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( )1.____Alice often play the piano? No, she _____.

A. Do; do

B. Does; does

C. Does; doesn't

( )2.Sandy often ___ his homework on Sundays .

A. do

B. does

C. did

( )3. The kite _______ a bird.

A. look like

B. is looking

C. looks like

( )4.Tigers______in Asia.


B. lives

C. lived

( )5.It _______ two strong back legs.


B. have

C. are


1.My mother ____(work) in a primary school and I ____ (study) in the same school.

2.I ____ (have) a bike and Ben ____ (have) a bike, too.

3. My sister ____ (be) a pupil. She ____ (study) very hard.

4. Who ___ (cook) breakfast for your family?

5. My father is a teacher. He ____ (teach) Chinese in a primary school.

6. He ____ (be) strong. He can ___ (carry) the heavy box.

7. John ____ (go) to school by bike every day.

8. Kate often ___ (play) table tennis with her friends.

9. My mother often ___ (go) shopping and ___ (buy) some vegetbales in the market.

10. --- Who ____ (study) hardest in your class?


1. W______ are you from?

2. Paris is so n_______ and c________.

3. The apples in this supermarket are c________ or e__________.

4. It’s big and m________ city but it’s quite n________.

5. The traffic is h_______ and s_______ in Guangzhou.


1.The___________(超市)is big and it___________(出售)lots of different things.

2.The bed in this___________(酒店)is very comfortable.

3.Our school has 500___________(学生).Some of them work very hard.

4.The little boy_______ ____(害怕)talk to strangers.


()1. The streets are clean and the people ____very nice in the city.

A.are B. is C.be

()2. Are there__________ students in the bookstore?

A. some

B. many

C. any

()3. David is__________ New York City__________ the USA.

A. to, from

B. from, in

C. to, from

()4. Everything__________ expensive in modern cities.

A. is

B. are

C. be


()5. The supermarkets sell _____different___ _ and they are not expensive.

A. lots of, things

B. a lot, things

C. a lot of, thing

()6. Steve Jobs(史蒂夫.乔布斯)is America.

A.b y

B. for

C. from

( ) 7.I can’t wait to the countryside and see my grandpa.

A to go

B going

C goes

( ) 8.There is more to do today than yesterday.

A many

B more

C much

( )9. I’m not good at English, So I have an English lesson.

A afraid to

B am afraid to

C am afraid

( )10. many shops in the city.

A There is

B There are C. This is

( ) 11.Tom doesn’t like in the big city.

A live

B living

C lives

( ) 12.----What Guangzhou ?

-----It is a beautiful city.

A is, like

B does, like

C is,/

( ) 13.I can’t go back home. The rain is heavy.

A because

B but

C and

( ) 14My life is very my grandmother’s life.

A different

B different to

C different for

( )15.He doesn’t like playing football. She doesn’t like it, _________.

A. also

B. too

C. either
