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[话题解读] “情感态度”是高中英语新课程标准中24个话题之一。该话题包括关乎内心品性的情感态度与价值观,包括自信独立、健康高雅、热情乐观、严谨求实、持之以恒等方面;关乎周围世界的情感态度与价值观,包括热爱祖国、关切社会、珍爱自然、尊重多元等方面;关乎处世方略的情感态度与价值观,包括乐群合作、好奇求知、主动进取、崇尚科学等方面。通过本话题的学习和高考考查,让学生树立正确的人生观和世界观。


请以“One person I’m grateful to”为题,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文,记述一个你认为值得感谢的人。要求如下:




One person I’m grateful to

Mr.Li,my English teacher,is the very person to whom I owe many thanks.He helped me a lot in my studies.

During the previous study,my biggest flaw was carelessness.Worse still,I was too anxious to seek the fundamental reason for my failure.I

just dedicated myself to huge amounts of practice,regardless

of repeated mistakes.Fortunately,Mr.Li noticed it and offered to have a long talk with me.Having been persuaded to change my attitude,I finally got the right way to rid myself of carelessness and gained confidence as well.


范文详略得当、语言简洁,运用了一些较为高级的词汇,如dedicate oneself to,regardless of,rid...of...等;文中使用了一些高级句型:如定语从句及动词ing 形式作状语等;worse still等衔接词的使用也使文章结构更加紧凑。


1.affect vt.影响;感动;感染

2.argue vi.争辩,争论→argument n.理由;依据;争论,争辩

31.judgment n.审判,评价

32.motivate vt.激励

33.praise vt.表扬,称赞

34.satisfaction n.满意

35.suspect vt.怀疑;n.犯罪嫌疑人

36.tendency n.倾向

37.thrilled adj.兴奋的

38.tolerate vt.容许,允许,忍受

39.urge vt.极力主张;力劝;n.强烈的冲动

40.wonder vt.想知道;对……感到好奇



1.Another argument(argue) against television is that it replaces reading as a form of entertainment.(2015·广东)

2.Some complain of unfriendly coworkers and feel sad for eighthour workweeks devoted(devote) to tasks they hate.(2015·浙江)

3.To be honest,voters sometimes feel annoyed(annoy),not because they hate voting,but because they are divided between emotion and fairness.(2016·江苏)

4.Anxious(anxiety) all the time,I was unable to keep focused for more than an hour at a time.(2016·北京)

5.To my mother,the poem revealed a parent’s affection(affect) when her child grows up and leaves.(2016·上海)

6.Some think that a woman’s body cells have a tendency(tend) to age more slowly than a man’s.(2016·四川)

7.After what seemed like a safe amount of time,I read the poem again and was confused(confuse).(2016·上海)

8.She’s been very depressed(depress) and upset about this whole situation.

9.For animals their size,ants have been astonishingly(astonish) successful,largely due to their wonderful social behavior.(2015·安徽) 10.Even in its current state,the Internet has extended my memory and judgment(judge).(2016·江苏)

