Unit One Changes in the Way We LiveText AContent Questions ( P10 )Write and live on a farm.Because they grow nearly all of their fruits and vegetables. They have enough eggs, honey andwood. They are very close to nature and can enjoy the beautiful scenery. Besides, they can goskiing and skating in winter.No. Sometimes the good life can get pretty tough.They were buried under five feet of snow from December through March.When the first spring came, it brought two floods. The second flood refers to the good harvest inthe growing season.He decided to quit his job and start to freelance.He has to crawl into black bear dens for “Sports Illustrated”, hitch up dogsled racing teams forfor “Science Digest”,andmagazine, check out the Lake Champlain “monster”“Smithsonian”canoe through the Boundary Waters Wilderness area of Minnesota fo r “Destinations”.-medical policy and the policy on theirAs for insurance, they have only bought a poor man’s major two cars.They cut back their expenses without appreciably lowering their standard of living. For example,they patronize local restaurants instead of more expensive places in the city. They still attend theopera and ballet but only a few times a year. They eat less meat, drink cheaper wine and seefewer movies.A tolerance for solitude and lots of energy.They will leave with a feeling of sorrow but also with a sense of pride at what they have been ableto accomplish.They chose to live in the country because they want to improve the quality of their lives. Yes,they have finally realized their dreams.Text Organization ( P11 )Part One (paragraphs 1—3) The writer views his life in the country as a self-reliant andsatisfying one.Part Two (paragraphs 4—7 ) Life in the country is good yet sometimes very hard.Part Three (paragraphs 8—11) After quitting his job, the writer’s income was reduced, but he andhis family were able to manage to get by.Part Four (paragraphs 12—15 ) A tolerance for solitude and a lot of energy have made it possiblefor the family to enjoy their life in the country.Happy Moments and Events1) growing nearly all their fruits and vegetables2) canoeing, picnicking, long bicycle rides, etc.3) keeping warm inside the house in winter-。
Leon 7E xercices de grammaire L e subjonctif-2 I. Conjugaison:au subjonctif passé.1.que tu aies fini ce devoir.2.qu’il soit parti ce soir3.que tu ne les aies pas prévenus4.que tu l’aies fait exprès5.que tu n’aies pas été plus prudent6.que j’aie vuII. Mettez les verbes entre parenthèses au subjonctif présent ou au subjonctif passé.1.ne soyez pas libre2.n’ayez pas été libre3.fasse4.n’ ait fait5.n’ait pas écrit6.n’écrive pas plus souvent7.n’aient pas vu8.reoiveIII. Mettez les verbes entre parenthèses au subjonctif présent.1.vous fachiez2.arrive3.prolonges4.parle5.expire6.téléphone7.rattrapions8.m’ envoie9.continuent10.souhaitiezpreniez12.puisse13.sortent14.dise15.vienne16.ne meurent17.connaisse18.ne pleuveIV. Transformez les phrases comme dans les exemples:1.Mes plantes ne poussent pas beaucoup bien que je les arrose régulièrement.2.Charles voudrait me rencontrer afin qu’on examine le projet ensemble.3.Il faudra beaucoup travailler de manière que vous obteniez votre diplme sansproblème.4.J’aimerais passer à la poste avant qu’elle ne ferme.5.V ous allez guérir à condition que vous suiviez exactement le traitement.6.Je vais louer une voiture en attendant que le garagiste répare la mienne.7.Nous allons changer de voiture de sorte qu’elle consomme moins d’essence.8.Je ne fais rien jusqu’à ce que vous arriviez.9.J’ai demandé à Pierre-Henri de venir de faon qu’il m’explique comment résoudrele problème.10.Sarah n’ose pas parler de peur qu’on la trouve ridicule.V. Mettez le verbe entre parenthèses au subjonctif passé.1.j’ aie pu2.aient manifesté3.m’ayez expliqué4.ait signé5.ait accompli6.aies terminé7.t’en ait déjà parlé8.ayons reu9.aient disparu10.ait présentéVI. Mettez les verbes au subjonctif passé.1.te sois calmé2.se soit échoué3.aient été4.m’y sois terriblementennuyée5.ne soient devenues6.se soit excusé7.se soit intéressé8.se soit endormie9.soit intervenue en force.E xercices de grammaire-RévisionI. Remplacez Je crois par Est-il possible:1.Est-il possible que ait déjà quitté Bordeaux en voiture2.Est-il possible qu’il soit déjà rentré chez lui3.Est-il possible qu’il n’ait pas prévenu sa femme.4.Est-il possible que le gros camion se soit renversé5.Est-il possible qu’il n’ait pas entendu les hurlements de l’avertisseur6.Est-il possible qu’il ait perdu sa carte d’identité7.Est-il possible qu’il n’ait pas compris ce qui se passait8.Est-il possible que l’accident soit d à son imprudenceII. Répondez aux questions:1.Non, je n’ai rien appris d’important.2.Non, je n’ai rien acheté de bon.3.Non, je n’ai rien entendu d’amusant.4.Non, il n’a rien décidé.5.Non, ils n’ont rien remarqué de surprenant.6.Non, je n’ai rien fait de défendu.7.Non, il ne s’est rien passé de nouveau.8.Non, je n’ai rien reu d’important.9.Non, ils n’ont rien vu de drle.10.Non, il n’a rien dit de sérieux.III. Répondez aux questions en employant le pronom possessif:1.Il n’a pas encore bu le sien.2.Ils n’ont pas encore vidé le leur.3.Hervé n’a pas encore choisi les siens.4.Elle n’a pas encore repassé la sienne.5.Je n’ai pas encore repeint le mien.6.Mme Bretonnel n’y a pas encore amené la sienne.7.Je n’ai pas encore le mien.8.Je n’ai pas encore trouvé les miens.9.Elle n’a pas encore nettoyé la sienne.10.Ils n’ont pas encore rangé les leurs.11.Nous n’avons pas encore passé le ntre.12.Il n’a pas encore garé la sienne.IV. Répondez aux questions en employant les pronoms convenables:1.Non, nous n’avons pas fait celles que nous avions prévues.2.Oui, il a choisi celle qu’il avait vue.3.Non, je ne suis pas allé dans celui où nous avions dné, mais dans celui d’à cté.4.Non, il n’a pas acheté celui qu’il avait essayé, il en a pris un autre.5.Non, pas ceux que j’avais demandés, j’en ai obtenu d’autres.6.Non, pas celles que nous cherchions, mais celles qui les avaient vues partir.7.Non, pas celle qu’ils avaient visitée, ils en ont acheté une autre dans le quartiervoisin.8.Non, pas ceux que j’avais choisis, mais ceux choisis par ma mère.9.Non, pas celui qu’on lui avait montré, il est entré dans celui d’en face.10.Non, pas ceux qu’on m’avait conseillés, j’en ai choisi d’autres.V. Mettez le verbe entre parenthèses au temps et au mode qui conviennent.1. a réussi2.signale3.connaisse4.annonce5.ait6.doive7.soit8.parle9.puisse10.saitE xercices de vocabulaire I. Complétez par un des mots suivants: cte2.le code3.cté4.ctes C te6.le cté7.cte à cte cte cte10.cté/cté11.cté12.ctés/la cte/un code13.cté/ctés14.le code15.le codeII. Complétez le tableau suivant:discuter→discussion, empêchement→empêcher, réfléchir→réflexion, production→produire, vendre→vente, bond→bondir, rentrer→rentrée, évanouissement→s’évanouir, interroger→interrogation, arrivée→arriver, défendre→défense, assurance →assurer, interdire→interdiction, regret→regretter, protester→protestation, réveil→réveiller, expliquer→explication, exigence→exigerIII. Complétez les phrases par une préposition:1.en2.à3.en4.à5.vers/après6.sur7.avec8.pour9.dans10.sur/de11.d’12.derrière13.dans14.depuis15.deIV. Transformez les phrases suivantes en employant Est-ce … Non, plutt …et en supprimant le groupe verbal de la seconde phrase:1.Est-ce qui veut doubler Non, plutt l’autre conducteur.2.Est-ce ta belle-soeur qui t’écrit Non, plutt ton frère.3.Est-ce un voisin qui sonne Non, plutt le facteur.4.Est-ce la France le pays le plus étendu de l’Europe Non, plutt la Russie.5.Est-ce le chauffeur de camion qui est blesséNon, plutt .V. Complétez les phrases suivantes en employant les groupes de mots donnés:1.Il est malade, a doit être un rhume.2.Il lit un roman, ...3.Il entend qu’on l’a appelé, ...4.On sonne, ...5.Il accompagne à l’hpital une femme qui a mal à la tête, ...VI. Transformez les phrases suivantes selon l’exemple:1.sent le gaz s’échapper de la citerne.2.Mme Bretonnel entend une voiture se garer devant la maison.3.Les automobilistes regardent se lever d’un seul coup, se diriger en co urant versla citerne, s’arracher le sparadrap du front et s’appuyer sur le camion.4.Les enfants voient le père se mettre en colère en parlant.5.Le blessé sent ses jambes se plier sous lui.6.Le chauffeur de camion voit une voiture verte se mettre au milieu de la route.7.sent ses yeux se fermer peu à peu.8.Le gendarme voit courir sur la route, sauter sur le camion, arracher le sparadrapde son front et le coller sur la citerne.9.Le chauffeur entend une voiture hurler derrière lui, essayer de le doubler, aller deplus en plus vite, puis freiner.A ctivité connaissancesI. Retruovez le lieu de départ de chaque moyen de transport:la gare-le train, la station-le métro, l’aéroport-l’avion, le port-le bateau, l’héliport-l’hélicoptèreII. Complétez les phrases suivantes à l’aide des mots:plan, direction, correspondance, escaliers roulants, rame, quai, voitureIII. Que signifieA-2, B-2, C-2, D-1, E-1,F-2IV. Qui dit quoi1. c.est2. e.soient3. d.aient4. a.fassent5. f.doit6. b.guérisseE xercices omni-contrlablesI. Ecoutez et remplissez le blanc.vingt fois moins cher, le stationnement, l’Arabie Saoudite, tuer la poule aux oeufs d’or, agriculteurs, boivent, six, L’automobile, gros, pour la vie, en se réveillant, substituer, demi-heureII. Retenez bien les expressions suivantes et traduisez-les en chinois.1. 考虑到低收入人群2. 杀鸡取卵3. 坐公交车或是地铁感觉安心4. 永不再坐小轿车火车,飞机5. 我觉得……不是个好办法;III. Parmi ces Franais interrogés, lesquels sont pour lesquels sont contreou l’industrie automobile Argumentez vos points de vue.Réponse libre.E xercices de traductionI. Traduisez le texte en chinois:卡车与公交车相撞,九名乘客受伤昨天晚上十点四十五分,伏尔泰大街107号门前,一辆公交车与一辆卡车相撞,造成九人受伤;一辆140路公交车狠撞在一辆停靠在大街右侧的载重卡车的拖车上,原因尚未查明;车祸中九名乘客受伤,伤势程度不一;八人被送去博戎医院,其中有的经过包扎后已经回家;一位名叫莫尼克·布律诺的九岁女孩头部伤口较深,被送进了布雷托姆医院;车辆损伤极为严重;公共汽车整个右侧车皮被刮了下来;至于那辆属于阿格诺一家公司的卡车,它的后车身受到严重损伤;II. Rendez les phrases en franais en employant les groupes de mots suivants: en travers de être d àavoir envie de à domiciledommage que à l’heureen sens inverse être dans votre tort1.Une bicyclette est renversée en travers de la rue, toutes les voitures tous lesvéhicules sont obligées de s’arrêter.2.Il a beaucoup transpirésué, il a donc envie de boire de l’eau.3.Dommage que vous ne soyez pas venu plus tt, le livre que vous avez demandévient d’être prêté. Dommage que vous n’ayez pas pu venir plus tt, ...4.Quand vous serez agé, vous pourrez travailler à domicile.5.Bien que vous ne l’ayez pas fait exprès, vous êtes dans votre tort.6.Quelle que soit votre explication, l’accident est d à votre imprudence.7.V ous rouliez à plus de cent à l’heure, c’est dangereux en ville.8.Toutes les voitures roulaient vers la ville, quand on a vu tout àcoup un groscamion s’avancer en sens inverse.。
Unit One Friendship(1)1. bound2. appropriate3. possessing4. permanent5. appointed6. parted7. had corresponded8. gazed9. notion 10. keen 11. preserve 12. grasped 13. figured 14. grounded 15. sensible 16. attribute17. united 18. pursue 19. commitments 20. regulating(2)1.distinguish between2. checked up on3. torn down4. make a fortune5. all of a sudden6. lost track of7. Casting an eye over 8. broke up 9. take pleasure in 10.described as11. turned up 12. in so far as 13. is under arrest 14. pass on 15. as toIncreasing Your Word Power(1)1.arrival 2.trial 3.approval 4.betrayal 5.burial 6.dismissal 7.disposal8.proposal 9.refusal 10.removal 11.survival 12.withdrawal(2) 1. refusal 2. arrivals 3. removal 4. dismissal 5. survival 6. proposal 7. disposal 8. approval(3) 1. e 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. dGRAMMAR REVIEW(1)1. whichever tent you are not using now2. whoever comes / come first3. whichever / whatever condition our captain thought was the best4. Wherever / No matter where I go5. whatever wishes their child / children expresses / express6. However disappointed / No matter how disappointed you may feel about the surroundings / environment / situation7. Whoever breaks it 8. whenever he concentrates on a problem(2)1. It is not luck but hard work tha led him to today’s success.2. Prof. Moen argues that it is energy that makes the world go round.3. It was not until he had proved he was honest that he won the family’s trust.4. It was clearly the headmaster himself who that opened the door for me.5. NONECLOZE1) classical 2) notion 3) utility 4) ground 5) occurs 6) goodness 7) as to 8) possesses9) preserve 10) bound 11) mirror 12) virtuous 13) commitment 14) moral excellenceTRANSLATION(1)1. The friendship grounded on common / shared interest does not break up easily. / It is not easy for the friendship grounded on common / shared interest to break up.2. Children must learn to distinguish between violence and bravery / courage in computer games.3. There spring up so many new things every day in the world that it is no longer sensible to expect a person to know / keep track of everything.4. Laws do not regulate such things as betrayal to friends; that is why there is what we call / is called “the court of morality”.5. Today’s culture is described as “fast-food culture”. Whatever they may be / are doing, people just pursue the greatest / maximum satisfaction within the shortest time.6. As the saying goes, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If you want something, go and earn / work for it.(2)As is commonly acknowledged / It is commonly recognised that humans are social animals. Bonded together in a community, we naturally expect to have friends. As to what friendship is, people have different notions / ideas. Some make friends for mutual utility. Once the ground for such friendship disappears, the friendship also breaks up. However, a lot more people long for “soul pals”— those who possess virtues and with whom we can go through trials and tribulations together. Such friendships keep us away from greed and violence and encourage us to have the courage of our convictions. Such is what we call “true andTHEME-RELATED WRITING1. Bob and I became brother-like friends in our childhood. We played, dined and discussed our ambitions together. Once grown up, he started for the West to make his fortune while I became a policeman in New York. Before his departure, we had dinner together and we agreed that we would meet at the same place exactly twenty years from that date and time, no matter what our conditions might be or from what distance we might have to come.Then came the day we were supposed to meet. I was on my beat then. Walking up to the appointed place which had been turned into a hardware store, I saw a man standing there with an unlighted cigar in his mouth. Before I could speak, he told me that he was waiting for a friend by the name of Jimmy Wells. When he struck a match to light his cigar, I saw a pale face with keen eyes and a scar. I recognized him immediately. It was Bob, and it was also the face of the man wanted by the Chicago Police. For a moment I felt like telling him to escape right away. After all, we had been friends for so many years and he had traveled all the way to see me! But then my sense of duty told me the right thing to do. I said good-bye to him and continued my patrol, his last words still ringing in my ear: “I’ll wait for half an hour. Jimmy will keep his promise if he’s alive…” I then sent for a plain clothes man and had Bob arrested.2.An Important Friend in My LifeLi Qiang, one of my classmates, is fun to be with. He is always wearing a broad smile as if life is forever “sunshine and butterflies”. One day, I revealed to him my worries and anxieties: I, an ordinary-looking girl, was 177 centimeters tall, even taller than any of the boys in my class. I thought no boy would like to date me. Besides, I was very poor at my academic courses.He suggested that I should learn to be myself and then he introduced me to a fashion show team of the university. Encouraged, I decided to change myself. After a 3-month training program on weekends, I could perform beautifully as a model, and surprisingly, I could concentrate on the required academic courses as well. The applauses I won at each fashion show and the scholarship I earned proved that being myself was terrific. Since then, my life has changed a lot. Thus, Li Qiang became an important friend of mine.Last semester, we began to help young people who suffer pressures from physical defects, academic failures or financial problems. We set up a Confidence Club. Those who come to us for help find our work definitely beneficial. Our friendship has led me into a sparkling, rewarding life.Unit Two Love(1)1. curled2. minimum3. clip4. yielded5. Given6. awaiting7. fascinated8. affection9. interact10. haste11. harden12. grief13. defies14. glance15. presence16. lasting17. via18. acquire19. manipulate20. restraints(2)1. let … loose on2. fit into3. hold on4. state of affairs5. in the course of6. in vain7. build … on 8. In short 9. grow used to 10. blame … on 11. reached for 12. give and take Increasing Your Word Power(1) 1. overcoat 2. overhead 3. overjoyed 4. overslept 5. overweight 6. overdue 7. overtime 8. overworking(2) 1. crush 2. attributes 3. fancy 4. bubbled 5. grasp 6. drizzling 7. labeling 8. yield(3)1. We are short of hands. 2. I still have some money in hand. 3. Give me a hand with this box, please.4. I often keep a dictionary at hand.5. The football fans were out of hand.6. Hand out the pencils to everyone in the class.7. This ring was handed down to me by my grandmother.8. Time’s up. Please hand in your test papers. 9. Please hand on the magazine to your roommates.10. I’m afraid I can’t help you. I’m a green hand.GRAMMAR REVIEW(1)1. Sitting on the stairs was / On the stairs was sitting2. Over the wall came / flew3. Round the corner was4. Then finally came5. Under the table was lying6. At / On the top of (On top of) the hill stood1. The beaver chews down trees to get food and material to build its home with.2. Do your parents think Tom is a nice boy to go out with? (Cross out “him”)3. The goals for which he has fought all his life seem unimportant to him now.4. NONE.5. The essay starts by asking a question, to which the author then gives a positive answer.CLOZE(1) haste (2) state of affairs (3) distinguished (4) meeting of minds (5) blossom (6) inner charm (7) intimacy (8) emotion (9) acquiring (10) ideals (11) admiration (12) lasting (13) affection (14) forge (15) honor (16) overwhelming TRANSLATION(1)1. In either friendship or love / In both friendship and love, you should never expect to take / receive the maximum while you give the minimum.2. I built all my hopes on his promise(s), only to find that he was not a man of sincerity at all.3. We took Mother to all the best hospitals we could find, but all our efforts were in vain; she failed to survive the disease.4. Valentine’s Day is an annual holiday celebrated on February 14, a perfect day to express love to the object of your / one’s affection.5. In the information era, communications with far-away friends via e-mail can be almost / virtually simultaneous.6. Love takes time, for it is not forged until you have grown used to the other’s company and learned to appreciate the other. (2)After dinner, we all sat around the hearth. Aunt Susan was still in the grief of losing Uncle Robert. In her soft voice she told us about their past years. Uncle Robert joined the army shortly after they were engaged. Given the critical situation at the time when lots of army men didn’t return alive, you can imagine how much overjoyed Aunt Susan was to see Uncle Robert come back safe and sound from the European battlefield. Then they got married and brought up five children. For all those years, their affection for each other grew stronger in the course of overcoming difficulties and hardships in life. I was fascinated by Aunt Susan’s story, which was totally different from my ideal of love. They practiced giving and sharing in their daily life instead of pursuing passion and romance. Amazingly, such love lasted through their whole life.THEME-RELATED WRITING1. Male-female relations are indispensable to adults all through their lives. But different generations handle them differently. Our parents’generation lived in an era of constraints, restraints, respect, admiration, and plenty of romance. They kept a distance from people of the opposite gender in order to preserve the holiness of love and relationships.My generation, on the other hand, began with countless crushes for the opposite sex just because of their superficial charm. Harmless as it was, the love was as brief as soap bubbles. As we grew up, we came to the stage of developing real relationships, believing that love demanded a lot of give and not so much of take.By comparison, the younger generation is more open-minded and less restricted in handling the matter of love and relationships. They jump on the bandwagon of love with so much haste that it is difficult for them to distinguish between physical attraction and mental compatibilities.In short, the younger generation focuses more on physical beauty, closeness and passion, and they tend to seek what they want from the relationships. The other two generations give priority to inner charm, intimacy, emotion and sharing in dealing with relationships.2.What Do Girl Students Look for in Love and Life?In order to know about girl students’ opinion about love and life, a survey with girl students was conducted in 2005 in two universities —Chongqing University of Technology and Business and East China Normal University. The survey sought answers to two questions: What do you look for first in a boyfriend? What’s the most important thing for a happy life?About one third of the students chose personality as the top factor in choosing a boyfriend, followed by 27 percent focusing on abilities. Next came common interests and goals, favoured by 17 percent, with only 14 percent of students claiming appearance to be uppermost in their minds. Fewer still, 11 percent, rated economic status as the first consideration.As to their views about a happy life, nearly seventy percent of the girls attached the greatest importance to marriage and family. “Career” was given top priority by just under 20 percent, while even fewer, around 9 percent, believed that money was the key to a happy life.Admittedly, the improved material conditions of life explain why girls take economic status and money rather lightly. But contrary to the popular view that girls are more concerned about self-development in the workplace and social status, they still regard upon marriage and family life as central to a happy life.Unit Three Happiness(1)1. inform2. evaluate3. attractive4. depression5. leisure6. Collective7. decreased8. spiritual9. religious10. temporary11. scales12. cultivate13. suggests14. purchase15. inevitable16. enable17. reinforced18. comparison19. occupations20. destructive(2) 1) work out 2) have a clear conscience 3) other than 4) fact of life 5) as a whole 6) relative to7) point of view 8) in terms of 9) in part 10) took pains 11) in effect 12) serve as 13) Leave … with 14) wore out 15) better off 16) has a great deal to do with 17) from … derivesIncreasing Your Word Power(1)1) 反攻,反击2) 反要求;反诉3) 对策;对付措施4) 对应的人(物),对手5) 产生相反效果的6) 抗癌的7) 防冻剂8) 防污染的9) 反对吸烟的10) 不合群的;反社会的(2)1) decrease 2) ranking 3) concept 4) suggest 5) central, key 6) way, pattern 7) aim, goal, end 8) buy 9) seek 10) norm, criterion 11) position 12) total, amount 13) short-term 14) honest 15) sort 16) inevitable (3) 1. total 2. current 3. ideal 4. relatives 5. alternative 6. objectives 7. individual 8. maximum GRAMMAR REVIEW(1) 1. was the law 2. could he free himself from feelings of guilt 3. will he now4. have I faced so difficult a choice5. are visitors allowed to feed the animals in the zoo6. had we started lunch when the doorbell rang7. she told me did I realize the mistake I had made8. can you buy shoes like that 9. did he protest 10. I known what was going to happen(2) 1. Your picture / painting is far / much more beautiful. 2. If only I could do half as well as you (have done)!3. The publishing house has produced twice as many books as it did last year.4. We had to do more work for less money.5. While people are richer in material wealth, their spiritual life is poorer. CLOZE(1) whole (2) However (3) part (4) In effect (5) derived (6) purchased (7) better off (8) take pains(9) necessarily (10) to do (11) comparison (12) relative (13) inevitable (14) serve (15) seek TRANSLATION(1)1. For thousands of years philosophers have taken pains to illustrate / explain / interpret the meaning of happiness from their own points of view.2. When I first came to college, I suddenly found myself left with everything to deal with by myself. It was not until then did I realize that living with my parents was truly a happy experience.3. You shouldn’t always make comparison with others; otherwise, you may be trapped in / fall into depression, for there are always many others who are better than you.4. Today people are much better off and enjoy more leisure. Strangely enough, they find life boring / dull.5. Life, in effect, is long but short of excitement. You are sure to suffer from inevitable disappointment if you expect everyday life to be as exciting as a drama.6. A life that is too easy / smooth may also be destructive because it offers no opportunity for one to learn how to deal with / handle failures / frustrations / setbacks. That / This in part explains / accounts for the high rates of suicide among young people.(2)Happiness must have much to do with money. After all, a hard life will wear out one’s sense of joy. However, happiness doesn’t derive from money alone. Today’s society as a whole has seen dramatic improvement in the standard of living, and the majority of people are decently fed and clothed. However, are people happier today? In fact, when the mass media and commercial advertisements are still reinforcing the notion that to be happy is to possess more, people find themselves longing moreself-value. As a wise man once pointed out, happiness lies in the positive attitude one holds towards life other than how much money one earns. Those millionaires who view life as boring and empty serve as good negative examples.THEME-RELATED WRITING1. Man Does Not Live by Bread AloneNo one would doubt the truth that man’s existence relies essentially on material things. We need them to get fed, clothed and sheltered. Once we are living near the breadline, we’ll feel frustrated and miserable.However, our contentment does not merely lie in material things. This is especially the case in modern times. The fast-developing economy has noticeably improved our lives and fulfilled most of our material needs. Then there comes the need of spiritual satisfaction, which is derived from good health, close friends, a loving spouse, well-raised children, a home built on love, a clear conscience, a worthy goal and an enjoyable job. While material things may lose their charm over time, spiritual satisfaction will bring us lasting happiness.Therefore, to live a happy life, we should focus more on those things that meet our spiritual demands. After all, when our need for bread is met, happiness will not come unless we feel spiritually satisfied.2. I Really Made ItI will never forget the awful feeling in my first Oral English class at college. I tried hard to listen to every word the teacher spoke, but what she was saying made no sense to me. Bitterly, I admitted that I was so poor at listening and speaking in English.I wept several times, cursing my middle school for failing to provide adequate listening and speaking practice. But finally I calmed down because the familiar words rang in my ears: There must be a way out. I had a rather solid foundation of English vocabulary and grammar. What was left for me to do was to increase my listening input and speaking output. I made it a rule that every morning I would do reading aloud by the campus lake for 40 minutes, and every evening I would stay in the language lab, listening to English for at least an hour.Then at the end of the second year came my happiest moment: I got the Scholarship for Academic Excellence. I wore a broad smile when the president granted me the award. I then came to realize that happiness can only be gained through hard work.Unit Four Health(1)1. indifferent2. prejudice3. appealing4. rendered5. threats6. respect7. isolate8. sucked9. infected10. ignorance11. namely12. probable13. reluctantly14. applause15. wept16. issued17. shelter18. contracted19. cheated20. tolerated(2) 1. guard against 2. concern yourself with 3. make room for 4. bring … to an end 5. in the hope of 6. on the ground(s) that 7. at risk 8. set aside 9. As regards 10. cut off 11. Owing to 12. Carry on Increasing Your Word Power(1)1)accurate accuracy 精确,准确(度)2) advocate advocacy 提倡;鼓吹3) consistent consistency一致性;连贯性4) delicate delicacy 细嫩;精美5) efficient efficiency 效能,效率6) intimate intimacy 亲密,密切7) president presidency总统等的职位8) private privacy 隐私;独处9) secret secrecy 保密;保密能力10) self-sufficient self-sufficiency自给自足(2) 1. secrecy 2. presidency 3. consistency 4. efficiency 5. privacy6. intimacy7. accuracy8. self-sufficiency9. advocacy 10. delicacy(3) 1. justification 2. justice 3. justifiable 4. justify 5. justified 6. justGRAMMAR REVIEW(1)1. I can discuss the matter with you now if (it is) necessary (to do so).2. When (they are) watching the World Cup, the students often cheer loudly.3. Unless (you are) otherwise instructed, you should leave by the back exit.5. In the accident the child was hurt and the mother (was) killed.6. Speaking exercises one’s tongue, reading (exercises) one’s eyes and writing (exercises) one’s mind.(2.1)1. to reach an agreement in such a delicate situation2. the way he keeps changing his mind3. that perhaps he was lying4. to be asked to speak here5. buying so much food when the children are all away (2.2)1. It is disappointing2. I find it useless / pointless3. It is not possible / It is impossible4. They kept it a secret / kept it quiet5. It is still not clearCLOZE(1) threat (2) at risk (3) infected (4) prejudice (5) isolated (6) contracted (7) shelter (8) grieve(9) along (10) pathway (11) issue (12) bring (13) evil (14) concern ourselves with (15) support TRANSLATION(1)1) They took their sick father on a long journey to Beijing in the hope of finding a cure for /in the hope of curing his heart disease / problem.2) The campaign of Knowing More About AIDS needs to be carried on, and for / at this stage the emphasis is put on the way (how) the disease is contracted.3) If power is properly applied / used / exercised, the lives of the common people will be rendered happy. If not, their daily life will be placed under threat.4) Could a government justifiably use nuclear weapons to guard against terrorist attacks?5) Owing to ignorance of the disease, many people still believe that HIV victims deserve what they suffer.6) The newly issued report on improving the medical system in rural areas leads us to believe that the era is to be brought to an end when such areas are always short of doctors and medicines(2)Retirement brings people’s career to an end. They find, all of a sudden, that they can no more / longer carry on the job they have done for dozens of years. Some old people cannot adapt themselves to such a change and thus become depressed, believing that they are no longer useful. Indeed, depression has become one of the leading threats to old people’s health. Nonetheless, many old people in China are able to maintain their sense of usefulness by rendering their grown-up children services, such as taking care of their grandchildren and providing allowances to them. The question remains as to whether senior citizens should try other means to fill up their leisure, rendering their later years still more meaningful. I suggest the old concern themselves less with their children and make room for young people to take responsibility for their own lives. After all, the old deserve respect from the young and the young should tolerate their aged parents more, on the grounds that the old have contributed so much for so many years both to their family and to society.THEME-RELATED WRITING1. AIDS Across the EarthAIDS has killed and is threatening to kill millions all across the earth. Several million infections are reported by WHO each year. The virus does not care whether you are black or white, male or female, young or old. It will attack you as long as you are a human. Today, AIDS has become the leading killer of young adults and is turning the children whose parents suffer the disease into orphans. It is no exaggeration to say that we live under the shadow of AIDS.There are several possible causes for such a situation: unsafe sexual intercourse; sharing or reusing contaminated needles; transfusion of contaminated blood or blood products; an infected person’s pregnancy, giving birth and breastfeeding, etc. Unfortunately, our ignorance, prejudice and silence have carried the situation to a desperate extreme. Patients are isolated or treated as outcasts by their families and their communities. AIDS victims feel ashamed to be identified as such and try hard to hide their disease. For this reason, they cannot get immediate medical treatment. Our harmful attitudes towards the disease and its victims have actually placed more people at risk.In our fight against this deadly disease, we should educate people on how to avoid being infected with the disease and how to lead a healthy and secure life and, more importantly, how to treat AIDS patients properly. Only in this way can we really bring AIDS under control.2. Why Do the Young Adults Kill Themselves?in the Guardian that suicide is the main cause of death among young adults in China. Why have so many young people ended their lives?Three factors are thought to account for the high suicide rate: increasing stress, loneliness and a lack of medical support for depression. The most pressing one, I think, is stress. Take my college life for example. From the first day I entered the university, I have been living under pressure. I used to worry that I could not quite fit into the campus life; I also feared that I might not catch up with my classmates in my studies or could not live up to my parents’expectations. Now I am deeply concerned about whether I can find a desirable job after graduation. Endless pressures give rise to stress. Loneliness is another problem. Many young people find they just feel helpless when they are suffering intolerable sadness or frustration.Suicide is a great tragedy, especially for the young. If we can find ways to relieve them of their stress and offer timely help, we may save many young lives.Unit Five Education(1)1. associate2. equipped3. combined4. emphasis5. enlighten6. phase7. graded8. commented9. inspection10. passively11. rural12. negotiate13. indispensable14. illusion15. implemented16. decline17. reconcile18. practically19. residents20. virtual(2)1. so to speak2. try out3. in store4. lend themselves to5. turn my back on6. in accordance with7. crying out for8. is … the case9. step in10. calm down11. brought back12. go after13. reflect on14. get out of15. For want of16. Oddly enough17. in favor of18. in turn19. hit on \ upon20. to this end21. calls for22. brought aboutIncreasing Your Word Power(1) 1. multimedia equipment 2. multipurpose furniture 3. a multifunction cell phone 4. a multi-storey car park5. a multicultural curriculum6. a multi-subject dictionary7. a multi-channel television set8. a multinational society(2) 1. e 2. g 3. a 4. h 5. d 6. f 7. b 8. c(3)1).a. a virtual university b. an online counseling center c. a keyboard colleged. an online chat roome. a virtual environmentf. the electrically charged spaceg. cyberspace2) a. a home computer b. tariff-free email packets c. the World Wide Web d. electronic bulletin boards3) a. cyber education b. online degree programsGRAMMAR REVIEW(1) 1. He is such a shy boy that he flushes whenever he speaks to a girl.2. It was such a well-written report that I couldn’t believe it was written by her.3. He hasn’t seen his son for such a long time that he has almost forgotten what he looks like.4. There were so many people in the stadium that I believed half of the town were there.5. Mother rejected my request so firmly that I knew I should not bring up the matter again.(2) 1. In the UK, up to one third of pipe water leaks away before it reaches its destination (目的地).2. Bob was just home from holiday when a friend called to tell him about his father’s death.3. Sometimes we put off writing letters of thanks because we think letters can wait until other matters are dealt with.4. We shall set off on our journey as planned unless there’s a sudden change in the weather.5. Much as I like chocolate, I have never eaten a single bar of it since I began to put on weight.CLOZE1) To this end 2) in store 3) indispensable 4) calls for 5) diversity6) implement 7) In accordance with 8) emphasis 9) combining 10) in depth11) equip 12) goes after 13) access 14) get … out ofTRANSLATION1. Cultivating the right emotions is indispensable in that / because it lays the foundations for the successes of one’s future work and studies.2. West China is crying out for talented people for its development. To this end, the government has laid down / made favorable policies, calling for more college graduates to go and work there.3. How can you turn your back on me when I am in such difficulty? We have gone through trials and tribulations for practically half a century.4. Web addicts spend so much time on the Internet that they are unable to draw a distinction between the virtual world and the real world.5. Urban / City residents often have the illusion that rural life is always leisurely and comfortable. In fact, that may not be the case.6. Distance learning is a global trend. With its quick growth / development, people are given / can enjoy an equally convenient access to educational resources, no matter where they are(2)Scientific development has brought about global changes in educational thought. It not only generates such a new form of education as “virtual universities” but turns “lifelong learning” into a workable project. In addition, people today seem to be in favor of practical knowledge. But whatever changes there might have been, education must stick to its classic role: to enlighten learners. Confronted with the new problems of this century, we still expect that education should put more emphasis on cultivating learners’ competence to think critically and to work collaboratively / with team spirit. Furthermore, we hope that education will take the responsibility of promoting traditional virtues by guiding learners to dispense with negative desires like greed, lust and violence.THEME-RELATED WRITING1. The Significance of Lifelong EducationDecades ago, due to the low standard of living in China, only a small percentage of the nation’s population could receive college education. Once given the opportunity, one would surely secure a well-paid and much-respected job, which he or she would probably do for a lifetime. Therefore, to secure a college degree used to be the ultimate goal of a person’s education. Today, however, we are living in what is called a “knowledge society”, where creative ideas and innovations are generated at a fantastic speed. One must constantly renew one’s knowledge and upgrade one’s skills so as to meet the needs of the changing world. Moreover, at the stage of general education, it is pointless for a person to attempt to know everything. When one is required to settle down to be a specialist in a specific field, one has to make an in-depth study of the subject one is supposed to know. In this sense, general education can provide students with only a passport to lifelong education. As Robert Maynard Hutchins once said, the object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.In my opinion, life in modern society is not only a process of “learning to live” but also a process of “living to learn”. The slogan “Live and Learn” can best reflect the concept of lifelong education.2. Should Family Schooling Exist?Meng Mu Tang, a private school in Shanghai, is modeled after the educational system of ancient Chinese home schools, which favored rote memorization and recitation of classic works. But the local education authorities in Shanghai have declared it illegal according to a report in 21st Century. Should family schooling exist? What role should it play?In my opinion, family schooling should be permitted to play a positive role in the current educational system in China. Every family should be free to choose the form of education that best suits their children’s interests and natural gifts. Although the existing education system in China has remarkably improved, it does not fit each child perfectly. Since family schooling provides a means to develop a person’s talents and unique interest, Meng Mu Tang, as a private school geared to a specific group of children, should not be banned in haste. In view of the current dynamic, quality-minded educational reforms in China, we should permit family schooling to enrich and diversify our educational system.On the other hand, home schooling should adapt itself to the modern world. To prepare children for the future, it should equip them with knowledge and innovative power so that they can cope with the development of the modern world. While tapping children’s innate talents on an individual basis, family schooling should never neglect their all-round development. Meng Mu Tang may not be a perfect private school, but we should let it live and have a try so that family schooling may eventually become an indispensable component of our formal education.Unit Six Intercultural Communication。
下面是店铺分享的全新版大学英语综合教程3答案,欢迎大家阅读!Text AContent questions1.at his mother’s funeral, the writer swore that one day he’d do something about conditions like hers2.one night,the writer went out for dreinks with another gentleman whose father had died of ALS. They talked about their parents then and wanted to do something as a legacy for them. The stem cell research company Stemagen thus came into existence3.they are concerned about the reproductive possibilities of cloning when Dolly was born4.human reproductive cloning is ethically wrong because the majority of reproductive clones in other species are actually abnormal,with very high miscarriage rates, very high stillbirth rates, fetal anomalies, death soon after birth,etc.5.the writer shows a positive attitude towards therapeutic cloning. He holds that therapeutic cloning does not involve any type of rist to human life and actually provides tremendous potential for the relief of suffering in human beings who are undergoing some awful things.6.the writer honestly thinks that someone will attempt human reproductive cloning and there is no way to stop it7.because by doing so, they could make cloning very real so that people around the world know that cloning is coming along8.their purpose in creating disease-specific stem cell lines is to study the causes of specific diseases,and then research a variety of treatments for these diseases. If the stem cell lines are created for any given individual and are later transplated back into the individual, they will not be rejected by the individual.9.the writer holds that in reality it is transcendent because when you look through the microscope, you see what you may have looked like a long ago, at least in part10.it brought teras to his eyes because the research was done for his mother,and he realized that if she had only been able to live a few years longer, maybe they could have used this technology to help her11.in the process of analysis, the embroys were destroyed by necessity. In other words, to get the genetic material from inside the cells to analyze it, they had to destroy the cell\12.because the writer thinks that logically, an embryo is not life, although it is a potential life. The vast majorityof embroys never become life—they just generate , don't implant and dieLanguage sense enhancement1) in some ways 2)make the most of 3)individual 4)replicated 5)roadmap 6)in place 7) resulst from 8)dissuade 9)Quite honestly 10)legislateVocabulary1.1) complications 2)tremendous 3)brillian 4)analysis \5)transplant , transplant 6)In a sense 7)consented 8)In some ways 9)eyesight10)in reality 11)implanted 12) procedures2. 1)focus 2)come forward 3)result from 4)go through5)carry out 6)work on 7)feed on 8)settled over3. 1)resulted from a childhood illness2)was condemmed by the trade unions as endangering jobs3)in place,even those with presistent, long-term mental illness can usually learn to manage their symptoms and live productive lives4)but apparently showed disapproval of his behaviour5)you should make the most of any advice which you can get from the interviewer4. 1)misconceptions, potential, make the most of ,2)donated, cntentious issue, and opponents3)a fraud , in some ways, condemn himII Collocation1)permission to adopt her2)a willingness to restart peace talks3)failure to find meaning in life4)his determination to realize his ideals5)attempt to blow up the bridge6)an opportunity to pursue a college degree下载文档润稿写作咨询。
综合教程3习题答案(Unit 1—8)Unit 1 Fresh startExplain in your own words the following sentences1. I planned to be observant and silent so that nobody would notice that I was a freshman.2. For three days, I ate a mixture of junk food by myself. I got the food from a machine placed outside my dorm as if to meet my needs.3. It did n’t matter whether you were widely liked or not; you did not have to follow other people so as to be accepted by everybody else.Ⅰ.Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words1. I had just the feeling of a newcomer to college without the strength only an experienced student might possess.2. My apparent confidence3. Some food to appease my hunger4. Going with the tide of the majority was no longer crucial to your success in college5. Foolish and glaring mistakesII. Distress; clutched; pose; sneaked; preoccupation; shackles; curse; deliberationIII. Assure; discretion; relaxation; humiliate; strategy; embarrassment; maneuverable; maturityIV. Lived up to; headed f or; seek out; has broken out; grope for; trying …on; go out to; tipped offV. 1.vague/indistinct; 2.carefully/meticulously; 3.self-restraint/self-control;4.clever/intelligent/sensible;5.manner/behaviour;6.excited/agitated;7.sneak;8.mature/sophisticatedVI. Became popular; respect; keep up; lead to; understand; found; use; start GrammarI. Rewrite the following...1. My decision to resign was wise.2. Their readiness to accept the peace agreement really surprised the diplomatic world.3. My determination to pass the test helped me.4. Her failure to get into college disappointed her parents.5. My willingness to cooperate was appreciated.6. His refusal to help surprised me.7. The proposal that we should import more equipment is to be discussed at themeeting.8. Who can have told you that puzzles me.III DBCC; ABDB;IV. 1. I spent the afternoon seeking out each of my classrooms so that I could make a perfectly timed entrance before each lecture.2. He wore glassed and a false beard so that nobody would recognize him.3. The stranger spoke very slowly so that I could understand what he said.4. She locked the door so that she would n’t be disturbed.5. John whispered so that others could n’t hear him.6. Please arrive early so that we can start the meeting on time.7. John has bought a bicycle so that he may save money on bus travel.8. The lecturer showed some slides so that he might illustrated his point.V. 1-5 although/though; yet; however/though; however/nevertheless/though;5.although/though; still/nevertheless;6. despite/in spite of;7. although/though;8. however;9. however; 10 despite/in spite of;Translate the following ......1. It distressed me a great deal to hear the news that he had suffered repeated failures.2. He assumed an air of cheerfulness, even though he lost favor with his boss.3. Gulliver met with extraordinary adventures and saw a strange assortment of people.4. He will be furious with you if you repeat the same mistake.5.We were all greatly drawn by his frank views, humorous words and genial manner.6. After the thunderous applause die down, the Nobel Prize winner began his speech.7. He is gifted with a sort of insight and foresight, so he rarely runs with the crowed.8. I feel realities are after all very harsh, so one can hardly live up entirely to his ideals.III.我上大学的头几天颇为难忘。
《全新版大学英语》(综合教程)第三册Text A课文翻译(Unit 1-8)及答案
![《全新版大学英语》(综合教程)第三册Text A课文翻译(Unit 1-8)及答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/85644f264b35eefdc8d333bc.png)
《全新版大学英语》(综合教程)第三册Text A课文翻译(Unit 1-8)第一单元生活方式的改变课文A在美国,不少人对乡村生活怀有浪漫的情感。
第3册全新版大学英语综合教程Unit8课后答案第3册全新版大学英语综合教程Unit8课后答案Text AContent questions1.at his mother’s funeral, the writer swore that one day he’d do something about conditions like hers2.one night,the writer went out for dreinks with another gentleman whose father had died of ALS. They talked about their parents then and wanted to do something as a legacy for them. The stem cell research company Stemagen thus came into existence3.they are concerned about the reproductive possibilities of cloning when Dolly was born4.human reproductive cloning is ethically wrong because the majority of reproductive clones in other species are actuallyabnormal,with very high miscarriage rates, very high stillbirth rates, fetal anomalies, death soon after birth,etc.5.the writer shows a positive attitude towards therapeutic cloning. He holds that therapeutic cloning does not involve any type of rist to human life and actually provides tremendous potential for the relief of suffering in human beings who are undergoing some awful things.6.the writer honestly thinks that someone will attempt human reproductive cloning and there is no way to stop it7.because by doing so, they could make cloning very real so that people around the world know that cloning is coming along8.their purpose in creating disease-specific stem cell lines is to study the causes of specific diseases,and then research a variety of treatments for these diseases. If the stem cell lines are created forany given individual and are later transplated back into the individual, they will not be rejected by the individual.9.the writer holds that in reality it is transcendent because when you look through the microscope, you see what you may have looked like a long ago, at least in part10.it brought teras to his eyes because the research was donefor his mother,and he realized that if she had only been able to live a few years longer, maybe they could have used this technology to help her11.in the process of analysis, the embroys were destroyed by necessity. In other words, to get the genetic material from inside the cells to analyze it, they had to destroy the cell\12.because the writer thinks that logically, an embryo is not life, although it is a potential life. The vast majorityof embroys never become life—they just generate , don't implant and dieLanguage sense enhancement1) in some ways 2)make the most of 3)individual 4)replicated5)roadmap 6)in place 7) resulst from 8)dissuade 9)Quite honestly10)legislateVocabulary1.1) complications 2)tremendous 3)brillian 4)analysis \5)transplant , transplant 6)In a sense 7)consented 8)In some ways 9)eyesight10)in reality 11)implanted 12) procedures2. 1)focus 2)come forward 3)result from 4)go through5)carry out 6)work on 7)feed on 8)settled over3. 1)resulted from a childhood illness2)was condemmed by the trade unions as endangering jobs3)in place,even those with presistent, long-term mental illness can usually learn to manage their symptoms and live productive lives4)but apparently showed disapproval of his behaviour5)you should make the most of any advice which you can get from the interviewer4. 1)misconceptions, potential, make the most of ,2)donated, cntentious issue, and opponents3)a fraud , in some ways, condemn himII Collocation1)permission to adopt her2)a willingness to restart peace talks3)failure to find meaning in life4)his determination to realize his ideals5)attempt to blow up the bridge6)an opportunity to pursue a college degree。
综合教程3 Unit1—Unit8部分课后答案
![综合教程3 Unit1—Unit8部分课后答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a08c4514fad6195f312ba687.png)
综合英语教程练习答案(第三册)Unit 1II.汉译英1.It distressed me a great deal to hear the news that he had suffered repeated failures.2.He assumed an air for cheerfulness, even though he lost favor with his boss.3.Gulliver met with extraordinary adventures and a strange assortment of people.4.He will be furious with you if you repeat the same mistake.5.We were all greatly drawn by his humor, frankness and amiability.6.After cheers and applause died down, the Noble Prize winner began his speech.7.He is gifted with a sort of insight and foresight, so he rarely runs with the crowd.8.I feel realities are after all so harsh that no one can entirely live up to his ideals.Unit 2II.汉译英1.My boss is a typical workaholic, for he works for over ten hours each day all the year round.2.The principal attaches much importance to extracurricular activities and he believes that theywill help to cultivate students’ tremendous interest in the external world.3.He always grabs a shower, a sandwich and then a taxi to go to work every Monday morning.4.Since you are leaving the company, you should straighten out the accounts within the week.5.He often stays up late at night in order to finish writing his Ph.D. dissertation on time.6.Nothing can replace the profoundest love lodged in one’s heart.7.He is considered a natural for the presidency, for he has been an excellent vice president foralmost ten years.8.He is just too common to be picked out from the crowd.Unit 3II.汉译英1.The university is one of the most venerable institutions of higher learning in the world.2.If one is deficient in practical experience, he can hardly make himself a success with onlywhat he has acquired in class.3.I felt exasperated by constant interruptions, for I had to finish writing the monograph by theend of this week.4.He feels that it sis ludicrous to write on a contemporary theme in an old-fashioned style.5.The Bund in Shanghai was a place where young couples like to come to coo in the 70s and the80s of the last century.6.His daughter is very sedate for a girl of about ten, for she likes reading more than playing.7.The couples strolled hand in hand along the country road when the sun in its first splendorsteeped the earth.8.The poet was commonly considered as an eccentric, romantic genius when still alive.Unit 4II.汉译英1.It goes without saying that Shakespeare overshadows all the other playwrights throughout theages.2.The Great Gatsby is commonly deemed as the epitome of the Jazz Age of the last century inthe U.S.A.3.It is advisable for you not to put damper on his enthusiasm to further his studies at Harvard.4.Y oung people tend to make a fetish of glamorous stars in sports and entertainment circles.5.They traipsed all the way to the downtown area for the National Day fireworks display.6.He does not deserve such a severe punishment as he has committed neither serious errors norgrave crimes.7.Every time I met him, he would talk a whole of nonsense.8.Reputation is a trap into which many people are ready to fall.Unit 5II.汉译英1.Hamlet feigned madness whenever he was hesitating what to do.2.Prevarication is one of the techniques this businessman likes to employ.3.Sometimes the light of the truth is just so dazzling that white lies are ubiquitous.4.Many women in America profess that they are unhappy with their status as second-classcitizens.5.On impulse of the moment, he blurted out the secret.6.Y ou should get rid of any prejudice, resist temptations and let nothing warp your judgment.7.Over-sensitive and imaginative, he often weaves tangled web in his mind.8.He is very popular among his peers as he always tries to spare others any trouble.Unit 6II.汉译英1.Sometimes, we have to make a choice because there is no middle ground.2.He often conjured up visions of the past when he was free from the pressures of life.3.He often refreshed himself with a cup of black coffee when he felt fatigued.4.He thrust past a throng of drunken men and bargaining women through the flaring streets.5.Experienced translators, though deficient in theory, can render one language into another by arule of thumb.6.It was generally believed that the major purpose of the foreign minister’s trip was to break theice with regards to the relations between the two countries.7.Reading good books and making friends with good people can elevate the mind.8.The flowers and the colorful lights lent a festival atmosphere to this ancient small town.Unit 7II.汉译英1.Y ou are definitely more than an acquaintance for me.2.Many artisans in this region deal in a variety of handicrafts.3.They went into raptures over the unexpected success./ They were overwhelmed by theunexpected success.4.Much to my surprise, he analyzed with extraordinary detachment the dangerous situation thatthreatened all of them.5.She peered at the stranger from behind the curtain.6.During the holidays, he indulged in the luxury of a bath of sunshine on the beach.7.At the news of his death, she was overwhelmed with grief.8.I’m not in favor of buying a house on the installment plan. Instead, I maintain that everyoneof us should save up for a rainy day.Unit 8II.汉译英1.The results of experiment far surpassed their expectations.2.We should take full account of the cost of the project and the difficulties we might encounter.3.The fair weather contributed to the success of the scientific expedition.4.Ronaldo, one of the football starts from Brazil, scored several spectacular goals in the 2002FIFA World Cup.5.Many American colleges and universities conferred quite a few honorary degrees upon RobertFrost for his remarkable contributions to poetry.6.Patience and perseverance are required in emancipation from bad habits.7.They tried to instill such new ideas into their students.8.Y ou should demonstrate impartiality in your assessment of the employees.。
Unit 1Active reading (1)Catching crabsLanguage points1… and we all started to get our heads down … (Para 1)To get one 7 s head down means to concentrate and focus on studying. In other British informal contexts, it can mean to sleep. Note also, to keep one" s head down means to continue to do something quietly, especial 1y when there is trouble happening around you.Unit 1 Discovering yourself2Most important of course were the final exams in April and May in the following year. (Para 1)This is a conversational elliptical sentence. A standard way of saying this is:The most important things, of course, were the final exams in Apri 1 and May in the following year.3No one wanted the humiliation of finishing last in class, so the peer group pressure to work hard was strong. (Para 1)Peer group pressure is the pressure to conform that people, especially children and youngpeople, oftenfeel from the immediate group of those around them who are of the same age or status.4Libraries … were standing room only until the early hours of the morning, and guys wore the bagsunder their eyes and their pale, sleepy faces with pride, like medals proving their diligence. (Para 1) The expression standing room only means there are no more seats avai table because the place is crowded. This expression is often used in public performances, for sports events and on public transport to mean that you have to stand because the place is packed with people・Bags under thoir eyes refer to loose dark areas ofskin that you got when you have not had enough sleep.The expressi on guys wore the bags under their eyes wi th pride means tha t tho st udon ts were proud that their tired appearanee showed how hard they had been studying, and the bags under their eyes were 1ike medals.5It wasn,t always the high flyers with the top grades who knew what they were going to do. (Para 2)A high flyer refers to someone who has achieved a lot and has the ability and determination to continue to be successful in their studies or job. In university, a high flyer is a top student・6Quite often it was the quieter, less impressive students who had the next stages of their life mapped out. (Para 2)To h&ve something mapped out means to have something that will happen planned in detail.7One had landed a job in his brother,s advertising firm in Madison Avenue, another had got a script under provisional acceptance in Hollywood. (Para 2)To land a job means to got a job that you wanted.Provisional acceptance refers to sn acceptanee whi ch is arranged (in princi ple), but is not yet definite. 11 is temporary and could be changed.8The most ambitious student among us was going to work as a party activist at a local level. (Para 2) A party activist is someone who takes part in activities that are intended to achieve political change, someone who is a member of a political organization.9We all saw him ending up in the Senate or in Congress one day. (Para 2)To end up somewhere means to be in a particular place or state after doing something or because of it.Here, a party activist might end up in Congress, as a resuIt of making career progress.10But most people were either looking to continue their studies … and then settle down with a family, a mortgage and some hope of promotion. (Para 2)To look to continue their studies here means to hope or expect to continue their studies - whether they can do so would probably depend on their exam resuIts and grades. You can also look to someone for help、advice or support. Discovering yourself Unit 1A mortgage is a legal agrccment in which you borrow money from a bank or financial organization in order to buy a house. You pay back your mortgage by making monthly payments, pl us interest. Thus, getting a mortgage for many young people means getting a flat or house of their own.11I braced myself for some resistance to the idea. (Para 10)A brace is a piece of wood or metal which supports an object so that it does not fall down. So to brace oneself means to hold oneself together in readiness for something difficuIt or unpleasant.12You don' t need to go into a career which pays well just at the moment. (Para 16)To go into a career means to start working in a particular job, business or career.13Several times the crab tried to defy his fellow captives, without luck. (Para 25)The crab tried to defy the others as it resisted others or refused to obey them when it tried to escape. The expression without luck means without success, being unable to do what you want・Reading and understanding3Choose the best summary of what happened in the crab cage.3The cage was full of crabs. One of them was trying to escape, but each time it reached the top the other erabs pulled it back. In the end it gave up trying and started to provent other crabs from escaping・4Choose the best answer to the questions.1What happened to the students in the fal1 of the final year?(a)They became more relaxed.(b)They became more serious.(c)They spent more time outside.(d)They stopped going to lessons.2Why did some people have bags under their eyes in the morning?(a)They" d been to an all-night party.(b)They, d started worrying about their future.(c)They5 d spent all night in the library.(d)They wanted to impress their teachers.3Which students had already planned their future?(a)The ones who had the best grades.(b)The ones who came from wealthy families・(c)The quieter ones who dicin' t have the best grades.(d)The ones who wan ted to get married and start a family. 4Why did the writer go home?(a)lie wan ted to speak to his fat her.(b)He could st udy bet ter at home t han at college ・(c)He had to attend a job interview.(d)Tt was a nationsl holiday.Unit 1 Discoven ng yourself5Why did his father take him out to catch crabs?(a)They needed to get something to eat for dinner•(b)He wanted to show him how to catch crabs.(c)He wanted to tell him something about life.(d)They both wanted to onjoy the coastline and the sea.6What advice did his father give him?(a)Get to know yourself better.(b)Watch what others do carefully.(c)Always liston to your father.(d)You can' t always do what you want.Dealing with unfamiliar words5Match the words in the box with their def i nit ions. 1achicving good resuIts (productivo)the fact of being present st an event, or the refusal to accept something new, such determined to be successful, rich, famous agreement to a plan, offer, or suggestion thewritton words of a play, film, telcvisionprogramme, speech etc (script) very good, 1arge, or showing great ski 11 (impressive)6 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 5.To be a successful film scriptwriter takes more than training although (1) attendance on a screenwriting course will definitely help you learn the skills. You also need to be very (2) ambitious - the film business is very competitive. You have to be prepared to work hard and be very (3) productivo because it takos more than just one good idea to mako it big. No matter how (4) impressive your idea is, there wi11 always be (5) resistance from producers because it' s too expensive. So make sure you have plenty of others to show them. What are you waiting for? Get on with writing that brilliant(6) script and plan your (7) acceptance speech for when you win your first Oscar!7 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.1 We 5 ve seen a place we like and wo' re applying for a loan to buy a house, (mortgage)2 We stood on the top floor of the boat and wstched the coast disappear into the horizon. (deck)3 I love to walk along the beach and watch the waves breaking, and the white water hitting the shore, (surf)4 In seaside areas in the north-east of the country, life is hard and fishermen have to go against the forces of nature every time they go to work, (coastai ; defy)5 Agreement was finally reached after a long and heated discussion. (lengthy)8 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 If you watch an impromptu performanee of something, has it (a) been prepared, or (b) nol been prepared?2 When you map out your future, do you (a) plan it carefully, or (b) draw a sketch of it on paper?Discovering yourself Unit 12 3 4 5 6 of going regularly to school, church etc (attendsnce) asa plan, idea, or change (resistanee) etc (ambitious) (acceptance)3If you brace yourself for something unplcasant, do you (a) try not to think about it, or (b) prepare yourself for it mentai 1y and physical1y?4Do you moor a boat by (a) turning the steering wheel, or (b) tying it to a post with a rope?5Is a rusty piece of metal something that (a) is bright and shiny, or (b)might have been left out in the rain and is covered with brown substance?6If a bowl is brimming with soup, is it (a) very full, or (b) half empty?7If someone is being held captive, are they (a) free to do as they pl ease, or (b) being kept as aprisoner?8If you have figured out something, have you (a) added numbers together, or (b) understood it?Active reading (2)2Work in pairs. Look at the title of the passage and choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1 The passage wi11 be (c) •(a)a newspaper article about life expectancy(b)a sad story about death(c)advice about how to make the most of your life(d)a warning that modern lifestyles are bad for hea1thUnit 1 Discovering yourself122 The passage is likely to be (d) •(a)serious(b)funny(c)depressing(d)a mixture of al 1 threelikely to say (b) •3 The passage is(a) young peopledon, t think enough about death (b)life is short(c) people are dying unnecessari]y(d) people don , t enjoy life enoughWe are all dyingBackgroundinformationThe passage is taken from Everything That Happens to Me Is Good, a book of thoughts, expertences and insights from the life of Geoff Thompson. The writer worked in many different jobs, including nine years as a “bouncer n in a nightclub in London (a bouncer has the tough job of making sure that no one causes trouble, eg if they are rude, drunk or violent), lie then trained full-time in karate, judo and other martial arts and became well-known as a martial arts instruetor. Ho lived out his dream to become a writer, authoringLanguage points1 I have some good news and some bad news for you (as the joke goes). The bad news - and I ,m very- sorry to be the bearer - is that we are all dying. It' s true. I ,ve checked it out. (Para 1) Good news and bad news are often paired together in jokes and in commonts on new information or recent events where there is a mixture of positive and negative aspects, eg The good news is •… But the bad news is … over 30 books on self-defeneo and sclf-improvement and has recently screen. wherever there is discomfort thereAsked what he had 1 earnt from his years in martial arts, he is growth, but what people do is and there' s no growth in comfort ・ So look for areas of growth that and learn to become comfortabic in been making films and writing for thesaid, "The main thing I’ ve 1 earned is that to look for growth in areas of comfort - areuncomfortable but allow you to grow,those areas.To check something out means to examine something or someone in order to be certain that everything is correct, true, satisfactory or acceptable. Check this out! is an attention-getting exclamation which means here, s something interesting to have a look at.2… we are all going to be either coffin dwellers or trampled ash in the rose garden of some local cemetery. (Para 1) Coffin is a long box in which a dead person is buried. The expression coffin dweller is a humorous way to refer to dead people.The expression trampled ash in the rose garden of some local cemetery refers jokingly to the ashes of a dead person placed in a cometery garden where people walk on the buried ashes.Discoven ng yourself Unit 1133After all, we never quite know when the hooded, scythe-carrying, bringer-of-the-last-breath might come-a-cal1ing. (Para 1)The expression the hooded, scytho-carrying, bringcr-of-the-last breath refers to the reaper, a person who reaps or cuts corn for the harvest and is a symbol of death from medieval times of the West. A reaper is personified as a tall figure dressed in a black cloak with a hood covering his face and carrying a scythe, a cutting tool with a long curved metal blade used for cutting, or reaping long grass or corn. The reaper brings death or brings your last breath. The expression when the reaper arrives means when death comes to you.4… and nothing underlines the uncertainty and absolute frailty of humanity like the untimely exit of a friend. (Para 1) The word exit here means leaving this world or death. The word untimely means happening at a time that is not suitable because it causes problems. An untimely death is too soon or when a person is young.5Knowing that we are all budding crypt-kickers takes away all the uncertainty of life. (Para 3)That we are all budding crypt-kickers is a humorous way of saying that we are al 1 potentially soon to be buried, ie dead. 6The prologue and epilogue are already typed in. All that,s left is the middle bit … choose the meat of the story. (Para3)A prologue is a piece of writing at the star t of a bo ok, or the begin ning of a play, film or TV programmethat introduces a story. An epilogue is at the end of a novel, play or piece of writing, which carries an extra comment or extra informstion about what happens after the main story. Here, the writer' s point is that the prologue (birth) and epilogue (end, death) of your life are already written, but we all choose to write the middle bit - the meat of the story. 7So, all those plans that you have on the back burner, you know, the greatthings you,re going to dowith your life “when the time is right” ?(Para 4)A hack burner is literally one of the back parts of a cooker which is used for heating or cooking food. Metaphorically, if you put something on the back burner, it means you have decided not to do it unti1 later. It is atthe back of the cooker, just simmering or cooking slowly, so you don, tgive it priority because it doesn5 t need your full attention. The expression this back-burner stuff (Para 10) thus refers to thingswhich have low priority and got little attention.8There" s only a promissory note that we are often not in a position to cash. (Para 5)A promissory note is a document giving detai 1s of your promise to pay someone a particular amount of money by a particular date. The writer means that tomorrow, or the future, is like a promissory note for which you never get the cash, because the future never comes unless you act now and use time wisely, as if tomorrow is today.9… but regret and a rear-view mirror full of "could haves” , a should haves” and “would haves" . (Para 5) A rear-view mirror is a mirror fixed to the front window of a car that lets the driver see what is happening behind. Here, the mirror refers to the past, which is behind us. We don" t want such a mirror full of regrets about things we could / should / would have done, but did not do.Unit 1 Discovering yourself1410I love watching people ingeniously stack the cucumber around the side of the bowl - like they" re filling a skip - and then cramming it so high that they have to hire a forklift truck to get it back to the table … They just know that they only have one shot at it. (Para 6)A skip is a large metal container used in the building industry for wasto; it is carried away by a truckwhen it is ful!•A fork/ift truck is a vehicle that uses two long metal bars at the front for 1ifting and moving heavy objects. The writer is using the images of a skip and a truck to emphasize how people use the opportunity to serve themselves, because they only have one shot - they only have one chance or attempt, they can" t return for more salad in this type of buffet, so they make the most of this opportunity.11So what I’ m thinking is (and this is not molecular science) … (Para 10)It means this is not specialized knowledge. It' s not rocket science; it' s simple and straightforward・12The right time is the cheque that" s permanently in the post, it never arrives. (Para 10)That the cheque is in the post means money has been sent, its on its way. This is often said as an excuse for late payment, so if the cheque' s permanently in the post, it means the money never comes.13It, s the girl who keeps us standing at the corner of the Co-op looking like a spanner … She' s stood us up. (Para 10)The expression looking like a spanner on the street corner means he 1 ooks awkward and out of place, waitifor a girl who is late and never arrives.To stand someone up means not to come to meet them when you have arranged to meet them, especially someono with whom you are having or starting a romantic rclationship・ The word us is an informal and persorml way to include others who will recognize that this is a typical experienee.14Act now or your time will elapse and you, 11 end up as a sepia-coloured relative that no one can puta name to in a dusty photo album. (Para 13)The expression you7 11 end up as a sepia-coloured relative means that in the end you will be only anold half-forgotten photograph in a photo album・I can ' t put a name to someone is said when you halfrecognize a person but you car/ t quite remember his name.15Better to leave a biography as thick as a whale omelette than an epitaph. (Para 14)An omelette is flat round food made by mixing eggs together and cooking them. The expression as thick as a whale means extremely thick・ The writer means it is better to leave a very large biography than an epitaph, or, in other words, live a full life which is worth writing about・Reading and understending3Choose the best summary of the passage.3Life is short. So there" s no point in planning for a future which may never come. Now is the time to do what we want to do. There' s no time to lose.Dealing with unfamiliar words4Match the words in the box with their definitions.1involving three things of the same kind (triple)2an area of ground where dead people are buried (cemetery)Discovering yourself Unit 1153the part of a place or thing that is at the back (rear)4 a book that someone writes about someone else" s life (biography)5to put people or things into a space that is too small (cram)6at the very beginning of a career and likely to bo successful at it (budding)7continuing only for a limited timo or distance (finite)8to pass (elapse)5Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in Activity 4.1About two hours elapsed before we reached the cemetery where the war dead were buried.2I sat in the rear seat behind the driver. My three sistors were all crammed in tho front.3The entranee to the car park was blocked, so the road was ful1 of cars which had been tri ple-parked one against another, making it almost impossible to get past.4We have a number of budding authors in our class this year, one of whom has written a fascinating biography of his grandmother.5The time we have on this earth may be finit® but there are no limits to the human imagination.6 Answer the questions about the words.1 If you substantiate a claim, do you (a) prove it is true, or (b) persuade someone that it is true?2 If someone tramples over something, do they (a) pour water over it, or (b) wa1k al 1 over it?3 If someone J s arrival is untimely, is it (a) at the wrong moment, or (b) late?4 If events are described chrono1ogica 1ly y do they occur (a) in the order in which they happened, or no particular order?5 Is ingeniously likely to mean (a) artistically, or (b) cleverly?6 Is knackered an informal Bri tish word meaning (a) very relaxed, or (b) extremely tired?7 Is patently likely to mean (a) obviously, or (b) usually?8 When something is allotted to you, is it (a) given to you, or (b) taken from you?8 If you make the best of somet hi ng, do you (a) enjoy it while you can, or (b) work hard to make it a success? 9 If a girl stands you up, does she (a) fai1 to turn up for a date, or (b) refuse to sit down when you ask her to?(b) in 7 1 2 3 4 Answer the questions about If If If the phrases.do you (a) find you check somet hi ng out, you see some th i ng from the sidelines, do something is down to you, is it your (a) (a) will you look at it later, you have something on the back burner, out, you (a) take part bad luck, or (b) responsibility? or ⑹ or (b) not think about it?in the action, or (b) stay away from are you interested it? in it now?5 If6 If7 If you are time is you can chance to do in a positionticking away, 力日ye one shot it?to do somet hi ng, does it seem at something, are you (a) able, or (b) unable to do as if it wi11 last forever, or (b) to it? be passing quickly? (a) (a) are you allowed to shoot it, or (b) do you have only oneLanguage in useword formation: compound words1Find more examples of each use of hyphens in the passage We are all dying . •I’ ve double- and triple-checked it. (compound verb)•budding crypt-kickers (compound noun)•a rear-view mirror (compound adjective)•the once-a-year holiday to Florida or Spain (compound adjective)•back-burner stuff (compound adjective)•standing at the corner of the Co-op (compound noun)•a sepia-coloured relative that no one can put a name to (compound adjective) 2Rewrite the phrases using compound adjectives.1a party which is held late at night (a late-riight party)2a library which is we 11 stocked (a well-stocked 1ibrary)3a professor who is world famous (a world-famous professor)4some advice which is well timed (some well-timed advice)5a population which is growing rapidly (a rapidly-growing population)6an economy which is based on fmo markct (a free-market economy)7a boat trip which lasts for half an hour (a half-hour boat trip)It' s what / how ・・・ that ・••3Rewrite the sentences using It,s what / how … that …1What other people think of us is determinod by how we behave.It/ s how we behave that det erm ines what other people think of us.Unit 1 Discovering yourself202What sort of job we are going to end up doing is usually determined by our character.Tt ? s what our character is that usual 1 y determines what sort of job we are going to end up doing.3 What we do as a career isn' t always determined by the marks we get at university. It isn' t always what marks we get4 How we react to life , s problems It is often what we experienced in5 Whon we die is determinod by our It/ s what our genetic clock is and whatchanges we make to it that determine when we die.It is / was not just that …but ・••4 Rewrite the sentences using It is / was not just that … but …1 Not only were the shops all closed for Thanksgiving, there was also no one in the streets.Tt wasn ,t just that the shops were al 1 closed for Thanksgiving, but there was no one in the streets.2 Not only did she spend all her time at college going to parties, she also took the time to gain a first-class degree. It wasn^ t just that she spent all her time at college going to parties, but she took the time to gain a firstclass degree.3 Not only were they not listening to what he said, it also seemed as if they weren‘ t at all interested・It wast just that they weret listening to what he said, but it seemed as if they weren , t at all interested.4 Not only was I upset, I also felt as if I was going to burst out crying.It wasn' t just that I was upset, but I felt as if I was going to burst out crying.5 Not only was the Grim Reaper intended to frighten people, it was also a figure of fun.It wast just that the Grim Reaper was intonded to frightcn people, but it was also a figure of fun.collocations5 Read the explanations of the words. Answer the questions.1 settle When you settle somewhere you go there to stay.at uni vers ity that determine what we do as a career, is oftendetermined by our childhood experiences.ourchildhood that dotermines how we rcact to life' s problems, gonotic clock, and the changos we make to it.(a)Where is dust likely to settle in a room?On the surfaces that aret used very often or aret cleaned.(b)If you settle an argument, is the conclusion satisfactory?Yes, it is, because the disagreement is solved and each party is satisfied with the outcome.(c)If you settle the bill y what is there left to pay?Nothing, bccause you have paid overything that is owed・(d)What do you do when you settle back to watch a film?We relax in a comfortable chair and enjoy it.2smooth This word can mean flat or soft, comfortable, easy or confident.(a)If the sea is smooth, are you likely to feel seasick?No, because the sea is calm. We will feel seasick if it is rough・Discoven ng yourself Unit 121(b)If a changeover from one government to the next is smooth, are there lots of problems?No, because the changeover has gone well, without difficulties.(c)Is it a good idea to trust a smooth talkedNot n ecessari 1 y, because some people who talk con fide ntly 1 i ke that do so to trick you, like aconfidence trickster or conman.3offer This word can refer to something you would like someone to take, something someone gives, or something that is for sale.(a)If you decline an offer,do you say "yos” or "no” ?We say “no” , because we are refusing it.(b)If you offer an apology to someone for something you have done, what do you say?We shoul d say, “I apologize" or "T m sorry" •(c)Where are you likely to see special offerlIn a shop, becausc the shop is offering a special price or reduction for something.(d)If some one has a lot to offer, wha t kind of person are t hey?They are intel 1igent, talented, gifted or creative and they wi11 bring these kinds of qualities to their work.4bear If you bear something you carry or bring it. If you cannot bear something, you dislike it or cannot accept it. (a)If you bear something in mind y do you forget it?No, wo will remember it and consider it for a particular occasion in future.(b)If you bear a resemblance to some one, in what way are you like them?We look similar in certain physical features.(c)Is there anything you can ' t bear to think about?I can5 t bear to think too much about some of the problems in the world, famine, war, poverty etc. In the modern world, why don' t we just solve them?5resistaneo This word can refer to the refusal to accept something new, the ability not to be harmed by something, or opposition to someone or something.(a)If there is resistance to an idea、 do people accept it?No, not easily・ They refuse to accept the idea maybe because it" s just a bad idea, or they may changetheir mind if they undorstand it bettor.(b)If the soldiers met with resistance^ what happened?The soldiers met opposition from those they were fighting against.(c)Is there a way to build up your resistance to cold?Yes, we can keep ourselves as healthy as possible with a good diet and getting enough exercise sothat we are less likely to catch a cold, or if we do got one, we won, t suffer so badly.6Translate the paragraphs into Chinese.1We all sensed we were coming to the end of our stay here, that we would never get a chanee 1ike this again, and we became determined not to waste it. Most important of course were the final exams in April and May in the following year. No one wanted the humiliation of finishing last in class, so the peer group pressure to work hard was strong. Libraries which were once empty after five o' clock in the。
1 1) get by 2) temptation3) get through 4) improvements5) aside from 6) suspect 7) supplement 8) profit9) stacking1) replaced 2) consider 3) quit 4) world 5) tough6) fuels 7) provide 8) luxuries 9) balance 10) ideal1. We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor.2. My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over (responsibility for) my upbringing at that point.3. The toys have to meet strict/ tough safety requirements before they can be sold to children.4. Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of news and opinion.5. When it comes to this magazine, it is/ carries a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world.A decade ago, Nancy did what so many Americans dream about. She quit an executive position and opened/ set up a household device store in her neighborhood. People like Nancy made the decision primarily for the improvement in the quality of their lives.But, to run a small business on a small scale is by no means an easy job. Without her steady income, Nancy had to cut back on her daily expense. Sometimes she did not even have the money to pay the premium for the various kinds of insurance she needed.Fortunately, through her own hard work, she has now got through the most difficult time. She is determined to continue pursuing her vision of a better life.2 1)forged 2) stand up 3) compelled 4)convictions 5)mission6)abolish 7) intent on 8) risk 9)in the eyes of 10)threats1) assistance 2) involved 3) estimated 4)coincidence 5)emerged6) referred 7) numerous 8) stationed 9)concern 10)capture1. Though greatly affected by the consequences of the global financial crisis, we are still confident that we can face up to the challenge and overcome the crisis.2. Under threat of constant sand storms, we were compelled to leave our cherished village and move to the new settlement.3. According to a recent online survey, a lot of consumers say they may be motivated to consider buying products shown in TV commercials.4. Having spotted a truck driver dumping contaminated waste alongside the river, the old man reported to the police at once.5. Some scientists hold to the firm conviction that people will come to like genetically modified crops someday since they can increase yields and help combat hunger and disease in the developing world.Shortly after he achieved freedom Henson became intent on assisting fugitive slaves. He secretly returned to the United States from Canada several times to help others totravel the Underground Railroad to freedom. Once some slave catchers closed in on the escaping slaves and Henson when they were on the run. He disguised them and successfully avoided capture. Later he built a small settlement in Dresden in Canada for escaped slaves, setting up a chapel and a school. He held to the conviction that slavery would be abolished, and the day was bound to come when racial discrimination no longer existed.3 1. 1) Statistics 2)rural 3)era 4)stood for 5)on the latch6)vulnerable 7)barrier 8)electronic 9)reflection 10)civilized2. 1) together 2)liable 3)shift 4)electric 5)cautious6)sophisticated 7)thieves 8)break 9)chances 10)signs1.1) The Internet is changing the way people live, (no matter) whether they are in urban or rural areas.2)Medium-sized and small companies are more vulnerable to the threat of the global economic crisis than large ones.3) With regard to our term paper, the professor asked us to analyze the unemployment chart first, and then provide critical reflections on the nations economic development.4)It never occurred to him that their team would win the basketball match by a large margin.5) Looking back on my twenty years' teaching in high school, I attribute my success to patience, talent, and the constant pursuit of knowledge.2. It is almost impossible to keep a determined burglar out. All you can do is discourage him for a few minutes. Thus exposing him to police patrols. Common sense tells us that lighting is a barrier to criminal activity. A light should be fixed in the doorway and switched on at night. Make sure/Assure yourself that you don't leave the door on the latch if you happen to be the last to come in. If you decide to buy a sophisticated electronic alarm system, be sure to ask for its signs and put them up on both windows and doors. In addition you may have it hooked up to a police station.4 1. 1) caution 2) came to the conclusion that 3)never get anywhere 4)undermining 5) not give/care a fig 6) flaw 7) beyond any doubt 8)foundation 9)remarkable/impressive 10) imagination2. 1) extent 2)inventions 3)bet 4)manages 5)vision6)eventually 7)achievement 8)poverty 9) utilized 10)breakthrough1.1) The volunteers sent/assigned by the Red Cross disinfected, with great caution, the drinking water in the village so as to avoid an outbreak of plague.2)Einstein spent many years trying to unify the theories of electromagnetism and gravity but failed.3)Professor Wang received/won the Presidential Award for his excellence in stimulating students' creative imagination.4) As there were some major design flaws, the board of directors didn't approve of the economic stimulus package.5) Having realized that nobody could help him, Jordan finally came to the conclusion that he had to face reality and take up/meet the challenge by himself.2. What was remarkable about 2005 was perhaps that the UN declared it "The World Year of Physics". It was the 100th anniversary of Einstein's theory of relativity and the 50th anniversary of his death. In 1905 Einstein published five highly important essays in the history of science, thus revolutionizing physics. His great achievements can be credited to his impressive powers of imagination, constant questioning, and not giving a fig for authority. It is beyond doubt that Einstein was the greatest scientist in the 20th century.5 1) at sea 2) Turning over3) reverse 4) got to5) repay 6) gratitude7) assembled 8)immersed in9) unloading 10) swift1) instead 2) possessions3) richer 4) breath5) cherish 6) special7) specific 8) shining9) miracles 10) gift1. 1) Grandma took it for granted that food prices would soar, so she bought a lot of rice.2) I can quote you several instances of her dedication to science.3) The 1980s saw the start of the swift development of some special economic zones in China.4) Tension between the two countries stemmed in part from the latest spy affair.5) Peter has worked in a law firm for many years. You can consider having him as your lawyer to act on your behalf when you need legal help..Amid the atmosphere of Thanksgiving, rather than joining his friends in celebration of the holiday, George was immersed in the diary left to him by his father, who died at sea after he completed two successive trips around the world. The diary brought back every moment George had spent with his father and many of the specific things his father did on his behalf. George's father used to impress on him the need to undergo all kinds of hardship in quest of excellence. He also taught him that nothing in the world could be taken for granted. Even today, George still remembers how his father would quote Aesop's famous saying "Gratitude is the sign of noble souls" and tell him to accord the greatest importance to it.6 1. in tune 2. Scarcely 3. in a whisper 4. cling to 5. merry 6. sat up 7. nonsense 8. fancy 9. sin 10.masteripiece1. mission2. involve3. jail4. not5. Collect6. deliver7. beautiful8. vacation9. need 10. small1. The red house stands out against the old trees that reach high up to the sky.2. The salary in // for my new job is grea t, but for the rest, I’m not satisfied.3. The waters of the two streams mingle near our village.4. We should not mock at other people’s religious beliefs.5. The curtains of the room are not quite in tune with the style of the furniture.Here and there we see young artists who stand out from other people. They may be in worn-out jeans all the year round, or walk barefoot // in bare feet even in winter, or drink to excess, or cling to the fancy of creating a masterpiece without actually doing any creative work.。
Unit 8 Knowledge and wisdom练习答案综合教程三
![Unit 8 Knowledge and wisdom练习答案综合教程三](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6548a958974bcf84b9d528ea81c758f5f61f2914.png)
Unit 8 Knowledge and wisdom练习答案综合教程三Unit 8 Knowledge and Wisdom 练习答案(综合教程三)In the fast-paced and ever-changing world we live in, the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom holds great importance. Knowledge refers to the accumulation of information and facts, while wisdom represents the ability to apply that knowledge in a thoughtful and insightful manner. Both knowledge and wisdom are essential in our personal and professional lives, as they help us make informed decisions, find meaning in our experiences, and navigate through the complexities of life.Knowledge is the foundation upon which wisdom is built. It is acquired through various sources such as education, books, the internet, and personal experiences. Knowledge provides us with a broad understanding of different subjects and enables us to comprehend the world around us. For example, through formal education, we gain knowledge in subjects like mathematics, science, history, and literature. This knowledge equips us with the necessary tools to analyze and interpret information.However, knowledge alone is not enough. Wisdom is the ability to assess and evaluate knowledge in a critical manner. Wisdom enables us to discern between what is important and what is trivial, and to apply our knowledge in practical and meaningful ways. Wisdom comes from experience, reflection, and a deep understanding of oneself and others. It involves the cultivation of virtues such as empathy, compassion, and humility.In order to cultivate wisdom, we need to constantly challenge our assumptions, ask questions, and seek different perspectives. Wisdom requires us to be open-minded and receptive to new ideas. It encourages us to learn from our mistakes and to embrace failure as an opportunity for growth. Wisdom also involves recognizing the limitations of our knowledge and being comfortable with uncertainty. It requires us to navigate the complexities of life with humility and to approach challenges with a sense of curiosity and wonder.The importance of knowledge and wisdom extends beyond the personal realm. In the workplace, knowledge is often a prerequisite for success. Employers value individuals who possess a wide range of knowledge and have the ability to apply that knowledge to solve problems. In addition, wisdom is highly valued in leadership positions. Wise leaders are able to make well-informed decisions, inspire others, and create a positive and inclusive work environment.Furthermore, knowledge and wisdom are essential for societal progress. In a world that is increasingly interconnected, the ability to make informed decisions is crucial. Knowledge allows us to understand and address pressing global issues such as climate change, poverty, and inequality. Wisdom, on the other hand, helps us balance competing interests, consider the long-term consequences of our actions, and make ethical choices.In conclusion, knowledge and wisdom are integral to our personal growth, professional success, and societal progress. Knowledge provides us with the necessary information and facts, while wisdom enables us to apply that knowledge in a thoughtful and insightful manner. As we continue ourjourney of acquiring knowledge and cultivating wisdom, let us strive to be curious, open-minded, and compassionate, so that we may make a positive impact in our own lives and the lives of others.。
新编⼤学英语第三版综合教程3答案Unit 1 PersonalityVocabulary1. 1) self-conscious 2) self-confidence 3) self-esteem 4) self-destructive 5) self-worth6) self-concept 7) Self-awareness 8) self-assurance/self-confidence2. 1)B 2)I 3)L 4)A 5)H 6)D 7)E 8)N 9)J 10)M 11)C 12)F 13)G 14)K3. 1) profound 2) jealousy 3) numerous 4) overweight 5) overcome 6) eventually7) slim 8) compliments 9) diminish 10) reassurance 11) detrimental12) isolated 13) self-esteem 14) accented4. 1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence 4) viewed/regarded5)sensitive 6) respond/react 7)eliminated 8)overcome my fear9) concentrate on 10) made no commentTranslation1) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.2) In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before.3) When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it.4) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.5) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father.6) He finally failed to live up to his parents’expectations.7) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.8) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness.Part Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice1) It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure.2) Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.3) When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience.4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties.5) Don’t let negative thoughts hold you back.6) Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much.Unit 2 Myths and LegendsVocabulary1. 1) A. invitation B. invited C. inviting 2) A. prepare B. prepared C. preparation D. preparatory/preparation3) A. discoveries B. discoverers C. discovered4) A. approval B. approve C. approved D. approving E. disapprove5) A. eloquent B. eloquence C. eloquently6) A. faithful B. unfaithful/faithless C. faith d. faithfully7) A. occasional B. occasionally C. occasion8) A. delivery B. delivering C. delivered9) A. troublesome B. troubled C. troubled D. troubling 10) A. assurance B. assured C. assure2. 1) got/ran into trouble 2) no trouble 3) asking for trouble 4) have …trouble 5) troublewith6) in serious/deep/big trouble 7) get/getting …into trouble 8) took the trouble3. 1) with a pattern of roses 2) prepared a wonderful/goof meal for us3) promised faithfully 4) deliver this letter5) a selection of milk and plain chocolate 6) keep out of mischief/behave themselves7) the sound of distant thunder 8) received approval from the government9) in spite of the fact that he drank too much 10) agree whether the drug is safe or notPart Three Further Development5. Complete the following Ancient Chinese story by translating the Chinese into English1) the true reason why there was no such animal in Guizhou2) they were of no use at all in this place3) when he saw the donkey all of a sudden, he thought it was a monster4) he hid himself in the trees while looking at the donkey5) what kind of animal is this and why does it look different from other animals that I’ve seen?6) But one day the donkey stretched its thin neck and cried7) the tiger discovered that the donkey didn’t have any other skills besides crying8) But he dared not rush to it and eat it just as he did to other animals9) This did irritate the donkey (made the donkey angry), who raised its hind leg and kicked thetiger10) This time he rushed to it without hesitation and bit its rhroatPart Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice万物之初天地还是⼀体充满混沌。
全新版大学英语第二版综合教程3答案UNIT-8课后练习答案:《全新版大学英语》第三册UNIT 8(综合教程第二版)2011-05-23 20:08:13| 分类:全新版大学英语-|字号大中小订阅Unit 8 CloningText A Human Cloing: A Scientist’s StoryLanguage Sense Enhancement1. in some waymake the most ofindividualreplicatedroadmapin placeresult fromdissuadeQuite honestlylegislateLanguage FocusI.1.1)complications 2)tremendous 3)brilliant 4)analysis 5)transplant transplant 6)In a sense 7)consented 8)In some ways9)eyesight 10)in reality 11)implanted12)procedures2.1) focus on 2)come forward 3)result from 4)go through 5)carry out 6)work on 7)feed on 8)settled over3.1)resulted from a childhood illness.2)was condemned by the trade unions asendangering jobs.3)in place, even those with persistent, long-term mental illnesses can usually learn to manage their symptoms and live productive lives.4)but apparently showed disapproval of his behavior.5)you should make the most of any advice which you can get from the interviewer.4.1)misconceptionspotentialmake the most of2)donatedcontentious issueand opponents3)a fraudin some wayscondemn himII.1)permission to adopt her2)a willingness to restart peace talks3)failure to find meaning in life4)his determination to realize his ideals5)attempt to blow up the bridge6)an opportunity to pursue a college degreeIII.1)Do you consider it any good continuing your investigations?2)It is reported that two people were killed in the explosion.3)I owe it to you that I have been able to get back to my studies.4)It is no good bothering about such a trifle.5)It won’t do you any good to hide your sickness for fear of treatment.6)We all think it a pity to give up the experiment half way.Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Test-related1)issue 2)contentious 3)clones4)potential 5)condemn 6)misconceptions 7)opponents 8)results from 9)come forward 10)donated2. Theme-related1)prospect 2)intention 3)Despite4)developing 5)publish 6)condemned7)among 8)standpoint 9)standard10)rejectionII. Translation1.1)Medical experts debated whether the cloning of human beings should be permitted and what its potential effects on society might be.2)Eighty-five per cent of the people in the local area are in full-time employment;only3% describe themselves as unemployed.3)The departments concerned in China will speed up legislation to protect rights of migrant workers.4)In recent years, some psychologists have tried to explain intelligence from a biological standpoint.5)The global financial crisis has had a huge impact on that country’s export industry. In no more than six months, manyfactories have closed down by necessity.2.Dolly the sheep resulted from a cloning experiment by a group of Scottish scientists in 1997. A fierce debate on human cloning has ever since been going on. This contentious issue had focused on ethical and social implications of the technology: what the technology might do to the very meaning of human reproduction, child rearing, individuality, et cetera.The majority of scientists are adamantly opposed to reproductive cloning and support therapeutic cloning for treating diseases. The reason is that therapeutic cloning does not involve any type of risk to human life and actually provides tremendous potential for the relief of suffering in human beings. Scientistsbelieve that with policies and monitoring in place to ensure that therapeutic cloning is used safely, we canal benefit from this procedure.。
全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程 3 答案Unit 1P3: After ListeningComplete the following statements according to what you haveheard.1.taking a break2.escaping relief out in the country fastmove 3.the pollution of the city smog 4.changesin the way we live P10: Content Questions Pair workOne of you asks the first six questions and the other answers. Startingfrom question7, change roles. When you have finished, the teacher maywant to put some of the questions to you to check your progress.1.Write and live on a farm.2.Because they grow nearly all of their fruits and vegetables.They have enough eggs, honey and wood. They are very close to nature andcan enjoy the beautiful scenery. Besides, they can go skiing and skating inwinter.3.No. Sometimes the good life can get pretty tough.4.They were buried under five feet of snow from December throughMarch.5.When the first spring came, it brought two floods. The second floodrefers to the good harvest in the growing season.6.He decided to quit his job and start to freelance.7. He has to crawl into black-bear dens for “Sports Illustrated ”, hitch up dogsled racing teams for “Smithsonian ” magazine, check out the Lake Champlain “monster”for “Science Digest”, and canoe through the Boundary Waters wilderness area of Minnesota for “Destinations ”.8.As for insurance, they have only bought a poor man’s major-medical policy and the policy on their two cars.9.They cut back their expenses without appreciably loweringtheir standard of living. For example : they patronize local restaurants instead of more expensive places in the city. They still attend the opera andballet but only a few times a year. They eat less meat, drink cheaper wineand see fewer movies.10. A tolerance for solitude and lots of energy.11.They will leave with a feeling of sorrow but also with a sense of prideat what they’ve been able to accomplish.12.They chose to live in the country because they want to improve thequality of their lives. Yes, they have finally realized their dream.P11: TEXT ORQANIZATIONWorking on Your OwnDo the exercises and then compare your answers with a partner.1. Parts Paragraphs Main IdeasPart One Paras. 1-3 The writer views his life inthe country as a self-reliantand satisfying one.Part Two Paras. 4-7 Life in the country is goodyet sometimes very hard.Part Three Paras. 8-11 After quitting his job, thewriter ’s income wasreduced, but he and hisfamily were able tomanage to get by.Part Four Paras. 12-15 A tolerance for solitudeand a lot of energy havemade it possible for thefamily to enjoy their life inthe country.2. Happy Moments and Events Hardships1) growing nearly all their fruits and 1)working hard both vegetables in winter and in summer2) canoeing, picnicking, long bicycle 2)harsh environmentrides, etc. and weather condition3) keeping warm inside the house 3)anxious moments after thein winter writer quit his job4) writing freelance articles 4)cutting back on daily expenses5) earning enough money while 5) solitudemaintaining a happy family life.P12 Language Sense Enhancement1. (1)special qualities (2)a tight budget (3)entertain(4)anyway (5)involved (6)requirement (7)on a small scale(8)temptation (9)instead (10)machineryP15: VocabularyI1. 1)On balance 2)resist 3)haul 4)wicked 5)illustrated6)budget 7)lowering 8)boundary 9)involved10) economic 11)blasting 12)just about2. 1)cut back/down 2)pick up 3)get by 4)get through5)face up to 6)turn in 7)making up for 8)think up3.1)pursued his mathematical studies and taught himself astronomy.2)often generate misleading thoughts.3)attach great importance to combining theory with practicein our work.4)be suspected of doing everything for money.5)before he gets through life.4. 1)their indoor a profit to invest in2)device the improvement on a global scale3)stacked temptation never dined out1.1)house 2)Home 3)home family 4)household2.1)doubt 2)suspected 3)doubted 4)suspected 5)suspect P19 III. Word Formation1)rise 2)final 3)regular 4)cash 5)hows whys 6)upped 7)yellowed 8)bottled 9)lower 10)searchP 20: Comprehensive ExerciseI . Cloze1.(1)gets by (2)temptation (3)get through (4)improvements(5)aside from (6)suspect (7) supplement (8)profit(9)stacking2. (1)replaced (2)consider (3)quit (4)world (5)tough(6)fuels (7)provide (8)luxuries (9)balance (10)ideal P21 II. Translation1.1)We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it ’s fairlyminor.2) My father died when I was too young to live on my own.The people of my hometown took over (responsibility for) my upbringing at that point.3)The toys have to meet strict/tough safety requirements before they canbe sold to children.4)Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced thenewspaper as carriers of news and opinion.5)When it comes to this magazine, it is/carries a digest of articles frommany newspapers and magazines around the world.2. A decade ago, Nancy did what so many Americans dreamabout. She quit an executive position and opened/set up a householddevice store in her neighborhood. People like Nancy made the decisionprimarily for the improvement in the quality of their lives.But, to run a business on a small scale is by no means an easy job.Without her steady income, Nancy had to cut back on her dailyexpenses. Sometimes she did not even have the money to pay thepremiums for the various kinds ofinsurance she needed.Fortunately, through her own hard work, she has now got through the most difficult time. She determined to continuepursuing her vision of a better life.P27 Comprehension Check1.a2.c3.d4.b5.a6.cP28: Translation1.什么?你说那听起来不像你府上的生活?其实,不仅仅是你一个人这么想。
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Key to Unit 1Text AI. First Reading ExercisesDirections: Read the text and find out the English versions for the following expressions.1. 对...怀有浪漫的情感to have a romantic idea of sth. (P.2, Introductory paragraph, L.1)2. 自己办个农场to start up their own farm (P.2, Introductory paragraph, L.2-3)3. 靠土地为生to live off the land (P.2, Introductory paragraph, L.3)4. 远非轻松自在be far from easy (P.2, Introductory paragraph, L.5)5. 创建自己的理想生活to build one’s dream (ideal) life (P.3, title)6. (一种)自力更生的生活self-reliant (sort of) life (P.3, L.6)7. 俗话说As the old saying goes (P.4, L.31)8. 坏人不得闲no rest for the wicked (P.4, L.31-32)9. 一波又一波的农产品使我们应接不暇 to swamp us under wave after wave of produce (P.4, L.38-39)10. 房屋贷款按揭mortgage payment (P.5, L.62)11. 一家人的日常开销the usual expenses for a family (P.5, L.62-63)12. 医疗费用medical fees (P.5, L.66)13. 弥补收入差额to make up the difference in income (P.5, L.71)14. 不明显降低生活水准without appreciably lowering the standard of living (P.5, L.72)15. 光顾当地餐馆to patronize local restaurants (P.5, L.73)16. 铺张的圣诞节成为一种回忆。
Extravagant Christmas are a memory. (P.6, L.76)17. 参加学校的各种活动be involved in school activities (P.6, L.82)18. 抵制住诱惑to resist the temptation to do sth. (P.6, L.85)19. 赚相当大一笔钱to make a fair profit (P.6, L.92)20. 经济形势好转…economic conditions improve…(P.6, L.95)II. After Reading ExercisesDirections: Now you’ve learned the text in detail. Let’s check how much you’ve learned from it! Please translate the Chinese expressions in the following sentences into English. Be sure you use expressions from the text.1.After years of frustration (P.3, L.3-4) (在经历了多年的惆怅失望之后), my wife and I havefinally found contentment here in the country (P.3, L.5) (终于在这里的乡村寻觅到心灵的满足).2.They will help me make some long-overdue improvement on the toilet (P.3, L.20) (把拖了很久没修的厕所修葺一下) .3.In the growing season, wave after wave of produce swamped us (P.4, L.38-39) (一波接一波的农产品使我们应接不暇).4.I’m not making anywhere near as much as my wife does (P.5, L.60) (我挣得远比不上我太太多) , but I’m not upset about it.5.Aside from RMB1000-a-month mortgage payments plus the usual expenses for a family (P.5,L.62-63) (除开每月1000元的房屋贷款和一家人的日常开销),little of my salary is left overfor entertainment (P.3, L.7) (留作娱乐之用).6.We continue to dine out once or twice a month, but now we don’t attend the opera and ballet(P.5, L.74) (听歌剧看芭蕾演出) or patronize other expensive places (P.5, L.73-74) (光顾其它奢侈的地方).7.Country life takes a couple of special qualities (P.6, L.79) (需要一些特殊的素质).One isa tolerance for solitude (P.6, L.79-80) (耐得住寂寞) and the other is a lot of energy (P.6,L.84) (相当大的体力).8.The soldier made it to the other bank (P.3, L. 9) (还是游到了对岸) in spite of the turbulentwave.9.On balance (P.5, L.54) (总的来说), my sister got through all right in this competition(P.4, L.45) (在这次比赛中成绩良好).III. Language FocusEx. I. Translate the following English expressions into Chinese and Chinese into English.1. to have insurance against personal injury 对人身伤害保险 (P.14, I-1-1)2. rare books 珍/善本书 (P.14, I-1-4)3. a wicked stepmother 恶毒的继母(P.15, I-1-9)4. to remain within the budget 在预算范围内 (P.15, I-1-11)5. once and for all 一劳永逸地 (P.16, I-2-5)6. the quality of indoor environment 室内环境的质量 (P.17, I-4-1)7. on a global scale 全球范围内 (P.17, I-4-2)8. material temptation 物质诱惑 (P.17, I-4-3)9. emotional intelligence 情商 (P.20, Structure, 1-3)10. a born farmer 天生的农场主 (P.21, Cloze A, L.1)11. 文摘 a digest of articles (P.15, I-1-12)12. 开始抚养to take over one’s upbringing (P.15, I-1-15)13. 付账单to pick up the bill (P.15, I-2-2)14. 勇于面对错误to face up to one’s mistakes (P.16, I-2-5)15. 错失唯一良机to miss a unique opportunity (P.16, I-2-5)16. 误解misleading thoughts (P.16, I-3-2)17. 国际名人international celebrities (P.16, I-3-3)18. 经历多次痛苦的挫折to get through a good many bitter disappointments (P.16, I-3-5)19. 家用器皿household utensils (P.17, I-4-3)20. 疑人不用,用人不疑。
Don’t employ someone you suspect, nor suspect someone you employ. (P.18, II-2-5)21. 不断增长的离婚率the ever-rising divorce rate (P.19, III-1)22. 回收利用的方法及理由the hows and whys of recycling (P.20, III-5)23. 制定基本的方针和标准to set basic guidelines or standards (P.20, Structure, 1-4)Ex. II. Please translate the Chinese expressions in the following sentences into English. Be sure to use expressions from the exercises.1. As a new media, e-mail has supplemented rather than replaced handwritten letters (补充而不是替代手写书信). (P.15, I-1-7)2. Home is the place where we grumble the most, but are treated the best (最受优待). (P.18,II-1-2)3. The martyr had devoted his life to the struggle for the independence of his nation (为争取民族独立而奋斗). (P.18, II-2-3)4. I suspect him of taking advantage of me to obtain his selfish goals (利用我来达到他的自私的目的). (P.18, II-2-4)5. Against all the odds, the hockey team got all the way to the final (努力进入了决赛). (P.19, III-2)6. Many city dwellers moved to the country to seek and escape from the madness of modern society (寻求出路来逃离现代社会的纷繁). (P.22, Cloze B, L.3)IV. Language Enhancement活学活用Ex. I. Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.1. 作为篮球运动员, 我和姚明不属于同一等级,作为体育教师,我和同事们也不是同一类人。