安徽省皖智教育A10联盟2021届高三下学期开年考二、选择题:本题共8小题,每小题6分,共48分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,第14~18题只有一项符合题目要求,第19~21题有多项符合题目要求,全部选对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错的得0分. 14.下列说法正确的是( )A .核聚变反应方程123412H H He X +→+中,X 表示质子 B .金属的极限频率越大,则该金属的逸出功越小 C .光电效应实验表明光具有波动性D .两质子与两中子的质量之和大于聚合成的42He 原子核的质量15.一个物体做自由落体运动,开始2s 内的下落高度与最后2s 内的下落高度之比为1:2,重力加速度210m /s g =,则物体下落的总高度为( ) A .35m B .40m C .45m D .50m16.如图,倾角37θ=︒的斜面体放在水平面上,在水平而上D 点正上方O 点处水平向右抛出一个小球,结果小球恰好垂直斜面打在E 点,O D C E 、、、在同一竖直平面内,已知6m CD CE L ===,sin 370.6,cos370.8︒=︒=,重力加速度210m /s g =,则小球抛出时的初速度大小为( )A .10m /sB .9m /sC .8m /sD .7m /s17.2020年1月24目4时30分,在中国文昌航天发射场,用长征五号遥五运载火箭成功发射探月工程嫦娥五号探测器,顺利将探测器送人预定轨道,11月29日20时23分,嫦娥五号从椭圆环月轨道变轨到近月圆轨道.如图所示、A B 、两点分别为椭圆环月轨道Ⅰ的远月点和近月点,近月圆轨道Ⅱ与椭圆环月轨道Ⅰ在B 点相切.若只考虑嫦蛾五号和月球之间的相互作用,则关于嫦娥五号的运行情况,下列说法正确的是( )A .在轨道Ⅰ上运行经过A 点时的速率大于B 点时的速率B .在轨道Ⅰ上运行到B 点的速度小于在轨道Ⅱ上运动到B 点的速度C .在轨道Ⅰ上运行到B 点时的加速度大于在轨道Ⅱ上运行到B 点时的加速度D .若已知引力常量G 和卫星在轨道Ⅱ上运动的周期T ,则可以推知月球的平均密度 18.如图,磁场边界M N P 、、及荧光屏Q 相互平行,M 与N N 、与P 间距均为,d M N 、间有垂直于纸面向里的匀强磁场,N P 、间有垂直于纸面向外的匀强磁场,两磁场的磁感应强度大小均为B .在边界M 上的A 点有一个粒子源,可以沿垂直边界M 及磁场的方向射入速率为00~v (0v 未知)的粒子,粒子的质量均为m 、电荷量均为q +,结果在荧光屏上形成一条长为d 的亮线,不计粒子的重力及粒子间的相互作用,则打在荧光屏上的粒子的速度大小范围为( )A .54qBd qBd v m m <≤ B .52qBd qBdv m m <≤ C .522qBd qBdv m m<≤D .524qBd qBd v m m <≤ 19.如图,质量4kg m =的物体在电梯内随电梯一起竖直向下做匀速直线运动.电梯底部距离地面高度为16m 时开始做匀减速运动,经4s 电梯到达地面且速度恰好减为零,重力加速度210m /s g =,在该匀减速运动过程中( )A .物体初速度大小为8m /sB .物体受到的支持力大小为32NC .物体的机械能减少了768JD .物体受到的合力对物体做的功为128J20.如图甲所示,理想变压器的原刷线圈匝数比为10:1,电表均为理想电表,定值电阻122, 3.5R R =Ω=Ω,在a b 、端接入如图乙所示的电压(图线为正弦曲线的一部分),则( )A .电流表的示数为2A 5B .电流表的示数为2 A 5C .电压表的示数为14VD .电压表的示数为72V21.如图,设匀强电场中有一个圆心为O 、半径为1m 的圆,且圆面与电场线平行,A B C D E 、、、、为圆上五点,AC BD 、为互相垂直的直径,OB 与OE 的夹角为30A O E ︒,、、三点的电势分别为2V 6V 8V 、、则( )A .B 点的电势为7V B .电场强度大小为4V /mC .电场强度方向沿EA 方向D .若质子沿圆孤从B 顺时针运动到D ,则电场力先做负功后做正功三、非选择题:包括必考题和选考题两部分,第22题~第25题为必考题,每个试题考生都必须作答,第33题~第34题为选考题,考生根据要求作答.『一』必考题(11题)22.(6分)某同学用如图甲所示装置研究物块的匀变速直线运动.(1)实验所用的打点计时器如图乙所示,该打点计时器所用的电源是()A.4~6V的交流电B.4~6V的直流电C.220V的交流电(2)实验中得到一条清晰的纸带如下图所示,并在其上取A B C D E F G、、、、、、7个点.以打A点为计时零点,以t为横坐标、dt(其中d为各点到A点的距离,t表示A点到各点的运动时间)为纵坐标,得到图象的斜率为k,则加速度的大小为________;图线与纵轴的交点表示的物理意义是:____________________.(3)该同学认为:dtt图象中的图线与时间轴围成的面积表示物块在t时间内运动的位移大小.他的观点是________(选填“正确”或“错误”)的.23.(9分)某同学在测量一节干电池的电动势和内照的实验中:(1)设计了如图甲、乙两个电路,你认为________(选填“甲”或“乙”)电路更合适. (2)实验中发现调节滑动变阻器时,电流表读数变化明显但电压表读数变化不明显.为了解决这个问题,该同学在电源处串联了一个2Ω的定值电阻后继续实验,得到了几组也压表读数U 和对应的电流表读数I ,并作出U I -图象,如图丙所示.由图象可知,电池的电动势为_______V ,内阻为________Ω.(结果均保留两位小数)(3)若考虑电表内阻对实验的影响,则电动势的测量值_______真实值,内阻的测量值_______真实值.(均选填“大于”、“等于”或“小于”) 24.(12分)如图,质量1kg M =的长木板B 置于粗糙的水平地面上,可看做质点的铁块A 放置在木板的最左端,铁块A 的质量1kg m =.某时刻给铁块A 一水平向右的初速度04m /s v =,同时对长木板B 施加一水平向右的恒力4N F =,当两者共速时撤去恒力F ,最终铁块A 没有滑离木板B .已知A 与B B 、与水平面之间的动摩擦因数分别为10.4μ=和20.2μ=,重力加速度210m /s g =.求:(1)木板B 的长度至少为多少; (2)整个过程中A 对B 做的总功.25.(20分)如图,两根足够长的光滑平行金属导轨MN PQ 、倾斜放置,导轨平面与水平面的夹角30θ=︒,导轨间距为L ,导轨上端连接一个理想电压表,下端连接一个阻值为R 的定值电阻,整个导轨处在垂直于导轨平面向上的匀强磁场中,磁场的磁感应强度大小为B .质量为m 的金属棒ab 放在导轨上,用平行于导轨平面向上的拉力拉金属棒,使金属棒由静止开始向上运动,某时刻撤去拉力.金属棒向上运动的整个过程中,电压表的示数随时间变化的图象如图乙所示(图中00U t 、均已知),金属棒沿导轨运动过程中与导轨接触良好且始终与导轨垂直,金属棒接入电路的电阻为12R ,重力加速度为g ,不计导轨电阻,求:(1)撤去拉力的瞬间,金属棒的速度大小; (2)012t t =时刻,作用于金属棒上拉力的大小; (3)撤去拉力后,金属棒向上运动过程中,通过定值电阻R 的电量及定值电阻R 上产生的焦耳热分别是多少.『二』选考题33.『物理——选修3-3』(15分)(1)(5分)下列说法正确的是________(填正确答案标号.选对一个得2分,选对2个得4分,选对3个得5分.每选错一个扣3分,最低得分为0分) A .做布朗运动的微粒越大,则布朗运动越剧烈B .绝热汽缸中密封的理想气体在被压缩过程中,气体分子热运动剧烈程度增大C .气体如果失去了容器的约束就会散开,这是因为气体分子之间存在斥力的缘故D .在合适的条件下,某些晶体可以转变为非晶体,某些非晶体也可以转变为晶体E .一切与热现象有关的自发宏观过程都具有方向性,总是向分子热运动无序性更大的方向进行(2)(10分)如图甲,两端开口的导热汽缸竖直固定,A B 、是两个可在汽缸内无摩擦滑动的活塞,面积分别为122S S S S ==、,它们之间用一根竖直细杆连接,A B 、两活塞静止时,汽缸两部分的气柱长均为h .现将B 通过轻绳与重物相连,缓慢释放重物,再次静止时上部分汽缸的气柱长为2h,如图乙所示,整个过程中汽缸内气体温度保持不变,缸内气体可看做理想气体.已知A B 、两活塞和细杆质量之和为M ,重力加速度为g ,大气压强为MgS.求:(i )初始时缸内气体的压强1p ; (ii )重物的质量m .34.『物理——选修3-4』(15分)(1)(5分)如图甲为一列简谐横波在某一时刻的波形图,M N 、两质点的横坐标分别为2m M x =和6m N x =,质点N 从该时刻开始计时的振动图象如图乙所示.下列说法正确的是______(填正确答案标号.选对1个得2分,选对2个得4分,选对3个得5分.每选错1个扣3分,最低得分为0分)A .该波沿x 轴负方向传播,波速为0.75m /sB .质点N 在2s t =时速度为零C .质点N 在2s 4s -时间内的位移为零D .质点M 在4s t =时到达平衡位置,且向上运动E .质点M 、质点N 的速度始终大小相等(2)(10分)如图,截面是半径为R 的半圆形玻璃砖固定在空中,上表面AB 水平,O 为半圆的圆心,一束单色光斜射在AB 上的Q 点(Q 是AO 的中点),光线与AB 面的夹角为30︒,折射光线刚好从圆弧的最低点C 直接射出玻璃砖,照射在地面上的E 点,C 点离地面的高度CD 等于R ,光在真空中传播速度为c .求:(i )玻璃砖对光的折射率;(ii )光从Q 点传播到E 点所用的时间. A10联盟2021届高三开年考理科综合能力测试(物理) ——★ 参*考*答*案 ★————★ 参*考*答*案 ★——二、选择题:本题共8小题,每小题6分,共48分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,第14~18题只有一项符合题目要求,第19~21题有多项符合题目要求,全部选对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错的得0分.14.D 根据质量数守恒和电荷数守恒,可知Ⅹ表示中子,故A 错误;根据00W hv =可知,极限频率越大的金属,逸出功越大,故B 错误;光电效应实验表明光具有粒子性,故C 错误;原子核所含核子单独存在时的总质量大于该原子核的质量,因为核子结合成原子核时要释放能量,由质能方程知质量减小,故D 正确. 15.C 物体开始2s 内下落高度211102?m 20m 2h =⨯⨯=,则最后2s 内下落的高度240m h =,则最后2s 中间时刻的速度4020m /s 2v ==,则物体自由下落的时间20 s 1s 3s 10t =+=,则物体下落的总高度21103m 45m 2h =⨯⨯=,C 项正确. 16.B 小球做平抛运动的水平位移为cos37 1.8x L L L ︒=+=,由题意知000tan y v v x v t v gtθ===,,解得09m /s v =,B 项正确. 17.D 根据开普勒第二定律知,卫星在轨道I 上运行时,从B 点向A 点运动时,速度逐渐减小,经过B 点时的速率大于经过A 点时的速率,故选项A 错误;卫星从轨道I 到轨道Ⅱ要在B 点点火减速,则在轨道I 上B 点的速度大于轨道Ⅱ上B 点的速度,故选项B 错误;根据2GMa r=可知,飞船在轨道I 、Ⅱ上的B 点时加速度相等,故选项C 错误;卫星贴近月球表面飞行时,如果知道周期T ,可以计算出平均密度,即由22234,43Mm MG m R R T R πρπ==,可解得23GT πρ=,故选项D 正确. 18.A 当粒子的运动轨迹刚好与N 相切时,粒子做圆周运动的半径为d ,根据牛顿第二定律211v qv B m d=,解得1qBd v m =,此粒子打在荧光屏上的位置与A 点在竖直方向上的距离为2d ,如图所示.设粒子的最大速度为2v ,粒子在磁场中的运动半径为r ,根据几何关系2222d r d r ⎛⎫=+- ⎪⎝⎭,解得54r d =,根据牛顿第二定律222v qv B m r =,解得254qBd v m =,A 项正确.19.AC 设物体的初速度为0v ,根据02v h t =,解得08m /s v =,故选项A 正确;物体减速时的加速度大小0v a t=,方向向上,根据牛顿第二定律可知F mg ma -=,解得48N F =,故选项B 错误;物体的机械能减少量等于支持力做功的大小768J F W Fh ==,故选项C 正确;物体受到的合力对物体做的功等于物体动能的改变量即2010128J 2W mv =-=-,故选项D 错误.20.BD 图乙交流电压的有效值为11102V U =,根据变压比,副线圈两端的电压2112V U =,根据分压原理,电压表示数为72V ,副线圈中的电流221222A U I R R ==+,根据变流比,原线圈中电流125I =,B 、D 项正确. 21.BD 将EO 延长交圆于F 点,则F 点的电势为4V,AO 的中点G 点的电势为4V ,则FG 为等势线,由于FG 与AC 垂直,因此BOD 为等势线,因此B 点电势为6V ,A 项错误;电场方向沿CA 方向,C 项错误;电场强度6V 2V 4V /m 1mU E d -===,B 项正确;质子沿顺时针方向从B 运动到D ,电场力先做负功后做正功,D 项正确.三、非选择题:第22~25题为必考题,每个试题考生都必须作答.第33~34题为选考题,考生根据要求作答.(一)必考题:共47分.22.(6分)(1)C (1分) (2)2k (2分);打A 点时物块的速度(合理即可)(1分)(3)错误(2分)(1)图乙所示的打点计时器为电火花计时器,所用电源为220V 交流电,选C 项.(2)根据2012d v t at =+,得012d v at t =+,因此斜率2a k =,所以加速度大小2a k =;图线与纵轴的交点为打A 点时物块的速度.(3)不能用d t t-图象中的图线与时间轴围成的面积表示物块t 时间内运动的位移大小,他的观点是错误的.23.(9分)(1)甲(1分) (2)1.45(1.43~1.47)(2分);0.90(0.86~0.94)(2分)(3)小于(2分);小于(2分)(1)乙电路中开关不能控制整个电路,不可行,甲电路可行.(2)由图象可知,电池的电动势为 1.45V E =,内阻为 1.4520.900.5r =Ω-Ω=Ω. (3)出于电压表的分流作用导致电动势和内阻的测量值均小于真实值.24.(12分)(1)A 与B 间的滑动摩擦力为114N f F mg μ==(1分)地面与长木板B 间的滑动摩擦力为22()4N f F m M g μ=+=(1分)地面与长木板B 间的滑动摩擦力恰好等于恒力F ,所以铁块A 和长木板B 组成的系统初始阶段动量守恒:0()mv m M v =+(1分) 从开始运动到共速的时间011v v t gμ-=(1分) 所以木板B 的长度至少为:0111m 22v v v L t t +=-=(1分) (2)初始阶段A B 、间的滑动摩擦力对长木板B 做的功112f f W F x =(1分) 根据运动规律可得:212v x t =(1分) 因为12f f F F =,所以共速后A 与B 相对静止,因此A 与B 间的静摩擦力为32f F m g μ=(1分)A B 、间的静摩擦力对长木板B 做的功333f f W F x =(1分) 根据运动规律可得:2322v x g μ=(1分)所以A B 、间的摩擦力对长木板B 做的功:13f f f W W W =+(1分)解得:4J f W =(1分)25.(20分)(1)撤去拉力的瞬间,电压表的示数为0U ,根据闭合电路欧姆定律可知, 金属棒中的电动势:0001322U E R R U R ⎛⎫=⨯+= ⎪⎝⎭(2分) 设此时金属棒的速度大小为0v ,则00E BLv =(1分) 解得:0032U v BL=(2分) (2)由于在00~t 时间内,32E U =(1分) E BLv =(1分),00U U t t =(1分)解得:0032U v t BLt =(1分) 因此金属在这段时间内做匀加速直线运动,加速度大小为:0032U a BLt =(1分) 在012t t =时刻,电路中电流:00122U U I R R==(1分) 根据牛顿第二定律:sin F BIL mg ma θ--=(1分) 解得:00031222mU BLU F mg BLt R=++(1分) (3)撤去F 后,金属棒向上做变减速运动,则减速运动的时间为0t , 根据动量定理:000sin 0mg t BILt mv θ-⋅-=-(1分)即00sin mg t BqL mv θ⋅+=(1分) 解得:0022322mU mgt q B L BL=-(1分) 设撤去拉力后,金属棒向上运动的距离为x ,由 1.5BLx q R =(1分) 解得: 1.5qR x BL=(1分) 设电阻R 中产生的焦耳热为Q ,根据能量守恒:2011.5sin 2Q mgx mv θ+=(1分) 解得222200022333344mU m g Rt m gRU Q B L B L+=-(1分) (二)选考题33.『物理—选修3-3』(15分)(1)(5分)BDE 做布朗运动的微粒越大,液体分子从各个方向对悬浮粒子撞击作用越趋于平衡,所以布朗运动越不剧烈,故选项A 错误;绝热汽缸中密封的理想气体在被压缩过程中,内能增大,温度升高,气体分子运动剧烈程度增大,故B 正确;气体如果失去了容器的约束就会散开,这是因为气体分子做无规则运动的缘故,与气体分子之间的斥力无关,选项C 错误;物质是晶体还是非晶体,并不是绝对的,如果外界条件改变了物质分子或原子的排布情况,晶体和非晶体之间可以互相转化,故D 正确;根据熵原理,自然界自发的宏观过程都具有方向性,总是向分子热运动无序性更大的方向进行,选项E 正确.(2)(10分)(i )A B 、两活塞和细杆组成的系统开始处于静止状态,则:01120211p S p S Mg p S p S ++=+(2分) 其中0Mg p S =,解得:12Mg p S=(2分) (ⅱ)设再次静止时缸内气体的压强为2p ,根据玻意耳定律得:()112212322h h p S h S h p S S ⎛⎫+=+ ⎪⎝⎭(2分) 再次静止时由平衡条件得:01222102()p S M m g p S p S p S +++=+(2分) 解得:25m M =(2分) 34.『物理——选修3-4』(15分)(1)(5分)BDE 由甲、乙两图可知,简谐横波的波长8m λ=,周期8s T =,振幅1m A =,且0t =时质点N 沿y +方向运动,根据振动和波动的关系,波沿x -方向传播,波速1m /s v T λ==,故选项A 错误;质点N 在2s t =时运动到最大位移,速度为零,故选项B 正确;质点N 在2s ~4s 时间段内的位移为1m A -=-,故选项C 错误;质点M 在4s t =时到达平衡位置,且向上运动,故选项D 正确;M N 、两质点间的距离是半波长的整数倍,则两质点的速度始终大小相等,故选项E 正确.(2)(10分)(i )由几何关系可知,光线在AB 面的入射角903060i =︒-︒=︒(1分)设折射角为r,根据几何关系知:1sin R r ==(2分)因此玻璃砖对光的折射率:sin sin 2i n r ==(2分) (ⅱ)根据光路可逆性知,光在C 点的折射角为60︒,根据几何关系可知:2CE R =(1分)光在玻璃砖中的传播速度:c v n ==(2分) 则光从Q 点传播到E点所用的时间:2R CE t v c =+=(2分)。
1. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a museum.B. In a library.C. In a hotel.2. When will the woman hand in the book review?A. On Thursday.B. On Friday.C. On Saturday.3. How will the weather probably be tomorrow?A. Sunny.B. Rainy.C. Snowy.4. What does the man think of Professor Lee's course?A. It's interesting.B. It's difficult.C. It's easy.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. An athlete.B. A program.C. A sporting event.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
“皖南八校”2021届高三第三次联考英语18所理事学校2021. 4考生注意:1. 本试卷由四个部分组成。
2. 考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上。
............................3. 本卷命题范围:高考范围。
1. What will the man do on his birthday?A. Go out for a meal.B. Have a party.C. See a film.2. How did John surprise the woman at the charity party?A. He almost knew everyone there.B. He was dressed in casual clothes.C. He came without being invited.3. What's the date today?A. July 6.B. July 8.C. July 11.4. What is the man going to buy on Tuesday?A. A book.B. A magazine.C. A newspaper.5. What is the man probably most concerned about now?A. The exam.B. The essay.C. The call.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
A. “元宇宙”是由多种先进技术支持的虚拟现实网络世界,是互联网发展的最高阶段,能达到真假难辨、虚实混同的境界。
5分)听下面5段对话.每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
What will Jack do after supper?A. Call on Peter。
Stay at home. C. Have a walk.2. Where does the woman have to get off?A。
At National City Bank。
B. At National City Library. C。
At the museum stop。
3. How much did the car cost?A。
C. $50,000。
Why hasn't the woman seen the man recently?A。
He has changed his job。
B. He has been out of town.C。
He has been too busy.5. What will the weather be like in West London this week?A. Sunny。
C. Foggy。
英语参考答案第一部分:1-5 AABCB 6-10 BABCA 11-15 CABAB 16-20 CCACB第二部分:第一节:21-25 ACDAA 26-30 DCBAC 31-35 BBBDD第二节:36-40 ACEFD第三部分:第一节:41-45 ADCAD 46-50 BCABC 51-55 DBBDC 56-60 ABDCA第二节:61. considered 62. are opposed 63. secretly 64. to 65. which66. clothes 67. sending 68. an 69. means 70. If/When第四部分:第一节:It was my sister’s 6th birthda y. Moreover, the whole family went to a cafe for the birthday treat. SheThus/Therefore awalked in, rocked her birthday crown with her name on it, that she made at school. A group of teenagers saw her rocking whichand begin singing “Happy Birthday”. Her face just was lit up with excitement. Then other tables joined ∧. Soon began 删除in almost everyone there was singing “Happy Birthday” to my girl. She screamed joyful and gave high fives. It wasjoyfullyan amazing experience for her and I was blew away by the teenagers who saw a little girl and decided to make myblown her day!第二节:Possible versionShould university campuses be open to the public?On holidays, more and more visitors, including middle school students, swarm into some well-known universities like Tsinghua University and Peking University. This trend has sparked a nationwide debate on whether university campuses should be accessible to non-students.Is it a good or bad thing? Different people have different opinions. Some people argue that it can enable the students to get more information about the university and they can later prepare themselves with the chance to get into the university. However, others hold a negative view. In their opinion, the public tourism will have a negative effect on the universities because it will not only do harm to the environment but also to the intellectual atmosphere.As for me, universities are mainly for academic research. With the increasing tourism on the campus, it will ruin the spiritual atmosphere in this learning field.【参考答案解析】21. A。
1. How long will it take the woman to get to Dupont Station?A. About 60 minutes.B. About 40 minutes.C. About 30 minutes.2. Why does the man need a map?A. To tour Manchester.B. To find a restaurant.C. To learn about China.3. Where are the speakers probably?A. At a watch shop.B. At a repair shop.C. At an office.4. What does the woman suggest the man do?A. Smoke less.B. Quit smoking at once.C. See a doctor.5. What does the man do?A. A teacher.B. An editor.C. A writer.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
2020-2021学年安徽省皖智教育A10联盟高三(下)开学英语试卷一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共30.0分)APlanning a vacation is one activity your family is sure to enjoy as there are plenty of options to choose from.To help you decide,here are four of the best cities for family vacation. Washington,DCThe nation's capital is a treasure place of fun,family activities that just happen to be rich with history.Start off exploring the National Mall and you'll find the Washington,Lincoln,and Jefferson monuments all within walking distance.Then there are the war memorials:Vietnam,Korean,and WWII.BostonCan't get enough US history?A trip to Boston just might be for you.Go back in time by taking a tour of the USS Constitution,aka Old Ironsides.From there,walk The Freedom Trail where you'll come across such landmarks as the site of the Boston Massacre,the Old North Church,Paul Revere's house,and the Bunker Hill Monument.Los AngelesThere is always something to do in Los Angeles.For starters,enjoy a beach day on the miles and miles of coastline.Malibu,Redondo,Manhattan,Venice,and Hermosa are just a handful of sunny SoCal beaches.In need of some culture?Get your art and architecture on at The Getty Center,where admission is free though you do have to pay to park.San FranciscoIf Southern California isn't your speed,perhaps Northern California is.And San Francisco is a great place for a family to explore.Start by driving,or walking,across the Golden Gate Bridge.On the west side of the city is over 1,000 acres known as Golden Gate Park,home to gardens,trails,playgrounds and much more.1.Which is suitable for you if you are interested in some late American presidents?______A. Washington,DC.B. Boston.C. Los Angeles.D. San Francisco.2.Where should you pay for parking______A. The Bunker Hill Monument.B. The Golden Gate Park.C. The Getty Center.D. The Freedom Trail.3.What's the purpose of the text?______A. To tell us the history of four American cities.B. To make a comparison of four American cities.C. To provide guidance about travelling in the US.D. To introduce four destinations for family vacation.BOn the roof of an apartment building in one of Gaza's most crowded cities live two baby lions.One is male,the other female.They walk among the water tanks and eat chicken for food.Children play with the animals and some take selfies(自拍)with them.The baby lions have become pets for a 27-year-old bakery owner Naseem Abu Jamea.They have become popular playthings for many people in the neighborhood.However,as children in his family and from the neighborhood played with the animals,Abu Jamea had little concern about the risks. "When you raise them as babies",he said, "a harmony will grow between both of you." This harmony,he added,would keep the lions from hurting him and others.Abu Jamea said he got the baby lions from a local zoo but would not give more details.He did,however,share a dream of his. "It is my hobby.I was attached to them and I love to have them," he said.He added he hopes one day to have his own zoo.One animal doctor,Amir Khalil,has a different opinion.He has led several trips to Gaza with the animal welfare organization Four Paws to rescue mistreated zoo animals. "I advise the Gaza authorities to take away those lions," he said. "At the age of six months a lion becomes more dangerous as his size gets bigger and his muscles become stronger." Khalil also fears for the baby lions' own welfare.He said lions raised in a home may not get the food and medical care they need. could result in long-term health problems,especially difficulties withmuscles,joints,and bones.During the COVID-19 outbreak,zoos in Gaza have experienced a drop in the number of visitors.Without paying visitors,they are struggling to feed and care for the animals.Hassan Azzam is an official with Gaza's agriculture ministry.When asked about the baby lions,he saidthe ministry does not know about any public objections to the animals.But he said the ministry would investigate.4.What is known about the baby lions from the text?______A. They are taken good care of.B. They are of opposite sexes.C. Their lives are in danger.D. They enjoy life with people.5.What is Abu Jamea's attitude towards the risks of the baby lions?______A. Cautious.B. Upset.C. Suspicious.D. Unconcerned.6.What does the underlined word "This" in Paragraph 4 mean______A. The two baby lions being kept as pets.B. The two baby lions being taken away.C. The two baby lions being mistreated in the zoo.D. The two baby lions living in harmony with humans.7.What measure will Gaza's agriculture ministry take?______A. Provide financial assistance for the local zoos.B. Require the zoo to take back the baby lions.C. Make a survey about the local citizens' reactions.D. Publish a statement to express their sorry and concern.CYou can improve learning and potentially remember more by handwriting your class notes.Although computer technology is often necessary today,using a pen or pencil activates more areas of your brain than a keyboard does.These are findings of a new study.As digital devices have taken over society, "keyboard activity is now often recommended as a substitute for early handwriting," the study notes.The idea is that typing may be easier for young children."Some schools in Norway have become completely digital," notes Audrey Van der Meer,the new study's leader.The human brain has evolved(进化)to interact with the world in as many ways as possible,she notes.She believes that "young children should learn to write by hand successfully,and,at the same time learn to manage a keyboard."Using a pen involves more of the brain than using a keyboard,her new findings show.This is because writing and printing involve complex movements that activate more areas of the brain.The increased brain activity " ," she explains.Think about it.The same movement is required to type each letter on a keyboard.Incontrast,when we write,our brain needs to think about and collect memories of the shape of each letter.We also need to use our eyes to watch what shapes we're writing.And we need to control our hands to press a pen or pencil to shape the different letters.All of this uses and connects more areas of the brain.Along the way,these processes appear to "open the brain up for learning," says Van der Meer.So learning through only one format-digital-could be harmful,she worries.She also points out that taking notes by hand stimulates "visual notetaking." Rather than typing blindly,the visual notetaker has to think about what is important to write down.8.Why is the keyboard widely advocated nowadays______A. Handwriting is out of date.B. It has replaced handwriting.C. It is easier and more convenient.D. Typing can open the brain up for learning.9.Which of the following may Van der Meer agree with?______A. Learning through digital devices is harmful.B. We should take notes by handwriting in class.C. Young children should learn handwriting instead of typing.D. Schools in Norway have entirely given up handwriting.10.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 4 probably mean______A. Prevent our brain from storing more information.B. Enable our brain to remember more.C. Promote the full development of our brain.D. Give our brain more chances to rest.11.What does Paragraph 5 mainly talk about ______A. The benefits of handwriting.B. The process of handwriting.C. The similarities of typing and writing.D. The importance of typing and writing.DIn a recent study,researchers at Germany's Technical University of Munich (TUM)find that trees in cities can grow up 25% faster than their country cousins.This is believed to be a direct result of the heat island effect,which is a situation where the temperature of the city is higherthan the nearby rural areas.It's mostly caused by the fact that buildings,roads,and many other things in the city take in a lot of sunlight and send out the sun's heat more than natural landscapes such as forests and water bodies.A secondary cause is waste heat produced by heavy uses of energy.For the study,TUM researchers studied 1,400 trees in 10 cities around the world,which were found in both city centers and nearby rural areas.Based on tree ring study,researchers found that city trees are growing faster than their rural cousins.But before the 1960s,both city and rural trees grew at about the same speed. "We can show that city trees of the same age are generally larger than rural trees because they grow faster.While the difference is about a quarter at the age of 50,it is still just under 20% at a hundred years of age," lead author Hanz Pretzch says.Researchers from TUM also found that in some cities,higher-than-normal temperatures have led to growing seasons that are more than eight days longer than the norm.This sounds like a good thing.But while fast-growing city trees are busy taking inCO2 and providing relief from the heat,they're also aging and dying at a faster speed than rural trees.As a result,these trees need to be replaced and replanted more frequently.Considering the valuable "ecosystem services" that city trees provide,planning and management should follow to make a change with today's tree growth speed.Pretzch and his team set out to perform the study largely in response to United Nation's report that the world's cities will experience population growth of more than 60% by 2030.And with such fast growth comes a great need for city trees that make these cities better places to live in.12.What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?______A. Cities need more trees to reduce the temperatures.B. Humans lead to trees growing faster in cities.C. Trees need scientific planting in rural areas.D. Greenhouse effect is too serious in cities.13.What can we learn from the findings of the research______A. Rural trees live twice longer than city trees.B. City trees live for about 100 years at most.C. Rural trees live much longer now than in the 1960s.D. City trees grow faster at early years.14.What is the result of city trees growing faster?______A. Cities suffer more easily from natural disasters.B. The temperatures in cities will fall greatly.C. City trees have a shorter life circle.D. More people move to rural areas.15.Which of the following might be the best title for the text?______A. Taking better care of urban treesB. Planting more trees in urban areasC. More researches to be done on urban treesD. Urban trees growing faster than rural trees二、阅读七选五(本大题共5小题,共10.0分)Different people may have different habits.Then how might habits connect with studying and learning?Next let's explore the very question.What are habits?(1) You generally do not pay attention to them.Habits take many forms-eating,exercising,even studying.You may not realize it,but habits make up many of the actions that you do every day.(2)In the book Atomic Habits,James Clear describes a four-step process by which habits are made.These steps are cue,craving,response,and reward.The cue tells your brain to begin a behavior.The craving is what makes you want to do something.The response is the actual habit that you perform. (3) "Rewards are the end goal of every habit," Clear writes.Make a habit studying EnglishYou should organize your surroundings in such a way that the cues of your new habit are very obvious.For example,if you want to get in the habit of studying English every day,leave English books or notes in a very clear place.To make your new habit easy,you could decrease the number of steps you have to take in order to study.You could also try reducing the amount of time you study.Also,you need to make your habit satisfying. (4) For example,if you study English for 15 minutes,you could treat yourself to listening to a song you like.Closing thoughts(5) You may have to repeat an action many times before it becomes a habit.But withtime,careful planning and continued practice,you can do it.A.How are habits madeB.Building new habits can take time.C.The response,in turn,gives you a reward.D.Good habits lead to productive and happy life.E.Habits are regular ways of dealing with your environment.F.You can give yourself a reward after completing your new habit.G.If you place too many demands on yourself,you are likely to give up on your new habit.16. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G17. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G18. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G19. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G20. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G三、完形填空(本大题共20小题,共30.0分)A mystery creature was living under a man's shed(棚屋).Everything in his garden was almost(21),so he decided to set up a(22)."I've been a gardener for 20 plus years and I've never seen this kind of(23).Everything I was planting was getting eaten to pieces",says Jeff.He(24)a squirrel and a mouse grabbing snacks,but something didn't(25).Then one day,he saw the(26),a groundhog(土拨鼠). "He looked straight into the camera as if he was(27),'Yeah I'm here.I'm eating your garden.What are you going to(28)it'"At first Jeff was a little(29)and built some high fences.He put rocks under the fences.But nothing(30).He kept seeing videos of the groundhog eating his vegetables right in front of the camera.Things only got(31).The groundhog,who Jeff named "Chunk",got a girlfriend and(32)her to enjoy Jeff's delicious treats,right(33)the camera.No matter what Jeff did,they were(34)a stepahead. "All they do is wake up and eat," he said.Well,if you can't(35)them,join them.So,Jeff decided to give them their own(36).After they went into hibernation(冬眠)last November,Jeff had the garden(37)for them when they woke up.And to his(38),there was now a baby groundhog.Jeff bought the groundhogs a(n)(39)picnic table,a water fountain,and put out some nice decorations. "If I can do a job to(40)them and keep them safe,I'm all for it," Jeff said.21. A. digested B. destroyed C. blocked D. preserved22. A. camera B. fence C. tent D. sign23. A. creature B. invention C. damage D. atmosphere24. A. trained B. described C. trapped D. spotted25. A. add up B. come about C. pay off D. settle down26. A. pet B. gardener C. criminal D. master27. A. saying B. complaining C. begging D. accusing28. A. depend on B. do about C. learn from D. share with29. A. hopeless B. cautious C. upset D. energetic30. A. remained B. failed C. appeared D. worked31. A. changed B. worse C. delayed D. scary32. A. urged B. forced C. invited D. persuaded33. A. at the back of B. in front ofC. by the side ofD. on top of34. A. always B. never C. rarely D. occasionally35. A. help B. kill C. accompany D. beat36. A. food B. garden C. destination D. equipment37. A. prepared B. rented C. decorated D. left38. A. sorrow B. disappointmentC. surpriseD. regret39. A. expensive B. empty C. polished D. tiny40. A. chase B. imitate C. raise D. protect四、语法填空(本大题共1小题,共15.0分)41.Every family member has a role to play.Parents and other adults are responsible formaking sure that the basic needs of the family (1) (meet).Their jobs also include teachingand practicing good health habits.They have a responsibility to model goodcommunication (2) other health skills.They also should encourage young people in the family (3) (practice)these skills.Not all responsibilities in the family fall on parents and other adults.Children have special jobs,too.In many (4) (family),for example,children share the household chores. (5) (help)around the house is one way to demonstrate that you are responsible.Another way to contribute to the health and (6) (happy)of your family is by showingappreciation.To appreciate (7) (mean)to value someone or something.Saying "thank you" to the person who cooks dinner,for example,is a good way to do that.You could also help with the dishes,carry groceries,or (8) (voluntary)do other tasks.As a teen,your role may also include helping other family members.You may be asked to spend time with a grandparent (9) has trouble getting around,or help a brother or sister (10)homework.However you choose to help,it's important to realize that your support helps make your family healthy.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)五、短文改错(本大题共1小题,共10.0分)42.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。
安徽省皖南八校2021届高三下学期第三次联考英语试题 及答案
![安徽省皖南八校2021届高三下学期第三次联考英语试题 及答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a69d07aaa417866fb94a8e8a.png)
“皖南八校”2021届高三第三次联考英语考生注意:1. 本试卷由四个部分组成。
2. 考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上。
3. 本卷命题范围:高考范围。
1. What will the man do on his birthday?A. Go out for a meal.B. Have a party.C. See a film.2. How did John surprise the woman at the charity party?A. He almost knew everyone there.B. He was dressed in casual clothes.C. He came without being invited.3. What's the date today?A. July 6.B. July 8.C. July 11.4. What is the man going to buy on Tuesday?A. A book.B. A magazine.C. A newspaper.5. What is the man probably most concerned about now?A. The exam.B. The essay.C. The call.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
安徽省2021届高三英语下学期百校大联考试题〔全国I卷,扫描版〕英语参考答案听力1—5 CBCBB 6—10 CAABB 11—15 BACCA 16—20 ACBAC阅读理解21.B 细节理解题。
从第三段的“...workers are hardworking humans who deserve the stability of a wage. … it’ll become the norm〞可知,Kat Kinsman支持Danny Meyer的做法(取消收取小费),她以为餐馆的效劳员应该有稳定合理的工资。
22. A 推理判断题。
23. B 推理判断题。
从四个人对Danny Meyer做法的评论,可推知Danny Meyer决定再也不向在自己的餐馆用饭的顾客收取小费。
由第一段第二句中“For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car〞和第二段第一句“As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car〞可知,文中的年轻人毕业后想要一辆跑车当做礼物。
由第三段中“He then stormed out of the house〞及第六段中“As he was reading,a car key dropped from the back of the Bible〞可知,年轻人那时误以为父亲没有给他买车而怒气冲冲地离家出走,但后来回家的发现说明这位年轻人在那时做出了不睬智的决定。
由第四段中“He had not seen him since that graduation day〞可知,自从毕业那天起他就一直不见父亲。