
互联网时代的大学生活The college campus, long a place of scholarship and frontiers of new technology, is being transformed into a new age of electronics by a fleet of laptops, smartphones and connectivity 2hours a day.大学校园长久以来都是学术之地,也是新技术的前沿。
On a typical modern-day campus, where every building and most outdoor common areas offer wireless Internet access, one student takes her laptop everywhere. In class, she takes notes with it, sometimes instant-messaging or emailing friends if the professor is less than interesting. In her dorm, she instant-messages her roommate sitting just a few feet away. She is tied to her smartphone, which she even uses to text a friend who lives one floor above her, and which supplies music for walks between classes.在典型的现代校园里,每幢建筑和大部分室外公共区域都提供无线互联网接入,学生可以把手提电脑带到任何地方。

U3 ACollege life in the Internet age互联网时代的大学生活The college campus, long a place of scholarship and frontiers of new technology, is being transformed into a new age of electronics by a fleet of laptops, smartphones and connectivity 2hours a day.大学校园长久以来都是学术之地,也是新技术的前沿。
On a typical modern-day campus, where every building and most outdoor common areas offer wireless Internet access, one student takes her laptop everywhere. In class, she takes notes with it, sometimes instant-messaging or emailing friends if the professor is less than interesting. In her dorm, she instant-messages her roommate sitting just a few feet away. She is tied to her smartphone, which she even uses to text a friend who lives one floor above her, and which supplies music for walks between classes.在典型的现代校园里,每幢建筑和大部分室外公共区域都提供无线互联网接入,学生可以把手提电脑带到任何地方。

By Allison Hunter
The only danger in Friendship is that it will end. – Henry David Thoreau
1 I received an email from a reader who asked, “Why do frsioemndes hips end, no ma er how
3 其次,朋友自身可能在变。朋友长时间不在一起(如参加夏令营、上大学等)友谊常常 会终止的一个重要原因是一方或双方改变了。我认为当朋友双方都改变时,其伤害较轻,因 为这时的分手往往是互相的,双方都决定不再交往,从此各奔东西,让友谊终结。当只有一 方改变时,往往造成的伤害最重。一方也许换了社交圈子、加入了新的社会组织、开始谈恋 爱了、养了一只宠物或从事某个更费时间、更需激情的有风险的事业。当然,友谊是经得起 这些变化的,除非一方或双方由于某种原因决定不再在友谊调整期内投入必要的时间和精力。 (例如,一方由于养了新宠物而极度兴奋,因而可能忘了友谊的重要性,又或者一方结婚而 另一方还是单身时,朋友也许感到这一变化无法克服。)在这种情况下,友谊终止可能不是 相互的,所以,一方或双方感到被背叛,最后只留下对一段珍贵友谊的苦涩回忆。 4 除此以外,友谊终结还有其它原因。例如,尽管双方也许想维系这段友谊,但是一方或 双方可能无意间疏忽了它。友谊常被比作花园,如果花儿不能时常晒到阳光和得到足够的浇
友谊内在的唯一危险是:友谊将会终结。 ——亨利·大卫·梭罗
1 我收到一位读者的电子邮件,她在邮件中问道:“为什么有些友谊不管你多么想维系它
却还是会终结?”该读者说她曾在我发表的一篇文章《友谊之谜》中见到过这个问题。正如 我在文章中所说,对于友谊是如何开始的、为什么有些友谊会维系终生、为什么有些友谊会 终结这类问题,我认为没有简单的答案。虽然我在别的文章中——《拥有一个朋友》和《做 一个朋友》——尝试回答过前两个问题,但是,我仍然对那些经久不衰的友谊感到惊讶,也 对那些逝去的友谊感到失望。即便如此,我还是要在本文中对为什么友谊会终结提出我的一 些见解。 2 我的回答很简单,友谊终结是因为朋友处境的改变,或甚至是因朋友自身的变化。其他 人也有相似的回答。首先,朋友面临的境遇有可能改变。因进一个新的学校或有一份新的工 作而决定搬家,这就不能不影响到友谊。同样,如果朋友出了事故,患了疾病,或失去了亲 人,这些情况也不能不影响友谊。然而,基于上述原因,友谊就要终结吗?回答是不,但这 就需要作相应调整,然而一方或双方却可能不愿作这样的调整。
全新版大学进阶英语综合教程第2册 Unit3 课文翻译

Why Do Friendships End?By Allison HunterThe only danger in Friendship is that it will end.– Henry David Thoreau1 I received an email from a reader who asked, “Why do some friendships end, no matter how much you want them to last?” She referred to having seen the question in one of my articles, Mystery of Friendship. As I wrote in it, I don’t think easy answers exist as to how friendships start, why some turn into lifetime o nes, and why some end. Although I’ve tried answering the first two questions in other articles (To Have A Friend and BeA Friend), I still get surprised by friendships that endure and disillusioned by ones that slip away. Even so, I’ll try to offer some ins ights here as to why friendships end.2 My simple answer is that friendships end because the situations friends are in or even the friends themselves change. Others have similar answers. First, the situations friends face may change. The decision to relocate for a new school or job cannot help but affect a friendship. Likewise, if a friend is in an accident, develops an illness, or loses someone close, these situations cannot help but affect a friendship. Does a friendship need to end because of these changes? No, but it’ll require adjustments that one or both friends might not be willing to make.3 Second, the friends themselves may change. A significant reason that friendships often end when friends are apart for an extended period of time (for summer camp, college, etc.) is that one or both of the friends change. I think it hurts less when both friends change, because then the breakup is more often mutual and so both friends get closure by both deciding to let go and move forward in their lives without each other. What tends to hurt most is when just one friend changes. One friend might change social circles, become involved in new social organizations, start to date, get a pet, or take on some other venture that consumes more time and passion. Again, a friendship can endure these changes, unless one or both of the friends for some reason decide not to invest the time and energy involved in the adjustment period. (For example, one friend might forget the importance of the friendship due to the high of having a new pet or mightfeel that the change is impossible to overcome when one gets married but the other is still single.) In this situation, breakups may not be mutual and so one or both friends feel betrayed and end up with bitter memories about what was a precious friendship to them.4 There are other reasons why friendships end. For example, as much as two people might wanta friendship to survive, oneor both of them might unintentionally neglect it. Friendship is often compared to a flower garden. Wel l, if flowers don’t get exposed regularly enough to sunlight and don’t get watered enough, flowers will wither and even die. The same applies to friendship. If week after week passes where plans are made to spend time together but are never honored, perhaps due to taking a friendship for granted, eventually even the closest of friendships may cease to have a reason to exist.5 Conflicts can also cause the end of friendships. If the flower is a fledgling plant, one blow might destroy it just as sometimes re latively young friendships aren’t strong enough to endure much conflict. Even those amazing close friendships, where friends love us no matter what our faults are, need care when it comes to conflicts. Sure, if a flourishing flower gets stepped on, it might revive on its own. Moreover, if it gets a little extra special care, it’ll probably bounce back as if it hadn’t ever been injured. At the same time, if a flower gets repeatedly trampled on, it’ll probably eventually break. Especially the friendships that have been around for a long time can endure storms, and even become stronger for them, but most friendships have breaking points.6 Nevertheless, while we can rarely predict at the outset which ones will last, most friendships do enrich us for however sh ort or long they’re a part of our lives.为什么友谊会终结?艾利森·亨特友谊内在的唯一危险是:友谊将会终结。

新编英语教程第三版第二册unit3Unit 3I Lead-inII Language StructuresModal auxiliaries1. would + perfect infinitive used to express “unfulfilled wish”. I would have liked to sign up, but I sprained my ankle.2. should /ought to + perfect infinitive used to express “unfulfilled ob ligation”needn’t + perfect infinitive expressing “unnecessary past actions”. 1) She should/ ought to have had more oral practice during the term.2) She needn’t ha ve learned all the dialogues by heart.3. may /might + perfect infinitive used to expre ss “speculations about pastactions”can /could not + perfect infinitive used to express “negative deduction about pastactions”. 1)He may/might have gone to the library.2) She can’t/couldn’t have gone to the library.4. must + perfect infinitive used to express “affirmative deduction about past actions”may /might as well used with the second person pronoun expressing “suggestions”. 1) She must have gone to the language lab.2) You may/might as well use my bike.Preparatory QuestionsDirections: Recast the followingsentences using the following phrases: 1. “would have liked to (do)”Notice: would have liked to (do) is used with the first person to express the spe aker’s wish that was not fulfilled.1) I intended to go skating with you yesterday but I couldn’t because my mother didn’t let me.(Response: I would have liked to go skating with you yesterday, but my mother didn’let me.)2) I meant to sit in on Professor Wang’s class this morning but I didn’t because I had an important meeting to attend. (Response: I would have liked to sit in on Professor Wang’s class this morning, but I had an important meeting to attend.)3) I intended to take part in the basketball match yesterday afternoon but I couldn’tbecause I had a bad fall yesterdaymorning.(Response: I would have liked to take part in the basketball match yesterday afternoon, but I had a bad fall yesterday morning.)4) I planned to lend you my cassette recorder, but I didn’t, because it was out of order.(Response: I would have liked to lend you my cassette recorder, but it was out of order.)2. should/ought to + perfect infinitive Notice:should/ought to + perfect infinitive, indicating a past obligation that was not fulfilled1) The exhibition was a good one. All of us visited it except John. (Response: : John should/ought to have come with us.)2) We all learned a lot from the lecture,but Li didn’t attend it. (Response: : Li ought to/should haveattended the lecture.)3) The engineer went to the research institute without an umbrella and was caught in the rain.(Response: : The engineer ought to/should have taken an umbrella with him.)4) They bought a book for Mary but she didn’t like it.(Response: : They oug htn’t to/shouldn’t have bought the book for Mary.)needn’t + perfect infinitiveNotice: needn’t + perfect infinitive, indicating something that was unnecessarily done in the past1) I wrote a summary in more than five hundred words. But the teacher only asked for200 words.(Response: : I needn’t have written such a long summary.)2) Lin answered all the ten questions in the test paper. But we were only required toanswer eight of them.(Response: : Lin needn’t have answered all the ten questions in the test paper.)3) Mary went to the station an hour before the train started. (Response: : Mary needn’t have gone to the station so early.)4) Yao carried all the parcels home herself. She didn’t know they would deliver them if she asked them.) (Response: : Yao needn’t have carried all the parcels home herself. They would havedelivered them if she had asked them.) 3.may/might +perfect infinitiveNotice: may/might +perfect infinitive, indicating speculations about past actions1) Where is Susan I want to go to the canteen with her.(Response: : She may/might have gone there already.)2) It’s a fortnight since Sun went to the South and we haven’t got a word from him. Iwonder if he’s forgotten us all. (Response: : He may/might have been very busy with his work there.)3) Sid told me he’d let me have the library book after he’d finished wit h it. It’s a weeksince he said that and he still hasn’t given me the book.(Response: : He may/might have returned the book to the library.4) I’ve been looking for my bicycle key for three days, and it’s still nowhereto be found.(Response: : You may/might have lost it.)can’t/couldn’t + perfect infinitive Notice: can’t/couldn’t + perfect infinitive, indicating negative deduction about past actionsThe first part of the response can be given to the students asa prompt.1) Where is my typewriter Someone must have stolen it last night. (Response: : It was here a moment ago. It couldn’t have been stolen last night.)2) Keith ought to be here now. Perhaps he’s lost his way.(Response: : I told him how to come and I even drew him a map. He can’t have lost his way.)3) Who brought the refrigerator upstairs Perhaps it was Tim.(Response: : Tim’s not that strong. He couldn’t have brought it by himself.)4) A man answered the phone. I suppose it was her husband.(Response: : But her husband hasn’t come back from abroad yet. It couldn’t have been her husband.)4. must + perfect infinitiveNotice: must + perfect infinitive, indicating affirmative deduction about past actions1) The film he saw last night was wonderful.(Response: : He must have enjoyed seeing it.)2) He looks tired, doesn’t he (Response: : He must have worked hard. / He must have stayed up late last night.)3) The children were making a lot of noise until five minutes ago. Now it isso quiet.(Response: : The children must have gone away.)4) James has checked all the figures twice over, but he can’t get the correct answer.(Response: : James must have made a mistake somewhere.)5. may/might as wellNotice: may/might as well, used with the second person pronoun to express the speaker’ssuggestion(s)1) I am so exhausted after work. (Response: : You may/might as well go to sleep.)2) I’m not feeling well. I think I’ve got a cold.(Response: : Being so weak, you may/might as well see a doctor.)3) It is too hot for Karen and me to gofor a picnic.(Response: : Why don’t you change it to another day You may/might as well go to amovie today.)4) Nick won’t take up the additional work. He just wants to do his part. (Response: : You may/might as well ask Lucy to do it. To get ahead on her job, she iswilling to try new things.)Dialogue Pollution ControlA.Listening to the recordingB.Questions on the dialogue1.Why is London no longer a city full of fog2.What is the cause of air and water pollution in the city where A lives3.What problems do car bring4.What should be done to bringpollution in China completely under control5.Do you think that environmental pollution in China has been effectively reduced If so, please cite some facts or examples.C. Language Points1.It must be terrible living there.—Living there must be terrible. The introductory it is a formal subject, whereas the -ing participle living is the real subject. Another example,. It is great fun boating on the lake.2. the Clean Air Ac t — This was theresult of the recommendations made by the Beaver Committee which was set up to inquire into the question of urban pollution in Britain. The committee was so named because its chairman was Sir Hugh Beaver.3. enforce v .give emphasis or strengthto sth.加强;make sth.(a law ) obeyed or effective by force强迫服从,实施;force or cause sth. to be done or to happen迫使(某事)发生. 1) Mike must provide enough examples to enforce hisargument.2) You have no right to enforce your own views on me.3) The government is unable to enforce its own laws and regulations.4. the Thames/temz/is swarming with fish — the River Thames is full of fish that move about busily. The names of rivers are preceded by the definite article the, ., the Yangzi River, the Yellow River, the Hudson River, the River Mississippi.. 1)Each summer the swimming pool swarms with people.2) That town is always swarming with tourists from all over the world.5. double: twice as much or as many as usual; 成双的,双重的,两倍的a. n. v.a double bed/room at/on the double 迅速地,立即地;以跑步方式The boss will give him double pay for working overtime.2) The date had a double significance.3) You’d better be double careful when crossing the street.4) The population of Japan doubles that of Canada.5) The child birthrate in that area has doubled.6. torment n. extreme suffering, especially mental suffering;a person or thing that causes this.痛苦,折磨 v. . 1) Love is a sweet torment.2) David has never suffered the torment of rejection.3)They never torment themselves or each other over imperfections.devices—devices used to treat smoke, dust, and water pollution 治理三废设备. 1) The television receiver is an electronic device.2) Sending advertising by email is very effective marketingdevice.3) His illness is merely a device to avoid seeing his girlfriend.8. residential a. containing or suitable for private houses; connected with or based on residence住宅的,与居住有关的Gradually the surrounding farmland turned into residential areas.2) It is a nice residential section, equipped with modern conveniences.resident a. 居住的;n.居民,居住者residence n. 居住,住宅reside v.居住,定居v. make ab. angry, annoyed or impatient 激怒,使烦躁;cause discomfort to(a part of body)使不舒服,刺激. 1) Our faults irritate us most when we see them in others.2) Her effusive manner of greeting her friends finally began to irritate them.3) These tight shoes irritate my toes.10. more and more people have come to know how harmful ... —more and more people begin to know how harmful ... The infinitive after the verb come expresses an action that takes place gradually over some time.working with Mrs. Brown, who appeared quite hard-hearted, in the same officefor many years, I’ve come to see that she has a heart of gold.11. make stricter laws to that effect—make stricter laws with the intention to forbid car horns blowing in the streets. The word effect refers to what B says in the preceding line “it’s against the law to blow car horns in any street in town.”to that effect:used to show that you’re giving the general meaning of what sb. has said or written rather than te exact words表示那个/这个意思,大意如此)He said he was greatly worried, or words to that effect.2) Mary said she hated to see John, or hear of the words to that effect.to this/the effect 大意是说to good/great/ dramatic effect 产生好的结果to no effect 无效果,不起作用Expressions in Focus1. “do away with...”—terminate, get rid of; abolish sth. .. 1) Why not do away with all the junk in your room It is getting more and more untidy!2) How could they do away with a lovely old building like that and put a car park there instead3) These ridiculous rules and regulations should have been done away with years ago.2. “add to…”— increase or have an increased effect;“add sth. to sth.” —put sth. together with sth. else so as to increase .His words did nothing but added to my anger.2) The bad weather only added to our difficulties.3) Teachers should exercise their imagination and add art to their teaching.3. “bring…under control”—subdue or master sth.To bring the noisy children under control, the teachers told them the story of “Buzzy Bees”.2) Hundreds of firemen have brought a wildfire spread over nine square kilometers of land under control after battling to put out the flames for two days.3) The Prime Minister said yesterday that the government is making all efforts to bring the high inflation under control.D. Retelling。
新视野大学英语2读写教程Unit 3 Text A 课文文本及翻译_20200412151826

新视野大学英语2读写教程(第三版)Unit3课文文本及翻译Section A Text AJourney through the odyssey years奥德赛岁月之旅1Most of us know about the phases of life which we label to paralle l different age groups and life stages:Childhood,adolescence,adulthood,and old age.We think of infancy before childhood and middle age before old age,with each unique phase bringing its own peculiar set of challenges.These challenges can be overcome by acquainting ourselves with them,such as the child’s need to learn,the adult’s need to find the right career and build a family,and the senior’s need for support and good health care.2Interestingly,ideas about the stages of life are changing.3In previous times,people didn’t have a solid idea of childhood as being separate from adulthood.A hundred years ago,no one thought of adolescence.Until recently it was understood as a norm that their induction to adulthood was completed as soon as they graduated form college.They would now find a sensible job which would lead to a career.Then during this career they would start a family,ideally before they turned30.4Today we have an equivalent need to recognize a new phase of life that comes after high school graduation,continues through college,and then leads to starting a family and having a career,the so-called odyssey years.Recent trends show radical changes as young people are following a different agenda.They take breaks from school,live with friends and often return to living their parents.Similarly,they fall in and out of love,quit one job and try another or oven shift to a new career.So,we need to recognize this new stage,the odyssey years,which many now consider to be an unavoidable stage in reaching adulthood.5People who were born prior to the60s or70s in the last century tended to frame their concept of adulthood based upon achieving certain accomplishments:moving away from home,becoming financially independent,finding the right spouse and starting a family.But that emphasis on stability did not remain static.Today,young people are unlikely to do the same.During the odyssey years,a high proportion of young people are delaying marriage,child bearing,and even employment.6The odyssey years can saddle young people with enormous pressure to move forward quickly.As the sole heir and focus of their parents’expectations,hopes and dreams,some react with rebellious and prideful attitudes and behavior toward their parents.They often resent the pressure they’re feeling and keep distance from theirparents or even run away from home.Their confusion comes from the difficulties to make parents understand them and fluid journey of discovery they need in this phase of their lives.To get away from this confusion and upset,many young people resort to computer games,iPods,iPhones,or iPads to help distract them from their pain and stress.7Likewise,their parents are feeling more anxious.They may make allowances for a transition phase from student life to adult life,but they get upset when they see the transition of their grown children’s lives moving away from their expectations and stretching give years to seven years,and beyond.The parents don’t even detect a clear sense of direction in their children’s lives.They look at them and see the things that are being delayed.8It’s hard to predict what’s next.New guidelines haven’t been established yet,and everything seems to give way to a less permanent version of itself.There’s been a shift in the status and balance of power between the genders,too.More women are getting degrees than men.Male wages have remain stable over the past decades, while female wages have boomed.9Apart from anything else,this has had an implici t effect on cated women can get many of the things they want,such as security,accomplishment,and identity without marriage.However,both genders are having a harder time finding suitable mates to build their lives with.Considering all of this,it’s beneficial to know that even though graduates are delaying many things after college,surveys show they still hold highly traditional aspirations.For example,this contemporary generation rates parenthood even more likely than previous generations did!10This new phase will likely grow more pronounced in the coming years.Nations around the world have witnessed similar trends toward delaying marriage and spending more years than even shifting between higher education and settling down with a career and family.11Nevertheless,graduates shouldn’t be deceived into thinking they can back off simply because things have become more difficult.A large number of people chasing relatively fewer opportunities can create strong competitive pressure.So, from the outse t,keep your resume professional and up-to-date.12To reinforce this essential message,success moving through the odyssey years will come to those who don’t expect to achieve their goals right away but know that they must have the strength,capacity and confidence to endure over the long term.If you’re a little late with your goals,don’t feel like a failure!Stay strong,be positive, and keep focused!Someday you will look back and wonder at the vast changes as you passed through the odyssey years.1.我们大多数人都知道,根据不同的年龄和生活阶段。
浙江大学《新编大学英语综合教程(2)》(第3版)(全文翻译 Unit 2)【圣才出品】

新编大学实用英语教程第三册Unit 3课文讲解

Text A
Listen to the recording of text A and match the sentences with the corresponding paragraphs.
Pa. 2 Pa. 7-8
Review:individual task
1.独特的,独一无二的 2.谦虚的,卑下的 3.易碎的,虚弱的 4.抱怨,控诉 5.努力,奋斗,挣扎 6.厌倦,不耐烦 7.使……充满 8.脱下;赢得;把(车、船)开离
1.unique(be unique to sb/spl) 2.humble 3.fragile plain(~ to sb about/of sth) 5.struggle(~ for sth/to do sth) 6.be tired of 7.fill…with…(be filled with) 8.pull off
Pa. 3-6
Pa. 1
1 A daughter complained to her father about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved a new one arose.


新视野大学英语第三版第二册读写课文翻译Unit 1 Text A一堂难忘的英语课1 如果我是唯一一个还在纠正小孩英语的家长,那么我儿子也许是对的。
2 我觉得我是在最近偶遇我以前的一位学生时,才开始对这个问题认真起来的。
我满怀着诚挚期待问她:“欧洲之行如何?”3 她点了三四下头,绞尽脑汁,苦苦寻找恰当的词语,然后惊呼:“真是,哇!”4 没了。
5 关于正确使用英语能力下降的问题,有许多不同的故事。
学生的确本应该能够区分诸如their/there/they're之间的不同,或区别complimentary 跟complementary之间显而易见的差异。
6 学生并不笨,他们只是被周围所看到和听到的语言误导了。
朋友和亲人常宣称They've just ate。
实际上,他们应该说They've just eaten。
7 对这种缺乏语言功底而引起的负面指责应归咎于我们的学校。
8 因为语法对大多数年轻学生而言枯燥且乏味,所以我觉得讲授语法得一步一步、注重技巧地进行。

Unit1善良之心,久久相依当时我没有意识到,是爸爸帮我保持平衡奥古斯塔斯 ? J ? 布洛克1 随着我渐渐长大,当别人看见我和爸爸在一起,我会觉得很尴尬。
2 要协调我们的步伐并不容易,他(的步子)一瘸一拐的,我(走起来)则缺乏耐心。
”3 我们通常在家和地铁之间来往,这是他上班的必由之路。
4 当地上有冰或雪的时候,即使有人帮忙他也无法走路。
一到那儿,他就能紧紧抓住扶手一直走下去, 地铁道里比较暖和,下面的楼梯不结冰。
5 一个成年男子要有多少勇气才能承受这种屈辱和压力,我现在想来惊讶不已。
6 他从不把自己当作同情的对象,也从不对更幸运的或更能干的人表示任何嫉妒。
7 由于年龄的增长,我相信那是一种用来判断人的恰当的标准,尽管我还不能精确地知道什么是一颗“善心”。
8 尽管很多活动我爸爸不能参加,但他还是尽量用某种方式参与。
新视野大学英语第三版读写教程第二册Unit 3 Door closer, are you?(课文+词汇)

Unit 3 Door closer, are you?New words:rival a. 竞争的;对抗的 n. 对手;竞争者secondary a. 次要的;从属的imperial a. 帝国的;皇帝的raid n. 突袭;袭击 vt. (军队)突然袭击territory n. 领土;版图;领地opponent n. (竞争、比赛等的)敌手,对手;反对者motivate vt. 激励;激发...的积极性loyal a. 忠贞的;忠实的;忠诚的vessel n. 船;舰genius n. 天才;天赋;有天才的人;天才人物conviction n. 坚定地信仰(主张)validate vt. 证实;使生效;使合法化exception n. 例外;除外veteran a. 经验丰富的;老练的 n. 老兵;退伍军人conquest n. 击败;征服;攻占;(对艰难、危险事物的)攻克,征服summit n. 某事物的顶峰;某事物的极点;首脑会议;最高级会议;峰会enlighten vt. 启发;指导;教导enlightening a. 具启发性的publication n. 书;杂志;著作;出版物;出版irrational a. 非理性的;不合理的;荒谬的investigate vt. 查明,调查,侦查(犯罪、事故或科学问题的真相)investigation n. (对犯罪、事故或科学问题等进行的正式的)调查,侦查marshal vt. 整理(思路、想法等)behavioral a. 行为的;行为方式的profit v. 使...得到;有利于n. 利润;收益;盈利revolve v. (使)旋转preserve vt. 维护;保护;保存session n.(一批人参加某项活动的)一段时间fluctuate vi. 波动;起伏;涨落modify vt. 改动;修改;更改visual a. 视觉的;视力的protest v. 坚持说;力言;公开反对;抗议cling vi. 坚持,墨守(某事物);(尤指感觉不安全而)紧紧抓住(抱住)factor n. 因素;要素underneath prep. 在...里面;在...背后;在...下面;在...底下temporary a. 暂时的;临时的restore vt. 恢复implement vt. 实施;执行;贯彻delegate vt. 授权,委托(权限)(给下级);下放(权力)n. 代表prune vt. (尤指为缩减规模或降低成本)消减,裁减discard vt. 扔掉;弃置outward a. 外表的;表面的prejudice vt. 使有偏见;使有意见;n. 成见;偏见prejudiced a. 有成见的;有偏见的dose n. 一份;一点;(药物的)一剂,一服;一次服用量respective a. 各自的;分别的Phrases and expressions:impose sth. on sb. 将...强加于...be featured in 在...中被专题介绍;被特写profit from 从...中受益revolve around 以...为主题(目的);围绕... be exhaused from 因...而筋疲力尽;因...而疲惫不堪come in handy 派得上用场be attached to sth. /sb. 喜欢(依恋)某物或某人pay a big price to do sth. 花很大代价做某事be measured in sth. 用某事物来衡量make an effort to do sth. 尽量试着做某事;勉强试着做某事Door closer, are you?1 The next time you're deciding between rival options, one which is primary and the other which is secondary, ask yourself this question: What would Xiang Yu do?2 Xiang Yu was a Chinese imperial general in the third century BC who took his troops across the Zhang River on a raid into enemy territory. To his troops' astonishment, he ordered their cooking pots crushed and their sailing ships burned.3 He explained that he was imposing on them a necessity for attaining victory over their opponents. What he said was surely motivating, but it wasn't really appreciated by many of his loyal soldiers as they watched their vessels go up in flames. But the genius of General Xiang Yu's conviction would be validated both on the battlefield and in modern social science research. General Xiang Yu was a rare exception to the norm, a veteran leader who was highly respected for his many conquests and who achieved the summit of success.4 He is featured in Dan Ariely's enlightening new publication, Predictably Irrational,a fascinating investigation of seemingly irrational human behavior, such as the tendency for keeping multiple options open. Most people can't marshal the will for painful choices, not even students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where Dr. Ariely teaches behavioral economics. In an experiment that investigated decision-making, hundreds of students couldn't bear to let their options vanish, even though it was clear they would profit from doing so.5 The experiment revolved around a game that eliminated the excuses we usually have for refusing to let go. In the real world, we can always say, "It's good to preserve our options." Want a good example? A teenager is exhausted from soccer, ballet, piano, and Chinese lessons, but her parents won't stop any one of them because they might come in handy some day!6 In the experiment sessions, students played a computer game that provided cash behind three doors appearing on the screen. The rule was the more money you earned, the better player you were, given a total of 100 clicks. Every time the students opened a door by clicking on it, they would use up one click but wouldn't get any money. However, each subsequent click on that door would earn a fluctuating sum of money, with one door always revealing more money than the others. The important part of the rule was each door switch, though having no cash value, would also use up one of the 100 clicks. Therefore, the winning strategy was to quickly check all the doors and keep clicking on the one with the seemingly highest rewards.7 While playing the game, students noticed a modified visual element: Any door left unclicked for a short while would shrink in size and vanish. Since they already understood the game, they should have ignored the vanishing doors. Nevertheless, they hurried to click on the lesser doors before they vanished, trying to keep them open. As a result, they wasted so many clicks rushing back to the vanishing doors that they lost money in the end. Why were the students so attached to the lesser doors? They would probably protest that they were clinging to the doors to keep future options open, but, according to Dr. Ariely, that isn't the true factor.8 Instead of the excuse to maintain future options open, underneath it all the students' desire was to avoid the immediate, though temporary, pain of watching options close."Closing a door on an option is experienced as a loss, and people are willing to pay a big price to avoid the emotion of loss," Dr. Ariely says. In the experiment, the price was easily measured in lost cash. In life, the corresponding costs are often less obvious such as wasted time or missed opportunities.9 "Sometimes these doors are closing too slowly for us to see them vanishing," Dr. Ariely writes. "We may work more hours at our jobs without realizing that the childhood of our sons and daughters is slipping away."10 So, what can be done to restore balance in our lives? One answer, Dr. Ariely says, is to implement more prohibitions on overbooking. We can work to reduce options on our own, delegating tasks to others and even giving away ideas for others to pursue. He points to marriage as an example, "In marriage, we create a situation where we promise ourselves not to keep options open. We close doors and announce to others we've closed doors."11 Since conducting the door experiment, Dr. Ariely says he has made a conscious effort to lessen his load. He urges the rest of us to resign from committees, prune holiday card lists, rethink hobbies and remember the lessons of door closers like Xiang Yu.12 In other words, Dr. Ariely is encouraging us to discard those things that seem to have outward merit in favor of those things that actually enrich our lives. We are naturally prejudiced to believe that more is better, but Dr. Ariely's research provides a dose of reality that strongly suggests otherwise.13 What price do we pay for trying to have more and more in life? What pleasure and satisfaction can be derived from focusing our energy and attention in a more concentrated fashion? Surely, we will have our respective answers.14 Consider these important questions: Will we have more by always increasing options or will we have more with fewer, carefully chosen options? What doors should we close in order to allow the right windows of opportunity and happiness to open?。

Book II Unit 3 Father Knows Better老爸英明Marsh Cassady1CHARACTERS: FATHER; MOTHER; HEIDI, 14; DIANE, 17; SEAN, 16; RESTAURANT MANAGER, 20s; MRS. HIGGINS.SETTING: Various locations including a fast-food restaurant, the Thompson family dining room, and an office at a high school.AT RISE: As the lights come up, HEIDI enters and crosses Down Right to the edge of the stage. SEAN and DIANE enter and cross Down Left to the edge of the stage. They listen as HEIDI addresses the audience.人物:父亲;母亲;海蒂,14岁;黛安,17岁;肖恩,16岁;饭店经理,20多岁;希金斯太太场景:快餐店,汤普森家餐厅,一所中学的办公室等幕启:随着灯光亮起,海蒂上,走至舞台右前方。
2HEIDI: My dad's a nice man. Nobody could possibly believe that he isn't. Yet he's...well, he's always doing these stupid things that end up really embarrassing one or more of us kids. One time, see, my brother wanted to buy this guitar. Been saving money for it for a long time. Then he got a job at this fast-food place, OK? Waiting tables. It was Sean's first actual job, and he was real happy about it. He figured in two or three months he'd have enough money to buy exactly the kind of guitar he wanted. Mom and Dad were proud of him, and well, OK, he's my big brother, and he's always pulling these dumb things on me. But, well, I was proud of him too. You know what happened? I hate to tell you because:SEAN, DIANE and HEIDI: (In unison) Father knows better!海蒂:我老爸是个大好人。
新标准大学英语综合教程3 unit3 课文翻译

新标准大学英语综合教程3 unit3 课文翻译Unit3Active reading 1我们是怎样听音乐的我们都按照各自不同的能力来听音乐。
新视野大学英语2读写教程Unit 3 Text A 课文文本及翻译_20200412151826

新视野大学英语2读写教程(第三版)Unit3课文文本及翻译Section A Text AJourney through the odyssey years奥德赛岁月之旅1Most of us know about the phases of life which we label to paralle l different age groups and life stages:Childhood,adolescence,adulthood,and old age.We think of infancy before childhood and middle age before old age,with each unique phase bringing its own peculiar set of challenges.These challenges can be overcome by acquainting ourselves with them,such as the child’s need to learn,the adult’s need to find the right career and build a family,and the senior’s need for support and good health care.2Interestingly,ideas about the stages of life are changing.3In previous times,people didn’t have a solid idea of childhood as being separate from adulthood.A hundred years ago,no one thought of adolescence.Until recently it was understood as a norm that their induction to adulthood was completed as soon as they graduated form college.They would now find a sensible job which would lead to a career.Then during this career they would start a family,ideally before they turned30.4Today we have an equivalent need to recognize a new phase of life that comes after high school graduation,continues through college,and then leads to starting a family and having a career,the so-called odyssey years.Recent trends show radical changes as young people are following a different agenda.They take breaks from school,live with friends and often return to living their parents.Similarly,they fall in and out of love,quit one job and try another or oven shift to a new career.So,we need to recognize this new stage,the odyssey years,which many now consider to be an unavoidable stage in reaching adulthood.5People who were born prior to the60s or70s in the last century tended to frame their concept of adulthood based upon achieving certain accomplishments:moving away from home,becoming financially independent,finding the right spouse and starting a family.But that emphasis on stability did not remain static.Today,young people are unlikely to do the same.During the odyssey years,a high proportion of young people are delaying marriage,child bearing,and even employment.6The odyssey years can saddle young people with enormous pressure to move forward quickly.As the sole heir and focus of their parents’expectations,hopes and dreams,some react with rebellious and prideful attitudes and behavior toward their parents.They often resent the pressure they’re feeling and keep distance from theirparents or even run away from home.Their confusion comes from the difficulties to make parents understand them and fluid journey of discovery they need in this phase of their lives.To get away from this confusion and upset,many young people resort to computer games,iPods,iPhones,or iPads to help distract them from their pain and stress.7Likewise,their parents are feeling more anxious.They may make allowances for a transition phase from student life to adult life,but they get upset when they see the transition of their grown children’s lives moving away from their expectations and stretching give years to seven years,and beyond.The parents don’t even detect a clear sense of direction in their children’s lives.They look at them and see the things that are being delayed.8It’s hard to predict what’s next.New guidelines haven’t been established yet,and everything seems to give way to a less permanent version of itself.There’s been a shift in the status and balance of power between the genders,too.More women are getting degrees than men.Male wages have remain stable over the past decades, while female wages have boomed.9Apart from anything else,this has had an implici t effect on cated women can get many of the things they want,such as security,accomplishment,and identity without marriage.However,both genders are having a harder time finding suitable mates to build their lives with.Considering all of this,it’s beneficial to know that even though graduates are delaying many things after college,surveys show they still hold highly traditional aspirations.For example,this contemporary generation rates parenthood even more likely than previous generations did!10This new phase will likely grow more pronounced in the coming years.Nations around the world have witnessed similar trends toward delaying marriage and spending more years than even shifting between higher education and settling down with a career and family.11Nevertheless,graduates shouldn’t be deceived into thinking they can back off simply because things have become more difficult.A large number of people chasing relatively fewer opportunities can create strong competitive pressure.So, from the outse t,keep your resume professional and up-to-date.12To reinforce this essential message,success moving through the odyssey years will come to those who don’t expect to achieve their goals right away but know that they must have the strength,capacity and confidence to endure over the long term.If you’re a little late with your goals,don’t feel like a failure!Stay strong,be positive, and keep focused!Someday you will look back and wonder at the vast changes as you passed through the odyssey years.1.我们大多数人都知道,根据不同的年龄和生活阶段。

Unit 11. 他们都认为他成功的可能性很小。
They all believed that his chances of success were slim.2. 我不知道她为何总带有一种闷闷不乐的神情。
I don’t know why she always has an air of sadness.3. 等到所有同学都就座后,学生会主席才开始宣布野营的日程安排。
After all students were seated, the president of the students’ union proceeded to announce the camping itinerary.4. 胃是人体至关重要的器官,请善待之。
Please take good care of our stomach which is a vital organ of our human body.5、他认为总经理如此重视那些日常琐事是荒唐的。
He considered it absurd for the general manager to attach so much importance to those routine trifles.6. 她的研究涉及多种语言和文化,富有挑战性。
Her study was full of challenge, which was concerned with many languages and cultures.7. 根据安排,全体工作人员依次值晚班。
As is scheduled, all staff should take turns to do late duty.8. 想到要远离父母独自生活,她深感不安。
She felt upset at the thought of leaving her parents and having an independent living in a remote area.9. 对于她是否胜任这份工作我们不甚担心,我们所担忧的却是她的健康状况。
新标准大学英语综合教程2 Unit 3课文翻译

Unit 3Active reading (1)窃取的身份“弗兰克从未上过飞行学校、医学院、法学院??因为他还在上高中。
”这是2002 年的电影《有种来抓我》的剧情简介。
影片讲述了弗兰克·小阿巴格纳尔(列奥纳多·迪卡普里欧饰演)的故事,影片主人公是一位聪明绝顶的年轻骗术大师,曾在不同时间扮演医生、律师和飞行员的角色,在26 个国家伪造了价值六百万美元以上的支票。
2003 年以来,身份盗窃案变得越来越常见。

Unit 1Text A An impressive English lesson一堂难忘的英语课1 If I am the only parent who still corrects his child's English, then perhaps my son is right. To him, Iam a tedious oddity: a father he is obliged to listen to and a man absorbed in the rules of grammar,which my son seems allergic to.如果我是唯一一个还在纠正小孩英语的家长,那么我儿子也许是对的。
2 I think I got serious about this only recently when I ran into one of my former students, fresh from an excursion to Europe."How was it?" I asked, full of earnest anticipation.我觉得我是在最近偶遇我以前的一位学生时,才开始对这个问题认真起来的。
我满怀着诚挚期待问她:“欧洲之行如何?”3 She nodded three or four times, searched the heavens for the right words, and then exclaimed, "It was, like, whoa!"她点了三四下头,绞尽脑汁,苦苦寻找恰当的词语,然后惊呼:“真是,哇!”4 And that was it. The civilization of Greece and the glory of Roman architecture were captured in a condensed non-statement.My student's "whoa!" was exceeded only by my head-shaking distress.没了。
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Unit 3 Pollution Control Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role-Play L&S Reading Writing Exercises
Unit 3 Pollution Control Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role-Play L&S Reading Writing Exercises
Unit 3 Pollution Control Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role-Play L&S Reading Writing Exercises
20世纪60年代后期,千百万人已经开始担心污染 的危害。许多人正努力减少污染,倡导使用“更加绿 色”(“更加环保”)的产品来大大减少垃圾。城市、 政府项目和非营利性组织为可持续性措施和环保行动 提供资助,开展了很多项目建立相互之间的合作关系。 更多富有创意的想法被用于攻克长期难解决的环境问 题。人们正努力对污染做到防患于未然。
Unit 3 Pollution Control Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role-Play L&S Reading Writing Exercises
在20世纪,城市面积继续扩大,汽车等新发明使污 染渐趋严重。到20世纪中期,污染影响到每个主要 湖泊和河流的水质,也影响到工业国家每个大城市 的空气。
Unit 3 Pollution Control Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role-Play L&S Reading Writing Exercises
环境污染是人类当今面临的最严峻的问题之一。 空气、水和土壤是一切生物生存的必需条件,却都遭 受了污染的侵害。严重的空气污染会引起疾病,甚至 死亡。水污染导致鱼类和其他海洋生物死亡。土壤污 染使我们种植粮食的土地面积减少。环境污染也使人 类生活的这个自然、美丽的世界变得丑陋。人人都想 减少污染,但是污染问题既严重又复杂。
Unit 3 Pollution Control Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role-Play L&S Reading Writing Exercises
说它复杂是因为很多污染是由对人类有利的东西造成 的,例如空气污染主要来自汽车尾气,但是汽车是千 百万人的交通工具。工厂排出的很多物质污染了空气 和水,但工厂为人们提供了工作。过多的化肥和杀虫 剂会破坏土壤, 但是对农作物生长又十分有益。
环境污染是一个术语,指人类污染其环境的各种 方式。人类制造的气体和烟雾使空气变得污浊,生产 的化学物质和其他物质污染了水源,使用多种化肥和 杀虫剂破坏了土壤。人类还以其他各种方式污染着环 境。例如,人们往地上和水里乱扔废弃物和垃圾,破 坏了自然之美。他们开动机器和机动车,空气中充斥 着恼人的噪音。几乎人人都以某种方式制造污染。
Unit 3 Pollution Control Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role-Play L&S Reading Writing Exercises
因此,为了迅速消除或大大减少污染,人类就得 停止使用对他们有利的东西。当然,大部分人并不 想那样做。但是有几种方式可以逐渐减少污染。科 学家和工程师们可以尽力想办法来减少诸如汽车和 工厂造成的污染量。政府可以批准和实施法律,要 求企业和个人停止或减少某些污染活动。
Unit 3 Pollution Control Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role-Play L&S Reading Writing Exercises
人类一直污染着环境,但是在历史上大部分时间 内,污染并不是主要问题。过去,大部分人住在宽阔 的乡村地区,他们产生的污染也十分分散。人们没有 导致污染的机器或机动车辆。18世纪和19世纪,拥挤 的工业城市发展起来,污染才成了主要问题。这些城 市的人们和工厂把大量的污染物排放在较小的区域内。
Unit 3 Pollution Control Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role-Play L&S Reading Writing Exercises
而且,也许最重要的是,个人和团体可以努力劝说 他们在政府的代表和企业采取行动减少污染。