
In the vast tapestry of human civilization, languagehas emerged as an indispensable thread, connecting individuals across time and space. Its capacity to convey thoughts, emotions, and experiences has propelled human progress and enriched our shared understanding of the world. As a testament to its profound significance, language has become a central pillar in the realm of education, particularly in the context of second language acquisition.Approaches to Language Learning。
Approaches to second language acquisition have undergone a paradigm shift over the years, reflecting evolving pedagogical theories and research findings. Traditional methods, such as the grammar-translationapproach, emphasized the explicit teaching of grammatical rules and vocabulary through rote memorization. While this approach could yield some proficiency in reading and writing, it often failed to foster genuine communication skills.In contrast, contemporary approaches, such as the communicative approach, prioritize meaningful interaction and real-world usage of the language. This learner-centered approach emphasizes the development of fluency and communicative competence, enabling learners to engage in authentic conversations and apply the language in practical settings.Challenges and Benefits of Language Learning。

[5] 陈茂林.回归自然 返璞归真——《呼啸山庄》的生态批评[J]. 外语教学. 2007(01):69-73
[6] 栗华. “野孩子”的爱与恨——对《呼啸山庄》意象和主题的一种阐释[J]. 北方论丛. 2001(6):80-83
[7] 裴双.人类应有的前行姿态——论《呼啸山庄》对野性与文明的取舍[J]. 绍兴文理学院学报(哲学社会科学版). 2007(04):80-85

毕业设计(论文)任务书一、学生姓名:郎灵秀学号:41391020二、题目:Functional Equivalence in the Translation of Jinling Prophecies in Hong Lou Meng《红楼梦》中金陵判词翻译的功能对等三、题目来源:真实□、自拟■(二选一)四、结业方式:设计□、论文■(二选一)五、主要内容:本文以奈达的功能对等为理论框架,分析《红楼梦》中金陵判词的翻译。
六、主要(技术)要求:七、日程安排:第1周2月20日—2月26日提交论文题目和联系方式第2周2月27日—3月 5 日完善论文题目,开始撰写任务书第3周3月 6 日—3月12日完善任务书第4周3月13日—3月19日撰写选题报告和写作提纲第5周3月20日—3月26日完善选题报告,导师检查参考资料第6周3月27日—4月2 日开始撰写论文一稿第7-8周4月12日—4月16日完善论文一稿第9-10周4月17日—4月30日提交一稿,导师阅读一稿并反馈第11周5月1日— 5月7日撰写论文二稿第12周5月8日—5月14日提交二稿,导师阅读二稿并反馈第13周5月15日—5月21日撰写三稿第14周5月22日—5月28日论文定稿,打印装订八、主要参考文献和书目:Hawkes, D. (1973). The story of the stone. London: Penguin Books.Nida, E. A & C. R Taber (2004). Theory and practice of translation. Shanghai: Foreign Language Education Press..Yang, Hsien-Yi & Yang, Glays. (1994). A dream of red mansions. Beijiing: Foreign Langauage Education Press.冯庆华,(2007),《红译艺坛:<红楼梦>翻译艺术研究》。

2020年专生本英语作文模板英文回答:The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on all aspects of our lives, including the way we learn. With schools and universities closed in many countries, students have had to adapt to online learning. While this has presented some challenges, it has also created new opportunities for students to learn at their own pace andin their own way.One of the biggest challenges of online learning is the lack of face-to-face interaction with teachers and classmates. This can make it difficult to get help when you need it and to stay motivated. However, there are a number of ways to overcome this challenge. Students can use online forums and discussion boards to connect with their classmates and teachers, and they can also schedule virtual office hours with their professors.Another challenge of online learning is the need for self-discipline. When you are learning online, it is easy to get distracted by other things. However, it is important to set aside dedicated time for studying and to avoid distractions. Students can also use online tools to help them stay organized and on track.Despite the challenges, there are also a number of benefits to online learning. One of the biggest benefits is the flexibility it offers. Students can learn at their own pace and in their own way. They can also access course materials and resources at any time. Online learning is also often more affordable than traditional face-to-face learning.Overall, online learning is a viable alternative to traditional face-to-face learning. While it presents some challenges, it also offers a number of benefits. With careful planning and self-discipline, students can succeed in online learning.中文回答:新冠肺炎疫情对我们生活的方方面面都产生了深远的影响,包括我们的学习方式。


2020年英语毕业论文第一稿2篇The first draft of English graduation thesis in 2020编订:JinTai College2020年英语毕业论文第一稿2篇前言:毕业论文是普通中等专业学校、高等专科学校、本科院校、高等教育自学考试本科及研究生学历专业教育学业的最后一个环节,为对本专业学生集中进行科学研究训练而要求学生在毕业前总结性独立作业、撰写的论文。
正文:用小4号字,分标题用4号字黑体、正文内容需编序好.大部分用罗马字,小部分用一般数字符号:引入正题的引言不超过2段,编序应遵循下列顺序:i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x.ii. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 ...iii. 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3/ 2.1.1, 2.1.2,2.1.3,/3.1.1.…了解了英语毕业论文的质量标准后就可以动手写第一稿了。
《英语专业 毕业论文》教学大纲

《英语专业毕业论文》教学大纲Graduation Dissertation课程编码:08A06621课程类别:集中实践课程学分:6计划学时:6周课程属性:毕业论文适用专业:英语推荐教材:穆诗雄,《英语专业毕业论文写作》,外语教学与研究出版社,2002。
教学基本要求1. 毕业论文要用英文撰写,长度为4000-5000个单词。
2. 要求学生能够独立完成毕业论文,毕业论文有一定原创性、研究设计严谨、结构条理分明、语言表达准确、论证充分、图表工整。

第一英文作文格式英文,As a student, I have experienced various challenges and difficulties in my academic journey. One of the biggest challenges I faced was the pressure to perform well in exams and assignments. This pressure often led to feelings of stress and anxiety, making it difficult for me to focus and study effectively.I remember one particular instance when I had to prepare for a major exam in my physics class. The topic was complex and I found it hard to grasp the concepts. As the exam date approached, I felt increasingly overwhelmed and worried about my performance. I spent countless hours studying and reviewing the material, but the pressure to do well only intensified.In addition to academic pressure, I also faced challenges in managing my time effectively. Balancing coursework, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments was often a struggle. There were times when Ifelt like there simply weren't enough hours in the day to accomplish everything I needed to do.Despite these challenges, I have learned valuable lessons from my experiences. I have discovered the importance of seeking support from peers and mentors, as well as implementing effective time management strategies. By seeking help from my physics teacher and forming study groups with classmates, I was able to gain a better understanding of the material and improve my exam performance.中文,作为一名学生,我在学业上经历了各种挑战和困难。

Title: Navigating the New Normal: Perspectives from Heilongjiang in 2020In the wake of the global pandemic in 2020, the landscape of higher education in Heilongjiang underwent significant transformations. The shift towards a virtual academic environment posed unique challenges and opportunities for students pursuing their degrees in this region. This essay delves into the experiences of students during this unprecedented time, highlighting their adaptability, resilience, and the emergence of innovative learning practices.The initial months of 2020 were marked by a sense of uncertainty and disruption. Classes, once held in bustling classrooms, were suddenly moved online, forcing students and teachers alike to adapt to a new mode of teaching and learning. For many in Heilongjiang, this transition was not without its challenges. The technological divide became apparent, with some students struggling to access stable internet connections or familiarize themselves with online learning platforms.However, amidst these challenges, students demonstrated remarkable resilience. They quickly embraced the new normal, leveraging technology to stay connected with their peersand mentors. Virtual study groups and online discussions became the new norm, fostering a sense of community and belonging even in the absence of physical proximity.The pandemic also sparked a surge in innovativelearning practices. Students in Heilongjiang capitalized on the flexibility of the online format, exploring a wider range of resources and platforms. They engaged in collaborative projects, participated in webinars with industry experts, and even utilized online simulations to enhance their understanding of complex concepts.Moreover, the pandemic served as a catalyst for deeper reflections on the purpose and value of higher education. Students began to question the traditional models oflearning and assessment, seeking more meaningful and practical ways to apply their knowledge. This shift towards a more experiential and applied approach to learning islikely to have lasting impacts on the academic landscape in Heilongjiang and beyond.Looking ahead, it is evident that the pandemic has reshaped the educational landscape in Heilongjiang, and perhaps globally. While the challenges remain, theresilience and adaptability demonstrated by students inthis region are testament to the strength of the human spirit. As we continue to navigate the new normal, it is important to embrace the opportunities that arise from this period of disruption, and to continue to innovate andevolve in our approach to education.**文章标题:适应新常态:2020年黑龙江学位英语视角下的探索**2020年全球疫情爆发后,黑龙江省的高等教育环境经历了显著的变化。

大学英语原创作文1. What is your major and why did you choose it?I am majoring in computer science. I chose this major because I have always been interested in technology and its impact on our daily lives. I also believe that computer science is a field that will continue to grow and offer many opportunities for employment in the future.我主修计算机科学。
2. What are some challenges you have faced in college and how have you overcome them?One challenge I faced in college was time management. I found it difficult to balance my coursework,extracurricular activities, and social life. To overcome this, I created a schedule and prioritized my tasks. I also learned to say no to certain commitments when I knew I had too much on my plate.我在大学里面面临的挑战之一是时间管理。

Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning/afternoon/evening. It is my great honor to stand before you today to share with you my experiences and reflections on my first yearin college. As we embark on this new journey, I believe it is important to take a moment to reflect on where we have been, where we are now, and where we are heading. So, let me take you through the ups and downs, the triumphs and trials of my first year in college.IntroductionThe journey of life is a series of chapters, each with its own unique story. College is the first major chapter in the story of our young adulthood. It is a place where we leave the comfort of our homes and the familiarity of our high schools to enter a world of new experiences, challenges, and opportunities. For me, the past year has been awhirlwind of emotions, a rollercoaster ride of excitement and anxiety, but most importantly, a period of personal growth and discovery.The First Week: Navigating New HorizonsThe first week of college was a blur of activity. I remember the anxiety of moving into my dormitory, the confusion of trying to find my classes, and the excitement of meeting new people. It was a time when I realized that the world outside of my high school was much bigger and morediverse than I had ever imagined. I met students from different cultures, backgrounds, and interests. We shared our stories, our dreams, and our fears, and in doing so, we created a bond that would last a lifetime.Academic Challenges and AdaptationOne of the biggest challenges I faced was adjusting to the academicrigor of college. High school was a warm-up for the real deal. College courses were more complex, required more independent study, and were often taught at a faster pace. I quickly learned that I needed todevelop better time management skills, study habits, and a strong work ethic. It was not always easy, but I found that seeking help from professors, joining study groups, and utilizing campus resources made a significant difference.Social Life and Making FriendsMaking friends in college was a process of trial and error. I joined clubs, participated in events, and volunteered for community service projects. These activities not only helped me meet new people but also allowed me to explore my interests and develop new ones. I learned the importance of being open-minded, patient, and persistent. It took time, but I eventually formed a close-knit group of friends who supported me through thick and thin.Personal Growth and Self-DiscoveryCollege is not just about academics and socializing; it is also a time for personal growth and self-discovery. I realized that I had strengths and talents I had not yet recognized. I discovered a passion for writing and decided to join the school’s newspaper. I also volunteered at a local shelter, which taught me the importance of empathy and community service. These experiences helped me grow as an individual and gave me a sense of purpose.Trials and TribulationsLike any journey, my first year in college had its fair share of trials and tribulations. I faced moments of self-doubt, when I questioned my abilities and my place in the world. I experienced heartbreak, both academically and personally. However, these challenges taught me resilience and perseverance. I learned that failure is not the end but a stepping stone to success.Looking ForwardAs I stand here today, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and excitement for the future. I have learned that college is not just about getting a degree; it is about becoming a well-rounded individual. I have gained knowledge, friendships, and experiences that will shape the rest of my life.ConclusionIn conclusion, my first year in college has been a transformative experience. It has taught me the value of hard work, the importance of perseverance, and the joy of personal growth. I have come to realizethat the journey of life is not about reaching a destination but about enjoying the journey itself. As we move forward, let us embrace the new chapters of our lives with courage, determination, and an open heart.Thank you for listening. I welcome any questions or comments you may have.---This speech is approximately 3160 words and covers the typical themes of a first-year college experience. It includes introspection, personal growth, academic challenges, social experiences, and a forward-looking conclusion.。

2020英语第一篇作文Title: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Global Society。
Introduction:The year 2020 will forever be remembered as the yearthe world was shaken by the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. This infectious disease, caused by the novel coronavirus,not only posed a significant threat to public health butalso had far-reaching consequences on various aspects of global society. From healthcare systems and economies to education and social dynamics, the impact of the pandemic has been profound. This essay aims to explore the multifaceted effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and shedlight on the challenges and opportunities it presented to societies worldwide.1. Health and Healthcare Systems:The COVID-19 pandemic has placed immense strain on healthcare systems worldwide. Hospitals and healthcare facilities were overwhelmed with patients, leading to shortages of medical supplies, beds, and personnel. Governments scrambled to establish temporary hospitals and increase testing capacity to contain the spread of the virus. The pandemic exposed the vulnerabilities and inadequacies of healthcare systems, prompting a global call for increased investment in healthcare infrastructure and preparedness for future outbreaks.2. Economic Impact:The pandemic triggered an unprecedented economic crisis, with businesses forced to shut down, supply chains disrupted, and millions of people losing their jobs. Industries such as travel, hospitality, and retail were hit hardest, leading to a sharp decline in consumer spending. Governments around the world implemented stimulus packages and financial aid to support businesses and individuals,but the road to economic recovery remains uncertain. The pandemic highlighted the need for diversified economies andthe importance of building resilience to withstand future shocks.3. Education:The closure of schools and universities due to the pandemic had a significant impact on education. Traditional classroom teaching was replaced by remote learning, with students and teachers adapting to online platforms. However, the transition to online education was not without challenges, as many students lacked access to technologyand faced difficulties in adjusting to the new learning environment. The pandemic highlighted the digital divideand the need for equitable access to education for all.4. Social Dynamics:The COVID-19 pandemic brought about profound changes in social dynamics. Social distancing measures and lockdowns forced people to isolate themselves from friends and family, leading to increased feelings of loneliness and anxiety. Virtual communication platforms became crucial inmaintaining social connections, and communities came together to support the vulnerable. The pandemic also exposed and exacerbated existing social inequalities, with marginalized communities being disproportionately affected by the virus.5. Technology and Innovation:The pandemic accelerated the adoption of technology and innovation in various sectors. Telemedicine became a vital tool in providing healthcare remotely, and e-commerce experienced a surge in demand as people turned to online shopping. Remote work became the norm for many industries, highlighting the potential for flexible work arrangements. The pandemic served as a catalyst for digital transformation, pushing societies to embrace technological advancements and adapt to new ways of living and working.Conclusion:The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly had a profound impact on global society. From the strain on healthcaresystems to the economic crisis and changes in education and social dynamics, societies worldwide have been forced to confront numerous challenges. However, amidst the difficulties, the pandemic has also presented opportunities for growth and innovation. As we move forward, it iscrucial to learn from the lessons of the pandemic and work towards building more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable societies. Only through global cooperation and collective efforts can we overcome the challenges posed by the pandemic and emerge stronger as a global community.。

2020年英语一范文I understand your request for assistance in writing an English essay that meets certain criteria. However, it's important to note that essays are typically written in response to a specific prompt or question, and the content and length of the essay are tailored to that prompt. Without a specific prompt, it's difficult to provide a meaningful and focused essay.Additionally, writing an essay that meets your requirements of being at least 1000 words long and not revealing the prompt is a challenge. It's difficult to structure an essay without a clear direction or topic.Nonetheless, I can provide you with a general outline and structure for an essay that you can adapt to your specific prompt. Here's a suggested outline:Introduction (100-150 words)。
Begin with a catchy hook sentence to engage the reader.Briefly introduce the topic or subject matter of the essay.State the purpose or objective of the essay.Background/Context (200-300 words)。

大学英语演讲稿2020范文(3篇)Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen!I’m very honored to stand here and give you a short speech! my topic is Opportunities and Challenges。
First,I would like to know,what does your destiny offer you? Happiness,wisdom,a strong body or something else。
If I had asked this question to president Nixon,he would probably had said,”Our destiny offers not the cup of despair,but the chalice of opportunity。
”Needless to say,one of the biggest opportunities given to China is the 2008 Olympic Games。
Till now,we have used two sevenths of the preparation time。
How much changes have you seen? New roads,new subway lines,public-exercising equipments with beautiful colors,large blocks of grass fields,and also lots of modern gyms which are under construction。
Other than those,there are even more good effects brought to us by the Olympic Games that cannot be seen directly。

2020黑龙江省英语全国一卷作文的范文案例一:A man we admireThere are many admirable people around us, such as our parents,teachers, polices and so on. But the people I admire most are cleaners. Cleaners work hard silently very day to keep our city clean and beautiful. They get up early in host summer or cold winter when we are sleeping. They don't work for themselves only,but for us, for our city. Sometimes, we think they are dirty and we don't want to close to them. It's not right. They clean our environment by their hard work.案例二:Hold a sports meetingWith the purpose of improving students' fitness,1aunched our school the 5-kilometer cross-country race,which finished successfully last Sunday.The players, mainly consisting of the students selected from different classes and grades,attended the race vigorously.The competition was fierce. The pavements beside the running route,which was from the school gate to the foot of South Hil1,were packed with students and teachers whogave loud cheers and applause to the players.Though tired and exhausted,the players all regarded this competition as a good way of boosting physical quality.案例三:In a time,he started out,he returned with an empty basket.could be than expected,sooner before in his life.Never had he earned so much money.When he all found that it was to be his,he was so delighted that he could hardly speak,but his bright smiling face spoke for him.“little pop-corn boy,"People began to watch for the and every week he had at least fifty often more.cents to take home,and All this was because of John's bright idea,and the way hecarried it out.。

Today, I stand before you to deliver my graduation speech. It is a momentous occasion, filled with a mix of emotions – joy, excitement, and a touch of melancholy. As I reflect on my time at this esteemed institution, I realize that this journey has shaped me into the person I am today. It has been a journey of self-discovery, growth, and unlearning.First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to my parents for their unwavering support and encouragement. They have been mypillars of strength, always believing in me and instilling in me the values of hard work, perseverance, and integrity. I would also like to thank my professors and mentors for their guidance, knowledge, and wisdom. Their teachings have not only helped me acquire a strong foundation in my field but have also inspired me to think critically and question the world around me.As I look back on my academic journey, I am reminded of the countless challenges I have faced. From the rigorous coursework to the pressure of exams, I have learned the importance of resilience and adaptability. I have also come to understand that success is not solely measured by grades or achievements but by the effort, dedication, and passion we put into our pursuits.One of the most significant lessons I have learned during my time here is the power of diversity. Our university has been a melting pot of cultures, ideas, and perspectives. Interacting with people fromdifferent backgrounds has broadened my horizons and enriched my life. I have learned to appreciate the value of empathy, understanding, and tolerance. It has been an incredible experience to work alongside individuals who come from various walks of life and bring their unique perspectives to the table.In addition to academic achievements, I have had the opportunity to engage in various extracurricular activities. Joining clubs, participating in sports, and organizing events have not only helped me develop leadership and teamwork skills but have also given me a sense of fulfillment and purpose. These experiences have taught me that successis not limited to the classroom but is also about personal growth andself-improvement.As we approach the end of our academic journey, it is important toreflect on the impact we have made on others. I believe that our time here has not only shaped us but has also allowed us to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Whether it was through volunteering, mentoring, or simply being a good friend, we have the power to inspire and uplift those around us.Now, as we move forward, it is essential to remain humble and grateful. The knowledge and skills we have acquired during our time here are just the beginning. The real challenge lies in applying these learnings toour lives and making a meaningful impact in the world. We must embrace change, be open to new experiences, and continue to learn and grow.As we embark on this new chapter, I would like to offer a few words of advice:1. Embrace failure: It is through our failures that we learn and grow. Do not be afraid to take risks and step out of your comfort zone. Remember that every setback is a setup for a comeback.2. Cultivate relationships: The people we meet along the way will shape our lives. Invest time in building meaningful relationships with friends, family, and colleagues. These connections will support you and provide you with a sense of belonging.3. Stay curious: The world is full of endless possibilities. Keep learning, explore new interests, and never stop asking questions. Curiosity is the key to personal growth and fulfillment.4. Be grateful: Appreciate the opportunities and blessings that comeyour way. Gratitude has the power to transform our lives and foster happiness and contentment.In conclusion, today marks the end of an era and the beginning of a new chapter. As we leave this institution, we carry with us the knowledge, experiences, and memories that have shaped us. Let us remember that weare capable of achieving greatness and making a positive difference in the world. Thank you for the journey, and here's to the future!Thank you.。

Good morning! Today, I stand before you to deliver my graduation speech. It is with great honor and mixed emotions that I address you all. As we come to the end of our academic journey, it is time to reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and look forward to the future.First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my professors, teaching assistants, and all the staff members who have contributed to my academic growth and personal development during these past few years. Without their dedication and guidance, I would not have been able to achieve the success I have today.During our time here, we have encountered numerous challenges and obstacles. We have spent countless hours studying, researching, and working on our assignments. We have attended lectures, seminars, and workshops, all in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding. Through these experiences, we have not only acquired a vast array of academic knowledge but also developed essential skills that will serve us well in our future endeavors.As we reflect on our time at university, we must acknowledge the importance of teamwork and collaboration. We have worked together on group projects, sharing our ideas, knowledge, and skills to achieve a common goal. This collaborative spirit has not only enriched our academic experience but also taught us the value of communication and empathy. We have learned to appreciate the diverse perspectives and backgrounds of our peers, and this has broadened our horizons and enriched our lives.Furthermore, our time at university has been a journey of self-discovery. We have explored our interests, passions, and talents, and we have discovered our strengths and weaknesses. We have learned to be resilient and adaptable, overcoming obstacles and setbacks along the way. These personal growth experiences have equipped us with the confidence and determination to face the challenges of the future.As we move forward, it is crucial to remember that our education is not limited to the walls of the classroom. The world outside offers endless opportunities for learning and growth. We must embrace the spirit oflifelong learning and continue to seek knowledge and wisdom. The knowledge we have acquired here is a foundation upon which we can builda successful future.Now, let us take a moment to celebrate our achievements. We have successfully completed our academic requirements and earned our degrees. This is a significant milestone in our lives, and we should be proud of ourselves. We have come a long way, and we have overcome many challenges. Our hard work, perseverance, and dedication have paid off, and we can now move on to the next chapter of our lives.However, with success comes responsibility. As we step into the world, we must remember that we are part of a larger community. We have a duty to use our knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on society. We must strive to be ethical, compassionate, and socially responsible individuals. Let us use our education to contribute to the betterment of our communities, our nation, and the world.In conclusion, I would like to leave you with a few words of advice. Firstly, never underestimate the power of determination and perseverance. Life is full of challenges, and we must be prepared to face them head-on. Secondly, always remain curious and open-minded. The world is a vast and ever-changing place, and there is always something new to learn. Lastly, never forget to cherish the friendships and relationships you have formed during your time here. These connections will be invaluable asyou navigate the complexities of the future.Ladies and gentlemen, as we bid farewell to this institution and embark on our new journey, let us do so with confidence, hope, and gratitude. We have been blessed with a remarkable education, and we have the potential to achieve great things. Let us use our knowledge and skillsto make a difference in the world and leave a lasting legacy.Thank you, and may God bless us all on our journey ahead.[Applause]。

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2020年英语毕业论文第一稿2篇The first draft of English graduation thesis in 2020编订:JinTai College2020年英语毕业论文第一稿2篇前言:毕业论文是普通中等专业学校、高等专科学校、本科院校、高等教育自学考试本科及研究生学历专业教育学业的最后一个环节,为对本专业学生集中进行科学研究训练而要求学生在毕业前总结性独立作业、撰写的论文。
正文:用小4号字,分标题用4号字黑体、正文内容需编序好.大部分用罗马字,小部分用一般数字符号:引入正题的引言不超过2段,编序应遵循下列顺序:i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x.ii. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 ...iii. 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3/ 2.1.1, 2.1.2,2.1.3,/3.1.1.…了解了英语毕业论文的质量标准后就可以动手写第一稿了。
2.1.英语毕业论文——目的(what i want to do?)目的。
在这方面,《ei》提出了两点具体要求:2.1.1) eliminate or minimize background information(不谈或尽量少谈背景信息)。
2.1.2) avoid repeating the title or part of the titlein the first sentence of the abstract(避免在摘要的第一句话重复使用题目或题目的一部分)。
2.2.英语毕业论文——过程与方法(how i did it?)过程及方法。
开头交待了要解决的问题(what i want to do)之后,接着要回答的自然就是如何解决问题(how i did it),而且,最后的结果和结论也往往与研究过程及方法是密切相关的。
2.3.英语毕业论文——结果和结论(what results didi get and what conclusionscan i draw?)结果和结论部分代表着论文的主要成就和贡献,英语毕业论文有没有价值,值不值得读者阅读,主要取决于你所获得的结果和所得出的结论。
如有可能,在结尾部分还可以将论文的结果和他人最新的研究结果进行比较,以突出论文的主要贡献和创新、独到之处(回答 what is new and original in this paper)。
在这方面,《ei》提出了两个原则:2.4.1) limit the abstract to new information(只谈新的信息)。
2.4.2)尽量用短句(use short sentences)。
2.4.4)一般都应使用动词的主动语态,如:写成 a exceeds b 比写成 b is exceeded by a 更好。
如果作者发现他不得不使用“in conclusion”或者“to sum up”之类的词语,这实际上说明论文的结尾是软弱无力的。
英语毕业论文质量标准:1)选题恰当、与毕业生的知识水平与认识能力相当;2)内容丰富、资料翔实、论证充分有力;3)观点正确、逻辑性强、无违反国家大政方针的观点;4)叙述清楚、层次清晰而丰富;5 )语言表达正确,无拼写错误、语言错误控制在20-25%00(万分之二十到二十五);6)用词、造句、谋篇、布局等方面无明显失误,修辞错误率控制在2%。
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