
❖ The EEC’s Common Agricultural Policy is a dinosaur which is adding £13.50 a week to the food bill of the average British family.
❖ 译文1:欧洲经济共同体的农业共同政策早已不 合时宜了,它要使英国家庭平均每周在食品开销 上多支出13.50英镑。
❖ 译文2:国际商务是管理培训的一个领域,讨论/ 涉及跨国商务活动的特性。
❖ OALD7:take or have sth as a subject; discuss sth 以某事物作为内容; 讨论 某事物: The next chapter deals with verbs. 下一章讨论动词. * I'll deal with decimals in the next lesson. 下一堂课我要讲小数.
❖ 译文:难怪各跨国公司一直都在以人的速度发展 着,这些跨国公司现在主宰着整个国际市场的许 多领域。
❖ Equally important are concerns about the growing protectionism. The United States and European Union are becoming more assertive in holding China to account over its World Trade Organization obligations.
第七单元 词义引申翻译法
❖一.逻辑引申 ❖二.语用引申 ❖三.修辞性引申 ❖四.词义概念范围调整

教学准备:1. 教材:商务英语教程(第二版)Unit 10。
教学流程:Step 1:导入1.向学生介绍电子商务的定义,即利用电子通信和数字技术进行商务操作。
Step 2:词汇和短语讲解2.解释这些词汇和短语的意义和用法,并与学生一起进行口头练习。
Step 3:电子商务的规模和发展1.展示有关电子商务的统计数据和数字(例如全球电子商务销售额等)。
2. 讨论电子商务的不同形式和业务模式,例如B2B(Business-to-Business),B2C(Business-to-Consumer)等。
Step 4:电子商务的优点和缺点1.分组讨论:请学生分成小组,讨论电子商务的优点和缺点,并对其进行总结。
Step 5:电子商务对传统实体店的影响1.讨论电子商务对传统实体店的影响,例如线上销售对线下零售商的冲击。
Step 6:电子商务的业务模式和应用1. 展示电子商务的各种业务模式,如C2C(Consumer-to-Consumer),dropshipping,affiliate marketing等。
Step 7:电子商务在不同行业中的应用1.引导学生探讨电子商务在不同行业中的应用,如零售业,旅游业,金融业等。

译文二:贵方应注意的是,索赔必须在合同规定的有效期限内 (通常在货物达到目的地之后的三十日内)提出。
We sincerely hope that you can do something to advance our time of shipment, since time of delivery is very important to us.
译文一:既然我方没有收到你方的电子邮件,我方理所当然地认 为你方已经取了货物。
译文二:由于我方没有收到贵方的电子邮件,因此会理所当然地 认为你方已经取了货物。
The question is whether the goods are to be repacked at Bangkok since the charges for special packing are excluded from our price.
What you should pay attention to is that claim must be made within the term of validity stipulated in the contract (generally within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at the present).
option, message, etc.
news, suggestion
indication, information

❖ The decline in exports, which have been a driving force of the nation’s economic growth, is a major concern.
❖ 译文:计算机使人类的能力有可能产生巨大的飞 跃;它拓展了人类从事实践工作甚至理论工作的 智慧。
❖ As the goods you required are in short supply, we intend to furnish you with our commodity as a substitute, which is of good quality and very close to your specifications but will be offered a at a more favorable (price).
❖ 译文1:当一个国家对于某一特定商品没有足够 的量来满足其需要时,就需要有国家贸易。
❖ 译文2:当一国的某一特定商品没有足够的量来 满足其需要时,就产生国际贸易。
❖ Exports and imports of goods between nations with different units of money introduce a new economic factor, the foreign exchange rate, which gives the price of the foreigners’ unit of money in terms of one’s own.
❖ 译文:由于你方所需的产口供应不足,我们打算 提供替代品,其质量与你方指定产品非常接近, 而且价格更优。

❖ 例11:This contract shall be valid on and from the first day of November,2006,and any of the articles in this contract shall not be changed and amended unless by mutual written consent.
❖ 译文1:没有双方签署的补充的书面协议,本
协议中的任何条款或任何条件均不可以被放 弃或被修正。
❖ 译文2:没有双方签署的补充的书面协议作为 依据,本协议中的任何条款或任何条件均不
❖ 例8:The present contract has been signed by representatives of both firms and it is hoped that the shortest delivery time can be guaranteed.
❖ 1、助动词be+动词过去分词 ❖ 2、get+动词的过去分词 ❖ He’s said/believed/reported to be in the U. S.

所谓“语序转换翻译法”,就是指在翻 译过程中,将原文中的自然语序向目 的语当中的倒装语序进行转换,或者 将原文中的倒装语序向目的语当中的 自然语序进行转换。。
Should the Sellers fail to effect delivery on time as stipulated in this Contract owing to causes other than Force Majeure as provided for in Clause V of the Contract , the Buyers shall have the right to cancel the relative quantity of the Contract.
若因本合同第五款所规定的不可抗力因素之外的 其他原因,卖方未能及时按照本合同要求及时交 货,则买方有权取消本合同中的相应数额。
若因本合同第五款所规定的不可抗力因素之外的 其他原因,卖方未能及时按照本合同要求准时交 货,则买方有权取消本合同中的相应数额。
经济圈和金融界越来越相信,如果已经有了单一 货币的话,欧盟就能更成功地抵御因经济衰退带 来的影响。为了这个目标,欧元区的成员也必须 致力于更高程度的经济共通性。
经济圈和金融界越来越相信,如果存在单一货 币的话,欧盟就能更成功地抵御经济衰退。为 了这个目标,欧元区成员也必须在实现经济共 通性上取得重大进展。
然而,显而易见的是,成百上千万从不认为自己 是违法人员,更不用说是犯罪的美国人,对于旨 在保护和养育他们社会的法律条款,却越来越肆 意妄为地进行曲解,这真令人心痛。
然而,显而易见的是,成千上万的美国人从不认 为自己有违法行为,更别说变成罪犯了,他们对 旨在保护和发展社会的法律条款,态度越来越放 肆,这实在让人难受。

The retailer performs many functions. First, he may provide a convenient location. Also, he often guaranteesand services the merchandise he sells. Third, the retaileraids in promoting the product, often through displays and advertising. Fourth, the retailer may finance the customerby extending credit. Further, the retailer performs storagefunction in his outlet, by having goods available.译文:零售商发挥多重作用。
Business file: The magic of the merger业务档案:并购的魔力(1) 1998 was undoubtedly the year of the merger. (2)More companies than ever before joined together in dealsthat totaled $2.25 trillion and created the world’s largest ever bank and the world’s biggest oil company. (3) Facedwith plummeting oil prices, oil giants Exxon and Mobilesought to achieve economies of scale through a $250 billion merger.(1)毫无疑问,1998年可称得上并购之年。

1、把握商务信函文体风格:正式、严谨、洗 练、语气礼貌委婉
2、内容的准确性 3、形式的规范性:措辞、语气、句式的选择
3. 例子
If your confirmation arrives before May 1, you can see personally the excellence of the two dozen light blue bed sheets as well as that of your other orders.
感谢你方对我方生产的不锈钢刀具感兴趣, 但非常遗憾地告诉你们,由于我们手中已 有很多订单,厂家任务非常繁重,今年再 无货可供。
Owing to the heavy commitments of our manufactures, we regret to say that we are not in a position to meet your requirements for the time being in this respect.
我们乐于向贵方介绍自己,我们是专门从 事各种编织服装的专业公司,愿与贵方建 立互利的业务关系。
We are aware of your fine reputation in manufacturing kitchen utilities and would appreciate your sending us particulars of your current lines, wholesale prices, and discounts for volume purchases.
由于我方厂商不堪负重地承约,我方很遗 憾地告知:眼下在这方面无法满足你方要 求

❖ Change the way you see the world (Sony) ❖ 译文1:看世界,新视界
❖ Innovation is Gillette. (剃须刀) ❖ 译文1:创新即吉列 ❖ 译文2:要创新,找吉列 ❖ 译文3:无限创意,尽在吉列
❖ Make your every hello a real good-buy (Homonymy ❖ 译文1:每次问候都不忘该电话的物有所值 ❖ 译文2:让每一声问候都物有所值。
❖ We take the world’s greatest pictures. (NIKON ) ❖ 译文1:世界顶级照片,出自我们的相机。 ❖ 译文2:天下美景,尽在尼康。
❖ Small. Smart. Smile
❖ Pentax: See the difference ❖ 译文1: ❖ 小巧。潇洒。笑哈哈 ❖ 宾得相机:见证奇迹,不同视界 ❖ 译文2: ❖ 小巧 灵便 微笑
❖ Special purchase, too good to miss. ❖ 特价购买,机会不再来。
❖ No problem too large, no business too small
❖ 译文1:从不出太大的问题,从不经营太小的生意。 ❖ 译文2:没有解决不了的大问题,没有不做的小生意
❖ Now renting a car is as easy as signing your name.
❖ 译文1:眼下租车易,易于登个记。 ❖ 译文2:留下您大名,车子租给您

译文二:由于我方向来准时收到贵方的付款,可就本次6月30日 的报表,我方既未收到汇款,也未收到任何报告,因此深感不解。
译文三:向来准时付款,但此次例外。督促尽快付款 。
译文一:我要报告给总统我的结论,即为了我们两国人民的利 益,为了全人类的福祉,我们双方一定同舟共济。
译文二:我要向总统报告我的结论,即为了两国人民的利 益,为了全人类的福祉,我们双方一定同舟共济。
The development of a market economy is possible only when there is a free movement of people, goods and capital.
English-Chinese Translation for
International Business 商务英语翻译
一 课前笔译
The Bank of Japan has begun studying the possibility of extending the period for repurchasing government bonds, a system under which it purchases government bonds from financial institutions on condition that they would be repurchased by the financial institutions after a certain period.
日本央行已经开始研究延长回购政府债券期限的可能性。回购政 府债券已经形成一种制度。在此制度下,日本央行从金融机构购买 政府债券,但前提是,这些债券在经过一段时间之后将由金融机构 进行回购。

• 人们关注的焦点在于网上银行服务是否能够校验新存款人的身份、保 证客户能够安全地交易。
• This consideration decided our invitation to the mayor for the first China National Stone Products Fair (P77).
• economy: the system by which a country’s money and goods are produced and used, or a country considered in this way
• firm • practice • manufacturer • business
• 该公司运行稳健,其秘密就在于其整体生产体系,即从初期的开发和 设计一直到采购和生产等,都非常卓越。
• 该公司运营稳健,秘诀在于整个生产系统从初始阶段的开发设计一直 到采购生产,每个环节都非常出色。
• A sense of restlessness and hopelessness still prevails among nonmanufacturers, small and midsize firms and regional economies (P79).
• 该公司的工会及其业务伙伴提出了反对意见,这成为签订协议的障碍。 • 该公司的工会和商业合作伙伴提出了反对意见,这成为签订协议的障
• The dollar’s accelerated depreciation could hurt not only the Japanese economy, but the global economy as a whole (P77).

Unit One (1)ContentText: The Nature of BusinessTeaching Aim1. Learn something about basic concept of business.2. Talk something about business.Important Pointsprehend the meaning of the article.2. Get familiar with the key words or phrases:Production生产, manufacture大量制造, service, 服务merchandise买卖, trade贸易, land土地, labor劳动, capital资本, distribute分发,entrepreneurship企业家素质, accomplish完成, perform表演,实行,go bankrupt破产, creditor债权人, venture(有风险的)工作项目,profit利润;relate---to/with将---联系起来, be extracted---from从---中提取,be responsible for对---负责, make---of value使某物更有价值,look for寻找,decide on做出决定,up to 直到,refer to, 提到,涉及,pay for为---而付钱, distribute---to/among在---中分发,分销,分配。
. Difficult Points1.Talk about some words, phrases or expressions about business;2.There are many new words in the text;3.Translate some difficult sentences of the text.Teaching Methods1. Discussing some terms about business;2. Repeating and translating the new words;3. Explaining the text and making some examples.Teacher’ Book Page2---7; Page 24.Procedure1. Warm-up;2. The first part (Paragraph 1—6 ) of the text: new words---text---questions;3. The second part (Paragraph 7—9 ) of the text: new words--- text---questions;4. Sum up and order homework.Homework1. On Exercise-Book: Copy some new words about one page tidily;2. Read the new words correctly and read the text repeatedly;3. Do the exercises: No. II.1---5 and No. III.1---10, on Page 8-10, Textbook. Time 90 minutesPart One: 15 minutesPage 2: Warming-up1.Work with your group and think out as many words, phrases or expressionsas possible about business.(Teacher’s Book: Page 24)People or Organizations Engaged in Business:Company, firm, enterprise, joint-venture, corporation, individual company, collective factory, private company, conglomerate集团企业,manager, merchant, salesman, businessman;Places to Conduct Business Activities:Market, department store, supermarket, stock exchange, hotel, restaurant, bank;Other Terms Frequently Used in Business Operation:Sell, buy, goods, order, profit, interest, invoice, check, bill, consumer, customer2. Pairwork:1) Are you interested in business? Why or not?2) What activities do you think can be labeled as business activities?3) Have you ever been involved in any business activities before?4) What do you think is important for success in today’s business world?(Teacher’s Book: Page 24)Good management, adequate planning, sufficient financial resources, healthy cash flow, controlled spending and the ability to collect money owing, effective marketing, a good product and service.Part Two: 15 minutesPage 5: New words No.1-17 to the first 6 paragraphs of the Text1. Divide the words in two groups: No.1-10; No.11-17;2. Lead the students to spell the words one by one;3. Repeat the words and play translating game;4. Mark the words in the three paragraphs and recognize them.Part Three: 30 minutesPage 2: Translate and understand the first 6 paragraphs of the Text1.Read the first 6 paragraphs silently and pay attention to the difficult points;2.Translate each sentence into Chinese and mark some language points:3. Review by reading each paragraph twice;4. Review by asking some questions: some from No. I, Page 81) What does “business” mean in the text?The key comes from Paragraph 1:It means the human activity related to material things. It’s necessary for civilization. And it is found in all societies, even the simplest ones. It’s the activity of producing and distributing goods and services.2) What are the four basic factors of production?The key comes from Paragraph 2:They are land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship.3) What does the term “land” in this text refer?The key comes from Paragraph 3:Here, the term land is used most general way. It refers not only to a piece of real estate where we might build a factory, but it also means all the raw materials used for production.Some materials are on the earth’s surface, and some are under the surface. And some raw materials may be extracted from the air. All of the raw materials for production comes from the land, the air, and the oceans.4) What does the term “labor” refer to in this passage?The key comes from Paragraph 4:It refers to the use of mental or physical work to produce goods. Most labor changes raw materials into finished products and then distributes these to buyers.5) What is the general meaning of “capital” in everyday language?The key comes from Paragraph 6:It means several things. The most general meaning is wealth or money.6)What does the term “capital” refer to according to this passage?The key comes from Paragraph 6:But it also refers to the equipment that money purchases. It’s all the things that workers use in production and distribution. It refers anything that helps to produce and distribute goods.5. Read the first 6 paragraphs together to review.Part Four: 10 minutesPage 6: New words No.18-32 to the rest 3 paragraphs of the Text1. Divide the words in two groups: No.18-28; No.29-32 with the 9 phrases;2. Lead the students to spell the words one by one;3. Repeat the words and play translating game;4. Mark the words in the paragraphs and recognize them.Part Five: 15 minutesPage 3: Translate and understand the rest three paragraphs of the Text1.Read the paragraphs silently one by one and know what are your difficultpoints;2.Translate each sentence into Chinese and mark some language points:3. Review by reading each paragraph twice:4. Review by asking some questions from No. 1, Page 8Questions:7)What is called entrepreneurship?The key comes from Paragraph 7:Putting together land, labor, and capital to make something of value, is called entrepreneurship8)What responsibilities should an entrepreneur take?The key comes from Paragraph 7:The entrepreneur is the person responsible for controlling and directing the other three factors. He is the leader, and the employees follow his direction.9)What kind of problems will a company cause to people when it goes bankrupt?The key comes from Paragraph 9:It means the company becomes unable to pay its debt, it causes problems for many people. It’s hard for the employees who have to seek work elsewhere; the customers must look for another place to buy the products;creditors usually lose some money to the company. But the entrepreneur takes the biggest risk if the business succeeds or fails. He must pay them up to the limit of his ability to pay.10) When will the entrepreneur make a profit and when will he suffer a loss?The key comes from Paragraph 9:If he is skillful and lucky, the money he receives from his business venturewill pay for the land, labor, and capital and there will still be extra money remaining for him. This extra money is the profit. If the money he receives from the business venture is not enough to pay all of the costs, the difference is the loss.5. Read the rest 3 paragraphs together to review.Part Six: 5 minutes1. Sum up the general meaning of the text and review the new words by reading;2. Order homework:1) On Exercise-Book: Copy some new words about one page tidily;2) Read the new words correctly and read the text repeatedly;3) Do the exercises: No. II.1---5 and No. III.1---10, on Page 8-10, Textbook.Unit One (2)Content1.Review the new words and the text, The Nature of Business;2.Do some exercises about the text;3.Self-learning.Teaching Aim1.Read the text and stress on recognizing the new words to review what learntlast class;2.Do the items to review the new words and enlarge students’ vocabulary. Important Points1.Review the text by reading;2. Do exercises to study some key words or phrases exactly.Difficult Points1.Textbook: V.1---10, Page 10---11; Translating sentences2.Textbook: VII. Page 12; Making up sentencesTeaching Methods1.Reading and repeating the new words and text;2.Discussing the items and translate the sentences;3.Self-learning and competing.Teacher’ Book Page8---12; Page24—26.Procedure1.Review new words by translating games ;2.Review the text by reading;3.Do exercises by discussion;4.Self-learn and do some items about grammar;5.Sum up and order homework.Homework1. On Exercise-Book: Copy some new words about one page tidily;2. On Exercise-Book: Rewrite the sentences of VI. 1—6, Page 11;3. Read the text fluently;4. Self-learn more about the texts.Time 90 minutesPart one: 35 minutesTextbook: Page 5--7Review new words by translating games:1.Lead reading the words in three groups;2.Play Translating Game step by step;3.Recognize or translate words quickly;4.Read all words together.Part Two: 10 minutesTextbook: Page 2---5:Review the text by reading.1.Read the text by two parts;2.Self-- reading twice.Part Three: 40 minutesDo some exercises on Page 8---12 by translating and discussing:(Key on Page 24---162, Teacher’s Book:)II.1—5; Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.III.1---9; Complete the following statements with words or expressions you have learned in the text.IV. 1---15; Give the English words for the meanings provided.V. 1---10; Put the following expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary.VI. 1---6; Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined parts with appropriate words or phrases from the text.VII. 1---5. Word Study: For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as is shown in the model.Part Four: 5 minutesSum up and order homework:1. On Exercise-Book: Copy some new words about one page tidily;2. On Exercise-Book: Rewrite the sentences of VI. 1—6, Page 11;3. Read the text fluently;4. Self-learn more about the texts.Unit One (3)ContentExtended Activities: B, C, DTeaching Aim1.B: Practice meeting people and saying Good-bye;2.C: Practice reading timetable;3.D: Enlarge vocabulary.Important Points1.Item B: Practice meeting people and saying Good-bye;2.Item C: Practice reading timetable.Difficult Points1.Oral exercises to complete the dialogues;plete the table with departure or arrival time;3.Answer questions to finish the items.Teaching Methods1.Practice meeting people and saying Good-bye by translating Chinese intoEnglish;2.Discuss and complete the dialogues;3.Self-learn and check together;Teacher’ Book Page26---28Procedure1.Review the new words on Page 5---7 by reading;2.Learn how to greet and say Good-bye by Translating;3.Practice reading timetable by self-learning;4.Get familiar with some names of the world-famous companies ;5.Learn more by oneself.6.Sum up and give homework.Homework1. On Exercise-Book: Copy some new words about one page tidily;2. On Exercise-Book: Copy dialogues of I, II of C;3. Review and read the unit fluently;4. Self-learn more or read E and F.Time 90 minutesPart One: 15 minutesReview the new words on Page 5---7 by reading.Part Two: 20 minutesLearn to greet and say good-bye by Translating:Textbook: B, Page 22---241.Read the examples;2.Translate the sentences into Chinese;3.Translate some Chinese sentences into English orally;plete and read the items:I.1---4II.1---4jPart Three: 20 minutesPractice reading timetable by self-learning:Textbook: C, Page 25---271.Self-learn and do the items I. and II. I—4 orally;2.Translate the menu into Chinese;3.Check the key.Part Four: 20 minutesGet familiar with some names of the famous companies in the world: Textbook: D, Page 26---271.Read by oneself;2.Discuss and check;3.Read the words with the keys.1.—1通用汽车公司2.---7戴姆勒-克莱斯勒公司德3.—2福特汽车公司美4.—12 沃尔玛百货公司美5.---11三井公司日6.---6 伊藤忠商社日7.---18三菱公司日8.---3埃克森公司美9.---4通用电器公司美10.---5丰田汽车公司日11.—14皇家荷兰壳牌集团英/荷12.---17丸红公司日13.---8住友公司日14.---20国际商用机器公司美15.---15AXA公司法16.---13花旗集团美17.---9大众汽车公司德18.---16日本电报电话公司日19.---10 BP阿莫科公司英20.—19日胜公司日Part Five: 10 minutesLearn more by oneself.Part Six: 5 minutesSum up and give homework.1. On Exercise-Book: Copy some new words about one page tidily;2. On Exercise-Book: Copy dialogues of I, II of B;3. Review and read the unit fluently;4. Self-learn more or read E and F.Unit Two (1)ContentText: Marketing and PromotionTeaching Aim1. Learn something about basic concept of marketing;2. Talk something about marketing research, trade fair, launching a new product or advertising campaign.Important Points1. Comprehend the meaning of the text.2. Get familiar with the key words or phrases:Market potential市场潜力, feasibility可行性, feasible/ viable可行的, assess评估,stand摊位, trade fair商品交易会、贸易展销会, exhibit展览, sample样品, prospective customer潜在的顾客, publicity宣传, representative代表,brochure小册子, booklet册子, catalogue目录, press conference新闻发布会,promote提升、推销、促进, range系, model型, display展示, campaign 活动,launch推出, order订单、下订单delivery递送、运送, replacement替换物,spare part备用零件, after-sales service售后服务, component零部件,service (v.) 保养、维修, machinery机器(总称), client委托人;In other words也就是说, hand out分发, make up形成、构成, for short简称,be known as通称为; maintain维持、保养, project工程、项目, fit适合. Difficult Points1.Answer the questions about marketing and promoting orally;2.There are many new words in the text;3.Translate some difficult sentences of the text into English or Chinese. Teaching Methods1. Discussing and summarizing some questions about the text to understand well;2. Repeating and translating the new words to memorize the words;3. Explaining the difficult words or sentences and making some examples. Teacher’ Book Page31---40.Procedure1. Warm-up;2. The first part ( Paragraph 1—2 ) of the text: new words---text---questions;3. The second part ( Paragraph 3—4 ) of the text: new words--- text---questions;4. Sum up and assign homework.Homework.1. On Exercise-Book: Copy some new words about one page tidily;2. Read the new words correctly and read the text fluently;3. Do the exercises: No. II.1---5 and No. III.1---10, on Page 36-37, Textbook. Time 90 minutesPart One: 15 minutesPage 30: Warming-up1.Work with your partner and list things customers may consider when theymake a purchase.(Teacher’s Book: Page 58)Brand, price, color, style, size, type, package, usage, fashion, modern, date, company, address, performance, reputation, pollution, taste, smell, shape, materials, quality, after-sales service, attitude, user-friendliness, environment-friendliness, reliability, comfortable, convenient, portable, sexy, beautiful,…品牌,价格,颜色,样式,大小,类型,包装,使用,时尚,现代,日期,公司,地址,业绩,信誉,污染,味道,气味,形状,材料,质量,售后服务,态度,方便用户,环境友好性,可靠性,舒适,方便,轻便,性感,美丽,…2. Pairwork:1) How do you usually get to know a new product or service?2) What practices are commonly used to promote a product or service?3) Are you fond of buying promoted products? Why or why not?4) How do you see promotional activities prevailing in today’s business world?(Teacher’s Book: Page 31)Modern marketing can direct the flow of goods and services from products to consumers. The satisfaction of particular customer needs wasessential for success. Essentially, the marketing concept focuses all the activities of the organization on satisfying customer needs by integrating these activities with marketing to accomplish the organization’s long-range objectives.现代营销可以引导从产品到消费者的商品和服务的流通。

会 得逞。
Байду номын сангаас
词语的语体色彩就是指词语的正式程度。英语的词语通 常分为五种语体:hyperformal—formal—normal—informal— hyperinformal,即:超正式语体—正式语体—普通语体—非正 式语体—超非正式语体。汉语的词语通常分为三种语体:书面 体、普通体和口语体。在翻译当中,也要做到“到什么山唱什 么歌”, 也就是说,要在恰当的场合使用适合该场合的语言。 要做到这一点,译者就需要首先充分领悟原文用词的语体色彩 和使用场合,其次要发挥自己的语言能力,在译文当中使用符 合原文词语语体色彩的对应词与之对应。
The home of your dreams awaits you behind this door. Whether your taste be a country manor estate or a penthouse in the sky, you will find
the following pages filled with the world’s most elegant residences.
第三单元 词义的选择
语言是由词语构成的意义大厦。理解语言不可不涉及 对词语的理解,将一种语言翻译成另一种语言时,不可不 关注对词语的翻译。词语的选择同翻译之间的关系非常紧 密。可以说,成功的商务英语句子或商务英语语篇的译文 在很大程度上取决于词语选择的精当、得体、专业和地道。
一 课前笔译

第三单元 词义的选择
语言是由词语构成的意义大厦。理解语言不可不涉及 对词语的理解,将一种语言翻译成另一种语言时,不可不 关注对词语的翻译。词语的选择同翻译之间的关系非常紧 密。可以说,成功的商务英语句子或商务英语语篇的译文 在很大程度上取决于词语选择的精当、得体、专业和地道。
译文:若实验室检测合格,且你们给我们的报价 具有竞争力,我们一定会定期大量订货。
6.选择词义时,要注意前言后语 搭配得当
---China’s top industrial regulator said on Tuesday that the country is unlikely to see a “double dip” in the second half of this year.
译文:对货物质量的索赔须于货物抵达目的港 之日起30日内提出。
Not only a panic run on banks, but snowballing deposit cancellation could trigger an ominous chain reaction leading to a financial crisis.
A foreign business representative, neither overly sympathetic toward China nor overly disposed against it, would need to be convinced on a number of scores before he could responsibly commit his firm to taking an equity position in a Chinese enterprise.

• Speculation that some major banks may find themselves with capital shortfalls and then nationalized is driving investors to dump the banks’ shares (P78).
• 美元在加速贬值,它所损害的不仅仅是日本经济,还有整 个世界的经济。
• 美元加速贬值,不仅损害了日本经济,也伤及了全球整体 的经济形势。
• The secret to the company’s robust performance is the excellence in its total production system, from the initial development and design through to procurement and production (P77).
• consolidate: to join together a group of companies to become one
• Concerns have been raised over the ability of Internet banking services to verify the identity of new depositors or to guarantee the security of customer transactions (P76).
• Extremely keen competition between American and Japanese vehicle manufacturers in the American market has compelled us to bring down the price for the time being (P75).

Unit OneThe Nature of Busines sReading I1.Brainstorming: Work with your group and think out as many words, phrases orexpressions as possible about business.2.What do you think is important for success in today’s business world?☐good management☐adequate planning☐sufficient financial resources☐healthy cash flow☐controlled spending and the ability to collect money owing☐effective marketing☐ a good product and service3. Give the English words or phrases for the meaning provided.1.distribute to separate (sth) into parts and give a share to eachperson2.accomplish to succeed in doing3.manufacture to make goods on a large scale4.conduct to do; to carry on (business)5.bankrupt not having enough money to pay debts6.secure to make sure of getting (sth)7.purchase to buy and sell (goods)8.capital money used in business9.finance to work in the business of providing money10.profit financial gain11.initiate to put into operation12.share the part belong to or owed to a particular person13.data information collected for examination and consideration14.extract to take or get (sth) out15.process to perform operation on (sth) in computerdecide on4. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the italicized words withappropriate words or phrases from the text.1.Some raw materials may be extracted from the air.2.To conduct business successfully involves a lot of factors.3.The entrepreneur should bear all the risks of the business.4.This letter relates to the sale of the house.5.If the company goes bankrupt, many people will lose their jobs.6.He failed to secure the top job with the bank.5.Word StudyFor each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as is shown in the model.1.a.They will go ahead with their plans, even at the risk of offending the localpeople.b.Anyone travelling without a passport runs the risk of being arrested.c.The businessman is crazy to risk his money on an investment like that.2.a.The mayor will perform the opening ceremony for the International MovieFestival.b.Every decent person should know that one should always perform whatone promises.c.The n ews said that the company’s performance was disappointing last year.3.a.The shopkeeper said he would replace the radio set if we were notsatisfied.b.George has replaced Edward as captain of the team.c.We must find a replacement for Sue while she is away on holiday.4. .a.The climbers had reached the limit of their endurance.b.The parents asked their kids to keep spending within limits.c.The government plans to limit land development in order to preserve theenvironment.5.a.You must accept your share of responsibility for the failure of the firm.b.Their supreme desire is to be together –to share each’s other emotions,and fancies, and dreams.c.We still have the largest market share, but the competition is growing fast.Post-readingTop 10 Checklist for Start-upsAre you ready to start a business? Know what you want and understand what will be involved, including the personal sacrifices. Be willing to devote longhours to your endeavor.☐Have you done your homework? Conduct research to ensure there is a need for your product or service. Be sure market conditions can support yourbusiness. Talk with friends, family, and advisers to obtain businessinformation. Government agencies, trade associations and other organizationsoffer services and programs to help get businesses started.☐How will you utilize your skills and compensate for your weaknesses?Evaluate your personal qualities and skills. Use your talents and recognizethe areas you need help with.☐What form will your business take? Decide on a structure —incorporation, partnership or sole proprietorship.☐How will you promote and market your business? Just how are you going to distinguish yourself from the competition?☐What is your pricing strategy? What does the price say about your product (and its quality versus the competition)? Think about what you will chargepeople for your product / service. Estimate your break-even point andrevenues.☐Have you prepared a detailed business plan? It is imperative.☐What funding sources will fuel your enterprise?Secure sufficient financial resources for start-up and operations.☐Where will you locate? Pick a business location that makes sense for you and your customers.☐How will your business operate on a daily basis? How will you deliver your product or service and manage your business? Figure out what you will needfor the day-to-day smooth functioning of your business.Reading IIDictationBusiness includes the activities of all commercial producers of goods and services. These producers range from small shops owned by one person to huge organizations owned by thousands of stockholders who have shares in the companies. The word business may refer to producers of the same product or service, such as the clothing business or the insurance business. An individual enterprise may also be called a business.Translation1.The crew of an airliner should be responsible for the safety of all the passengers.2.Please distribute these English newspapers and magazines to every subscriber as soon as possible.3.The college has decided on a lecture series and business English majors must be present.4.For additional explanation, please refer to page 58 of the teacher’s reference book.5.Most people will be interested in what relates to themselves.6.Recently, more and more people have gone into business.7.A businessman who sells goods in bulk is called a wholesaler.8.It’s reported that nowadays wages are still one step ahead of prices.below./ i: / : s ee, sh e/ I /: i s, Al i ce, secr e tar y, th i s, off i ce, sh e, l i sten, man a ger, h i s/ e /: s e cretary, w e ll, tw e lve/ < /: th a t, m a n, A liceComplete the following dialogues1)Tim: Hi!Dan: Hi, Tim!Tim: How are you?Dan: Not bad.2)You see a friend on the bus.John: Hi, Jane!Jane: Hi, John.John: What's happening?Jane: Nothing much.3)Two classmates greet each other on the school campus.Rita: Hi, Mark! How are you doing?Mark: Not so good. I’ve got a bad cold.Rita: Yeah, a lot of people have colds. It's this crazy weather — cold one minute and hot the next.4)In an officeSecretary: Good morning, Mr. Edwards.Mr. Edwards: Good morning, Mary. How are you?Secretary: Fine, thank you.2. Saying good-byeComplete the following dialogues.1)Two classmates have just met for the first time and are ending their conversation. Bob: Well I’ve got to go. I have a class at ni ne. Nice to meet you.Ted: You, too. See you later.Bob: Yeah. See you around.2)Two roommates are getting ready to leave the house in the morning.Jeff: It’s already nine. I’ve got to hurry.Brad: Me, too. See you to night.Jeff: So long.3)A student is talking to his academic advisor.David: I really should leave for class now. Thank you very much for your help. Ms. Williams: You're welcome, David. Have a good time. Good-bye.David: The same to you. Good-bye.4)A student meets one of her former teachers in a bookstore. After they chat a while, they say good bye.Rebecca: It was so good to see you again, Mrs. White.Mrs. White: I hope so, too. Have a good day.Rebecca: The same to you. Good-bye.Mrs. White: Bye.1. GENERAL MOTORS2. DAIMLERCHRYSLER3. FORD MOTOR4. WAL-MART STORES5. MITSUI6. ITOCHU7. MITSUBISHI8. EXXON9. GENERAL ELECTRIC10. TOYOTA MOTOR 1. 通用汽车公司(美国)7. 戴姆勒-克莱斯勒公司(德国)2. 福特汽车公司(美国)12.沃尔-马特百货公司(美国)11. 三井公司(日本)6. 伊腾忠商社(日本)18. 三菱公司(日本)3. 埃克森公司(美国)4. 通用电气公司(美国)5. 丰田汽车公司(日本)11. ROYAL DUTCH/SHELL GROUP12. MARUBENI13. SUMIOMO14. INTL. BUSINESS MACHINES15. AXA16. CITIGROUP17. VOLKSWAGEN18. NIPPON TELEGRAPH & TELEPHONE19. BP AMOCO20. NISSHO IWAI 14. 皇家荷兰壳牌集团(英/荷)17. 丸红公司(日本)8. 住友公司(日本)20. 国际商用机器公司(美国)15. AXA 公司(法国)13. 花旗集团(美国)9. 大众汽车公司(德国)16. 日本电报电话公司(日本)10. BP 阿莫科公司(英国)19. 日胜公司(日本)Unit 2 MarketingReading I Marketing and Promotion1.Brainstorming: Work with your partner and list things customers may consider2.Give the English words or phrases for the meaning provided1. client a person with whom business is done or a person who pays fora service2. promote to increase the sales (of a new product ) by publicity or by asales campaign or TV commercials or free gifts3. catalogue a list of places, names, objects, goods, etc.4. delivery the act of taking or giving something to someone, or the thingstaken or given5. market a building, square or open place where peoplemeet to buy and sell goods6. launch to put (a new product) on the market (usually spending moneyon advertising it)7. company an organization made up of people who work together forpurpose of business or trade8. range a set of different objects of the same kind9. after-sales service service of a machine carried out by the seller for the buyer10. campaign a series of planned activities with a particular commercial aim 4.Word Study1.Prompt: his / role / maintain (v.) / fleet / vans / ready / respond / emergencyModel: His role is to maintain the fleet of vans, ready to respond in any emergency.a. A lot depends on building and maintaining a good relationship with yourcustomers.b.Engineers are carrying out essential maintenance work on the main line toLondon.c.Critics maintain that these reforms will lead to a decline in educationalstandards.2.Prompt: government / launch / massive / anti-illiteracy / campaignModel: The government has launched a massive anti-illiteracy campaign.a.After two failures, NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)will try to launch a new space shuttle again on Sunday.b.Modifying current equipment enables them to improve the quality whilethe product is being launched and its success evaluated.c.Encouraged by its success, the company launched an ambitious plan aimedat increasing the profit by 58 percent a year.3.Prompt: scheme / extend / successful / pilot projectModel: The scheme will be extended after a successful pilot project.a.The message conveyed by the leadership was that the Three Gorges projectwill be carried out in two phases.b.The local government will help fund this project, which includes thebuilding of 150 day-care centers.c.Every student should try to project his/her mind into the future and imaginewhat life will be like then.4.Prompt: window / door / all / fit (v.) / security lockModel: The windows and doors are all fitted with security locks.a.The pants were a little tight at first, but after I wore them a few times, theyfit like a glove.b.We've got a match next month, so we've got to keep ourselves reasonablyfit.c.Looking at her resume, she should be fit for the sales job perfectly.5.Prompt: company / Darlington / launch / latest / range / electrical goods.Model: A company from Darlington has just launched its latest range ofelectrical goods.a.After examination the doctor told me that my blood pressure's well withinthe normal rangeb.It is common sense that in a company only a fairly narrow range of peopleis responsible for key decisions.c.The temperatures in your kitchen and around your picnic table range from28 to 33 degrees.Reading IIText B1.What is the great significance of keeping demand and supply in balance?If demand and supply are not in balance, there are two possible situations:a.If demand exceeds supply at a given price, that is, the suppliers supply moregoods than what the buyers want to buy, there is surplus of the goods, then the suppliers have to reduce their price in order to sell all their products, the result is that thy will definitely lose money. Buyers will benefit from the low price, since they don’t have to pay so much money.b.If supply exceeds demand at a given price, that is, the suppliers supply lessgoods than what the buyers want to buy, there is shortage of the goods, then the buyers often raise their price, they often benefit from it, while the buyer often have to more money than they pay in normal time.2.How will the falling prices of certain goods affect the products as well as theconsumers?For the producers, they will lose money. In order to maximize their profit, they often reduce the cost of their products. If so, the quality can not be alwaysguaranteed. That is why there are so many counterfeits and fakes.For the buyers, they will not necessarily pay so much money. However, if the quality of the products that they consume can not be guaranteed, they will suffer undoubtedly.3.What are the major functions of a market as far as demand and supply areconcerned?a. A market is an exchange process between buyers and sellers. How much ofwhat a product a company offers for sales and who buys it depends on the laws of demand and supply, that is, a market is governed by the laws of demand and supply.b.In the market for any product, the laws of demand and supply interact to setmarket or equilibrium price and quantity on which buyers and sellers agree.c.Buyers will purchase more as the price increases. The laws of demand andsupply interact to create an equilibrium price and quantity. All businesses must constantly try to find the right combination of price and quantity supplied to maximize its profits.panies try to supply the quantity and selection of goods that will earnthem the largest profits.DictationWe have 3,600 employees worldwide and sales of $ 3,716million. We manufacture nearly 20,000 cars, 3,500 trucks, 888 buses, and thousands of industrial engines.Our position as a major international group in 24 European countries and 15 Asian countries is the result of quality, safety and caring for people and the environment. Translation1.The general manager handed out the important documents to the department managers.2.Cheating customers and evading taxes made up their business policy in those days.3.Mathematics can be called maths or math for short in English.4.This city is known as the dragon head of the economic cooperative zone.5.Although the couple agreed on the price of the furniture they wanted to buy, they disagreed about the style.6.I bought a notebook computer last month but only at a price.7.The parents work hard to pay for their children’s tuition.8.Your dishonesty was the reason why I had to break off our relationship in the end.9.His uncle chose to settle in the countryside rather than in the city.1.NIPPON LIFE INSURANCE2.SIEMENS3.ALLIANZ 15.日本人寿保险公司(日本)13.西门子公司(德国)17.安联保险(德国)4. HITACHI5. U.S. POSTAL SERVICE6. MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL7. PHILIP MORRIS8. ING GROUP9. BOEING 10. AT & T 11. SONY 12. MTRO13. NISSAN MOTOR14. FIAT15. BANK OF AMERICA CORP.16. NESTLE17. CREDIT SUISSE18. HONDA MOTOR19. ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI20. MOBIL20.日立公司 ( 日本 )19.美国邮政服务公司 ( 美国 ) 18.松下电器产业公司 ( 日本 ) 16.菲利普-莫里斯公司 ( 美国 ) 14.ING 集团公司 ( 荷兰 ) 12.波音公司 ( 美国 ) 11.美国电报电话公司 ( 美国 ) 6. 索尼公司 ( 日本 ) 7. 城市持股公司 ( 德国 ) 3. 日产汽车公司 ( 日本 ) 1. 菲亚特公司 ( 意大利 ) 5. 美洲银行公司 ( 美国 ) 8. 雀巢公司( 瑞士) 2. 瑞士信贷公司 ( 瑞士) 4. 本田汽车公司 ( 日本 ) 10. 通用保险股份公司 ( 意大利 ) 9. 美孚石油公司 ( 美国 )Unit 3 CareerReading I The Modern Servant-Nanny2. Give the English words for the meaning providedanize to make the necessary arrangements forplain to say that one is not satisfied, unhappy3.disappointed sad or dissatisfied4.apply to make a formal request5.phase a stage in a process of change6.row loud noise; noisy argument7.including having as a part8.delicious pleasant; good to eat9.adore to love deeply and respect highly10.fantastic excellent; marvelous11.proud feeling or showing pride12. fashionable following a style that is currently popular3. Word Study1. a. Many young females adore visiting fashion shows.b. Most of the indigenous tribes on the island adorn her as a goddess.c. Girls and boys adore this film for its eye-catching special effects.2. a. He accepted the task without realizing the risk he was taking.b. She spoke English so well that I never realized she was German.c. She realized her ambition of becoming an actress after ceaseless efforts.3. a. He seated himself in the boat and began rowing towards the harbor’s mouth.b. He’s always having a row with his wife about trifles.c. We stood in rows to receive our certificates from the headmaster.4. a. The mood of the meeting turned solemn when the problem becameknown.b. I waited so long for my turn to see the doctor that I missed my train.c. Many countries are starting to turn their attention to new forms of energy.5. a. He’s spent most of his life working for the same company.b. The minister was looking forward to spending more time with his family.c. They are only able to spend money on basic necessity.Reading II The GardenerDictationI know that times have changed, but I was brought up with a nanny and a cook to look after me, and I never went near the kitchen. I was taken aback at first when my son announced that he wanted to be a cook. His grandfather still hasn’t got over it, but his mother and I are happy that he is doing something he enjoys. Nowadays anyone with a job that they enjoy is very lucky.Translation1.The new secretary of the general manager got on very well with the staff of thecompany.2.The child dreams of becoming an entrepreneur when he grows up.3. A businessman will have to go through many difficulties and severe tests beforehe succeeds.4.If you want to apply for a job with a company, you need to write a letter ofapplication first.5.Victor had to drop out in his junior year when he developed lung trouble.6.The budget report of the financial department turned out to be impractical.7.If you want to market your product, it’s very necessary to spend much time doingmarket research.8.He gave up his job and set up a clothing factory to earn more money.9.He made a decision that the vice-president should be in charge of the company’sbusiness when he was away.10.We should not only be bold, but also be cautious in trading.11. Mary fell out with some of her colleagues and decided to look for a new job.12.I was completely taken aback by his aggressive and unreasonable attitude.1) Tim: I think it’s about time we got going. Thank you very much for a wonderful evening.John & his wife: It’s a pleasure. We’re very glad you enjoyed it.2) Cathy: I can never thank you enough for what you’ve done for me, Tom.Tom: It’s nothing. Glad to be of help.3) Mary: Hi, Susan. I've got two tickets for tonight’s rock’n’roll concert. Would you like to come with me?Susan: Wonderful! Much appreciated.Mary: Don’t mention it. I know it’s your favorite.4) Mr. White: I have to leave a bit early today. My wife calls to say my little daughter isn’t feeling well.Miss Gray: Oh, no! Is it serious?Mr. White: I don’t know. My wife says she has a stomachache, and she’s crying all day. I’ll have to go home now.Miss Gray: Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. I’ll type all these letters for you. Don’t worry about them.Mr. White: I’m much obliged to you.Miss Gray: Forget it. I’m sure you would have done the same in my position.conference hall needs to be decorated. Whom should you get in touch with? Why and how? Which way do you think is more convenient?Sandy VincentBecause he is an art director.By phone at 081-743-5892 or by fax at 081-743-6351.Phoning is more convenient, for it can reach the very person you want.immediately and more directly.2.Suppose a company plans to purchase one PBX (private branch exchange专用小交换机), which firm do you need to contact? What’s the full address of the firm?What’s its fax number?TELECON.23 via Roma, Torino, Italy.Fax: 11 657 29433.If your factory manager asks you to buy some tool boxes, whom should you turnfor help? What are his surname and first name? In which department is he working? What particular business is he in charge of? What’s his nationality?Brian Conroy.His surname is Conroy and his first name is Brian.He’s working in the International Sales Department.Hardware.He’s American.4. A boss wants to cut down on cost, for he learns from the annual report sent by thefinancial department that its company’s IDD charges are too high. He heard that using IP card would save at least 60% charges. So he asks his employees to come up with a good solution. If you work for the company, what will you do?Which of the three men in the cards should you advise him to contact? What’s the position of the man in his work place? What is the number to ring?I’d advise him to contact Michael Martin. Because he works for INFO TEC, which will provides him with useful information.Chief Information Official.Office: (513) 529-6672; Home: (513) 529-24175.If the executive manager asks you to renew his company’s out-of-date software,say Windows 97, what will you do? What does he do for a living? Which company does he work for?I’ll contact SHINICHI SUZUKI.He is a software engineer.IMPEX IMP. & EXP. LTD.6. A department store wants to purchase a large number of cosmetics during theChristmas season. Suppose you are in charge of the cosmetics counter, which person will you contact? What’s his job? If he is not at office, how will you reach him?John HalleySalesman.By sending an E-mail to him.1.businessman 15. 商人2.presenter 1. 节目主持人3.writer 21. 作家4.real-estate agent 13. 房地产经纪人5.journalist 9. 记者6.stockbroker 6. 股票(或证券)经纪人7.fashion designer 26. 时装设计师8.air hostess 3. 空姐9.operator 4. 话务员10.chef 5. 厨师11.accountant 8. 会计师12.artist 18. 艺术家13.engineer 30. 工程师14.fire fighter 11. 消防队员15.taxi-driver 23. 出租车司机16.cashier 2. 出纳员17.athlete 10. 运动员18.clerk 25. 职员19.architect 29. 建筑师20.judge 22. 法官21.sales representative 12. 销售代表22.diplomat 19. 外交家23.technician 16. 技术员24.servant 7. 公务员25.sailor 17. 海员26.professor 27. 教授27.hairdresser 14. 美容师.28.musician 28. 音乐家29.photographer 24. 摄影师30. guide 20. 导游Unit 4 Jobs and OccupationsReading I Personal Progress and Job-hoppingBrainstorming:6. For each of the following clues, use the given prompts to produce sentences inthe same way as is shown in the model.1.Prompt: good / manager / try / involve (v.) / everyone / decision-making /processModel: A good manager will try to involve everyone in the decision-makingprocess.a.Running your own business usually involves working long hours.b.The department store ensures that every situation be solved quickly andeasily, with minimal customer involvement.c.On-the-job training will involve the manager in learning about managinga local bureau.2.Prompt: not / content (adj.) / new / car / Selina / want / bike / trips / citycentreModel: Not content with her new car, Selina now wants a bike for trips into the city centre.a.He rarely talked about his own work, and was content to listen to theexperiences of others.b.After each group guesses the contents of a box, the teacher opens it andshows the contents.c.The new contents pages provide the details of a project to increase thequantity and range of information.3.Prompt: understanding / human / genetics / advance (v.) considerably / tenyearsModel: Our understanding of human genetics has advanced considerably over the last ten years.a.Advances in medical science may make it possible for people to live for150 years.b.I had advanced through the ranks and held a responsiblemiddle-management position.c.Admission is free to all ticket holders and there is no need to book inadvance.4.Prompt: we / give / you / reasonable / time / prepare / present (v.) /proposalsModel: We shall give you reasonable time to prepare and present your proposals.a.The book details the history of France from the Renaissance to thepresent.b.We have been presented with a number of plans and will give carefulconsideration to all of them.c.When Jim arrived home from work, Della told him what she had done tobuy his birthday present.5.Prompt: admit / subordinates (下级) / have to / initiative (n.) /upgrade / skillsModel: Admittedly, these subordinates had to show some personal initiative to upgrade their skills.a.Everyone was standing around in silence, so I took the initiative and triedto explain why we had come.b.Instead of standing there helplessly until the end of the performance,seize the initiative and act quickly.c.Faced with serious environmental pollution, a large number of companieshave initiated recycling programs.Reading II Branson’s New Route to More JobsDictationA working dayI get up at five and start the day with a cup of tea, but I rarely have breakfast. I just don’t feel hungry in the morning. I usually get to the office at about half past seven. During the day I speak to many people on the telephone and meet them as well.I always have lunch with colle agues, but we don’t just talk about work. On a normal day I work until about 7 p.m. Then I go home to have dinner. In an average week I have two or three business dinner appointments with clients, staff and managers. I go to bed at eleven or twelve o’clock and so I get five or six hours sleep.Special use1.2.How a company fills a job vacancyThe company usually advertises the (1)job vacancy in a newspaper. The (2) advertisement usually gives the (3) job title and a description of the (4) job requirements. It sometimes gives the (5) salary and describes the (6) working conditions and (7)career prospects as well.The applicant usually sends in a letter of (8) application and a curriculum vitae or (9) CV, which gives (10) personal details and lists qualifications and (11) experience. The company then makes a (12) short list of the most suitable candidates and invites them for an (13) interview. The company then chooses the best (14) candidate and makes an (15) appointment.3Translation1. Since he came to work in the company after graduation from college, he has gotahead fast in his job.2. The change of supply and demand leads to the fluctuation of the rate ofexchange.3. By and large, if nobody troubles to buy our product or service, our business willhave to be closed down.4. Everything went on as usual in the stock market as if nothing had happened.5. Thefactory has brought in advanced technology and equipment to increase itsproduction.6. He paced / walked back and forth in his room, thinking over the plan.7. We should take full advantage of good opportunities to earn more foreigncurrency for our country.8. Mary’s father has got a good job, so they are better off now.9. Internet enables us to live and work more conveniently.10. We were disappointed that there were only inferior goods on offer.。

所谓“级转移翻译法”,就是指在翻译 过程中,因翻译所涉及的两种语言之 间存在着“级”差异而采用与原文中 的“级”不对应的表达方式的做法。
Yet it is painfully apparent that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as law-breakers, let alone criminals, are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society.
Acceleration of the disposal of bad loans has been criticized as causing the current economic plight, with falling stock prices and financial uncertainty.
Problems arising from the declining birthrate and graying of the population were recognized nearly half a century ago.
半个世纪以前,人们就已经注意到出生率下降和 人口老龄化所带来的各种问题。
政府应该通过大胆的日元卖出和美元买进的运作 方式及时干预汇兑市场。
政府应该大胆卖出日元和买进美元来及时干预 货币市场。
由于英汉两种语言的差异导致描述事 物时出现视角差异,这时,为使译文 忠实、通顺、自然、晓畅,就不得不 根据汉语语言的表达习惯和汉民族的 思维方式,将译文以不同于原文的叙 述视角但却充分传达出原文精神实质 的一种翻译方法。

❖ 译文:当熨烫衣物、清洁本产品,以及即使 在离开熨斗仅仅一会儿时:请将熨斗放在熨 斗座上,然后关掉电源,拔出插头。
❖ 例5:If you have not used the steam function for some time, the steam that was still present in the supply hose will have condensed into water. When you start to steam iron again, this can cause some spluttering in the appliance and some water droplets to escape from the soleplate.
❖ 译文1:为防止电池在剃须时耗尽,您也可以在不 同的剃须次数之间给剃须刀充电,即使电池还没有 完全耗尽。这样做不会损害电池。
❖ 译文2:为防止电池在剃须时耗尽,您也可以在剃 须刀还可以使用的时候给剃须刀充电,即使电池还 没有完全耗尽。这样做不会损害电池。
❖ 例3:Charge the appliance for at least 8 hours, but not more than 24 Байду номын сангаасours. Do not
五、商品说明书的语言特点 及文体特点
❖ 1、语言特点:广泛使用一般现在时和主动语 态、多使用省略句和祈使句、大量使用情态 动词、使用专业术语以实现表达的技术性和 准确性。
❖ 2、文体特点:具有简洁性(语言通俗易懂、 结构简单)、技术性(实现其信息功能、多 技术和专业词汇)、规范性(语言规范、语 气正式、描写程序规范、行文格式固定)、 说服性四大(使用具有吸引力的形容词、简 洁有力的词组、实现语言美感、激发消费欲 望)特点。
商务英语翻译(英译汉)第二版电子教案第5单元 凝练翻译法

• 译文二:然而,根据世界500强摩根大通公司估 计,货币市场基金向法国银行提供了约2000亿 美元的贷款。这个数字,根据惠誉国际就10家最 大的一流货币市场基金进行调查的结果显示,尽
• 译文:当美元兑换日元快要降至低于123日元时
,日本央行就会在下午三点钟不到的时候干预市 场。
• 这里的汉语译文将“was”省略未译。
• 另一种减译法——精炼压缩, 则是指把英语中较 为复杂的结构包括从句压缩成精炼的汉语词组。 如将“the exchange of needed goods” 翻译成“互 通有无”,将“suitable for men, women and children”翻译成“男女老少皆宜”等,都属于精练 压缩翻译法。
• 就翻译而言,在一种语言的凝练表达中需要的成 分,在另外一种语言的凝练表达中有可能不需要, 这时,就可以采用凝练翻译法——即,将这些不 需要的成分略去不译,从而使得译文简洁晓畅、 “文约而意丰”。
• 英汉两种语言在语法上差异就很大。这些差异体 现在:
• 英语有冠词,而汉语却没有;
• 英语重形合、连接词较多,汉语重意合、连接词 较少;
• You shall facilitate the foreign trade enterprises by adopting measures such as holiday appointment inspection application, telephone inspection application, fax inspection application, advance inspection application, and clockwise wait for inspection.

买方须于中国银行收到卖方的下列单据并证实这些单据无误后的二十日内向 卖方支付35万美元,但支付时间不得早于合同工厂首次达到符合本合同附件 六中规定的保证质量指数的保证产量的95%之日起后的12个月,或签订本合 同之日起后的65个月,以两者较早的时间为准。
上述各种有关的费用均凭正本凭单核实支付。 上述费用在出示正本凭单并核实无误后支付。
In the case of a contract which, according to the laws or administrative regulations of the People’s Republic of China, is to be formed with the approval of the state, the assignment of the contractual rights and obligations shall be subject to the approval of the authority which approved the contract, unless otherwise stipulated in the approved contract.
鉴于借款人提出从银行借款,各银行分别但不连带地向借款人贷款, 总额为5千万美元,当事人订立协议如下。
借款人提出向银行借款,而各银行分别而非共同向借款人发放总额为 5千万美元的贷款,鉴于以上事实,各方特此订立如下协议。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
U1 1. 飞机乘务员应对所有旅客的安全负责。
be responsible forThe crew of an airliner should be responsible for the safety of all the passengers.2. 请尽快把这些英文报纸和杂志分送给每位订阅者。
distribute toPlease distribute these English newspapers and magazines to every subscriber as soon as possible.3. 学院决定举办系列讲座,商务英语专业的学生必须出席。
decide onThe college has decided on a lecture series and Business English majors must be present.4. 若需进一步的补充解释,请参阅教师参考书第58页。
refer toFor additional explanation, please refer to page 58 of the teacher’s reference book. 5. 大多数人都会关注与自己有关的事。
relate toMost people will be interested in what relates to themselves.6. 最近,下海经商的人越来越多。
go into businessRecently, more and more people have gone into business.一个大批量出售货物的商人被称作批发商。
in bulk7. A businessman who sells goods in bulk is called a wholesaler.8. 据报道,目前工资水平在某种程度上仍稍稍领先于物价水平。
to a certain extent, ahead ofIt’s reported that nowadays wages are, to a certain extent, still one step aheadU2 1. 总经理将重要文件分发给部门经理。
hand outThe general manager handed out the important documents to the department managers.2. 欺骗顾客和逃税构成了他们那个时期的商业政策。
make upCheating customers and evading taxes made up their business policy in those days. 3. 在英语中,数学可以简称作maths或math。
for shortMathematics can be called maths or math for short in English.4. 这座城市被认为是此经济合作区的龙头。
be known asThis city is known as leading the economic cooperative zone.5. 虽然这对夫妇对所要买的家具的价格没有异议,但对式样意见不一。
agree on Although the couple agreed on the price of the furniture they wanted to buy, they disagreed about the style.6. 我上个月买了台笔记本电脑,不过花了大价钱。
at a priceI bought a laptop last month but only at a price.7. 一个大a批量出售货物的商人被称作批发商。
pay forThe parents work hard to pay for their children’s tuition.8. 你的不诚实是我最终与你断绝往来的原因。
in the endYour dishonesty was the reason why I had to break off our relationship in the end.9. 他叔父决意在乡下定居, 而不住在城里。
choose toHis uncle chose to settle in the countryside rather than in the city.10. 经理在新闻发布会上分发了项目计划书,但大多数人都怀疑该项目的可行性。
press conference, hand out, project, feasibilityThe manager handed out the project plan on the press conference, but most of the people doubted the feasibility of the project.U3 1. 我意识到他已改变了方法。
consciousI was conscious that he had changed his way/approach.2. 他的警告在很大程度上已被证实是正确的。
extentTo a large extent/ In a significant measure, his warnings have proved correct.3. 许多人相信个性是天生的,但我认为环境造就个性。
personalityMany people believe that personality is inborn/innate, but in my opinion, the environment shapes personality.4. 必须认清的是,他毕竟还只是一个中学生。
after allIt should be recognized that he was, after all, a schoolboy.5. 考虑到有限的投资,这部电影总的来说值得一看。
given, on the wholeGiven the limited investment, the movie, on the whole, is worth watching.6. 你不必总是怨天尤人,你学习的大学是该地区最有声望的大学之一。
complain, prestigiousYou should not be always complaining, as the university you’re studying in is one of the most prestigious in the district.7. 不管你是木工还是泥瓦匠,你都应尽力去显示你的才能。
whether, demonstrate, capacityWhether you are a carpenter or a brick layer, you need to try your best to demonstrate you capacity.8. 没有人像他们那样因为纪律严明而受到赞赏。
not so...as..., admireNo one has been so admired as them for discipline.9. 他们总认为我冷漠粗暴。
think of, toughThey always thought of me as emotionless and tough.10. 这项新的规章制度将促使城市的供水情况有所改善。
lead toThe new regulation will lead to the improvement in the city’s water supply.11. 由于我们无法在该研究项目中投入足够的时间和精力,所以迄今为止我们还未取得任何进展。
devote...toSince we haven’t devoted sufficient time and effort to this research project, up till now we have made no progress.12. 他被授予一块金表,以表彰他为公司30年的服务。
in recognition ofHe was presented with a gold watch in recognition of his thirty-year service to the company.U4 1.自从大学毕业进公司以来,他的工作进步得很快。
get aheadSince he came to work in the company after graduation from college, he has got ahead fast in his job.2. 供求关系的变化会导致汇率的波动。
lead toThe change of supply and demand leads to the fluctuation of the rate of exchange. 3. 总的来说,如果我们的产品或服务无人问津,那么我们的企业就得关门了。
by and largeBy and large, if nobody wants to buy our product or service, our business will have to be closed down.4. 交易所里一切照常进行着,就像没有发生什么事情似的。
as ifEverything went on as usual in the stock market as if nothing had happened.5. 该公司明确说明了自从引进了先进的工艺和设备,新车型在节能方面有了重大改进。
put across, bring inThe company has clearly put across that since it brought in advanced technology and equipment, significant improvements have been made in the new car’s fuel economy.6. 他不满足于目前的计划,一直在思考如何改进。
be content with, keep + V-ing He was not content with the present plan, and kept thinking over how to improve it.7. 学校仅仅有短期目标是不够的,它应该为学校的发展规划长期目标来提高教学质量。