



喜羊羊与灰太狼○1(课堂上)(校长)“Lazy goat!”(怒气冲冲)(懒羊羊在睡觉)(校长)“Lazy goat!”(喜羊羊)“Lazy goat,headmaster is calling you.”(轻轻地)(懒羊羊)(迷迷糊糊)Er, headmaster,is the class over?Oh yeah!”(开心)(校长)“Lazy goat!I ask you a question:What is the means of "three cobblers with their wits equal Zhuge liang the master mind"?”(懒羊羊)“Errrrrrrr”(沸羊羊)(小声的)(比比划划)(懒羊羊)“Oh,my dear headmaster. I just want to know,how many Zhuge liangs do 10 cobblers equal?”(慢悠悠)(懒)“Haha,it is not indivisible.”(小声的)(校长)“Lazy goat!You do double homework!”“Listern carefully, this is the homework of winter vocation:During the vacation ,you should finish 8 Chinese workbooks,4 Math workbooks and……”“DINGLING……”(大家)“Class is over!The winter vocation is coming!”(校长)(怒气冲冲)“2 English workbooks……——but now,change to 6!”(大家)“Arrrrrrr”○2ONE MONTH LATER——THE LAST DAD OF WINTER VACATION——(灰太狼拿着望远镜朝羊村望着)(红太狼)“Gray Wolf!Go to catch goats right now!”一个平底锅飞过来(灰太狼)(装作很痛,哎呦)“Honey,don't worry! Look,this is what I invent within a month and a second——automatic homework machine!”(红太狼) (扔一个平底锅) “Oh my god!Because of this,I have been eating grass for a month!”(灰太狼)“Don't be hurry,my dear wife. This invention is very useful. I heard that little goats didn’t do their homework. So we just do like this……”在耳边嘀咕几句。



歌词我爱灰太狼演唱:邓丽欣虽然住的不是什么天堂虽然吃的也不是什么肥羊美丽红太狼爱上灰太狼为什么拥有希望哭哭啼啼有肩膀放一放打打闹闹也总有一个对象骂完就舒畅心情不一样请不用为我紧张灰太狼刀枪棍棒耍花样灰太狼这就是爱的力量oh 风风雨雨永远一样捧我在那手心上灰太狼刀枪棍棒耍花样灰太狼这就是爱的力量oh 风风雨雨永远一样捧我在那手心上哭哭啼啼有肩膀放一放打打闹闹也总有一个对象骂完就舒畅心情不一样请不用为我紧张灰太狼刀枪棍棒耍花样灰太狼这就是爱的力量oh 风风雨雨永远一样捧我在那手心上灰太狼刀枪棍棒耍花样灰太狼这就是爱的力量oh 风风雨雨永远一样捧我在那手心上灰太狼刀枪棍棒耍花样灰太狼这就是爱的力量oh 风风雨雨永远一样捧我在那手心上我爱平底锅作词:卢永强作曲:陈孟奇演唱:郑中基我爱平底锅因为我爱我老婆有了她我才有个窝有了她家里才有火我爱平底锅因为代表她爱我打是亲越打越想亲骂是爱越骂我越爱日子就是这样的过吵吵闹闹不要嫌多唠唠叨叨为的是我平凡狼爱平凡的活只要回家再来一锅只要回家有我老婆我爱平底锅因为我爱我老婆有了她我才有个窝有了她家里才有火我爱平底锅因为代表她爱我打是亲越打越想亲骂是爱越骂我越爱日子就是这样的过吵吵闹闹不要嫌多唠唠叨叨为的是我平凡狼爱平凡的活只要回家再来一锅只要回家有我老婆日子就是这样的过吵吵闹闹不要嫌多唠唠叨叨为的是我平凡狼爱平凡的活只要回家再来一锅只要回家有我老婆日子就是这样的过吵吵闹闹不要嫌多唠唠叨叨为的是我平凡狼爱平凡的活只要回家再来一锅只要回家有我老婆日子就是这样的过吵吵闹闹不要嫌多唠唠叨叨为的是我平凡狼爱平凡的活只要回家再来一锅只要回家有我老婆只要回家有我老婆只要回家有我老婆歌词大白菜鸡毛菜通心菜油麦菜绿的菜白的菜什么菜炒什么菜喜羊羊美羊羊懒羊羊沸羊羊什么羊什么样什么羊都喜洋洋我们是一群小小的羊小小的羊儿都很善良善良得只会在草原上懒懒的美美的晒太阳虽然邻居住着灰太狼虽然有时候没有太阳只有羊村里有音乐唱唱的跳跳的都疯狂大白菜鸡毛菜通心菜油麦菜绿的菜白的菜什么菜炒什么菜喜羊羊美羊羊懒羊羊沸羊羊什么羊什么样什么羊都喜洋洋狼来的日子很平常狼嚎的声音像饿得慌小小的羊儿爱吃草必要时也不怕跟狼打仗我们虽然是群小小的羊每个节日都一起歌唱阳光空气青草和花香挤挤的满满的在草原上大白菜鸡毛菜通心菜油麦菜绿的菜白的菜什么菜炒什么菜喜羊羊美羊羊懒羊羊沸羊羊什么羊什么样什么羊都喜洋洋大白菜鸡毛菜通心菜油麦菜绿的菜白的菜什么菜炒什么菜喜羊羊美羊羊懒羊羊沸羊羊什么羊什么样什么羊都喜洋洋大家一起喜洋洋左手右手演唱:杨沛宜当困难来临的时候请你举起你的左手左手代表着方向他不会向困难低头当遇到挫折的时候请你举起你的右手右手代表着希望他不会为挫折发愁当左手攀向右手我们的步伐就有节奏当右手攀向左手我们的力量就有源头当你的手拉着我的手团结的力量彼此感受有方向有决心有节奏一起牵着手向前走当困难来临的时候请你举起你的左手左手代表着方向他不会向困难低头当遇到挫折的时候请你举起你的右手右手代表着希望他不会为挫折发愁当左手攀向右手我们的步伐就有节奏当右手攀向左手我们的力量就有源头当你的手拉着我的手团结的力量彼此感受有方向有决心有节奏一起牵着手向前走当你的手拉着我的手团结的力量彼此感受有方向有决心有节奏一起牵着手向前走游乐场-卢庚戌词曲:卢庚戌我们来到这样一个游乐场阳光透过彩色玻璃洒下来人们带着各种各样的微笑任你选择各种游戏的疯狂我们陷入这样一个游乐场男人女人透过镜子走出来心里带着各种各样的欲望出卖眼泪出卖自尊去追逐没有痛苦没有欢乐到处都是都是虚荣心我是天使我是魔鬼请你快来快来刺痛我这是一个游乐场我们停不下来也离不来这是一个游乐场我们停不下来也离不来我们来到这样一个游乐场阳光透过彩色玻璃洒下来人们带着各种各样的微笑任你选择各种游戏的疯狂我们陷入这样一个游乐场男人女人透过镜子走出来心里带着各种各样的欲望出卖眼泪出卖自尊去追逐没有痛苦没有欢乐到处都是都是虚荣心我是天使我是魔鬼请你快来快来刺痛我这是一个游乐场我们停不下来也离不来这是一个游乐场我们停不下来也离不来这是一个游乐场我们停不下来也离不来这是一个游乐场我们停不下来也离不来这是一个游乐场我们停不下来也离不来这是一个游乐场我们停不下来也离不来我们有武功演唱:欧汉声草原上,我们只是一群羊狼来了,小羊一定勇敢地抵抗喜羊羊,不管对手有多强小铃铛,排除万难闯险关山摇地动,自信更从容考验如暴风,更决心追梦相信成功,掌握在手中让热血汹涌,勇闯高峰手牵着你手,纵然困难再大也不怕最后天塌下你心照我心,天空,自然自然有彩虹一群羊,团结就像一条龙吃了苦,依然努力打出真武功一群羊,勇敢更胜一条龙乘着风,一关一关冲冲冲山摇地动,自信更从容考验如暴风,更决心追梦相信成功,掌握在手中让热血汹涌,勇闯高峰手牵着你手,纵然困难再大也不怕最后天塌下你心照我心,天空,自然自然有彩虹一群羊,团结就像一条龙吃了苦,依然努力打出真武功一群羊,勇敢更胜一条龙乘着风,一关一关冲冲冲一群羊,团结就像一条龙吃了苦,依然努力打出真武功一群羊,勇敢更胜一条龙乘着风,一关一关冲冲冲我们都有武功收起沸腾的心演唱:李紫昕我不怕有多少困难在面前我不怕有多少阻碍在身边我拥有沸腾的力量永不变我知道每一天是勇敢地向前听听在我心中的愿望是多么美丽是多么的伟大什么都不管我什么都不管去吧去吧一起去寻找吧拥有希望拥有梦想在黑暗背后我看到愿望我不放弃我不灰心我拥有是沸腾的心收起拆拆拆作词:崔恕赖伟锋作曲:赖伟锋歌手:赖伟锋离开狼的城堡离开狼的城堡离开狼的城堡离开狼的城堡拆拆拆拆拆拆拆拆把门打开我们拆你是披着羊皮的狼还是披着狼皮的羊没资格做狼没资格做王你是不是羊的同党让羊群把你收养从此吃草也好你们都不要吵你快走开小乖乖狼族请你离开把你赶出狼的王国不要随便回来你快走开小可爱你的家让我拆赶你出狼的部落只有这种结果。



《喜羊羊与灰太狼》-儿童儿童歌曲 - 别看我只是一只羊

喜洋洋与灰太狼第一集 狼来了中英文字幕

喜洋洋与灰太狼第一集 狼来了中英文字幕

第一集狼来了(上)Chapter 1 The Wolves Are Arriving… (Part I)(大肥羊学校。


)(Big Fat Sheep School. Ceremony of the beginning of the vacation)慢羊羊:各位同学!各位同学,明天就放假了,在放假的时候,大家要听爸爸妈妈的话,把假期作业做好,注意交通安全,出去玩的时候不要跑得太远。

Slow Sheep: Dear students! Dear students, we will have our vacation tomorrow. During the vacation, please listen to your parents, do your homework well, pay attention to traffic, and don’t go too far when you are travelling.沸羊羊:美羊羊,村长到底要讲到什么时候呀?真是……Sturdy Sheep: Pretty, when will our mayor finish this? Hmm…美羊羊:沸羊羊,按照慢羊羊村长的速度,起码是今天晚上。

Pretty Sheep: Sturdy, at least this evening according to his speed.慢羊羊:尤其要小心的是,外面会有可怕的大灰狼!大家要记住,见到了这样的动物一定要逃跑啊!Slow Sheep: Especially, beware of the horrible big bad wolf outside! Remember, run away when you see such animal!喜羊羊:看起来也不是那么危险呀!Happy Sheep: It looks nothing dangerous at all!慢羊羊:他很危险的!Slow Sheep: He’s really dangerous!沸羊羊:好像没什么攻击力嘛!Sturdy Sheep: It seems that its attacking ability is rather weak!慢羊羊:你不要掉以轻心!Slow Sheep: Don’t take it lightly!美羊羊:怎么这么眼熟啊?Pretty Sheep: Why it looks rather familiar to us?喜羊羊:长得真像村长啊!Happy Sheep: It looks really like our mayor!沸羊羊:这就是村长小时候!Sturdy Sheep: That’s mayor’s childhood!(慢羊羊突然发现图片拿错了……)(Slow has found that he brought a wrong picture)慢羊羊:对不起,不是这张……(换了图片)是这张……嗯?你们怎么好像没到齐呀?有谁没来吗?Slow Sheep: Sorry, not this one… (Changed the picture) This one…Eh? It seems someone is absent. Who’s not here?美羊羊:哎呀,是懒羊羊,懒羊羊还没来。






1. 《喜羊羊》这首歌曲是整个系列中最为经典和耳熟能详的。



2. 《灰太狼》与《喜羊羊》相对应的,这首歌曲则描绘了灰太狼的形象。



3. 《我是一只小小鸟》这首歌曲表达了小灰灰对自由的向往和渴望。



4. 《再见了我的小爱》这首歌曲表达了小红的感伤和依依不舍。


5. 《七色花》这首歌曲则表达了七色花精灵的神秘和美丽。



6. 《勇往直前》这首歌曲传达了正能量和自信的主题。



7. 《我们是最棒的队伍》这首歌曲表达了团结和友情的主题。



《喜羊羊与灰太狼之牛气冲天插曲-拥抱春天(粤)-J.O.Y》歌词 喜羊羊与灰太狼之牛气冲天

《喜羊羊与灰太狼之牛气冲天插曲-拥抱春天(粤)-J.O.Y》歌词 喜羊羊与灰太狼之牛气冲天


以上就是关于喜羊羊与灰太狼之牛气冲天插曲-拥抱春天(粤)-J.O.Y 的歌词,感谢您的阅读!。

Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 6

Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 6

Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf《喜羊羊与灰太狼》一、主要角色(Main Roles):喜羊羊(Pleasant Goat)美羊羊(Pretty Goat)沸羊羊(Strong Goat)懒羊羊(Lazy Goat)慢羊羊(Slow Goat)灰太狼(Big Big Wolf)红太狼(Red Wolf)字母宝宝(Letter babies)二、剧本的主要内容(Main Content):1.具体场景(Specific Part):Part 1:在羊村的大肥羊学校里Little Goat: Good morning, Master! 小羊们(一起说):早上好,校长!Slow Goat: Good morning! My children. Welcome to school.慢羊羊:早上好,孩子们。


Slow Goat: Kids, today some new friends will come to our school! Look! They are here!(Letter babies to appear on the scene,sing 《ABC》song)慢羊羊:孩子们今天我们学校来了些新朋友!看看他们来了!(字母宝宝唱字母歌出场)Letter babies:Hello,everybody!We are Letter babies!字母宝宝:大家好!我们是字母宝宝!Slow Goat: Ok! Class begin! Let’s play games with Letter babies !好啦,开始上课了,让我们和字母宝宝玩游戏吧!(课上,字母宝宝组合成单词cake)Slow Goat: What’s the word? 慢羊羊:这是什么单词?Little Goat: C-A-K-E~~Strong Goat: cak!沸羊羊:cak!(说错了)Slow Goat: No~ Think it over! There is a “E”.慢羊羊:不对哦!再想想!这里有一个“E”哦!Pleasant Goat: Oh,It’s a cake.喜羊羊:我知道了!这是蛋糕。



《喜羊羊与灰太狼》Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf人物:喜羊羊Pleasant Goat 美羊羊Pretty Goat 懒羊羊Lazy Goat沸羊羊Force Goat 暖羊羊Warm Goat 慢羊羊Slowly Goat灰太狼Big Big Wolf 红太狼Red Big Wolf情景1:(在青青草原:喜羊羊、美羊羊、沸羊羊、懒羊羊、慢羊羊和暖羊羊在一起闲聊;灰太狼和红太狼在旁边隐蔽)喜:What can we play today?美:We have nothing to play. It’s dull!懒:I have a good idea. (睡意朦胧)喜、沸:What do you have in mind? (好奇)懒:Let’s sleep! (自信满满)暖、慢:Oh, no! You are so lazy!(无奈指责)灰:Ha! Dear goats, I’m here!(灰太狼由小声到大声,出现在羊面前)美:Ah! Look, Big Big Wolf! Run away! (惊恐吓了一大跳)(羊们开始逃跑,灰太狼追着美羊羊)灰:Ha-ha! I’m sure that is a yummy goat!(灰太狼紧追美羊羊)美:Pleasant Goat! Please help me! Help...help...help! (神情紧张)灰:It’s too late! My little poor goat.(十分贪婪,并抓住了美羊羊)喜:Pretty Goat, Don’t worry,I’ll save you soon!(灰太狼抓住了美羊羊后,又开始抓其它羊)懒:Let go of me! Help!(也神情紧张)灰:Ha! Little fat goat. I’m hungry now. My wife is waiting for me. Ha-ha!(灰太狼抓住了懒羊羊,于是逮着懒羊羊、美羊羊走向并最后进入了狼堡)情景2:(在狼堡)红:Wow! My dear, you did a good job! Huh, two goats! (激动)灰:Honey, I’m going to cook them soon! W e’ll have a big dinner. Let’s get starte d.(灰太狼和红太狼准备煮羊)情景3:(在青青草原)慢:What can we do? Pleasant Goat, find a way quickly, be quick! (着急)沸:Pleasant Goat! Find a way!喜:T here’s only one key.Let’s go to the wolf’s house and save them!暖:What? I am very worried about that! It’s too dangerous !(表现出害怕的样子)慢:This is the only one key...I’m wa iting for must save Pretty Goat and Lazy Goat .And this is a special gun. Big Big Wol f won’t move for an hour. Here you are, Pleasant Goat. (慢羊羊拿出一把枪,深沉地给了喜羊羊)喜:That’s great!Let’s go. Warm Goat and Force Goat! (握住拳头)暖、沸:OK, let’s go to the wolf’s house! (气势磅礴)(喜羊羊它们向狼堡走去;灰太狼与红太狼正得意洋洋)情景4:(在狼堡)红:Two little will be finished! I’ll eat you! (贪婪野蛮)美:Oh, no. I believe Pleasant Goat will come and save us! Yes? Lazy Goat?What are you doing?(无助)懒:Let me sleep, shush.(乐观派)美:Ah! Don’t sleep! I am very afraid ! If you don’t sleep, I will give you candy! 懒:Really? I love candy !(懒羊羊突然醒了,美羊羊点点头)(喜羊羊,沸羊羊,暖羊羊到达,并使劲敲门)灰:Who? Oh, wife. Maybe there are the other goats! Let me catch them.(喜羊羊拿住枪,准备瞄准;灰太狼打开门)灰:Oh, it’s Pleasant Goat. I’ll get you for my dinner!喜:Big Big Wolf. Goodbye!(Bang!!!!!!!!!!!)(开枪)(灰太狼突然动不了了)暖:Wow! You are great, Pleasant Goat!(赞美)灰:Pleasant goat! What did you do? Why can’t I move?!(喜羊羊笑了笑,把枪给了沸羊羊)喜:Force Goat, hold the gun. Let me save them.沸:OK!...Red Big Wolf!You will be finished!(喜羊羊救了美羊羊、懒羊羊,沸羊羊把枪对准红太狼)红:What are you going to do? Little fat goats? (害怕)沸:Goodbye, Red Big Wolf! (Bang!!!!!)(沸羊羊向红太狼开枪;红太狼动不了了)美、懒:Thank you, Pleasant Goat!(感激不尽)暖:Lazy Goat, Pretty Goat, Run away quickly!(美羊羊,懒羊羊逃了出来)红:Big Big Wolf, I hate you! Ah! (红太狼挣扎)美:Mr. Big Big Wolf and Red Big Wolf, goodbye! (亲切)懒:Pretty Goat, where is my candy? (天真好奇)美:Oh! Lovely Lazy Goat, I have no candy. Sorry! Don’t blame me! (违约)懒:What? My candy! My God!...Ah! Let me sleep,shush.(无奈的)暖:Don’t sleep! Lazy Goat! We should go back to our village! (命令)(懒羊羊随即被叫醒,并打了个哈欠,之后羊群到达羊村)情景5:(在青青草原)慢:Pleasant Goat, you’re very good! Give me the special gun.(迎接)沸:Here you are, Village Head.慢:Ah, that’s not the true special gun. This is the true one!(激动地拿出真枪)暖:Ah? If this……(疑惑无比)慢:If this is the true gun, Big Big Wolf will not be able to move for ten days!(大声)懒:Ha-ha...And do we win?喜、沸、暖、美:Yes! We win! (羊们笑着说)情景6: (在狼堡)红:Big Big Wolf, where are the goats? Where? You...you, I hate you! Ah!You are foolish! (动不了了)灰:Wuh...Awful Pleasant Goat, I must eat you first! And I’m sure I will come back soon. (哭着说)。



《喜洋洋与灰太狼》的角色英文介绍喜羊羊 (Pleasant Goat/Happy Goat)喜羊羊是小羊中的首领,在他的脖子上挂着一个小铃铛。




The leader of the young goats, who wears a small bell on his neck. He is the best assistant of Slow Goat. In almost every episode he is the first one who foils the plot of Grey Wolf. He is also a very, very fast runner. His plans hardly ever fail。

慢羊羊(Slow Goat/Mayor Goat)慢羊羊是大家的村长,虽已垂垂老矣,却极具智慧,负责把他的知识教给小羊们。




The village chief of the goats. He is a wise though senile old goat who is teacher to the children goats. He is also a brilliant inventor with his own underground laboratory, and when inventing he sometimes adopts a mad scientist persona. A running gag in the show has vegetation grow from his temple whenever he thinks too hard. He is slower than a snail。








人数:五名男生,三名女生(其中一名稍胖)出场人物:喜羊羊Pleasant Goat 美羊羊Pretty Goat 懒羊羊Lazy Goat沸羊羊Force Goat暖羊羊Warm Goat 慢羊羊Slowly Goat(Village Head) 灰太狼Big Big Wolf 红太狼Red Big Wolf情节对话:(喜羊羊、美羊羊、沸羊羊、懒羊羊、慢羊羊还有暖羊羊在一起;灰太狼和红太狼在旁边隐蔽)喜:What can we play today?美:We have nothing to play. It’s dull!懒:I have a good idea. (睡意朦胧)喜、沸:What idea do you have? (好奇)懒:Let’s sleep! (自信满满)暖、慢:Oh,no! You are very lazy! (无奈指责)灰:Ha! Dear goats ,I’m coming!(灰太狼小声→大声,出现在羊面前)美:Ah! Look, Big-big-wolf! Run away! (惊恐了一大跳)(羊们开始逃跑,灰太狼追着美羊羊)灰:Ha-ha!I’m sure that it’s a good and delicious goat!(灰太狼紧追美羊羊)美:Pleasant-goat!Please help me!Help,help,help! (神情紧张)灰:It’s too late!My favourite goat.(十分贪婪,并抓住了美羊羊)喜:Pretty-goat,I have nothing to do.But I’ll save you!(灰太狼抓住了美羊羊后,又开始抓其它羊)懒:Don’t touch me!Help me!(也神情紧张)灰:Ha!Little fat goat.I’m hungry now. My wife is waiting for me.Haha! (灰太狼又抓住了懒羊羊,于是逮着懒羊羊,美羊羊走向狼堡,最后进入了狼堡)-------------------地点转换(在狼堡)----------------------------红:Wa!Big big wolf!You are very good! Oh,two goats! (激动)灰:Wife.I’m going to cook them soon!Today we’ll have a super dinner,I’m looking forward to eating goats the first(灰太狼和红太狼准备煮羊)-----------------------地点转换(在青青草原)----------------------慢:What to do?Pleasant-goat,find a way quickly,be quick! (着急)沸:Pleasant goat!Find a way!喜:There’s only one key.Let’s goto wolf’s houseand save them! 暖:What? I am very worried about that!It’s too dangerous ! (表现出害怕的样子)慢:Ng.This is only one key.I’m wating for you.You must save Pretty-goat and Lazy goat .And this is a special gun.Big-big-wolf won’t move for an hour.Give you,Pleasant goat. (慢羊羊拿出一把枪,深沉地给了喜羊羊)喜:That’s great!Let’s go.Warm goat and Force goat! (握住拳头)暖,沸:Ok,let’s go to wolf’s house!(气势磅礴)(喜羊羊它们向狼堡走去;灰太狼与红太狼正得意洋洋)-----------------------地点转换(在狼堡)--------------------------- 红:Two Little goats.You will finish!I’ll eat you! (贪婪野蛮)美:Oh,no.I believe Pleasant goat can save me! Yes?Lazy goat?What are you doing?(无助)懒:Let me sleep,xu.(乐观派)美:Ah!Don’t sleep!I am very afraid ! If you don’t sleep,I will give you candy!懒:Really?I love candy !(懒羊羊突然醒了,美羊羊点点头)(喜羊羊,沸羊羊,暖羊羊到达,并使劲敲门)灰:Who?Oh, wife.Maybe are the other goats!Let me catch them. (喜羊羊拿住枪,准备瞄准;灰太狼打开门)灰:Oh,it’s pleasant goat!I’ll get you for my dinner!喜:Big-big-wolf.Goodbye!(Bang)(开枪)(灰太狼突然动不了了)暖:Wa!Pleasant goat,you are very great!(赞美)灰:Pleasant-goat!What do you do? Why can’t I move?!(喜羊羊笑了笑,把枪给了沸羊羊)喜:Force goat,give you gun.Let me save them.沸:Ok!...Ng.Red big wolf!you will finish!(喜羊羊救了美羊羊,懒羊羊,沸羊羊把枪对准红太狼)红:What are you going to do?little fat goats? (害怕)沸:Goodbye,Red big wolf!(bang)(沸羊羊向红太狼开枪;红太狼动不了了)美,懒:Thank you,Pleasant-goat!(感激不尽)暖:Lazy goat, pretty goat,Run away quickly!(美羊羊,懒羊羊逃了出来)红:Big-big-wolf,I hate you!Ah! (红太狼挣扎)美:Mr. Big-big-wolf and Red big wolf,goodbye! (亲切)懒:Pretty-goat,where’s my candy? (天真好奇)美:Oh!Lovely lazy goat,I have no candy.Sorry?Don’t blame me!(违约)懒:What?My candy!My God!...Ai,Let me sleep,xu.(无奈的)暖:Don’t sleep!Lazy goat!We will go to our house!(命令)(懒羊羊随即被叫醒,并打了个哈欠,之后羊群到达羊村)慢:Pleasant goat,you’re very good!Give me special gun.(迎接)沸:Here you are.Village Head.慢:Ah,that’s not ture the special gun.This is ture!(激动地拿出真枪)暖:Ah?If this……(疑惑无比)慢:If this false gun,Big big wolf can’t move for ten days!(大声)懒:Ha ha.Ng……And do we win?喜,沸,暖,美:Yes!We win! (羊们笑着说)-----------------------地点转换(在狼堡)---------------------------红:Big-big-wolf,Where are our goats?Where?you, you,I hateyou!Ah!You are foolish! (动不了了)灰:Wu……Awful pleasant-goat,I must eat you the first!And I’m sure come back soon(哭着说)。



Present Sheep and Wolf喜羊羊与灰太狼剧本第一部Part1: 灰太狼的主题曲,几只小羊跳着欢快的舞蹈入场。

喜羊羊:Oh! My dear friends. It is time to go to school! Let’s go!(校长出场迎接小羊)校长:Good morning! My children. Welcome to school!小羊们:Good morning, Master!校长:Hurry, It’s time for class.(一起走进教室)老师:Class begin!暖洋洋:Stand up,please!老师:Good morning, boys and girls.全体羊羊:Good morning, Miss Yang.老师:Sit down, please!I say you do. 我说你们做。

Sheep, I say you do. Touch your head. (羊们双手摸头)小羊们,我说你们做,双手摸头。

Ware your arms (羊羊们挥动双手)挥动你们的双手。

Hand in hand (羊羊们手拉手)Arm in arm (羊羊们互相拥抱)(老师出示一张图片“蛋糕”)What’s this?全体羊羊:It’s a cake.这是蛋糕。

懒羊羊:It’s a very nice cake.I want to eat it.(老师做出做蛋糕的动作)老师:What am I doing?暖羊羊:You are making a cake.全体羊羊:Yes!老师:I’m making a cake. Let’s sing the song“Make a cake”.我正在做蛋糕,现在我们来唱这首歌“做蛋糕”。



)喜羊羊与灰太狼剧本第二部Part2(灰太狼和红太郎扮演成演员上场,歌舞表演)灰太狼:Oh, they like watching performance. We can……哦,他们喜欢看表演,我们可以这样.红太狼:Yes. 好的。



英语作文动画片《喜羊羊与灰太狼》全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Once upon a time in a beautiful green meadow, there lived a group of cute and fluffy sheep. The leader of the sheep was a brave and clever sheep named Happy Sheep. Happy Sheep was loved and respected by all the other sheep in the meadow.However, not far away, in a dark and gloomy forest, there lived a mean and cunning grey wolf named Big Bad Wolf. Big Bad Wolf was always plotting to catch the sheep and turn them into his dinner. He was always coming up with new schemes to trick the sheep and get them into his clutches.But Happy Sheep was always one step ahead of the Big Bad Wolf. With the help of his friends, including Timid Sheep, Stubborn Sheep, and Silly Sheep, Happy Sheep always managed to outsmart the Big Bad Wolf and keep the sheep safe.One day, the Big Bad Wolf came up with a new plan to catch the sheep. He disguised himself as a sweet and harmless old lady and went to the meadow bearing gifts of delicious treats. Theother sheep were tricked by his disguise and welcomed him into the meadow.But Happy Sheep was suspicious. He knew that something was not right and decided to investigate. He discovered the Big Bad Wolf's true identity and warned the other sheep. Together, they outwitted the Big Bad Wolf once again and sent him running back to the forest in defeat.From that day on, the sheep lived happily in their meadow, safe from the clutches of the Big Bad Wolf. And Happy Sheep was hailed as a hero for his bravery and quick thinking. The meadow was filled with laughter and joy once again, thanks to the courage and cleverness of Happy Sheep and his friends.And they all lived happily ever after. The end.篇2Once upon a time, there was a cute little sheep named Happy Sheep and a sneaky wolf named Grey Wolf. They lived in a beautiful meadow filled with colorful flowers and tall trees. Happy Sheep was always cheerful and loved to play with his friends, while Grey Wolf was always up to no good and constantly trying to catch the sheep for dinner.Every day, Happy Sheep and his friends would play games, have picnics, and enjoy the sunshine. They were always laughing and having a great time. But Grey Wolf would lurk in the shadows, planning his next move to catch the sheep.One day, Grey Wolf came up with a clever plan to disguise himself as a sheep and sneak into the flock. He thought he could trick Happy Sheep and his friends into thinking he was one of them. But Happy Sheep was smart and could see through Grey Wolf's disguise. He quickly warned his friends and together they outsmarted the sneaky wolf.From that day on, Grey Wolf learned his lesson and stopped trying to catch the sheep. Instead, he became friends with Happy Sheep and his friends. They all played together in the meadow, enjoying each other's company and having fun.And so, the meadow was filled with laughter and joy, with Happy Sheep and Grey Wolf as the best of friends. They learned that kindness and friendship were more important than trying to trick each other. And they lived happily ever after. The end.篇3Once upon a time, there was a really funny and exciting cartoon called "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf." It was all aboutthe adventures of a group of cute little goats led by the brave and clever Pleasant Goat, as they tried to outsmart the villainous Big Big Wolf.In every episode, the goats would come up with all sorts of clever plans to outwit the Big Big Wolf and protect their precious grassland. Sometimes they would dress up in disguises, other times they would work together as a team to outsmart the Wolf. And of course, there were plenty of funny moments and silly antics along the way.One of the best things about "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" was the messages it taught us. It showed us the importance of friendship, teamwork, and using our brains to solve problems. It also taught us that even the smallest and weakest among us can be brave and heroic when we work together and believe in ourselves.So if you ever feel scared or worried, just remember the adventures of Pleasant Goat and his friends. They may be just a cartoon, but they can teach us some pretty important lessons about life. And who knows, maybe you'll even come up with some clever plans of your own to outsmart the Big Big Wolves in your life!篇4Title: Fun Adventures with Pleasant Goat and Big Big WolfHey everyone! Today I want to talk to you about one of my favorite animated shows called "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf". It's a really funny and exciting cartoon that I love watching with my friends and family.The show is all about a group of goats who live in a beautiful meadow and their constant struggles with a big bad wolf who always tries to catch them. The main characters are Wolffy, the clever and sneaky wolf, and Pleasant Goat, the brave andkind-hearted leader of the goats. There are also other goats like Tibbie, Weslie, Paddi, and Sparky who have their own unique personalities and quirks.Every episode of the show is full of adventures, mischief, and funny moments that will make you laugh out loud. The goats always come up with clever plans to outsmart the wolf and protect themselves from his tricks. They work together as a team and show that friendship and cooperation can help you overcome any problem.One of my favorite episodes is when Wolffy tries to disguise himself as a goat to trick the other goats, but his plans alwaysbackfire and end up making him look silly. It's so funny to see him get caught in his own traps and the goats always come out on top.I really enjoy watching "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" because it teaches us important lessons about teamwork, friendship, and never giving up. It's a show that is fun for kids of all ages and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a good laugh.So if you're looking for a great animated show to watch, give "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" a try! I promise you won't be disappointed. Let's all cheer for the goats and boo for the wolf together! Happy watching!篇5Once upon a time, there was a very famous cartoon called "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf". It was about a group of lovely goats led by Pleasant Goat, and they always had fun adventures. But there was also a big bad wolf named Big Big Wolf who always tried to catch the goats but failed.In each episode, Pleasant Goat and his friends would come up with different ways to outsmart Big Big Wolf. They used their intelligence, teamwork, and courage to overcome all theobstacles and challenges they faced. Sometimes they would dress up as other animals, sometimes they would set up traps, and sometimes they would use their special abilities to evade the wolf.The cartoon was not only entertaining but also taught valuable lessons such as the importance of friendship, cooperation, and never giving up. It showed that even in difficult situations, with the help of friends and a positive attitude, anything is possible.Kids all over the world loved watching "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" because it was funny, exciting, and heartwarming. It brought joy and laughter to everyone who watched it. And the best part was that it reminded us that no matter how big the challenges may seem, as long as we stick together and believe in ourselves, we can overcome them.So let's all be like Pleasant Goat and his friends – brave, smart, and full of spirit! And remember, no matter how tough things may get, there's always a way to find happiness and success. Just like in the world of "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf", where every day is an adventure waiting to happen!篇6Once upon a time, there was a super cool and funny cartoon called "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf". It was all about a group of cute little sheep led by the adventurous and brave Pleasant Goat, who always outsmarted the silly and clumsy Big Big Wolf.In every episode, Big Big Wolf, who was always hungry and trying to catch the sheep for dinner, would come up with crazy plans to trap the sheep. But thanks to Pleasant Goat's quick thinking and the teamwork of the other sheep, they would always manage to escape from Big Big Wolf's clutches.The show was filled with hilarious jokes, exciting adventures, and heartwarming moments. It taught us the importance of friendship, cooperation, and never giving up, even in the face of danger. Pleasant Goat and his friends were always there for each other, no matter what challenges they faced.The show became a huge hit with kids all over the world, and it even spawned a series of movies and merchandise. It was a show that brought joy and laughter to children of all ages, and its catchy theme song is still remembered fondly by fans.So, if you ever need a good laugh and a heartwarming story, just watch "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf". It will surely bring a smile to your face and warm your heart. Let's all enjoy the adventures of Pleasant Goat and his friends together!篇7Once upon a time, there was a popular animated TV show called "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf". It was about a group of cute sheep led by the smart and brave Pleasant Goat, who always tried to outsmart the Big Big Wolf and his gang.In the show, the Big Big Wolf was always trying to catch the sheep to eat them, but he never succeeded because the sheep were too clever for him. They would come up with all sorts of creative and funny ways to escape from the wolf's clutches.One of the most memorable characters in the show was Wolffy, the clumsy and lovable cousin of the Big Big Wolf. He was always getting into trouble and causing chaos for the wolf, but he had a good heart and always tried to help his cousin catch the sheep.Another favorite character was Weslie, the mischievous little goat who loved to play pranks on his friends. He was always getting himself and the other sheep into funny situations, but he was also very loyal and brave when it came to protecting his friends from danger.Overall, "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" was a heartwarming and hilarious show that entertained children andadults alike. It taught us the value of friendship, teamwork, and never giving up in the face of adversity. It will always hold a special place in our hearts as a beloved childhood memory.篇8One of my favorite animation series is "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf". It's super funny and exciting! The story is about a group of little goats led by the smart and brave Pleasant Goat, who always outsmarts the silly Big Big Wolf in each episode.In each episode, the Big Big Wolf tries to catch the little goats for his dinner, but every time he fails because Pleasant Goat and his friends work together to outwit him. The little goats are always coming up with clever plans to escape from the Big Big Wolf's traps. They use their brains and teamwork to save themselves from danger.My favorite character is Weslie, the little pig who is always hungry and cheerful. He adds a lot of humor to the series with his funny antics and silly jokes. I also love Tibbie, the little sheep who is always dreaming big and coming up with crazy ideas.The animation in "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" is colorful and lively, with cute characters and funny expressions. The theme song is catchy and fun to sing along to. I can't help butlaugh out loud when I watch the episodes, especially when the Big Big Wolf's plans backfire on him.Overall, "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" is a great animation series that teaches us the value of friendship, teamwork, and using our brains to solve problems. I can't wait to watch more episodes and see what adventures the little goats will go on next!篇9Once upon a time, there was a cartoon called "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf". It was a super fun and exciting show that I used to watch with my friends after school.The main characters in the cartoon were Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf. Pleasant Goat was a cute and friendly goat who always tried to outsmart Big Big Wolf. Big Big Wolf was a silly but sneaky wolf who loved to chase after Pleasant Goat and his friends to catch them for dinner.Every episode of the cartoon was filled with funny and adventurous moments. Pleasant Goat and his friends would come up with clever plans to escape from Big Big Wolf's traps. They would use their teamwork and courage to overcome all the challenges and defeat the wolf in the end.One of my favorite episodes was when Pleasant Goat and his friends went on a treasure hunt in the forest. They had to solve puzzles and face obstacles to find the hidden treasure. Big Big Wolf tried to steal the treasure from them, but with their quick thinking and bravery, Pleasant Goat and his friends managed to outsmart him once again.Watching "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" always made me laugh and feel happy. It taught me the importance of friendship, teamwork, and never giving up. It was a great cartoon that brought joy and excitement to all the kids who watched it.I will always remember the fun adventures of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf and how they inspired me to be brave and creative. It's a cartoon that will forever hold a special place in my heart.篇10I'm going to tell you about my favorite cartoon, "Happy Sheep and Grey Wolf." It's a really funny and exciting show that I love to watch with my friends.The main characters in the show are Happy Sheep and Grey Wolf. Happy Sheep is a mischievous and clever sheep who always comes up with funny plans to outsmart Grey Wolf. GreyWolf is always trying to catch Happy Sheep, but he never succeeds because Happy Sheep is too smart for him.The show is full of funny jokes and silly pranks. Happy Sheep and his friends are always getting into hilarious situations, and Grey Wolf is always getting himself into trouble trying to catch them. It's so funny to watch them chase each other around and see what kind of crazy ideas they come up with.One of my favorite episodes is when Happy Sheep and his friends decide to have a picnic in the forest. Grey Wolf tries to sneak up on them and steal their food, but Happy Sheep tricks him by setting up booby traps all around the picnic area. It's so funny to see Grey Wolf fall for all of Happy Sheep's tricks and end up getting covered in mud and leaves.I love watching "Happy Sheep and Grey Wolf" because it always makes me laugh. The characters are so silly and the jokes are so funny. It's the perfect show to watch when I want to relax and have a good time. I can't wait to see what kind of crazy adventures Happy Sheep and Grey Wolf will get into next!。



喜⽺⽺与灰太狼歌词拼⾳对照版喜⽺⽺与灰太狼歌词xǐyáng yáng měi yáng yáng lǎn yáng yáng f ai yáng yáng màn yáng yáng ruǎn mián mián h?ng tài láng huītài láng 喜⽺⽺美⽺⽺懒⽺⽺沸⽺⽺慢⽺⽺软绵绵红太狼灰太狼bi?kàn wǒzhīshìyīzhīyáng别看我只是⼀只⽺lǜcǎo yěw?i wǒbiàn de gang xiāng绿草也为我变的更⾹tiān kōng yīn w?i wǒbiàn de gang lán天空因为我变的更蓝bái yún yěw?i wǒbiàn de r?u ruǎn⽩云也为我变的柔软bi?kàn wǒzhīshìyīzhīyáng别看我只是⼀只⽺yáng ?r de cōng míng nán yǐxiǎng xiàng⽺⼉的聪明难以想像tiān zài gāo xīn qíng yī yàng bēn fàng天再⾼⼼情⼀样奔放měi tiān dōu zhuīgǎn tài yáng ...每天都追赶太阳...yǒu shíme nán tíqùqiān bàn wǒdōu búhuìqùxīn shāng有什么难题去牵绊我都不会去⼼伤yǒu shíme wēi xiǎn zài wǒmiàn qián yěb úhuìqùhuāng luàn有什么危险在我⾯前也不会去慌乱jiùsuàn yǒu láng qún bǎwǒzhuībǔyěd āng zu?y?u xìyīchǎng就算有狼群把我追捕也当做游戏⼀场zài shí me shí jiān dōu ài kāi xīn xiào róng dōu huì fēi xiáng在什么时间都爱开⼼笑容都会飞翔jiùsuàn huìshuāi dǎo zhàn d?qǐlái yǒng yuǎn búhuìjǔsàng就算会摔倒站得起来永远不会沮丧zài suǒyǒu tiān qìyōng yǒu jiào r?n dàxiào de lìliàng在所有天⽓拥有叫⼈⼤笑的⼒量suīrán wǒzhīshìyáng ……虽然我只是⽺……xǐyáng yáng měi yáng yáng lǎn yáng yáng f ai yáng yáng màn yáng yáng ruǎn mián mián h?ng tài láng huītài láng 喜⽺⽺美⽺⽺懒⽺⽺沸⽺⽺慢⽺⽺软绵绵红太狼灰太狼bi?kàn wǒzhīshìyīzhīyáng别看我只是⼀只⽺lǜcǎo yěw?i wǒbiàn de gang xiāng绿草也为我变的更⾹tiān kōng yīn w?i wǒbiàn de gang lán天空因为我变的更蓝bái yún yěbiàn de gang r?u ruǎn⽩云也变的更柔软yǒu shíme nán tíqùqiān bàn wǒdōu búhuìqùxīn shāng有什么难题去牵绊我都不会去⼼伤yǒu shíme wēi xiǎn zài wǒmiàn qián yěb úhuìqùhuāng luàn有什么危险在我⾯前也不会去慌乱jiùsuàn yǒu láng qún bǎwǒzhuībǔyěd āng zu?y?u xìyīchǎng就算有狼群把我追捕也当做游戏⼀场zài shí me shí jiān dōu ài kāi xīn xiào róng dōu huì fēi xiáng在什么时间都爱开⼼笑容都会飞翔jiùsuàn huìshuāi dǎo zhàn d?qǐlái yǒng yuǎn búhuìjǔsang就算会摔倒站得起来永远不会沮丧zài suǒyǒu tiān qìyōng yǒu jiào r?n dàxiào de lìliàngsuīrán wǒzhīshìyáng ……在所有天⽓拥有叫⼈⼤笑的⼒量s uīrán wǒzhīshìyáng ……虽然我只是⽺……s uīrán wǒzhīshìyáng ……虽然我只是⽺……xǐyáng yáng měi yáng yáng lǎn yáng yáng f ai yáng yáng màn yáng yáng ruǎn mián mián h?ng tài láng huītài láng 喜⽺⽺美⽺⽺懒⽺⽺沸⽺⽺慢⽺⽺软绵绵红太狼灰太狼。



小学英语短剧剧本喜羊羊与灰太狼第一篇:小学英语短剧剧本喜羊羊与灰太狼小学英语短剧剧本Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf第一场:(播放背景乐:喜羊羊和灰太狼)(小天使和五位演员上台亮相,小天使介绍角色,介绍到谁谁就做动作展示一下自己。

)Angle:On the beautiful green meadow, lives Pleasant Goat (招牌动作), Fat Goat(睡觉状), Beauty Goat(I am pretty, right?), Grey Wolf(阴笑), Red wolf(嘻笑).(五个角色迅速下场,拿上棍子对峙状,上场)Angle:The wolves use their brains every day, and try to catch these goats.So a longbattle between the goats and the wolves begins.(大家定格亮相,从两边下场。



)Grey Wolf:Honey, can you carry the box for me?(红太狼不情愿)Red Wolf:What do you want to do?Grey Wolf:I want to put the box under the tree.Then I can pick some fruit for ourlunch.Red Wolf:Oh, I can't eat the goats!I can only eat the fruit.Grey Wolf:Ready? One, two....(灰太狼和红太狼抬着箱子走几步后,红太狼猛得把箱子一扔,砸到了灰太狼的手指)Grey Wolf:Oh, my fingers!Red Wolf:Why don't you catch the goats? You're busy all days.But I can't eat a bite ofthe goat.Now, go, get me a goat.I'm starving now.(灰太狼忙跳上树,摘了一个果子,赶紧捧着送到红太狼的嘴边)Grey Wolf:Honey, here's some fruit.How delicious!You have some fruit first.I go tocatch the goats for you at once.Believe me!(红太狼不情愿,但又无可奈何)Red Wolf:I am not a goat but a wolf.I want goats.(摸摸自己的肚子,做饿状。







《喜羊羊与灰太狼之牛气冲天片尾曲-Happy牛Year你最牛-阿牛》歌词 喜羊羊与灰太狼之牛气冲天

《喜羊羊与灰太狼之牛气冲天片尾曲-Happy牛Year你最牛-阿牛》歌词 喜羊羊与灰太狼之牛气冲天


ho hei




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