SOM and the lateral interaction


BCS Theory for Trapped Ultracold Fermions

BCS Theory for Trapped Ultracold Fermions

Considerable interest in the field of ultracold gases has been sparked by the achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation in the bosonic systems 87 Rb, 23 Na and 7 Li in 1995 [1]. Recently, several experimental groups have extended these experiments to the case of trapped fermions. As a first step, it is attempted to achieve a degenerate Fermi gas. In a possible next step, the celebrated Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) phase transition could be observed. A promising candidate for achieving this transition is the isotope 6 Li: By trapping 6 Li in two hyperfine states, one can take advantage of the strong (attractive) interactions due to s−wave scattering between atoms in different hyperfine states. BCS-pairing occurs in a multitude of physical systems (e.g. electrons in metals, electron-hole exciton systems and neutron-proton systems) which share the characteristic that the formation of bound states (Cooper pairs) between the strongly coupled constituents is energetically favorable [2]. For ultracold atoms in traps, the interactions are much better-known than in most of the above mentioned systems [3]. Therefore, the achievement of a superfluid state in these systems opens up the possibility of testing our theoretical models, in particular, the validity of the BCS theory itself. Furthermore, the interaction strength and the density of the gas are experimentally tunable which, in principle, makes it possible to study the crossover from BCS pairing to Bose-Einstein condensation of bosonic pairs [4]. To describe experiments with trapped fermions, one has to extend present theories (i) to include the discrete nature of the quantum energy levels of the particles in the trap, and (ii) to take into account the interactions specific to the atomic case. We consider a model of trapped fermions with two internal states. At low energies, the p-wave interaction between atoms in the same internal state is negligible compared to the s-wave interaction between atoms in different internal states. The latter interaction is characterized at low energies and for dilute gases (kF re < 1, where re is the effective range of the 1



4 结论以某型号的自升式平台坠物风险较大的作业甲板为对象,根据实际工况建立有限元模型,结果显示立管坠落后不仅会穿透甲板,还依旧以较大的动能继续向下坠落,对下部结构和设备造成很大威胁。



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中华行为医学与脑科学杂志2021年4月第30卷第4期Chin J Behav M e d Brain Sci,April 2021,V〇1.30,N〇.4•289••临床研究•重度抑郁症患者嗜睡症状与快感缺失的相关性张佳佳1张玉'储召学1王婷1余家快1朱鹏2张京婧2朱道民11安徽医科大学附属心理医院,合肥市第四人民医院,安徽省精神卫生中心睡眠医学科,合肥230000;2安徽医科大学,合肥230032通信作者:朱道民,Email:hfsyzdm7778@ 163. com【摘要】目的探讨重度抑郁症患者嗜睡症状与快感缺失的相关性。

方法2018年11月至2019年5月,以符合ICD-10诊断标准的重度抑郁症住院患者为研究对象,根据Epworth嗜睡量表(Epworth sleepiness scale,ESS),将ESS為7分定为白天嗜睡组,共纳入46例;将ESS<7分定为无嗜睡组,共纳人171例。

采用中文版修订社会快感缺失量表(revised social anhedonia scale,RSAS)、中文版修订躯体快感缺失量表(revised physical anhedonia scale,RPAS)评估患者的快感缺失症状,采用双因素方差分析、Pearscm相关分析进行数据处理。

结果(1)有无嗜睡和性别对躯体快感缺失得分的影响不存在交互作用(F=0. 274,P=0. 601),主效应分析提示性别对躯体快感缺失的影响差异有统计学意义(尸=10.948,户<0.05)。

(2)有无嗜睡和年龄对躯体快感缺失得分的影响存在交互作用(^"=4.396,P=0. 013),进一步做简单效应分析,在白天嗜睡组中,40~49年龄段的患者躯体快感缺失得分[(21.M±12.37)分]低于5〇〜64岁年龄段[(34. 13±12.53)分](P<0.05)。

(3)有无嗜睡和坐躺时间对社会快感缺失得分的影响存在交互作用(F= 4. 247,P=0. 041 ),进一步做简单效应分析,在白天嗜睡组中,坐躺时间<2 h的患者社会快感缺失得分[(13.71±5. 18)分]低于坐躺时间3=2 h的患者[(19. 75±6. 39)分](/><0. 05)。



论著急性脑出血患者颅内血肿及其周边区局部脑血流量与躯体感觉神经诱发电位的研究孔令斌,杨志寅,安锐 作者单位:430030华中科技大学同济医学附属院协和医院核医学科,济宁医学院(孔令斌);济宁医学院,行为医学研究所(杨志寅);华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院校医学科(安锐) 【摘要】 目的 研究急性脑出血患者血肿区、周边区和对侧脑组织局部脑血流量以及躯体感觉神经诱发电位(si -m atosensory evoked pot ential ,SSEP )的变化。

方法 利用单光子发射计算机断层(si ngle photon e m issi on computed t omo -graphy ,SPECT )显像技术检查25例急性基底核区出血患者,根据中国卒中评分分型,轻型组16例,中型组9例,发病后1~5d 、13~19d 各做1次SPECT 检查。

采用感兴趣区模型分析法,分别于局部脑血流量(regional cerebral blood flo w ,r CBF )减低区的中心和其周围额顶叶、小脑中心及上述区域的对侧镜像区做放射性摄取计数,并计算病变侧与对侧放射性计数的摄取比(R ),同时测定两组患者的SSEP 各波潜伏时。

结果 两组患者行第1、2次SPECT 检查时,血肿区病变侧放射性计数均显著低于对侧(P <0.01)。

第1、2次检查时两组患者病变侧血肿区放射性计数均低于周边区(P <0.01)。

病变对侧小脑的放射性计数低于病变侧,差异有显著性意义(P <0.01)。

轻型组患者病变侧SSEP 各波在P40、N60潜伏时及中型组患者病变侧SSEP 各波在P25、N30、P40、N60潜伏时均较相应的对侧延长,差异有显著性意义(P <0.05);中型组患者病变侧SSEP 各波在P25、N30、P40、N60潜伏时较轻型组相应波的潜伏时长,差异有显著性意义(P <0.05)。

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

NEURAL REGENERATION RESEARCH ^REVIEWAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a complex syndrome that needs an integrated research approachJavier Riancho1,2 *, Francisco J. Gil-Bea2,3, Ana Santurtun4, Adolfo Lopez de Munain2,3,5,61Service of Neurology, Hospital Sierrallana-Idival, Torrelavega, Spain2 CIBERNED (Center for Networked Biomedical Research on Neurodegenerative Diseases, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Institute Carlos III), Madrid, Spain3 Neurosciences Area, Institute Biodonostia, San Sebastian, Spain4 Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Cantabria-Idival, Santander, Spain5 Department of Neurology, University Hospital Donostia, San Sebastian, Spain6 Department of Neurosciences, University of the Basque Country, Universidad Pais Vasco-Euskal Herria Unibertsitatea, San Sebastian, SpainAbstractAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the most common neurodegenerative disease affecting motor neu­rons, lacks an effective treatment. A small fraction of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis cases have a familial origin, related to m utations in causative genes, while the vast majority of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis cases are considered to be sporadic, resulting from the interaction between genes and environmental factors in predisposed individuals. During the past few years, dozens of drugs have been postulated as promising strategies for the disease after showing some beneficial effects in preclinical cellular and murine models. However, the translation into clinical practice has been largely unsuccessful and the compounds failed when were tested in clinical trials. This might be explained, at least partially, by the enormous complexity of the disease both from clinico-ep- idemiological and a pathogenic points of view. In this review, we will briefly comment on the complexity of the disease focusing on some recent findings, and we will suggest how amyotrophic lateral sclerosis research might be reoriented to foster the advance in the diagnostic and therapeu­tic questions.* C orrespondence to:Javier Riancho, MD, PhD,,javier.riancho86@.orcid:〇〇〇〇-〇〇〇1-7929-1055 (Javier Riancho)doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.244783 Received: July 17, 2018 Accepted: September 17, 2018Key Words: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; ALS; environment; epidemiology; genes; phenotype; therapyAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the most common neurodegenerative disease affecting motor neurons (Riancho et al. 2016c; Zufiria et al. 2016). With an annual incidence that ranges from 1to 2 cases per 100,000 habitants, it is characterised by progressive muscle wasting which usually leads to death during the first 3 years after diagnosis, com­monly related to respiratory failure (Riancho et al. 2016c; Zufiria et al. 2016). More than 90 percent of cases are thought to be sporadic ALS, in which the disease likely results from the interaction between individual genetic predisposition, environment and aging (Figure 1) (Riancho et al., 2016b). Currently, riluzole and more recently edaravone, both with a very modest effect on survival, are the only approved drugs for the disease. Therefore, there is a need to find new therapies for the disease. For preparing this article, we reviewed the literature and selected rele­vant studies published from 2000 to 2018, prioritiz­ing the most recent ones.During the past few years, dozens of drugs have been postulated as promising strategies for the dis­ease (Riancho et al., 2016a; Al Chalabi et al., 2017). However, despite the fascinating results in basic research with both neuronal cells and murine ALS models, there have existed important difficulties in the translation of these findings into patients with ALS, since all these new compounds failed when tested in clinical trials with ALS patients (Ittner et al., 2015). A potential explanation for this failure might depend on the enormous complexity of the disease.First, from a clinical point of view, ALS is a com­plex syndrome with a variable phenotype. Both clin­ical onset patterns and survival rates markedly differ between the different forms (classic spinal onset, bulbar, flailed-arm, pseudomyopathic) of the disease (Al Chalabi et al., 2016). This, as well as the absence of useful validated biomarkers, substantially difficult the correct stratification of patients in clinical tri­als, therefore masking potential positive outcomes in some groups of patients (Brown and Al Chalabi, 2017). In recent years, an extensive list of potential biomarkers has been studied (Benatar et al., 2016),193A BFigure 1Main involved components in the genesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).Each individual has a determined prenatal genetic load and during life accumulates a number of environmental exposures and some degree of age-related cell damage. Regardless the particular “weight” of each one of these components, ALS would develop when the sum of them reach a certain threshold. (A) Healthy subject, (B) sporadic ALS.including biological fluid-based biomarkers, elec- trophysiological biomarkers and neuroimaging bio­markers. Within the first category, phosphorylated neurofilament heavy and neurofilament light seem to be the most promising ones. Based on published data, phosphorylated neurofilament heavy and neu­rofilament light levels in cerebrospinal fluid (and potentially in plasma) may have a role as prognostic biomarkers. Thus, they could be used in clinical tri­als to facilitate the stratification of study participants into treatment arms on the basis of anticipated rates of disease progression (Boylan et al., 2013). Re­garding electrophysiological biomarkers, the motor unit number index (MUNIX) is gaining relevance (Nandedkar et al., 2004). MUNIX is a relatively easy technique which would theoretically allow to capture disease progression very early in the disease course, at a time when common neurophysiological param­eters CMAP remained relatively stable. Unfortu­nately, this potential benefit is offset by the fact that repeatability of MUNIX is usually lowest early in the disease and improves only as the disease progress­es into advanced stages (Felice, 1997; Bromberg, 2007). Among neuroimaging biomarkers, structural imaging analysis such as voxel based morphometry consistently show atrophy in the precentral gyrus in ALS patients compared to healthy volunteers (Menke et al., 2014). MRI tractography has also been evalu­ated revealing changes at corticospinal tract as dis­ease progresses (Keil et al., 2012). However, further studies are needed to validate these results. Finally, fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tom ogra­phy studies have revealed hypometabolism in the precentral girus and frontal regions in ALS subjects (Van Laere et al., 2014) and it may be an indepen­dent predictor of shorter survival (Van Laere et al., 2014).It can be anticipated that a combination of val­idated humoral, electrophysiologic and imaging biomarkers will probably provide a dynamic under­standing of the disease and its progression as well as the eventual response to a particular therapy more firmly that any single biomarker (Benatar et al., 2016).Second, from an epidemiological point of view, there is a rapid-growing list of environmental fac­tors that have been associated to ALS (Riancho et al., 2018). In addition to the classical ones, such as exposure to heavy metals, toxicants as parafor­maldehyde or cyanotoxins, new categories of en­vironmental factors and lifestyle characteristic are being including in that list. In recent years, some microorganisms, particularly retroviruses and gut microbiota dysregulation, have been associated with the genesis of the disease (Castanedo-Vazquez et al., 2018). Furthermore, lifestyle and other demographic parameters such as physical activity, nutrition, body mass index, cardiovascular risk factors, autoimmune diseases and cancer are being associated to the dis­ease. Differently from most other neurodegenerative diseases, increased body mass index and metabolic syndrome have been related to an increased risk of ALS (Gallo et al., 2013). The association with au­toimmunity and cancer is also intriguing: patientsRiancho /, Gil-Bea F/, Santurtun A, Lopez de Munain A (2019) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a complex syndrome that needs an integrated research approach. Neural Regen Res 14(2):193-196. doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.244783siv*£1—194Riancho J,Gil-Bea FJ,Santurtun L6pez de Munain A (2019) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a complex syndrome that needs an integratedresearch approach. Neural Regen Res 14(2): 193-196. doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.244783with previous autoimmune diseases and oncological history have been reported to have increased anddecreased risk of ALS,respectively (Turner et al.,2013; Gibson et al., 2016). New research about theassociations between ALS and comorbid conditions will doubtlessly provide new perspectives of the dis­ease and will help us to better understand it (Riancho et al., 2018).Third, from a molecular perspective, ALS should also be considered as a very complex condition. Fa­milial forms of the disease, which represent about 10 percent cases, appear as ''pure^ forms, directly de­rived from mutations not only in the genes encoding neuron-damaging proteins, but also in genes that are involved in a variety of cellular functions, including RNA processing, autophagy, vesicular transport and energy metabolism (Zufiria et al., 2016). The mech­anisms leading to disease in sporadic cases may be much more complex and at least as heterogeneous as those in familial forms. In any case, once the pathogenic process has been initiated, a plethora of metabolic and other cellular alterations precipitate a vicious cycle in ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases favouring disease progression (Zufiria et al., 2016). In other words, abnormalities in neuronal functions are often related to the combination of alterations at several levels, including alterations of gene processing (impaired DNA/RNA regulation, epigenetic aberrations), increased oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, proteostasic abnormal­ities, energetic imbalance, axonal transport deficits and glial cell dysfunction (Riancho et al., 2016b). Based on this perception of the disease, several disease models, including cellular models and more complex animal models have been created by us­ing molecular biology tools. Unfortunately, after accumulating a huge amount of data, experimental outcomes have not been translated into effective preventive or therapeutic strategies. This lack of suc­cess might respond to several reasons. Perhaps, we should consider that extrapolations and inferences may have been made in a too simplistic manner, as animal models of the disease commonly reproduce just a particular feature, rather than the whole pro­cess. In addition, we may have not paid enough at­tention to other factors of the internal and external environmental that influence the disease course.If we do agree with the idea that in ALS thereare several pathways involved, with multiple inter­actions building a complex pathogenic network, we should consider a modern perspective about causation (Rothman and Greenland, 2005). In this model, a causative factor could be unique (such as mutation in a causative gene) but more frequently could also be composed of several causal compo­nents that could be grouped in different manners constituting different sufficient causes (which may or may not share some of the component causes). When a component cause is present in all the suffi­cient causes it must be considered a necessary cause (Rothman and Greenland, 2005). It seems clear that according to this model, research focused on just one or two component causes will continue yielding very partial results with serious difficulties in refor­mulating a theory that generates valid predictive models.These focused approaches derive, at least partially, from the structure of research funding programs. According to this new concept, research funding strategies should firmly support integrated p ro­grams of investigation considering ALS as a global neurodegenerative process rather than the result of a variety of isolated pathogenic events. These integrat­ed projects should doubtlessly involve multi-disci­plinary groups that focus together on the same prob- lem by using different models and analytical tools, but always subordinated to a common hypothesis (Figure 2).In conclusion, we think that a multidisciplinary holistic approach to ALS-related questions is needed to better understand the pathogenesis of the disease and advance into more effective therapies. An open, honest and cooperative relationship between aca­demia and industry, as well as between industry and health regulatory authorities will foster translational research programs leasing to effective therapies.Author contributions: M anuscript conception and writting: JR; m an­uscript writting: FJGB; m anuscript revision: AS; fin a l revision: ALM.C onflicts o f interest: A ll authors declare that they have no conflicts o f interest.Financial support: None.C opyright licen se agreem ent: The Copyright License A greem ent has been signed by all authors before publication.Plagiarism check: Checked twice by iThenticate.Peer review: Externally peer reviewed.O pen access statem ent: This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the term s o f the Creative C om m ons A ttrib u-tion-N onC om m ercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-com m erdallyy as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.195Riancho /, Gil-Bea FJ, Santurtun A, Lopez de Munain A (2019) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a complex syndrome that needs an integrated research approach. Neural Regen Res 14(2):193-196. doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.244783New hypothesisClinicalEpidemiologyCell biologyMetabolcTranscriptomicsNew resultsCellular models (IPSCs, fibroblasts..ValidationPatients (clinical trials...),Animal models {mice, zebra fish, flies) Figure 2 An integrated vision of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis research.Integrated projects must include multi-disciplinary groups that focus together on the same problem by using different models and analytical tools, being always subordinated to a common hypothesis. IPSCs: In­duced pluripotent stem cells.ReferencesAl-Chalabi A, Hardiman O, Kiernan MC, Chio A, Rix-Brooks B, van den Berg LH (2016) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: moving towards a new classification system. Lancet Neurol 15:1182- 1194.Al-Chalabi A, van den Berg LH, Veldink J (2017) Gene discovery in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: implications for clinical man­agement. 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JAMA Neurol 71:553-561.Zufiria M, Gil-Bea FJ, Fernandez-Torron R, Poza JJ, Munoz-Bian­co JL, Rojas-Garcia R, Riancho J, de Munain AL (2016) ALS: A bucket of genes, environment, metabolism and unknown ingredients. Prog Neurobiol 142:104-129.C-Editors: Zhao M, Yu J; T-Editor: Liu XL196。

JDWM-4-3-WangSL-DataFieldsForHierarchicalClustering - paper

JDWM-4-3-WangSL-DataFieldsForHierarchicalClustering - paper

DOI: 10.4018/jdwm.2011100103
animation, hyperlinks, markups, and so on (Li, Zhang, & Wang, 2006; Bhatnagar, Kaur, & Mignet, 2009). Moreover, they are continuously increasing and amassed in both attribute depth and scope of instances every time. Although many decisions are made on large datasets, the huge amounts of the computerized datasets have far exceeded human ability to completely interpret (Li et al., 2006). In order to understand and make full use of these data repositories when making decisions, it is necessary to develop some technique for uncovering the physical nature inside such huge datasets.
Copyright © 2011, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
44 International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining, 7(4), 43-63, October-December 2011



神经系统(nervous system)是机体内对生理功能活动的调节起主导作用的系统,主要由神经组织组成,分为中枢神经系统(central nervous system)和周围神经系统(peripheral nervous system)两大部分。

中枢神经系统又包括脑(brain)和脊髓(spinal cord),周围神经系统包括颅神经(cranial nerves,也称“脑神经”)和脊神经(spinal nerves)。

神经组织是由神经细胞和神经胶质细胞(glial cell)组成的,它们都是有突起的细胞。




01 常见词根词缀合集neur神经,神经系统(neurotoxic神经毒性的)encephal脑(encephaledema脑水肿)cerebr大脑(decerebrate切除大脑,消除大脑功能)cerebell小脑(cerebellospinal小脑脊髓的)mening脑膜(meningorrhagia脑膜出血)ventricul脑室thalam丘脑ax轴突(axonal轴突的)dendr树突(dendriceptor树突受体的;dendriform树状的)gangli/gonglion神经节neuron神经元gli神经胶质(gliophagia神经胶质细胞吞噬作用)cortic皮质medull髓(medullary髓质的,延髓的;medulloculture骨髓培养)myel脊髓(poliomyelosis脊髓灰质炎;myelosis骨髓瘤形成; 骨髓组织增生)psych精神的(psychosomatic身心的,心身失调的;psychotropic作用于精神的)somn睡眠(somnolence嗜睡)-algia痛(arthralgia关节痛)-esthesia感觉,知觉(anesthesia麻醉,麻木)-lepsy突然发作(epilepsy癫痫)-lexia阅读-paresis偏瘫(左/右边的一半)(hemiparesis轻偏瘫)-phasia言语-plegia瘫痪(quadriplegia四肢麻痹,四肢瘫痪;facioplegia面瘫;paraplgia截瘫,半身不遂)-phobia恐惧hemi-一半(hemianesthesia偏侧感觉缺失)intra-内02 单词词组学习*神经系统&大脑neuron神经元ganglion神经节glial神经胶质的axon轴突dendrite树突sympathetic交感神经parasympathetic副交感神经innervate 使受神经支配的medulla oblongata延髓cerebrum大脑hemisphere大脑半球cerebellum小脑thalamus丘脑hypothalamus 下丘脑;丘脑下部pons脑桥meninges脑膜cavity/ventricle脑室词根cerebell/o: cerebellum 小脑cerebellar 小脑的cerebellitis 小脑炎cerebellopontine 小脑脑桥cerebr/o: cerebrum 大脑cerebral 大脑的cerebrospinal fluid 脑脊液cerebral artery 大脑动脉cerebral cortex 大脑皮层encephala/: brain 脑encephalitis 脑炎encephalopathy 脑病(hepatic encephalopathy肝性脑病)electroencephalogram 脑电图Mening/o:脑膜Meningitis 脑膜炎Meningeal 脑膜的Meningioma 脑膜瘤Kinesia: movement 运动Bradykinesia 运动徐缓(见于Parkison disease)Dyskinesia 运动障碍Esthesia: 感觉Hyperesthesia 感觉过敏Anaesthesia 麻醉(没有感觉)Paresis: 无力Hemiparesis 轻偏瘫Plegia: 瘫痪Hemiplegia 偏瘫Paraplegia 截瘫Quadriplegia 四肢瘫这几个看下图就明白了(但要学会掌握这些词根:hemi -, para -, quadra-)神经系统有个很有意思的词是arachoid,有个经典的疾病是subarachoid hemorrhage(蛛网膜下腔出血).Arachoid 这个词来源于希腊神话。



第 2 卷 第 2 期2000 年 6 月沈 阳 医 学 院 学 报JOU RN A L O F SH EN YA N G M ED I CA L COL L E GEV o l . 2 N o. 2J u n . 2000扣 带 回 与 痛 觉吴敏范3 综述 滕国玺 审校( 中国医科大学脑研究所神经生理学研究室, 沈阳 110001)扣带回是边缘系统的重要组成部分,其前部和后部是边缘系统功能及形态结构 不同的两个区域。

扣带回的功能比较复杂, 在痛觉研究中已成为关注的焦点。

本文对 扣带回在痛觉感受中的作用进行综述, 为 进一步研究提供资料。

外, 还有一个感觉成分: 痛觉是一种不愉快 的感觉和情绪体验, 伴有实际或潜在的组 织损伤6 。

2 皮层参与痛觉感受的争议多年来在脑皮层是否完全参与痛觉感受的问题上一直存有争议。

人们已为大脑皮层损伤后痛觉发生变化提供了证据, 但是痛觉缺失不是该损伤的唯一重要的症状7。

在猴体内进行的单细胞记录确定了躯体感觉系统的伤害性通路投射到躯体感觉皮层I 区、¦ 区和邻近的顶叶皮层后部区域8。

自从首次应用阳电子发射断面 X 线照相术 (P E T ) 研究急性热痛刺激在人脑的功能激活以来3, 9 , 痛觉的大脑皮层代表区已成为痛觉研究中最活跃的领域之一。



痛觉的大脑皮层代表区具有多维性, 如痛觉的感觉辨别部分、情绪形成部分和认知评价部分10。

痛觉的感觉辨别部分为躯体感觉皮层I 区和¦ 区, 属于外侧伤害系统; 痛觉的情绪形成部分为扣带回前部皮层, 属于内侧伤害系统。

1 概述长期以来许多学者认为扣带回在痛觉 感受中有重要作用, 是接受和调制痛觉信 号的重要中枢1 ~ 4 。

有报道扣带回内存在 躯体伤害性感受神经元1 , 刺激扣带回可 以提高动物的痛阈2 。



多感觉整合脑机制研究一、本文概述Overview of this article随着神经科学的发展,人类对大脑工作机制的理解逐渐深入。





With the development of neuroscience, human understanding of the working mechanisms of the brain is gradually deepening. As a crucial link in human perception and understanding of the world, the role of multisensory integration in brain mechanisms is increasingly being studied. Multi sensory integration refers to the brain integrating information from different sensory channels to form a unified perceptual experience. This process involves the collaborative work of multiple brainregions, including the sensory cortex, associative cortex, and advanced cognitive cortex. This article aims to explore the brain mechanisms of multisensory integration in depth, and by reviewing relevant literature and experimental research results, reveal the important value of multisensory integration in fields such as neurophysiology, cognitive science, and neuropsychology.文章首先介绍了多感觉整合的基本概念和研究背景,阐述了多感觉整合在感知、注意、记忆和认知等方面的作用。




为进一步证明上述推测,用PI3K抑制剂 LY294002阻断PI3K/AKT通路。

在七氟烷吸入前同时 给予LY294002和依达拉奉,结果表明LY294002逆 转了依达拉奉对海马神经元保护作用,提示依达拉奉 通过激活PI3K/Akt信号通路抑制海马神经元凋亡。

本研究初步探讨了依达拉奉降低七氟烷致海马 神经元凋亡,并初步揭示了其分子作用机制,但值 得注意的是,凋亡机制是一个涉及多个信号通路的 复杂过程。

因此,需要进一步探究依达拉奉抑制七 氟烷致海马神经元凋亡的具体机制。

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The Missing Doublet Model Revamped

The Missing Doublet Model Revamped
CTP-TAMU-29/95 ACT-11/95 hep-ph/9508253
The Missing Doublet Model Revamped
arXiv:hep-ph/9508253v1 7 Aug 1995
Jorge L. Lopez1,2,† and D.V. Nanopoulos1,2
Center for Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics, Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843–4242, USA 2 Astroparticle Physics Group, Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC) The Mitchell Campus, The Woodlands, TX 77381, USA
Abstract We revisit the Missing Doublet Model (MDM) as a means to address the apparent difficulties of the minimal SU (5) supergravity model in dealinitting problem, the prediction of α3 (MZ ), and the proton lifetime. We revamp the original MDM by extending its observable sector to include fields and interactions that naturally suppress the dimension-five proton decay operators and that allow see-saw neutrino masses. We also endow the model with a hidden sector which (via gaugino condensation) triggers supersymmetry breaking of the desired magnitude, and (via hidden matter condensation) yields a new dynamical intermediate scale for the right-handed neutrino masses (∼ 1010 GeV), and provides an effective Higgs mixing parameter µ. The model is consistent with gauge coupling unification for experimentally acceptable values of α3 (MZ ), and with proton decay limits even for large values of tan β . The right-handed neutrinos can be produced subsequent to inflation, and their out-of-equilibrium decays induce a lepton asymmetry which is later reprocessed (via sphaleron interactions) into a baryon asymmetry at the electroweak scale. The resulting see-saw neutrino masses provide a candidate for the hot dark matter component of the Universe (mντ ∼ O(10 eV)) and are consistent with the MSW solution to the solar neutrino problem. We finally compare the features of this traditional GUT model with that of the readily string-derivable SU (5) × U (1) model, and discuss the prospects of deriving the revamped MDM from string theory.

clay mineral organic interactions

clay mineral organic interactions

Handbook of Clay ScienceEdited by F.Bergaya,B.K.G.Theng and galy309 Developments in Clay Science,Vol.1r2006Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Chapter7.3CLAY MINERAL ORGANIC INTERACTIONSGALY a,M.OGAWA b AND I.DE KA NY ca Institut fu¨r Anorganische Chemie,Universita¨t Kiel,D-24118Kiel,Germanyb Department of Earth Sciences,Waseda University,Nishiwaseda1-6-1,Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo169-8050,Japanc Department of Colloid Chemistry and Nanostructured Materials Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,University of Szeged,H-6720Szeged,HungaryClay minerals can react with different types of organic compounds in particular ways(Fig.7.3.1).Kaolin species(kaolinite,nacrite,and dickite)adsorb particular types of neutral organic compounds between the layers.The penetration of organic molecules into the interlayer space of clay minerals is called intercalation.Interca-lated guest molecules can be displaced by other suitable molecules.A broader diversity of reactions characterises the behaviour of2:1clay minerals. Water molecules in the interlayer space of smectites and vermiculites can be dis-placed by many polar organic molecules.Neutral organic ligands can form com-plexes with the interlayer cations.The interlayer cations can be exchanged by various types of organic cations.Alkylammonium ions,in industrial applications mainly quaternary alkylammonium ions,are widely used in modifying bentonites.The other important group of organic compounds are cationic dyes and cationic complexes. The interaction of clay minerals with different types of polymers including poly-peptides and proteins was intensely studied many decades ago and recently seems to revive.Grafting reactions,i.e.forming covalent bonds between reactive surface groups and organic species is an important step to hydrophobise the surface of clay mineral particles.The2:1clay minerals provide the silanol and aluminol groups on the edge surface for grafting reactions.The hydroxyl groups on the interlayer surface of kaolinite are accessible to the grafting agents when the interlayer space is expanded by intercalation.Clay mineral–organic reactions are used to identify kaolinites and2:1clay min-eral,to modify the surface character of clay mineral particles and the colloidal behaviour of clay dispersions in industrial applications.The organic derivatives are suitable adsorbents and useful in pollution control.Clay mineral–dye interactions, clay mineral–hybridfilm formation,and clay polymer nanocomposites are actualDOI:10.1016/S1572-4352(05)01010-Xtopics in material science.These aspects of clay–organic interaction are discussed in more detail in Chapters 5,10.1,10.2,10.3,11.1and REACTIONS OF KAOLINITESAmong 1:1clay minerals only the kaolin species intercalate various organic mol-ecules (Fig.7.3.1);serpentines are non-reactive.A.Type of Guest CompoundsAs the layers in kaolinite and its polytypes are held together by hydrogen bonds and dipole–dipole interactions in addition to the van der Waals forces,the organic guest compounds that are directly intercalated are divided into three groups (Weiss,1961;Weiss et al.,1963a,1963b,1966;Olejnik et al.,1970):pounds that form hydrogen bonds like hydrazine,urea,and formamide.To break the hydrogen bonds between the layers,the guest molecules must contain two separated groups to accept and donate hydrogen bonds,like acid,amides,and urea (Scheme I ):the carbonyl group accepts and the amide group donates hydrogen bonds.Alcohol molecules are not directly intercalated because the OH group com-bines donor and acceptor properties.intercalation displacementsolvation complexationcation exchange swellingM 2+L x M 2+L xN +N +N +N +N +N +N +M 2+Fig.7.3.1.Interlayer reactions of 1:1and 2:1clay minerals.From Jasmund and Lagaly (1993).Chapter 7.3:Clay Mineral Organic Interactions310pounds with high-dipole moments like dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO)and pyridine-N -oxide (Scheme II ).3.Potassium,rubidium,caesium,and ammonium salts of short-chain fatty acids (acetates,propionates,butyrates,and isovalerates)(Wada,1961;Weiss et al.,1966).The reason for this reaction is still unclear.The intercalation of cadmium cysteine complexes into a low-ordered kaolinite may belong to this group of reactions (Benincasa et al.,2002).Compounds with bulky substituents are not intercalated,but many are interca-lated by displacement or entraining reactions.Intercalation reactions were also reported for nacrite and dickite (Weiss and Orth,1973;Weiss et al.,1973;Adams and Jefferson,1976b ;Adams 1978b ;Adams,1979;Ben Haj Amara et al.,1995).Most intercalated guest compounds are easily desorbed by washing with water or by heating.As the state with the maximum number of intercalated molecules is only achieved in the presence of an excess of guest molecules (outside of the interlayer space),the analytical composition of many intercalates can only be approximately determined.Removing the excess of guest molecules (by washing or heating)is accompanied by desorption of a certain amount of intercalated molecules.High temperature X-ray studies of dimethyl sulphoxide–kaolinite indicated the thermal desorption of the sulphoxide occurred over several stages up to 3001C (Franco and Ruiz-Cruz,2002).The potassium acetate–kaolinite complex was stable up to 2981C.At this temperature the intercalated potassium acetate melted.The following de-composition took place in two stages at 4301C and 4801C.Dehydroxylation oc-curred at a lower temperature than for the pure kaolinite (Gabor et al.,1995).B.Mechanism of IntercalationIntercalation compounds are usually prepared by reacting the kaolinite with the guest molecules in the form of liquids,melts,or concentrated solutions,often at about 60–801C.Intercalation is a slow process that often requires several days donor C HNH H O Scheme I.CH 3CH 3SO Scheme II.7.3.1.Intercalation Reactions of Kaolinites 311(Table 7.3.1;Fig.7.3.2).The reaction rate depends not only on the type of guest compound,temperature,and concentration (if solutions are used)but also on the type of kaolinite and the particle size.It can also depend on the host–guest mass ratio.The degree of reaction is calculated from the intensities of the (00l )reflections of the unreacted kaolinite,I K ,and the intercalation compound,I I :a ¼I I =ðI K þI I ÞTable 7.3.1.Reaction conditions and basal spacing of a few kaolinite intercalation com-poundsGuest compoundBasal spacing (nm)Reaction conditions None0.71Formamide1.014days,601C Hydrazine hydrate1.041day,601C Urea Ã1.078days,60–1101C N -methylformamide1.082days,601C Dimethyl sulphoxide1.1230h,501C 1.1220min,1501C *Potassium acetate Ã1.401day,651C,pH ¼8Ammonium acetate à 1.4120days,201C,pH ¼8–9From Weiss et al.(1966);Weiss and Orth (1973);Vempati et al.(1996)ÃIn saturated aqueous solutions.5time of reaction / days d e g r e e o f r e a c t i o n 0.5013.8 - 5 µm7.8 - 9.5 µm1 - 1.5 µm 0.68 - 0.8 µm 2550Fig.7.3.2.Intercalation of urea (saturated aqueous solution at 651C)into kaolinites of dif-ferent particle sizes (Weiss et al.,1970).From Jasmund and Lagaly (1993).Chapter 7.3:Clay Mineral Organic Interactions 3127.3.1.Intercalation Reactions of Kaolinites313 The degree of reaction defined in this way can differ from the effective degree of reaction because the influence of the Lorentz and Polarization factor,the possible effects of distortion of the layers(see below),and interstratification are not con-sidered.The degree of reaction as a function of time often increases in the form of an S-shaped curve,and the reaction rate obeys the Avrami–Erofeev equation for a two-dimensional phase boundary reaction and can eventually change into a two-dimensional diffusion controlled reaction(Fenoll Hach Ali and Weiss,1969).Many kaolinites do not reach quantitative reaction,i.e.a¼1.Weiss and co-workers concluded from neutron scattering data that the reaction is started by the migration of protons or re-orientation of OH groups under the in-fluence of the dipole moment of the guest molecules adsorbed at the external basal plane surfaces(Weiss et al.,1981;see also Lagaly,1984,1986a).This causes an elastic deformation of the kaolinite layer near the basal plane that opens the in-terlayer space.Electron resonance spectroscopy revealed that the kaolinite layer is deformed by the intercalated guest compounds(Lipsicas et al.,1986).The effect was stronger for DMSO than for N-methylformamide.A certain deformation and dis-order of the layers was retained after desorption of the guest molecules.After nucleation,intercalation proceeds as a co-operative process(Fenoll Hach-Ali and Weiss,1969).Thefirst guest molecules can only penetrate between the silicate layers when one or both layers begin to curl(Fig.7.3.3).This creates a zone of deformation the extent of which depends on the elastic properties of the silicate layer. After the nucleation step(N in Fig.7.3.3)the layer rolls up and promotes the pen-etration of guest molecules at the neighbouring sites along the edge N.Thus,coop-erativity is caused by the process in which a few molecules succeed in rolling up the layer so that a large number of guest molecules can rapidly penetrate between layers, and the reaction front moves to the centre of the particle.The reaction front movingN NNFig.7.3.3.Mechanism of intercalation.N nucleation sites,arrow:moving reaction the direction of the arrow (Fig.7.3.3)exerts a geometrical constraint to nucleation at other sites.Only when the distance of edges from the reaction front starting at N exceeds a critical value (which depends on the elasticity moduli of the layer)can nucleation start at these edges simultaneously with nucleation at edge N.Thus,nucleation at any site of small crystals cannot occur independently of the nucleation at other sites.In contrast,nucleation at large crystals can start simultaneously at several edges.As a consequence,smaller particles react more slowly than larger ones,contrary to the general rule in solid-state chemistry (Fig.7.3.2).More recently,Uwins et al.(1993)observed that the intercalation of N -methyl formamide into kaolinites was strongly reduced for particles o 0.4m m and concluded that particle size is a more significant controlling factor for intercalation than defect distributions.Cooperativity was also observed with other types of layer compounds (see also Section 7.3.8)(Lagaly,1986a ).For instance,cation-exchange reactions of micas revealed cooperative effects (Mortland and Lawton,1961;Graf von Reichenbach and Rich,1969;Sawhney,1972;Graf von Reichenbach,1973;Ross and Rich,1973).While formation of superstructures (regular interstratification)by cation-exchange reactions can be related to (negative)cooperativity it may also be produced by unsymmetrical charge distributions (Lagaly,1986a ).The rate of intercalation can be strongly dependent on the liquid structure of the guest molecules (Olejnik et al.,1970),for example,on the mass ratio of DMSO to kaolinite.Intercalation rate is at maximum when the amount of DMSO corresponds to a monomolecular layer on the external surface.The self-preservation of the strongly organised liquid DMSO retards the entry of the DMSO molecules between the layers.Therefore,soluble salts that change the liquid structure can influence the reaction rate (see also Section 7.3.6).Desorption of the intercalated guest molecules can be a complex process.A two-dimensional contracting-circle mechanism was consistent with the results of the thermal desorption of dimethyl sulphoxide,provided the nucleation process was not instantaneous (Adams and Waltl,1980).The activation rate was very high ($105kJ/mol dimethyl sulphoxide),indicating that the rate-determining step is complex and cannot be interpreted by assuming that single guest molecules are desorbed as in the case of N -methylformamide-kaolinite (Adams,1978a ).Intercalation into kaolin minerals can split larger particles into thinner lamellae.The extreme stability of Chinese eggshell porcelain results from delamination of the kaolinite particles by urea (Weiss,1963a ).Even weak mechanical forces can delam-inate the particles of intercalated kaolinite to such an extent that the lamellae roll up forming halloysite-type structures (Weiss and Russow,1963;Poyato-Ferrera et al.,1977;Gardolinski and Lagaly,2005b ).Colloidal dispersions of finest kaolinite particles were prepared by the reaction of kaolinite with DMSO in the presence of ammonium fluoride (Lahav,1990;Chekin,1992).A certain exchange of hydroxyl ions by fluoride ions reduces the number of hydrogen bonds and promotes delamination.Kaolinitic claystones (tonsteins,flint clays)are difficult to disaggregate.Im-mersion in hydrazine hydrate disaggregates most claystones as a consequence of Chapter 7.3:Clay Mineral Organic Interactions 3147.3.1.Intercalation Reactions of Kaolinites315 the swelling pressure developed during intercalation.Hydrazine hydrate works more quickly and efficiently than DMSO(Weiss and Range,1970;Triplehorn et al., 2002).C.Structure of Intercalation ComplexesInfrared,Raman,and NMR studies are useful to derive the arrangement and ori-entation of guest molecules between the silicate layers(Johnston et al.,1984;Duer and Rocha,1992;Duer et al.,1992;Hayashi,1995,1997;Frost et al.,1997,1998a, 1998b).The intensity of the OH stretching modes of the inner surface hydroxyl groups might serve as a quantitative measure of the number of the interlayer OH groups interacting with the guest molecules(Frost et al.,1998c).X-ray diffraction studies and one-dimensional Fourier projections were reported for kaolinite inter-calated with dimethyl sulphoxide,N-methylformamide,imidazole,pyridine-N-oxide, picoline-N-oxide(Weiss et al.,1963a,1963b,1966,1973;Weiss and Orth,1973).The first three-dimensional crystal structure was solved for dickite intercalated with formamide and N-methylformamide(Adams and Jefferson,1976b;Adams1978b, 1979).A neutron powder diffraction study revealed the hydrogen bonding system in formamide–kaolinite(Adams et al.,1976a).D.Displacement ReactionsAlmost all intercalated molecules can be displaced by other polar molecules,even by molecules that are not directly intercalated.A large number of intercalation com-pounds were prepared in this way(Weiss et al.,1966;Olejnik et al.,1970;Gardolin-ski et al.,2000;Kelleher and O’Dwyer,2002).Suitable starting materials are DMSO and ammonium acetate kaolinite.For example,ammonium acetate was displaced by N,N-dimethyl formamide,N,N-dimethyl urea,and pyridine(Weiss et al.,1966). Long-chain alkylamines were intercalated by displacement of ammonium acetate, and considerably increased the basal spacing(2.2nm for butylamine,5.8nm for octadecylamine)(Weiss et al.,1966).Intercalated ammonium propionate obtained by the displacement of ammonium acetate combined in the interlayer space with diaminohexane to the corresponding amide(Seto et al.,1978a,1978b).Acrylamide intercalated by displacement of N-methylformamide was polymerised by heating to 3001C for1h(Komori et al.,1999).Poly(b-alanine)-kaolinite was prepared by the polycondensation of intercalated b-alanine,with ammonium acetate-kaolinite as the precursor material(Itagaki et al.,2001).The kaolinite methanol complex is a highly versatile intermediate/intermediary for displacement reactions(Komori et al.,1999).The methanol intercalate itself is prepared by displacement of N-methylformamide.As an example,methanol was displaced by ortho-and para-nitroaniline(not by the meta-isomer!).These inter-calates may be of interest for future research because they exhibit second-harmonic generation(Takenawa et al.,2001).Several guest molecules intercalated into kaolinite can be replaced by water mol-ecules (basal spacing 1.0nm),simply by washing with water (Wada,1965).A part of the water molecules are keyed into the ditrigonal holes,while the remaining water molecules are more mobile (Costanzo et al.,1984;Lipsicas et al.,1985).The hydrates of different types of kaolinites differ in stability and not all types of kaolinites form hydrates (Range et al.,1968,1969;Bartz and Range,1979;Lipsicas et al.,1985).In many but not all kaolinites the water molecules can be replaced by other guest compounds (Costanzo and Giese,1990).Wada (1959a,1959b,1964)earlier reported the penetration of salts into the interlayer space of halloysite.E.Entraining ReactionsMany non-reactive compounds are intercalated in the presence of guest molecules that directly penetrate into the interlayer space.Weiss et al.(1963a)studied the intercalation of several potassium salts of organic acids.As long as hydrazine hy-drate was present,the basal spacing of the kaolinite was similar to the hydrazine intercalation compound (1.04nm).When hydrazine was removed by desorption in air,the spacing typical of the entrained compounds developed,often distinctly higher than 1.04nm.This type of reaction is distinguished from the displacement reaction.Entraining occurs when reactive guest molecules open the interlayer space so that non-reactive compounds simultaneously penetrate between the layers.F.Intercalation of Alkali HalogenidesAn interesting group of reactions is the intercalation of alkali halogenides (Wada,1964).One possible way to intercalate inorganic salts is the displacement of DMSO or ammonium acetate by the salts (Weiss et al.,1966;Yariv et al.,2000).CsCl and CsBr intercalated kaolinite was also prepared by grinding the kaolinite-salt mixtures with a limited amount of water or by evaporating dispersions of kaolinite in aqueous caesium salt solutions,followed by ageing in humid air (Michaelian et al.,1991a,1991b ;Yariv et al.,1991,1994;Thompson et al.,1993;Lapides et al.,1994,1995).G.Grafting ReactionsGrafting reactions,i.e.attachment of organic groups by covalent bonds,is an im-portant step to make clay minerals compatible with organic polymers (van Meerbeek and Ruiz-Hitzky,1979).For practical applications,kaolinites are modified,for in-stance,with alkoxy aluminium acrylates and alkoxy titanium acrylates (Solomon and Hawthorne,1983).In these cases,only the silanol groups at the crystal edges react with the organic agents.Grafting reactions between the layers require the formation of an intercala-tion complex as the intermediate step (Gardolinski and Lagaly,2005a ).Dimethyl Chapter 7.3:Clay Mineral Organic Interactions3167.3.1.Intercalation Reactions of Kaolinites317 sulphoxide–kaolinite and N-methylformamide–kaolinite reacted with methanol at 150–2701C and yielded products in that every third OH group of the interlayer aluminol groups was replaced by methoxy groups(Tunney and Detellier,1996).Displacement of DMSO by ethylene glycol yields an ethylene glycol intercalate with a basal spacing of1.08nm.Refluxing the dimethyl sulphoxide–kaolinite with dry ethylene glycol yielded a well-ordered,thermally robust derivative with a basal spacing of0.94nm where the glycol was grafted to the interlayer aluminol groups (Tunney and Detellier,1994).Phenylphosphonium acid underwent a topotactic reaction with the aluminol groups of kaolinite and halloysite during refluxing in water-acetone at701C(Breen et al.,2002).In an acidic medium,phosphates,especially in the presence of potas-sium ions,decompose clay minerals through the formation of aluminium phosphates like taranakite(Weiss et al.,1995).The reaction with several organo-phosphates like trimethyl phosphate or phenyl phosphonates did not yield the intercalation com-pound,but decomposed the kaolinite structure under formation of metal organo-phosphonates(Sa nchez-Camazano and Sa nchez-Martın,1994;Guimara es et al., 1998;Trobajo et al.,2001;Wypych et al.,2003;Gardolinski et al.,2004).H.Differentiation of KaolinitesMany kaolinites do not react quantitatively with reactive guest molecules such as DMSO or hydrazine,and the(001)reflection of non-reacted kaolinite remains visible,i.e.a o1,even after prolonged reaction periods(Fig.7.3.4).A possible ex-planation is that these kaolinites are mixtures(or zonal structures)of kaolinites of different reactivity.Three types of kaolinites are classified(Fig.7.3.4)(Range et al., 1968,1969;Fernandez-Gonzales et al.,1976;Lagaly,1981a):Type A is the most reactive species.It intercalates dimethyl sulphoxide,urea,and many other compounds.Type B reacts with DMSO but not with urea.Type C is non-reactive.Measuring the degree of reaction with DMSO and urea allows the determination of the mass fractions of the three types that make up the investigated kaolin sample.Many kaolins are in fact composed of different kaolinites(Keller and Haenni, 1978;de Luca and Slaughter,1985;Lombardi et al.,1987;Planc-on et al.,1988). However,different reactivity may be related to defects like the presence of a few interlayer cations compensating sporadically occurring charges of the silicate layers (Range et al.,1969).The difficulty of intercalation of a kaolinite from Birdwood, South Australia,was related to a highly disordered kaolinite coating the particles of highly ordered kaolinite(Frost et al.,2002).All types of kaolinites are expanded by hydrazine-DMSO after they were ground with dried CsCl(Jackson and Abdel-Kader,1978;Calvert,1984).The lattice expansion with DMSO(or hydrazine hydrate),if necessary after grinding with CsCl,is used for X-ray identification of kaolinites and to distinguishthem from chlorites that show the (002)reflection at 0.71nm.Dehydrated halloysite and kaolinite are distinguished by the rate of reaction with formamide.Halloysite reacts within about 1h,kaolinite expands after 4hs.This reaction can also be used to determine the halloysite content (Churchman et al.,1984;Theng et al.,1984;Church-man,1990).Halloysite may also be identified by the reaction with ethylene glycol.The response to ethylene glycol solvation involves a decrease in the intensity of the 0.72nm reflection but an increase in the intensity of the peak at $0.358nm (MacE-wan effect)and is related to an interstratification effect (Hillier and Ryan,2002).7.3.2.REACTIONS OF 2:1CLAY MINERALSThe adsorption of neutral molecules on smectites is driven by various chemical in-teractions:hydrogen bonds,ion–dipole interaction,co-ordination bonds,acid–base reactions,charge-transfer,and van der Waals forces (Weiss,1963b ;Theng,1974;Lagaly,1984,1987a ;Jasmund and Lagaly,1993;Yariv and Cross,2002).Polar molecules such as alcohols,amines,amides,ketones,aldehydes,and nitriles form intercalation complexes with smectites.Even acids are intercalated (Brindley and Moll,1965;Yariv and Shoval,1982;Ogawa et al.,1992c ).Guest compounds can be intercalated from the vapour,liquid,and solid state.When intercalated from so-lutions,solvent molecules are generally coadsorbed in the interlayer space.AA A A A BBB B B B B BBA CC C C C Curea DMSO 128128128III I KI K I K I I I I 2ΘFig.7.3.4.Reaction of a kaolin sample consisting of three types of kaolinites (reaction types A,B,and C)with dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO)and urea (see text).Fernandez-Gonzales et al.(1976).Chapter 7.3:Clay Mineral Organic Interactions3187.3.2.Reactions of2:1Clay Minerals319Guest molecules may be intercalated in dried clay minerals or may displace the water molecules of hydrated smectites and vermiculites.The displacement of inter-layer water molecules depends on the HSAB character1of the interlayer cations and the interacting groups of the guest molecules.Water molecules around hard cations like Na+,Mg2+,and Ca2+are displaced only by HO–or O¼containing com-pounds but not by amines.In contrast,amines as soft bases displace water molecules from soft interlayer cations like Cu2+and Zn2+.Intercalation of neutral compounds into dried montmorillonites and vermiculites is not necessarily accompanied by cation movement midway between the silicate layers(outer-surface complexes).The cations can remain in contact with one silicate layer,i.e.the oxygen atoms of the silicate surface occupy the coordination sites of the cations(inner-surface complexes).However,little relationship was found between the intercalation and bulk properties of the liquid guest molecules(Berkheiser and Mortland,1975).Many large molecules are not directly intercalated,but can be introduced by stepwise expansion of the interlayer space(propping-open procedure).For instance, the ethanol intercalation complex of Ca2+montmorillonite was used as a starting material to prepare the butanol and hexanol intercalates.The hexanol complex was then used as a base to intercalate longer chain alkanols up to octadecanol(Brindley and Ray,1964).Fatty acids up to18carbon atoms were intercalated into Ca2+ montmorillonite starting from the hexanol or octanol intercalates.Shorter chain fatty acids with less than10carbon atoms could be directly intercalated because they expanded only to basal spacings o1.7nm(Brindley and Moll,1965).Colour often changes when clay minerals with transition metal ions on exchange positions react with aromatic ligands.UV–Vis,IR,and ESR spectroscopic tech-niques are useful tools to investigate the cation–ligand interactions(Farmer and Russell,1967;Yariv and Cross,2002).The relationship between the infrared ab-sorption frequency and the polarisation by the interlayer cations confirms the im-portance of the ion–dipole interactions.As an example,the frequency shift of the CN stretching vibration of acrylonitrile indicates the strength of the cation–nitrile in-teractions(Yamanaka et al.,1974).Unlike other ligands the CN stretching vibration of benzonitrile shifted to larger wave numbers when the polarising power of the interlayer cations increased(Serratosa,1968).The solid–solid reaction between2,2-bipyridine and montmorillonite yielded metal-(2,20-bipyridine)complexes in the interlayer space.The products were identical to those prepared by cation-exchange reactions of montmorillonite with pre-formed complex cations(Ogawa et al.,1991).A few complexes that were not stable in homogeneous solution were found to be stable in the interlayer space.Benzene vapour reacts with copper(II)-montmo-rillonite and hectorite by displacing a part of the hydration water.In these yellow1Concept of hard and soft acid and bases,see Textbooks of Inorganic Chemistry(see also(Auboiroux et al.,1998)).complexes,the p electrons of benzene interact with the copper plete re-moval of the interlayer water yields red benzene complexes by one-electron transfer from benzene to the interlayer cation,and the aromaticity of benzene is lost.Such complexes were also formed with a few other aromatic compounds and also with Fe 3+and VO 2+interlayer cations (Doner and Mortland,1969;Pinnavaia and Mortland,1971;Rupert,1973;Pinnavaia et al.,1974;see also Lagaly,1984).Other well-known species that undergo charge transfer reactions with the clay mineral layers are benzidine and strongly electron-accepting species like tetracyano-ethylene.Electron transfer from the diamine to the clay mineral produces the blue monovalent radical cation (Scheme III )(Theng,1971).The electron acceptors are Lewis acid sites,mainly Fe 3+ions in structure.Octahedrally coordinated aluminium ions at the edges only act as Lewis acid sites when coordinated OH or OH 2groups are desorbed in the form of water (see discussion below).The radical cation,which is unstable in a homogeneous solution,is stabilised by p electron interactions with the oxygen atoms of the silicate layer (Yariv et al.,1976).When pH of the dispersion is below $2,the blue radical cation disproportionates into the yellow divalent radical cation and the colourless benzidinium dication (Lahav,1972;Furukawa and Brin-dley,1973;Soma and Soma,1988).Hendricks and Alexander (1940)proposed this colour reaction as a qualitative test of montmorillonites.Another blue dye–clay mineral complex is the famous Maya blue.It can be prepared by a solid–state reaction between indigo and sepiolite or palygorskite with subsequent heating to 1201C (sepiolite)and 1501C (palygorskite).The indigo mol-ecules are attached at the openings of the tunnels and are anchored by hydrogen bonds to the silanol groups projecting out from the edges of the tunnels (van Olphen,H 2N 2H colourless yellow Scheme III.Chapter 7.3:Clay Mineral Organic Interactions 320。










腰背痛受试者静息状态下疼痛时各感兴趣区(mPFC, PCC, LTC, aIC and pIC)正、负(A,B)功能连接变化图(P <0.001,K≥10,未校正) 彩色区域显示疼痛状态与正常时相比有差异的脑区。

mPFC:前额叶中部;PCC:后扣带回;LTC:颞叶内侧;aIC :前岛叶;pIC:后岛叶Article: " Resting-state connectivity in the default mode network and insula during experimental low back pain," by Shanshan Zhang1, Wen Wu1, Guozhi Huang1, Ziping Liu1, Shigui Guo1, Jianming Yang2, Kangling Wang1 (1 Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510282, Guangdong Province, China; 2 Department of Radiology, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510282, Guangdong Province, China)Zhang SS, Wu W, Huang GZ, Liu ZP, Guo SG, Yang JM, Wang KL. Resting-state connectivity in the default mode network and insula during experimental low back pain. Neural Regen Res. 2014;9(2):135-142.欲获更多资讯:Neural Regen ResResting-state functional connectivity during experimental low back painThe default mode network is a key area in the resting state, involving the posterior cingulate cortex, precuneus, medial prefrontal and lateral temporal cortices, and is characterized by balanced positive and negative connections classified as the “hubs” of structural and functional connectivity in brain s tudies. Resting-state functional connectivity MRI is based on the observation that brain regions exhibit correlated slow fluctuations at rest, and has become a widely used tool for investigating spontaneous brain activity. Functional magnetic resonance imaging studies have shown that the insular cortex has a significant role in pain identification and information integration, while the default mode network is associated with cognitive and memory-related aspects of pain perception. However, changes in the functional connectivity between the default mode network and insula during pain remain unclear. Shanshan Zhang and co-workers from Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University in China compared the differences in the functional activity and connectivity of the insula and default mode network between the baseline and pain condition induced by intramuscular injection of hypertonic saline in healthy subjects. Compared with the baseline, the insula was more functionally connected with the medial prefrontal and lateral temporal cortices, whereas there was lower connectivity with the posterior cingulate cortex, precuneus and inferior parietal lobule in the pain condition. In addition, compared with baseline, the anterior cingulate cortex exhibited greater connectivity with the posterior insula, but lower connectivity with the anterior insula, during the pain condition. These data indicate that experimental low back pain led to dysfunction in the connectivity between the insula and default mode network resulting from an impairment of the regions of the brain related to cognition and emotion, suggesting the importance of the interaction between these regions in pain processing. The relevant paper has been published in the Neural Regeneration Research (Vol. 9, No. 2, 2014).Resting-state functional connectivity map showing positively (A) and negatively (B) correlated voxels for seed regions of interest (mPFC, PCC, LTC, aIC and pIC) in low back pain subjects (P < 0.001, K ≥10, uncorrected). Color area: Regions with differences between pain state and normal. mPFC: Medial prefrontal cortex; PCC: posterior cingulate cortex; LTC: lateral temporal cortex; aIC: anterior insula; pIC: posterior insula.Article: " Resting-state connectivity in the default mode network and insula during experimental low back pain," by Shanshan Zhang1, Wen Wu1, Guozhi Huang1, Ziping Liu1, Shigui Guo1, Jianming Yang2, Kangling Wang1 (1 Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510282, Guangdong Province, China; 2 Department of Radiology, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510282, Guangdong Province, China)Zhang SS, Wu W, Huang GZ, Liu ZP, Guo SG, Yang JM, Wang KL. Resting-state connectivity in the default mode network and insula during experimental low back pain. Neural Regen Res. 2014;9(2):135-142.。



小学上册英语第4单元真题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1. A concentrated solution has a ______ amount of solute.2.What is the largest planet in our Solar System?A. SaturnB. JupiterC. EarthD. Mars3.My _______ (狗) loves to chase its tail.4.The teacher is _____ (kind/strict) to us.5.The chemical formula for hydrochloric acid is _____.6.The ability of a solution to conduct electricity depends on the presence of _____.7. A saturated solution contains the maximum amount of ______.8.Christopher Columbus discovered America in __________ (1492).9.The chemical formula for sodium acetate is ______.10.The _____ (fish/bird) is swimming.11.What do we call a baby pig?A. CalfB. KidC. PigletD. Foal12.The owl is awake at _______ (夜晚) and sleeps during the day.13.The largest mammal in the ocean is the ______.14.My favorite animal is a ______ (lion).15.__________ (化学创新) leads to advancements in technology and medicine.16.My friend has a toy ____ that can do flips. (玩具名称)17. A __________ is a substance that can change color in different conditions.18.I like to play with my ____.19.Plants play a crucial role in our ______ by providing oxygen. (植物在我们的生态系统中发挥着重要作用,通过提供氧气。



Acupuncture /Moxibustion:Moxibustion is a therapy that utilizes cauterization or heating with ignited flammable material applied to certain areas on the body.Cupping:Cupping is a therapy in which a jar is attached to the skin surface using negative pressure created by introducing a flame into the cup or some other means of suction so as to form a localized congestion or blood stagnation to prevent or treat diseasesAcupoints:acupoints refer to the specific sites through which the qi of zang-fu organs and channels is transported to the body surface.Ashi-point:An Ashi-Point refer to the site which is neither a point of the fourteen channels nor an extra point, but solely the tender spot instead.Apoplexy :apoplexy, also known as wind stroke, is a disease chiefly manifested as sudden collapse and loss of consciousness accompanied by deviation of mouth, slurred speech, and hemiplegia, or directly as a deviation of mouth and hemiplegia without sudden collapse. Needling sensation:Also named needling sensation or Deqi in Chinese, refers to a special sensation produced in the area after acupuncture and certain manipulation. The operator will feel tightness around the needle, and at the same time the patient will feel soreness, numbness, distention, heavieness and so on.Arrival of qi:Also named needling sensation or Deqi in Chinese, refers to a special sensation produced in the area after acupuncture and certain manipulation. The operator will feel tightness around the needle, and at the same time the patient will feel soreness, numbness, distention, heavieness and so on.Four seas:The four seas include the sea of marrow, the sea of blood, the sea of qi, and the sea of grain and water.Retaining the needle:Retaining the needle means to hold the needle in place after it is inserted up to a given depth in the point and manipulated.Twirling and rotating:twirling and rotating are manipulations that twist the handle of the needle using the thumb and the index and the Middle fingers forward and backward alternately.lifting and thrusting:lifting means to move the needle from the deep level to the superficial level after the needle is inserted into the body, while thrusting is to move the needle from the superficial level to the deep levelFive Transport Points:The Five Transport Points refers to five groups of points distributed to the elbow or knee joints, namely Jing-Well, Ying-Spring, Shu-Stream, Jing-River, He-SeaEight influential points:eight influential points refer to the eight points which are the gathering places for the zang-organs, fu-organs, qi, blood, bone, marrow, vessel, tendon respectively.Eight extra meridians: encompass the governor vessel,conception vessel,penetrating vessel,belt vessel,yang heel vessel,ying heel vessel,yin link vessel,and yanglink vessel. These eight channels are different from the twelve regular channels in that they do not belong to any zang-fu organs directly and have no exterior –interior relationship amongst themselves。



第27卷第6期作 物 学 报V o l.27,N o .62001年11月A CTA A GRONOM I CA S I N I CA N ov .,2001野赤豆在我国的地理分布Ξ杨人俊(沈阳农业大学,辽宁沈阳110161)提 要 以往在我国,有的学者将野赤豆不合法命名为裂叶贼小豆和滇绿豆,或将其错误地鉴定为贼小豆,因之在中国无野赤豆的记载。


关键词 野赤豆;地理分布The Geograph ica l D istr ibution of V igna angu la r is var .n ipp onensis i n Ch i naYAN G R en 2Jun(S heny ang A g ricu ltu ral U niversity ,L iaoning S hengy ang 110161,Ch ina )Abstract In the p ast ,w ild adzuk i bean (Vig na ang u la ris var .n ipp onensis O hw i et O hash i )w as illegiti m ately nam ed as P haseolus nakash i m ae O hw i f .loba tus K it .and P h .y unnanensis W ang et T ang ,and it w as often erroneou sly iden tified as P h .m in i m us Roxb .in Ch ina .A fter studying these sp eci m en s ,the au tho r found that the pop u lati on of w ild adzuk i bean is iso latedly distribu ted in the P rovines of L iaon ing ,Yunnan and Guangx i in Ch ina .Key words V ig na ang u la ris var .n ipp onensis ;Geograp h ical distribu ti on赤豆(小豆)原产我国,其野生种(野赤豆)在我国有分布的报告,始于大井次三郎的著作《日本植物志》,但为多数学者所忽视。

Stimulus specific responses from beyond the classical receptive

Stimulus specific responses from beyond the classical receptive

FIELD: Neurophysiological Mechanisms for Local-Global Comparisons in Visual Neurons
John Allman, Francis Miezin, EveLynn McGuinness
Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125
ventional stimuli, presented one at a time, against a featureless background. However, unlike the neurophysiologist's tangent screen, the natural visual scene is rich in features, and there is a growing body of evidence that in many visual neurons stimuli presented outside the CRF strongly and selectively influence neural responses to stimuli presented within the CRF. These results suggest obvious mechanisms for local-global comparisons within visuotopi­ cally organized structures. Such broad and specific surround mechanisms could participate in many functions that require the integration of inputs over wide regions of the visual space such as the perceptual constancies , the segregation of figurc from ground, and depth perception through motion parallax. In the first section of this paper, we trace the historical development of the evidence of response selectivity for visual stimuli presented beyond the CRF; in the second, examine the anatomical pathways that subserve these far-reaching surround mechanisms; and in the third, explore the possible relationships between these mechanisms and perception.


人体结构与人体构架 英文
1. Write the meanings of the word parts presented in this chapter, choose their correct meanings when presented with several answers, and recognize and write the meanings of the word parts when they appear in medical terms.
to compete the table correctly. (The first one has
been done as an example)
Hale Waihona Puke Combining Form Anatomic Term Basic Meaing
_________ ___________
Body Cavities
The other principal body cavity is the ventral cavity. Large organs contained in the ventral cavity are called viscera. The ventral cavity is subdivided into the thoracic cavity and the abdominopelvic (abdominal and pelvic) cavity. The muscular diaphragm divides the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities.
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• 通过SOM算法计算的特征映射Φ 是拓 扑有序的,意味着网络中神经元的空间 位置对应于输入模式的特定区域或特征。
• 演示 • 输入和输出都是一维的情况下,可以证
J. A. Flanagan, Self-organization in the one-dimensional SOM with a decreasing neighborhood. Neural Networks, 2001, 14(10):1405-1417.
北京师范大学 系统科学系 陈家伟
• 人工神经网络介绍 • SOM——自组织映射 • SOM与神经系统 • 侧向相互作用
• 第一阶段(兴起)
– 1943年,W.S.Mcculloch和W.Pitts 提出了M-P神经元模型; – 1949年,D.O.Hebb提出突触联系可变的假设; – 1957 年,Rosenblatt提出了著名的感知机模型; – 1960年,B.Windrow和E.Hoff提出了自适应线性单元。
• 计算输入 xk 与全部输出结点权向量的距离:
d j (xik Wij )2 , j {1, 2,..., m} i 1

:d j*
min {d
• 调整获胜节点一节获胜节点邻域内的权重值:
Wij (t) e 2 2 (t) (xik Wij ), N j NE j* (t), i {1, 2,..., n}
• 瞳孔:1.5~8mm,约25倍的调节能力; • 光亮的差别:暗室和阳光下的差别约
100万倍。 • 调节的方法就是视网膜水平细胞的侧抑
• 特征映射Φ反映输入分布在统计上 的变化:在输入空间上X中样本以 高概率抽取的区域映射到输出空间 A中的更大区域,反之依然。
• 演示
• 在具有非线性分布的空间中给定数 据,SOM能够为逼近固有分布选择 一组最好的特征。
• 演示
• 数据压缩 • 降维 • 聚类 • 向量量化 • 模式分类 • ……
Model——Acquisition of lexicon
• 行为实验
– 初级学习者; – 中级学习者; – 母语。
• 知觉学习模型
– Hebb学习法 – 侧向相互作用
初始状态 训练结果
• 视觉:更容易从背景中分出对象,尤其在看 物体的边角和轮廓时会提高视敏度。
• 色觉:红和绿,黄和蓝的成对拮抗效应; • 在听觉系统中,耳蜗神经纤维的侧抑制可以
加强对音高的辨认。 • 在皮肤上,侧抑制有助于触点的定位。
• 输出层
– m个神经元排成一维或二 维形式空间形式;
– 神经元之间全连接。
• 权重矩阵
– 全连接,wij是m*n维矩阵
• 核心机制
– 竞争:Winner take all; – 合作:lateral interaction
• 连接权值初始化,一般随机设定
• 对网络输入模式:xk (x1k , x2k ,..., xnk )
– 1982年,J.J.Hopfield提出Hopfield网络; – 1984年,Hinton等人提出了Boltzmann机网络模型; – 1986年,D.E.Rumelhart和J.LMcclelland提出了误差反向传播算法,成为
• 第四阶段(平稳发展)
• SOM实质上是从任意维离散或连续 空间V 到一维或二维离散空间A的一 种保范映射。
对于V中的向量v,首先根 据特征映射Φ 确定在输出 空间A中的最佳匹配单元 S,S 的权重向量Ws可视 为S投影到输入空间的坐 标。通过不断调整的权重 矩阵,可以使得输出空间 A近似的表示输入空间V。
d dt
(1 wij ) i
感知机模型 Perceptron
反向传播算法 Backpropagation,BP算法
Self-organizing maps,SOM
Hopfield 网络
• 第二阶段(低谷)
– 1969年,M.Minsky和S.Papert出版Perceptron一书; – 1972年,T.Kohonen 提出了自组织映射理论; – 1976年,S.A.Grossberg提出自适应共振理论(ART); – 1982年,K. Fukushima提出了认知机模型。
• 第三阶段(热潮)
• 输入新的样本,继续训练。
• 学习效率 (t) 随时间减小。随着训练过程的进行, 权值的调整幅度越来越小。
• 邻域大小 NEj* (t) 也随着时间而收缩,当t足够大时, 只训练获胜结点本身。
• 训练过程分为两个阶段:
– 排序阶段:形成权值向量的拓扑排序; – 收敛阶段:提供输入空间的准确统计量。