




()1 ?

. .

A. a,

B. ,

C. a,

D. ,

()2 , (这样) .

A. ,

B. ,

C. ,

D. ,

()3, !


A. B. C. D.

()4 ’t .


A. ,

B. ,

C. ,

D. ,

()5 !


A. B. ’t C. D.

()6 ?


A. ,

B. ,

C. ,

D. ,

()7 .

A , B. ,

C. ,

D. ,

()8. ? .

A. B. C. ’ D.

()9. I .

()10. a .

A. B.

C. D.

()11. ’s .

A. C. D. ()12. 95 . I 90 . I .

A. B. C. D. ()13. ?

. ’s .

A. ,

D. A

()14. .





()15. -?


A. B. C. D. ()16 ? I’m .

A. B. C. D.

()17 I ?

. .

A. ’t


C. D. I’m

()18 .

A. B. C. D.

()19. ’s .

A. B.

C. a


()20. ?

A. B. C. D. .补全对话(5分)

: , ! ’s a . (1)

: I’ .

: (2)

: , . . (3)

: ?

: , a . I .

: (4)

: .

: (5)


. 1 . . 2 . , ’t .

a , ’t 3 . . 4 . . a

5 .

, 6 . a . 7 . , 8 .

a . , “I’9 ”, 10 . ’t . .

()1. A. B. C. D.

()2. A. B. C. D.

()3. A. B. C. D.

()4. A. B. C. D.

()5. A. B. C. D.

()6. A. B. C. D.

()7. A. B. C. D.

()8. A. B. C. D.

()9. A. B. C. D.

()10. A. B. C. D.



. . . . a ’t . , a . . , ’t . .

a . .

a . , ’t . ’s . . .

, “” . !

“ , ?” .


“ ‘?’”

“ ,” . “ ?”

( ) 1. . .

A. a


C. D.

( ) 2. . .

A. B.

C. D.

( ) 3. .



C. . a


( ) 4. ’s ?

A. B.

C. D.

( ) 5. ’s .

A. ’t

B. ’t

C. ’t



, a , a . . , . .

. . . , ’t .

“ ,” .

“ ?” . ’t , “ . .” .

( ) 6. .

A. a

B. a

C. a

D. a

( ) 7. ’t .

A. B. ’t

C. D. ’t

( ) 8. , .

A. B. C. D.

( ) 9. .





( ) 10 ’t ?

A. ’t .

’t .

’t .



’ (蜗牛) . ’t . —.

a ’s . , a . A a . , a , .

A . , .

. , , . , . , (触

角), . . .

A ’s a (大头针). 256,000 ! , ’t . a a , ! a , .

( ) 11. A .

A. B.

C. ’t


( ) 12 “A ”, “” .

A. a


C. D.

( ) 13 , .

A. a ’s

B. a ’t

C. a ’s

D. a ’s

( ) 14 .

A. B. a

C. D.

( ) 15 ?

A. ’t .

B. A a .

C. .

D. ’s .


. ’t .

, a . , “? I ?” . , .

a .

, ’s . , “I’m ”“” .

a ’ . !

a ? ’s a : a








( ) 16 a .





( ) 17. .



C. ’t

D. ’t

( ) 18. .


C. D.

( ) 19. .

A. B. C. D.

( ) 20. “”?

A. B. C. D.





, ,

a . , a

a .




(出版)a ,

a , a !

. ,

. .



21 .


()21. .

()22. .

()23. .

()24. .

()25. .


(政府) , . 2007, 1 a 2 a . , 3 , a 2008. 4 , 5 . 6 . 2006, . 7 . 8 . 9 10 .

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


, a . .

, ’ . a a . , . . , .

“, ’t ,” .

“ I’m ’s,” . “ ’t . ’s .”

“, , ’s” a .

’s . “ , ’s I a . .”

1. .

2. ’t a .

3. , .

4. ’s.

5. a “”. .




’t , . ? I ’s .


人教版八年级下学期英语竞赛试题 一. 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. What do you think he will _________ ten years A. be in B. be at C. be for D. be after 22. Could you ____________ yourself when you were five years old A. wear B. put on C. dress D. be in 23. ---I’m sorry. I really _________ my homework at home. --- That’s all right, but don’t ___________ to bring it to school tomorrow. A. left; forget B. leave; forget C. forgot; forget D. forget; forget 24. The prediction that computers will be used at home has _____________. A. come over B. come true C. come out D. come along 25. None of the shoes in the shop fit me well. They are ________ too big ________ too small. A. both; and B. not only; but also C. neither; nor D. either; or 26. Don’t get off the bus __________ it has stopped. A. until B. if C. too D. for 27. --- I hear you have got a ticket ________ the Opening Ceremony of the London Olympics. --- Yes. I got it _________ my uncle A. of; from B. to; by C. to; from D. for; to 28. Did the old man ever feel __________when he lived ___________ on the farm A. alone; lonely B. lonely; lonely C. alone; alone D. lonely; alone


五年级英语下册基础知识竞赛试卷 班级姓名分数 一、补全单词 ()1.visit grandpa____s A.entr B.rent https://www.360docs.net/doc/363090527.html,r ()2.sk__t__ A.i,e B.e,a C.a,e ()3.M___ch A.ar B.br C.at ()4.lis___ to music A.en B.on C.ten ()5.kang__r___ A.e,oo B.a,ou C.a,oo ()6.play the pi___ A.ano B.noa C.aon ()7.pl___ trees A.nat B.ay C.ant ()8.S___tem____ A.ep,er B.ep,ber C.pe,ter ()9.ans____ the phone A.wer B.rew C.ewr ()10.fi___t A.hg B.gh C.ah 二、根据汉语写英语(10分) 1.晨练__________________ 2.购物_________________________ 3.放风筝____________________ 4.堆雪人____________________ 5.二月_________________ 6.十一月_____________________ 7.画画_________________ 8.写信_____________________ 9.跑及它的ing形式 _________ ________________ 10.荡秋千____________________ 三、找出选项中不同类的一项(10分) ()https://www.360docs.net/doc/363090527.html,ually B.at C.often D.sometimes ()2.A.winter B.spring C.season D.fall ()3.A.August B.first C.third D.second ()4.A.read a book B.clean the room C.cooking dinner D.wash the clothes ()5.A.fly B.swim C.jump D.walking 四、根据问句选答语(10分) ()1.When do you eat dinner? A.At 7:00 p.m. B.at noon C.in summer ()2.Why do you like fall? A.Because I can swim. 1 / 4 B.Because I like swimming. C.Because I can pick apples. ()3.When is your birthday? A.It's at January. B.It's in January. C.It's on January. ()4.What are you doing? A.I'm read a book. B.I am answer the phone. C.I'm doing the dishes. ()5.What is she doing? A.It's flying.


2016—2017学年度第一学期五年级竞赛试题(卷) 英语 (本套试题共100分) 卷首语:小朋友,做做这份试卷,你会发现自己真的学会了很多知识,有一种成就感,相信你今后一定更喜欢英语,会把英语学得更好。祝你顺利做完试题,取得好成绩! 一、按要求写出所给字母左邻右舍。(每小题1分,共6分) g N t U q R 二、找出下列每组单词中划线部分发音与其他单词不同的一项。(每小题1分,共5分)()1.A rainy B mountain C wait D rainbow ()2.A house B count C snow D cow ()3.A slow B about C sound D flower ( ) 4. A. May B. play C. stay D. bag ( ) 5. A. house B. count C. cow D. low 三、Think and write.(按要求写出相应的形式。10★) 1.busy(反义词) __________ 2. Thursday (缩写) __________ 3.小心(汉译英) __________ 4.healthy(反义词) __________ 5. 一盒彩笔(汉译英) __________ 6.them(主格)__________ 7.ten to three(英译汉)__________ 8. mouse (复数)__________ 9. there(同音词)__________ 10. children(单数)__________ 四、用所给词的正确形式填空。(每小题1分,共10分) 1. They’re _________ (health) for me. 2. Watermelon is_________(I) favourite fruit. 3. My parents________(be)very strict. 4. There ____ (be)some water in the lake. 5. ________ (There is缩写形式) a table in the room. 五、Choose.(选择题。20★) ( ) 1. ----____________ in your living—room? ----There’s a big closet, two end tables and two desks A. Who’s B. What’s C. Where’s ( ) 2. How many ____________ do you have? A. sheep B. sheeps C. sheepes ( ) 3. Today is Tuesday, tomorrow is _______________. A. Thursday B. Wednesday C. Friday ( ) 4. Are there ______________ horses on the farm? A. any B./ C. some ( ) 5. ______________, there are some pictures over there. A. Read B. Watch C. Look ( ) 6. _____________ he helpful at home? A. Can B. Are C. Is ( ) 7. I` d like some_____________ and eggplant. A. potatos B. potatoes C. potato ( ) 8. Let ____________ clean the classroom. A. her B. she C. she`s ( ) 9. Zoom _____________ do the dishes. A. can B. cann’t C. can’t ( ) 10. ---- How _____________ is the pencil—case? ---- Twelve yuan. A. many B. much C. old ( ) 11.I often watch TV ____ Mondays. A. in B. on C. at D. to ( ) 12.What ____ you do on Saturdays? A. do B. is C. are D. does


八年级英语竞赛试卷 I、单项选择(每题1分,共15分) ( ) 1.Ted ___ while he ___ his bicycle and hurt himself. A. fell, was riding B. had fallen, rode C. fell, were riding D. had fallen, was riding ( ) 2. A few months later, John did better ________ drawing than any other student in his class. A. on B. for C. at D. in ( ) 3. TV programs and computers can ________ our eyes to the outside world. A. look up B. turn up C. catch up D. open up ( )4. Mary said she ________ to school the next Friday. A. didn’t go B. wouldn’t go C. isn’t go D. won’t go ( ) 5. –Mom, my shoes are ________. Could you buy me a new pair? --Sure. A. out of style B. the same C. in style D. very popular ( )6. My mother told me ________ anymore when it was late. A. didn’t write B. not write C. don’t write D. not to write ( )7. Could you ________ my little cat while I am away? A. care for B. sell out C. look for D. talk with ( ) 8. The doorbell rang, and mother ________ the door A. stopped open B. stopped opening C. stopped to open D. stopped opened ( ) 9. —Will people live to be 300 years old? —_________. A. No, they aren't B. No, they won't C. No, they don't D. No, they can't ( )10. –I argued with my mother this morning. --________ A. That’s nothing! B. Great! C. You should say sorry to her. D. Let’s play soccer. ( )11. What ________ to your grandfather the day before yesterday? A. was happened B. happened C. happening D. happen ( )12. –What do you think of his speech? --Oh, wonderful. But his voice sounded really _ when he first started speaking. A. aloud B. worry C. nervous D. quiet ( )13. –My English teacher said I was hard-working. --Really? You are ________. A. luckily B. lucked C. lucky D. luck ( )14. –I can’t go shopping with you today. My mother is ill. --________. A. You’re welcome B. Don’t worry C. That’s a good idea D. I’m sorry to hear that ( )15. –I argued with my mother this morning. --________


考试时间:50分钟 卷面总分:100分 一、读一读,选一选。圈出每组中与所给词语含有相同元音音素的选项。(6分) 1. b oa t a. yellow b. cow c. how d. brown 2. read a. bread b. teacher c. meat d. sweater 3. rainy a. today b. apple c. Monday d. air 4. house a. horse b. soup c. would d. about 5. room a. cook b. good c. look d. cool 6. hard a. apple b. Mark c. warm d. say 二、 判断每组中不同类的单词,写在( )里。(12分) 三、 四、选择填空。(26) ( ) has a coat,two ___and a pair of (一副)_____. A. scarves,glove ,gloves ( ) have to wear __in PE class. ( ) and Lily good at . A. are; sing. B. is; sing C. are singing. D. is; singing. ( )4.今天天气真热。你会说: A. What a lovely day today. B. What a hot day today. ( ) floor do you live A in B. at ( )6.当你想知道那个女孩是谁的时候你要怎么问: A Who ’s that girl B. Is she your friend ( )7. a happy family it is! B. Who ( ) can I get there,please _____ you can go there by bus. be ( )9.如果你想咨询天气怎么样你会说: A .It will be cold tomorrow. B. What ’s the weather like tomorrow ( ) ( ) is “h ” in the word “chair ”. A .a. B. the. C.∕. ( ) can not hear the song you the radio,please A. go down B. turn up C. take off D. turn on ( )13你饿了,你会说: am hungry. am thirsty. 五、读一读,写一写。(20分) 六、句型转换。(10分) 1. They are my teachers.( 变一般疑问句,并做否定回答) _____ ______ your teachers No, _____ ______. ) 1. They are Li Lei and Li Ming. (对画线部分提问) ________ are they 2. My sister has big eyes. ( 对画线部分提问)


五年级英语竞赛题 班级姓名 一、判断下列划线部分读音是(√)否(×)相同。(5分) ()1.A.young B.house C.about ()2.A.moon B.boot C.blood ()3.A.who B.what C.whose ()4.A.bear B.pear C.hear ()5.A.think B.those C.this 二、找出每组不同类单词。(5分) ()1. A. Who B. White C. Which D. When ()2. A. Jan. B. Sept. C. Dec. D. Sun. ()3. A. leaves B. mountains C. insects D. always ()4. A. first B. third C. nine D. fourth ()5. A. over there B. do sports C. drink water D. climb trees 三、词形转换。(10分) 1. write(现在分词) 2. butterfly(复数) 3. have(三单) 4. potato(复数) 5.he(宾格) 6. often(近义词) 7.young(反义词) 8. 打扫卧室(英语) 9.two(同音词) 10.can’t(完全形式) 四、选择正确答案。(30分) ()1. ________ day is it today? A. What B. How C. Which D. Who ()2. The train leaves ________ 7:55 ________ the evening. A. on; at B. in; in C. by; at D. at; in ()3. She is ________ mother. A. Lily and Lucy B. Lily and Lucy's C. Lily's and Lucy D. Lily's and Lucy's


驻马店市第十九中学八年级英语竞赛试题 一、听力理解(20小题,每小题 1 分,共20分) 第一节听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A..B.C 三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话读两遍。 () 1.What will the man do later? A. Have breakfast. B. Run . C. Watch TV () 2.What does the man advise the woman to do? A. To write an e-mail to Mike. B. To give Mike a present. C. To see a movie with Mike. () 3.Where does the woman want to go? A. To the park. B.To the supermarket. C. To the cinema. () 4.Where did the man go last weekend? A. To the US. B. To Canada. C. To England () 5.What's the matter with Tom? A. He has a stomachache. B. He has a fever. C. He has headache. 第二节听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A.B.C 三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题. () 6.How does the man go to work now? A. By car B. By subway C. On foot ()7.How long has the man had the car? A .For four years B. For five years C. For six years 听下面一段对话,回答第8 至第10 三个小题。 ()8.What does Mom expect Frank and his sister to do? A. To do housework B.To work hard. C. To take exercise. ()9.What does Frank's sister often do? A.She often sweeps the floor. B. She often folds the clothes. C She often does the dishes.. ()10.How often does Frank clean his room? A.Twice a month. B. Twice a week. C.Once a week 听下面一段独白,回答第11至第12两个小题。 ()11.How long has it rained in the city? A. For two days. B. For three days. C.For four days. ()12.When will the rainstrom come probably? A.On Friday B. On Saturday C. On Sunday 听下面一段对话,回答第13 至第15三个小 题。 ()13.How many pandas are there? A. Two B. Three C.Five ()14. What does the man think of pandas? https://www.360docs.net/doc/363090527.html,zy B. Cute C.Active ()15.What does the woman want to do? A.To feed the pandas. B. To take photos C. To play with the pandas.


2019八年级下学期英语竞赛题Class ————————Name ————————Score ___________一、选择最佳答案(55×1') ( )1He always keep________. that do that ( ) were you ______morning D before ( )3. I was in Beijing No. 2 Middle School twenty years ______ ( ) have some problems _______ this new car. ( ) was born ______July 7,1985. D. for ( ) homework because he was ill. ’t ’t do ’t did ’t do ( ) you enjoying ____in our city stay ( ) many pencils did you _____the day before yesterday ( )’s going to ______English evening tomorrow. an a a an ( ) did you travel to Egypt(埃及) --We went there because we like Pyramid(金字塔)。 ( ) wasn’t a world footb all match any _________. ( ) is the date today --It’s_________. 10th ,May ( ) is Sunday,October________. five fifth ( ) went to Shanghai_______a bad time of year ( ) is ______season of the year.


小学五年级英语单词竞赛试卷一.看中文,写英文单词。(1×30) 1. 晚上___________ 2. 吃早饭___________ 3. 晨练___________ 4. 进行体育活动 5. 什么时候_________ 6. 通常 7. 去远足__________ 8. 爬山___________ 9. 周末___________ 10. 春天___________ 11. 季节___________ 12. 冬天___________ 13. 放风筝___________ 14. 种树___________ 15. 为什么__________ 16. 弹钢琴__________ 17. 爷爷___________ 18. 书本___________ 19. 房间___________ 20. 画画___________ 21. 写信___________ 22. 生日___________ 23. 五月___________ 24. 叔叔___________ 25. 日期_________ 26. 强壮的_______ 27. 下棋___________ 28. 采摘树叶________ 29. 走___________ 30. 睡觉___________ 二.看英文单词,写中文。(1×30) 1. noon _________ 2. about ______ 3. get up ______ 4. mirror ______ 5. visit grandparents ______ 1

6. snow _______ 7. policeman ______ 8. bathroom _______ 9. living room ____ 10. under _________ 11. behind ________ 12. clothes ________ 13. best _______ 14. December________ 15. January __________ 16. second_________ 17. ninth __________ 18. e-card _________ 19. kangaroo________ 20. woods__________ 21. swinging________ 22. walking__________ 23. November ________ 24. honey ________ 25. jacket ________ 26. go shopping ______ 27. tiger ________ 28. dress ________ 29. snowy ________ 30. play football_______ 三.单词分分类(将单词前面序号填入横线内)(1×20)A 、bedroom B、cold C、bus D、March E、apple F、classroom G、cool H、Thursday I、January J、train K、warm L、banana M、jeep N、Saturday O、Sunday P、kitchen 2


监利县廖池中学 2009-20XX年度(下)八年级英语竞赛试卷满分100分。时间100分钟。请将答案填写到第二卷上,考生只交第二卷。 I、单项填空(15分) 1. There _____ a football match on TV this afternoon. A. is going to have B. will be C. is going to play D. will play 2. Travelling by train is ____ cheaper and _____ enjoyable than by air. A. very, very much B. quite, much too C. more, much more D. much, far more 3. He explained ____ how to get there. A. to me B. for me C. me D. with me 4. It’s great fun ____ a pet dog at home. A. to keep B. to take C. keep D. find 5. How long ____ you both ___ love? A. are, with B. do, fall in C. are, in D. are , fall in 6. It _____ that his father knew about it. A. seems B. seems to C. seemed D. seemed to 7. You forgot ____ the door. Oh, _____ , I’ll go and close it. A. closing, so did I B. to close, so I did C. closing, nor did I D.to close, neither did I 8. He ____ by bike to school, but now he walks. A. used to going B. is used to going C. used to go D. is used to go 9. Look at this photo. Can you ___ her name? A. think over B. think of C. think about D. thinking of 10.All the students were sweeping the floor ___ they head a man ___ “help”. A. when, shouting B. white , to shout C. when, to shout D. while, shouts 11. Jimmy is leaving for a holiday. Really? Where ___ he ____? A. has, gone B. will, go C. did, go D. does, go 12.Would you mind my opening the window? ____. A. Yes, I would B. Sorry, I wouldn’t C. No, not at all D. No, please don’t 13.Why don’t you get him some junk food? ______. A. That’s not healthy enough B. That’s too healthy C. That’s delicious food D. That’s enough healthy 14.What can you catch but can’t throw. A. a girl B. a boy C. a dog D. a cold 15.Fill in the following blanks with only one word. ____ is greater than God. A. Everything B. Nothing C. Something D. Anything II.完形填空(10分) Henry was not good at maths . Even when the teacher explained something a second time, he still could not _16_ it. “Never mind, I’ll sit next to the boy who’s the best at _17_” Henry thought, “and 18 his answers”. The day of the exam came, and Henry sat next to Allan, who was 19 at the top of the class in maths. Henry carefully copied Allan’s answers onto his own exam paper. At he end of the exam, the teacher said, “Well, boys and girls, I’ve decided to give a red star to the students who got the highest grades. It’s 20 for me to decide who to give the star to, however, 21 two students, Henry andAllan, got the 22 grade” After a moment she went on: “But I’ve decided to give the star to 23 this time”. Henry was 24 when he heard this. He stood up and said: “But I got the same grade as Allan, madam”


五年级英语 Listening part 听力部分(40分) 一、请仔细听,找出你所听到的单词,每个单词读两遍。(10分)? ()3.A.fight B.first C.fourth ()4.A.jump B.June C.July ()5.A.season B.second C.September ()8. A.Thursday B.Tuesday C.Friday ().12th B.20th C.12th 二、请仔细听,根据听到的内容选择相应的图片,每组句子读两遍。(5分) ()1. A B C ()2. A B C ()3. A B C ()4. A B C ()5. A B C 三、判断所读句子是否与图片相符,相符的在括号里打“√”,否则打“×”。(5分) . . 1.() 2.() 3.() 4.() 5.() 四、根据所听句子给图片排序。(5分) ()()()()()五、听句子两次,为图片选择对应的单词。(5分) ()()()()()六、标出你所听到的月份的正确顺序。(5分) January November April August December ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 七、给你听到的短文排出正确的顺序。(5分) ( b )She is reading a book. ( ) What are you doing? ( ) What is your mother doing? ( ) I’m making a birthday chart. ( ) Hello! This is John. 八、听音填词(5分) 1.I usually get up _______ 6:00. ?2._________ is your favourite season ? ?3.__________ do you like summer best ? 4.__________ is your birthday ? 5.The tigers ___________ running.


五年级英语竞赛试卷 一、选择题。(10分) ( ) 1. I play _____ piano every day. A. a B. the C. an ( ) 2. I play football _____ the weekend. A. in B. at C. on ( ) 3.The _____ day of a week is Monday. A. first B. second C. third ( ) 4. _____ she have a computer? A.Do B. Does C. Is ( ) 5. I ______ books at nine every evening. A. read B. reading C. am reading ( ) 6. Look! The kangaroo ________. A. is jumping B. jumps C. jumping ( ) 7. The mother elephant isn’t _____. A. walk B. walking C. to walk ( ) 8. Can the pandas ______? A. swimming B. swim C. are swimming ( ) 9. Are you ______ fish? A. watch B. watching C. watches ()10. Tom often_________ TV on Saturday. A.watch B. watches C. watching 二.用单词的恰当形式 ⒈The lady __________(play) the piano very well. Look ,she _________(play) the piano in her home. ⒉My little sister is good at __________(sing) and _________(dance). ⒊The picture on the desk is _______(he). 4.She ________ (want) to _______(be) a coach. 5.____your father _____(teach) English? No .He ____(teach) Chinese. 6.What ______ she _______ (do)? She _______(be) a singer . 7.She ______________(not like) ________ (eat) fish .


八年级下学期学科竞赛英语试卷 一、单项选择。 1. The underlined part in the word “perfect” is pronounced as ______. A . /i:/ B . /i/ C . /e/ D . /ei/ 2. — Hi, Jim. You are so early! —Oh, I _____________ up early. It’s so good. A . used to get B . used to getting C . am used to get D . am used to getting 3. — Could you please sweep the floor? — ___________. I am busy looking after my sister. A . Yes, sure B . Sorry, I couldn’t C . No problem D . Sorry, I’m afraid not 4. __________ my opinion, your answer is wrong. A . In B . To C . For D . With 5. —It’s too noisy here. I can’t stand it. — Me, too. We have to ____________ new ways to solve the problem. A . come up with B . keep up with C . catch up with D . help out with 6. ________ English well, one must have a lot of practice. A . Speak B . Speaking C . To speak D . Speaks 7. The peaceful music in the CD made the students relaxed. A . feel B . feels C . felt D . to feel 8. The price of the house is so high. I hope it can _________ in the future. A . drop B . develop C . provide D . fall


五年级英语竞赛试题 一、选出适当字母把单词补充完整,把答案序号写在答题纸上。(每题1分,共6分)()1. c _usin 表兄妹 A. a B. i C. o ()2. sh __w 演出 A. a B. i C. o ()3. ph __to 照片 A. a B. i C. o ()4. r __dio 收音机 A. a B. i C. u ()5. f __nny 滑稽的 A. a B. i C. u ( ) 6.P_lace 宫殿 A. a B. i C. u 二.按要求写出词的形式.答案写在答题纸上(每题1分,共10分) 1.children单数)________ 2.let’s.完全形式)_____________ 3.quick副词)_______ 4.swim(现在分词)_____________ 5.foot(复数)___________ 6.drink(现在分词)___________ 7.left(对应词)________8.bottom(对应词)_________ 9.younger(反义词)____________10.happy(对应词)_________. 三.在横线上填入正确的单词,答案写在答题纸上. (每题2分,共20分) 1.I can ___ my friend an e-mail. 2.He ___ to the zoo yesterday. 3.She ___ to fly a kite. 4.The ___ is Danny’s father. 5W_______ is the capital city of the U.S. 6.What __ they look like? 7.Do they ____? 8.My mother likes to _____. 9._______ points right on a map. 10.___ Canada north of the U.S.? 四、选择填空,答案写在答题纸上.(每题2分,共30分) ( ) 1.Tom and Li Ming are doing ___homework. A.they B. their C. his ( ) 2. Beijing is ______ the north of China. A. in B. at C. on ( ) 3. —_____did you go there? - I went there at 9 o’clock. A. What B. Where C. What time ( ) 4. —Did you go with your mother? —_______________ A. Yes, I didn’t. B. No, I didn’t. C. Yes, I do. ( ) 5. —______ did he do last night? —He watched TV. A. What B. When C. Who
