
表8-4 人工神经网络模型的基本性能若要开发一个贷款评估人工神经网络,要求能够根据借贷申请人的月收入、生活费用支出、房租、水、电、交通费用支出及其他费用支出来实时地分析这一贷款申请是否合格。

1. 试比较BP 学习算法与感知机学习算法的异同。
异:感知机学习算法中,隐含层处理单元不具备学习能力,其模式分类能力仍然非常有限;而BP 学习算法采用非线性连续变换函数,使隐含层神经元具有了学习能力。
BP 学习算法基于最小均方误差准则,采用误差函数按梯度下降的方法进行学习,其学习过程分为模式顺传播,误差逆传播、记忆训练、学习收敛4个阶段。
2. 试述BP 神经网络有哪些优点和缺点。
3. 试举例说明BP 神经网络擅长解决哪些问题,并针对一个具体应用实例,描述BP 神经网络解决该问题的具体方案。
4. 请给出一个BP 神经网络的具体应用实例。
5. 什么是BP 神经网络的泛化能力?如何提高BP 神经网络的泛化能力?BP 神经网络的泛化能力是指BP 神经网络对未训练样本的逼近程度或对于未知数据的预测能力。
即:BP 神经网络学习训练完成后会将所提取的样本模式对中的非线性映射关系存储在网络连接权向量中,在其后的正常工作阶段,当向BP 神经网络输入训练时未曾见过的数据时,BP 神经网络也能够完成由输入模式到输出模式的正确映射。
提高BP 神经网络泛化能力的方法包括: 1) 增加训练集中的样本数; 2) 适当减少隐藏节点个数;3) 增加网络结构中的因子数(考虑更多可能影响结果的因子作为额外的输入项); 4) 对于选取的数据样本,要尽量保证包含拐点处的数据样本,同时尽可能保证相邻样本的变化率小于误差精度要求。

习题2.1什么是感知机?感知机的基本结构是什么样的?解答:感知机是Frank Rosenblatt在1957年就职于Cornell航空实验室时发明的一种人工神经网络。
解答:单层感知机与多层感知机的区别:1. 单层感知机只有输入层和输出层,多层感知机在输入与输出层之间还有若干隐藏层;2. 单层感知机只能解决线性可分问题,多层感知机还可以解决非线性可分问题。
2.3证明定理:样本集线性可分的充分必要条件是正实例点集所构成的凸壳与负实例点集构成的凸壳互不相交.解答:首先给出凸壳与线性可分的定义凸壳定义1:设集合S⊂R n,是由R n中的k个点所组成的集合,即S={x1,x2,⋯,x k}。
定义S的凸壳为conv(S)为:conv(S)={x=∑λi x iki=1|∑λi=1,λi≥0,i=1,2,⋯,k ki=1}线性可分定义2:给定一个数据集T={(x1,y1),(x2,y2),⋯,(x n,y n)}其中x i∈X=R n , y i∈Y={+1,−1} , i=1,2,⋯,n ,如果存在在某个超平面S:w∙x+b=0能够将数据集的正实例点和负实例点完全正确地划分到超平面的两侧,即对所有的正例点即y i=+1的实例i,有w∙x+b>0,对所有负实例点即y i=−1的实例i,有w∙x+b<0,则称数据集T为线性可分数据集;否则,称数据集T线性不可分。
必要性:线性可分→凸壳不相交设数据集T中的正例点集为S+,S+的凸壳为conv(S+),负实例点集为S−,S−的凸壳为conv(S−),若T是线性可分的,则存在一个超平面:w ∙x +b =0能够将S +和S −完全分离。
假设对于所有的正例点x i ,有:w ∙x i +b =εi易知εi >0,i =1,2,⋯,|S +|。

2. 若某一基本竞争神经网络的输入层有5个节点,竞争层有3个节点。
网络的6个学习模式为X 1=(1,0,0,0,0)T ,X 2=(1,0,0,0,1)T ,X 3=(1,1,0,1,0)T ,X 4=(1,1,0,1,1)T ,X 5=(0,0,1,1,0)T ,X 6=(0,0,1,1,1)T ,试计算这6个学习模式的汉明距离。
6个学习模式的汉明距离X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 X 1 0 1 2 3 3 4 X 2 1 0 3 2 4 3 X 3 2 3 0 1 3 4 X 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 X 5 3 4 3 4 0 1 X 6434313. 采用竞争学习规则,通过训练将第2题中的6个学习模式进行分类,试比较训练后的分类结果和通过汉明距离得到分类结果。
按照前面描述的竞争学习规则对第2题的6个学习模式进行记忆训练,假定学习速率为0.5,网络的初始连接权值如下:⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=网络的学习过程如下:t =1 X 1=(1,0,0,0,0)T 竞争层各个神经元的净输入为 s 1=w 11x 1+w 21x 2+w 31x 3+w 41x 4+w 51x 5=0.1*1+0.2*0+0.2*0+0.3*0+0.2*0=0.1 s 2=w 12x 1+w 22x 2+w 32x 3+w 42x 4+w 52x 5=0.2*1+0.1*0+0.2*0+0.2*0+0.3*0=0.2 s 3=w 13x 1+w 23x 2+w 33x 3+w 43x 4+w 53x 5=0.3*1+0.2*0+0.1*0+0.2*0+0.2*0=0.3因此,竞争层各个神经元的输出为 y 1=0 y 2=0 y 3=1调整后的连接权如下 w 13=0.3+0.5*(1/1-0.3)=0.65 w 23=0.2+0.5*(0/1-0.2)=0.1 w 33=0.1+0.5*(0/1-0.1)=0.05 w 43=0.2+0.5*(0/1-0.2)=0.1 w 53=0.2+0.5*(0/1-0.2)=0.1t =2 X 2=(1,0,0,0,1)T 竞争层各个神经元的净输入为 s 1=w 11x 1+w 21x 2+w 31x 3+w 41x 4+w 51x 5=0.1*1+0.2*0+0.2*0+0.3*0+0.2*1=0.3 s 2=w 12x 1+w 22x 2+w 32x 3+w 42x 4+w 52x 5=0.2*1+0.1*0+0.2*0+0.2*0+0.3*1=0.5 s 3=w 13x 1+w 23x 2+w 33x 3+w 43x 4+w 53x 5=0.65*1+0.1*0+0.05*0+0.1*0+0.1*1=0.75因此,竞争层各个神经元的输出为 y 1=0 y 2=0 y 3=1 调整后的连接权如下w 13=0.65+0.5*(1/2-0.65)=0.575 w 23=0.1+0.5*(0/2-0.1)=0.05 w 33=0.05+0.5*(0/2-0.05)=0.025 w 43=0.1+0.5*(0/2-0.1)=0.05 w 53=0.1+0.5*(1/2-0.1)=0.3 t =3 X 3=(1,1,0,1,0)T 竞争层各个神经元的输入为 s 1=w 11x 1+w 21x 2+w 31x 3+w 41x 4+w 51x 5=0.1*1+0.2*1+0.2*0+0.3*1+0.2*0=0.6 s 2=w 12x 1+w 22x 2+w 32x 3+w 42x 4+w 52x 5=0.2*1+0.1*1+0.2*0+0.2*1+0.3*0=0.5 s 3=w 13x 1+w 23x 2+w 33x 3+w 43x 4+w 53x 5=0.575*1+0.05*1+0.025*0+0.05*1+0.3*0=0.675 因此,竞争层各个神经元的输出为y 1=0 y 2=0 y 3=1 调整后的连接权如下w 13=0.575+0.5*(1/3-0.575)=0.4542 w 23=0.05+0.5*(1/3-0.05)=0.1917 w 33=0.025+0.5*(0/3-0.025)=0.0125 w 43=0.05+0.5*(1/3-0.05)=0.1917 w 53=0.3+0.5*(0/3-0.3)=0.15 ……按照上述过程经过多次学习后,网络会得到如下分类结果,与通过汉明距离分析的结果完全一致。

正确答案:√7.小批量梯度下降法和随机梯度下降算法收敛可能需要更多的迭代次数正确答案:√三、多选题1.使用均方误差作为代价函数,有什么特点?( )A.形式简单B.通俗易懂C.容易出现饱和现象D.容易陷入局部最优解正确答案:A、B、C、D2.感知器可以解决一下哪些问题?( )A.实现逻辑关系中的与B.实现逻辑关系中的或C.实现逻辑关系中的非D.线性分类和线性回归问题正确答案:A、B、C、D3.神经网络具有下面哪几个特点?( )A.能充分逼近复杂的非线性关系B.具有高度的容错能力C.具有自组织能力D.可以并行分布处理正确答案:A、B、C、D4.以下会造成梯度消失的激活函数有( )。
人工智能概论习题答案第3章 人工神经网络作业 20210307

以下有三个属于A类的样本,每个样本的特征值分别为[0.1, 1],[0.2, 0.7],[0.4, 0.8],样本标签用1表示;有三个属于B类的样本,其特征值分别为[0.8, 0.3],[0.9, 0.2],[1.0, 0.5],样本标签用0表示。

人工神经网络设计作业一、利用感知机神经网络完成真值表中的操作设有一个M-P模型神经元有两个输入P1和P2,其输出为a,让其完成下列的真值表功能:1、具体的程序及其说明如下:clcP=[0 0 1 1;0 1 0 1];T=[0 1 1 1];%提供两组输入一组输出的训练集C=[-2 3 -2 3];%设置坐标轴的范围plotpv(P,T,C)%绘制样本点的坐标pause;[R,Q]=size(P);%R个输入[S,Q]=size(T);%S个输出[W,B]=rands(S,R);%随机获得权值plotpc(W,B)%绘制出初始的决策线pause;A=hardlim(netsum(W*P,B));%计算感知器神经元的输出E=T-A;SSE=sumsqr(E);%计算初始决策线的误差for epoch=1:100if(SSE==0)%若误差为零,画出决策线,并停止训练plot(W,B,'r-')disp('训练成功');breakend[dW,dB]=learnp(P,A,T)%感知器的学习W=W+dW;%修正权值B=B+dB;%调整偏差plotpc(W,B); %绘制决策线pause;a=epoch(1);hold onA=hardlim(netsum(W*P,B));%计算感知器神经元输出E=T-A;%计算误差SSE=sumsqr(E);endA %输出最后的训练结果a %输出训练次数2、具体的训练过程如图所示:样本点P(1)P (2)初始决策线P(1)P (2)训练中的决策线P(1)P (2)训练结束P(1)P (2)3、训练结果:训练结束后我们可知道A=[0 1 1 1],训练次数a=4次。
二、利用BP 网络逼近一个非线性函数1、函数选择为指数衰减函数2*2p te -=*,隐层采用对数正切S 型,输出层采用线性型,具体的程序及其说明如下:clcn=5;%隐层神经元的个数 lr=0.1;%学习率 mc=0.9;%动量因子 p=0:0.05:3; t=2*exp(-2.*p);[r,l]=size(p);%r 输入层的维数 [s,l]=size(t);%s 输出层的维数 w1=0.2*rand(n,r);%隐层的权值 deltaw1=zeros(n,r); B1=0.2*rand(n,1);%隐层的偏移量 deltaB1=zeros(n,1); w2=0.2*rand(s,n);%输出层权值 deltaw2=zeros(s,n);B2=0.2*rand(s,1);%输出层的偏移量 deltaB2=zeros(s,1); A1=tansig(w1*p,B1);A2=purelin(w2*A1,B2);plot(p,t,'r+',p,A2,'b:');xlabel('输入样本p');ylabel('输出样本t');axis([0 3 -1 2])title(['样本点和未经训练的曲线']);legend('样本点');pause;epoch=1;sse=1;for epoch=1:10000 %最大训练圈数为1000w1=w1+deltaw1;%权值及其偏移量的调整B1=B1+deltaB1;w2=w2+deltaw2;B2=B2+deltaB2;[A1,A2]=simuff(p,w1,B1,'tansig',w2,B2,'purelin');E=t-A2;sse(epoch)=sumsqr(E);%计算误差if(sse(epoch)==0.001)%达到期望误差退出逼近breakendD2=deltalin(A2,E);D1=deltatan(A1,D2,w2);[deltaw2,deltaB2]=learnbpm(A1,D2,lr,mc,deltaw2,deltaB2); [deltaw1,deltaB1]=learnbpm(p,D1,lr,mc,deltaw1,deltaB1); if(sse(epoch)<=0.001)breakendend;epochplot(p,t,'r+',p,A2,'b:');xlabel('输入样本p');ylabel('输出样本t');title(['训练',num2str(epoch),'次后的曲线']);legend('样本点');axis([0 3 -1 2])pauseFF=1:epoch;plot(FF,sse(FF),'r-');xlabel('训练次数');ylabel('误差');title(['SSE误差曲线']);pause;%泛化能力测试[A1,A2]=simuff(p,w1,B1,'tansig',w2,B2,'purelin');p=0:0.05:3;t=2*exp(-2.*p);%训练后逼近的曲线plot(p,A2,'-');xlabel('输入样本p');ylabel('输出样本t');legend('逼近的曲线'); axis([0 3 -1 3]) hold on ; pt=0:0.1:3;tt=2*exp(-2.*pt); plot(pt,tt,'ro'); title(['检验泛化能力']); axis([0 3 -1 3]) pause; hold off ; epoch %输出训练次数2、具体的逼近过程如下图形显示:0.511.522.53输入样本p输出样本t样本点和未经训练的曲线0.511.522.53输入样本p输出样本t训练113后的曲线由训练结果显示:完成很好的逼近功能,训练次数为113次,误差曲线如下图,我们可以看到误差是收敛的。

1.随机型神经网络的特点是什么?(1) 神经元的净输入不能决定其输出状态为0或1,决定神经元输出状态的是值为1或0的概率;(2) 在网络学习阶段,随机型神经网络并不基于某种确定性算法调整网络连接权值,而是按照某种概率分布进行处理;(3) 在网络运行阶段,随机型神经网络不是按照某种确定性的网络方程进行状态演变,而是按照某种概率分布决定网络状态的转移。
从处理单元模型看,Boltzmann机网络的每个神经元的输出均为0、1二值离散输出,n 个神经元的状态集合构成了Boltzmann机网络的状态,即在给定时刻t,Boltzmann机网络的状态为X(t)=(x1, x2, …, x n),但与离散型Hopfield神经网络不同的是,Boltzmann机中的神经元不能通过其输入状态获得确定的输出状态,它的输出状态要由神经元净输入状态的概率决定,不同的净输入状态对应不同的输出状态概率。

1. 单层感知机模型与多层感知机模型的区别是什么?单层感知机模型由输入层(感知层)和输出层(反应层或处理层)构成,只有输出层的神经元具有信息处理功能;单层感知机模型只能解决线性可分的分类问题。
多层感知机模型由感知层S 、连接层A 、反应层R 构成,其中隐含层和输出层的神经元均具有信息处理功能;多层感知机模型能够解决线性不可分的分类问题,但只能调节一层连接权值,一般情况下由感知层至连接层的连接权值固定,而连接层至反应层的连接权值可调。
2. 感知机学习算法中是如何调整连接权值的?在感知机学习算法中,学习信号等于神经元的期望输出与实际响应(f (⋅)函数通常为阈值型函数)之差,调整神经元i 到神经元j 之间的输入连接权值w ij 的方法是)]()[()()1()(X f n n n n W d x w w w Tj j i ij ij ij -=-+=∆η其中η为学习速率,x i 为节点i 的输出,它是提供给节点j 的输入之一。
3. 试使用符号函数作为感知机模型的转移函数完成例3.1。
采用符号函数时,逻辑“与”的真值表如下:x 1x 2 T -1-1 -1 -11 -1 1-1 -1 1 1 1设输出层单元的阈值θ=0.042,输入层至输出层连接的初始权值分别为w 1=0.038,w 2=0.044,学习训练速率α=0.015,β=0.006。
若以X 表示输入,Y 表示输出,D 表示期望输出,e 表示误差,符号函数作为转移函数,则该感知机模型的学习训练过程如下:t =0 W (0) = (0,038,0.044)T θ(0) = 0.042t =1 X 1 = (-1,-1)T ,y 1 = f (w 1x 11+w 2x 21-θ) =f (-0.124) =-1, d 1=-1,e 1= 0∴ W (1)=(0.038,0.044)T +0.015•1•(0,0)T =(0.038,0.044)Tθ(1) = 0.042+0.006•0=0.042t =2 X 2 = (-1,1)T ,y 2 = f (w 1x 12+w 2x 22-θ)=f (-0.036) =-1, d 2=-1,e 2= 0∴ W (2)=(0.038,0.044)T +0.015•0•(0,1)T =(0.038,0.044)Tθ(2) = 0.042+0.006•0=0.042t =3 X 3 = (1,-1)T ,y 3 = f (w 1x 13+w 2x 23-θ)=f (-0.048)=-1, d 3=-1,e 3= 0∴ W (3)=(0.038,0.044),θ(3) = 0.042t =4 X 4 = (1,1)T ,y 4 = f (w 1x 14+w 2x 24-θ)=f (0.040)=1, d 4=1,e 4=0∴ W (4)=(0.038,0.044),θ(4) = 0.042经过4次迭代后,输出层处理单元的实际输出与期望输出之间的误差达到最小值0,连接权值也保持不变,因此学习训练过程结束,4. 感知机模型的局限性有哪些?应如何解决?局限性一:单层感知机模型仅对线性可分问题具有分类能力。

1. 试述Hopfield 神经网络的结构特征。
它与层次型神经网络的主要区别是什么?Hopfield 神经网络丢弃了“层次”概念,采用有反馈的无层次的(单层)全互连结构,网络中的各个神经元之间采用双向对称连接方式,每个神经元到自身无反馈。
与层次型神经网络相比,Hopfield 神经网络采用相关学习规则,根据相互连接的神经元的激活水平调整(确定)连接权;其工作过程是网络状态的动态演化过程,即从网络初始状态沿能量递减的方向不断进行演化,直至达到网络的稳定状态,这时的网络状态就是网络的输出。
同时,Hopfield 神经网络引入了“能量函数”的概念,阐明了神经网络与动力学之间的关系,使得神经网络的运行稳定性判断有了可靠而简便的依据。
2. 一个4节点离散型Hopfield 神经网络的初始状态为(-1,-1,1,-1),各节点的阈值为0,网络的连接权值如下,试求解网络的稳定状态。
⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡------=0213201111013110W t =0 X (0)=(-1,-1,1,-1)t =1 选取节点1,则节点1的状态为x 1(1)=sgn [0*(-1)+1*(-1)+(-1)*1+(-3)*(-1)]=sgn (1)=1,则网络状态为X (1)=(1,-1,1,-1) t =2 选取节点2,则节点2的状态为x 2(2)=sgn [1*1+0*(-1)+1*1+(-1)*(-1)]=sgn (3)=1,则网络状态为X (2)=(1,1,1,-1) t =3 选取节点3,则节点3的状态为x 3(3)=sgn [(-1)*1+1*1+0*1+2*(-1)]=sgn (-2)=-1,则网络状态为X (3)=(1,1,-1,-1) t =4 选取节点4,则节点4的状态为x 4(4)=sgn [(-3)*1+(-1)*1+2*(-1)+0*(-1)]=sgn (-6)=-1,则网络状态为X (4)=(1,1,-1,-1) t =5 选取节点1,则节点1的状态为x 1(5)=sgn [0*1+1*1+(-1)*(-1)+(-3)*(-1)]=sgn (5)=1,则网络状态为X (1)=(1,1,-1,-1) t =6 选取节点2,则节点2的状态为x 2(6)=sgn [1*1+0*1+1*(-1)+(-1)*(-1)]=sgn (1)=1,则网络状态为X (2)=(1,1,-1,-1) t =7 选取节点3,则节点3的状态为x 3(7)=sgn [(-1)*1+1*1+0*(-1)+2*(-1)]=sgn (-2)=-1,则网络状态为X (3)=(1,1,-1,-1) t =8 选取节点4,则节点4的状态为x 4(8)=sgn [(-3)*1+(-1)*1+2*(-1)+0*(-1)]=sgn (-6)=-1,则网络状态为X (4)=(1,1,-1,-1) 至此,网络中各个神经元的输出状态都不再改变,也就是说网络达到了稳定状态,稳定状态为(1,1,-1,-1)。

目录摘要 (1)Abstract (1)1绪论 (2)1.1人工神经网络概述 (2)1.2人工神经网络的基本模型 (3)1.3人工神经网络的特点 (5)1.4人工神经网络的分类 (5)2神经网络发展 (6)2.1早期阶段 (6)2.2过渡阶段 (6)2.3复兴时期 (7)2.4发展时期 (7)3神经网络基本原理 (9)3.1人工神经网络的工作机理 (9)3.2人工神经网络的互连方式 (9)4其他神经网络 (12)4.1回归神经网络(RNN) (12)4.2卷积神经网络(CNN) (12)4.3模糊神经网络 (13)5深度学习的发展与应用 (15)5.1深度学习在语音识别中的应用 (15)5.2深度学习在语言处理中的应用 (16)总结 (17)参考文献 (18)摘要神经控制是一种新型的控制系统,其在动态模拟、建模和控制方面应用广泛。
关键词:人工神经网络;应用;现状;发展AbstractNeural control is a new type of control system in the dynamic simulation, modeling and control applications. As an important branch of artificial intelligence,artificial neural network own the characteristics of self-adaption,self-organization and self-learning. Review the development history of artificial neural network theory and its application and research status in the field of information,medicine,economic,control and others are introduced. As continuous exploring and researching the combination of artificial neural network and some traditional methods will promote the development of artificial intelligence and play a bigger role in the production and living later.Key words: Artificial Neural Network;application;current situation;prospect1绪论1.1人工神经网络概述人工神经网络是对生理学上真实人脑生物神经元网络的结构、功能、以及若干基本特性的某种理论抽象、简化和模拟,它实际上是一种复杂的信息处理系统,是由大量神经元通过极其丰富和完善的联接而构成的自适应非线性动态系统。

1. 什么是人工神经网络?
2. 人工神经网络的优点是什么?
- 能够进行非线性建模,适用于处理复杂的非线性问题。
- 具有自适应研究能力,能够通过反馈机制不断优化性能。
- 对于模式识别、分类和预测等任务表现良好。
- 具有容错性,即使部分神经元损坏,网络仍然可以正常工作。
3. 人工神经网络的主要组成部分有哪些?
- 输入层:接收外部输入数据。
- 隐藏层:进行数据处理和特征提取。
- 输出层:给出最终的结果。
- 权重:神经元之间的连接强度。
- 激活函数:用于处理神经元的输入和输出。
4. 请解释反向传播算法的工作原理。
5. 请列举几种常见的用途人工神经网络的应用。
- 机器研究和模式识别
- 金融市场预测
- 医学诊断和预测
- 自动驾驶汽车
- 语音和图像识别

人工智能习题作业神经计算I习题答案第五章神经网络课后习题及答案一、选择题:1. 在BP算法中,设y=f(xi)为xi的平滑函数,想知道xi对y增大变化的情况,我们可求,然后进行下列的哪一项?( B )A 取最小B 取最大C 取积分D 取平均值2. 对于反向传播学习,无论是在识别单个概念的学习或识别两个概念的学习中,都涉及到下列的哪一个操作?( A )A 权值的修正B 调整语义结构C 调整阀值D 重构人工神经元3. 根据Hopfield网络学习的特点,能实现联想记忆和执行线性和非线性规划等求解问题其应用没有涉及到下列的哪一个内容?( D )A 模糊推理模型B 非线性辨认C 自适应控制模型D 图象识别4. 对于神经网络的二级推理产生式规则由三个层次构成,它不含下列的哪一个层次?( C )A 输入层B 输出层C 中间层D 隐层5. 人工神经网络借用了生理神经元功能的一些描述方式,它涉及到下列的哪一些内容?( ABC )A 模拟神经元B 处理单元为节点C 加权有向图D 生理神经元连接而成6. 在应用和研究中采用的神经网络模型有许多种,下列的哪一些是具有代表性的?( ABD )A 反向传递(BP)B Hopfield网C 自适应共振D 双向联想存储器7. 下列的哪一些内容与反向传播学习算法有关?( ABCD )A 选取比率参数B 误差是否满足要求C 计算权值梯度D 权值学习修正8. 构造初始网络后,要用某种学习算法调整它的权值矩阵,使NN在功能上满足样例集给定的输入一输出对应关系,并由此产生推理,该矩阵必须满足下列的哪一个性质? ( A )A 收敛性B 对称性C 满秩性D 稀疏性9. 在人工神经元的功能描述中,往往会用一激发函数来表示输出,常用的一般非线性函数有下列的哪一些项? ( ABD )A 阀值型B 分段线性强饱和型C 离散型D S i gm oid型10. 基于神经网络的推理,其应用中必须涉及到下列的哪一些内容?( ACD )A NN的结构模型B NN的推理规则C NN的学习算法D 从NN到可解释的推理网二、填空题:1. 前馈网络是一种具有很强学习能力的系统,结构简单,易于编程。

第九章 人工神经网络9.1答:(1)误差纠正学习;∆wkj = ηek(n)xj(n);yk (n )为输入xk (n )时,神经元k 在n 时刻的实际输出,dk (n )表示应有的输出(可由训练样本给出);其中η为学习步长,这就是通常所说的误差纠正学习规则(或称delta 学习规则)。
(2)Hebb 学习;∆wkj(n) = F(yk(n),xj(n));当某一突触(连接)两端的神经元同步激活(同为激活或同为抑制)时,该连接的强度应为增强,反之应减弱;由于Δwkj 与yk (n ),xj (n )的相关成比例,有时称为相关学习规则。
(3)竞争(Competitive )学习;若神经元j 竞争获胜 若神经元j 竞争失败;在竞争学习时,网络各输出单元互相竞争,最后达到只有一个最强者激活,最常见的一种情况是输出神经元之间有侧向抑制性连接,这样原来输出单元中如有某一单元较强,则它将获胜并抑制其它单元,最后只有此强者处于激活状态。
9.2答:略9.3答:B-P 算法的学习过程如下:(1)选择一组训练样例,每一个样例由输入信息和期望的输出结果两部分组成。
()⎩⎨⎧-=∆,0,ji i ji w x w η文件头:#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <math.h>#include "UTLab.h"//BP神经网络#define n1 7 //输入节点数#define n2 11 //中间层节点个数#define n3 5 //输出节点数#define m 400 //学习次数void initialization(){}float bpnet(float tension, float inthick,float outthick, float meng, float tan,float ping,float tu) {float in1[n1];float out1[n2];float out2[n3];float w1[n2][n1];float w2[n3][n2];float a1[n2];float a2[n3];float t[n3];float df1[n2];float df2[n3];float s2[n3];float s1[n2];float w[n2][n3];float z[n2][n3];float a=0.5;int i=0;int j=0;int k=0;int n=0;in1[1]=tension;in1[2]=inthick;in1[3]=outthick;in1[4]=meng;in1[5]=tan;in1[6]=ping;in1[7]=tu;initialization();for(n=1;n<=m;k++){for(i=1;i<=n2;i++){for(j=1;j<=n1;j++){a1[j]=a1[j]+w1[i][j]*in1[j];out1[j]=sigmoid(a1[j]);}}for(i=1;i<=n3;i++){for(j=1;j<=n2;j++){a2[j]=a2[j]+w2[i][j]文件尾:*in1[j];out2[j]=a2[j];}}for(i=1;i<=n3;i++){ //计算敏感度,更新权值df2[i]=1;s2[i]=-2*(t[i]-out2[i]);for(j=1;j<=n2;j++){w2[i][j]=w2[i][j]+a*out1[j];}}for(i=1;i<=n3;i++){for(j=1;j<=n2;j++){w[j][i]=w2[i][j];}}for(j=1;j<=n2;j++){df1[j]=(1-out1[j])*out1[j];s1[j]=0;for(i=1;i<=n3;i++){z[j][i]=df1[j]*w[j][i];s1[j]=s1[j]+z[j][i]*s2[i];}}for(j=1;j<=n2;j++){for(k=1;k<=n1;k++){w1[j][k]=w1[j][k]+a*s1[j]*in1[k];}}}return out2[n3];}void main(){}9.4答:略9.5答:Hopfield网络是一个单层回归自联想记忆网络。

例如,美国神经网络学家Hecht Nielsen关于人工神经网络的定义是:“人工神经网络是由多个非常简单的处理单元彼此按照某种方式相互连接形成的计算机系统,该系统是靠其状态对外部输入信息的动态响应来处理信息的”。
2.人工神经网络研究处于低潮的原因是什么?重新兴起的动因是什么?处于低潮的原因:1969年,美国著名人工智能学者M. Minsky和S. Papert出版的《感知机》(Perception)一书指出,简单的人工神经网络只能用于线性问题求解,能够求解非线性问题的人工神经网络应该具有中间层,但是在理论上还不能证明将感知机模型扩展到多层网络是有意义的。
3.人工神经网络的特点是什么?人工神经网络擅长解决哪类问题?特点:(1) 固有的并行结构和并行处理特性;(2) 知识的分布存储特性;(3) 良好的容错特性;(4) 高度非线性及计算的非精确性;(5) 自学习、自组织和自适应性。

1. 问答题:什么是人工神经网络?有什么特点,适合于解决什么类型的问题?
2. 问答题:联接主义观点所基于的假说是什么?它在什么层面上如何实现对人类智能的模拟?
3. 计算题 :P21 第7题
如图1-16所示,神经元i 有4个输入,分别为5,-10,6和-4,对应的权值分别为0.6、0.8、-1.5和-0.8,偏差为0.5。
试求激励函数()⋅f 分别为阈值函数、分段函数和Sigmoid 函数时,神经元i 的输出i y 。
.10)8.0()4()5.1(68.0)10(6.05-=-⨯-+-⨯+⨯-+⨯==∑j j ij i x w u i i b u v
阈值函数:()0)3.10(=-==f v f y i
分段函数:()1)3.10(-=-==f v f y i
Sigmoid 函数:()1817.0)3.10tanh(-=-==v f y i。

人工神经网络及应用智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年下长安大学长安大学第一章测试1.Synapse is the place where neurons connect in function. It is composed ofpresynaptic membrane, synaptic space and postsynaptic membrane.()A:对 B:错答案:对2.Biological neurons can be divided into sensory neurons, motor neurons and()according to their functions.A:multipolar neurons B:interneuronsC:Pseudo unipolar neural networks D:bipolar neurons答案:interneurons3.Neurons and glial cells are the two major parts of the nervous system. ()A:错 B:对答案:对4.Neurons are highly polarized cells, which are mainly composed of two parts:the cell body and the synapse. ()A:错 B:对答案:对5.The human brain is an important part of the nervous system, which containsmore than 86 billion neurons. It is the central information processingorganization of human beings. ()A:对 B:错答案:对第二章测试1.In 1989, Mead, the father of VLSI, published his monograph "( )", in which agenetic neural network model based on evolutionary system theory wasproposed.A:Learning MachinesB:Journal Neural NetworksC:Analog VLSI and Neural SystemsD:Perceptrons: An Introduction to Computational Geometry答案:Analog VLSI and Neural Systems2.In 1989, Yann Lecun proposed convolutional neural network and applied itto image processing, which should be the earliest application field of deeplearning algorithm. ()A:对 B:错答案:对3.In 1954, Eccles, a neurophysiologist at the University of Melbourne,summarized the principle of Dale, a British physiologist, that "each neuronsecretes only one kind of transmitter ".()A:错 B:对答案:对4.In 1972, Professor Kohonen of Finland proposed a self-organizing featuremap (SOFM) neural network model. ()A:对 B:错答案:对5.Prediction and evaluation is an activity of scientific calculation andevaluation of some characteristics and development status of things orevents in the future according to the known information of objective objects.()A:对 B:错答案:对第三章测试1.The function of transfer function in neurons is to get a new mapping outputof summer according to the specified function relationship, and thencompletes the training of artificial neural network. ()A:对 B:错答案:对2.The determinant changes sign when two rows (or two columns) areexchanged. The value of determinant is zero when two rows (or two columns) are same. ()A:对 B:错答案:对3.There are two kinds of phenomena in the objective world. The first is thephenomenon that will happen under certain conditions, which is calledinevitable phenomenon. The second kind is the phenomenon that may ormay not happen under certain conditions, which is called randomphenomenon. ()A:错 B:对答案:对4.Logarithmic S-type transfer function, namely Sigmoid function, is also calledS-shaped growth curve in biology. ()A:错 B:对答案:对5.Rectified linear unit (ReLU), similar to the slope function in mathematics, isthe most commonly used transfer function of artificial neural network. ()A:错 B:对答案:对第四章测试1.The perceptron learning algorithm is driven by misclassification, so thestochastic gradient descent method is used to optimize the loss function. ()A:misclassification B:maximum C:minimumD:correct答案:misclassification2.Perceptron is a single-layer neural network, or neuron, which is the smallestunit of neural network. ()A:错 B:对答案:对3.When the perceptron is learning, each sample will be input into the neuronas a stimulus. The input signal is the feature of each sample, and the expected output is the category of the sample. When the output is different from the category, we can adjust the synaptic weight and bias value until the output of each sample is the same as the category. ()A:对 B:错答案:对4.If the symmetric hard limit function is selected for the transfer function, theoutput can be expressed as . If the inner product of the row vector and the input vector in the weight matrix is greater than or equal to -b, the output is 1, otherwise the output is -1. ()A:错 B:对答案:对5.The basic idea of perceptron learning algorithm is to input samples into thenetwork step by step, and adjust the weight matrix of the network according to the difference between the output result and the ideal output, that is tosolve the optimization problem of loss function L(w,b). ()A:错 B:对答案:对第五章测试1.The output of BP neural network is ()of neural network.A:the output of the last layer B:the input of the last layerC:the output of the second layer D:the input of the second layer答案:the output of the last layer2.BP neural network has become one of the most representative algorithms inthe field of artificial intelligence. It has been widely used in signal processing, pattern recognition, machine control (expert system, data compression) and other fields. ()A:对 B:错答案:对3.In 1974, Paul Werbos of the natural science foundation of the United Statesfirst proposed the use of error back propagation algorithm to train artificialneural networks in his doctoral dissertation of Harvard University, anddeeply analyzed the possibility of applying it to neural networks, effectivelysolving the XOR loop problem that single sensor cannot handle. ()A:对 B:错答案:对4.In the standard BP neural network algorithm and momentum BP algorithm,the learning rate is a constant that remains constant throughout the training process, and the performance of the learning algorithm is very sensitive tothe selection of the learning rate. ()答案:对5.L-M algorithm is mainly proposed for super large scale neural network, andit is very effective in practical application. ()A:对 B:错答案:错第六章测试1.RBF neural network is a novel and effective feedforward neural network,which has the best local approximation and global optimal performance. ()A:对 B:错答案:对2.At present, RBF neural network has been successfully applied in nonlinearfunction approximation, time series analysis, data classification, patternrecognition, information processing, image processing, system modeling,control and fault diagnosis. ()A:对 B:错答案:对3.The basic idea of RBF neural network is to use radial basis function as the"basis" of hidden layer hidden unit to form hidden layer space, and hiddenlayer transforms input vector. The input data transformation of lowdimensional space is mapped into high-dimensional space, so that theproblem of linear separability in low-dimensional space can be realized inhigh-dimensional space. ()答案:对4.For the learning algorithm of RBF neural network, the key problem is todetermine the center parameters of the output layer node reasonably. ()A:对 B:错答案:错5.The method of selecting the center of RBF neural network by self-organizinglearning is to select the center of RBF neural network by k-means clustering method, which belongs to supervised learning method. ()A:错 B:对答案:错第七章测试1.In terms of algorithm, ADALINE neural network adopts W-H learning rule,also known as the least mean square (LMS) algorithm. It is developed fromthe perceptron algorithm, and its convergence speed and accuracy have been greatly improved. ()A:错 B:对答案:对2.ADALINE neural network has simple structure and multi-layer structure. It isflexible in practical application and widely used in signal processing, system identification, pattern recognition and intelligent control. ()A:对 B:错答案:对3.When there are multiple ADALINE in the network, the adaptive linear neuralnetwork is also called Madaline which means many Adaline neural networks.()A:对 B:错答案:对4.The algorithm used in single-layer ADALINE network is LMS algorithm,which is similar to the algorithm of perceptron, and also belongs tosupervised learning algorithm. ()A:对 B:错答案:对5.In practical application, the inverse of the correlation matrix and thecorrelation coefficient are not easy to obtain, so the approximate steepestdescent method is needed in the algorithm design. The core idea is that theactual mean square error of the network is replaced by the mean squareerror of the k-th iteration.()A:错 B:对答案:对第八章测试1.Hopfield neural network is a kind of neural network which combines storagesystem and binary system. It not only provides a model to simulate humanmemory, but also guarantees the convergence to ().A:local minimum B:local maximumC:minimumD:maximum答案:local minimum2.At present, researchers have successfully applied Hopfield neural network tosolve the traveling salesman problem (TSP), which is the most representative of optimization combinatorial problems. ()A:错 B:对答案:对3.In 1982, American scientist John Joseph Hopfield put forward a kind offeedback neural network "Hopfield neural network" in his paper NeuralNetworks and Physical Systems with Emergent Collective ComputationalAbilities. ()A:对 B:错答案:对4.Under the excitation of input x, DHNN enters a dynamic change process, untilthe state of each neuron is no longer changed, it reaches a stable state. This process is equivalent to the process of network learning and memory, and the final output of the network is the value of each neuron in the stable state.()A:错 B:对答案:对5.The order in which neurons adjust their states is not unique. It can beconsidered that a certain order can be specified or selected randomly. The process of neuron state adjustment includes three situations: from 0 to 1, and1 to 0 and unchanged. ()A:错 B:对答案:对第九章测试pared with GPU, CPU has higher processing speed, and has significantadvantages in processing repetitive tasks. ()A:对 B:错答案:错2.At present, DCNN has become one of the core algorithms in the field of imagerecognition, but it is unstable when there is a small amount of learning data.()A:对 B:错答案:错3.In the field of target detection and classification, the task of the last layer ofneural network is to classify. ()A:对 B:错答案:对4.In AlexNet, there are 650000 neurons with more than 600000 parametersdistributed in five convolution layers and three fully connected layers andSoftmax layers with 1000 categories. ()A:对 B:错答案:错5.VGGNet is composed of two parts: the convolution layer and the fullconnection layer, which can be regarded as the deepened version of AlexNet.()A:错 B:对答案:对第十章测试1.The essence of the optimization process of D and G is to find the().A:maximum B:minimax C:local maximaD:minimum答案:minimax2.In the artificial neural network, the quality of modeling will directly affect theperformance of the generative model, but a small amount of prior knowledge is needed for the actual case modeling.()A:对 B:错答案:错3. A GAN mainly includes a generator G and a discriminator D. ()A:对 B:错答案:对4.Because the generative adversarial network does not need to distinguish thelower bound and approximate inference, it avoids the partition functioncalculation problem caused by the traditional repeated application of Markov chain learning mechanism, and improves the network efficiency. ()A:对 B:错答案:对5.From the perspective of artificial intelligence, GAN uses neural network toguide neural network, and the idea is very strange. ()A:对 B:错答案:对第十一章测试1.The characteristic of Elman neural network is that the output of the hiddenlayer is delayed and stored by the feedback layer, and the feedback isconnected to the input of the hidden layer, which has the function ofinformation storage. ()A:对 B:错答案:对2.In Elman network, the transfer function of feedback layer is nonlinearfunction, and the transfer function of output layer islinear function.()A:对 B:错答案:对3.The feedback layer is used to memorize the output value of the previous timeof the hidden layer unit and return it to the input. Therefore, Elman neuralnetwork has dynamic memory function.()A:对 B:错答案:对4.The neurons in the hidden layer of Elman network adopt the tangent S-typetransfer function, while the output layer adopts the linear transfer function. If there are enough neurons in the feedback layer, the combination of thesetransfer functions can make Elman neural network approach any functionwith arbitrary precision in finite time.()A:对 B:错答案:对5.Elman neural network is a kind of dynamic recurrent network, which can bedivided into full feedback and partial feedback. In the partial recurrentnetwork, the feedforward connection weight can be modified, and thefeedback connection is composed of a group of feedback units, and theconnection weight cannot be modified. ()A:错 B:对答案:对第十二章测试1.The loss function of AdaBoost algorithm is().A:exponential functionB:nonlinear function C:linear functionD:logarithmic function答案:exponential function2.Boosting algorithm is the general name of a class of algorithms. Theircommon ground is to construct a strong classifier by using a group of weakclassifiers. Weak classifier mainly refers to the classifier whose predictionaccuracy is not high and far below the ideal classification effect. Strongclassifier mainly refers to the classifier with high prediction accuracy. ()A:错 B:对答案:对3.Among the many improved boosting algorithms, the most successful one isthe AdaBoost (adaptive boosting) algorithm proposed by Yoav Freund ofUniversity of California San Diego and Robert Schapire of PrincetonUniversity in 1996. ()A:错 B:对答案:对4.The most basic property of AdaBoost is that it reduces the training errorcontinuously in the learning process, that is, the classification error rate onthe training data set until each weak classifier is combined into the final ideal classifier. ()A:错 B:对答案:对5.The main purpose of adding regularization term into the formula ofcalculating strong classifier is to prevent the over fitting of AdaBoostalgorithm, which is usually called step size in algorithm. ()A:错 B:对答案:对第十三章测试1.The core layer of SOFM neural network is().A:input layer B:hidden layerC:output layer D:competition layer答案:competition layer2.In order to divide the input patterns into several classes, the distancebetween input pattern vectors should be measured according to thesimilarity. ()are usually used.A:Euclidean distance method B:Cosine methodC:Sine method D:Euclidean distance method and cosine method答案:Euclidean distance method and cosine method3.SOFM neural networks are different from other artificial neural networks inthat they adopt competitive learning rather than backward propagationerror correction learning method similar to gradient descent, and in a sense, they use neighborhood functions to preserve topological properties of input space. ()A:对 B:错答案:对4.For SOFM neural network, the competitive transfer function (CTF) responseis 0 for the winning neurons, and 1 for other neurons.()A:错 B:对答案:错5.When the input pattern to the network does not belong to any pattern in thenetwork training samples, SOFM neural network can only classify it into the closest mode. ()A:对 B:错答案:对第十四章测试1.The neural network toolbox contains()module libraries.A:three B:sixC:five D:four答案:five2.The "netprod" in the network input module can be used for().A:dot multiplication B:dot divisionC:addition or subtractionD:dot multiplication or dot division答案:dot multiplication or dot division3.The "dotrod" in the weight setting module is a normal dot product weightfunction.()A:错 B:对答案:错4.The mathematical model of single neuron is y=f(wx+b).()A:错 B:对答案:对5.The neuron model can be divided into three parts: input module, transferfunction and output module. ()A:对 B:错答案:对第十五章测试1.In large-scale system software design, we need to consider the logicalstructure and physical structure of software architecture. ()A:对 B:错答案:对2.The menu property bar has "label" and "tag". The label is equivalent to thetag value of the menu item, and the tag is the name of the menu display.()A:对 B:错答案:错3.It is necessary to determine the structure and parameters of the neuralnetwork, including the number of hidden layers, the number of neurons inthe hidden layer and the training function.()A:对 B:错答案:对4.The description of the property "tooltipstring" is the prompt that appearswhen the mouse is over the object. ()A:对 B:错答案:对5.The description of the property "string" is: the text displayed on the object.()A:错 B:对答案:对第十六章测试1.The description of the parameter "validator" of the wx.TextCtrl class is: the().A:size of controlB:style of control C:validator of controlD:position of control答案:validator of control2.The description of the parameter "defaultDir" of class wx.FileDialog is: ().A:open the file B:default file nameC:default path D:save the file答案:default path3.In the design of artificial neural network software based on wxPython,creating GUI means building a framework in which various controls can beadded to complete the design of software functions. ()A:对 B:错答案:对4.When the window event occurs, the main event loop will respond and assignthe appropriate event handler to the window event. ()A:对 B:错答案:对5.From the user's point of view, the wxPython program is idle for a large partof the time, but when the user or the internal action of the system causes the event, and then the event will drive the wxPython program to produce the corresponding action.()A:对 B:错答案:对。

一 简述人工神经网络常用的网络结构和学习方法。
(10分)答:1、人工神经网络常用的网络结构有三种分别是:BP 神经网络、RBF 神经网络、Kohonen 神经网络、ART 神经网络以及Hopfield 神经网络。
2、学习方法分类:⑴.Hebb 学习规则:纯前馈网络、无导师学习。
⑵.Perceptron 学习规则:感知器学习规则,它的学习信号等于神经元期望输出与实际输出的差。
⑷.LMS 学习规则:最小均放规则。
⑸.Correlation 学习规则:相关学习规则,他是Hebb 学习规则的一种特殊情况,但是相关学习规则是有师学习。
⑹.Winner-Take-All 学习规则:竞争学习规则用于有师学习中定义的连续转移函数。
⑺.Outstar 学习规则:只适用于有师学习中定义的连续转移函数。
2.试推导三层前馈网络BP 算法权值修改公式,并用BP 算法学习如下函数:21212221213532)(x x x x x x x x f -+-+=,其中:551≤≤-x ,552≤≤-x 。
基本步骤如下:(1)在输入空间]5,5[1-∈x 、]5,5[2-∈x 上按照均匀分布选取N 个点(自行定义),计算)(21x x f ,的实际值,并由此组成网络的样本集;(2)构造多层前向网络结构,用BP 算法和样本集训练网络,使网络误差小于某个很小的正数ε;(3)在输入空间上随机选取M 个点(N M >,最好为非样本点),用学习后的网络计算这些点的实际输出值,并与这些点的理想输出值比较,绘制误差曲面;(4)说明不同的N 、ε值对网络学习效果的影响。
