



2016年河南省普通高等学校选拔专科优秀毕业生进入本科学校学习考试高等数学试卷一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共60分)1.函数()f x 的定义域是( )A .(,1]-∞-B .(,1)-∞-C .(,1]-∞D .(,1)-∞【答案】D【解析】要使函数有意义,则需10x ->,即1x <2.函数3()2f x x x =-是( )A .奇函数B .偶函数C .非奇非偶函数D .无法判断【答案】A【解析】33()2()2()f x x x x x f x -=---=-+=-,所以是奇函数.3.已知1()1f x x=-,则[]()f f x =( ) A .1x - B .11x - C .1x - D .11x- 【答案】D【解析】[]111()11111f f x f x x x ⎛⎫=-=-=⎪-⎝⎭-.4.下列极限不存在的是( )A .20lim1x xx →+ B .2lim1x xx →∞+C .lim 2x x →-∞D .lim 2x x →+∞【答案】D 【解析】20lim 01x x x →=+,2lim 01x x x →∞=+,lim 20x x →-∞=,lim 2xx →+∞=+∞.5.极限2212lim x x x x →∞--的值是( )A .0B .1C .1-D .2-【答案】C【解析】2212lim1x x x x →∞--=-,故选C .6.已知极限0lim 2sin x xax→=,则a 的值是( )A .1B .1-C .2D .12【答案】D 【解析】0001lim lim lim 2sin x x x x x ax ax a →→→===,故12a =.7.已知当0x →时,222cos ~x ax -,则a 的值是( )A .1B .2C .12D .1-【答案】A【解析】()222200001221cos 22cos 12lim lim lim lim 1x x x x xx x ax ax ax a →→→→⋅--====,故1a =.8.已知函数21,1()12,1x ax x f x x x ⎧-+≠⎪=-⎨⎪=⎩则在点1x =处,下列结论正确的是( )A .2a =时,()f x 必连续B .2a =时,()f x 不连续C .1a =-时,()f x 连续D .1a =时,()f x 必连续【答案】B【解析】要使函数()f x 在1x =处连续,则有1lim ()(1)x f x f →=,即211lim21x x ax x →-+=-,而当2a =时,2211121(1)limlim lim(1)0211x x x x x x x x x →→→-+-==-=≠--,故当2a =时,()f x 不连续.9.已知函数()x ϕ在点0x =处可导,函数()(1)(1)f x x x ϕ=--,则(1)f '=( )A .(0)ϕ'B .(1)ϕ'C .(0)ϕD .(1)ϕ【答案】C【解析】由()x ϕ在点0x =处可导,可知()x ϕ在点0x =处连续,111()(1)(1)(1)0(1)limlim lim (1)(0)11x x x f x f x x f x x x ϕϕϕ→→→----'===-=--.10.函数()11f x x =--在点1x =处( )A .不连续B .连续且可导C .既不连续也不可导D .连续但不可导【答案】D【解析】2,1()11,1x x f x x x x ->⎧=--=⎨≤⎩,显然()f x 在1x =处连续,而11()(1)21(1)lim lim 111x x f x f x f x x +++→→---'===---,11()(1)1(1)lim lim 111x x f x f x f x x -+-→→--'===--,由于(1)(1)f f -+''≠,故在1x =处不可导.11.若曲线3()1f x x =-与曲线()ln g x x =在自变量0x x =时的切线相互垂直,则0x 应为( )AB.C .13D .13-【答案】C【解析】200()3f x x '=-,001()g x x '=,由于切线相互垂直,则2003x x -=-,即013x =.12.已知4()1f x x =-在闭区间[]1,1-上满足罗尔中值定理,则在开区间(1,1)-内使()0f ξ'=成立的ξ=( )A .0B .1C .1-D .2【答案】A【解析】3()4f x x '=-,3()40f ξξ'=-=,则0ξ=.13.设函数()f x 在区间(1,1)-内连续,若(1,0)x ∈-时,()0f x '<,(0,1)x ∈时,()0f x '>,则在区间(1,1)-内( ) A .(0)f 是函数()f x 的极小值 B .(0)f 是函数()f x 的极大值C .(0)f 不是函数()f x 的极值D .(0)f 不一定是函数()f x 的极值【答案】A【解析】由极值第一判定定理,可知(0)f 应为函数()f x 的极小值.14.设函数()y f x =在区间(0,2)内具有二阶导数,若(0,1)x ∈时,()0f x ''<,(1,2)x ∈时,()0f x ''>,则( )A .(1)f 是函数()f x 的极大值B .点()1,(1)f 是曲线()y f x =的拐点C .(1)f 是函数()f x 的极小值D .点()1,(1)f 不是曲线()y f x =的拐点【答案】B【解析】函数()f x 在(0,1)上为凸,在(1,2)上为凹,故()1,(1)f 是曲线()y f x =的拐点.15.已知曲线4()f x x =,则( ) A .在(,0)-∞内4y x =单调递减且形状为凸 B .在(,0)-∞内4y x =单调递增且形状为凹 C .在(0,)+∞内4y x =单调递减且形状为凸D .在(0,)+∞内4y x =单调递增且形状为凹【答案】D【解析】34y x '=,当0x >时,0y '>;当0x <时,0y '<;212y x ''=,在(,)-∞+∞上有0y ''≥.16.已知()F x 是()f x 的一个原函数,则不定积分(1)f x dx -=⎰( )A .(1)F x C -+B .()F xC +C .(1)F x C --+D .()F x C -+【答案】A【解析】由题可知()()f x dx F x C =+⎰,(1)(1)(1)(1)f x dx f x d x F x C -=--=-+⎰⎰.17.设函数20()()xt f x e t dt -=+⎰,则()f x '=( )A .313x e x --+B .2x e x --+C .2x e x -+D .2x e x -+【答案】C【解析】()()220()x tx f x et dt e x --''=+=+⎰.18.定积分2ax axe dx --=⎰( )A .22a ae -B .2a ae -C .0D .2a【答案】C【解析】令2()x f x xe -=,2()()x f x xe f x --=-=-,可知()f x 为奇函数,故20ax axe dx --=⎰.19.由曲线x y e -=与直线0x =,1x =,0y =所围成的平面图形的面积是( )A .1e -B .1C .11e --D .11e -+【答案】C【解析】由题可知所求面积1101x A e dx e --==-⎰.20.设定积分2211I x dx =⎰,221I xdx =⎰,则( )A .12I I =B .12I I >C .12I I <D .不能确定【答案】B【解析】当(1,2)x ∈时,2x x >,由定积分保序性可知22211x dx xdx >⎰⎰,即12I I >.21.向量=+a j k 的方向角是( )A .4π,4π,2π B .4π,2π,2πC .4π,2π,4πD .2π,4π,4π 【答案】D【解析】向量a 的坐标表示应为(0,1,1),故方向余弦为cos 0α=,cosβ=,cos γ则应为α,β,γ应为2π,4π,4π.22.已知x e -是微分方程320y ay y '''++=的一个解,则常数a =( )A .1B .1-C .3D .13-【答案】A【解析】令x y e -=,x y e -'=-,x y e -''=,代入有320x x x e ae e ----+=,由0x e -≠,则有1320a -+=,1a =.23.下列微分方程中可进行分离变量的是( )A .()x y y x y e +'=+B .x y y xye +'=C .xy y xye '=D .()xy y x y e '=+【答案】B【解析】对于B 项,x y y xye e '=⋅,分离变量得x y dyxe dx ye=.24.设二元函数323z x xy y =++,则2zx y∂=∂∂( ) A .23y B .23x C .2y D .2x【答案】C【解析】223z x y x∂=+∂,22z y x y ∂=∂∂.25.用钢板做成一个表面积为254m 的有盖长方体水箱,欲使水箱的容积最大,则水箱的最大容积为( )A .318mB .327mC .36mD .39m【答案】B【解析】设水箱的长、宽、高分别为x ,y ,z ,则有22254xy yz xz ++=,即27xy yz xz ++=,体积V xyz =,令()(,,)27F x y z xyz xy yz xz λ=+++-,令()()()000270xyz F yz y z F xz x z F xy x y F xy yz xz λλλλ⎧=++=⎪=++=⎪⎨=++=⎪⎪=++-=⎩,解得333x y z =⎧⎪=⎨⎪=⎩,由于驻点(3,3,3)唯一,实际中确有最大值,故当3x =,3y =,3z =时长方体体积最大,最大值27V =.26.设{}22(,)14,0,0D x y x y x y =≤+≤≥≥,则二重积分4Ddxdy =⎰⎰( )A .16πB .8πC .4πD .3π【答案】D【解析】由二重积分的性质可知444D DDdxdy dxdy S ==⎰⎰⎰⎰,D S 为D 的面积,()2132144D S πππ=⋅-⋅=,故34434Ddxdy ππ=⋅=⎰⎰.27.已知100(,)(,)xD f x y d dx f x y dy σ=⎰⎰⎰⎰,则变换积分次序后(,)Df x y d σ=⎰⎰( )A .110(,)y dy f x y dx ⎰⎰ B .10(,)ydy f x y dx ⎰⎰C .1(,)xdy f x y dx ⎰⎰D .10(,)xdy f x y dx ⎰⎰【答案】A【解析】积分区域为D :01x ≤≤,0y x ≤≤,也可表示为:01y ≤≤,1y x ≤≤,故交换积分次序后11(,)(,)yDf x y d dy f x y dx σ=⎰⎰⎰⎰.28.设L 为连接点(0,0)与点的直线段,则曲线积分2L y ds =⎰( )A .1B .2C .3 D【答案】B【解析】L可表示为y =,01x ≤≤,则)21122322Ly ds xdx ==⋅=⎰⎰⎰.29.下列级数发散的是( )A .11n n∞=∑B .21(1)n n ∞=-∑C .211n n∞=∑D .221(1)n n∞=-∑【答案】A【解析】选项A 为调和级数,可知其发散.30.已知级数1n n u ∞=∑,则下列结论正确的是( )A .若lim 0n n u →∞=,则1n n u ∞=∑收敛 B .若部分和数列{}n S 有界,则1n n u ∞=∑收敛C .若1n n u ∞=∑收敛,则lim 0n n u →∞= D .若1n n u ∞=∑收敛,则1n n u ∞=∑收敛【答案】C【解析】lim 0n n u →∞=是1n n u ∞=∑收敛的必要条件,故应选C ,选项B 中,需要求1n n u ∞=∑为正项级数;选项D 应改为若1n n u ∞=∑收敛,则1n n u ∞=∑收敛.二、填空题(每小题2分,共20分)31.函数3()f x x =的反函数是y =________.【解析】令3()y f x x ==,x =,故()f x 的反函数y .32.极限1lim 21n n n →∞-=+________.【答案】12【解析】11lim 212n n n →∞-=+.33.已知函数2,0()1,0x x f x x -≠⎧=⎨=⎩,则点0x =是()f x 的________的间断点.【答案】可去【解析】00lim ()lim(2)2x x f x x →→=-=,(0)1f =,故0x =是()f x 的可去间断点.34.函数1()x f x e -=在点0.99x =处的近似值为________.【答案】1.01【解析】取01x =,0.01x ∆=-,有000()(0.99)()()11(0.01) 1.01f x x f f x f x x '+∆=≈+∆=-⋅-=.35.不定积分sin(1)x dx +=⎰________. 【答案】cos(1)x C -++【解析】sin(1)sin(1)(1)cos(1)x dx x d x x C +==++=-++⎰⎰.36.定积分1011dx x =+⎰________. 【答案】ln2 【解析】原式1110011(1)ln 1ln 211dx d x x x x =+=+=++⎰⎰.37.函数23z xy x y =--在点(0,1)处的全微分(0,1)dz =________.【答案】2dx dy - 【解析】2zy x x∂=-∂,2z x y y ∂=-∂,故(0,1)(0,1)(0,1)2zz dz dx dy dx dy xy∂∂=+=-∂∂.38.与向量(2,1,2)同向平行的单位向量是________. 【答案】212,,333⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭3,故与(2,1,2)同向平行的单位向量为212,,333⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭.39.微分方程20y xy '+=的通解是________. 【答案】22y x C=+或0y = 【解析】方程分离变量的2dy xdx y =-,两边积分得2112x C y =+,整理得22y x C=+,其中C 为任意常数,当0y =时,可知也为方程的解.40.幂级数13nn n x ∞=∑的收敛半径为________.【答案】3【解析】11131lim lim 313n n n n n na a ρ++→∞→∞==⋅=,故13R ρ==.三、计算题(每小题5分,共50分) 41.计算极限20lim(1)xx x →-.【答案】2e -【解析】21(2)200lim(1)lim(1)xxx x x x e ⋅---→→-=-=.42.求函数y =的导数.【解析】令2cos u x =-,y ''=.43.计算不定积分2ln 1x dx x -⎰. 【答案】()22ln 14x C -+【解析】()()()()22ln 12ln 112ln 1ln 2ln 12ln 124x x dx x d x x d x C x --=-=--=+⎰⎰⎰.44.计算定积分2sin x xdx π⎰.【答案】1【解析】22220sin cos cos cos 1x xdx xd x x x xdx ππππ=-=-+=⎰⎰⎰.45.设直线230:3571x y z l x y z ++=⎧⎨++=⎩,求过点(0,1,2)A 且平行于直线l 的直线方程. 【答案】12121x y z --==- 【解析】设已知直线l 的方向向量为s ,则123(1,2,1)357==--i j ks .由于所求直线与l 平行,故其方向向量可取(1,2,1)-,又直线过点(0,1,2)A ,故所求直线方程为12121x y z --==-.46.已知函数(,)z f x y =由方程0xz yz x y --+=所确定,求全微分dz . 【答案】11z z dx dy x y x y--+-- 【解析】令(,,)F x y z xz yz x y =--+,则1x F z =-,1y F z =-+,z F x y =-,故1x z F z zx F x y∂-=-=∂-,1y z F z z y F x y∂-=-=∂-,因此11z z dz dx dy x y x y --=+--.47.已知{}22(,)04D x y x y =≤+≤,计算二重积分D.【答案】163π【解析】20163Dd rdr ππθ==⎰⎰.48.求全微分方程0xy y x '+-=的通解. 【答案】2x C y x=+ 【解析】方程化简为11y y x'+=,为一阶线性微分方程,由通解公式得 ()11112dx dxx x x C y e e dx C xdx C xx-⎛⎫⎰⎰=⋅+=+=+ ⎪⎝⎭⎰⎰.49.求幂级数1(1)(1)1nnn x n ∞=--+∑的收敛区间.【答案】(0,2)【解析】令1t x =-,则级数1(1)1n nn t n ∞=-+∑为不缺项的幂级数,11lim lim 12n n n na n a n ρ+→∞→∞+===+,故收敛半径1R =,则11t -<<,即111x -<-<,02x <<,故收敛区间为(0,2).50.求级数11n n x n+∞=∑的和函数.【答案】()ln(1)S x x x =--【解析】1lim 11n n n ρ→∞=⋅=+,收敛半径1R =,令1111()()n nn n x x S x x xS x n n+∞∞=====∑∑,111101()1n n n n n n x S x x x n x ∞∞∞-==='⎛⎫'====⎪-⎝⎭∑∑∑,(1,1)x ∈-,所以()11()()()x S x xS x x S t dt '==⎰01ln(1)1x x dt x x t ⎛⎫==-- ⎪-⎝⎭⎰.四、应用题(每小题7分,共14分)51.求由直线1x =,x e =,0y =及曲线1y x=所围成平面图形的面积. 【答案】1 【解析】111e S dx x==⎰.52.某工厂生产计算器,若日产量为x 台的成本函数为2()7500500.02C x x x =+-,收入函数为2()800.03R x x x =-,且产销平衡,试确定日生产多少台计算器时,工厂的利润最大? 【答案】1500【解析】利润=收入-成本,故利润2()()()300.017500L x R x C x x x =-=--,令()0L x '=,1500x =,且(1500)0.020L ''=-<,故1500x =为()L x 的极大值,又由实际问题知,极值唯一,故1500x =为()L x 的最大值,即日生产1500台计算器时,工厂的利润最大.五、证明题(6分)53.已知方程35430x x x +-=有一负根2x =-,证明方程244950x x +-=必有一个大于2-的负根.【证明】令35()43f x x x x =+-,由题可知(2)0f -=,又有(0)0f =,()f x 在[]2,0-上连续,在()2,0-上可导,故由罗尔定理可知至少存在一点()2,0ξ∈-,使得24()4950f ξξξ'=+-=, 即方程244950x x +-=必有一个大于2-的负根.。



2016年河南省普通专升本考试《专业英语》真题Part I Vocabulary and Structure(1x30)Directions:There are30incomplete statements in this part.You are required to complete each one by choosing the most appropriate word or expression from the four choices marked A.B,C and D.then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.1.If I mistake not,you used to cook your own food,?A.do youB.don’t youC.did youD.didn’t you2.In translation big problem is linguistic interference.A.the;aB.a;theC./;aD.the;/3.your opinions are worth considering,the general manager finds it unwise to place too much importance on them.A.AsB.BecauseC.ThoughD.Since4.On no account to feed the animals.A.visitors are allowedB.allow visitorsC.are visitors allowedD.visitors allow5.His thesis paper was rejected by his tutor because it lacks ideas.A.previousB.excellentC.originalD.reasonable6.yourself still for a few minutes while I take your photograph.A.HoldB.KeepC.PutD.Make7.When Laura finally arrived she apologized so late.A.for to comeB.that she was comingC.for comingD.to come8.I Alice,who was on her way to see how I was getting along.A.came up withB.got out ofC.ran overD.ran into9.—He seems to know it.—Well,he to be told.A.needs notB.hasn’t the needC.needn’tD.doesn’t need10.He didn’t live up to had been expected of him.A.whatB.whichC.thatD.all11.a raining day,we gave up our plan to go hiking.A.With isB.BeingC.WithD.It being12.Thank you for telling me that.I really.A.don’t knowB.didn’t knowC.haven’t knownD.hadn’t known13.Jean pays little attention to her appearance,otherwise she a very attractive girl.A.ought to beB.could beC.must beD.should be14.She did not feel going out,as she had a slight headache.A.aboutB.likeC.afterD.for15.The country has too many wars in the past few decades;its people are longing for peace so much.A.prevented fromB.resulted inC.gone throughD.gone with16.The painter lived more than a decade in Europe,he could be in close contact with other cubists(立体派艺术家).A.whereB.in whichC.thatD.in that17.That man looks familiar to me.He reminds me Dr.Richards.A.toB.onC.forD.of18.There is no that he was once a thief.But it doesn’t mean you can always regard him as a thief.A.denyB.deniedC.deniesD.denying19.There have been many in their marriage but they still love each other.A.ups and downsB.from head to toeC.time and againD.over and over20.This hotel$60for a single room with a bath.A.claimsB.demandsC.pricesD.charges21.After the speech,a lively discussion started.A.being deliveredB.be deliveredC.was deliveredD.having delivered22.I had just started back to the house to change my clothes I heard voices.A.asB.whileC.afterD.when23.He has left his book here on so that you can read it.A.purposeB.aimC.intentionD.sense24.Don’t get your schedule;stay with us in this class.A.to changeB.changingC.changedD.change25.Sooner or later,she will the shock from her mother’s death.A.get outB.get offC.get overD.get back26.The mere fact most people believe a nuclear war would be madness doesn’t mean it will not occur.A.thatB.whichC.whatD.why27.We finally an agreement after a lot of hard argument.A.reachedB.didC.arrivedD.drove28.Ms.Wilson is Mr.Thompson while he’s on holiday.A.standing up forB.standing up toC.standing in forD.standing for29.She’d like to arrange her own room she wants.A.some wayB.whateverC.any howD.any way30.They were under the that the company was doing well,but in fact it was in serious trouble.A.conclusionB.expressionC.enjoymentD.illusion PartPartⅡReading Comprehension(2×20points)Directions:There are4passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should decide on the best choice and then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage OneMy love of nature goes right back to my childhood,to the times when I stayed on my grandparent’s farm in Suffolk.I think it was my grandmother who encouraged me more than anyone:she taught me the names of wildflowers and got me interested in looking at the countryside,so it seemed obvious to go on to do Zoology at university.I didn’t get my first camera until after I’d graduated,when I was due to go diving in Norway and needed a method of recording the sea creatures I would find there.My father didn’t know anything about photography,but he bought me an Exacta,which was really quite a good camera for the time,and I went off to take my first pictures of sea anemones(海葵)andstarfish(海星).I became keen very quickly,and I learnt how to develop and print.I’ve tried from the beginning to produce pictures which are always biologically correct.There are people who will alter things deliberately:you don’t pick up sea creatures from the middle of the shore and take them down to attractive pools at thebottom of the shore without knowing you’re doing it.There can be a lot of ignorance in people’s behavior towards wild animals and it’s a problem that more and more people are going to wild places:while some animals may get used to cars,they won’t get used to people suddenly rushing up to them.The sheer pressure of people,coupled with the fact there are increasingly few places where no one else has photographed,means that over the years,life has become much more difficult for the professional wildlife photographers.Nevertheless,wildlife photographers play a very important part in educating people about what is out there and what needs conserving.Although photography can be an enjoyable pastime,as it is to many people,it is also something that plays a very important part in educating young and old alike.31.The author decided to go to university and study Zoology because.A.she wanted to improve her life in the countrysideB.she was persuaded to do so by her grandmotherC.she was keen on the natural worldD.she wanted to stop moving around all the time32.How is the author different from some of the other wildlife photographers she meets?.A.She tries to make her photographs as attractive as possibleB.She takes photographs which record accurate natural conditionsC.She likes to photograph plants as well as wildlife.D.She knows the best places to find wildlife.33.The author now finds it more difficult to photograph wild animals because.A.there are fewer of themB.they have become more nervous of peopleC.it is harder to find suitable placesD.they have become frightened of cars34.According to the author,wildlife photography is important because it can make people realize that.A.photography is an enjoyable hobbyB.we learn little about wildlife at schoolC.it is worthwhile visiting the countrysideD.it is important to look after wild animals35.Which of the following describes the author?.A.ProudB.SensitiveC.AggressiveD.DisappointedPassage TwoDuring the past few years,the popularization of the Internet,by lowering the cost of global communication to moderate levels,is leading to a near-perfect market for information.It has bred enterprises that grow and change with astonishing speed,creating millionaires and invigorating the economy.The Net has brought to even poor libraries a wealth of resources at very low cost.It has enabled individuals to speak in forums small and large,with an ease and fluency that would delight the founders of this nation,if they could see email,the World Wide Web,Usenet,and online chat.The tremendous good done by the popularization of the Internet has caused some problems,of course.Chief among these are a weakening of privacy,greater exposure for matters that most people would prefer were absent from society,such as hate speech and child pornography,and an increased risk of one’s children(or oneself)being confronted by an image or text that better might have been left unseen.The Internet has brought the entire world into the living room,but some people are finding that there are certain parts of the world they would prefer not to have anywhere in their home.An example that has become an everyday displeasure for many is junk email,also called“spam”.On a bad day,up to30%of the email processed by major Internet service providers is spam,much of it promoting sex sites and get rich quick schemes.Many people have had to abandon their email accounts,as they become filled with trash.Left unchecked,spam could spoil the great public good of the Internet.36.The popularization of the Internet may stimulate the prosperity of the economy in that.A.it provides information at high speed and low costB.it creates many chances for enterprisesC.it helps to encourage technical innovationsD.enterprises are growing quickly37.There is an increased risk for children with the popularization of the Internet because they are likely to.A.express their ideas freely while onlineB.be exposed to unhealthy informationC.make dangerous friends when chatting onlineD.confuse what is good with what is bad38.According to the passage,the Internet.A.shows us pictures of the world in the living roomB.brings us into contact with the current issues of the worldC.provides easy access to information from all over the worldD.enables us to keep in touch with anyone in the world39.Junk email is used as an example to demonstrate the Internet may.A.help people become millionaires quicklyB.bring great troubles to one’s lifeC.give excitement to peopleD.bring about an age of information40.What is the writer’s attitude toward the Internet?.A.ApprovingB.DisapprovingC.CriticalD.NeutralPassage ThreeTo Whom It May Concern,Scott Smith worked for me at XYZ Technologies for three years,as a senior technical instructor.I am writing this letter of recommendation to confirm that his recent layoff from XYZ was not in any way tied to his performance,and to highly recommend him as an employee with your organization.Had I been the choice,I would not have laid Scott off.But it was not my decision to make.XYZ decided to withdraw from the PC market, balance expenses with the anticipated reduction in sales revenue,and hire a consulting firm to evaluate long term staffing needs.As a result,XYZ drastically reduced the size of its workforce by dissolving the entire PC division, including the technical training department.Unfortunately,this major reorganization left no other position open for Scott. We regretfully had to let him go.Scott is a conscientious,highlyskilled technical instructor,worthy of at least a senior or management position.He has keen insight into the learning process,and is an expert in needs analysis,project management,course development, and classroom instruction.Scott’s in depth product knowledge,unique instructional techniques,and excellent people skills have consistently received admiring reviews from his students.Should conditions at XYZ change,I wouldn’t hesitate to hire him back.If you would like to speak to me about Scott’s skills,talents and work habits,feel free to call(123)555-0002or page me by dialing(123)555-0003.Sincerely,Mary Doe Vice President,Technical Services41.Mary Doe wrote this letter in order to.A.praise Scott Smith for his excellent workB.support Scott Smith’s job applicationC.promote Scott Smith to a higher positionD.look for a technical instructor like Scott Smith42.XYZ Technologies reduced the size of its workforce because.A.some departments did not work wellB.its sales revenue fell dramaticallyC.it is faced with serious financial problemD.it decided to give up the PC market43.Scott Smith has been laid off because of.A.the reorganization of XYZ TechnologiesB.his poor performance in technical workC.his poor physical and mental conditionD.the prejudice of the Vice President44.Which of the following might be the relationship between Scott Smith and Mary Doe?.A.Close friendsB.ColleaguesC.Employee and supervisorD.Student and instructor45.Which is NOT true about Scott Smith?.A.He gets along well with colleaguesB.His students admire him very muchC.He is good at project managementD.He is applying to a consulting firm for a jobPassage FourI used to go to Starbucks for their coffee,but that’s changed since I discovered their comforting,tasty teas,which are better than coffee any time,Tea is cool even when it's hot.People drink more tea than any other drink in the world, except for water.Whether it's served hot or cold,natural and flavored teas are drinks that have been consumed for centuries. Everywhere you look,you’ll find various kinds of teas-in restaurants,grocery stores,television advertisements,and gift shops.Why is there all this excitement about tea?What’s its attraction?Well,there are many possibilities for why more and more people are drinking tea.One possibility is that people are coming to notice the benefits of drinking tea, particularly green tea.Studies show that drinking four cups of green tea a day can reduce the risk of developing various types of cancers,as well as heart disease.The key to tea’s effects of cure seems to lie in chemicals found in tea which prevent a process that leads to the growth of cancers.Green tea may also prevent skin cancer.It has also been linked with helping the body to rid itself of harmful materials,and green tea is thought to possibly protect against colds and Parkinson(帕金森)disease.Another explanation for why people are drinking more tea may be due to the comforting process of just making a cup of tea.The time it takes to prepare tea leaves in hot water and enjoy its gentle flavor forces drinkers to slow down and relax a while,making it the perfect way to improve a world where people are so crazy about cappuccino,a hot coffee with milk in it.So,whether you drink tea,eat it in foods,wear it to smell good,or take it in pills,one thing is certain,the use of tea is more than a trend-it is a habit of our past and if studies prove the benefits of its use,it will undoubtedly be an important element of our future.46.Nowadays,among all the drinks in the world,tea is.A.the most widely consumed drinkB.as widespread as coffeeC.even more widely consumed than wuterD.the second most widely consumed drink47.The passage does not mention as a possible benefit of drinking tea.A.preventing skin cancerB.helping the body to rid itself of harmful materialsC.curing Parkinson’s diseaseD.reducing the risk of developing cancer48.It is good to drink tea because the time it takes to prepare a cup of tea.A.allows the tea leaves to absorb enough waterB.enables drinkers to relaxC.is suitable for people to get some newsD.can improve the quality of cappuccino49.The writer suggests that in the future people will probably.A.follow the trend and go on drinking teaB.drink more water than teaC.form the habit of eating tea leaves in foodsD.take tea as an important part of their life50.The passage is mainly about.A.the benefits of drinking teaB.the benefits of drinking coffeeing tea leaves in fortune tellingD.advising people to drink tea and waterPartⅢCloze(1×20)Directions:There are20blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage and mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.Effective communication with people of different cultures is especially challenging,Cultures51People with ways of thinking-ways of seeing,hearing,and interpreting the world.Thus the same words can52different thing to peoplefrom different cultures,even when they talk the“same”language.When the languages are different,and translation has to be used to communicate,the53for misunderstandings increase.Stella Ting-Toomey describes three ways in which culture54with effective cross-cultural understanding.First is what she55“cognitive”constraints(认知约束).These are the world56that provide a situation that all new information is compared to or inserted into.Second are“57constraints”.Each culture has its own rules about proper behavior which58verbal and nonverbal communication.Whether one person_59the other person in the eye or not is one thing that varies from one culture to the next.Whether one says what one means publicly or talks60the issue is another.How close the people stand to each other when they are talking is a third.All of these and many more are61of politeness which differ from culture to culture.Ting-Toomey's third62is"emotional constraints".Different cultures63the diaply of emotion differently.Some cultures get very emotional when they are debating a(n)64.They yell,they cry,they exhibit their anger,fear,frustration, and other feelings openly.Other cultures try to keep their emotions65.They exhibit or share only the"rational"or factual66of the situation.All of these differences tend to67to communication problems.If the people68are not aware of the potential for such problems,they are even more likely to fall victim to them.Even so,it takes more than69to overcome these problems and communicate effectively across cultures.It also takes patience and70to bridge the sometimes large differences between cultures.And not everyone has these qualities.51.A.offer B.provide C.give D.teach52.A.mean B.make C.have D.keep53.A secrets B.reasons C.points D.chances54.A.interferes B.blocks C.prevents D.hesitates55.A identifies B.describes C.calls D.entitles56.A.ideas B.concepts C.sights D.views57.A.performance B.behavior C.action D.event58.A.affect B.control C.effect D.cause59.A.watchs B.views C.sees D.looks60.A.about B.around C.on D.with61.A.customs B.rules C.methods D.forms62.A.element ponent C.factor D.principle63.A.regulate B.arrange C.affirm D.justify64.A.affair B.incident C.issue D.business65.A.hidden B.known C.shown D.covered66.A.modes B.aspects yers D.levels67.A.result B.arise C.cause D.lead68.A.occupied B.involved C.disturbed D.related69.A.awareness B.consciousness C.wakefulness D.alertness70.A.worthiness B.wickedness C.willingness D.willfulnessPart IV Error Correction(2x10)Directions:There are10sentences,Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A,B,C and D.You are required to identify the one that is incorrect,and then write the corresponding letter and the correct answer on the ANSWER SHEET.71.Some of the people(A)were standing(B)in the street watched(C)the demonstration,while others(D)were singingsongs.72.On opening day(A)the group went to the box office to pick up(B)their tickets,only to tell(C)that a Mr. White(D)had taken them away.73.When he left(A)the office(B)last night,he forgot turning(C)off(D)the light.74.However(A)his social position is,it is necessary that he remember(B)to serve(C)the people(D).75.When choosing(A)a major,college students should consider(B)how good are they(C)at different subjects as well as what the job market will be(D)when they graduate.76.I'd like(A)to have(B)the beef again even if(C)it costs as twice much(D).77.What(A)do you think on(B)spending holiday(C)in(D)Spain this summer?78.He wrote at least(A)ten novels,but only two from the ten(B)that are now known(C)were published during hislifetime(D).79.Neither(A)he nor I are going(B)to attend(C)the lecture this(D)afternoon.80.Visitors from(A)the United States determined(B)that they were bound for leaving(C)the city immediately(D).Part V Translation(20points)Directions:Translate the following sentences into Chinese and write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET(5x2).8l.He has lived there for11years now with many different caretakers and blossomed on his own.He has become essential to the neighborhood.When you have any mail to be picked up or your dog needs walking,he is your man.82.that's very common in professional women.They feel they have to be all things to all people and do it all perfectly.They think,"I should,I must,I have to."Good enough is never good enough.Perfectionists cannot delegate.Directions:Translate the following sentences into English and write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET(2x5)83.你要是想赶上末班车,咱们最好马上动身去火车站。



2016年河南省普通高等学校选拔优秀专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试公共英语一、单选题(每小题1分,共40分)1. Jane hadn't been to London before. had her husband.A、NeitherB、EitherC、SoD、Or2. No sooner had he arrived in Rome he heard of the good news.A、whenB、thanC、thenD、until3. I'm for the suggestion that a special board to examine the problem.A、be set upB、will be set upC、must be set upD、has to be set up4. The disabled children need many things, but , they need love.A、first of allB、not at allC、after allD、all in all5. The coal industry in the north of China is now barely half its size.A、formalB、formerC、latterD、later6. The football player is hoping to to another team soon.A、transferB、transportC、transplantD、transact7. the garden, the old man went to have a rest.A、Having been wateredB、WateringC、Having wateredD、Being watered8. Her to the job left her with very little free time.A、devotionB、faithC、trustD、interest9. The children have been since their father left.A、out of styleB、under controlC、out of controlD、in style10. It is reported great changes have been made with the application of the new policy.A、whichB、thatC、whileD、what11. The manager promised to keep me of how the project was going on.A、be informedB、informedC、informD、informing12. He announced that the company had been transferred to city.A、anotherB、othersC、the otherD、one another13. A great cheer went up from the crowd as they caught of the hero.A、visionB、viewC、sightD、glance14. Physics my favorite subject when I studied in the university.A、wereB、wasC、isD、are15. we can succeed or not depends on how well we cooperate with others.A、ThenB、ThusC、WhatD、Whether16. I will lend you the book you return it to me in time.A、on condition thatB、in caseC、in order thatD、so that17. Mr. Brown is supposed to for Italy last month.B、have leftC、leaveD、have been left18. —Did you enjoy the TV program last night?—No, not.A、particularlyB、obviouslyC、surprisinglyD、normally19. We were disappointed yesterday because it wasn't such a good dinner she had promised us.A、likeB、asC、whichD、what20. She walked along the path, her daughter close behind.A、followingB、followC、to followD、was followed21. She insisted that the seats in the theater in advance to insure a better view.A、bookedB、be bookedC、are bookedD、were to book22. We are sometimes of selfishness in our lives, though we are mostly generous in personality.A、miserableB、greedyC、guiltyD、sorry23. The teacher doesn't allow his students on the exam.A、cheatedB、cheatingC、cheatD、to cheat24. There is a lot of evidence too much stress is partly responsible for the disease.A、whatB、whichC、asD、that25. " everyone's here," she said, "let's begin to discuss the solution to the problems we have found."B、Now thatC、So farD、By far26. Most computer users are threat from computer viruses.A、withinB、uponC、towardsD、under27. No matter how , it's impossible that he has never lost money.A、a businessman smart isB、a businessman is smartC、smart is a businessmanD、smart a businessman is28. David told the truth to annoy her, and she was angry for being betrayed by her good friend.A、on purposeB、in needC、in detailD、at all29. The classroom is quite clean some waste paper on the floor.A、except forB、besidesC、exceptD、without30. The bad weather the building program by several weeks.A、went onB、put onC、set backD、built up31. They naturally hope that their choice of the play will be with the school and parents.A、pleasingB、welcomeC、kindD、popular32. These two pictures are so that it's very difficult to tell them apart.A、exactB、familiarC、likelyD、similar33. These tickets for the performance are until the end of the month.A、acceptableB、availableC、advisableD、applicable34. Please the water tap when you have finished your washing.A、turn onB、turn offC、turn outD、turn over35. Don't associate with bad boys your whole life will be ruined.A、orB、butC、andD、so that36. I shall have a companion in the house after all these years.A、aloneB、lonelyC、singleD、simple37. You if you had had higher score in the examination.A、must have got scholarshipB、would have got scholarshipC、should get scholarshipD、had got scholarship38. The bank has established in many big cities in the world.A、partsB、twigsC、benchesD、branches39. While studying abroad, he financially depended his wife.A、onB、ofC、toD、from40. Only in this way out of the plan.A、you can talk himB、can you talk himC、him you can talkD、him can you talk二、完形填空(每小题1分,共40分)Who won the World Cup 1994 football game? What happened at the United Nations? How did the critics like the new play? 41 an event takes place, newspapers are on the streets 42 the details. Wherever anything happens in the world, reports are on the spot to 43 the news. Newspapers have one basic 44, to get the news as quickly as possible from its source, from those who make it to those who want to 45 it. Radio, telegraph, television, and 46 inventions brought competition for newspapers. So did the development of magazines and other means of communication. 47, this competition merely spurred the newspapers on. They quicklymade use of the newer and faster means of communication to improve the 48 and thus the efficiency of their own operations. Today more newspapers are 49 and read than ever before. Competition also led newspapers to branch out into many other fields.Besides keeping readers 50 of the latest news, today's newspapers 51 and influence readers about politics and other important and serious matters. Newspapers influence readers'economic choices 52 advertising. Most newspapers depend on advertising for their very 53. Newspapers are sold at a price that 54 even a small fraction of the cost of production. The main 55 of income for most newspapers is commercial advertising. The 56 in selling advertising depends on a newspaper's value to advertisers. This 57 in terms of circulation. How many people read the newspaper? Circulation depends 58 on the work of the circulation department and on the services or entertainment 59 in a newspaper's pages. But for the most part, circulation depends on a newspaper's value to readers as a source of information 60 the community, city, country, state, nation, and world—and even outer space.41.A、Just when B、While C、Soon after D、Before42.A、to give B、giving C、given D、being given43.A、gather B、spread C、carry D、bring44.A、reason B、cause C、problem D、purpose45.A、make B、publish C、know D、write46.A、another B、other C、one another D、the other47.A、However B、And C、Therefore D、So48.A、value B、ratio C、rate D、speed49.A、spread B、passed C、printed D、completed50.A、inform B、be informed C、to be informed D、informed51.A、entertain B、encourage C、educate D、edit52.A、on B、through C、with D、of53.A、forms B、existence C、contents D、purpose54.A、tries to cover B、manages to cover C、fails to cover D、succeeds in55.A、source B、origin C、course D、finance56.A、way B、means C、chance D、success57.A、measures B、measured C、is measured D、was measured58.A、somewhat B、little C、much D、something59.A、offering B、offered C、which offered D、to be offered60.A、by B、with C、at D、about三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分)Passage OneMany post-80s couples are complaining that going to the movies, shopping or attending parties have become impossible since their kids were born. That's the way most parents are living their lives, no weekends of their own, no time to visit friends, not even a chance of promotion in their jobs.Asking help from their parents might be a way out, but problems are that some aging parents are not strong enough to take care of the kids, and that the kids may also become too spoiled by their grandparents.Then, here comes a solution:families with kids can form a small group, and parents of each family can take turns to look after all the kids in this group on weekends. Thus, other parentscan have some quiet time and feel free to do something they've been planning for a long time. At the same time, the kids can make new friends and won't be hanging around their parents all day long. This is baby-pooling.61. Many post-80s couples can't go to the movies, shop or attend parties because .A、they have to look after their kidsB、they have to look after their parentsC、they are busy with their workD、they have no money62. In Paragraph 2, “a way out” means .A、out of dateB、a solutionC、without questionD、a complaint63. According to the last paragraph, the solution to the problem of post-80s couples is that .A、families with kids form a small groupB、they ask their aging parents for helpC、they give up their jobsD、they take their kids wherever they go64. What is (are) the advantage(s) of baby-pooling?A、The parents can have much more free time.B、The kids can make new friends.C、The kids won't be hanging around their parents all day long.D、All of the above.65. The passage mainly discusses .A、post-80s couples and their friendsB、post-80s couples and baby-poolingC、post-80s couples and their parentsD、kids and their grandparentsPassage TwoIt is a terrible illustration of man's weakness to nature, and the tsunami(海啸) that struck the Japanese coast in March, 2011 has illustrated the difficulty of fighting against natural disasters, even for a prosperous nation.Totally preventing tsunami-damage is impossible. But there is much that can be done to minimize damage and loss of life. Measures that can be taken include designing solid buildings, and developing early-warning systems, public education programs and evacuation(疏散) strategies. Moreover, the approach of a tsunami is possibly picked up by the sensors of complicated international warning systems. Countries can use radio and television broadcasts as well as loudspeaker networks to warn the public.But an early warning system depends on how far the tsunami strikes, if it's close by, the warning system is not going to be very effective. When people are faced with an unstoppable force like a tsunami the massive waves created by events like underwater earthquakes, the best course of action for them is to get inland and to the higher ground as quickly as possible.66. The first paragraph tells us that .A、man can easily defeat the natureB、tsunamis take place only in JapanC、man's ability to cope with natural disasters is limitedD、the tsunami-damage in Japan is not so terrible67. To prevent tsunami-damage, the following measures can be taken EXCEPT .A、designing firm buildingsB、developing early-warning systemsC、developing evacuation strategiesD、keeping the public unaware of the seriousness of tsunamis68. According to the passage, which of the following can cause a tsunami?A、Storms.B、Massive waves.C、Underwater earthquakes.D、Floods.69. When a tsunami happens, the best course of action for people is to .A、listen to radio and television broadcasts for informationB、get inland and to the higher ground as quickly as possibleC、stay where they areD、rely on the warning systems70. Which of the following statements is correct according to the passage?A、The total prevention of tsunamis is possible.B、Rich countries are less affected by tsunamis than poor countries.C、Approaching tsunamis can possibly be picked up by sensors.D、An early warning system is effective when a tsunami is close by.Passage ThreeGlobal warming is causing more than 300,000 deaths and about $125 billion in economic losses each year, according to a report by the Global Humanitarian Forum, an organization led by Annan, the former United Nations secretary general.The report, to be released Friday, analyzed data and existing studies of health, disaster, population and economic trends. It found that human-influenced climate change was raising the global death rates from illnesses including malnutrition(营养不良) and heat-related health problems.But even before its release, the report drew criticism from some experts on climate and risk, who questioned its methods and conclusions.Along with the deaths, the report said that the lives of 325 million people, primarily in poor countries, were being seriously affected by climate change. It projected that the number would double by 2030.Roger Pielke Jr., a political scientist at the University of Colorado, Boulder, who studies disaster trends, said the Forum's report was “a methodological embarrassment” because there was no way to distinguish deaths or economic losses related to human-driven global warming amid the much larger losses resulting from the growth in populations and economic development in vulnerable(易受伤害的) regions. Dr. Pielke said that—climate change is an important problem requiring our utmo st attention. But the report, he said, “will harm the cause for action on both climate change and disasters because it is so deeply flawed(有瑕疵的)”.However, Soren Andreasen, a social scientist at Dalberg Global Development Partners who supervised the writing of the report, defended it, saying that it was clear that the numbers were rough estimates. He said the report was aimed at world leaders, who will meet in Copenhagen in December to negotiate a new international climate treaty.In a press release describing the report, Mr. Annan stressed the need for the negotiations to focus on increasing the flow of money from rich to poor regions to help reduce their vulnerability to climate hazards while still curbing the emissions of the heat-trapping gases. More than 90%of the human and economic losses from climate change are occurring in poor countries, according to the report.71. What is the finding of the Global Humanitarian Forum?A、Global temperatures affect the rate of economic development.B、Rates of death from illnesses have risen due to global warming.C、Malnutrition has caused serious health problems in poor countries.D、Economic trends have to do with population and natural disasters.72. What do we learn about the Forum's report from the passage?A、It was challenged by some climate and risk experts.B、It aroused a lot of interest in the scientific circles.C、It was warmly received by environmentalists.D、It caused a big stir in developing countries.73. What does Dr. Pielke say about the Forum's report?A、Its statistics look embarrassing.B、It is invalid in terms of methodology.C、It deserves our closest attention.D、Its conclusion is purposely exaggerated.74. What is Soren Andreasen's view of the report?A、Its conclusions are based on carefully collected data.B、It is vulnerable to criticism if the statistics are closely examined.C、It will give rise to heated discussions at the Copenhagen conference.D、Its rough estimates are meant to draw the attention of world leaders.75. What does Kofi Annan say should be the focus of the Copenhagen conference?A、How rich and poor regions can share responsibility in curbing global warming.B、How human and economic losses from climate change can be reduced.C、How emissions of heat-trapping gases can be reduced on a global scale.D、How rich countries can better help poor regions reduce climate hazards.Passage FourReaching new peaks of popularity in North America is Iceberg Water which is harvested from icebergs off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.Arthur von Wiesenberger, who carries the title Water Master, is one of the few water critics in North America. As a boy, he spent time in the larger cities of Italy, France and Switzerland, where bottled water is consumed daily. Even then, he kept a water journal, noting the brands he liked best. “My dog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water,” He says. But is plain tap water all that bad? Not at all. In fact, New York's municipal water for more than a century was called the champagne of tap water and until recently considered among the best in the world in terms of both taste and purity. Similarly, a magazine in England foundthat tap water from the Thames River tasted better than several leading brands of bottled water that were 400 times more expensive.Nevertheless, soft-drink companies view bottled water as the next battle-ground for market share—this despite the fact that over 25 percent of bottled water comes from tap water:PepsiCo's Aquafina and Coca-Cola's Dasani are both purified tap water rather than spring water.As diners thirst for leading brands, bottlers and restaurateurs salivate(垂涎) over the profits.A restaurant's typical mark-up on wine is 100 to 150 percent, whereas on bottled water it's often 300 to 500 percent. But since water is much cheaper than wine, and many of the fancier brands aren't available in stores, most diners don't notice or care.As a result, some restaurants are turning up the pressure to sell bottled water. According to an article in The Street Journal, some of the more shameless tactics include placing attractive bottles on the table for a visual sell, listing brands on the menu without prices, and pouring bottled water without even asking the dinners if they want it.Regardless of how it's sold, the popularity of bottled water taps into our desire for better health, our wish to appear cultivated, and even a longing for lost purity.76. What do we know about Iceberg Water from the passage?A、It is a kind of iced water.B、It is just plain tap water.C、It is a kind of bottled water.D、It is a kind of mineral water.77. By saying “My dog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water” (Para. 2), von Wiesenberger wants to convey the message that .A、plain tap water is certainly unfit for drinkingB、bottled water is clearly superior to tap waterC、bottled water often appeals more to dogs' tasteD、dogs can usually detect a fine difference in taste78. The fancier brands (Para. 5) refers to .A、tap water from the Thames RiverB、famous wines not sold in ordinary storesC、PepsiCo's Aquafina and Coca-Cola's DasaniD、expensive bottled water with impressive names79. Why are some restaurants turning up the pressure to sell bottled water?A、Bottled water brings in huge profits.B、Competition from the wine industry is intense.C、Most diners find bottled water affordable.D、Bottled water satisfies diners' desire to be fashionable.80. According to the passage, why is bottled water so popular?A、It is much cheaper than wine.B、It is considered healthier.C、It appeals to more cultivated people.D、It is more widely promoted in the market.四、翻译题(每小题2分,共40分)81. 只要明天天气好,我们就和同学一起去游泳。



2016 年普通高等学校专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试试题教育学、心理学一、选择题(教育学 1—20 ,心理学 21—40 。

每小题 1 分,共 40 分)在每小题的四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。



A.有教无类 B .兼爱C.复归人的自然本性 D .化民成俗+其必由学3.在我国,科举制度实行了 1300 年,停止科举是在()。

A. 1903 B . 1905 C . 1906 D . 19114.教育学作为一门学科的建立始于夸美纽斯的研究,他的代表作是()。

A.《大教学论》 B .《爱弥儿》C.《论演说家的教育》 D .《民本主义与教育》5. 20 世纪 60 年代以后提出了课程结构理论的教育家是()。

A.凯洛夫 B .赞科夫 C .布鲁纳 D .维果斯基6.影响受教育者的数量和教育质量的因素是()。

A.政治经济制度 B .科学技术 C .生产力 D .文化7.“拔苗助长”“ 陵节而施”违背了人的身心发展的()。

A.阶段性 B .顺序性 C .不均衡性 D .差异性8.促进个体发展从潜在的可能状态转向现实状态的决定性因素是()。

A.遗传素质 B .环境 C .个体主观能动性 D .教肓9.根据各级各类学校任务确定的所培养的人的特殊要求,我们习惯上称为()。

A.教育方针 B .教育目的 C .教学目标 D .培养目标10.教师不得对学生进行谩骂、体罚、变相体罚和其他侮辱学生的行为,这是由学生的()。

A.人身自由权决定的 B .隐私权决定的C.人格尊严权决定的 D .荣誉权决定的11.教师职业的特殊要求是必须具有()。

A.管理能力 B .控制能力 C .教育能力 D .研究能力12.学校教育的基础是()。



河南省2016 年普通高等学校专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试公共英语Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure ( 1 x 40 )Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, and then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.-1. Jane hadn't been to London before.______ had her husband.A. NeitherB. EitherC. SoD. Or2.No sooner had he arrived in Rome ______ he heard of the good news.A. whenB. thanC. thenD. until3.I’m for the suggestion that a special board_____to examine the problem.A. be set upB. will be set upC.must be set upD.has to be set up4.The disabled children need many things, but____ , they need love.A. first of allB.not at allC.after allD. All in all5. The coal industry in the north of China is now barely half its ____size.A. FormalB.formertterD. later6. The football player is hoping to____ to another team soon.A. TransferB.transportC.transplantD. transact7. ____the garden, the old man went to have a rest.A. Having been wateredB. WateringC. Having wateredD. Being watered8. Her_____to the job left her with very little free time.A. devotionB.faithC.trustD.interest9. The children have been ____since their father left.A.out of styleB.under controlC.out of controlD.in style10.It is reported _____ great changes have been made with the application of the new policy.A.whichB. thatC. whileD.what11. The manager promised to keep me _____ of how the project was going on.A. be informedB. InformedC. informrming12. He announced that the company had been transferred to city.A. anotherB. othersC. the otherD.one another13. A great cheer went up from the crowd as they caught ____of the hero.A. visionB. viewC. sightD.glance14. Physics______my favorite subject when I studied in the university.A. WereB.wasC.isD.are15. _____ we can succeed or not depends on how well we cooperate with others.A. ThenB. ThusC. WhatD. Whether16. 1 will lend you the book ______you return it to me in time.A. on condition thatB. in caseC. in order thatD. so that17. Mr.Brown is supposed to _____for Italy last month.A. be leavingB.have leftC.leaveD.have been left18. -Did you enjoy the TV program last night?-No, ____not.A. particularlyB.obviouslyC.surprisinglyD.normally19. We are disappointed yesterday because it wasn't such a good dinner______she had promised us.A. likeB. asC. whichD.what20. She walked along the path, _____her daughter close behind.A. followingB. followC. to followD. was followed21. She insisted that the scats in the theater____ in advance to insure a better view.A. bookedB. be bookedC. arc bookedD. were to book22. We are sometimes_____ of selfishness in our lives,though we arc mostly generous in personality.A. miserableB. GreedyC. guiltyD. sorry23. The teacher doesn't allow his students _____on the exam.A. cheatedB.cheatingC.c heatD. to cheat24. There is a lot of evidence____ to much stress is partly responsible for the disease.A. whatB. whichC. AsD.that25. “____ everyone's here,”she said, “let's begin to discuss the solution to the problemswe have found. “A. As far asB. Now thatC.So farD.By far26. Most computer users are _____ threat from computer viruses.A. withinB. uponC.towardsD.under27. No matter how______ , it's impossible that he has never lost money.A.a businessman smart isB. a businessman is smartC. smart is a businessmanD. smart a businessman is28.David told the truth ______ to annoy her, and she was angry for being betrayed by her good friend.A. on purposeB.in needC. in detailD.at all29.The classroom is quite clean _____some waste paper on the floor.A. except forB.besidesC.exceptD.without30.The bad weather______the building program by several weeks.A. went onB.put onC.set backD.built up31.They naturally hope that their choice of the play will be _____with the school and parents.A. pleasingB. welcomeC. kindD. popular32.These two pictures are so______that it’s very difficult to tell them apart.A. exactB. familiarC. likelyD. Similar33.These tickets for the performance are_____until the end of the month.A. acceptableB. AvailableC. AdvisableD. applicable34.Please _____the water tap when you have finished your washing.A. turn onB. turn oftC. turn outD. turn over35.Don't associate with bad boys _____your whole life will be ruined.A. OrB. ButC. andD. so that36.I shall have a companion in the house after all these_____years.A. aloneB.lonelyC. singleD.simple37. You _____ if you had had higher score in the examination.A. must have got scholarshipB. would have got scholarshipC. should get scholarshipD. had got scholarship38.The bank has established______in many big cities in the world.A. partsB. twigsC. benchesD. branches39.While studying he financially depended____his wife.A. onB.ofC. toD.f rom40.Only in this way_____out of the plan.A. you can talk him C. him you can talkB. can you talk him D. him can you talkPart II Close (1x20)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B.C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer SheetWho won the World Cup 1994 football game? What happened at the United Nations? How did the critics like the new play?41 an event takes place, newspapers arc on the streets42 the details. Wherever anything happens in the world, imports are on the spot to 43 the news.Newspapers have one basic44 . to get the news as quickly as possible from its source, from those who make it to those who want to 45 it. Radio, telegraph, television, and46 inventions brought competition for newspapers. So did the development of magazines and other means of communication. 47 , this competition merely spurred the newspapers on. They quickly made use of the newer and faster means of communication to improve the 48 and thus the efficiency of their own operations. Today more newspapers are 49 and read than ever before. Competition also led newspapers to branch out to many other fields. Besides keeping readers 50 of the latest news, today's newspapers51 and influence readers about politics and other important and serious matters. Newspapers influence readers'economic choices52 advertising. Most newspapers depend on advertising for their very 53.Newspapers are sold at a price that 54 even a small fraction of the cost of production. The main 55of income for most newspapers is commercial advertising. The56in selling advertising depends on a newspaper's value to advertisers. This57 in terms of circulation. How many people read the newspaper? Circulation depends 58on the work of the circulation department and on the services or entertainment59 in a newspaper's pages. But for the most part, circulation depends on a newspaper's value to readers as a source of information 60the community, city, country, state, nation, and world-and even outer space.41. A. Just when B.While C.Soon after D.Before42. A.to give B.giving C.given D.being given43. A.gather B. spread C.carry D.bring44. A.reason B.cause C.problem D.purpose45. A.make B.publish C.know D.write46. A.another B.other C.one another D.the other47. A.However B.And C.Therefore D.So48. A.value B.ratio C. rate D.speed49. A.spread B.passed C.printed pleted50. rm B.be informed C.to be informed rmed51. A.entertain B.encourage cate D.edit52. A.on B. Through C.with D.of53. A.forms B.existence C.contents D.purpose54.A.tries to cover B.manages to cover C.fails to cover D.succeeds in55.A.source B.origin C.course D.finance56.A.way B.means C.chance D.success57.A.measures B.measured C.is measured D.was measured58.A.somewhat B.little C.much D.something59.A.offering B.offered C.which offered D.to be offered60.A.by B.with C.at D.aboutPartⅠ Reading Comprehension ( 2 x 20 )Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Y ou should decide on the best choice, and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage1Many post-80s couples are complaining that going to the movies, shopping or attending parties have become impossible since their kids were born. That's the way most parents are living their lives, no weekends of their own, no time to visit friends, not even a chance of promotion in their jobs.Asking help from their parents might be a way out,but problems are that some aging parents arc not strong enough to take care of the kids, and that the kids may also become too spoiled by their grandparents.Then, here comes a solution: families with kids can form a small group, and parents of each family can take turns to look after all the kids in this group on weekends. Thus, other parents can have some quiet time and feel freeto do something they've been planning for a long time. At the same time, the kids can make new friends and won' t be hanging around their parents all day long. This is baby-pooling.61.Many post-80s couples can't go to the movies, shop or attend parties because_____.A .they have to look after their kids B. they have to look after their parentsC. they are busy with their workD. they have no money62.In paragraph 2, “a way out” means ______.A. out of dateB. a solutionC. without questionD. a complaint63.According to the last paragraph, the solution to the problem of post-80s couples isthat _____ .A. families with kids form a small groupB. they ask their aging parents for helpC. they give up their jobsD. they lake their kids wherever they go64.What is( are) the advantage(s) of baby-pooling?A.The parents can have much more free time.B.The kids can make new friends.C.The kids won't be hanging around their parents all day long.D. All of the above.65.The passage mainly discusses_____ ?A. post-80s couples and their friendsB. post-80s couples and baby-poolingC. post-80s couples and their parentsD. kids and their grandparentsPassage2It is a terrible illustration of man ' s weakness to nature .and the tsunami(^^) that struck the Japanese coast in March. 2011 has illustrated the difficulty of fighting against natural disasters, even for a prosperous nation.Totally preventing tsunami-damage is impossible. But there is much that can be done to minimize damage and loss of life. Measures that can be taken include designing solid buildings, and developing early-warming systems, public education programs and evacuation( 拔散)strategics.Moreover, the approach of a tsunami is possibly picked up by the sensors of complicated international warming systems. Countries can use radio and television broadcasts as well as loudspeaker networks to warn the public.But an early warming system depends on how far the tsunami strikes, if it's close by, the warning system is not going to be very effective. When people are faced with an unstoppable force like a tsunami the massive waves created by events like underwater earthquakes, the best course of action for them is lo get inland and to the higherground as quickly as possible.66.The first paragraph tells us that _____ .A.man can easily defeat the natureB.tsunamis take place only in JapanC.man's ability to cope with natural disasters is limitedD.the tsunami-damage in Japan is not so terrible67.To prevent tsunami-damage, the following measures can be taken EXCEPT______A.designing firm buildings 、B.developing early-warning systemsC.developing evacuation strategicsD.keeping the public unaware of the seriousness of tsunamis68.According to the passage , which of the following can cause a tsunami_____?A. Storms.B. Massive waves.C. Underwater earthquakes.D. Floods69.When a tsunami happens, the best course of action for people is to_____.A.listen to radio and television broadcasts for informationB.get inland and to the higher ground as quickly as possibleC.stay where they areD.rely on the warning systemsPassage 3Global warming is causing more than 300,000 deaths and about $125 billion in economic losses each year, according to a report by the Global Humanitarian Forum, an organization led by Annan, the former United Nations secretary general.The report, to be released Friday, analyzed data and existing studies of health, disaster,population and economic trends. It found that human-influenced climate change was raising the global death rates from illnesses including malnutrition (营养不良)and heal-related health problems.But even before its release, the report drew criticism from some experts on climate and risk,who questioned its methods and conclusions.Along with the deaths, the report said that the lives of 325 million people, primarily in poor countries, were being seriously affected by climate change. It projected that the number would double by 2030.Roger Pielke Jr.a political scientist at the University of Colorado, Boulder, who studies disaster trends, said the Forum's report was “a methodological embarrassment” because there was no way to distinguish deaths or economic losses related to human-driven global warming amid the much larger losses resulting from the growth in populations and economic development in vulnerable (易受伤害的)regions. Dr. Pielke said that “climate change is an important problem requiring our utmost attention. “But the report, he said, ''will harm the cause for action on both climate change and disasters because it is so deeply flawed (有瑕疵的).”However, Soren Andreasen, a social scientist at Dalberg Global Development Partners who supervised the writing of the report, defended it, saying that it was clear that the numbers were rough estimates. He said the report was aimed at world leaders, who will meet in Copenhagen in December to negotiate a new international climate treaty.In a press release describing the report, Mr. Annan stressed the need for the negotiations to focus on increasing the flow of money from rich to poor regions to help reduce their vulnerability to climate hazards while still curbing the emissions of the heat-trapping gases. More than 90% of the human and economic losses from climate change arc occurring in poor countries, according to the report.71. What is the finding of the Global Humanitarian Forum?A. Global temperatures affect the rate of economic development.B.Rates of death from illnesses have risen due to global warming.C.Malnutrition has caused serious health problems in poor countries.D.Economic trends have to do with population and natural disasters.72. What do we learn about the Forum's report from the passage?A.It was challenged by some climate and risk experts.B.It aroused a lot of interest in the scientific circles.C.It was warmly received by environmentalists.D.It caused a big stir in developing countries.73.What does Dr. Pielke say about the Forum's report?A.Its statistics look embarrassing.B.It is invalid in terms of methodology.C.It deserves our closest attention.D.Its conclusion is purposely exaggerated.74.What is Soren Andreasen’s view of the report?A. Its conclusions are based on carefully collected data.B. It is vulnerable to criticism if the statistics are closely examined.C. It will give rise to heated discussions at the Copenhagen conference.D. Its rough estimates arc meant to draw the attention of world leaders.75. What does Kofi Annan say should be the focus of the Copenhagen conference?A. How rich and poor regions can share responsibility in curbing global warming.B. How human and economic losses from climate change can be reduced.C.How emissions of heat-trapping gases can be reduced on a global scale.D.How rich countries can better help poor regions reduce climate hazards.Passage 4Reaching new peaks of popularity in North America is Iceberg Water, which is harvested from icebergs off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.Arthur von Wiesenberger, who carries the title Water Master, is one of the few water critics in North America. As a boy, he spent time in the larger cities of Italy, France and Switzerland,where bottled water is consumed daily. Even then, he kept a water journal, noting the brands he liked best “my dog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water,” He says.But is plain tap water all that bad? Not at all. In fact. New York's municipal water for morethan a century was called the champagne of lap water and until recently considered among the best in the world in terms of both taste and purity. Similarly, a magazine in England found that tap water from the Thames River tasted better than several leading brands of bottled water that were400 times more expensive.Nevertheless, soft-drink companies view bottled water as the next battle-ground for marketshare-this despite the fact that over 25 percent of bottled water comes from tap water: PepsiCo's Aquafina and Coca-Cola's Dasani arc both purified tap water rather than spring water.As diners thirst for leading brands, bottlers and restaurateurs salivate(垂涎)over the profits.A restaurant's typical mark-up on wine is 100 to 150 percent, whereas on bottled water it's often300 to 500 percent. But since water is much cheaper than wine, and many of the fancier brandsaren't available in stores, most diners don't notice or care.As a result, some restaurants are turning up the pressure to sen bottled water.According toan article in The Street Journal, some of the more shameless tactics include placing attractive bottleson the table for a visual sell, listing brands on the menu without prices, and pouring bottled water without even asking the diners if they want it.Regardless of how it’s sold, the popularity of bottled whaler taps into our desire for better health, our wish to appear cultivated, and even a longing for lost purity.76.What do we know about Iceberg Water from the passage?A.lt is a kind of iced water.B.It is just plain tap water.C .It is a kind of bottled water.D .It is a kind of mineral water.77.By saying “My dog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water (Line 4 Para2),V on Wiesenberger wants to convey the message that_____?A .plain tap whaler is certainly unfit for drinkingB .bottled water is clearly superior to tap waterC.bottled water often appeals more to dogs tasteD.dogs can usually detect a fine difference in taste78.The-fancier brands (Line 3 Para 5) refers to____.A.tap water from the Thames RiverB.famous wines not sold in ordinary storesC.PepsiCo's Aquafina and Coca-Cola's DasaniD.expensive bottled water with impressive names79.Why are some restaurants turning up the pressure to sell bottled water?A. Bottled water brings in huge profits.B. Competition from the wine industry is intense.C. Most diners find bottled water affordable.D.Bottled water satisfied diners' desire to fashionable.80.According to passage, why is bottled whaler so popular?A. It is much cheaper than wine.B.It is considered healthier.C. lt appeals to more cultivated people.D. It is more widely promoted in the market.PartⅠ Translation ( 2 x 10 )Directions: There are 10 sentences in this section. Please translate sentences 81-85 from Chinese intoEnglish, and translate sentences 86-90 from English into Chinese. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet. 81.只要明天天气好,我们就和同学一起去游泳82.有这么多人的关心,在国外的最初几个月里,她感到非常幸福83.新图书馆比以前的大两倍。



河南省2016年普通高等学校专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试公共英语Part I VOCabUIary and StrUCtUre ( 1 x 40 )DireCtions: There are 40 incomplete SentenCeS in this Part・ For each SentenCe there are fourChOiCeS marked A, B, C and D・ ChOOSe the ONE that best COmPIeteS the SentenCe P and then you ShOUId mark the COrreSPOnding Ietter On the AnSWer Sheet・一1.Jane hadn't been to LOndon before・—had her husband・A.NeitherB. EitherC. SOD. Or2.NO Sooner had he arrived in ROme he heard Of the good news・A.WhenB. thanC. thenD. UntiI3.I'm for the SUggeStiOn that a SPeCiaI board to examine the PrOb1em.A.be Set UPB. WilI be Set UPC. mUSt be Set UPD. has to be Set UP4.The disabled Children need many things, but , they need IOVe・A.first Of al 1B. not at allC. after al 1D. AlI in all5.The COaI industry in the north Of China is now bare1y half its size.A. FOrmaIB.formerC.1 atterD.Iater6. The football Player is hoping to to another team soon.A. TransferB.transportC.transplantD. transact7. the garden, the OId man Went to have a rest.8.9. A. Having been Watered B. Watering C. Having Watered D. Being Watered Her to the job IeftA. devotionB. faithThe ChiIdren have beenA. out Of StyIe10. It is reportedA. WhiChher With Very IittIe free time.C. trustD. intei'estSinCe their father left.B.Under COntrOIC.OUt Of COntrOlD. in StyIeB. that great ChangeS have been made With the applicatiOn Of the new policy.C. WhileD. What11.The manager PrOnliSed to keep me Of how the PrOjeCt WaS going on.A. be informedB. InfornledC. infoπnD. informing12.He announced that the COmPany had been transferred to City・A.anOtherB. OtherSC. the OtherD. One another13. A great Cheer Went UP from the CrOWd as they CaUght Of the hero.A. ViSiOnB. YieWC. SightD. glance14.PhySiCS _______ my favorite SUbjeCt When I StUdied in the UniVerSity・A. WereB. WaSC. isD. are15. ____ We Can SUCCeed Or not depends On how Well We COOPerate With OtherS・A. ThenB. ThUSC. WhatD. Whether16.IWilI IencI you the book you return it to me in time・A. On COnditiOn thatB. in CaSeC. in Order that D・ SO that17.Mr. BrOWn is SUPPOSed to for ItaIy IaSt month・A. be IeaVingB.have IeftC. 1eaveD. have been Ieft18.-Did you enjoy the TV PrOgram IaSt night?-NO t____ not・A. PartiCUIarlyB. ObVioUSIyC. SUrPriSingIyD. normally19.We are disappointed yesterday because it WaS n't SUCh a good din net She had PrOnIiSed us.A. IikeB. asC. WhLChD. What20.She WaIked along the Path t her daughter CIOSe behind∙A. followingB. followC. to followD. WaS followed21. She inSiSted that the SCatS in the theater in advance to insure a better view.A. bookedB. be bookedC. arc bookedD. Were to book22.We are SOmetimeS Of SelfiShneSS in OUr lives, though We arc mostlygenerous in PerSOnality・A. IniSerabIeB. GreedyC. guiltyD. SOrry23.The teacher doesn,t allow his StUdentS On the exam・A. CheatedB. CheatingC. CheatD. to Cheat24.There is a IOt Of evidence to much StreSS is PartIy responsible for the disease・A. WhatB. WhiChC. ASD. that25." everyOne,s here, M She Said t "let's begin to discuss the SOlUtiOn to the PrObIenlSWe have found.the building PrOgram by SeVeraI weeks.A. Went OnB. PUt OnC. Set backD. built UPA. PIeaSingB. WelCOmeC. kindD. POPUIar32. TheSe two PiCtUreS are SO that it' S Very difficult to tell themapart.A. exactB. familiarC. IikeIyD. SilniIar33. TheSe tickets for the PerfOrmanCe are Until the end Of the month.A. acceptableB. AvailableC. ∕∖dvisableD. applicable 34. Please ____ the Water tap When you have finished your WaShing ・A. turn OnB. turn OftC. turn OUtD. turn OVer 35. Don ,t associate With bad boysyour WhOIe Iife Will be ruined.A. OrB. BUtC. andD. SO that 36. I Shal1 have a COmPaniOn in the house after all theseyears.A. aloneB. IOneIyC. SingIeD. SimPIe 37. YOUif you had had higher SCore in the examination.A. must have got SChOlarShiPB. WOU1d have got SChOlarShiPC. ShOUId get SChOlarShiPD. had got SChOIarShiP38. The bank has establishedin many big CitieS in the WOrId ・A. Λs far asB. NOW that D. By far26. MOSt COmPUter USerS arethreat from ComPUter viruses.A. WithinB. UPonC. towardsD. UrIder27. NO matter how,it ,s impossible that he has never IOSt money.A. a businessman Smart isB. a businessman is SmartC. Smart is a businessmanD. Smart a businessman is28. DaVid told the truth to annoy her, and She WaS angry for being betrayed by her goodfriend.A. On PUrPOSeB. in needC. in detai 1D. at all29. The ClaSSrOOnl is quite CIeanSOlne WaSte PaPer On the floor. A. except forB. besidesC. exceptD. WithOUt30. The bad Weather 31. They naturally hope that their ChOiCe Of the PIay WilI be With the SChOOI and parents.贝卿内容1539. Whi1e StUdying he financialIy dependedPart II CIOSe (1x20)DireCtions : There are 20 blanks in the following PaSSage ・ FOr each blank there are four ChOiCeS marked A, B. C and D ・ YOU ShOUId ChOOSe the One that best fits into the PaSSage and Inark the COrreSPOnding Ietter On the AnSWer SheetWhO WOn the WOrId CUP 1994 football game? What happened at the United Nations? HOW did the CritiCS 1 ike the new play? 41 an event takes place, newspapers arc On the the detai IS ・ W r hereVer anything happens in the world, imports are On the SPOt tofrom those WhO make it to those WhO Want to 45 it ・ RaCliO t telegraph.46 inventiOnS brought COmPetitiOn for newspapers ・ SOdid the development Of magazines andOther means Of COmmUniCation. 47 , this COmPetitiOn merely SPUrred the newspapers on. They quickly made USe Of the newer and faster means Of COmmIInication to improve the 48 and thus the efficiency Of their OWn OPeratiOnS ・ TOday more newspapers are 49 and read than ever before ・ COmPetitiOn also Ied newspapers to branch OUtto many Other fields. BeSideS keeping readers 50 Of the IateSt news t today ,s newspapers 51 and influence readers about POlitiCS and Other importantnewspapers is COmnIerCial advertising ・ The 56in Selling advertisingnewspaper ,s VaIUe to advertisers ・ ThiS 57 in terms Of CirCUlatiOn. HOw many PeOPle read theCity t COUntry f State t nation, and WOrld-and even OUter space.his wife.A. OnB. OfC. toD. from40. Only in this Way OUt Of the plan.A. you Can talk him C. him you Can talkB. can you talk himD. him can you talkStreetS 42 43 the news.NeWSPaPerS have One basic 44・ to get the news as quickly as POSSible from its SOUrCe t television, andandSeriOUS matters ・ NeWSPaPerS influence readers* economic ChOiCeS 52 advertising. MOStnewspapers depend On advertising for their Very 53 .Newspapers are SOId at a PriCe that 54even a Small fraction Of the COSt Of PrOdUCtiOn. The main 55 OfinCOme for mostdepends Onnewspaper? CirCUlatiOn depends58 On the WOrk Of the CirCUIatiOndepartment and On the SerViCeS Or entertainment 59 in a newspaper , S PageS ・ BUt for the most Part t CirCUlatiOndepends On a newspaper 1s ValUe to readers as a SOUrCe Of informatiOn60 theCOmnl Im ity.41. A. JUSt When B.While C. Soonafteι~ D.BefOre42. A.to give B. giving C. given D.being given43. A. gather B. SPread C. CaITy D. bring44. A.reason B. CaUSe C. PrObIenl D. PUrPOSe45. A. Inake B. PUbIiSh C. know D. Write46. A.another B. Other C.One another D. the Other47. A. HoweVer B. And C. TherefOre D. SO48. A.ValUe B. ratio C. rate D. SPeed49. A.SPread B. PaSSed C. Printed D. COmPIeted50. A. inform B.be informed C. to be informed D. infOnlIed51. A. entertain B.encourage C. educate D. edit52. Λ. On B. ThrOUgh C. With D. Of53. A. foτms B. existence C.COntentS D. PUrPOSe54. A. tries to COVer B. manages to∣COVer C. fails to COVer D. SUCCeedS in55. A. SOUrCe B. Origin C.COUrSe D. f irκmce56. A. way B. means C.Chance D.SUCCeSS57. A. measures B. measured C. is measured D. WaS IIIeaSUred58. A. SOnIeWhat B.IittIe C. much D. SOnlething59. A. Offering B. Offered C. WhiCh Offered D. to be Offered60. A. by B. With C. at D. aboutPartln Reading COmPrehenSiOn ( 2 x 20 )DireCtions: There are 4 PaSSageS in this Part・ EaCh PaSSage is followed by SOme questions Or incomplete StatementS・ FOr each Of them there are 4 ChOiCeS marked A t B t C and D・ YOU ShOUId decide On the best ChOiCe f and mark the COrreSPOnding Ietter On the AnSWer Sheet・PaSSageIMany POSt-80s COUPleS are COmPlaining that going to the movies, ShOPPing Or attending PartieS have become impossible SinCe their kids Were born. That,S the Way most Parents are IiVing their IiVeS t no WeekendS Of their own. no time to ViSit friends, not even a Chance Of PrOmOtiOn in their jobs.Asking help from their ParentS Inight be a Way out,but PrObIemS are that SOme aging ParentS arc not StrOng enough to take Care Of the kids, and that the kids Inay also become too SPOiled by their grandparents ・Then, here COmeS a SOIUtion: families With kids Can form a SmalI group, and ParentS Of each family Can take turns to IOOk after al 1 the kids in this group On Weekends. Thus, Other ParentS Can have SOme quiet time and feel free to do SOmething they,ve been PIanning for a IOng time・Λt the Same time, the kids con make new friends and won' t be hanging aroUnd their ParentS al 1 day IOng・ ThiS is baby-pooling ・61. Many POSt-80s COUPIeS can't go to the movies. ShOP Or attend PartieS because _ ・A ・they have to IOOk after their kids B. they have to IOOk after their ParentSC.they are busy With their WOrkD. they have no money62.In ParagraPh 2, "a Way OUt M means ・A.OUt Of ClateB. a SOIUtiOnC. WithOUt question D・ a COnIPIaint63.ACCOrding to the IaSt paragraph, the SOIUtiOn to the PrObIem Of POSt-80s COUPIeS is that —∙A.families With kids form a SmalI groupB. they ask their aging ParentS for helpC. they give UP their JObSD. they Iake their kids WhereVer they go64.What is( are) the advantage(s) Of baby-pooling?A.The ParentS Can have much more free time・B.The kids Can Inake new friends・C.The kids won* t be hanging aroUnd their ParentS al 1 day IOng・D.∕∖11 Of the above・65.The PaSSage mainly CiiSCUSSeS ______ ?A.POSt-80s COUPIeS and their friendsB. POSt-80s COUPIeS and baby-poolingC. POSt-80s COUPIeS and their ParentSD. kids and their grandparentsPaSSage2It is a terrible i 1 IUStratiOn Of num ' S WeakneSS to nature .and the tsunami C^) that StrUCk the JaPaneSe COaSt in MarCh・ 2011 has illustrated the difficulty Of fighting against natural disasters, even for a PrOSPerOUS nation.TOtalIy PreVenting tsunami-damage is impossible・BUt there is much that Can be done to minimize damage and IOSS Of Iife・ MeaSUreS that Can be taken include designing SOIid buildings, and developingearly-warming SyStemS t PUbIiC education PrOgramS and evacuation(拔散)StrategiCS・MOreOVer, the approach Of a tsunami is POSSibly PiCked UP by the SenSOrS Of COmPl icated internatiOnal WarnIing SyStemS・ COUntrieS Can USe radio and televisiOn broadcasts as Wel1 as IOUdSPeaker networks to Warn the PUbIiC・BUt an early WarnIing SyStem depends On how far the tsunami StrikeS t if it's CIOSe by, the Warning SyStem is not going to be Very effective・ When PeOP 1 e are faced With an UnStOPPabIe force Iike a tsunami the massive WaVeS Created by events Iike UndeI-water earthquakes, the best COUrSe Of action for them is Io get inland and to the higher groUnd as quickly as POSSible・66.The first ParagraPh tells US that __ ・A.man Can easily defeat the natureB.tsunsmis take PIaCe Only in JaPanC.man,s abiIity to COPe With natural disasters is IimitedD・ the tsunami-damage in Japan is not SO terrible67.To PreVent tsunami-damage, the following measures Can be taken EXCEPTA.designing firm buildings 、B.developing early-warning SyStemSC.developing evacuation StrategiCSD・keeping the PUbIiC UnaWare Of the SeriOUSneSS Of tsunamis68.ACCOrding to the PaSSage t WhiCh Of the fol IOWing Can CaUSe a tsunami ___________ ?A. StOrmS・B. MaSSiVe WaVeS・C. Underwater earthquakes・D. FlOOdS69.When a tsunami happens, the best COUrSe Of action for PeOPIe is to ・A.IiSten to radio and television broadcasts for informationB.get iniand and to the higher groUnd as quickly as POSSibleC.Stay Where they areD.rely On the Warning SyStemSPaSSage 3GIObal Warlning is CaUSing more than 300.000 deaths and about $125 bi 11 ion in economic IOSSeS each year, according to a report by the GIObal HUmanitsrian Forum, an OrgcIniZatiOn Ied by Annan. the former United NatiOnS SeCretaι^y genera 1.The report, to be released Friday t analyzed data and existing StUeIieS Of health, disaster,POPUIatiOn and economic trends. It found that human一influeneed Climate Change WaS raising the global death ratesfrom illnesses including malnutritiOn (营养不良)and hea1-reIated heaIth PrOb1ems・BUt even before its release, the report drew CritiCiSnl from Some experts On Climate and risk,who questiOned its methods and COnCIUSiOns. Along With the deaths, the report Said that the IiVeS Of 325 million people, Primarily in POOr countries, Were being SeriOUSIy affected by CIimate Change・ It PrOjeCted that the number WOUld double by 203O.ROger PieIke Jr.3 POlitiCal SCientiSt at the LIniVerSity Of COlOradO t Boulder, WhO StUdieS disaster trends, Said the FOrUm F S report WaS U a methodological embarrassment M because there WaS no Way to distinguish deaths Or econoIniC IOSSeS related to human-driven global Warming amid the much Iarger IOSSeS resulting from the growth in POPUIatiOnS and economic development in VUlnerabIe (易受伤害的)regions・ Dr e PieIke Said that ^CIimate Change is an important PrObIem requiring OUr UtmOSt attention. "But the report, he Said t, ,will harm the CaUSe for actiOn On both CIimate Change and disasters because it is SO CleePIy flawed (有瑕疵的)•"However, SOren Andreasen t a SOCial SCientist at DaIberg GIObal DeVeIOPment PartnerS WhO SUPerViSed the Writing Of the report, defended it, Saying that it WaS CIear that the nUnIberS Were rough estimates・ He Said the report WaS aimed at WOrld IeaderS t WhO WilI meet in COPenhagen in DeCember to negotiate a new international Climate treaty.In a PreSS release describing the report, Mr. Annan StreSSed the need for the negotiatiOnS to focus On inCreaSing the flow Of money from rich to POOr regions to help reduce their VUInerability to Climate hazards Whi1e Still CUrbing the emissions Of the heat-trapping gases・MOre than 90% Of the human and economic IOSSeS from Climate Change arc OCCUrring in POOr countries, according to the report・71.What is the finding Of the GlObal HUmanitarian Forum?A.GIObal temperatures affect the rate Of economic development・B.RateS Of death from illnesses have risen due to global Warming・C.MslnUtritiOn has CaUSed SeriOUS health PrOb1ems in POOr CoUntries・D.ECOnOmiC trends have to do With POPUlatiOn and natural disasters・贝乳内容72. What do We Iearn about the FOrUnI f S report from the passage?A. It WaS Challenged by SOme Climate and risk experts ・B. It aroused a IOt Of interest in the SCientifiC CirCleS ・C. It WaS WarnIly received by envii'onmentalists ・D. It CaUSed a big Stir in developing COUntrieS ・ 73. What does Dr. PieIke Say about the FOrUnι,s report?A. ItS StatiStiCS IOOk embarrassing.B. It is invalid in terms Of methodology.C. It deserves OUr CIOSeSt attention.D. ItS COnCIUSiOn is PUrPOSeIy exaggerated. 74. What is SOren Andreasen , S View Of the report?A. ItS COnCIUSiOnS are based On CarefUIly COlleCted data ・B. It is VUInerabIe to CritiCiSnI if the StatiStiCS are CIOSeIy examined.C. It WilI give rise to heated discussions at the COPenhagen COnference.D. HOW rich COUntrieS Can better help POOr regions reducePaSSage 4ReaChing new PeakS Of POPUIarity in NOrth AmeriCa is ICeberg Water, WhiCh is harvested from icebergs Off the COaSt Of NeWfOUndIand, Canada ・Arthur ∖∙on Wiesenberger, WhO CarrieS the title Water MaSter f is One Of the few Water CritiCS in NOrth America ・ AS a boy, he SPent time in the Iarger CitieS Of ItaIy t FranCe and SWitzer1and.Where bottled Water is COnSUmed daily. EVen then, he kept a Water journal, noting the brands he 1 iked best "my dog COUld tell the difference between bottled and tap water, '' He SayS ・BUt is PIain tap Water al 1 that bad? NOt at all. In fact ・ NeW York 1 s municipal Water for than a CentUrJ r WaS CaI Ied the ChamPagne Of IaP Water and Until recently ConSidereeI among the best in theWOrId in terms Of both taste and PUrity ・ SimiIarly t a InagaZine in EngIand found that tap Water from the D. ItS i'OUgh estimates arc meant to draw the attentiOn Of WOrld leaders. 75. What does KOfi Annan Say ShOUIdbe the focus Of the COPenhagen conference? A. HOW rich and POOr regions Can Share respOnSibiIity in CUrbing global WarnIing. B. HOW human and economic IOSSeS from CIimate Change Can be reduced. C. HOW emissiOnS Of heat-trappinggases Can be reduced Ona global scale. Climate hazards.ThameS RiVer tasted better than SeVeral Ieading brands Of bottled Water that Were400 times more expensive ・NeVertheless, SOft-CIrink COmPanieS VieW bottled Water as the next battle-ground for market Share-this despite the fact that OVer 25 PerCent Of bottled Water COmeS from tap water: PepsiCo,s Aquafina and Coca-Cola r S DaSani arc both PUrified tap Water rather than SPring Water・Λs diners thirst for IeaCling bra nds, bottlers and restaurateurs SaIiVate(垂涎)oVer the pi'of its ・A restaurant r s typical mark-up On Wine is IOO to 150 PerCent t WhereaS On bottled Water it r s Often 300 to 500 PerCent・BUt SinCe Water is much CheaPer than wine, and many Of the fancier brands are∏,t available in stores, most diners don,t notice Or Care・Λs a result, SOme restaurants are turning UP the PreSSUre to Sen bottled Water.According to an article in The Street JOUrnaI I SOnIe Of the more ShameleSS tactics include PlaCing attractive bottles On the table for a ViSUaI SeI1, IiSting brands On the menu WithOUt PriCeS t and POUring bottled Water WithOUt even asking the diners if they Want it.RegardleSS Of how it' S sold, the POPUIarity Of bottled WhaIer taps into OUr desire for better health, OUr WiSh to appear CUItiVated t and even a IOnging for IOSt PUrity・76.What do We know about ICeberg Water from the passage?A. It is a kind Of iced Water・B. It is just Plain tap Water・C ・ It is a kind Of bottled Water・D ・ It is a kind Of mineral Water・77.By Saying "My dog COUld tell the difference between bottled and tap Water (Line 4 Para2),VOn WieSenberger WantS to ConVey the message that ?A ・ PIain tap WhaIer is Certainly Unfit for CIrinkingB ・bottled Water is ClearIy SUPeriOr to tap WaterC. bOttled Water Often appeals more to dogs tasteD・dogs Can USUalIy detect a fine difference in taste78.The-fancier bra nds (Line 3 Para 5) refers toA.tap Water from the ThameS RiVerB.famous WineS not SOId in Ordinary StOreSC.PepsiCo* S Aquafina and Coca-Cola r S DaSaniD.expensive bottled Water With impressive names79.Why are SOme restaurants turning UP the PreSSUre to SeIl bottled water?A.BOttIed Water brings in huge PrOfitS・PetitiOn from the Wine industry is intense・C.MOSt diners find bottled Water affordable・D.BOttIed Water SatiSfied diners, desire to fashionable・80.ACCOrding to passage, Why is bottled Whaler SO popular?A.ItiS much CheaPer than Wine・B.It is COnSidered healthier・C.It appeals to InOre CUltiVated PeoPIe・D.It is more WideIy PrOmOted in the market・PartIV TranSIatiOn ( 2 x 10 )DireCtions: There are 10 SentenCeS in this SeCtiOn・ PIeaSe translate SentenCeS 81-85 from ChineSe into EngIiSh t and translate SentenCeS 86-90 from EngliSh into ChineSe・ Write your answer On the AnSWer Sheet・81.只要明天天气好,我们就和同学一起去游泳82.有这么多人的关心,在国外的最初几个月里,她感到非常幸福83.新图书馆比以前的大两倍。



精品文档河南省2016 年普通高等学校专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试公共英语Part ⅠV ocabulary and Structure ( 1 x 40 )Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices markedA, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, and then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.-1. Jane hadn't been to London before. ______ had her husband.A. NeitherB. EitherC. SoD. Or2. No sooner had he arrived in Rome ______ he heard of the good news.A. whenB. thanC. thenD. until3. I'm for the suggestion that a special board_____to examine the problem.A. be set upB. will be set upC.must be set upD.has to be set up4. The disabled children need many things, but____ , they need love.A. first of allB.not at allC.after allD. All in all5. The coal industry in the north of China is now barely half its ____size.D. later B.former tter A. Formalto another team soon. 6. The football player is hoping to____D. transactC.transplantB.transportA. Transfer7. ____the garden, the old man went to have a rest.A. Having been watered D. Being wateredC. Having watered B. Watering精品文档.精品文档8. Her_____to the job left her with very little free time.A. devotionB.faithC.trustD.interest9. The children have been ____since their father left.A.out of styleB.under controlC.out of controlD.in style10. It is reported _____ great changes have been made with the application of the new policy.A.whichB. thatC. whileD.what11. The manager promised to keep me _____ of how the project was going on.A. be informedB. InformedC. informrming12. He announced that the company had been transferred to city.A. anotherB. othersC. the otherD.one another13. A great cheer went up from the crowd as they caught ____ of the hero.A. visionB. viewC. sightD.glance14. Physics______ my favorite subject when I studied in the university.A. WereB.wasC.isD.are15. _____ we can succeed or not depends on how well we cooperate with others.A. ThenB. ThusC. WhatD. Whether16. 1 will lend you the book ______you return it to me in time.A. on condition thatB. in caseC. in order thatD. so that17. Mr.Brown is supposed to _____for Italy last month.A. be leavingB.have leftC.leaveD.have been left18. -Did you enjoy the TV program last night?精品文档.精品文档-No, ____not.A. particularlyB.obviouslyC.surprisinglyD.normally19. We are disappointed yesterday because it wasn't such a good dinner______she had promised us.A. likeB. asC. whichD.what20. She walked along the path, _____ her daughter close behind.A. followingB. followC. to followD. was followed21. She insisted that the scats in the theater____ in advance to insure a better view.A. bookedB. be bookedC. arc bookedD. were to book22. We are sometimes _____ of selfishness in our lives,though we arc mostly generous inpersonality.D. sorryC. guiltyA. miserableB. Greedyon the exam. 23. The teacher doesn't allow his students _____D. to cheatheatB.cheatingA. cheated C. cto much stress is partly responsible for the disease. 24. There is a lot of evidence____D.thatB. whichC. As A. what25. “____ everyone's here,”she said, “let's begin to discuss the solution to the problems we have found. “D.By farB. Now thatC. So farA. As far as26. Most computer users are _____ threat from computer viruses.D.undertowards B. uponA. within C.______ , it's impossible that he has never lost money. 27. No matter how精品文档.精品文档A.a businessman smart isB. a businessman is smartC. smart is a businessmanD. smart a businessman is28.David told the truth ______ to annoy her, and she was angry for being betrayed by her good friend.D.at allA. on purposeB.in needC. in detail29. The classroom is quite clean _____ some waste paper on the floor.D.withoutC.except A. except forB.besides30. The bad weather______ the building program by several weeks.A. went onB.put onC.set backD.built up31. They naturally hope that their choice of the play will be _____with the school and parents.A. pleasingB. welcomeC. kindD. popular32.These two pictures are so______ that it's very difficult to tell them apart.C. likelyD. SimilarA. exactB. familiar33.These tickets for the performance are_____until the end of the month.A. acceptableB. AvailableC. AdvisableD. applicable34.Please _____the water tap when you have finished your washing.A. turn onB. turn oftC. turn outD. turn over35. Don't associate with bad boys _____your whole life will be ruined.A. OrB. ButC. andD. so thatyears.36.I shall have a companion in the house after all these_____A. aloneB. lonely simpleC. singleD.精品文档.精品文档37. You _____ if you had had higher score in the examination.A. must have got scholarshipB. would have got scholarshipC. should get scholarshipD. had got scholarship38.The bank has established ______in many big cities in the world.A. partsB. twigsC. benchesD. branches39.While studying he financially depended ____his wife.A. onB.of C. to D. from40.Only in this way_____out of the plan.A. you can talk him C. him you can talkB. can you talk him D. him can you talkPart II Close (1x20)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B.C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage and mark the corresponding letter on theAnswer SheetWho won the World Cup 1994 football game? What happened at the United Nations? How did the critics likethe new play? 41 an event takes place, newspapers arc on the streets anythingWherever details. the 42the news. happens in the world, imports are on the spot to 43. to get the news as quickly as possible from its source, from those who 44 Newspapers have one basicfor competition 45 it. Radio, telegraph, television, and 46 inventions brought make it to thosewho want tonewspapers. So did the development of magazines and other means of communication. 47 , this competition merelyspurred the newspapers on. They quickly made use of the newer and faster means of communication to improve thebefore. than ever read newspapers own the 48 and thus efficiency of their operations. Today more are49 and50 of the latest Competition also led newspapers to branch out to many other fields. Besides keeping readersserious and important news, today's newspapers other and politics about readers influence and 51精品文档.精品文档matters. Newspapers influence readers' economic choices 52 advertising. Most newspapers depend onadvertising for their very 53.Newspapers are sold at a price that 54 even a small fraction of the cost ofsellingproduction. The main 55 of income for most newspapers is commercial advertising. The 56in advertisingdepends on a newspaper's value to advertisers. This 57 in terms of circulation. How many people read the newspaper? Circulation depends 58 on the work of the circulation department and on theservices or entertainment59 in a newspaper's pages. But for the most part, circulation depends on athe community, city, country, state, nation, andnewspaper's value to readers as a source of information 60world-and even outer space.B.While 41. A. Just whenC.Soon afterD.BeforeD.being given42. A.to give B.giving C.given43. A.gather B. spreadC.carryD.bringD.purpose 44. A.reason B.cause C.problem45. A.makeB.publish D.writeC.know46. A.another B.other C.one another D.the otherC.Therefore 47. A.However B.AndD.So48. A.valueB.ratioC. rateD.speedpleted49. A.spread B.passed C.printed50. rm rmedB.be informedC.to be informed51. A.entertain B.encourage cate D.editC.with B. ThroughD.of52. A.onB.existence53. A.forms C.contents D.purposeD.succeeds in54.A.tries to cover B.manages to cover C.fails to cover55.A.source B.origin C.course D.finance精品文档.精品文档56.A.way B.means C.chanceD.successD.was measured57.A.measures B.measured C.is measured58.A.somewhatB.littleC.muchD.something59.A.offering B.offered C.which offered D.to be offered60.A.by B.with C.at D.aboutReading Comprehension ( 2 x 20 )PartⅢincomplete followed by or some questions passage in There Directions: are 4 passages this part. Each isou should decide on the best choice, statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Y Answer Sheet.and mark the corresponding letter on thePassage1Many post-80s couples are complaining that going to the movies, shopping or attending parties have becomeimpossible since their kids were born. That's the way most parents are living their lives, no weekends of their own,no time to visit friends, not even a chance of promotion in their jobs.Asking help from their parents might be a way out,but problems are that some aging parents arc not strongenough to take care of the kids, and that the kids may also become too spoiled by their grandparents. Then, here comes a solution: families with kids can form a small group, and parents of each family can taketurns to look after all the kids in this group on weekends. Thus, other parents can have some quiet time and feel freeto do something they've been planning for a long time. At the same time, the kids can make new friends and won' tbe hanging around their parents all day long. This is baby-pooling..61.Many post-80s couples can't go to the movies, shop or attend parties because_____B. they have to look after their parents A .they have to look after their kidsD. they have no moneyC. they are busy with their work精品文档.精品文档62.In paragraph 2, “a way out”means ______ .C. without question B. a solutionD. a complaintA. out of date63.According to the last paragraph, the solution to the problem of post-80s couples isthat _____ .A. families with kids form a small groupB. they ask their aging parents for helpC. they give up their jobsD. they lake their kids wherever they go64.What is( are) the advantage(s) of baby-pooling?A.The parents can have much more free time.B.The kids can make new friends.C.The kids won't be hanging around their parents all day long.D. All of the above.65.The passage mainly discusses _____ ?A. post-80s couples and their friendsB. post-80s couples and baby-poolingC. post-80s couples and their parentsD. kids and their grandparentsPassage2It is a terrible illustration of man ' s weakness to nature .and the tsunami(^^) that struck the Japanese coast inMarch. 2011 has illustrated the difficulty of fighting against natural disasters, even for a prosperous nation.Totally preventing tsunami-damage is impossible. But there is much that can be done to minimize damage andloss of life. Measures that can be taken include designing solid buildings, and developingearly-warming systems,public education programs and evacuation( 拔散)strategics.Moreover, the approach of a tsunami is possiblypicked up by the sensors of complicated international warming systems. Countries can use radio and televisionbroadcasts as well as loudspeaker networks to warn the public.精品文档.精品文档But an early warming system depends on how far the tsunami strikes, if it's close by, the warning system is notgoing to be very effective. When people are faced with an unstoppable force like a tsunami the massive wavescreated by events like underwater earthquakes, the best course of action for them is lo get inland and to the higherground as quickly as possible.66.The first paragraph tells us that _____ .A.man can easily defeat the natureB.tsunamis take place only in JapanC.man's ability to cope with natural disasters is limitedD.the tsunami-damage in Japan is not so terrible67.To prevent tsunami-damage, the following measures can be taken EXCEPT______A.designing firm buildings 、B.developing early-warning systemsC.developing evacuation strategicsD.keeping the public unaware of the seriousness of tsunamis68.According to the passage , which of the following can cause a tsunami_____?A. Storms.B. Massive waves.C. Underwater earthquakes.D. Floods.69.When a tsunami happens, the best course of action for people is to_____A.listen to radio and television broadcasts for informationB.get inland and to the higher ground as quickly as possibleC.stay where they areD.rely on the warning systemsPassage 3精品文档.精品文档Global warming is causing more than 300,000 deaths and about $125 billion in economic losseseach year, according to a report by the Global Humanitarian Forum, an organization led by Annan, the formerUnited Nations secretary general.The report, to be released Friday, analyzed data and existing studies of health, disaster,population and economic trends. It found that human-influenced climate change was raising theglobal death rates from illnesses including malnutrition (营养不良)and heal-related healthproblems.But even before its release, the report drew criticism from some experts on climate andrisk,whoquestioned its methods and conclusions.Along with the deaths, the report said that the lives of 325 million people,primarily in poor countries, were being seriously affected by climate change. It projected that thenumber would double by 2030.Roger Pielke Jr.a political scientist at the University of Colorado, Boulder, who studiesdisaster trends, said the Forum's report was “a methodological embarrassment”because there was no way todistinguish deaths or economic losses related to human-driven global warming amid the much larger lossesresulting from the growth in populations and economic development in vulnerable (易受伤害的)regions. Dr. Pielke said that “climate change is an important problem requiring our utmost attention.“But the report, he said, ''will harm the cause for action on both climate change and disasters because it is sodeeply flawed (有瑕疵的).”However, Soren Andreasen, a social scientist at Dalberg Global Development Partners who supervised thewriting of the report, defended it, saying that it was clear that the numbers were rough estimates. He said thereport was aimed at world leaders, who will meet in Copenhagen in December to negotiate a new internationalclimate treaty.In a press release describing the report, Mr. Annan stressed the need for the negotiations to focus onincreasing the flow of money from rich to poor regions to help reduce their vulnerability to climate hazards whilestill curbing the emissions of the heat-trapping gases. More than 90% of the human and economic losses fromclimate change arc occurring in poor countries, according to the report.71. What is the finding of the Global Humanitarian Forum?精品文档.精品文档A. Global temperatures affect the rate of economic development.B.Rates of death from illnesses have risen due to global warming.C.Malnutrition has caused serious health problems in poor countries.D.Economic trends have to do with population and natural disasters.72. What do we learn about the Forum's report from the passage?A.It was challenged by some climate and risk experts.B.It aroused a lot of interest in the scientific circles.C.It was warmly received by environmentalists.D.It caused a big stir in developing countries.73.What does Dr. Pielke say about the Forum's report?A.Its statistics look embarrassing.B.It is invalid in terms of methodology.C.It deserves our closest attention.D.Its conclusion is purposely exaggerated.74.What is Soren Andreasen's view of the report?A. Its conclusions are based on carefully collected data.B. It is vulnerable to criticism if the statistics are closely examined.C. It will give rise to heated discussions at the Copenhagen conference.D. Its rough estimates arc meant to draw the attention of world leaders.75. What does Kofi Annan say should be the focus of the Copenhagen conference?A. How rich and poor regions can share responsibility in curbing global warming.精品文档.精品文档B. How human and economic losses from climate change can be reduced.C.How emissions of heat-trapping gases can be reduced on a global scale.D.How rich countries can better help poor regions reduce climate hazards.Passage 4Reaching new peaks of popularity in North America is Iceberg Water, which is harvested from icebergsoff the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.Arthur von Wiesenberger, who carries the title Water Master, is one of the few water critics in North America. As a boy, he spent time in the larger cities of Italy, France and Switzerland,where bottled wateris consumed daily. Even then, he kept a water journal, noting the brands he liked best “my dog could tell thedifference between bottled and tap water,”He says.But is plain tap water all that bad? Not at all. In fact. New York's municipal water for more than a century was called the champagne of lap water and until recently considered among the best in the world interms of both taste and purity. Similarly, a magazine in England found that tap water from the ThamesRiver tasted better than several leading brands of bottled water that were400 times more expensive.Nevertheless, soft-drink companies view bottled water as the next battle-ground for market share-this despite the fact that over 25 percent of bottled water comes from tap water: PepsiCo's Aquafina andCoca-Cola's Dasani arc both purified tap water rather than spring water.As diners thirst for leading brands, bottlers and restaurateurs salivate(垂涎)over the profits.A restaurant's typical mark-up on wine is 100 to 150 percent, whereas on bottled water it's often300 to 500 percent. But since water is much cheaper than wine, and many of the fancier brandsaren't available in stores, most diners don't notice or care.As a result, some restaurants are turning up the pressure to sen bottled water.According toan article in The Street Journal, some of the more shameless tactics include placing attractive bottles精品文档.精品文档on the table for a visual sell, listing brands on the menu without prices, and pouring bottled water without evenasking the diners if they want it.Regardless of how it's sold, the popularity of bottled whaler taps into our desire for better health, ourwish to appear cultivated, and even a longing for lost purity.76.What do we know about Iceberg Water from the passage?A.lt is a kind of iced water.B.It is just plain tap water.C .It is a kind of bottled water.D .It is a kind of mineral water.77.By saying “My dog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water (Line 4 Para2),V on Wiesenbergerwants to convey the message that_____?A .plain tap whaler is certainly unfit for drinkingB .bottled water is clearly superior to tap waterC.bottled water often appeals more to dogs tasteD.dogs can usually detect a fine difference in taste78.The-fancier brands (Line 3 Para 5) refers to____.A.tap water from the Thames RiverB.famous wines not sold in ordinary storesC.PepsiCo's Aquafina and Coca-Cola's DasaniD.expensive bottled water with impressive names79.Why are some restaurants turning up the pressure to sell bottled water?A. Bottled water brings in huge profits.B. Competition from the wine industry is intense.C. Most diners find bottled water affordable.精品文档.精品文档D.Bottled water satisfied diners' desire to fashionable.80.According to passage, why is bottled whaler so popular?A. It is much cheaper than wine.B.It is considered healthier.C. lt appeals to more cultivated people.D. It is more widely promoted in the market.PartⅣTranslation ( 2 x 10 )Directions: There are 10 sentences in this section. Please translate sentences 81-85 from Chinese intoEnglish, and translate sentences 86-90 from English into Chinese. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.81.只要明天天气好,我们就和同学一起去游泳82.有这么多人的关心,在国外的最初几个月里,她感到非常幸福83.新图书馆比以前的大两倍。



河南省 2016 年普通高等学校专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试公共英语Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure ( 1 x 40 )Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, and then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.-1. Jane hadn't been to London before. ______ had her husband.A. NeitherB. EitherC. SoD. Or2. No sooner had he arrived in Rome ______ he heard of the good news.A. whenB. thanC. thenD. until3. I’m for the suggestion that a special board_____to examine the problem.A. be set upB. will be set upC.must be set upD.has to be set up4. The disabled children need many things, but____ , they need love.A. first of allB.not at allC.after allD. All in all5. The coal industry in the north of China is now barely half its ____size.A. FormalB.formertterD. later6. The football player is hoping to____ to another team soon.A. TransferB.transportC.transplantD. transact7. ____the garden, the old man went to have a rest.A. Having been wateredB. WateringC. Having wateredD. Being watered8. Her_____to the job left her with very little free time.A. devotionB.faithC.trustD.interest9. The children have been ____since their father left.A.out of styleB.under controlC.out of controlD.in style10. It is reported _____ great changes have been made with the application of the new policy.A.whichB. thatC. whileD.what11. The manager promised to keep me _____ of how the project was going on.A. be informedB. InformedC. informrming12. He announced that the company had been transferred to city.A. anotherB. othersC. the otherD.one another13. A great cheer went up from the crowd as they caught ____ of the hero.A. visionB. viewC. sightD.glance14. Physics______ my favorite subject when I studied in the university.A. WereB.wasC.isD.are15. _____ we can succeed or not depends on how well we cooperate with others.A. ThenB. ThusC. WhatD. Whether16. 1 will lend you the book ______ you return it to me in time.A. on condition thatB. in caseC. in order thatD. so that17. Mr.Brown is supposed to _____ for Italy last month.A. be leavingB.have leftC.leaveD.have been left18. -Did you enjoy the TV program last night?-No, ____not.A. particularlyB.obviouslyC.surprisinglyD.normally19. We are disappointed yesterday because it wasn't such a good dinner______she had promised us.A. likeB. asC. whichD.what20. She walked along the path, _____ her daughter close behind.A. followingB. followC. to followD. was followed21. She insisted that the scats in the theater____ in advance to insure a better view.A. bookedB. be bookedC. arc bookedD. were to book22. We are sometimes _____ of selfishness in our lives,though we arc mostly generous in personality.A. miserableB. GreedyC. guiltyD. sorry23. The teacher doesn't allow his students _____ on the exam.A. cheatedB.cheatingC. cheatD. to cheat24. There is a lot of evidence____ to much stress is partly responsible for the disease.A. whatB. whichC. AsD.that25. “____ everyone's here,”she said, “let's begin to discuss the solution to the problems we have found. “A. As far asB. Now thatC. So farD.By far26. Most computer users are _____ threat from computer viruses.A. withinB. uponC. towardsD.under27. No matter how ______ , it's impossible that he has never lost money.A.a businessman smart isB. a businessman is smartC. smart is a businessmanD. smart a businessman is28.David told the truth ______ to annoy her, and she was angry for being betrayed by her good friend.A. on purposeB.in needC. in detailD.at all29. The classroom is quite clean _____ some waste paper on the floor.A. except forB.besidesC.exceptD.without30. The bad weather______ the building program by several weeks.A. went onB.put onC.set backD.built up31. They naturally hope that their choice of the play will be _____with the school and parents.A. pleasingB. welcomeC. kindD. popular32.These two pictures are so______ that it’s very difficult to tell them apart.A. exactB. familiarC. likelyD. Similar33.These tickets for the performance are_____until the end of the month.A. acceptableB. AvailableC. AdvisableD. applicable34.Please _____the water tap when you have finished your washing.A. turn onB. turn oftC. turn outD. turn over35. Don't associate with bad boys _____your whole life will be ruined.A. OrB. ButC. andD. so that36.I shall have a companion in the house after all these_____ years.A. aloneB. lonelyC. singleD. simple37. You _____ if you had had higher score in the examination.A. must have got scholarshipB. would have got scholarshipC. should get scholarshipD. had got scholarship38.The bank has established ______in many big cities in the world.A. partsB. twigsC. benchesD. branches39.While studying he financially depended ____his wife.A. onB. ofC. toD. from40.Only in this way_____out of the plan.A. you can talk him C. him you can talkB. can you talk him D. him can you talkPart II Close (1x20)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B. C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer SheetWho won the World Cup 1994 football game? What happened at the United Nations? How did the critics like the new play? 41 an event takes place, newspapers arc on the streets 42the details. Wherever anything happens in the world, imports are on the spot to 43 the news.Newspapers have one basic 44 . to get the news as quickly as possible from its source, from those who make it to those who want to 45 it. Radio, telegraph, television, and46 inventions brought competition for newspapers. So did the development of magazines and other means of communication. 47 , this competition merely spurred the newspapers on. They quickly made use of the newer and faster means of communication to improve the 48 and thus the efficiency of their own operations. Today more newspapers are 49 and read than ever before. Competition also led newspapers to branch out to many other fields. Besides keeping readers 50 of the latest news, today's newspapers 51 and influence readers about politics and other important and serious matters. Newspapers influence readers' economic choices 52 advertising. Most newspapers depend on advertising for their very 53 .Newspapers are sold at a price that 54 even a small fraction of the cost of production. The main 55 of income for most newspapers is commercial advertising. The 56in selling advertising depends on a newspaper's value to advertisers. This 57 in terms of circulation. How many people read the newspaper? Circulation depends 58 on the work of the circulation department and on the services or entertainment 59 in a newspaper's pages. But for the most part, circulation depends on a newspaper's value to readers as a source of information 60 the community, city, country, state, nation, and world-and even outer space.41. A. Just when B.While C.Soon after D.Before42. A.to give B.giving C.given D.being given43. A.gather B. spread C.carry D.bring44. A.reason B.cause C.problem D.purpose45. A.make B.publish C.know D.write46. A.another B.other C.one another D.the other47. A.However B.And C.Therefore D.So48. A.value B.ratio C. rate D.speed49. A.spread B.passed C.printed pleted50. rm B.be informed C.to be informed rmed51. A.entertain B.encourage cate D.edit52. A.on B. Through C.with D.of53. A.forms B.existence C.contents D.purpose54.A.tries to cover B.manages to cover C.fails to cover D.succeeds in55.A.source B.origin C.course D.finance56.A.way B.means C.chance D.success57.A.measures B.measured C.is measured D.was measured58.A.somewhat B.little C.much D.something59.A.offering B.offered C.which offered D.to be offered60.A.by B.with C.at D.aboutPartⅢ Reading Comprehension ( 2 x 20 )Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice, and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage1Many post-80s couples are complaining that going to the movies, shopping or attending parties have become impossible since their kids were born. That's the way most parents are living their lives, no weekends of their own, no time to visit friends, not even a chance of promotion in their jobs.Asking help from their parents might be a way out,but problems are that some aging parents arc not strong enough to take care of the kids, and that the kids may also become too spoiled by their grandparents.Then, here comes a solution: families with kids can form a small group, and parents of each family can take turns to look after all the kids in this group on weekends. Thus, other parents can have some quiet time and feel free to do something they've been planning for a long time. At the same time, the kids can make new friends and won' t be hanging around their parents all day long. This is baby-pooling.61.Many post-80s couples can't go to the movies, shop or attend parties because_____ .A .they have to look after their kids B. they have to look after their parentsC. they are busy with their workD. they have no money62.In paragraph 2, “a way out” means ______ .A. out of dateB. a solutionC. without questionD. a complaint63.According to the last paragraph, the solution to the problem of post-80s couples isthat _____ .A. families with kids form a small groupB. they ask their aging parents for helpC. they give up their jobsD. they lake their kids wherever they go64.What is( are) the advantage(s) of baby-pooling?A.The parents can have much more free time.B.The kids can make new friends.C.The kids won't be hanging around their parents all day long.D. All of the above.65.The passage mainly discusses _____ ?A. post-80s couples and their friendsB. post-80s couples and baby-poolingC. post-80s couples and their parentsD. kids and their grandparentsPassage2It is a terrible illustration of man ' s weakness to nature .and the tsunami(^^) that struck the Japanese coast in March. 2011 has illustrated the difficulty of fighting against natural disasters, even for a prosperous nation.Totally preventing tsunami-damage is impossible. But there is much that can be done to minimizedamage and loss of life. Measures that can be taken include designing solid buildings, and developing early-warming systems, public education programs and evacuation( 拔散)strategics.Moreover, the approach of a tsunami is possibly picked up by the sensors of complicated international warming systems. Countries can use radio and television broadcasts as well as loudspeaker networks to warn the public.But an early warming system depends on how far the tsunami strikes, if it's close by, the warning system is not going to be very effective. When people are faced with an unstoppable force like a tsunami the massive waves created by events like underwater earthquakes, the best course of action for them is lo get inland and to the higher ground as quickly as possible.66.The first paragraph tells us that _____ .A.man can easily defeat the natureB.tsunamis take place only in JapanC.man's ability to cope with natural disasters is limitedD.the tsunami-damage in Japan is not so terrible67.To prevent tsunami-damage, the following measures can be taken EXCEPT______A.designing firm buildings 、B.developing early-warning systemsC.developing evacuation strategicsD.keeping the public unaware of the seriousness of tsunamis68.According to the passage , which of the following can cause a tsunami_____?A. Storms.B. Massive waves.C. Underwater earthquakes.D. Floods69.When a tsunami happens, the best course of action for people is to_____ .A.listen to radio and television broadcasts for informationB.get inland and to the higher ground as quickly as possibleC.stay where they areD.rely on the warning systemsPassage 3Global warming is causing more than 300,000 deaths and about $125 billion in economic losses each year, according to a report by the Global Humanitarian Forum, an organization led by Annan, the former United Nations secretary general.The report, to be released Friday, analyzed data and existing studies of health, disaster,population and economic trends. It found that human-influenced climate change was raising the global death rates from illnesses including malnutrition (营养不良)and heal-related health problems.But even before its release, the report drew criticism from some experts on climate and risk,who questioned its methods and conclusions.Along with the deaths, the report said that the lives of 325 million people, primarily in poor countries, were being seriously affected by climate change. It projected that the number would double by 2030.Roger Pielke Jr.a political scientist at the University of Colorado, Boulder, who studies disaster trends, said the Forum's report was “a methodological embarrassment” because there was no way to distinguish deaths or economic losses related to human-driven global warming amid the much larger losses resulting from the growth in populations and economic development in vulnerable (易受伤害的)regions. Dr. Pielke said that “climate change is an important problem requiring our utmost attention. “But the report, he said, ''will harm the cause for action on both climate change and disasters because it is so deeply flawed (有瑕疵的).”However, Soren Andreasen, a social scientist at Dalberg Global Development Partners who supervised the writing of the report, defended it, saying that it was clear that the numbers were rough estimates. He said the report was aimed at world leaders, who will meet in Copenhagenin December to negotiate a new international climate treaty.In a press release describing the report, Mr. Annan stressed the need for the negotiationsto focus on increasing the flow of money from rich to poor regions to help reduce their vulnerabilityto climate hazards while still curbing the emissions of the heat-trapping gases. More than 90%of the human and economic losses from climate change arc occurring in poor countries, accordingto the report.71. What is the finding of the Global Humanitarian Forum?A. Global temperatures affect the rate of economic development.B.Rates of death from illnesses have risen due to global warming.C.Malnutrition has caused serious health problems in poor countries.D.Economic trends have to do with population and natural disasters.72. What do we learn about the Forum's report from the passage?A.It was challenged by some climate and risk experts.B.It aroused a lot of interest in the scientific circles.C.It was warmly received by environmentalists.D.It caused a big stir in developing countries.73.What does Dr. Pielke say about the Forum's report?A.Its statistics look embarrassing.B.It is invalid in terms of methodology.C.It deserves our closest attention.D.Its conclusion is purposely exaggerated.74.What is Soren Andreasen’s view of the report?A. Its conclusions are based on carefully collected data.B. It is vulnerable to criticism if the statistics are closely examined.C. It will give rise to heated discussions at the Copenhagen conference.D. Its rough estimates arc meant to draw the attention of world leaders.75. What does Kofi Annan say should be the focus of the Copenhagen conference?A. How rich and poor regions can share responsibility in curbing global warming.B. How human and economic losses from climate change can be reduced.C.How emissions of heat-trapping gases can be reduced on a global scale.D.How rich countries can better help poor regions reduce climate hazards.Passage 4Reaching new peaks of popularity in North America is Iceberg Water, which is harvested from icebergs off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.Arthur von Wiesenberger, who carries the title Water Master, is one of the few water critics in North America. As a boy, he spent time in the larger cities of Italy, France and Switzerland,where bottled water is consumed daily. Even then, he kept a water journal, noting the brands he liked best “my dog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water,” He says.But is plain tap water all that bad? Not at all. In fact. New York's municipal water for morethan a century was called the champagne of lap water and until recently considered among the best in the world in terms of both taste and purity. Similarly, a magazine in England found that tap water from the Thames River tasted better than several leading brands of bottled water that were400 times more expensive.Nevertheless, soft-drink companies view bottled water as the next battle-ground for market share-this despite the fact that over 25 percent of bottled water comes from tap water: PepsiCo's Aquafina and Coca-Cola's Dasani arc both purified tap water rather than spring water. As diners thirst for leading brands, bottlers and restaurateurs salivate(垂涎)over the profits.A restaurant's typical mark-up on wine is 100 to 150 percent, whereas on bottled water it's often 300 to 500 percent. But since water is much cheaper than wine, and many of the fancier brands aren't available in stores, most diners don't notice or care.As a result, some restaurants are turning up the pressure to sen bottled water.According to an article in The Street Journal, some of the more shameless tactics include placing attractive bottles on the table for a visual sell, listing brands on the menu without prices, and pouring bottled water without even asking the diners if they want it.Regardless of how it’s sold, the popularity of bottled whaler taps into our desire for better health, our wish to appear cultivated, and even a longing for lost purity.76.What do we know about Iceberg Water from the passage?A.lt is a kind of iced water.B.It is just plain tap water.C .It is a kind of bottled water.D .It is a kind of mineral water.77.By saying “My dog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water (Line 4 Para2),Von Wiesenberger wants to convey the message that_____?A .plain tap whaler is certainly unfit for drinkingB .bottled water is clearly superior to tap waterC.bottled water often appeals more to dogs tasteD.dogs can usually detect a fine difference in taste78.The-fancier brands (Line 3 Para 5) refers to____.A.tap water from the Thames RiverB.famous wines not sold in ordinary storesC.PepsiCo's Aquafina and Coca-Cola's DasaniD.expensive bottled water with impressive names79.Why are some restaurants turning up the pressure to sell bottled water?A. Bottled water brings in huge profits.B. Competition from the wine industry is intense.C. Most diners find bottled water affordable.D.Bottled water satisfied diners' desire to fashionable.80.According to passage, why is bottled whaler so popular?A. It is much cheaper than wine.B.It is considered healthier.C. lt appeals to more cultivated people.D. It is more widely promoted in the market.PartⅣ Translation ( 2 x 10 )Directions: There are 10 sentences in this section. Please translate sentences 81-85 from Chinese into English, and translate sentences 86-90 from English into Chinese. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.81.只要明天天气好,我们就和同学一起去游泳82.有这么多人的关心,在国外的最初几个月里,她感到非常幸福83.新图书馆比以前的大两倍。





河南省 2016 年普通高等学校专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试公共英语Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure ( 1 x 40 )Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, and then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.-1. Jane hadn't been to London before. ______ had her husband.A. NeitherB. EitherC. SoD. Or2. No sooner had he arrived in Rome ______ he heard of the good news.A. whenB. thanC. thenD. until3. I’m for the suggestion that a special board_____to examine the problem.A. be set upB. will be set upC.must be set upD.has to be set up4. The disabled children need many things, but____ , they need love.A. first of allB.not at allC.after allD. All in all5. The coal industry in the north of China is now barely half its ____size.A. FormalB.formertterD. later6. The football player is hoping to____ to another team soon.A. TransferB.transportC.transplantD. transact7. ____the garden, the old man went to have a rest.A. Having been wateredB. WateringC. Having wateredD. Being watered8. Her_____to the job left her with very little free time.A. devotionB.faithC.trustD.interest9. The children have been ____since their father left.A.out of styleB.under controlC.out of controlD.in style10. It is reported _____ great changes have been made with the application of the new policy.A.whichB. thatC. whileD.what11. The manager promised to keep me _____ of how the project was going on.A. be informedB. InformedC. informrming12. He announced that the company had been transferred to city.A. anotherB. othersC. the otherD.one another13. A great cheer went up from the crowd as they caught ____ of the hero.A. visionB. viewC. sightD.glance14. Physics______ my favorite subject when I studied in the university.A. WereB.wasC.isD.are15. _____ we can succeed or not depends on how well we cooperate with others.A. ThenB. ThusC. WhatD. Whether16. 1 will lend you the book ______ you return it to me in time.A. on condition thatB. in caseC. in order thatD. so that17. Mr.Brown is supposed to _____ for Italy last month.A. be leavingB.have leftC.leaveD.have been left18. -Did you enjoy the TV program last night?-No, ____not.A. particularlyB.obviouslyC.surprisinglyD.normally19. We are disappointed yesterday because it wasn't such a good dinner______she had promised us.A. likeB. asC. whichD.what20. She walked along the path, _____ her daughter close behind.A. followingB. followC. to followD. was followed21. She insisted that the scats in the theater____ in advance to insure a better view.A. bookedB. be bookedC. arc bookedD. were to book22. We are sometimes _____ of selfishness in our lives,though we arc mostly generous in personality.A. miserableB. GreedyC. guiltyD. sorry23. The teacher doesn't allow his students _____ on the exam.A. cheatedB.cheatingC. cheatD. to cheat24. There is a lot of evidence____ to much stress is partly responsible for the disease.A. whatB. whichC. AsD.that25. “____ everyone's here,”she said, “let's begin to discuss the solution to the problems we h ave found. “A. As far asB. Now thatC. So farD.By far26. Most computer users are _____ threat from computer viruses.A. withinB. uponC. towardsD.under27. No matter how ______ , it's impossible that he has never lost money.A.a businessman smart isB. a businessman is smartC. smart is a businessmanD. smart a businessman is28.David told the truth ______ to annoy her, and she was angry for being betrayed by her good friend.A. on purposeB.in needC. in detailD.at all29. The classroom is quite clean _____ some waste paper on the floor.A. except forB.besidesC.exceptD.without30. The bad weather______ the building program by several weeks.A. went onB.put onC.set backD.built up31. They naturally hope that their choice of the play will be _____with the school and parents.A. pleasingB. welcomeC. kindD. popular32.These two pictures are so______ that it’s very difficult to tell them apart.A. exactB. familiarC. likelyD. Similar33.These tickets for the performance are_____until the end of the month.A. acceptableB. AvailableC. AdvisableD. applicable34.Please _____the water tap when you have finished your washing.A. turn onB. turn oftC. turn outD. turn over35. Don't associate with bad boys _____your whole life will be ruined.A. OrB. ButC. andD. so that36.I shall have a companion in the house after all these_____ years.A. aloneB. lonelyC. singleD. simple37. You _____ if you had had higher score in the examination.A. must have got scholarshipB. would have got scholarshipC. should get scholarshipD. had got scholarship38.The bank has established ______in many big cities in the world.A. partsB. twigsC. benchesD. branches39.While studying he financially depended ____his wife.A. onB. ofC. toD. from40.Only in this way_____out of the plan.A. you can talk him C. him you can talkB. can you talk him D. him can you talkPart II Close (1x20)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B. C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer SheetWho won the World Cup 1994 football game? What happened at the United Nations? How did the critics like the new play? 41 an event takes place, newspapers arc on the streets 42the details. Wherever anything happens in the world, imports are on the spot to 43 the news.Newspapers have one basic 44 . to get the news as quickly as possible from its source, from those who make it to those who want to 45 it. Radio, telegraph, television, and46 inventions brought competition for newspapers. So did the development of magazines and other means of communication. 47 , this competition merely spurred the newspapers on. They quickly made use of the newer and faster means of communication to improve the 48 and thus the efficiency of their own operations. Today more newspapers are 49 and read than ever before. Competition also led newspapers to branch out to many other fields. Besides keeping readers 50 of the latest news, today's newspapers 51 and influence readers about politics and other important and serious matters. Newspapers influence readers' economic choices 52 advertising. Most newspapers depend on advertising for their very 53 .Newspapers are sold at a price that 54 even a small fraction of the cost of production. The main 55 of income for most newspapers is commercial advertising. The 56in selling advertising depends on a newspaper's value to advertisers. This 57 in terms of circulation. How many people read the newspaper? Circulation depends 58 on the work of the circulation department and on the services or entertainment 59 in a newspaper's pages. But for the most part, circulation depends on a newspaper's value to readers as a source of information 60 the community, city, country, state, nation, and world-and even outer space.41. A. Just when B.While C.Soon after D.Before42. A.to give B.giving C.given D.being given43. A.gather B. spread C.carry D.bring44. A.reason B.cause C.problem D.purpose45. A.make B.publish C.know D.write46. A.another B.other C.one another D.the other47. A.However B.And C.Therefore D.So48. A.value B.ratio C. rate D.speed49. A.spread B.passed C.printed pleted50. rm B.be informed C.to be informed rmed51. A.entertain B.encourage cate D.edit52. A.on B. Through C.with D.of53. A.forms B.existence C.contents D.purpose54.A.tries to cover B.manages to cover C.fails to cover D.succeeds in55.A.source B.origin C.course D.finance56.A.way B.means C.chance D.success57.A.measures B.measured C.is measured D.was measured58.A.somewhat B.little C.much D.something59.A.offering B.offered C.which offered D.to be offered60.A.by B.with C.at D.aboutPartⅢ Reading Comprehension ( 2 x 20 )Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice, and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage1Many post-80s couples are complaining that going to the movies, shopping or attending parties have become impossible since their kids were born. That's the way most parents are living their lives, no weekends of their own, no time to visit friends, not even a chance of promotion in their jobs.Asking help from their parents might be a way out,but problems are that some aging parents arc not strong enough to take care of the kids, and that the kids may also become too spoiled by their grandparents.Then, here comes a solution: families with kids can form a small group, and parents of each family can take turns to look after all the kids in this group on weekends. Thus, other parents can have some quiet time and feel free to do something they've been planning for a long time. At the same time, the kids can make new friends and won' t be hanging around their parents all day long. This is baby-pooling.61.Many post-80s couples can't go to the movies, shop or attend parties because_____ .A .they have to look after their kids B. they have to look after their parentsC. they are busy with their workD. they have no money62.In paragraph 2, “a way out” m eans ______ .A. out of dateB. a solutionC. without questionD. a complaint63.According to the last paragraph, the solution to the problem of post-80s couples isthat _____ .A. families with kids form a small groupB. they ask their aging parents for helpC. they give up their jobsD. they lake their kids wherever they go64.What is( are) the advantage(s) of baby-pooling?A.The parents can have much more free time.B.The kids can make new friends.C.The kids won't be hanging around their parents all day long.D. All of the above.65.The passage mainly discusses _____ ?A. post-80s couples and their friendsB. post-80s couples and baby-poolingC. post-80s couples and their parentsD. kids and their grandparentsPassage2It is a terrible illustration of man ' s weakness to nature .and the tsunami(^^) that struck the Japanese coast in March. 2011 has illustrated the difficulty of fighting against natural disasters, even for a prosperous nation.Totally preventing tsunami-damage is impossible. But there is much that can be done to minimizedamage and loss of life. Measures that can be taken include designing solid buildings, and developing early-warming systems, public education programs and evacuation( 拔散)strategics.Moreover, the approach of a tsunami is possibly picked up by the sensors of complicated international warming systems. Countries can use radio and television broadcasts as well as loudspeaker networks to warn the public.But an early warming system depends on how far the tsunami strikes, if it's close by, the warning system is not going to be very effective. When people are faced with an unstoppable force like a tsunami the massive waves created by events like underwater earthquakes, the best course of action for them is lo get inland and to the higher ground as quickly as possible.66.The first paragraph tells us that _____ .A.man can easily defeat the natureB.tsunamis take place only in JapanC.man's ability to cope with natural disasters is limitedD.the tsunami-damage in Japan is not so terrible67.To prevent tsunami-damage, the following measures can be taken EXCEPT______A.designing firm buildings 、B.developing early-warning systemsC.developing evacuation strategicsD.keeping the public unaware of the seriousness of tsunamis68.According to the passage , which of the following can cause a tsunami_____?A. Storms.B. Massive waves.C. Underwater earthquakes.D. Floods69.When a tsunami happens, the best course of action for people is to_____ .A.listen to radio and television broadcasts for informationB.get inland and to the higher ground as quickly as possibleC.stay where they areD.rely on the warning systemsPassage 3Global warming is causing more than 300,000 deaths and about $125 billion in economic losses each year, according to a report by the Global Humanitarian Forum, an organization led by Annan, the former United Nations secretary general.The report, to be released Friday, analyzed data and existing studies of health, disaster,population and economic trends. It found that human-influenced climate change was raising the global death rates from illnesses including malnutrition (营养不良)and heal-related health problems.But even before its release, the report drew criticism from some experts on climate and risk,who questioned its methods and conclusions.Along with the deaths, the report said that the lives of 325 million people, primarily in poor countries, were being seriously affected by climate change. It projected that the number would double by 2030.Roger Pielke Jr.a political scientist at the University of Colorado, Boulder, who studies disaster trends, said the Forum's report was “a methodological embarrassment” because there was no way to distinguish deaths or economic losses related to human-driven global warming amid the much larger losses resulting from the growth in populations and economic development in vulnerable (易受伤害的)regions. Dr. Pielke said that “climate change is an important problem requiring our utmost attention. “But the report, he said, ''will harm the cause for action on both climate change and disasters because it is so deeply flawed (有瑕疵的).”However, Soren Andreasen, a social scientist at Dalberg Global Development Partners who supervised the writing of the report, defended it, saying that it was clear that the numbers were rough estimates. He said the report was aimed at world leaders, who will meet in Copenhagenin December to negotiate a new international climate treaty.In a press release describing the report, Mr. Annan stressed the need for the negotiationsto focus on increasing the flow of money from rich to poor regions to help reduce their vulnerabilityto climate hazards while still curbing the emissions of the heat-trapping gases. More than 90%of the human and economic losses from climate change arc occurring in poor countries, accordingto the report.71. What is the finding of the Global Humanitarian Forum?A. Global temperatures affect the rate of economic development.B.Rates of death from illnesses have risen due to global warming.C.Malnutrition has caused serious health problems in poor countries.D.Economic trends have to do with population and natural disasters.72. What do we learn about the Forum's report from the passage?A.It was challenged by some climate and risk experts.B.It aroused a lot of interest in the scientific circles.C.It was warmly received by environmentalists.D.It caused a big stir in developing countries.73.What does Dr. Pielke say about the Forum's report?A.Its statistics look embarrassing.B.It is invalid in terms of methodology.C.It deserves our closest attention.D.Its conclusion is purposely exaggerated.74.What is Soren Andreasen’s view of the report?A. Its conclusions are based on carefully collected data.B. It is vulnerable to criticism if the statistics are closely examined.C. It will give rise to heated discussions at the Copenhagen conference.D. Its rough estimates arc meant to draw the attention of world leaders.75. What does Kofi Annan say should be the focus of the Copenhagen conference?A. How rich and poor regions can share responsibility in curbing global warming.B. How human and economic losses from climate change can be reduced.C.How emissions of heat-trapping gases can be reduced on a global scale.D.How rich countries can better help poor regions reduce climate hazards.Passage 4Reaching new peaks of popularity in North America is Iceberg Water, which is harvested from icebergs off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.Arthur von Wiesenberger, who carries the title Water Master, is one of the few water critics in North America. As a boy, he spent time in the larger cities of Italy, France and Switzerland,where bottled water is consumed daily. Even then, he kept a water journal, noting the brands he liked best “my dog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water,” He says.But is plain tap water all that bad? Not at all. In fact. New York's municipal water for morethan a century was called the champagne of lap water and until recently considered among the best in the world in terms of both taste and purity. Similarly, a magazine in England found that tap water from the Thames River tasted better than several leading brands of bottled water that were400 times more expensive.Nevertheless, soft-drink companies view bottled water as the next battle-ground for market share-this despite the fact that over 25 percent of bottled water comes from tap water: PepsiCo's Aquafina and Coca-Cola's Dasani arc both purified tap water rather than spring water. As diners thirst for leading brands, bottlers and restaurateurs salivate(垂涎)over the profits.A restaurant's typical mark-up on wine is 100 to 150 percent, whereas on bottled water it's often 300 to 500 percent. But since water is much cheaper than wine, and many of the fancier brands aren't available in stores, most diners don't notice or care.As a result, some restaurants are turning up the pressure to sen bottled water.According to an article in The Street Journal, some of the more shameless tactics include placing attractive bottles on the table for a visual sell, listing brands on the menu without prices, and pouring bottled water without even asking the diners if they want it.Regardless of how it’s sold, the popularity of bottled whaler taps into our desire for better health, our wish to appear cultivated, and even a longing for lost purity.76.What do we know about Iceberg Water from the passage?A.lt is a kind of iced water.B.It is just plain tap water.C .It is a kind of bottled water.D .It is a kind of mineral water.77.By saying “My dog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water (Line 4 Para2),Von Wiesenberger wants to convey the message that_____?A .plain tap whaler is certainly unfit for drinkingB .bottled water is clearly superior to tap waterC.bottled water often appeals more to dogs tasteD.dogs can usually detect a fine difference in taste78.The-fancier brands (Line 3 Para 5) refers to____.A.tap water from the Thames RiverB.famous wines not sold in ordinary storesC.PepsiCo's Aquafina and Coca-Cola's DasaniD.expensive bottled water with impressive names79.Why are some restaurants turning up the pressure to sell bottled water?A. Bottled water brings in huge profits.B. Competition from the wine industry is intense.C. Most diners find bottled water affordable.D.Bottled water satisfied diners' desire to fashionable.80.According to passage, why is bottled whaler so popular?A. It is much cheaper than wine.B.It is considered healthier.C. lt appeals to more cultivated people.D. It is more widely promoted in the market.PartⅣ Translation ( 2 x 10 )Directions: There are 10 sentences in this section. Please translate sentences 81-85 from Chinese into English, and translate sentences 86-90 from English into Chinese. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.81.只要明天天气好,我们就和同学一起去游泳82.有这么多人的关心,在国外的最初几个月里,她感到非常幸福83.新图书馆比以前的大两倍。


河南省!"#$年普通高等学校 专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试
一 选 择 题 每 小 题 ! 分 共 $" 分
在每小题的四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案用 铅 笔 把 答 题 卡 上 对 应 题 目 的 答 案 标 号
#!函数"#$ # 的定义域是
!%&% '%# !)&% '# !!函数"#$#%!#+ 是 !%&奇 函 数
##!若曲线"#$#%#+ 与曲线*#$-2# 在自变量# $#" 时的切线相互垂直则#"
! !
# +
#!!已知"#$#%#, 在闭区间%##上满足罗尔中值定理则在开区间%##内使
"(#$ " 成 立 的# $ !%&"
! ! ! !
##+ +
!)&9%# &#!
* #6!定积分 ' #9%#!8# $ %'
(&%9%# &!# *&9%# &!#
! !
#7!由曲线+ $9%# 与直线# $"# $#+ $"所围成的平面图形的面积是



河南省专升本考试高等数学真题2016年(总分:150.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:30,分数:60.00)1.______(分数:2.00)A.(-∞,-1]B.(-∞,-1)C.(-∞,1]D.(-∞,1) √解析:[解析] 要使函数有意义,则需1-x>0,即x<1,故应选D.2.函数f(x)=x-2x 3是______(分数:2.00)A.奇函数√B.偶函数C.非奇非偶函数D.无法判断奇偶性解析:[解析] f(-x)=-x-2(-x) 3 =-x+2x 3 =-(x-2x 3 )=-f(x),故f(x)为奇函数,故应选A.3.已知则f[f(x)]=______A.x-1B.C.1-xD.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[解析D.4.下列极限不存在的是______A.B.C.D.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[解析] D.5.______(分数:2.00)A.0B.1C.-1 √D.-2解析:[解析C.也可直接对分子分母的最高次项进行比较.6.已知极限则a的值是______A.1B.-1C.2D.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[解析7.已知当x→0时,2-2cosx~ax 2,则a的值是______A.1B.2C.D.-1(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[解析8.x=1处,下列结论正确的是______(分数:2.00)A.a=2时,f(x)必连续B.a=2时,f(x)不连续√C.a=-1时,f(x)连续D.a=1时,f(x)必连续解析:[解析] 要使函数f(x)在x=1处连续,则有当a=2a=2时,f(x)不连续.故应选B.9.已知函数φ(x)在点x=0处可导,函数f(x)=(x-1)φ(x-1),则f"(1)=______(分数:2.00)A.φ"(0)B.φ"(1)C.φ(0) √D.φ(1)解析:[解析] 由φ(x)在x=0处可导,可知φ(x)在x=0处连续,故应选C.10.函数f(x)=1-|x-1|在点x=1处______(分数:2.00)A.不连续B.连续且可导C.既不连续也不可导D.连续但不可导√解析:[解析f(x)在x=1处连续.而f"(1 +)=-1,f"(1 -)=1,故在x=1处不可导,故应选D.11.若曲线f(x)=1-x 3与曲线g(x)=lnx在自变量x=x 0时的切线相互垂直,则x 0应为______A.B.C.D.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[解析] f"(x 0 )=(1-x 3 )| x=x0 =- ,由于切线相互垂直,则C.12.已知f(x)=1-x 4在闭区间[-1,1]上满足罗尔中值定理,则在开区间(-1,1)内使f"(ξ)=0成立的ξ=______(分数:2.00)A.0 √B.1C.-1D.2解析:[解析] f"(x)=-4x 3,f"(ξ)=-4ξ=0,则ξ=0,故应选A.13.设函数f(x)在区间(-1,1)内连续,若x∈(-1,0)时,f"(x)<0;x∈(0,1)时,f"(x)>0,则在区间(-1,1)内______(分数:2.00)A.f(0)是函数f(x)的极小值√B.f(0)是函数f(x)的极大值C.f(0)不是函数f(x)的极值D.f(0)不一定是函数f(x)的极值解析:[解析] 由极值第一判定定理,可知f(0)应为函数f(x)的极小值,故应选A.14.设函数y=f(x)在区间(0,2)内具有二阶导数,若x∈(0,1)时,f"(x)<0;x∈(1,2)时,f"(x)>0,则______(分数:2.00)A.f(1)是函数f(x)的极大值B.点(1,f(1))是曲线y=f(x)的拐点√C.f(1)是函数f(x)的极小值D.点(1,f(1))不是曲线y=f(x)的拐点解析:[解析] 函数f(x)在(0,1)上为凸,在(1,2)上为凹,故(1,f(1))应为函数f(x)的拐点,故应选B.15.已知曲线y=x 4,则______∙ A.在(-∞,0)内y=x4单调递减且形状为凸∙ B.在(-∞,0)内y=x4单调递增且形状为凹∙ C.在(0,+∞)内y=x4单调递减且形状为凸∙ D.在(0,+∞)内y=x4单调递增且形状为凹(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[解析] y"=4x 3,当x>0时,y">0;当x<0时,y"<0;y"=12x 2,在(-∞,+∞)上有y"≥0,根据选项,可知应选D.16.已知F(x)是f(x)的一个原函数,则不定积分∫f(x-1)dx=______(分数:2.00)A.F(x-1)+C √B.F(x)+CC.-F(x-1)+CD.-F(x)+C解析:[解析] 由题可知∫f(x)dx=F(x)+C,∫f(x-1)dx=∫f(x-1)d(x-1)=F(x-1)+C,故应选A.17.设函数则f"(x)=______A.B.-e -x +2xC.e -x +x 2D.e -x +2x(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[解析C.18.定积分∙ A.2ae-a2∙ B.ae-a2∙ C.0∙ D.2a(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[解析] 令f(x)=xe -x2,f(-x)=-xe -x2 =-f(x),可知f(x)为奇函数,故19.由曲线y=e -x与直线x=0,x=1,y=0所围成的平面图形的面积是______∙ A.e-1∙ B.1∙ C.1-e-1∙ D.1+e-1(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[解析] C.20.______(分数:2.00)A.I1=I2B.I1>I2 √C.I1<I2D.不能确定,I1与I2的大小解析:[解析] 当x∈(1,2)时,x 2>x.由定积分保序性可知I 1>I 2故应选B.21.向量a=j+k的方向角是______A.B.C.D.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[解析] 向量a的坐标表示应为{0,1,1},故方向余弦为则α,β,γD.22.已知e -x是微分方程y"+3ay"+2y=0的一个解,则常数a=______A.1B.-1C.3D.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[解析] 令y=e -x,y"=-e -x,y"=e -x,代入有e -x -3ae -x +2e -x =0,由e -x≠0,则有1-3a+2=0,a=1.故应选A.23.下列微分方程中可进行分离变量的是______∙ A.y"=(x+y)e x+y∙ B.y"=xye x+y∙ C.y"=aye xy∙ D.y"=(x+y)e xy(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[解析] 对于B项,y"=xye x·e y,分离变量得B.24.设二元函数z=x 3 +xy 2 +y 3,则∙ A.3y2∙ B.3x2∙ C.2y∙ D.2x(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[解析C.25.用钢板做成一个表面积为54m 2的有盖长方体水箱,欲使水箱的容积最大,则水箱的最大容积为______∙ A.18m3∙ B.27m3∙ C.6m3∙ D.9m3(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[解析] 设水箱的长、宽、高分别为x,y,z,则有2xy+2yz+2xz=54,即xy+yz+xz=27,体积V=xyz,令F(x,y,z)=xyz+λ(xy+yz+xz-27),解得x=3,y=3,z=3,由于驻点(3,3,3)唯一,实际中确有最大值,故当x=3,y=3,z=3时长方体体积最大,最大值V=27.故应选B.26.设D={(x,y)|1≤x 2 +y 2≤4,x≥0,y≥0},则二重积分(分数:2.00)A.16πB.8πC.4πD.3π√解析:[解析] 由二重积分的性质可知S D为D的面积.27.已知则变换积分次序后A.B.C.D.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[解析] 积分区域为D:0≤x≤1,0≤y≤x,也可表示为:0≤y≤1,y≤x≤1,28.设L为连接点(0,0)与点(1,)的直线段,则曲线积分∫ L y 2 ds=______ A.1B.2C.3D.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[解析] L可表示为29.下列级数发散的是______A.B.C.D.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[解析] 选项A为调和级数,可知其发散.30.已知级数则下列结论正确的是______A.B.若部分和数列{S n }有界,则收敛C.D.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[解析] 的必要条件,故应选C.选项B中,需要求为正项级数;选项D应改为若收敛.二、填空题(总题数:10,分数:20.00)31.函数f(x)=x 3的反函数是y= 1.(分数:2.00)解析: [解析] 令y=f(x)=x 3,,故f(x)的反函数32.极限(分数:2.00)解析:[解析33.已知函数x=0是f(x)的 1间断点.(分数:2.00)解析:可去[解析f(0)=1,故x=0是f(x)的可去间断点.34.函数f(x)=e 1-x在点x=0.99处的近似值为 1.(分数:2.00)解析:1.01 [解析] 取x 0=1,Δx=-0.01,有f(x 0+Δx)=f(0.99)≈f(x 0)+f"(x 0)Δx=1-1·(-0.01)=1.01.35.不定积分∫sin(x+1)dx= 1.(分数:2.00)解析:-cos(x+1)+C[解析] ∫sin(x+1)dx=∫sin(x+1)d(x+1)=-cos(x+1)+C.36.定积分(分数:2.00)解析:ln2[解析37.函数z=xy-x 2 -y 2在点(0,1)处的全微分dz| (0,1) = 1.(分数:2.00)解析:dx-2dy[解析38.与向量{2,1,2}同向平行的单位向量是 1.(分数:2.00)解析:[解析] 故与{2,1,2}39.微分方程y+xy 2 =0的通解是 1.(分数:2.00)解析:[解析] 方程分离变量得两边积分得C为任意常数.当y=0时,可知也为方程的解.40.幂级数 1.(分数:2.00)解析:3[解析三、计算题(总题数:10,分数:50.00)41.计算极限(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:[解析42.求函数(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:[解析] 令u=2-cosx43.计算不定积分(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:[解析44.计算定积分(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:[解析45.设直线A(0,1,2)且平行于直线l的直线方程.(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:[解析] 设已知直线l的方向向量为n,则由于所求直线与l平行,故其方向向量可取{1,-2,1},又直线过点A(0,1,2),故所求直线方程为46.已知函数z=f(x,y)由方程xz-yz-x+y=0所确定,求全微分dz.(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:[解析] 令F(x,y,z)=xz-yz-z+y,则F x =z-1,F y =-z+1,F z =x-y,因此47.已知D={(x,y)|0≤x 2 +y 2≤4},计算二重积分(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:[解析] 积分区域D可用极坐标表示为0≤r≤2,0≤θ≤2π,故48.求微分方程xy"+y-x=0的通解.(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:[解析] 方程化简为为一阶线性微分方程,由通解公式得其中C为任意常数.49.求幂级数(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:()解析:[解析] 令t=x-1.则级数为不缺项的幂级数.R=1,则-1<t<1.即-1<x-1<1,0<x<2,故收敛区间为(0,2).50.求级数(分数:5.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:()解析:[解析] 收敛半径R=1,令四、应用题(总题数:2,分数:14.00)51.求由直线x=1,x=e,y=0及曲线(分数:7.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:()解析:[解析] 如图所示,即所求图形.则面积52.某工厂生产计算器,若日产量为x台的成本函数为C(x)=7500+50x-0.02x 2,收入函数为R(x)=80x-0.03x 2,且产销平衡,试确定日生产多少台计算器时,工厂的利润最大?(分数:7.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:()解析:[解析] 利润=收入-成本,故利润L(x)=R(x)-C(x)=80x-0.03x 2-7500-50x+0.02x 2=30x-0.01x 2-7500.令L"(x)=30-0.02x=0,x得x=1500,且L"(1500)=-0.02<0.故x=1500为L(x)的极大值,又由实际问题,极值唯一,故x=1500为L(x)的最大值,即日生产1500台计算器时,工厂的利润最大.五、证明题(总题数:1,分数:6.00)53.已知方程4x+3x 3 -x 5 =0有一负根x=-2,证明方程4+9x 2 -5x 4 =0必有一个大于-2的负根.(分数:6.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:()解析:[证明] 令f(x)=4x+3x 3 -x 5,由题可知f(-2)=0,又有f(0)=0,f(x)在[-2,0]上连续,存(-2,0)上可导,故由罗尔定理可知至少存在一点ξ∈(-2,0),使得f"(ξ)=4+9ξ2 -5ξ1 =0,即方程4+9x 2 -5x 4 =0必有一个大于-2的负根.。




1. 苏联教育家凯洛夫主编的教育学著作是______A. 《教育学》B. 《论共产主义教育》C. 《普通教育学》D. 《教育论》2. 教育对政治经济制度起______A. 决定作用B. 加速作用C. 延缓作用D. 加速或延缓作用3. 我国古代的“六艺”和古希腊的“七艺”属于______A. 综合课程B. 学科课程C. 活动课程D. 隐性课程4. 夸美纽斯的教育目的论属于______A. **本位论B. 个人本位论C. 社会本位论D. 教育无目的论5. 教育活动中最为重要的因素是______A. 教育者和教育影响B. 受教育者和教育影响C. 受教育者和教育者D. 教材和教法6. 一个国家或地区各级各类学校机构与组织的体系及其管理规则是指______A. 学校管理制度B. 学校教育制度C. 学校人事制度D. 学校办学体制7. 孔子提出的“因材施教”符合个体身心发展的______A. 不平衡性要求B. 个别差异性要求C. 顺序性要求D. 互补性要求8. “经验课程”的代表人物是______A. 布鲁纳B. 杜威C. 赞科夫D. 卢梭9. 提出“最近发展区”概念的是______A. 杜威B. 凯洛夫C. 夸美纽斯D. 维果茨基10. 对人的发展起主导作用的是______A. 主体因素B. 主观努力C. 环境D. 教育11. 按教育内容的分类来说,法制教育属于______A. 美育B. 体育C. 德育D. 智育12. 课外教育工作与课堂教学在______上是统一的。

A. 教育目的B. 教育内容C. 教育方法D. 教育组织形式13. 现代教学的基本组织形式是______A. 个别教学制B. 班级授课制C. 现场教学D. 小组教学14. 赫尔巴特所代表的传统教育思想的核心一般概括为:教材中心、课堂中心和______A. 教师中心B. 学校中心C. 学生中心D. 活动中心15. 教育目的所要回答的根本问题是______A. 教育的方向B. 教育为谁服务C. 教育要培养什么样的人D. 教育怎样培养人16. 泰勒认为,课程评价是为了找出结果与目标之间的差距,并利用这种反馈信息作为修订课程计划的依据。



2016年河南省普通高等学校选拔专科优秀毕业生进入本科学校学习考试高等数学试卷一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共60分)1.函数()f x 的定义域是( )A .(,1]-∞-B .(,1)-∞-C .(,1]-∞D .(,1)-∞【答案】D【解析】要使函数有意义,则需10x ->,即1x <2.函数3()2f x x x =-是( )A .奇函数B .偶函数C .非奇非偶函数D .无法判断【答案】A【解析】33()2()2()f x x x x x f x -=---=-+=-,所以是奇函数.3.已知1()1f x x=-,则[]()f f x =( ) A .1x - B .11x - C .1x - D .11x- 【答案】D【解析】[]111()11111f f x f x x x ⎛⎫=-=-=⎪-⎝⎭-.4.下列极限不存在的是( )A .20lim1x xx →+ B .2lim1x xx →∞+C .lim 2x x →-∞D .lim 2x x →+∞【答案】D 【解析】20lim 01x x x →=+,2lim 01x x x →∞=+,lim 20x x →-∞=,lim 2xx →+∞=+∞.5.极限2212lim x x x x →∞--的值是( )A .0B .1C .1-D .2-【答案】C【解析】2212lim1x x x x →∞--=-,故选C .6.已知极限0lim 2sin x xax→=,则a 的值是( )A .1B .1-C .2D .12【答案】D 【解析】0001lim lim lim 2sin x x x x x ax ax a →→→===,故12a =.7.已知当0x →时,222cos ~x ax -,则a 的值是( )A .1B .2C .12D .1-【答案】A【解析】()222200001221cos 22cos 12lim lim lim lim 1x x x x xx x ax ax ax a →→→→⋅--====,故1a =.8.已知函数21,1()12,1x ax x f x x x ⎧-+≠⎪=-⎨⎪=⎩则在点1x =处,下列结论正确的是( )A .2a =时,()f x 必连续B .2a =时,()f x 不连续C .1a =-时,()f x 连续D .1a =时,()f x 必连续【答案】B【解析】要使函数()f x 在1x =处连续,则有1lim ()(1)x f x f →=,即211lim21x x ax x →-+=-,而当2a =时,2211121(1)limlim lim(1)0211x x x x x x x x x →→→-+-==-=≠--,故当2a =时,()f x 不连续.9.已知函数()x ϕ在点0x =处可导,函数()(1)(1)f x x x ϕ=--,则(1)f '=( )A .(0)ϕ'B .(1)ϕ'C .(0)ϕD .(1)ϕ【答案】C【解析】由()x ϕ在点0x =处可导,可知()x ϕ在点0x =处连续,111()(1)(1)(1)0(1)limlim lim (1)(0)11x x x f x f x x f x x x ϕϕϕ→→→----'===-=--.10.函数()11f x x =--在点1x =处( )A .不连续B .连续且可导C .既不连续也不可导D .连续但不可导【答案】D【解析】2,1()11,1x x f x x x x ->⎧=--=⎨≤⎩,显然()f x 在1x =处连续,而11()(1)21(1)lim lim 111x x f x f x f x x +++→→---'===---,11()(1)1(1)lim lim 111x x f x f x f x x -+-→→--'===--,由于(1)(1)f f -+''≠,故在1x =处不可导.11.若曲线3()1f x x =-与曲线()ln g x x =在自变量0x x =时的切线相互垂直,则0x 应为( )AB.C .13D .13-【答案】C【解析】200()3f x x '=-,001()g x x '=,由于切线相互垂直,则2003x x -=-,即013x =.12.已知4()1f x x =-在闭区间[]1,1-上满足罗尔中值定理,则在开区间(1,1)-内使()0f ξ'=成立的ξ=( )A .0B .1C .1-D .2【答案】A【解析】3()4f x x '=-,3()40f ξξ'=-=,则0ξ=.13.设函数()f x 在区间(1,1)-内连续,若(1,0)x ∈-时,()0f x '<,(0,1)x ∈时,()0f x '>,则在区间(1,1)-内( ) A .(0)f 是函数()f x 的极小值 B .(0)f 是函数()f x 的极大值C .(0)f 不是函数()f x 的极值D .(0)f 不一定是函数()f x 的极值【答案】A【解析】由极值第一判定定理,可知(0)f 应为函数()f x 的极小值.14.设函数()y f x =在区间(0,2)内具有二阶导数,若(0,1)x ∈时,()0f x ''<,(1,2)x ∈时,()0f x ''>,则( )A .(1)f 是函数()f x 的极大值B .点()1,(1)f 是曲线()y f x =的拐点C .(1)f 是函数()f x 的极小值D .点()1,(1)f 不是曲线()y f x =的拐点【答案】B【解析】函数()f x 在(0,1)上为凸,在(1,2)上为凹,故()1,(1)f 是曲线()y f x =的拐点.15.已知曲线4()f x x =,则( ) A .在(,0)-∞内4y x =单调递减且形状为凸 B .在(,0)-∞内4y x =单调递增且形状为凹 C .在(0,)+∞内4y x =单调递减且形状为凸D .在(0,)+∞内4y x =单调递增且形状为凹【答案】D【解析】34y x '=,当0x >时,0y '>;当0x <时,0y '<;212y x ''=,在(,)-∞+∞上有0y ''≥.16.已知()F x 是()f x 的一个原函数,则不定积分(1)f x dx -=⎰( )A .(1)F x C -+B .()F xC +C .(1)F x C --+D .()F x C -+【答案】A【解析】由题可知()()f x dx F x C =+⎰,(1)(1)(1)(1)f x dx f x d x F x C -=--=-+⎰⎰.17.设函数20()()xt f x e t dt -=+⎰,则()f x '=( )A .313x e x --+B .2x e x --+C .2x e x -+D .2x e x -+【答案】C【解析】()()220()x tx f x et dt e x --''=+=+⎰.18.定积分2ax axe dx --=⎰( )A .22a ae -B .2a ae -C .0D .2a【答案】C【解析】令2()x f x xe -=,2()()x f x xe f x --=-=-,可知()f x 为奇函数,故20ax axe dx --=⎰.19.由曲线x y e -=与直线0x =,1x =,0y =所围成的平面图形的面积是( )A .1e -B .1C .11e --D .11e -+【答案】C【解析】由题可知所求面积1101x A e dx e --==-⎰.20.设定积分2211I x dx =⎰,221I xdx =⎰,则( )A .12I I =B .12I I >C .12I I <D .不能确定【答案】B【解析】当(1,2)x ∈时,2x x >,由定积分保序性可知22211x dx xdx >⎰⎰,即12I I >.21.向量=+a j k 的方向角是( )A .4π,4π,2π B .4π,2π,2πC .4π,2π,4πD .2π,4π,4π 【答案】D【解析】向量a 的坐标表示应为(0,1,1),故方向余弦为cos 0α=,cosβ=,cos γ则应为α,β,γ应为2π,4π,4π.22.已知x e -是微分方程320y ay y '''++=的一个解,则常数a =( )A .1B .1-C .3D .13-【答案】A【解析】令x y e -=,x y e -'=-,x y e -''=,代入有320x x x e ae e ----+=,由0x e -≠,则有1320a -+=,1a =.23.下列微分方程中可进行分离变量的是( )A .()x y y x y e +'=+B .x y y xye +'=C .xy y xye '=D .()xy y x y e '=+【答案】B【解析】对于B 项,x y y xye e '=⋅,分离变量得x y dyxe dx ye=.24.设二元函数323z x xy y =++,则2zx y∂=∂∂( ) A .23y B .23x C .2y D .2x【答案】C【解析】223z x y x∂=+∂,22z y x y ∂=∂∂.25.用钢板做成一个表面积为254m 的有盖长方体水箱,欲使水箱的容积最大,则水箱的最大容积为( )A .318mB .327mC .36mD .39m【答案】B【解析】设水箱的长、宽、高分别为x ,y ,z ,则有22254xy yz xz ++=,即27xy yz xz ++=,体积V xyz =,令()(,,)27F x y z xyz xy yz xz λ=+++-,令()()()000270xyz F yz y z F xz x z F xy x y F xy yz xz λλλλ⎧=++=⎪=++=⎪⎨=++=⎪⎪=++-=⎩,解得333x y z =⎧⎪=⎨⎪=⎩,由于驻点(3,3,3)唯一,实际中确有最大值,故当3x =,3y =,3z =时长方体体积最大,最大值27V =.26.设{}22(,)14,0,0D x y x y x y =≤+≤≥≥,则二重积分4Ddxdy =⎰⎰( )A .16πB .8πC .4πD .3π【答案】D【解析】由二重积分的性质可知444D DDdxdy dxdy S ==⎰⎰⎰⎰,D S 为D 的面积,()2132144D S πππ=⋅-⋅=,故34434Ddxdy ππ=⋅=⎰⎰.27.已知100(,)(,)xD f x y d dx f x y dy σ=⎰⎰⎰⎰,则变换积分次序后(,)Df x y d σ=⎰⎰( )A .110(,)y dy f x y dx ⎰⎰ B .10(,)ydy f x y dx ⎰⎰C .1(,)xdy f x y dx ⎰⎰D .10(,)xdy f x y dx ⎰⎰【答案】A【解析】积分区域为D :01x ≤≤,0y x ≤≤,也可表示为:01y ≤≤,1y x ≤≤,故交换积分次序后11(,)(,)yDf x y d dy f x y dx σ=⎰⎰⎰⎰.28.设L 为连接点(0,0)与点的直线段,则曲线积分2L y ds =⎰( )A .1B .2C .3 D【答案】B【解析】L可表示为y =,01x ≤≤,则)21122322Ly ds xdx ==⋅=⎰⎰⎰.29.下列级数发散的是( )A .11n n∞=∑B .21(1)n n ∞=-∑C .211n n∞=∑D .221(1)n n∞=-∑【答案】A【解析】选项A 为调和级数,可知其发散.30.已知级数1n n u ∞=∑,则下列结论正确的是( )A .若lim 0n n u →∞=,则1n n u ∞=∑收敛 B .若部分和数列{}n S 有界,则1n n u ∞=∑收敛C .若1n n u ∞=∑收敛,则lim 0n n u →∞= D .若1n n u ∞=∑收敛,则1n n u ∞=∑收敛【答案】C【解析】lim 0n n u →∞=是1n n u ∞=∑收敛的必要条件,故应选C ,选项B 中,需要求1n n u ∞=∑为正项级数;选项D 应改为若1n n u ∞=∑收敛,则1n n u ∞=∑收敛.二、填空题(每小题2分,共20分)31.函数3()f x x =的反函数是y =________.【解析】令3()y f x x ==,x =,故()f x 的反函数y .32.极限1lim 21n n n →∞-=+________.【答案】12【解析】11lim 212n n n →∞-=+.33.已知函数2,0()1,0x x f x x -≠⎧=⎨=⎩,则点0x =是()f x 的________的间断点.【答案】可去【解析】00lim ()lim(2)2x x f x x →→=-=,(0)1f =,故0x =是()f x 的可去间断点.34.函数1()x f x e -=在点0.99x =处的近似值为________.【答案】1.01【解析】取01x =,0.01x ∆=-,有000()(0.99)()()11(0.01) 1.01f x x f f x f x x '+∆=≈+∆=-⋅-=.35.不定积分sin(1)x dx +=⎰________. 【答案】cos(1)x C -++【解析】sin(1)sin(1)(1)cos(1)x dx x d x x C +==++=-++⎰⎰.36.定积分1011dx x =+⎰________. 【答案】ln2 【解析】原式1110011(1)ln 1ln 211dx d x x x x =+=+=++⎰⎰.37.函数23z xy x y =--在点(0,1)处的全微分(0,1)dz =________.【答案】2dx dy - 【解析】2zy x x∂=-∂,2z x y y ∂=-∂,故(0,1)(0,1)(0,1)2zz dz dx dy dx dy xy∂∂=+=-∂∂.38.与向量(2,1,2)同向平行的单位向量是________. 【答案】212,,333⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭3,故与(2,1,2)同向平行的单位向量为212,,333⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭.39.微分方程20y xy '+=的通解是________. 【答案】22y x C=+或0y = 【解析】方程分离变量的2dy xdx y =-,两边积分得2112x C y =+,整理得22y x C=+,其中C 为任意常数,当0y =时,可知也为方程的解.40.幂级数13nn n x ∞=∑的收敛半径为________.【答案】3【解析】11131lim lim 313n n n n n na a ρ++→∞→∞==⋅=,故13R ρ==.三、计算题(每小题5分,共50分) 41.计算极限20lim(1)xx x →-.【答案】2e -【解析】21(2)200lim(1)lim(1)xxx x x x e ⋅---→→-=-=.42.求函数y =的导数.【解析】令2cos u x =-,y ''=.43.计算不定积分2ln 1x dx x -⎰. 【答案】()22ln 14x C -+【解析】()()()()22ln 12ln 112ln 1ln 2ln 12ln 124x x dx x d x x d x C x --=-=--=+⎰⎰⎰.44.计算定积分2sin x xdx π⎰.【答案】1【解析】22220sin cos cos cos 1x xdx xd x x x xdx ππππ=-=-+=⎰⎰⎰.45.设直线230:3571x y z l x y z ++=⎧⎨++=⎩,求过点(0,1,2)A 且平行于直线l 的直线方程. 【答案】12121x y z --==- 【解析】设已知直线l 的方向向量为s ,则123(1,2,1)357==--i j ks .由于所求直线与l 平行,故其方向向量可取(1,2,1)-,又直线过点(0,1,2)A ,故所求直线方程为12121x y z --==-.46.已知函数(,)z f x y =由方程0xz yz x y --+=所确定,求全微分dz . 【答案】11z z dx dy x y x y--+-- 【解析】令(,,)F x y z xz yz x y =--+,则1x F z =-,1y F z =-+,z F x y =-,故1x z F z zx F x y∂-=-=∂-,1y z F z z y F x y∂-=-=∂-,因此11z z dz dx dy x y x y --=+--.47.已知{}22(,)04D x y x y =≤+≤,计算二重积分D.【答案】163π【解析】20163Dd rdr ππθ==⎰⎰.48.求全微分方程0xy y x '+-=的通解. 【答案】2x C y x=+ 【解析】方程化简为11y y x'+=,为一阶线性微分方程,由通解公式得 ()11112dx dxx x x C y e e dx C xdx C xx-⎛⎫⎰⎰=⋅+=+=+ ⎪⎝⎭⎰⎰.49.求幂级数1(1)(1)1nnn x n ∞=--+∑的收敛区间.【答案】(0,2)【解析】令1t x =-,则级数1(1)1n nn t n ∞=-+∑为不缺项的幂级数,11lim lim 12n n n na n a n ρ+→∞→∞+===+,故收敛半径1R =,则11t -<<,即111x -<-<,02x <<,故收敛区间为(0,2).50.求级数11n n x n+∞=∑的和函数.【答案】()ln(1)S x x x =--【解析】1lim 11n n n ρ→∞=⋅=+,收敛半径1R =,令1111()()n nn n x x S x x xS x n n+∞∞=====∑∑,111101()1n n n n n n x S x x x n x ∞∞∞-==='⎛⎫'====⎪-⎝⎭∑∑∑,(1,1)x ∈-,所以()11()()()x S x xS x x S t dt '==⎰01ln(1)1x x dt x x t ⎛⎫==-- ⎪-⎝⎭⎰.四、应用题(每小题7分,共14分)51.求由直线1x =,x e =,0y =及曲线1y x=所围成平面图形的面积. 【答案】1 【解析】111e S dx x==⎰.52.某工厂生产计算器,若日产量为x 台的成本函数为2()7500500.02C x x x =+-,收入函数为2()800.03R x x x =-,且产销平衡,试确定日生产多少台计算器时,工厂的利润最大? 【答案】1500【解析】利润=收入-成本,故利润2()()()300.017500L x R x C x x x =-=--,令()0L x '=,1500x =,且(1500)0.020L ''=-<,故1500x =为()L x 的极大值,又由实际问题知,极值唯一,故1500x =为()L x 的最大值,即日生产1500台计算器时,工厂的利润最大.五、证明题(6分)53.已知方程35430x x x +-=有一负根2x =-,证明方程244950x x +-=必有一个大于2-的负根.【证明】令35()43f x x x x =+-,由题可知(2)0f -=,又有(0)0f =,()f x 在[]2,0-上连续,在()2,0-上可导,故由罗尔定理可知至少存在一点()2,0ξ∈-,使得24()4950f ξξξ'=+-=, 即方程244950x x +-=必有一个大于2-的负根.。



河南省2016 年普通高等学校专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试公共英语Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure ( 1 x 40 )Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, and then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.-1. Jane hadn't been to London before. ______ had her husband.A. NeitherB. EitherC. SoD. Or2. No sooner had he arrived in Rome ______ he heard of the good news.A. whenB. thanC. thenD. until3. I’m for the suggestion that a special board_____to examine the problem.A. be set upB. will be set upC.must be set upD.has to be set up4. The disabled children need many things, but____ , they need love.A. first of allB.not at allC.after allD. All in all5. The coal industry in the north of China is now barely half its ____size.A. FormalB.formertterD. later6. The football player is hoping to____ to another team soon.A. TransferB.transportC.transplantD. transact7. ____the garden, the old man went to have a rest.A. Having been wateredB. WateringC. Having wateredD. Being watered8. Her_____to the job left her with very little free time.A. devotionB.faithC.trustD.interest9. The children have been ____since their father left.A.out of styleB.under controlC.out of controlD.in style10. It is reported _____ great changes have been made with the application of the new policy.A.whichB. thatC. whileD.what11. The manager promised to keep me _____ of how the project was going on.A. be informedB. InformedC. informrming12. He announced that the company had been transferred to city.A. anotherB. othersC. the otherD.one another13. A great cheer went up from the crowd as they caught ____ of the hero.A. visionB. viewC. sightD.glance14. Physics______ my favorite subject when I studied in the university.A. WereB.wasC.isD.are15. _____ we can succeed or not depends on how well we cooperate with others.A. ThenB. ThusC. WhatD. Whether16. 1 will lend you the book ______ you return it to me in time.A. on condition thatB. in caseC. in order thatD. so that17. Mr.Brown is supposed to _____ for Italy last month.A. be leavingB.have leftC.leaveD.have been left18. -Did you enjoy the TV program last night?-No, ____not.A. particularlyB.obviouslyC.surprisinglyD.normally19. We are disappointed yesterday because it wasn't such a good dinner______she had promised us.A. likeB. asC. whichD.what20. She walked along the path, _____ her daughter close behind.A. followingB. followC. to followD. was followed21. She insisted that the scats in the theater____ in advance to insure a better view.A. bookedB. be bookedC. arc bookedD. were to book22. We are sometimes _____ of selfishness in our lives,though we arc mostly generous in personality.A. miserableB. GreedyC. guiltyD. sorry23. The teacher doesn't allow his students _____ on the exam.A. cheatedB.cheatingC. c heatD. to cheat24. There is a lot of evidence____ to much stress is partly responsible for the disease.A. whatB. whichC. AsD.that25. “____ everyone's here,”she said, “let's begin to discuss the solution to the problemswe have found. “A. As far asB. Now thatC. So farD.By far26. Most computer users are _____ threat from computer viruses.A. withinB. uponC. towardsD.under27. No matter how ______ , it's impossible that he has never lost money.A.a businessman smart isB. a businessman is smartC. smart is a businessmanD. smart a businessman is28.David told the truth ______ to annoy her, and she was angry for being betrayed by her good friend.A. on purposeB.in needC. in detailD.at all29. The classroom is quite clean _____ some waste paper on the floor.A. except forB.besidesC.exceptD.without30. The bad weather______ the building program by several weeks.A. went onB.put onC.set backD.built up31. They naturally hope that their choice of the play will be _____with the school and parents.A. pleasingB. welcomeC. kindD. popular32.These two pictures are so______ that it’s very difficult to tell them apart.A. exactB. familiarC. likelyD. Similar33.These tickets for the performance are_____until the end of the month.A. acceptableB. AvailableC. AdvisableD. applicable34.Please _____the water tap when you have finished your washing.A. turn onB. turn oftC. turn outD. turn over35. Don't associate with bad boys _____your whole life will be ruined.A. OrB. ButC. andD. so that36.I shall have a companion in the house after all these_____ years.A. aloneB. lonelyC. singleD. simple37. You _____ if you had had higher score in the examination.A. must have got scholarshipB. would have got scholarshipC. should get scholarshipD. had got scholarship38.The bank has established ______in many big cities in the world.A. partsB. twigsC. benchesD. branches39.While studying he financially depended ____his wife.A. onB. ofC. toD. f rom40.Only in this way_____out of the plan.A. you can talk him C. him you can talkB. can you talk him D. him can you talkPart II Close (1x20)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B.C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer SheetWho won the World Cup 1994 football game? What happened at the United Nations? How did the critics like the new play? 41 an event takes place, newspapers arc on the streets 42 the details. Wherever anything happens in the world, imports are on the spot to 43 the news.Newspapers have one basic 44 . to get the news as quickly as possible from its source, from those who make it to those who want to 45 it. Radio, telegraph, television, and 46 inventions brought competition for newspapers. So did the development of magazines and other means of communication. 47 , this competition merely spurred the newspapers on. They quickly made use of the newer and faster means of communication to improve the 48 and thus the efficiency of their own operations. Today more newspapers are 49 and read than ever before. Competition also led newspapers to branch out to many other fields. Besides keeping readers 50 of the latest news, today's newspapers 51 and influence readers about politics and other important and serious matters. Newspapers influence readers' economic choices 52 advertising. Most newspapers depend on advertising for their very 53 .Newspapers are sold at a price that 54 even a small fraction of the cost of production. The main 55 of income for most newspapers is commercial advertising. The 56in selling advertising depends on a newspaper's value to advertisers. This 57 in terms of circulation. How many people read the newspaper? Circulation depends 58 on the work of the circulation department and on the services or entertainment 59 in a newspaper's pages. But for the most part, circulation depends on a newspaper's value to readers as a source of information 60 the community, city, country, state, nation, and world-and even outer space.41. A. Just when B.While C.Soon after D.Before42. A.to give B.giving C.given D.being given43. A.gather B. spread C.carry D.bring44. A.reason B.cause C.problem D.purpose45. A.make B.publish C.know D.write46. A.another B.other C.one another D.the other47. A.However B.And C.Therefore D.So48. A.value B.ratio C. rate D.speed49. A.spread B.passed C.printed pleted50. rm B.be informed C.to be informed rmed51. A.entertain B.encourage cate D.edit52. A.on B. Through C.with D.of53. A.forms B.existence C.contents D.purpose54.A.tries to cover B.manages to cover C.fails to cover D.succeeds in55.A.source B.origin C.course D.finance56.A.way B.means C.chance D.success57.A.measures B.measured C.is measured D.was measured58.A.somewhat B.little C.much D.something59.A.offering B.offered C.which offered D.to be offered60.A.by B.with C.at D.aboutPartⅢ Reading Comprehension ( 2 x 20 )Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Y ou should decide on the best choice, and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage1Many post-80s couples are complaining that going to the movies, shopping or attending parties have become impossible since their kids were born. That's the way most parents are living their lives, no weekends of their own, no time to visit friends, not even a chance of promotion in their jobs.Asking help from their parents might be a way out,but problems are that some aging parents arc not strong enough to take care of the kids, and that the kids may also become too spoiled by their grandparents.Then, here comes a solution: families with kids can form a small group, and parents of each family can take turns to look after all the kids in this group on weekends. Thus, other parents can have some quiet time and feel freeto do something they've been planning for a long time. At the same time, the kids can make new friends and won' t be hanging around their parents all day long. This is baby-pooling.61.Many post-80s couples can't go to the movies, shop or attend parties because_____ .A .they have to look after their kids B. they have to look after their parentsC. they are busy with their workD. they have no money62.In paragraph 2, “a way out” means ______.A. out of dateB. a solutionC. without questionD. a complaint63.According to the last paragraph, the solution to the problem of post-80s couples isthat _____ .A. families with kids form a small groupB. they ask their aging parents for helpC. they give up their jobsD. they lake their kids wherever they go64.What is( are) the advantage(s) of baby-pooling?A.The parents can have much more free time.B.The kids can make new friends.C.The kids won't be hanging around their parents all day long.D. All of the above.65.The passage mainly discusses _____ ?A. post-80s couples and their friendsB. post-80s couples and baby-poolingC. post-80s couples and their parentsD. kids and their grandparentsPassage2It is a terrible illustration of man ' s weakness to nature .and the tsunami(^^) that struck the Japanese coast in March. 2011 has illustrated the difficulty of fighting against natural disasters, even for a prosperous nation.Totally preventing tsunami-damage is impossible. But there is much that can be done to minimize damage and loss of life. Measures that can be taken include designing solid buildings, and developing early-warming systems, public education programs and evacuation( 拔散)strategics.Moreover, the approach of a tsunami is possibly picked up by the sensors of complicated international warming systems. Countries can use radio and television broadcasts as well as loudspeaker networks to warn the public.But an early warming system depends on how far the tsunami strikes, if it's close by, the warning system is not going to be very effective. When people are faced with an unstoppable force like a tsunami the massive waves created by events like underwater earthquakes, the best course of action for them is lo get inland and to the higherground as quickly as possible.66.The first paragraph tells us that _____ .A.man can easily defeat the natureB.tsunamis take place only in JapanC.man's ability to cope with natural disasters is limitedD.the tsunami-damage in Japan is not so terrible67.To prevent tsunami-damage, the following measures can be taken EXCEPT______A.designing firm buildings 、B.developing early-warning systemsC.developing evacuation strategicsD.keeping the public unaware of the seriousness of tsunamis68.According to the passage , which of the following can cause a tsunami_____?A. Storms.B. Massive waves.C. Underwater earthquakes.D. Floods69.When a tsunami happens, the best course of action for people is to_____ .A.listen to radio and television broadcasts for informationB.get inland and to the higher ground as quickly as possibleC.stay where they areD.rely on the warning systemsPassage 3Global warming is causing more than 300,000 deaths and about $125 billion in economic losses each year, according to a report by the Global Humanitarian Forum, an organization led by Annan, the former United Nations secretary general.The report, to be released Friday, analyzed data and existing studies of health, disaster,population and economic trends. It found that human-influenced climate change was raising the global death rates from illnesses including malnutrition (营养不良)and heal-related health problems.But even before its release, the report drew criticism from some experts on climate and risk,who questioned its methods and conclusions.Along with the deaths, the report said that the lives of 325 million people, primarily in poor countries, were being seriously affected by climate change. It projected that the number would double by 2030.Roger Pielke Jr.a political scientist at the University of Colorado, Boulder, who studies disaster trends, said the Forum's report was “a methodological embarrassment” because there was no way to distinguish deaths or economic losses related to human-driven global warming amid the much larger losses resulting from the growth in populations and economic development in vulnerable (易受伤害的)regions. Dr. Pielke said that “climate change is an important problem requiring our utmost attention. “But the report, he said, ''will harm the cause for action on both climate change and disasters because it is so deeply flawed (有瑕疵的).”However, Soren Andreasen, a social scientist at Dalberg Global Development Partners who supervised the writing of the report, defended it, saying that it was clear that the numbers were rough estimates. He said the report was aimed at world leaders, who will meet in Copenhagen in December to negotiate a new international climate treaty.In a press release describing the report, Mr. Annan stressed the need for the negotiations to focus on increasing the flow of money from rich to poor regions to help reduce their vulnerability to climate hazards while still curbing the emissions of the heat-trapping gases. More than 90% of the human and economic losses from climate change arc occurring in poor countries, according to the report.71. What is the finding of the Global Humanitarian Forum?A. Global temperatures affect the rate of economic development.B.Rates of death from illnesses have risen due to global warming.C.Malnutrition has caused serious health problems in poor countries.D.Economic trends have to do with population and natural disasters.72. What do we learn about the Forum's report from the passage?A.It was challenged by some climate and risk experts.B.It aroused a lot of interest in the scientific circles.C.It was warmly received by environmentalists.D.It caused a big stir in developing countries.73.What does Dr. Pielke say about the Forum's report?A.Its statistics look embarrassing.B.It is invalid in terms of methodology.C.It deserves our closest attention.D.Its conclusion is purposely exaggerated.74.What is Soren Andreasen’s view of the report?A. Its conclusions are based on carefully collected data.B. It is vulnerable to criticism if the statistics are closely examined.C. It will give rise to heated discussions at the Copenhagen conference.D. Its rough estimates arc meant to draw the attention of world leaders.75. What does Kofi Annan say should be the focus of the Copenhagen conference?A. How rich and poor regions can share responsibility in curbing global warming.B. How human and economic losses from climate change can be reduced.C.How emissions of heat-trapping gases can be reduced on a global scale.D.How rich countries can better help poor regions reduce climate hazards.Passage 4Reaching new peaks of popularity in North America is Iceberg Water, which is harvested from icebergs off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.Arthur von Wiesenberger, who carries the title Water Master, is one of the few water critics in North America. As a boy, he spent time in the larger cities of Italy, France and Switzerland,where bottled water is consumed daily. Even then, he kept a water journal, noting the brands he liked best “my dog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water,” He says.But is plain tap water all that bad? Not at all. In fact. New York's municipal water for morethan a century was called the champagne of lap water and until recently considered among the best in the world in terms of both taste and purity. Similarly, a magazine in England found that tap water from the Thames River tasted better than several leading brands of bottled water that were400 times more expensive.Nevertheless, soft-drink companies view bottled water as the next battle-ground for marketshare-this despite the fact that over 25 percent of bottled water comes from tap water: PepsiCo's Aquafina and Coca-Cola's Dasani arc both purified tap water rather than spring water.As diners thirst for leading brands, bottlers and restaurateurs salivate(垂涎)over the profits.A restaurant's typical mark-up on wine is 100 to 150 percent, whereas on bottled water it's often300 to 500 percent. But since water is much cheaper than wine, and many of the fancier brandsaren't available in stores, most diners don't notice or care.As a result, some restaurants are turning up the pressure to sen bottled water.According toan article in The Street Journal, some of the more shameless tactics include placing attractive bottleson the table for a visual sell, listing brands on the menu without prices, and pouring bottled water without even asking the diners if they want it.Regardless of how it’s sold, the popularity of bottled whaler taps into our desire for better health, our wish to appear cultivated, and even a longing for lost purity.76.What do we know about Iceberg Water from the passage?A.lt is a kind of iced water.B.It is just plain tap water.C .It is a kind of bottled water.D .It is a kind of mineral water.77.By saying “My dog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water (Line 4 Para2),V on Wiesenberger wants to convey the message that_____?A .plain tap whaler is certainly unfit for drinkingB .bottled water is clearly superior to tap waterC.bottled water often appeals more to dogs tasteD.dogs can usually detect a fine difference in taste78.The-fancier brands (Line 3 Para 5) refers to____.A.tap water from the Thames RiverB.famous wines not sold in ordinary storesC.PepsiCo's Aquafina and Coca-Cola's DasaniD.expensive bottled water with impressive names79.Why are some restaurants turning up the pressure to sell bottled water?A. Bottled water brings in huge profits.B. Competition from the wine industry is intense.C. Most diners find bottled water affordable.D.Bottled water satisfied diners' desire to fashionable.80.According to passage, why is bottled whaler so popular?A. It is much cheaper than wine.B.It is considered healthier.C. lt appeals to more cultivated people.D. It is more widely promoted in the market.PartⅣTranslation ( 2 x 10 )Directions: There are 10 sentences in this section. Please translate sentences 81-85 from Chinese intoEnglish, and translate sentences 86-90 from English into Chinese. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet. 81.只要明天天气好,我们就和同学一起去游泳82.有这么多人的关心,在国外的最初几个月里,她感到非常幸福83.新图书馆比以前的大两倍。



2016年河南省专升本(教育学)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 填空题 2. 单项选择题 5. 简答题 6. 论述题8. 案例分析题填空题1.教师的语言包括口头语言、_______、体态语言三种。

















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1.教育区别于其他事物现象的根本特征是( ) A.教育是传递生活经验的活动B.教育是一种有目的地培养人的社会活动C.教育是传递科学文化知识的活动D.教育是一种培养人才的活动2.下述属于墨家主张的是( ) A.有教无类B.兼爱C.复归人的自然本性D.化民成俗+其必由学3.在我国,科举制度实行了1300年,停止科举是在( ) A.1903 B.1905 C.1906 D.19114.教育学作为一门学科的建立始于夸美纽斯的研究,他的代表作是( ) A.《大教学论》B.《爱弥儿》C.《论演说家的教育》D.《民本主义与教育》5.20世纪60年代以后提出了课程结构理论的教育家是( ) A.凯洛夫B.赞科夫C.布鲁纳D.维果斯基6.影响受教育者的数量和教育质量的因素是( ) A.政治经济制度B.科学技术C.生产力D.文化7.“拔苗助长”“陵节而施”违背了人的身心发展的( ) A.阶段性B.顺序性C.不均衡性D.差异性8.促进个体发展从潜在的可能状态转向现实状态的决定性因素是( ) A.遗传素质B.环境C.个体主观能动性D.教肓9.根据各级各类学校任务确定的所培养的人的特殊要求,我们习惯上称为( ) A.教育方针B.教育目的C.教学目标D.培养目标10.教师不得对学生进行谩骂、体罚、变相体罚和其他侮辱学生的行为,这是由学生的( ) A.人身自由权决定的B.隐私权决定的C.人格尊严权决定的D.荣誉权决定的11.教师职业的特殊要求是必须具有( )A.管理能力B.控制能力C.教育能力D.研究能力12.学校教育的基础是( ) A.教师B.学生C.班级D.课程13.指导整个课程编制过程的最为关键的准则是确定( ) A.教育目的B.培养目标C.课程目标D.教学目标14.衡量各科教学质量的重要标准是( ) A.教学计划B.教学大纲C.教育目的D.教学目标15.学校进行全面发展教育的基本途径是( ) A.课外活动B.实践活动C.教学活动D.班主任工作16.“学而时习之”“温故而知新”体现了教学的( ) A.直观性原则B.启发性原则C.循序渐进原则D.巩固性原则17.一个测验经过多次测量所得的结果的一致性程度,称为测验的( ) A.信度B.效度C.区分度D.难度18.小李是一名小学五年级的学生,因为他学习成绩不好影响全班同学的平均成绩。


这行为侵犯了小李的( ) A.人身权B.财产权C.受教育权D.人人平等权19.在重复测量的方差分析中,如果各组均值不变,被试间差异增大,那么( ) A.F值会变小B.F值保持不变C.组间方差会变小D.误差方差会变小20.第三次全教会对基础教育课程体系建设的要求是国家课程、地方课程和( ) A.活动课程B.社会课程C.学校课程D.特色课程21.心理的实质是( ) A.对事物的间接的概括的认识B.改造客观世界的意志C.生理活动D.客观现实在人脑中的主观映像22.中枢神经系统是由______组成的。

( ) A.脑干、间脑、小脑和大脑B.小脑和大脑C.脊髓和大脑D.小脑和大脑皮层23.心理过程是人脑能动地反映客观事物的过程,它包括( ) A.认知、情感、行为B.感觉、知觉、行为C.情感、意志、行为D.认知、情感、意志24.研究人的心理现象,必须遵循的基本原则是( ) A.客观性原则、发展性原则和系统性原则B.理论性原则、实践性原则和教育性原则C.直观性原则、量力性原则和循序渐进性原则D.分析原则、综合原则和抽象概括原则25.下列情况属于第二信号系统活动的是( ) A.触景生情B.闻过则喜C.谈虎色变D.打草惊蛇26.“入芝兰之室,久而不闻其香”,这是感觉的( ) A.对比B.适应C.相互作用D.联觉27.“窥一斑而见全豹”所描述的是人的知觉特征的( ) A.整体性B.选择性C.理解性D.恒常性28.记忆过程包括______几个基本环节。

( ) A.再认和回忆B.保持和遗忘C.识记、保持和遗忘D.识记、保持、再认或回忆29.长时记忆的编码有( ) A.语义编码和形象编码B.形象编码和抽象编码C.图像记忆编码和语音编码D.图像记忆编码和声像记忆编码30.思维的智力操作过程的基本形式有( ) A.进行形象思维和抽象思维B.分析与综合、抽象与慨括C.形成概念和进行问题解决D.进行辐合思维和发散思维31.鲁迅在小说《祝福》中创造了祥林嫂的艺术形象,他是把旧中国许多妇女的遭遇集中后创造出来的形象,这种形象的构成方式属于( ) A.综合B.夸张C.拟人化D.典型化32.某学生犯了比较严重的错误,想去向老师认错,但怕受批评丢验;又怕被揭发后受更大的处分,这学生此时的动机冲突形式属于( ) A.双趋冲突B.双避冲突C.趋避冲突D.分析冲突33.王芳解开一道数学题后,感到无比的轻松和愉快,这种情感是( ) A.美感B.激情C.理智感D.道德感34.先有一个目标(目的),它与当前的状态之间存在着差异,人们认识到这个差异,就要想出某种办法采取活动(手段)段,来减小这个差异。

这种解决问题的方法或策略是( ) A.爬山法B.逆向工作法C.手段—目的分析法D.尝试错误法35.美国心理学家吉尔福特提出的能力结构理论称为( ) A.二因素说B.智力结构三维模型C.群因素说D.能力层次结构理论36.个性心理倾向性主要包括( ) A.感觉、知觉、记忆、想象、思维B.气质、能力、兴趣C.气质、能力、性格D.需要、动机、兴趣、理想、信念和世界观37.情绪和情感变化的维度包括( ) A.动力性、激动度、强度和紧张度B.积极性、消极性、强和弱的程度C.兴奋性、激动性、外显和内隐度D.增力性、减力性、饱和度和外显度38.一个人善于控制和支配自己的情绪,约束自己言行的意志品质是( ) A.自觉性B.果断性C.自制性D.坚韧性39.态度特征、意志特征、情绪特征和理智特征是性格的( ) A.社会道德评价标准B.社会属性的体现C.分类标准D.结构的组成部分40.智商是119,其等级为( ) A.优秀B.中上C.中等D.中下教育学部分二、填空题(每空1分,共20分)41.教师的语言包括口头语言、____________ 、体态语言三种。
















57.1920年,美国的H. H.帕克赫斯特在马萨诸塞州道尔顿中学创建了一种新的教学组织形式,人们称之为道尔顿制。



















