OMEGA 验厂人权清单




文件审核清单 Document ChecklistDate:TOR: Facility name: Auditor:Version 2.0 Dec 2013 I. 健康安全-- Health and SafetyYes No N/A CommentsFire safety1 建筑消防验收报告(厂房)-Fire Safety Inspection Report (production building)2 最近2次紧急疏散计划/消防演习记录 (包括照片) - Latest twice Emergency evacuation plan / Fire drill records (including photos)3建筑消防验收报告(宿舍) -Fire Safety Inspection Report (dormitory ) Machine Safety and Operator License1电工许可证 - Electrician's License 2 锅炉工许可证 - Boiler Operator's License3 锅炉检验合格证–Boiler inspection report 内部Interior外部exterior内部Interior外部exterior 4电梯操作工许可证 - Cargo lift operator license 5电梯检验合格证 - Cargo lift inspection report 6叉车操作工许可证- Fork lift operator license 7叉车检验合格证 - Fork lift inspection report 8起重机械操作工许可证 - E. g. Crane operator license 9起重机械检验合格证 - E.g. Crane inspection report 10压力容器操作工许可证 - E.g. Air tank operator license 11压力容器检验合格证 - E. g. Air Compressor inspection report 12其他特种设备 - others 13 机器设备清单- Machine inventoryChemical Safety1化学品安全使用培训 – Chemical safety training records 2危险废弃物处置商经营许可证 – Hazardous waste disposal license 3危险废弃物处置转联单 – Hazardous waste disposal duplicated form 4 化学品使用清单 – Chemical list。



欧美客人验厂人权道德基本要求道德贸易联盟道德贸易联盟基本守则1.自收选择职业不可雇用受强迫劳工,奴隶或非自愿的囚犯劳工.不可要求劳工付”押金”,或将身份证明文件交予雇主保管.雇员给雇主合理的通知期后,可自由离职.2.尊重结社自由和集体谈判权.2.1.雇员有权按自己的意愿,参加或组织工会,并进行集体谈判.同时不可因此而受到不同待遇. 2.2.雇主须对工会的活动和会内之组织活动,采取开放态度.2.3.劳工代表不可受到歧视,并可在工作地点执行代表的职务.2.4.若结社自由和集体谈判权受法例限制,雇主须提供方便,协助发展相辅相成的渠道.而非采取阻扰态度.3.工作环境安全卫生,3.1.雇主须提供安全,卫生的工作环境,并注意相关行业的工业安全知识及危险.雇主须采取足够的措施,以合理可行的方法,尽量减少在工作地点的潜在危险,以避免雇员因执行勤务,在相关的情况下或在执行勤务期间发生意外,引致健康受损.3.2.雇主须定期提供有关健康与安全的培训,并将资料存档.此等培训应为新聘劳工或调任新职的劳工重新举办.3.3.雇主须为雇员提供清洁的厕所设备和饮用水.如有需要,亦须提供储存食物的卫生设备.3.4.若雇主为雇员提供住宿,住宿环境必须清洁和安全,并符合雇员的基本需要.3.5.遵循守则的公司须委托一高级主管为代表,负责劳工的健康及安全.4.不可雇用童工4.1.不可招聘童工.4.2.公司须制定参与及协助制定政策和计划,为被发现当上童工的儿童,提供过渡性的服务,使其接受良好的教育,直至长大成人.”儿童”及”童工”两词之定义参附件.4.3.不可聘用十八岁以下儿童及青少年,在夜间或危险场所工作.4.4.上述政策及程序,须与国际劳工组织标准的相关条文一致.5.基本生活工资.5.1.每个正常工作周的工资及福利,至少须达到当地的法定标准或业内的参考标准,并以较高者为主.在任何情况下,雇员工资除应足以维持基本需求外,也应在此之上有所剩余,以供零用.5.2.所有雇员在入职前应获发书面通知,清楚说明有关工资的骋用条件,并在每次发薪时收到有关支薪期内工资的书面说明.5.3.严禁以扣减工资作为纪律惩处,也不可在没有当地法律依据且未经雇员同意的情况下,扣减工资.所有纪律惩处的办法,皆应记录存档.6.工作时间不可过长.6.1.工时必须符合当地法律规定及业内参考标准,并以保障较大者为准.6.2.在任何情况下,雇主不可定期要求雇员每周工作超过48小时,并雇员平均每7个连续工作日,须至少享有一天休假.加班工作须属自愿性质,每周不可超过12小时,也不可视为常规安排,同时,应以较高额度之加班费做补偿.7.不可歧视雇员.7.1.雇员不可因种族,阶级,国籍,宗教,年龄,残障,性别,婚姻状态,性取向,工会会籍或政治倾向等因素,而在聘用,赔偿,培训,晋升,解聘或退休方面受到歧视.8.正常劳资关系.8.1.在所有情况下,雇员的工作必须以当地法律或惯例认可的劳资关为基础.8.2.不可利用仅供劳力合约/分包合约/家庭代工方式,或透过一些无意传授技能或提供正常劳资关系的学徒训练计划,或利用过期使用定期劳资合约,来逃避雇主在劳工法或社会福利法规定下,因正常劳资关系而必须向雇员负担的责任.9.严禁以苛刻或不人道手法对待雇员.9.1.严禁雇员受到身体虐待或体罚,受到身体虐待的威协,性骚扰,或其它形式的骚扰及言语上的侵犯或其它形式的恐吓.本守则条文内所列,仅为最低标准,而非最高要求,公司不应以此为限,而拒绝超越标准.应用本守则的公司亦须遵守当地及其它适用的法律,若法律与本基本守则内的条文皆对同一事项做出规定,则须以保障较大者为准.附件一:相关的国际标准.就人权方面而言,联合国人权宣言被公认为最完备的人权准则.就跨国企业的责任方面,国际劳工组织的有关跨国企业及社会政策原则的三方宣言,则是最完备并最为国际社会认同的国际标准. 经济合作与发展组织制定的跨国企业守则,是另一套全面性押际标准.其中列明了跨国企业的责任.另一项几乎所有联合国会员皆签署的相关标准是联合国儿童权利公约.国际社会将订立国际劳工标准的责任赋予国际劳工组织,此乃该组织成立的目的.国际劳工组织由三方代表组成,分别为雇主代表/劳工代表/政府.该组织赁着对各项劳工事务的专业知识及其广泛的代表性,已成为订立国际劳工标准的权威及法定团体.国际劳工组织的标准已载入各公约及建议书内.公约具有国际法的效力,并对缔约国具约束力;而建议书则为各国政府提供额外的指引.成员国必须定期向国际劳工组织提交报告,说明其执行公约的情况.国际劳工组织的监察机构所作出的裁决,将成为组织的法理依据.自1998年6月国际劳工组织的基本工作原则及权益宣言通过后,全部174个成员国,无论是否核心公约及附带建议书包括:1.国际劳工组织公约第29及105条;建议书第35条(强迫劳动).2.国际劳工组织公约第87条(结社自由).3.国际劳工组织公约第98条(组织权利和集体谈判权).4.国际劳工组织公约第100及111条;建议书第90及111条(男女劳工,同工同酬,就业及职业歧视)5.国际劳工组织公约第138条;建议书第146条(最低年龄).以下所列虽非国际劳工组织标准的核心公约,但亦与联盟工作息息相关:1.国际劳工组织公约第135条;建议书第143条(劳工代表公约).2.国际劳工组织公约第155条;建议书第164条(职业安全与建康).3.国际劳工组织公约第159条;建议书第168条(复职;就业/残障人士).4.国际劳工组织公约第177条,建议书第184条(家底代工).附件二:定义儿童:指任何15岁以下人士,除非当地法例规定就业或强制教育的最低年龄较高,若情形属后者,则以此较高年龄为准.然而,若当地规定之最低法定年龄为14岁,而此国家为国际劳工组织公约第138条内豁免的开发中国家,则以此较低年龄为准.青少年:指任何年龄大于上述儿童,但小于18岁的人士.童工:指以下两种情况1.在违返相关国际劳工组织标准的情况下,由年龄小于上述定义的儿童或青少年担任工作.2.此等儿童或青少年担任极可能使其学业/健康/身心/精神/道德或社交发展受损的工作.。



Factory Security Audit ReportProvided ByVendor Name: Test Rite Int Co.,LtdFactory Name: NingBo BenBen Electrical Appliance Co.,LtdFactory ID (if applicable):N/AReport No: FS-CP-SH-07304Audit Date: 2011/11/09Audit Type: Initial AuditFactory Score: 94%Factory Risk Level: LowOmega Compliance is Accredited byUS CustomsTable of ContentsSECTION A: INTRODUCTION (3)SECTION B: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (4)SECTION C: CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN (7)SECTION D: BEST PRACTICE RECOMMENDATIONS (15)SECTION E: FACTORY SECURITY TOUR (17)Section A: IntroductionThe purpose of this audit is to assess the degree to which the factory’s security procedures adhere to the applicable C-TPAT Security Criteria established by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection.This report details the integrity of the factory’s security procedures vis a vis the C-TPAT Security Criteria. Through Omega Compliance’s Corrective Action Plan, this document also communicates the deadline for the correction of any non-compliance.Below is a procedural overview of how Omega Compliance conducts C-TPAT audits.meeting1. Opening¾ A short summary of the methods and procedures used during the audit.¾Establish the official communication links between the audit team and the auditee.¾Confirm that all necessary resources and facilities are available to the audit team.review2. Document¾Review the factory’s security policy, procedures and all relevant records.tour3. Factory¾Evaluate the physical security of the factory.interview4. Management¾Interviews with representative(s) who oversee(s) Human Resources, Security, Shipping, Warehousing and IT and a review of their corresponding security procedures.Interview5. Employee¾Interviews with randomly selected employees to ascertain their overall security awareness.6. Closingmeeting¾Present any non-compliance to the factory’s senior management ensuring that they clearly understand the results of the audit.Section B: Executive SummaryFactory Profile:Factory Name: NingBo BenBen Electrical Appliance Co.,Ltd Address 1: Lingang Development Zone, Ninghai Address 2: N/ACity: Ningbo CityState: Zhejiang ProvinceCountry: China 345612Phone: 86-574-65168999Fax: 86-574-65233866Email: wang@Website: Total number of workers: 71Number of permanent workers: 71Number of temporary workers: 0Number of migrant/overseasworkers:Religions of workers: N/ANationalities of workers: ChineseBusiness Overview: Type of Industry: Electrical Goods Principle Product:Lamps and Lanterns Years in business at this location:3 yearsHas the factory undergone a C-TPAT audit for another U.S. importer before? No If so, list the name of each importer: N/A Has the factory undergone a C-TPAT validation by U.S. Supply Chain Security Specialist?NoIf so, list the date of validation and any security upgrades made:N/A Is the factory eligible to join as a C-TPAT member administered by U.S. Customs? No Has the factory been invited to join as a C-TPAT member by U.S. Customs? No Does the factory participate in any other security initiatives?No If so, please list them: N/AFactory Management’s Attitude:The factory management was cooperative, positive and granted the auditor full access during the audit. They agreed upon the importance of supply chain security and expressed their commitment to the US Customs C-TPAT Initiative.Remediation Issues:Non-compliances were found pertaining to the following:B. Physical Access ControlsC. Personnel SecurityD. Procedural SecurityE. Security Training and Threat AwarenessF. Physical SecurityG. Information Technology SecurityPlease refer to the Corrective Action Plan for details.Conclusion:After considering the factory management’s attitude and the findings of the audit, the risk level for this factory is Low.Section C: Corrective Action PlanFindings and Recommendations:B: Physical Access ControlAudit Finding: 1. No controlled access or monitoring of CCTVC-TPAT Requirement: In accordance with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection C-TPATSecurity Criteria, CCTVs should be monitored and have controlledaccess.Finding Details: It was noted that CCTVs are not monitored and do not havecontrolled access.Recommendation: The facility is advised ensure that CCTVs are monitored and havecontrolled access.YesFacility Agreed to TakeAction?Remediation Date: 2012-02-09Audit Finding: 2. Visitors are not required to provide photographic evidenceof their identity on arrivalC-TPAT Requirement: In accordance with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection C-TPATSecurity Criteria, photo identification should be presented fordocumentation purposes on arrival.Finding Details: It was noted that visitors are not required to present photoidentification for documentation purposes on arrival. Recommendation: The facility is advised to request each visitor to present photoidentification for documentation purposes on arrival.YesFacility Agreed to TakeAction?Remediation Date: 2012-02-09Audit Finding: 3. Vendors are not required to present vendor or photoidentification on their arrivalC-TPAT Requirement: In accordance with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection C-TPATSecurity Criteria, vendor ID and/or photo identification should bepresented for documentation purposes on arrival.Finding Details: It was noted that vendors are not required to present vendor or photoidentification on arrival.Recommendation: The facility is advised to request each vendor to present vendor IDand/or photo identification for documentation purposes on arrival.YesFacility Agreed to TakeAction?Remediation Date: 2012-02-09C. Personnel SecurityAudit Finding: 4. Security Guards not informed of lost ID badgesC-TPAT Requirement: In accordance with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection C-TPATSecurity Criteria, the facility should ensure that security guards areinformed of any lost employee identification badges.Finding Details: It was noted that the facility does not ensure that security guards areinformed of any lost employee identification badges. Recommendation: The facility is advised to ensure that security guards are informed ofany lost employee identification badges.YesFacility Agreed to TakeAction?Remediation Date: 2012-02-09D. Procedural SecurityAudit Finding: 5. No consideration of a contractor’s financial stabilityC-TPAT Requirement: In accordance with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection C-TPATSecurity Criteria, the facility should consider the contractor’s financialstability when selecting the contractors to be used.Finding Details: It was noted that the facility does not consider a contractor’s financialstability when selecting the contractors to be used. Recommendation: The facility is advised to consider each contractor’s financial stabilitywhen selecting a contractor.YesFacility Agreed to TakeAction?Remediation Date: 2012-02-09E. Security Training and Threat AwarenessAudit Finding: 6. Documented security procedures not displayedC-TPAT Requirement: In accordance with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection C-TPATSecurity Criteria, documented security procedures should bedisplayed throughout the facility on bulletin boards and posters, forexample.Finding Details: It was noted that the facility does not display its security proceduresthroughout the facilityRecommendation: The facility is advised to display documented security proceduresthroughout the facility, on bulletin boards and/or posters, for example.YesFacility Agreed to TakeAction?Remediation Date: 2012-02-09F. Physical SecurityAudit Finding: 7. No CCTV or alarm systemC-TPAT Requirement: In accordance with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection C-TPATSecurity Criteria, alarm systems and video surveillance camerasshould be utilized to monitor premises and prevent unauthorizedaccess to the loading/unloading areas, packing areas and finishedgoods storage areas.Finding Details: It was noted that the facility does not have an alarm system in thepacking areas.Recommendation: The facility is advised to install an alarm system and videosurveillance cameras in the loading/unloading areas, packing areasand finished goods storage areas.YesFacility Agreed to TakeAction?Remediation Date: 2012-02-09G. Information Technology SecurityAudit Finding: 8. Passwords do not consist of a combination of letters andnumbersC-TPAT Requirement: In accordance with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection C-TPATSecurity Criteria, individual passwords used should consist of acombination of letters, numbers and symbols that cannot be personalidentifiers.Finding Details: It was noted that when employees change their passwords, they arenot required to include both letters and numbers. Recommendation: The facility is advised to inform employees that passwords shouldinclude a combination of letters and numbers.YesFacility Agreed to TakeAction?Remediation Date: 2012-02-09Audit Finding: 9. Login attempts are not controlledC-TPAT Requirement: In accordance with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection C-TPATSecurity Criteria, users should be locked out of the system after 3unsuccessful attempts to login.Finding Details: It was noted that users are not locked out of the IT system after 3unsuccessful attempts to login.Recommendation: The facility is advised to lock the IT system after 3 unsuccessfulattempts to login. The user should then have to contact the ITadministrator.YesFacility Agreed to TakeAction?Remediation Date: 2012-02-09Corrective Action Plan ConfirmationThe factory acknowledges the audit findings and the corrective actions Omega Compliance recommends.Ms Cassie Wang / 2011/11/09Ms Cassie Wang / Sales Representative Signature & Date – Factory Representative Printed Name & TitleChopCompanyRoye Li / 2011/11/09Simon Zhuang / Compliance Auditor Signature & Date – Omega Auditor Printed Name & TitleSection D: Best Practice RecommendationsThe below findings are recommendations only, not requirements.Audit Finding: 1. Employee badges are not reviewed on an annual basisBest Practice: According to the CBP Best Practices, the factory should require allemployee identification badges to be reviewed on an annual basisand renewed if necessary.Finding Details: It was noted that the facility does not require all employeeidentification badges to be reviewed on an annual basis and renewedif necessary.Recommendation: The facility is advised to require all employee identification badges tobe reviewed on an annual basis and renewed if necessary.Audit Finding: 2. Visitors not subject to metal detector/scanner screeningBest Practice: According to the CBP Best Practices, visitors should be subject tometal detector/scanner screening.Finding Details: It was noted that the facility does not subject visitors to metaldetector/scanner screening.Recommendation: The facility is advised to subject visitors to metal detector/scannerscreening.Audit Finding: 3. No x-ray of visitor’s personal belongingsBest Practice: According to the CBP Best Practices, the facility should ensure thatvisitors are subject to x-ray of personal belongings.Finding Details: It was noted that the facility does not conduct an x-ray of visitor’spersonal belongings.Recommendation: The facility is advised to ensure that visitors are subject to x-ray ofpersonal belongings.Audit Finding: 4. Container/trailer door hinges are not taped with tamper-proofsecurity tapeBest Practice: According to the CBP Best Practices, the facility should ensure thatcontainer/trailer door hinges are taped with tamper-proof securitytape.Finding Details: It was noted that the facility does not ensure that container/trailerdoor hinges are taped with tamper-proof security tape. Recommendation: The facility is advised to ensure that container/trailer door hinges aretaped with tamper-proof security tape.Audit Finding: 5. Multiple seals are not usedBest Practice: According to the CBP Best Practices, the facility should ensuremultiple seals used to seal containers/trailers at the point of stuffing. Finding Details: It was noted that the facility does not ensure multiple seals are usedto seal containers/trailers at the point of stuffing Recommendation: The facility is advised to ensure multiple seals are used to sealcontainers/trailers at the point of stuffingAudit Finding: 6. No electronic intrusion detection devicesBest Practice: According to the CBP Best Practices, the facility should ensure thatelectronic intrusion detection devices are used to seal containers,trailers or truck cargo holds.Finding Details: It was noted that the facility does not use electronic intrusiondetection devices to seal containers, trailers or truck cargo holds. Recommendation: The facility is advised to ensure that electronic intrusion detectiondevices are used to seal containers, trailers or truck cargo holds.Audit Finding: 7. “Smart” seals are not usedBest Practice: According to the CBP Best Practices, the facility should use “smart”seals (such as RFID) to seal containers or truck cargo holds.Finding Details: It was noted that the facility does not use “smart” seals (such asRFID) to seal containers or truck cargo holds.Recommendation: The facility is advised to use “smart” seals (such as RFID) to sealcontainers or truck cargo holds.Audit Finding: 8. Insufficient CCTV recordsBest Practice: According to the CBP Best Practices, the facility should maintainCCTV records for at least 2 months.Finding Details: It was noted that the facility does not maintain CCTV records for atleast 2 months.Recommendation: The facility is advised to maintain CCTV records for at least 2months.Section E: Factory Security Tour Please find below a photographic presentation of the factory site.Factory Gate Parking Lot for Visitor’s CarLoading & Unloading Truck Punching SectionSanding Section Injection SectionAssembling & Packaging Section CCTV RecordFinished Goods Warehouse Loading & Unloading AreaPersonal Lockers Dormitory。

Universal 小黄人验厂清单

Universal 小黄人验厂清单

Permits 许可文件
Does the site have all required applicable local Fire Code permits? 是否具备工厂运行所需的所有消防许可文件?
Fire Protection Permits 消防许可文件
Yellow Flag 黄旗
Verify that all required fire code permits are in place and current for all buildings constructed onsite. Verify any applicable government-required Fire Plans (fire fighter system) and approved Fire Inspection Certificates. (Findings related to observable fire risks such as blocked exits, gross construction defects, fire hazards, electrical fire hazards, fire extinguisher related findings belong in the following questions 1.8, 1.9, 2.4, 2.5, 2.17,2.19, 2.27, 2.36, 2.373.5, 3.6, 3.8, 3.9) 核实所要求的消防许可文件。核实所需的消防规划(消防系统)以及消防检查证书。(可 见的消防风险,包括安全出口被挡,建筑缺陷,火灾隐患,电气火灾隐患,灭火器问题 等,参考问题点 1.8, 1.9, 2.4, 2.5, 2.17,2.19, 2.27, 2.36, 2.373.5, 3.6, 3.8, 3.9)







26 安全主任资格证书 27 保安员上岗证、保安守则 28 车间有毒有害作业环保监测报告 29 安全员证和消防员证 30 饮用水、自来水检测报告 31 设备维修工、技工证书 32 离职员工花名册、离职记录 33 公司规章制度 34 宿舍规章制度 35 社会责任管理手册、程序文件
36 组会议记录 37 环境管理程序文件
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63 学品必须放入二次容器,化学品库清单,出入库记录 64 洗眼器配置,洗眼器点检记录
65 边上要有急救指引等标识 66 消防器材的使用标识 67 消防器材的点检记录
68 消防器材的通道不得放置任何物品
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2014/11/20 2014/11/20 2014/11/20 2014/11/20
负责人 戚主任 戚主任 戚主任 戚主任 戚主任 戚主任



验厂指引之工厂人权、品质、反恐验厂自检表第一篇:验厂指引之工厂人权、品质、反恐验厂自检表验厂指引:工厂人权品质反恐/验厂工厂人权/品质/反恐/验厂自检表工厂自检表1、工厂规定最低工作年龄是多少?2、有无针对学龄儿童的工作经验强化培训计划?3、对不满18周岁的工人是否有限制?4、工厂采用什么措施确定工人的年龄?5、所有的工人是否自愿工作?工厂如何确保所有工人都是自愿工作?6、工厂是否有囚犯或被军队或当地政府委派的工人?7、下班时工人是否可以自由离开工厂?8、警卫是否只是负责工厂的财产和运作的安全?如果是,那他们的职责是什么?9、工人是如何招聘进来的?10、工人行为不当或表现不佳,采取什么处罚机制?11、工厂的招聘是否基于年龄、性别、种族、性取向、政治归属和国籍?12、熟手工人的最低工资是多少?非熟手工人?13、工人工资通过什么方式支付?现金、银行转账和支票等14、工人的工资是计件、计时或月薪?15、工人上班是否要打卡?16、多久发放一次工资?17、工人工资是否有扣除项?有什么扣除项?它们是怎样存档的?18、有无工人欠公司的钱?19、工厂提供工人什么津贴或补助?房补、餐费、交通费、卫生保健费、儿童保育费、病假工资、突发事件假期、产假、经期假、有薪年假、宗教节假日、社会保险等?20、津贴或福利是否算进最低工资?21、是否有分红计划?22、培训期间工人是否有工资?23、加班有加班费吗?24、最长连续工作多久才有休息?25、工厂工作时间多长?26、工厂有几班制?每个班次工作时间多久?27、加班费如何计算?28、工人平均每周加班时间是多少?29、每天正常工作时间是多少? 30、工人每周最多上班时间为多少小时?31、工人是否每天有用餐的时间?32、工人是否每天有休息的时间?如果有,每天几次,每次多长时间、33、工人可以把工作带回家做吗?34、工厂是否有急救药箱?35、工厂是否有受过培训的急救员?36、工厂是否提供工人有关健康安全的培训?37、工厂是否有灭火器或喷洒系统?38、多于两层的楼房是否有逃生通道?39、是否免费为工人提供工人防护用品? 40、是否限制工人饮用水?41、工厂有多少功能完好的洗手间?男女厕所分别有多少?42、工厂是否有通风和照明系统?43、所有楼层的每个班次是否都有主管在场?每个班次有几个主管?44、是否允许工人参加工会?45、是否提供工人宿舍?如果有,是工厂自己的还是在外面租赁的?46、宿舍有几栋?每栋住多少工人?47、每间房住几名工人?48、每个工人的入住空间多少?49、男女宿舍是否分开?50、每个工人是否拥有自己的床位?51、宿舍是否张贴了疏散图和逃生标示?52、宿舍所有楼层是否均有灭火器?53、高于两层的宿舍是否有逃生通道?54、易爆物品是否储存在宿舍或与宿舍相连的厂房内?55、宿舍是否举行过消防演习?56、男女厕所数目多少?57、是否提供饭堂和洗衣设施?58、工厂是否扣除以下费用?住宿、餐费和交通费用?59、进出宿舍是否有控制? 60、是否有宵禁?61、员工是否可以自由进入宿舍? 62、员工是否自由使用饮用水?63、工厂在环保方面采取什么措施(废水处理、空气净化和危险品处理)?64、是否有外发?如果有外发,请把详细的信息列出?65、是否向个体户、团体采购?第二篇:人权验厂一、人权验厂官方称为社会责任审核、社会责任稽核、社会责任工厂评估等等。



1.If one critical violation was found, (such as slave labor, forced labor, child labor, physical abuse to the workers, etc.) this
factory should be out, the overall rating of the audit should be at risk.

2.If three to five (include) major violation were found, the overall rating of the audit should be Need Improvement.

3.If two or less major and six or less minor violation were found, the overall rating of the audit should be Acceptable, and
Need Improvement.


序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 项目 修订规章制度(员工手册) 招聘广告存档 卫生/安全的等方面的培训资料 劳动合同签定 有薪假期的凭证记录 安全主任资格证办理 工衣的发放记录 员工工资表或工资条 人事资料的整理和确认(做好电子和打印花名册) 人事部 人事部 行政部 人事部 财务部 行政部 仓库 财务部 行政部 行政部 人事部 人事部 人事部 人事部 行政部/人事部 行政部 人事部 人事部 行政部 人事部 人事部 工程部 生产部 生产部 生产部 部门 负责人 计划时间 完成时间 预计费用 确认 总经理/行政/人事部 部门负责人
序号 27 急救箱的药品清单 28 消防验收合格证 29 消防设施的检查记录 30 消防员的组织架构 31 消防演习(逃生演习和疏散演习) 32 灭火器和消防用品的使用配备 33 化学品清单 34 MSDS物质安全表 35 接确化学品人员的体检证明 36 车间机器的安全防护设施 37 设备的作业指导书 38 生产计划表 39 设备的维修理记录 40 车间设备的保护设施 42 化学品的处理和运输 43 噪声的防护 44 任命书(消防安全主任/管理者代表) 45 身份证鉴别程序 46 厂房竣工合格证 47 员工代表选举 48 员工代表的沟通会议和记录 项目 人事部 行政部 人事部 行政部 各部门 行政部 PMC 行政部/采购 人事部 生产部 生产部 PMC 生产部 生产部 行政部 行政部 行政部 人事部 行政部 人事部 人事部 部门 负责人 计划时间 完成时间 预计费用 确认
41 劳保用品的发放记录(手大套/眼镜/耳塞/口罩等)PMC
序号 50 洗手间有足够的水能用 52 危险品存放处 53 车间有足够的饮水机 54 车间的温度测试和记录,高温情况下的处理方法 55 车间的标识,包括走火通道和出口标识 56 工厂应急管理程序 57 成品检验合格记录 58 产品存放安全记录 59 成品仓进出仓记录 60 产品装运安全控制记录 61 进出品批文 62 报关单 63 部门的5S工作记录 64 灯光亮度检测 65 工厂进出管理记录 66 空压机(检验记录) 合计 项目 人事部 人事部 行政部 人事部 人事部 行政部 人事部 资材部 资材部 资材部 资材部 行政部 行政部 各部门 行政部 行政部 部门 负责人 185 计划时间 完成时间 预计费用 确认 49 车间洗眼水的摆放和使用说明(洗眼器)

OMEGA 社会责任人权验厂评估文件清单

OMEGA 社会责任人权验厂评估文件清单

Records To Be Made Available To The Auditors
請準備以下記錄供審查員參考 27. Certificate and license of in-house doctors and nurses (If applicable)驻厂医护人员的 资质证书/执照(如适用)
Factory Name 工厂名称:
Date 日期:
Records To Be Made Available To The Auditors

Noቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ

請準備以下記錄供審查員參考 Name of Documents 文件名称
1. Business license/ Certificate of Registration 营业执照副本 2. Factory map/ floor plan (If any) 工厂平面图(如有) 3. Payroll records of past 12 months 过去 12 个月的工资表 4. Piece rate records of past 12 months (If applicable)计件工人过去 12 个月的计件记 录(如适用) 5. Attendance records of past 12 months 过去 12 个月的考勤记录 6. Official overtime waiver/ Comprehensive Working Hour System permit (If applicable)当地劳动局批发的加班批文或综合工时批文(如适用) 7. Social insurance documents (payment receipt, registration certificate, list of participating employees, waiver approved by Social Insurance Department etc.)社保 文件 (已购买社会保险的收据,社保登记证, 社保参保人员名单,社保局出具的社 保批文等) 8. Employee list, employee personnel files, labor contracts and proof of age documents 员工花名册, 员工人事档案,劳动合同及个人身份证复印件 9. Leave policy and records, including maternity leave, annual leave, work injury leave and sick leave etc.假期政策及记录, 包括产假,年假,工伤假和病假等 10. Employee resignation/ termination record 员工离职/终止记录 11. Child labor policy 童工政策 12. Juvenile Workers (age 16-18) registration and health check report (If applicable)未 成年工(16-18 周岁)的劳动局备案登记及体检报告(如适用) 13. Employees’ grievance procedures and records 员工申诉程序及记录 14. Anti-discrimination policy 反歧视政策 15. Disciplinary policy and disciplinary action record 纪律政策及相关记录 16. Employee handbook and factory rules 员工手册及厂纪厂规 17. Safety Officer training record and certificate 安全主任培训记录及证书 18. Fire fighting equipment maintenance and inspection records 消防器材保养及检查记 录 19. Fire inspection certificate and report issued by Fire Department or third party consultant firm (If any)当地消防部门或有资质的第三方发放的消防验收证书/记录 (如有) 20. Emergency evacuation procedure 紧急疏散程序 21. Fire drill records with photos 消防演习记录及照片 22. Employee work injury and accident records 工伤记录 23. Medical examination reports of workers performing hazardous jobs (If applicable)危 险岗位工人的职业病体检记录(如适用) 24. Operating instruction for heavy machinery operator (If applicable)重型机器的操作指 导书(如适用) 25. Blade policy and record (If applicable)利器控制程序及记录(如适用) 26. Specific appliances permit and operators’ licenses (e.g. forklift, boiler) (If applicable) 特种设备的登记证/检测报告及其操作人员的操作证(如:叉车,锅炉)(如适用)





公司基本情况一、公司基本情况1、名称: :xx (xx)制衣有限公司2、地址: xxxxxxxxxxxx3、电话:xxxxxxxxx4、传真:86-7xx-xxxx5、E-MAIL 地址:6、公司成立时间:xx 年xx 月xx 日7、是否有登记执照?(必要时请复印)有口无口8、是否有自营进出口权?有□无口二、司保障人权、遵守法律的状况政策法规10、新版本的地方/国家劳动法例书有□无口11、最新版本的地方/国家健康卫生及工业安全条例有口无口12、最新版本的地方/国家环保法规书有口无口13、止强迫性劳动;禁止雇佣童工;是□否口14、按国家法律或地方法规规定付给员工工资,并高于最低生活保障。

是口否口工时工资16、三个月所有员工的工资记录有□无口17、近三个月所有员工的工卡记录有□无口18、所有员的人事记录(包含相片及身份证复印件)有□无口19、职工最小年龄是多大?______________ 岁20、职工的最低工资是多少?________________ 元21、每周/每天的工作时间是多少?__________ 天/每周__________ 小时/每天三、工作场所的安全防范与卫生健康22、 供电,供水是否有困难? 是□否口23、 工厂有无用电保护?车间内的温、湿度可否进行调节 24、 有效的消防设备及逃生防护设备是□否口25、 有紧急疏散指示灯及应急照明灯的? 是口否口 26、 是否安全存放易燃易爆品? 是□否口27、 最近一年期限内由消防部门颁发的消防审核登书或检查意见书 有□无口28、 是否每五千平方英尺最少有 3名标准培训灭火人员,且有名单及有效登证书吗 ?是口 否口29、 过往六个月的内的走火警演习记录 (最好有照片提供)有□无口 30、 工厂每层楼两端是否都各有一不上锁的紧急逃生出口 是□否口31、 是否按每100人中至少要有2人应接受急救训练?且附有名单及有效的证书 ?是□否 □ 32、 全部灭火器必须未过有效期 ,且将会检查至少3个减火器,抽看是否在有效期内?是口否口33、 是否所有走通道保持畅通未未受阻塞?(所有通道应保持最少两英尺之宽度)是口否口34、 是否在每车间装有烟雾探测报警器? 是口否口 35、 是否按每5000平方英尺的标准配置至少一个灭火器? 是□否口 36、 是否每25-35人有一个廁所所使用 是□否口 37、 工厂是否干净清洁? 是口否口38、 工厂是否有足够的通风? 是□否口39、 工厂有无经过训练的医务人员? 有□无口40、 每个部门,楼层是否配有一个急救药箱? 有□无口 41、 过往六个月的工伤意外记录 有□无口42、 全厂噪音是否低于 90 分贝?若高出标准,是否向工人免费提供护耳罩等防护设备? 是口否□有□无口43、 厂建筑面积是多少?建筑结构是木结构/钢筋混凝土结构 /钢结构?占地面积有多少?建筑面积 ____________ ;建筑结构 ___________ ;占地面积 ____________ 宿舍44、 公司是否提供一定数量的职工集体宿舍? 是□否口45、 是否每个工人至少有 50平方英尺的生活空间? 是□否口 46、 是否每10-12人有一个廁所所使用?(宿舍) 是□否口 47、 是否每10-12人有一独立淋浴间使用?(宿舍) 是□否口48、 是否在每个房间装有烟雾探测报警器?是□否口49、 是否按每3000平方英尺的标准配置至少一个灭火器? 是□否口 50、 是否每层楼之两端各都有一不上锁的条急逃生出口? 是□否口51、 是否有足够的通风及保温? 是□否口四、环境保护:52、 公司本身以及生产、排污过程中环保是否符合当地法规。





工厂须查验本身或欧莱雅验厂、BIG LOTS验厂资料分析列表工厂自检表1、工厂划定最低工作春秋是多少?2、有无针对学龄儿童的工作经验强化培训计划?3、对不满18周岁的工人是否有限制?4、工厂采用什么措施确定工人的春秋?5、所有的工人是否自愿工作?工厂如何确保所有工人都是自愿工作?6、工厂是否有囚犯或被戎行或当地政府委派的工人?7、放工时工人是否可以自由离开工厂?8、警卫是否只是负责工厂的财产和运作的安全?假如是,那他们的职责是什么?9、工人是如何招聘进来的?10、工人行为不当或表现不佳,采取什么处罚机制?11、工厂的招聘是否基于春秋、性别、种族、性取向、政治归属和国籍?12、熟手工人的最低工资是多少?非熟手工人?13、工人工资通过什么方式支付?现金、银行转账和支票等14、工人的工资是计件、计时或月薪?15、工人上班是否要打卡?16、多久发放一次工资?17、工人工资是否有扣除项?有什么扣除项?它们是怎样存档的?18、有无工人欠公司的钱?19、工厂提供工人什么补助或津贴?房补、餐费、交通费、卫生保健费、儿童保育费、病假工资、突发事件假期、产假、经期假、有薪年假、宗教节假日、社会保险等?20、补助或福利是否算进最低工资?21、是否有分红计划?22、培训期间工人是否有工资?23、加班有加班费吗?24、最长连续工作多久才有休息?25、工厂工作时间多长?26、工厂有几班制?每个班次工作时间多久?27、加班费如何计算?28、工人均匀每周加班时间是多少?29、天天正常工作时间是多少?30、工人每周最多上班时间为多少小时?31、工人是否天天有用餐的时间?32、工人是否天天有休息的时间?假如有,天天几回,每次多长时间、33、工人可以把工作带回家做吗?34、工厂是否有急救药箱?35、工厂是否有受过培训的急救员?36、工厂是否提供工人有关健康安全的培训?37、工厂是否有灭火器或喷洒系统?38、多于两层的楼房是否有逃生通道?39、是否免费为工人提供工人防护用品?40、是否限制工人饮用水?41、工厂有多少功能完好的洗手间?男女厕所分别有多少?42、工厂是否有透风和照明系统?43、所有楼层的每个班次是否都有主管在场?每个班次有几个主管?44、是否答应工人参加工会?45、是否提供工人宿舍?假如有,是工厂自己的仍是在外面租赁的?46、宿舍有几栋?每栋住多少工人?47、每间房住几名工人?48、每个工人的入住空间多少?49、男女宿舍是否分开?50、每个工人是否拥有自己的床位?51、宿舍是否张贴了疏散图和逃生标示?52、宿舍所有楼层是否均有灭火器?53、高于两层的宿舍是否有逃生通道?54、易爆物品是否储存在宿舍或与宿舍相连的厂房内?55、宿舍是否举行过消防演习?56、男女厕所数量多少?57、是否提供饭堂和洗衣举措措施?58、工厂是否扣除以下用度?住宿、餐费和交通用度?59、进出宿舍是否有控制?60、是否有宵禁?61、员工是否可以自由进入宿舍?62、员工是否自由使用饮用水?63、工厂在环保方面采取什么措施(废水处理、空气净化和危险品处理)?64、是否有外发?假如有外发,请把具体的信息列出?。






OMEGA社会责任验厂审核文件清单:1、Business License/ Certificate of Registration 营业执照副本;2、Factory map/ floor plan (If any) 工厂平面图(如有);3、Payroll records of past 12 months with employees’ signature 过去12 个月的工资表(含员工签名);4、Piece rate records of past 12 months (If applicable)计件工人过去12 个月的计件记录(如适用);5、Attendance records of past 12 months 过去12 个月的考勤记录;6、Official overtime waiver/ Comprehensive Working Hour System permit (If applicable)当地劳动局批发的加班批文或综合工时批文(如适用);7、Production records of past 12 months and the other related records(i.e. Daily production records, daily QC report, warehouse material in/out records, etc.)过去12 个月生产运作记录及其它生产相关记录(如:生产日报表,品管日报表,仓库收发料记录等);8、Social insurance documents (payment receipt, registration certificate, list of participating employees, waiver approved by Social Insurance Department etc.) 社保文件(已购买社会保险的收据,社保登记证,社保参保人员名单,社保局出具的社保批文等);9、Leave policy and records, including maternity leave, annual leave, work injury leave, sick leave,marriage leave and funeral leave etc.假期政策及记录,包括产假,年假,工伤假, 病假,婚假和丧假等;10、Employee casual leave records 员工事假记录;11、Employee resignation/ termination record 员工辞职/辞退记录;12、Written policies/ procedures, which may include 书面政策/程序:Child Labor Policy 童工政策;Recruitment Procedure 招聘程序;Employee Grievance Procedure and Records 员工申诉程序及记录;Anti‐discrimination Policy 不歧视政策Force Labor Policy 强迫劳工政策;Harassment & Abuse 胁迫与骚扰;Freedom of Association Policy 工会与自由结社政策;Disciplinary Policy and Disciplinary Records 惩诫政策及纪律处罚记录;Health & Safety Policy 健康与安全政策;Environment Policy 环保政策;13、Employee roster, employee personnel files, labor contracts and age proof documents 员工花名册,员工人事档案,劳动合同及个人身份证明复印件;14、Juvenile Workers (age 16-18) registration, health check report and job assignment records (If applicable)未成年工(16-18 周岁)的劳动局备案登记, 体检报告及岗位安排记录(如适用);15、Employee handbook and factory rules 员工手册及厂纪厂规;16、Health & Safety Representative training record, certificate or equivalent 健康安全负责人培训记录、证书或类似证明文件;17、Employees orientation and health & safety training records, includes but not limited to fire safety,chemical safety, machine safety, electric safety, PPE, occupational disease, etc. 员工入职培训及职业健康安全培训记录,如消防安全、化学品安全、机器设备安全、电气安全、个人防护用品、职业病防治等;18、Completion check and acceptance certificate / registration records for building construction 房屋建筑工程竣工验收报告/ 备案表;19、Fire fighting equipment maintenance and inspection records 消防器材保养及检查记录;20、Fire inspection certificate and report issued by Fire Department or third party consultant firm (If any)当地消防部门或有资质的第三方发放的消防验收证书/记录(如有);21、Emergency evacuation procedure and fire drill report with photos 紧急疏散程序,消防演习报告及照片;22、Employee work injury and accident records/reports 工伤记录/报告;23、Certificate of trained first aid personnel 急救人员培训证书;24、Certificate and license of in-house doctors and nurses (If applicable)驻厂医护人员的资质证书/执照(如适用);25、Chemical list and inventory records, Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) 化学品清单及仓存记录, 化学品安全技术说明书;26、Hazardous elements (i.e. air quality, noise, etc.) evaluation report for workplace 工作场所职业危害因素(如空气质量, 噪声等)评价报告;27、Occupational health examination report of employees (If applicable)危险岗位工人的职业病体检记录(如适用);28、Operating instruction for heavy machinery operator (If applicable)重型机器的操作指导书(如适用);29、Blade policy and record (If applicable)利器管制程序及记录(如适用);30、Special equipment registration, regular inspection reports and operators’ licenses (e.g. boiler,pressure vessels, elevator, lifting machine, in-house motor vehicle, etc.) (If applicable) 特种设备的登记证, 检测报告及其操作人员的操作证(如:锅炉,压力容器,电梯,起重机械,厂内机动车辆等)(如适用);31、Special operation licenses (i.e. electrician, welding operation, etc.) 特种作业操作证,(如电工,电焊工等);32、Inspection records for electrical wiring/ devices 电气线路/装置检查记录;33、Canteen food catering service license (if applicable) 食堂食品经营许可证/餐饮服务许可证(如适用);34、Kitchen staff health check certificate (If applicable) 厨房员工健康证(如适用);35、Environment impact evaluation report/ form/ registration and the approval, pollutant discharge permit and monitoring report. 环境影响评估报告书/ 报告表/ 登记表以及批复, 排污许可证及监测报告等;Environment impact evaluation report and Acceptance check & permit for radiation equipment (if any) 辐射设备的环评报告,验收及安全许可证(如适用);36、Hazardous waste handling contract and transport records 危险废弃物处理合同及转移记录;37、Registration of union, union contract and collective bargaining agreement (If applicable) 工会登记,工会合同及集体谈判协议(如适用);38、Business license of labor dispatch company, contract signed with labor dispatch company, dispatched workers' personal files, ID copies, payroll and attendance records, labor contracts, social insurance payment evidence, etc. (if applicable) 劳务派遣单位的营业执照,与劳务派遣单位签订的合同,劳务派遣工人的人事档案,身份证复印件,工资,考勤记录,劳动合同,社保缴费凭证等(如适用);39、Machinery repair/ maintenance records 设备维修保养记录;40、Drinking water test report (if applicable) 饮用水测试报告(如适用);41、Sub-Contractor List 分包商清单;42、Others upon request 其他要求文件。



Dear Sir,Our AUCHAN IMPORT EXPORT Quality Department would like to assess your factory.The objective of this visit is to evaluate the 3 parts:1/ Quality Assessment –factory quality management and manufacturing capacity2/ Social Assessment – factory social organization3/ Environment Assessment - factory environmental organizationThe procedure of this assessment is firstly to have a meeting with management including director, production manager, quality manager and sales executive, verification documents, then to visit entire manufacturing processes one by one on base of "Table of Manufacturing Process", which is provided by you.*****In order to be more efficient, you will receive together with this letter the "Factory Profile Form" and the "list of documents required"(see below) that the factory have to prepare before our visit. It would be more convenient if you could fill and send “Factory profile Form” to respected Quality Engineer before a factory visit.Please feel free to contact respected Quality Engineer or Social/Quality Coordinator for any comments, remarks you could have or any problems you could meet.Thank you in advance for your cooperation,With best regards.Chinese Version (中文)尊敬的供应商,来函告知瓯尚盈特诺(上海)国际贸易有限公司质量部将对贵厂进行评估。



1. 工商营业执照(副本)2. 工卡或考勤记录(过去十二个月),包括在职与离职人员。


3. 工资表(过去十二个月),包括在职与离职人员。


4. 员工花名册及员工个人档案(含身份证复印件)5. 劳动合同6. 社会保险收据(过去十二个月),参保人员花名册,当地参保要求文件或合格证明文件等;商业保险记录(如有)7. 建筑工程消防验收意见书或消防备案记录8. 灭火和应急疏散预案、演练记录、工伤记录等9. 特种设备(如有)注册登记证(表)及检验报告,如电梯、起重机械、场(厂)内专用机动车辆、锅炉及压力容器(含气瓶,压力表及安全阀)等10. 特种设备作业人员(如有)操作证,如电梯司机、起重机械司机、场(厂)内专用机动车辆司机、锅炉操作工、压力容器操作工等。

11. 特种作业人员(如有)操作证,如电工、焊接工等;12. 厨房餐饮服务许可证及厨工健康证13. 职业危害因素检测报告和员工职业健康检查报告14. 化学品清单,化学品物质安全资料表,危险化学品事故应急救援预案和演练记录15. 环保文件(如建设项目环境影响评价文件(环境影响报告书、环境影响报告表或者环境影响登记表),环评批复,建设项目环境竣工验收报告,污染物处理设施闲置、拆除批复,监测报告)16. 危险废物处置单位的营业执照和经营许可证,危险废物处理合同,危险废物转移联单等17.辐射设备环境影响评价文件,环评批复,环境竣工验收报告,辐射设备安全许可证或豁免证明18. 企业规章制度或员工手册(包括但不仅限于针对招聘、歧视、强迫劳动、工时、薪资福利、奖惩制度、健康及安全、结社自由和集体谈判、环境保护的内容)19. 安全生产教育和培训记录,如:消防安全培训、安全生产规章制度和岗位安全操作规程、安全使用化学品的培训、职业卫生培训20. 政府有关当地最低工资标准文件21.请假记录、离职申请/审批记录(过去十二个月)22. 生产记录(过去十二个月),如生产日报表(生管)、品检记录(品管)等23. 未成年工体检及劳动局登记记录24. 劳务派遣工的入职档案(含身份证复印件),考勤及工资表记录,劳动合同,社会保险收据及合格证明,与劳务派遣单位签订的合同及劳务派遣单位的营业执照25. 建筑平面图,建筑竣工验收报告/备案26. 主要生产机器设备清单27. 公司社会责任体系方针或程序文件(包括劳动用工、工作条件、环境保护)和管理组织架构图,商业道德文件(包括反腐败、反贿赂、信息保密、反不正当竞争)(如有)28. 当地劳动局关于综合计算工时工作制批文或延长加班批文29. 聘用实习生,请提供实习生名单,学校、企业和实习生的三方实习协议30. 聘用外籍员工,请提供《外国人就业证》和《外国人就业许可证书》31. 分包商/供应商清单32. 如果保安、清洁、食堂等外包,请提供外包服务合同。



ES验厂的清单Documentation for Social Compliance in PRC (not exhaustive)1.Business Registration Certificates 营业执照2.Floor Plan厂房平面图3.Environmental Document环保文件4.Local Minimum Wage Notice当地政府最低工资的最新通知5.Factory regulations, including the policies on working-hour system, overtime compensation and otherlegal benefits 厂规或员工手册-包括对工作时间、加班补贴、法定福利之制度bor contract (individual) 全体员工之劳动合同(个人)7.Employment Registration Records 全体员工之入职记录(包括:身份证副本)8.Approval on Comprehensive Calculation of Working Hours System (if applicable) or Overtime Waiver综合计时工作制之批准文件或延长加班申请9.Payment Receipt of social insurance schemes 社会保险之缴费收据10.Official testimonials on coverage of social insurance schemes 当地社会保险局证明文件11.Fire drill records 消防演习记录12.Injury record 工伤记录13.Fire Prevention Certification 消防验收合格证14.MSDS for hazardous substances / chemicals 危险物料安全资料卡15.Work Permits for special & dangerous operations特种作业之操作证:电工作业、锅炉司炉、压力容器操作、起重机械作业、爆破作业、金属焊接与气割作业、煤矿井下瓦斯检验、机动车辆驾驶、机动船舶驾驶与轮机操作、建筑登高架设作业16.Safety Certificate ( For elevator/Boiler etc ) 设备安全许可证(电梯使用许可证/锅炉使用许可证等等)17.Hygiene Certificate for the canteen in factory 饭堂卫生证18.Health examination records of canteen workers食堂员工之健康检查证明19.Health examination records of juvenile workers (aged 16-18) 未成年工之健康检查证明(16-18岁)20.First aid certificates(If applicable) 急救员证书(如果适用)21.Leave application 请假申报表22.Payroll records of the most recent consecutive 12 months( if the factory is implement the comprehensiveworking hour system最近连续12个月之工资记录23.Attendance records related to the above mentioned 12 months’ payroll 与以上12个月工资相应月份之工作时间记录24.Production Records 生产资料(生产日报,仓库收发记录,QC检查记录,断针记录等)2007-8-1。


Factory cleaning plan & record
Toilet cleaning plan & record
Accident record
Health certificate for canteen workers
Evacuation guidelines
fire safety officer certificate
Fire device maintenance contract / certificate
A)Wages & labor practices / safety & health [雇用道德规范,工时和工资,工作健康和安全,工作和居住环境]
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Omega Compliance Limited SA Document Request List for China (Simplified Chinese) Form: OC-SA-002b Effective: 2011/03me 工厂名称:
Date 日期:
Yes 有
No 无
N/A 不 适用
Name of Documents 文件名称 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Business license/ Certificate of Registration 营业执照副本 Factory map/ floor plan (If any) 工厂平面图(如有) Payroll records of past 12 months 过去 12 个月的工资表 Piece rate records of past 12 months (If applicable)计件工人过去 12 个月的计件记录(如适用) Attendance records of past 12 months 过去 12 个月的考勤记录 Official overtime waiver/ Comprehensive Working Hour System permit (If applicable)当地劳动局批发的加 班批文或综合工时批文(如适用) Social insurance documents (payment receipt, registration certificate, list of participating employees, waiver approved by Social Insurance Department etc.)社保文件 (已购买社会保险的收据,社保登记证, 社保参保人员名单,社保局出具的社保批文等) Employee list, employee personnel files, labor contracts and proof of age documents 员工花名册, 员工 人事档案,劳动合同及个人身份证复印件 Leave policy and records, including maternity leave, annual leave, work injury leave and sick leave etc.假 期政策及记录, 包括产假,年假,工伤假和病假等
8. 9.
10. Employee resignation/ termination record 员工离职/终止记录 11. Child labor policy 童工政策 12. Juvenile Workers (age 16-18) registration and health check report (If applicable)未成年工(16-18 周岁) 的劳动局备案登记及体检报告(如适用) 13. Employees’ grievance procedures and records 员工申诉程序及记录 14. Anti-discrimination policy 反歧视政策 15. Disciplinary policy and disciplinary action record 纪律政策及相关记录 16. Employee handbook and factory rules 员工手册及厂纪厂规 17. Safety Officer training record and certificate 安全主任培训记录及证书 18. Fire fighting equipment maintenance and inspection records 消防器材保养及检查记录 19. Fire inspection certificate and report issued by Fire Department or third party consultant firm (If any)当地 消防部门或有资质的第三方发放的消防验收证书/记录(如有) 20. Emergency evacuation procedure 紧急疏散程序 21. Fire drill records with photos 消防演习记录及照片 22. Employee work injury and accident records 工伤记录 23. Medical examination reports of workers performing hazardous jobs (If applicable)危险岗位工人的职业病 体检记录(如适用) 24. Operating instruction for heavy machinery operator (If applicable)重型机器的操作指导书(如适用) 25. Blade policy and record (If applicable)利器控制程序及记录(如适用) 26. Specific appliances permit and operators’ licenses (e.g. forklift, boiler) (If applicable)特种设备的登记证/检 测报告及其操作人员的操作证(如:叉车,锅炉)(如适用) 27. Certificate and license of in-house doctors and nurses (If applicable)驻厂医护人员的资质证书/执照(如适 用) 28. Certificate of trained first aid personnel 急救人员培训证书 29. Hygiene certificate of canteen (If applicable)食堂卫生许可证(如适用) 30. Kitchen staff health check certificate (If applicable)厨房员工健康证(如适用) 31. Environmental permit (e.g. Sewage discharge permit, Air emission permit) (If applicable)环保证书(如: 排污许可证,废气排放证)(如适用) 32. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) of chemical used (If applicable)化学品的物质安全资料表(MSDS) (如适用) 33. Employee training record (orientation program, fire safety, chemical safety, use of PPE etc.)员工的培训 记录(入职培训,消防安全培训,化学品安全培训,个人防护用品使用培训等) 34. Registration of union, union contract and collective bargaining agreement (If applicable)工会登记,工会 合同及集体谈判协议(如适用) 35. Others 其他