(3)本国的立场/政策/解决措施表明本国的立场,提供本国对于该问题的解决办法和措施,并提供理由等等 3.在立场文件的写作方面,应该注意的问题有不需要陈述这个国家的详细信息(人口,资源,G D P等等)。
立场文件 书写指导
![立场文件 书写指导](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/781875faba0d4a7303763a01.png)
一份很有用的资料新手向包括:一.立场文件基本介绍二.立场文件写作说明附:立场文件中英文范例立场文件基本介绍1. 立场文件的定义立场文件(Position Paper)是表达某个国家或组织在某个特定议题上的立场概要的文件。
2.立场文件的作用立场文件有助于代表清晰简洁地表达所代表国家对于议题的基本立场立场文件有助于代表确定所代表国家是否与其他国家有共同的目标和利益立场文件有助于不同国家间增进对于观点的理解,有助于协商合作3. 立场文件的运用? 通常而言,各国代表在会议开始之前将立场文件完成提交主席团,由主席团将所有与会国家的立场文件编订成册,在会议伊始发给各国代表。
? 立场文件是会议开始阶段各国代表初次陈述观点的主要参照发言材料,同时在会议进行过程中,立场文件中的观点也是各国代表磋商中依据的底线和原则。
? 立场文件中的问题解决方法是会议期间有主持核心磋商发言和工作文件、决议草案起草的蓝本。
二.立场文件写作说明1. 立场文件写作的书写格式立场文件作为正式书面文件,在书写方面有基本格式的要求。
为统一立场文件格式,方便代表们会前对于《立场文件集》的阅读不需要以“立场文件”或“Position Paper”作为文件标题立场文件的正文之前直接居左对齐注明以下信息——?l 代表姓名(Delegates)——此处若为英文立场文件,代表姓名用拼音表示,姓氏在前l 代表来自的学校名(School)国家名(Country)l——国家名采用全称,如:美利坚合众国;The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelandl 所在委员会(Committee)——此处使用委员会名称的标准缩写议题(Topic)l? 立场文件的正文部分要求——字体、字号:中文为宋体五号字;英文为Times New Roman 12号字(一说11号也行)ll 行距:单倍页边距:上下左右各2.54cm,l篇幅:总长度不超过2页A4纸l2. 立场文件写作的内容安排2.1 基本内容立场文件正文内容的标准格式,一般分为以下三个部分:背景介绍?背景介绍部分篇幅最短,简单概括议题涉及问题的发生背景、解决的重要性、解决的进展情况。
Delegate: Zhang San, Wang WuSchool: Beijing No.1 Middle SchoolCountry: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandCommittee: ECOSOCTopic: International MigrationInternational Migration has become a world focus, for it has close relationship to many other important issues. On one hand, migration is contributive to global culture and economic communication. On the other, migration touches on numbers of sharp problems, inclusive of human rights, refugees, public education, healthcare, racial and gender discrimination. As a developed country in west Europe, UK is evidently facing the problem of international migration. According to the UK National Bureau of Statistics, the number of migrants in UK is about 5 million, which forms 10% of the nation’s population. As the former Prime Minister Tony Blare has stated, migrants has become a strong contributive power in UK economy.The international community has long paid attention to the problem of migration. In 2003, the Global Commission on International Migration was created to study ways that governments and UN agencies can work together to address migration issues. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights is also working on important human rights issue in international migration. There have also been a number of international documents produced which affect the treatment of migrants, such as the 1990 International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of their Families.The UK government is always making effort in many aspects to provide better treatment to legal migrants and prevent illegal migration. UK is always working to constitute better social environment for legal migrants. For instance, UK put forward the new bill on migration in March 2006, which includes fine evaluation criteria for migrants and standardizes migration to some extent.UK affirms its intention of cooperating with other countries on the issue of international migration. UK would like to utilize the power of international legislation to standardize migration. UK would also like to optimize the information-exchange system among countries to provide more efficiency in solving migration issues. Moreover, UK is willing to establish stable cooperation on migration issues with third-world countries. In details, UK intends to establishexpress gateways to welcome legal migrants and work with third-world countries on preventing illegal migrants. To sum up, UK is convinced that with the cooperation among countries, international migration will contribute more to the world and cause less trouble.立场文件姓名:徐龙,赵子哲学校:东北师范大学国家:中华人民共和国委员会:社会,人道主义和文化委员会议题:武装冲突下的全球难民问题第一段。
delegate: Zhang San, Wang WuSchool: Beijing No.1 Middle SchoolCountry: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandCommittee: ECOSOCTopic: International MigrationInternational Migration has become a world focus, for it has close relationship to many other important issues. On one hand, migration is contributive to global culture and economic communication. On the other, migration touches on numbers of sharp problems, inclusive of human rights, refugees, public education, healthcare, racial and gender discrimination. As adeveloped country in west Europe, UK is evidently facing the problem of international migration. According to the UK National Bureau of Statistics, the number of migrants in UK is about 5 million, which forms 10% of the nation’s population. As the former Prime Minister Tony Blare has stated, migrants has become a strong contributive power in UK economy.The international community has long paid attention to the problem of migration. In 2003, the Global Commission on International Migration was created to study ways that governments and UN agencies can work together to address migration issues. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights is also working on important human rights issue in international migration. There havealso been a number of international documents produced which affect the treatment of migrants, such as the 1990 International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of their Families.The UK government is always making effort in many aspects to provide better treatment to legal migrants and prevent illegal migration. UK is always working to constitute better social environment for legal migrants. For instance, UK put forward the new bill on migration in March 2006, which includes fine evaluation criteria for migrants and standardizes migration to some extent.UK affirms its intention of cooperating with other countries on the issue of international migration. UK would like to utilize the power of international legislation to standardize migration.UK would also like to optimize the information-exchange system among countries to provide more efficiency in solving migration issues. Moreover, UK is willing to establish stable cooperation on migration issues with third-world countries. In details, UK intends to establish express gateways to welcome legal migrants and work with third-world countries on preventing illegal migrants. To sum up, UK is convinced that with the cooperation among countries, international migration will contribute more to the world and cause less trouble.何为立场文件?立场文件是表达某个国家或组织在某个特定议题上的立场概要的文件.作用:对本国:了解别国立场;正式发言的主要参照材料;对别国:使他们了解你代表的国家立场;对各国:确定国家间是否具有共同的目标和利益等等,是否有可能进行协商和合作。
立场文件格式及内容一、立场文件基本介绍立场文件的英文是Position Paper,可定义为“表明一国在某一个问题上的基本观点和立场的文件”。
首先立场文件不需要以“立场文件”或“Position Paper”作为文件标题立场文件的正文之前直接居左对齐注明以下信息(1)代表姓名(Delegates),中文立场文件,代表姓名、来自的学校名(School)(2)国家名采用全称,如:美利坚合众国;The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(3)此处使用委员会名称的标准缩写立场文件的正文部分要求(1)字体、字号:中文为宋体五号字;英文为Times New Roman 12号字(2)行距:单倍(3)页边距:上下左右各2.54cm,(4)篇幅:总长度不超过2页A4纸例:学校:****国家:尼日利亚委员会:联合国高级难民署(历史委员会)议题:印尼海啸难民问题代表:****2004年12月26日,苏门答腊岛发生40年来最严重的9级大地震,引发超级大海啸,即使是远至东非也受到波及。
注意:立场文件的英文为Position Paper (PP)。
在准备阶段,基于国家立场,应思考的问题:1 理解背景指导中所写的内容2 找出你所代表国家的兴趣所在3 思考诸如下列问题:问题是什么?它有什么样的影响?它的起因是什么?有什么方法可以解决?立场文件的撰写一、立场文件的格式1 立场文件的开头2 立场文件的内容组成3 立场文件的注意点:不要过多罗列数字,尽量运用官方单词和语言,举出实例避免空讲,运用脚注表明引用,注意篇幅。
二、立场文件的内容立场文件一般至少分为五部分,简要内容如下:1 简单介绍目前这一议题的国际形势以及其形成原因2 罗列国际社会为此所作出的努力,如会议、文件等3 罗列本国在这一问题上所作出的努力,如政策、法律、运动等,着力于和国际社会或别国相关的要点4 估计未来这一问题的走势,寻找目前最为合理的解决办法,说明其原因并罗列出具体解决方法5 对国际社会进行呼吁,结束全文以下是立场文件的范文,请仔细阅读:范文一Delegate: Wang ShichenSchool: Shanghai Xiangming High SchoolCountry: AlgeriaCommittee: Economy and Social CouncilTopic: International migrationNowadays, along with the rapid growth and development of economy and science, international migration has become a complex issue. Most countries worldwide, ranging from North Africa countries like Algeria to Asia countries, are concerning about the problem which touches on many other important and relevant national and international topic, including refugees, human rights, racial conflicts and the undeniable gap between developed and developing countries.In recent years, the phenomenon is turning more serious with the continually increasing population of international migrates. Not be protected by the countries they traveled to, the migrates also are not sufficiently protected by any international laws, and still no conventional agreement has been launched.Regarding the international migration affair, the international community has launched a numberof initiatives and measures to tackle this problem in recent several decades and progress has been made. Established in 1951, International Organization for Migration (IOM)is the leading inter-governmental organization in the field of migration and works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners.With 122 member states, a further 18 states holding observer status and offices in over 100 countries, IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. IOM works to help ensure the orderly and humane management of migration, to promote international cooperation on migration issues, to assist in the search for practical solutions to migration problems and to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants in need, including refugees and internally displaced people.The UN also recognizes the link between migration and economic, social and cultural development, as well as to the right of freedom of movement. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, proclaimed in 1948, is a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations which has made great efforts on human right protection. It calls for all the nations, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.As a member of the Union of the Arab Maghreb which was established in 1989 within other four African countries, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Mauritania , Algeria focus on the human trafficking problem ,and human rights issue.The Algeria government wants to emphasize the importance of skilled migrants to every country, especially developing countries like Algeria. The situation of brain drain becomes more serious these years and deprives developing countries of much-needed doctors, scientists, professors and other skilled workers. Algeria desires more skilled workers coming back to their motherland and help establish a new society of their own country.Also, Algeria suggests more countries have the signatures of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families to have further actions on human rights protection.Recognizing the progress made by certain States on a regional or bilateral basis towards the protection of the rights of migrant workers and members of their families, as well as the importance and usefulness of bilateral and multilateral agreements in this field, Algeria is willing to see a better and appropriate environment to the migrants and their families.In order to fight against these problems in the international migration, nations in Africa must work together to build a community to these problems. As such, Algeria is looking forward to working in close cooperation with members in African Union and sharing the experiences in improving the situation of the migration. Algeria also expects to be able to cooperate with the developed countries and commonly protect the human rights of both the legal and irregular migrants as wellas the refugees. With the joint efforts, a better environment for the migrants is predictable.References:<1> International Organization for Migrationhttp://www.iom.int/jahia/jsp/index.jsp<2> Universal Declaration of Human Rights/<3> the Union of the Arab Maghreb/ziliao/2003-07/10/content_964900.htm<4> the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families/erc/Library/display.php?doc_id=558&category_id=32&category_type=3&gr oup=Human%20rights%20treaties%20and%20other%20instruments本文获得2008年北京大学全国中学生模拟联合国大会最佳立场文件范文二代表:曹心怡学校:华东师范大学第二附属中学国家:美国委员会:国际难民署议题:伊拉克难民问题伊拉克冲突可以说人尽皆知,而伊拉克难民的人道主义危机却被严重忽视。
立场文件 position paper一、立场文件的内容(content and form)一份出色的立场文件应该有理有据、语言精准,并且鲜明、准确、有力地阐述本国针对某一议题的立场。
一篇好的立场文件应包括以下几个方面:Ø 简要阐述议题,并说明代表国认为对这个议题对于其本国以及整个国际社会所具有的重要性。
Ø 代表国所持有的立场、态度。
Ø 对于联合国所采取过的主要措施代表国持怎样的态度。
Ø 代表国对委员会的建议。
为了进一步说明立场文件中所应包含的具体内容,下面将举一实例,如裁军与国际安全委员会(Disarmament and International Security Committee)的英国(United Kingdom)代表在写作关于反对恐怖主义的国际合作(International Cooperation in Counter-Terrorism)这一议题的立场文件时,应该包含以下的具体内容:英国对于恐怖主义问题的态度,对于国际反恐合作的基本立场;英国赞成和签署的国际反恐合作条约,英国所参与的国际反恐合作行动;英国国内的恐怖主义活动情况以及英国政府所采取的相关措施、为应对反恐所通过的相关法律;英国认为国际社会应该如何解决恐怖主义问题,对于国际反恐合作的具体建议;英国领导人在正式场合所发表的关于国际反恐的发言和基本立场表态;国际反恐合作与英国国家利益的相关程度,英国对反恐问题的立场底线。
立场文件格式要求及范例【格式要求】1、正文之前居左对齐内容需标明以下信息(抬头加粗,内容不加粗):代表:英文委员会用拼音表示,中文委员会用中文表示学校:国家:使用国家名全称委员会:使用委员会全称议题:2、字体、字号英文委员会使用 Times New Roman 字体,标题为小三号加粗,其余为小四中文委员会使用宋体字体,标题为小三号加粗,其余为小四3、行距:单倍4、写作结构、字数篇幅均由代表自行把握注:以下范例均来自与联合国官方网站联合国大会第65届会议中国立场文件,并未经过裁剪,篇幅较长,其范例仅在于格式,而非在其内容,悉请各位代表注意【英文委】Position PaperDelegates:School:Country:ChinaCommittee:G eneral AssemblyTopic:I. The Role of the United Nations (UN)The international situation continues to undergo profound and complex changes. Multi-polarity and economic globalization are deepening. Peace, development and cooperation represent both the more powerful trend of the times and the stronger aspiration of the countries of the world. World economy witnesses a slow, unbalanced and multi-speed recovery. Global issues such as climate change, energy security and public health are still prominent with imbalances in development becoming even worse. Regional hotspot issues keep emerging and local disturbances crop up from time to time, making the security situation more complex and diverse. There are multiple destabilizing factors and uncertainties in the world, posing a host of new difficulties and challenges to world peace and development.The UN, as the most universal, representative and authoritative inter-governmental organization, is the most important platform to practice multilateralism. Since its founding, the UN has played a significant and irreplaceable role in upholding world peace, promoting common development and facilitating international cooperation. China always values the status and role of the UN and upholds the purposes andprinciples of the Charter of the United Nations. China supports the UN, under the current circumstances, in further harnessing its advantages and taking effective actions to coordinate international efforts in response to global threats and challenges and continuing to play a central role in international affairs.II. UN ReformsChina supports necessary and reasonable reforms by the UN in the light of the developments in the international situation to enhance its authority and efficiency and strengthen its capacity to cope with new threats and challenges. The reforms should lead to increased voice and greater role of developing countries in the UN affairs. Since 2005, the UN has taken a series of reform measures and achieved important outcomes. But progress thus far still falls short of the expectations of Member States. The UN reforms should be comprehensive and wide-ranging and deliver tangible results in the three major fields of security, development and human rights. Going forward, the international community should build on the existing achievements and adhere to extensive and democratic consultation as a means to push for comprehensive reform across the fields, with special attention to increasing development input so as to achieve the Millennium Development Goals on schedule for the benefit of developing countries.Reform of the Security Council is part and parcel of the UN reforms. China supports the Security Council in enhancing its authority and efficiency and better fulfilling its responsibilities for maintaining international peace and security bestowed on it by the Charter of the United Nations through reform. The priority of the reform should be increasing the representation of developing countries, African countries in particular. It is important to continue the extensive and democratic consultation to accommodate the interests and concerns of all parties, seek a package solution and reach the broadest possible consensus. China is ready to work with all countries to ensure that the reform of the Security Council will be carried out in a way that serves the overall interests of the UN and the solidarity of its Member States.III. Security Sector1. UN Peacekeeping OperationsUN peacekeeping operations are an important and effective means in maintaining international peace and security. The peacekeeping operations, with an ever expanding scale and broader mandate, are facing more and more challenges. China is a strong supporter of and active participant in the UN peacekeeping operations. China supports reasonable and innovative reform of peacekeeping operations on the basis of the three principles put forward by the former UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold. Such reform should prioritize strategic designing, enhance communication and coordination with the host countries, improve logistics mechanisms, optimize resource allocation and increase the effectiveness and efficiency of peacekeeping operations and the level of their deployment, planning and management. At the same time, the parties concerned should place greater emphasis on better coordination between peacekeeping, peacemaking and peacebuilding. China calls upon the UN to continue to enhance, as a priority, cooperation with regional organizations in peacekeeping, focusing on, in particular, the needs of Africancountries.2. PeacebuildingPeacebuilding involves the entire UN system. The Peacebuilding Commission (PBC), an important outcome of the UN reforms, is the first agency within the UN system entrusted with coordinating post-conflict rebuilding and has a unique status and an important role to play. China supports as always UN's leading role in post-conflict rebuilding and the efforts of the PBC and the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF). Going forward, the PBC should further improve its institution-building, strengthen coordination with other UN agencies, enhance partnership with the countries involved and make better use of the PBF. The General Assembly, Security Council and ECOSOC should all make good use of their respective advantages to support the work of PBC.3. Protection of Civilians in Armed ConflictChina is deeply concerned about the life and property of civilians affected and threatened by armed conflicts and urges the parties concerned to abide by the international humanitarian law and the relevant Security Council resolutions in good faith and give full protection to civilians caught up in armed conflicts.The responsibility to protect civilians rests first with the government of the country involved under the Charter of the United Nations and the international humanitarian law. When providing assistance, the international community and external organizations should adhere to the principles of impartiality, neutrality and objectiveness, seek the consent of the recipient countries, fully respect their sovereignty and territorial integrity and refrain from interfering in local political disputes or impeding the peace process.The protection of civilians should be incorporated into the political process aimed at peaceful solution to conflict. It should also be given priority in post-conflict peace-rebuilding. Relevant UN agencies should strengthen coordination and forge synergy for this purpose.4. Counter-TerrorismChina supports combating terrorism in all its manifestations. The international community should, when fighting against terrorism, act on the Charter of the United Nations, the international law and other universally recognized norms governing international relations and give full play to the leading and coordinating role of the UN and its Security Council.China supports the active role of the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee and the General Assembly Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force in coordinating counter-terrorism efforts among countries. China endorses and takes an active part in the drafting of the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism, and hopes all parties will continue consultation in a constructive and cooperative spirit and reach consensus at an early date.China stands for a holistic approach which addresses both the symptoms and root causes of terrorism. By making full use of its advantages, the UN can play an active role in eliminating poverty and other root causes of terrorism, promote dialogues between civilizations and assist developing countries in counter-terrorism capacitybuilding. China opposes the linkage of terrorism to certain countries, ethnic groups, religions or civilizations and is against double standards.China, as a long-time, active participant in international cooperation against terrorism, stands ready to enhance exchanges and cooperation with various parties and work for new progress in international counter-terrorism cooperation with a view to maintaining regional and international peace and stability.5. Situation on the Korean PeninsulaThe current situation on the Korean Peninsula remains complex and sensitive. A Korean Peninsula that enjoys peace, stability, progress and prosperity serves the common interests of countries in the region, China included, and the rest of the international community. China hopes that the parties concerned will adopt a long-term perspective, solve relevant issues through dialogue and consultation, continue to push forward the Six-Party Talks, and work together for peace and stability on the Peninsula and lasting peace and tranquility in the region.6. The Myanmar IssueChina hopes to see stability in Myanmar and national reconciliation through consultation between the parties in the country and a successful general election for realization of democracy and development. The Myanmar issue is, in essence, a country's internal affair. The international community should provide constructive assistance to Myanmar to create an enabling environment for a successful nationwide general election as well as gradual progress in political reconciliation, democracy and development. Imposing sanctions and exerting pressure will not help solve the issue. China supports the efforts of the good offices of the UN Secretary-General and his Special Adviser.7. The Afghan IssueThe situation in Afghanistan concerns peace and stability in the region and beyond as well as the smooth progress of the international counter-terrorism efforts. Despite positive progress, the reconstruction process in Afghanistan still faces numerous challenges. To succeed, it requires, first and foremost, the determined efforts of the Afghan government. It also calls for strong support from the international community. China has consistently supported and actively participated in Afghanistan's peaceful reconstruction. China applauds the formulation of the Afghanistan National Development Strategy, supports the priority programs it has identified, supports further implementation of the Afghanistan Compact and the Kabul Process, and respects the leading role of the Afghan government and people in advancing this process. We call on the international community to continue to devote attention to and make inputs in Afghanistan and intensify coordination and cooperation. China supports the UN in continuing to play a leading role in resolving the Afghan issue. 8. The Iranian Nuclear IssueChina supports upholding the international nuclear non-proliferation regime and maintaining peace and stability in the Middle East. China is of the view that Iran, as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), is entitled to the peaceful use of nuclear energy and at the same time obliged to fulfill relevant international obligations.China stands for negotiated settlement of the Iranian nuclear issue through dialogue. The parties concerned should step up diplomatic efforts to facilitate an early resumption of talks and work together to push for positive progress in the talks with a flexible and pragmatic attitude.China has long been committed to encouraging dialogue for peace and will continue to play a constructive role in pushing for the peaceful settlement of the Iranian nuclear issue.9. The Middle East IssueChina has always supported the Middle East peace process. It is China's long-held position that the parties concerned in the Middle East issue properly solve their disputes through negotiation on the basis of relevant UN resolutions, the principle of "land for peace", the Arab Peace Initiative and the Middle East Roadmap for Peace with the ultimate goal of establishing an independent Palestinian state and achieving normalization of relations between Israel and all Arab countries.Peaceful negotiation is the only right way leading to a solution to the Middle East issue. We hope Palestine and Israel will remain committed to negotiation and advance the peace talks in an earnest and responsible manner. The processes between Syria and Israel and between Lebanon and Israel are important components of the Middle East peace process and deserve equal attention and commitment. China will work together with the international community for a just, comprehensive and enduring settlement of the Middle East issue.10. The Issue of SudanChina supports the North-South peace process in Sudan and stands for proper settlement of disputes through dialogue and consultation on the basis of mutual understanding and accommodation and comprehensive implementation of the North-South Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). China notes that CPA stresses the importance of making unification attractive and no prejudging of Southern Sudan referendum results by any party. The international community should fully respect Sudan's sovereignty as well as the will and choice of the Sudanese people and ensure overall peace and stability in Sudan and the region as a whole.China supports the political settlement of the Darfur issue and maintains that the role of the UN-AU-Sudan tripartite mechanism should be brought into full play as the main channel and the "double-track" strategy should be advanced to promote balanced progress in peacekeeping deployment and political negotiation. What is particularly important is to encourage major factions in Darfur to join the political negotiation process at an early date. At the same time, it is imperative to help Sudan improve the humanitarian and security situation and realize peace, stability and development in Darfur as soon as possible.China takes the issue of "impunity" seriously. However,we are gravely concerned about the move by the International Criminal Court against Sudanese President Bashir. We call on the international community to value and respect the position reiterated by the African Union Summit in July 2010. We believe the measures taken on the Darfur issue should facilitate stability in Sudan and proper settlement of the Darfur issue. China has made efforts to facilitate the settlement of the issue of Sudan. In SouthernSudan, China has provided 66 million RMB yuan in gratis assistance, helped with human resources training and contributed to local development. China has provided Darfur with 180 million RMB yuan worth of humanitarian and development assistance and contributed US$2.3 million and US$1 million to the AU and UN trust funds respectively. China has also actively participated in the UN Mission in the Sudan and the AU-UN Hybrid Operation in Darfur. China will continue to work for the proper settlement of the issue of Sudan.11. The Issue of SomaliaChina is concerned about the situation in Somalia and hopes that the parties concerned in Somalia will put the interests of the country and its people above everything else and solve their disputes through dialogue and consultation so as to bring about peace and stability at an early date. China supports the efforts of Somalia's Transitional Federal Government to seek national reconciliation and those of the African Union and other regional organizations to advance the peace process in Somalia. China calls on the international community to render greater support to the Transitional Federal Government and AU's peacekeeping operations in Somalia. In recent years, China has on many occasions provided assistance to the Transitional Federal Government and AU's peacekeeping operations in Somalia. We will continue to work with the international community to play a constructive role in moving forward the peace process in Somalia.Despite recent progress in international cooperation on the fight against piracy off the coast of Somalia, the threat of pirate attacks is far from being eliminated and stronger coordination and cooperation are needed. China supports anti-piracy efforts off the coast of Somalia in accordance with international law and relevant Security Council resolutions and has engaged in international cooperation to safeguard shipping order and safety in the Somali waters. At the same time, the international community should lay stress on removing the root causes of piracy, help Somalia achieve peace and stability at an early date and help strengthen capacity building in Somalia and other littoral countries.12. The Kosovo IssueIt is the common objective of the international community to properly resolve the Kosovo issue and build a Kosovo where diverse ethnic groups live together in harmony. The best way to resolve the issue of Kosovo's status is for the Serbian government and the Kosovo authorities to reach a mutually acceptable solution through negotiation within the framework of relevant Security Council resolutions. This is also what the international community should continue to work for.Respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity is a fundamental principle of the contemporary international legal regime and constitutes the basis for the contemporary international legal order. China respects Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity and takes note of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Kosovo issue. We believe that the advisory opinion is no obstacle to a proper settlement to the issue through negotiation between the parties concerned on the basis of relevant Security Council resolutions.IV. Development Issues1. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)The UN MDGs serve as the framework for international development cooperation. The international community has made some progress in implementing the MDGs over the past decade. But it remains a long and uphill journey worldwide to meet the goals on schedule by 2015.The UN will hold a High-level Event in September to discuss ways to realize the MDGs before 2015 and formulate action strategies accordingly. The international community should see this as a good opportunity to consolidate political consensus so as to achieve positive results that are operable and deliverable. To this end, the international community should encourage and support countries in taking development paths that suit their national realities and exploring growth patterns that will achieve development and reduce poverty. They should also strive to build a global development partnership of equality, mutual benefit and win-win progress. Strengthening and improving the UN MDGs working mechanisms calls for better coordination and progress assessment of the various goals as well as monitoring the implementation of international development aid. The international community needs to show determination to act decisively, and take pragmatic and effective measures, to create favorable external environment for developing countries, and help them, especially African countries to realize the MDGs at an early date.2. Africa's DevelopmentDevelopment is a pressing and arduous task facing Africa. The international community, developed countries in particular, should continue to offer more support and help to Africa, effectively honor their commitments of aid for Africa, and enhance African countries' capacity for self-development through opening markets, transferring technologies and increasing investment and other measures. They should assist Africa in upholding and consolidating peace and stability, respect African countries' independent choice of development patterns and provide support for African countries' development. They should push for a just and equitable new international political and economic order so as to create favorable external conditions for Africa's development. They should encourage South-South cooperation as a useful supplement to North-South cooperation.China is always committed to peace and development in Africa. In the past few years, although seriously impacted by the international financial crisis, China has earnestly implemented various aid and cooperation measures, increased assistance to Africa by a large margin, reduced or canceled debts owed by the heavily indebted poor countries and the least developed countries in Africa, and maintained trade and investment levels. At the Fourth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation last November, the Chinese government announced a host of policy measures in support of African development. China is earnestly delivering on those commitments to make sure African countries and people benefit from them at an early date. China is ready to work with African countries and the international community to continue its contribution to the development of Africa.3. Food SecurityFood security is the foundation of economic growth and social stability and animportant prerequisite for the independence of a country and peace in the world. Food security is in essence a development issue; therefore, the international community should approach and deal with food security from the perspective of the survival and common development of mankind, and make concerted efforts to safeguard global food security. In this connection, China proposes the following:–Increase input in agriculture and improve grain production in order to safeguard food supply and maintain an overall balance between grain supply and demand.–Advance institutional reform and improve the governance system. The establishment of a global food security governance mechanism and security system that is equitable, practical, balanced and durable should be encouraged, and the global grain production, reserve and distribution should become more equitable and sustainable.–Bear in mind the long-term and overall interests, push for positive results at the Doha Round agricultural negotiation, and foster an enabling international environment for developing countries in trade, finance, intellectual property rights and other fields related to agricultural products.– Take a holistic view and achieve all-round and balanced development. Food security is closely related to economic growth, social progress, climate change and energy security. The international community should take a comprehensive approach to ensure sustainable food security.4. Energy SecurityEnergy security bears closely on the growth of the world economy and the well-being of people around the world. In the aftermath of the international financial crisis, upholding global energy security is of special significance to the global efforts to effectively tackle the crisis and push for the full recovery and long-term development of the world economy.To this end, the international community should work to stabilize energy price and prevent excessive speculation to meet the energy demand of countries, developing countries in particular. We should improve energy mix, promote the development of new energy and renewable energy and related cooperation, build up an R&D and dissemination system for advanced energy technologies and strengthen technology transfer and financial support to developing countries. We should coordinate international cooperation in energy and development and assist developing countries in growing their economies and improving people's livelihood through poverty alleviation programs based on energy development.5. Climate ChangeClimate change, a major challenge facing today's world, needs to be addressed through international cooperation. Climate change is primarily caused by developed countries' historical cumulative emissions over several centuries and their current high per capita emissions. Developed countries bear unshirkable responsiblity for climate change and they should continue to take the lead in emission reduction, and honor their obligations of providing financial resources and technology transfers to developing countries set forth in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Kyoto Protocol. Developing countries are themain victims of climate change. Facing the pressing tasks of development and poverty eradication, they will nonetheless contribute their part to the joint efforts to cope with climate change by embarking on the road of sustainable development.In essence, climate change is a development issue, and should be addressed in the context of sustainable development. In the international climate change cooperation, the principles of equity and "common but differentiated responsibilities" should be observed and the role of UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol as the main channel of international cooperation should be upheld. The stage of development and level of economic and social development of the developing countries is hugely different from that of the developed countries. Therefore, developing countries will take voluntary, appropriate mitigation actions supported by finance and technology transfer from the developed countries,in the context of sustainable development which is in essence different from the quantified reduction obligation of the developed countries, and this is in line with the fundamental principle of the UNFCCC and relevant provisions of the Bali Roadmap.To push for positive outcome at the UN climate change conference scheduled for the end of the year in Cancun, Mexico, parties concerned should build on the achievements of the Copenhagen Conference and move in the right direction as mandated by the Bali Roadmap, fully respect the developing countries' development stages and rights, and translate the related provisions of the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol into reality. We hope the developed countries will fully demonstrate political sincerity, fulfill their obligations and honor their commitments in good faith, and make positive contribution to the international cooperation on tackling climate change.The Chinese government values the positive role of the UN in promoting international cooperation on climate change. China is ready to take an active and constructive attitude and engage other parties in thorough and candid exchanges of views on major issues so as to breathe new life into the international cooperation on climate change.6. South-South CooperationFor developing countries, South-South cooperation is an important channel to draw on the strength of each other and realize common development, as well as an important means to help each other to address development challenges. In recent years, South-South cooperation has achieved positive progress, generating active trade and investment among the developing countries. Some new mechanisms and initiatives have been launched among developing countries, injecting new vitality into South-South cooperation.China believes that there should be vigorous consultation and coordination on major international issues between the developing countries, where they could coordinate their actions to uphold their legitimate rights and interests. They should, in the spirit of equality and mutual benefit, continue to explore new channels, content and models of cooperation in the light of their own needs and the evolving situation. They should also enhance coordination and make full use of multilateral mechanisms. Due to the impact of the international financial crisis, the development environment the developing countries find themselves in is hardly optimistic. In such circumstances, it。
” 1999年2025“世界水日”,联合国发出警告,除非各国政府采取有力措施,否则,在三分之一以上的人口地球上将有二分之一以上的人口面临淡水资源危机,年前,水资源的短缺已成为当今全球性的社会和经济发展的主要得不到清洁的饮用水。
《21 年更被定位世界2003作为一项范围广大,内容周详的宣言具有划时代的意义。
立场பைடு நூலகம்件的撰写 (Position Paper) )
格式要求:每个国家在会前都要针对各个议题提 交一份立场文件,对本国的基本观点做出简明扼 要的阐述。 要求中英文会场使用各自的工作语言撰写立场文 件,具体格式要求如下: 立场文件应以文段的形式撰写,分抬头(TITLE) 和正文(TEXT)两部分。 抬头要写明代表姓名,学校,代表国家,所在委 员会和议题。抬头作为一段,段前段后间距设定 为“O”,抬头字体加粗。
页边距统一为:上下左右皆为“ 页边距统一为:上下左右皆为“2.5CM” 英文字体: 英文字体:Times New Roman, , 字符大小: 。 字符大小:12。 中文字体:宋体,字号为五号。 中文字体:宋体,字号为五号。 段落:段前段后皆为“自动” 段落:段前段后皆为“自动”; 行间距为“ 倍 两端对齐” 行间距为“1.2倍”;“两端对齐” 立场文件不得超过A4纸 页 立场文件不得超过 纸2页。
正文建议: 首段结合本国概述议题的背景、现状和趋势。 第二部分阐述联合国和本国就此议题的态度和采取过 的行动,要避免冗长的罗列,以能表达立场为目的。 第三部分详尽阐述本国的立场、观点和计划采取的行 动等,需要真实、有可行性。 第四部分用最概括的语言总结本国认为该如何解决问 题的若干建议。 末段进行呼吁和展望。
立场文件格式及容一、立场文件基本介绍立场文件的英文是Position Paper,可定义为“表明一国在某一个问题上的基本观点和立场的文件”。
首先立场文件不需要以“立场文件”或“Position Paper”作为文件标题立场文件的正文之前直接居左对齐注明以下信息(1)代表姓名(Delegates),中文立场文件,代表姓名、来自的学校名(School)(2)名采用全称,如:美利坚合众国;The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(3)此处使用委员会名称的标准缩写立场文件的正文部分要求(1)字体、字号:中文为宋体五号字;英文为Times New Roman 12号字(2)行距:单倍(3)页边距:上下左右各2.54cm,(4)篇幅:总长度不超过2页A4纸例:学校:****:尼日利亚委员会:联合国高级难民署(历史委员会)议题:印尼海啸难民问题代表:****2004年12月26日,门答腊岛发生40年来最重的9级大地震,引发超级大海啸,即使是远至东非也受到波及。
立场文件格式和范文Position Paper Format.A position paper is a document that presents a specific viewpoint on a controversial issue. It is typically written in a formal academic style and should be well-researched and well-argued.The following is a general format for a position paper:1. Introduction.State the issue and your position on it.Provide a brief overview of the key arguments that you will be making.2. Body.Present your arguments in a logical and organizedway.Use evidence to support your claims.Address potential counterarguments.3. Conclusion.Summarize your main arguments.Restate your position on the issue.Call to action (optional).Position Paper Sample.Issue: Should the United States adopt a single-payer healthcare system?Position: The United States should adopt a single-payer healthcare system.Introduction.The United States healthcare system is in need of reform. The current system is too expensive, too complex, and too inefficient. A single-payer healthcare system would address these problems by providing universal coverage, reducing costs, and simplifying the system.Body.Argument 1: Universal Coverage.A single-payer healthcare system would provide universal coverage to all Americans. This would mean that everyone would have access to the healthcare they need, regardless of their income or employment status. This would be a major improvement over the current system, which leaves millions of Americans uninsured or underinsured.Argument 2: Reduced Costs.A single-payer healthcare system would reduce costs forboth individuals and the government. The current system is inefficient and wasteful, and a single-payer system would eliminate many of the administrative costs that are currently driving up healthcare costs.Argument 3: Simplified System.A single-payer healthcare system would simplify the system for patients and providers. Patients would no longer have to deal with multiple insurance companies, and providers would no longer have to spend time and money on billing and paperwork. This would free up resources that could be used to provide better patient care.Conclusion.A single-payer healthcare system would provide universal coverage, reduce costs, and simplify the system. This would be a major improvement over the current system, and it would make healthcare more accessible and affordable for all Americans.Call to Action.I urge you to support the adoption of a single-payer healthcare system in the United States. This is a necessary step to ensure that all Americans have access to the healthcare they need.中文回答:立场文件格式。
2018-立场文件写法-范文word版 (5页)
![2018-立场文件写法-范文word版 (5页)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/dd3835ab84868762caaed560.png)
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为了进一步说明立场文件中所应包含的具体内容,下面将举一实例,如裁军与国际安全委员会(Disarmament and International Security Committee)的英国(United Kingdom)代表在写作关于反对恐怖主义的国际合作(International Cooperation in Counter-Terrorism)这一议题的立场文件时,应该包含以下的具体内容:英国对于恐怖主义问题的态度,对于国际反恐合作的基本立场;英国赞成和签署的国际反恐合作条约,英国所参与的国际反恐合作行动;英国国内的恐怖主义活动情况以及英国政府所采取的相关措施、为应对反恐所通过的相关法律;英国认为国际社会应该如何解决恐怖主义问题,对于国际反恐合作的具体建议;英国领导人在正式场合所发表的关于国际反恐的发言和基本立场表态;国际反恐合作与英国国家利益的相关程度,英国对反恐问题的立场底线。
立场文件立场文件的英文是 Position Paper,可定义为“表明一国在某一个问题上的基本观点和立场的文件”。
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立场文件的英文是Position Paper,可定义为“表明一国在某一个问题上的基本观点和立场的文件”。
首先立场文件不需要以“立场文件”或“Position Paper”作为文件标题立场文件的正文之前直接居左对齐注明以下信息
(2)国家名采用全称,如:美利坚合众国;The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
(1)字体、字号:中文为宋体五号字;英文为Times New Roman 12
( 第一段概括性的描述了印尼海啸的现状,以及表达了事态的紧急性,其中最重要的内容是第二段的前部分内容,它直接写出了尼日利亚在此问题上的观点立场。
一般,立场文件都采用第三人称“中国认为(China thinks)、美国代表团相信(the US Delegation believes)”等等,而不用“你、我、他”。