
ATA100(民用航空器系统部件通用代码)航空器系统/ 部件通用代码表民用航空器系统/部件通用(JOINT代码IRCRAFTSYSTEM/COMPONENT中国民用航空总局航空安全技术中心维修工程室翻译ODE)AC航空器系统/ 部件通用代码表前言在航空器的维修工作中统计并根据这些信息进行可靠性分析是保证航空器安全使用并不断降低维修成本的可靠手段但由于没有一套对航空器和零部件进行分类编码的通用系统,因此航空器的故障信息目前只能按照ATA章节进行分类1996年ATA100航空器系统/部件通用代码表该代码表主要是为了其使用困难报告系统使用的制造国美国联邦航空局的使用困难报告系统用于收集其航空器在使用中发生的与结构设计等有关的重大故障由于美国在册的民用航空器数量庞大此报告对于航空器制造厂如波音商用飞机公司和各航空公司都有很高的参考价值航空公司也可以借鉴别人的经验避免有些故障的重复发生翻译出版本代码表的目的就是要将美国联邦航空局所开发的变为中国民航机务维修系统的航空器的每个系统/子系统以及每个零部件都归档到一个特定的4位代码中将过去只局限于对各个大系统进行分析变为能够方便地对各个分系统和零部件进行分析将航空公司的可靠性分析工作和适航部门对重要事件的分析都提高到一个新的水平航空器系统/ 部件通用代码表页号代码表18直升机振动机身系统.13.13.1422自动飞行.1724电源.2227飞行操纵.2629液压动力.31.32.3635氧气.4237真空..4345中央维护系统51标准施工/结构52舱门54吊舱/吊架55安定面56窗57机翼.43..45.47..49.50.5232起落架33灯光62主旋翼63主旋翼传动64尾桨67旋翼飞行操纵55.57.57.59航空器系统/ 部件通用代码表71动力装置.6274点火76发动机控制77发动机指示78发动机排气79发动机滑油.起动82喷水.70航空器系统/ 部件通用代码表航空器系统/部件通用代码表代码/标题11标牌和标志1100标牌和标志12勤务1210燃油勤务1220滑油勤务1230液压油勤务1240冷却剂勤务18直升机振动1800直升机振动/噪声分析1810直升机振动分析1820直升机噪声分析21空调系统2100空调系统2110客舱增压系统2120空气分配系统2121空气分配风扇2130客舱压力控制系统2131客舱压力控制器2132客舱压力指示器2133压力调节/外流阀2134客舱压力传感器2140加温系统2150客舱冷却系统2160客舱温度控制系统2161客舱温度控制器2162客舱温度指示器2163客舱温度传感器2170湿度控制系统22自动飞行2200自动飞行系统2210自动驾驶系统2211自动驾驶计算机2212高度控制器2213飞行控制器2214自动驾驶配平指示器2215自动驾驶主伺服2216自动驾驶配平伺服2220速度HFUHFVHF航空器系统/ 部件通用代码表2436直流调压器2437直流指示系统2440外部电源系统2450交流电分配系统2460直流电分配系统25设备/装饰2500客舱设备/装饰2510驾驶舱设备2520客舱设备2530饮食柜/厨房2540盥洗室2550货舱2551农业喷洒系统2560紧急设备2561救生衣2562紧急定位电台2563降落伞2564救生船2565紧急撤离滑梯2570附件舱2571电瓶箱结构2572电子设备架26防火2600火警保护系统2610探测系统2611烟雾探测2612火警探测2613过热探测2620灭火系统2621固定灭火瓶2622手提灭火瓶飞行操纵2700飞行操纵系统2701驾驶杆部分2710副翼操纵系统2711副翼调整片操纵系统2720方向舵操纵系统2721方向舵调整片操纵系统2722方向舵作动器2731升降舵调整片操纵系统2740安定面操纵系统2741安定面位置指示2742安定面作动器2750后缘襟翼操纵系统2751后缘襟翼位置指示系统2752后缘襟翼作动器2760阻力控制系统2761阻力控制作动器2770阵风锁定/阻尼器系统2780前缘襟翼操纵系统2781前缘襟翼位置指示系统2782前缘襟翼作动器28燃油2800航空器燃油系统2810燃油贮存2820航空器燃油分配系统2821航空器燃油油滤/过滤器2822燃油增压泵2823燃油选择器/关断阀2824燃油传输阀2830紧急放油系统2840航空器燃油指示2841燃油油量指示器2842燃油油量传感器2843燃油温度指示2844力指示器29液压动力2900液压动力系统2910液压,主系统2911液压动力-贮压器-主2912液压油滤-主系统2913液压泵.电动-发动机-主2914手动液压泵-主2915液压释压阀-主2916液压油箱-主2917液压压力调节器-主2920液压,辅助系统2921液压贮压器-辅助2922液压油滤-辅助2923液压泵-辅助航空器系统/ 部件通用代码表2926液压油箱-辅助2927液压压力调节器-辅助2930液压系统指示2931液压压力指示器2932液压压力传感器2933液压油量指示器2934液压油量传感器30防冰和排雨3000冰/雨保护系统3010机翼防冰/除冰系统3020进气口防冰/除冰系统3030皮脱/静压口防冰系统3040风档/门除冰/雨3050天线/雷达天线罩防冰/除冰系统3060螺旋桨/旋翼防冰/除冰系统3070水管防冰系统3080冰探测31仪表3100指示/记录系统3110仪表板3120单个仪表(时钟等)3130数据记录器发动机指示和机组警告系统)3150中央警告3160中央显示3170自动数据32起落架3200起落架系统3201起落架/机轮整流罩3210主起落架3211主起落架连接部分3212紧急飘浮部分3213主起落架支柱/轮轴/轮轴架3220前/尾起落架3221前/尾起落架连接部分3222前/尾起落架支柱/轮轴3230起落架收/放系统3232起落架舱门作动器3233起落架作动器3234起落架选择器3240起落架刹车系统3241刹车防滞部分3242刹车3243主缸筒/刹车阀3244轮胎3245轮胎内胎3246轮子/滑橇/浮筒3250起落架转弯系统3251转弯组件3252减摆器3260起落架位置&警告3270辅助架(尾橇)33灯光3300灯光系统3310驾驶舱灯光3320旅客舱灯光3330货舱灯光3340外部灯光3350紧急灯光34导航3400导航系统3410飞行环境数据3411皮脱/静压系统3412外界大气温度指示器/传感器3413爬升速率指示器3414空速/马赫指示3415高空速警告3416气压高度表/译码器3417大气数据计算机3418失速警告系统3420姿态和方向数据系统3421姿态陀螺&指示系统3422方向陀螺&指示系统3423磁罗盘3424转弯&倾斜率/转弯指示器3425综合飞行指引系统3430着陆和滑行辅助设施3431定位信标/VOR系统航空器系统/ 部件通用代码表3432下滑道系统3433微波着陆系统3434指点信标系统3435平视系统3436风切变探测系统3440独立位置测定系统3441惯性制导系统3442气象雷达系统3443多普勒系统3444近地系统3445空中防撞系统(TCAS)3446无雷达气象系统3450相关位置测定系统3451DME/TACAN系统3452ATC应答器系统3453双曲线远程导航系统3454VOR系统3455ADF系统3456欧米伽导航系统3457全球定位系统3460飞行管理计算系统35氧气3500氧气系统3510机组氧气系统3520旅客氧气系统3530手提氧气系统36气源3600气源系统3610气源分配系统3620气源指示系统37真空3700真空系统3710真空分配系统3720真空指示系统38水/污水3800水&污水系统3810饮用水系统3820冲洗水系统3830污水排放系统3840供气航空器系统/ 部件通用代码表53机身5300机身结构(概述)5301航空牵引设备5302旋翼机尾梁5310机身主结构5311机身主框5312机身主加强框5313机身主纵梁/桁条5314机身主龙骨5315机身主地板梁5320机身辅助结构5321机身地板5322机身内部安装结构5323机身内部楼梯5324机身固定隔板5330机身主金属板/蒙皮5340机身主连接接头5341机翼连接接头(在机身上)5342安定面连接接头5343起落架连接接头5344机身舱门铰链5345机身设备连接接头5346动力装置连接接头5347座椅/货物连接接头5350机身气动整流罩54吊舱/吊架5400吊舱/吊架结构5410主框(在吊舱/吊架上)5411框/梁/肋(吊舱/吊架)5412加强框/防火墙(吊舱/吊架)5413纵梁/桁条(吊舱/吊架)5414板蒙皮(吊舱/吊架)5415连接接头(吊舱/吊架)55安定面5500尾翼结构5510水平安定面结构5511水平安定面梁/肋5512水平安定面板/蒙皮5513水平安定面调整片结构5520升降舵结构5521升降舵梁/肋结构5522升降舵板/蒙皮结构5523升降舵调整片结构5530垂直安定面结构5531垂直安定面梁/肋结构5532垂直安定面板/蒙皮5533垂直结构(在垂直安定面上)5540方向舵结构5541方向舵梁/肋结构5542方向舵板/蒙皮结构5543方向舵调整片结构5550机尾飞行操纵连接接头5551水平安定面连接接头5552升降舵/调整片连接接头5553垂直安定面连接接头5554方向舵/调整片连接接头56窗5600窗/风档系统5610驾驶舱窗5620客舱窗5630门窗5640检查窗57机翼5700机翼结构5710机翼主结构5711机翼梁结构5712机翼翼肋结构5713机翼纵梁/桁条5714机翼中央翼盒5720机翼辅助结构5730机翼板/蒙皮5740机翼连接接头5741机翼,机身连接接头5742机翼,吊舱/吊架连接接头5743机翼,起落架连接接头5744操纵面连接接头5750机翼操纵面结构5751副翼结构5752副翼调整片结构5753后缘襟翼结构5754前缘装置结构5755扰流板结构航空器系统/ 部件通用代码表61螺旋桨/推进器6100螺旋桨系统6110螺旋桨组件6111螺旋桨桨叶部分6112螺旋桨除冰带部分6113螺旋桨毂盖部分6114螺旋桨桨毂部分6120螺旋桨控制系统6121螺旋桨同步器部分6122螺旋桨调速器6123螺旋桨顺浆/反浆6130螺旋桨制动6140螺旋桨指示系统62主旋翼6200主旋翼系统6210主旋翼叶片6220主旋翼头6230主旋翼主轴/斜盘6240主旋翼指示系统63主旋翼传动6300主旋翼传动系统6310发动机/主减速器联轴器6320主旋翼齿轮箱6321主旋翼刹车6322旋翼机冷却风扇系统6330主旋翼主减速器安装6340旋翼传动指示系统64尾桨6400尾桨系统6410尾桨叶片6420尾桨头6440尾桨指示系统65尾桨传动6500尾桨传动系统6510尾桨传动轴6520尾桨齿轮箱6540尾桨传动指示系统67旋翼飞行操纵6700旋翼机飞行操纵6710主旋翼操纵6711尾桨飞行操纵6720尾桨控制系统6730旋翼机伺服系统71动力装置7100动力装置系统7110发动机整流罩系统7111整流罩鱼鳞片系统7112发动机空气折流板部分7120发动机安装部分7130发动机防火密封7160发动机进气系统7170发动机余油72涡轮/涡浆发动机7200发动机(涡轮/涡浆)7210涡轮发动机减速齿轮7220涡轮发动机进气部分7230涡轮发动机压气机部分7240涡轮发动机燃烧部分7250涡轮部分7260涡轮发动机附件传动7261涡轮发动机滑油系统7270涡轮发动机外函部分73发动机燃油&控制7300发动机燃油&控制7310发动机燃油分配7311发动机燃油-滑油冷却器7312燃油加热器7313燃油喷嘴7314发动机燃油泵7320燃油控制系统7321燃油控制/电子7322燃油控制/汽化器7323涡轮调速器7324燃油分配器7330发动机燃油指示系统航空器系统/ 部件通用代码表7331燃油流量指示7332燃油压力指示7333燃油流量传感器7334燃油油量传感器74点火7400点火系统7410点火供电7411低电压线圈7412激励器7413传感振荡器7414磁电机/分电器7420点火线(分配)7421电嘴/点火嘴7430点火转换75空气7500发动机放气系统7510发动机防冰系统7520发动机冷却系统7530压气机放气控制7531压气机放气调节器7532压气机放气阀7540放气空气指示系统76发动机控制7600发动机控制7601发动机同步7602混合比控制7603动力手柄7620发动机紧急关停系统77发动机指示7700发动机指示系统7710动力指示系统7711发动机压力比(EPR)7712发动机平均有效制动压力扭矩指示7713总管压力(MP)指示7714发动机转速指示系统7720发动机温度指示系统7721汽缸头温度(CHT)指示7722发动机排气温度/涡轮进口温度指示系统7730发动机点火检测器系统7731发动机点火检测器7732发动机振动检测器7740发动机综合仪表系统78发动机排气7800发动机排气系统7810发动机收集器/尾管/喷嘴7820发动机噪声抑制器7830反推79发动机滑油7900发动机滑油系统(机身)7910发动机滑油贮存航空器系统/ 部件通用代码表8300附件齿轮箱85活塞发动机8500发动机(活塞)85108520853085408550活塞发动机前部活塞发动机动力部分活塞发动机汽缸部分活塞发动机后部活塞发动机滑油系统航空器系统/ 部件通用代码表系统代码-标题定义航空器11-标牌和标志1100标牌和标志用于所有生产厂家安装的包括那些政府规章要求的标牌应包括涉及到的系统或部件明项目的位置(例子:项目为标牌零件状态为缺少好12-勤务1210燃油勤务用于指出与任何种类航空燃油勤务有关问题报告的一般说明用于报告时应注关闭和锁1220滑油勤务用于指出与任何种类航空滑油勤务有关问题报告的一般说明1230液压油勤务用于指出与任何种类航空液压油勤务有关问题报告的一般说明1240冷却剂勤务用于指出与任何种类航空器使用的发动机冷却剂勤务报告的一般说明18-直升机振动1800直升机振动/噪声分析用户监控损坏航空器系统/ 部件通用代码表1810直升机振动分析用于监控诊断和找出动态和结构部件的振动源所必需设备的报告测量机身系统21-空调2100空调系统各种与特定的空调制2110客舱增压系统该系统及其控制将增压后的空气提供至客舱涉及有关的系统典型的零件是与增压器2120空气分配系统用于引入和分配空气的系统臭氧转换器向阀2121空气分配风扇报告涉及在封闭的区域分配空气用于使旅客舒适或设备冷却的风扇/鼓风机马达衬套2130座舱压力控制系统报告涉及控制器开关2131座舱压力控制器报告只涉及控制器本身而不涉及系统传感器或外流阀之外的设备或零件增压或分配风扇组件中的阀空气管道单不型号或分配代码无联系的零件软管等加温湿度控2132座舱压力指示器航空器系统/ 部件通用代码表报告涉及座舱增压系统2133压力调节器/外流阀报告涉及外流阀/释压阀和相关的部件如摇臂膜盒等典型零件是压力开关2140加热系统向驾驶舱或客舱提供加热空气的组件和系统典型的零件有燃油泵点火器等管子继电器继电器轮2160客舱温度控制系统不包括温度控制和指示系统冲压空气传感器冷却涡除了控制器之外的用于控制驾驶舱和客舱空气温度的组件和电路热传感装置放大器和线路如果无法得到确切的件号控制器2162客舱温度指示器报告涉及客舱空气温度的指示器2163客舱温度传感器报告涉及传感客舱温度和传送信号到指示器的传感器和相关电路典型零件是袋子过滤器航空器系统/ 部件通用代码表22-自动飞行2200自动飞行系统为航空器提供一种自动控制飞行手段的组件和部件向高度和速度的组件和部件航2210自动驾驶系统用来控制姿态和方向的自动驾驶系统有关零件的报告钢索传感器主要的部件如计算机2211自动驾驶计算机用于只涉及自动驾驶计算机的报告电路板2212高度控制器传送输出信号以自动保持一个预定的高度接系统部件如传感器开关2213飞行控制器自动驾驶系统的指令组件弯的信号2214自动驾驶配平指示器指示驾驶员选择的配平位置的仪表和相关的电路俯冲或完成协调转不包括连根据控制器来的电气或液压信号机械地将操纵面定位用于少量纠正航空器的姿态或方向航空器系统/ 部件通用代码表该系统通过纠正速度的影响和通过自动配平修正脱离配平情况的影响自动保持安全飞行状态指示警告装置等计算它包括衔接啮合件有放大器计算伺服机构操纵离合器典型的零警告灯等它包括传感23-通讯2300通讯系统作动气动力增长内部监控抑制该设备提供航空器内部包括声音连续波(C-W)通讯部件内部通讯联络系统当归档到其他的2300系列代码资料不够时使用此代码2310HF通讯系统该系统零件和电路包括接收机2311UHF通讯系统该系统零件和电路包括接收机2312VHF通讯系统该系统零件和电路包括接收机2320数据传送自动呼叫该系统部件和零件现用数据从脉冲编码发送信号中导出选择呼叫2330娱乐系统旅客娱乐系统或部件如放大器控制板视频设备航空器系统/ 部件通用代码表用于内话/旅客广播系统2350音频综合系统用于包括控制板和控制通讯的输出和导航接收机到飞行组耳机和送话器的放大器的系统部件和零件的报告典型零件有麦克风2360静电放电系统静电放电零件典型的零件有静电放电刷2370音频/视频监视用于出于保安或安全意图记录或监视机组或旅客的谈话或行动的零件的报告电视机24-电源2400电源系统产生除主要部件外典型零件有跳开关线束2410交流发电机-发电机传动用于安装在式活塞发动机上的交流发电机和发电机传动组件的报告典型零件有支架带子惰滑轮传动轴和交流发电机上的齿轮典型的零件有轴密封电插头导件2420交流发电系统用于除交流发电机静变流机或相位适配器等与交流电系统一起工作为飞机产生交流电流之外的系统其他零件的报告不包括用电系统航空器系统/ 部件通用代码表由发动机驱动的用于产生交流电流的供飞机交流电系统使用的部件不包括用于发动机起动和发电的单个组件轴2422静变流机将直流电转变为交流电的部件2424交流调压器调节交流发电机输出的交流电压发电机控制组件)供系统使用的部件(如电流和系统故障的设备机输出头上传感器用来产生直流电或将交流发电典型零件有继电器电插此系统多用在轻型的单发和双发航空器典型零件有传感器表等提供直流电压和电流电瓶接线柱等2434直流发电机-交流发电机由发动机驱动的部件适用于使用活塞发动机的轻型航空器传动皮带航空器系统/ 部件通用代码表和组件以外的滑轮置封严等壳体电枢和铃磁场绕组风扇传动装接地螺栓轴风扇用于发动机起动和产生直流电电枢壳体接线端等电流和系统故障的设备2437直流电指示系统该设备指示直流电源系统的电压2440外部电源系统航空器上将外部电源接入航空器的电气系统开关2450交流电源分配系统该电气系统将交流电源连接到使用系统次级系统汇流条限制器典型零件有主和负载表和开关等跳开关等但不包括使用系统限制器负载表开关客舱或货舱不包括那些明确属于其他代码的结构或设备拆下的设备和装饰物仪表板位于驾驶舱内或一般认为是机组位置上的可肩带座椅安全带连接支架和其他硬件等航空器系统/ 部件通用代码表2520客舱设备不包括在其他系列代码内的座椅衣帽架等典型部件有枕头等旅客舒适用品仪表板继电器2540盥洗室典型零件有加热盘电插头餐车盘子位于盥洗室内的组件和相关的系统和零部件典型零部件有垃圾箱2550货舱用于贮存行李和货物的舱舱门典型零件有紧固装置不包括归档到5230中的外部2551农业喷洒系统用于如漏斗喷嘴泵阀等航空应用设备的报告。

起落架舱门收回部分 起落架舱门作动器 起落架作动器 起落架选择器 起落架刹车系统 刹车防滞部分 刹车 主缸筒/刹车阀 轮胎 轮胎内胎 轮子/滑橇/浮筒 起落架转弯系统 转弯组件 减摆器 起落架位置 &警告 辅助架 (尾橇)
33 灯光
3300 3310 3320 3330 3340 3350
灯光系统 驾驶舱灯光 旅客舱灯光 货舱灯光 外部灯光 紧急灯光
2 9 液 压 动 力
2900 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2920 2921 2922 2923
液压动力系统 液压,主系统 液压动力-贮压器-主 液压油滤-主系统 液压泵.电动-发动机-主 手动液压泵-主 液压释压阀-主 液压油箱-主 液压压力调节器-主 液压,辅助系统 液压贮压器-辅助 液压油滤-辅助 液压泵-辅助
ATA100 的基础上开发了一套新的 航空器系统/部件通用代码表 该代码 表主要是为了其使用困难报告系统使用的 美国是世界上民用航空器的主要设 计 制造国 也是民用航空运输最发达的国家 美国联邦航空局的使用困难报 告系统用于收集其航空器在使用中发生的与结构设计等有关的重大故障 每周 对外发布 由于美国在册的民用航空器数量庞大 每周都能收集到大量的使用 困难报告信息 此报告对于航空器制造厂如波音商用飞机公司和各航空公司都 有很高的参考价值 生产厂通过这些信息可以分析其产品在设计和生产中存在 的问题 航空公司也可以借鉴别人的经验 加强维修检查 避免有些故障的重 复发生 对于保证飞行安全和提高经济效益均有很大作用 翻译出版本代码表的目的就是要将美国联邦航空局所开发的 航空器系统/ 部件通用代码表 变为中国民航机务维修系统的 航空器系统/部件通用代码 表 在此编码系统中 航空器的每个系统/子系统以及每个零部件都归档到一 个特定的 4 位代码中 按照此编码系统所收集数据进行可靠性分析 将过去只 局限于对各个大系统进行分析变为能够方便地对各个分系统和零部件进行分 析 通过提高信息的使用价值 将航空公司的可靠性分析工作和适航部门对重 要事件的分析都提高到一个新的水平

●因设计或制造原因导致的索赔修理或执行强制性改装的零部件可仅具有航 空器及其部件制造厂家指定方式的维修放行证明。
●由CCAR-145部批准的维修单位修理并返回相应送修航空运营人的部件, 除应当具备CCAR-145部规定的维修放行证明文件,还应当至少提供下述 记录:
检查发现缺陷及其纠正措施记录 适航指令和服务通告执行记录 零部件更换记录 最终测试结论(如适用) 重要修理及改装记录(如适用)
●航材供应商清单:由质量部门控制,经维修副总或其授权质量部门负责人 批准生效。
●在满足如下要求的情况下,航空运营人可以向其它航空运营人或 航材供应商租用或者借用航材:
保证租用和借用的航材时民航局批准认可的部件并具备规定的合格证件 租用或借用航材的供应商应当在航空运营人的航材供应商清单之内 租用或借用的航材在使用前进过接收检查,确认该航材是适航的并处于可用状态 装机时,航空运营人应确保租/借用航材的构型、状况满足相应飞机的装机要求
适航指令状况 服务通告的执行状态 时限/循环寿命(如使用过的航空器部件还应当包括使用时间、翻修后的使用时 间、循环,及能证实其历史状况的记录文件) 库存寿命数据限制,包括制造日期或硫化日期 保存期间按照相应持续适航文件中存放要求进行的必要工作的状况 组件或器材包的缺件状况 以往出现过的不正常情况,如:过载、意外终止使用、过热、重大的故障或事故
●民航局认可的部件:指下述认可的装于型号审定产品的零部 件:
根据CCAR-21部及双边适航协议,装于经型号认可的外国航空产品上 的零部件。

进 34.导航
35.氧气 36.气源 38.水/污水 49.机载辅助动力 51.标准施工/结构 52.舱门 53.机身
54.吊舱/吊架 55.安定面 56.窗 57.机翼 71.动力装置 72.发动机
74.点火 75.空气 76.发动机控制 77.发动机指示 78.发动机排气 79.发动机滑油 80.起动
3 1 . 仪 表
用于收集和计算互不相关系统数据 并实施即时自动传送的系统和部件.包 括<航空器至卫星数据中继>(ASDAR)系 统和部件
民用航空器系统/部件 通用代码

1.1 课程名称:ATA-300
1.2 课程长度:1 学时
1.3 培训对象:本手册“各类人员的培训要求”中5 培训目标:掌握和熟悉飞机零件包装和运输基本知识,并能够应用到实际工作中。
1.6 培训方式:本手册“各类人员的培训要求”中规定的培训方式。
2 课程规范 此课程符合 CCAR-145 的课程设计要求,无考试要求。
3 培训证书 此培训项目不发证书,培训项目记入学员培训记录中。
4 课程细目
课程名称 ATA-300
课程代码 JWB027
课程长度 1 学时
类别 I 和类别 II 可再用包装的总体要求
学时 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3
要求 熟悉 熟悉 熟悉 熟悉 熟悉
2008- 1

决定是你自己作出的,而与ATA 无关。
有关本文件的建议、评述请寄往:PublicationsAir Transport Association of America1301 Pennsylvania Avenue,N.W.Washington,DC20004-1707致:ATA规范-航空器材包装的持有人第18次修订本,1996年1月15日第18次修订本是规范300号的完全重印,该文件为了和规范100号(制造商技术数据)保持紧密一致,作了重新编排。
对修订本的意见,包括编排格式,请寄往:Air Transport AssociationEngineering,Maintenance 7 Material Division1301 Pennsylvania Avenue,NW,Suit 1100Washington,D.C. 20004-1707重要内容章节/页码变化说明扉页反映本修订本的变化有效页码反映本修订本的变化目录反映本修订本的变化,重新对章编号第一章(第7页)导论,取代概述章。
第八章 备件管理

8.1 概述 (备件管理的基本知识)
备件分类按不同角度有不同的分类方法。 按维修性分类: 可修件:能从技术上将功能恢复到可用状态的部件, 根据故障原因和部件耗损状态来确定来确定进行事情 修理或一次性维修;有件号,不一定有序号。
可修件的参考标准: ①该部件可修理或可多次翻修; ②器材价格高于1000元(人民币); ③修理费用金额低于器材单价的70%。
8.1 概述 (备件管理的基本知识)
2.备件保障率 保障率的概念及其在备件管理中的作用 •飞机备件保障率是指当特定的机队或服务对象发生 备件需求时,备件库存能够提供备件供应的概率。 即是从能否满足供应的结果来评价备件供应的水平, 它是一个高度综合的指标。 •航空公司运营过程中的航材保障率是通过实际发料 次数与计划领用次数之比计算出来的,即每一百件 航材需求中应有多少马上能得到满足,可接受的缺 货率是多少。
8.2 备件计划
2.飞机制造商的初始备件推荐清单(RSPL) (2)RSPL制定方法 根据成熟机型的做法,RSPL的制订是基于备件需求预测 模型运用辅助软件生成的。其基本条件包括:建立完善的 备件参数数据库,每个备件在数据库中都有较完备的参数 信息;考虑用户的航线结构、飞机利用率、维修方针等因 素;准确的备件需求预测模型。 具体方法有: 计算机辅助生成法 工程类比法
8.1 概述 (备件管理的基本知识)
从备件消耗速度的角度分类: F类——快速流转(fast moving); S类——慢速流转(slow moving); N类——不流转件(no moving)。

ATASpecification 300: Specification for Packagingof Airline Supplies2008.1AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, INC. ("ATA")PRODUCT LICENSE AGREEMENTIMPORTANT -- PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE INDICATING YOURACCEPTANCE OF IT BELOWBY PRESSING THE "I ACCEPT" BUTTON BELOW, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF, AND BECOME PARTY TO, THIS AGREEMENT. THIS AGREEMENT IS APPLICABLE TO THE ACCOMPANYING MERCHANDISE (THE "MERCHANDISE"), THE INFORMATION RESIDING THEREON OR ON INTERNET WEB SITES ACCESSIBLE EXCLUSIVELY VIA LINKS FROM THE MERCHANDISE (THE "CONTENT") AND THE RELATED SOFTWARE (COLLECTIVELY, THE "LICENSED PRODUCT"). IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF, AND BECOME PARTY TO, THIS AGREEMENT, PRESS THE "I DO NOT ACCEPT" BELOW. IF YOU PRESS THE "I DO NOT ACCEPT" BUTTON, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO INSTALL THE LICENSED PRODUCT OR ACCESS THE INFORMATION IT CONTAINS.IMPORTANT INFORMATIONThe Product contains specifications, practices and other information relating to the covered topics. ATA does not mandate the use of all or any part of the Licensed Product and your decision to use the Licensed Product is entirely voluntary, your decision and at your own risk. You may choose to use the Content in whole, in part, or not at all.There may be practices, standards and/or governmental requirements applicable to your operations that exceed, or vary from, the Licensed Product. You are solely responsible for determining if such practices, standards or regulatory requirements exist and whether they apply to your activities, and for complying with those that are applicable. Such practices, standards and regulatory requirements can change significantly over time. Unless ATA expressly states otherwise in writing, nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted as requiring ATA to provide you with updates, revisions, or information about any development or action affecting the Licensed Product.The Licensed Product has been compiled by ATA and/or its licensors. ATA and/or its licensors reserve title to and ownership of the Licensed Product and all copyrights and any other intellectual property rights in it.DESCRIPTION OF LICENSEUpon your acceptance of this Agreement, you will be permitted to access the information for which you have obtained the license described and limited below.The extent of permissible access to the Licensed Product to you and within your company depends on the type of Licensed Product that ATA has provided to you. Access is as follows:1. If you purchased the Licensed Product for individual use (“single-user”), access to the Licensed Product shall be limited to one employee in your company but not to any third parties.2. If you purchased the Licensed Product for multiple person use (“multi-user”) or you are a member of the ATA E-Business Program, you can allow access to the Licensed Product to multiple employees within your company but not to third parties. Such employees shall be bound by all the provisions of this Agreement.Single user and multi-user employees may use the Licensed Product for the internal business purposes of your company, and each may print a single copy of any Licensed Product for purposes of designing, structuring or modifying any of your company's products or services as authorized below.The license that this Agreement provides you is subject to any applicable payment and is non-exclusive and worldwide. ATA can terminate this license if you materially fail to comply with the terms of this Agreement.This Agreement does not authorize you to, and you shall not:1. Alter, modify, translate, adapt or create derivative works based on the Licensed Product or any related software. Notwithstanding the foregoing prohibition, you may include or apply elements of the Licensed Product in a work that you exclusively produce.2. Reverse engineer, reverse assemble, reverse compile, decompile, disassemble or otherwise derive source code for the software component of the Licensed Product.3. Access or attempt to gain access to any part of the Licensed Product except as expressly permitted in this Agreement.4. Use the Licensed Product on any network or permit any third party to access or use the Licensed Product except as expressly permitted in this Agreement.5. Use the Licensed Product or any part thereof in any manner that infringes the intellectual property or other rights of another entity or person, including ATA.6. Sublicense or assign this Agreement.7. Indicate that ATA endorses, approves, or certifies your application of the Licensed Product, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing prohibition, your use of specifications contained in the Licensed Product.ATA CREDITIf the Licensed Product is used to design, structure or modify any of your or your company's products or services, you must reference, in a commercially reasonable location, the fact that the Licensed Product has been so used.LIMITED WARRANTYATA warrants that at the time of delivery, THE LICENSED PRODUCT will be free from defects in materials and workmanship. In the event of a breach of the foregoing warranty, as your sole and exclusive remedy and ATA's sole liability, ATA will replace any LICENSED PRODUCT having defects in materials or workmanship at no charge, provided you inform ATA within 30 days after your receipt of the Product.WARRANTY DISCLAIMEREXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY STATED ABOVE, THE LICENSED PRODUCT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ATA HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS, ON BEHALF OF ITSELF AND ALL PERSONS WHO CONTRIBUTED TO THE CREATION, PUBLICATION, REVISION AND/OR MAINTENANCE OF THE LICENSED PRODUCT, ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. NEITHER ATA NOR ANY PERSON WHO CONTRIBUTED TO THE CREATION, PUBLICATION, REVISION OR MAINTENANCE OF THE LICENSED PRODUCT WARRANTS THAT THE LICENSED PRODUCT WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS, THAT THE OPERATION OF THE LICENSED PRODUCT WILL BE ERROR FREE, OR THAT IT IS ACCURATE, COMPLETE, CURRENT OR RELIABLE.LIMITATION OF LIABILITYIN NO EVENT WILL ATA OR ANY PERSON WHO CONTRIBUTED TO THE CREATION, PUBLICATION, REVISION, OR MAINTENANCE OF THE LICENSED PRODUCT BE LIABLE FOR INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE, OR THE INABILITY TO USE, THE LIECENSED PRODUCT, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES; WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY, NEITHER ATA NOR ANY PERSON WHO CONTRIBUTED TO THE CREATION, PUBLICATION, REVISION, OR MAINTENANCE OF THE LICENSED PRODUCT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST PROFITS OR REVENUE, LOSS OF THE USE OF THE LICENSED PRODUCT, LOSS OF DATA, OR THE COST OF ANY SUBSTITUTE PRODUCT. IN NO CASE SHALL THE AGGREGATE LIABILITY OF ATA AND ALL PERSONS WHO CONTRIBUTED TO THE CREATION, PUBLICATION, REVISION, OR MAINTENANCE OF THE LICENSED PRODUCT EXCEED EITHER (1) THE AMOUNT OF THE ANNUAL E-BUSINESS PROGRAM MEMBERSHIP FEE YOU PAID FOR THE YEAR IN WHICH SUCH LIABILITY AROSE, IF YOU ARE AN E-BUSINESS PROGRAM MEMBER, OR (2) THE PRICE YOU PAID TO PURCHASE THE LICENSED PRODUCT FROM ATA. IN ADDITION, THE THIRD-PARTY PUBLISHER OF THE LICENSED PRODUCT WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE OR LOSS OF ANY KIND ARISING OUT OF OR RESULTING FROM YOUR POSSESSION OR USE OF THE LICENSED PRODUCT (INCLUDING DATA LOSS OR CORRUPTION), REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH LIABILITY IS BASED IN TORT, CONTRACT OR OTHERWISE. HOWEVER, IF THIS EXCLUSION OF DAMAGES IS HELD TO BE UNENFORCEABLE FOR ANY REASON, SUCH THIRD-PARTY PUBLISHER'S MAXIMUM LIABILITY TO YOU SHALL BE LIMITED AS DESCRIBED IN THE IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING SENTENCE.This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the District of Columbia, without regard for provisions concerning governing law.This is the entire agreement between the parties about the subject matter of this Agreement. Any change to this Agreement must be in writing and agreed to by both parties.Comments about or suggested changes to the Licensed Product should be sent to:Publications DepartmentAir Transport Association of America, Inc.1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 1100Washington, DC 20004-1707USAOrpubs@YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT AND UNDERSTAND IT, AND THAT YOU HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO AGREE TO IT ON BEHALF OF YOUR COMPANY. BY PRESSING "I ACCEPT" BELOW, YOU CONSENT TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE THE PRODUCT UNLESS YOU PRESS THE "I ACCEPT" BELOW.Important Information About This DocumentRead Before Using This DocumentThis document contains recommended specifications that have been developed for the covered topics. ATA does not mandate their use. You must decide whether or not to use the recommendations in this document.There may be practices, standards and/or regulatory requirements applicable to your operations that exceed therecommendations in this document. You are solely responsible for determining if such practices, standards orrequirements exist and whether they apply to your activities, and for complying with those that are applicable. Such practices, standards and requirements can change significantly over time.ATA does not guarantee, promise or warrant that the specifications in this document will meet the needs of youroperations. This is a determination that you must make and for which ATA is not responsible.For Technical Information Or SubmissionsE-mail: pubs@Phone: 202-626-4062HighlightsRelease History•Revision 2008.1: March 2008•Revision 2006.1: March 2006•Revision 2005.1: March 2005•Revision 2001.1: January 2001•Revision 2000.1: January 2000•Revision 19: Issued July 31, 1996•Originally Issued August 1, 1960Revision 2008.1 (Revised March 2008)Location Description of Change5-3. Regulatory Documents Inserted a reference to a testing requirement in recently-adopted 49 CFR regulations (ie, PHMSA Amendment No. HM-224B) regarding the testing of packaging used to transport by air cargo cylinders containing compressed oxygen, other compressed, oxidizing gasses, or oxygen generators.5-5. Packaging and Documentation Requirements Specified additional marking applicable to packaging used to transport by air cargo cylinders containing compressed oxygen, other compressed, oxidizing gasses, or oxygen generators, to indicate the compliance of the packaging with the recently-amended regulations of PHMSA (ie, Amendment No. HM-224B).Appendix B, B-2-2 Inserted a reference to recently adopted regulations in Amendment No.HM-224B which require testing of packaging used to transport by aircargo cylinders containing compressed oxygen, other compressed,oxidizing gasses, or oxygen generators. The provisions become effectiveon October 1, 2009.Table of ContentsAIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, INC. ("ATA") PRODUCT LICENSE AGREEMENT (1)Important Information About This Document (4)Read Before Using This Document (4)For Technical Information Or Submissions (4)Highlights (4)Table of Contents (5)Chapter 1.Introduction (6)1-1.Purpose (6)1-2.Application of Standards (6)1-3.General Description (6)1-4.Objectives (6)1-5.Packaging Requirement Codes (7)Chapter 2.Packaging of Repairable Parts (8)2-1.Purpose (8)2-2.Application of Standards (8)2-3.Special Packaging Requirements (9)Chapter 3.Packaging of Expendable and Minor Repairable Parts (10)3-1.Purpose (10)3-2.Application of Standards (10)Chapter 4.Packaging of Kits (12)4-1.Purpose (12)4-2.Application of Standards (12)4-3.Kit Detail Package Markings (12)4-4.Shipping Container Markings (12)4-5.Kit Contents List (13)Chapter 5.Packaging of Hazardous Material (14)5-1.Purpose (14)5-2.Application of Standards (14)5-3.Regulatory Documents (14)5-4.Packaging and Documentation Requirements (14)5-5.Additional U.S. Packaging and Documentation Requirements (14)Chapter 6.Packaging of Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Devices (15)6-1.Purpose (15)6-2.Application of Standards (15)6-3.Physical Requirements (18)Chapter 7.General Requirements for Category I and II Reusable Containers (20)7-1.Purpose (20)7-2.Physical Requirements (20)Chapter 8.General Requirements for Category III Containers (24)8-1.Purpose (24)8-2.Physical Requirements (24)Appendix A.Markings (25)A-1.General (25)A-2.Container Orientation and Dimensions (25)A-3.Permanent Markings for Category I and II Containers (25)Appendix B.Inspection / Tests (27)B-1.Test Requirements – General (27)B-2.Tests For Reusable Shipping Containers (27)B-3. T ests for Preservation Packaging (30)B-4.Records and Certification (30)Appendix C.Glossary of Terms (31)Annex 1 (34)Chapter 1. Introduction1-1. PurposeThis functional specification establishes guidelines for the packaging of aircraft parts and supplies shipped to anairline and contains minimum requirements of the airline industry to be used in the design, development, andprocurement of effective packaging. Sufficient flexibility has been incorporated in these guidelines to permit desirable technological developments in the packaging field.1-2. Application of StandardsEach individual airline will decide itself whether to adopt these guidelines or other standards to define its packaging requirements. Unless and until an airline adopts such guidelines as controlling in its relationships with suppliers, such guidelines have no legal effect.The Air Transport Association (ATA) does not certify or approve shipping containers or designs as being incompliance with this specification.To the extent these guidelines are based on provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations or other legalrequirements, they will be deemed amended automatically to reflect any future amendments in those requirements.1-3. General DescriptionATA Spec 300 is organized into chapters, each to provide packaging instructions for repairable and expendable units and components. [Chapter 2] establishes standards which are applicable to the packaging of all parts and supplies.[Chapter 3] outlines additional requirements for repairables and expendables. [Chapter 4] provides packagingstandards for kits. [Chapter 5] provides regulatory references and guidance for shipping hazardous materials.[Chapter 6] contains standards for packaging and handling electrostatic discharge sensitive devices. [Chapter 7] and outline requirements for Category I, II, and III containers.Appendices contained within this specification for common and detailed instructions include:I MarkingsII Inspection / TestsTermsIII Glossaryof1-4. ObjectivesThe primary intent of this specification is to foster the development and standardization of commercial airlinepackaging which will:•Provide sufficient protection with a minimum of tare weight and cube consistent with optimum packaging versatility.•Ensure proper identification of material and containers.•Eliminate shipping damage due to packaging.•Reduce packing and unpacking costs.•Promote environmentally conscious packaging.•Accommodate security features to expose unauthorized access during shipment1-5. Packaging Requirement CodesInformation regarding the packaging requirements of aircraft spare parts shall be provided to the airline by the supplier in accordance with ATA Specification 2000 (Ref. [ATA Spec 2000]). Refer to ATA's Common Support DataDictionary (CSDD) [ATA CSDD] for current references of codes and definitions, including the Packaging Code (see Table below). Information shall indicate if the aircraft part requires special packaging, marking, labeling, or handling when in transportation or storage because it is:•Delicate (sensitive to shock or vibration)•Hazardous material (includes magnetized materials)•Kitted (part of a kit)•Electrostatic discharge sensitive•Magnetic field sensitive•Shelf life sensitiveIn addition to these packaging requirement codes, the [ATA Spec 2000] Provisioning Chapter requires suppliers to provide technical and descriptive data on all parts.DescriptionPackagingCodes0 No specific packaging requested.1 Use ATA Spec 300 Category I container.2 Use ATA Spec 300 Category II container.3 Packaged and marked as described in ATA Spec 300, Chapter 3.4 Each Kit to be packaged and identified as described in ATA Spec 300, Chapter 4.5 Material handling devices required as described in ATA Spec 300, Chapter 6.6 Hazardous Material requires specific packaging and approved markings asdescribed in ATA Spec 300, Chapter 5.7 Special Reference Packaging as described in ATA Spec 300, Para.1-4. Includeselectrostatic devices, photosynthetic processes and other Chapter 1, requirementswhere protection is required from abnormal deterioration of damage in storage or byhandling.8 Part not shipped in ATA Spec 300 Category I container as indicated in the PurchaseOrder for repair/overhaul services.9 Part shipped by way of electronic messaging. (Packaging is to observe structure,security and content protection features as prescribed in section….)Chapter 2. Packaging of Repairable Parts2-1. PurposeTo provide packaging requirements for repairable parts which are required to be packaged individually in reusableshipping containers in accordance with this specification.2-2. Application of StandardsAll repairable items which may be removed from the aircraft and economically restored to a fully serviceablecondition and having a supporting Overhaul Manual (OHM) with a Recommended Spares Part List or aComponent Maintenance Manual (CMM) with a matching 'T' File shall be shipped to an airline customer inreusable shipping containers. This requirement is specified because of the need to protect the item through shipment, handling, and storage up to the moment of installation, and to repeat the cycle for the life of the item.For the purpose of this specification, reusable shipping containers are designated as follows:Category I Reusable for a minimum of 100 round-tripsCategory II Reusable for a minimum of 10 round-tripsCategory III Usable for a minimum of 1 trip (when used for repairable parts, seealso [Chapter 8])The above categories are differentiated by materials used in the container construction and tests described in thisspecification.When it is impractical to individually package minor repairable items in a shipping container (small size,configuration, etc.), they may be packaged in unit containers for consolidation in shipping containers for shipment(Ref. [Chapter 3]).Items separately packaged in individual containers may be consolidated into single or multiple overwraps for shipping.Consideration of the special packaging, shipping, handling and storage aspects of components shall be provided by the manufacturer because of its superior knowledge of its products. This information should be made availablesufficiently in advance of delivery of the unit to the customer to permit orderly physical and financial planning. This information shall include shock sensitivity, magnetic field sensitivity, hazardous materials classification, electrostatic discharge sensitivity, etc.Some parts may require additional protection not prescribed by this specification and this specification does not limit or prescribe the additional protection may be required beyond the scope of this document.For line replaceable units, manufacturers should be able to provide detailed information necessary for the development of protective packaging.Unless a Category I container has been requested by the customer, the supplier of a repairable item as defined in this specification should ship in a Category II container designed in accordance with the requirements of thisspecification.Category I and II reusable shipping containers received by a supplier with equipment to be installed in an aircraftprior to delivery, should be retained and returned to the container owner.Suppliers receiving parts to be repaired in an airline's Category I or II container should reuse that container for ashipment back to the airline unless the container proves to be unfit for providing part protection. In this event, areplacement container should be provided for that unit upon shipment.2-3. Special Packaging Requirements2-3-1. Shelf Life and Storage InstructionsThe manufacturer of the unit or component shall establish and inform the customers of the shelf life and storage instructions of its products. Items subject to abnormal deterioration, corrosion or chemical reaction in storage by exposure to liquids, vapors, gases, or dust shall be packaged in air-tight containers or wraps constructed of inert materials treated to neutralize any captive air with non-toxic results. Marking of each unit package shall be inaccordance with [Appendix A].Fields2-3-2. MagneticAssemblies or components which generate a magnetic field must be packaged and properly spaced in shielding materials which will prevent the magnetic field from adversely affecting adjacent items and instrumentation [Chapter 5].2-3-3. Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive DevicesItems subject to electrostatic damage shall be packaged, marked and / or labeled and handled in accordance with [Chapter 6] of this specification.2-3-4. HazardousMaterialsArticles, materials and substances which have been designated as being capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, and property by the applicable dangerous goods regulatory document shall be packaged in accordance with [Chapter 5] of this specification.2-3-5. DelicateMaterialsItems which are easily damaged when subjected to shock or vibration found in normal transportation must have those fragility characteristics documented by the manufacturer. This includes damage boundary curves or a recommended G-levels and acceleration for a given drop height.2-3-6. Parts Containing FluidsWhere fluids such as jet fuel or hydraulic fluid are present in an aircraft part, the container and / or packing material must be capable of containing that fluid in the event of a leakage from the part. Fluids that are considered hazardous material by the applicable dangerous goods regulatory document shall be packaged in accordance with [Chapter 5] of this specification. Cushioning material which is permanently attached to the container or intended to be reusable shall not be capable of absorbing the fluid.Parts2-3-7. LogicalAirplane software parts may be packaged in any of two mediums, physical or electronic. Industry conventions for the structure of physical or electronic medium have been formalized in form of standards prepared or accepted at an airplane industry level. Itemization of these standards need to be finalized and additional details will then be included in a future revision.Logical parts defined in accordance with older standards call for the packaging of software within a physical media form, which itself is identified as a distinct airplane part. Accordingly, logical parts may manifest themselves in either physical and electronic form.Chapter 3. Packaging of Expendable and Minor Repairable Parts3-1. PurposeTo provide packaging requirements for expendable and minor repairable parts which are not required to be packaged in reusable shipping containers by [Chapter 2].3-2. Application of StandardsAll provisions of [Chapter 1] of this specification apply to the packaging of expendables and minor repairable items.The special packaging requirements of [Section 2-3] also apply to expendable and minor repairable parts.Items/parts are categorized under Class A and B to determine the package quantity. If an item is not directlyreferenced below, it is to be categorized according to the nature of the product and its intended use.Class A items/parts must be individually packaged in Unit Container packaging; to be consolidated into a Category III shipping container. Minor repairable items/parts should be individually packaged in Unit Container packaging;to be consolidated into a Category III shipping container. This is acceptable only if the parts can be subjected tonormal on-site warehousing and material handling operations while in their unit containers without requiringadditional packaging to prevent damage.Class A Items/parts•Abrasive wheels (3" diameter or larger)•Bearings, and / or higher assemblies containing bearings•rings, seals and packings (excluding Class B material)•Radioactive components•Magnetic components•Electrostatic discharge sensitive components•Sensitive, precision, delicate components•Sterile units, oxygen masks, headphones, ear plugs•Matched sets must be packaged in one unit pack•Hoses having a shelf life requirement•Carbon seals•Internal engine parts (System 72 per [ATA iSpec 2200]) normally assigned to a shop pool and repaired within an airline's facility (engine modules not included in this category)•Internal brake assembly parts (Systems 32-40 per [ATA iSpec 2200])•Cables which are damaged by bending or coiling•Applicable software partsAll Class B expendable items/parts should be packaged in Unit Container packaging, and may be packaged in quantities greater than one.Class B Items/parts•Fabricated non-precision components•Raw or bulk stocks•Standard SAE, AN, MS, NAS, AGS, JAN type hardware•Commercial hardware•Paper products•Catering and commissary supplies•Fabricated hoses and flexible lines when protected with end caps•Metal and teflon O rings, seals and packingsThis list of classified descriptions is to provide a guide and does not restrict expansion nor reduce the need to use sound packaging practices.In the event that a unit container is used for a minor repairable part which will generally require reshipment to final users at off site field locations, that unit container shall be capable of being used as a shipping container without requiring additional packaging.If the standard issue quantity from inventory to a final user is always greater than one, packaging may be done in the standard issue quantity which applies.This information will be published in a price list placed adjacent to the item to which it applies.Chapter 4. Packaging of Kits4-1. PurposeThe purpose of this chapter is to provide packaging, marking, and kit contents list requirements when preparing kits for shipment.4-2. Application of StandardsKits are made up of repairable or expendable items needed to accomplish modifications outlined in service bulletins or to facilitate a particular installation. A kit may consist of a single item or it may be complex and composed ofhundreds of items. In either case the kit must be assembled, packaged, and clearly identified in order that the contents may be protected during transportation and storage, and immediately accessible for orderly issue and accomplishment of the work.Kit items that fit the criteria of a repairable shall be packaged per [Chapter 2] of this specification.Kit items that fit the criteria of an expendable or minor repairable shall be packaged per [Chapter 3] of thisspecification.Kit items that have been determined to be a hazardous material shall be packaged and marked in accordance with the applicable regulatory agency referenced in [Chapter 5] of this specification. Examples of such material would include, but not be limited to squibs, compounds, cylinders, chemicals, etc. Special attention should be given to additionalrequirements associated with overpacks and compatibility of products.Kit items that have been determined to be an electrostatic discharge sensitive device shall be packaged per [Chapter 6] of this specification.4-3. Kit Detail Package MarkingsThe following information is required on all unit and intermediate (Unit Container) packages. Reference [Appendix A] for marking methods.(A) Partnumber(B) Nomenclature(C) Quantity and unit of issue(D) Special markings (serial number, cure date, etc.) as applicable.(E) Identification of logical parts pre-loaded, not discretely packaged.(F) Source for logical parts not included in physical form.4-4. Shipping Container MarkingsOne (1) Kit Packed in One (1) Container - Mark one (1) kit packed in one (1) container with the followinginformation:(A) Kit part number(B) Nomenclature(C) Quantity and unit of issue。
ATA300 航空器材包装

决定是你自己作出的,而与ATA 无关。
有关本文件的建议、评述请寄往:PublicationsAir Transport Association of America1301 Pennsylvania Avenue,N.W.Washington,DC20004-1707致:ATA规范-航空器材包装的持有人第18次修订本,1996年1月15日第18次修订本是规范300号的完全重印,该文件为了和规范100号(制造商技术数据)保持紧密一致,作了重新编排。
对修订本的意见,包括编排格式,请寄往:Air Transport AssociationEngineering,Maintenance 7 Material Division1301 Pennsylvania Avenue,NW,Suit 1100Washington,D.C. 20004-1707重要内容章节/页码变化说明扉页反映本修订本的变化有效页码反映本修订本的变化目录反映本修订本的变化,重新对章编号第一章(第7页) 导论,取代概述章。
包括新增加的第二段——标准的适用和修订后的有关包装规定代码的第五节第二章(第8页) 删除了政策节、标准的适用的第二节。

决定是你自己作出的,而与ATA 无关。
有关本文件的建议、评述请寄往:PublicationsAir Transport Association of America1301 Pennsylvania Avenue,N.W.Washington,DC20004-1707致:ATA规范-航空器材包装的持有人第18次修订本,1996年1月15日第18次修订本是规范300号的完全重印,该文件为了和规范100号(制造商技术数据)保持紧密一致,作了重新编排。
对修订本的意见,包括编排格式,请寄往:Air Transport AssociationEngineering,Maintenance 7 Material Division1301 Pennsylvania Avenue,NW,Suit 1100Washington,D.C. 20004-1707重要内容章节/页码变化说明扉页反映本修订本的变化有效页码反映本修订本的变化目录反映本修订本的变化,重新对章编号第一章(第7页) 导论,取代概述章。
包括新增加的第二段——标准的适用和修订后的有关包装规定代码的第五节第二章(第8页) 删除了政策节、标准的适用的第二节。

版本:01-001. 目的与适用范围1.1目的本程序阐明了工程技术公司公务机维修工程部航材零备件和工具设备仓储的管理要求。
1.2 适用范围适用于工程技术公司公务机维修工程部。
1.3 程序属性■CCAR135 ■CCAR91 □CCAR1452.引用文件和术语2.1 引用文件2.1.1 CCAR-145R3 《民用航空器维修单位合格审定规定》2.1.2ATA-300《航空器材包装》规范2.1.3 IATA《Dangerous Goods Regulation》维修工作程序页次: 12-33-1版本:01-002.1.4《民用航空器维修航空器材》行业标准2.2 术语2.2.1状态挂签 Status Identification Tag:指航空器材在非装机时用于明示技术状态,防止混淆或误用而配挂的标识。
2.2.2流转 Movement:指航空器材、工具、设备在生产活动中的流动转移。
2.2.4库存寿命 Shelf Life:指在规定的储运条件下,器材的品质、性能自生产或修理完成日开始衰减,到某一规定期限结束前,仍能满足质量符合性要求的一段时间。
2.2.5 易变质材料:指受环境因素影响容易引起变质的材料,包括化工品。
维修工作程序页次: 12-33-2版本:01-002.2.7危险品:IATA DGR所列具有联合国给定危险品UN编号的爆炸品;气体;易燃液体;易燃固体、自燃物质、遇水释放易燃气体的物质;氧化剂和有机过氧化物;毒性物质和传染性物质;放射性物质;腐蚀性物质;杂项危险品这九类物品。

民航总局批准或认可的维修单位的维修许可证件 (包括其经批准的维修单位手册、维修能力清单和 批准函件)
民航总局飞行标准司 Flight Standards Department, CAAC
民航飞行标准培训中心 Flight Standards Training Center, CAAC
经过高温、失火、盐水或腐蚀性液体侵害的部件 视为不可用件,需民航总局批准或认可的维修单位 经过适当的修理和测试后确定其可用性后方可采购;
制造不合格的部件和由可能造成不明确损伤的事故 航空器上拆下的部件视为永久不可用件,不得采购。
民航总局飞行标准司 Flight Standards Department, CAAC
民航飞行标准培训中心 Flight Standards Training Center, CAAC
航材入库检验应当由经过培训并了解航材的标识 和文件的人员进行,其中至少包括下述检查内容 并记录:
(Ⅰ)确认航材的包装有航材供应商的标识,并且 没有开封或破损;
(3) 仅依据型号合格证生产的型号合格证持有人;
(4) 生产许可证(PC)持有人。
指根据CCAR-21部或CCAR-145部,在民航总局批准的 生产系统制造的或在民航总局批准的维修单位维修
民航总局飞行标准司 Flight Standards Department, CAAC
民航飞行标准培训中心 Flight Standards Training Center, CAAC

1.3程序属性■CCAR135 BCCAR91QCCAR1452.引用文件和术语2.1引用文件1.1.1 1. 1 CCAR-145R3 《民用航空器维修单位合格审定规定》1.1.2ATA-300《航空器材包装》规范1.1.3I ATA《Dangerous Goods Regulation》1.1.4《民用航空器维修航空器材》行业标准2.2 术语2.2. 1状态挂签Status Identif ication Tag:指航空器材在非装机时用于明示技术状态,防止混淆或误用而配挂的标识。
3.2. 2流转Movement:指航空器材、工具、设备在生产活动中的流动转移。
4.2. 3防护Protection:指航空器材在非装机状态,保持质量满足适航符合性的防护,包括标识/标志及储存、包装、搬运和运输过程中的防护。
5.2. 4库存寿命Shelf Life:指在规定的储运条件下,器材的品质、性能自生产或修理完成日开始衰减,到某一规定期限结束前,仍能满足质量符合性要求的一段时间。
7.2. 6巡回清点:为保持存货准确率、生产保障人员、每次收发航材时,对其结存数量、状态、标识类别等与台帐进行核对,以便及时发现和纠正可能的误差。
疆震勰需8.2. 7危险品:IATA DGR所列具有联合国给定危险品UN编号的爆炸品;气体;易燃液体;易燃固体、自燃物质、遇水释放易燃气体的物质;氧化剂和有机过氧化物;毒性物质和传染性物质;放射性物质;腐蚀性物质;杂项危险品这九类物品。
10. 2. 9适航凭证:指证明器材满足适航要求的有效文件。

種類:AMAATA 代碼:M1內容量:621 cu. ft. 17.58mc載具重量:360 kg最高可容重量[包括載具重量]:6,804 kg適載機型:747F集裝箱種類:AMFATA 代碼:n/a內容量:516 cu. ft. 14.6 mc載具重量:330 kg最高可容重量[包括載具重量]:5,035 kg適載機型:747, 747F, 777, Airbus種類:ALFATA 代碼:LD6內容量:310 cu. ft., 8.78 mc載具重量:155 kg最高可容重量[包括載具重量]:3,175 kg適載機型:747, 747F, 777, Airbus 集裝箱種類:AAUATA 代碼:LD29內容量:505 cu. ft., 14.3 mc載具重量:355 kg最高可容重量[包括載具重量]:4,626 kg適載機型:747, 747F種類:AKEATA 代碼:LD3內容量:152 cu. ft, 4.3mc載具重量:100 kg最高可容重量[包括載具重量]:1,588 kg適載機型:747, 747F, 777, Airbus集裝板種類:PGA尺寸:Base: 96" x 238.5" Height: 96" (Q6Contour), 118" (Q7 Contour)載具重量:480 kg最高可容重量[包括載具重量]:11,340 kg適載機型:747F集裝器集裝板種類:PMC, PQP, P6P尺寸:Base : 96" x 125" Height: 64"(passenger flight), 96" (Q6 Contour),118" (Q7 Contour)載具重量:105 kg最高可容重量[包括載具重量]:5,035 kg (LD), 6,804 kg (MD)適載機型:747, 747F, 777, Airbus集裝板種類:PEB尺寸:Base : 53" x 88" Height: 84"載具重量:55 kg最高可容重量[包括載具重量]:1,800 kg (B-HIH - 1,300 kg)適載機型:747F集裝板種類:P1P, PAG尺寸:Base : 88" x 125" Height : 64"(Passenger flight), 96" (Q6 Contour),118" (Q7 Contour)載具重量:105 kg最高可容重量[包括載具重量]:4,626 kg (LD), 6,033 kg (MD)適載機型:747, 747F, 777, Airbus車架種類:VZA, VRA尺寸:適用於PGA20呎的集裝板下層車輛的最大寬度:81" / 205 cm下層車輛的最大中心高度:59" / 150 cm最大輪距:312 cm載具重量:319 kg (2支架139KG, 平台180KG)最高可容重量[包括載具重量]:2,500 kg (上車輛)9,300 kg (最高總重量)適載機型:747F 主貨艙冷藏集裝箱種類:RAPATA 代碼:LD9內容量:352 cu. ft., 9.2mc載具重量:330 kg最高可容重量[包括載具重量]:4,626 kg適載機型:747, 747F, 777, Airbus冷藏集裝箱種類:RKNATA 代碼:LD3內容量:125.41 cu. ft., 3.55 mc載具重量:190 kg最高可容重量[包括載具重量]:1,588 kg適載機型:747, 747F, 777, AirbusULD型号最大容量尺寸用途适用货机型1,588 kg(105 kg)60.4x61.5x64一般货物,服装B747 / B747FB747-Combi A300,A330MD11 / MD11FB777(仅限下货舱)冷藏/冷冻箱 (RKE)1,588 kg(270 kg)60.4x61.5x64易腐烂CGO冷冻货物冷藏/冷冻箱 (RKN)1,588 kg(260 kg)60.4x61.5x64易腐烂CGO,冷冻货物,-具备自动调温系统集装箱 (ALF)3,175 kg(175 kg)60.4x125x64一般货物集装箱 (AAP)6,033 kg 88 一般货物(270 kg) x125x64冷藏/冷冻箱 (RAP)6,033 kg(527 kg)88x125x64易腐烂CGO冷冻货物集装箱 (AMA)6,804 kg(465 kg)96x125x96一般CGO,服装B747FB747-Combi(仅限主货舱)集装箱 (AMJ)6,804 kg(475 kg)96x125x96一般CGO,服装MD11F, B747FB747-Combi(仅限主货舱)马厩 (HMA)6,804 kg(875 kg)96x马匹B747F(仅限主货舱)125x 94.5马厩 (HMC)6,804 kg(945 kg)96 x 125 x 94.5马匹MD11F, B747F (仅限主货舱)ULD 型号 (IATA CODE) 最大容量 (皮重)尺寸 (W X L, Inch)用途 适用货机型88Inch Pallet (PAP, PAG)6,804kg (109kg)88 X 125 一般货物B747, B747F B747-CombiMD11, MD11F A300, A330 B77796Inch Pallet (PMC)6,804kg (117kg)96 x 125 一般货物3,176kg (85kg) 60.4 x 125一般货物B747, B747FB747-CombiMD11, MD11FA300, A330B777(仅限下货舱)16FT Pallet (PZA)11,340kg (415kg)96 x 196一般长/重货物B747F, MD11FB747-Combi(仅限主货舱)20FTPALLET (PGE, P7E)13,608kg (499kg)96 x 238.5一般长/重货物B747F, MD11FB747-Combi(仅限主货舱)。

SPECIFICATIONA.T.A. (Airline Transport Association)1. SCOPE1.1 Scope. This specification covers, weather resistant, transit and storage, reusable containers. Containers are constructed of fiberglass and wood laminations and other ferrous and non ferrous materials as herein specified. The containers described herein shall serve the function of transit storage and protection of materiel which dictate the ongoing need of reusable cases and containers to maintain operability of shipped and transported items. In all instances, the degree of dunnage integrity shall be considered and will directly and indirectly influence design parameters as to internal cushioning and outer case shell construction materials used.2. CONSTRUCTION2.1 Panel Construction. Panels shall be constructed of a minimum of .040" stucco (embossed) finish fiberglass (glass-fiber reinforced polyester) laminated to cross-ply, multi-layer 1/4", 3/8" or 1/2" ACX grade plywood in accordance with APA Group I, per PS1-83 and FED-SPEC. NN-P-530-E. Finished panel to be a minimum of 8 (eight) mm thick.2.2 Extrusions. All panels shall be joined with aluminum extrusions. All panel joining extrusions shall utilize a unique inner/outer-double wall construction into which the panels shall be bonded with 3M #3792 Jet-Melt Adhesive, and then stitched with pneumatically driven, double incisor, steel fasteners from the inside of the container at a minimum of 6" intervals for additional strength. The extrusion shall be 6063 aluminum alloy with a temper of T52 that complies with FED-SPEC. QQ-A-200/9 and has a mill finish (clear anodized finish on 1/2" construction and 1/4" constructions Ultra Star and Super Star cases). Both inner and outer wall shall be at least .060" in thickness. Inner and outer wall must be joined together with a common aluminum wall creating a one piece corner extrusion.The perimeter of the lid shall mate with the perimeter of the body by means of a tongue and groove valance extrusion which shall be 6063 aluminum alloy with a temper of T52 and comply with FED-SPEC. QQ-A-200/9. The length of the tongue protrusion shall be at least .150" long and the depth of the groove shall be at least .150" deep. Tongue and groove valance extrusions shall be of one continuous piece with corners formed by notching of the inner leg and bending ofouter leg. Stray fragments of aluminum produced in the notching of these corner joinings shall be cause for rejection of any container manufactured under this specification.The extrusion shall be secured to panel by bonding with 3M #3792 Jet-Melt adhesive. In addition, the tongue and groove valance extrusion shall be further secured by means of zinc plated cold rolled steel tongue and groove valance reinforcement clamps. One reinforcement clamp shall be required in each of the tongue and groove corners for a total of 8 (eight) reinforcement clamps per case. Each reinforcement clamp shall utilize a minimum of 2 blind rivets which penetrate the tongue and groove extrusion.2.3 FOAM - Polyfoam used as an interior cushioning agent shall conform to the procedures of tests A, B, D, E, and F of ANSI/ASTM Designation D3574-86 testing standards. All values in the following listing are shown in British Units.- Apparent density shall be 1.8 to 2.0 lb/ft cubed.- Indentation force deflection square @ 25% deflection shall be a minimum of 35 and a maximum of 45.- Tensile strength shall be a minimum of 18 psi, with an ultimate elongation of a minimum of 100%.- Minimum tear strength shall not exceed 1.5 lbs./inch and compression set shall not exceed 10% after a minimum of 22 hours at 158° F(70 ° C.)- Cell count shall fall within the 32± 4 pores per linear inch range.- Polyester foam herein described must meet and successfully pass the FMVSS-302 combustibility test parameters.3. HARDWARE3.1 CORNERS - Ball corners shall be of heavy steel construction with a minimum of .060 thickness and shall be zinc plated. 8 (eight) corners per case shall be fastened by a minimum of 3 blind rivets per corner. Those rivets shall penetrate only the wood panels and shall be reinforced with steel backing when only panel is penetrated.3.2 LATCHES - latch assemblies shall be of steel construction, recess type, spring or non-spring loaded, zinc plated. The latch assemblies shall be attached to thecontainer with blind rivets and shall be reinforced with steel backing when only panel is penetrated.3.3 HINGE - In cases requiring a hinge it shall be a full length aluminum piano-type hinge, .040" thick with 5/8" legs and a minimum dimension to cover the entire surface height of the tongue and groove valance extrusion. The blind rivets used in securing the hinge shall penetrate the tongue and groove valance extrusion as well as the panels of the case. Rivets shall be spaced no more than 4" (four inches) apart.3.4 TONGUE & GROOVE REINFORCEMENT (CLAMP)This right angle reinforcement piece shall be a minimum of .047" thick, cold-rolled steel, zinc plated. These reinforcement pieces shall be secured as described in SECTION HANDLES - Handle assemblies shall be of heavy steel construction, recessed dish type, 1/2" rubber grip handles spring retractable (loaded to return to the recessed dish when released). The entire steel assembly will be zinc plated. The handle assemblies shall be attached to the container with aluminum blind rivets backed with steel reinforcements.4. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT4.1 CASTERS - Casters of appropriate diameter and support strength shall be equipped with ball bearing swivel and sleeve bearing wheel with rubber tread and molded core. Weight capacity shall meet or exceed 800 lbs. per set of four casters. Casters shall be outfitted on case, permanently attached to a 3/4" multi-layer, cross-ply caster board or as a separate "dolly" option. Casters shall be secured with 1/4-20 X 2" hex head cap screws with proof load of 74,000 psi and with 1/4" X 20 elastic stop nuts meeting MIL-SPEC.-25027 and exceeding MIL-SPEC.-P-17091. Bolts used must not be "machine ground off" after the installation of hex nuts as specified. Such a procedure would "strip" threads of the bolt in the machining process and the nuts in the removal process impeding field reparability ofcase/caster assembly. Additionally, removable casters are also available where removability of caster assemblies from case is dictated to save transit vehicle space. Attachment of removable caster mounting plate to case with be identical as caster mounting as previously described. Caster will slide into steel construction mount and be positively retained by means of a permanently secured, encapsulated, spring-loaded plunger retention device.5. QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTSEach case shall be checked for the following characteristics:5.1 Meets dimensional requirements5.2 No loose or missing parts5.3 Proper closure of case5.4 No flaws or defects in panels and or aluminum extrusions5.5 Hardware is operational and properly installed5.6 Quality of workmanship5.7 Correctly labeled and marked for shipment5.8 Cases not meeting all of these criteria shall be re-worked when possible and sent back for re-inspection or rejection.6. PACKAGINGAll cases shall be packed individually in a minimum 275 lb. (two hundred seventy-five pound) test B flute wall corrugated container board carton to reduce likelihood of common-carrier transit damage or marring of new containers. Marking shall be in accordance with the instruction for each delivery order.7. SPECIFICATIONS/TESTINGAll ATA cases manufactured by STAR CASE meet or exceed Airline Transport Association, Specification 300, Category I testing parameters and comply with or exceed MIL-STD. 810 environmental test methods.STAR CASE has tested sample containers to meet the requirements of the following specification and military environmental tests. Testing was performed at Gaynes Testing Laboratories in Chicago, Illinois. All materials are in accordance with the appropriate MIL-SPEC./MIL-STD., and the manufacturing techniques assure a quality product.7.01 VIBRATION TEST, unsecured, MIL-STD 810C, method 514.2, Procedure IX7.02 VIBRATION TEST, secured, MIL-STD 810C, method 514.2, Procedure X7.03 BASIC DESIGN SHOCK TEST, MIL-STD 810C, method 516.2, Procedure I7.04 TRANSIT DROP TEST, MIL-STD 810C, method 516.2, Procedure II7.05 HIGH TEMPERATURE TEST, MIL-STD 810C, method 501.1, Procedure I 7.06 LOW TEMPERATURE TEST, MIL-STD 810C, method 502.1, Procedure I 7.07 TEMPERATURE SHOCK TEST, MIL-STD 810C, method 503.1, Procedure I7.2 WATER SPRAY TEST, Per ASTM-Designation D951-51, and A.T.A. (Air Transport Association of America) Specification 300, Category 1.7.3 TRANSIT DROP TEST, Per ASTM-Designation D-775, Objective A & B, and A.T.A. Specification 300, Category 1.7.4 VIBRATION TEST, Per ASTM-Designation D-999, Procedure B, and A.T.A. Specification 300, Category 1.7.5 COMPRESSION TEST, per STAR CASE Dictated Test Procedure, applying 20,000 lbs. of contact pressure to test sample.7.6 Copy of independent test lab report available at time of bid.END。

航空器材互援协议**航空股份有限公司与航空股份有限公司NO:目录1. 总则 (3)2. 适用范围 (3)3. 航材范围 (3)4. 互援条件 (3)5. 双方责任 (4)6. 租赁航材的归还原则 (5)7. 航材租赁或价拨费用费计算方法 (7)8. 付款要求及方式 (8)9. 协议的修改、延续、扩展和终止 (11)10.仲裁 (11)11.免责 (11)12.合同生效 (12)13.双方签署 (12)1. 总则为提高航材保障率,充分利用航材资源,节约航材采购资金,协议双方本着有偿服务、平等互利、友好协商、共同发展的原则,进行航材互援业务。
2. 适用范围本协议适用于中国**航空股份有限公司与航空股份有限公司相互支援航材而发生的租赁和价拨业务。
3. 航材范围双方可通用的适航零备件及特殊情况时部分专用设备。
4. 互援条件4.1. 承租方因飞机或设备故障而面临紧急缺件,且承租方缺件已经在按紧急等级积极筹措中。
4.2. 承租方的求援请求应以书面求援单为依据,书面求援单应包括以下内容:求援人的手写签名、求援航材的机型、件号、名称、数量、缺件状态和飞机号等,紧急情况下可先以邮件等方式说明,但书面求援单应在航材出库的24小时内补发。
5. 双方责任5.1. 出租方在保证自己飞机所需器材的前提下,应积极援助对方。
5.2. 出租方在收到对方求援单或求援邮件后,应及时通知有关人员将航材按照ATA300的要求包装好,箱内附出租方航材适航可用挂签,并在三个工作日内提供FAA8130-3或EASA FORM ONE或AAC-038或MSDS等满足CAAC适航要求的适航文件复印件。

1.3程序属性■CCAR121 □CCAR145航线□CCAR145定检/部件2依据文件2.1AC-121-58R1《合格的航材》。
机务职称考试 TC三、航材管理笔试题及其答案

航材管理笔试题及其答案1.《民用航空器运行适航管理规定》,航空器运行时,必须携带现行有效的国籍登记证、( B )和无线电电台执照原件。
A: 营运证B: 适航证C: 标志证D: 许可证2.适航性责任规定,( C )应当对航空器的适航性负责。
A: 航运人B: 承运人C: 营运人D: 发货人3.适航性责任规定,营运人必须按法定( B )要求完成选择性的改装工作。
A: 工程手册B: 技术文件C: 机务通告D: 工作准则4.适航性责任规定,每架运行的航空器必须配备民航总局批准或认可( A )。
A: 飞行记录本B: 工程维护本C: 航空器使用信息D: 维修管理信息5.按121部规定,“适航批准标签”的用语含义指一种由民航总局或其批准的制造厂/维修单位签发的用于证明该件适航性( C )的合格证明文件。
A: 形状B: 标准C: 状态D: 质量6.“ATA300”规定发运给航空公司用户的静电释放敏感装置应以防护包装形式( D )进行包装。
A: 纸袋B: 等效C: 监护D: 单独7.“ATA300”规定对静电释放敏感装置和组件,应使用具有足够导电、静电耗散或抗静电特性的( B )或包装箱。
A: 包装纸B: 塑料袋C: 纸板箱D: 泡沫盒8.“ATA300”规定易受静电释放损坏的项目不应放在受损的环境下( C )和包装。
A: 移动B: 滚动C: 搬动D: 振动9.“ATA300”规定,发运给航空公司用户的静电释放敏感装置应以恰当的( B )包装形式进行包装。
A: 耗散B: 防护C: 特性D: 纸袋10.按ATA300包装规定要求,发运给航空公司用户的静电释放敏感装置应标有静电敏感装置( A )。
A: 注意标签B: 警告标签C: 识别符号D: 符号标志11.“ATA300”规定,导电堵盖或( C )必须标明是“导电的”是静电释放敏感装置包装材料的一项要求。
A: 防尘盖B: 包装袋C: 保护帽D: 防护罩12.按ATA300包装规定要求,( D )应提供静电释放保护并且是无腐蚀的。
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决定是你自己作出的,而与ATA 无关。
有关本文件的建议、评述请寄往:PublicationsAir Transport Association of America1301 Pennsylvania Avenue,N.W.Washington,DC20004-1707致:ATA规范-航空器材包装的持有人第18次修订本,1996年1月15日第18次修订本是规范300号的完全重印,该文件为了和规范100号(制造商技术数据)保持紧密一致,作了重新编排。
对修订本的意见,包括编排格式,请寄往:Air Transport AssociationEngineering,Maintenance 7 Material Division1301 Pennsylvania Avenue,NW,Suit 1100Washington,D.C. 20004-1707重要内容章节/页码变化说明扉页反映本修订本的变化有效页码反映本修订本的变化目录反映本修订本的变化,重新对章编号第一章(第7页)导论,取代概述章。
增加了有关运输容器类别的最新术语第二章(第8页)修改供应商、制造商提供尺寸资料的规定第二章(第8-9页)增加特殊包装规定新的一段第三章(第10页)增添次要可修件,删除政策段第三章(第11页)第三段有关具体规定被删除第四章(第12页)去掉政策段,标准的适用采用最新变化,新增第三段——套件详细包装标记第五章(第15页)删除政策段,增加危险品的定义和分类第五章(第16页)新增加法规文献段第五章(第16-17页)扩充具体规定段第六章(第18页)废除政策段,参考美国试验与材料学会标准第七章(第22页)全章新增——有关I、II类可重复使用包装容器的总规定第八章(第26页)全章新增——有关III包装容器的总规定附录一(第27页)原先有关器材处理设施的附录被删除,代之为附录——标记(即原来附录二)附录二(第35页)原附录三——检验/试验附录三(第38页)原附录四——术语有效页码章页日期章页日期有效页码596/11/1572496/11/15目录696/11/152596/11/15 1796/11/1582696/11/15 896/11/15附录一2796/11/15 2996/11/152896/11/15 1096/11/15图IA-12996/11/15 31196/11/15图IA-23096/11/15 1296/11/15图IA-33196/11/15 41396/11/15图IA-43296/11/15 1496/11/15图IA-53396/11/15 51596/11/15图IA-63496/11/15 1696/11/15附录二3596/11/151796/11/153696/11/15 61896/11/153796/11/15 1996/11/15附录三3896/11/15图6-12096/11/153996/11/15图6-22196/11/154096/11/15 72296/11/154196/11/15 2396/11/15目录章节页导论1目的7标准的适用7概述7宗旨7包装规定代码7修订8可修件的包装2目的9标准的适用9特殊包装规定9消耗件及次要可修件的包装3目的11标准的适用11套件包装4目的13标准的适用13套件详细包装标记13运输包装容器标记13套件清单14危险品包装5目的15标准的适用15法规文献16具体规定16易受静电放电影响器件的包装6目的18适用规定18具体规定18图例19 I、II类可重复使用容器的一般规定7目的22具体规定22 III类容器的一般规定8目的26具体规定26附录一--标记A-127附录二--检测/实验A-235附录三--术语A-338第一章导论1. 目的本实用规范对向航空公司发运的零备件包装制定了一整套标准,包含了航空运输业中的设计、开发和购买有效包装的最低规定。
2. 标准的适用每个航空公司有权决定自己是否采用这套标准或是其他的标准来规范来规范其包装规定。
3. 简介ATA规范300按章编写,各章提供可修和消耗元件及附件的包装说明。
4. 宗旨本规范的初衷是鼓励商业航空运输包装的开发和标准化,从而:-以最小的包装重量和体积提供足够的保护,达到对包装的最佳利用。
5. 包装规定代码有关航空零备件包装规定的资料应由供应商依ATA规范200/2000向航空公司提供。
这些情况包括当航空零备件是:易碎(不能撞击和振动)危险器材供配套的零件(套件的一部分)易受静电放电影响易受磁场影响有保质期为补充这些包装规定代码,ATA 规范200/2000中的“首批订货”章要求供应商就所有零备件提供技术和说明资料。
6. 修订ATA规范300 的修订是由ATA器材管理委员会下设的特别工作组进行的。
第二章可修件的包装1. 目的提供有关可修件的包装规定。
2. 标准的适用可修件是指从飞机上拆下的器材,并能经济地恢复到完全可用的状态。
3. 特殊包装规定保质期和存储说明元件或附件制造商必须制定有关其产品保质期和存储的说明,并告之客户。