新职业英语《综合英语2》教案Unit 1 Teaching Plan
EnglishforCareers2Unit1WorkplaceAfterstudyingthisunit,thestudentsareabletomasterthekeywordsandstructu understandingworkplacefashiontrendsunderstandingacodeofconduct(ofaworkplace)havinginternalcommunicationunderstandingandwritinganoticepreparingforapartymasteringtimemanagementfitinwithreputationprosandconsoutfitcomplimentforinstancecasualsettingproductiveincorporateTeachingproceduresThisunitisarrangedforatimespanof8hours,duringwhichatimelimitissuggestedforeachstep.Thou din-classoccurrencesandmakenecessaryadjustmentsaccordingly.Notethatnoteverystepsuggest Hour1:Courseintroduction 45minutesWarming-upTask1 10minutesObjective:Sscanidentifydifferentroomsinanoffice.Steps:• SsreadWarming-upTask1.• GetSstolookatthelayoutoftheoffice.• AskSstoidentifydifferentrooms.•Givethesuggestedanswers.Suggestedanswers:B—4 C—5D—3E—6 F—2 G—7Task2 10minutesObjective:Sscangivedirections.Steps:•SsreadWarming-upTask2.•GetSstolookatthepictureofTask1.•AskSstoworkinpairsandtelleachotherhowtofindMikeandJackintheoffice.•AsksomeSstoreportinclass.•Givethesuggestedanswers.Suggestedanswers:Gothroughthereceptionroomtothehallway.ThefirstroomonyourleftisthemultifunctionmNewwordsinReadingA 15minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththenewwordsandexpressions,etc..Steps:•Sslistentothenewwordsandexpressions,etc.•Ssreadthenewwordsandexpressions,etc.Notes:ForaclasswithhigherEnglishproficiency,theteachermayfollowthefollowingsteps: •Sspreviewthenewwordsandexpressions.•Ssreadthenewwordsandexpressions.•Ssdictateseveralimportantnewwordsandexpressions.DiscussionsbeforeReadingA 10minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththenewwordsandexpressions,etc..Steps:•SsknowsomethingaboutReadingA.•Ssdiscussthefollowing twoquestions:1.Whataretheprosandconsofrelyingonworkplacefashiontrends?2.Beforerelyingonworkplacefashiontrends,whatwillyoudo? •Commentbrieflyontheirwork.Hours2-3:ReadingA 45minutesLanguagepoints 35minutesParagraph1fitinwith:tolive,work,etc.inaneasyandnaturalwaywithsomeone/somethinge.g. H e’sneverdonethistypeofworkbefore;I’mnotsurehowhe’llfitinwiththeotherpeople.Ournationalpolicyfitsinwiththechangedinternationalsituation.reputation:n.theopinionthatpeoplehaveaboutwhatsomeone/somethingislike,basedonwhathashappen e.g. T heschoolhasagoodreputationforexaminationresults.Heearnedthereputationofbeingahardworker.Paragraph2prosandcons:theadvantagesanddisadvantagesofsomethinge.g. W hatcommentdoyouhaveontheprosandconsofstudyingabroad?Weweigheduptheprosandconsofstartingupourownbusiness.outfit:n.asetofclothes,especiallyonethatyouwearforaspecialoccasione.g. S hewasdressedinawhiteoutfit.Ontheopeningceremonyofthesportsmeet,allofusworesportsoutfits.Thefootballteammemberswerewearingorangeoutfits.compliment:n.aremarkthatshowsyouadmiresomeone/somethinge.g. T hankyouverymuchforyourcompliment.Heknewthathehadjustbeenpaidagreatcompliment.Shetookhisacceptanceasagreatcompliment.Paragraph3forinstance:forexamplee.g. W hatwouldyoudo,forinstance,ifyoufoundamemberofstaffstealing?Hisspellingisterrible.Forinstance,lookatthisword!Forinstance,anelectricfireisarelativelyexpensivemethodofheatingaroom.casual:rmale.g. H ewaswearingcasualclothes,nothisschoolones.Wedon’tlikehiscasualbehavior.Paragraph4setting:n.asetofsurroundings;theplaceatwhichsomethinghappense.g. I twastheperfectsettingforawonderfulChristmas.Peopletendtobehavedifferentlyindifferentsocialsettings.Theoldcastlewouldhaveprovidedtheperfectsettingforahorrorstory.productive:a.producingorachievingalote.g. A gricultureandindustrybothgrowmoreproductive.Therearealotofproductiveworkersinthisfactory.Paragraph6incorporate:v.toincludesomethingsothatitformsapartofsomethingelsee.g. M anyofyoursuggestionshavebeenincorporatedintotheplan.Wehaveincorporatedallthelatestsafetyfeaturesintothedesign.Hispicturehadbeenincorporatedwithouthispermissionintoanadvertisement.Task15minutesObjective:Sscanunderstandthepassageandwritethecorrectorder.Steps:•SsdoTask1.•AskSstoworkindividually.•Checktheanswers.SuggestedAnswers:1.C2.D3.B4.F5.E6.ATask2 5minutesObjective:Sscandecidewhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrueorfalseaccordingtothepassage. Steps:•SsdoTask2.•AskSstoworkindividually.•Che cktheanswers.SuggestedAnswers:1.F2.F3.F4.F5.TLanguagelab 45minutesTask1 5minutesObjective:SsknowthespellingandmeaningofthewordsandexpressionsfromReadingA.Steps:•SsreadTask1.•AllowSs5minutestodothetask.•Checktheanswers.KeyKey:1.J 2.I3.F 4.H 5.B 6.G 7.D 8.E 9.A 10.C Task2 10minutesObjective:SscanusethewordsandexpressionsfromReadingA.Steps:•SsdoTask2.•AskSstoworkindividually.•Checktheanswers.Answers1.incorporate2.hampered3.displayed4.reputation5.impartiallyModel21.Whatintereststhechildrenalotisthattherearemanyanimalsinthezoo.2.Whatshesaidatthemeetingisthattheprogramwillbeputoff.3.WhatMr.Liwasproudofwasthathissonwoninthematch.Task5 10minutesObjective:SscanusethevocabularyinReadingAfortranslation.Steps:•Ssworkindividuallyorinpairsandtranslatethesentences. •AsktwoSstowritetheirtranslationsontheboard. •Commentbrieflyontheirworkwithemphasisonthestructuresoftheirsentences.Key:1.Allthecompanyrulesandregulationsmustbestrictlyobserved.2.Weshouldbecasualwhenwestaywiththesestudents.3.Theabove-mentionedaresomecommunicationskillsthatareveryusefulinanofficesetting.4.Wehaveaprofessionalteamtomarketourproducts.5.Doyouknowblackclotheswillbetrendythisfall?6.Wewouldratherrelyonourselvesinsteadofseekinghelpfromothers.7.Newvehiclesmustcomplywithnationalstandards.8.Someyoungpeopleinourcompanymaycometoseekyouradvice.Hours4-5:Listening 45minutesTask1 5minutesObjective:Sscanaccuratelywritedownthemissinginformation.Script:W:Roy,Ishallworkoutatimetomeetwithyourpeopletodiscussthenewproject.M:Doyouwisheveryoneinthedepartmenttobethere?Wilsonisonvacationthisweek. W:Itwouldbebestifeverybodycouldbethere.WhenwillWilsoncomeback?M:NextMonday.W:Howaboutsometimenextweek?M:Letmelookattheschedulefirst.I’llgetbacktoyouthisafternoon.W:Thankyou.KeyKey:1.thenewproject2.onvacation3.nextMonday4.thescheduleTask2 10minutesObjective:Sscandecidewhetherthestatementsaretrueorfalse.Script:M:Hi,Shelly,howareyoutoday?W:Well,Ididn’tsleepverywelllastnight.I’mhavingaslightheadachenow.M:I’msorrytohearthat.Hopeyou’llbebettersoon.W:Thanks.Doyouknowthatashift-worksystemistobeintroducednextmonth?M:Really?Howwillwebeaffected?W:Thesystemwillaffecteveryoneinouroffice.Itwillbeonatwo-shiftbasis—7 a.m.to2p.m.,and2p.m.to9p.m.M:IwonderwhichshiftI’llbeworkingon.W:Whydon’twegoandaskthemanager?M:Ishallwait.Actuallyitdoesn’tmakeanydifferencewhichshiftIamallocated.Key:1.T2.F3.T4.FTask3 10minutesObjective:Sscanaccuratelytickofftheitemsaccordingtotheconversation.Script:W:Whatdoyouusuallywearforwork?M:Idon’tneedtomeetcustomerstoooften,soIusuallywearverycasualclothesinmyoffice,likejeansandT-s W:Whatdoyouthinkofthedressingpoliciesofacompany?M:Well,Ithinkformalbusinessclothesshouldbewornwhenmeetingwithcustomersandclientsatschedule W:Yes.Bylookingneatandsmart,we’llbeabletogainthetrustofcust omers.M:Right.Butatothertimes,staffcanwearbusinesscasualclothes.Thisincludesdressshirts,collaredsports W:AndIthinkbluejeans,T-shirtsandshortsarefartoocasualtobeacceptedintheoffice.M:Idon’tagreeonthis.Ithinkcasualwearbringsasenseoffreedomintheofficeandcaninspireusinourjob. W:Maybeyouareright.KeyKey:Task4 10minutesObjective:Sscanunderstandtheconversationandchoosethebestanswer.Script:M:Areport saysthattherehasbeentoomuchwatercoolerchatinthecompanyrecently.Idon’tthinkMr.Blac W:Well,thebossmaynotlikeit,butwedo.It’salwaysrelaxingtostayatthewatercoolerandchatforawhile.It M:Yes,Iagre e.Buthaven’tyounoticedthatsomeofourworkmatesarespendingtoomuchtimechattingarou W:Youareright.Iguessweneedtocomebacktoworkoncewefinishourcupofcoffeeortea.M:Idon’twantourniceandpleasantwatercoolerchatstoevergetthebossangry.W:NeitherdoI.Ithinkthepointisthatwekeepchattingatthewatercooleruntilitistoolong.M:Yes.Otherwisewemightdrinktoomuchwaterandspendalotoftimeinthebathroom!W:Youbet!Q1:WhoisMr.Blacksmith?Q2:Whatdoesthewomanthinkofthewatercoolerchat?Q3:Whichofthefollowingstatementsistrueaccordingtotheconversation?Q4:Whataretheattitudesofthemanandthewomantowardtherecentwatercoolerchattinginthecompany? KeyKey:1.A2.B3.B4.CTask5 10minutesObjective:Sscanfindspecificinformationfromlisteningtoapassagerelatedtothetheme.Script&Key:Weallknowthatcommunicationisthekeytoahealthyrelationshipinandoutofwork.Dealingwithpeopl hardtofindandoneshouldbeprofessionalunderallsituations.Anotherbrilliantwayofdealingwithyourbossisbystudyinghim.Noticethesignalsheorshesends;pick Anddon’tbeafraidtoaskyourco-workersforhelp.Getyourselfreadytohelpinthework,andalwayslookonthepositivesideofthings.IfyourbosssaySpeaking 45minutesTask6 45minutesObjective:Ssareabletopracticeshowinganewcolleaguearoundtheoffice(andtheotherasanewcomer)wit Steps:•SsreadTask6.•Ssworkinpairs,oneshowinganewcolleaguearoundtheofficeandtheotherasanewcomer.Key:(Omitted)Hours6-7:ReadingB 45minutesNewwords 5minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththenewwordsandexpressions,etc.Steps:•Sslistentothenewwordsandexpression s,etc. •Ssreadthenewwordsandexpressions,etc.Fastreading 20minutesObjective:SscancomprehendReadingB.Steps:•Ssreadthepassage.•Providehelpifneeded.Task1 10minutesObjective:Sscandecidewhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrueorfalseaccordingtothepassage. Steps:•Ssreadthepassage.•Sscompletethetask.•Sscomparetheirworkwithothers.•SelectSstopresenttheirwork.KeyKey:1.F2.F3.T4.F5.FTask2 10minutesObjective:Sscancomprehendthespecificinformationtakenfromthepassage.Steps:•Ssreadthepassage.•Sscompletethetask.•Sscomparetheirworkwithothers.•SelectSstopresenttheirwork.Key:1.N2.N3.A4.N5.A6.NWriting 45minutesTask1 15minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththestyleofnotice.Steps:•Ssdothetaskindividually.•Sscomparewitheachoth er’sanswers.•Providehelpifneeded.KindlynotethatourHealthcareCenterwillberelocatedtothefollowingaddresswitheffectfromSeptem Newaddress:909J2ndStreetNorth,FultonNewYorkTelephonenumbersandfaxnumbersremainunchanged. Thanksforyourkindattentionandcontinuoussupport.Task2 15minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththestyleofnotice.Steps:•Ssdothetaskindividually.•Sscomparewitheachother’sanswers.•Providehelpifneeded.•Presenttheanswers.Key:Sample:PleasebeinformedthatOfficeSafetyTrainingSectionwillbeconductedfrom2:30to4:30thisFridaya Allstaffarerequiredtocome.Handoutswillbeavailableafterthesection.July15,2009Task315minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththestyleofnotice.Steps:•Ssdothetaskindividually.•Sscomparewitheachother’sanswers.•Providehelpifneeded.•Presenttheanswers.Sample:Pleasebeinformedthatathree-daysightseeingtripwillbearrangedforallthestaffinourcompany. Time:May28—May30,2010Destination:Guilin,GuangxiProvinceItinerary:May28eveningTraintoGuilin,GuangxiProvinceMay29morningCitytourinGuilinMay29afternoonCruiseonLijiangRiverMay29eveningFreetimeinYangshuoMay30morningTrainbackAccommodation:Three-starhotelsTransportation:Train,busandcruiserTripFare:CoveredbythecompanyOthers:NofamilymembersallowedThosewhowillparticipatepleaseconfirmwithmebeforeMay20,2010.May15,2010Hour8:Mini-Project40minutesObjective:Sscanknowhowtoholdaparty.Steps:•Grouping.Dividethecl assintogroups.Thereareseveralways:Sspickuptheirownpartners;Teachersgrou •Definingtheproject.Gothroughtheprojectwiththeclassandclarifyrequirements.Theymaysearchonline •Timing&cooperation.GiveSsthedeadlineforcompletionandguidelinesonworkingtogether.Timemana ced.RemindthemthatdifferentSshavedifferentworkbuteverybodycontributestotheproject.Theydiscu •Presentation.Sspresenttheirevidenceforcompletion.Inthisproject,theyneedtopresenttheirpreparation Quiz 5minutes世上没有一件工作不辛苦,没有一处人事不复杂。
Unit 2 Knowing our bodyTeaching objectivesAfter learning this unit, Ss will learn how to✧Describe the body parts✧Talk about the functions of the body parts✧Use comparatives and superlatives✧Use the body languageTeaching focusGrammar: comparatives and superlativesV ocabulary building: Name of body parts; base adjectives and strong adjectivesImportant words and phrases: attempt, wonder, sight, blind, stump,quest,couple, smart, hurt, shock, confusion, lesson, reply, selfish, sympatheticTeaching difficulties1. Understanding the structure and main idea of the text.2. Grammar: comparatives and superlativesTeaching ProceduresI. Warming-up questions:What knowledge of human body do you get from the documentary film? Which parts of human body does the documentary mention? (Y ou can skim through new words before l i steni ng.)II. Listening and speaking (1 period)a.This is a lead-in to the listening part. Before playing the recording, askstudents to read the questions. Then play the recording and encounrage students to take notes while listening.anize a speaking activity based on the listening material. First ask Ss toform groups and have a discusssion about which is the mose imortant bosy part. Then ask Ss to role-paly the dialogue in the listening part. Remind them they may use their own language.III. Reading 4 periods1.Pre-reading tasks:Before you read, discuss the foll owi ng questi ons i n groups:a. Has any part of your body ever been injured? If yes, what inconveniences did it cause?Work in groups and share your experiences.b. Have you ever read or heard stories about body parts?2.Reading comprehensiona.Ask Ss to read the text first and then answer the questions in Comprehension Check.b.In this sextion,you may organize a class discussion based on the article students have just studied. This discussion activity is necessary for language learners. They should be able to and present their own experiences after they have received the input information.3.Detailed learning of the textLanguage points※attemptn. an act of trying to do something, especially something difficulte.g. She passed her driving test at the first attempt.v. to try to do something, especially something difficulte.g. He attempted to open the door.He attempted to lie.※stump v.1)if you are stumped by a question or problem, you are unable to find an answer to ite.g. The doctors were stumped and had to call in a specialist.The police were stumped about the motivebehind the murder.(警方给难住了,无法查明这次谋杀的动机。
Period One – Around the TopicPeriod Length: 50 minutesGoals-Prepare to talk about crime and security issuesPurposes-To understand vocabulary and expressions about criminal issues-Obtain background knowledge about crime and securityStep 1: Vocabulary (20 minutes)-Ask students to work on the Vocabulary on Page 86 & 87-Encourage students to think as more as possible-List these word on the board or screenStep 2: Your Ideas (30 minutes)-Work in groups to discuss the topics and questions listed on Page 86 & 87-Share in the group your ideas and opinions about crime and security-Discuss your standard about crime and justice and share your opinion about the punishment for crimes-Present the group discussion result in frontKey points-All activities be carried out in English-Inspect each group for the purpose of guidance and promotionHomeworkPeriod Length: 50 minutesGoals-Vocabulary and grammar-Discourse knowledgePurposes-Learn new words and expressions-Understand key grammar points-Understand related discourse knowledgeStep 1: Pre-reading Tasks (15 minutes)-Discuss briefly the questions on Page 89 in groups-Check briefly the preview results from studentsStep 2: Reading activity (Part One: 25 minutes)-Listen to the reading-Ask students to present new words and sentences in groups-Ask students to give feedbacks for the information presented-Give more explanations to the new words and sentences-Provide extra knowledge about new words-Guide more on sentences and grammarStep 3: Summarization (10 minutes)-Summarize the words and sentences-Summarize the text learntKey points-Instructions and tasks carried in English, Chinese is used only when necessaryHomework-Review the learnt sections-Preview the following parts and exercisesPeriod Length: 50 minutesGoals-Vocabulary and grammar-Discourse knowledgePurposes-Learn new words and expressions-Understand key grammar points-Understand related discourse knowledgeStep 1: Pre-reading Tasks (15 minutes)-Discuss briefly the previously learnt part for understanding-Check briefly the preview results from studentsStep 2: Reading activity (Part Two: 25 minutes)-Listen to the reading-Ask students to present new words and sentences in groups-Ask students to give feedbacks for the information presented-Give more explanations to the new words and sentences-Provide extra knowledge about new words-Guide more on sentences and grammar-Check the comprehension questions on Pages 90 & 91Step 3: Summarization (10 minutes)-Summarize the words and sentences-Summarize the text learntKey points-Instructions and tasks carried in English, Chinese is used only when necessaryHomework-Review the learnt sections-Preview the following parts and exercisesPeriod Length: 50 minutesGoals-Enhance the vocabulary abilityPurposes-Learn detailed usage of certain words-Learn detailed usage of certain language structuresStep 1: Exercise A (15 minutes)-Work Vocabulary and Structure exercise A on Page 92 in groups -Check and compare answers in groups and negotiate them-Ask students to present their answers-Provide feedbacks for answersStep 2: Exercise B (15 minutes)-Work exercise B on Page 93 in groups-Check and compare answers in groups and negotiate them-Ask students to present their answers-Provide feedbacks for answersStep 3: Exercise C (20 minutes)-Work exercise C on Page 93 in groups-Check and compare answers in groups and negotiate them-Ask students to present their answers-Provide feedbacks for answersKey points-Instructions and activities be carried in EnglishHomework-Finish Writing Task on Page 93 and turn them in due next period -Prepare for the grammar and vocabulary exercisesPeriod Five – Language in UsePeriod Length: 50 minutesGoals-Grammar knowledge and vocabulary buildingPurposes-Modal verbs expressing possibility / probability-Compound Words 3Step 1: Modal Verbs Expressing Possibility / Probability (30 minutes) -Test grammar knowledge on Page 94 for checking grammar abilities-Work on exercises A, B & C on Pages 94 & 95 in groups-Ask students to present their answers and provide necessary explanations -Give supplementary information on those structures if necessaryStep 2: Compound Words 3 (20 minutes)-Work on exercises A & B on Pages 28 in groups-Ask students to present their answers and explain Compound words-Give supplementary information on Compound words if necessaryKey points-Give instructions in English-Explain grammar knowledge in ChineseHomeworkPeriod Six – Extension: Computer CrimePeriod Length: 50 minutesGoals-Extend reading abilitiesPurposes-Apply previously learnt vocabulary and cultural knowledge in reading-Develop reading abilities-Improve abilities on negotiation and discussionStep 1: Reading (20 minutes)-Ask students to read Computer Crime on Page 97 in groups-Understand new words and sentences within the group by negotiating in English -Finish Understanding Check on Page 99Step 2: Discussion (30 minutes)-Finish Blank Filling exercises on Page 99-Discuss the theme of the reading material and share your opinion on computer crime-Ask each group to present their opinions for the questions in front-Give feedbacks and remarks for presentationsKey points-Inspect group discussions and give guidance to promote discussionsHomework-Review previously learnt materials-Prepare for the Project‘Neighbourhood Watch’Period Length: 50 minutesGoals-Teamwork abilitiesPurposes-Apply previously learnt words and cultural knowledge into actual use-Develop teamwork abilitiesStep 1: Brainstorming (25 minutes)-Students work in groups to brainstorm a situation that you are going to investigate-Students work in groups to brainstorm for ideas about what to investigate with reference to Page 96Step 2: Discussion (25 minutes)-Ask students to work in pairs or groups to discuss your ideas and exchange opinions for your ideas-Put ideas down on a piece of paper for referenceKey points-All preparations and negotiations be carried in English-Give guidance while students prepare the projectHomework‘Neighbourhood Watch’Period Length: 50 minutesGoals-See abovePurposes-See aboveStep 1: Drafting (25 minutes)-Structure a questionnaire by rearranging the ideas and item according to different aspects of investigation based on the brainstorming.-Design your questionnaireStep 2: Presentation (25 minutes)-Each student present his questionnaire to the whole class-Give remarks to the presentations-Every student should also talk about what they have learnt from this questionnaire project.Key points-Give instructions for discussionHomework-Revise the questionnaire according to the feedbacks and remarks received-Turn the revised copies before next periodPeriod Nine – Culture TipsPeriod Length: 50 minutesGoals-Understand part of western culture from another perspectivePurposes-Help students to understand western culture-Help students to learn more cultural expressionsStep 1: Warm-up (15 minutes)-Read materials about the suggestions on against crime on Page 32-Help on any new words if necessaryStep 2: Open Discussion (35 minutes)-Ask students to offer more stories related to the topic-Encourage students to pay more attention to the crimes that may happen around the corner of the street or just next to you-Ask more suggestions on against crimeKey points-All activities be carried in EnglishHomeworkPeriod Ten – Learning to Learn Period Length: 50 minutesGoalsPurposesStep 1Step 2Key pointsHomework。
Section One Around the topicStep 1 Topic introduction:Many Chinese students find it very difficult to introduce Chinese culture to foreign friends.The biggest problem is that they don’t know how to express their understanding about Chinese culture or how to explain some typical concepts in Chinese culture. Chinese learners of English as a foreign language should not only study western cultures, but also deepen their understanding of Chinese culture, so that they can introduce it to the outside word.Step 2 Your ideasWork in groups or pairs and discuss the following questions1)Why is spring Festival so important for the Chinese people?2)What do you usually do during the Spring Festival3)Are there any special celebration activities in your hometown during Spring Festival?4)In what ways do you think the Spring Festival has Changed?How much do you know about the Chinese New Year?A.Which day in the 15-day celebration is for the sons-in-laws to pay a visit to theirparents-in-law?The third and fourth days.B. What is the fifth day called?Po Woo.C. How many kinds of traditional New Year food do you know?Dumplings, a whole fish, chicken, New Year cake…D. Do we use knives or scissors on New Year's Day?NO. They may cut off fortune.E. What fruit do we usually use as a decoration during the Spring Festival?Oranges and Tangerines. They are symbols for abundant happiness.Step 3 VocabularyThere are some special things about Spring Festival, which are difficult to translate into English. Here are some English words and expressions related to the Spring Festival. Try to get their meanings.Remind students that names of some typical Chinese things do not have exact equivalents in English. Ask them to guess the meaning of the English words and phrases related to theThe teacher can offer students a particular situation for students to practice in which students can give a brief talk with some of the words in the table above so that they can master a better usage of these words.Step 4 Listening and speakingAsk students to read the questions first. Then play the recording and encourage them to take notes while listening.1.Q: What are they talking about?A: They are talking about the Spring Festival.2.Q: How did Li Ming spend his holiday?A: Li Ming spent his holiday with his family in his hometown.3.Q: What is Susan curious about?A: Susan is curious about how Chinese people celebrating their Spring Festival.4.Q: What make the Spring Festival different from other holidays?A: Giving presents and staying with the family.5.Q: What do Chinese People do on the Eve of the Spring Festival according to the recording?A: In the past, all the members of a family would stay at home making dumplings together.Now many people enjoy watching TV. During the day, children wear their new clothes. The evening is usually spent playing games, talking, eating and drinking.Step 5 A quizDuring the Spring Festival, some things are believed to bring good luck for the new year, while other things might bring bad luck. Read the items in the table below and decide whether they bring good luck or bad luck. When you finish, compare your answers in pairs.This quiz is just for fun. Remind students that we should not be superstitious and the dos and don’ts during the Spring Festival are only parts of our traditions and customs. We should hold a right attitude towards them.Ask students to do the exercise first based on their own understanding and then compare their answers with their partners’. They may discuss them if necessary. When they finish, you may show and explain answers.Section Two ReadingThis section introduces the tradition of the Chinese New Year. By studying it, students will learn more about the legend of Nian and traditional Chinese New Year celebration activities. Most importantly, students will learn how to introduce the Chinese New Year to foreign friends.Step 1 Pre-reading tasksBefore you read, discuss the following questions in groups:1.Do you know why we call the Spring Festival “Nian”?2.Do you know why we Chinese celebrate the New Year at a different time from the Westernworld?Read the instruction as a class. Divide students into groups. Ask them to discuss the questions. Activate their prior knowledge of the Spring Festival and encourage them to share informationwith others. Pick some volunteers to answer these tow questions as representatives of their group. Step 2 Text illumination1)Ask several students to read the whole text in order to check whether they preview thetext and get a general understanding bout it or not beforehand.2)Ask students to summarize the text3)The teacher can put the comprehension check either before or after illuminating the textaccording to the needs of class and the students’ comprehension ability.4)Illuminate the text, during the process of which the teacher can encourage students tohighlight or underline the important parts when they read the text in detail. Try to explain that it can help students to grasp the important details and review important points Language points:1. legend n.story handed down from the past, especially one that may not be true 传奇,传说e.g. The legend of Robin Hood is well-known.2. mythical adj. existing only in an ancient story, imagined or invented 神话的,虚构的e.g. Qi Lin is a mythical Chinese creature which is similar to a unicorn.myth n. 神话e.g. ancient Greek myths3. terrorise v. to fill or overpower with terror, to terrify 使惊恐不安,恐吓e.g. The local gangs terrorised the neighborhood.4. fierce adj. violent and angry 凶猛的,凶狠的e.g. Swans are always fierce in defense of their young.The leopard looks fierce.5. lunar adj. determined or measured in reference to the moon 根据月亮决定或测定的e.g. The Chinese New Year falls on lunar January, 1st.6. solar adj. determined or measured in reference to the sun 根据太阳决定或测定的e.g. Solar energy is one kind of important energy nowadays.7. insert v. to put or set into, between, or among 插入,嵌入e.g. The editor inserted an advertisement in the newspaper.insert a key into a lock8. symbolic adj. representing a particular idea or quality 象征的,符号的e.g. The cross is symbolic of Christianity9. ward off to keep away (somebody/something that is dangerous or unpleasant) 挡开,避开e.g. He carried a gun to ward off possible attacks.Step 3 Post-reading exercises1.What is the significance of the following things during the Spring Festival?2.Discussion:Read the instruction as a class. Divide students into groups of four. Ask them to discuss these questions. Get feedback when they finish. Try to encourage them to express their opinions thoroughly in English.3.V ocabulary and structureThis part is about some vocabulary and structure exercises related to the text. Ask students to finish them independently beforehand. Check their answers in class. Try to encourage them to explain by themselves to check whether they fully understand the exercises or not. The teacher is supposed to give some explanations if necessary.A.Work out the meanings of the underlined words with the help of the context.B.Fill in the blanks with the words below. Change the form where necessary.plete each pair of the sentences with the correct form of the same verb, one as apresent participle (-ing) and the other as a past participle (-ed).4.WritingRead the instruction as a class. Leave the writing task as homework. Check their work next time.Write down your experience about the Spring Festival. The following questions may help you to come up with some ideas.1)How does your family prepare for the Spring Festival?2)What traditional activities does your family do to celebrate the Spring Festival?3)What special activity do you like most when you are celebrating the Spring Festival?Section Three language in use: present participles used as adverbialsStep 1 test your grammarThe aim of this practice is to make students aware of the present participles used as adverbials. Based on their study of the text, they may gain a deeper understanding by doing these exercises. Try to encourage students to explain by themselves through recalling and understanding of this grammatical phenomenon.Step 2 illumination and developmentBriefly explain the grammatical knowledge of participles. Then ask students to finish these exercises. Check their work when they finish.一、现在分词做状语(表原因,时间,条件,让步,行为方式,伴随状况)现在分词与主句的主语一致,且形成主谓关系,就是说现在分词的动作发出者是主句的主语。
致用英语综合教程 Unit 2ppt课件
2 The big fat fish gobbled up all the worms and enjoyed the shade of the lily leaves, which left the poor little golden fish with very little to eat and nowhere to escape the hot sun. As he couldn’t spend his time lazing around like the other fish, he had to do a lot of serious thinking to keep himself from being sad. So he explored every corner of the pool, until he knew exactly how many tiles there were, the names of all the weeds, and which lily was going to open next.
a. Gasp. Wait for the shock to subside, then cautiously open the package for which this man/animal has surrendered his life.
b. Shrug. Open the package once you’ve finished reading the newspaper’s list of celebrity birthdays.
2. Are you happy with the present
life? Have you ever thought
致用英语综合教程1_UNIT1_教案及课件教案课程名称:致用英语综合教程1单元名称:UNIT1教案编写人:[您的姓名]教学目标:1. 学习并掌握本单元的词汇和短语。
2. 能够正确运用本单元的语法知识。
3. 提高学生的听说读写能力。
4. 培养学生的合作与沟通能力。
教学内容:1. 词汇和短语:根据教材内容选择相关词汇和短语进行教学,如greet, introduce, occupation, nationality等。
2. 语法:教授本单元的语法知识,如一般现在时的用法、人称代词的主宾格等。
3. 阅读:通过阅读文本,培养学生的阅读理解能力和提高词汇积累。
4. 听力:运用听力材料,提高学生的听力理解能力。
5. 口语:通过对话练习、角色扮演等活动,提高学生的口语表达能力。
6. 写作:通过写作练习,提高学生的写作能力。
单元教学目标:1. Gain a basic knowledge about international business2.Be familiar with the format of faxe gerunds and infinitives4.Be able to express their ideas about making business appointments教学重点:New Words and ExpressionsReading: What Is "International Business?Business Writing: Business FaxListening and Speaking: Rescheduling business Appointments教学难点:Difficult sentences in readingWhat is international business?Gerunds and infinitivesThe classifications of international business教学方法和手段:采用课堂快速阅读和课后自主精读相结合的方式。
教学方法设计:采用“自主精读”、“课堂快读J “协作学习,零多种学习方式交互的学习方法。
教学条件:Computer assisted learning; Place of the class: Language laboratory补充资料:International Business Etiquette and MannersAppearance•Business suit and tie are appropriate in all major cities. Wear dark colored business suits in classic colors of gray and navy. For an important formal meeting, choose a white dress shirt, for less formal a light blue shirt will still give you a conservative appearance.•Women should wear a suit or dress with jacket in major cities・ Wearing classic clothing and classic colors of navy, gray, ivory, and white will ensure you give a confident and conservative appearance.教学内容及过程:Teaching Procedures:l st_4th period*Lead-in:p-1Activity 1: work in pairs. Talk about the international business activities shown in the pictures below.Activity 2: work in pairs. Discuss what type of international business the following organizations or enterprises are engaged in.Activity 3: work in pairs, and discuss the following questions.a.what caused international business?b.In what aspects can we fined the impact of business globalization?c.What is the greatest contribution foreign investment makes to a country?*Before-reading:p. 3 Before you read, discuss the following questions.1.What is international business in your opinion?2.How does international business benefit us?• While-reading:Difficult words:portfolioset of investments (eg stocks and shares) owned by a person, bank, etc (个人、银彳亍等所有的)投资组合(如债券和股票):My stockbroker manages my portfolio for me.我的证券经纪人替我管理投资纽合.* [attrib作定语]portfolio management投资组合管理subsidiaryZ7 subsidiary thing, esp a business company 附属事物;(尤指)附属公司.en trepreneurperson who starts or organizes a commercial enterprise, esp one involving financial risk 企业家(尤指涉及财务风险的):He would not have succeeded in such a risky business if he had not been such a clever entrepreneur.假若他不是那麽楮明强干的企业家,就不会在这样冒险的事业中取得成功globalization (UK USUALLY -isation)the increase of trade around the world, especially by large companies producing and trading goods in many different countries:We must take advantage of the increased globalization of the commodity trading business.Difficult sentences:Part I1.In its purist definition, international business is described as any business activity that crosses national boundaries. 国际贸易最原始的含义是指一切跨越国界的商务活动。
新职业英语基础篇第三版职业综合英语2unit2课件全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1New Profession English Basics 3rd Edition Job Comprehensive English 2 Unit 2 CoursewareUnit 2: Hospitality Industry1. Objectives:- Understand key terms and concepts related to the hospitality industry- Learn about different types of hospitality jobs- Develop skills in communicating effectively in a hospitality setting2. Vocabulary:- Hospitality industry: The industry that includes hotels, restaurants, bars, and other establishments that provide services to travelers and tourists.- Guest: A person staying at a hotel or using the services of a hospitality establishment.- Front desk: The area in a hotel where guests check in and out, make reservations, and ask for information.- Concierge: A hotel employee who assists guests with various services, such as booking tickets, making restaurant reservations, and arranging transportation.- Housekeeping: The department in a hotel responsible for cleaning and maintaining guest rooms and public areas.- Room service: The service in a hotel that delivers food and beverages to guests in their rooms.- Check-in/check-out: The process of arriving at and departing from a hotel.- Amenities: Extra features and services offered by a hotel, such as a swimming pool, gym, or spa.- Hospitality skills: The skills needed to provide excellent service to guests, such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork.3. Jobs in the Hospitality Industry:- Hotel manager: Oversees the day-to-day operations of a hotel, including staff management, guest services, and budgeting.- Front desk agent: Greets guests, checks them in and out, and provides information and assistance during their stay.- Concierge: Assists guests with booking activities, making reservations, and arranging transportation.- Housekeeper: Cleans and maintains guest rooms and public areas in a hotel.- Bartender: Prepares and serves alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages to guests at a bar or restaurant.- Waitstaff: Takes orders, serves food and beverages, and provides excellent customer service in a restaurant.- Chef: Prepares and cooks meals in a restaurant kitchen, creating delicious dishes for guests to enjoy.- Event planner: Organizes and coordinates events, such as weddings, conferences, and parties, for clients.4. Communication Skills in the Hospitality Industry:- Greeting guests: When a guest arrives, it's important to greet them warmly and make them feel welcome.- Listening: Listening carefully to guests' needs and requests is essential for providing excellent service.- Problem-solving: Handling guest complaints and resolving issues in a timely and effective manner is key to maintaining guest satisfaction.- Teamwork: Working together with colleagues to ensure that guests receive the best possible service and experience.5. Conclusion:The hospitality industry offers a wide range of exciting and rewarding career opportunities for those who are passionate about providing excellent service to guests. By developing your communication skills, building your knowledge of the industry, and gaining experience in various hospitality roles, you can succeed in this dynamic and fast-paced field. Good luck!篇2New Professional English is a series of textbooks that are designed to improve English language skills for specific professions. The third edition of the Basic Level of New Professional English introduces students to a wide range of vocational topics and helps them develop the English language skills necessary to communicate effectively in a professional setting.One of the units in the textbook is Unit 2, which focuses on the topic of Career Paths. This unit helps students explore different career options, discuss their career aspirations, and learn vocabulary related to professions and job interviews. The lesson includes activities such as reading texts about different professions, listening to interviews with professionals, androle-playing job interviews.The lesson begins with a warm-up activity to introduce the topic of careers and get students thinking about their own career goals. This is followed by a reading activity where students learn about various professions and career paths. The students then practice using the new vocabulary in speaking activities where they discuss their own career aspirations and share information about different professions.In the listening activity, students listen to interviews with professionals from different fields and answer questions about their career paths and experiences. This helps students develop their listening skills and learn more about the realities of working in different professions.The unit concludes with a role-playing activity where students simulate job interviews and practice their speakingskills. This allows students to put into practice the vocabulary and language structures they have learned throughout the unit.Overall, Unit 2 of the New Professional English Basic Level textbook provides students with a solid foundation in English language skills related to careers and professions. By engaging in a variety of activities, students are able to improve their reading, listening, speaking, and vocabulary skills in a practical and relevant context. This prepares them for success in their chosen profession and helps them communicate effectively in a professional setting.篇3Unit 2: Telecommunications1. IntroductionThis unit focuses on the telecommunications sector, which plays a vital role in connecting people and technology. We will learn about the history and development of telecommunications, as well as the different types of communication technologies and services available today.2. Historical OverviewTelecommunications has a long history dating back to the invention of the telegraph in the 19th century. Over time, new technologies such as the telephone, radio, television, and internet have revolutionized communication. Today, we have a wide range of digital communication tools such as smartphones, social media, and video conferencing.3. Telecommunications InfrastructureTelecommunications infrastructure refers to the physical components and networks that enable communication to take place. This includes cables, satellites, towers, and data centers. The infrastructure is constantly evolving to meet the growing demands for faster and more reliable communication services.4. Types of Telecommunications ServicesTelecommunications services can be broadly categorized into three main types: fixed-line, mobile, and internet services. Fixed-line services use landlines to connect calls, while mobile services use cellular networks to enable wireless communication. Internet services allow users to access the web, send emails, and participate in online activities.5. Emerging TechnologiesThe telecommunications sector is constantly evolving with the introduction of new technologies such as 5G, IoT (Internet of Things), and AI (Artificial Intelligence). These technologies are shaping the future of communication by offering faster speeds, greater connectivity, and improved efficiency.6. Career OpportunitiesThere are numerous career opportunities in the telecommunications sector, including network engineers, software developers, data analysts, and customer service representatives. As technology continues to advance, the demand for skilled professionals in this field is expected to grow.7. ConclusionThe telecommunications sector is a dynamic and fast-paced industry that is constantly evolving to meet the demands of modern communication. By understanding the history, infrastructure, services, and emerging technologies in telecommunications, we can prepare ourselves for a successful career in this exciting field.。
all others: giving presents and staying with the family. Susan: Please tell me more about it.
listening scripts
Susan: Glad you are back. We missed you during the vacation. How was your holiday?
Li Ming: It was fine. I had a wonderful time at home. During the Spring Festival we visited many places. We had a gettogether with many old friends.
2 Vocabulary
lunar calendar solar calendar
dumplings firecrackers fireworks Spring Festival couplets New Year’s cake New Year pictures reunion dinners lion dance red envelopes rice dumplings The Lantern Festival temple fairs
listening Chinese version
2. Reading Comprehension
Section One Around the topicStep 1 Topic introduction:The topic of this unit is about cyberspace. This unit provides some information about the history of the internet and discusses some uses of the internet that have grown dramatically in recent years. The main reading text enables students to access and reflect on the future of cyberspace. In the Extension part, students will read about the benefits of a digital library.Step 2 watch the video1.Watch the video “April Fool’s Day in the Internet Age”. What tricks did the websites play?How are they different from the past?2.How has internet changed your life? Discuss in groups.Play the video twice and try to have students think about the questions in the PPT and then ask some volunteers to express their viewpoints.Step 3 Your ideasA.Which of the following famous IT faces do you recognize? Do you know what they arefamous for?Start the unit by encouraging students to think of IT entrepreneurs and their IT business success. The aim here is to get students talking about the benefits they enjoy in the electronic era. Ask students to identify the three IT entrepreneurs and match them to their companies.Conduct a class feedback and familiarize students with the benefits of high-tech products. If there is enough time, the teacher can add some questions such as how do they like the products of the above three companies, etc.B.How often do you use products made by these international IT giants? Has your life becomemore convenient since you started to use them? Share your ideas in pairs.Encourage student to discuss the effects of information technology on our daily life. You may elicit topics and write them on the board to start students thinking, e.g. travel, education, communication, food, interpersonal relationships, work, hobbies, sports, money, health, family, agriculture.C.How often do you do the following things?●check e-mail●chat on the net●buy things through internet●listen to music on the net●learn English on the net●play games●search information●read e-books●read news reports●watch movies onlineInvite some students to talk about their own internet experiences.Step 4 vocabularyA.Many web-related words are newly created or are common words assigned with newmeanings. Match the following words with their definitions.Ask students to do this exercise in pairs. Check answers by asking students to read out the definition of each word.Answers:1.BBS2.browser3.virus4.e-mail5.hacker6.cyberspace7.e-commerce8.blogB.Do you know any other new words in the computer world? Describe and explain them inpairs.Encourage students to brainstorm more words related to the cyberspace or the computer world.Step 5 Listening and speakingThe aim of this section is to help students learn about the drawbacks of searching information on the internet. Ask students to think of their own experiences of using the internet as a tool when doing homework. Is it time-consuming or is it worth the while to do so?Are you easily distracted by looking at other things? Play the recording and ask students to tell whether the statements are true or false.A.Listen to a man and a woman talking about surfing the internet. Decide whetherthe following statements are true (T) or false (F).Play the recording once or twice if necessary. Ask students to take notes while listening to the recording, and tell them the importance of taking note in the listening practice.And then ask for the feedback from several volunteers and check the answer together asa class.B.Listen again and answer the following questions.1.What has the man been doing for the last few hours?2.What information did the man want to find?3.Why does the woman say surfing the internet can be distracting?4.What is the thing the man really doesn’t like about the internet?Play the recording again and encourage students to improve their notes and find answers from the notes. Then check the answer as a class.C.Work in groups and discuss the following questions.1.How convenient is it for you to use the internet on campus?2.Do you regularly chat in a certain online group? What’s it about?3.What topics do you usually talk about when you chat online?Divide students into groups and have them discuss on the above questions and exchange ideas, then ask several representatives from each group to express their ideas.Section two ReadingStep 1 introductionThe topic of this unit is about cyberspace. This unit provides some information about the history of the internet and discusses some uses of the internet that have grown dramatically in recent years. The main reading text enables students to access and reflect on the future of cyberspace.This is an argumentative article, aiming at discussing the future of the internet. In the firsttwo paragraphs, the writer presents the definition of cyberspace and the influence of the internet---the soaring use of the internet leads to the heated discussion of the net future. In the following paragraphs, the writer views the net future from two opposite opinions. Some are pessimistic, particularly because of the threat of cybercrimes. Others are optimistic, because life has been made easier and more convenient. This article ends with uncovering the nature of the internet---a non-existing entity.Step 2 pre-reading questionsDiscuss the following questions in groups:1.In what way has the Internet made our life easier or less convenient?Read the question as a class. Divide students into groups and assign a group leader to take notes on the advantages and disadvantages of using the net.1.Imagine life in the next 20 years. How do you think the Internet will further change our lives? Ask students to discuss he question in pairs or groups. Students may have interesting and creative ideas. Let their imagination go!Step 2 Text illumination1)Ask several students to read the whole text in order to check whether they preview thetext and get a general understanding bout it or not beforehand.2)Ask students to summarize the text3)The teacher can put the comprehension check either before or after illuminating the textaccording to the needs of class and the students’ comprehension ability.4)Illuminate the text, during the process of which the teacher can encourage students tohighlight or underline the important parts when they read the text in detail. Try to explain that it can help students to grasp the important details and review important points Language points:1. backbone n. the most important part of an organization or group of people 骨干,中坚e.g. Such people are the backbone of the country.2. case n. actual state of affairs; situation 实情,情况e.g. If that’s the case, you’ll have to work harder.3. access n. opportunity or right to use sth. 使用某物的机会或权利e.g. Students must have access to a good library.4. cyberfraudster n. a person who deceives people on the Internet in order to gain money, power, etc. 网络骗子e.g. The Internet has given birth to the cyberfraudster5. chaos n. a state of complete disorder and confusion 混乱;无秩序状态e.g. The wintry weather has caused chaos on the roads.6. crash v. to (cause to) have a sudden, violent, and noisy accident(使)猛撞,(使)撞毁e.g. The plane crashed into the sea.7. essential adj. extremely important and necessary 必要的,不可缺少的,最重要的8. simulated adj. not real, but made to look, sound, or feel real 伪装的,模仿的e.g. The movie’s simulated tropical storm used up huge quantities of water.9. undoubtedly adv. used for saying that sth. is certainly true or is accepted by everyone 无疑地,肯定地e.g. The painting is undoubtedly genuine.10. assimilation n. the process of becoming an accepted part of a country or group 融合,同化assimilate v.e.g. The USA has assimilated people from many different countries.11. physical adj. relating to real objects that you can touch, see, or feel 物质的e.g. the physical world around us the physical environment12. purchase v. to buy sth. 购买e.g. They purchased a large house.13. the masses all the ordinary people in society who do not have power or influence 劳动者阶层e.g. Leaders should trust and rely on the masses.14. dedicated adj.made for or used for only one particular purpose 专用的e.g. a dedicated word processor15. staple n. the main product that is produced in a country 主要产品e.g. Cotton is one of Egypt’s staples.16. productive adj. causing or resulting in sth. 造成某种结果的;产生某种事物的e.g. The changes were not productive of better labor relations.17. charge v. to ask someone to pay for sth. you are selling 收费e.g. I’m not going there again—they charged me £1 for a cup of coffee!18. entity n. things with distinct and real existence 实体e.g. The mind and the body are seen as separate entities.Step 3 Post-reading exercises1.The following sentences are taken form the text. Put them back in the correct place.1)We will work in virtual offices, shop in virtual supermarkets, and we will even study invirtual schools.2)In the 1980s, there were only hundreds of users3)Secondly, it is a sort of modern library where anything imaginable can be researched.4)The internet is now also seen as a new form of expression---freedom.5)Information can be easily downloaded using a searching engine.Have students scan the text. Set a gist question, such as “what are the changes brought by the wide use of the internet” to test students’ overall understanding of the text. Then ask students to complete the text with the missing sentences. Let students check their answers in pairs before checking with the whole class.2.Why do experts worry about the future of cyberspace? Why do people feel optimistic aboutthe internet future? Find reasons in the text.Ask students to do this task in pairs. Tell them to look at the two opposite viewpoints and skim through the text to find supporting evidence for each viewpoints. Remind them to underline or note down the evidence and discuss with their partners. When you give feedback, elicit evidence from different pairs and discuss why student s’ views differ.Answers:Reasons to be optimisticWorking lives and leisure time are being changed. The internet has become an essential part of life at our universities, offices, schools and homes.●It has given people a new way to communicate, through e-mail and webcams. Messagesare being sent to people all over the planet form other people who have access to the internet.●With the development of multimedia software, people can click their mouse on a page,view a film clip and listen to music at the same time.●The way we do business and shop are being changed by electronic commerce. Reasons to be pessimisticOne worry is the activity of cyber crime●Young hackers can get into the computer systems of banks and governments.●Cyber fraudsters may deceive people in order to gain money and power.●Cyber terrorists may use the internet to damage computers to cause chaos, and makeplanes and trains crash.3.Vocabulary and structureA.Read the text again. Match the words with their definitionsAsk students to find and underline the words in the corresponding sentences in the text. Tell them to work out the meaning of words from the context. Go around the class to monitor their work and offer any necessary help. Check their answers when they finish.Answers:1.case: an example of a particular situation or of something happening2.cyberfraudster: someone who cheats people on the internet3.chaos: a confused and disordered situation4.staple: the main product that is produced in a country5.entity: something that exists as a single and complete unit6.deceive: to trick someone7.charge: to ask someone to pay8.physical: relating to real objects that you can touch, see or feelB.Read the following sentences taken from the text. Underline the verbs referring to the futureand decide:a.which talks about a future event we can predict from present situation.b.which expresses our views and intentions in the near future.The aim here is to practice using “will”and “be going to do”to talk and write about the future. Ask students to work in pairs, find the sentences in the text and discuss the uses of the two future forms.C.Study the meaning of conjunction “as” in the following sentences. Then explain the meaningof “as” n sentences 1-4Have students read the sample sentences. Clarify and summarize the function of “as” in each sample sentence. Ask students to explain the meaning of “as” in the following sentences.Answers:1.at the same time2.because3.what Napoleon has said before4.although4. WritingSome people are optimistic about the future of cyberspace, but some are pessimistic about the changes brought by the use of the internet, write a paragraph about the predictions you make about the life by the year 2050. you may start by listing the possible changes or problems of the internet.Elicit both optimistic and pessimistic predictions. Help students state and list their views onthe board, for example, “I think there will be no newspapers”, “I think all newspapers will be in color.” Ask students to discuss the future of cyberspace in small groups. The groups report to the class and see if their views are shared by the rest of the class. Remind students of the correct use of future forms and computer vocabulary in their writing. This task can be either left as homework for students or done on class if time is enough.Section 3 Language in use: type 1 conditional and type 2 conditionalStep 1 test your grammarStudents may have already learned the different uses of the modal verb “would”. However, they may find themselves not so sure about the correct answer to these questions. This grammar exercise aims to further enhance students’ understanding of “would”.Read the examples sentences as a class. Ask students to explain the use of “would” in each sentence.The word “would”has several different uses. Look at these examples and decide which sentence expresses the future in the past, which expresses a situation which is contrary to reality and which expresses a habitual behavior in the past.a.When I was a kid, I would get up at 7:00 and take the dog for a walk.b.If I were taller, I would join the police force.c.In Paris Hans met Christina, whom he would marry three years later.Step 2 illumination and developmentBriefly explain the grammatical knowledge of the uses of “type 1 conditional and type 2 conditional”. Then ask students to finish these exercises. Check their work when they finish. Type 1 conditionalType 1 conditional is used to discuss things that will probably happen in the future as the result of something else that happens in the present.The first conditional consists of two clauses, one with If + simple present verb and the second with simple future verb, as in, "If you do something bad, something bad will happen to you."We can also use the first conditional to make predictions about the future. For example, we can predict that "If my brother crashes the car tonight, my mother will be furi ous.” Type 2 conditionalType 2 conditional refers to present and future situations. It is used to talk about unreal—impossible, improbable or imaginary—situations. It refers to an unlikely or hypothetical condition and its probable result.Type 2 conditional consists of two clauses, one with if + subject + simple past verb and the second with subject + would + verb, as in, “I would buy a big house if I had a million dollars.”Step 3 Doing exercisesThen ask students to finish these exercises. Check their work when they finish. Try to encourage students to explain the answers by themselves. The teacher is supposed to offer some explanations where necessary.plete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.Ask students to fill the gaps with the correct form of verbs according to Type 1 conditional. Ask for class feedback when they finish.B.Who would say these things, A or B?Remind students that these statements are not based on facts.e the cues below to write Type 2 conditional. The first one has been done as an example. Ask students to think of the Type 2 situations in which the statements would be appropriate.Step 4 Vocabulary building: words to do with computerThis section aims to expand students’computer-related vocabulary by forming compounds and collocations.With the development of computer technology, many new words related to computer are created by way of combination, which has greatly enlarged the English vocabulary.1、词义转移、引申许多计算机英语词汇从普通英语中转移过来,词义转移或引申是构建计算机英语词汇的一种常见的方法。
综合英语教程2Unit 6 The English Countryside
Unit 6 The English CountrysideTeaching Procedures:Part 1 Listening and Speaking Activities1.Introduction to functions1.Warming up-Some students are asked to speak out how they ask for an opinion and how they give an opinion.2.Here are some examples: What do you think of... I think...Do you like... I guess...Which do you prefer... I prefer...What’s your opinion of... In my opinion,..What are your feelings about...How do you feel about...3.Highlight the structural points for asking for and giving opinions by writing them on the board fordemonstration.4. For reference: A: How was the movie? B: Really boring.A: Can you see what I mean? B: I see.A: Will we be in time for the meeting? B: I'm afraid not.A: Do you mind my smoking? B: No, go ahead.A: Do you think he will come? B: No, I don't think he will.A: Why not put it off until next week? B: What a good idea!A: You look upset. What's the matter. B: I'm running out of money.A: How do you like living in Dallas? B: It's a nice city. I like it here.A: What does he do? B: Never heard of him.2. Listen and Speak1.listening skill:1). Students are asked to try telling the main idea of the conversation after they have aglance at the listening questions, underlining the key words and predict the possibleanswers to the questions.2). Pre-listening discussionBefore the listening, students are asked to discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of living in a city or living in the countryside.Which do you prefer, city life or country life?What kind of environment do you prefer?(Try to use the Functions of this unit in your discussion)3). Listen for the first time and try to answer the question: Do John and Mark agree with each other at the end of the conversation?4). Check the answers to the questions on Page 60 from students.5). Understanding the function: to ask for an opinion and to give an opinionLine out the sentences in the conversation which concern the function.For reference:What do you think of life in the city?I prefer to live in the city.How do you see things like that?I don’t think this is completely a disadvantage.What about pollution?What else makes you like city life?I think it’s the city people....3. Try to Speak More:Speaking skills:1). Get familiar with the coversation model: practice the conversation with your partner after listening to the tape.2). Try to make a similar conversation: make up your conversation by using the cues creatively.3). Language points:1. dwell: to live as a resident; reside. 居住:作为居民生活;居住To exist in a given place or state: 存在于:在一定地点或状态下存在:e.g. dwell in joy. 沉浸于欢乐之中dwell in the country 住在乡下dwell in sb.'s mind 留在某人脑海里She dwells too much upon her past.她过于详细地叙述她的过去。
教学课题 教学目标
Unit 1 never give in, never, never, never
思想:put the essence of the writer into practice 知识:Master the new words and expressions 能力:Learn to analyze and appreciate the text
2 课时
II. Cultural background May 1941, German bombers assaulted London in what turned out to be the final heavy mission of the Battle of Britain. More than 500 aircraft dropped highly explosive and incendiary bombs which resulted in many fires and caused more than 3,000 casualties. But the Battle of Britain was lost, and with it Germany’s chance of winning the war had gone. 26 July 1941, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered all Japanese assets frozen. He also ordered the suspension of all trade with Japan and laid an embargo on oil. All this gave rise to the attack on American naval forces at Pearl Harbor by Japanese on 7 Dece mber 1941.
Section One Around the topicStep 1 Topic introduction:The topic of this unit is about time management. Students often feel anxious because they have a lot of things to do and there’s never enough time. One big problem is that they don’t know how to manage their time. Time is fair to every one. We should learn to do things efficiently. Step 2 Your ideasBelow are some sayings about time. What do they mean? Do you agree with them? Work in groups and discuss your understanding of each saying.Time flies 时光飞逝。
Time is money 时间就是金钱。
Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不等人。
Time stays long enough for anyone who will use it.对于善于使用的人来说,时间总是足够长。
Time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted time.你高高兴兴“浪费”掉的时间不算浪费时间。
To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing.做事时考虑的太多反而做不成事。
There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important things.永远没有做够的实践来做所有的事,但永远有足够的时间来做最重要的事儿。
The eagerness with which the nationembracedthe scandal is simultaneously understandable and troubling.
2.The language policy in the European Union is both ineffective and hypocritical, and its ideas of linguistic equality and multilingualism are costly and cumbersome illusions.
2. About the author
Juliane House(1942-)—German linguist and Translation Studies scholar. House received a degree in English and Spanish Translation and International Law from the University of Heidelberg, Germany. Later, she worked as a translator and researcher. She earned herBed,MA and PhD in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics at the University of Toronto, Canada. She is a senior member of the German Science Foundation’s Research Centre on Multilingualism at the University of Hamburg, where she has directed several projects on translation and interpreting. Her research interests include translation theory and practice, contrastive pragmatics, discourse analysis, politeness theory, English as lingua franca, intercultural communication, and global business communication.Her published works includeA Model for Translation Quality Assessment(1977 and revisited 1997),Let’s Talk and Talk About It: A Pedagogic Interactional Grammar of English(1981) with Willis Edmondson,Interlingual and Intercultural Communication(1986) with Shoshana Blum-Kulka,Cross-cultural Pragmatics: Requests and Apologies(1989) with Shoshana Blum-Kulka and Gabriele Kasper,Misunderstanding in Social Life: Discourse Approaches to Problematic Talk(2003) with Gabriele Kasper and Steven Ross,Multilingual Communication(2004) with JochenRehbein,Translation(2009),Translatory Action and Intercultural Communication(2009) with Kristin Bührig and Jan ten Thije,English as a Lingua Franca(Special Issue ofIntercultural Pragmaticsvol. 6, No. 2. 2009),Convergence and Divergence in Language Contact Situations(2010) with Kurt Braunmüller,Globalization, Discourse, Media: In a Critical Perspective(2010) with Anna Duszak and Lukasz Kumiega, andImpoliteness in Germany(Intercultural Pragmatics7:4, 2010).
Unit 1 The Snake BiteI .Teaching Objectives1.Functions : Expressing distress & annoyance2.Grammar points : Indirect command with infinitives such as He wantedto see you / Tell him to wait .3.Vocabulary : all at once , figure , seem , forbid , show up , strike ,make for , pick out , light out for , must have done ,every now and then , at length , hold on toII . Focal Points1. Functions : Expressing distress & annoyance2. Grammar points : Indirect command with infinitives such as He wantedto see you / Tell him to wait .3.ConversationIII . Teaching Process1. Listening and Speaking Activities1)Introduction to the formulas of expressing distress & annoyance2)Listen to the conversation twice3)Correct the answers4)Pair workPracticing : Read ConversationExplanationSpeak before the classMake up another dialogue using the cues in the box5)Make your own dialogueTeam & group workPresentation6)Matching exercises :What are they for ?If you want to learn more2.Reading Comprehension1)Warm-up questions2)Listening to the text twice3)Doing the comprehension work :Reading the textDiscussion :Read the text carefully to find the answers to the questions and look to the evidence from the text to support the answers Retelling the text using the key words4)Extended ActivityExercisesStep 1 Listening and Speaking Activities1.Formulas for expressing distress & annoyanceIt sickened me to see how chickens were raised in the mechanical production . They were bald . They were forced to live in a small cage and had to climb over each other in order to get around .It really shocked me to know how chickens were raised in mechanical production .I just can’t remember that girl’s name , it’s really bugging me .Why on earth didn’t you tell me the truth ?You kept me waiting for over an hour . What have you been busy with ?I can’t say I’m at all pleased about your delay .I wish you’d stop pestering me .We’re not going to the beach and that’sfinal .I’m most unhappy at his bragging .Having to stay in and working on a sunny day like this is a real drag .We’d be OK if we could get this stupid gate to open properly .She never stopped complaining while we were on vacation .It really got on my nerves .It really annoys me that she never returns the books she borrows .It galled him bitterly that his father gambled again .Turn that music down -------It’s driving me mad .What really gets under my skin is people who talk while I’m trying to concentrate on my work .My tape-recorder’s broken down again . It’s a nuisance , isn’t it ?2.Listen and speak :Listen to the following conversation twice and try to tick what you have heard as the correct answer to the questions .3.Try to speak more1)Listen to the tape2)Explanation of the conversation :three chickens to one single cage :three chickens living in one cage bald : (of people ) having little or no hair on the scalpdisgraceful : causing disgrace ; very bad3)Read the conversation by themselves and then try to memorizethem .Invite two pairs of students to speak before the class and then exchange their roles .Depending on the cue box on the right , ask them to make up another conversation .Act out the conversation.4)Make your own dialogueExplanation :Without regard for sth : not care for sthPoultry : hens , ducks , geese , turkeys , etc. kept for eating or for their eggsBattery hens : hens mechanically raised for laying eggsPeck : (try to ) strike (sth ) with the beakPluck : gather or remove sth by pullingTeam workPresentation5)What are they for ?Explanation:Bug :If something bugs you , it annoys you because it is always there or is always happening , so that you cannot stop thinking kaboutit or noticing it . Eg. , I wish you’d tell me whatever it is that’sbugging you .Much to my annoyance : You say much to my annoyance when you are talking about something that has annoyed you very much , eg. , Much to myannoyance , the hotel hadn’t received our reservation .Pester : to annoy someone by repeatedly asking questions or making requests , especially when they are trying to pay attention tosomething else , eg. , Everyone pestered me so much that I gaveit up .Pair work : matching the exercises6)If you want to learn moreExplanation :Get on someone’s nerves :If someone gets on your nerves , they annoy you ,especially by continually saying or doing somethingthat you do not like . eg. , Sit down ,James . You’regetting on my nerves pacing up and down like that . Drive someone mad / crazy / nuts / up the wall : to annoy people very much ,so that they feel unable to stand the situation .eg. , Being in the house all day with these twoscreaming kids is driving me nuts . This noise isdriving me mad .Get under someone’s skin : If someone gets under your skin , they dosomething that annoys you a lot but which may notannoy other people . eg. , He really gets under myskin sometimes .Be a drag : If someone or something is a drag , they annoy you especiallybecause they are boring or prevent you from enjoyingyourself . Eg. , Don’t invite John ------- he’s sucha drag .Step 2 Reading Comprehension and LanguageActivities1.Warm-up questions and discussion2.Listen to the text twice3.Read the text and try their best to answer the questions .①the beginning of the story ------- What happened first ?★What did the boy start out to do and where ?(He was going to get a watermelon for his own use from the family’smelon-and –garden patch ehich was back of the barn on the edge ofthe cane field .)★What did the boy take with him ? And why did he take that ?(He took a corn knife with him . It was the best thing to cut amelon . One swipe and the melon was in two .)★What happened to the boy when he was thumping for a ripe melon ?(All at once , he seemed to step on something like a needle .Actually , he was bitten by the rattler in the foot . )★What are rattlers supposed to do before they strike ?(Rattlers are supposed to make some sound as warning before theystrike .)★Why did the boy fail to hear the snake rattle ?(Maybe this snake didn’t have time to rattle .)②asking for help -------- What did his mother do ?★How did the boy’s mother treat his wound ?(The mother tied apron strings around her son’s leg above the knee ,made him lie on the sofa and put Martha to watch him .)★Why did the mother decide not to go to the Howell place ? And howfar away was the Anderson house ?(The Howell would not be of much help because they had no horse .The Anderson place was exactly half a mile away by the short cutthrough a field .)★What did the mother do when she found that Martha had taken offthe strings ?(She got the apron strings back , yanking them tight .)③waiting for help --------- What did her mother do then ?★Who should Herb Anderson look for first ? Who else should he lookfor next ?(Herb Anderson was told to first look for the boy’s father . Ifhe failed to find him , he should look for a doctor .)★Why did the mother go to the porch ? And who showed up at last ?(The mother went to the porch to watch the road from town . At last ,the boy’s father showed up .)4.Practicing asking and answering the questions in pairs .5.Retell the text using the key words .6.Explanation of the new words and phrases .⑴the background of the story :The story , as told by an American boy , is set against the background of the American countryside in the 19th century .The narration , therefore exhibits features of both cultural pictures of the countryside of that period , and the way that a teenager spoke . Words like sandbur , claim jumper , buggy , porch , lot , rig are characteristic of American culture .Besides , the text contains many colloquial phrases to reflect a child’s style of speaking . Phrasal verbs are preferred over single verbs , for instance , light out for depart ; pick out for recognize ;show up for appear ; break into forb egin ab ruptly . The use of child phrases (Mamma , Papa ) and somecausative verbs in make me lie , put Martha to watch , get me to stop yelling also help render the text fitting a child’s tone .⑵ the house melon-and –garden patch : a piece of land for growingvegetables and melons for family use .⑶back of : Although it is now established as standard in American Englishmeaning“behind ” , many considered it as a sloppy colloquial way ofspeaking inthe 19th century English .⑷ on the place ; in the lot : both refer to the boy’s home . Lot : apiece of land having a special use . Eg. , aparking lot ; a used –car lot ; a building lot ⑸ porch : (mainly used in American English ) a raised platform builtalong thewalls of a house and often covered with a roof . After supper ,peopleusually sit on chairs or rockers on the porch for relaxation .Houses withporches can still be seen in many places in America , especiallyin ruralareas .⑹ between the Anderson and the Howell claims : In the 19th century ,many Americans moved to the West where there was vastland for the taking . They staked out some pieces of landas their own property . Formal request for the land wasmade for mining . Claims refers to the pieces of landof this kind .⑺ anxious to get his nose in the manger : A manager is a feeding boxin a stable or barn . Here it means that the horse wasanxious to eat .⑻ rig : referring to the horse and the buggy⑼ all at once : suddenly⑽ figure : think (sth) ; calculateeg. I figured that you wouldn’t come .⑾ seem : appearseem (to sb ) (to be ) + n./ adj .seem to doseem likeIt seems that …It seems as if /as though …There seem(s) to be …⒀ forbid : Order (sb ) not to doOrder sth shall not be doneForbid sth.Forbid sb to doForbid doing⒁ show up : (colloquial ) arrive , often after a delay ; appear eg. It was ten o’clock when she finally showed up .⒂ strike : attack , esp. suddenlyeg. Enemy troops struck just before dawn .⒃ make for sb./sth. : move in the direction of sb./sth.⒄ pick (sb./sth.) out :a.choose fromeg. He picked out the ripest peach .b.distinguish sb./sth. Fromeg. Pick out sb’s face in a crowd⒅ light out for sp. : depart for sp.Assignments1.Do the exercises on the textbook .2.WritingP 43 Exercise 63.Oral practice :The Snake BiteUnit 2 He Was My FatherI .Teaching Objectives1.Functions :Expressing possibility & impossibility2.Grammar points : Use of prepositional phrases on the pattern : bybus , by post , in the car ; Used to as modalindicating past habit or state ; Adverbial of frequencywith past tense : I never used to go by car .3.Vocabulary : fall into , live on , apprehension , tuition , regard/ disregard , decent , recite , on one’s own , stare at ,pick up , grow up , put in , follow in one’s footsteps II . Focal Points1. Functions : Expressing possibility & impossibility4.Grammar points : Use of prepositional phrases on the pattern : bybus , by post , in the car ; Used to as modalindicating past habit or state ; Adverbial of frequencywith past tense : I never used to go by car .5.ConversationIII . Teaching Process1. Listening and Speaking Activities1)Introduction to the formulas of expressing possibility & impossibility2) Listen to the conversation twice3) Correct the answers4) Pair workPracticing : Read ConversationExplanationSpeak before the classMake up another dialogue using the cues in the box5)Make your own dialogueTeam & group workPresentation6)Matching exercises :What are they for ?If you want to learn more3.Reading Comprehension1) Warm-up questions2) Listening to the text twice3) Doing the comprehension work :Reading the textDiscussion :Read the text carefully to find the answers to the questions and look to the evidence from the text to support the answers Retelling the text using the key words4) Extended ActivityExercisesStep 1 Listening and Speaking Activities1.Formulas for expressing possibility & impossibilityIt is possible for you to get into the university if you pass the examination .You may have a point there .It could be a bad start .You might be right to a certain extent .The job can be done by Wednesday if I get extra help .Take your umbrella – you might need it .There’s possibility that she’ll lose her job .It’s still possible to make some money if you invest wisely . Perhaps it was the coffee .Possibly for the first time in their lives .There’s just a chance that she may have left her keys in the office , so I’m going to look .You might be lucky .But it is impossible if you fail .It may not be .It will be impossible for him to see you today .Alice can’t be at home .There’s no way you’re going to get the job without good references . Sending Sandra a letter was out of the question , because her …… , but she knew it was hopeless .2.Listen and speak :Listen to the following conversation twice and try to tick what you have heard as the correct answer to the questions .3.Try to speak more1) Listen to the tape2) Explanation of the conversation :nonsense : foolish talk , ideas , etc .blah : talk that sounds impressive , but actually says very little have a point : be rightheaps of : great number / amount ; plentybe reluctant to :be unwilling and therefore slow to co-operate , agree , etc.put the blame on sb : blame sb for sth.3) Read the conversation by themselves and then try to memorizethem .Invite two pairs of students to speak before the class and then exchange their roles .Depending on the cue box on the right , ask them to make up anotherconversation .Act out the conversation.4) Make your own dialogueTeam workPresentation5) What are they for ?ExplanationPair work : matching the exercises6) If you want to learn moreExplanation:You never know :an informal expression that you use when you think thatsomething may happen , but you are not certain becauseit is difficult to say what will happen in the future .Eg.It might have been better if she’d had kids , thoughyou never know .There’s no way : You say there’s no way to someone when you stronglybelieve that something is impossible . Eg. My legs wereaching and I knew that there was no way I would make itup the hill .Out of the question : If an idea , suggestion , etc. , is out of thequestion , it is completely impossible , especiallybecause it is not allowed . Eg ., That’s out of thequestion : Mary is much too busy to look after thechildren .Step 2 Reading Comprehension and LanguageActivities7.Warm-up questions and discussion8.Listen to the text twice9.Read the text and try their best to answer the questions .①Paragragh 1 and 2 :Before eating his ★ What would the father do before eatingthe dinner and why ?(When the father washed his hands beforedinner , he would talk to his son or tellhim tales of his own childhood in order tolet drops of moral tuition fall into theboy’s lap .)②Paragraph 3 , 4 and 5Father’★What was the father’s job and how many hours wouldhe work each week ?(The father was a London taxi – driver . He had to work12 hours a day , 6 days a week to earn decent wage .)★Was a taxi-driver respected by people and how do youknow ?(No . A taxi –driver is not respected very much by manypassengers . They treat him with patronizing disregardand address him rudely as cabbie , you or driver . ) ③Paragraph 6 :Father’★How do you understand “powerful enough to crywhen he felt the need ?” Explain in your own words . (This is an open-ended question . The teacher shouldencourage the students to discuss the problem ofstrength and power . But generally speaking , a mandoes not believe in tears . And crying is normallyassociated with weakness . So it calls for greatcourage and strength for a man to cry before others .The father is not only powerful and strong , he alsohas deep love for his mother and family . )④Paragraph 7 :★How did the father feel when his son went touniversity ?(When his son went to university , the father felt very happyandexcited , because the boy was the first in the father’s familytoreceive higher education .)★Was the narrator satisfied with his father’s behaviour at hisgraduation ceremony and why ?(Yes . The father seemed to be out of place at the graduationceremony from the boy’s point of view ------- he felt gauche ,took the matter too seriously by taking many pictures , anddidn’t understand the Latin before the ceremonial meal . Butthis was not important . He knew that his father wasoverjoyed because his son would have a better life .)⑤Paragraph 8 :★Why didn’t the father go on holiday ? And how did he liveand work when the family was away ?(The father could not afford to go on holiday with the family .There was just not enough money . When the family was away ,he would stay on his own , work even longer hours , and liveon sandwiches and tea .)⑥Paragraph 9 :★ What was the message from his father’s eyes when thenarrator had his first child ?(He seemed to say with his eyes : Son , let him say just onething when he grows up : “he was my father .”) Conclusion :★Why does the narrator repeat “he was my father ” so many times ? (This is again an open-minded question . Encourage the students to talk about their understanding . The father was seen as a great man in the boy’s eyes . He kept promises , he worked hard , he was powerful and he showed tender love for the family . Besides , his father was an understanding father , selfless and self-sacrificing , a man of conviction , believing in the power of love and hoping the love could be passed from generation to generation as a family tradition . The repeated use of “He was my father ”showed how much the boy loved his father and how proud he was of his father .) ★In what way was the father an extraordinary ordinary father ?(The father was ordinary as a worker , labourer , and taxi-driver . But he is extraordinary as a father , as a model for the younger generation . He was a man of integrity with power and profound love .)10.Practicing asking and answering the questions in pairs .11.Retell the text using the key words .12.Explanation of the new words and phrases .①Let drops of moral tuition fall into my lap :teach me moral standardslittle by little②Decent wage : a wage which is considered satisfactory③… with such patronizing disregard :patronizing is often used todescribe a person’s manner or tone which seemsfriendly , but which shows that they think theyare superior to you in some way .④…didn’t understand the Latin that was spoken before the ceremonialmeal : Latin is the Italic language spoken nearancient Roman , and was the official language ofthe Roman Empire . Until the middle ages , it wasthe dominant language of school , church , andstate in West Europe . Now , Latin is still usedin religious ceremonies of Roman Catholic Church .Besides , it is also used for ceremonial purposesin cases such as school graduation ceremony .⑤So what ? :an informal colloquial expression , meaning that the remarkor statement which has just been made seems unimportant ,uninteresting , or irrelevant . Here it means what does itmatter if my father doesn’t understand the Latin that wasspoken in the ceremony ? Another similar expression is Whatof it ? Eg. , Someone will see . ------- So what ?Your parents are coming tomorrow .-------- What of it ?⑥Disregard (for / of sb. / sth.) : lack of attention or careEg. She shows a total disregard for other people and their feelings .⑦Decent :a.satisfactory ;quite goodeg. Earn a decent wage , living , etcb.not likely to shock or embarrass others ; modesteg. That dress isn’t decent .⑧apprehension : anxiety about the future ; fearrecite (sth to sb ) : say (a poem , passage , etc.) aloud frommemory , esp. to an audience⑨(all ) on one’s own :a.aloneeg. She lives on her own .b.without help or supervision ; aloneeg. Although her father is in the firm , she got the job on her own . ⑩put sth in : spend (a period of time ) working at stheg. She often puts in twelve hours’ work a day .put sth in / into (doing ) stheg. We’ve put a great deal of time and effort in this project .⑾follow in sb’s footsteps : do as sb else does ; follow a similaroccupation or life-style as sb elseeg. She works in theatre , following in her father’s footsteps .Assignments4.Do the exercises on the textbook .5.WritingP 57 Exercise 66.Oral practice :He Was My FatherUnit 3 Understanding Your OwnerI .Teaching Objectives4.Functions : Expressing anger2. Grammar points : -ing as objectives of vt./v.+prep.3.Vocabulary : desperate , represent , be aware of , interpret , fitin with , put … into danger , keep away , work out , trydoing , end up , vary from , all too , force onII . Focal Points1.Functions : Expressing anger2. Grammar points : -ing as objectives of vt./v.+prep.3.ConversationIII . Teaching Process1. Listening and Speaking Activities2)Introduction to the formulas of expressing anger3)Listen to the conversation twice3) Correct the answers4) Pair workPracticing : Read ConversationExplanationSpeak before the classMake up another dialogue using the cues in the box5)Make your own dialogueTeam & group workPresentation6)Matching exercises :What are they for ?If you want to learn more4.Reading Comprehension1) Warm-up questions2) Listening to the text twice3) Doing the comprehension work :Reading the textDiscussion :Read the text carefully to find the answers to the questions and look to the evidence from the text to support the answers Retelling the text using the key words4) Extended ActivityExercisesStep 1 Listening and Speaking Activities1.Formulas for expressing angerI simply can’t bear to hear them bark.I’m disgusted . How could you be so rude to my guests !I really hate being kept waiting . Can you make it earlier next time ?My orders have been disobeyed . I must teach them a lesson .I’m going to get very angry with you . Pick your things up now !Look at the way people just throw litter down in the street ------ it makes you sick , doesn’t it ?Look , how they treat the innocent animals ! It makes my blood boil .It’s typical of him to behave like that !Why don’t you pick someone your own size ?!It really makes me angry the way he talks .I’ve had enough of that .Steve never apologises for anything .That’s what gets me down !You can often see Sam picking flowers in the park . It really makes me see red .I can’t stand his arrogance .Do you always stick your nose in other’s business ?How would you like somebody to litter around in your own doorway ?2. Listen and speak :Listen to the following conversation twice and try to tick what you have heard as the correct answer to the questions .5. Try to speak more1) Listen to the tape2)Explanation of the conversation :walk :①行走;步行②cause (sb./sth.)to walk , esp. by accompanying him / it 使(某人/某物)行走(尤指与之同行)eg.He walked the horse up the hill .He walked her to her car .keep sb. company : remain with sb. So that he is not aloneeg.I’ll stay here and keep you company .pessimist : person who expects the worst to happen 悲观主义者3) Read the conversation by themselves and then try to memorizethem .Invite two pairs of students to speak before the class and then exchange their roles .Depending on the cue box on the right , ask them to make up another conversation .Act out the conversation.4) Make your own dialoguePresentationTeam work5) What are they for ?ExplanationPair work : matching the exercises6) If you want to learn moreStep 2 Reading Comprehension and LanguageActivities13.Warm-up questions and discussion14.Listen to the text twice15.Read the text and try their best to answer the questions .Section 1 --------- In the two ways : a set of sounds and a set of marks ,humans have developed their eyes and ears to a higher level of interpretation than the dogs .Questions :①What does the phrase “a set of sounds” mean ? Why do some humans have difficulty communicating with others by a set of sounds ?(“A set of sounds” refers to the spoken form of human language . Some people have difficulty in understanding people from other places because they speak different languages . As the dog understands , human beings have to be either raised in the same place or receive special training in order to understand a different language .)②What does the phrase “a set of marks on paper?” mean ? What is the use of the marks for human beings ?(“A set of marks on paper” refers to the written form of human language and is used to represent the sounds of language . These marks can be used to record human messages so that humans at a different time and in a different place can understand those messages .)③Why should a dog not develop the same communicating means /skills as human beings ?(Humans have lost the other abilities and senses for gatheringinformation while they have developed their eyes and ears . If adog develops these two skills too far , it would put its otherabilities into danger .)④What cost have human beings paid for having developed their seeing and hearing senses ?(When human beings have developed their eyes and ears to a higher level , they have lost the ability to get much of the information that dogs are able to do by other means .)Conclusion : the advantage and disadvantage of developing seeing and hearing sensesThe advantage : have developed their eyes and ears to a higherlevel of interpretationfor humans Humans at a different time and in a differentplace can understand their messages .The disadvantage : have lost the ability of other senses excepteyes and ears to get much informationThe advantage : can get information not only from ears and eyesbut also from otherfor dogs sensesThe disadvantage : have a lower level of interpretationSection 2 --------- How to please a human .Questions : What gesture of a dog’s can best please human beings ?(A dog who can behave like a human , such as sitting down in frontof him , and raising a front paw in a gesture to shake hands witha human will please a human most .)Section 3 --------- Don’t forget the true nature — you are a dog .Questions :①According to the passage , what is the best policy for a dog to livepeacefully with humanbeings ?(Even when a dog is behaving like a human to please a man , he should always remember that he is a dog . He is not a human and needs to live as a dog . It is all very well for a dog to change himself slightly to fit in with human beings, but he should not deny his true nature . Besides , he should accept whatever is forced upon him . In other words , he should be faithful to his master no matter who the master is . )②What are the reasons that human beings hold for keeping a dog ? (Human beings need dogs for various reasons . They may need a dog to help with some specific tasks like hunting or guiding , or want a dog to keep burglars away . Looking after a dog may give their children a sense of responsibility .They may want other people to admire their dogs if the dogs are of an expensive and fashionable breed . Or they may simply need some sort of companionship or love .)Conclusion :Should : need to live as a dogFor a dog change yourself slightly to fit in with a human pack accept anything forced on youShould not : deny your true naturehelp with some specific tasks like hunting or guidingkeep burglars awayreasons for keeping a dog give their children a sense of responsibilitywant other people to admire their dogsneed some sort of companionship or love16.Practicing asking and answering the questions in pairs .17.Retell the text using the key words .18.Explanation of the new words and phrases .①be aware of sb./sth.that …②vary from sth to sth : change from … to…vary with : change according to some factorseg.Her mood varied from optimism to extreme depression .Prices vary with the seasons .③represent : stand for or be a symbol or equivalent of (sb/sth);。
⑴fast reading
Read the whole passage quickly while listening to the record, and then finishExerciseⅠ.
⑵careful reading
Read the first three paragraphs more slowly and carefully, and then finishExerciseⅡ.
Part1New words
1. Learn new words
2. learn something about Manners
1.Improve the students’ g ability.
Read the rest of the passage slowly and carefully and then finishExerciseⅢ.
Step 3 Discussion
Topic:What do you mostly want to say to your parents on Mother’s Day or Father’s Day?
2.help the students to learn about the suffix“-ness”
cation of gratitude
in-depth understanding of the theme of the text
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Section One Around the topicStep 1 Topic introduction:The topic of this unit is about cyberspace. This unit provides some information about the history of the internet and discusses some uses of the internet that have grown dramatically in recent years. The main reading text enables students to access and reflect on the future of cyberspace. In the Extension part, students will read about the benefits of a digital library.Step 2 watch the video1.Watch the video “April Fool’s Day in the Internet Age”. What tricks did the websites play?How are they different from the past?2.How has internet changed your life? Discuss in groups.Play the video twice and try to have students think about the questions in the PPT and then ask some volunteers to express their viewpoints.Step 3 Your ideasA.Which of the following famous IT faces do you recognize? Do you know what they arefamous for?Start the unit by encouraging students to think of IT entrepreneurs and their IT business success. The aim here is to get students talking about the benefits they enjoy in the electronic era. Ask students to identify the three IT entrepreneurs and match them to their companies.Conduct a class feedback and familiarize students with the benefits of high-tech products. If there is enough time, the teacher can add some questions such as how do they like the products of the above three companies, etc.B.How often do you use products made by these international IT giants? Has your life becomemore convenient since you started to use them? Share your ideas in pairs.Encourage student to discuss the effects of information technology on our daily life. You may elicit topics and write them on the board to start students thinking, e.g. travel, education, communication, food, interpersonal relationships, work, hobbies, sports, money, health, family, agriculture.C.How often do you do the following things?●check e-mail●chat on the net●buy things through internet●listen to music on the net●learn English on the net●play games●search information●read e-books●read news reports●watch movies onlineInvite some students to talk about their own internet experiences.Step 4 vocabularyA.Many web-related words are newly created or are common words assigned with newmeanings. Match the following words with their definitions.Ask students to do this exercise in pairs. Check answers by asking students to read out the definition of each word.Answers:1.BBS2.browser3.virus4.e-mail5.hacker6.cyberspace7.e-commerce8.blogB.Do you know any other new words in the computer world? Describe and explain them inpairs.Encourage students to brainstorm more words related to the cyberspace or the computer world.Step 5 Listening and speakingThe aim of this section is to help students learn about the drawbacks of searching information on the internet. Ask students to think of their own experiences of using the internet as a tool when doing homework. Is it time-consuming or is it worth the while to do so?Are you easily distracted by looking at other things? Play the recording and ask students to tell whether the statements are true or false.A.Listen to a man and a woman talking about surfing the internet. Decide whetherthe following statements are true (T) or false (F).Play the recording once or twice if necessary. Ask students to take notes while listening to the recording, and tell them the importance of taking note in the listening practice.And then ask for the feedback from several volunteers and check the answer together asa class.B.Listen again and answer the following questions.1.What has the man been doing for the last few hours?2.What information did the man want to find?3.Why does the woman say surfing the internet can be distracting?4.What is the thing the man really doesn’t like about the internet?Play the recording again and encourage students to improve their notes and find answers from the notes. Then check the answer as a class.C.Work in groups and discuss the following questions.1.How convenient is it for you to use the internet on campus?2.Do you regularly chat in a certain online group? What’s it about?3.What topics do you usually talk about when you chat online?Divide students into groups and have them discuss on the above questions and exchange ideas, then ask several representatives from each group to express their ideas.Section two ReadingStep 1 introductionThe topic of this unit is about cyberspace. This unit provides some information about the history of the internet and discusses some uses of the internet that have grown dramatically in recent years. The main reading text enables students to access and reflect on the future of cyberspace.This is an argumentative article, aiming at discussing the future of the internet. In the first。