



华师《中外学前教育简史》在线作业一、单选题(共 15 道试题,共 30 分。

)1. 德国教育家福禄培尔在哪年将一所学龄前儿童教育机构命名为幼儿园?()。

. 1837年. 1840年. 1843年. 1852年正确答案:2. “三表法”是哪位学者提出的?(). 孔子. 荀子. 墨子. 孟子正确答案:3. 在“五四”新文化运动的推动下,我国高等教育打破女禁,1920年大学开始招收女生。


. 北京大学. 南京高等师范学校. 北京高等师范学校. 南开大学正确答案:4. “阿加德米”的创办者是()。

. 芝诺. 柏拉图. 亚里士多德. 伊索克拉底正确答案:5. 洋务留学教育中共派遣留欧学生6批计约130名,其中绝大多数来自( )。

. 京师同文馆. 北洋水师学堂. 江南水师学堂. 福建船政学堂正确答案:6. 学田制首创于()。

. 汉代. 唐朝. 宋代. 明朝正确答案:7. 创立生活教育理论的教育家是()。

. 蔡元培. 黄炎培. 陈鹤琴. 陶行知正确答案:8. 到19世纪末,美国中学的课程一般划分为普通组、职业组和()。

. 技术组. 科学组. 文理组. 学术组正确答案:9. “四书”是指()。

. 《论语》、《孟子》、《大学》、《中庸》. 《论语》、《孟子》、《礼记》、《孝经》. 《论语》、《孟子》、《学记》、《大学》. 《论语》、《孟子》、《周礼》、《周易》正确答案:10. 皮亚杰的发生认识论应用于美国的教育改革于20世纪60年代发起了一场什么样的改革运动?(). 思想. 教法. 学校. 课程正确答案:11. “爱国、尚武、崇实、法孔孟、重自治、戒贪争、戒躁进”这个教育宗旨,是哪个时期确定的?(). 洋务运动时期. 晚清“新政”时期. 北洋政府时期. 南京国民政府时期正确答案:12. 从19世纪20年代起,美国许多州制定法律规定由谁举办公立教育?()。

. 国家资助. 教会捐款. 企业赞助. 地方税收正确答案:13. 下面的哪一法案,建立了300多个地方教育当局,初步形成了英国中央控制与地方分权相结合的现代教育领导体制?(). 斯宾斯报告. 费舍法案. 巴尔福法案. 巴特勒教育法正确答案:14. 西周诸侯所设大学称()。



1.第1题Which of the following facts is NOT true with the situation in the Church of Rome before the Reformation?A.The sale of Church offices to wealthy families.B.The sale of indulgences to individual believers.C.Some clegymen held several positions at the same time.D.Clergymen must meet strict moral and educational standards.您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.02.第2题Which of the following is true about Luther’s discovery from reading the Bible?A.His own individual faith would guarantee his salvation.B.Saint Peter’s guidance would guarantee his salvation.C.Saint Paul’s instructions would guarantee his salvation.D.Jesus Christ ’s teachings would guarantee his salvation.您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.03.第3题Which of the following Renaissance writers was not known for his sonnets?A.DanteB.PetrarchC.Edmund SpencerD.William Shakespeare您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.04.第4题Which is the key feature of the Mannerism of the Late Renaissance art?A.the invention of new artistic techniquesB.the imitation of Greek and Roman stylesC.the representation of idealized human figuresD.the use of intense colors, strange themes and twisted figures.您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.05.第5题Which is not one of the three great achievements of Italian Renaissance art?A.the revival of classical textsB.the discovery of linear perspectiveC.the knowledge of anatomyD.the knowledge of the classical forms您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.06.第6题Who was not a representative writer of Northern Renaissance?A.Giovanni BoccaccioB.William ShakespeareC.Fran鏾is RabelaisD.Miguel de Cervantes您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.07.第7题Luther attacked the belief that the sacramental system was the only means to salvation and called for the reform of monasticism in________________.A.The Liberty of the Christian ManB.Address to the Nobility of the German NationC.The Babylonian Captivity of the ChurchD.the Ninety-Five Theses题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.08.第8题The successful spread of Lutheranism in the Holy Roman Empire is due to three of the following facts. Which one is the exception?A.The unstable political situation in the Holy Roman Empire.B.Public discontent caused by high papal taxes on Germans.C.Extreme anger in Germany against the power of the pope.D.Luther' s intention to extend his doctrine of social equality.您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.09.第9题The reasons for Henry’s reform in England were mainly ________.A.religiousB.personalC.politicalD.both B and C您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.010.第10题Three of the following statements are true with the Council of Trent. Which one is the exception?A.It was first a religious meeting called to win back the Protestants.B.It condemned the scandals arising from the sale of indulgences.C.It insisted on Catholic tradition as the mere source of authority.D.It marks the beginning of the history of modern Catholic Church.题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.011.第17题Who was not a believer in the heliocentric theory?A.Nicolas CopernicusB.Johannes KeplerC.GalileoD.Francis Bacon您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.012.第19题Which statement about the “civic humanism” is wrong?A.It was developed by some Florentine scholars during the fifteenth century.B.It believed that virtue could only be obtained by participating in public life.C.It encouraged people to pursue material pleasures and fulfill their desires.D.It was the same with t he “Christian Humanism” of Northern Renaissance.您的答案:D题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.013.第20题Which description of the Age of Renaissance is correct?A.The Renaissance happened right after the Late Middle Ages in time.B.The Renaissance reached a peak at the end of the sixteenth century.C.The Renaissance began as a literary movement.D.The Renaissance was opposed to humanism.您的答案:C题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.014.第21题Which is not one of the things that the Viscontis, the Sforzas and the Medicis had in common?A.They were wealthy and powerful families in Italy.B.They were rulers of Milan during the Renaissance.C.They ordered the construction of great architectures.D.They were generous patrons of artists and intellectuals.您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.015.第22题Which one is not a period of Italian Renaissance Art?A.Early RenaissanceB.Middle RenaissanceC.High Renaissancete Renaissance您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.016.第23题Who was not one of the three masters of the High Renaissance art?A.Leonardo da VinciB.RaphaelC.El GrecoD.Michelangelo您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.017.第24题Three of the following statements are true with the early experience of Luther. Which one is the exception?A.Luther lived up to his father and became apriest.B.Luther had a horrible experience in a thunderstorm.C.He tried his best to get rid of his sin to satisfy God.D.He damaged his health by eating and sleeping less.您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.018.第25题Which one is not the main characteristic of Shakespeare as a Renaissance man?A.His interest in classical cultureB.His belief in humanismC.His support of individualismD.His consciousness of national identity您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.019.第26题In terms of science, what was the significant shift in thinking during the Renaissance Age?A.the inclusion of science in the educational programB.the emphasis on how things happened in natureC.the development of new scientific methodsD.the acceptance of heliocentric theory您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.020.第27题Luther called on the German princes to reject the fo reign pope’s authority and establish a reformed German church in _____________.A.The Liberty of the Christian ManB.Address to the Nobility of the German NationC.The Babylonian Captivity of the ChurchD.the Ninety-Five Theses您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.021.第28题Luther made the first attempt to draw attention to the corruption of the Church in _______.A.The Liberty of the Christian ManB.Address to the Nobility of the German NationC.The Babylonian Captivity of the ChurchD.the Ninety-Five Theses您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.022.第29题Three of the following statements are true with Henry VIII. Which one is the exception?A.He married his brother’s widow against Roman Catholic rules.B.He married his brother’s widow with the Pope' s authorization.C.He was eager to divorce the queen to end the poor marriage.D.He was eager to have a new marriage to bring him a male heir.您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.023.第30题Three of the following statements are true with the Catholic Counter-Reformation. Which one is the exception?A.It was in nature a reaction to Protestantism.B.It was the result of Catholic self-criticism.C.It resulted from the Protestant Reformation.D.It resulted from a Church-wide call for reform.您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.024.第31题Three of the following statements are true with the Jesuits. Which one is the exception?A.They were highly respected for their learning and the purity of their lives.B.They became the principal university teachers in all European countries.C.They helped to stop the spread of Lutheranism into south Germany.D.They helped to spread Catholicism to the countries beyond Europe.您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.025.第38题The most immediate effect of the Reformation was ___________________.A.the increase in the power of princes and kingsB.the more and more secularized western EuropeC.the outburst of fighting among religious groupsD.the more emphasis on the value of the individual您的答案:C题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.026.第39题Three of the following statements are true with Luther's teachings. Which one is the exception?A.A priest of the Church never helps.B.A priest of the Church is only the teacher.C.The truth is only to be found in the Bible.D.Every believer is a priest of his own.您的答案:A题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.027.第40题Compared with Italian Renaissance, Northern Renaissance had the following distinctive features except for ______.A.strong national flavorB.great religious concernC.influence of classicismD.belief in Christian humanism您的答案:C题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.028.第41题Which of the following statements is NOT true with the text?A.Martin Luther was a German missionary.B.Martin was declared an outlaw in the Empire.C.The Pope condemned Martin Luther’s beliefs.D.The Pope ordered Luther to change his beliefs.您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.029.第42题The Italian Renaissance scholars did all the following things except for ____.A.reviving many classical texts forgotten or lost for a long time.B.spreading the knowledge beyond the small circle of scholars.C.refusing to accept religious teaching or read religious works.D.paying more attention to man’s world and life on earth.您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.030.第43题Which description of Petrarch is wrong?A.He was known as the “father of humanism”.B.He was the first to coin the term “Dark Ages”.C.He valued his Italian writings more than his Latin writings.D.He was financed by Galeazzo II Visconti.您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.031.第44题Who did not belong to the Florentine School of the Early Renaissance art?A.BrunelleschiB.DonatelloC.MasaccioD.Raphael您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.032.第45题Which categories of publicat ion does Erasmus’s The Praise of Folly belong to?A.clever satires to expose people’s errorsB.serious moral books to offer people Christian guidanceC.scholarly editions of basic Christian textsD.collection of stories to amuse people您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.033.第46题Who was regarded as the “father of oil painting”?A.MasaccioB.BotticelliC.Albrecht D黵erD.Jan van Eyck您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.034.第47题Which of the following is true about the central argument of the Ninety-Five Theses?A.The Ninety-Five Theses marks the beginning of the Reformation.B.It was an effort to draw attention to thecorruption of the Church.C.Repentance has the same power of the pope to forgive sins.D.The sale of indulgences went against the true spirit of Christianity.您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.035.第48题Luther further explained his doctrine of faith and justification in ______________.A.The Liberty of the Christian ManB.Address to the Nobility of the German NationC.The Babylonian Captivity of the ChurchD.the Ninety-Five Theses您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.036.第49题Like Luther, Calvin ____________A.believed man, from birth, is predestined by God for salvation or damnation.B.believed that the order and discipline of the early church should be restored.C.regarded the Bible as the only source of truth and spiritual authority.D.regarded the church as a place to be with God by reading the Bible.您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.037.第50题Three of the following statements are true with England after the death of Henry VIII. Which one is the exception?A.The council of regents to rule England was dominated by reformers.B.Edward VI was enthusiastic about reform as Henry VIII had been.C.Edward VI was raised by Protestants rich with Renaissance ideas.D.Mary succeeded Edward VI and began to restore the Catholic faith.您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.038.第51题Three of the following statements are true with the Elizabethan Compromise. Which one is the exception?A.The Church of England again rejected the authority of the pope.B.The Church of England began to compromise with the Papacy.C.Elizabeth again condemned Catholic teachings and practices.D.Elizabeth,as a protestant, also forbade extreme Protestantism.您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.039.第59题Which is not the similarity shared by Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and Boccaccio’s Decameron?A.a collection of storiesB.satirical and humorous languageC.vivid characterizationD.religious themes您的答案:D题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.040.第60题Which statement about the humanist education during the Renaissance is wrong?A.The goal of education was to produce independent, virtuous and capable men who excelled in many different fields.B.The program of study relied heavily onclassical training, but it also contained many other subjects.C.The Renaissance education enhanced the impact of the humanist ideas on the ruling class and the elite.D.The educational program of the humanists placed a high value on science.您的答案:D题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.041.第11题By the 15th century the Pope had become powerful in both the secular life of the Europeans as well as in their religious life.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.042.第12题All city-states of northern Italy belonged to the Holy Roman Empire during the Renaissance.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.043.第13题During the Renaissance, many Italian scholars began to learn Greek because they wanted to translate Latin works into Greek.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.044.第14题In the Middle Ages, Christians in Western Europe only needed to pay one tenth of their annual income to the Church of Rome.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.045.第15题During the Renaissance, all scholars and artists abandoned medieval qualities and embraced modern values over night.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.046.第16题Dante was the first Italian writer to compose in his native language rather than in Latin.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.047.第18题Reading of the Bible and his theological teaching made clearer Luther’s idea about the malpractices of the Church.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.048.第32题The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V helped the Pope in the movement of Catholic Counter-Reformation.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.049.第33题The Northern Renaissance is the term used to describe the Renaissance in northern Europe, or more broadly in Europe outside Italy.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.050.第34题Christian Humanism helped pave the way for theProtestant Reformation.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.051.第35题According to Luther, the Bible was the only source of political and religious authority.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.052.第36题“Middle English” was the national language of the England during the Early Middle Ages.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.053.第37题The sales of Church offices led to low religious and personal standards of the clergymen.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.054.第52题Martin Luther first expressed his idea of reforming the Church by criticizing the sale of indulgences.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.055.第53题Florence was the major centre of the High Renaissance Art at the early 16th century.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.056.第54题Marsilio Ficino, the first man to translate Plato’s complete works from Greek into Latin, was known as a Neo-Platonist.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.057.第55题To allow a person to buy God’s forgiveness and ransom his way out of hell, the Church developed the sale of indulgences.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.058.第56题The Italian Renaissance was largely credited to the economic success in Italy at that time.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.059.第57题It was only in the 16th century that the Church of Rome’s monopoly began to meet the challenge for religious reform.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.060.第58题Due to the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter-Reformation, the Church of Rome lost its authority to settle all disputes among Christians.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.0作总得分:99.0。



[0174]《欧洲文化入门》第一批[论述题]1.The Bible2. Renaissance参考答案:[判断题]12. Throughout his life, Peter Paul Rubens did 1,204 paintings and 300 drawings, something that is unprecedented in the history of art.参考答案:正确[判断题]14. Black Humor is a kind of desperate humor. It is the laughter at tragic things. Man's fate is decided by comprehensible powers. We can't do anything about it, therefore we may as well laugh.参考答案:错误[判断题]10. Baroque art, flourished first in Spain was characterized by Dramatic intensity and sentimental appeal with a lot of emphasis on light and color.参考答案:错误[判断题]15. Expressionist art is marked by the expression of reality by means of distortion to communicate one's inner vision. The artists of this school used bright colors to bring out their pessimistic views on life.参考答案:正确[判断题]7. The Gothic style started in France, quickly spread through all parts of western Europe and flourished and lasted from the mid-12th to the end of 15th century and, in some areas, into the 17th .参考答案:错误[判断题]6. Charlemagne wanted to rule as the emperors of Rome had done in ancient times and eventually was crowned " Emperor of the Romans” by himself in 800.参考答案:错误[判断题]5. The Bible is much more than a religious book; it is really an encyclopedia: history, literature, philosophy and record of great minds.参考答案:正确[判断题]4. Roman law eventually became the core of modern civil and commercial law in many Western countries.参考答案:正确[判断题]3. Venus de Milo was discovered in the island of Milo in 1920.参考答案:错误[判断题]2. Sappho was considered the most important lyric poet of ancient Greece.参考答案:正确[判断题]1. Homer's epics described the events of Homer's own time.参考答案:错误[判断题]13. Marxism was linked to a great intellectual tradition extending into the 18th century French Enlightenment, German post-Kantian philosophy, English classical political economy, andearly 18th century European socialism.参考答案:错误[判断题]9. It is generally believed that modern philosophy begins with Francis Bacon in England and wi th RenéDescartes in France.参考答案:正确[判断题]8. In the period of Renaissance, where the impact with Italy was most strongly felt in fine arts, in France it was literature and in England it was philosophy and drama.参考答案:正确[判断题]11. Christopher Columbus was discoverer of the New World and the American continent was named after him.参考答案:错误第二批[论述题]1.John Lock2.Lugwig von Beethoven参考答案:[单选题]1. Two major elements in European culture are ____.A:the Greek and RomanB:the Judaism and ChristianityC:the Greco-RomanD:both A and B参考答案:D[单选题]2. The best writer of comedy of the ancient Greece was ____ , who is Father of Comedy. A:UripidesB:AristophanesC:SophoclesD:Aeschylus参考答案:B[单选题]3. In _____ the West Roman Empire ended when the last emperor of the West was deposed by the Goths.A:27 B.CB:395C:476D:1453参考答案:C[单选题]4. The most important and influential of English Bible is ____, first published in 1611. A:The SeptuagintB:The VulgateC:Wycliff’s versionD:Authorized version参考答案:D[单选题]5. ____ in a few hundred years were to grow into the nations known as England, France, Spain, Italy and Germany.A:Germanic tribesB:The HunsC:The Anglo-SaxonsD: The Visigoths参考答案:A[单选题]6. Dante Alighieri's masterpiece , _____, is one of the landmarks of world literature. A: Song of RolandB:the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles.C:BeowulfD: the Divine Comedy参考答案:D[单选题]7. After the 16-century Reformation, _____ came into being.A:ChristianityB:CalvinC:LutheranD:Protestantism参考答案:D[单选题]8. ____ was the first Russian author to gain recognition in the West.A:Nikolai GogolB:Ivan Sergeyevich TurgenevC:Fyodor DostoyevskyD: Count Leo Tolstoy参考答案:B[单选题]9. _____ was made up of many facets, such as symbolism, surrealism, cubism, expressionism, futurism, etc.A:RealismB:NaturalismC:ModernismD:Impressionism参考答案:C[单选题]10.Sholokhov established an international reputation for his monumental novel of Cossack life, _____ , written between 1925 and 1940.A: My ApprenticeshipB: The StrangerC:The Quiet DonD:Remembrance of Things Past参考答案:C第三批[论述题]1. Church of England(英国国教)2. The Spirit of Laws(《法意》)3. Aristotle(亚里士多德)4. Beowulf (《贝奥武夫》)5. the Authorized or King James version of the Bible( "钦定圣经”)参考答案:第四批[论述题]1. Francesco Petrarch (彼特拉克)2. John Locke (洛克)3. Black Humour(黑色幽默)4. Cubism (立体派)参考答案:第五批[论述题]Marxism参考答案:[判断题]10. The term " Angry Young Man” came to be widely used only after the publication of John Osborne's play Look Back in Anger (1956).参考答案:正确[判断题]9. Samuel Beckett's masterpiece was a play called Waiting for Godot (1952), which was remembered as one of the most famous Absurd Drama.参考答案:正确[判断题]8. Sholokhov established an international reputation for his monumental novel of Cossack life, The Quiet Don, written between 1925 and 1940.参考答案:正确[判断题]7. T.S. Eliot's long poem the Waste Land is his major contribution to English poetry. 参考答案:正确[判断题]6. Dubliners by James Joyce is considered his most mature work and the single best fiction ever written since the beginning of the 20th century.参考答案:错误[判断题]5. In Freudian system, Id is the container of the instinctual urges.参考答案:正确[判断题]4. Realism was made up of many facets, such as symbolism, surrealism, cubism, expressionism, futurism, etc.参考答案:错误[判断题]3. The term " impressionism” was taken directly from the title of Manet's Impressionism: Sunrise (1872).参考答案:错误[判断题]2.Diogenes is chiefly noted for his doctrine that " man is the measure of all th ings.”参考答案:错误[判断题]1. Sappho was considered the most important lyric poet of ancient Greece.参考答案:正确第六批[判断题]10. Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 is a choral symphony, choosing as a text for the finale Shiller's Ode to Joy.参考答案:正确[判断题]9. Delacroix was among the first ones in European art history to comment in his art on the events of the day.参考答案:正确[判断题]8. Goya was among the first ones in European art history to comment in his art on the events of the day.参考答案:正确[判断题]7. The publication of Mickiewicz's Sonnets from the Crimea _____ is uaually taken as the beginning of Romanticism in Polish literature.参考答案:错误[判断题]6. Pushkin stood in the van of the Romantic movement in Russia, Eugene Onegin is generally recognized as his masterpiece.参考答案:正确[判断题]5. In 1798, Songs of Experience , a volume of poems by Wordsworth and Coleridge, made literary history.参考答案:错误[判断题]4. Romanticism, which developed in Europe in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, started from the ideas of Rousseau, in France and from the Storm and Stress movement in Germany. 参考答案:正确[判断题]3. Nikolai Gogol was the first master of fiction in Russia to leave romantic conventions and go to life for his subjects.参考答案:正确[判断题]2. Zola defined the theory of realism and illustrated it in his great work entitled the Human Comedy参考答案:错误[判断题]1. In Europe, the realist movement arose in the 50s of the 19th century and had its origin in France.参考答案:正确[论述题]1.Dadaism2. The Human Comedy参考答案:。



作业1.第1题<p><span style=font-size: 16px>以下不属于要素主义教育思想的代表的是()。

</span></p>A.巴格莱B.贝斯特C.康南特D.布拉梅尔德您的答案:D题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.02.第3题<p><span style=font-size: 16px>()是我国最早的以传授知识、研究学问为主要任务的最高学府。

</span></p>A.汉代太学B.稷下学宫C.鸿都门学D.汉代私学您的答案:A题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.03.第4题<p><span style=font-size: 16px>()是现代西方文明的摇篮,也是现代教育的发祥地。

</span></p>A.古代埃及B.古代印度C.古代希腊D.古代希伯来您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.04.第14题<p><span style=font-size: 16px>从教育的角度来看,()是中国教育起源的时期。

</span></p>A.原始人群阶段B.奴隶时期阶段C.封建时期阶段D.资本主义时期阶段您的答案:A题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.05.第15题<p><span style=font-size: 16px><span>福禄倍尔提出的学前教育方法不包括()</span></span></p>A.观察法B.游戏法C.体验法D.社会参与法您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.06.第16题<p><span style=font-size: 16px>世界上第一所幼儿园是由德国________创办的。

</span></p>A.康德B.赫尔巴特C.福禄倍尔D.第斯多惠您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.07.第27题<p><span style=font-size: 16px>________提出了学校教育优于家庭教育的观点。


A.The beauty of human form was the most important subject.
B.The archaic Greek artists created two sculptural human forms, the kouros and kore.
C.The classical Greek sculptors represented human body less naturally or relaxed.
A.Nicolas Copernicus
B.Johannes Kepler
D.Francis Bacon
Which of the following statements about ancient Greek sculpture is NOT true?
B.satirical and humorous language
C.vivid characterization
D.religious themes
Which is the correct description of life in the Byzantine Empire?
A.Peasants had a hard life due to the high tax on land.
B.Scholars were skeptical of Greek tradition.
C.Women were excluded from education.



课程《欧洲文化入门》考试时间 120 分钟日期年月日姓名学号学院班级Ⅰ.Read the following unfinished statements or questionas carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have choosen in the corresponding spcae on the answer sheet. (40 points, 2 point for each)———— was the founder of scientific mathematics.2. ”byC. AthensD. Roman8. Apart from being a place of worship, the ________ was a place for recreationand the center of trade and community activity.A. bridgeB. church buildingC. villageD. subway9. For two centuries beginning from the late fifteenth century,________ was thegolden city which gave birth to a whole generation of poets, scholars,artists and sculptors.A. MilanB. FlorenceC. VeniceD. the papal states10. which of the following figures knows “how to make beauty yield meaning andmeaning yield beauty”?.A. BoccaccioB. ShakespeareC. RaphaelD. Petrarch11. ________ is recognized as the father of the modern European novel and has hadgreat impact on world literature.A. Don QuixoteB. hamletC. Gargantua and PantagruelD. Utopia12. The English poet Alexander Pope once wrote:Nature and Nature’laws lay hidin night.God said, “let________ be”, and all was light.A. CopernicusB. KeplerC. NewtonD. Einsteinpain and emotional upheaval. .A. SophistsB. CynicsC. ScepticsD. Epicureans19. ________ is said to have told the king of Syracuse: “Give me a place to stand,and I will move the world.”A. ArchimedesB. AristotleC. PlatoD. Euclid20. In The Revolution of the Heavenly Orbs,________ put forward his theory thatthe sun, not the earth, is the center of the universe.A. KeplerB. GalileoC. NewtonD. CopernicusⅡ.In the following part there are two columns.The left hand column consists ofa list of names. The right hand column consists of a list of titles, namesof organizations, works or remarks in the right hand column and put the numbera orb orc etc. in the bracket on the test paper.(10 points, 1 point each)(a)Latin version of Bible22.Dante [ ] (b)The City of God23.Aristophanes [ ] (c)The Canterbury Tales24.Virgil [ ] (d)Aeneid25.Constantine [ ] (e)Last Supper26.Augustine [ ] (f)Virgin MaryⅢanswerAges.each)43.John Locke44.OdysseyV.Write Between 100-120 Words on the following topic in the corresponding space on the test paper.(10 points)45.What is Baconian philosophical system and the different between inductie method(推理法)and deductive method(演绎法)?课程《欧洲文化入门》答案Ⅰ.1-10: A, C, A, C, C, A, B, B, B, D11-20: A, C, D, B, B, C, B, D, A, DⅡ. 21a,22i,23h,24d,25g,26b,27c,28e,29f,30jⅢ.31.The major elements are the Greco-Roman element and the Judeo-Christian element.32.The four schools of philosophers are Cynics,the Sceptics,the Epicureans andthe Stoics.33.It was the Jewish tradition that gave birth to Christianity.34.The Old Testment is about God and the Laws of God.35.people of western Europe under feudalism were mainly divided into threeclasses:clergy,lords and peasants.36.In 1071 the armies of the Turkish Moslems occupied Palestine, killing manygreatIVwholemale’sislandandV.45.The answer as follows:1.The whole basis of his philosophy was practical: to give mankind mastery overthe forces of nature by means of scientific discoveries and inventions.2.He held that philosophy should be kept separate from theology, not intimatelybe blended with is as in Scholasticism.3.Bacon established the inductive method. Induction means reasoning fromparticular facts or individual cases to a general conclusion. Deductive method emphasized reasoning from a known principle to the unknown and from the general to the specific.4.In a word, to break with the past, and to restore man to his lost mastery ofnatural world. This was what Bacon called the Great Instauration.5.。



外国语言文化学院英语系《欧洲文化入门》复习试题年级2010 班级姓名学号PART I—MULTIPLE CHOICE (50%) 考试时为50题,每题1分,共50分。

1.Three of the following statements are true with the early experience of Christianity. Which one is the exception?A.Unlike the Jews, the early Christians of the Roman Empire suffered persecutionB.Christianity was not the official religion of the Roman Empire until the 4th centuryC.Christianity spread in the cities of the empire, first in the east and later in the westD.It was Constantine’s toleration f or all religions that brought new life to Christianity2.Which one of the following statements is true with the leading factor that contributed to the birth of theByzantine, Islam and the west?A.The Roman Empire suffered attacks by both the Germans and the PersiansB.The emperor assimilated Germans to maintain peace and order of the empireC.The Roman Empire grew too large to control and to resist foreign invasionsD.The western half of the empire fragmented into smaller and weaker kingdoms3.The common features of the Byzantine, Islam and the west are _______.A.depopulated cities, unproductive land and fragmented powerB.one-God belief, and farming as the major means of productionC.towns as trade center, centralized power, and urban prosperityD.share of the same God, and of the same means of production4.Three of the following statements are true with the Early Middle Ages. Which one is the exception?A.The West was under the rule of the Carolingians for about 350 yearB.Farming and trade marked the major features of the economy thenC.Charlemagne’ empire was as large as the powerful Roman EmpireD.The Carolingians suffered attacks from the Muslims and the Vikings5.Three of the following statements are true with the Central Middle Ages. Which one is the exception?A.There was a religious reform in the papacy for democracyB.There was agricultural improvement with urban growthC.There were schools and universities located in city cathedralsw, medicine, and theology became the focus of education6.Three of the following statements are true with the Late Middle Ages. Which one is the exception?A.The West was under the pressure of population growthB.There was not much land available in the West any moreC.The West suffered the loss of population due to diseasesD.The West grew gradually independent of the papal control7.Three of the following statements are true with the historical significance of the Middle Ages. Which one is theexception?A.The liberal arts of the Middle Ages remain the core of the arts programs of today's collegesB.Universities that were established in the Middle Ages remain educational centers todayC.Separation of church and state remains the political practice in the western world todayD.Cities of the Middle Ages remain more commercial centers than political centers today8.Middle ages lasted___.A.about 350 yearsB.about 1450 yearsC.about 10 centuriesD.about 5 centuries9.At the beginning of the Middle ages___.A.the eastern half of the Roman Empire began to fragmentB.the western half of the Roman Empire began to fragmentC.the Roman Empire suffered Persian attack from the westD.the Roman Empire suffered German attack from the east10.In the Middle Ages, people thought they were___.A.living in the ancient timesB.living in the Middle AgesC.living in the modern timesD.living in the Dark Ages11.The term Middle Ages__.A.was invented by people during the RenaissanceB.was invented by people todayC.suggests a period of cultural changeD.suggests a period of literary change12.People in the Renaissance thought the time of Middle ages was___.A.more civilized than the time of ancient GreeceB.more advanced than their own timeC.uncivilizedD.as uncivilized as the time of ancient Rome13.The period of transformations of the Roman Empire into Middle Ages__.A.is often called Early Middle AgesB.is often called the Late Antiquitysted about 600 yearssted about 400 years14.In the transformations of the Roman Empire into Middle Ages___.A.political changes led to religious changeB.religious change led to politic changeC.political and religious change occurred at the same timeD.political changes suffered religious pressure15.The Roman pagans worshipped gods by no means connected to___.A.their ancestorsB.their homesC.various natural forcesD.Jehovah16.Christianity originated from__.A.TurkeyB.PalestineC.North AfricaD.the Western Europe17.Jesus lived in the __.A.early 1st centuryte 1st centuryC.early 2nd centuryte 2nd century18.The Palestine of Jesus' day included parts of the following except__.A. Israel todayB. Jordan todayC. Iraq todayD. Syria today19.Christianity was spread first__.A.by Jesus out of PalestineB.by Jesus' followers out of PalestineC.southwardsD.westwards20.Christians suffered persecution__.A.until the 2nd centuryB.until the 3rd centuryC.until the 4th centuryD.until the 5th century21.Constantine the Great declared __.A.Christianity as the only religionB.toleration for all religionsC.the end of paganismD.paganism illegal22.Christians considered pagan gods_.A. as demonsB. as humansC. incredibleD. supernatural23.In the Christian view, saints __.A.were only malesB.were only femalesC.were immortalD.were empowered by God24.Saints were considered as the following except___.A.models of virtueB.powerful miracle workersC.monksD.people with holy power25.Christianity focused on the__.A.events of the everyday worldB.damnation after deathC.salvationD.eternal health26.Fathers of the Church refer to__.A.some authors of Christian teachingsB.the PopesC.early churchmenD.monks in early churches27.The Germans in Late Antiquity__.A.shared with the Romans culturallyB.were always in a state of changeC.lived a farming lifeD.were skillful in agriculture28.The Germans by no means__.A.traded with the RomansB.admired the RomansC.adopted Roman habitsD.differed from the Romans biologically29.Beginning in the 4th century, army units of German were__.A.suppressed by the RomansB.eliminated by the RomansC.welcomed into the Roman Empire to defend the RomansD.driven by the Romans to settle in depopulated areas30.The Byzantine Empire lost huge portions of territory to__.A. the GermansB. the HunsC. the PersiansD. the Muslims31.By 750 the Muslims had __.A.conquered the Middle EastB.taken GreeceC.subdued TurkeyD.swept over Italy32.Which of the following is Not true about Muhammad, the Islam leader?A.He was a traderB.He used to be a paganC.He believed in one God that was different from the Jewish GodD.He was considered as a prophet who passed God's message to the Muslims33.Which of the following is Not true of Byzantium, Islam, and the West?A.belief in one GodB.belief in the separation of church and stateC.belief in the harmony between spiritual and worldly thingsD.the rural orientation of means of production34.People then by no means cared__.A.about rulers at the topB.about neighborsC.about local leadersD.about farming life35.Which of the following is common to Byzantium, Islam and the West?A.prosperous trading societyB.productive countrysideC.centralization of political powerD.local relationships among people36. The West was featured with__.A.thriving tradeB.centralization of governmentC.unproductive landD.prosperous urban society37. __kept fighting among themselves.A.Kingdoms in the WestB. MuslimsC. Rulers in ByzantiumD. The popes in Rome38. The pope and the Byzantine church shared the same__.A.understanding of the nature of GodB.God as the holy image of worshipC.view on the organization of the churchD.interpretation of Christianity39. The pope & the Byzantine church_.A.began their conflict in AD 1054B.have not healed their split yetC.split in AD 1054D.are still in conflict40. The Crusades by no means__.A.defeated the MuslimsB. weakened the MuslimsC. weakened ByzantiumD. strengthened Byzantium41. Byzantium was defeated by___.A. the TurksB. the GermansC. the PersiansD. the Huns42. The end of Byzantium marks__.A.the end of Roman EmpireB. the end of Middle AgesC. the end of ChristianityD. the end of monarchy43. The Russians by no means__.A.accepted ChristianityB. adopted Byzantine customsC. were AsiansD. were created by Germanic Vikings44. The Islamic world was unified __.A.by the MongolsB. in the 13th centuryC. by the PersiansD. by the Ottoman Turks45. The Merovingians by no means__.A.were well-civilized peopleB. were FranksC. were GermansD. served in the Roman military46. The Merovingians were infamous_.A.for being foreignersB. for being militantC. for being lazyD. for being barbaric47. The Merovingians became _.A.more civilized in the course of warB.less civilized in the course of warC.more civilized after adopting Roman institutionsD.more barbaric as they kept destroying Roman culture48. Monks in the Merovingian time__.A.lived the monasteriesB. lived in the templesC. lived in the nunneriesD. lived a secular life only49. Monks then by no means__.A.gave up material comfortB. marriedC. remain singleD. spent much of their time in prayer to God50. Monasteries were by no means__.A. elements of political lifeB. elements of religious lifeC. elements of economic lifeD. elements of moral life51.The Carolingians___.A.assimilated the MerovingiansB. were less civilizedC. came from AsiaD. subdued the Merovingians52.Charlemagne___.A.means Charles the GreatB. refers to the first monarchC. founded the royal dynastyD. was tired of war53.Charlemagne' empire was gained__.A. by personal loyaltyB. by forceC. by peaceD. by authority54.Charlemagne by no means maintained the empire___.A.through centralization of political powerB.through personal loyaltyC.through military actionsD.through centralized administrative institutions55.Charlemagne' empire was different from the Roman Empire for it was__.A.based on the Mediterranean SeaB.administered by the central powerC.ruled directly by the kingD.an empire of the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea56.In the Charlemagne's empire, the royal officials do anything but__.A.carrying out royal lawsB.overseeing court casesC.getting money from the king for their servicesD.pledging faithfulness to the king57.In the Charlemagne's empire, the bishops do anything but__.A.checking up on local officialsB.giving money to the local officials for their servicesC.making sure that local officials carried out their duties wellD.attending the meetings called by the king58.Charlemagne wanted __.A.the pope to be more powerfulB.to be known as a Roman emperorC.to be known as a Christian emperorD.to be a Roman emperor59.Charlemagne preferred __.A.to be crowned by the popeB.to be a Roman emperorC.to be known as a Roman emperorD.to claim that he was crowned emperor by God60.Charlemagne set ___as his model.A. ConstantineB. the Roman EmpireC. the popeD. all the super-kings before him61.The Holy Roman Empire __.A.began in the 12th centuryB. began in the 13th centuryC. included Italy todayD. excluded Germany today62.The Holy Roman Empire lasted__.A. about 300 yearsB. about 400 yearsC. over 500 yearsD. over 600 years63.The Holy Roman emperor is __.A.viewed as a Roman emperorB. viewed as a second popeC. like a popeD. viewed as a Christian emperor64.Charlemagne converted the Saxons into Christianity__.A. by forceB. by baptismC. by building monasteriesD. by ministry65.To unify the empire Charlemagne_.A.only relied on executionB. first relied on ChristianityC. relied on personal loyaltyD. relied on the pope66.The Carolingian Renaissance was aimed at fulfilling the goal of___.A.reviving the wisdom of Roman writers onlyB.creating Christian literature onlyC.creating an orderly and unified Christian empireD.improving the works of art and literature of the time67.The Carolingian economy was__.pletely based on landB.mostly based on tradergely based on tradergely based on farming68.The breakup of the Carolingian Empire was caused by__.A.cooperative attacks from the Muslims, the Vikings and the MagyarsB.foreign invasions and internal conflictsC.the sons of CharlemagneD.the heir of Charlemagne69.Foreign invasions caused__.A. a stronger FranceB. a weaker EnglandC. a unified EnglandD.the unification of France and England70.As the Carolingian Empire split_.A.peasants were richerB.were happierC.warriors became peasantsD.warriors became equal to their lords71.From the 11th century through the 13th century, the West became__.A.an important world powerB.stronger than the Islamic worldC.more sophisticated than the Byzantine EmpireD.more prosperous than the Islamic world72.The Europeans did all the following except__ from the 11th century on.A.reviving old cities to remade their worldB.building new cities to remade their worldunching defensive wars to remade their worldD.creating universities to remade their world73.In the Central Middle Ages peasants were__.A.forced to make new landsB.encouraged to make new landsC.obliged to cut down forestsD.forced to pay more dues to landlords74.The landlords then preferred __.A. yearly dues of hensB. yearly dues of eggsC. yearly dues of farm laborD. a fixed money of rent75.Towns then acted more as___.A. trading centersB. political centersC. religious spotsD. tourist spots76.Cities then included anything but_.A. marketplaceB. cathedralsC. factoriesD. monasteries77.Guilds in the cities then were__.A.religious clubs onlyB. trade associations onlyC. controlling everythingD. communities of the craftsmen78.Fairs in towns then__.A.attracted foreign tradersB. were markets onlyC. were festivals onlyD. set up in the open air onlymunes in the 13th century as political and economic bodies__.A.were set up in northern Italy onlyB.refer to independent countriesC.reflect a strong sense of democracyD.were made up of the master craftsmen80.New schools in the 11th century__.A.were run by monasteriesB.were located in city cathedralsC.were to produce monksD.were religious81.New schools then attracted__.A.local teachers onlyB. local students onlyC. teachers all over EuropeD. wealthy merchants only82.In the 13th century, many schools_.A.were organized into universitiesB.gave way to universitiesC.were state-runD.were government-funded83.In the Carolingian time popes__.A.were the heads of churchB.were regarded as models of pietyC.opened schoolsD.were the heads of state84.The chief point of Gregorian reform was to ___.A.end the power of emperorsB.make the church completely independent from the emperorsC.force the priests to remain single throughout lifeD.allow the priests to marry85.The First Crusade was important because __.A.it conquered the land of the MuslimsB.the Pope rescued the Byzantine EmpireC.it was the first example of European expansionismD.the Byzantine Empire defeated the Muslims finally86.It was ____who unified England for the first time.A.King Edward and his successorsB.King Arthur and his successorsC.King William and his successorsD.King Alfred and his successors87.1066 marked the__.A.defeat of the VikingsB.Norman Conquer of EnglandC.death of William ID.death of Alfred the Great88.Magna Carta in 1215 in England was a document that __.A.really weakened the power of the churchB.really weakened the power of the kingC.spoke for the common peopleD.spoke for the nobles89.The Spanish monarchy was __.A.set up by the ChristiansB. overcome by the MuslimsC. set up by the MuslimsD. overcome by the Jews90.Romanesque style appeared_.A.earlier than Gothic styleB. later than Gothic styleC. higher and lighterD. more mysterious91.Monasteries were made rich by__.A.the hardworking monksB. the powerful monksC. the kingsD. the kings and nobles92.Which of the following is Not true about monasteries?A.They were self-sufficient unitsB.Monks in the monastery slept in the same dormitoryC.Monks did not have to work in the fields at allD.All monks lived according to a rule that governed their daily routine93.The Fourth Crusade in the 13th century was in fact__.A.an armed pilgrimage for Christian purposeB.turned into a siege of a Christian cityC. a war that helped defend the regions in the Holy Land conquered by EuropeansD.defeated by the Muslims94.Before the First Crusade, Jews__.A.lived in the monasteriesB. lived in the citiesC. were forced into the citiesD. were forced out of the cities95.Jews in the cities were good at__.A. doing businessB. borrowing moneyC. craftsmanshipD. farming96.Jews in the cities were__.A.converted to ChristianityB. converted to IslamC. admired by ChristiansD. persecuted by Christians97.___ were regarded as heretics.A.Those who believed in GodB.Those who did not believe in ChristianityC.Jews onlyD.Muslims only98.The Late Middle Ages almost at the same time__.A.began with the RenaissanceB.began with the fall of ByzantiumC.ended with the RenaissanceD.ended with the disappearance of the Roman Catholic Church99.Overgrowth of population in Europe in the Late Middle Ages caused __.A.the shortage of cultivated landB.the shortage of food supplyC.the new methods of agricultureD.the disastrous change of climate100.Black Death caused __.A.more harm in the countrysideB. no harm in the countryC. more harm in the citiesD. no harm in the citiesPART II – CLOZE (10%) 考试时为10题(1篇文章),每题1分,共10分。

华师作业 欧洲文化入门3

华师作业 欧洲文化入门3

华师作业欧洲文化入门3作业1.第1题In the Middle Ages, the ancient myths___.A.predominatedB.were dominantC.were interpreted allegoricallyD.were even more popular您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.02.第2题The early Christians were against ___.A.Greek cultureB.Roman cultureC.Hebrew culureD.pagan culture您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.03.第3题The history of the English Bible is the history of the formation ofthe English language__.A.from a mixture of French, Anglo-Norman, and Anglo-Saxon;B.from a mixture of Greek and LatinC.from a mixture of Greek and LatinD.from a mixture of Hebrew and Latin您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.04.第4题It was ____who unified England for the first time.A.King Edward and his successorsB.King Arthur and his successorsC. King William and his successorsD.King Alfred and his successors您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.05.第5题Magna Carta in 1215 in England was a document that __.A.really weakened the power of the churchB.really weakened the power of the kingC.spoke for the common peopleD.spoke for the nobles您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.06.第16题The 20th-century scholars on myths pay closer attention to___.A.life and deathB.nature and cultureC.self and societyD.the content of the narratives您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.07.第17题In the Renaissance, the ancient myths___.A.served as sources of inspiration for artistic creationB.enjoyed new colorsC.were more poeticD.became more imaginative您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.08.第18题The continuity of the New Testament with the Old is best shown in ___.A.its teaching about GodB.its teaching about JesusC.its instruction by ChristD. its claim of Jesus as a unique revelation of God您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.09.第19题Which of the following is Not included in the major themes of the New Testament?A.the kingdom of GodB.the human personsC.the Holy SpiritD.God您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.010.第20题In the 13th century, many schools _.A.were organized into universitiesB.gave way to universitiesC.were state-runD.were government-funded您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.011.第21题Romanesque style appeared_.A.earlier than Gothic styleter than Gothic styleC.higher and lighterD.more mysterious您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.012.第36题Which of the following is not true about the Greeks' belief in heroes?A.They were immortalB.They retain power after death to influence the lives of the livingC.They were also mortalD.They had exceptional power您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.013.第37题Which of the following is not shared by Eve in Bible and Pandora in Greek myths?A.Being the first womanB.Being curiousC.Being put at the root of all evilD.Being turned from immortal to mortal您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.014.第38题In the search for the Golden Fleece to regain his throne, Jason ____.A.fought against the magic goddessB.married the daughter of the rulerC.fought against a dragon that never sleptD.fell in love with the daughter of the ruler您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.015.第39题Which of the following is Not included in the major themes of the Old Testament?A.the moral lawsB.the human personsC.the Holy SpiritD.God您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.016.第46题Greek myths reflect Greeks' exploration of the followings except___.A.social questionsB.the limits of honorC.the mysterious outer spaceD.mental contradictions and ambiguities您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.017.第47题According to Greek mythology, ___ opened a forbidden jar and happened to release the plagues into the world.A.PandoraB.ZeusC.ChaosD.Cronus您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.018.第48题Roman writers like Virgil and Ovid were famous as they ___.A.lived about three centuries before Christ was bornB.created an inspiring Greco-Roman mythologyC.introduced the names of Greek gods into Roman cultureD.introduced the functions of Greek gods into Roman culture您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.019.第49题Which of the following is Not true about Christianity in the 3rd century?A.Christianity reached EnglandB.The Bible remained in LatinC.The Bible was in the hands of the church;D.The Bible in English began to spread in England您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.020.第50题Black Death caused __.A.more harm in the countrysideB.no harm in the countryC.more harm in the citiesD.no harm in the cities您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.021.第6题In the Jewish Bible there are 27 books in Hebrew.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.022.第7题The Old Testament is regarded as a book recording the past event of the Jewish people.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.023.第8题The Song of Solomon in the Old Testament is a tragic story.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.024.第9题The period of transformations of the Roman Empire into Middle Ages is often called the Late Antiquity.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.025.第10题The common features of the Byzantine, Islam and the west are depopulated cities, unproductive land and fragmented power.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.026.第11题Byzantium was defeated by the Persians.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.027.第12题According to the author of the apocalyptic writings, Evil powers would struggle against God.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.028.第13题The Protestant version of the Old Testament is made up of the Jewish Bible only.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.029.第14题Renaissance began in Italy.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.030.第15题The Merovingians were infamous for being foreigners.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.031.第22题In terms of literature, the Old Testament is an anthology because it is a collection of myths.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.032.第23题The book of Genesis is composed of many individual stories.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.033.第24题Recently, scholars argue for the Hebrew cultural influence on apocalyptic literature.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.034.第25题There are ten major spiritual standards in the Old Testament.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.035.第26题That you should not have sex with others beyond marriage is included in the spiritual standards of the Old Testament.您的答案:正确此题得分:2.036.第27题Christianity was spread first by Jesus out of Palestine.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.037.第28题The pope and the Byzantine church shared the same interpretationof Christianity.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.038.第29题The Russians by no means adopted Byzantine customs.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.039.第30题People in the early Middle Ages by no means cared about local leaders.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.040.第31题The thinking of the Renaissance participants was also influenced by the idea of freedom and equality, which emphasizes the worth of the individual.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.041.第32题There were schools and universities located in city cathedrals in the Central Middle Ages.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.042.第33题The West featured unproductive land.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.043.第34题According to the Old Testament, death is a cruel reality.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.044.第35题In the development of the Old Testament all the books came into being after oral traditions.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.045.第40题That different from other creatures, man is a unity of physical matter and life is one of the major theological themes of the Old Testament.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.046.第41题The second law in the Old Testament refers to the book of Genesis.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.047.第42题In the transformations of the Roman Empire into Middle Ages political and religious change occurred at the same time.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.048.第43题Belief in the harmony between spiritual and worldly things is true of Byzantium, Islam, and the West.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.049.第44题The pope & the Byzantine church began their conflict in AD 1054.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.050.第45题People in the Renaissance thought the time of Middle ages was more advanced than their own time.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.0作业总得分:94.0作业总批注:。

















5.Can you outline the geo-cultural area of Europe and the West? (20%)
3.Can you list some important values of Renaissance(20%)
航海技术产生了一次革命性地飞跃,葡萄牙、西班牙、意大利的探险家们开始了一系列远程航海活动。4.Can you explain the importance of French Revolution? (20%)




A.莱翁B.埃雷拉C.蒙提马约尔D.维伽【参考答案】: D2.雨果第一部具有巨大的思想力量和艺术魅力的小说是()。

A.《巴黎圣母院》B.《上海劳工》C.《悲惨世界》D.《九三年》【参考答案】: A3.莎士比亚最具有社会讽刺意义作品的是()。

A.《仲夏夜之梦》B.《威尼斯商人》C.《无事生非》D.《驯悍记》【参考答案】: B4.下面哪个作品不是雪莱的()。

A.《西风颂》B.《夜莺颂》C.《云》D.《解放了的普罗米修斯》【参考答案】: B5.中世纪中期著名的英雄史诗有()的《熙德之歌》、()的《罗兰之歌》、()的《尼伯龙根之歌》和()的《伊戈尔远征记》A.法国、西班牙、德国、俄罗斯B.西班牙、法国、德国、美国C.西班牙、法国、德国、俄罗斯D.葡萄牙、法国、德国、俄罗斯【参考答案】: C6.《理想国》的作者是()。

A.柏拉图B.莫尔C.伏尔泰D.康帕内拉【参考答案】: A7.古希腊神话中的智慧女神是()。

A.赫拉B.阿弗洛狄忒C.阿耳忒弥斯D.雅典娜【参考答案】: D8.《罗兰之歌》是()的英雄史诗。

A.英国B.法国C.西班牙D.古罗斯【参考答案】: B9.雨果的作品中,最能体现美丑对照美学原则的作品是()。

A.《巴黎圣母院》B.《上海劳工》C.《悲惨世界》D.《九三年》【参考答案】: A10.拥护王权、崇尚理性、以古代作品为艺术规范的文艺思潮是()。

A.人文主义B.古典主义C.启蒙主义D.浪漫主义【参考答案】: B11.()是世界悲剧艺术的开拓者,古希腊悲剧创始人,恩格斯称他为"悲剧之父",马克思也把他与莎士比亚相提并论,称他们是为人类"最伟大的戏剧天才"。

A.埃斯库罗斯B.索福克勒斯C.欧里庇得斯D.阿里斯托芬【参考答案】: A12.首创用意大利民族语言写作文学作品的人是()。

A.彼特拉克B.卜伽丘C.但丁D.阿利奥斯托【参考答案】: C13.法国启蒙文学唯一专门从事戏剧创作的作家是()。



《欧洲文化入门》Exercise I1.第1题Greek mythology relates the development of the order of the universe to_____ .A.PandoraB.ZeusC.ChaosD.Cronus答案:C2.第2题Greek myths reflect Greeks' exploration of the followings except___.A.social questionsB.the limits of honorC.the mysterious outer spaceD.mental contradictions and ambiguities答案:C3.第3题Many works of painting and sculpture have taken myths as their ___.A.originB.sourceC.subjectD.example答案:C4.第4题Which of the following is not true about the Greeks' belief in heroes?A.They were immortalB.They retain power after death to influence the lives of the livingC.They were also mortalD.They had exceptional power答案:A5.第5题Historical narrative is best represented in the New Testament by the___.A.Gospel of JohnB.Gospel of MatthewC.Acts of the ApostlesD.Acts of the Christians答案:C6.第6题The Romans began to represent their gods in human form ___.A.before the 6th century BCB.before coming into contact with Greek cultureC.after conquering GreeceD.after coming into contact with foreign culture答案:D7.第7题Which is not true about the heroes in Greek mythology?A.They represented a kind of bridge between gods and mortalsB.They never dieC.They got gods' favorD.They had some defect to balance out their power答案:B8.第8题By myths the Greeks could do the following except____.A.justifying their actionsB.acquiring more powerC.acquiring extra authorityD.replacing the roles of gods答案:D9.第9题Which of the following is not true about the Greek culture?A.A city-state devoted itself to a particular godB.A god's characteristics may vary from one city to anotherC.The Greeks honored the city's gods every dayD.Temples were built in honor of gods答案:C10.第10题The name Jesus suggests__.A.Jehovah's sonB.that God saves us from sinC.salvationD.sacrifice答案:B11.第11题Herod was the king who was___.A.happy to learn the birth of JesusB.jealous of JesusC.ready to help JesusD.ill then答案:B12.第12题Roman mythology is actually___.A.of Greek cultureB.not purely RomanC.from African cultureD.of Asian nature答案:B13.第13题The images of gods in Greek mythology impress us as _________.A.beings with human emotions who lived above usB.beings with human emotions who lived among usC.dominating figures with super-physical powersD.dominating figures with super-natural influence答案:B14.第14题Which is not true in the following about the disruptive deities?A.They were in fact monstersB.They were powerfulC.They were in fact mortalsD.They looked part human and part animal答案:C15.第15题The 20th-century scholars on myths pay closer attention to___.A.life and deathB.nature and cultureC.self and societyD.the content of the narratives答案:D16.第16题Mythology has exerted a great influence on the arts in___.A.all parts of the worldC.the AmericasD.Africa答案:A17.第17题Myths____.A.are all religiousB.all explain the interaction of divine and human worldsC.explain the origin of man and natureD.are all ture答案:C18.第18题Greek gods resembled human beings in the following aspects except ___.A.formB.emotionsC.authorityD.being immortal答案:D19.第19题In the Middle Ages, the ancient myths___.A.predominatedB.were dominantC.were interpreted allegoricallyD.were even more popular答案:C20.第20题Odysseus___ returned to his faithful wife after the ten-year Trojan War. A.was a Greek prince whoB.was a Trojan prince whoC.was a Greek hero whoD.was a Trojan hero who答案:C21.第21题Which of the following is not shared by Eve in Bible and Pandora in Greek myths?A.Being the first womanB.Being curiousC.Being put at the root of all evilD.Being turned from immortal to mortal答案:D22.第22题Which of the following does not contribute to our knowledge of Greek mythology?A.Written textsB.SculptureC.Painted ceramicsD.Guesswork答案:D23.第23题According to Greek myths about creation, ____was the foundation of all things.A.ZeusB.JupiterC.CronusD.Chaos答案:D24.第24题According to Greek mythology, Paris,___, which resulted in the Trojan war.A.son of King of Troy, abducted Helen, a Greek beautyB.King of Troy, abducted Helen, a Greek beautyC.son of Greek king, abducted Helen, a Trojan beautyD.King of Greek, abducted Helen, a Trojan beauty答案:A25.第25题The images of gods in Greek mythology are_________.A.as dominating as that of Christian GodB.as emotional as that of the Christian GodC.as emotional as those of humans;D.as horrible as those of monsters答案:C26.第26题By a complex process of violence, struggle, and sexual attraction,__built up the power.A.PandoraB.ZeusC.ChaosD.Cronus答案:B27.第27题Common types of myths exclude___.A.cosmic mythsB.myths of the godsC.myths of heroesD.myths of mortals答案:D28.第28题Roman writers like Virgil and Ovid were famous as they ___.A.lived about three centuries before Christ was bornB.created an inspiring Greco-Roman mythologyC.introduced the names of Greek gods into Roman cultureD.introduced the functions of Greek gods into Roman culture答案:B29.第29题No hero of Greek mythology has proved more fascinating than Oedipus for __.A.he fulfilled the prophecy of killing his father and marrying his motherB.he was abandoned by his parentsC.he was reared by a shepherdD.he survived答案:A30.第30题Which is not true in the following about the Titans?A.They were the Children of ZeusB.They were strong and largeC.They personified natureD.Cronus was among them答案:A31.第31题The deeds of the heroes Heracles and Theseus embody the conflict between___.A.life and deathB.love and hatredC.man and natureD.civilization and wild savagery答案:D32.第32题The 19th-century interpretation of myths became more___.A.geographicalB.historicalC.scientificD.practical答案:C33.第33题The history of the English Bible is the history of the formation of the English language__.A.from a mixture of French, Anglo-Norman, and Anglo-Saxon;B.from a mixture of Greek and LatinC.from a mixture of Greek and LatinD.from a mixture of Hebrew and Latin答案:A34.第34题The first complete English Bible was the work of translation by John Wycliffe from___.A.the Latin textB.the Greek textC.the Hebrew textD.the French text答案:A35.第35题The original language of the New Testament was used ___.A.as a proper vehicle for the Christian faithB.as a means of worshipC.in the church onlyD.in homes and marketplaces答案:D36.第36题Which of the following is Not included in the major themes of the Old Testament?A.the moral lawsB.the human personsC.the Holy SpiritD.God答案:C37.第37题Which of the following about Jesus is Not true according to the Gospels?A.His death testified God's relentless loveB.His actions showed God's powerC.He was the presence of God in the worldD.His words revealed God's way for his people答案:C38.第38题Which of the following is Not included in the major themes of the New Testament?A.the kingdom of GodB.the human personsC.the Holy SpiritD.God答案:B39.第39题The kingdom of God refers to__.A.the creation of GodB.the rule of GodC.the love of GodD.the land of God答案:B40.第40题Mary's pregnancy to Joseph, her husband, was ___.A.a scandalB.a luckC.incredibleD.unfortunate答案:A41.第41题According to the New Testament the Christian church __.A.identified itself as the kingdomB.spoke more of the kingdom of GodC.spoke more of salvationD.spoke more of material comfort答案:C42.第42题Early Romans regarded their gods as__.A.personsB.powers as well as personsC.powersD.powerful persons答案:C43.第43题On Mount Olympus were ___ major gods and goddesses known as the Olympians.A.tenB.twelveC.fifteenD.twenty答案:B44.第44题In the Age of Enlightenment, there was emphasis on____.A.new religionsB.rationalityC.allegorical interpretation of mythsD.the study of myths答案:B45.第45题John Wycliffe's goal of translation was __.A.to praise GodB.to give the Bible to the peopleC.to express himselfD.to explain mystery答案:B46.第46题Greek mythology reflects the following except_____ .A.how the Greeks perceived natural forcesB.how the Greeks idealized human powersC.how the Greeks understood Nature as being powerfulD.how the Greeks interpreted the world as being orderly 答案:D47.第47题The images of Cronus and Rhea reflect ___________.A.the matriarchal social system in Ancient GreeceB.the patriarchal social system in Ancient GreeceC.the communal marriage in the primitive societyD.the communal structure in the primitive society答案:C48.第48题Which of the following is not true about the Greeks?A.They produced their sacred written text like the BibleB.They recognized no single truthC.They believed no single codeD.They had various beliefs答案:A49.第49题The ancient Greeks___.A.learned myths from RomeB.firmly believed myths to be trueC.wrote many mythsD.learned myths from China答案:B50.第50题The Greeks’ sense of gods is shared by __.A.the RomansB.the JewsC.the ChristiansD.the Muslims答案:A51.第51题According to Greek mythology, ___ opened a forbidden jar and happened to release the plagues into the world.A.PandoraB.ZeusC.ChaosD.Cronus答案:A52.第52题Scholars believe that Greek mythology__.A.influenced cultures in the Middle EastB.was influenced by cultures in the Middle EastC.affected African culturesD.was affected by African cultures答案:B53.第53题In the Renaissance, the ancient myths___.A.served as sources of inspiration for artistic creationB.enjoyed new colorsC.were more poeticD.became more imaginative答案:A54.第54题___ is not included in Greek mythology as one of the three principal types of figures.A.the godsB.the devilsC.the mortalsD.the heroes答案:B55.第55题Which is not true in the following about Zeus?A.He established a new regime of godsB.He made war on his fatherC.He ruled the seaD.He made war on the Titans答案:C56.第56题The early Christians were against ___.A.Greek cultureB.Roman cultureC.Hebrew culureD.pagan culture答案:D57.第57题Greek mythology influenced Western culture in the following aspects except_.A.literatureB.architectureC.musicD.art答案:B58.第58题A myth is ___.A.an accepted narrativeB.an oral literary work traditionally acceptedC.a traditionD.a retelling答案:B59.第59题The early Hebrews___.A.concentrated on the role of a supreme godB.believed in only one godC.worshipped all the divine charactersD.followed the practice of the Greeks答案:A60.第60题The Greeks modeled relationships between ___.A.men and women on those between immortalsB.men on those between godsC.man and nature on those between godsD.gods on those between mortals答案:D61.第61题The Greeks imagined their gods to have human shape, which was__.A.somewhat realisticB.somewhat idealizedC.strongly realisticD.strongly idealized答案:D62.第62题In the search for the Golden Fleece to regain his throne, Jason ____.A.fought against the magic goddessB.married the daughter of the rulerC.fought against a dragon that never sleptD.fell in love with the daughter of the ruler答案:C63.第63题According to Greek mythology ___, which goes well with the idea of Daoism in China.A.something can be produced from nothingB.ancient Greece was a matriarchal societymunal marriage was prevalent in Ancient GreeceD.farming was the mode of production in Ancient Greece答案:A64.第64题The continuity of the New Testament with the Old is best shown in ___.A.its teaching about GodB.its teaching about JesusC.its instruction by ChristD. its claim of Jesus as a unique revelation of God答案:A65.第65题The King James version of the Bible __.A.started in the 15 centurypleted in the 15 centuryC.started in the 16 centurypleted in the 17 century答案:D66.第66题Which of the following is Not true about the early experience of Jesus?A.His family fled into EgyptB.His family stayed in Egypt until Herod's deathC.His family came into the land of Israel when Herod diedD.His family returned home at last答案:D67.第67题A gospel in the New Testament ___.A.is a series of individual accounts of acts or sayingsB.is a biography of heroesC.is an autobiographyD.is a biography of divine figures答案:A68.第68题Which of the following is Not true about Christianity in the 3rd century?A.Christianity reached EnglandB.The Bible remained in LatinC.The Bible was in the hands of the church;D.The Bible in English began to spread in England答案:D69.第69题Which of the following is Not true about the king Herod?A.He wanted to killed JesusB.He was afraid that Jesus would take his placeC.He killed all the boys where Jesus livedD.No boys of two years of age survived his brutality答案:C70.第70题William Tyndale translated the New Testament in the 16 century from ___.A.the Latin textB.the Greek textC.the Hebrew textD.the French text答案:B71.第71题According to the New Testament, the central message of Jesus was__.A.the kingdom of GodB.the human personsC.the Holy SpiritD.God答案:A72.第72题Which of the following is Not true about Jesus?A.His mother was MaryB.His real father was JosephC.His mother got pregnant after being engaged to JosephD.His mother got pregnant by the Holy Spirit答案:B73.第73题In the New Testament Jesus was portrayed as the following figure except____.A.a prophetB.the second AdamC.the Son of GodD.the almighty God答案:D74.第74题William Tyndale translated the Old Testament in the 16 century from ___.A.the Latin textB.the Greek textC.the Hebrew textD.the French text答案:C75.第75题The religious ministry of Jesus was followed by his 12 apostles for ___.A.12 is a lucky numberB.they were the only apostles Jesus hadC.they were the only apostles Jesus could selectD.Israel was made up of 12 tribes答案:D《欧洲文化入门》True or False 2True or False 21.第1题The original language of the Old Testament is Latin.答案:错误2.第2题The Roman Catholic version of the Old Testament is made up of the Jewish Bible and some other books.答案:正确3.第3题Early Christians regarded the Old Testament as an agreement God made through Moses.答案:错误4.第4题Hebrew prophetic books are made up of prophetic speeches.答案:错误5.第5题All the narratives in the Old Testament may be called salvation stories because they are concerned with showing how human beings were freed from sin.答案:错误6.第6题According to the author of the apocalyptic writings, Evil powers would struggle against God.答案:正确7.第7题Books of Moses focus on law of nature.答案:错误8.第8题The Old Testament tells the true history of the Jews.答案:错误9.第9题Early Christians regarded the New Testament as an agreement God made with Adam and Eve.答案:错误10.第10题According to the Old Testament, death is a cruel reality.答案:错误11.第11题Most of the prophetic books are Hebrew narratives in form.答案:错误12.第12题The second law in the Old Testament refers to the book of Genesis.答案:错误13.第13题The Ten Commandments are statements of human behavior.答案:错误14.第14题The most significant part of the Jewish Bible is that of the poems.答案:错误15.第15题In the Jewish Bible there are 27 books in Hebrew.答案:错误16.第16题More accurately, the patriarchal stories in Genesis should be called families stories. 答案:正确17.第17题The most significant part of the Christian Old Testament lies in books on laws.答案:正确18.第18题The book of Genesis is composed of many individual stories.答案:正确19.第19题Many books in the Old Testament are narratives because they report the events in the past.答案:正确20.第20题Recently, scholars argue for the Hebrew cultural influence on apocalyptic literature.答案:正确21.第21题The Christian Bible is made up of the Old Testament and the New Testament.答案:错误22.第22题The Old Testament is a collection of books recording oral traditions in the Near East.答案:正确23.第23题The exodus from Egyp is related to the earliest history of Israel.答案:正确24.第24题There are ten major spiritual standards in the Old Testament.答案:正确25.第25题The common feature of Hebrew poetry is rhyming.答案:错误26.第26题According to the Old Testament, Moses was a prophet.答案:正确27.第27题The Pentateuch was written by Moses.答案:正确28.第28题The historical narratives of the Old Testament are popular.答案:正确29.第29题Observing Sunday as a holy day is not included in the spiritual standards of the Old Testament.答案:错误30.第30题In terms of literature, the Old Testament is an anthology because it is a collection of myths.答案:错误31.第31题In the Jewish worship hymns are songs to explain mystery.答案:错误32.第32题The early Christian church included in the Christian Bible the written records of both theOld and the New Testament because it believed in the continuity of history and of divine activity.答案:正确33.第33题The apocalyptic writings concern the past events of the Jews.答案:错误34.第34题The books of Deuteronomy recorded Israel's whole history.答案:正确35.第35题The Old Testament is by no means a big book of different sections with different styles.答案:正确36.第36题The Protestant version of the Old Testament is made up of the Jewish Bible only.答案:正确37.第37题The major theological theme of the Old Testament is that Yahweh is the only God in the world.答案:错误38.第38题The Throne Succession History of David in the Old Testament comes closer to the modern understanding of history.答案:正确39.第39题In the prophetic literature narratives predominate.答案:错误40.第40题In the development of the Old Testament all the books came into being after oral traditions.答案:正确。



2015秋华师网院在线作业_欧洲文化入门[试题] 1(第1题What were the three forms of vernacular Literature for nobles?A.epic poetry, romance poetry and dramasB.fabliaux, fables and romance poetryC.lyric poetry, epic poetry and romance poetryD.fabliaux, fables and dramas您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.02(第2题Which one of the following statements about the condition of the Jewsduring the Roman time was NOT true?A.In 64B.C. Pompey conquered Judea and turned it into a Roman province. B.The Jews had to pay heavy tax, but they enjoyed limitedself-rule. C.Faced with Roman persecution, the Jews had to worship the Romanemperors as gods.D.The Jewish people hoped for salvation led by a prophet. 您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.03(第3题Which one is NOT the factor that contributed to the success of the Byzantine Empire?A.prestige of the emperormitment to classicismC.flourishing tradeD.a well- trained army您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.04(第4题Which factor did not facilitate the Islamic expansion? A.the well- organized Muslim ruling elite and a powerful Muslim army. B.people’s dissatisfaction with imperial rule in some Middle Eastareas.C.the tolerance of those cultures different from IslamD.the influence of the strict monotheism of Islam您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.05(第5题What was the main difference between serfs and slaves in Western Europe?A.the amount of personal libertyB.the hereditary personal statusC.the military protection provided by the lordD.the obligation to work on the land您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.06(第6题Which city was NOT a prominent trading centre during the Early MiddleAges?A.Constantinop leB.MeccaC.MedinaD.Baghdad您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.07(第7题Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.The Hundred Years’ War harmed Engla nd more than France.B.The war stimulated the development of new weapons.C.The war speeded up the development of the English Parliament.D.The war promoted the growth of modern nationalism and awakened thenational consciousness in the mind of their people. 您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.08(第8题Which one of the following statements about the medievaluniversitiesis NOT true?A.The first university appeared in Italy.B.Bologna University was governed by a corporation of students, apattern followed by other southern universities.C.University of Paris was dominated by a corporation of teachers, apattern followed by other northern universities.D.A migration of scholars from Cambridge led to the establishment ofthe University of Oxford in England. 您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.09(第9题All the following made up the basic social structure of medievalruralcommunities EXCEPT___.A.The villageB.The manorC.The parish churchD.The guild您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.010(第10题Christianity originated from__. A.TurkeyB.PalestineC.North AfricaD.the Western Europe您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.011(第11题The second founding father of Christianity was _____.A.St. PeterB.St. PaulC.St. AthanasiusD.St. Augustine您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.012(第12题Britain was turned into a Roman province in ________.A.the 1st centuryB.C.B.the 1st centuryC.the 2nd centuryD.the 3rd century.您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.013(第13题All of the following political ideas can be accredited to the Romans EXCEPT ____.A.popular sovereigntyB.social contract theoryC.democracyD.separations of power您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.014(第14题The following descriptions of the Mycenaean culture are true EXCEPT for ____.A.The Mycenaeans were the first people known to have spoken Greek.B.The Mycenaeans regarded the Minoans as their potential enemies.C.The Mycenaean raid on Crete was recorded in Homer’s epics.D.The Mycenaean era is also called the “Age of Heroes”. 您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.015(第15题Whose power was gradually reduced in the process of Athenian politicalreforms?A.People’s AssemblyB.People’s CourtC.Council of citizensD.Council of nobles您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.016(第16题In the first Greco-Persian War, Greek army defeated the Persian forces and won a smashing victory in the battle of ____.A.ThermopylaeB.MarathonC.SalamisD.Plataea您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.017(第17题Which description of the Age of Pericles is NOT true?A.It is the Golden Age of classical Greece.B.It was when Athens secured its status as the capital of Hellenic civilization.C.It witnessed great developments in democracy, economy, art and science.D.It was when the nobles became a major force in politics.您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.018(第18题Which one of the following statements was NOT a factor that brought about the agricultural growth during the Central Middle Ages?A.The climate improved and the temperature was higher.B.More lands were under cultivated.C.Farming technology improved greatly.D.The food price dropped drastically.您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.019(第19题Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.The pope was assisted by the papal curiaB.The curia was an extensive bureaucracy which contained specialized departmentsC.The curia was directed by the College of Cardinals whose members were selected by kingsD.Like kings, the popes issued laws, hired masters to collect revenues and judge cases, even declared wars您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.020(第20题What were the three forms of vernacular literature for town dwellers?A.epic poetry, romance poetry and dramasB.fabliaux, fables and romance poetryC.lyric poetry, epic poetry and romance poetryD.fabliaux, fables and dramas您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.021(第21题Three of the following statements are true with the early experience of Christianity. Which one is the exception?A.Unlike the Jews, the early Christians of the Roman Empire sufferedpersecution.B.Christianity was not the official religion of the Roman Empireuntilthe 4th century.C.Christianity spread in the cities of the empire, first in the east and later in the west.D.It was Constantine’s toleration for all religions that brought newlife to Christianity.您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.022(第22题Roman religion was _____.A.borrowed entirely from the GreeksB.not purely RomanC.invented by RomansD.borrowed from the Egyptians您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.023(第23题Which of the following is NOT true about Emperor Constantine the Great?A.He concentrated power in his own hands.B.He made Christianity the state religion.C.He abandoned Rome as the imperial capital.D.He tolerated all religions in the Roman Empire. 您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.024(第24题The gladiator show indicated Romans’ love for _____. A.adventureB.funC.violenceD.entertainment您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.025(第25题All of the following statements about slavery in Roman society are trueEXCEPT____.A.Wars provided the Romans with many new slaves.B.Slavery was a highly productive economic system.C.The offspring of slaves would automatically be slaves.D.Like in Sparta, slaves in Rome were public goods. 您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.026(第26题Which description of the traditional Greek religion is incorrect?A.Ancient Greeks believed that the gods have human forms and humanpersonality.B.For the Greeks, the gods only favored those people and states thathonored them.C.In ancient Greece, the main religious ceremony took place inside thetemple.D.Oracles also played an important part in the Greek religion andbeliefs.您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.027(第27题Which statement about the humanist education during the Renaissance is wrong?A.The goal of education was to produce independent, virtuous andcapable men who excelled in many different fields.B.The program of study relied heavily on classical training, but italso contained many other subjects.C.The Renaissance education enhanced the impact of the humanistideason the ruling class and the elite.D.The educational program of the humanists placed a high value onscience.您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.028(第28题Which description of Petrarch is wrong?A.He was known as the “father of humanism”.B.He was the first to coin the term “Dark Ages”.C.He valued his Italian writings more than his Latin writings.D.He was financed by Galeazzo II Visconti.您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.029(第29题Which is not one of the three great achievements of Italian Renaissanceart?A.the revival of classical textsB.the discovery of linear perspectiveC.the knowledge of anatomyD.the knowledge of the classical forms您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.030(第30题Which is the key feature of the Mannerism of the Late Renaissance art? A.the invention of new artistic techniquesB.the imitation of Greek and Roman stylesC.the representation of idealized human figuresD.the use of intense colors, strange themes and twisted figures. 您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.031(第31题Which of the following statements about the Crusades is NOT true? A.On the way to the Holy Land, a crusader wore the white cross on hisoutfitB.The Crusades increased the power of the Papacy and the wealth of theChurchC.The Crusades strengthened the power of national monarchies andundermined feudalismD.The Crusades set the first example of European expansionism 您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.032(第32题What were the three classes of people in the Central Middle Ages?A.Pope, peasants and noblesB.kings, lords and monksC.clergy, lords and peasantsD.warriors, peasants and priest您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.033(第33题Which categories of publication does Erasmus’s The Praise of Folly belong to?A.clever satires to expose people’s errorsB.serious moral books to offer people Christian guidanceC.scholarly editions of basic Christian textsD.collection of stories to amuse people您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.034(第34题Which one is not the main characteristic of Shakespeare as aRenaissance man?A.His interest in classical cultureB.His belief in humanismC.His support of individualismD.His consciousness of national identity 您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.035(第35题Who was regarded as the “father of oil painting”?A.MasaccioB.BotticelliC.Albrecht D黵erD.Jan van Eyck您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.036(第36题Who was not a believer in the heliocentric theory?A.Nicolas CopernicusB.Johannes KeplerC.GalileoD.Francis Bacon您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.037(第37题Of the following philosophical schools, which one had perhaps the greatest influence on Roman laws and government?A.EpicureanismB.StoicismC.CynicismD.Neo- Platonism您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.038(第38题All the following constitute the main forms of heresy, EXCEPTA.mysticismB.flagellanti smC.Lollards and HussitesD.worshipers您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.039(第39题During the Wat Tyler Rebellion, the rebels marched into London and executed the following important officials, EXCEPTA.Lord ChancellorB.Lord TreasurerC.magistrate of London, William TongeD.Archbishop of Canterbury您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.040(第40题Which of the following descriptions of Constantinople is NOT true?A.It was the most important trading centre in Europe in the Early MiddleAges.B.It was the political and intellectual centre of the Middle Ages.C.It dazzled visitors with its grand buildings and great wealth.D.University of Constantinople did not have any Muslim students. 您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.041(第41题For those who want to convert to Islam, which of the followingpillarsof Islam is of the utmost importance?A.reciting the Muslim statement of faith with convictionB.performing ritual prayers five times a dayC.giving money or gifts to the poor and the needyD.observing a month-long fast every year and making a pilgrimage toMecca您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.042(第42题Alcuin established ______ as the basis for education during the Carolingian renaissance. A.the Carolingian minuscule B.trivium and quadrivium C.medieval LatinD.biblical texts您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.043(第43题Olive trees and grapevine were introduced into Italy by ______.A.EtruscansB.GreekstinsD.Egyptians您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.044(第44题The first city- builders in Italy were ________.A.the GreeksB.the LatinsC.the EtruscansD.the Italians您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.045(第45题Of the following orders of columns, which one is more formal and dignified and mainly used in mainland Greece?A.DoricB.IonicC.Corinthianposite您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.046(第46题The Hundred Years’ War arose from the following causes, EXCEPT, A.The territorial disputes between England and France. B.The clash of economic interest in Flanders.C.Famine, plague, economic turmoil, social upheaval.D.The dispute over the French royal succession.您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.047(第47题Which of the following statements about Joan of Arc is NOT true?A.She was born in a well-to-do peasant family.B.She grew up with a strong religious belief.C.Charles refused her to accompany the army.D.She was burned at stake.您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.048(第48题Which of the following stat ements about The Hundred Years’ War is NOTtrue?A.The most famous weapons were the longbow and cannon used by the English.B.Firearms played a significant role in the battles.C.Horse-riding knights became more important army force than infantry.D.Europeans relied more and more on cannon for defensive wars. 您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.049(第49题Which description of the Age of Renaissance is correct? A.The Renaissance happened right after the Late Middle Ages in time. B.The Renaissance reached a peak at the end of the sixteenth century. C.The Renaissance began as a literary movement.D.The Renaissance was opposed to humanism.您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.050(第50题The Roman expansion had many consequences EXCEPT ______. A.Rome became the hegemony in the Mediterranean region. B.economic gains forall RomansC.social conflicts and slave uprisingsD.increased political power for military commanders 您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.051(第51题Which one of the following statements about “Jacques rebellion” is NOT true?A.The peasants involved in the rebellion had a clear political programand organization.B.The rebellion took its name from a contemptuous nickname used by theFrench nobles for any peasant.C.Rebellious peasants burned down castles, murdered their lords, andraped their lords’ wives.D.Within a month the rebellion was suppressed by French nobles. 您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.052(第52题The Council of Constance markedA.the largest religious gathering of the Late Middle Ages.B.the end of the Western Schism.C.the success in dealing with the problems of heresy.D.the success in dealing with the problems of the church reform. 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.053(第53题During the Great Famine, starvation even drove some people to eat thefollowing living creatures, EXCEPTA.catsB.ratsC.snakesD.dogs您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.054(第54题Which of the following statements about Western Schism is NOT true?A.France recognized the French antipope Clement.B.England recognized Pope Urban.C.Scotland followed the French.D.The emperor of Holy Roman Empire in Germany recognized Clement.您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.055(第55题Which of the following reform measures resulted in the moral decline of the Romans?A.limiting the amount of land owned by individual citizensB.selling grain at a low price to citizensC.distributing publicland to landless citizens D.cutting down land taxes or rent 您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.056(第56题The prose writing of _____ had the greatest influence on Latinliterature in the Middle Ages.A.Livy (59B.C.-18 A.D.)B.Cicero (106-43 B.C.).C.Ovid (43 B.C.-17 A.D.)D.Juvenal (55-130 A.D.)您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.057(第57题Starting from the reign of which Roman emperor such jobs as bakery andmilitary service became hereditary?A.OctavianB.DiocletianC.ConstantineD.Theodosius您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.058(第58题Which description of the Hellenistic civilization is incorrect? A.It was a cosmopolitan and open culture.B.It was a mixture of Greek and Oriental cultures.C.It helped to popularize Greek thinking and life styles.D.Its commercial, cultural and intellectual centre was Athens. 您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.059(第59题Major changes in Roman religious life were mainly a result of _____.A.foreign cultural invasionB.trade and commerceC.territorial expansion of RomeD.interest in spiritual matters您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.060(第60题Beginning in the 4th century, army units of German were__.A.suppressed by the RomansB.eliminated by the RomansC.welcomed into the Roman Empire to defend the RomansD.driven bythe Romans to settle in depopulated areas. 您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.061(第61题The Italian Renaissance scholars did all the following things except for ____.A.reviving many classical texts forgotten or lost for a long time.B.spreading the knowledge beyond the small circle of scholars.C.refusing to accept religious teaching or read religious works.D.paying more attention to man’s world and life on earth. 您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.062(第62题Which of the following Renaissance writers was not known for his sonnets?A.DanteB.PetrarchC.Edmund SpencerD.William Shakespeare您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.063(第63题Which statement about the “civic humanism” is wrong?A.It was developed by some Florentine scholars during the fifteenthcentury.B.It believed that virtue could only be obtained by participating inpublic life.C.It encouraged people to pursue material pleasures and fulfilltheirdesires.D.It was the same with the “Christian Humanism” of NorthernRenaissance.您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.064(第64题Who did not belong to the Florentine School of the Early Renaissance art?A.BrunelleschiB.DonatelloC.MasaccioD.Raphael您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.065(第65题Which factor directly resulted in the first great split in Christianity in 1054?A.The rulers of most European peoples adopted Christianity for themselves and their subjectsB.The invasions from Vikings and Magyars not only destroyed many churches and monasteries but also greatly damaged the church institutionsC.There were few schools to train clergy, and many church officers were shallow and incompetentD.Pope Leo IX asserted the supreme authority of the papacy and clashed with the Patriarch of Constantinople Michael Cerularius 您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.066(第66题1066 marked the__A.defeat of the VikingsB.Norman Conquest of EnglandC.death of William ID.death of Alfred the Great您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.067(第67题All the following statements about the Scholasticism are true, EXCEPTA.Some scholars tried in vain to forbid the study and teaching of Aristotle’s thoughtB.Some argued that reason alone could lead to truthC.Some argued that ultimate truth could not be discovered by reason, but was revealed to human by God in His mystical waysD.The most fruitful achievement was the attempt to harmonize faith and reason by the leading scholar St. Augustine您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.068(第68题In the year of ____, Constantine the Great issued Edit of Milan whichofficially made Christianity legal.A.311B.313C.324D.380您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.069(第69题In the Early Middle Ages, the Roman Church and the Eastern Church weredivided over the following issues EXCEPT for ______. A.IconoclasmB.official languageC.explanation of the Holy SpiritD.baptism您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.070(第70题For some Muslims, Qur’an should not be translated because_____. A.it is impious to translate the very words of Allah. B.it is too difficult to translate the rhymed prose of Qur’an. C.the original meaning of Qur’an would be distorted. D.the beauty of Arabic language would be violated. 您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.071(第71题Which one is not the factor that led to the disintegration of theCarolingian Empire after Charlemagne’s deat h? A.the regional and ethnic diversityB.the conflicts between different successors to the throneC.the destructive attacks of non-Christian invadersD.the emergence of feudalism您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.072(第72题In Early Middle Ages, Western European civilization differed from theByzantine and Islamic Empires in the following aspects EXCEPT for _____.A.the influence from the Germanic and Romance vernacular languages.B.the unstable political situation and a lack of central powerC.the influence of ancient Greco-Roman civilizations.D.the lower level of intellectual and literary accomplishment您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.073(第73题The Late Middle Ages were marked by the following features, EXCEPT?A.Plague and famine caused millions of death in Europe.B.Along with depopulation came social unrest and conflicts.C.Rivalry between feudal governments led to wars, the most violentbeing the Hundred Years’ War fought between Germany and Italy.D.Peasant uprisings and urban revolts broke out in many countries.您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.074(第74题Which of the following statements about Papacy at Avignon is NOT true?A.The reform measures of Avignon papacy turned the papacy into a morespiritual than political institution.B.Several popes were Frenchmen, and 113 out of the 134 new cardinalscreated by the popes were French.C.Papal influence in England and in Germany declined.D.This period in church history is called the Babylonian Captivity.您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.075(第75题Which of the following statements about villages in the Middle Ages is NOT true?A.Villages ranged in size from ten to several hundred peasant families, living in a cluster of cottages surrounded by their fields.B.Most villages had woodland which provided burning wood andbuilding materials.C.Many villages had a stream or pond for water supply, fish and a water mill for grinding grain.D.Few villages had a few artisans and traders who combined farm workwith other labor.您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.076(第76题Which of the following statements about the development of sciencein the Central Middle Ages is NOT true?A.Translation of Greek and Arabic scientific works gave new impetusto the study of science.B.Arabic numbers were introduced by Italian mathematician Leonardode Pisa.C.Robert Grosseteste, Roger Bacon and others made CambridgeUniversity the center of scientific studies during the thirteenth century.D.Bacon wrote three important books, Great Work, Small Work andThird Work.您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.077(第77题In the year _____ Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire.A.311B.313C.324D.380您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.078(第78题Christians considered pagan gods_____.A.as demonsB.as humansC.incredibleD.supernatural您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.079(第79题Which is not the similarity shared by Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales andBoccaccio’s Decameron?A.a collection of storiesB.satirical and humorous languageC.vivid characterizationD.religious themes您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.080(第80题Who was not a representative writer of Northern Renaissance?A.Giovanni BoccaccioB.William ShakespeareC.Fran鏾is RabelaisD.Miguel de Cervantes您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.081(第81题In terms of science, what was the significant shift in thinking duringthe Renaissance Age?A.the inclusion of science in the educational programB.the emphasis on how things happened in natureC.the development of new scientific methodsD.the acceptance of heliocentric theory 您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.082(第82题What is the limit of term for the members of the Senate of the Roman Republic?A.2 yearsB.4 yearsC.5 yearsD.life您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.083(第83题Pope Urban VI started to reform the church and wanted to abolish the following abuses, EXCEPTA.SimonyB.PluralismC.AbsenteeismD.homosexual您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.084(第84题Which of the following statements about ciompi is NOT true?A.They formed a ciompi guild.B.They formed a people’s militia.C.They granted political representation in the government.D.They had not lost their hold on power.您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.085(第85题Constantine the Great named the new imperial capital ______.A.ConstantinopleB.ByzantiumC.New RomeD.Istanbul您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.086(第86题Which of the following statements about Byzantine classicism is true?A.The Byzantines revered ancient Greek literature, philosophy and historiography.B.The Byzantines emphasized Greek scientific and mathematical tradition.C.The Byzantines were not only imitative, but also creative in their study of Greek tradition.D.The Byzantine authors thought they could eventually surpassancient Greek authors.您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.087(第87题What event marked the climax of Charlemagne’s career and the formation of western European civilization?A.Charlemagne became the Frankish king and ruled most of Western Europe.B.Charlemagne produced the best government Europe had seen since theRomans.C.Charlemagne built a united Christian society and had an alliance with the papacy.D.Charlemagne was crowned “Holy Roman Emperor” by the Pope.您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.088(第88题It was during the ____ that the Romans were defeated by the famous Carthaginian general Hannibal.A.the 1st Punic WarB.the 2nd Punic WarC.the 3rd Punic WarD.the 4th Punic War您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.089(第89题The government of the Roman Republic included all of the following branches EXCEPT ______.A.the executive branchB.the deliberative branchC.the legislative branchD.the judicial branch您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.090(第90题Which one of the following groups of the people could vote in the Romanassemblies?A.Roman generals and adult male plebiansB.anyone whose parents were RomansC.adult Roman males and females.D.literate Greek slaves 您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.091(第91题Which one of the Roman Emperors resembles the “philosopher king”praised by Plato?A.Trajan (r. 98-117 A.D.)B.Hadrian (r. 117-138 A.D.)C.Antoninus Pius (r. 138-161 A.D.)D.Marcus Aurelius (r. 161-180 A.D.) 您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.092(第92题All of the following Roman officers were produced by election EXCEPT ____.A.consulB.dictatorC.tribuneD.magistrate您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.093(第93题Who replaced the Council of 400 with the Council of 500? A.SolonB.PersistratusC.CleisthenesD.Pericles您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.094(第94题Which description of Spartan women is incorrect?。



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2016下半年华师在线欧洲文化入门100分作业Which one of the following statements was NOT afactor that brought about the agricultural growthduring the Central Middle Ages?A.The climate improved and the temperature washigher.B.More lands were under cultivated.C.Farming technology improved greatly.D.The food price dropped drastically.您的答案:D题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.023.第30题Magna Carta in 1215 in England was significant inthat it __.A.really weakened the power of the churchB.spoke for the common peopleC.really weakened the power of the kingD.spoke for the nobles您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.024.第31题What were the three forms of vernacularliterature for town dwellers?A.epic poetry, romance poetry and dramasB.fabliaux, fables and romance poetryC.lyric poetry, epic poetry and romance poetryD.fabliaux, fables and dramas您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.025.第38题Epicureanism and Stoicism are similar in thefollowing ways except for____.A.Both were concerned with the good of theindividual.B.Both were idealistic in world view.C.Both believed that reason is the key to solution of social problems.D.Both thought highly of the peace of mind.您的答案:B题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.026.第39题Which factor did not facilitate the Islamic expansion?A.the well- organized Muslim ruling elite and a powerful Muslim army.B.people’s dissatisfaction with imperial rule in some Middle East areas.C.the tolerance of those cultures different from IslamD.the influence of the strict monotheism of Islam您的答案:D题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.027.第40题Three of the following statements are true with Henry VIII. Which one is the exception?A.He married his brother’s widow against Roman Catholic rules.B.He married his brother’s widow with the Pope' s authorization.C.He was eager to divorce the queen to end the poor marriage.D.He was eager to have a new marriage to bring him a male heir.您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.028.第41题Which one does not belong to the Bronze Age civilizations of ancient Greece?A.Cycladic civilizationB.Helladic civilizationC.Hellenistic civilizationD.Minoan civilization您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.029.第43题Of the following orders of columns, which one is more formal and dignified and mainly used in mainland Greece?A.DoricB.IonicC.Corinthianposite您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.030.第44题Beginning in the 4th century, army units of German were__.A.suppressed by the RomansB.eliminated by the RomansC.welcomed into the Roman Empire to defend the RomansD.driven by the Romans to settle in depopulated areas.您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.031.第45题Whose power was gradually reduced in the process of Athenian political reforms?A.People’s AssemblyB.People’s CourtC.Council of citizensD.Council of nobles您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.032.第46题What is the Central Middle Ages also called?A.“Age of Art”B.“Age of History”C.“Age of Faith”D.“ Age of Science”您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.033.第47题Luther called on the German princes to reject the foreign pope’s authority and establish a reformed German church in _____________.A.The Liberty of the Christian ManB.Address to the Nobility of the German NationC.The Babylonian Captivity of the ChurchD.the Ninety-Five Theses您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.034.第48题All land in Sumer belonged to _____.A.the kingsB.godsC.the noblesD.free farmers您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.035.第49题Three of the following statements are true with the Jesuits. Which one is the exception?A.They were highly respected for their learning and the purity of their lives.B.They became the principal university teachers in all European countries.C.They helped to stop the spread of Lutheranism into south Germany.D.They helped to spread Catholicism to the countries beyond Europe.您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.036.第56题Which of the following statements about The Hundred Years’ War is NOT true?A.The most famous weapons were the longbow and cannon used by the English.B.Firearms played a significant role in the battles.C.Horse-riding knights became more important army force than infantry.D.Europeans relied more and more on cannon for defensive wars.您的答案:C题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.037.第57题Which statement about the humanist education during the Renaissance is wrong?A.The goal of education was to produce independent, virtuous and capable men who excelled in many different fields.B.The program of study relied heavily on classical training, but it also contained many other subjects.C.The Renaissance education enhanced the impact of the humanist ideas on the ruling class and the elite.D.The educational program of the humanists placed a high value on science.您的答案:D题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.038.第58题In Early Middle Ages, Western European civilization differed from the Byzantine and Islamic Empires in the following aspects EXCEPT for _____.A.the influence from the Germanic and Romancevernacular languages.B.the unstable political situation and a lack of central powerC.the influence of ancient Greco-Roman civilizations.D.the lower level of intellectual and literary accomplishment您的答案:C题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.039.第59题Which one does NOT indicate that Euripides was the most revolutionary dramatist in ancient Greece?A.His creation of less heroic and more realistic characters.B.His sharp criticism of conventional values.C.His view of the human soul as a place where opposing forces struggle.D.His use of graceful language and perfect form.您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.040.第60题During the Great Famine, starvation even drove some people to eat the following living creatures, EXCEPTA.catsB.ratsC.snakesD.dogs您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.041.第20题Martin Luther first expressed his idea of reforming the Church by criticizing the sale of indulgences.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.042.第21题During the Renaissance, many Italian scholars began to learn Greek because they wanted to translate Latin works into Greek.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.043.第22题According to Aristotle, Form (or Idea) exists as a higher reality than the material world.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.044.第23题That the early Christians suffered systematical persecution by the Roman authorities was a myth.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.045.第24题The Italian Renaissance was largely credited to the economic success in Italy at that time.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.046.第25题The Romans were extremely intolerant of foreign religions.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.047.第26题All Egyptian gods have a human body and an animal head.您的答案:错误此题得分:2.048.第32题The official language of Byzantine Empire was Latin.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.049.第33题Dante was the first Italian writer to compose in his native language rather than in Latin.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.050.第34题The basic units of the first human civilization were city-states.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.051.第35题At the age of 30, Jesus started to preach; but he had no intention to create a new religion.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.052.第36题In the Middle Ages, Christians in Western Europe only needed to pay one tenth of their annual income to the Church of Rome.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.053.第37题It was only in the 16th century that the Church of Rome’s monopoly began to meet the challengefor religious reform.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.054.第42题The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V helped the Pope in the movement of Catholic Counter-Reformation.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.055.第50题The confidence the Europeans had developed in the Central Middle Ages was destroyed by the travails of the Late Middle Ages.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.056.第51题After Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire in the 4th century, all other religious beliefs disappeared.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.057.第52题To allow a person to buy God’s forgiveness and ransom his way out of hell, the Church developed the sale of indulgences.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.058.第53题The Late Middle Ages are often described as a period of crisis and decline.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.059.第54题Ptolemy’s geocentric theory remained very popular in Europe for centuries.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.060.第55题The Hammurabi Code ensured that every one is equal before the law.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.0作业总得分:100.0。
