

1. 婚礼仪式:希腊人认为婚礼是一种神圣的仪式,通常在教堂举行。
2. 食品和饮料:希腊婚礼通常是一个盛大的庆祝活动,开胃菜和美酒是必备的。
3. 舞蹈和音乐:希腊人喜欢在婚礼上跳舞。
4. 礼品和丢鞋传统:在希腊婚礼中,新娘通常会戴上一双蓝色鞋子(象征幸运),而新郎则需要支付通过“抢新娘鞋”的传统来改变新娘的运气。

从跨文化交际角度看《我的盛大希腊婚礼》关键词:我的盛大希腊婚礼;文化差异;文化融合中图分类号:j905 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1005-5312(2015)11-0137-01一、美国和希腊的文化差异影片中主人公来自于不同的文化背景,一个是美国男教师伊恩,象征着独立自由;一个是家庭餐馆的女服务生图拉,象征着保守和集体主义。

Respect and Communicate to Different Cultures Movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding, it is a story that a Greek girl Toula married an American boy Ian. They two were from different backgrounds. Toula lived in a big Greek family, They moved to American in the world warⅡ. The family consisted of Toula’s parents, her brother, sister, and a great numbers of relatives was big and loud. The house they lived was modeled after the Parthenon. Ian was from an American family, he was the only child in the family which was in quiet and harmoniousatmosphere. Although the two families were different, they had the same happiness in family life. Just as Toula said: “My family is big and loud but they're my family. We fight and we laugh and yes, we roast lamb on a spit in the front yard. And where ever I go, what ever I do they will always be there.”The Greek girls have three things to do in their lives, marrying Greek boys, making Greek babies and feeding everyone until the day they die. But Toula met Ian, an xeno in her father’s eyes. They had different backgrounds and different believes but they loved each other. At first, their parents had different attitudes towards their love. Toula’s parents were opposed to their love. Her parents could not accept an xeno who they did n’t know anymore. On the contrary Ian’s parents agreed with it. In this position, Ian decided to be baptized and join the Greek Orthodox Church. Finally they decidedto get married, and they found they had a lot of different customs. The Greeks hold weddings in the Greek Church, they need 10 bridesmaids and the best man is actually part of the ceremony, parents may give their children gifts, hold a big wedding, and end it with dancing together. On contrast, the American family would like to hold a wedding in the club, quiet and small. They may eat big wedding cakes and let the newly married couple have a honeymoon trip. Then Ian’s parents met Toula’s family, they had different food, Toula’s mother fixed the cake bundt Ian’s parents taken with flowers. Toula’s family liked eating lamb and moussake, drinking ouzo, but Ian was actually a vegetarian, the Americans may eat wonder bread sandwiches. Toula’s father was not satisfied with Ian’s family, he thought “they are dry, just like a piece of toast no honey, no jam, just dry.”B ut her daughter loved Ian, they will get married. Finally he accepted their differences. In the end of the movie, the two families held a great wedding, and they danced together with all people.That is to say, the two families had different backgrounds, different customs, when they first knew each other, they were wondering, just as Ian was supposed when he saw Toula’s aunt spit on the boys, after communicating, he knew that means blessing and he accepted it. Anyhow the parents loved their children similarly, and they lived the same happy lives. In my opinions, when meetingdifferent cultures, we should accept it, respect it, and communicate to understand it. In this basis, we can learn from other cultures and improve our culture by the good sides of different cultures. For example we can improve Chinese wedding by learning from American wedding. We can eat varied foreign food to make our diets more balanced, too.In the traditional Chinese wedding, the bride and the groom ought to kowtow many peoples, includes all elders, the couple may be painful in the wedding. The groom should give the girl bride-price, and hold the wedding in the groom’s house, which need a lot of money. He will invite all relatives toattend the ceremony. Many times we may hold the wedding wastefully, and it is a great burden to groom. These years, we learn some west cultures, just like American wedding customs, the rectors hold a wedding in church, and they may eat big wedding cakes, after the wedding, the brides and the groom may take a honeymoon trip. After knowing their customs in the wedding, we changed our wedding customs. The groom does not need pay for birde-price mostly. We may hold a wedding in a beautiful yard, in a big hall or in a church adding some Chinese customs. The bride may wear two kinds of clothes, one is wedding veil and the other may be cheong-sam. Finally the couple would end the ceremony with travelling a beautiful place. As to food,in the past we often ate steamed stuffed bun and drunk soybean milk for breakfast, but we may eat sandwiches and drink milk now. We used to eat rice or noodles in dinner, at present we can eat steaks or cakes, all are ok. The American cultures exist in our daily life gradually.There are many kinds of cultures in the world, we may meet various people, they are different from us, and not only the different nation but also everyone is different. We should firstly respect them. Sometimes we may wondering, it is so surprising that they do those things. In this situation, we need communicate with them, ask them for why, why you did these things? The people may tell us the reason, next time we can answer other one’s wondering. More and more, we know the different culture and learn something good from the different culture, just like learning something from other people. In a word, when we communicate with people from a different cultural background, we should pay attention torespect the different cultures firstly, and communicate timely to understand the wondering things, we may accept different cultures gradually and in this way learn a lot from the different.。

婚礼致辞之从跨文化交际角度看《我的盛大希腊婚礼》从跨文化交际角度看《我的盛大希腊婚礼》关键词:我的盛大希腊婚礼;文化差异;文化融合中图分类号:j905 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1005-5312(2015)11-0137-01一、美国和希腊的文化差异影片中主人公来自于不同的文化背景,一个是美国男教师伊恩,象征着独立自由;一个是家庭餐馆的女服务生图拉,象征着保守和集体主义。

我盛大的希腊婚礼 跨文化分析

美国自诩为“上帝之国” 但是美国很多人并不真正了解《圣经》,不清楚到 底什么是信教。在美国,宗教的世俗意义往往大于 宗教意义,他们大多认为,只有惧怕上帝的人,才 会在这世上规规矩矩、诚诚实实、恭恭敬敬地做人; 不怕上帝的人,则极有可能胆大妄为、自我膨胀、 为所欲为,并最终与罪恶势力同流合污。美国人信 教,其实是将宗教信仰作为道德约束,而不是惧畏 其神学力量。
——希腊人的家庭观和生育观 1.图拉的家族人口众多,姐姐妹妹哥哥弟弟,足有 数十口人;但是伊恩的家庭则是典型的美国家庭, 父亲、母亲和孩子一起生活的三口之家。 2.图拉的父亲在家中有绝对的话语权,图拉30岁之 前的人生都是在父亲的庇护下,他不认为女儿需要 读书。 3.图拉的家人认为她应该嫁一个希腊人而不是外族 人。
东正教(正教会)的主张: 标榜正统性,所以也称为正教。他与天主教的差别主要 是以下方面 保守性:坚守古教义和古礼仪,基本不做什么调整 封闭性:不太强调传教工作,对与天主教和新教开展交 流和对话也不大热心 依附性:历史上一直强烈的依附于世俗政权,受其严格 的控制,不象天主教那样一直政教分离和教俗二元结构 分散性:一直没有统一的全球性的教会首脑机构。名义 上君士坦丁堡(即今伊斯坦布尔)大牧首处于首席地位, 但实际上莫斯科大牧首、耶路撒冷大牧首、安提阿大牧 首、亚力山大里亚大牧首并不受其节制,而且这些大牧 首对非本国的正教会辖区的影响也很有限 神秘性:强调通过祷告时的沉思默想来达到与上帝的直 接交通,很注重这种个体性的和不可重复性的信仰体验
他们都认可 一主 一经 一信 一洗
不同: 天主教强调普世性,其总部设在罗马梵蒂冈,称为 梵蒂冈教廷。所以天主教也称为罗马公教。其教会 组织体系自上而下,集中统一,教宗(即教皇)是 全球天主教会的领袖,由枢机主教团选举产生,除 非渎职或犯有异端罪,任职终身。

第75届奥斯卡金像奖 (2003) 最佳原创剧本(提名)
2002年4月19日,500万美元投资的 《My Big Fat Greek Wedding》在 北美地区一上映就立即引发了观影 狂潮。时至今日,这场巨型婚礼已 经获得了超过2.4亿美元的票房收益, 排在北美历史总票房榜的第54位。 它甚至超过了大名鼎鼎的《侏罗纪 公园》(第61位)以及同样以兜售 传统文化见长的《卧虎藏龙》(第 242位)
相比较而言美国文化的不确定性规避程度就很低了。 当伊安的父母得知自己的儿子正在和一个希腊女孩交往时, 他们既没有表现惊讶,也没有强烈的兴趣去了解对方,更 没有过多地关注这件事情。他们非常平静地接受了图拉这 个希腊女孩。后来在图拉家的宴会虽然搞得他们头昏脑涨, 但他们并没有表现出任何反感和排斥。最后在婿宴上,他 们甚至融人其中,欢快地和众人跳起舞来。
6. 希腊人往别人身上吐口水表示祈福和辟邪 7.希腊的新人只有在教堂举行婚礼才算合法婚礼
影片不仅仅以个人主义文化的个体(伊安)进入集体主 义文化为主线,还穿插着在个人主义文化大背景之下(美国) 集体主义文化个体(图拉的希腊大家庭)的适应问题。这些 鲜明的文化对比集中体现在以下几个方面:

我盛大的希腊婚礼 跨文化分析.


图拉 名字在希腊语 中的含义 , 甚至连希腊 的 具体位置都不知道 , 也并未对 图拉的信息表 示更多的兴趣 。 他们认为结婚是儿子 自己的
事情 ,自己不应过 多干涉 。在美 国个人主义 文化大背景下 , 每个人各司其职 , 追求个人 价值的实现 ,每个人都是独立的个体 ,主张 个人管好个人 的事 。 从思维模式上看 ,影片中所呈现的波特 卡洛斯家族思想较为保守 , 遵循传统 ,对异 国文化采取隔绝态度 , 有着强烈 的民族优越 感 ,而对其 他文化存 在偏见 。影片一开头借 由图拉之 口说道 , 好的希腊女孩一生 中应做 三件事 :嫁个希腊男孩 ,生一堆希腊孩子 , 把每个孩子喂饱直到死去。图拉房子前面竖
吃羊 眼会变聪明 。 美国人的庆祝方 式则 与他 们大为不 同。希腊人喜欢 吃肉, 伊 恩却是 坚 定 的素食主义者。希腊人见面打招呼多行亲 吻礼 ,为了表示热情也会拥抱对方 ,电影 中 伊恩父母拜访图拉父母 时 。 图拉 父亲突然猛 烈 的拥抱 使得伊 恩父母 猝不 及防也体 现 了
了他们风俗习惯的差异 。饮食习惯上 , 作 为 美 国传统食物的 “ 邦奇 ”在图拉母 亲眼中只 是 中间有个洞的奇怪蛋糕 , 因而后来便上演

对外经济贸易大学University of International Business and Economics希腊与美国的文化冲突——《我的盛大希腊婚礼》的跨文化解析学号 200621106姓名岳立志学院公共管理学院专业行政管理时间 2008 年 11 月 05 日希腊与美国的文化冲突——《我的盛大希腊婚礼》的跨文化解析《我的盛大希腊婚礼》讲述了希腊裔女主人公图菈三十岁时与美国裔的伊恩的爱情故事。

跨文化交际课程学期论文Analysis cultural differences of My Big Fat Greek Wedding学生姓名:岳良燕学生学号:201207050201422学生班级:2012-2学科专业:英语指导老师:赵燕学期学年:2015-2016所在学院:语言文化学院2015/5/30摘要《我盛大的希腊婚礼》是一个典型的跨文化电影,讲述的是希腊裔美国女孩图菈同非希腊裔的美国男友伊恩冲破重重阻碍,最后举行盛大的希腊婚礼的爱情喜剧。
关键词:文化差异;民族爱国主义;家庭传统观念;婚礼文化;态度;abstractMy big fat Greek wedding is a typical cross-cultural film, tells the story of the Greek American girl with non Greek American boyfriend Ian to break through the obstacles, and finally held a big fat Greek wedding romantic comedy. The film is a full range of the life of Greek American immigrants, with a sense of humor reflects the conflicts between Greek culture and American culture. This article will explain the differences between the American and Greek culture from four aspects: the national patriotism, family tradition, wedding customs, and the attitudes of different cultures.Key words: cultural differences; national patriotism; family tradition; cultural of wedding; attitude;Analysis cultural differences of My Big Fat Greek Wedding The movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding is a talk about lives of Greek American girl who Tula lives in a large and traditional Greek family, Tula is a thirty years old girl and her family hopes she “marry a Greek boy, make Greek babies, and feed everyone un til the day she dies.” However, to everyone surprise, Tula falls in love with Ian who an American man. they two were from different backgrounds, Tula lived in a big Greek family, they moved to American in the second world war. The family consisted of Tula’s parents, her brother, sister and a great numbers of relatives is big and loud. Ian is from an American family, he is the only child in the family which is in quiet and harmonious atmosphere. Ian in order to be accepted by Tula’s family of deep-rooted the Greek custom, it is no doubt that they has stood a lot of tests. Finally Ian and Tula entered the marriage hall through unremitting efforts, and they held a grand unprecedented "Greek wedding." In fact, The film mainly talks about the huge cultural differences between the United States and Greece, then from the "national plot", "family tradition", “wedding custom”“differences attitude” of the four aspects of the analysis of the cultural differences between Greece and the United States.First, cultural differences in national plot:Tula’s father is pride of Greek culture extremely distinct performance in the film. In the first place in the front yard of the house, their house is crammed with Greek statue and large cylindrical, it likes the museum display. Moreover, her family's garage is painted in the Greek flag. In the outside, the father of Tula to language is also emphasized the importance of contribution to human civilization. He often hung on word of mouth is" give me any a word of English, I can give you to find out the Greek root ". In addition, he feels that the Greek food to the Greek culture is also very important. Meat, especially lamb has important significance to the understanding of Greek culture. There is also a requirement for the girl that pride performance of the Greek cultural: " marry a Greek boy, make Greek babies”.Patriotism is also an important topic in Tula family. Her father always says "you should to be Greeks proud" or "only two kinds of people in the world, the Greeks and wants to be the Greek people". And they will celebrate various Greek festival at homewith the big family, at the same time religion is also very respect of Greece. When they learned that the Ian do not believe the Greek religion, they will not accept him, until he was converted belief to allow him to marry Tula. In the film Tula and Ian sends children to Greece elementary school lens also suggests that pride of Greek culture on the next generation.Second, cultural differences in family tradition:On the one hand, it is diet differences in different family. In the film Tula go to school with breakfast of eggplant with minced meat when she is a children, and American children eat a sandwich; In addition, Tula and Ian determine relationship, at the first time to have a meal with Ian’s family, the food very simple, just coffee and cheese cake. Cool atmosphere, only four people around the table to eat, no relatives, no hug and a kiss. But Ian’s parents is invited to Tula’s family eat dinner, unexpectedly, she mother invited the person of whole family. They eat together and very busy and happy. And the cause of the difference is the difference between the historical and religious factors, it leads to the differences in diet culture and habits. The Greek culture has a long history of nationality and religion deeply. So the Greeks advocating national unity and hope that the family is big. And as a result of the influence of religious culture, Greek food types are very rich, that's why the Greeks often hold parties, not only for dinner but for the feelings of the communication between each other. And the United States is a country which is full of the people of the world, the culture and customs of different countries is a big difference, each has a unique eating habits. So, different races and different families of Americans is not a strong cohesion, but they has strong independence, so diet is more delicate.On the other hand, they has differences family concept. In the film, when Tula talking about her own family personnel, "I come from Greece, I have 27 Cousins, and relatives, my family is big and noisy and everyone in other people's business. We know is the Greek, because the Greeks only marry Greeks". But in Ian’s home only with his parents. On either side of their wedding, the wedding is in stark contrast. This suggests that the Greek concept of family is very strong, the family is not only refers to a person at the core of the family, but the whole family.Third, cultural of wedding:This article from the m ovie "my big fat Greek wedding” in the view of marriage customs of the Greeks, summarizes the characteristics of marriage life, reveals the prevalent among the Greek with religious color, full of secular charm and reflect the local characteristics of the wedding.In Greece, affects both family wedding, but the wedding preparation is by a woman in charge, as small as the bridal gowns, to held a grand wedding banquet, in China or other countries, the husband family plays an important role in the wedding preparation. Bridal gowns When the bride dressed in wedding dress for a wedding ceremony and the reception of the dress. Marriage gauze can refer to the wearing apparel accessories, including the veil, bouquet. The color of the dress style as a result of each country's culture, religion, etc. In the movie Tula wearing a white wedding dress is very exquisite, wear in the outside white dress must by unmarried girls. On the wedding day, the bride good girlfriend in advance to the bride's family to help, because they helped put on the dress, and when must constantly chanting and wedding related folk songs. Also godfather to the bride and groom at the wedding wearing a wreath, respectively, the wreath has a white and gold, and by the opening of the four seasons of flowers, or wrapped in gold or silver as a symbol of love in the branches and woven cane. From behind looks beautiful and romantic, seems to be a symbol of the two men were closely linked together.Greece's new couple only in a church hold wedding, because only in a church hold wedding is admitted to a law. Orthodox church has always been the Greek people as a state religion, many young people still stick to witness the sacred moment in their church, Tula’s home as well. In addition, because the Tula wedding a nd relatives gathered, they all busy for the wedding of preparation. Gaston asked figure whether to invite Mary. Tula said: "I don't know them. Sister,” Tina answered: “why don't please, they are my in-laws.” Thus it can be seen in the eyes of the Greeks, marrying is not individual behavior, at least for the rise and fall between the two families, affects the interests of many people. Finally when they enter the palace, the Greek guests frequently to Tula and Ian spit on, maybe it says no respect in othercountries, but in the Greek said prayers and to ward off bad luck.Last, differences attitudes in differences cultural:In the new cultural context, people adapt to different cultural strategy usually has four kinds: assimilation, isolated and marginalized and fusion. In the film, Tula’s father as far as possible to keep the Greek culture is not influenced by American culture. He used to cut off action include: Greek houses, the Greek flag painted on the door to the garage, the hall is pat according to the temple of cylinder; Let children learn Greek, Greek values. A typical example is the Tula wants to learn the computer, even though she is thirty years old at that time, when she timidly solicit opinions from the father, and Tula wants to go work in her aun t’s travel agency, her father voiced strong opposition from the start, objection to people in distress situation. Father said the city has a lot of drug traffickers, fearing Tula involved. Visible, as a Lord of the Tula of the father to the society is full of anxiety and fear of the unknown. In comparison when Ian parents learned that his son is dating a Greek girl, they has neither surprised nor strong interests to get to know each other, not playing too much attention to this matter. From Ian and Tula fells in love, and marriage, to the wedding venue, even convert to Greek orthodox this big things in life are Ian own decide, without the consent of their parents, Ian’s parents do not have any intervention. They are quietly accept the Tula of Greek girl. Later, in Tula’s home party although they make feature, they didn't show any disgust and rejection. Finally in the wedding banquet, they take part in them, they begins to dance with joy and happy. ConclusionAlthough film reflects the huge cultural differences between Greece and the United States, but a lot of details in that the two kinds of culture is gradually converge. Tula is from the locked Greece family bravely go out. The Tula not only successfully win the happiness, but also greatly encouraged the other members of the family, including the Tula’s brother Nick. And Ian do not hesitate to change beliefs, convert to orthodox, active melt of Greek culture. Visible, the two cultures to fusion, can't completely on weak cultures concession and compromise, but on both sides positive efforts and cooperation. Finally in the wedding banquet, Tula’s father words aboutapples and oranges, though that burst into laughter at the time, but enjoying them, let a person feel warm. So whatever what is the difference of the background, what's the difference of religious belief, we are fused end up in the world because we are lived the same earth, the cultural differences consists in early human brilliant civilization, it shouldn't be our communication obstacles, and it should be to our mutual understanding and deepen friendship bridge. At the same time, the film also truly reflects the confusion faced by the second generation of immigrants in the United States, stick to the previous generation inheritance of national culture, and fully accept American culture, or the balance line in two cultures go? But in any case, as the film's end suggested that two kinds of culture no matter how big differences, to fusion is inevitable trendy.References1 电影《我盛大的希腊婚礼》my big fat Greek wedding [J] 电影文学2002年10期2 狄金森著,彭基相译,希腊的生活观,华东师范大学出版社,2006:2543 旷丽娜,从《我盛大的希腊婚礼》看希腊裔美国第一代和第二代移民的跨文化冲突和融合。

得到父母 的认可 ,在希腊教 堂举行 了盛大的希腊式婚礼 , 有
《 我盛大的希腊婚礼》 是一部展现希腊裔美国人生活的 电影 。 故 事发生在希腊裔美 国人的主要聚居城市——美 国第 三大城市芝加哥 。 女主人公 图菠生活在一个庞大 的希腊式的 大家庭 中 , 整个家族 以父亲为权威般 的意志力为代表 。 并认 为希腊是世界之源 的精神动力 。在这样 的一个传统家庭里 , 图箍被她母亲及奶奶教导人生 的三个 目 标 :嫁个希腊人 , 生
h o w Gr e e k Ame r i c ns a l i v e ,h u mo r o u s l y ef r l e c t i n g t h e c o n l f i c t s b e t we e n G ee r k c lt u u r e nd a Ame i r c n a c u l ur t e .G u i d e d b y Ho fs t e d e ’ S c r o s s - c lt u u r a l t he o r y , hi t s p a p e r i s t o e x p l o r e h o w Gr e e k Ame r i c a n s s h o ed h nd a l e t h e c o n l f i c t s , t h u s ea r l i z i n g t h e h a r mo n i o u s c o - e x i s — t e n c e wi t l l ma i n s t r e a m A me ie r a r l e lt u u r e .
A b s t r a c t : A s a t y p i c a l e ms s - e l u t u r  ̄m o v i e , My B i g F a t G r e e k We d d i n g i s a b o u t T u l a , a G r e e k A m e i r c a n d , w i t h h e r A me i r c a n

重要 的交 际主题 。文化移 入也 叫文 化潜移 , 是文 化社
会学 的术语 。这 一 概念 最 先 由 S c h u m a n n于 1 9 7 8年
e v e r y o n e …u n t i l t h e d a y w e d i e ) 。而 图拉有 自己 的追
Ke y wo r ds : My
F a t G r e e k We d d i n g;c u l t u r e d i f f e r e n c e;a c c u l t u r a t i o n
1 《 我 的盛大希腊婚 礼》 中的文化移入
《 我 的盛 大希 腊 婚礼 》 讲述 了 3 0岁 的 希 腊裔 女 主人公 图拉 与美 国裔 的伊 恩 的爱 情故 事 。 图拉 生 活 在 芝加 哥一个 希腊裔 大家庭 里 , 在 这个传 统 的大家庭 中, 图拉被 教导人 生 的三大 目标是 : 嫁个 希腊人 , 生一 群 希腊小 孩 , 然后 把 每个人都 喂饱 直到 生命 的最后一
mo v i e i n v o l v e d t h e a c c u l t u r a t i o n o f l a n g u a g e a n d r e l i g i o n ,t r a d i t i o n a l i d e o l o g y ,i n d i v i d u a l i s m a n d c o l l e c t i v i s m.T h e mo v i e
天( N i c e G r e e k g i r l s a r e s u p p o s e d t o d o t h r e e t h i n g s i n

婚Байду номын сангаас庆祝
• 托拉家(希腊) • 邀请很多亲戚 • 伊安家(美国) • 只邀请爸爸妈妈
• 希腊人非常重视婚礼, • 美国人将其视为双方 家长见面的简单小聚。 同样重视婚前庆祝。 家人会邀请很多亲戚, 力求场面热闹,形式 隆重。婚前庆祝相当 于是庞大的家庭聚会。
• 土拉家(希腊) • 希腊烤肉 • 希腊人认为吃肉是最 好的庆祝方式,不理 会他人是否是素食主 义者。 • 伊安家(美国) • 素食主义者 • 美国人尊重不同人对 事物的不同选择,并 会在准备餐点前询问 清楚,并根据客人特 殊偏好进行选择。
• 为了使自己被这个传统的希腊大家庭接纳, 伊安经受了巨大的考验。他在希腊东正教 教堂接受了洗礼,身为素食者的他甚至破 禁吃肉食,还要不停地参加名目繁多的聚 会。而托拉所做出的努力也不少,伊安的 父母之保守比之加斯有过之无不及。 •
经过这对情人的“斗争”以及玛利亚等 亲人的帮助,他们终于步入了教堂,举行 了一个盛况空前的“巨型希腊婚礼”。
• 美国人比较尊重个人意愿, 宴席上不劝客人喝酒 。美 国人认为喝醉了是丑事, 是没有礼貌的表现。下次 见面会很尴尬,关系变得 更远了。
• 托拉家(希腊) • 亲戚向新人吐口水 • 在希腊,亲朋好友向 新人吐口水表示祝福 其幸福平安。 • 伊安家(美国)
• 托拉家(希腊) • 爱神宫(教堂) • 伊安家(美国) • 诺斯切乡村俱乐部
• 在希腊婚姻是十分神 圣的 ,所以希腊人往 往选择教堂作为举办 婚礼的地点,以表达 对神明的虔诚。
• 美国婚礼地点选择性 大,例如教堂、乡村 俱乐部、hotel,甚至 自家庭院。一般简单 婚礼不会去教堂,除 非家庭是信徒。

的焕然一新 自然也吸引了伊恩 。
解 决 问 题 。 当 图 拉 提 出 要 逃 走 时 , 伊 恩 坚 定 地 决 定 留 下
图拉 已经 敞 开心 扉 接受 了 美 国文化 ,伊恩 却对 图拉 来 , 面 对 困难 , 承 担 责 任 。 在 伊 恩 接 受 希 腊 文 化 的 时 候 他 的生活背景 一无所知 ,所 以当图拉对伊恩 说 出 自己的家庭 并没有太多的顾忌 ,这也显示 了美国文化 的包容性。 背 景时 ,伊 恩惊呆 了,心 想这个女孩 的家 庭是如此 的与众
‘ 子”和 “ ‘ 橘 苹果 ”的婚礼
一 一
从跨 文化 交际角度评 电影 我盛 大的希腊婚礼
摘 要 :在 电影 我 盛大的希腊婚礼 中 “ 橘子”和 “ 苹果”不仅代表 了不同的水果,还代表着不同的人和不同
的文化 ,影 片通过 两个人的相爱、两个家庭的相处展 示 了两个 国家、两个民族 的文化 ,它们有 差异 、有冲 突,但 最终融合在 了一起 。但文化本无冲突,只是在一方试图侵 害另一方的时候 才导致 了冲 突,如果能够和 而不 同、求
情 ,但 图 拉 却 丝 毫 没 有 受 到 伊 恩 的 关 注 。 为 了 让 意 中人 对 三 、民 族 文 化沟 通 的 启示
自己产 生好感 ,图拉决定行动起 来改变 自己,往 日不修 边
家 庭 文化 是 民族 文化 的 缩影 ,电影 中 的两 个家 庭文
幅 的她 开始精心 打扮 ,并决定 去一所大学 学习 电脑 。在 学 化代 表了两个 民族 的文化特 点。美 国文化 的特 点 :强 调独 校里 ,图拉一开 始显得格格不 入,但是 当她慢 慢地熟悉 并 立 、个性 ,以小家 庭为主 ,父母也从小鼓励 孩子独立 ,给

跨文化交际教程学期论文论文题目:“苹果”和“橘子”的婚礼——从电影《我的盛大希腊婚礼》看文化的差异与融合The wedding of “apple”and “orange”--------Analysis cultural differences and fusion学生姓名满丽丽学生学号201107050201418学生班级英语2011-2班学科专业英语学年学期2013-2014学年指导教师赵艳所在学院语言文化学院2014年06月24日“苹果”和“橘子”的婚礼——从电影《我的盛大希腊婚礼》看文化的差异与融合The wedding of “apple”and “orange”--------Analysis cultural differences and fusionIntroductionThe movie my big fat Greek wedding is a story about a a middle class Greek A merican girl who marry a non-Greek upper middle class "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant"Ian Miller. Tula is thirty years old who is the only women who has “failed”her trad itional Greek family hope she “marry a Greek boy, make Greek babies, and feed every one until the day she dies.” But unexpected Tula fall in love with an American man. Though Tula live in America her family is a big traditional Greek family, the family c onsisted of relatives was big and loud and all her family are the Orthodox Eastern Ch urch. Ian is a typical American, he is the only child in his family, compared with Tul a‟s family his is quite and boring. Just like Tula‟s father said: “they are dry, just likea piece of toast no honey, no jam, just dry.” The great differences between the twocultures have been a big obstacle of their marriage. Tula‟s family ask her mu st marrya Greek man so at the beginning her family disagree their marriage, especially her fat her, Tula‟s father is proud of they are Greek and their traditional Greek culture. In or der to be accepting by Tula‟s family Ian is baptized, he changes himself and finally m arries Tula. They have a great wedding ceremony, it is quite a beautiful and happy we dding ceremony, in the wedding Ian‟s “quiet ” and “boring ”parents dance and drink ing with Tula‟s family In the wedding Tula‟s father said: “So, okay, here tonight we h ave, uh, apple and orange... we all different, but, in the end, we all fruit.”Here “appl e” and “orange”represent three different meanings: first, of course, they mean different fruits, second they means different person and third they represent different culture.BadyI.Different LanguageLanguage is the basic of interpersonal communication, and also the most direct interc ultural communication. The Greek have strong sense of their race identity so that the Gr eek American has t heir language till now. In the movie Tula‟s father is prod of their Gr eek language very much, he fever for got a English word and then found its source in Greek language but for Tula and her brother they prefer to speaking English ,but they st ill have a good learning of Greek language, it is a fusion of two culture. Sometimes th ey also speak Greek language at home. It is funny that Tula‟s brother kid Ian because he do not know Greek language but at the end of the movie Ian has began to learn Greek languageII . Different life styleTula‟s family is a big traditional Greek family as Tula said: “my family is big and loud bu t they‟re my family. We fight and we laugh and yell, we roast lamb on a spit in the fron t yard. And where ever I go, wh at ever I do they will always be there.” As we saw in the movie Tula‟s family consisted of her parents ,her brother ,sister ,and a great members of r elatives was big and loud, they like dancing and eating roast together. Tula‟s parents have t heir own business—a restaurant “ Dancing Zorba's”, she and her brother work in the resta urant. But Ian‟s family is totally different, like other upper middle class American family Ia n‟s parents are quiet and not outgoing. His parents have their own job, and even Ian is the ir only child, he do not live with his family. For eating diet, Tula‟s family love all kinds o f good food, her mother are good at cooking , and they think the roast meat is the beat fo od, and Tula‟s family also love drinking a special drinking. On cont rary, Ian‟s family are v egetarian and they are not good at drinking. But at the end of the movie, Ian‟s parents lau gh and dance with Tula‟s family, they are even a little drunk, obviously Ian‟s family has fa miliar with Tula‟s aunt. The two different family finally enter into each other.II. Thinking patensAs Tula‟s father always said: “nice Greek girl are supposed to do three things in life: marry boys, make Greek babies, and feed everyone until the day we die.”we can see tr aditional Greek thinking in tulle‟s family, and it influence Tula …a sister and her. But Tu la born in America she also influence by American culture she desire new free different life, so Tula is 30years old but she have not got married. On the other hand in Tula‟s family her father plays a leading role, all the thing should got his agree, the father thi nk Ian should ask his agreement before they get together. But in American family when child become adult the parents do not have the right to bother they private life. And e ven a girl she is able to keep her own career, family is just a part of their life but not the whole thing.In the movie, Tula‟s got her mother‟s support and she went go school to learn computer course, at last she got a good job in her aunt‟s tour agency, right that time Ian meet a new and charming girl when she was working and fall in love with her, and then Tula decide to be together with Ian with ignorance her father‟s rules. It reflect that Tula hav e as an American Greek girl has change her family‟s traditional rules, because she influ enced by American culture. She has her own thinking and she want to lead her own me aningful life.And after several years when Tula has her own children she sent them to learn Greek a t Greek school but she promise her children could make their own choice on their love. And her husband, Ian begins to learn Greek language. Their marriage finally gets over differences in language, life style, and thinking patens and religion. Their happy marriage is a symbol of cultural fusion.III. ReligionThe Greek Orthodox Church as the Greek‟s state religion is the symbol of Greek race. I n Greek 90 present of people believe the Greek Orthodox Church. And the Orthodox Ch urch play an important role in Greek American people, they hold all their important cere monies in the church, like baptism, wedding, funeral, and so on. As a traditional Greek family Tula‟s family also believe in the Orthodox Church but Ian‟s family have different believe, though they have different background and different believe they still love each other. In spite of Tula believes the Greek Orthodox Church but she does not like her parents so fever for their belief. At first, Tula‟s families were opposed to their marriage. On the contrary Ian‟s par ents agreed with it. On this situation, Ian is willing to change himself, he decided to be baptized and join the Greek Orthodox Church. And at last, t hey hold their wedding ceremony in the Orthodox Church, but one thing we should kno w that though Tula does not as fever as her parents for their believe their marriage attri bute to Ian‟s compromise.ConclusionTula and Ian finally married , it is the important symbol of the culture fusion , they get over the different background ,language ,believe, life style , the big fat Greek weddi ng is so happy. But at the same time their marriage brings integration of two families. The re are many different culture in the word, first of all we should respect them, toda y as the development of world more and more intercultural communication in our life. We could see culture differences and culture fusions everywhere. Form the movie my bi g fat Greek wedding I feel deeply about the culture different Tula and Ian come form d ifferent background, they have different language, costumes, lifestyle, eating habits, and r eligions. But at the progress of two families‟communicate, they influenced each other. The different culture possibly cause conflicts but our life is colorful, sometime we need understanding and a little change, that is the culture fusion.。

观后感小组成员:法学1204 刘锴王倩陈丹婷王佳敏张海荣苟琰翔刘馨阳讨论地点:309宿舍讨论时间:2014-10-19场景一:饮食文化的差异场景描述:影片中女主小时候去学校带的早餐是茄子加肉沫,而美国小孩吃的是三明治;还有,男主和女主确定关系后,第一次去男主家吃饭,非常简单的餐食:咖啡、芝士饼;气氛冷冷清清,就只是四个人围在桌子边吃饭而已,没有拥抱和亲吻。
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