalC. Gun Control, Too LateD. No Need to Control Guns Passage twoThe English-speaking world does not look kindly on straw. Grasping at straws, straw-man arguments, the last straws and the straws that break so many camels’ backs all demonstrate that. There is also a tale that straw is the worst material from which to build a house, particularly if you are a pig with a hungry wolf around. So the cards were stacked against Warren Brush when local officials learned that he had several buildings made of straw bales on his hand.They have tried to fine him. A lot. But the case is still unresolved. The problem is that California’s building codes make no provision for the use of straw. And Mr. Brush has many defenders -among them several university scientists and David Eisenberg, the chairman of the United States Green Building Council’s code committee. They would like to see the prejudice against straw houses eliminated, for straw is, in many ways, an ideal building material.It is, for one thing, a great insulator. That keeps down the heating bills in houses made from it. It is also a waste product that would otherwise be burned, and is therefore cheap. And -very much to the point in a place like California -it is earthquake-resistant. Last year a test conducted at the University of Nevada showed that straw-bale constructions could withstand twice the amount of ground motion recorded in the Northridge earthquake that hit Los Angeles in 1994.California, of course, is already thoroughly earthquake-proofed. But straw buildings might o well in quake-prone places that are less wealthy. After a strong earthquake struck Pakistan in 2005, Darcy Donovan, a structural engineer, from Truckee, California, set up a not-for-profit straw-bale-construction operation that has since built 17 houses there.There are, as it were, other straws in the wind: a post office in suburban Albuquerque, a Quaker school in Maryland, an office complex in suburban Los Angeles and an urban-renewal project in Binghamton, New York, have all been built from straw. Even California is having a rethink, and may change its rules to accommodate straw-bale constructions. As Mr. Eisenberg observes, "the lesson of the Three Little Pigs isn’t to avoid straw.It’s that you don’t let a pig build your house.〞57. By "the cards were stacked against Warren Brush〞, the author meansthat Brush ________.A. received punishmentB. made a breakthroughC. might be highly praisedD. would be in trouble58. David Eisenberg is mentioned ________.A. for the purpose of supporting Warren BrushB. as a representative of official opinionsC. to provide evidence against straw housesD. to show the importance of the building codes59. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?A. the structure of straw housesB. the possibility of building straw housesC. the advantages of straw housesD. the tips of building straw houses60 Which aspect of straw is emphasized in paragraph 4?A. It is abundant in nature.B. It is rather inexpensive.C. It is a great insulator.D. It is easy to transport.61. It can be learned from the last paragraph that California ________.A. will fine Warren Brush as plannedB. will reduce the fine on Warren BrushC. may lift the fine on Warren BrushD. may consider a bigger fine on Warren Brush62. The author’s purpose in writing the passage is to ________.A. trace the evolution of straw housesB. explain how to build a house with strawC. highlight the prejudice against straw housesD. argue that straw can be used to build housesPassage ThreeI was talking with a senior Public Relations manager the other day about The Game Trainers and he expressed much skepticism about both thepossibility and value of getting senior professionals to play games."These are serious people with serious jobs, and they are not going to waste time running around like school children,〞he told me. This statement highlighted many of his assumptions. It also provided me with a golden opportunity to talk about how these "serious people with serious jobs〞could actually learn something about themselves, their company, and their business opportunities by allowing creativity to flow more freely through "games〞.His position is not uncommon and it comes from a deep seated misunderstanding of what a "game〞is and what it is for, as well as a set notion of what "work〞must look like for it to be considered of value. It’s not a coincidence that the most successful companies of the last decade, including Apple and Google, were all started by college students, and perhaps as a consequence have a spirit of fun, creativity and innovation. Their success has not been achieved through a cubicle work environment, strict hierarchy, dull meetings and a 9 to 5 work structure. Instead, they have flowing and flexible work spaces, a culture of collaboration, and opportunities for creativity.So where does the line between "work〞and "game〞occur? Well maybe there isn’t one, or at least maybe there shouldn’t be one. So is all this just a matter of perception? Well, yes or no. the starting point in allowing creativity to flow freely is to accept that the line between business and play is blurred, or at best non-existent. Only then is it possible to create the opportunity and appropriate environment for individuals and groups to play the game <or work> as well as they possibly can.The Game Trainers support this innovative and highly productive approach to work by creating games and group exercises to develop awareness and insight of issues, as well developing games to integrate into the working environment. And so, I said to the PR man, it’s a good thing that they are "serious people with serious jobs〞, because we also are extremely serious about play, and in today’s environment they simply cannot afford not to play games.63. What does the PR manager think of the author’s proposal of playinggames?A. It is probably nonsense.B. It is against the rule.C. It would be beneficial.D. It is worth a try.64. The author suggests that the PR manager’s position on games _________.A. is hard to understand in today’s worldB. represents a common misunderstandingC. is based on scientifically proven conceptsD. allows for greater work efficiency65. The examples of Apple and Google show that ________.A. games should be separated from workB. it helps to combine work with gamesC. work and games can be clearly definedD. no work can be done well without games66. What is the topic of paragraph 4?A. How to draw a line between work and game?B. What is the line between work and game/C. Should there be a line between work and game?D. Why is there a line between work and game?67. "The Game Trainers〞is probably a ________.A. computer gameB. search engineC. research systemD. game developer68. In the passage the author ________.A. encourage people to work more creativelyB. describes how to balance work with lifeC. promotes an innovative approach to workD. analyzes why it is important to enjoy workPassage Four"A robot can’t replace me,〞Andy Richter complained loudly but in good fun, facing the prospect of losing his job to the Jeopardy!-wining IBM’s Watson computer. "A robot can’t do the things a human can do, I mean, can he love, can he feel?〞Well, no. but some folks are asking similar questions about computers such as Watson taking their jobs someday. "After all, if a machine can beat humans at Jeopardy, will computers soon be competing with people for knowledge-based jobs?〞asks Martin Ford, author of The Lights in the Tunnel in a Fortune magazine article. "If IBM’s hopes for the technology are realized, workers may, in fact, have cause for concern.〞Ford and others argue that computers and robots such as Watson have the potential to replace not only assembly-line jobs, such as the manufacturing positions that dropped nationwide by one-third over the last decade, but the "knowledge worker〞jobs of the modern economy, such as radiologists and lawyers. "Many of these people will be highly educated professionals who had previously assumed that they were, because of their skills and advancededucations, beneficiaries of the trend toward an increasingly technological and globalized world,〞Ford argues in his book.But CornellUniversity sociologist Trevor Pinch says that warnings about artificial intelligence taking over have missed essential shortcomings of computers for decades. "I would call them friendly monsters,〞he says, rather than job-killing ones. "Computers can never experience the things that make us uniquely human, they have never been delayed at O’Hare airport long enough to walk around the memorial to Gen. O’Hare, and have that memory stuck in your brain.〞Underneath the exaggerated publicity, the human brain far outperforms computers, and not just in raw calculating power, says information scholar Martin Hilbert of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. All of the computers in the world taken together possess the computational power of, in all, 62 human brains, he says, based on findings his team reported this month in Science. There are about six billion people alive today.And they, if things turn out as bad as Ford suggests, there is always the solution that Andy Richter settled on -beating anything that resembles the job-threatening Watson with a baseball bat. Let’s hope it doesn’t come down to that.69. We can learn that Jeopardy! is ________.A. a newly developed computer programB. a match between computers and humansC. a robot built with the least technologyD. a competition between fastest computers70. Paragraph 3 mainly discusses ________.A. the threat posed by tech developmentB. the potential benefits of digitalizationC. the gap between blue-collar and white-collar jobsD. the way to survive knowledge-based economy71. In paragraph 4, Trevor Pinch is talking about ________.A. man’s advantages over computersB. advantages of computers over manC. the reliability of computersD. the future development of computers72. The sentence "There are about six billion people alive today〞impliesthat ________.A. nobody should underestimate the power of computersB. we have enough manpower to fix existing problemsC. computers can help human beings in all possible waysD. there is no need to worry too much about computers73. Who is most concerned about computers’ taking over people?A. Martin HilbertB. Trevor PinchC. Martin FordD. AndyRichter74. What does the author think of the prospect of jobs being lost tocomputers?A. It should be taken into serious consideration.B. We can always find solutions to the problem.C. It is too early to say anything for certain.D. We should always be ready for possible changes.Passage FiveThey are regarded as chores by both sexes, but fall disproportionately on only one. The latest survey of time use in America suggests women still shoulder most of the housework, spending on average an hour a day, compared with barely 20 minutes for the unfairer sex.Standard explanations for this division of labor rest on the pay gap between the sexes. A recent report shows women still earn about 20% less than men in America. But in a new paper, Leslie Stratton of VirginiaCommonwealthUniversity asks whether different attitudes to housework also play a role in sharing the dusting.Ms Stratton draws on data from the 2000-01 Time Use Survey in Britain, which shows how people spent their day and which task they enjoyed. Attitudes certainly differed: women disliked laundry less than men; ironing was extremely dreaded by both; strangely large numbers of both sexes liked shopping for food.Ms Stratton found some evidence for the pay-gap hypothesis. Women with higher wages did a little less work at home. A woman who earned 10% more than average escaped doing tow minutes’housework per weekday. Her partner heroically made up this time at the weekend. But his wages made no difference to the extent of his efforts around the house.The major determinant of how much housework a man did was how much he disliked it. Men who liked housework spent around 60% more time per weekday on it than those who were indifferent to it. Women’s preference seemed to have no effect on the time the spent on chores.One way to reduce the burden for both is to get help, although again therewards are unevenly spread. He got away with 43% less housework at weekends, and she did 17% less. Almost all the extra housework generated by children was taken on by the woman. As children get older the weekday burden falls, but weekend time rises -and still comes mainly from her.There is truth in the idea that chores got to the low-paid partner. But cause and effect are unclear. Do women do more because of low pay, or might their careers suffer from a disproportionate burden at home? Evidence that only men’s preferences seem to matter suggests the latter explanation should not be swept under the carpet.75. In a new paper, Leslie Stratton aims to ________.A. introduce some new ways for women to do less houseworkB. explain women’s housework burden from a new angleC. challenge the survey that women still do most of the houseworkD. confirm the standard explanation for women’s housework burden76. Which of the following tasks is disliked most by women?A. Laundry.B. Ironing.C. Shopping for food.D. Caring for babies.77. Ms Stratton finds that the standard explanation for the division of labor_______.A. makes some senseB. lacks real evidenceC. is truly well-groundedD. misses the point78. According to paragraph 5, the division of labor is greatly affected by ___.A. the pay gap between the sexesB. the relationship between the sexesC. women’s attitudes to houseworkD. men’s preferences for housework79. What is the main idea of paragraph 6?A. Men tend to benefit more from hired help.B. Women consider hired help especially useful.C. Getting help works equally well for both sexes.D. Getting help works better for families with kids.80. The author suggests in the last sentence of the passage that ________.A. the way housework is divided between the sexes is unlikely to changeB. both sexes agree that the lower-paid one should do more houseworkC. extra housework makes it harder for women to pursue their careersD. men do less housework because they are the main breadwinners。


<strong STYLE="FonT-WeiGHT: bold">即将准备或正在准备2012年上海理工大学专升本的同学们,你们好!今天我想跟大家聊的话题是英语学习的问题。</STRONG></SPAN></SPAN></STRONG></SPAN></SPAN></FONT></P>
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[考研类试卷]2012年上海理工大学翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识真题试卷一、名词解释0 请简要解释以下段落中画线部分的知识点1 1962年,蕾切尔.卡逊(Rachel Carson)的《寂静的春天》问世,犹如“旷野中的一声呐喊”,这本书向世人展现了(1)<u>西方发达国家</u>在发展经济的进程中,大量使用杀虫剂等化学药品,导致(2)<u>环境污染</u>加剧,(3)<u>生态平衡</u>遭到严重破坏,(4)<u>生物链</u>被切断,鱼类和昆虫濒临死亡,给人类带来意想不到的灾难。




2 早在先秦,(6)<u>儒家</u>就要求君子应(7)<u>“修身齐家”</u>,并进而“治国平天下”,自觉担负起应有的社会责任。




3 中国是(11)<u>喀斯特地貌</u>分布面积最大的国家,从热带到寒温带,从湿润区到干旱区,各种喀斯特地貌类型齐全、包罗万象。


2012.12.12 研究生基础英语考试试题

2012.12.12 研究生基础英语考试试题

湖南…大学研究生考试试题纸课程名称:__ 基础英语__开课学院:外国语上课专业:年级:2012 学生人数:命题教师:…审核人:考试形式:闭卷考试时间:2012 至2013 学年第 1 学期考试时量:120 分钟Passage two The 6 must-have FriendsFriends are like shoes -- and not just because both pals and the perfect pair of pumps (高跟鞋)can bring you profound joy. Friendship experts agree: Just as your favorite old sneakers aren't perfect for every occasion, neither is every friend. It's crucial to have a colorful assortment of friends -- from comfy to professional -- to match the varied parts of your life.Says Jessica, 31, of Dix Hills, New York, "When I feel low, I always think, 'Well, I have a friend who is this and a friend who is that -- the super-successful impressive friend, the crazy creative friend, the beyond-loyal friend, the since-seventh-grade friend' -- and it makes me feel better to be able to say, 'I am so good at having friends that I've got them in all different shapes and sizes!'" Why else are multiple friendships so important? What are some key friendships to foster? And what's the best way to do that when we're always so on the go?"When we're younger, it's fine to have one or two all-purpose friends," says Marla Paul, author of The Friendship Crisis: Finding, Making, and Keeping Friends When You're Not a Kid Anymore (Rodale, 2004). "But as adults, when our lives and needs and interests become more complex, we need a diverse group of friends who cover all of our dimensions."Just as you can't expect your great black loafers to work with a strappy sundress, you can't expect your single friend to discuss at length the ins and outs of diaper rash. "It's unrealistic to expect one friend to offer everything," says Jan Yager, PhD, author of Who's That Sitting at My Desk? Workship, Friendship, or Foe? (Hannacroix Creek, 2004). "You're drawing on the strengths and benefits that each one offers, not trying to mold someone into something she isn't."Seeing different friendships for what they are can preserve and prolong them, as Eleanor, 38, of Syracuse, New York, discovered. "I have a dear friend who's great about doing things only a close friend will, like helping me move," she says. But Eleanor found it frustrating to confide in her pal about her single-woman hardships. "I hated her cool, no-nonsense responses -- she'd basically tell me I just needed to 'get over it.' I would think, 'She has no idea what it's like!' But then it hit me -- her very long-term boyfriend became her husband. She actually does have no idea what it's like!" Since then, Eleanor says,"I've learned to appreciate what we do share: frustrations with work and politics, similar senses of humor. Now I know she's not the one to call about dating blues. I have plenty of other girlfriends who relate to that!"The Well-Rounded FriendsSo what are the five types of friends that will round out your social wardrobe?The Work Friend. This relationship is so important that Dr. Yager coined a term for it: a "workship." Having an office pal, she says, "boosts productivity, makes the day go faster, and work more fun." Sylvia, 36, of Brookline, Massachusetts, says her workship is the only reason she survives her "heinous(可憎的)job" at all. "She saves my life every day. We bitch about our boss, fantasize about changes we'd make if we overthrew her, share dirt on who's good to work with and who's not. And we laugh," Sylvia says. "My husband commiserates when I come home, sure, but he's not there."Just be on guard: If only one of you gets that promotion, things could get uncomfortable. Try to discuss it in advance if you can. Also, if one of you happens to leave the job, the friendship still has promise, says Yager. "Workships often blossom into friendships when they're no longer workships -- because then you can really let down your guard."The Friend in Your Kid's Class. Your kids are angels, no doubt, but that doesn't mean they have an adult perspective on what's going on in school. "You absolutely need someone to help you check out whether the teacher is really that 'unfair,' the sixth-graders are really dating, or the cliques are really that bad," says Paul. For Nicole, 35, of Charleston, South Carolina, her co-mom keep her not only informed, but also less isolated. "Almost everyone is all coiffed and perfect, and I'm just talking about the kids -- so you can imagine what the moms are like," she says. "My messy self really doesn't fit in. Thank goodness for Lara, the one other mom like me, and the only one I can hang out with at the science fair."The Friend Who's Known You Forever. "This friendship is priceless," says Paul, noting that when she recently bumped into an old crush at the mall, there was only one friend she could call to giggle about it. "She keeps your memories alive by sharing them with you.""If I met her today we might not be friends -- that's one thing I love most. She's so。



2012考研英语(一)试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)The ethical judgments of the Supreme Court justices have become an important issue recently. The court cannot _1_ its legitimacy as guardian of the rule of law _2_ justices behave like politicians. Yet, in several instances, justices acted in ways that _3_ the court’s reputation for being independent and impartial.Justice Antonin Scalia, for example, appeared at political events. That kind of activity makes it less likely that the court’s decisions will be _4_ as impartial judgments. Part of the problem is that the justices are not _5_by an ethics code. At the very least, the court should make itself _6_to the code of conduct that _7_to the rest of the federal judiciary.This and other similar cases _8_the question of whether there is still a _9_between the court and politics.The framers of the Constitution envisioned law _10_having authority apart from politics. They gave justices permanent positions _11_they would be free to _12_ those in power and have no need to _13_ political support. Our legal system was designed to set law apart from politics precisely because they are so closely _14_.Constitutional law is political because it results from choices rooted in fundamental social _15_ like liberty and property. When the court deals with social policy decisions, the law it _16_ is inescapably political-which is why decisions split along ideological lines are so easily _17_ as unjust.The justices must _18_ doubts about the court’s legitimacy by making themselves_19_ to the code of conduct. That would make rulings more likely to be seen as separate from politics and, _20_, convincing as law.1. [A]emphasize [B]maintain [C]modify [D] recognize2. [A]when [B]lest [C]before [D] unless3. [A]restored [B]weakened [C]established [D] eliminated4. [A]challenged [B]compromised [C]suspected [D] accepted5. [A]advanced [B]caught [C]bound [D]founded6. [A]resistant [B]subject [C]immune [D]prone7. [A]resorts [B]sticks [C]loads [D]applies8. [A]evade [B]raise [C]deny [D]settle9. [A]line [B]barrier [C]similarity [D]conflict10. [A]by [B]as [C]though [D]towards11. [A]so [B]since [C]provided [D]though12. [A]serve [B]satisfy [C]upset [D]replace13. [A]confirm [B]express [C]cultivate [D]offer14. [A]guarded [B]followed [C]studied [D]tied15. [A]concepts [B]theories [C]divisions [D]conceptions16. [A]excludes [B]questions [C]shapes [D]controls17. [A]dismissed [B]released [C]ranked [D]distorted18. [A]suppress [B]exploit [C]address [D]ignore19. [A]accessible [B]amiable [C]agreeable [D]accountable20. [A]by all mesns [B]atall costs [C]in a word [D]as a resultSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)Text 1Come on –Everybody’s doing it. That whispered message, half invitation and half forcing, is what most of us think of when we hear the words peer pressure. It usually leads to no good-drinking, drugs and casual sex. But in her new book Join the Club, Tina Rosenberg contends that peer pressure can also be a positive force through what she calls the social cure, in which organizations and officials use the power of group dynamics to help individuals improve their lives and possibly the word.Rosenberg, the recipient of a Pulitzer Prize, offers a host of example of the social cure in action: In South Carolina, a state-sponsored antismoking program called Rage Against the Haze sets out to make cigarettes uncool. In South Africa, an HIV-prevention initiative known as LoveLife recruits young people to promote safe sex among their peers.The idea seems promising,and Rosenberg is a perceptive observer. Her critique of the lameness of many pubic-health campaigns is spot-on: they fail to mobilize peer pressure for healthy habits, and they demonstrate a seriously flawed understanding of psychology.‖ Dare to be different, please don’t smoke!‖ pleads one billboa rd campaign aimed at reducing smoking among teenagers-teenagers, who desire nothing more than fitting in. Rosenberg argues convincingly that public-health advocates ought to take a page from advertisers, so skilled at applying peer pressure.But on the general effectiveness of the social cure, Rosenberg is less persuasive. Join the Club is filled with too much irrelevant detail and not enough exploration of the social and biological factors that make peer pressure so powerful. The most glaring flaw of the social cure as it’s presented here is that it doesn’t work very well for very long. RageAgainst the Haze failed once state funding was cut. Evidence that the LoveLife program produces lasting changes is limited and mixed.There’s no doubt that our peer groups exert enormous influence on our behavior. An emerging body of research shows that positive health habits-as well as negativeones-spread through networks of friends via social communication. This is a subtle form of peer pressure: we unconsciously imitate the behavior we see every day.Far less certain, however, is how successfully experts and bureaucrats can select our peer groups and steer their activities in virtuous directions. It’s like the teacher who breaks up the troublemakers in the back row by pairing them with better-behaved classmates. The tactic never really works. And that’s the problem with a social cure engineered from the outside: in the real world, as in school, we insist on choosing our own friends.21. According to the first paragraph, peer pressure often emerges as[A] a supplement to the social cure[B] a stimulus to group dynamics[C] an obstacle to school progress[D] a cause of undesirable behaviors22. Rosenberg holds that public advocates should[A] recruit professional advertisers[B] learn from advertisers’ experience[C] stay away from commercial advertisers[D] recognize the limitations of advertisements23. In the author’s view, Rosenberg’s book fails to[A] adequately probe social and biological factors[B] effectively evade the flaws of the social cure[C] illustrate the functions of state funding[D]produce a long-lasting social effect24. Paragraph 5shows that our imitation of behaviors[A] is harmful to our networks of friends[B] will mislead behavioral studies[C] occurs without our realizing it[D] can produce negative health habits25. The author suggests in the last paragraph that the effect of peer pressure is[A] harmful[B] desirable[C] profound[D] questionableText 2A deal is a deal-except, apparently ,when Entergy is involved. The company, a major energy supplier in New England, provoked justified outrage in Vermont last week when it announced it was reneging on a longstanding commitment to abide by the strict nuclear regulations.Instead, the company has done precisely what it had long promised it would not challenge the constitutionality of Vermont’s rules in the federal court, as part of a desperate effort to keep its Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant running. It’s a stunning move.The conflict has been surfacing since 2002, when the corporation bought Vermont’s only nuclear power plant, an aging reactor in Vernon. As a condition of receiving state approval for the sale, the company agreed to seek permission from state regulators to operate past 2012. In 2006, the state went a step further, requiring that any extension of the plant’s license be subject to Vermont legislature’s approval. Then, too, the company went along.Either Entergy never re ally intended to live by those commitments, or it simply didn’t foresee what would happen next. A string of accidents, including the partial collapse of a cooling tower in 207 and the discovery of an underground pipe system leakage, raised serious question s about both Vermont Yankee’s safety and Entergy’s management–especially after the company made misleading statements about the pipe. Enraged by Entergy’s behavior, the Vermont Senate voted 26 to 4 last year against allowing an extension.Now the company is suddenly claiming that the 2002 agreement is invalid because of the 2006 legislation, and that only the federal government has regulatory power over nuclear issues. The legal issues in the case are obscure: whereas the Supreme Court has ruled that states do have some regulatory authority over nuclear power, legal scholars say that Vermont case will offer a precedent-setting test of how far those powers extend. Certainly, there are valid concerns about the patchwork regulations that could result if every state sets its own rules. But had Entergy kept its word, that debate would be beside the point.The company seems to have concluded that its reputation in Vermont is already so damaged that it has noting left to lose by going to war with the state. But there should be consequences. Permission to run a nuclear plant is a poblic trust. Entergy runs 11 other reactors in the United States, including Pilgrim Nuclear station in Plymouth. Pledging to run Pilgrim safely, the company has applied for federal permission to keep it open for another 20 years. But as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) reviews the company’s application, it should keep it mind what promises from Entergy are worth.26. The phrase ―reneging on‖(Line 3.para.1) is closest in meaning to[A] condemning.[B] reaffirming.[C] dishonoring.[D] securing.27. By entering into the 2002 agreement, Entergy intended to[A] obtain protection from Vermont regulators.[B] seek favor from the federal legislature.[C] acquire an extension of its business license .[D] get permission to purchase a power plant.28. According to Paragraph 4, Entergy seems to have problems with its[A] managerial practices.[B] technical innovativeness.[C] financial goals.[D] business vision29. In the author’s view, the Vermont case will test[A] Entergy’s capacity to fulfill all its promises.[B] the mature of states’ patchwork regulations.[C] the federal authority over nuclear issues .[D] the limits of states’ power ove r nuclear issues.30. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that[A] Entergy’s business elsewhere might be affected.[B] the authority of the NRC will be defied.[C] Entergy will withdraw its Plymouth application.[D] Vermont’s reputation mi ght be damaged.Text 3In the idealized version of how science is done, facts about the world are waiting to be observed and collected by objective researchers who use the scientific method to carry out their work. But in the everyday practice of science, discovery frequently follows an ambiguous and complicated route. We aim to be objective, but we cannot escape the context of our unique life experience. Prior knowledge and interest influence what we experience, what we think our experiences mean, and the subsequent actions we take. Opportunities for misinterpretation, error, and self-deception abound.Consequently, discovery claims should be thought of as protoscience. Similar to newly staked mining claims, they are full of potential. But it takes collective scrutiny and acceptance to transform a discovery claim into a mature discovery. This is the credibility process, through which the individual researcher’s me, here, now becomes the community’s anyone, anywhere, anytime. Objective knowledge is th e goal, not the starting point.Once a discovery claim becomes public, the discoverer receives intellectual credit. But, unlike with mining claims, the community takes control of what happens next. Within the complex social structure of the scientific community, researchers make discoveries; editors and reviewers act as gatekeepers by controlling the publication process; other scientists use the new finding to suit their own purposes; and finally, the public (including other scientists) receives the new discovery and possibly accompanying technology. As a discovery claim works it through the community, the interaction and confrontation between shared and competing beliefs about the science and the technology involved transforms an individual’s discovery claim into the community’s credible discovery.Two paradoxes exist throughout this credibility process. First, scientific work tends to focus on some aspect of prevailing Knowledge that is viewed as incomplete or incorrect.Little reward accompanies duplication and confirmation of what is already known and believed. The goal is new-search, not re-search. Not surprisingly, newly published discovery claims and credible discoveries that appear to be important and convincing will always be open to challenge and potential modification or refutation by future researchers. Second, novelty itself frequently provokes disbelief. Nobel Laureate and physiologist Albert Azent-Gyorgyi once described discovery as ―seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.‖ But thinking what nobody else has thought and telling others what they have missed may not change their views. Sometimes years are required for truly novel discovery claims to be accepted and appreciated.In the end, credibility ―happens‖ to a discovery claim – a process that corresponds to what philosopher Annette Baier has described as the commons of the mind. ―We reason together, challenge, revise, and complete each other’s reasoning and each other’s conceptions of reason.‖31. According to the first paragraph, the process of discovery is characterized by its[A] uncertainty and complexity.[B] misconception and deceptiveness.[C] logicality and objectivity.[D] systematicness and regularity.32. It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that credibility process requires[A] strict inspection.[B]shared efforts.[C] individual wisdom.[D]persistent innovation.33.Paragraph 3 shows that a discovery claim becomes credible after it[A] has attracted the attention of the general public.[B]has been examined by the scientific community.[C] has received recognition from editors and reviewers.[D]has been frequently quoted by peer scientists.34. Albert Szent-Györgyi would most likely agree that[A] scientific claims will survive challenges.[B]discoveries today inspire future research.[C] efforts to make discoveries are justified.[D]scientific work calls for a critical mind.35.Which of the following would be the best title of the test?[A] Novelty as an Engine of Scientific Development.[B]Collective Scrutiny in Scientific Discovery.[C] Evolution of Credibility in Doing Science.[D]Challenge to Credibility at the Gate to Science.Text 4If the trade unionist Jimmy Hoffa were alive today, he would probably represent civil servant. When Hoffa’s Teamsters were in their prime in 1960, only one in ten American government workers belonged to a union; now 36% do. In 2009 the number of unionists in America’s public sector passed that of their fellow members in the private sector. In Britain,more than half of public-sector workers but only about 15% of private-sector ones are unionized.There are three reasons for the public-sector unions’ thriving. First, they can shut things down without suffering much in the way of consequences. Second, they are mostly bright and well-educated. A quarter of America’s public-sector workers have a university degree. Third, they now dominate left-of-centre politics. Some of their ties go back a long way. Britain’s Labor Party, as its name implies, has long been associated with trade unionism. Its current leader, Ed Miliband, owes his position to votes from public-sector unions.At the state level their influence can be even more fearsome. Mark Baldassare of the Public Policy I nstitute of California points out that much of the state’s budget is patrolled by unions. The teachers’ unions keep an eye on schools, the CCPOA on prisons and a variety of labor groups on health care.In many rich countries average wages in the state sector are higher than in the private one. But the real gains come in benefits and work practices. Politicians have repeatedly ―backloaded‖ public-sector pay deals, keeping the pay increases modest but adding to holidays and especially pensions that are already generous.Reform has been vigorously opposed, perhaps most egregiously in education, where charter schools, academies and merit pay all faced drawn-out battles. Even though there is plenty of evidence that the quality of the teachers is the most important variable, teachers’ unions have fought against getting rid of bad ones and promoting good ones.As the cost to everyone else has become clearer, politicians have begun to clamp down. In Wisconsin the unions have rallied thousands of supporters against Scott Walker, the hardline Republican governor. But many within the public sector suffer under the current system, too.John Donahue at Harvard’s Kennedy School points out that the norms of culture in Western civil services suit those who want to stay put but is bad for high achievers. The only American public-sector workers who earn well above $250,000 a year are university sports coaches and the president of the United States. Bankers’ fat pay packets have attracted much criticism, but a public-sector system that does not reward high achievers may be a much bigger problem for America.36. It can be learned from the first paragraph that[A] Teamsters still have a large body of members.[B] Jimmy Hoffa used to work as a civil servant.[C] unions have enlarged their public-sector membership.[D]the government has improved its relationship with unionists.37. Which of the following is true of Paragraph 2?[A] Public-sector unions are prudent in taking actions.[B] Education is required for public-sector union membership.[C] Labor Party has long been fighting against public-sector unions.[D]Public-sector unions seldom get in trouble for their actions.38. It can be learned from Paragraph 4 that the income in the state sector is[A] illegally secured.[B] indirectly augmented.[C] excessively increased.[D]fairly adjusted.39. The example of the unions in Wisconsin shows that unions[A]often run against the current political system.[B]can change people’s political attitudes.[C]may be a barrier to public-sector reforms.[D]are dominant in the government.40. John Donahue’s attitude towards the public-sector system is one of[A]disapproval.[B]appreciation.[C]tolerance.[D]indifference.Part BDirections:In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1.(10 points)Think of those fleeting moments when you look out of an aeroplane window and realise that you are flying, higher than a bird. Now think of your laptop, thinner than a brown-paper envelope, or your cellphone in the palm of your hand. Take a moment or two to wonder at those marvels. You are the lucky inheritor of a dream come true.The second half of the 20th century saw a collection of geniuses, warriors, entrepreneurs and visionaries labour to create a fabulous machine that could function as a typewriter and printing press, studio and theatre, paintbrush and gallery, piano and radio, the mail as well as the mail carrier. (41)The networked computer is an amazing device, the first media machine that serves as the mode of production, means of distribution, site of reception, and place of praise and critique. The computer is the 21st century's culture machine.But for all the reasons there are to celebrate the computer, we must also tread with caution. (42)I call it a secret war for two reasons. First, most people do not realise that there are strong commercial agendas at work to keep them in passive consumption mode. Second, the majority of people who use networked computers to upload are not even aware of the significance of what they are doing.All animals download, but only a few upload. Beavers build dams and birds make nests. Yet for the most part, the animal kingdom moves through the world downloading. Humans are unique in their capacity to not only make tools but then turn around and usethem to create superfluous material goods - paintings, sculpture and architecture - and superfluous experiences - music, literature, religion and philosophy. (43) For all the possibilities of our new culture machines, most people are still stuck in download mode. Even after the advent of widespread social media, a pyramid of production remains, with a small number of people uploading material, a slightly larger group commenting on or modifying that content, and a huge percentage remaining content to just consume. (44)Television is a one-way tap flowing into our homes. The hardest task that television asks of anyone is to turn the power off after he has turned it on.(45)What counts as meaningful uploading? My definition revolves around the concept of "stickiness" - creations and experiences to which others adhere.[A] Of course, it is precisely these superfluous things that define human culture and ultimately what it is to be human. Downloading and consuming culture requires great skills, but failing to move beyond downloading is to strip oneself of a defining constituent of humanity.[B] Applications like , which allow users to combine pictures, words and other media in creative ways and then share them, have the potential to add stickiness by amusing, entertaining and enlightening others.[C] Not only did they develop such a device but by the turn of the millennium they had also managed to embed it in a worldwide system accessed by billions of people every day.[D] This is because the networked computer has sparked a secret war between downloading and uploading - between passive consumption and active creation - whose outcome will shape our collective future in ways we can only begin to imagine.[E] The challenge the computer mounts to television thus bears little similarity to one format being replaced by another in the manner of record players being replaced by CD players.[F] One reason for the persistence of this pyramid of production is that for the past half-century, much of the world's media culture has been defined by a single medium - television - and television is defined by downloading.[G]The networked computer offers the first chance in 50 years to reverse the flow, to encourage thoughtful downloading and, even more importantly, meaningful uploading.Part CDirections:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points) Since the days of Aristotle, a search for universal principles has characterized the scientific enterprise. In some ways, this quest for commonalities defines science. Newton’s laws of motion and Darwinian evolution each bind a host of different phenomena into a single explicatory frame work.(46)In physics, one approach takes this impulse for unification to its extreme, and seeks a theory of everything—a single generative equation for all we see.It is becomingless clear, however, that such a theory would be a simplification, given the dimensions and universes that it might entail, nonetheless, unification of sorts remains a major goal.This tendency in the natural sciences has long been evident in the social sciences too.(47)Here, Darwinism seems to offer justification for it all humans share common origins it seems reasonable to suppose that cultural diversity could also be traced to more constrained beginnings. Just as the bewildering variety of human courtship rituals might all be considered forms of s exual selection, perhaps the world’s languages, music, social and religious customs and even history are governed by universal features. (48)To filter out what is unique from what is shared might enable us to understand how complex cultural behavior arose and what guides it in evolutionary or cognitive terms.That, at least, is the hope. But a comparative study of linguistic traits published online today supplies a reality check. Russell Gray at the University of Auckland and his colleagues consider the evolution of grammars in the light of two previous attempts to find universality in language.The most famous of these efforts was initiated by Noam Chomsky, who suggested that humans are born with an innate language—acquisition capacity that dictates a universal grammar. A few generative rules are then sufficient to unfold the entire fundamental structure of a language, which is why children can learn it so quickly.(49)The second, by Joshua Greenberg, takes a more empirical approach to universality identifying traits (particularly in word order) shared by many language which are considered to represent biases that result from cognitive constraintsGray and his colleagues have put them to the test by examining four family trees that between them repres ent more than 2,000 languages.(50)Chomsky’s grammar should show patterns of language change that are independent of the family tree or the pathway tracked through it. Whereas Greenbergian universality predicts strong co-dependencies between particular types of word-order relations. Neither of these patterns is borne out by the analysis, suggesting that the structures of the languages are lire age-specific and not governed by universalsSection III WritingPart A51. Directions:Some internationals students are coming to your university. Write them an email in the name of the Students’ Union to1) extend your welcome and2) provide some suggestions for their campus life here.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET2.Do not sign your name at the end of the letter. Use ―Li Ming‖ instead.Do not write the address(10 points)Part B52. Directions: write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay you should1) describe the drawing briefly2) explain its intended meaning, and3) give your commentsYou should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET2.(20 points)2012考研英语(一)参考答案。



2012年高考英语试题 上海卷第1卷 共105分I . Listening ComprehensionSection ADirectionsIn Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. At a library. B. At a hotel. C. At a bank. D. At an airport.2. A. Relaxed. B. Annoyed. C. Worried. D. Satisfied3. A. Doctor and patient. B. Shop owner and customer.C. Secretary and boss.D. Receptionist and guest.4. A. He would have thrown $300 around. B. $300 is not enough for the concert.C. Sandy shouldn't have given that much.D. Dave must be mad with the money5. A. She lives close to the man. B. She changes her mind at last.C. She will turn to her manager.D. She declines the man's offer.6 A.2 B.3 C.4 D 57. A. Both of them drink too much coffee. B. The woman doesn't Like coffee at all.C. They help each other stop drinking coffee.D. The man is uninterested in the woman's story8. A. He doesn't. mind helping the woman. B. He hesitates whether to help or not.C. He'll help if the woman doesn't mindD. He can't help move the cupboard.9. A. He's planning to find a new job. B. He prefers to keep his house in a mess.C. He's too busy to clean his houseD. He has already cleaned his new house,10. A. She doesn't agree with the man. B. She is good at fmding a place to stay.C. She could hardly find the truth.D. She had no travel expei/ence in Britain.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage11. A. Use the company's equipment. B. Give orders to robotsC. Make decisions for the company.D. Act as Big Brother.12. A. Employees gain full freedom. B. Employees suspect one another.C. Employees' children are happy.D. Employees enjoy working there.13. A. Reward. B. Safety. C. Trust. D. HonestyQuestions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage14. A. Canada had a smaller population. B. Land was cheaper in Canada.C. They wanted to continue the Revolution.D. They were against Britain.15. A. They standardized Canadian English. B. They settled there after the Revolution.C. They enjoy a very high social position.D. They make up a small part of the population16. A. It is considered unique to some extent. B. It is greatly influenced by French.C. It is mainly linked to British culture.D. It dates back to the late 17th century.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write youranswers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the followingconversation.Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation. Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREEWORDS for each answer.II. Grammar and V ocabulary25. passion, people won't have t he motivation or the joy necessary forcreative thinking.A.For .B.Wit hout C .Beneath D.By答案 B 本题主要考察介词以及句子的基本意义。



上海理工大学学位英语试卷PartⅠListening Comprehension (15%) 听力题(共15题,每题1分,共15分)Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The question will be spoken only once.1. A. A testing system. B. A monitor system. C. A measuring system. D. A control system.2. A. Car prices. B. Car services. C. The companys business. D. The companys culture.3. A. Its easy to do. B. Its challenging. C. He can get a high pay. D. He did the same job before.4. A. Shell meet a friend. B. Shell take a flight.C. Shell attend an interview at 5:00.D. Shell see a doctor before 5:00.5. A. She will report the complaint to the manager. B. Themanager refused to talk to the man.C. The manager was on a business trip.D. She will deal with the complaint. Section BDirections: There are 2 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times.Conversation 16. A. Breakfast. B. Dinner. C. A 5 dollar gift card. D. Bus service to the airport.7. A. His member card. B. His driving license. C. His credit card. D. His passport.Conversation 28. A. The telephone is out of order. B. The line is busy.C. He is at a meeting.D. He wont be back until next Monday.9. A. It has been canceled. B. It will arrive on time.C. It has been delayed.D. It will arrive ahead of schedule.10. A. Make an appointment with her. B. Talk with her abouta new order.C. Send her an email about the shipment.D. Call her backwhen receiving the shipment. Section CDirections: You will hear a short passage. The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read two times.Growing up can be hard 11 where crime is common. That is the situation Marco Antonio Aguilar 12 when he started at Garfield High School in Los Angeles, California. The boy hated 13. He says he had the 14 , often missed classes and even got into flights. 15 the teachers that I receiving, knowing that they did care about me, the school did really help me, Aguilar recalls.Part ⅡVocabulary and Structure (20%) 选择题和填空题(共20题,每题1分,共20分)Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices.16. I often ______ the cooking for my family, but recently I havebeen too busy to do it.A. will doB. doC. am doingD. had done17. Planning so far ahead _____ no sense -- so many things will have changed by next year.A. madeB. is makingC. makesD. has made18. It was strange _______ she left without saying a word.A. thatB. whatC. whyD. how19. I have two hobbies. One is fishing, ____ is cooking.A.anotherB. the otherC. elseD. other20. The man told me that by the end of the week he _______ away from his hometown for 20 years.A. has beenB. will have beenC. is to beD. would have been21. No sooner _______ than they began to work.A. they had arrivedB. they would arriveC. had they arrivedD. would they arrive22. The American Red Cross is one of the volunteer organizations _______ purpose is to help the sick and the needy. A. its B. that C. who D. whose23. It is the general manager who makes the _______decisions in business. A. beginning B. finishing C. first D. final24. The manager showed the new employee _______ to find the supplies.A. whatB. whereC. thatD. which25. Nothing can prevent him _____ learning Chinese painting. A. from B. by C. out D. inSection BDirections: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets.26. I like Chinese food very much. It is ________ ( difference/different) from America.27. Miller is a(n) ______(/dishonest/honest) person, and we dont trust him.28. I am _______(interest/interested) in this movie. I want to watch it again.29. Dont open the window, and keep it ______(close/closed) please.30. Tom had just attended his sons _______ (graduation/graduate) in Harvard University.31. I feel like _______ (go/going) to Europe for a visit next summer vacation.32. _______ (Personal/Personally), I think he is a very nice partner, though you may not agree.33. Please show me the photos _______ (take/taken) in Tibet.34. It is easy _______ (say/to say) things, but its hard to do them.35. Many people find telephone interviews______ (difficult/more difficult) than face-to-face interviews.Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (35%)阅读理解题(共20题,36-45每题2分 46-60每题1分,共35分)Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the task as you are instructed.Task 1Hank Viscardi was born without legs. He had not legs but stumps (残肢) that could be fitted with a kind of special boots. People stared at him with cruel interest. Children laughed at him andcalled him ―Ape Man‖(猿人) because his arms practically dragged on the ground.Hank went to school like other boys. His grades were good and he needed only eight years to finish his schooling instead of the usual twelve. After graduating from school, he worked his way though college. He swept floors, waited on table, or worked in one of the college offices. During all this busy life, he had been moving around on his stumps. But one day the doctor told him even the stumps were not going to last much longer. He would soon have to use a wheelchair.Hank felt himself get cold all over. However, the doctor said there was a chance that he could be fitted with artificial legs (假肢). Finally a leg maker was found and the day came when Hank stood up before the mirror. For the first time he saw himself as he has always wanted to be - a full five feet eight inches tall. By this time he was already 26 years old.Hank had to learn to use his new legs. Again and again he marched the length of the room, and marched back again. There were times when he fell down on the floor, but he pulled himself upand went back to the endless marching. He went out on the street. He climbed stairs and learned to dance. He built a boat and learned to sail it.When World War II came, he talked the Red Crossing into giving him a job. He took the regular training. He marched and drilled along with the other soldiers. Few knew that he was legless. This was the true story of Hank viscardia, a man without legs.36. Children laughed at Hank and called him ―Ape Man‖ because _______.A. he didnt talk to themB. he kept away from themC. his arms touched the ground when he movedD. he couldnt use his arms37. It can be inferred from the story five feet eight inches tall is ________.A. an average height for a fully grown personB. too tall for an average personC. too short for an average personD. None of the above38. The sentence ―he talked the Red Cross into giving him a job‖implies that the Red Cross _______.A. was only glad to give him a jobB. gave him a job because he was a good soldierC. gave him a job after he talked to someone he knewD. was not willing to give him a job at first39. When Hank marched and drilled along with the other soldiers, he ____.A. did everything the other soldiers didB. did most of the things the other soldiers didC. did some of the things the other soldiers didD. took some special training40. The writer suggests that Hank viscardia _________.A. had no friendsB. never saw himself as different from othersC. was very shyD. was too proud to accept help from othersTask 2In the United States, when a person becomes rich, he wants people to know it. And even if he does not become very rich, hewants people to think that he is. That is what ―keeping up with the Joneses‖ is about. It is the story of someone who tried to look as rich as his neighbors.The expression was first used in 1913 by a young American called Arthur momands. He told this story about himself. He began earning $125 a week at the age of 23. That was a lot of money in those days. He got married and moved with his wife to a very wealthy neighborhood outside New York City. When he saw that rich people rode horses, momands went horse-riding everyday. When he saw that rich people had servants, momands and his wife also hired a servant and gave big parties for their new neighbors.It was like a race, but one could never finish this race because one was always trying to keep up. The race ended for momands and his wife when they could no longer pay for their new way of life. They moved back to an apartment in New York City.momands looked around him and noticed that many people do things just to keep up with rich lifestyle of their neighbors. He saw the funny side of it and started to write a series of short stories. He called it ―Keeping up with the Joneses‖ because ―Jones‖ is a verycommon name in the Untie States. ―Keep up with the Joneses‖ came to mean keeping up with the rich lifestyle of the people around you. momandss series appeared in different newspapers across the country for over 28 years.People never seem to get tried of keeping up with the Joneses. And there are ―Joneses‖ in every city of the world. But one must get tired of trying to keep up with the Joneses because no matter what one does, Mr. Jones always seems to be ahead.41. Some people want to keep up with the Joneses because they _____.A. want to be as rich as their neighborsB. want others to know or to think that they are richC. dont want others to know they are richD. want to be happy42. It can be inferred from the story that rich people like to _____.A. live outside New York CityB. live in New York CityC. live in apartmentsD. have many neighbors43. The underlined word ― neighborhood‖ in Para.2 means ________.A. a person who lives near anotherB. people living in an areaC. an area near the place referred toD. an area in another town or city44. Arthur momands used the name ―Jones‖ in his series of short stories because ―Jones‖ is __________.A. an important nameB. a popular name in the United StatesC. his neighbors nameD. not a good name45. According to the writer, it is _____ to keep up with the Joneses.A. correctB. interestingC. impossibleD. goodTask 3Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline below it. You should write your answers (in no more than 3 words) briefly.Freezing can keep food fresh and safe to eat. Freezing lowers the food temperature below zero degree Celsius(摄氏). The simplest way to prepare fruits is to cut them up and place them in acontainer inside the freezer, in some cases it is better to permit the fruit to freeze before putting it in the container. This will keep it from sticking to the container. This is called the ―dry pack‖ method. The second way is the ―wet pack‖ method. The fruit is prepared along with some of its liquid or juice. You can add some sugar to fruits that are naturally juicy. The sugar sweetens the fruit and brings out its natural juice. Once foods have been unfrozen, they should not be frozen again. There is a danger of food poisoning if food is frozen more than once.Task 4Directions: The following is a list of airport terms. After reading it, you are required to find the Chinese equivalents in the table below.A— knowledge workB— overall job growth rateC— corporate strategyD— outsourceE— cloud computingF— construction of senior communitiesG— assisted – living facilitiesH— by some countsI— clean – energy projectsJ— capping carbon emissionK— Earth shipL— Heating controlExample: (K) 地球之船 (L) 暖气控制51. ( ) 限制碳排放52.()清洁能源项目53. ( ) 在某种意义上54.()生活辅助设施55. ( ) 老年社区建设56.()云集计算57. ( ) 服务外包58.()企业发展战略59. ( ) 总的工作增长率 60.()知识型工作Part Ⅳ Translation (15%) 翻译题(共5题,每题3分,共15分)Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 61. He cuts through a forest to get to school.62. Science has brought about many changes in our lives.63. The members agree to modify the policy of recruiting new members.64. Most of the big cities in the world suffer from traffic jam.65. Millions of people in Africa every year struggle for food.Part Ⅴ Writing (15%) 写作题(共1题,每题15分,共15分)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a letter according to the instructions given in Chinese below. 假设你是李浩,昨天下午你的朋友李铭来北京出差,并来看望你。

2012年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试 上海卷

2012年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试 上海卷






第1卷(共105分)I . Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. At a library. B. At a hotel. C. At a bank. D. At an airport.2. A. Relaxed. B. Annoyed. C. Worried. D. Satisfied3. A. Doctor and patient. B. Shop owner and customer.C. Secretary and boss.D. Receptionist and guest.4. A. He would have thrown $300 around. B. $300 is not enough for the concert.C. Sandy shouldn't have given that much.D. Dave must be mad with the money5. A. She lives close to the man. B. She changes her mind at last.C. She will turn to her manager.D. She declines the man's offer.6.A.2 B.3. C.4.D.57. A. Both of them drink too much coffee.B. The woman doesn't Like coffee at all.C. They help each other stop drinking coffee.D. The man is uninterested in the woman's story8. A. He doesn't. mind helping the woman.B. He hesitates whether to help or not.C. He'll help if the woman doesn't mindD. He can't help move the cupboard.9. A. He's planning to find a new job.B. He prefers to keep his house in a mess.C. He's too busy to clean his houseD. He has already cleaned his new house,10. A. She doesn't agree with the man.B. She is good at fmding a place to stay.C. She could hardly find the truth.D. She had no travel expei/ence in Britain.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage11. A. Use the company's equipment. B. Give orders to robotsC. Make decisions for the company.D. Act as Big Brother.12. A. Employees gain full freedom. B. Employees suspect one another.C. Employees' children are happy.D. Employees enjoy working there.13. A. Reward. B. Safety. C. Trust. D. HonestyQuestions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage14. A. Canada had a smaller population. B. Land was cheaper in Canada.C. They wanted to continue the Revolution.D. They were against Britain.15. A. They standardized Canadian English.B. They settled there after the Revolution.C. They enjoy a very high social position.D. They make up a small part of the population16. A. It is considered unique to some extent. B. It is greatly influenced by French.C. It is mainly linked to British culture.D. It dates back to the late 17th century.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25. passion, people won't have the motivation or the joy necessary for creative thinking.A.For .B.WithoutC.BeneathD.By26. Is honesty the best policy? We _ that it is when we are little.A. will teachB. teachC. are taughtD. will be taught27. As Jack left his membership card at home, he wasn't allowedinto the sports club.A. goingB. to goC. goD. gone28. The new law states that people _ drive after drinking alcohol.A. wouldn'tB. needn'tC. won'tD. mustn't29. Only with the greatest ofluck_ to escape from the rising flood waters.A. managed sheB. she managedC. did she manageD. she did manage30. - I hear that Jason is planning to buy a car.-I know. By next month, he _ enough for a used one.A. will have savedB. will be savingC. has savedD. saves31. When he took his gloves off, I noticed thatone had his name written inside.A. eachB. everyC. otherD. another32. I have a tight budget for the trip, so I'm not going to fly _ the airlines lower ticket prices.A. onceB.ifC. afterD. unless33. When Peter speaks in public, he always has trouble _ the right things to say.A. thinking ofB. to think ofC. thought ofD. think of .34. There is much truth in the idea _ kindness is usually served by frankness.A. whyB. whichC. thatD. whether35. Have you sent thank-you notes to the relatives from _ _ you received gifts?A. whichB. themC.thatD. whom36. The club, _ _ 25 years ago, is holding a party for past and present members.A. foundedB. foundingC. being foundedD. to be founded37. - Was it by cutting down staff _ _she saved the firm?- No, it was by improving work efficiency.A.whenB.whatC.howD.that38. - We've only got this small bookcase. Will that do?- No, _ _ I am lookin g for is something much bigger and stronger.A. whoB. thatC. whatD. which39. "Genius" is a complicated concept, _ _ many different fac tors.A.involvedB.involving ,C.toinvolveD.beinginvolved40. The map is one of the best tools a man has _ _ he goes to a new place.A. wheneverB. whateverC. whereverD. howeverSection BDirections:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. maintainedB. seriousC. indicationsD. figuresE. anxiousF. concern G crisis H. decided I. available J. reversedFilmgoers should be told how many calories there are in the popcorn, ice cream and soft drinks that they buy in cinemas, according to the Food Standard Agency.Smaller popcorn buckets and drink cups should also be made 41 , the nutrition inspector said.Tim Smith, chief executive of the agency, told The 77mes that cinemas should help to deal with the country's overweight 42 ."There is a misbelief that popcorn is calorie-free, but that is not the case. It is a 43 to us," he said. "Portion sizes are also a big issue, and there seems to be increasingly big packs on sale."He spoke as a number of food chains such as Pret A Manger, Wimpey and The Real Greek44 to put calorie counts on all their menus.A trial scheme(试行方案)with 21 food companies took place last summer, and 45 are that consumers altered their buying habits when they realised the number of calories in a product.A consultation(征询意见) on the trial ends next month but Mr Smith is already planning the second drive for American-style calorie counts and is 46 to win support from cinemas and other entertainment places, from football grounds to concert halls.Government 47 suggest that two thirds of adults and a third of children are overweight. If trends are not 48 , this could rise to almost nine in ten adults and two thirds of children by 2050, putting them at 49 risk of heart disease, cancer and other diseases.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fillin each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.People on a college campus were more likely to give money to the March of Dimes if they were asked for a donation by a disabled woman in a wheelchair than if asked by a nondisabled woman. In another 50 , subway riders in New York saw a man carrying a stick stumble (绊脚)and fall to the floor. Sometimes the victim had a large red birthmark on his 51 ;sometimes he did not. In this situation, the victim was more likely t0 52 aid if his face was spotless than if he had an unattractive birthmark. In 53 these and other research findings,two themes are 54 : we are more willing to help people we like for some reason and people we think _ 55 _ assistance.In some situations, those who are physically attractive are more likely to receive aid. 56 , in a field study researchers placed a completed application to graduate school in a telephone box at the airport. The application was ready to be 57 , but had apparently been "lost" . The photo attached to the application was sometimes that of a very 58 person and sometimes that of a less attractive person.The measure of helping was whether the individual who found the envelope actually mailed it or not. Results showed that people were more likely to 59 the application if the person in the photo was physically attractive.The degree of _ 60 between the potential helper and the person in need is also important.For example, people are more likely to help a stranger who is from the same country rather than a foreigner. In one study, shoppers on a busy street in Scotland were more likely to help a person wearing a(n) 61 T-shirt than a person wearing a T-shirt printed with offensive words.Whether a person receives help depends in part on the "worth" of the case. For example,shoppers in a supermarket were more likely to give someone . 62 _ to buy milk rather than to buy cookies, probably because milk is thought more essential for 63 than cookies.Passengers on a New York subway were more likely to help a man who fell to the ground if he appeared to be 64 rather than drunk.50. A.studyB.wayC.wordD.college51. A. hand B. arm C. face D. back52. A.refuseB.begC.loseD.receive53. A. challenging B. recording C. understanding D. publishing54. A.important B. possible C. amusing D. missing55. A.seekB.deserveC.obtainD.accept56. A. At first B. Above al l C. In addition D. For example57. A.printedB.mailedC.rewrittenD.signed58. A. talented B. good-looking C. helpful D. hard-working59. A. send in B. throw away C. fill out D. turn down60. A. similarity B. friendship C. cooperation D. contact61. A.expensiveB.plainC.cheapD.strange62. A.timeB.instructionsC.moneyD.chances63. A. shoppers B. research C. children D. health64. A. talkative B. handsome C. calm D. sickSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Phil White has just returned from an 18,OOO-mile, around-the-world bicycle trip. White hadtwo reasons for making this epic journey. First of all, he wanted to use the trip to raise money for charity, which he did. He raised ~70,000 for the British charity, Oxfam. White's second reason for making the trip was to break the world record and become the fastest person to cycle around the world. He is still waiting to find out if he has broken the record or not.White set off from Trafalgar Square, in London, on 19th June 2004 and was back 299 days later. He spent more than l,300 hours in the saddle(车座)and destroyed four sets of tyres and three bike chains. He had the adv enture of his life crossing Europe, the Middle East, India, Asia, Australia, New Zealand and the Americas. Amazingly, he did all of this with absolutely no support team. No jeep carrying food, water and medicine. No doctor. Nothing! Just a bike and a very, very long road.The journey was lonely and desperate at times. He also had to fight his way across deserts, through jungles and over mountains. He cycled through heavy rains and temperatures of up t0 45 degrees, all to help people in need. There were other dangers along the road. In Iran, he was chased by armed robbers and was lucky to escape with his life and the little money he had. The worst thing that happened to him was having to cycle into a headwind on a road that crosses the south of Australia. For l,000kilometres he battled against the wind that was constantly pushing him. This part of the trip was slow, hard work and depressing, but he made it in the end. Now Mr.White is back and intends to write a book about his adventures.65. When Phil White returned from his trip, he _.A. broke the world recordB. collected money for OxfamC. destroyed several bikesD. travelled about l,300 hours66. What does the word "epic" in Paragraph l most probably mean?A. Very slow but exciting.B. Very long and difficult.C. Very smooth but tiring.D. Very lonely and depressing.67. During his journey around the world, Phil White _ .A. fought heroically against robbers in IranB. experienced the extremes of heat and coldC. managed to ride against the wind in AustraliaD. had a team of people who travelled with him68. Which of the following words can best describe Phil White?A. Imaginative.B. Patriotic.C. Modest.D. Determined.(B)The value-packed, all-inclusivesight-seeing package thatcombines the best of Sydney'sharbour, city, bay and beachhighlights.A SydneyPass gives you unlimited and flexible travel on the Explorer Buses: the 'red' Sydney Explorer shows you around our exciting city sights wlrile the 'blue' Bondi Explorer visits Sydney Harbour bays and famous beaches. Take to the water on one of three magnificent daily harbour cru/ses(游船). You can also travel free on regular Sydney Buses,Sydney Ferries or CityRail services (limited area), so you can go to every corner of this beautiful city.Imagine browsing at Darling Harbour, sampling the famous seafood at Watsons Bay or enjoying the city lights on an evening ferry cruise. The possibilities and plans are endless with a SydneyPass. Wherever you decide to go, remember that bookings are not required on any of our services so tickets are treated on a first in, first seated basis.SydneyPasses are avai-lable for 3, 5 0r 7 days for use over a 7 calendar day period. With a 3 or 5 day pass you choose on which days out of the 7 you want to use it. All SydneyPasses include a free Airport Express inward trip before starting your 3, 5 0r 7 da ys, and Lhe return trip is valid (育效的) for 2 months from the first day your ticket was used.SydneyPass Fares*A child is defined as anyone from the ages of 4 years to under ~6 yers. Children under 4 years travel free.**A family is defined as 2 adults and any number of children from 4 to under 16 years of age from the same family.69. A SydneyPass doesn7t offer unlimited rides onA. the Explorer BusesB. the harbour cruisesC. regular Sydney BusesD. CityRail services70. With a SydneyPass, a traveller can_.A. save fares from and to the airportB. take the Sydney Explorer to beachesC. enjoy the famous seafood for freeD. reserve seats easily in a restaurant71. If 5-day tickets were to be recommended to a mother who travelled with her colleague andher children, aged 3, 6 and 10, what would the lowest cost be?A. $225.B. $300.C. $360.D. $420.(C)Researchers in the psychology department at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) have discovered a major difference in the way men and women respond to stress. This difference may explain why men are more likely to suffer from stress-related disorders.Until now, psychological research has maintained that both men and women have the same "fight-or-flight" reaction to stress. In other words, individuals eicher react with aggressive behavior, such as verbal or physical conflict ("fight"), or they react by withdrawing from the stressful situation ("flight"). However, the UCLA research team found that men and women have quite different biological and behavioral responses to stress. While men often react to stress in the fight-or-flight response, women often have another kind of reaction which could be called "tend and befriend." That is, they often react to stressful conditions by protecting and nurturing theiryoung ("tend"), and by looking for social contact and support from others - especially other females《'befriend").Scientists have long known that in the fight-or- flight reaction to stress, an important role is played by certain hormones(澈素) released by the body. The UCLA research team suggests that the female tend-or-befriend response is also based on a hormone. This hormone, called oxytocin,has been studied in the context of cFuldbirt.h, but now it is being studied for its role in the response of both men and women to stress. The principal investigator, Dr. Shelley E. Taylor,explained that "animals and people with high levels of oxytocin are calmer, more relaxed, more social, and less anxious." While men also secrete【分泌)oxytocin, its effects are reduced by male hormones.In terms of everyday behavior, the UCLA study found that women are far. more likely than men to seek social contact when they are feeling stressed. They may phone relatives or friends, or ask directions if they are lost.The study also showed how fathers and mothers responded differently when they came home to their family after a stressful day at work. The typical father wanted to be left alone to enjoy some peace and quiet. For a typical mother, coping with a bad day at work meant focusing her attention on her children and their needs.The differences in responding to stress may explain the fact that women have lower fr equency of stress-related disorders such as high blood pressure or aggressive behavior. The tend-and-befriend regulatory(调节的) system may protect women against stress, and this may explain why women on average live longer than men.72. The UCLA study shows that in response to stress, men are more likely than women to .A. turn to friends for helpB. solve a conflict calmlyC. find an escape from realityD. seek comfort from children73. Which of the following is true about oxytocin according to the passage?A. Men have the same level of oxytocin as women do.B. Oxytocin used to be studied in both men and women.C. Both animals and people have high levels of oxytocin.D. Oxytocin has more of an effect on women than on men.74. What can be learned from the passage?A. Male hormones help build up the body's resistance to stress.B. In a family a mother cares more about children than a father does.C. Biological differences lead to different behavioral responses to stress.D. The UCLA study was designed to confirm previous research findings.75. Which of the following might be the best ti.tle of the passage?A. How men and women get over stressB. How men and women suffer from stressC. How researchers overcome stress problemsD. How researchers handle stress-related disordersSection CDirections: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.A. When a child should learn to readB. Why it is fun to teach a child readingC. What if a child has reading problemsD. How you prepare a young child for readingE. What is the best way to teach a child readingF. Whether reading early promises later achievements76.Learning to read early has become one of those indicators - in parents' minds at least – that their child is smart. In fact, reading early has very little to do with whether a child is successful academically. Research has shown that difficulty with reading is often due not to inferior intelligence but to differences in the developmental wiring of each individual child. In some cases, there are neurological problems and developmental lags that can be overcome with proper training.77.Traditionally, American schools teach children at age six, but many schools begin teaching informally in kindergarten and pre-kindergarten. If parents start too early to encourage reading,and a child does not immediately succeed, the parent has a hard time relaxing and letting the child go at his or her own pace.78.Over the years, research has proved that the use of both the e&whole language" method and the "phonic" method works best for a child to master reading. While the whole language approach, which includes reading to children and getting them interested in both the activity of reading and the story they are reading, is helpful, phonics must be taught. Children must be taught that one of the squiggles they see is a "p" and another a "b". Getting the print off the page requires a different ability than being able to understand the meaning of what is written.79.You can start developing the skills needed in reading at a very young age without putting any pressure on children. Besides reading to them, parents can start "ear training" their child by playing thyme games. This develops the child's ability to recognize different sounds. In reading to children, parents also can point to words as they go, teaching the child that the funny lines on the page are the words you are saying. All this should be a fun activity.80.Once a child is in school, the learning of reading is inevitably more serious. For children who have some kind of reading difficulty, you must get a professional diagnosis. While the teacher might say the child is merely disinterested but will get over it, disinterest or poor performance in reading can stem from a number of things, some being very specific learning disabilities that can be identified and worked on. But it is very tricky for parents to deal with their own child's learning disabilities.Section DDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.While contact between adolescents (between the ages of fifteen and nineteen) and their peers crd龄人) is a universal characteristic of all cultures, the nature and the degree of such contact varya great deal. In American contemporary society, adolescents spend much more time with their peers than with younger children or adults.This pattern of age segregation(隔离) in American society did not become usual until the beginning of the industrialized society. Changes in the workplac e separated children from adults,with adults worHng and children attending school. The dramatic increase of mothers in the wor kplace has further contributed to the reduction in the amount of time adolescents spend with adults. School reform efforts during the nineteenth century, which resulted in age-segregated schools and grades, have reduced the amount of time adolescents spend with younger children.Finally, the changes in population are considered a factor that may have contributed to the emergence of adolescent peer culture. From 1955 t0 1975, the adolescent population increased dramatically, from 11 percent t0 20.9 percent. This increase in the number of adolescents might be a contributing factor to the increase in adolescent peer culture in terms of growth in size.Research supports the view that adolescents spend a great deal of time with their peers. Reed Larson and his colleagues examined adolescents' daily activities and found that they spend more time talking to their friends than engaging in any other activity. In a typical week, high school students will spend twice as much time with their peers as with adults. This gradual withdrawal from adults begins in early adolescence. Ln sixth grade, adults (excluding parents) account for only 25 percent of adolescent social networks. Another important characteristic of adolescent peer culture is its increasingly autonomous (白治的) function. While childhood peer groups are conducted under the close supervision of parents, adolescent peer groups typically make an effort to escape adult supervision and usually succeed in doing so.(Note: Answer t.hequesnons or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS.)81. "This pattern of age segregation" refers to the phenomenon that adolescents segregate themselves from82. Besides changes in the workplace,are the other two factors contributing to adolescent peer culture.83. When do adolescents start to spend less time with adults?84. How do adolescent peer groups differ from childhood peer groups?第II卷(共45分)I.TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.她五年前开始拉小提琴。

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