Pentaho 开放源码的商业智能平台技术白皮书

智能钛机器学习平台产品概述目录产品简介产品概述 (3)什么是TI-ONE..................................................................................................................................................................3.....如何使用TI-ONE ..............................................................................................................................................................3....TI-ONE 定价....................................................................................................................................................................3.......其他相关产品...................................................................................................................................................................3....... 客户价值 (5)技术价值...........................................................................................................................................................................5.......业务价值...........................................................................................................................................................................5....... 应用场景 (6)金融风控...........................................................................................................................................................................6.......营销推荐...........................................................................................................................................................................6.......工业质量检测...................................................................................................................................................................7.......算法大赛...........................................................................................................................................................................7.......物业智能化管理................................................................................................................................................................8......人物监察管理识别...........................................................................................................................................................8...... 版本更新. (11)V.1.5 版本说明..............................................................................................................................................................1..1.....新特性.....................................................................................................................................................................1..1.....V.1.4 版本说明..............................................................................................................................................................1..1.....新特性.....................................................................................................................................................................1..1.....问题修复及优化.....................................................................................................................................................1..2....V1.3 版本说明...............................................................................................................................................................1...2....新特性.....................................................................................................................................................................1..2.....问题修复及优化.....................................................................................................................................................1..2....V1.2 版本说明...............................................................................................................................................................1...2....新特性.....................................................................................................................................................................1..2.....产品简介产品概述什么是TI-ONE智能钛机器学习平台(TI-ONE )是为AI 工程师打造的一站式机器学习服务平台,为用户提供从数据预处理、模型构建、模型训练、模型评估到模型服务的全流程开发及部署支持。
Smartbi 3.0 商业智能平台技术白皮书

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Smartbi V3.0 产品白皮书
Smartbi 产品简介
Smartbi 产品概要介绍
思迈特商业智能数据分析软件 [ 简称:Smartbi ] 是国内领先的企业级商业智能应用平 台,已经过多年的持续发展,产品既采纳了国际先进的技术和理念,又凝聚国内本土客户的 最佳实践经验,整合了各行业的数据分析和决策支持的需求;提供一整套满足用户需求的数 据分析、报表、绩效监控和信息发布的解决方案;增强企业的洞察能力、盈利能力,为企业 获得可持续的竞争优势提供强大的保障。Smartbi 具有仪表盘、灵活查询、电子表格、OLAP 多维分析、移动 BI 应用、Office 分析报告插件、自助分析、数据采集、数据挖掘、BPM 业务 流程管理等功能模块,适用于领导 KPI 分析、财务分析、销售分析、市场分析、生产分析、 供应链分析、风险分析、质量分析、客户细分、精准营销、业务流程等多个业务领域。Smartbi 客户众多,广泛应用于银行、保险、证券、大中型企业、政府、电信、电力等多个行业。 Smartbi 采用最新的互联网技术开发, 以简洁、 直观的界面, 展现企业各环节的经营数据, 并以丰富的展现形式为企业决策者提供分析和管理上的帮助,洞察企业的运营状况。Smartbi 是一个高度集成化的产品,采用统一的 BI 引擎、统一的用户管理,最终用户所有的分析都在 统一的界面完成,整个分析过程可以有效地贯穿起来。 广州思迈特软件有限公司不仅有成熟的平台产品,也有完善的技术服务团队,作为中国 本土企业,服务及时高效,可以为客户提供源代码级别的技术支持服务。
SMARTBI 差异化优势 ....................................................................................................................... 55 版 权 声 明 ....................................................................................................................................... 56
低代码 白皮书

Pentaho 开放源码的商业智能平台技术白皮书

Pentaho 开放源码的商业智能平台技术白皮书摘要所有组织都希望在业务过程和总性能中通过改善效率和有效性来提高收入,降低成本,达到改善收益的目的。
而商业智能(BI) 软件供应商声称他们有相应技术来满足这种需求。
最终,公司的BI initiative 变成了众多相互独立的解决方案(Solution),为了维护和协调它们,需要使用各种昂贵的调度管理程序来整合各个方案。
这个白皮书描述了Pentaho 商业智能平台:一个面向解决方案(Solution)的BI 平台,其将开放源码组件/公开标准和流程驱动引擎集成在一起。
它显示了这个BI 平台如何通过将BI 和工作流/流程管理相结合,并对之进行改善,并以开放源码的形式发布平台来解决BI 问题。
问题描述传统的商业智能(BI) 工具昂贵、复杂,并且在效率和性能方面具有很大不足,难于让企业获得真正益处。
各个软件供应商均承诺其BI 将提供整合,分析和报表等必要功能,将数据转换成蕴涵价值的知识,使管理者得到更及时有用的决策信息。
不幸的是,这种BI 系统和报表系统几乎并没有什么太大的差别,仅仅如此是不能满足需求的。
在这些案例中,信息展示,分析和传送(BI) 是一个较大流程里的一部分。

它是一个基于java平台的商业智能(Business Intelligence,BI)套件,之所以说是套件是因为它包括一个web server平台和几个工具软件:报表,分析,图表,数据集成,数据挖掘等,可以说包括了商务智能的方方面面。
它是一个基于java平台的商业智能(Business Intelligence,BI)套件,之所以说是套件是因为它包括一个web server平台和几个工具软件:报表,分析,图表,数据集成,数据挖掘等,可以说包括了商务智能的方方面面。
更难能可贵的是,它是开源的,社区版完全免费!!官网: /products/sourceforge项目: /projects/pentaho/下面是几张使用界面的截图(图1,2,3)图1图2图3细心的你可能已经发现了,里面还有google maps的身影,是不是很让人兴奋呢?Pentaho是跨平台的,linux,windows上都可以安装,而且安装十分简单,就两个步骤:解压,执行。
它是一个基于java平台的商业智能(Business Intelligence,BI)套件,之所以说是套件是因为它包括一个web server平台和几个工具软件:报表,分析,图表,数据集成,数据挖掘等,可以说包括了商务智能的方方面面。
Pentaho BI

Introducing the Pentaho BI Suite 3.5Community EditionThis document is copyright © 2009 Pentaho Corporation. No part may be reprinted without written permission from Pentaho Corporation. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.About This DocumentIf you have questions that are not covered in this guide, or if you find errors in the instructions or language, please contact the Pentaho Technical Publications team at documentation@. The Publications team cannot help you resolve technical issues with products.Support-related questions should be submitted through the Pentaho Customer Support Portal at.For information about how to purchase support or enable an additional named support contact, please contact your sales representative, or send an email to sales@.For information about instructor-led training on the topics covered in this guide, visit/training.Limits of Liability and Disclaimer of WarrantyThe author(s) of this document have used their best efforts in preparing the content and the programscontained in it. These efforts include the development, research, and testing of the theories and programs to determine their effectiveness. The author and publisher make no warranty of any kind, express or implied, with regard to these programs or the documentation contained in this book.The author(s) and Pentaho shall not be liable in the event of incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing, performance, or use of the programs, associated instructions, and/orclaims.TrademarksPentaho (TM) and the Pentaho logo are registered trademarks of Pentaho Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Trademarked names may appear throughout this document. Rather than list the names and entities that own the trademarks or insert a trademark symbol with each mention of the trademarked name, Pentaho states that it is using the names for editorial purposes only and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringing upon that trademark.Company InformationPentaho CorporationCitadel International, Suite 3405950 Hazeltine National DriveOrlando, FL 32822Phone: +1 407 812-OPEN (6736)Fax: +1 407 517-4575E-mail: communityconnection@Sales Inquiries: sales@Documentation Suggestions: documentation@Sign-up for our newsletter:Contents Introduction (2)Community Edition or Enterprise Edition? (2)Community Edition Support Options (2)The Pentaho Client Tools (2)Installation (4)Hardware Requirements (4)Software Requirements (4)Downloading and Installing the BI Suite (5)Starting the BI Platform (6)Configuring the BI Platform With the Administration Console (6)Getting Started (7)How to Log Into the Pentaho User Console (7)Navigating the Pentaho User Console (7)Tutorials (9)Report Designer Tutorials (9)Starting Report Designer (9)Exploring the Report Designer Interface (9)Creating a Report Using Report Designer (11)Designing Your Report (15)Refining Your Report (16)Adding Parameters to Your Report (21)Publishing Your Report (24)Using the Data Sources Feature in the Pentaho User Console (25)Creating a Relational Data Source in the Pentaho User Console (26)Creating a CSV Data Source in the Pentaho User Console (27)Assigning Data Source View Permissions (28)Creating an Ad Hoc Report (28)Analysis View Tutorial (31)Building a simple input-output transformation (32)IntroductionThe Pentaho BI Suite Community Edition is an open source business intelligence package that includes ETL, analysis, metadata, and reporting capabilities. It is entirely open source software, licensed mostly under the GNU General Public License version 2, with parts under the LGPLv2, the Common Public License, and the Mozilla Public License. Pentaho optimizes, platform-tests, and guarantees certified builds of the BI Suite; this enhanced version of the software is packaged with a powerful service management tool called Enterprise Console, user and developer support, IP indemnification, and professional documentation, and sold by Pentaho as Enterprise Edition.The purpose of this guide is to introduce new users to the Pentaho BI Suite, explain how and where to interact with the Pentaho community, and provide some basic instructions to help you get started using the software.Community Edition or Enterprise Edition?The BI Suite Community Edition is ideal for:•Business intelligence aficionados•Open source software programmers•Early adopters•College studentsPentaho no longer suggests using Community Edition for enterprise evaluations. If you are abusiness user interested in trying out the BI Suite Enterprise Edition, follow the Enterprise Edition evaluation link on the front page, or contact a Pentaho sales representative.The enhancements, service, and support packaged with the BI Suite Enterprise Edition aredesigned to accommodate production environments, especially where downtime and time spent figuring out how to install, configure, and maintain a business intelligence solution are prohibitively expensive. If your business will save money or make more money as a result of a successfulbusiness intelligence implementation, then Enterprise Edition is the most appropriate choice.Community Edition Support OptionsAs a Pentaho BI Suite Community Edition user, you will have to install, configure, andmaintain the software on your own. Your only support options are the community forum ( http:// ) and the community Wiki ( ). If you do not find ananswer right away, please be a good community participant and contribute a Wiki article thatexplains the solution after you've figured it out.At any time, you can contact Pentaho sales and upgrade to Enterprise Edition. Enterprise Edition customers get phone support, access to Pentaho software engineers, and a Web-based knowledge base that is updated weekly with new support articles, tips, and comprehensive user guides.The Pentaho Client ToolsThe Pentaho client tools are:•Report Designer: An advanced report creation tool. If you want to build a complex data-driven report, this is the right tool to use. Report Designer offers far more flexibility and functionality than the ad hoc reporting capabilities of the Pentaho User Console.•Design Studio: An Eclipse-based tool that enables you to hand-edit a report or analysis view xaction file. Generally, people use Design Studio to add modifications to an existing report that cannot be added with Report Designer.•Aggregation Designer: A graphical tool that helps improve Mondrian cube efficiency.•Metadata Editor: Enables you to add a custom metadata layer to an existing data source.Usually you would do this for a data source that you intend to use for analysis or reporting; it's not required, but it makes it easier for business users to parse the database when building a query.•Pentaho Data Integration: The Kettle extract, transform, and load (ETL) tool, which enables you to access and prepare data sources for analysis, data mining, or reporting. This isgenerally where you will start if you want to prepare data for analysis.•Schema Workbench: A graphical tool that helps you create ROLAP schemas for analysis.This is a required step in preparing data for analysis.After they're installed, you can find all of these tools in their own directories in the /pentaho/ design-tools/ directory. The scripts that run them should be fairly self-explanatory. If you are using Windows, there should be a Pentaho program group with icons that will initialize the BI Server and run the client tools.InstallationFollow the instructions below to download and install the Pentaho BI Suite Community Edition.Hardware RequirementsThe Pentaho BI Suite software does not have strict limits on computer or network hardware. As long as you meet the minimum software requirements (note that your operating system will have its own minimum hardware requirements), Pentaho is hardware agnostic. There is, however, arecommended set of system specifications:It's possible to use a less capable system, but in most realistic scenarios, the too-limited system resources will result in an undesirable level of performance.Your environment does not have to be 64-bit, even if your processor architecture supports it; while all modern desktop, workstation, and server machines have 64-bit processors, they typically ship by default with 32-bit operating systems. If you want to run the Pentaho BI Suite in a pure 64-bit environment, you will have to install a 64-bit operating system, ensure that your solution database and Java Runtime Environment are 64-bit, and install the BI Suite via the archive-based or manual deployment methods.Software RequirementsNote: The system requirements listed below apply to the BI Suite. The BI Suite graphicalinstallation utility, however, will only work on Windows or Linux.In terms of operating systems, Windows XP with Service Pack 2, modern Linux distributions (SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop and Server 10 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 are officially supported, but most others should work), Solaris 10, and Mac OS X 10.4 are all officially supported.No matter which operating system you use, you must have the Sun Java Runtime Environment(JRE) version 1.5 (sometimes referenced as version 5.0) installed. 1.4.2 will not work, and while 1.6(6.0) will probably work in most cases, Pentaho does not yet officially support it.Note: The GNU Compiler for Java, or GCJ for short, interferes with the way many native Javaprograms work on Linux, including some of the components of the Pentaho BI Suite. If you areusing a Linux distribution that installs GCJ by default (which includes all of the most popular distros), then before you begin installation you must remove, disable, or circumvent GCJ. If you cannotremove it, you can simply ensure that your JAVA_HOME variable is properly set, and add the Java Runtime Environment's /bin/ directory to the beginning of your PATH variable in ~/.bashrc or /etc/ environment, then relog before continuing.Workstations will need to have reasonably modern Web browsers to access Pentaho's Webinterface. Internet Explorer 6 or higher; Firefox 3.0 or higher (or the Mozilla or Netscape equivalent);and Safari 2.0.3 or higher will all work.Your environment can be either 32-bit or 64-bit as long as it meets the above requirements.The aforementioned configurations are officially supported by Pentaho. Other operating systems such as Windows Vista, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD; other Java virtual machines like Blackdown;other application servers such as Liferay and Websphere; and other Web browsers like Opera may work without any problems. However, the Pentaho support team may not be able to help you if you have trouble installing or using the BI Suite under these conditions.Note: Some Pentaho client tools, such as Metadata Editor, Aggregation Designer, Pentaho Data Integration, and Design Studio, require that the Eclipse SWT JAR be in your Java classpath. This can be an issue in scenarios where standalone client tools are installed onto a machine that does not also have the BI Platform installed, particularly on platforms other than Windows and Linux.Note: The Pentaho Reporting engine requires a graphical environment in order to create charts.If you are installing the BI Platform onto a headless Linux, BSD, or Solaris server and do not have X11R6 on it, you should install the Xvfb package on your server to satisfy the charting dependency.Downloading and Installing the BI SuiteFollow the below process to download and install the Pentaho BI Suite Community Edition.1.Open a Web browser and navigate to the Pentaho page on ./projects/pentaho/ . If you cannot click on links in this document, you cansimply navigate to /projects/pentaho/2.Click Download.3.At the SourceForge download screen, click Business Intelligence Server.4.In the Latest category at the top of the list, click either the .zip or .tar.gz file for the biserver-ceproject.This is an archive package of the Pentaho BI Platform, along with a Tomcat Java applicationserver configured to run it. There is no functional difference between the zip and tar archives;they are merely in compression formats that are generally preferred by Windows and Linuxusers, respectively.5.Once the file is downloaded, create a /pentaho/server/ directory in an accessible place inyour filesystem, and unpack the files using your preferred archive utility.Ideally you would be unpacking this on what you expect to be your server, though there is noreason why you can't install the Pentaho client tools on the same machine.6.Repeat this process (creating a /pentaho/design-tools/ directory to contain them) forany or all of the following Pentaho client tool projects:•Report Designer•Pentaho Metadata•Design Studio•Data Integration•Schema WorkbenchYou may not need all of these tools, but it can't hurt to download all of them.You have retrieved all of the relevant Pentaho software, and are ready to configure the BI Platform. Starting the BI PlatformIn order to use and configure the Pentaho BI Platform, you must start the BI Server, then thePentaho Administration Console.Starting the BI ServerTo start the BI Server, run the start-pentaho.bat (or .sh) script in the /pentaho/server/biserver-ce/ directory.Starting the Pentaho Administration ConsoleTo start the Pentaho Administration Console, run the start-pac.bat (or .sh) script (on Windows) or startup script (on Linux) in the /pentaho/server/administration-console/ directory. Configuring the BI Platform With the Administration Console Follow the below process to log into the Pentaho Administration Console.1.Open a Web browser and type in the Web or IP address of the Pentaho AdministrationConsole server, which is http://localhost:8099/admin by default.2.Type in your administrator credentials, then click Login.The default credentials are admin for the user, and password for the password.3.Click the Administration tab on the left side of the window.4.Remove the default sample users and roles and create your own.5.Click the Data Sources tab at the top of the window.6.Enter the connection details for the data source you want to use for reporting and analysis.By default, there is a sampledata source listed. If you intend to follow the examples later inthis guide, you must leave this data source intact.You are now logged into the Pentaho Administrator Console and ready to finish configuring the BI Platform.Getting StartedYour workflow will vary depending on your BI goals. Typically, Pentaho BI Suite users will start with Pentaho Data Integration to prepare a data source, then use Metadata Editor to create a metadata layer for that data source, then potentially Schema Workbench to create a ROLAP schema. At that point, you're ready to create reports and analysis views.If you just want to create a quick report, the ad hoc reporting component of the Pentaho UserConsole is the best tool for the job. If you want to create a detailed report, go directly to ReportDesigner instead. If you have created a ROLAP schema, then you can do some data exploration first by using an analysis view, which allows you to drill down into the smallest of details in a data source.Ideally, everything will end up being published to the BI Platform, which enables you to display, run, and share your reports with others, or to schedule them to run at given intervals.Once you've got some reports and/or analysis views that you like, you might create somedashboards that display them in creative and useful ways for your business users.Follow the instructions below to log into the Pentaho User Console and familiarize yourself with its graphical interface.How to Log Into the Pentaho User ConsoleFollow the below process to log into the Pentaho User Console.1.Open a Web browser and type in the Web or IP address of the Pentaho server, which ishttp://localhost:8080/pentaho/ by default.You'll see an introductory screen with some Pentaho-related information and a Login button inthe center of the screen.2.Click Login.The login dialog appears.3.For the locally installed version of the BI Suite, select Joe from the user drop-down box, andtype in password into the password field, then click Login. For hosted demo users, selectGuest and type in guest as the password instead.You are now logged into the Pentaho User Console and ready to start creating and running reports. Navigating the Pentaho User ConsoleThe first thing you will see when logging in is the quick launch screen, shown here:If you'd like to experiment on your own before continuing on to the tutorials, click one of the three icons in the center of the screen to create a new ad hoc report, start a new analysis view, or edit existing solutions.The button bar near the top of the page also contains icons for creating new ad hoc reports and analysis views, along with a button to print the current report or analysis view, and to open a previously saved solution.Different user roles have different levels of access in the Pentaho User Console. The menu above the button bar performs these same functions as the buttons, plus administrative actions if you are logged in as an administrator, and also offers access to My Workspace and external links to help and support resources.The three buttons in the quick launch screen will appear when you log into the Pentaho User Console for the first time, and when you close all tabs in the solution browser.You can change views between My Workspace and the solution browser at any time by clicking therightmost icons in the top button bar, or through the View menu.TutorialsThe sections that follow provide, in no specific order, basic tutorials for the three major pillars of the BI Suite: Reporting, analysis, and data integration. These tutorials assume that you are working with the included sample data source, and that you have Report Designer and Pentaho Data Integration installed, and that you are logged into the Pentaho User Console.Report Designer TutorialsThe tutorials below are for Pentaho Report Designer.Starting Report DesignerFollow the process below to start Report Designer.1.Click the Report Designer entry in the Pentaho folder in the Programs section of yourStart menu, or navigate to the /pentaho/design-tools/report-designer/ directory and runReportDesigner.exe on Windows, or on Linux.2.Before the program starts, it will run a version checking utility. You can click either option inthe version checker screen to start Report Designer – if you just downloaded this file, it isassuredly the most current version, so you may not need to enable this feature right now.After the version check is complete (or skipped), Report Designer will start. Report Designerdisplays a Welcome screen and a default workspace at startup. The Welcome screen provides you with a brief introduction to the program, some instructions for getting started, and access to sample content and recently opened reports. For this walkthrough, you won't be following the instructions on the Welcome screen, though if you would like to experiment with Report Designer a little before continuing, feel free.Exploring the Report Designer InterfaceReport Designer's interface is similar to that of other graphic design and layout tools. A typical menu and button bar are at the top of the screen; a tool palette for adding design elements is on the left;and on the right are two panes that contain data and structure elements, and show the properties ofa selected report element.The palette on the left side of the main window is where most of your design tools are located:The Structure, Data, Style, and Attribute panes show your report elements, data sources, and theirconfigurable options:Creating a Report Using Report DesignerPentaho Reporting provides unmatched deployment flexibility. Whether you’re looking for astandalone desktop reporting tool, Web-based reporting, or comprehensive business intelligence (BI) including reporting, analysis, and dashboards, Pentaho Reporting allows you to “start small” and scale up if your reporting needs grow in the future.The Pentaho Report Designer provides you with the following features:•Drag-and-drop graphical designer that gives users full control of data access, layout, grouping,calculations, charting and formatting for pixel-perfect reports•Integrated, step-by-step wizard that guides report designers through the design process•Report templates that accelerate report creation and provide consistent look-and-feelThe Report Designer allows you to create a report by following a four step wizard; however, to show you a larger range of features, the exercises that follow walk you through the manual procedures for creating a simple report. Keep in mind that is basic tutorial and will not provide details about advanced Report Designer features.1.Make sure to start the SampleData (Hypersonic/HSQLDB) database before you do thisexercise. Go to Start -> Programs -> Pentaho Enterprise Edition -> Server Management -> Start Sample Database .2.Start the Report Designer. Go to Start -> Programs -> Pentaho Enterprise Edition ->Design Tools -> Report Designer.The Report Designer home page appears.3.Click New Report in the Welcome dialog box.The design workspace appears.4.In the right pane, click the Data tab.5.For the purpose of this exercise, right-click Data Sets and choose JDBC . Alternatively, you can click the yellow database icon to display the JDBC dialog box.The JDBC Data Source dialog box appears.6.Under Connections , select SampleData (Hypersonic).7.Next to Available Queries click (Add).Query 1 appears under Available Queries . Notice that the edit icon is enabled.8.Click (Edit).The Choose Schema dialog box appears.9.In the Choose Schema dialog box select Public from the drop-down list.The Query Designer window appears. The Query Designer provides you with a graphical environment that allows you to work with the data even if you don't understand SQL, thestandard programming language for retrieving content from databases.10.Double-click ORDERFACT so that the table appears in the workspace as shown in the imageabove.11.In the Query Designer workspace, right-click "ORDERFACT" and choose deselect all.12.Now, select the following fields in the ORDERFACT table: ORDERNUMBER,QUANTITYORDERED, PRICEEACH, and ORDERDATE.13.Double-click PRODUCTS so that the table appears in the workspace.Notice that there is a line that joins the ORDERFACT and PRODUCTS tables together. 14.Deselect all PRODUCTS table fields, except for PRODUCTNAME and PRODUCTLINE.15.For the purpose of this exercise, click Syntax in the lower left portion of the Query Builderworkspace to display a simple SQL statement associated with the tables. Notice thatPRODUCTCODE is the common field between the ORDERFACT and PRODUCTS tables.16.Click OK in the Syntax window to return to the Configure page. Notice that the SQL statementappears on the right under Query Details.17.In the JDBC Data Source dialog box, click OK to return to the Design page.Notice that the fields associated with your tables are listed under Query 1. You are now readyto start designing your report on page 15 .Designing Your ReportThis exercise walks you through the process of designing the look-and-feel of your report.1.Under the View item in the Report Designer menubar, click Element Alignment Hints andSnap to Elements to enable them. These options help you to align the elements of yourreport.2.In the Design page, under Query 1, double-click and drag the ORDERNUMBER field into theDetails band. Make sure that the top line of the field name and the top line of the Details bandmatch up.3.Place the ORDERDATE, PRODUCTNAME, QUANTITYORDERED, and PRICEEACHfields into the Details Band. Take care not to overlap the fields or your report will not displaycorrectly.e the resizing handles to make the PRODUCTNAME field larger and theQUANTITYORDERED field smaller as shown in the example below:5.You have created your first report. Click (Preview) to examine your report. Click (Edit) toreturn to the workspace view.Tip: You can also click (Preview) on the left side of your workspace or select it from theView menu option to preview a report. Click (Edit) to return to the workspace view.But, wait... There's a problem. Without headers, report users will have a hard timeunderstanding its content. You need to continue refining your report on page 16 . Refining Your ReportYou've created a report in the previous exercise but now you need to make the report moredescriptive so that users can understand the content in the report. Follow the instructions below to refine your report.1.In the Design page, click and drag a (Label) from the tools palette into the middle of thePage Header band. Notice how Report Designer keeps track of the report structure (shownbelow).2.Click inside the Label item and type Order Report3.Double-click inside the Order Report label to select the text, then in the toolbar, select a largerfont size (18 point) and apply boldface.The changes are applied to the text; however, now that the text is bigger you may not see all of it, so use your resizing handles and enlarge the label until you can see all of the text.Alternatively, you can stretch the resizing handles all the way to each edge of the workspace and click the align center icon in the toolbar so that the text is automatically placed in the center of the report page.4.With the Order Report label still selected, click down arrow of the font color icon in the toolbar.Select a color for your label.The font color changes. This page header will appear on every page of your report.5.Now, you must create column headers. On the right side of your workspace, click Structure ->Details Header.6.In the lower right section of your workspace, click Attributes.7.Under common, disable the hide-on-canvas option.Notice that the Details Header pane appears in your workspace.8.Click (Select Objects).Notice that the icon changes to a cross hair as you move into the workspace.9.Move your mouse to the far right of the Details pane. Now,drag your mouse to the far left overall your column objects to select them.10.Click <CTRL+C> to copy your objects and <CTRL+V> to paste them into the Details Headerpane.Note: Alternatively, you can choose Copy from the right-click menu.11.Under Format in the Report Designer menubar, select Morph.The column objects are changed to labels.12.Type the correct heading names for each of your columns: Order No., Order Date, ProductName, Quan., and Price Each.Your headers align correctly over your columns.13.Click (Preview) to display your report.The report looks good but you may want to make it even easier to read by applying some banding.14.In the toolbar, go to Format -> Row Banding.15.In the Row Banding dialog box, choose Yellow from the drop-down list next to Visible Colorand click OK.16.Click (Preview) to display your report.。

品高基础架构云V5.0懂企业的云BingoCloudOS(品高基础架构云)是由国内大型应用系统研发专家---广州市品高软件开发有限公司于2010年正式发布上市的一站式混合云平台产品(支持私有云产品 + 在线云服务的混合部署模式),功能涵盖服务器虚拟化、分布式存储、负载均衡模拟器、数据库自动化部署、云管理平台、DevOps、大数据处理、SDN、运营计费等客户实施云计算战略所需的各类技术。
但这种模式下IT 边界的外延也带来了企业IT管理的盲区,企业现有成熟的管理体系无法延伸到外部,使得企业内部私有IT资产和外部的公有云服务资源无法实现统一管理和动态调度,这不仅将会冲击企业IT管理流程,也将限制企业云计算服务的灵活性。
Pentaho技术白皮书中文版(一)用 Eclipse 构建和调试 Pentaho

这篇文档的目的是教会开发人员如何开始进行Pentaho 的开发。
这篇文档解释了如何在Eclipse 中设置一个开发环境,包括如何连接到Pentaho Subversion repository,检出Pentaho 项目,使用一个'1stand-alone'1 Java 应用和Eclipse JBoss IDE 来构建调试它们。
这篇文档也解释了Pentaho repository 结构和对于开发Pentaho 来说,许多很重要的build targets。
我们假设读者已经很熟悉Eclipse 平台和Java 开发。
如果目的是将平台配置为一个J2EE 应用,我们假设读者了解J2EE 和应用服务器。
我们此处就是使用JBoss 应用服务器进行演示。
虽然不是很重要,但如果读者有使用Apache Ant 的经验也会很有用处。
如果你仔细阅读了这个指南中的说明,但仍没有解决你的问题,请到论坛寻找答案:/.01. 设置你的环境以下是开始研究Pentaho,你需要使用的工具列表。
1. 一个Java SDK:Pentaho BI Platform 在Java SDK 1.4 上构建和测试。
注意你需要完整的SDK,而不仅仅是runtime (JRE)。
2. Ant:基于Java 的构建工具。
3. Eclipse:平台IDE。
4. Subclipse:一个Eclipse 插件,其在Eclipse IDE 上添加了Subversion 集成。
5. JBoss IDE for Eclipse。
为开始设置:1. 下载和安装你的Java SDK。
2. 下载和安装Ant。
3. 下载和安装Eclipse。
4. 下载和安装Subclipse。
5. 下载和安装JBoss IDE for Eclipse。
以后章节是关于Pentaho 团队使用的这些工具的版本说明,以及使环境适合于Pentaho 平台codeline 开发的技巧。
Pentaho BI Server源码分析

Pentaho BI源码分析报告目录1、Pentaho BI 简介 (3)2、项目概况 (3)2.1 项目生成 (3)2.2项目模块分析 (3)2.2.1 pentaho-platform-core (4)2.2.2 pentaho-user-console (8)2.2.3 pentaho-platform-api (12)2.2.4pentaho-platform-scheduler (13)2.2.5 pentaho-platform-extensions (14)2.2.6 pentaho-platform-repository (17)2.2.7pentaho-platform-assembly (20)3、项目架构分析 (20)3.1架构简介 (20)3.2 Pentaho Bi架构图 (20)3.3 Pentaho Server (23)3.4 Pentaho Design Studio (27)4、项目框架及重要包 (27)4.1 Jpivot (27)4.2 GWT框架 (29)4.3 Jackrabbit框架 (42)4.4 Spring框架 (53)4.5 Slf4j包 (55)4.6 commons-logging日志系统 (60)5、总结 (62)1、Pentaho BI 简介Pentaho BI 平台是一个以流程为中心的,工作流驱动的,可扩展平台,用于解决商业智能问题。
1、工作流引擎:Shark and JaWE2、数据库:Firebird RDBMS3、集成管理和开发环境:Eclipse4、报表工具:Eclipse BIRT5、ETL工具:Enhydra/Kettle6、OLAP Server:Mondrian7、OLAP展示:JPivot8、数据挖掘组件:Weka9、应用服务器和Portal服务器:JBoss10、单点登陆服务及LDap认证:JOSSO其目的在于将一系列企业级BI产品、开源软件、API等等组件集成起来,方便商务智能应用的开发。
联想 LeapAI 开发平台白皮书说明书

2.平台架构3.产品规格4.名词解释a)LeapAI 智能API网关用户可以调用LeapAI 智能API 网关进行业务配置,无需自行搭建API网关部署所需要的设备。
根据LeapAI平台提供的帮助文档,用户可快速搭建所需API 网关服务。
c)FlexBroker/API Broker除了提供直接对接厂商API功能,LeapAI平台还提供灵活的代理功能直接调用多个API,以简化开发流程,提高开发效率。
d)HyperHub API访问控制引擎通过HyperHub API控制API的访问权限。
b)分布式微服务架构轻松应对大数据量高并发需求LeapAI平台采用行业最佳实践的Sping Cloud分布式微服务框架,c)对接工业领域成熟解决方案,实现能力扩展对接行业领先厂商的解决方案和能力组件,大大提高特定行业特定场景的APP开发效率。

1. 智慧金融的实现技术
随着信息技术的飞速发展与广泛应用,数据的规模呈爆 发式增长,存储单位也从最开始的 GB 发展到 TB 再到现在的 PB、EB 级。海量数据为相关技术领域的演进与突破提供了必 要的基础,推动了云计算、人工智能、物联网、区块链等新兴 技术形态的长足发展。各类新兴技术彼此之间相互依附、层层 递进、相互助力,成为智慧金融的底层实现技术。
2. 智慧金融演进阶段
1. 我国 31 个省市智慧金融指数排名
2. 智慧金融指数区域发展
1. 智慧金融指数排名前 20 位城市
2. 中国智慧金融版图初成
Regional development
腾讯智慧金融白皮书 Whitepaper on Smarter Finance of Tencent
· 数据的海量性(Volume)
IDC 数据显示,预计到 2020 年,全球数据总量将达到 44ZB( 相当于 4.4 万亿 GB),这一数据量将是 2011 年的 22 倍 2。数
便 捷、 经 济、 安 全 的 金 融
服 务, 成 为 促 进 实 体 经 济
管 与 合 规
智 慧 金 融 监
Industry analysis
Development trend

软件系统产品技术白皮书1. 引言本文档为软件系统产品的技术白皮书,旨在介绍产品的技术架构、功能特性、技术实现等方面的内容。
2. 技术架构软件系统产品采用了分布式架构,具备高可扩展性和高可靠性。
系统主要由以下几个组成模块构成:2.1. 用户界面模块用户界面模块为用户提供友好的交互界面,支持多平台和多端设备的访问。
2.2. 数据存储模块数据存储模块采用分布式对象存储技术,将大规模的数据分散存储在集群中的多个节点上,实现高可靠性和高可扩展性。
2.3. 业务逻辑处理模块业务逻辑处理模块是软件系统产品的核心模块,负责管理数据流转和业务处理。
2.4. 大数据分析模块大数据分析模块利用批处理和流处理技术对海量数据进行分析和挖掘,提供实时和历史数据的分析报告和可视化展示。
3. 功能特性软件系统产品具备以下主要功能特性:3.1. 数据管理软件系统产品支持数据的采集、存储、查询和分析。
3.2. 业务流程管理软件系统产品支持业务流程的定义、执行和监控。
3.3. 实时监控软件系统产品提供实时监控功能,可以实时监测系统运行状态和数据变化。

beyondBI博彦网鼎商业智能分析平台技术白皮书目录1BEYONDBI概述 (3)2BEYONDBI DASHBOARD (4)3BEYONDBI QUERY (7)4BEYONDBI REPORT (9)5BEYONDBI ANALYSIS (11)6BEYONDBI MOBILE (12)7BEYONDBI UNIFIED SERVER (14)8BEYONDBI差异化优势 (18)版权声明 (19)1 BeyondBI概述企业的决策者、管理者需要及时获得可靠的、个性化的运营和绩效信息,从而使自己变得更快速、更敏捷、更智能。
企业需要借助BI(商业智能,Business Intelligence)来回答这些问题。

二、第一种工具:HadoopHadoop 是一个能够对大量数据进行分布式处理的软件框架。
但是 Hadoop 是以一种可靠、高效、可伸缩的方式进行处理的。
Hadoop 是可靠的,因为它假设计算元素和存储会失败,因此它维护多个工作数据副本,确保能够针对失败的节点重新分布处理。
Hadoop 是高效的,因为它以并行的方式工作,通过并行处理加快处理速度。
Hadoop 还是可伸缩的,能够处理 PB 级数据。
此外,Hadoop 依赖于社区服务器,因此它的成本比较低,任何人都可以使用。

BI开源项目现状和对比分析1.1. 目前BI开源项目现状1.1.1.独立功能项目●O LAP ServerMondrian●ETL 工具Enhydra Octopus,JasperETL●OLAP客户端组件Jpivot●报表引擎组件JasperReport,JFreeChart,JfreeReport,BIRT●数据挖掘组件Weka1.1.2.产品整合项目●轻量级项目OpenI、Jasper Intelligence基本介绍:二者主要功能都集中在前端展现这一块,且都是使用Mondrian和Jpivot框架,报表引擎是jasper report,OpenI相对发展比较成熟,以下轻量级产品将重点介绍OpenI.●重量级项目PENTAHO 、SpagoBI基本介绍:功能相当,集成了相当多的开源项目,如JfreeReport、Mondrian、Kettle、Weke等.开发组件包括工作流引擎、中心资源库、审计组件、报表设计工具、ETL工具、OLAP Server、多维展示、数据挖掘组件等.PENTAHO在中国使用比较多,文档多,中文支持做的相当好,开发较便利,而且Pentaho得到了很大的投资,开发后劲很大,以下重量级产品将重点介绍PENTAHO.1.1.3.OPENI介绍1.1.3.1. OPENI基本介绍●标准J2EE WEB应用软件架构●支持以下三种数据源创建报表多维数据库(OLAP Servers)关系型数据库(RDBMS Servers,如:MSSQL,MYSQL,ORACLE等)数据挖掘服务器(|Data Mining Servers)●数据源连接方式XMLA连接多维数据库,支持提供XMLA接口的所有OLAP Servers,如Mondrian, Microsoft Analysis Services ,Hyperion Essbase等. JDBC连接关系型数据库R-PROJECT接口连接数据挖掘服务器●基于Jpivot开源框架(OLAP JSP TAG)开发OLAP展示层1.1.3.2. OPENI开发组件●开发框架Mondrian(开源OLAP Server)Jpivot框架(开源前端展现组件)●报表引擎jasper report, JFreeChart●数据挖掘接口R-Project1.1.3.3. OPENI软件总体架构1.1.3.4. OPENI 图表展示效果1.1.4.PENTAHO介绍1.1.4.1. PENTAHO基本介绍●Pentaho BI 平台是一个以工作流为核心,面向解决方案的,可扩展的商务智能平台。

业 中利用 P ao平 台,  ̄t h 构建 商业 智能 系统这个 新思路 。阐述 了构 建基 于 Pnao的商业 智能 系统 的一 些关键技 术要 点 , et h 内容
包括 流程 设 计 , L P设 计 ,T O A E L设 计 和 分 析 界 面 设 计 等 方 面 , 时指 出 了 该 平 台 的 P nao et 的商业智能系统 h
陈荣 鑫 付 永钢 陈 维斌 , ,
(.集 美大 学 计 算机 _ 程 学院 ,福 建 厦 门 3 12 ;2 1 Y - 6 0 l .华侨 大 学 计 算机 科 学 系 ,福 建 泉 州 3 2 1) 60 1
摘 要 :目前多数 企 业在构 建 自己的商 业智 能解 决方 案 时还 是 寻求 专业 厂 商的 支持 。这里把 目光转 向开 源项 目, 出在企 提
K e wor : b i s n elge e; Pe a af r ; O LA P; ETL; W CF y ds usne si t li nc ntho plto m
0 引 言
商 业 智 能 (I 念 是 由Gat r ru 提 出 的 , 对 商 业 信 B) 概 reGop n 指 息 的搜 集 、 理 和 分 析 过 程 ,目的 是 使 企 业 决 策 者 获 得 知 识 , 管 促 使 他 们 做 出对 企 业 更 加 有 利 的决 策 。 务 智 能 不 是 一 项 独 商 立 的技 术 , 是 一套 完 整 的解 决 方 案 , 是 把 数 据 仓 库 、 机 而 它 联 分 析 处 理 ( L P、 据 挖 掘 和 数 据 可 视 化 等 技 术 有 机 地 结 合 O A )数 起 来 , 用 到 商 业 活 动 中 , 企业 的 庞 杂 的各 种 信 息 转 变 成 为 应 将 辅 助 决 策 的知 识 , 终 把 知 识 呈 现 给 用 户 , 最 以支 持 企 业 决 策 … 。 商 业 智 能 软 件 区 别 于 一 般 的 管 理 应 用 软 件 , 决策 支 持 在

金融行业开源治理白皮书金融行业开源技术应用社区云计算开涌产业联盟�.一、开源技术迅猛发展推动企业引入开源 (1)1、开源已在多个重要领域成为主流 (1)2、企业用户引入开源技术不可避免 (2)二、金融行业采用开源技术已成趋势 (6)1、开源技术是构建信息系统的重要选择 (6)2、选择开源技术对金融机构意义重大 (8)三、引入开源的风险日益凸显不容忽视 (11)1、缺乏技术能力是企业用户的重要痛点 (11)2、是否引入开源软件难以完全准确统计 (12)3、开源软件隐含的安全风险较为显著 (13)4、使用过程中是否遵守开源约定未知 (14)5、开源软件上游供应链存在不确定性 (14)6、开源软件的知识产权风险易被忽略 (15)四、金融行业开源治理建议 (16)1、推广产业开源科普,树立开源风险意识 (16)2、建立金融开源社区,增进同业交流沟通 (17)3、梳理开源治理规范,推动相关标准制定 (18)4、建设开源治理体系,规范开源软件引入 (19)附录金融机构开源治理实践案例 (23)中国农业银行 (23)上海浦东发展银行 (26)中信银行开源 (30)中国太平洋保险(集团) (32)近几年开源技术快速发展,金融行业在构建信息系统过程中不可避免涉及开源技术的引入和使用。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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Pentaho 开放源码的商业智能平台技术白皮书摘要所有组织都希望在业务过程和总性能中通过改善效率和有效性来提高收入,降低成本,达到改善收益的目的。
而商业智能(BI) 软件供应商声称他们有相应技术来满足这种需求。
最终,公司的BI initiative 变成了众多相互独立的解决方案(Solution),为了维护和协调它们,需要使用各种昂贵的调度管理程序来整合各个方案。
这个白皮书描述了Pentaho 商业智能平台:一个面向解决方案(Solution)的BI 平台,其将开放源码组件/公开标准和流程驱动引擎集成在一起。
它显示了这个BI 平台如何通过将BI 和工作流/流程管理相结合,并对之进行改善,并以开放源码的形式发布平台来解决BI 问题。
问题描述传统的商业智能(BI) 工具昂贵、复杂,并且在效率和性能方面具有很大不足,难于让企业获得真正益处。
各个软件供应商均承诺其BI 将提供整合,分析和报表等必要功能,将数据转换成蕴涵价值的知识,使管理者得到更及时有用的决策信息。
不幸的是,这种BI 系统和报表系统几乎并没有什么太大的差别,仅仅如此是不能满足需求的。
在这些案例中,信息展示,分析和传送(BI) 是一个较大流程里的一部分。
)为澄清:通常一个商业问题的解决方案(Solution)是一个包含商业智能(BI) 的流程。
如果BI 是流程的一部分,那么BI 工具不可避免的也是流程的一部分。
一个不理解流程或不知道如何成为流程的组成部分的BI 工具很难集成进一个更大的解决方案(Solution)里。
当公司优化了很多影响其Key Performance Indicator (KPI)指标(管理人员报表和分析的内容)的流程时,公司的关键利益将会得到实现。
下面是业务流程与KPI 的关系图:BI 实现通常包含很多阶段:1. 完成报表和信息传送需求2. 仪表盘和KPI(关键性能指标)显示3. 异常可能原因的高级分析4. 集成报表和流程管理/工作流5. 那些流程的分析和调整不幸的是,很多客户仅仅只是实施了报表功能,而没有进行适当的流程管理和工作流控制,方法学的缺乏也阻止了他们做更多工作。
他们花费了大量资金在私有BI 解决方案(Solution)上,以期这些软件产品可以解决这些问题。
很不幸,传统BI 工具不能满足这些目标。
传统的Solutions 及其缺点Pentaho 开放BI 套件Pentaho BI 平台不同于传统的BI 产品。
它是一个以流程为中心的,面向解决方案(Solution)的平台,具有商业智能(BI) 组件,使得公司可以开发商业智能问题的完全解决方案(Solution)。
Pentaho BI 平台,是Pentaho 开放BI 套件的核心体系结构和基础,其以流程为中心,因为其中枢控制器是一个工作流引擎。
工作流引擎使用流程定义来定义在BI 平台上执行的商业智能流程。
BI 平台包含组件和报表,用以分析这些流程的性能。
BI 平台是面向解决方案(Solution)的,因为平台的操作是定义在流程定义和指定每个活动的action 文档里。
这个BI 解决方案(Solution)可以很容易的集成进平台外部的商业流程。
Pentaho 开放BI 套件包含一个BI 平台,end-user BI capabilities 和PentahoDesign Studio:BI 平台提供了一个执行框架和服务,其包含日志,审计,安全,调度,ETL,web服务,属性库和规则引擎。
end-user BI capabilities 包含报表,分析,工作流,仪表盘和数据挖掘。
Pentaho Design Studio 是一套设计和管理工具,其被集成进流行的Eclipse 环境。
这些工具允许商业分析者或开发人员创建报表,仪表盘,分析模型,商业规则和BI 流程。
BI 平台和end-user BI capabilities 组成Pentaho 服务器。
使用Pentaho Design Studio 设计BI solutions,并部署进Pentaho 服务器。
Pentaho 服务器是运行时引擎,由工作流引擎驱动,其协调所有BI 组件间的执行和通信。
工作流引擎所形成的集中式控制对于BI 平台的体系结构是很重要的:平台构建于流程和流程定义之上。
BI 平台了解流程的本质,因为其中的任何事情均以一个流程的形式来执行。
体系结构是原创源码和成熟开放源码组件的一个结合,他们被集成在一起形成一个完整的,可伸缩的,复杂BI 平台。
Pentaho BI 平台构建于服务器,引擎和组件的基础之上。
包括:J2EE 服务器,安全,portal,工作流,规则引擎,图表,协作,内容管理,数据集成,多维分析和系统建模等功能。
为创建一个真正集成的、单源的解决方案(Solution),Pentaho 增加了以下特征:•在解决方案(Solution)定义文档形式上统一的元数据•统一的用户接口和用户接口组件•安全性•Email 和桌面通知•所有组件的安装,集成和校验•实例解决方案(Solution)•应用程序连接器•使用和诊断工具•设计工具•个性化定制和配置开放源码技术Pentaho 开放BI 套件使用了很多第三方开放源码组件。
体系结构一节显示了相对于Pentaho 组件,这些开放源码组件的体系结构和关系。
开放源码组件允许Pentaho 侧重于系统的增值功能:报表,分析,工作流集成,商业规则,审计,用户通知和接口,以及工作流的分析/建模。
作为Pentaho 在其平台中使用这些开放源码组件的回报,它为这些项目捐献资源,将BI平台的发布组件也纳入进开放源码许可证的控制下。
体系结构为获得如上描述的解决方案(Solution),Pentaho BI 平台由Pentaho 服务器和一个基于Eclipse 的Design Studio 组成。
Pentaho 服务器Pentaho 服务器由一个BI 平台和提供给终端用户BI 能力的库组成。
服务器运行于一个J2EE 兼容的web 服务器(如Apache,JBOSS AS,WebSphere,WebLogic 和Oracle AS)上。
Pentaho 服务器使得BI 平台的很多功能以一种一致的,熟悉的外观和行为展示给用户。
组件内容可以XML,HTML 的形式获取或在被包含的JSR-168 portlets 中显示。
Pentaho portlets 可被嵌入进任何支持JSR 168 标准的portal,例如IBM WebSphere,OracleAS Portal 和BEA WebLogic Portal。
组件用于展示在线报表内容的XSL 和CSS 样式单是可访问的,并完全可定制。
Pentaho 服务器包含用于报表,分析,商业规则,email 和桌面通知以及工作流的引擎和组件。
解决方案(Solution)定义文档是XML文档,它包含:•业务流程的定义(XPDL 标准)•活动的定义,这些活动按需作为部分流程执行,或被web 服务调用,其包含以下定义:数据源,查询,报表模板,传送和通知规则,商业规则,仪表盘和分析视图。
Pentaho 服务器包含了提供高级系统管理的基础设施。
这包括系统监控(SMNP)服务,使用报表,Web 服务支持,配置确认工具,和诊断工具。
Pentaho 服务器包含了提供高级流程性能报表和分析的系统和组件。
这包括工作流任务中涉及到的工作流项目,单独任务,employees 和services 上属性的切片和切块(slice-and-dice),what-if 和数据挖掘能力。
Pentaho 服务器也支持Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) 用于和operational applications 进行live 集成,以及Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) 能力,用于创建数据仓库和数据集市。
Pentaho 服务器包括一个工具,用于企业信息集成(EAI)的ETL(Extraction,Transformation 和Load)。
•解决方案(Solution)引擎对于整个体系结构是很重要的,可以管理对于BI 组件的访问。
•BI 平台提供的服务:为外部应用程序提供了web 服务可访问和用户接口组件相同的解决方案(Solution)引擎被工作流引擎和调度器调用以执行系统actions•审计内置于平台组件中。