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国际经济法授课教案(正式双语版)《国际经济法》授课教案双语教学Teaching Plan for International Economic LawBilingual Teaching郭德香By Guo Dexiang郑州大学法学院Law School of Zhengzhou UniversityChapter1 General Introduction of IEC(第一章国际经济法概述)1.1Concept and System of IEC国际经济法的概念和体系1.1.1Relative Theories of IEC国际经济法的有关学说1.1.1.1 Narrow definition(狭义说):两种主体1.1.1.2 Broad definition(广义说):四种主体(自然人、法人、国家、国际经济组织)总结):广义说符合现代国际经济发展的实践,是大多数国家应该采取的观点。

With regard to the theory of IEC, most Chinese scholars hold that a broad definition of IEC is appropriate. We hold that there are narrow and broad definitions of IEC. Under the broad definition, the scope of IEC shall not only include regulation-related IEC, which is mainly consisted of the domestic economic administrative laws and regulations with foreign elements and public international laws in close connection with international regulation and governance of economic activities conducted by private(natural or legal)persons, but also include transaction-specific IEC mainly consisted of the domestic commercial law with foreign elements and international commercial laws. Under the narrow definition, the scope of IEC shall only include regulation-related IEC, which os mainly consisted of the domestic economic administrative laws and regulations with foreign elements and public international laws in close connection with international regulation and governance of economic activities conducted by private(natural or legal)persons.1.2Features and Coverage of IEC国际经济法的特征和体系1.2.1The Features of IEL国际经济法的特征1.2.1.1Unique Subjects of Public IELSubjects of IEL cover not only subjects of national or regional private laws but also transnational economic organizations at national,regional or global levels. The fact that sovereignty countries and multinationals become the subjects of the rights and obligations in economic relationship is a remarkable feature of IEL in relation to subjects. Content of IELEconomic relations among national governments or between national governments and international organizations in areas of investment, trade, credit and technical transfer are all covered by IEL. In addition, an increasing number of international economic management relationships with government authority of one state as one party and an individual person or legal entity as the other party are also governed by IEL. Boundary as One of the Features of IELInternational investment is the one of the most commonphenomena in international business transactions, from which we can witness the mutual penetration, integration and supplementation of international law, domestic law, public law and private law, the traditionally classified disciplines of law, in addressing international economic relations.1.3The Coverage of IEL国际经济法的范围The Relationship with Respect to International Trade RegulationThe Legal Relationship on International Investment RegulationRelationship on International Monetary and Financial RegulationRelationship on International TaxationRelationship on Other International Affairs1.4 Legal Sources of IEL国际经济法的渊源1.4.1 International Economic Treaties(Conventions)国际经济条约International economic treaties, an important source of IEl, are legally binding written agreements between states(regions) for the determination of their mutual economic rights and obligations. According to the number of contracting parties, international economic treaties can be classified into bilateral and multilateral treaties, or into global treatiesand regional agreements. In view of their coverages, there are comprehensive international economic treaties and special international economic treaties; in terms of the legal relationship addressed, there are public international economic treaties and private international economic treaties.例如:《关税及贸易总协定》、《国际货币基金协定》、《国际复兴开发银行协定》、《关于国际货物买卖合同成立统一法公约》、《国际货物买卖时效期限公约》、《商标国际注册马德里协定》等等1.4.2 International Economic Customs国际经济惯例There are some famous customs in international economic fields which are accepted voluntarily by businessmen of different countries just as the followings:《托收统一规则》、《跟单信用证统一惯例》、《约克——安特卫普规则》、《国际贸易术语解释通则》等等1.4.3 Resolutions of Important International Organizations such as United Nations General Assembly联合国大会等国际组织决议According to the mainstream Chinese scholars of international law, some special resolutions of the UN General Assembly that aim at announcing principles and norms of international law should have legal effect and some other resolution s are gradually accepted in international practice and become legally binding norms. In terms of international economic affairs, the UN General Assembly has adopted a series of important resolutions since the 1960s, for example, 1962年的《关于自然资源永久主权宣言》、1974年的《关于建立新的国际经济秩序宣言》、《各国经济权利和义务宪章》等等1.4.4Demestic Legislation on Regulation of External Economic Activities国内经济立法Domestic legislations of states for regulation and control of foreign-related economic relations are an important legal source of public IEL for the following reasons:Firstly, because of the lack of uniform international law in many areas, domestic legislations on regulation of foreign-related economy arean indispensable component of cross-border legal framework for economic regulation.Secondly, domestic legislation that regulates foreign-related economy remains an important legal origin for implementation of the above international laws. For example,中国的《民法通则》、《合同法》、《外资企业法》等等1.4.5 Other Auxiliary Legal Sources of IEL其他辅助性渊源1.4.5.1 Precedents of IEL 判例(国内判例和国际判例)Precedents made by the International Court of Justice on International Economic DisputesPanel Reports and Appellate Body Reports Adopted by the WTO Dispute Settlement Body (DSB)ICSID Arbitration Awards on Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of other StatesPrecedents by Domestic Courts of Participants regarding External Economic Disputes1.4.5.2 Theories on Public IEL1.5 Basic Principles of IEC国际经济法的基本原则1.5.1 The Principle of National Economic Sovereignty国家经济主权原则The sovereignty principle has long been one of the accepted basic principles of public international law. A definition of national sovereignty is that a sovereignty state enjoys exclusive jurisdiction over all peoples and objects on its territory except for those entitled to exemption under international law.1.5.2The principle of Equity and Mutual Benefits公平互利原则The so-called equity means that all states, as equal members of the international community, enjoy equitable and fair treatments, i.e., equitable treatments in both form and substance. Mutual benefits means taking care of interests of all parties rather than seek interest of one party at the price of other parties’ interests. Integration of equity and mutualbenefit into one has become an important principle of IEL, which indicates that equity and mutual benefit are unified in implications and mutually based. System of Preferences are One of the Outcomes of Applying the Principle of Equity and Mutual Benefit in Trade1.5.2.2―Special and Differential Treatment‖ is the More Substantial Outcome of Implementing the Principle of Equity and Mutual Benefit in the Multilateral Trade System1.5.3 The Principle of International Cooperation for Development principle国际合作以谋发展原则1.5.3.1 Sincere an Open South-North Cooperation is the Core Component of International Cooperation南北合作:发达国家和发展中国家之间的合作1.5.3.2 Practical Effective South-South Cooperation is a Driver of International Economic Cooperation南南合作:发展中国家和发展中国家之间的合作普惠制是其典型实例1.5.3.3 Establishment and Improvement of Fair and Effective Dispute-Settlement-Bodies within Various International Economic Cooperation Organizations is the Key to SuccessfulInternational Economic Cooperation1.5.4 The Principle that Obligations Must Be Performed义务必须履行1.5.4.1 Treaties Must Be Honored1.5.4.2 Legitimately Concluded Contracts in Force Must Be HonoredExercisesPlease Answer the Following Questions:1.What are the features of IEL?2.Which one do you think is appropriate, the broad definition ofIEL or the narrow definition?3.What are the basic principles of IEL?Chapter 2 Generalization of the Legal System of International Trade( 第二章国际贸易法律制度概述)2.1 The Definition , Scope of International Trade Law2.1.1 Brief Introduction to International TradeInternational trade, also referred to an world trade, is the exchange of capital, goods and services across international borders or territories. It is the main form that countries or regions relate with each other based on international division of labor and reflects the interdependence between countries or regions.2.1.2 Definition of International Trade Law2.1.2.1Definition of International Trade Law in GeneralInternational Trade Law is the body of rules and norms that regulates exchange relations concerning goods, technologies, services, and other relations relating to that exchange relations. These legal norms include international conventions, international business practices and domestic laws relating toforeign trade. Sphere of International Trade LawInternational trade law covers a wide range of fields, including international sale of goods, international carriage of goods, international trade regulation, etc.2.2 The Sources of International Trade Law国际贸易法的渊源2.2.1 Definition of Sources of International Trade LawThe sources of international trade law are what international tribunals rely on in determining the content of international trade law. Since we define international trade law as a combination of international rules and national rules concerning international trade, the sources of international trade law should include international treaties and conventions, international usages, bilateral treaties, national laws, case law in common law countries an international commercial customs or usages.2.2.2 Major Sources of International Trade Law2.2.2.1 International Treaties and Conventions国际公约:1980年《联合国国际货物买卖合同公约》等: International Trade Customs and Usages国际惯例:《1932年华沙——牛津公约》、《国际贸易术语解释通则》(2010年版本)等; Laws国内立法2.2.2.4.National Precedents国内司法判例2.3 Subjects and Fundamental Principles of International Trade Law国际贸易法的主体和基本原则2.3.1 Subjects of International Trade LawNatural PersonsLegal Persons (Juristic persons)International OrganizationsStates2.3.2 Fundamental Principles of International Trade LawTrade Liberalization PrinciplePrinciple of Equity and Mutual Benefit2.4 The Contract legal System of International Sale of Goods国际货物贸易合同法律制度2.4.1The Signing of the Contracts of International Trade of Goods国际货物贸易合同的签订2.4.1. 1The Offer要约2.4.1.1The Definition of OfferAccording to the CISG, a proposal for concluding a contract addressed to one or more specific persons constitutes an offer if it is sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of the offeror to be bound I case of acceptance. The contract laws of most nations hold that an offer must be addressed to one or more specific persons. The Withdrawal of an OfferWithdrawal of an offer means the offeror’s action to prevent the offer from being effective. CISG permits the offeror to withdraw an offeras long as the withdrawal reaches the offeree before or at the same time as the offer. If the offer has already reached the offeree, the offeror loses the possibility to withdraw the offer. The Revocation of an OfferRevocation of an offer means that the offeror notifies the offeree before acceptance of the invalidity of the offer so as to be free from it. Common Law countries and civil law countriesstill differ to whether the offeror is entitled to do so, though those two legal systems are getting more and more similar. Article 16 of the CISG states:1) Until a contract is concluded an offer may be revoked if the revocation reaches the offeree before he has dispatched an acceptance. 2) However, an offer cannot be revoked:(a)if it indicates, whether by stating a fixed time for acceptance or otherwise, that it is irrevocable; or (b) if it was reasonable for the offeree to rely on the offer as being irrevocable and the offeree has acted in reliance of the offer. Article 2.1.4 of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts almost has the same language. The Termination of an OfferGenerally, an offer terminates when it is rejected by the offeree. If the offeree rejects the offer or does not accept it within the prescribed for acceptance or within reasonable time, the offer is terminated.2.4.2 The Acceptance 承诺2.4.2.1.The Definition of AcceptanceA contract isn’t formed until the offer is accepted by the offeree. According to the CISG, a statement made by or other conduct of the offeree indicating assent to an offer is an acceptance. Therefore ,acceptance is defined as the offeree; manifestation of his consent with the terms of the offer. Under the CISG, the offeree may accept the offer at any time as long as it is effective and an acceptance may take the form of a statement or any other conduct by the offeree that indicates the offeree’s intention to be bound to the contract. But silence or inactivity does not in itself amount to acceptance. Requirements That a Presentation Made by the Offeree Must Meet to Constitute an AcceptanceAn acceptance must be made by the offeree.An acceptance must be made within the period of validity of the offer.An acceptance should match the terms and conditions of the offer exactly and unequivocally. Withdrawal of AcceptanceAn acceptance may be withdrawn if the withdrawal reaches the offeror before or at the same time as the acceptance would have become effective. Under the Mail-box rule, an acceptance becomes effective when it is sent out. So it is not necessary to discuss the issue of withdrawal of acceptance since it is not possible. But under Receipt Theory, it is possible for the offeree to prevent the acceptance from being effective. Both the CISG and the Chinese Contract Law allow the offeree to withdraw an acceptance as long as the withdrawal reaches the offeror before or at the same time as the acceptance would have become effective. Form of a ContractA contract of sale need not be concluded in or evidenced by writing and is not subject to any other requirement as to form. It may be proved by any means, including witnesses. There is a parol evidence rule in common law tradition, which means that only the final integration will be considered as the contract between two parties, prior writings and oral testimonies will be ignored. Only when the final expression is not completed, it can be supplemented with prior writings and oral testimonies. But in CISG, there is no such restriction. Article 11 of the CISG provide s, ―A contract of sale need not be concluded in or evidenced by writing and is not subject to any other requirement as to form. It may be proved by any means, including witnesses.‖2.4.3 Performance of the Contract of International Trade in Goods国际货物贸易合同的履行After the conclusion of a sales contract, both the seller and the buyer should perform their respective obligations under the contract. The seller should deliver the goods, handover related documents and transfer the property of the goods. The buyer should pay the price and take the goodsdelivered to him. Obligations of the Seller卖方的义务2. Deliver the GoodsThe seller must deliver the goods strictly in compliance with the contract. In other words, he must deliver the goods specified in the sales contract at the proper time and place. The Handing over of DocumentsUsually, the seller should hand over the documents relating to the goods under a sales contract. These documents often include shipping document, insurance policy, certificate of origin, certificate of quantity, certificate of inspection, and so on. If the seller is bound to hand over these documents, he must hand them over at the time and place and in the form required by the contract. But of the seller has handed over documents before that time, he may, up to that time, cure any lack of conformity in the documents, if the exercise of this right does not cause the buyer unreasonable inconvenience of unreasonable expense. The Transfer of PropertyThe key feature of a sales contract is the exchange of the ownership of the goods for price. The seller transfers the property of the goods and receives payment of price and the buyer pays the price and possesses the ownership of the goods in return. Obligations of the Buyer买方的义务Compare to the obligations of the seller, the buyer’s obligations under the sales contract are relatively simple. He must pay the price and take delivery of the goods. of the PriceThe buyer’s oblig ation to pay the price includes taking such steps and complying with such formalities as may be required under the contract or any laws and regulations to enable payment to be made. This is the preparation stage before the facilitation of the psyment. DeliveryThe buyer’s obligation to take delivery consists of two parts: first, the buyer should do all the preparation acts in order to enable the seller to make delivery. Second, the buyer should take the goods when the goodsare delivered to him. Taking delivery does not mean the buyer have the obligation to accept the goods. If the goods are not in conformity with the contract, the buyer still has the right to remedies. But the buyer should give notice to the seller specifying the nature of the lack of conformity within a reasonable time after he has discovered it of ought to have discovered it, otherwise he will lose the right to rely of a lack ofconformity of the goods.2.4.4 Breach of the Contract and the Remedies of the Buyer and Seller买卖双方的违约及其救济方法If the party does not fulfill his contractual obligation, or has given information to the other party that he will not perform his duty in the contract or if by his action and conduct he seems unable to perform the contract, he breaches the contract. If a party breaches the contract, the other party has the right of remedies. Fundamental Breach of Contract and Anticipatory Breach of ContractIn general, a breach of contract is fundamental if it results in severe detriment to the other party and the party in breach foresaw or ought to have foreseen such result. If a party fundamental breached the contract, the other party may resort to any compatible remedies, as well as the avoidance of contract.Anticipatory breach occurs when the party declares his intention of not performing the contract before the performance is due. Article 71and 72 of the CISG deal with the situation where it becomes apparent or clear that one of the parties to an agreement will or may not perform a substantial part of its obligations. Remedies of the Breach of Contract by the SellerA seller may breach a contract in a number of different ways and the most common are: failing to make an agreed delivery; late delivery; delivering goods that do not conform to the contract; indicating an intention not to fulfill the obligations under the contract. In these cases, the sell can take the following remedies:Specific Performance This is a remedy which requires the party inbreach to perform his obligation under the contract. It is a major remedy in civil law countries because the civil law system takes the idea that the aggrieved party should be granted what he wants in the contract rather than just certain damage compensations. While in common law system, it is a specialized remedy used by courts when no other remedy will adequately compensate the aggrieved party.Avoidance of a Contract If the seller has committed a fundamental breach of contract, the buyer is entitled to the avoidance of contract. If the seller does not deliver the goods within the period of time stipulated in the contract, the buyer may fix an additional period of time of reasonable length for performance by the seller of his obligations.Reduction of the Price If the goods delivered do not conform with contract, the buyer may reduce the price in the same proportion as the value that the goods actually delivered had at the time of the delivery bears to the value that conforming goods would have had at that time. Price reduction for the buyer is used when the seller makes only a partial delivery, or when the goods are nonconforming.Repair If the seller has delivered goods which are not in conformity with the contract, he can repair the nonconforming goods at his own expenses and the buyer also has the right to ask the seller to make necessary repairs.Damages The aggrieved party is entitled to compensation if the breach of the contract has caused damages to him. His right to damages is not deprived of even when he has resorted to other remedies. Remedies for Breach of Contract by the BuyerThe buyer may breach the contract in different ways, for example, the buyer may not be able to pay the price at the due time or the buyer refuses to take delivery without legal grounds. In case the buyer has breached the contract, the seller can resort to different remedies including performance, avoidance of contract and damages.ExercisesPlease Answer the Following Questions:1.What steps are needed if a contract in international sales ofgoods is formed?2.What obligations should be performed by the buyer and theseller in a contract in international sales of goods?3.What kinds of breach of contract are there of the buyer andthe seller in a contract in international sales of goods?Chapter 3 The Transportation Legal System of International Sale of Goods(第三章国际货物贸易运输法律制度)3.1Bill of Lading3.1.1Definition of B/LA bill of lading is a document which serves as an evidence of the contract of carriage of goods by sea and the taking over or loading of the goods by the carrier, and based on which the carrier undertakes to deliver the goods against surrendering the same. A provision in the document stating that the goods are to be delivered to the order of a named person, or to order, or to bearer, constitutes such an undertaking.3.1.2Types of B/LShipped B/L and Received for Shipment B/LClean B/L and Unclean B/NStraight B/L、Open B/L and Order B/LDirect B/L、Transshipment B/L and Multimodal transport B/L )Freight prepaid B/L and Freight payable at destination B/L)3.1.3Legal Functions of B/LAccording to Article 1 of United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea,the bill of lading has three legal functions: Evidence of the Contract of CarriageReceipt of Taking Over or Loading the GoodsDocument of Title3.2 International Conventions of Bill of Lading《海牙规则》(Hague Rules)《维斯比规则》(Visby Rules )《汉堡规则》(Hamburg Rules)《鹿特丹规则》(Rotterdam Rules)3.3 Charter Party(租船合同类型)The charter party is a contract whereby the charterer hires a vessel from the ship-owner. If the whole or a substantial part of the vessel is to be used, as would be the case with bulk cargoes, then a charter party is more likely to be used. Theoretically, charter parties are classified as a contract for the use of the vessel, as opposed to the bill of lading, which is classified as a contract for the carriage of goods. Charter parties differ from bill of lading contracts and are subject to none of the statutory provisions that govern the bills of lading.3.3.1 Types of Charter PartiesThree types of charter parties are in use:V oyage CharterTime CharterDemise CharterExercisesPlease Answer the Following Questions:1.What is a B/L? and What types are there of a B/L?2.Please tell the functions of a B/L.3.What are the main contents of International Conventions of Billof Lading?Chapter 4 The Insurance Legal System of International Sale of Goods(第四章国际货物贸易海上保险法律制度)Marine cargo insurance is an insurance which covers the risks of the goods when they are being transported by sea. It is used to protect the insured against loss or damage. Although the term ―marine cargo insurance‖ is ordinarily used, it actually includes cover for the land transit commencing from the moment the goods leave the storage until they arrive at the final warehouse.4.1 Contract of Marine InsuranceAs is defined in English Marine Insurance Act 1906, a contract of marine insurance is a contract whereby the insurer undertakes, as agreed,to indemnify the loss to the subject matter insured and the liability of the insured caused by perils covered by the insurance against the payment of an insurance premium by the insured.4.2 Certain Terminologies in Cargo InsuranceInsurer(underwriter)Insured(assured)Subject-matter insuredApplicant for InsuranceInsurance AccidentsInsurable ValueInsured Amount4.3 Basic Principles of Marine InsurancePrinciple of Utmost Good FaithPrinciple of Insurable InterestPrinciple of IndemnityPrinciple of Proximate Cause4.4 Marine Insurance Policy4.4.1 Real Functions of the Insurance PolicyAn insurance policy itself is not the insurance contract but it contains the contents of the insurance contract, which can be used as an evidence of the marine insurance contract. In addition, since the policy usually has the details of an insurance contract, it is also the ground for the insured to claim and for the insurer to settle a claim. Different types of insurance policies may vary in the details, but usually the policy will record the parties of the insurance contract, the subject matter insured, the perils insured, the insured amount and the insured value, duration of the coverage, insurance premium, etc.4.4.2 Types of Marine Insurance PolicyValued and Unvalued PolicyV oyage and Time PolicyFloating PolicyOpen Cover PolicyBlanket Policy4.5 Perils and Losses Covered by Marine InsuranceGoods during transportation on sea and in the course of loading and unloading might meet various kinds of perils and thegoods might suffer loss4.5.1 PerilsPerils of the seaExtraneous risks4.5.2 LossesTotal lossPartial lossExercisesPlease Answer the Following Questions:1.What are the terminologies in Cargo Insurance?2.What is the principle of utmost good faith in marine insurance?3.How many perils and losses covered by marine insurance?Chapter 5 The Payment Legal System of International Sale of Goods(第五章国际货物贸易支付法律制度)5.1 Negotiable Instruments in the Payment in International Sale of Goods5.1.1 Definition of Negotiable InstrumentsA negotiable instrument is an unconditioned writing that promises or orders the payment of a fixed amount of money.5.1.2Features of Negotiable InstrumentsA negotiable instrument should be an order or promise to pay unconditionally.A negotiable instrument should be made strictly in compliance with the requirements of the lawA negotiable instrument can be transferred by way of negotiation, which means the right of payment on the negotiable instrument can be transferred to the holder through endorsement.The rights and obligations of the negotiable instrument shouldaccord to the words on it.5.1.3 Types of Negotiable InstrumentsBill of Exchange(Draft)Promissory NoteCheque5.1.4 Unification of the National Law on Negotiable Instruments5.1.4.1 The Geneva ConventionsIn 1930 and 1931, international conferences were held in Geneva and four conventions were approved: 1)Convention Providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes,1930. 2)Convention of the settlement of Certain Conflicts of Laws in Connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes,1930. 3)Convention on the settlement of Certain Conflicts of Laws in Connection with Cheques,1931. United NationsUnited Nations Convention on International Bill of Exchange and International Promissory Notes is a compromise between the Geneva system and common law system. It endeavors to unify the two systems in the form of negotiable instruments, the protection for the holder, forgery endorsement, etc. Unfortunately, this convention was adopted by the General Assembly on December 1988, but there are less contracting parties than what is required, which makes it still not effective.5.1.5 Acts on Negotiable InstrumentsIssuance: The issuance of a negotiable instrument refers to the act of a drawer to sign and deliver it to the payee.Presentment:It refers to the act of the holder to present the。



《国际经济法》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:课程名称:国际经济法英文名称:International Economic Law课程类别:专业课学 时:64学 分:4适用对象: 法学专业本科生考核方式:考试先修课程:法理学、民法、商法、经济法、国际公法、国际私法二、课程简介1.中文简介国际经济法学是法学专业主干课之一,是面向法学专业全日制本科生和专科生开设的专业课,是一门新兴的综合性边缘性学科。


2.英文简介economic law, as a newly-developed, comprehensive a nd borderline Internationalcourse, which consists of international laws and internal laws governing economic relaentitiesand individuals,is one of the keyorganizations,internationalbetween states,four-year undergraduatecourses o f the legal s cience a nd is designed f or the full-timestudents and two-year junior college students.The contents are a s follows: basic theoreticalof internationalproblems and subjectseconomic law, law of international sale of goods, transportation and insurance concertrade o f technology, basic t heoretical sale o f goods, law of internationalinternationalproblems of international investment law , legal forms of international investment, la foreign investment of capital-import countries, laws on oversea investment of capital-promotion and protection of foreign investment; l oans ofcountries, internationalinternational commercial bank and law, international project finance and the legal sys bonds, issue o f internationalstock and stock trade s ystem, i nternational internationalfinancial supervision and foreignpayment and credit c ard system and internationalexchange control; tax jurisdiction and income tax law system, international double tax and international tax convention, methods for elimination of international double tax and international tax avoidance and evasion; types of international economic disputes methods for their settlement.三、课程性质与教学目的(一)课程性质广东财经大学法学本科及专科专业必修课,是法学专业主干课程之一。



《国际经济法(英汉双语)》课程教学大纲、课程基本信息、教学安排及方式总学时54 学时,讲课42 学时,模拟和讨论12 学时。





教学方法与手段:此部分内容教学课时安排大致为 2 课时。



〔附件1〕《国际金融法》双语课程教学大纲 课程名称:国际金融法 英文

〔附件1〕《国际金融法》双语课程教学大纲 课程名称:国际金融法 英文

〔附件1〕《国际金融法》双语课程教学大纲课程名称:国际金融法英文名称:International Financial Law学分/学时:2/36适用专业:法学专业先修课程:民法开课单位:法学院一、课程性质:此课程是针对法学专业本科的专业课程。


三、课程教学内容及学时分配Introduction(包括国际金融法学科的发展新趋势、相关学者、相关参考文献)-2课时Ch 1:Monetary System and Foreign Exchange: monetary system, foreign exchange, foreign exchange market, foreign exchange control (包括国际货币与外汇法的基本原理,汇率、外汇交易、外汇市场,外汇管制等法律制度)-4课时CH 2:International commercial Loan Agreement: terms and conditions (包括国际商业贷款合同和国际商业贷款的法律实务操作技巧与要领)-4课时CH 3:Project Finance: recourse, participants, risks(涉及项目融资的法律架构、贷款的不可追索性、项目融资的不同参与者的法律地位,了解项目融资的各种风险)-4课时CH 4:Multi-lender loan, multi-lender contracts, syndicated loan , agent bank, loan participation (包括直接式和间接式银团贷款的差异性及其相互之间的关系;代理行;各方当事人在银团贷款中的法律地位和权利义务;银团贷款的法律文件及其特点)-4课时Ch 5:Securities law and IPO: overseas securities market and law, penny stock and NSDZQ, overseas IPO (包括跨国证券法律制度、我国企业到境外资本市场发行证券所包括的基本法律问题和注意事项)-4课时Ch 6:Letter of credit: kinds of l/c, examination of L/C, negotiation, softclauses (包括信用证的法律与实务要点,信用证软条款的特殊性及其法律性质,对信用证欺诈进行防范的各种法律技巧)-4课时CH 7:Asset Securitization: why securitization, structure of securitization, SPV, Case study: COSCO (包括资产证券化的概念和法律特征,进行证券化的资产种类、资产证券化所包括的法律问题;资产证券化在我国的发展情况和所遇到的障碍等)-4课时Ch 8:International financial security: guarantee, mortgage, pledge, independent guarantee (包括国际融资中的担保,保证、抵押、质押等不同法律特点和和法律效力,国际融资银行担保、备用信用证、安慰信的法律特点和适用情况)-4课时Review:总复习-2课时四、教学方法以课堂教学为主,结合自学、团组大作业。

国际经济法课程 大纲

国际经济法课程 大纲









. 要全面、系统、准确讲述它的基本理论和各个领域具体的法律原则、制度和规则,并且在讲述中要联系有关案例和我国的实践,使之既符合学科的原貌,又易于理解和接受.、采用案例教学的方法。





















六、参考教材1.郭寿康,赵秀文,王利明,《国际经济法》,中国人民大学出版社(2015年7月出版)2. 余劲松,《国际经济法学》,北京大学出版社(2014年出版)3.陈安,《国际经济法总论》,法律出版社(2015年出版)4.冯大同,《国际商法》,对外贸易教育出版社(2014年出版)5.曹建明,《国际经济法学》,中国政法大学出版社(2015年出版)制订人:审核人:2020年12 月6。





二、课程目标1. 了解国际经济法的基本概念和原则;2. 熟悉国际贸易规则和投资保护的法律框架;3. 掌握国际经济争端解决的机制和程序;4. 能够分析和解决国际经济法领域的实际问题。

三、课程内容1. 国际经济法的基本概念和原则- 国际经济法的定义和范围;- 最惠国待遇和国民待遇原则;- 公平和合理待遇原则;- 国际经济合作和互惠原则。

2. 国际贸易规则- 世界贸易组织(WTO)的机构和功能;- 关税和非关税壁垒的法律规定;- 贸易争端解决机制和程序;- 贸易自由化和区域经济一体化。

3. 投资保护- 国际投资的法律框架和原则;- 投资准入和国民待遇原则;- 投资争端解决机制和程序;- 投资促进和保护的实践案例。

4. 国际经济争端解决机制- 国际仲裁和国际法院的角色和职能;- 争端解决机构的组织和程序;- 争端解决案例分析和评估。

五、教学方法1. 讲授与讨论相结合:通过教师的讲解和学生的互动讨论,深入理解国际经济法的理论和实践。

2. 案例分析:通过分析实际案例,让学生运用所学知识解决实际问题,培养实践能力。

3. 小组讨论:将学生分成小组,让他们在小组内合作讨论特定问题,促进团队合作和思维碰撞。

4. 课程项目:让学生独立完成一项与国际经济法相关的研究项目,提升其研究能力和创新思维。

六、评估方式1. 课堂表现:包括积极参与讨论、提出问题和回答问题的能力。

2. 作业和小组项目:对学生的独立思考、分析和解决问题的能力进行评估。

3. 期末考试:考察学生对国际经济法基本概念、原则和实践的掌握程度。

七、参考教材1. "International Economic Law" by Andrew Mitchell2. "International Trade Law" by Indira Carr3. "Investment Law" by Surya Subedi八、结语国际经济法课程教学大纲旨在培养学生对国际经济法领域的全面理解和实践能力。

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