SAE J1100V004-机动车辆尺寸
SAEJ1100-2005机动车辆尺寸VEHICLERECSAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright ? 2005 SAE InternationalAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.2. References 2.1Applicable PublicationsThe following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest version of SAE publications shall apply. 2.1.1SAE P UBLICATIONSAvailable from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, 15096-0001.SAE J182—Motor Vehicle Fiducial Marks S AE J287—Driver Hand Control Reach S AE J826—Devices for Use in Defining and Measuring Vehicle Seating Accommodation S AE J941—MotorVehicle Driver’s Eye Range S AE J1052—Motor Vehicle Driver and Passenger Head Position S AE J1516—Accommodation T ool Reference Point S AE J1517—Driver Selected Seat Position SAE J2732—Automotive Seat Dimensions (Pending) SAE J4002—H-Point Machine (HPM-I I ) Specifications and Procedure for H-Point Determination—Auditing Vehicle Seats SAE J4003—H-Point Machine (HPM-I ) Procedure for H-Point Determination—Benchmarking VehicleSeatsSAE J4004—Positioning the H-Point Design Tool—Seating Reference Point and Seat Track Length 2.1.2ISO P UBLICATIONAvailable from ANSI, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002. I SO 3832—Passenger cars—Luggage compartments—Method of measuring reference volume 2.2 Related PublicationsThe following publications are provided for information purposes only and are not a required part of this specification.2.2.1ISO P UBLICATIONSAvailable from ANSI, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002.ISO 1176—Road vehicles—Masses—Vocabulary and codes I SO 3833—Road vehicles—Types—T erms and definitions I SO 4131—Road vehicles—Dimensional codes for passenger cars3.2Vehicle Loads3.2.1C URB L OAD,C URB W EIGHTThe weight of the base vehicle (standard equipment only), with all fluids filled to maximum (fuel, oil, transmission, coolant,etc.). For heavy trucks, the curb weight does not include engine fuel.3.2.2G ROSS V EHICLE W EIGHT R ATINGThe value specified by the vehicle manufacturer as the maximum loaded weight of a single vehicle.3.3Coordinate DimensionAll points of interest are described as coordinates dimensioned from the intersection of the zero planes in the three-dimensional reference system. X, Y, Z coordinates are dimensioned to their respective planes. (See Figure 1. See also SAE J182.)3.4Vehicle Fiducial MarksSee SAE J182.3.5General Vehicle Reference Points and Definitions3.5.1C ARGO F LOORThe surface for supporting cargo. If ribs are present, the cargo floor is at the top of the ribs. If the floor is covered, it is the undepressed floor covering surface.3.5.2C ENTERLINE OF O CCUPANT (C/LO)The lateral (Y) centerline of an occupant in a given designated seating position.3.5.3C OWL P OINTThe highest point on the cowl or hood at the vehicle centerline (See Figure 2.)3.5.4D AYLIGHT O PENING (DLO)A line on the exterior glazing surface that defines the minimum unobstructed opening through any glass aperture. Opaque coatings, reveals, and garnish moldings are considered obstructions. Opaque coatings, reveals, and garnish moldings adjoining the interior glazing surface are projected normal andoutward to the exterior surface. Interior components not adjoining the glass are projected horizontally to the interior glazing surface, then normal and outward to the exterior surface. Exterior components are projected horizontally to the exterior surface.3.5.5D ECK P OINTThe highest point on the deck lid panel at the vehicle centerline. (See Figure 2.)3.5.6D EPRESSED F LOOR C OVERINGThe surface of the floor covering at a designated point in the vehicle, with a load applied to the covering as specified by the manufacturer.3.5.7D ESIGNATED S EATING P OSITIONAny location intended by the manufacturer to provide seating for a driver or adult passenger while the vehicle is in motion, excluding temporary seating such as folding jump seats. Examples of designated seating positions include driver, 1st row (front seat) outboard passenger, 1st row center passenger, 2nd row outboard passenger, etc.NOTE—I n this document measurements are taken to one designated seating position in each row of seats. See Table YELLIPSESee SAE J941.3.5.9F RONT OF D ASHA vertical tangent to the foremost predominant surface of the dash panel at the centerline of the driver, disregarding flanges and small localized formations. The dash panel is usually the vertical extension of the toe panel.3.5.10H EAD P OSITION C ONTOURSee SAE J1052. Dimensions specified in this practice aremeasured from sections cut through the appropriate 95th percentile head contour. After the head contour is constructed and oriented, sections are cut normal to grid in side view and rear view through the head centroid. The side view section is used for L38, L39, H46, and H47. The rear view section is used for W27, W35 and H35.3.5.11N ORMAL T OP OF F RAME-T RUCKThe longest normal surface of the top flange of the truck frame within the wheel base.3.5.12U NDEPRESSED F LOOR C OVERINGThe surface of the floor covering at a designated point in the vehicle, without any load applied to the covering.3.5.13L ONG-C OUPLED S EATINGSuccessive row seating (2nd row, 3rd row or greater) where the distance between successive SgRP X-coordinates is large enough to permit an H-point device to be installed with an ankle angle greater than 130 degrees.3.5.14S HORT-C OUPLED S EATINGSuccessive row seating (2nd row, 3rd row or greater) where the shoe or leg of an H-point device interferes with the preceding seat trim or structure when the preceding seat is in its design (SgRP) position. (See Figure 3B)NOTE—At least one of the following dimensions – leg room (L51), leg clearance (L58), or knee clearance (L48) –will be affected by this condition.3.5.15B ELT L INEA line that constitutes the lower edge of the Daylight Opening (DLO), as defined in 3.5.4. In situations where it is necessary to define the belt line in an area where there is no glass aperture, such as along pillars or in the obstructed regionbetween rear cargo doors, the belt line is defined by a straight line that connects the lower edges of the two adjacent openings. If the lower edges of the adjacent openings are not collinear then connect the endpoints of the two lower edges, not considering any points on a fillet radius. (See Figure 4)3.5.16M AXIMUM H OLD-O PEN P OSITIONThe maximum position of a vehicle closure that can be maintained without any applied force, or without the removal of any component or restraining device.3.6H-Point Devices – Reference Points and DefinitionsH-point devices are used to establish key reference points and dimensions in the vehicle’s interior. The most critical reference point established is the H-point. There are three types of devices that can be used to define the location of an H-point; the original H-Point Machine (HPM) and 2d H-point template as defined in J826, the new H-Point Machine (HPM-I I) as defined in J4002, and the H-Point Design Tool (HPD) as defined in J4004. The HPM and HPM-II are physical devices used in physical properties for the purpose of auditing and benchmarking. The HPD is a CAD tool used during design for establishing the occupant package.Terms and reference points related to the shoe are listed in section 3.7.This document is supplemental to the procedures addressed in SAE J826, J4002, J4003, and J4004. It is a reference for key terms and definitions. However, it does not provide sufficient information for someone to properly position and use an H-point device.3.6.1B ACK L INEA line in side view on the back pan of the H-point deviceupward from the H-point that is used to define back angle. On the HPM-II, this line connects the H-point to the sliding thorax pivot. On the HPM, this line is parallel to the flat portion of the back pan contour. The angle of this line from vertical defines back angle. (See Figure 5.)3.6.2C USHION L INEA line in side view on the cushion pan of H-point device forward from the H-point that is used to define cushion angle. On the HPM, this line connects to the K-point (knee pivot center). (See Figure 5 and SAE J826.)3.6.3D-P OINTA point on the bottom surface of the HPM-II cushion pan, at the lateral centerline, 25.5 mm (15 degrees) rearward of the H-point. On the HPM, the D-point is the lowest point on the centerline of the bottom of the cushion pan in the installed position. (See Figure 5.)3.6.4H-P OINTThe H-point is located on an H-point device. However, when an H-point device is properly positioned within a vehicle – either in CAD or in an actual physical property – the location of the H-point within the vehicle can be used as a vehicle reference point. Unless otherwise noted, this is how the term H-point is used in this practice.On an H-point device, the H-point is at the pivot center of the back pan and cushion pan assemblies, on the lateral centerline of the device. The H-point is also the intersection of the cushion line and the back line. (See Figure 5.) H-Point, Actual H-Point Travel PathThis refers to H-points measured in physical properties usinga properly positioned H-point machine. H-Point, Design H-Point Travel PathThis refers to H-points defined during design using an H-point design tool and appropriate procedures. Travel PathAll possible locations of the H-point provided by the full range of seat adjustments (horizontal, vertical or rotational) for a given designated seating position. Only seat adjustments intended for driving and riding are included. Seat adjustments intended to facilitate entry, egress, cargo storage, etc. are excluded.3.6.5K-P OINT OR K NEE P IVOT P OINTA point located at the pivot center between the thigh and lower leg segments on the H-point devices.3.6.6L OWER L EG L INEA line connecting the K-point (Knee Pivot) to the ankle pivot center on the H-point devices.3.6.7S EATING R EFERENCE P OINT (S G RP)SgRP is a specific and unique H-point for a given designated seating position. Although adjustable seats will have many design H-points within their design H-point travel path, there is one –and only one –H-point defined as the SgRP for any seat/seating position.The SgRP is established early in the vehicle design process, and is the rearmost normal design driving and riding position of any designated seating position. The most critical SgRP is the one defined for the driver. It is used in positioning many other design tools, defining a number of key vehicle dimensions (e.g, legroom, shoulder room, etc.), and is referenced by several national andinternational standards and regulations.For HPM SgRP determination, see SAE J1516/1517.For HPM-II SgRP determination, see SAE J4004. – FrontSgRP of the driver, unless otherwise specified. – SecondSgRP of the second row outboard passenger on the driver side of the vehicle, unless otherwise specified. – ThirdSgRP of the third row outboard passenger on the driver side of the vehicle, unless otherwise specified. – Fourth SgRP of the fourth row outboard passenger on the driver side of the vehicle, unless otherwise specified. – FifthSgRP of the fifth row outboard passenger on the driver side of the vehicle, unless otherwise specified.3.6.8T HIGH L INEA line in side view connecting the H-point to the K-point (knee pivot).3.7Shoe Reference Points and Definitions (See SAE J826/J4002)HPM-II has a separate shoe tool that is necessary for the proper positioning of its legs in a vehicle (in CAD or in a physical property). For the J826 HPM, the shoe and lower leg are a single integral assembly.3.7.1A CCELERATOR H EEL P OINT (AHP)A point on the shoe located at the intersection of the heel of shoe and the depressed floor covering, when the shoe tool is properly positioned. (Essentially, with the ball of foot contacting the lateral centerline of the undepressed accelerator pedal, whilethe bottom of shoe is maintained on the pedal plane). (See Figure 5.)3.7.2B ALL OF F OOT (BOF)A point on the lateral centerline of the shoe 200 mm (J4002 and J4004) from the heel (HOS). See Figure 5.NOTE—For pedals designed according to SAE J826 and J1516, a distance of 203mm from BOF to AHP is permitted.3.7.3B ARE F OOT F LESH L INEA line in side view, 6.5 degrees from the bottom of shoe. The origin of the angle is 286.9 mm forward of the heel of shoe on a line from AHP through the BOF.3.7.4B OTTOM OF S HOE (BOS)The underside of the shoe, used in side view to establish planes or angles. Only the flat section of the BOS, from AHP to BOF, is of concern.NOTE—For the shoe described in SAE J826, construct the flat section by connecting the AHP to BOF.3.7.5F LOOR P LANE AND F LOOR P LANE A NGLE (FPA)A plane normal to the Y-Plane, established by the bottom of shoe contacting the floor, with the heel of shoe on the depressed floor covering at the floor reference point. The floor plane angle is the angle of the floor plane measured from the horizontal.3.7.6F LOOR R EFERENCE P OINT (FRP)-P ASSENGERSFRP is established using the shoe of an H-point device. It is the intersection of the heel of shoe and the depressed floor covering, with the bottom of shoe resting on the depressed floor covering. t is determined within 127 mm. to either side of centerline of occupant, with the shoe and/or lower leg segment moved forward to rest against the seat in front (contacting the underseat structure, lower portion of the seat back trim, etc.).(See Figure 5.)NOTE 1—For long-coupled seating, the FRP and FPA are established using a maximum ankle angle of 130 degrees.NOTE 2—The HPM-II lower leg may be attached to the shoe and detached from the H-point device to aid in positioning the shoe when determining the FRP. No interference is permitted below the ankle pivot circumference. Interference above the ankle pivot circumference is ignored. (SeeFigure 3A)NOTE 3—For short-coupled seating, where the shoe cannot be fitted between the seats, the rear of the shoe is moved as far rearward as possible, with the front of the shoe intruding into the preceding seat trim and/or structure. (See Figure 3B)3.7.7H EEL OF S HOE (HOS)A point on the shoe tool, located at the lateral centerline, bottom-back of the shoe.6.3Pedal Reference Point (PRP) CoordinatesThese dimensions apply only to the driver’s position. For definitions, see Table 10. For additional information, see Section 3.7.9 and SAE practices J4002, J4003, J4004 and J826.6.4Floor Reference Point (FRP) CoordinatesFor definitions, see Table 11. For additional information, see Section 3.7.6 and SAE practices J4002, J4003, J4004 and J826.6.5Additional CoordinatesFor definitions of additional coordinates used in this practice, see Table 12.7.Cargo Dimensions and Cargo Volume IndicesThe cargo dimensions and cargo volume indices provide estimates of cargo compartment size. As with all measurements in this document, they were developed to assist during the design and engineering of a vehicle.Discrete measurements of irregular spaces –such as the point to point measurements made of a vehicle’s interior – are often ambiguous to interpret. Further, different values can result from minor and local variations.T ables 25 through 27 provide the codes and definitions for cargo dimensions. Table 28 lists the codes and formulas for cargo volume indices.7.1Cargo Dimensions, LengthSee Table 25. For cargo lengths measured along the floor, the cargo surface to the rear of the forward measurement point should be unobstructed. Seats to the rear of the forward measurement point must be in their stowed or cargo optimized position. If there is an obstruction, such as that caused by a second row seat being folded up to the rear of the front seat, the measurement is taken from the most rearward surface of the limiting obstruction.7.2Cargo Dimensions, WidthSee Table 26.7.3Cargo Dimensions, HeightSee Table 27.7.4Cargo Volume Indices (CVI)The intent of the cargo volume indices is to provide reasonable estimates of the cargo compartment stowage potential. They do not yield actual cargo volumes. Further, although due care has been taken to clarify the dimensions used in the calculations, it is possible that innovations to interiordesign will result in equivocal interpretations.The indices are all calculated using the same basic formula: Liters 10HeightWidth Length 6=×× (Eq. 1)The definitions provided in Table 28 indicate the L dimensions to use for length, the W dimensions to use for width and the H dimensions to use for height. Measurements are taken in millimeters.In the formulas, the suffix indicating measurement row is separated from the code by a tilde (~) rather than a dash (i.e., L204~1, W3~2 rather than L204-1 or W3-2) to avoid confusion with a minus sign. NOTE—In order to calculate the CVIs in English units, the formula is:3ft 1728hes)Height(inc es)Width(inch hes)Length(inc =×× (Eq. 2)Or if dimensions were measured in metric units use: Liters / 28.32 = ft 3 8. Luggage Capacity DimensionsThe luggage set is defined in Table 29. Luggage capacity, as defined in Table 30, is determined with all vehicle standard equipment, including spare tires, convertible tops, tool kits, etc., in place and in their intended stored locations. Randomly place as many A through G luggage pieces as possible in the compartment to be measured. H-boxes are then used to complete the loading. One or more pieces of the standard luggage set may be removed to place H-boxes, provided the removed luggage pieces can be replaced. For large compartment spaces, one entire set of luggage (A through G) must be used before adding pieces from a subsequent set. I f space is available,more than the standard set of 20 H-boxes may be used. The trunk lid or other access door must close and latch freely after the luggage is fitted.9. ISO Cargo VolumesSO uses modules of various lengths, widths, and heights to determine cargo volume and luggage capacity. The modules, procedures for use, and dimensions used in reporting can be found in ISO 3832. 10. Glass Area Dimensions See Table 31 for codes. 11. FiguresFigures are provided at the back of this document in numerical order. 12. Dimension IndicesThis revision builds on the coding scheme introduced in 2002, which resulted in new codes for many dimensions. To assist the user, several conversion tables are provided in the Appendix (see Tables A1 through A19).。
sae j1100机动车辆尺寸中文版总布置必学标准
sae j1100机动车辆尺寸中文版总布置必学标准sae j1100机动车辆尺寸中文版总布置必学标准1. 引言在车辆设计和制造过程中,了解和遵守相关的尺寸标准是非常重要的。
SAE J1100标准是一个重要的标准,它规定了机动车辆的尺寸和布置相关要求。
本文将以SAE J1100标准为主题,深入探讨机动车辆尺寸中文版总布置必学标准,帮助读者全面理解和应用该标准。
2. SAE J1100标准概述SAE J1100标准是由美国汽车工程师协会(SAE)制定的,旨在规定机动车辆的尺寸和布置要求,以确保车辆设计符合相关的安全、可靠性和性能标准。
3. 深度解读SAE J1100标准3.1 车身长度、宽度和高度SAE J1100标准对车身长度、宽度和高度进行了详细的规定,包括整车长度、最大宽度和最大高度等。
3.2 轴距和悬挂高度轴距和悬挂高度是影响车辆乘坐舒适性和操控稳定性的重要参数,SAE J1100标准对这些参数的设计和测量方法进行了详细说明,以确保车辆在不同路况下的稳定性和平顺性。
3.3 轮胎尺寸和车轮轴距轮胎尺寸和车轮轴距的合理设计对车辆的抓地力、悬挂系统和悬挂几何性能有着重要的影响,这些参数也是SAE J1100标准所关注的重点内容之一。
4. 总结与展望通过对SAE J1100标准的深度解读,我们可以更好地理解和应用机动车辆尺寸中文版总布置必学标准。
5. 个人观点与理解在我看来,SAE J1100标准作为国际上公认的标准之一,极大地推动了机动车辆制造和设计行业的发展。
SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER; +1 724-776-4970 FAX: +1 724-776-0790SAE WEB ADDRESS Copyright 2002 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.2.1.3ISO P UBLICATION—Available from ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002.ISO 9001—Quality systems—Model for quality assurance in design, development, production, installation and servicing2.1.4A UTOMO TIVE I NDUSTRY P UB LICATION—Available from AIAG, 26200 Lasher Road, Suite 200, Southfield, MI48034-7100.QS 9000—Quality System Requirements2.2Related Publications—The following publications are provided for information purposes only and are not arequired part of this document.2.2.1SAE P UBLICATIO NS—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.SAE J20-1—Coolant Hose (Supplement to SAE J20 for Government Use Replacing Part of MS51230)SAE J20-2—Coolant Hose—Normal Service Type Convoluted, Wire Support Hose(Supplement to SAE J20 for Government Use Replacing Part of MS51008)3.Definitions of Hose Types3.1SAE 20R1—Heavy-duty type for service in heavy-duty application. This type is available in two wallthicknesses as indicated in 20R2—Flexible heavy-duty wire embedded type for the same service as SAE 20R1.3.3SAE 20R3—Heater hose for normal service.3.4SAE 20R4—Radiator hose for normal service.3.5SAE 20R5—Convoluted wire supported type for normal service.3.6Hose Special Designators for SAE 20RXY—X Refers to the hose type. Y designators may be used forhoses with special features. Multiple Y designators may be used if needed.3.6.1HT—This High Temperature designation is for any hose type, SAE 20R1 to SAE 20R5, which is required tooperate in an environment above 125 °C. (See Section 11.)3.6.2EC—This Electrochemical designation is for any hose type SAE 20R1 to SAE 20R5 which is required tohave electrochemical resistance as defined by SAE J1684. (See Section 12.)3.6.3LT—This Low Temperature designation is for any hose type SAE 20R1 to SAE 20R5 which is required tooperate in an environment down to –55 °C. (See Section 13.)3.7Hose Classes—Compounds based on different synthetic rubber grades are specified and designated (see 5.2for test methods):Class A—high-temperature resistantClass B—high oil resistantClass C—medium oil resistantClass D-1—low oil resistant, improved serviceClass D-2—low oil resistant, standard serviceClass D-3—low oil resistant, high-temperature resistant, premium serviceClass E—low oil resistant, fiber elastomer compositePhysical characteristics for each hose class are shown in Table 1.3.8Marking—The outer cover will be printed with the designation SAE 20RXY (the X being the hose type and Y any special designator(s) such as “LT”), class, size of the inside diameter in millimeters, hose manufacturer’s code marking, and any other identification as agreed upon between user and manufacturer/supplier. It is recommended that this marking shall appear on the outer cover of the hose at intervals not greater than 380mm.3.8.1S MALL ID O R S HORT H OSE —If there is insufficient space on the hose for the required marking due to size or configuration, the marking shall be agreed upon by the customer and the manufacturer/supplier.4.Dimensional Requirements—Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing requirements are outlined in SAE J2370. The following requirements are minimal standards:4.1Tube and Cover Thickness—Minimum thickness shall be 1.6 mm for the tube and 0.8 mm for the cover.NOTE—This requirement does not apply for hoses without distinctive tube and cover construction.TABLE 1—COOLANT SYSTEM HOSE ELASTOMERIC MATERIAL, PHYSICAL PROPERTIESSAE Designation Typical Elastomer Class A Silicone Class B NBR Class C CR Class D–1EPDM Class D–2EPDM Class D–3EPDM Class E EPDM/Fiber Typical Temperature Range, °C –55 to 175–40 to 100–40 to 100–40 to 125–40 to 125–40 to 150–40 to 125Original PropertiesDurometer, points Shore A 55 to 7555 to 7555 to 7555 to 7555 to 7555 to 7565 to 85 Tensile, min, MPa 5.07.0 5.0 Elongation, min, %200250200300150300100Oven Aging Conditions and Change Limits, Hours/°C 70/17570/10070/10070/12570/125168/15070/125 Durometer, points Shore A +10+15+20+15+15+15+15 Tensile, max %–15–15–20–20–20–35–20 Elongation, max, %–40–50–50–50–50–65–50Oil Immersion Change Limits ASTM No. 3 Oil or IRM 903 (IRM 903 is being phased in to replace ASTM No. 3) Hours/°C 70/10070/10070/100———— Volume, max, %0 to +45–5 to +25+80———— Tensile, max, %–40–20–50————Coolant Immersion (Tube only)Change Limits Hours/at Boiling Point 707070707016870 Volume, %0 to +400 to +200 to +20–5 to +20–5 to +20–5 to +20–5 to +20 Durometer, points Shore A –10 to +10–10 to +10–10 to +10–10 to +10–10 to +10–10 to +10–10 to +10Tensile, max, %–30–20–20–20–20–20–20 Elongation, max, %–25–40–40–50–25–25–25Compression Set °C 125100100125125125125 70 h, max, %40507575857585Cold Flexibility (°C)(1)1.LT designator extends the low temperature flexibility to –55 °C.–40–40–40–40–40–40–404.2Length Tolerancea.Straight Hose—Unless otherwise specified by the customer or manufacturer, Commercial Tolerances will be used. See Table 2.b.Curved Hose—The tolerances on arm lengths, measured from end to intersection of nearest centerline, shall be as shown in Table 3.4.3General Layout Tolerances, Curved Hose—Dimensions locating bend intersections and centerline radii are to establish the theoretical design centerline of the hose. Actual outside contour of hose must be held within a total range of 9.6 mm of all planes with respect to theoretical outside contour of hose. For hose check, hose ends should first be placed in theoretical design position before checking (hose may have to be flexed to correct for any distortion caused by handling or during shipment). SAE arm length tolerances shall apply.Tolerances apply to all arm and body lengths in addition to contour tolerances. Dimensions covering more than one arm or body length are reference only and have no tolerances. The wall thickness within bends of a curved hose may differ from the wall thickness of the straight by no more than 33%.When an alignment mark is required for assembly operations, the basic identifier in Figure 1 is recommended:FIGURE 1—ALIGNMENT MARKLocation of the alignment mark and/or additional information shall be determined by the customer and the manufacturer.4.4Enlarged Ends—When the ID of one end of the hose is enlarged, normally the ID of the enlarged end should not exceed the ID of the rest of the hose by more than 33%. Enlarged ends should be considered arm lengths for tolerance purposes. The wall thickness normally changes with enlarged ends.TABLE 2—LENGTH TOLERANCELength mm Precision TolerancemmCommercial Tolerancemm0–300±3.2+9.7–3.2>300±1%+3%–1%TABLE 3—TOLERANCE ON ARM LENGTHArm Lengthmm Precision TolerancemmCommercial Tolerancemm0–300.0±4.0±6.4300.1–610.0±4.8±7.2610.1–910.0±6.4±9.7910.1–1220.0±9.7±11.21220.1–1830.0±12.7±15.9over 1830±1%±2%4.5End Squareness—All points on the hose end surface must lie within a tolerance zone consisting of twoparallel planes perpendicular to the hose axis. The tolerance zone is determined by Table 4.TABLE 4—END SQUARENESSHose ID Precision Tolerance Commercial Tolerance25.4 mm and larger10% of ID15% of IDsmaller than 25.4 mm 2.54 mm 3.75 mm4.6Finish and Roundness on Connections—Users of coolant hose should take every precaution to obtainconnections as smooth and round as practical. (Reference SAE J1231)4.7Clamps—Refer to SAE J1508 for available clamp types.5.Physical Test Requirements and Procedures5.1Finished Product5.1.1A DHES IO N. When applicable, use test procedure ASTM D 413. The minimum requirement is 1400 N/mbetween all elastomer or elastomer-coated plies.5.1.2C OLD F LEX IB ILITY. The following procedure shall be used:For hose 25.4 mm ID and smaller, specimen shall consist of a complete hose of length sufficient to perform bend test described as follows: the hose shall be placed in a cold box for 5 h at the temperature specified in Table 1. The hose shall then be flexed in the cold chamber through 180 degrees from the centerline to a diameter of ten times the maximum outside diameter of the hose within 4 s. The hose shall not fracture and shall not show any cracks or breaks in the tube or cover.For hose larger than 25.4 mm ID, specimens are to be 25.4 mm long sections of the complete hose. The specimen and test fixture shall be placed in a cold box for 5 h at the temperature specified in Table 1. The specimen is then compressed to 50% of its original inside diameter between parallel plates within 4 s. The specimen shall not crack or break. The testing fixture shall be in the cold box during the entire test.NOTE—For LT hose, refer to Section 13 for specific cold flexibility requirements.5.1.3O ZONE T EST AND R EQ UIREMENTS. The following test and requirements apply:When applicable, use test procedure ASTM D 1149.For hose 25.4 mm ID and smaller, a specimen of hose of sufficient length shall be bent around a mandrel with an outside diameter equal to eight times the specified OD of the sample. The two ends shall be tied at their crossing with enameled copper or aluminum wire. After mounting, the specimen shall be allowed to rest in an ozone-free atmosphere for 24 h at standard laboratory test temperature. The mounted specimen shall be placed in a test chamber containing ozone at a partial pressure of 50 mPa ± 5 mPa at a temperature of 40°C ± 1 °C.After 100 h of exposure, the specimen shall be removed and allowed to cool to standard laboratory test temperature and then be inspected visually under 7X magnification. The sample must not show any cracks except for the area immediately adjacent to the wire, which shall be ignored.For hose larger than 25.4 mm ID, prepare a specimen by cutting a strip of the whole hose 12.7 mm x 100mm and tie specimen (cover out) around a 12.7 mm diameter mandrel. Condition in the same manner as specified previously for the whole hose and apply the same conditions and requirements. This test applies to the cover only and cracks in the exposed tube or cut edges of the cover shall be ignored.5.1.4K INK T EST . This test applies to SAE 20R3 hose only. (Not recommended for formed hoses.) Procedure. Condition specimen length of hose at standard laboratory test temperature for at least 2h. Measure the minimum OD at the approximate center of the specimen length. When a sufficient length of hose is available, it is permissible and suggested that a length in excess of the specimen length be used in an effort to minimize the handling variable and overbending. Insert one end of the hose into one hole of the specified test fixture, carefully bend the hose (in direction of natural curvature) and insert the other hose end into the second test fixture hole. Do not overbend or bend hose with sharp motion to prevent excessive kinking or collapse. Within 30 s, measure the minimum diameter at the point of greatest collapse. Fixture. Shall consist of 25.4 mm thick flat plate drilled with holes not to exceed the hose OD by more than 1.6 mm and separated by the specified center distances. Requirements. See Table ACUUM C O LLA PSE T EST . When practical, the entire hose shall be tested as specified in Tables 6A and 6B.The minimum outside diameter shall decrease by no more than 20% during application of vacuum for 15 s and not to exceed 30 s.5.1.6B URST . This test shall be performed on a straight length of hose in accordance with ASTM D 380 to meet the requirement in Tables 6A and 6B.For curved 20R3 and 20R4 hose, the same reference applies, except that the test shall be performed on the individual curved hose with one end free and unrestrained and the rate of application of pressure shall be not less than 2.0 MPa nor more than 7.0 MPa/min. The aged burst requirement (11.2.2) will apply to all HT hoses.5.1.7P RESSURE V IBRATIO N AND T E MP ERATURE OR P RE SSURE AND T EMPE RATURE T EST . This test shall be used when agreed upon between customer and manufacturer/supplier, using SAE J1610 as the referenced test method. If required, test limits can be modified if agreed upon by the customer and manufacturer/supplier.TABLE 5—KINK TEST REQUIREMENTS FOR SAE 20R3 HOSENominal Hose ID mmSpecimen LengthmmCenter DistancemmCollapse of Hose Allowed, %15 and larger 24 x ID 10 x ID 25smaller than 1524 x ID8 x ID25TABLE 6A—BURST AND VACUUM VALUES(20R1 AND 20R2)NominalSizemm20R1Heavy-DutyStandard WallMinBurstMPa20R1Heavy-DutyStandard WallMinVacuumkPa20R1Heavy-DutyHeavy WallMinBurstMPa20R1Heavy-DutyHeavy WallMinVacuum,kPa20R2WireInsertedMinBurstMPa20R2WireInsertedMinVacuumkPa10 3.2933.813 2.9333.816 2.5927.019 2.2427.022 2.2423.625 2.0623.6 2.0684.429 2.0620.332 1.9016.9 3.4533.8 1.9084.435 1.9013.538 1.7210.1 3.1033.8 1.7284.441 1.72 6.844 1.55 3.4 2.7616.9 1.5584.451 1.38 2.4110.1 1.3884.457 1.21 2.41 3.4 1.2184.460 1.2164 1.03 2.06 1.0384.4700.86 1.720.8684.4 760.60 1.720.6984.4 83890.52 1.380.5284.4 1020.34 1.030.3484.4 NOTE—For hose sizes between sizes listed, use the values for the next larger size.5.2Physical Properties are to be Obtained from Specimens Removed from Hose—See ASTMD380 for pro-cedure.NOTE—For 20R5 hoses, test specimens are to be taken from the cuffs.5.2.1D UROMETER H ARDNESS —Hardness shall be measured with a Shore A Durometer according to ASTM D 2240.5.2.2T ENSILE S TRENGTH AND E LONGATION —Test according to ASTM D 412.5.2.3O VE N A GING —Shall conform to ASTM D 573.TABLE 6B—BURST AND VACUUM VALUES(20R3, 20R4, AND 20R5)Nominal Size mm 20R3Heater Min Burst MPa 20R3Heater Min Vacuum kPa 20R4Radiator Min Burst MPa20R4Radiator Min Vacuum kPa20R5Wire SupportedMin Burst MPa20R5Wire SupportedMin Vacuum kPa5 1.7233.86 1.7233.87 1.7233.8 8 1.7233.89 1.7233.8 10 1.7233.8 1.24 13 1.7233.8 1.17 16 1.7227.0 1.10 19 1.3823.6 1.03 22 25 1.2120.30.970.97 29 32 1.2116.90.900.90 35 380.830.83 41 440.760.76 510.690.69 570.620.62 60 640.550.55700.48 760.41 830.34 890.27102NOTE—For hose sizes between sizes listed, use the values for the next larger size.5.2.4C OOLANT I MMERS ION—Volume change, tensile, elongation, and durometer changes shall be observed afterimmersion in the following mixture maintained at the boiling point under a water-cooled reflux condenser.Maintain the fluid level during the test by adding distilled water as needed.a.1/2 by volume, distilled waterb.1/2 by volume, ethylene glycol-based coolant agreed to between supplier and customerMeasurements of tensile, elongation, durometer, and volume change shall be made in accordance with appropriate ASTM methods.5.2.5O IL I MME RSIO N—Shall conform to ASTM D 471.5.2.6C OMPRESSION S E T—Test to be performed per ASTM D 395, Method B. For cover specimens, ply to 8.9 mm± 1 mm, not to exceed 7 plies where applicable. For tube specimens, ply to 12.7 mm ± 1 mm, not to exceed7 plies. When unable to meet the required thickness, use standard ASTM slabs cured at similar cureconditions as the hose.NOTE—SAE J1638 may be considered as an alternate test method with criteria to be agreed upon between customer and manufacturer.6.SAE 20R1 Heavy-Duty Type6.1Scope—This type of hose is primarily for heavy-duty service of which the diesel-locomotive application is atypical example. The hose is intended to withstand the effects of higher pressure systems. When desired, hose with one class of material in the tube and another in the cover may be obtained. In such cases, the physical properties specified for respective parts shall apply.6.2Reinforcement—The reinforcement may consist of multiple plies of woven or cord fabric, or ply or plies ofbraided, knit, or spiraled yarn and shall be such that the hose meets the minimum burst and vacuum requirements as given in Table 6A.6.3Dimensions—The ID Tolerance is ±0.8 mm for sizes smaller than 51 mm and ±1.6 mm for sizes 51 mm andlarger. The Wall Thickness Range for Standard Wall Thickness hose is 4.3 to 5.6 mm. The Wall Thickness Range for Heavy Wall Thickness Hose is 5.8 to 7.1 mm. These dimensions shall be measured at a section not including a lap.7.SAE 20R2 Heavy-Duty Wire Embedded Type7.1Scope—This is similar to SAE 20R1 hose except that it utilizes wire helix or helices built into the wall of thehose. The hose is intended to withstand high vacuum and/or some forced curvature.7.2Reinforcement—The reinforcement is typically multiple plies of woven or cord fabric or ply or plies of braidedor knot yarn and wire helix or helices such that the hose will meet the minimum vacuum and burst requirements as given in Table 6A.7.3Dimensions—The ID Tolerance is ±0.8 mm for sizes smaller than 51 mm and ±1.6 mm for sizes 51 mm andlarger. The Wall Thickness Range at hose ends exclusive of wire gauge is 4.3 to 6.4 mm.8.SAE 20R3 Heater Hose8.1Scope—This type of hose is used in connecting heater systems and other components in the coolantcirculating systems of ground vehicles.8.2Reinforcement—The reinforcement typically consists of one or more plies of woven, braided, knit, or spiraled yarn, or class E material, and shall be such that the hose will meet the minimum burst and vacuum requirements in Table 6B.8.3Dimensions and Tolerances—Target dimensions and tolerances are shown in Table 7. Measurement method must be agreed upon by manufacturer and customer. Since expanded ends may cause wall thickness to change, ODs and tolerances for the expanded ends must also be agreed upon by the manufacturer and customer. Tolerances and dimensions other than those listed as follows must be agreed upon by manufacturer and customer. The values in Table 7 are standard wall dimensions and commercial tolerances.If thin-wall dimensions or precision tolerances are required, refer to SAE J2387.9.SAE 20R4 Radiator Hose Normal Service Type9.1Scope—This is a hose for coolant circulating systems of automotive type engines, commonly known as radiator hose. When resistance to vacuum collapse is a requirement, an inserted wire helix may be specified if desired.9.2Reinforcement—The reinforcement typically consists of one or more plies of woven, braided, knit, or spiraled yarn, or Class E material, and shall be such that the hose will meet the minimum burst and vacuum requirements in Table 6B.9.3Dimensions—Target dimensions and tolerances are shown in 9.3.1. Measurement method must be agreed upon by manufacturer and customer. Since expanded ends may cause wall thickness to change, ODs and tolerances for the expanded ends must also be agreed upon by the manufacturer and customer. Tolerances and dimensions other than those listed as follows must be agreed upon by the manufacturer and customer.Since the wall thickness may change due to bends near the end of hoses, the wall thickness reported will be the average of 4 readings taken 90 degrees apart. The values in 9.3.1 are standard wall dimensions and commercial tolerances. If thin-wall dimensions or precision tolerances are required, refer to SAE J2387.9.3.1D IME NSIO NS AND T OLERANCES —The ID tolerance is ±0.8 mm for hose sizes smaller than 70 mm and ±1.6mm for hose sizes 70 mm and larger. The wall thickness and tolerance is 4.95 mm ± 0.65 mm (4.3 to 5.6mm) for hose sizes smaller than 50.8 mm and 5.35 mm ± 1.05 mm (4.3 to 6.4 mm) for hose sizes 50.8mm and larger.TABLE 7—STANDARD DIMENSIONS AND COMMERCIAL TOLERANCES FOR SAE 20R3ID mm IDTolerance,mmTarget OD (1)mm1. The target OD should be measured over a plug gauge equal to the specified maximum ID.OD Tolerance mm Reference Wall mmMaximum Wall ThicknessVariation mm5.0 to <9.0±0.8Maximum ID Plus 7 mm ±0.8 3.5 1.09.0 to <25.4±0.8Maximum ID Plus 8 mm±0.8 4.0 1.025.4±0.834.0±1.2 4.3 1.0>25.4±0.8Maximum ID Plus 9.9 mm±1.64.951.010.SAE 20R5 Normal Service Type Convoluted, Wire Supported Hose10.1Scope—This is a wire reinforced hose for coolant circulating systems of automotive type engines, commonlyknown as universal type hose. This hose consists of a convoluted section with plain ends. The hose shall contain a wire helix or helices in the convoluted section.10.2Reinforcement—The reinforcement is typically a ply or plies of woven or cord fabric, braided, knot, or spiraledyarn. The hose must meet the minimum burst requirements listed in Table 6B.10.3Dimensions—The ID Tolerance is +0.8 to –1.6 mm. The Wall Thickness Range is 3.6 to 4.8 mm.11.High-Temperature Service Hose HT11.1Scope—Any hose type SAE 20R1 to SAE 20R5 which is required to be operated in an environment above125°C. The letters HT will be used to designate this new requirement, for example, SAE 20R1 HT Class A standard wall.11.2Requirements11.2.1T UBE AND C OVER—The tube and cover compounds must be Class A or Class D- GED B URST—The reinforcement yarn or fabric must be such that the hose passes the minimum burstrequirements given on the appropriate table after aging 168 h at 150 °C in a hot air oven.12.Electrochemical Resistant Hose EC12.1Scope—Any hose type SAE 20R1 to SAE 20R5 which is required to have electrochemical resistance. Theletters EC will be used to designate this requirement, for example SAE 20R1 EC.12.2Requirement—Hoses shall be tested in accordance with SAE J1684. Test method 1 shall be utilized todetermine the electrochemical resistance of the hose assembly.13.Low-Temperature Service Hose LT13.1Scope—Any hose type SAE 20R1 to SAE 20R5 and any hose class which is required to be operated in anenvironment down to –55 °C. The letters LT will be used to designate this requirement, for example, SAE 20R1LT Class A standard wall.13.2Requirements—Test frequency is a minimum of annually, per QS 9000.13.2.1R ESISTA NCE TO V IBRATION—This applies to SAE 20R2 wire embedded hoses only. The requirements of5.1.7 shall apply, using SAE J1610, Test Procedure #1, as the recommended practice.13.2.2P ROOF P RESSURE—This test shall be performed on a straight length of hose in accordance with ASTM D 380with the pressure being equal to 50% of the Burst Pressure requirement in Tables 6A and 6B. For curved 20R3 and 20R4 hose, the same reference applies, except that the test shall be performed on the individual curved hose with one end free and unrestrained and the rate of application of pressure shall be not less than2.0 MPa/min nor more than 7.0 MPa/min.13.2.3C OLD F LEX IB ILITY—The test temperature shall be –55 °C. Test per Indicia—The change bar (l) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locatingareas where technical revisions have been made to the previous issue of the report. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the report.PREPARED BY THE SAE COOLANT HOSE COMMITTEERationale—Sections 13.3 to 13.4 were removed to be in accordance with military requirements. Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO Standard—Not applicable.Application—This SAE Standard covers reinforced and flexible hoses intended for use in water and ethylene glycol-based engine-coolant system applications.Reference SectionSAE J20-1—Coolant Hose (Supplement to SAE J20 for Government Use Replacing Part of MS51230) SAE J20-2—Coolant Hose—Normal Service Type Convoluted, Wire Support Hose(Supplement to SAE J20 for Government Use Replacing Part of MS51008)SAE J1231—Formed Tube Ends for Hose Connections and Hose FittingsSAE J1508—Hose Clamp SpecificationSAEJ1610—Test Method for Evaluating the Sealing Capability of Hose Connections with a PVT Test FacilitySAE J1638—Compression Set of Hoses or Solid DiscsSAEJ1684—Test Method for Evaluating the Electrochemical Resistance of Coolant System Hoses and MaterialsSAE J2370—Geometric Dimensions and Tolerancing for Curved HoseSAE J2387—Dimensions and Tolerances for Coolant System HosesASTM D 380—Methods of Testing Rubber HoseASTM D 395—Test Methods for Rubber Property Compression SetASTM D 412—Test Method for Rubber Properties in TensionASTM D 413—Test Methods for Rubber Property Adhesion to Flexible SubstrateASTM D 471—Test Method for Rubber Property Effect of LiquidsASTM D 573—Test Method for Rubber Deterioration in an Air OvenASTMD1149—Test Method for Rubber Deterioration Surface Ozone Cracking in a Chamber (FlatSpecimens)ASTM D 2240—Test Method for Rubber Property Durometer HardnessDeveloped by the SAE Coolant Hose Committee。
2. 参考文献2.1 适用书刊——以下书刊为本标准一部分指定范围的延伸说明。
2.1.1 SAE书刊——SAE J182-机动车辆基准点SAE J287-驾驶员人工操纵SAE J826-用于定义和测量车辆座椅位置的装置SAE J941-机动车辆驾驶员视角范围SAE J1052-启动车辆驾驶员和乘客的头部位置SAE J1516-参考点工具的布置SAE J1517-驾驶员选择座椅位置2.1.2 国际标准化组织(ISO)刊物——许可由美国国家标准学会(ANSI),纽约市25ISO 3832——乘用车——长途客车——测量基准2.2 相关刊物——以下内容只提供目标信息,并不是本标准规定的一部份。
2.2.1国际标准化组织(ISO)刊物——许可由美国国家标准学会(ANSI),纽约市25ISO 1176 道路车辆:词汇及代码ISO3833道路车辆:分类及定义ISO4133道路车辆:乘用车尺寸代码3.定义3.1 机动车辆3.1.1 乘用车——机动车辆载重最多10人,包含摩托车和拖车。
J1100 2009年11月International地上车辆推荐标准签发日期:1973年9月修改时间:2009年11月被替换标准编号:J1100 SEP2005(R)机动车辆尺寸基本原理2009版J1100在内容上进行重大修改。
在本版本标准中,回复了部分先前删除的SAE J1100尺寸,以及一些更老版本的SAE J1100尺寸定义(例如W27)。
与前两版SAE J1100相同,位置或指定座椅位置由一级后缀决定。
SAE J1100也重新引入了“EPA-净重”情况,并阐述了在该载荷条件下的特定尺寸。
此外,文件还给出了在生产商声明的车辆总重条件下测量的新尺寸,同时增加了从已被取消了的SAE J689中摘取的尺寸。
SAE J1100-2002 汽车尺寸标准【中文版】
2. 参考文献2.1 适用书刊——以下书刊为本标准一部分指定范围的延伸说明。
2.1.1 SAE书刊——SAE J182-机动车辆基准点SAE J287-驾驶员人工操纵SAE J826-用于定义和测量车辆座椅位置的装置SAE J941-机动车辆驾驶员视角范围SAE J1052-启动车辆驾驶员和乘客的头部位置SAE J1516-参考点工具的布置SAE J1517-驾驶员选择座椅位置2.1.2 国际标准化组织(ISO)刊物——许可由美国国家标准学会(ANSI),纽约市25ISO 3832——乘用车——长途客车——测量基准2.2 相关刊物——以下内容只提供目标信息,并不是本标准规定的一部份。
2.2.1国际标准化组织(ISO)刊物——许可由美国国家标准学会(ANSI),纽约市25ISO 1176 道路车辆:词汇及代码ISO3833道路车辆:分类及定义ISO4133道路车辆:乘用车尺寸代码3.定义3.1 机动车辆3.1.1 乘用车——机动车辆载重最多10人,包含摩托车和拖车。
SAE J标准目录中文
代号 180-2002 182-1997 183-2002 184-1998 185-2003 187 188-2003 189-1998 190-1998 191-2003 192-2003 193-1996 195-1988 198-2003 200-2001 201-1997 207-1985
柴油机燃油喷嘴总成—8,9,10 和 11 型
冷却软管(政府用于替代 MS52130 部分而对 SAE J20 进
钢丝缠绕支撑冷却软管的正常使用(SAE J20 的增补件)
A 类车辆风窗玻璃阴影区域
中国铁路现役内燃中国铁路现役内燃&&电力机车介绍电力机车介绍东风4B 货运型绰号:西瓜娘家:大连机车厂目前状况:国内铁路货运的绝对主力。
东风4B 系列生产了三四千台。
技术参数:用途:干线客、货运轨距:1435mm限界:GB146.1-83(车限1A、1B)传动方式:交-直流电传动轴式:Co-Co轮径:1050mm轴重:23±3%t整备重量:138±3%t通过最小曲线半径:145m最大运用速度:120km/h持续速度:28.5km/h起动牵引力:327kN持续牵引力:243kN柴油机型号:16V240ZJB柴油机装车功率:2430kW主发电机型号:TQFR-3000硅整流装置型号:GTF4800/770牵引电动机型号:ZQDR-410车钩型式:改进下开式三号车钩或TB1595-85下开式转向架轴距:1800×2mm 机车外形尺寸:21100×3309×4755mm东风4B客运型绰号:桔子娘家:大连机车厂柴油机装车功率:2430kW状况:昔日客运主力,但是随着铁路提速,已经力不从心,一部分转到山区对速度要求不高的地区继续服役,其余的改变了齿轮传动比,刷上绿色图装,改成了“西瓜”去拉货车。
型号:东风4D货运型绰号:乌克兰娘家:大连机车厂功率:2940KW型号:东风4D绰号:花老虎娘家:大连机车厂功率:2940KW图装识别:DF4D-0****,为提速型客运机车,构造速度145KM/H 涂装:枣红和白DF4D-3****,为准高速型客运机车,构造速度170KM/H,涂装:枣红和白状况:无数“花老虎”拉着特快列车和快速列车飞驰在祖国的大江南北,长城内外,两只老虎,两只老虎,跑地快,跑地块……技术参数:用途:干线客、货运轨距:1435mm限界:GB146.1-83(车限 1A、1B)传动方式:交-直流电传动轴式:Co-Co轮径:1050mm轴重:23±3%t整备重量:138±3%t通过最小曲线半径:145m最大运用速度:客:145km/h 货:100km/h持续速度:客:39km/h 货:24.5km/h起动牵引力:客:302.6kN 货:480.48kN持续牵引力:客:214.8kN 货:341.15kN柴油机型号:16V240ZJD柴油机装车功率:2940kW主发电机型号:TQFR-3000E硅整流装置型号:GTF5100/1250牵引电动机型号:ZD109B车钩型式:TB1595-85下开式转向架轴距:1800×2mm机车外形尺寸:21100×3309×4755mm东风4DJ型铁路干线客货运内燃机车,是西门子公司大连机车车辆厂合作研制的,与我国第一代应用交流电传动技术的铁路干线内燃机车。
SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright ©2002 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER:Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA)Fax: 724-776-0790Email: custsvc@2.1.2ISO P UBLICATION—Available from ANSI, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002.ISO 3832—Passenger cars—Luggage compartments—Method of measuring reference volume2.2Related Publications—The following publications are provided for information purposes only and are not arequired part of this specification.2.2.1ISO P UBLICATIONS—Available from ANSI, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002.ISO 1176—Road vehicles—Masses—Vocabulary and codesISO 3833—Road vehicles—Types—Terms and definitionsISO 4131—Road vehicles—Dimensional codes for passenger cars3.Definitions3.1Motor Vehicles3.1.1P ASSENGER V EHICLE—A motor vehicle designed for carrying 10 persons or less, excluding motorcycles andtrailers. This category includes vehicles such as cars, vans, sport utility vehicles and multipurpose vehicles.3.1.2L IG HT T RUCK—An open bed or enclosed motor vehicle designed primarily for transporting cargo with amaximum gross vehicle rating (GVWR) of 4536 kg (10 000 lb) or less.3.1.3H EAVY T RUCK—A motor vehicle designed primarily for transporting cargo with a maximum gross vehicleweight rating (GVWR) over 4356 kg (10 000 lb).3.1.4A DDITIONAL V EHICLE C LASSIFICATIONS—See Tables 1 and 2. The classification is based on a set of fivedimensions. This classification is used to determine the appropriate procedure in other SAE practices (SAE J287, SAE J1516, SAE J1517, SAE J941, etc.)TABLE 1—CLASS A VEHICLESDimension Code RangeChair Height H30-1127 to 405 mmDesign H-Point Rise TH170.0 to 50 mmNormal Driving and Riding Seat Track Travel TL23100 mm or moreSteering Wheel Diameter W9less than 450 mmBack Angle A40-1 5 to 40 deg.reesTABLE 2—CLASS B VEHICLESDimension Code RangeChair Height H30-1405 to 530 mmDesign H-Point Rise TH170 mmNormal Driving and Riding Seat Track Travel TL23100 mm or moreSteering Wheel Diameter W9450 to 560 mmBack Angle A40-111 to 18 deg.rees3.2Vehicle Loads3.2.1C URB L O AD, C URB W EIG HT—The weight of the base vehicle (standard equipment only), with all fluids filled tomaximum (fuel, oil, transmission, coolant, etc.). For heavy trucks, the curb weight does not include engine fuel.3.2.2G ROSS V EHICLE W EIGHT R ATING—The value specified by the vehicle manufacturer as the maximum loadedweight of a single vehicle.3.2.3EPA L OAD, EPA W EIG HT—Curb load, plus the weight of all options and accessories which weigh 1.36 kg(3lb) or more and which are sold on at least 33% of the vehicle line, plus two occupants. Each occupant weighs 68 kg (150 lb).3.3Coordinate Dimension—All points of interest are described as coordinates dimensioned from the intersectionof the zero planes in the three-dimensional reference system. X, Y, Z coordinates are dimensioned to their respective planes. (See Figure 1. See also SAE J182.)3.4Vehicle Fiducial Marks—See SAE J182.3.5General Vehicle Reference Points and Definitions3.5.1C ARG O F LOOR—The surface for supporting cargo. If ribs are present, the cargo floor is at the top of the ribs.If the floor is covered, it is the undepressed floor covering surface.3.5.2C ENTERLINE OF O CCUPANT (C/LO)—The lateral (Y) centerline of an occupant in a given designated seatingposition.3.5.3C OWL P O INT—The highest point on the cowl or hood point on the vehicle centerline (See Figure 2.)3.5.4D AYLIGHT O PE NING (DLO)—A line on the exterior glazing surface that defines the minimum unobstructedopening through any glass aperture. Opaque coatings, reveals, and garnish moldings are considered obstructions. Opaque coatings, reveals, and garnish moldings adjoining the interior glazing surface are projected normal and outward to the exterior surface. Interior components not adjoining the glass are projected horizontally to the interior glazing surface, then normal and outward to the exterior surface. Exterior components are projected horizontally to the exterior surface.3.5.5D ECK P OINT—The highest point on the deck lid panel on the vehicle centerline. (See Figure 2.)3.5.6D EPRESSED F LO OR C OVE RING—The surface of the floor covering at a designated point in the vehicle, with aload applied to the covering as specified by the manufacturer.3.5.7D ESIGNATE D S EATING P OS ITION—Any location intended by the manufacturer to provide seating for a driver oradult passenger while the vehicle is in motion, excluding temporary seating such as folding jump seats.Examples of designated seating positions include driver, 1st row (front seat) outboard passenger, 1st row center passenger, 2nd row outboard passenger, etc.3.5.8E YELLIPSE—See SAE J941.3.5.9F RONT OF D ASH—A vertical tangent to the foremost predominant surface of the dash panel at the centerlineof the driver, disregarding flanges and small localized formations. The dash panel is usually the vertical extension of the toe panel.3.5.10H EAD P OS ITION C O NTOUR—See SAE J1052. Dimensions specified in this practice are measured fromsections cut through the appropriate 95th percentile head contour. After the head contour is constructed and oriented, sections are cut normal to grid in side view and rear view through the ellipse centroid. The side view section is used for L38, L39, and H41. The rear view section is used for W27, W35 and H35.3.5.11N ORMA L T O P O F F RAME-T RUCK—The longest normal surface of the top flange of the truck frame within thewheel base.3.5.12U NDEPRESSED F LOOR C O VERING—The surface of the floor covering at a designated point in the vehicle,without any load applied to the covering.3.6H-Point Devices – Reference Points and Definitions (See SAE J826)—H-Point devices are used toestablish key reference points and dimensions in the vehicle’s interior. The most critical reference point established is the H-Point. There are two types of devices that can be used to define the location of an H-Point;the H-Point Machine (HPM) and the H-Point Design Tool (HPD). The HPM is a physical device used in physical properties for the purpose of auditing and benchmarking. The HPD is a CAD tool used during design for establishing the occupant package.H-Point devices have a number of parts, including cushion pan, back pan, lower leg segment, thigh segment, shoe tool, and head profile. The back pan consists of three segments; pelvic, lumbar, and thoracic. In addition, the HPM uses 24 weights, and has a number of scales, readouts, and mechanical linkages.Terms and reference points related to the shoe tool are listed separately in 3.7.This document is supplemental to the procedures addressed in SAE J826. It is a reference for key terms and definitions. However, it does not provide sufficient information for someone to properly position and use an H-Point device.3.6.1B ACK L INE—A line in side view, connecting the H-Point to the “sliding thorax pivot” (at the upper end of thethorax line) on an H-Point device. The angle of this line from vertical defines back angle. (See Figure 3.)3.6.2C USHION L INE—A line in side view, forward from the H-Point, parallel to the top of the cushion pan assemblyof an H-Point device. The angle of this line from horizontal defines cushion angle. (See Figure 3.)3.6.3D-P OINT—A point on an H-Point device located on the bottom surface of the cushion pan, at the lateralcenterline, and 25.5 mm (15 degrees) rearward of the H-Point. (See Figure 3.)3.6.4H-P OINT—The H-Point is located on an H-Point device. However, when an H-Point device is properlypositioned within a vehicle – either in CAD or in an actual physical property – the location of the H-Point within the vehicle can be used as a vehicle reference point. Unless otherwise noted, this is how the term H-Point is used in this practice.On an H-Point device, the H-Point is at the pivot center of the back pan and cushion pan assemblies, translated to the lateral centerline of the device. The H-Point is also the intersection of the cushion line and the back line. (See Figure 3.) H-Point, Actual H-Point Travel Path—This refers to H-Points measured in physical properties usinga properly positioned H-Point machine. H-Point, Design H-Point Travel Path—This refers to H-Points defined during design using an H-Point design tool and appropriate procedures. Travel Path—All possible locations of the H-Point provided by the full range of seat adjustments(horizontal, vertical or rotational) for a given designated seating position. Only seat adjustments intended for driving and riding are included. Seat adjustments intended to facilitate entry, egress, cargo storage, etc.are excluded.3.6.5K-P O INT O R K NEE P IV OT P OINT—A pivot point between the thigh and lower leg segments on the H-Pointdevices.3.6.6L O WER L EG L INE—A line connecting the K-Point to the ankle pivot center on the H-Point devices.3.6.7S EATING R EFERENCE P OINT (S G RP)—SgRP is a specific and unique H-Point for a given designated seatingposition. Although adjustable seats will have many design H-Points within their design H-Point travel path, there is one – and only one – H-Point defined as the SgRP for any seat/seating position.The SgRP is established early in the vehicle design process. The most critical SgRP is the one defined for the driver. It is used in positioning many other design tools, defining a number of key vehicle dimensions(e.g, legroom, shoulder room, etc.), and is referenced by several national and international standards andregulations.How SgRP is defined depends on the type of seat and designated seating position.a.Adjustable Seats, Driver:SgRP X = 913.7 + 0.672316(H30) – 0.0019553(H30)2 mm aft of PRP.SgRP Z: If the driver’s seat has a vertical adjustment, it is preferred that the intersection of the previousSgRP equation and the mid-height point in the H-Point travel path be used.SgRP Y = Centerline of occupant (at SgRP XZ)b.Adjustable Seats, Any Passenger Seating Position:SgRP XZ: Selected at the manufacturer’s discretion, it is any H-Point within the design H-Point travelpath. However, for the 1st row (front seat) outboard passenger, it is customary to use the X and Zlocation of the driver’s SgRP.SgRP Y = Centerline of occupant (at SgRP XZ)c.Fixed Seat, Any Designated Seating Position: Since in fixed seats there is only one H-Point possible,the SgRP is that H-Point.SgRP X = Design H-Point XSgRP Z = Design H-Point ZSgRP Y = Centerline of occupant = Design H-Point Y3.6.7.1SgRP – Front—This term refers to the SgRP of the driver, unless otherwise specified. – Second—This term refers to the SgRP of the second row outboard passenger, unless otherwisespecified. – Third—This term refers to the SgRP of the third row outboard passenger, unless otherwisespecified. – Fourth—This term refers to the SgRP of the fourth row outboard passenger, unless otherwisespecified. – Fifth—This term refers to the SgRP of the fifth row outboard passenger, unless otherwisespecified.3.6.8S UPPORT P OINTS—Seat contact points on the H-Point Devices. There are five points on the cushion pan(SC1 through SC3) and four on the back pan (SB1 through SB3). The support points are used as landmarks for measuring seat dimensions.3.6.9T HIGH L INE—A line connecting the K-Point to the H-Point.3.7Shoe Tool – Reference Points and Definitions (See SAE J826)—The shoe tool is part of an H-Point device,and necessary for the proper positioning of the device within a vehicle (in CAD or in a physical property).3.7.1A CCELERATOR H EEL P OINT (AHP)—The AHP is the intersection of the heel of shoe and the depressed floorcovering, when the shoe tool is properly positioned. (Essentially, with the ball of foot contacting the lateral centerline of the undepressed accelerator pedal, while the bottom of shoe is maintained on the pedal plane).See Figure ALL OF F O OT (BOF)—A point on the shoe tool. BOF is located at the lateral centerline of the shoe, 200 mmfrom the heel of shoe. See Figure ARE F OOT F LESH L INE—A line in side view, 6.5 degrees from the bottom of shoe. The origin of the angle is286.9 mm forward of the heel of shoe.3.7.4B OTTO M OF S HOE (BOS)—The underside of the shoe, used in side view to establish planes or angles. Onlythe flat section of the BOS, from AHP to BOF, is of concern.3.7.5F LOO R P LANE—A plane normal to the Y-Plane, established by the bottom of shoe contacting the floor, withthe heel of shoe on the depressed floor covering at the floor reference point.3.7.6F LOO R R EFERENCE P O INT (FRP)—FRP is established using the shoe tool of an H-Point device. It is theintersection of the heel of shoe and the depressed floor covering, with the bottom of foot resting on the depressed floor covering. This reference point does not apply to the driver’s right foot (AHP is used instead).For the driver’s left foot, this location is specified at the discretion of the manufacturer. For second and third row passengers the FRP is determined within 127 mm. to either side of centerline of occupant, with the shoe and/or lower leg segment moved forward to rest against the seat in front (contacting the underseat structure, lower portion of the seat back trim, etc.). See Figure EEL O F S HOE (HOS)—A point on the shoe tool, located at the lateral centerline, bottom-back of the shoe. 3.7.8P EDAL P LANE—A plane normal to the Y-Plane. Established for the undepressed accelerator in its designposition. (1) Flat Pedals: The pedal plane is the same plane as the pedal face. (2) Curved Pedals: The pedal plane is established by finding a tangent on the accelerator surface at a 200 mm straight line distance from the depressed floor covering. If the shoe tool is used, the pedal plane is defined by the bottom of the shoe when the heel of shoe is at the AHP, and the ball of foot is contacting the undepressed accelerator. See Figure EDAL R EFERE NCE P OINT (PRP)—The point on the accelerator pedal lateral centerline where the ball of footcontacts the pedal when the shoe tool is properly positioned (heel of shoe at AHP, bottom of shoe on pedal plane).The PRP is a key landmark for occupant packaging. Several other SAE tools are positioned relative to the PRP (e.g., Eyellipses, SgRP).4.Code Explanation, Vehicle Set-Up, and General Measurement4.1Codes—Each dimension is assigned a code, which consists of an alpha prefix and a number (e.g., H30 orA40). The letters denote the direction of measurement (e.g., height, width) or type of measurement (e.g., angle). See Tables 3 and 4.In addition, many of the interior dimensions can be applied in an identical manner to several designated seating positions. In this event, the basic alphanumeric code remains the same, but a suffix is added (e.g., H30-1, H30-2, H30-3, etc.). The suffix indicates which designated seating position the particular measurement applies to.See Table 5. When codes with suffixes are used in equations, the hyphen (-) is replaced with a tilde (~).4.2Interior Dimensions - Vehicle Set-Up—The seats are positioned as indicated in Table 6 for all measurements of interior dimensions.The steering wheel is positioned with the front wheels in a straight-ahead position. Measurements are taken at the centerline of occupant, unless otherwise specified. When an H-Point device is required, the SgRP leg lengths are used. (See J826.)TABLE 3—ALPHA PREFIXESLetter MeaningW Width measurements (cross car distance), or location of Y coordinate. L Length measurements (longitudinal distance), or location of X coordinate.H Height measurements or location of Z coordinate.A Angular measurements.PW Widths associated with pedal and pedal usage.PL Lengths associated with pedal and pedal usage.PH Heights associated with pedal and pedal usage.TL Lengths defining H-Point locations/travel.TH Heights defining H-Point locations/travel.PD Passenger distribution S Surface area measurements.VVolume indices.TABLE 4—NUMERIC SCHEME (GENERAL)Number RangeType of dimension1-99Interior 100-199Exterior200-299Cargo compartments400-599Dimensions unique to trucks, vans, sport utility vehicles, etc.TABLE 5—SUFFIXESSuffix Designated Seating Position-1(- Front) Measurement taken at the driver’s designated seating position.-2(- Second) Measurement taken at the second row outboard passenger’s designated seating position.-3(- Third) Measurement taken at the third row outboard passenger’s designated seating position.-4(- Fourth) Measurement taken at the fourth row outboard passenger’s designated seating position.-5(- Fifth) Measurement taken at the fifth row outboard passenger’s designated seating position.TABLE 6—SEAT POSITIONING AND ATTITUDE FOR MEASUREMENTSAdjustment1st Row Seats2nd and 3rd Row Seats Seat Position (x, z)At Driver’s SgRP X,ZNormal Riding Position (1)1.As specified by the manufacturer.Back Angle22 degrees 25 degrees if possible (2)2.See SAE J826.Seat Contour Adjustment (e.g., lumbar support)Set to minimum.(i.e., deflated; least intrusive)Set to minimum.All Other Adjustments(e.g., tilt or telescoping steering wheel, cushion angle, etc.)Normal Driving Position (1)Normal Riding Position (1)4.3Exterior Dimensions—All exterior dimensions terminate at the outside surface of the sheet metal, bumper, orintegral moldings, unless otherwise specified. The front wheel shall be positioned in the straight-ahead position5.Fiducial Mark Dimensions—See Table 7 for definitions of dimensions.6.Dimensions for Key Coordinates—All coordinates are established relative to the vehicle grid (see SAEJ182).6.1Seating Reference Point (SgRP) Coordinates—See 3.6.7 and Table 8.6.2Accelerator Heel Point (AHP) Coordinates—These dimensions apply only to the driver’s position. See Table9 for definitions, and 3.7.1 and SAE J826 for additional information.6.3Pedal Reference Point (PRP) Coordinates—These dimensions apply only to the driver’s position. See Table10 for definitions, and 3.7.9 and SAE J826 for additional information.6.4Floor Reference Point (FRP) Coordinates—See Table 11 for definitions, and 3.7.6 and SAE J826 foradditional information.6.5Additional Coordinates—Definitions for additional coordinates are listed in Table 12.7.Interior Dimensions—See 4.2 for vehicle set-up, and SAE J826 for proper positioning of H-Point deviceswhere necessary. Tables 13 through 20 provide the codes and definitions for interior dimensions (excluding cargo dimensions and volume indices).8.Exterior Dimensions—All measurements are taken at curb load on a based equipped vehicle, unlessotherwise specified. Tables 21 through 24 provide the codes and definitions for exterior dimensions.8.1Exterior Dimensions, Length—For dimensions involving dual rear axles, measurement is taken to a pointhalfway between the centerlines of the rear wheels. See Table 21.8.2Exterior Dimensions, Width—See Table 22.8.3Exterior Dimensions, Height—See Table 23.8.4Exterior Dimensions, Angles—See Table 24.9.Cargo Dimensions and Cargo Volume Indices—The cargo dimensions and cargo volume indices provideestimates of cargo compartment size. As with all measurements in this document, they were developed to assist during the design and engineering of a vehicle.Discrete measurements of irregular spaces – such as the point to point measurements made of a vehicle’s interior – are often ambiguous to interpret. Further, different values can result from minor and local variations.Tables 25 through 27 provide the codes and definitions for cargo dimensions. Table 28 lists the codes and formulas for cargo volume indices.9.1Cargo Dimensions, Length—See Table 25. For cargo lengths measured along the floor, the cargo surface tothe rear of the forward measurement point should be unobstructed. Seats to the rear of the forward measurement point must be in their stowed or cargo optimized position. If there is an obstruction, such as that caused by a second row seat being folded up to the rear of the front seat, the measurement is taken from the most rearward surface of the limiting obstruction.9.2Cargo Dimensions, Width—See Table 26.9.3Cargo Heights—See Table 27.9.4Cargo Volume Indices (CVI)—The intent of the cargo volume indices is to provide reasonable estimates of the cargo compartment potential . They do not yield actual cargo volumes. Further, although due care has been taken to clarify the dimensions used in the calculations, it is possible that innovations to interior design will result in equivocal interpretations.The indices are all calculated using the same basic formula:(Eq. 1)The definitions provided in Table 28 indicate the L dimensions to use for length, the W dimensions to use for width and the H dimensions to use for height. Measurements are taken in millimeters.In the formulas, the suffix indicating measurement row is separated from the code by a tilde (~) rather than a dash (i.e., L204~1, W3~2 rather than L204-1 or W3-2) to avoid confusion with a minus sign.NOTE—In order to calculate the CVIs in English units, the formula is:(Eq. 2)Or if dimensions were measured in metric units use: Liters / 2832 = ft 310.Luggage Capacity Dimensions—The luggage set is defined in Table 29. All standard equipment, includingspare tires, convertible tops, tool kits, etc., must be in their stored position, and the trunk lid or other access door must close and lock freely. One entire set of luggage, excluding H-boxes, must be positioned before pieces from subsequent sets are used. H-boxes can then be used to complete the loading. Table 30 provides the codes and definitions for luggage capacity measurements.11.ISO Cargo Volumes—ISO uses modules of various lengths, widths, and heights to determine cargo volume and luggage capacity. The modules, procedures for use, and dimensions used in reporting can be found in ISO 3832.12.Glass Area Dimensions—See Table 31 for codes.13.Figures—Figures are provided at the back of this document in numerical order.14.Dimension Indices—This revision provides a new coding scheme, resulting in new codes for many dimensions. Further, new dimensions have been added, and many old dimensions have been eliminated. To assist the user, several conversion tables are provided in the Appendix (see Tables A1 through A18).14.1Dimensions Index Listed by Alphanumeric Codes—See Tables A1 through A9 for lists of all dimensions inthis practice.14.2Deleted Dimensions Index—Dimensions not kept in this revision are listed in order of their former codes. SeeTables A10 through A14.14.3Dimensions Index Listed by Old Codes—Dimensions kept in this revision are listed by their former codes(see Tables A15 through A18). Items in bold font have been assigned a new alphanumeric code. However, all items in this practice should be considered revised, whether they have been assigned a new code or not.Length Width Height××106--------------------------------------------------------------------Liters=Length inches ()Width inches ()×Height inches ()×1728---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ft 3=TABLE 7—FIDUCIAL MARK DIMENSIONSCode Dimension Definition NotesL54Fiducial Mark No. 1 – XCoordinate The distance from the zero X plane to fiducial mark number 1.Grid Coordinate(See J182)L55Fiducial Mark No. 2 – XCoordinate The distance from the zero X plane to fiducial mark number 2.Grid Coordinate(See J182)L56Fiducial Mark No. 3 – XCoordinate The distance from the zero X plane to fiducial mark number 3.Grid Coordinate(See J182)W21Fiducial Mark No. 1 – YCoordinate The distance from the zero Y plane to fiducial mark number 1.Grid Coordinate(See J182)W22Fiducial Mark No. 2 – YCoordinate The distance from the zero Y plane to fiducial mark number 2.Grid Coordinate(See J182)W23Fiducial Mark No. 3 – YCoordinate The distance from the zero Y plane to fiducial mark number 3.Grid Coordinate(See J182)H81Fiducial Mark No. 1 – ZCoordinate The distance from the zero Z plane to fiducial mark number 1.Grid Coordinate(See J182)H82Fiducial Mark No. 2 – ZCoordinate The distance from the zero Z plane to fiducial mark number 2.Grid Coordinate(See J182)H83Fiducial Mark No. 3 – ZCoordinate The distance from the zero Z plane to fiducial mark number 3.Grid Coordinate(See J182)H161Fiducial Mark No. 1 – ZCoordinate to Ground The distance from fiducial mark number 1 to the ground line atcurb weight.Curb LoadH162Fiducial Mark No. 2 – ZCoordinate to Ground The distance from fiducial mark number 2 to the ground line atcurb weight.Curb LoadH167Fiducial Mark No. 3 – ZCoordinate to Ground The distance from fiducial mark number 3 to the ground line atcurb weight.Curb LoadTABLE 8—SgRP COORDINATESCode Dimension DefinitionL31SgRP X Coordinate (SgRP x)The longitudinal (X) coordinate of the SgRP location for a given designated seatingposition.The suffix following L31 identifies the designated seating position.L31-1SgRP X – Front DriverL31-2SgRP X – Second Second row outboard passenger.L31-3SgRP X – Third Third row outboard passenger.L31-4SgRP X – Fourth Fourth row outboard passenger.L31-5SgRP X – Fifth Fifth row outboard passenger.W20SgRP Y Coordinate(SgRP Y)The lateral (Y) coordinate of the SgRP location for a given designated seating position.The suffix following W20 identifies the designated seating position.W20-1SgRP Y – Front DriverW20-2SgRP Y – Second Second row outboard passenger.W20-3SgRP Y – Third Third row outboard passenger.W20-4SgRP Y – Fourth Fourth row outboard passenger.W20-5SgRP Y – Fifth Fifth row outboard passenger.H70SgRP Z Coordinate (SgRP Z)The vertical (Z) coordinate of the SgRP location for a given designated seatingposition. The suffix following H70 identifies the designated seating position.The suffix following H70 identifies the designated seating position.H70-1SgRP Z – Front DriverH70-2SgRP Z – Second Second row outboard passenger.H70-3SgRP Z – Third Third row outboard passenger.H70-4SgRP Z – Fourth Fourth row outboard passenger.H70-5SgRP Z – Fifth Fifth row outboard passenger.TABLE 9—AHP COORDINATESCode Dimension DefinitionL8AHP X Coordinate (AHP X)The longitudinal (X) coordinate of the accelerator heel point (driver only).W8AHP Y Coordinate (AHP Y)The lateral (Y) coordinate of the accelerator heel point (driver only).H8AHP Z Coordinate (AHP Z)The vertical (Z) coordinate of the accelerator heel point (driver only).TABLE 10—PRP COORDINATESCode Dimension DefinitionL1PRP X Coordinate (PRP X)The longitudinal (X) coordinate of the pedal reference point (driver only).W1PRP Y Coordinate (PRP Y)The lateral (Y) coordinate of the pedal reference point (driver only).H1PRP Z Coordinate (PRP Z)The vertical (Z) coordinate of the pedal reference point (driver only).。
SAE J1052-2017 机动车驾驶员和乘客头部位置
头部位置轮廓的表面表示带有头发的头部的表面。如果 95%的头部轮廓的顶部刚好接触到车辆 表面,则意味着以一半的男性/一半的女性组成的人口中,有 5%的人以其首选的坐姿坐着头或头发接 触车辆表面。设计人员将需要在头部轮廓周围增加额外的间隙,以防止乘员的头部或头发在正常驾驶 或乘坐姿势下接触到车辆的表面和结构。 5. 选择正确的头部位置轮廓
1. 范围............................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. 参考............................................................................................................................................................... 3 3. 定义............................................................................................................................................................... 3 4. 在设计中使用头部位置轮廓....................................................................................................................... 4 5. 选择正确的头部位置轮廓........................................................................................................................... 4
序号标准号标准名称1 SAE J-266-1996不变的方向的控制测试程序为了客车和光卡车SAE J-266-96、SAE J-266、SAE J266-1996、SAE J266-96、SAE J266 2 SAE J-2662-2003 项链等级为了能力拿-关装备填充 SAE J-2662-03、SAE J-2662、SAE J2662-2003、SAE J2662-03、SAE J2662 3 SAE J-2666-2003 软管标准尺评价程序SAE J-2666-03、SAE J-2666、SAE J2666-2003、SAE J2666-03、SAE J2666 4 SAE J-2667-2004 STRSW (压榨类型反抗班点焊接) 装备接受标准为了碰撞修复工业SAE J-2667-04、SAE J-2667、SAE J2667-2004、SAE J2667-04、SAE J2667 5 SAE J-323-2004 测试方法为了决定柔韧性塑胶材料的寒冷破裂 SAE J-323-04、SAE J-323、SAE J323-2004、SAE J323-04、SAE J323 6 SAE J-326-1986 术语-水力的锄耕机 < SAE J-326-86、SAE J-326、SAE J326-1986、SAE J326-86、SAE J326 7 SAE J-328-2005 轮-乘客汽车和光卡车履行需求和测试程序 SAE J-328-05、SAE J-328、SAE J328-2005、SAE J328-05、SAE J328 8 SAE J-33-2000 1NOWMOBILE 定义和术语-普通 SAE J-33-00、SAE J-33、SAE J33-2000、SAE J33-00、SAE J33 9 SAE J-331-2000 声音水平为了摩托车 SAE J-331-00、SAE J-331、SAE J331-2000、SAE J331-00、SAE J331 10 SAE J-332-2002 测试机器为了测量的同样客车和光卡车疲劳 SAE J-332-02、SAE J-332、SAE J332-2002、SAE J332-02、SAEJ332 11 SAE J-335-1995 MULTIPOSITION 小的引擎用尽系统火点火SUPRESSION SAE J-335-95、SAE J-335、SAE J335-1995、SAE J335-95、SAE J335 12 SAE J-336-2001 声音水平为了卡车的士内部的 SAE J-336-01、SAE J-336、SAE J336-2001、SAE J336-01、SAE J336 13 SAE J-339-1994 安全带硬件带子擦破测试PROCEDUR SAE J-339-94、SAE J-339、SAE J339-1994、SAE J339-94、SAE J339 14 SAE J-34-2001 外部的声音水平测量法程序为了取乐MOTORBOATS SAE J-34-01、SAE J-34、SAE J34-2001、SAE J34-01、SAE J34 15 SAE J-342-1991 火花避雷器测试程序为了大的大小引擎 SAE J-342-91、SAE J-342、SAE J342-1991、SAEJ342-91、SAE J342 16 SAE J-343-2004 测试和测试程序为了SAE 100R 系列水力的软管和软管集合 SAE J-343-04、SAE J-343、SAE J343-2004、SAE J343-04、SAE J343 17 SAE J-345-1969 湿的或干的人行道客车疲劳山顶和锁定的轮闸牵引SAE J-345-69、SAE J-345、SAE J345-1969、SAE J345-69、SAE J345 18 SAE J-347-2002 DIESEL 燃料注射器集合类型7 (9.5毫米) SAE J-347-02、SAE J-347、SAE J347-2002、SAE J347-02、SAE J347 19 SAE J-348-1990 轮楔 SAE J-348-90、SAE J-348、SAE J348-1990、SAE J348-90、SAE J348 20 SAE J-349-1991 表面不完全的察觉在铁的杆马齿龈管和金属丝 SAE J-349-91、SAE J-349、SAEJ349-1991、SAE J349-91、SAE J349 21 SAE J-350-1991 火花避雷器测试程序为了媒体大小引擎22 SAE J-356-1999 焊接闪光受约束的低碳钢装管标准化为了弯曲两倍发光的和玻璃珠SAE J-356-99、SAE J-356、SAE J356-1999、SAE J356-99、SAE J35623 SAE J-357-1999 身体的和引擎油的化学的属性SAE J-357-99、SAE J-357、SAE J357-1999、SAE J357-99、SAE J35724 SAE J-358-1991 非破坏性的测试SAE J-358-91、SAE J-358、SAE J358-1991、SAE J358-91、SAE J35825 SAE J-383-1995 机动车安全带下锚点-设计推荐SAE J-383-95、SAE J-383、SAE J383-1995、SAE J383-95、SAE J38326 SAE J-384-1994 机动车安全带下锚点-测试程序SAE J-384-94、SAE J-384、SAE J384-1994、SAE J384-94、SAE J38427 SAE J-385-1995 机动车安全带下锚点-履行需求 <SAE J-385-95、SAE J-385、SAE J385-1995、SAE J385-95、SAE J38528 SAE J-386-1997 操作员抑制系统为了关-路工作机器SAE J-386-97、SAE J-386、SAE J386-1997、SAE J386-97、SAE J38629 SAE J-387-1995 术语学-机动车照明SAE J-387-95、SAE J-387、SAE J387-1995、SAE J387-95、SAE J38730 SAE J-390-1999 双的维SAE J-390-99、SAE J-390、SAE J390-1999、SAE J390-99、SAE J39031 SAE J-391-1981 定义为了粒子SAE J-391-81、SAE J-391、SAE J391-1981、SAE J391-81、SAE J39132 SAE J-392-2003 摩托车和设计电压的发动机受驱策的周期电的系统维护SAE J-392-03、SAE J-392、SAE J392-2003、SAE J392-03、SAE J39233 SAE J-393-2001 术语-轮集线器和边为了商业的机动车SAE J-393-01、SAE J-393、SAE J393-2001、SAE J393-01、SAE J39334 SAE J-397-2004 偏斜限制的卷-保护的结构实验室评价SAE J-397-04、SAE J-397、SAE J397-2004、SAE J397-04、SAE J39735 SAE J-398-1995 燃料水槽装填物条件-PASENGER汽车 MULTI-目的乘客机动车和光义务卡车SAE J-398-95、SAE J-398、SAE J398-1995、SAE J398-95、SAE J39836 SAE J-399-1985 阳极电镀铝汽车的部分SAE J-399-85、SAE J-399、SAE J399-1985、SAE J399-85、SAE J39937 SAE J-316-1998 油-调节的碳-钢春天金属丝和春天 <SAE J-316-98、SAE J-316、SAE J316-1998、SAE J316-98、SAE J31638 SAE J-35-2002 DIESEL烟测量法程序SAE J-35-02、SAE J-35、SAE J35-2002、SAE J35-02、SAE J3539 SAE J-351-1998 油-调节的碳-钢阀春天质量金属丝和春天SAE J-351-98、SAE J-351、SAE J351-1998、SAE J351-98、SAE J35140 SAE J-362-1982 机动车头巾门插销系统SAE J-362-82、SAE J-362、SAE J362-1982、SAE J362-82、SAE J36241 SAE J-367-2003 客车门系统压碎测试程序SAE J-367-03、SAE J-367、SAE J367-2003、SAE J367-03、SAE J36742 SAE J-368-1993 高度-力结束和调节的结构的钢43 SAE J-382-2000挡风玻璃除霜系统履行需求-卡车公共汽车和多种用途的机动车SAE J-382-00、SAE J-382、SAE J382-2000、SAE J382-00、SAE J382 44 SAE J-388-1998 动态流动FATIQUE.进行测验平板聚亚安酯泡沫 SAE J-388-98、SAE J-388、SAE J388-1998、SAE J388-98、SAE J388 45 SAE J-389-1978 普遍的符号为了操作员控制 SAE J-389-78、SAE J-389、SAE J389-1978、SAE J389-78、SAE J389 46 SAE J-39-1993 T-钩缝为了SECUREMENT 农业的装备的 SAE J-39-93、SAE J-39、SAE J39-1993、SAE J39-93、SAE J3947 SAE J-400-2002 .进行测验表面被覆的碎片反抗 SAE J-400-02、SAE J-400、SAE J400-2002、SAE J400-02、SAE J400 48 SAE J-4000-1999 辨认和最好的实行的测量法在倾斜操作的执行 SAE J-4000-99、SAE J-4000、SAE J4000-1999、SAE J4000-99、SAE J4000 49 SAE J-4001-1999 倾斜操作使用者手册的执行 SAE J-4001-99、SAE J-4001、SAE J4001-1999、SAE J4001-99、SAE J4001 50 SAE J-4002-2004 (R) H-点机器和设计工具程序和规格 SAE J-4002-04、SAE J-4002、SAE J4002-2004、SAE J4002-04、SAE J4002 51 SAE J-401-2000 选择和使用钢的 SAE J-401-00、SAE J-401、SAE J401-2000、SAE J401-00、SAE J401 52 SAE J-402-1997 SAE 编号系统为了工作或包金箔的钢 SAE J-402-97、SAE J-402、SAE J402-1997、SAE J402-97、SAE J402 53 SAE J-403-2001 的化学的写作SAE 碳钢 SAE J-403-01、SAE J-403、SAE J403-2001、SAE J403-01、SAE J403 54 SAE J-404-2000 的化学的写作SAE 合金钢 SAE J-404-00、SAE J-404、SAEJ404-2000、SAE J404-00、SAE J404 55 SAE J-405-1998 的化学的写作SAE 工作不锈钢 SAE J-405-98、SAE J-405、SAE J405-1998、SAE J405-98、SAE J405 56 SAE J-406-1998 (R) 的方法决定HARDENABILITY 钢的 SAE J-406-98、SAE J-406、SAE J406-1998、SAE J406-98、SAE J406 57 SAE J-409-1995 产品分析-可允许的变更从规定热的化学的分析或钢的投掷 SAE J-409-95、SAE J-409、SAEJ409-1995、SAE J409-95、SAE J409 58 SAE J-411-1997 碳和合金钢 SAE J-411-97、SAE J-411、SAE J411-1997、SAE J411-97、SAE J411 59 SAE J-412-1995 普通特征和热处理钢的 SAE J-412-95、SAE J-412、SAE J412-1995、SAE J412-95、SAE J412 60 SAE J-413-2002 热宴请的机械的属性工作钢 SAE J-413-02、SAE J-413、SAE J413-2002、SAE J413-02、SAE J413 61 SAE J-415-1995 热宴请学期的定义 SAE J-415-95、SAE J-415、SAE J415-1995、SAE J415-95、SAE J415 62SAE J-417-1983 硬测试& 硬数变换 SAE J-417-83、SAE J-417、SAE J417-1983、SAE J417-83、SAE J417 63 SAE J-419-1983 的方法测量DECARBURIZATIONSAE J-419-83、SAE J-419、SAE J419-1983、SAE J419-83、SAE J41964 SAE J-420-1991 磁的粒子检查SAE J-420-91、SAE J-420、SAE J420-1991、SAE J420-91、SAE J42065 SAE J-422-1983 包含的微观的决心在钢SAE J-422-83、SAE J-422、SAE J422-1983、SAE J422-83、SAE J42266 SAE J-423-1998 的方法测量事深SAE J-423-98、SAE J-423、SAE J423-1998、SAE J423-98、SAE J42367 SAE J-425-1991 电磁的测试在旋转当前的方法SAE J-425-91、SAE J-425、SAE J425-1991、SAE J425-91、SAE J42568 SAE J-426-1991 液体PENETRANT测试方法SAE J-426-91、SAE J-426、SAE J426-1991、SAE J426-91、SAE J42669 SAE J-427-1991 敏锐的发散检查SAE J-427-91、SAE J-427、SAE J427-1991、SAE J427-91、SAE J42770 SAE J-428-1991 超声的检查SAE J-428-91、SAE J-428、SAE J428-1991、SAE J428-91、SAE J42871 SAE J-429-1999 机械的和材料需求为了外表上线扣件SAE J-429-99、SAE J-429、SAE J429-1999、SAE J429-99、SAE J429 72 SAE J-430-1998 机械的和化学的需求为了NONTHREADED扣件SAE J-430-98、SAE J-430、SAE J430-1998、SAE J430-98、SAE J430 73 SAE J-431-2000 汽车的灰色铁铸件SAE J-431-00、SAE J-431、SAE J431-2000、SAE J431-00、SAE J431 74 SAE J-434-2004 (R) 汽车的易延展的(小节的) 铁铸件SAE J-434-04、SAE J-434、SAE J434-2004、SAE J434-04、SAE J434 75 SAE J-435-2002 汽车的钢铸件SAE J-435-02、SAE J-435、SAE J435-2002、SAE J435-02、SAE J435 76 SAE J-437-1970 选择和热处理工具的和死亡钢SAE J-437-70、SAE J-437、SAE J437-1970、SAE J437-70、SAE J437 77 SAE J-438-1970 工具和死亡钢SAE J-438-70、SAE J-438、SAE J438-1970、SAE J438-70、SAE J438 78 SAE J-359-1991 红外线的测试SAE J-359-91、SAE J-359、SAE J359-1991、SAE J359-91、SAE J359 79 SAE J-360-2001 (R) 卡车和公共汽车等级停车履行测试程序SAE J-360-01、SAE J-360、SAE J360-2001、SAE J360-01、SAE J36080 SAE J-361-2003 (R) 程序为了内部的的可视化的评价和外部的汽车的整齐的SAE J-361-03、SAE J-361、SAE J361-2003、SAE J361-03、SAE J36181 SAE J-363-1994 文件编档员底部装备SAE J-363-94、SAE J-363、SAE J363-1994、SAE J363-94、SAE J36382 SAE J-365-2004 测试反抗的方法到拖着脚走整齐的材料的SAE J-365-04、SAE J-365、SAE J365-2004、SAE J365-04、SAE J36583 SAE J-366-2001 外部的声音水平为了重的卡车和公共汽车SAE J-366-01、SAE J-366、SAE J366-2001、SAE J366-01、SAE J36684 SAE J-369-2003 聚合的内部的材料的易燃-地平线的测试方法SAE J-369-03、SAE J-369、SAE J369-2003、SAE J369-03、SAE J36985 SAE J-370-1998 门闩和CAPSCREW为试尺码使用在建筑和工业的机器SAE J-370-98、SAE J-370、SAE J370-1998、SAE J370-98、SAE J37086 SAE J-371-1993 排水沟装满和水平堵为了关-路自己-SAE J-371-93、SAE J-371、SAE J371-1993、SAE J371-93、SAE J37187 SAE J-373-1993 供给住宅内在的维为了单一的和二-盘子春天-LOADEDCLUTCHESSAE J-373-93、SAE J-373、SAE J373-1993、SAE J373-93、SAE J373 88 SAE J-374-2002 机动车屋顶力测试程序SAE J-374-02、SAE J-374、SAE J374-2002、SAE J374-02、SAE J374 89 SAE J-375-1994 RADIUM-OF-LOAD或繁荣角指出系统SAE J-375-94、SAE J-375、SAE J375-1994、SAE J375-94、SAE J375 90 SAE J-376-1985 载入指出装置在举起起重机服务-SAE J-376-85、SAE J-376、SAE J376-1985、SAE J376-85、SAE J376 91 SAE J-377-2001 (R) 车的交通声音打信号装置SAE J-377-01、SAE J-377、SAE J377-2001、SAE J377-01、SAE J377 92 SAE J-378-2004 (R) 舰队推进系统配线SAE J-378-04、SAE J-378、SAE J378-2004、SAE J378-04、SAE J378 93 SAE J-379-2004 (R) GOGAN闸衬里的硬SAE J-379-04、SAE J-379、SAE J379-2004、SAE J379-04、SAE J379 94 SAE J-38-1991 举起臂支持装置为了加载器SAE J-38-91、SAE J-38、SAE J38-1991、SAE J38-91、SAE J3895 SAE J-380-2002 (R) 摩擦材料的特效药重力SAE J-380-02、SAE J-380、SAE J380-2002、SAE J380-02、SAE J38096 SAE J-381-2000 挡风玻璃/边窗口除霜/除雾系统测试PROCEDUREAND履行需求-卡车公共汽车和多种用途的机动车SAE J-381-00、SAE J-381、SAE J381-2000、SAE J381-00、SAE J38197 SAE J-439-1977 烧结物碳化物工具SAE J-439-77、SAE J-439、SAE J439-1977、SAE J439-77、SAE J43998 SAE J-44-2003 脚踏闸系统履行需求-雪上汽车SAE J-44-03、SAE J-44、SAE J44-2003、SAE J44-03、SAE J4499 SAE J-441-1993 剪切金属丝开枪SAE J-441-93、SAE J-441、SAE J441-1993、SAE J441-93、SAE J441100 SAE J-442-2001 (R) 测试剥持有者和象徵物品为了开枪锤头SAE J-442-01、SAE J-442、SAE J442-2001、SAE J442-01、SAE J442继续阅读。
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其他变化包括:-为HPM10年淘汰期-从167到169.6磅HPM重量标准修订,以反映当前的HPM构建-新环境湿度规格-范围较窄的环境试验温度-的薄纱布规格澄清-短夫妇方法和另外的长夫妇方法附录A广泛的修订-与SAE J1100术语一致-社论澄清本次修订增加了对膝盖和脚踝周围的努力,附录C进行检查,也纠正了规范的错误为H1草皮向后垂直角块面。
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7 汽车、摩托车发动机活塞环技术条件
8 启动型超级电容器
9 牵引型超级电容器
10 乘用车座椅总成
11 汽车座椅聚氨酯泡沫
12 汽车钢板冲击拉伸试验方法
13 轿车用高强度锻铝合金挤压棒材
14 滑动门锁系统技术要求和试验方法
15 液体加热器技术条件和试验方法
16 客车卫生间
17 汽车燃气加热器
摩托车和轻便摩托车二次空气补给机 18 构耐久性试验方法
汽车电动助力转向装置电动机技术条 39 件与试验方法
汽车电动助力转向装置传感器技术条 40 件与试验方法
41 观光游览车通用技术条件
42 乘用车列车通用技术条件 注:序号 38~42 为补充计划。
标准 制、修 完成 类别 订 年限 基础 修订 2004
方法 制定 2005
方法 制定 2005 产品 制定 2005 方法 制定 2005 方法 制定 2005
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1.4. 液压升降回转作业平台技术参数 平台面积(长×宽) 远端距回转中心距离 平台地板距轨面最大高度 平台回转范围 平台前端最大载荷 平台回转中心最大载荷 导线拨线范围 导线支撑装置
1.5.随车起重机技术参数(选装) 最大起重力矩 最大工作幅度×起重量 最大起重量×幅度 最大起升高度 最大工作幅度 回转范围 起重臂最大仰角
液压轮式起重机(汽车式吊车)QY25A/D 型汽车起重机1、规格型号型号:QY25A、QY25D最大额定起重量:25t×3m(基本臂10.2m)2、外形尺寸(见图3—1)图3—1 QY25A、QY25D汽车起重机外形尺寸3、主要技术参数表3—14、起重性能(1)工作范围(见图3—2)图3—2 工作范围(2)QY25A起重性能表(见表3—2)(3)QY25D起重性能表注:①上表所示的额定起重量,以起重机支平在坚固平理地面上为前提条件,粗线上边数值以起重机强度条件为依据,而粗线下边的数值以起重机稳定性为依据。
表3—4QY25 型汽车起重机1、规格型号最大额定起重量:25×3m(基本臂10.2m)2、外形尺寸(见图3—3)3、主要技术参数4、起重性能(1)工作范围(见图3—4)幅度(米)Working Radius(m)①臂长为10.2m;②臂长为17.85m;③臂长为25.5m;④臂长为25.5m+7.3m,副臂安装角30º⑤臂长为25.5m+7.5m,副臂安装角5º图3—4 工作范围①表中粗线以上是由吊臂强度所决定,粗线以下数值是由起重机整本稳定性所决定。
④表中起重量包括吊钩重量(主吊钩重300kg,副吊钩重80kg)》QY35H/35T 汽车起重机1 整机规格1.1 产品型号汽车行业型号:PY532JQZ35H工程行业型号:QY35H1.2 起重机最大额定起重量工作幅度3m时为35t1.3 外形尺寸总长约13252mm总宽约2500mm总高约3472mm1.4 质量参数行驶状态自重约32400kg前轴轴荷约11630kg后轴轴荷约207701.5 行驶性能最大行驶速度72km/h最大爬坡度35%2 起重机规格2.1 主臂具有世界先进水平的六边形载面的四节臂。
SAE_J1100-2002_汽车尺寸标准【中文版】 SAE法规
2. 参考文献2.1 适用书刊——以下书刊为本标准一部分指定范围的延伸说明。
2.1.1 SAE书刊——SAE J182-机动车辆基准点SAE J287-驾驶员人工操纵SAE J826-用于定义和测量车辆座椅位置的装置SAE J941-机动车辆驾驶员视角范围SAE J1052-启动车辆驾驶员和乘客的头部位置SAE J1516-参考点工具的布置SAE J1517-驾驶员选择座椅位置2.1.2 国际标准化组织(ISO)刊物——许可由美国国家标准学会(ANSI),纽约市25ISO 3832——乘用车——长途客车——测量基准2.2 相关刊物——以下内容只提供目标信息,并不是本标准规定的一部份。
2.2.1国际标准化组织(ISO)刊物——许可由美国国家标准学会(ANSI),纽约市25ISO 1176 道路车辆:词汇及代码ISO3833道路车辆:分类及定义ISO4133道路车辆:乘用车尺寸代码3.定义3.1 机动车辆3.1.1 乘用车——机动车辆载重最多10人,包含摩托车和拖车。
5.1.1 乘员空间布置和人机界面设计
1. 踏板布置 1)加速踏板与人体操纵姿势
– 踏板表面的倾斜角度参照踏平面角来确定,使驾驶员鞋 底脚掌处很好地与踏板表面贴合 – 必须分析不同百分位驾驶员下肢的舒适性,尤其要考虑 女性驾驶员穿高跟鞋驾驶的情况
1. 踏板布置 3)踏板行程和踏板力
– 踏板行程的确定应该保证在踏板踩下后,踝关节角始终 处于78°~105°的舒适范围内 – 行车过程中由于频繁踩踏,加速踏板要求操纵轻便 – 在保证操纵轻便的同时,也要保持一定的力反馈,即: 保持合适的操纵力梯度
5.1.1 乘员空间布置和人机界面设计
2. 驾驶员H点布置 • 乘员座椅布置通过确定不同百分位乘员设计H点位 置来实现 • 驾驶员座椅:
5.1.1 乘员空间布置和人机界面设计
1. 踏板布置 2)制动和离合踏板布置
– 制动和离合踏板的位置可参照加速踏板位置进行布置 – 通常制动踏板和加速踏板表面错开一定距离
5.1.1 乘员空间布置和人机界面设计
1. 踏板布置 2)制动和离合踏板布置
– 确定所有,包括离合踏板与驾驶员中心线的距离、制动 踏板与驾驶员中心线的距离、以及制动踏板与加速踏板 之间间距
W3-1 1427 1442 1365
W3-2 1415 1406 1342
A18 22 21.4 27.5
H61-1/mm H61-2/mm L101/mm L103/mm W101-1/mm W101-2/mm W103/mm H101/mm
奥迪A6 奥迪100 捷达
999 962 967
960 954 946
SAE J1100 JUL2002机动车辆尺寸重点讲义资料
SAE J1100 JUL2002——机动车辆尺寸1.范围——此SAE工业标准为汽车尺寸定义了一系列测量方法和标准程序。
除非另有说明,所有的尺寸测量都是垂直于三维参考系统(见SAE J182),除了地面相关尺寸是垂直于地面。
2.1.1 SAE出版物——Available from SAE,400 Commonwealth Drive,Warrendale,PA,15096-0001。
SAE J182——机动车辆标准号SAE J287——驾驶员手部控制区域SAE J826——定义和测量汽车座椅的使用设备SAE J941——机动车辆驾驶员眼睛范围SAE J1052——机动车辆驾驶员和乘客头部位置SAE J1516——设备工具参考点SAE J1517——选择驾驶员座椅位置2.1.2 ISO 出版物——Available ANSI ,NY 10036-8002.ISO 3832——乘用车——测量参考体积的方法。
2.2 相关出版物——以下提供的出版物仅作信息目的,并不是此规格的要求部分。
2.2.1 ISO出版物——Available from ANSI,25 West 43rd Street,New York,NY 10036-8002。
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SAEJ1100V004-Motor Vehicle Dimensions
1 范围
2 规范性引用文件
SAE J182—Motor Vehicle Fiducial Marks机动车辆坐标点
SAE J287—Driver Hand Control Reach驾驶员手伸区域
SAE J826—Devices for Use in Defining and Measuring Vehicle Seating Accommodation用于测量车辆座椅调节的设备
SAE J941—Motor Vehicle Driver’s Eye Range机动车辆驾驶员视野范围
SAE J1052—Motor Vehicle Driver and Passenger Head Position机动车辆驾驶员和乘客头部位置SAE J1516—Accommodation Tool Reference Point调节工具坐标点
SAE J1517—Driver Selected Seat Position驾驶员调节座椅位置
3 术语和定义
3.1 整车整备质量Complete Vehicle Kerb Mass
3.2 最大允许总质量Maximum Authorized Total Mass
3.3 设计质量Design Mass
3.4 X、Y和Z基准平面zero X、Y and Z planes
3.5 基准点尺寸
3.6 x、y和z 平面x、y and z planes
3.7 C点(Cowl Point)
3.8 D点(Deck Point)
3.9 人体中心线(Centerline Of Occupant)
3.10 窗玻璃透光部分(Daylight Opening DLO)
3.11 眼椭圆
见SAE J941 (R)Motor V ehicle Driver's Eye Locations
3.12 头部轮廓线
见SAE J1052 (R)motor vehicle driver and passenger head position
3.13 H点确定
见SAE J826 (R)H-Point Machine and Design Tool Procedures and Specifications
4 代码系统
4.1 尺寸类型
L —长度
H —高度
W —宽度
A —角度
PW —与踏板相关的宽度尺寸
PL —与踏板相关的长度尺寸
PH —与踏板相关的高度尺寸
SL —与座椅相关的长度尺寸
SW —与座椅相关的宽度尺寸
SH —与座椅相关的高度尺寸
D —直径
S —面积
V —体积
4.2 数字
1~99 用于内部尺寸
100~199 用于外部尺寸
4.3 后缀
-1 (第一排)在驾驶员指定座位处测量
-2 (第二排)在第二排最外侧乘员指定座位处测量
-3 (第三排)在第三排最外侧乘员指定座位处测量
-4 (第四排)在第四排最外侧乘员指定座位处测量
5 度量单位制
5.1 单位
5.2 测定值
6 三维坐标系和关键点尺寸
6.1 三维坐标系尺寸(见表1)
表1 三维坐标系尺寸
6.2 关键点尺寸
表2 关键点尺寸
7 外部尺寸
表5 外部尺寸—高度
8 内部尺寸
表9 内部尺寸—高度
9 其他尺寸
表16 行李箱容积
3 V3*行李箱最大容积用测量六面体来测量。
10 附图
图1 主视图图 2 俯视图
图3 俯视图图4 俯视图
图 5 主视图图 6 底盘主视图
图7 侧风窗玻璃后视图图8A 主视图
图8B 主视图
图9 主视图
图10A 后视图
图10B 头部轮廓后视图
图11A 主视图
图11B 头部轮廓后视图
图12 主视图图13 主视图
图14 方向盘与眼椭圆图15 踏板的主视图
图16 踏板的后视图
图17 座椅主视图图18 座椅尺寸
图19 H点行程的主视图(4向,6向座椅)图20 H点行程的主视图(2向座椅)
图21 行李箱容积
A.1 三维坐标系:指在产品最初设计阶段确定的三个正交平面组成的坐标系统(见图A.1)。
A.2 基准点:在车体上由公司规定的三个或更多的实际点(孑L、面有特征的部位和压坑)。
图A.1 三维坐标系示意图。