
中华人民共和国浙江省***县公证处公证员二o一o年二月八日notarial certificate of birth(translation)(XX) zkzwz no. ***this is to certify that ***, female, was born in *** county, zhejiang province on july 4, 1989. her father is *** and her mother is ***..notary: *** signatory seal)*** county notary public officezhejiang provincethe people’s republic of china(seal)february 8, XX篇二:出生公证书中英文样板_15311出生公证书中英文样板公证书兹证明xxx(名字),男(女性别),于xxxx年xx月xx日在xx省xx市出生。
公民身份证号:公证事项:出生xxx(名字)的父亲是xx(名字),公民身份证号:xxx(名字)的母亲是xx(名字),公民身份证号:notarial certicicateapplicant: xxxx(姓名), (性别 male 男/ female 女)subject of notarization: birththis is to certify that xxxx(姓名),xxxx(性别 male 男/ female 女),was born on xx(月份),xx(日期),xxxx (年)in xxxx(城市名),xxxx(省)。
his /her(她或他)father is xxxx(名字) citizen id no.: ,and his /her (她或他)mother is xxxx。

关于公证书的翻译模板(CERTIFICADO NOTARIAL)【纯属个人经验总结,如有雷同纯属巧合】如有错误,感谢指出!2010-11-21 20:55|(分类:译心译意)
(2010)J.L.M.W.M.Z.Z.N. °46338
Por el presente se hace constar que XX (de sexo femenino, nacida el 5 de septiembre de 1978, su número de Carnet de Identidad: XXXXXXXX), ella vino a nuestra notaría al 15 de octubre de 2010, y ante mí, firmó en la precedente Carta de Declaración.
Al 15 de octubre de 2010
Notaría Limo del Municipio de Beijing
República Popular China
Notario:Li Mo。

中华人民共和国上海市徐汇区公证处公证员二00三年四月一日notarialcertificatethisistocertifythatwangyun,female,wasbornonjuly12,1977insha nghai.herfatheriswangguorongandhermotherisyanglihong.shangh aixuhuidistrictnotarypublicofficethepeople’srepublicofchinaspecialsealformarriageregisterofhaidiandistrict,beijingcivilaffairsbureaumarriageregister:证件翻译大全--税务登记证英文翻译样本certificateoftaxationregistrationmindishuishizhino.35220070 51925xxxnameoftaxationpayer:fujinaxxxxrealestateco.,ltd.leg alrepresenative:xxxxaddress:4/f,xxbuilding,xxjiaochengroad,dateofissuance:september6,2004underthesupervisionofstatetaxationadministra tionth证件翻译大全--开户许可证英文翻译样本permitforopeningbankaccountrenyinhuguanzhengzi出生公证书(2010)浙开证外字第***号兹证明***,女,于***年***月***日在浙江省***县出生。

1. Issue under notarization :公证事项2. authorization:委托3. This is to certify that:兹证明4. (申请人)came to our notary public office [注3]and signed [注5] the foregoing Letter of Authorization [注4] in the presence of me, the notary public, on ×× ×××× (date)申请人于年日到我处,在本公证员面前,在前面的委托书上签名。
5. acknowledging that he/she knows what it legally means by making the authorization and what he/she is legally required to do by making it.表示知悉委托的法律意义和法律后果。
6. The act of ×××(申请人)to make the authorization is in conformity with provisions of Article 55 [注6] of the General Principals of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China.申请人的委托行为符合《中华人民共和国民法通则》第55条的规定。
7. Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China《中华人民共和国民法通则》8. is in conformity with 符合9. provisions of Article 55 第55条的规定10. ××Notary Public Office, ×× City, ××ProvinceThe People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国XX省XX市XX公证处11. Notary Public 公证员12.(the applicant) confirmed before me, the notary public, that he/she made the authorization out of his/her own, true will and executed the letter with his/her own hand.申请人在本公证员的面前确认,前面的委托书市其真实的意思表示,委托书上的签名是申请人本人所为。

中华人民共和国浙江省***县公证处公证员二O一O年二月八日NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH(Translation)(XX) ZKZWZ No. ***This is to certify that ***, female, was born in *** County, Zhejiang Province on July 4, 1989. Her father is *** and her mother is ***..Notary: *** Signatory seal)*** County Notary Public OfficeZhejiang ProvinceThe People’s Republic of China(Seal)February 8, XX篇二:证件翻译大全--出生公证英文翻译样本证件翻译大全--出生公证英文翻译样本出生公证(XX)沪徐证外字第44556 号兹证明王云,女,于一九七七年七月十二日在上海市出生。
中华人民共和国上海市徐汇区公证处公证员二00三年四月一日Notarial Certificate(XX) (English Translation)This is to certify that WANG Yun, female, was born on July 12,1977 inShangHai. Herfather is WANG Guorong and her mother is YANG Lihong. Shanghai Xuhui District Notary Public OfficeThe People’s Republic of China (Sealed)Notary Public:(Sealed)Dated: April 1,XX证件翻译大全--结婚证英文翻译样本THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINAMARRIAGE CERTIFICATE (English Translation)XXX and XXX applied for marriage registration. After being examined, their application conforms to the Marriage Law of the People’s Republicof China. We give them the permission to register and hereby issue thismarriage certificate. Ministry of Civil Affair of the People’s Repepublic of China (seal)Special Seal for Marriage Register of Haidian District, Beijing Civil Affairs BureauMarriage Register: (signature) XXXCertificate Holder: XXX Registration Date: x/x/xxx Marriage Certificate No. xxxxxxxx Name:Sex:Nationality: Chinese Date of Birth:ID Card:Name:Sex:Nationality: ChineseDate of Birth: ID Card:证件翻译大全--银行存款证明英文翻译样本CERTIFICATE OF BALANCE OF ONE FOR ALL CARD OF BANK OF CHINA(English Translation) No. of Client:Date:XX/xx/xx Name: XXXX Time:Current AccountingA/C No. Currency Kind Balance Status11 RMB Current Accountingxxxxx ActivityFixed Time AccountingSerial No.CurrencyKindValue DateBalanceSatus0001 RMB Fixed Time anXX0808 xxxxx Activityd Current AccountingBank of China Beijing Chaoyangmen Branch (seal) 证件翻译大全--税务登记证英文翻译样本Certificate of Taxation RegistrationMin Di Shui Shi Zhi No. 352XX051925xxxName of Taxation Payer: Fujina XXXX Real Estate Co., Ltd. Legal Represenative: XX XXAddress: 4/F, XX Building, XX Jiaocheng Road, (S.) Ningde CityType of Registry: Other Limited Company Form of Business: RetailBusiness Scope:Main Business: real estate development, selling, leasehold and theadministration of its relative building affairs.Other Business:Terms of Business: From December 23rd, 1999 to December 20th, XX Valid Term of Certificate: permanent Authority of Issuing Taxation Certificate: Branch directly under NingdeMunicipal Administration for the local taxation (Sealed) Date of Issuance: September 6, XXUnder the supervision of State Taxation Administrationth证件翻译大全--开户许可证英文翻译样本Permit for Opening Bank AccountRen Yin Hu Guan Zheng Zi () No. 0000109Name of depositor: Fujian Pingtan XXXX FactoryBank Account: 01810264Nature of proprietorship: 00109Business scope:Legal representative: XX XXReference No. of Business License: -4Identification Code: -4Through examination, the depositor complies with the requirementsfor opening an account; please let it be allowed to open an basic accountin our bank.篇三:出生公证书翻译英语证件翻译大全--出生公证英文翻译样本出生公证(XX)沪徐证外字第44556 号兹证明王云,女,于一九七七年七月十二日在上海市出生。

出生公证书翻译出生公证书翻译篇一:出生公证书翻译模板(201X年新) 公证书(201X )浙**证外字第 ** 号申请人:**,女,一九七六年二月十二日出生,香港居民身份证号码:**,现住香港九龙顺致苑 E 座 206室。
中华人民共和国浙江省**县公证处公证员二 0一一年十二月十五日NTARIAL CE RTIFICATE(Translati n) (201X)ZKZZ N. ** Applicant:**,fe male,brn n February12, 1976,identifica tin card n umber f Hn gkng: ** c urrently r esides atRm 206, Bl ck E, Shun Chi Curt, Kln, HK.Ntary matt ers: Birth certifica te. This i s t certif y that **,female, a s brn in ** Cunty, Z hejiang Pr vince n Fe bruary 12, 1976.Her father is ** (id entificati n card num ber is **)and her m ther is Fu enlan (id entificati n card num ber is **). Ntary: ** (Signatr y seal) **Cunty Ntar y Public f fice Zheji ang Prvinc e The Pepl e’s Republ ic f China (Seal) De cember 15, 201X 篇二:出生公证书原文及汉译日出生公证书(201X)融证字第201X9号兹证明刘华清,女,于1972年4月10日在福建省福清市出生。

法语出生公证书acte notarie(traduction)(年份)公证处首字母大写(如h. n. x. g. z. c.) no. 公证件号码demandeur: 姓名, masculin, né出生日期, numéro de la carte d’identité : 身份证号码.objet : naissanceil est attesté par la présente que 姓名est né le 出生日期à la ville de 出生城市 de la province du 省份, le père de姓名est 父亲姓名 (le numéro de sa carte d’identité est 父亲身份证号码), la mère de姓名est 母亲姓名 (le numéro de sa carte d’identité est 母亲身份证号码). notaire :province du 省份, république populaire de chine 公证时间篇二:法语公证书模版acte notarie(2006)n.z .w. m.zi. no.7777 je soussignée ,certifie que la photocopie ci-dessus du dipl?me de fine d’etudesobtenu par li san le 30 juin 2006 à l’université de la medicine traditionnellechinois e de nanjing est conforme à l’original , la traduction fran?aise ci-jointeconforme à l’original, et que l’empreinte du sceau de l’université de lamedicine traditionnelle chinoise de nanjing est authenique. notaire:: li si(sceau)bureau notarial de nanjingde la province du jiangsur.p. de chine (sceau)fait le 28 février 2006篇三:硕士学位证公证书 -法文译文acte notarie(traduction)(年份)公证处首字母缩写 no. 证书编号demandeur: 姓名, masculin, né le 日期, numéro de la carte d’identité : 身份证号码.article notarié : dipl?me de master je soussigné certifie par la présente que le contenu de la photocopie ci-jointeest conforme à l’original du dipl?me de master délivréà姓名 le 获证日期par l’大学名称.l’original est authentique. notaire :notariat de ville de 公证城市, province du 省份, république populaire de chine 公证时间篇四:驾照本-驾驶证公证书证词法语翻译permis de conduire pour véhicules à moteur de la république populaire de chine réf. de permis : ****** nom: (姓名) sexe : féminin (女)nationalité : chinoisedomicile: 家庭住址 date de naissance: 日/月/年délivré pour la première fois le日/月/年catégorie de véhicules : c1valable à partir du 日/月/年jusqu’au日/月/年equipe de police de circulation du bureau de police de 市名称 de la province du省名称(timbre officiel) sauf les établissements de gestion de police de circulation, il est interdit auxautres établissements ou individus de suspendre le présent permis. (2012)j.c.z.z.no.###requérante : (驾照持有者), de (字号的表达按照公证处的第一个字母,如下例sexe féminin, née le 日/月/年, le numéro 子:j.c.z.z.no.###)de sa carte d’identité est : ***********. objet: perm is de conduire (2012)济市中证字第###号il est attesté par la présente que la 申请人:,女,x年x月x日出photocopie qui procède du permis de conduire d’un véhicule à moteur de la 生,公民身份号码:**********。

中华人民共和国浙江省***县公证处公证员二O一O年二月八日NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH(Translation)(XX) ZKZWZ No. ***This is to certify that ***, female, was born in *** County, Zhejiang Province on July 4, 1989. Her father is *** and her mother is ***..Notary: *** Signatory seal)*** County Notary Public OfficeZhejiang ProvinceThe People’s Republic of China(Seal)February 8, XX篇二:证件翻译大全--出生公证英文翻译样本证件翻译大全--出生公证英文翻译样本出生公证(XX)沪徐证外字第44556 号兹证明王云,女,于一九七七年七月十二日在上海市出生。
中华人民共和国上海市徐汇区公证处公证员二00三年四月一日Notarial Certificate(XX) (English Translation)This is to certify that WANG Yun, female, was born on July 12,1977 inShangHai. Herfather is WANG Guorong and her mother is YANG Lihong. Shanghai Xuhui District Notary Public OfficeThe People’s Republic of China (Sealed)Notary Public:(Sealed)Dated: April 1,XX证件翻译大全--结婚证英文翻译样本THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINAMARRIAGE CERTIFICATE (English Translation)XXX and XXX applied for marriage registration.After being examined, their application conforms to the Marriage Law of the People’s Republicof China. We give them the permission to register and hereby issue thismarriage certificate. Ministry of Civil Affair of the People’s Repepublic of China (seal)Special Seal for Marriage Register of Haidian District, Beijing Civil Affairs BureauMarriage Register: (signature) XXXCertificate Holder: XXX Registration Date: x/x/xxx Marriage Certificate No. xxxxxxxx Name:Sex:Nationality: Chinese Date of Birth:ID Card:Name:Sex:Nationality: ChineseDate of Birth: ID Card:证件翻译大全--银行存款证明英文翻译样本CERTIFICATE OF BALANCE OF ONE FOR ALL CARD OF BANK OF CHINA(English Translation) No. of Client:Date:XX/xx/xxName: XXXX Time:Current AccountingA/C No. Currency Kind Balance Status11 RMB Current Accountingxxxxx ActivityFixed Time AccountingSerial No.CurrencyKindValue DateBalanceSatus0001 RMB Fixed Time anXX0808 xxxxx Activityd Current AccountingBank of China Beijing Chaoyangmen Branch (seal) 证件翻译大全--税务登记证英文翻译样本Certificate of Taxation Registration Min Di Shui Shi Zhi No. 352XX051925xxxName of Taxation Payer: Fujina XXXX Real Estate Co., Ltd. Legal Represenative: XX XXAddress: 4/F, XX Building, XX Jiaocheng Road, (S.) Ningde CityType of Registry: Other Limited Company Form of Business: RetailBusiness Scope:Main Business: real estate development, selling, leasehold and theadministration of its relative building affairs.Other Business:Terms of Business: From December 23rd, 1999 to December 20th, XX Valid Term of Certificate: permanent Authority of Issuing Taxation Certificate: Branch directly under NingdeMunicipal Administration for the local taxation (Sealed) Date of Issuance: September 6, XXUnder the supervision of State Taxation Administrationth证件翻译大全--开户许可证英文翻译样本Permit for Opening Bank AccountRen Yin Hu Guan Zheng Zi () No. 0000109Name of depositor: Fujian Pingtan XXXX FactoryBank Account: 01810264Nature of proprietorship: 00109Business scope:Legal representative: XX XXReference No. of Business License: -4Identification Code: -4Through examination, the depositor complies with the requirementsfor opening an account; please let it be allowed to open an basic accountin our bank.篇三:出生公证书翻译英语证件翻译大全--出生公证英文翻译样本出生公证(XX)沪徐证外字第44556 号兹证明王云,女,于一九七七年七月十二日在上海市出生。

出生证明翻译模版第一篇:出生证明翻译模版BEIJIGN CITY BIRTH CERTIFICATE Beijing Municipal People's GovernmentMade by Family Planning Leading Group OfficeFull name of baby:Gender: FemaleDate of birth: 1989-03-20, 11:30Full name of mother: Liu Yanmei Age:24Existing Children Count:*Full name of father:Wang BinMother’s Address: No.89 HuanshizhongErtiao, ChongwenDistrict, BeijingMother’s Work Unit: Beijing MinjiaHardware ToolsFactoryNote: Baby’s Height: 2700gIssuing organization(seal):Special seal for birth certificate in ***province of **hospital Seal: Family Planning Leading Group Office第二篇:出生证明翻译BIRTH CERTIFICATE(Translation)“The Medical Certificate of Birth” is formulated according to “The law of the People’s Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care”.It is a legal medical certificate of people born in the People’s Republic of China.It is taken care of by the Newborn baby’s father and mother or guardian, can not be sold, lent or altered in private.And it is referred to upon civil registration.MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA(Seal)Full name of baby: XXXX Sex: XXXXDate of Birth: XXXX Place of birth: XXXX Gestation: XXXX weeks Health Status: WellWeight: XXXX g Height: XXXX cmFull name of mother: XXXX Age: XXXX Nationality: XXXXNationality: XXXX Identity Card No.: XXXXFull name of father: XXXX Age: XXXX Nationality: XXXXNationality: XXXX Identity Card No.: XXXXType of Place: XXXX Name of facility: XXXXBirth No.: XXXX Date of issue: XXXXIssuing organization: XXXX(Seal for Guangdong Birth Certificate)__________________第三篇:出生证明翻译现在中国的许多家庭喜欢出国居住、旅游,在国外出生的小孩,回国之后都需要办理出生证明翻译等一系列手续。

中华人民共和国浙江省***县公证处公证员二O一O年二月八日NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH(Translation)(XX) ZKZWZ No. ***This is to certify that ***, female, was born in *** County, Zhejiang Province on July 4, 1989. Her father is *** and her mother is ***..Notary: *** Signatory seal)*** County Notary Public OfficeZhejiang ProvinceThe People’s Republic of China(Seal)February 8, XX篇二:证件翻译大全--出生公证英文翻译样本证件翻译大全--出生公证英文翻译样本出生公证(XX)沪徐证外字第44556 号兹证明王云,女,于一九七七年七月十二日在上海市出生。
中华人民共和国上海市徐汇区公证处公证员二00三年四月一日Notarial Certificate(XX) (English Translation)This is to certify that WANG Yun, female, was born on July 12,1977 inShangHai. Herfather is WANG Guorong and her mother is YANG Lihong. Shanghai Xuhui District Notary Public OfficeThe People’s Republic of China (Sealed)Notary Public:(Sealed)Dated: April 1,XX证件翻译大全--结婚证英文翻译样本THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINAMARRIAGE CERTIFICATE (English Translation)XXX and XXX applied for marriage registration.After being examined, their application conforms to the Marriage Law of the People’s Republicof China. We give them the permission to register and hereby issue thismarriage certificate. Ministry of Civil Affair of the People’s Repepublic of China (seal)Special Seal for Marriage Register of Haidian District, Beijing Civil Affairs BureauMarriage Register: (signature) XXXCertificate Holder: XXX Registration Date: x/x/xxx Marriage Certificate No. xxxxxxxx Name:Sex:Nationality: Chinese Date of Birth:ID Card:Name:Sex:Nationality: ChineseDate of Birth: ID Card:证件翻译大全--银行存款证明英文翻译样本CERTIFICATE OF BALANCE OF ONE FOR ALL CARD OF BANK OF CHINA(English Translation) No. of Client:Date:XX/xx/xxName: XXXX Time:Current AccountingA/C No. Currency Kind Balance Status11 RMB Current Accountingxxxxx ActivityFixed Time AccountingSerial No.CurrencyKindValue DateBalanceSatus0001 RMB Fixed Time anXX0808 xxxxx Activityd Current AccountingBank of China Beijing Chaoyangmen Branch (seal) 证件翻译大全--税务登记证英文翻译样本Certificate of Taxation Registration Min Di Shui Shi Zhi No. 352XX051925xxxName of Taxation Payer: Fujina XXXX Real Estate Co., Ltd. Legal Represenative: XX XXAddress: 4/F, XX Building, XX Jiaocheng Road, (S.) Ningde CityType of Registry: Other Limited Company Form of Business: RetailBusiness Scope:Main Business: real estate development, selling, leasehold and theadministration of its relative building affairs.Other Business:Terms of Business: From December 23rd, 1999 to December 20th, XX Valid Term of Certificate: permanent Authority of Issuing Taxation Certificate: Branch directly under NingdeMunicipal Administration for the local taxation (Sealed) Date of Issuance: September 6, XXUnder the supervision of State Taxation Administrationth证件翻译大全--开户许可证英文翻译样本Permit for Opening Bank AccountRen Yin Hu Guan Zheng Zi () No. 0000109Name of depositor: Fujian Pingtan XXXX FactoryBank Account: 01810264Nature of proprietorship: 00109Business scope:Legal representative: XX XXReference No. of Business License: -4Identification Code: -4Through examination, the depositor complies with the requirementsfor opening an account; please let it be allowed to open an basic accountin our bank.篇三:出生公证书翻译英语证件翻译大全--出生公证英文翻译样本出生公证(XX)沪徐证外字第44556 号兹证明王云,女,于一九七七年七月十二日在上海市出生。

中华人民共和国浙江省***县公证处公证员二o一o年二月八日notarial certificate of birth(translation)(2010) zkzwz no. ***this is to certify that ***, female, was born in *** county, zhejiang province on july 4, 1989. her father is *** and her mother is ***..notary: *** signatory seal)*** county notary public officezhejiang provincethe people’s republic of china(seal)february 8, 2010【篇二:中英文出生公证书样本】出生公证书(2010)浙开证外字第***号兹证明***,女,于***年***月***日在浙江省***县出生。
中华人民共和国浙江省***县公证处公证员二o一o年二月八日 notarial certificate of birth (translation)(2010) zkzwz no. *** this is to certify that ***, female, was born in *** county, zhejiang provinceon july 4, 1989. her father is *** and her mother is ***..notary: *** signatory seal)*** county notary public officezhejiang provincethe people’s republic of china(seal)february 8, 2010篇二:出生公证书中英文样板_15311 出生公证书中英文样板公证书兹证明xxx(名字),男(女性别),于xxxx年xx月xx日在xx省xx市出生。

1. 出生证明(Birth Certificate)Birth Certificate(81) Ning Zi, No. 1232This is to certify that Guangzu Wu, male, was born on May 21, 1941, in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. Guangzu’s father is Yide Wu, and Guangzu’s mother is Meiqin Shi.Nanjing Notary Public OfficeJiangsu ProvinceThe People’s Republic of ChinaNotary: Xiao NanSeptember 20, 1981出生证明书(81)宁公证字第1232号吴光祖,男,1941年5月21日在江苏南京市出生。
中华人民共和国江苏省南京市公证处公证员:肖南1981年9月20日2.死亡证明 (Death Certificate)Death Certificate(78) Ning Zi, No.859This is to certificate that Yide Wu, died of illness on November 27,1967. Yide Wu, male, native of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, born in July, 1908.Nanjing Notary Public OfficeJiangsu ProvinceThe People’s Republ ic of ChinaNotary: Xiao NanFeburary 19, 1978死亡证明书(78)宁公证字第859号兹证明吴义德,男,1908年七月生于江苏南京,于1967年11月27日病故。
中华人民共和国公证员:肖南1978年2月19日3. 学历证明 (Schooling Record Certificate)Schooling Record Certificate(81) Ning Zi, No.1233This is to certify that Guangzu Wu, male, born in May, 1941, studied Chinese Language in the Chinese Department of Jiangsu Teacher’s College from September, 1962 to July, 1966, and then he was enrolled in September, 1977 to study in the Chinese Department of Nanjing University as a postgraduate on Modern Chinese. He had been studying there for two years and finished the courses in July, 1979.The report of the results in his examinations are followed:The History of Chinese Language: GoodChinese Literature: GoodModern Chinese: ExcellentDebate: PassGraduation Thesis: PassNanjing Notary Public OfficeJiangsu ProvinceThe People’s Republic of China Notary: Xiao NanOctober 17, 1980学历证明书(81)宁公证字第1233号吴光祖,男,生于1941年5月。
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公证书( 2011 )浙**证外字第 ** 号申请人:**,女,一九七六年二月十二日出生,香港居民身份证号码: **,现住香港九龙顺致苑 e 座 206 室。
**的父亲是**(公民身份证号码: **),张霞的母亲是**(公民身份证号码: **)。
中华人民共和国浙江省**县公证处公证员二 0 一一年十二月十五日notarial certificate(translation)(2011) zkzwz no. ** applicant:**,female,born on february 12, 1976, identification card number ofhongkong: ** currently resides at room 206, block e, shun chi court, kowloon, hk. notary matters: birth certificate. this is to certify that **, female, was born in ** county, zhejiang provinceon february 12, 1976. her father is ** (identification card number is **) and hermother is fu wenlan (identification card number is **). notary: ** (signatory seal) **county notary public office zhejiang provincethe people’s republic of china (seal)december 15, 2011篇二:证件翻译大全--出生公证英文翻译样本证件翻译大全--出生公证英文翻译样本出生公证(2003)沪徐证外字第44556 号兹证明王云,女,于一九七七年七月十二日在上海市出生。
中华人民共和国上海市徐汇区公证处公证员二00三年四月一日notarial certificate(2003)h.x.z.w.z.no.44556 (english translation) this is to certify that wang yun, female, was born on july 12,1977 in shanghai. herfather is wang guorong and her mother is yang lihong. shanghai xuhuidistrict notary public officethe people’s republic of china (sealed) notary public:(sealed)dated: april 1,2003 证件翻译大全--结婚证英文翻译样本the people’s republic of china marriage certificate (english translation) xxx and xxx applied for marriage registration. after being examined, theirapplication conforms to the marriage law of the people’s republicof china. we give them the permission to register and hereby issue this marriage certificate. ministry of civil affair of the people’s repepublic ofchina (seal)special seal for marriage register of haidian district, beijing civil affairsbureaumarriage register: (signature) xxx certificate holder: xxx registration date: x/x/xxx marriage certificate no. xxxxxxxx name: sex:nationality: chinese date of birth: id card: name:sex:nationality: chinesedate of birth: id card: 证件翻译大全--银行存款证明英文翻译样本certificate of balance of one for all card of bank of china (english translation) no. of client:date:2006/xx/xx name: xxxx time:current accountinga/c no. currency kind balance status 11 rmb current accountingxxxxx activityfixed time accountingserial no.currencykindvalue datebalancesatus0001 rmb fixed time an20060808 xxxxx activity d current accountingbank of china beijing chaoyangmen branch (seal) 证件翻译大全--税务登记证英文翻译样本certificate of taxation registration min di shui shi zhi no. 3522007051925xxx name of taxation payer: fujina xxxx real estate co., ltd. legal represenative:xx xxaddress: 4/f, xx building, xx jiaocheng road, (s.) ningde city business scope:main business: real estate development, selling, leasehold and the administration of its relative building affairs.other business: terms of business: from december 23rd, 1999 to december 20th, 2009 valid termof certificate: permanentauthority of issuing taxation certificate: branch directly under ningde municipal administration for the local taxation (sealed) date of issuance:september 6, 2004 under the supervision of state taxation administration th 证件翻译大全--开户许可证英文翻译样本permit for opening bank account ren yin hu guan zheng zi ( ) no. 0000109 name of depositor: fujian pingtan xxxx factory bank account: 01810264 nature of proprietorship: 00109 business scope: legal representative: xx xx reference no. of business license: 15494363-4 identification code: 15494363-4 for opening an account; please let it be allowed to open an basic account in our bank.篇三:出生公证-法文译文acte notarie(traduction)(年份)公证处首字母大写(如h. n. x. g. z. c.) no. 公证件号码demandeur: 姓名, masculin, né出生日期, numéro de la carte d’identité : 身份证号码.objet : naissanceil est attesté par la présente que 姓名 est né le 出生日期à la ville de 出生城市 de la province du 省份, le père de姓名est 父亲姓名 (le numéro de sa carte d’identité est 父亲身份证号码), la mère de姓名est 母亲姓名 (le numéro de sa carte d’identité est 母亲身份证号码). notaire :notariat de ville de 公证城市, province du 省份, république populaire de chine 公证时间篇四:出生公证书原文及汉译日出生公证书(2011)融证字第20029号兹证明刘华清,女,于1972年4月10日在福建省福清市出生。