
介绍华尔街日报英语作文英文回答:The Wall Street Journal is an American business and financial news daily newspaper founded in 1889 by Charles Dow, Edward Jones, and Charles Bergstresser. It ispublished by Dow Jones & Company, a subsidiary of News Corp. The Wall Street Journal is headquartered in New York City.It is the largest business newspaper in the world by circulation, with a daily circulation of over 2.6 million copies and a global readership of over 4 million.The Wall Street Journal covers a wide range of business and financial news, including corporate earnings, stock market performance, economic data, and international business. It is also known for its in-depth reporting on politics, technology, and the arts. The Wall Street Journal has won numerous awards for its journalism, including 46 Pulitzer Prizes.The Wall Street Journal is a respected and influential publication. It is often cited by policymakers, business leaders, and investors. The Wall Street Journal is also a popular source of news and information for the general public.中文回答:华尔街日报是美国一家商业和金融新闻日报,由查尔斯·道、爱德华·琼斯和查尔斯·伯格斯特雷瑟于1889年创立。

Chapter 5 Forensic and Investigative Accounting 10
Fighting Fraud
An organization may want to: Put in place a business ethics policy. Reflect the company’s position on fraud in Rules of Conduct. Identify and assess primary potential risks faced by the business. Determine adequate plans and procedures to deal with fraud once it has been discovered. Have a forensic accountant review and help to audit the company’s security measures. Select and promote staff based on sound employment practices.
(continued on next slide)
Chapter 5 Forensic and Investigative Accounting 8
Types of Misappropriations
Accounts payable fraud
– Double billing – Shell companies
Governmental Fraud
Where Is $9 Trillion? The U.S. Federal Reserve can not account for $9 trillion in off-balance sheet transactions. Also, no one at the Federal Reserve has any idea what are the losses on its $2 trillion portfolio. On May 12, 2009, Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman could not explain the $1 trillion plus expansion of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet since September 2008. While testifying before Congress, Coleman said the IG does not have jurisdiction to audit the Federal Reserve. If a U.S. business lost $9 trillion or created $9 trillion on their balance sheet, they would suffer severe penalties.

Must-Have Job Skills in 2013(2012-11-26)Even as employers remain cautious next year about every dollar spent on employees, they'll also want workers to show greater skills and results.For employees who want to get ahead, basic competency won't be enough.To win a promotion or land a job next year, experts say there are four must-have job skills: competency['kɑmpɪtənsi]n. 能力(等于competence);资格land a job找到工作articulate [ɑ:'tikjulət, ɑ:'t ikjuleit]vt. 清晰地发(音);明确有力地表达;用关节连接;使相互连贯vi. [语]发音;清楚地讲话;用关节连接起来adj. 发音清晰的;口才好的;有关节的PricewaterhouseCoopers n. 普华永道(全球四大会计事务所之一)accounting [ə'kau ntiŋ] n. 会计,会计学;帐单v. 解释(account的ing形式);叙述consulting [kən'sʌltiŋ]adj. 咨询的,商议的;顾问的,任专职顾问的v. 咨询,请教;商议(consult的现在分词形式1. Clear communications"This is really the ability to clearly articulate your point of view and the ability to create a connection through communication," says Holly Paul, U.S. recruiting leader at PricewaterhouseCoopers, the accounting and consulting firm based in New York.For job seekers in particular, clear communication can provide a snapshot of their work style to employers. "As office conversations increasingly move online, some workers are losing or never developing the ability to give a presentation, for example. Others may be unable to write coherently for longer than, say, 140 characters.snapshot ['snæpʃɔt] n. 快照,快相;急射,速射;简单印象vt. 给…拍快照vi. 拍快照coherently [kəu'hiərəntli] adv. 连贯地;前后一致地;条理清楚地;互相偶合地;凝聚性地scour ['skauə] vi. 冲刷;擦;腹泻vt. 擦亮,洗涤;冲洗,清除n. 擦,冲刷;洗涤剂;(畜类等的)腹泻haunt [hɔ:nt] vt. 常出没于…;萦绕于…;经常去…vi. 出没;作祟n. 栖息地;常去的地方2. Personal brandingHuman-resources executives scour blogs. "If you post something that comes back to haunt you, people will see that."Workers also should make sure their personal brand isattractive and reflects well on employers. "More and more employers are looking for employees to tweet on their behalf.There are dozes of other apps to help users Tweet on the go, so that could account for its lower ranking.Twitter有其他几十个同类应用,这可能是它排名靠后的原因。

n. • 1) Although the Communist regine recognizes the challenge, tacking it has turned out to be a relatively slow and haphazard business. • ......共产党政权虽认识到文化保护工作是项艰巨 任务,但抓得不得力,时紧时松。 • 2) FDR's second inaugural, delivered on January 20,1937, radiated confidence, challenge, and reformistzeal. • 在1937年1月20日罗斯福连任总统就职演说洋 溢着信心,干劲和改革激情。 • 3) the Sacramento Kings were the biggest challenge the Lakers were going to face. • 萨克拉门托国王队是湖人队将要面对的最厉害 的竞争对手。
• 3. Dateline (after headline and byline) e.g. "Washington, Jan.23" 1月23日发自华盛顿 e.g. "Moscow, Oct.10 (AP)" 美联社莫斯科10月10日电
Types of literature
• 1. News (消息) brief and short, authentic and objective. • 2. Feature (特写) • representing of events or news figures • 3. Editorial and Commentary(社论和评论) • viewpoint of the editorial department
华尔街日报封面文章摘录 翻译 英文学习 新闻

2018/5/9When the concept of “Chimerica” first appeared in these pages 11 years ago, it was intended to encapsulate a new economic world order—one based on Chinese export-led growth and American overconsumption. That put the U.S., the sole global superpower, in an unlikely financial relationship with its most likely future rival. Now, after the non-meeting of minds between American and Chinese trade negotiators last week in Beijing, is that marriage finally on the rocks?当“Chimerica”这个概念在11年前首次出现在这些网页中时,它的目的是要概述一个新的世界经济秩序——一个基于中国出口导向型增长和美国过度消费的秩序。
现在,在美国和中国贸易谈判代表上周在北京举行非正式会议之后,这场婚姻终于要在破裂了吗?The foundation of Chimerica came in the years after China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, integrating its massive labor force and savings surplus into the world economy. That pushed up global returns on capital by reducing labor costs while depressing the cost of capital.中国加入世界贸易组织之后的几年中,Chimerica的基础就是其庞大的劳动力和储蓄盈余融入世界经济。

人口分布 男性 81% 平均年00 家庭平均年收入$334,000 家庭平均净资产 $2,733,000 年平均投资产值 $2,400,000 忠诚度 平均阅读时间 47 分钟 平均订阅时间 5年 74%的读者对广告有响应
日发行数据 January to June 2011 发行分布 香港15,202 日本 8,015 印度 7,701 马来西亚 6,047 中国 5,565 菲律宾 3,774 澳大利亚/新西兰/太平洋岛国 243 亚太区总计: 亚太区总计: 82,971 北美及拉丁美洲285 欧洲 71 其他 94 日发行总计 83,421
新加坡 9,635 韩国7,851 印度尼西亚 6,653 泰国 5,969 台湾 4,250 越南 1,869 亚洲其他地区197
Source: BPA Worldwide
华尔街日报亚洲版2012年常规广告报价表 华尔街日报亚洲版2012年常规广告报价表 2012
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亚洲华尔街日报是亚洲领先的全球商业新闻出版物,为有影响力的商业 领袖及政府决策者提供不可或缺的区域新闻资讯及全球商业发展分析. 亚洲华尔街日报已被评选为国际 “最重要的商业读物”。
目标受众 发行量 83,421 阅读量 358,710 影响力 高级管理人员72% 年采购预算 $86 million 大学以上学历 93%
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美金) 刊例价(美金)
47019.7 55219.7 23509.85 30709.85 20283.01 28023.01 11754.93 18954.93

REUTERS Lucas Jackson2012年10月31日,新泽西州遭到桑迪飓风侵袭。
REUTERS Baz Ratner2012年10月9日,一名裸体示威者跑过雅典宪法广场上的议会大楼。
REUTERS John Kolesidis2012年9月29日,西班牙塞维利亚,一名摄影师在消防队员、安保和军方人员抗议工资削减的示威游行中跳过发烟罐。
REUTERS Marcelo del Pozo2012年9月17日,纽约,一名占领华尔街运动分子在参加纪念活动一周年的抗议示威活动期间被逮捕后向他的朋友喊叫。
REUTERS Lucas Jackson2012年9月16日,墨西哥城,21岁的墨西哥斗牛士摩里诺在斗牛比赛时从一头公牛身边逃走。
REUTERS Edgard Garrido2012年9月14日,示威者在开罗解放广场附近帮助一名在冲突中受伤的伤者。
REUTERS Amr Abdallah Dalsh2012年9月3日,加拿大卡耳加里,埃德蒙顿爱斯基摩人啦啦队的成员被高高抛起。
REUTERS Umit Bektas2012年8月1日,詹尼弗-萨拉维亚在公寓外的一个纪念物旁哭泣,她的兄弟和另一名男子在纽约的布鲁克林区被2012年7月27日,演员在伦敦2012年奥运会开幕式时拍手,他们的上面是奥运五环。
REUTERS Kai Pfaffenbach2012年7月12日,北爱尔兰北贝尔法斯特,民族主义者年轻人与防暴警察发生冲突。
CHINADAILY 中英对照 经济新闻2

【Highlights】>Guangdong bans wildlife hunt粤禁猎野生动物迎亚运>Abbott OKs Chinese recall雅培中国召回'美版'奶粉>Chilean mine rescue begins智利救援直击:6人升井>Buffett cartoon to teach kids'股神'为动画配音教理财>Students abroad drink more研究:学生出国酒量见涨>Lightning hits Lady Liberty闪电击中自由女神(图)【Cover Story】>Chinese cabbage price surges'泡菜危机'催涨中国菜价South Korea's shortage of cabbage, an indispensable ingredient in its popular national dish kimchi, has caused cabbage prices to rise in China, Xinhua reported Wednesday. In Northeast China, cabbage prices have risen to about RMB850 per ton from RMB550 per ton in the first half of the year because of growing demand from South Korea. Even in South China's Guangzhou, relatively far from South Korea, cabbage prices have increased 12% over the past month, the report said. Unfavorable growing weather this year in South Korea contributed to what Koreans are calling the kimchi crisis, with cabbage prices there rising to RMB71 per head.据新华社13日报道,韩国泡菜危机波及中国,近日我国多地白菜价格飞涨。
chinadaily经济类新闻 中英对照版 口译必备

【Top News】>Daughters more popular英媒:房价削中国重男风High property prices and economic development have begun to erode China's traditional preference for sons, leading to a rise in the number of Chinese parents who say they want a daughter, the Financial Times of London reported Tuesday. The conventional wisdom - that China is a land of unwanted girls - is being changed as urbanization erodes the advantage of having sons to work the fields and support parents in old age. Rising property prices are also driving the change because Chinese families must traditionally buy an apartment for a son before he marries. As a result, Internet chat groups have sprang up where women exchange advice on how to conceive girls.英国《金融时报》2日称,中国的高房价和经济发展开始削弱人们重男轻女的传统风气,越来越多的父母表示更喜欢女儿。

Ma ying-jeou reelected.
Kuomintang Chairman Ma Ying-jeou has been re-elected as leader of Taiwan. Following his victory Saturday night, he pledged to work to improve Cross-Strait ties during his next tenure.
Sport news
The rise of China's swimming shocked the world.
The Pritzker Prize is Headed to China
SunYang spend three points and 40 seconds and 14 breaking the Olympic record.
China related news
Ishigaki city’s four local parliaments yesterday on the island to stay over 2 hours ,China make clear defend territorial sovereignty determination.
பைடு நூலகம்
Entertainment: ⒈The Voice of China. ⒉ Obba Gangnam Style and The Coolest Ethnic Trend are popular all the world.

戴姆勒克莱斯勒姻缘已尽(本文作者为保罗?英格拉西亚(Paul Ingrassia),曾任《华尔街日报》驻底特律记者,目前担任道琼斯公司(Dow Jones)负责新闻策略的副总裁。
戴姆勒-奔驰公司(Daimler-Benz AG)和克莱斯勒公司(Chrysler Corp.)这次联姻究竟是被协同效应迷思催生出的昏招,还是一本被歪嘴和尚念走了样的好经?不论怎样,在未来许多年里它都将是汽车业以及商学院里引人争论的话题。
两公司1998年合并后的次年,原克莱斯勒的一批高层管理人士便愤而离职,老牌的汽车业记者杰瑞?福林特(Jerry Flint)开玩笑说克莱斯勒被人占领了。
它会被通用汽车(General Motors)收购吗?抑或是被一家外国汽车公司、甚至一家中国企业接手?它是否将步美国那些大型零部件生产商的后尘,被手握大量资金的私人资本运营公司收购?但有一点是十分清楚的,克莱斯勒的窘境不过是美国三大汽车巨头衰落史的最新一章,自2005年初以来,这一衰落进程大大加快了。
遥想1998年,戴姆勒为兼并克莱斯勒花了350多亿美元,后者当时在美国汽车市场的占有率约为 14%,它还有部分汽车销往国外。

华尔街日报:冷静思考的力量——考研阅读题源-The Power of Negative Thinking The holiday season poses a psychological conundrum. Its defining sentiment, of course, is joy -- yet the strenuous effort to be joyous seems to make many of us miserable. It's hard to be happy in overcrowded airport lounges or while you're trying to stay civil for days on end with relatives who stretch your patience.So to cope with the holidays, magazines and others are advising us to 'think positive' -- the same advice, in other words, that Norman Vincent Peale, author of 'The Power of Positive Thinking,' was dispensing six decades ago. (During holidays, Peale once suggested, you should make 'a deliberate effort to speak hopefully about everything.') Variations of Peale's positive philosophy run deep in American culture, not just in how we handle holidays and other social situations but in business, politics and beyond. Yet studies suggest that peppy affirmations designed to lift the user's mood through repetition and visualizing future success often achieve the opposite of their intended effect.Fortunately, both ancient philosophy and contemporary psychology point to an alternative: a counterintuitive approach that might be termed 'the negative path to happiness.' This approach helps to explain some puzzles, such as the fact that citizens of more economically insecure countries often report greater happiness than citizens of wealthier ones. Or that many successful businesspeople reject the idea of setting firm goals.One pioneer of the 'negative path' was the New York psychotherapist Albert Ellis, who died in 2007. He rediscovered a key insight of the Stoic philosophers of ancient Greece and Rome: that sometimes the best way to address an uncertain future is to focus not on the best-case scenario but on the worst.Seneca the Stoic was a radical on this matter. If you feared losing your wealth, he once advised, 'set aside a certain number of days, during which you shall be content with the scantiest and cheapest fare, with coarse and rough dress, saying to yourself the while: 'Is this the condition that I feared?' 'To overcome a fear of embarrassment, Ellis told me, he advised his clients to travel on the New York subway, speaking the names of stations out loud as they passed. I'm an easily embarrassed person, so in the interest of journalistic research, I took his advice, on the Central Line of the London Underground. It was agonizing. But my overblown fears were cut down to size: I wasn't verbally harangued or physically attacked. A few people looked at me strangely.Just thinking in sober detail about worst-case scenarios -- a technique the Stoics called 'the premeditation of evils' -- can help to sap the future of its anxiety-producing power. The psychologist Julie Norem estimates that about one-third of Americans instinctively use this strategy, which she terms 'defensive pessimism.' Positive thinking, by contrast, is the effort to convince yourself that things will turn out fine, which can reinforce the belief that it would be absolutely terrible if they didn't.In American corporations, perhaps the most widely accepted doctrine of the 'cult of positivity' is the importance of setting big, audacious goals for an organization, while employees are encouraged (or compelled) to set goals that are 'SMART' -- 'Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely.' (It is thought that the term was first used in a 1981 article by George T. Doran.)But the pro-goal consensus is starting to crumble. For one thing, rigid goals may encourage employees to cut ethical corners. In a study conducted by the management scholar Lisa and her colleagues, participants had to make words from a set of random letters, as in Scrabble. The experiment let them report their progress anonymously --and those given a specific target to reach lied far more frequently than those instructed merely to 'do your best.'Goals may even lead to underachievement. Many New York taxi drivers, one team of economists concluded, make less money in rainy weather than they could because they finish work as soon as they reach their mental target for what constitute a good day's earnings.Focusing on one goal at the expense of all other factors also can distort a corporate mission or an individual life, says Christopher Kayes, an associate professor of management at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. Prof. Kayes, who has studied the 'overpursuit' of goals, recalls a conversation with one executive who 'told me his goal had been to become a millionaire by the age of 40 and he'd done it. [But] he was also divorced, and had health problems, and his kids didn't talk to him anymore.' Behind our fixation on goals, Prof. Kayes's work suggests, is a deep unease with feelings of uncertainty.Research by Saras Sarasvathy, an associate professor of business administration at the University of Virginia, suggests that learning to accommodate feelings of uncertainty is not just the key to a more balanced life but often leads to prosperity as well. For one project, she interviewed 45 successful entrepreneurs, all of whom had taken at least one business public. Almost none embraced the idea of writing comprehensive business plans or conducting extensive market research.They practiced instead what Prof. Sarasvathy calls 'effectuation.' Rather than choosing a goal and then making a plan to achieve it, they took stock of the means and materials at their disposal, then imagined the possible ends. Effectuation also includes what she calls the 'affordable loss principle.' Instead of focusing on the possibility of spectacular rewards from a venture, ask how great the loss would be if it failed. If the potential loss seems tolerable, take the next step.The ultimate value of the 'negative path' may not be its role in facilitating upbeat emotions or even success. It is simply realism. The future really is uncertain, after all, and things really do go wrong as well as right. We are too often motivated by a craving to put an end to the inevitable surprises in our lives.This is especially true of the biggest 'negative' of all. Might we benefit from contemplating mortality more regularly than we do? As Steve Jobs famously declared, 'Remembering that you are going to die is the best way that I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.'1.By talking about the troubles of the holiday season, the author intends to____a.exemplify the psychological dilemmmas in daily life.b.illusatrate the profound influence of Peale’s work.c.Introduce the prevailing thinking mode of Americansd.Show the necessity of advocatiing positive thinking2.To which of the following proverbs would Albert Ellis agree?a.we cannot predict the future, but we can invent it.b.He that hopes no good fears no ill.c.The pessimist borrows trouble; the optimist lends encouragemenet.d.Self-trust is the first secret to success.3.The experiences of 45 entrepreneurs are mentioned mainly to demonstrate______a.the change in the management philosophy of American corporationsb.the necessity of setting big goals for an organizationc.the role of negative thinking in people’s success.d.the importance of “the affordable loss principle” in business.4.According to Paragraph , it is essential for managers to ______.a.establish challenging targetsb.conduct inclusive market analysisc.calculate potential revenues and rewardsd.consider possible risks and costs5.Paragraph implies that the biggest value of negative thinking is helping people_a.avoid being overwhelmed by low moodsb.get a clear picture of the way aheadc.succeed in eliminating the inevitable in life.d.accept the uncertainty of life.e.。

华尔街日报logo 《华尔街日报》是一家以财经报道为特色的综合性报纸,侧重金融、商业领域的报道,在 国际上具有广泛影响力,日发行量达200万份。同时出版了亚洲版、欧洲版、网络版,每天的读者大概有2000多 万人。《华尔街日报》新闻舆论通过尖利的笔锋净化着商业市场,正是它的舆论监督让商业公司不能为所欲为。
1902年,已在道琼斯工作多年,并曾经是第一位驻外记者的克莱伦斯·巴伦(Clarence W. Barron)在查尔 斯 ·道过世后买下了公司的控制权。当时《华尔街日报》的日发行量为7000份。
1920年,报刊的发行量增至18,750份。随后,巴伦先生又引进了全套现代化的印刷设备,拓展了新闻收集 业务。到了20世纪20年代末期,《华尔街日报》的日发行量已达5万份之多。
作为一家享誉全球一百多年的财经类报纸,质量是制胜的根本,《华尔街日报》在追求新闻质量上可谓不遗 余力。日报头版上每天都有一篇几千字的长篇报道。据该报副总编辑介绍,这些长文章都是花费几个月做出来的。 一般的专题报道需要一到三个月,有的需要半年时间,还有的需要几个人合作去做。初稿写成后,要几经改写才 能最终定稿。报社对新闻写作手法要求历来非常严格,从巴伦时期提出的写作原则到基尔格尔成立“写作线”, 形成了文风严谨又不艰涩的报道,“华尔街日报体”为众多新闻从业者推崇备至。
1889年7月8日出版的《华尔街日报》 1882年,三位年轻的记者查尔斯·亨利·道(Charles Henry Dow)、 爱德华·琼斯(Edward Jones)和查尔斯 ·博格斯特莱斯(Charles Bergstresser) 创立了道琼斯公司。1889年, 随着业务的发展,公司职员增加到了50位,于是决定将原来的仅编写《致读者下午信》的小规模经营改变为出版 报纸,并且依照华尔街命名为《华尔街日报》。就这样,《华尔街日报》于1889年7月8日问世,它有4个版面, 当时每份的售价为两美分。
华尔街日报(1-10) 4 Data Show Euro-Zone,China Woes

Data Show Euro-Zone, China WoesEuro-zone business activity slid at its fastest pace in more than 3 years despite the improvement in Germany, a private-sector survey showed, raising fears that a deepening downturn in southern Europe will hamper efforts to solve the region’s debt crisis.The euro zone’s purchasing managers’index fell to 45.9 in September from 46.3 in August, according to data-services from Markit, well below economists’ forecasts. Index readings below 50 signal contraction in business output. The survey was conducted from Sept. 12-19, making it the first major report since the European Central Bank unveiled its new bond plan on September 6. Economic weakness extended beyond the Continent’s borders, an indication that European businesses can’t rely on fast growth abroad to offset problems at home.China’s PMI rose slightly to 47.8 from August’s final reading of 47.6, but the index has been in contraction territory for 11 straight months. China is still expected to expand above 7% this quarter, but that is far below the 10% rates of recent years.‘this number suggest China’s growth slowdown has stabilized,’ said Junwei Sun, an HSBS China analyst. ‘Still, it’s not a meaningful improvement. More likely it means that China’s economy has bottomed out.’Chinese gross domestic product decelerated to 7.6% in the second quarter from 8.1% in the first quarter of 2012, compared with year-earlier periods. Earlier in the year, a number of analysts had forecast growth would improve in the third quarter, figuring the government poured on stimulus measures, particularly infrastructure investments. But while the government has approved many infrastructure projects, it hasn’t widely opened the credit tap and economic growth hasn’t picked up appreciably.Activity in the euro zone shows no such sign of bottoming. GDP fell 0.7% at an annualized rate, in the second quarter and hasn’t expanded since the third quarter of last year. PMI figures over the summer suggest the contraction deepened this quarter to as much as 2% annualized, economists said.The survey highlights a risk for the euro zone. The ECB’s plan to purchase unlimited quantities of government bonds of struggling countries has brought some calm to financial markets. But crisis-hit countries such as Spain are also struggling with long recessions and deep-rooted economic problems, putting rising pressure on their state finances.There is little here to alter the view that the euro-zone recession looks set to deepen in the latter part of the year, said Ben May, economist at Capital Economics.In a separate report, the European Commission said consumer confidence fell to a 40-month low in September.Thursday’s PMI report also suggests the gap between the currency bloc’s two largest economies is widening. German business activity largely stabilized in September, suggesting any downturn will be brief. Germany’s economy has expanded by 3% or more in each of the past two years, and is expected to grow about 1% this year. French business, in contrast, plunged, with its PMI dropping nearly 4 points to 44.1, one of the steepest monthly fall on record. The two countries account for about half of the euro zone’s GDP and are the main financial backers of the region’s fiscal rescue funds.There wasn’t a single factor behind France’s slide, said Markit economist Jack Kennedy. Rather, it seems to be a real lack of demand, a lack of confidence, he said.We are on an island here still because we have political stability and financial stability, and that is still very important compared to the rest of Europe, said Stefan, owner of a company which makes equipment used in the building industry.建筑工业The grim PMI figures raise pressure on the ECB to do more to spur new activity. The bank’s president, Mario, has in the past cited purchasing-manager reports as a rational for cutting interest rates. Ken, economist at BNP, said he expects the ECB to lower rates inDecember, but said it could do so even sooner if the economic reports remain grim.But with interest rates already at record lows, there is little the ECB can do to stimulate growth with its traditional tools, economists say. Instead, ECB officials hope their bond-purchase and bank-leading programs ease private-sector borrowing in southern Europe, where credit for consumers and businesses is currently tighter then in Northern Europe thanks to the euro zone’s financial fragmentation. The ECB has said it won’t buy bonds unless countries first request aid from Europe’s rescue funds and agree to economic overhauls. Without economic growth, Spain and others will have difficulty stabilizing government-debt levels even at lower interest rates.It’s going to be a long hard slog back to sustained growth.slide(past and past participle slid )她悄悄地把瓶子放进口袋。

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Young Adults' About-Face on SavingWhen it comes to saving, no age-group has experienced a bigger change of heart than young adults.Measures of saving rates among young adults under 35 show they're suddenly saving a whole lot more. According to Moody's Analytics, one measure, the four-quarter moving average of the saving rate of young adults -- which smoothes out volatility -- started dropping in the late 1990s and hit roughly -15% in 2006 -- before climbing higher during the 2008 global financial crisis and its economic aftermath to over 5%. It's now around 2% or 3%, as of the third quarter of 2012.No other age group has seen so violent a turn from borrowing to saving. ( See related article.) Sure, people between 35 and 44 also increased saving during the recession, but their about-face wasn't as dramatic. Young people now save roughly as much as people35 to 44 -- and nearly as much as those between 45 and 54.The trend suggests the recession may have made some young people more 'risk averse,' economists' jargon for less willing to take risks by, say, borrowing. It's likely that many young people are having a harder time getting credit, especially those with super- high student-loan burdens. But young adults are also seeing their incomes fall, and generally make less money than older people. So they may now -- post financial crisis and recession -- find themselves less able to service debt. That, in turn, may reduce their demand for credit.'Younger households were significantly dis-saving -- aggressively borrowing -- prior to the recession, but they are now saving at a healthy rate,' said Mark Zandi, economist at Moody's Analytics.'I think this clearly shows a significant increase in the risk aversion of younger households given the economic nightmare of the downturn and weak recovery,' he adds. 'It is unclear how long this heightened risk aversion will last, but I suspect the last few years will have an indelible impact on how younger households think about their finances.'∙economist [i'kɔnəmist]n. 经济学者;节俭的人∙significantly [sig'nifəkəntli]adv. 意味深长地;值得注目地∙burden ['bə:dən]n. 负担;责任;船的载货量; vt. 使负担;...∙nightmare ['naitmεə]n. 恶梦;梦魇般的经历; adj. 可怕的;噩...∙heighten ['haitən]vt. 提高;增高;加强;使更显著; vi. 升...∙recession [ri'seʃən]n. 衰退;不景气;后退;凹处∙bigger [bigə]adj. 更大的(big的比较级)∙aggressively [ə'gresivli]adv. 侵略地;攻击地;有闯劲地∙dramatic [drə'mætik,-kəl]adj. 戏剧的;引人注目的;激动人心的年轻人开始爱上存钱谈到存款,没有哪个年龄段的人比现在年轻的成年人在思想上经历了更大起伏。

A combined Reuters-Thomson could offer special deals and packages to clients that include the Reuters news service. With Reuters newswire added to its stable, Thomson could be less likely to distribute content from Dow Jones.
The company's smaller Enterprise Media Group, which includes Dow Jones Newswires, Dow Jones Indexes, which oversees the Dow Jones Industrial Average and other indexes, generated $408.6 million in revenue, but produced $102.9 million in operating income and hadoperating marginsof 25.2%.
Shares of Dow Jones fell more than 5% onthe New York Stock Exchangeyesterday after Mr. Murdoch put a damper on talk he would raise his bid, saying the $60-a-share price was a 'full and more than fair price' and Warren Buffett once again dismissed talk he might seek to buy Dow Jones. There was alsospeculationin the market that Mr. Murdoch was losing confidence that his bid would succeed.
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Must-Have Job Skills in 2013(2012-11-26)Even as employers remain cautious next year about every dollar spent on employees, they'll also want workers to show greater skills and results.For employees who want to get ahead, basic competency won't be enough.To win a promotion or land a job next year, experts say there are four must-have job skills: competency['kɑmpɪtənsi]n. 能力(等于competence);资格land a job找到工作articulate [ɑ:'tikjulət, ɑ:'t ikjuleit]vt. 清晰地发(音);明确有力地表达;用关节连接;使相互连贯vi. [语]发音;清楚地讲话;用关节连接起来adj. 发音清晰的;口才好的;有关节的PricewaterhouseCoopers n. 普华永道(全球四大会计事务所之一)accounting [ə'kau ntiŋ] n. 会计,会计学;帐单v. 解释(account的ing形式);叙述consulting [kən'sʌltiŋ]adj. 咨询的,商议的;顾问的,任专职顾问的v. 咨询,请教;商议(consult的现在分词形式1. Clear communications"This is really the ability to clearly articulate your point of view and the ability to create a connection through communication," says Holly Paul, U.S. recruiting leader at PricewaterhouseCoopers, the accounting and consulting firm based in New York.For job seekers in particular, clear communication can provide a snapshot of their work style to employers. "As office conversations increasingly move online, some workers are losing or never developing the ability to give a presentation, for example. Others may be unable to write coherently for longer than, say, 140 characters.snapshot ['snæpʃɔt] n. 快照,快相;急射,速射;简单印象vt. 给…拍快照vi. 拍快照coherently [kəu'hiərəntli] adv. 连贯地;前后一致地;条理清楚地;互相偶合地;凝聚性地scour ['skauə] vi. 冲刷;擦;腹泻vt. 擦亮,洗涤;冲洗,清除n. 擦,冲刷;洗涤剂;(畜类等的)腹泻haunt [hɔ:nt] vt. 常出没于…;萦绕于…;经常去…vi. 出没;作祟n. 栖息地;常去的地方2. Personal brandingHuman-resources executives scour blogs. "If you post something that comes back to haunt you, people will see that."Workers also should make sure their personal brand isattractive and reflects well on employers. "More and more employers are looking for employees to tweet on their behalf.There are dozes of other apps to help users Tweet on the go, so that could account for its lower ranking.Twitter有其他几十个同类应用,这可能是它排名靠后的原因。
So how do you produce the perfect film or write the perfect book – or compose the perfect tweeton Twitter – in a way that will maximise the chances of catching on?因此,你该怎样制作一部完美的影片、或是写一本完美的书、又或是在Twitter上发一条完美的帖子,以求它能最大限度地流行开呢?3. FlexibilityThe ability to quickly respond to an employer's changing needs will be important next year as organizations try to respond nimbly to customers.The ability to learn new skills is of top importance, says George Boué"We want to know that if we roll out a new program or new tools that the folks we have on board are going to be open to learning," he says.4. Productivity improvement"The ability to spot talent and hire people has fallen out of use over the last several years," says Ben Dattner, an organizational psychologist in New York. "As the economy turns around, companies will have to work harder to retain talented employees. Companies have trimmed the fat, and now they have to build the muscle."nimbly ['nimbli] adv. 敏捷地;机敏地trimmed [trimd] adj. 平衡的;切边;纵倾的;修整过的Making Every Penny Count—Twice(2012-11-27)Ever wish you could make every penny count twice—especially around the holidays? Here are ways consumers can do what they already do, but also make those actions count for more in charitable and community .charitable ['tʃærətəbl] adj. 慈善事业的;慷慨的,仁慈的;宽恕的advertiser ['ædvə,taizə] n. 广告客户;刊登广告的人designate ['deziɡne it, 'deziɡnit, -neit] vt. 指定;指派;标出;把…定名为adj. 指定的;选定的1. Free money for the charity of your choiceUse , powered by Yahoo,for regular online searches, and the site will donate 50% of the revenue generated from the search advertiser to the charity.Make sure you designate a specific charity before you begin searching.groceries n. 杂货;食品;生活用品alleviate [ə'li:vieit] vt. 减轻,缓和coupons n. 优惠券;息票;[冶金]取样片(coupon的复数)translate [træns'leɪt; trɑːns-; -nz-] vt. 翻译;转化;解释;转变为;调动vi. 翻译2. Save on groceries and help alleviate hunger makes it possible to save money and give back. Visit their site and you'll find hundreds of coupons for everyday grocery, personal-care and office items.Every three coupons used translates to one meal.3. Volunteer at a food bankThree billion pounds of food and other grocery products are distributed each year through Feeding America's network of food banks.distributed [di'stribjutid] adj. 分布式的,分散式的distribute [di'stribju:t; 'dis-]vt.1. 分发;分送;分配,配给:They distributed political pamphlets in the hall.他们在大厅里散发政治小册子。