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Having failed twice before, Meng Jiao (751-814) passed the imperial examinations (科举考试) at the age of 46. He shows his wild joy by saying that the 1 he experienced before are no longer worth mentioning. Now he 2 confidence and energy, riding his horse along the flower-filled streets of Chang’an. He feels the spring breeze (微风), the wide sky, and the open road, and 3 his horse is running faster. In the city of Chang’ an, many flowers are 4 in spring, but he has seen them all in one day! The poet connects his joyful feelings with the scenery and expresses them in a clear and 5 way. The last two lines have become 6 throughout the ages.

Hilda Conkling’s poem suggests that joy cannot be seen, but rather felt through experiences in 7 . She talks about how watching waves break or looking through violet stems (紫罗兰茎) in spring grass can give us feelings of joy. Also, joy comes from within a person and can be seen in their eyes, 8 being just a result of external factors (外部因素) like sunlight or moonlight. Overall, finally the poem shows us that joy is a feeling that is often 9 in simple moments of beauty and nature. It celebrates the power of these moments to bring about feelings of 10 and highlights (强调) that joy is something that lives within us all.

1.A.importance B.joy C.difficulties D.wonders 2.A.is full of B.is worried about C.is proud of D.is prepared for 3.A.even B.really C.also D.quite 4.A.dying B.dreaming C.sleeping D.blooming 5.A.alive B.living C.lively D.live 6.A.unknown B.famous C.interesting D.useful 7.A.lives B.stories C.reality D.nature 8.A.in addition to B.as well as C.as a result of D.rather than 9.A.found B.heard C.imagined D.mentioned 10.A.sadness B.anxiety C.worry D.happiness


Every Wednesday evening, a group of runners in Chongqing gather together before setting off on their run. They take garbage tongs (垃圾钳) and trash bags. They are a group of garbage collectors who keep fit while helping clean up the streets.

“Make running more than just running. Squatting (蹲) is good, too,” Sogor said jokingly. She said that besides doing exercise, Trash Running can also help make new friends and contribute (贡献) to the environment.

“The runs have become more and more popular. Now, people quickly sign up for each run on our WeChat mini program,” said Fang Lei, the leader of his group. There are now more than 200 trash runners, including office workers, yoga teachers and restaurant owners. Over 90 percent of the group are Chinese. The oldest is in their 40s, and the youngest is just 5. Sogor said that one trash runner gave up smoking after collecting so many cigarette boxes.

“I’m proud to join the group,” said 8-year-old Li Haoze. The energetic boy broke his left arm recently, but he wanted to keep running, so he picked up litter with his right hand. “Children should also have an awareness of environmental protection,” said Li Qing, the boy’s father. Li Shuai said, “We should try our best to protect our environment.” Now, each time Lishuai climbs, he makes a video of himself and his friends filling a bag with garbage, and then shares it online to encourage others. Sogor said, “what one person can do is limited (有限的), so we run together to make a greater influence.”

11.How many people have been interviewed in this passage?


12.Which of the following is correct?

A.Only people between 5 and 40 years old are allowed to join in the event.

B.Li Haoze used to pick up litter with his left hand before breaking his left arm.

C.Only office workers and teachers take part in the event.

D.Foreign runners make up 30 percent of the group.

13.Besides doing exercise, what are the other advantages of Trash Running according to the passage?

a. making friends

b. helping making videos

c. protecting the environment

d. earning money
